HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-10; City Council; 14581; APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCE FIELD STUDIES REQUIRED FOR THE CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE PROJECT0 ut > 0 Fx2 a 3 -m z 0 F 2 6 z 3 9 dl/ 8TY OF CARLSBAD - AGENd BILL v c AB# /.icg/ TITLE: DEPT. HD. MTG. 3/10/98 FOR BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCE CITY ATTY!: DEPT. CD CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE PROJECT CITY MGR ’ APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FIELD STUDIES REQUIRED FOR THE c RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. ?7-6$ APPF Amendment No. 1 for biological and cultural resource field studies required for the ( Golf Course Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 17, 1997, the City Council approved an agreement with Cotton - Beland Asso prepare the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Carlsbad Colf Course Project. the EIR public review and comment period, the City received two (2) letters from tht States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department of Fish an (CDFG) addressing principally biological issues regarding the proposed project. I USFWS and CDFG require further biological field surveys of sensitive species that n on the site. The agencies’ need for additional field surveys was expressed as: - The need for an additional years’ Spring and early Summer surveys for F The need for surveys for recently listed threatened or endangered specit and/or State threatened or endangered species that may exist on the site - Following the anticipated final certification of the Golf Course EIR in April, the requires four (4) permits from Federal and State agencies, including the USFWS and C is clear that permits will not be attainable from the USFWS and CDFG for the Go1 project without completion of the required additional biological survey work. Theref views the agencies requirements for further biological studies as a critically impor upon which the remainder of the project schedule is influenced. It is important to I the additional field work is related to the permit requirements of the USFWS and Undertaking this work will have no effect upon the schedule for the City’s processir EIR for the Golf Course project. A scope of work and schedule have been negotiated with Cotton - Beland Asso undertake the biological and cultural resource studies within the Spring and early window. ! reports of the field surveys will be forwarded to the City and the agencies as soon as work is completed. Staff recommends approval of the attached Amendment No. existing agreement with Cotton - Beland Associates. Work will begin immediately and continue through early Summer. B /4YR/ PAGE 2 OFAGEND ILL NO. ,, FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the additional biological and cultural resource work is $85,888 includes all costs associated with the field surveys, furnishing all equipment and n- and completing the final summary reports. A sufficient balance of funds exists in I Course Project account to undertake this work without requiring additional appropriat EXHl BITS : 1, Resolution No. ?f-d$ approving Amendment No. 1 for additional biologi cultural resource field studies. Amendment No. 1 with Cotton - Beland Associates. 2. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e 98164 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AN AGREEMENT FOR BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCE STUDIES FOR THE CAFUSBAD GOLF COURSE. WEREAS, on July 17, 1997, the Carlsbad City Council previously apl agreement with Cotton - Beland Associates for the preparation of an Environment Report for the Carlsbad Golf Course Project; and WHEREAS, additional biological and cultural resource field survey work requii United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and recommended to be undertaken as a precondition to the future issuance of Federal agency permits for this project; and WHEREAS, a scope of work, schedule, and fee proposal have been negotiate( the parties to the aforementioned agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in t interest to proceed with the approval of Amendment No. 1 to the aforementioned agreen NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That Amendment No. 1 to an existing agreement with Cotton - Beland L is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute said Amendment. Folk Mayor’s signature of said Amendment, the City Clerk is directed to forward copit Resolution and Amendment No. 1 to Cotton - Beland Associates, attention Mr. John 6336 Greenwich Drive, Suite F, San Diego, California 92122 and the Community Dev Department. Ill Ill Ill I 2 3 4 5 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carl Council held on the 10th day of March , 1998, by the following vo Council Members Lewis, Pinnila, Nygaard, Kulchin and Ha AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: LL2d-A A.Q0A\ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 1 -2- e * AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE GARLSBAD GOLF COURSE PROJECT This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the 24th da) , 1998, amending the agreement dated July 17, 1997 by and between City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and COTl BELAND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" for preparation of an environmental impact report for the Carlsbad Golf Course Project, hereina referred to as the "Project.". March RECITALS WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated July 17, 1997 identified a scope of M for the preparation of an environmental impact report for the Project; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to alter scope of work; and WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have bc negotiated and agreed to between the parties hereto, and as shown on Exhibit "A" Scope Services and Fee letter dated February 6, 1998 with accompanying attachments; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covena contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. Contractor shall provide services as outlined in the attached Exhibit "A. 2. City shall pay Contractor for all work associated with Paragraph 1 above, a time and materials basis not-to-exceed $85,888.80. Contractor shall provide City or monthly basis copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rat and related activities and costs for approval by City. 2/21 e e 3. Contractor shall complete all work outlined within the schedule outlinec attached Exhibit “A” or by expiration of the agreement amended hereby. 4. All other provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on July 1997 by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor s include coverage for the amended assignment and scope of work. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR: ipal COTTON BELAND ASSOCIATES (name of Contractor) By: w 26.& ’(sign here) ATTEST: v4?$?w&&PQ65, &UH/k& (print namehitle) ALETHA L. RAUTENKF~ANZ By: City Clerk (sign here) March 24, 1998 DATE (print namehitle) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer sic the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate : empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL 2/21 ~ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURP 63 i ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0 0 personally known to me &i@oved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/i executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(1 and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the perso acted, executed the instrument. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(@ 0 Individual 0 Individual 0 Corporate Officer Title(s): 0 Partner - 0 Limited 0 General 0 Partner - 0 Limited 0 General 0 Attorney-in-Fact 0 Attorney-in-Fact 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Guardian or Conservator Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: 0 1996 National Notary Association 8236 Remmet Ave , P 0 Box 7184 Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 Prod No 5907 Reorder Call Toll-F 0 0 EXHIB17 COTTO N/B ELAN D/ASSOCI ATES, I N C. URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS e! 6336 GREENWICH DRIVE SUITEF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92122 (619) 625-0056 FAX (619) 625-0545 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 6, 1998 FAX # 760-438-0894 TO: John Cahili - Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad FROM: John Bridges COPIES TO: Christer Westman File PROJECT NO: 984.00 SUBJECT: Carlsbad Golf Course EIR TRANSMITTING: COMMENTS: - 1 2 pages including transmittal John - In response to your request and in accordance with Section 6 &I in Work of our July 17, 1997 agreement for services, we have provic cost estimate to complete cultural resources testing and additional foc biological surveys for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course project. following summarizes the proposed scope of services. A det description of the cultural and biological resources scope of work and bL estimates are attached. Cultural Resources Gallegos & Associates will perform testing to determine. importancdsipficace under City of Carlsbad and CEQA criteria for I cultural resources sites within the limits of grading of the golf course. scope of work includes surface collection of artifacts, recording of mi features, excavation of shovel test pits and 1x1 meter units to determin site size, depth, content, integrity and to address important rex questions. A final cultural resource report will be prepared that incl survey and test results. The cost estimate is a not to exceed arnou, $43,426. Biological Resources Merkel & Associates will perform focused surveys for nine sensitive spl as requested by the California Department of Fish and Game and the Fish and Wildlife Service in their formal comments on the Carl Municipal Golf Course Final EIR. These surveys will cover four sen$ plant species (Sa Diego Thornmint, Thread-leaf Brodiaea, Orcutt’s 0 0 John Cahill February6, 1998 Page two Spineflower, Blochman’s Dudleya), in addition to focused surveys fo California Gnatcatcher, Burrowing Owl, Least Bell’s Vireo, Q Checkerspot, and San Diego Fairy Shrimp. Letter reports cove information for each of these species will be provided in a format thal be an appendix to the biological technical report. The cost estimate is i to exceed amount of $28,162.80. The completion of this work effort, as an amendment to the July 17, contract will require additional services fiom Cotton/I3 eland/Associates, that are not covered in the current contract. Our additional work effort include administration of subconsultant work programs, coordination subconsultants during preparation of the additional studies, reviev prepared reports and findings, and attendance at two staff level meeti CBA’s estimate for this work effort is a not to exceed amount of $14 which includes $7,150 for administration of subconsultant work progi and $7,150 for coordination with subconsultants, review of reports findings, and attendance at two staff level meetings. The total budget amount is $85,888.80. We understand that this con amendment will need to be approved by the City Council. Please r biological surveys will need to begin soon in order to comply with adopted protocol. We recommeod that a limited portion of this bu amendment (e.g. $lO,OOO) be authorized administratively as soon as post in order to initiate the surveys and ensure that the seasonal window is lost should there be delay in Council authorization. Please call me if you have any questions. Authorization for our additic services can be authorized by signing and returning this fax transmitta Authorized: City of Carlsbad Date 5671 Palmer Wi Carlsbad, Califo 0 e (619) 929-0055 dA L L EG os &Associates 97-300-224 August 5, 1997 Tim Gnibus CottodElelandAssociates, Inc. 6310 Greenwich Drive, Suite 220 San Diego, CA 92122 Re: Carlsbad Golf Course - Cultural Resource Testing Scope of Work and Cost Estimate Dear Tim: Gallegos & Associates has completed the litpture review and field survey. As i result of this work, 13 cultural resources were identified. It appears that 5 of the 12 cultural resources are not significant. The remaining eight cultural resources will neec testing to determine site importance/significance under City of Carlsbad and CEQA criter2 (see attached tables). I have enclosed the following: 1) a map showing site locations; 2: table identifying present status of the 13 cultural resources; 3) testing scope of work; and 4: cost estimate to complete archaeological testing for the eight cultural resources. The scopt of work includes surface collection of artifacts, recording of milling features, excavation oj shovel test pits and 1x1 meter units to determine site size, depth, content, integrity anc potential to address important research questions. The final cultural resource report will include survey and test results. The cost to completc this work is estimated to not exceed $43,426.00 and all work will be completed withir approximately 8 to 10 weeks from contract approval. Please call me should you neec additional information. Best regards, * Dennis R. alegos President (/- - DG/mkg Enclosure e Ga’’eyos 6 1,@j 2? 53 - O0 56 Aug.-O5--97 07 : 22P Oenr I: ,.-. Ptiotorevised 1975 -I ___ I--- L b e a e x z ! 2 c7 R f v” e e GALLEGOS & ASSOCIATES TIME- AND-MA TERIA LS CONTRACT FOR A CULTURAL RESOURCE SIGNIFICANCE TEST FOR THE CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 5, 1997 SCOPE OF WORK This study will provide testing to determine significance of eight prehistoric sites. The study area is located north of Palomar Auport Road in the City of Carlsbad. All work will be conducted in compliance with City of Carlsbad and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This scope of work include recordation of bedrock milling features and the following tasks. 1. Collection of Surface Artifacts A. For sites with an undisturbed surface, diagnostic artifacts and/or a sample of surface artifacats will be collected using point provenience mapping and/or a random sample grid-based surface collection will be conducted. 2. Subsurface Assessment A. Shovel test pits will be excavated to deterAne site size and depth. L 1. STPs will be used along a north-south and east-west grid system 2. All excavated soil will be processed through 1/8" screen mesh. 3. All artifaddemfacts will be collected and bagged by STP in 10 to 40 meter intervals. number and depth. B. Test units, 1x1 m in size, will be excavated at each site. 1. Unit placement will be determined by either the highest or most or natural features). 2. Units will be excavated in 10 centimeter levels and excavated to sterile, that is defined as bedrock or one level with no cultural material present. If two consecutive levels record a significant drop- off in cultural materials with the presence of cultural material explained in terms of natural processes, then that is defined as sterile. 1. Backhoe trenches will be excavated at site CA-SDI-8303A to determine presencelabsence of intact midden deposits and to identify areas of disturbance. Trenches will be excavated to sterile soil. likely area to possess subsurface material (based on surface remains C. Backhoe trench excavation. 3. Map Preparation A. The study area and cultural resources will be plotted on the USGS 7.5' quadrangle map. B. The study area and cultural resources will be plotted on an engineering C. A site map will be prepared for each site showing: location of STPs, 1x1 m units, significant landform and/or landmarks, bedrock milling, and surface artifacts or surface artifact collection grids. base map (either 1"=100' or 1"=2001), to be provided by the client. 1 e 0 4. Analysis and Report Preparation A. Clean, and catalog all artifacts collected. B. Evaluate the sitesfloci in terms of site size, depth, content, integrity and potential to address important research questions as per CEQA. C. Present all results in a State of California report format. SCHEDULE A draft report will be submitted to the client no later than 8 to 10 weeks from receipt of i signed contract. This schedule may need to be revised should inclement weather +e., rain' be encountered. TIME-AND-MATERIALS COST The timeand-materials cost for completing this scope of work is estimated to not excea $43,426.00 (Tables 1 and 2). This cost will not be exceeded without clients' authorization This scope of work does not include meetings or response to agency comments. A1 artifacts are the property of the City of Carlsbad. Gallegos & Associates will providc interim curation during cataloguing and artifact analysis. Billing will be submitted on a monthly basis for work completed to date. Payment is required within 30 days of billing. Late payments will incur a 1.5% monthly late fee. ADDITIONAL WORK The scope of work and time-and-mataials cost estimate described abve reflect our current understanding of project requirements. Amendments to the scope of work and cost will be necessary, if there are modifications to the project or the required services, or should data recovery be requested, or burialshemations and or other featwe be encountered, 01 extensive revisions be requested by agencies, or meetings with agencies, Native Americans or public presentations be required. If human remains are encountered, then all work must halt immediately and the client, the City of Carlsbad, the County of San Diego Coroner, and the Native American Heritage Commission will be notified to initiate the required consultation. The schedule will be adjusted accordingly in light of the findings. . 2 kt' mu W# a 3; 29 nsg d g3s 2 SE k 92g b 3 w 8; u 2- ,om sgg w*o w e' gbo ~g$z8$wss 22 &z 3 -sy. 3~2 ~~~=r-~~i--mm 2:: r+gn - 58% rnm 2213 u $2 2 + m .d 2g ag m*m.I(UL"?"'""'" 32 oooooo P 0c.100000000 m2 Q mz 4 0~00000000 - f* fs mn ~~*Tfr.4crclmom :z E v) Et~O,~.ln*mmo~ E:' 3-5 ~r.4--~o'"Y,, m goo e -to a * m o d v1 02 CI m E: 00 -% 3s 00 mo u %!$$ ' xn zq %Z PC fl~(u-(404rCflO 3 53 P *m wz !i.zg '& dm a .s 00.0gpgg 80 5* 8 *a", ~N$P&?'D Q) a o E: d 33 522g $0 r2 Ep.s.:c%:po 2laa 8 s$S%.2gg.2k$ g= 33 cu 2 ab a 2 538Z g 0 ;ij 3 m5 p. .S.S.Z.? 5yu %ac/, n3: v) zzzz-s4 E.% 8 8 Ma aa A dUO,el&D: 'd €-+ ; b 3 3 g D m<e* T(?Tt 56 mmo\ky'3yy 2, 8 zzgg .... 1 .d v1 PI Y 0 e TABLE 2 GALLEGOS & ASSOCIATES CULTURAL RESOURCE SIGNIFICANCE TEST FOR THE CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE PROJECT AUGUST 5,1997 TaskPerso nnel Rate Hours Cost Management and Coordination Project Archaeologist $65.00 8 $520.00 Fieldwork Project Archaeologist $65.00 80 $5,200.00 Archaeologist . $37.50 230 $8,625.00 Field Crew $22.50 650 $14,625.00 Laboratory Catalogue and Analysis Laboratory Director $45.00 40 $1,800.00 Laboratory Crew $28.50 96 $2,736.00 Test Report Preparation Project Archaeologist $65.00 64 $4,160.00 Graphics $30.00 24 $720.00 Word Processing $30.00 16 $480.00 Photo Record/Field Forms/Site Update $27.50 24 $660.00 Subtotal $40,726.00 ODClSpecial Studies Radiocarbon Dating ($300 x 6 samples) Other Studies (Le. Obsidian, Phytolyth, Blood Residue, Pollen, and/or Otolith) Total ODC $2,700.00 Project ManagedArchaeologist $75.00 8 $600.0( Project ManagedArchaeologist $75.00 8 $600.00 Faunal Analysis $300.00 $1,800.00 $300.00 Xerox, Binding, Mileage, Photos $300.00 Total Labor and ODC $43,426.00 c Merkel & Associates, hc. 3944 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite C106 San Diego, CA 92123 Ph. (619) 560-5465 Fax (61 9) 560-7779 E-mail MerkelIncQaol.com January 30, M&A# 97-0 %,be, =Q-Q Mr. Tim Gnibus I Cotton/Behd/Associates San Diego, CA 92122-0056 !& 63 10 Greenwich Drive FE8 6 Re: Carlsbad Golf Additional Surveys Dear Tim: ~ Thank you for again considering Merkel & Associates for additional work on the Carlsbad project. We have'considered the specific additional studies necessary to provide a thorough cow of critical biological issues to enable the project to proceed in a timely fashion. Five tasks COVI nine focused sensitive species smeys have been identified; they rely on early identification of sen! plant and animal concerns, and taking advantage of seasonal requirements for specific surveys. A proposal for the various tasks outlined in this coping letter follows as ag attachment. TASK 1: Sensitive Plant Surveys - Four Species This task includes a sensitive plant survey of the site for the California listed endangered Diego Thomm.int (&znthominntha Zc;fal;a), the federally and state endangered Thread-leaf Sroc (Brodiueuflfilifoliu), the federally endangered Orcutt's Spmeflower (Chorizanthe orcuttiam), and C1 sensitive Blochman's Dudleya (Dudleya bzochmaniae). All of these plants are ephemerd and ca~ difficult to survey for outside of spring and early summer. , Each of these species has a narrow wig during which the plant flowers and is more readily identified. The spineflower and dudleya minuscule species and require considerable patience and thorough site explorations. As a result are proposing six surveys occurring every two weeks covering the flowering period of all four of tl species from mid-March through the end of May. This should enable us to carefully assess the e1 site as well as take into account variability due to rainfall and environmental factors. Blochxa Dudleya is known to occur off-site within a short distance of the eastern boundary of the study arc TASK 2: California Gnatcatcher and Burrowing Owl Surveys Extensive areas of sage scrub were observed during previous field studies on-site, gnatcatcher locations noted the general resources survey's. All suitable habitat will be re-examined the federally threatened California Gnatcatcher (Poliuptila californica) utilizing standard USF protocol. These require three separate site visits at least one week apart. Two biologists are propo to conduct the work given the logistics of covering the sage scrub patches within this large site dur a single field day. Jn addition, nocturnal studies for the regionally sensitive Burrowing Owl (Ath cunicularia) will be conducted following recommended survey protocol. Two night surveys and I day survey are proposed. Possible evidence of Burrowing Owls was seen in the grasslands in southwestern portion of the site during spring 1997 studies. Biological Consulting - Environmental Permitting - Habitat Restoration Ecologtcal Management 0 0 Mr. Tim Gnibus January 30, P ,TASK 3: Least Bell's Vieo Surveys The extensive riparian habitat in Macario Canyon is potentid habitat for the h.at Bell's 7 (Ere0 belliipusillus), a federally and state endangered species. Vireos are established in nearby Hedionda Lagoon, and have been reported at the mouth of Macario Canyon. A focused vireo SI is proposed; eight site visits are required under established USFWS protocol. TASK 4. Quino Checkerspot Surveys New protccol sxvey criteria (NGVHilbei 7, IW7) are now establlshed for this butterfly. flight period varies but can extend from late January to mid-May. At first flight of this species USFWS monitored site where the butterfly is known, all permittees will be requested to begin surveys on potential sites. As a result, the number of once a week surveys may vary dependent 1 the initial starting date. Additional requirements are that weather conditions not include rain, high v over Smph, and temperatures under 65 degrees. Five slides showing the survey site, a soil sample maps of the site are necessaiy to complete protocol report*requirements. Our cost to perform 1 surveys in based on an expected eight field surveys, with additional weekly survey work on a time Carlsbad Golf site; however, potential to find this species on site is low as it is known from on handful of southern California sites. TASK 5. San Diego Fairy Shrimp Surveys materials basis if required by USFWS. Extensive potential habitat for this species occurs at Protocol survey criteria (January 19, 1995) are now established for this fairy shrimp. Carlsbad golf site has no identified vemal pools and therefore does not retain optimal habitat. Ir southwestern portion of the property is a leveled field which ponds water at several locations forn what could be classed vemal basins. San Diego Fairy Shrimp have been observed to occupy tl ephemeral basins, particularly when vernal pools are situated nearby and eggs can thereby transported a short distance into the artificial basins. Natural vernal pools are situated off-site, upsk both inside and outside the fenceline for the Palomar Airport. Pools of a depth of 2.5 cm of stam water are to be sampled at least every two weeks throughout the rainy season until the pools arc longer inundated. This includes periods of dryhg and refilling; not just the initial filling of a p Protocol calls for such sampling over two wet seasons. Provisions are also available for dry ses criteria, our costs are based on eight site visits per wet season. Additional visits would be on a 0 and materials basis. TASK 6: Technical Report PreparatiodRevisions and Responses sampling of a site should one wet season sampling period have elapsed. Given the elaborate SUI Task 6 will include the preparation of letter reports covering information gathered in Tasks on sensitive plants and animals to provide rapid information return for design purposes. Informal will be provided in a format that can be appendixed to the biological technical report. . .- 0 e Mr. Tim Gnibus January 30, I Additional focused tasks may be warranted in the future. The items chosen address the significant biological issues requiring prior analysis before specifically choosing a precise golf c design. Should you have any additional questions, please call me or Keith Merkel. Sincerely, /%iP' 27y Senior Craig H. Associate Reiser 2 0 I) 0. Mr. Tim Gnibus 30-Jan-98 Conon/BeWAssociates M&A 97-052-02 COST PROPOSAL Sensitive Species Surveys Carlsbad Golf Task stafi Hours Rate Subtotal TASK 1 Sensitive Plant Survey - Spring 1998 Site Surveys Four Species Sr. Biologist 48 $72.00 $3,456.00 $0.29 $121.80 Mileage -420 miles Subtotal -1 TASK 2 A. California Gnatcatcher Surveys Three Site Survqs Two Sr. Biologists 36 572.00 $2.592.00 Mileage -210 miles $0.29 $60.90 Subtotal I-TZTiq B. BurrowingOwlSurvey Two Noc~rnal Site Surveys Sr. Biologist 12 $72.00 $864.00 One Diurnal Site Survey SI. Biologist 6 $72.00 $432.00 Mileage -210 miles $0.29 $60.90 Subtotal -1 TASK3 Least Bell's Vi Survey Eight Site Surveys Sr. Biologist 56 $72.00 $4.032.00 Mileage -560 miles $0.29 $162.40 Subtotal 1$4,194.40] TASK 4 Quina Checkerspot Survey Eight Site Surveys' Sr. Biologist 56 $72.00 $4,032.00 Mileage -560 mils $0.29 $162.40 Subtotal [$4,194.40] TASKS San Diego Fairy Shrimp Sixteen Site SuweysI2 Seasons* Sr. Biologist 84 $72.00 $6,048.00 Mileage -1 120 miles $0.29 $162.40 Subtotal [ $6.210.40 1 TASK 6 A. Biological Technical Report Reparation Sensitive Plants Report SI. Biologist 8 $72.00 $576.00 Gnatcatcher Report SI. Biologist 8 $72.00 $576.00 Burrowing Owl Repon SI. Biologist 8 $72.00 $576.00 Vireo Repon SI. Biologist 8 $72.00 $576.00 Quino Checkerspot Report Sr. Biologist 8 $72.00 $576.00 Fairy Shrimp Report Sr. Biologist 8 $772.00 $576.00 Word Processing Clerical 8 $35.00 $280.00 Principal Review Principal 6 $105.00 $630.00 Graphics Prep. - All Reports Graphics Staff 30 $42.00 $1.260.00 SupplieslPhotographs $200.00 Reproduction Costs $150.00 Subtotal -1 GRAND TOTAL - ' Additional weekly or bi-weekly surveys required by agency protocol at $72hr time and materials