HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-03; City Council; 14562; Aviara Local Coastal Program*. , P - CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENuA BILL AB# Jy,&$sL TITLE: AVIARA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM MTG.&J+ 48. SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS LCPA 96-OZ(A)/LCPA 9643(A)/MP 177(Y) DEPT. PLN ?# RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Council INTRODUCE Ordinance No.N$- 44 5 I amending the Aviara Master Plan and ADOPT Resolution No. 98 APPROVING the Master P!an Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to incorporate the Coastal Commission’s Suggested Modifications into the Master Plan and LCP. ITEM EXPLANATION: On June 24, 1997 and July 15, 1997, the City Council approved three amendments to the Aviara Master Plan, pertaining to the annexation of Azure Cove and the redesignations of Lot 308 and Planning Area 23. Since the Aviara Master Plan serves as the implementing ordinance for that portion of the City’s LCP within Aviara, the Council’s actions included amendments to the Local Coastal Program. These LCP amendments were approved by the California Coastal Commission in October and December of 1997, with suggested modifications. These modifications, shown as Attachment “A”, must be incorporated into the local regulatory documents to maintain consistency between the Aviara Master Plan and the LCP. The suggested modifications deal mostly with more precise language controlling the construction, parking and signage for the nature trails in and around Azure Cove and Aviara. The modifications to the Lot 308 regulations involve a prohibition of future subdivision, a restriction of the building height to 25 feet and two stories maximum, and a clarification of the fire suppression zones. None of the Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications raise issues with staff and all are consistent with the previous approvals. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed modifications do not ‘affect the previous environmental determinations. The potential impacts of the previously approved actions were already evaluated in the ElRs for the Azure Cove development (EIR 89-Ol), the Aviara Master Plan (EIR 83-02(A)) and the 1994 General Plan Update (MEIR 93-01). No Public Resources Code 21081 findings are required. FISCAL IMPACT: The modifications suggested by the Coastal Commission deal only with development standards and physical features of the master plan and do not cause any fiscal impacts. As with the previous approvals, all development fees have been, or will be paid, and all units are accommodated in the Zone 19 Local Facilities Management Zone projections. EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. NS- 4 q $ 2. City Council Resolution No. 9 % - 4 3 3. Location Maps 4. Attachment “A”, Coastal Commission Suggested Modifications (I-97A and I-97B). I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. NS-445 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE AVIAR4 MASTER PLAN BY THE AMENDMENT 0~ VARIOUS SECTIONS, INCORPORATING THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION’S SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS. CASE NAME: AVIARA LCP SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS CASE NO.: MP 1770 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed and considered a Master Plan Amendment to provide consistency between the Aviara Master Plan and the Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, the Aviara Master Plan was adopted by City Council Ordinance No. 9839 on December 22,1987 and constitutes the zoning for the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Aviara Master Plan has been amended a total of eighteen times since original adoption, most recently for MP 177(S) through City Council Ordinance NS-412 on July 15,1997; and WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said plan amendment be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION I: That a new Aviara Planning Area 23, “Trails” section (page 162) be added to read as follows: Trails A portion of the community trail linking Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane is located along the easterly edge of the site. Construction of this trail shall be a condition of development of this planning area. Revision to the trail alignment in this segment may occur, in consultation with the State Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to extend south to a connection with Aviara Parkway and avoid environmentally sensitive habitat areas. SECTION II: That the Aviara Planning Area 33, “Parking” section (page 194a) be revised to read as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Parking - Parking shall conform to the standards of Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A minimum six (6) public parking spaces shall be provided in perpetuity at the public parking lot located near the southerly terminus of Brocatto Lane. SECTION III: That the Aviara Planning Area 33, “Entry Treatment” section (page 194c) be revised to read as follows: Entrv Treatment A neighborhood entry with monument sign shall be located at the intersection of Gabbiano Lane and Batiquitos Drive, and at the entrance to the northerly segment of the Planning Area at Anatra Court with Batiquitos Drive. A primary community entry with signage shall be located at the westerly entry to this Planning Area, along both sides of Batiquitos Drive. A public access trail signage improvement plan shall be implemented which demonstrates a full program for providing directional, parking lot and trailhead signs for that portion of the North Shore Trail that is on Planning Area 3 3. I SECTION IV: That the Aviara Planning Area 13, “Permitted Uses” section (page 121) be revised to read as follows: Permitted Uses Single family detached residential structures are allowed in this planning area. No subdivision of Lot 308 is permitted. SECTION V: That the Aviara Planning Area 13, “Height” section (page 121) be revised to read as follows: Height The maximum building height allowed in this planning area is 30 feet to the peak of the roof. All heights shall be determined per Section 21.04.065 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The maximum height allowed on Lot 308 is 25 feet and not to exceed two stories. SECTION VI: That the Aviara Planning Area 13, “Landscape” section (page 123) be revised to read as follows: Landscane All community-wide landscape standards described in Section A, Community Design Elements of Chapter IV shall be incorporated into this planning area. In addition, the following specific landscape concepts shall be included in the development of this planning area: -2- 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 //I //I //I //I if/ //I * Manufactured slopes visible from Aviara Parkway, Batiquitos Drive or La Costa Avenue shall be heavily landscaped. * Landscape screening of structures shall be incorporated to soften the view of these structures from Aviara Parkway, Batiquitos Drive, the Aviara Golf Course and La Costa Avenue. Proposed development on Lot 308 shall be colored to blend with the surrounding hillside and natural open space areas. Building materials shall be of natural earthen tones, including deep shades of green, brown or gray with no white or light shades and no bright tones, except for minor accents. * The dominant unifying landscape elements for this planning area shall be preselected street trees, common landscape areas and slopes planted prior to homeowner occupation. Individual homeowner landscapes shall vary. * Views to and from the golf course, Aviara Parkway, Batiquitos Drive and La Costa Avenue shall be preserved. * Existing trees identified during Site Development Plan review shall be preserved. * A fire suppression zone subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Fire Marshal shall be established between native areas and structures. The fire suppression plan should incorporate structural setbacks from native areas in combination with a program of selective thinning of native vegetation as indicated in the “Fire Suppression Landscape Guidelines for Undisturbed and Revegetated Native Plant Communities” provided that no portion of Zone 1 as space areas required as part of approval of the Master Plan. All elements of the fire suppression plan, including the location of zone boundaries and selective thinning programs shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. All three fire suppression zones must be sited on the building pad to avoid any further removal of native vegetation. Any deviation from the “Fire Suppression Landscape Guidelines” shall be subject to future local coastal program amendments. -3- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a publication of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the of day 1998, and thereafter. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the -daYOf 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk C=J=) -4- RESOLUTION NO. 98-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, INCORPORATING THE COASTAL COMMISSION’S SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS INTO THE AVIARA MASTER PLAN AND CITY’S LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM FOR AVIAR4 PLANNING AREA 23, LOT 308 AND THE AZURE COVE ANNEXATION, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT. CASE NAME: AVIARA LCP SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS CASE NO.: LCPA 96-02(A)/LCPA 96- 13(A)/MP 177(y) WHEREAS, on June 24, 1997 and July 15, 1997, the City Council held duly noticed public hearings to consider Master Plan Amendments (MP 177(R) and MP 177(S)) and Local Coastal Program Amendments (LCPA 96-02 and LCPA 96-13) for the Aviara Planning Area 23 and Aviara Lot 308/Azure Cove Annexation; aqd WHEREAS, in October and December of 1997, the California Coastal Commission approved said Local Coastal Program Amendments (LCPA 96-02 and LCPA 96- 13) with Suggested Modifications; and WHEREAS, these Coastal Commission Suggested Modifications must be incorporated into the Master Plan and Local Coastal Program to maintain consistenq ktween the Aviara Master Plan and the Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the 3rd LIy of March , 1998, held a public hearing to consider the recommendations ;Inil hc~ci all persons interested in or opposed to LCPA 96-02(A), LCPA 96-l 3(A) and MP 177( t’ ). .~nd NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ot’ the t sty of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the proposed Suggested Modifications are consistent u.ith the ( ‘!ty of Carlsbad’s Local Coastal Program. 28 c .C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 3. That the acceptance of the proposed Suggested Modifications by the City Council is necessary to effectuate the Local Coastal Program Amendments, in accordance with Section 13544.5 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 3rd day of March 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Finnila . ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUT @EAU -2- ,-. . . .-r -- --I&.%. = --. .^ -- ’ ITE i.... . . . . . . . :I, z 7 4f a l 1 : f 2 ~ @ Norm LCPA 96-02(A)/LCPA 96- 13(A)/MP 177(Y) AVIARA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS 8 __ LCPA 96002(A)/LCPA 9643(A)/MP 177(Y) AVIARA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM SUGGESTED MODIFICATIqNS 9 - - EXHIBIT 4 ATTACHMENT “A” COASTAL COMMISSION SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS CARLSBAD LCPAs I-97A and I-97B Car' jsd LCPA l-97A Page 8- Local Coastal Program on the grounds that the amendment conforms with, and is adequate to carry out, the provisions of the certified land use plan. There are no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impacts which the approval would have on the environment. PART III. W-S (The following are the suggested revisions for this amendment request. Language to be added is underlined; language to be deleted is LftMlCdlddt. Land Use Plan/Imblementation Plan Revisions. 1. On page 162 of the Aviara Master Plan, under Planning Area 23, a new section entitled "Trails". shall be added to read as follows: A oortion of the communitv trail linkina Alaa Road and Poinsettia Lane is located alona the easterlv edae of the s'te Construction of this trail shall be a condition of develooment of tiis'plannina area. Revision tQ a lanment in this1 t e t a h ril 1' . nsultat' with th State DeDartment of Fish and Game and the U.;. F?sh and k&life Service, o extend south to a connection with Alaa Road and avoid environmentally sensitive habitat ara On page 194a of the Aviara Master Plan, under Planning Area 33, the following language shall be added to the existing section entitled "Parking", to read as follows: Parkinq Parking shall conform to the standards of Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A minimum six (6) oublic oarkina spaces shall be provided 1 in r i li her1 terminus of Brocatto Lane. 3. On page 194c of the Aviara Master Plan, under Planning Area 33, the following language shall be added to the existing section entitled "Entry Treatment", to read as follows: Entrv Trwnt A neighborhood entry with monument sign shall be located at the intersection of Gabbiano Lane with Batiquitos Drive, and at the entrance to the northerly segment of the Planning Area at Anatra Court with Batiquitos Drive. A primary community entry with signage shall be located at the westerly entry to this Planning Area, along both sides of Batiquitos Drive. A public access trail sianaae imorovement plan shall be c demo st ates a full proaram for providina-&&ional% im 1 m D e ented whi h n r parkina lot and trailhead sians for that oortion of the North Shore Trail th i at s on Plannina Area 33. Carlsbad LCPA l-978 Par-5 PART III. SUI;GESTED MODIFICATIONS The following are the suggested modifications for this amendment request and would be made to the Aviara Master Plan. The underlined sections represent additional language that the Commission would suggest be added, and the "crossed-out" sections represent the language which the Commission would suggest be deleted from the policy as originally submitted. 1) On page 121, within Planning Area 13, under "Permitted Uses", the following shall be added: Single family detached residential structures are allowed in this planning area. No subdivision of Lot 308 is permitted. 2) On page 121, within Planning Area 13, under Site Development Standards "Height", the following shall be added: The maximum heiaht allowed on Lot 308 is 25 feet and not to exceed two stories. 3) On page 123, within Planning Area 13, under Special Design Criteria "Landscape", the following shall be added: . Landscape screening of structures shall be incorporated to soften the view of these structures from Alga Road, Pacific Rim Drive, m Aviara Golf Course and La Costa Avenue. PrODOsed develooment on Lot 308 shall be colored to blend into the surrounding hillside and natural ooen space areas. Buildina materials shall be of natural earthen tones. includina deep shades of areen. brown or arev with no white or liqht shades and no briaht tones. except for minor accents. A fire suppression zone subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Fire Marshal shall be established between native areas and structures. The fire suppression plan should incorporate structural setbacks from native areas in combination with a program . of selective thinning of native vegetation u indicated n t he "Fire esslon Landscape Guidelines for Undisturbed and Reviaetated Native Plant Communities" provided that no portion of Zone.1 as ed in the "Guidelines" shall encroach upon deed estricted ooe ce areas reau' ed as part of the aoproval of the Mister Plan. :Tre SUDD A:1 nts of the ression blan. includina the location of zone boundarie s a d se ect e thinnina proarams s a be n 1 iv h 11 subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Anv deviation from the "Fire Suuuress o La dscape Gu de es shall be the subject o in n i lin f future local coastal nroaram amendment%. C&sbad SiJN Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to W.C.C.N. Inc. 2841 Loker Ave. East, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 431-4850 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular - lot .he the 1 at r‘ (&dYn u ‘np?LLte b Clerk of the Printer - (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST J Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice LCPA 96-02(A)/LCPA 96-13(A)/MP 177(y) - Aviara Local Coastal Program Suggested for a public hearing before the City Council. Modifications Please notice the item for the council meetln . Thank you. Assistant City Man- January 22, 1998 Date NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LCPA 96-02tAYLCPA 96-13fAVMP 177Wj AVIARA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, February 17, 1998, to consider amending the Aviara Master Plan and Local Coastal Program to incorporate the Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications for the Azure Cove Annexation, Lot 308 and Planning Area 23 revisions into the Master Plan and LCP north of Aviara Parkway, both east and west of Black Rail Court, and south of Aviara Parkway, between Batiquitos Drive and Aviara Drive in Local Facilities Management Zone 19. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Grim, in the Planning Department, at (760) 438- 116 1, extension 4499. If you challenge the Local Coastal Program Amendments and/or Master Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office at, or prior to, the public hearing. The time within which you may judicially challenge this Local Coastal Program Amendment and/or Master Plan Amendment, if approved, is established by state law and/or city ordinance and is very short. APPLICANT: PUBLISH: Aviara Land Associates Carlsbad Sun: North County Times: 2/S/98 2/6/98 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL LCPA96=02(A)/LCPA9643(A)MP 177(Y) AVIARA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS 9 ” h CARLSBAD UNIF SCHOOL DIST SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DIST 801 PINE AVE 1 CIVIC CENTER DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN MARCOS CA 92069 SD COUNTY PLANNING SUITE B 5201 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME ’ SUITE 50 330 GOLDENSHORE LONG BEACH CA 90802 LAFCO 1600 PACIFIC HWY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 CITY OF SAN MARCOS 1 CIVIC CENTER DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUITE B 9771 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD SAN DIEGO CA 92124-1331 AIR POLLUTION CNTRL DIST 9150 CHESAPEAKE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92123 VALLECITOS WATER DIST 788 SAN MARCOS BLVD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 CITY OF VISTA PO BOX 1988 VISTA CA 92085 SANDAG SUITE 800 400 B STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92101 I.P.U.A. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMIN AND URBAN STUDIES SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY SAN DIEGO CA 92182-4505 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE 2730 LOKER AVE WEST CARLSBAD CA 92008 (ABOVE ADDRESS - For City Council Notices Only) CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PROJECT PLANNER MIKE GRIM - . LABELS - 5 163 LCPA MAILING LIST (GOVERNMENT AGENCIES) SANDAG (SAN DIEGO COUNTY) WELLS FARGO PLAZA SUITE 800 APPENDIX A (LIST IS REQUIRED BY COASTAL 401 B STREET COMMISSION) SANDIEGO CA 92101 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL ROOM 700 110 WEST A STREET SANDIEGO CA 92101 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 350 MCALLISTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH OFFICE OF L&AL GOVERNMENT AFAIRS 1400 TENTH STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95814 DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE STEVE SHAFFER, AGRICULTURE RESOURCES ROOM 100 1220 N STREET SACRAMENTO CA 958 14 BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION & HSG AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WILLIAM G. BRENNAN ROOM 5504 DEPUTY SECRETARY AND SPECIAL COUNCIL 1120 N STREET SUITE 2450 SACRAMENTO CA 958 14 980 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO CA 958 14 DISTRICT 11 CALTRANS RESOURCES AGENCY TIM VASQUEZ, ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING RM 1311 2829 SAN JUAN ST 1416NINTH STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92138 SACRAMENTO CA 958 12 A . AIR RESOURCES BOARD ANNE GERAGHTY, MANAGER GENERAL PROJECTS SECTION PO BOX 2815 SACRAMENTO CA 958 12 ENERGY RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CHUCK NAJARIAN 15 16 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO CA 958 14 MARINE RESOURCES REGION, DR & G ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR 350 GOLDEN SHORE LONG BEACH CA 90802 SOUTHERN REGION JOHN WALSTROM, TECHNICAL SERVICES 8885 RIO SAN DIEGO DRIVE SAND DIEGO CA 921’08 STATE LANDS COMMISSION DWIGHT SANDERS SUITE 1005 _I,00 HOWE AVE SACRAMENTO CA 95825-8202 COASTAL CONSERVANCY SUITE 1100 1330 BROADWAY OAKLAND CA 94612 DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME DON LOLLOCK, CHIEF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION RM 1206-20 1416 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO CA 958 14 DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY DOUG WICKIZER, ENVIROMENTAL COORD RM 1516-2 1416 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95814 SAN FRANCISCO BAY CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BILL TRAVIS 30 VAN NESS AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO CA 95814 WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD PO BOX 100 SACARAMENTO CA 95801 .___-- -.._ -. ^_. .--.---- - - REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SUITE B ROBERT L. ERWIN, DIRECTOR 9771 CALAIREMONT MESA BLVD SUITE 1037 SAN DIEGO CA 921241331 630 SANSOME STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ATTN: GARY RESOURCE CONSERVATIONIST SUITE 102 2 12 1 -C SECOND STREET DAVIS CA 95616 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF OCEAN AND COASTAL L McGILVRAY 1825 CONNECTICUT AVENUE WASHINGTON DC 20235 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUITE 700 333 MARKET STREET SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY JOHN B. MARTIN, REGIONAL DIRECTOR SUITE 2 10 _ 1450 MARJA LANE WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-5368 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION IRWRTN HOFFMANN SUITE F 194 W MAIN STREET WOODLAND CA 95695 COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHAIRMAN 722 JACKSON PLACE NORTH WEST WASHINGTON DC 2006 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE LOS ANGELES DISTRICT ENGINEER PO BOX 27 1-l LOS ANGELES CA 90053 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE COMMANDANT, ELEVENTH NAVAL DISTRICT DISTRICT CIVIL ENGINEER SAN DIEGO CA 92132 - - U. S. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 2135 BUTANO DRIVE SACRAMENTO CA 95825 U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION LOWER COLORADO REGION PO BOX 427 BOULDER CITY CO 89005 SUPERINTENDENT CHANNEL ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK 190 1 SPINNAKER DRIVE SAN BUENAVENTURA CA 93001 BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS RONALD M. JAEGER 2800 COTTAGE WAY SACRAMENTO CA 95825 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SUITE 200 3 111 CAMINO DEL RIO NORTH _. SAN DIEGO CA 92108 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CLIFFORD EMMERLING, DIRECTOR SUITE 350 901 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVE DUNCAN LENT HOWARD, REGIONAL ADMIN 450 GOLDEN GATE AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102 U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION MID-PACIFIC REGION 2800 COTTAGE WAY SACRAMENTO CA 95825 DOUGLAS WARNOCK, SUPERINTENDENT REDWOOD NATIONAL PARK DRAWERN. 1111 2m STREET CRESCENT CITY CA 95531 U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE SUITE 130 3310 EL CAMINO AVENUE SACRAMENTO CA 95821 BARRY BRAYER, AWP-8 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION WESTERN REGION PO BOX 92007 LOS ANGELES CA 90009 - c . ~:~DMITaLABELS\LCP INTERESTED PARTIES UPDATED 1 l-96 OLIVENHAIN M.W.D. 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CRAIG ADAMS SIERRA CLUB SAN DIEGO CHAPTER 3820 RAY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 LESLIE ESPOSITO 1893 AMELFI DRIVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 LANIKAI LANE PARK SHARP; SPACE 3 6550 PONTO DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIM SEIBLY SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC PO BOX 1831 SAN DIEGO CA 92112 PERRY A LAMB 890 MERE POINT ROAD BRUNSWICK MAINE 04011 RICHARD RETECKI COASTAL CONSERVANCY SUITE 1100 1330 BROADWAY OAKLAND CA 94612 DALE/DONNA SCHREIBER 7163 ARGONAURA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 T’ ‘, 1 ‘_, _j_ ) COFIES .TO: -‘- CITY OF ENCINITAS COM.DEV. DEPARTMENT 505 S. VULCAN AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 REGIONAL WATER QUAL. BD EXECUTIVE OFFICER SUITE B 9771 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD SAN DIEGO CA 92124 GUY MOORE JR 6503 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CYRIL AND MARY GIBSON 12142 ARGYLE DRIVE LOS ALAMITOS CA 90702 JOHN LAMB 1446 DEVLIN DRIVE LOS ANGELES CA 90069 MARY GRIGGS STATE LANDS COMMISSSION SUITE 100 SOUTH 100 HOWE AVE SACRAMENTO CA 95825-8202 SAN DIEGO COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE DEPT JOAN VOKAC - SUITE B-5 5201 RUFFIN ROAD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 ANTHONY BONS 25709 HILLCREST AVE ESCONDIDO CA 92026 MR/MRS MICHAEL CARDOSA 6491 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SVS 2730 LOKER AVE WEST CARLSBAD CA 92008 TABATA FARMS PO BOX 1338 CARLSBAD CA 92018 KENNETH E SULZER SANDAG - EXEC DIRECTOR 1ST INT’L PLAZA, SUITE 800 401 B STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92101 JAN SOBEL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PO BOX 1605 CARLSBAD CA 92008 BILL MCLEAN c/o LAKESHORE GARDENS 7201 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92009 SPIERS ENTERPRISES DWIGHT SPIERS SUITE 139 23 CORPORATE PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 SUPERVISOR BILL HORN AlTN: ART DANELL COUNTY OF SD, ROOM 335 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 LEE ANDERSON CFtA PRESIDENT 5200 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 FLOYD ASHBY 416 LA COSTA AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 CARLENE TIMM SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC PO BOX 1831 SAN DIEGO CA 92112