HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-10; City Council; 14588; REQUEST FOR IMPROVEMENTS ALONG LA COSTA AVENUEa c 1' 0 P u m 2 am 55 w3 a oa 73 u -r( dm kJ Ek F-W 00 0 ,% 0) *rl -0 rlu a5 crl MO -4 v1 m L) .rl *ri k wa wu ad U k -4 E ma ? -4 x d k -ti u 00 u aw rlw ria umm CdUn mrl d TJ TI .A d) d aL)a uu c aa UM -4 k4 aa 0 aw +?-a Odrn baa au a-3 (d ac 4kG 0 *I+ -rl a ua Clara 1dm Ud 0 a- a3 cn \ 0 \ 4 cr) z 0 F 0 4 4 G z 3 0 0 I q 6 47 r"". CI I OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA .ILL /4588 TITLE: REQUEST FOR IMPROVEMENTS ALONG MTG. 3/10/98 DEPT. ENG CITY ATTYG LA COSTA AVENUE c CITY MGR. < ~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Traffic Safety Commission recommends that on La Costa Avenue between El Camino F and Rancho Santa Fe Road: 1. Traffic signals be installed at the intersections of Romeria Street and Cadencia Street. 2. Move the eastbound lane drop located immediately to the east of Romeria Street t location immediately west of Romeria Street. 3. Do not install a flashing beacon or painted crosswalk at Calle Madero. 4. Missing sidewalks on the north side of La Costa Avenue should be installed by land owr as development occurs and no sidewalks on the south side should be considered installation at this time. 5. The speed limit of 45 miles per hour should remain and not be lowered to 40 miles per hc If the City Council concurs with the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission, the options are: 1. Direct staff to return with a resolution to authorize preparation of PS&E for the two tr; signals. 2. Direct staff to place the two traffic signals in the current CIP submittal process for fundin the 1998/99 Capital Improvement Program. IITEM EXPLANATION: On September 23, 1997 at the Southeast Quadrant meeting, citizens requested that various tr; control devices and improvements be installed upon La Costa Avenue. Subsequent to meeting, staff met with two representatives of the citizens group that called themselves La Costa Avenue Traffic Committee. Mr. Hammett of that committee faxed a letter to the Engineer on October 16, 1997. In the October 16, 1997 letter, Mr. Hammett requested that: I. Traffic signals be installed at the intersections of Cadencia Street, Romeria Street, Vieja Castilla Way. 2. A flashing beacon and striped crosswalk be installed at Calle Madero. 3. Lower the prima facie speed limit from 45 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour. 4. Construct sidewalks on the north side of La Costa Avenue where none exist and also al the south side of La Costa Avenue. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. %5#7 0 The above requests were discussed by the Traffic Safety Commission at their meeting February 2, 1998. Traffic signals at the three requested locations were included on the 1998 Tr: Signal Qualification List, which the Commission recommended the City Council adopt. The 1' agenda item immediately before the citizen requests agenda item. Romeria Street is a direct route to La Costa Heights Elementary School, while Cadencia Strec an indirect route. Because of the horizontal curve on La Costa Avenue at Cadencia Street, ar being an indirect route, the Commission recommended signalization of both intersections to as: right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians. The traffic signal at Cadencia Street has previously been designed and because of the road\ curvature includes a flashing beacon to advise eastbound drivers of the traffic signal. No oi traffic signals have been designed on La Costa Avenue. Vieja Castilla Way is tied for Number 14 on the 1998 Traffic Signal Qualification List. Becausc the good accident record at Vieja Castilla Way and no other extenuating circumstances, the Tr: Safety Commission did not recommend that a traffic signal be installed at this time. Pedestrian and vehicle counts were conducted by staff to determine if a school crossing flast and after school, no school pedestrians were observed crossing La Costa Avenue. Warrants the flashing beacon were not met and the Commission recommended against installing a beacol a painted crosswalk on La Costa Avenue. The Commission discussed the existing 45 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon La Cc Avenue. Critical speeds on La Costa Avenue measured at three locations are 49, 50, and 51 rr per hour. For 1997, the segment accident rate on La Costa Avenue west of Calle Madero was 1 and between Calle Madero and Rancho Santa Fe Road was 0.98, which is more than one-half expected rate of 2.30 for similar roads as determined on a statewide average by Caltrans. - indicates a favorable rate for this road segment since it is well below the statewide rate. Ba upon the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, the Commission did not recomm changing to a 40 mile per hour prima facie speed limit. On the north side of La Costa Avenue, there are thirteen parcels of land where no sidewalk e) for a total distance of about 1,450 lineal feet. On the south side of La Costa Avenue, there virtually no sidewalks for a distance of 1.23 miles. Typically, owners of property or individual lots are required to construct sidewalk as they deve To install the sidewalk at this time, before the lot is developed, generally results in the sidec being damaged by construction vehicles with subsequent repair required. The Traffic Sa Commission recommended that sidewalks be constructed by the property owners at the time 1 develop their land. The Commission recommended moving the eastbound lane drop located easterly of Rom Street to westerly of Romeria Street. Vehicle operators would then be channelized into a si1 lane prior to the intersection before entering the intersection where residential homes are loa on the south side of La Costa Avenue. Traffic Signal Qualification List was also discussed by the Commission on February 2, 1998 as beacon was warranted at Calle Madero. After many observations in the one-hour period bel Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. *5w 0 FISCAL IMPACT: Each of the locations requested by the citizens for traffic signals are on the 1997/98 CIP unfunl project list. Design and construction of a single traffic signal costs about $125,000, thus the ( for the two signals is estimated at $250,000. Annual operation and maintenance costs for a trz signal is about $5,000 per year. If Council chooses to fund the two signals recommended by Traffic Safety Commission, staff would suggest appropriating the money from the Gas Tax ful There is currently sufficient money available in that fund for the two signals. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Letter from Fred Hammett dated October 16, 1997. 3. Minutes from Traffic Safety Commission meeting of February 2, 1998. PROJECT NAME rnVll wtu nHrntl I m~~1alua7 18-16-97 ea:sac\~ TO 43~~994 0 0 a8 P.1/3 zS16H IGr - - La Costa Avenue Traffic Committee Peter Sainato: 760-943-9662 Fred & Marcia Hammctt; 760-632-0283 Lloyd B. Hubbq P. E. City Engineer 2075 Las Palmas Drive Cdsbad, CA 92009-1576 Fax: 760-438-0894 Re; Meeting to discuss the traffk situation on La Costa Avenue. Dear Lloyd; Attached are the results of merat meetings of the La Costa Avenue Traffic Committee. Pete Sainsto and I, representing the committee, would like to meet with you and whomever you would think helpful ta discuss how the committee's requests might be met. We appreciated your expertise and help at th0 meeting on the 23d of September and have tried ta incorporate this into our requests. Your rcvicw and assistance at this point would be much appreciated. You mentioned you could meet with us at our convenience so we would like to suggest a time convenient for you on either the 23" or 28' of October. Please let me know how this fits with you schedule. Attached is a letter, which we received from Deborah Blow. Principal at La Costa Heights School, expressing her concern. You have probable also noted several articles in the North County Times on traffic Occurrences on La Costa Avenue over the past several weeks! Again thank you for your continued support and we look forward to meeting with you and receiving your guidance. Sincerely 1 fji 4f ._ .- Fred Wammett 1 Cc: Pete Sainato: 619-457-4168 Ann Kulchin: 760-720-9461 $ r . .- I.,_I. ,..-I .....-.-. I IUUIJJAUJI la-16-97 E8:58AM TO 4380894 I 1 -. . 0 - 0 1.8 P.t/3 ,La Cvm Avenue Tramc Comttee Following the meting with City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs on September 23,1997, the Committee has CQ the following recommendations to aid in the safety of our chiidren, our neighbors and ow cummunil Committee would like to acknowledge the concerted effort of Msbad's Planning Director, Map] Manager and City Council for the well-pianned City and Community within grcattr Carlsbad. We do, ho believe that little or no attention has been paid to the safety or aesthetics on La Costa Avenue. - Situation: La Costa Avenue presently is a non-stop thoroughiime, producing a safety concern crossed by foot, school chifdren, joggers, or automobiles. This situation, cars traveling in excess of 5011 not only exacerbated by the excessive speed limit, 45mph, but the blind spots which are the result of cum ! hills, or parked automobiles along the Avenue. 1. Probased Salntion: Tdac lights installed at Cadencia, Vieja Castilla and Romeria. These 10~ have already received' priority ratings and we suggest that these ratings be upgraded. These three ioc would also allow for marked crosswalks, providing a safe crossing for all pedestrians, school children, jo, etc. Stop Sights will aide in the reduction of the excessive speed on La Casta Avenue, as well as provk traffic breaks enabling residents the opportunity to egress on to the Avenue from their driveways, fastn and side streets. Install a crosswafk at Caile Madero with the appropriate warning signs and blinking Jig enable school children and others to cross there. Reduce the speed to a limit of at least 40mph througha entire stretch of La Costa Avenue from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe. install a traffic light control SJ that would allow for a smooth flow of traffic at that speed. Situation: La Costa Avenue lacks continuous sidewalks. This creates an extreme hd for pedesi including Chabad parishioners, school children, joggers, shoppers (to and from Von's and soon to be Luc and senior citizens. Pedestrians frequently enter onto the roadway avoiding the areas where sidewalks are I place, creating a dangerous situation. It also greatly detracts from the aesthetics of the area as well. i Pronosed Solution: Complete the sidewalks on the North side of the Avenue, and South side of the between proposed crosswalks to provide safe thoroughfare for the numerous pedestrians. i 1 01 15/97 " , ,>y,l , .._- nnmc I I IUUIJJLUJI ~e-16-97 98:5a~ TO wee94 0 re P.3/3 - a Costa Heights School mClhllTAs !JNIdN SCHOOL DISmm I From the desk of Oeborah Blow *. *. . w -r 8. bber 9,5997 La Costa Avenue Committee. Pete Sain€fb Chairperson I Dear Mr. Sainato, h per our phone copversation on October 8, 1997, I would like to lend my support to your committee’s work towards seeking safety improvements for La Costa Avenue. As principal af La Costa Heights Elementq School, I share =e of your co- regardlpg La Costa Avenue, particularly 89 they relate to our students. 1 Athougb our school plan states that stdents king north of La Costa Avenue are to walk up, Levaate to La Costa Avenue and cross at the stop light at the intersection of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Saata Fe road, this does not happen. It is far shorter for students to walk north on Romeria and across La Costa Avenue. Since it is the shortest route, this is the one the students take. Although we have ~~ged students to ride the bus who live in this area, the cost of riding the bus has increased, so the number of students taking a risk and cxossing La Costa Avenue has also increased. I am very concerned about this due to the high rate of speed of the traffic at this given intersectioa meria and La Costa Avenue) I receive a number of phone calls each year af concerned parents repotting near misses of children crossing this street. Just last week X received a call because a student had dropped’her books in the street-while trying to cross. In addition to almost being hit herse@. the student almost caused med cars to c&de a~ they stop to avoid her. I would like to support your &orb for ajsistance from the City of Carlsbad regarding this problem by providing either a stop sign or light at this intersection, or a crosswalk. At a minimum I would hope that the traffic speed Iimit would also be decreased. Again, I support your ef€orts. I would hate to see a student injured on this busy street, when actions taken now could help prevent this. .. Sjncedy, Deborah Blow &f~Ldf~-L&+- principal . .. 3035 Levante Street Carlsbad,CA 92009 0 (619) 944-43 e 0 February 2,1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 6B. La Costa Avenue - Request to install traffic signals, flashing beacons and sidewalks at vaT locations. Trdtic Ekgineer Bob Johnson presented the staff report and described the project as follows: This item is the consider; and discussion of various traffic control devices and related issues on La Costa Avenue, easterly of El Camino Re Rancho Santa Fe Road. This item was initiated by a group of citizens calling themselves the La Costa Avenue Tri Committee. Staff met with several representatives of the committee to discuss their concerns and staff requested that put their concerns in the form of a letter and submit it to the City Engineer’s offce. A letter from the La Costa Avr Traffic Committee was received and a copy of that letter is on file in the Engineering Department. The request is fo. installation of traffk signals at Cadencia Street, Romeria Street, and Vieja Castilla Way, as well as the installatic and the lowering of the speed limit to 40 miles per hour on all of La Costa Avenue. La Costa Avenue from a point 1, feet east of El Camino Real, easterly to Rancho Santa Fe Road, is a 45 mph speed zone and is approximately two milt length. The majority of La Costa Avenue consists of four lanes except for the portion immediately east of Rom (eastbound) where there is a lane “drop”, leaving one eastbound lane and two westbound lanes. Left turns accommodated on La Costa Avenue via two-way left turn lanes or left turn pockets at each of the intersections. Par1 is allowed on the north side, westerly of Romeria Street, and on the south side, easterly of Romeria Street almost all the to Levante. ADTs are 14,93 1 between Vieja Castilla and Calle Madero and 1 137 1 between Romeria Street and Cadel Street. Those counts were taken in 1997. Also, in 1997 there were ten reported mid-block traffic collisions, two of wl had “exceeding safe speed” as the primary collision factor. Based on the collisions that have occurred and the volm the accident rate west of Calle Madero was calculated at 1.06 and between Calle Madero and Rancho Santa Fe Road calculation was 0.98. This compares to a statewide average for a four lane road of 2.30, as determined by Caltrans. ’ local rates are about one-half of the statewide average. The trafflc signal warrants were evaluated for the three locations. One of the locations is number 6 on the 1998 Tra Signal Qualification List and the other two are tied at number 14. Because Romeria and Cadencia provides either du or indirect access to La Costa Heights Elementary School, it was determined that it would be appropriate that those 1 10CdOnS be S&dh?d. The Tr&c safety &rug &&&, however, did not recommend that a signal be insta at Vieja Castilla. The lane “drop” previously mentioned, was also recommended to be moved to the west so that the eastbound lane ‘‘dn would occur prior to the Romeria intersection. Also, if a traffic signal is installed at that location, that land “drop” wo be part of the signal design. Warrants were analyzed for a flashing beacon at Calle Madero. Numerous turning movement counts were conducted in one hour prior to the beginning of the school day and again in the one hour after the ending of the school day. No schc pedestrians were found to be crossing La Costa Avenue and, ~~rmquently, the warrants for a school crossing at that locati were not met and the recommendation was that no flashing beacon be installed at that intersection. Regarding sidewalks, thirteen parcels on the north side of La Costa Avenue (a distance of about 1,450 feet) are curren devoid of sidewalks. However, when those parcels are developed, they will be required to install sidewalks. In staf opinion, to put sidewalks in now would result in considerable damage to the sidewalks by construction crews and equipme and the loss of the money spent on their installation. There is approximately 1.23 miles, on the south side of La Cos which would make the installation of sidewalks there very costly. It was the recanmendation of the Traffic Safi coordinating Committee that sidewalks on the north side of La Costa Avenue not be constructed. Also with regard to sidewalks, in 199 1 the sidewalk inventory was completed and a priority ranking was established. The were locations along La Costa Avenue that ranked as high as No. 23 while other segments ranked Nos. 40,48,75, and 7 The top locations currently are being installed because they are near, or leading du-ectly to, schools. sidewalks on the north side of La Costa Avenue, the addition of a flashing beacon and painted crosswalk at Calle Mac Avenue, that have not had sidewalks constructed becam ofthe topopphy , vegetation, and a number of other obstructio 0 a 4“ mg )yp“- 3 February 2,1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 The speed limit issue has also been discussed with the residents of the area. The Engineering and Traffic Survey wouk support the lowering of the existing 45 mph speed limit. To arbitrarily lower the speed limit would result in effect eliminating the radar enforcement of the speed limit by law enforcement officials. Pacing could be used to determ violator’s speed but pacing is, for the most part, very inefficient. Also, if the speed limit is not justified by the Engina and TrafSc Survey, the courts will not uphold the citation and the case will be dismissed. Overall, because a 40 mph j would not be enforceable, La Costa Avenue would effectively become a street without a speed limit. The recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee is as follows: 1) Traffic signals be installed at Cadencia Street and Romeria Street; 2) Move the lane drop located immediately to the east of Romeria Street to a location westerly of Ron 3) No flashing beacon or painted crosswalk be installed at Calle Madero; 4) Sidewalks on the north side of La Costa Avenue be installed by land owners as development occurs that no sidewalks on the south side be considered at this time; 5) The speed limit of 45 miles per hour remain and not be lowered to 40 miles per hour. street; If this item, all or in part, is recommended by this Commission, the recommendation will be forwarded to the City Cou for its consideration and frnal disposition. Chairperson Blake asked if there have been any intersection collisions on La Costa Avenue. Mr. Johnson stated that there were six intersection collisions in 1997, each at a different intersection. Of the six, one I caused by “exceeding the safe speed”, and the remaining five were “violation of right-of-way”. Chatperson Blake asked why the installation of a signal was not recommended for the intersection at La Costa Avenue z Vieja Castilla Way. Mr. Johnson replied that the decision was based on the ranking and the fact that it is not anywhere near a school or o direct route to a school. It was felt that the other intersections had higher priority because of their proximity to the La Cc Heights Elementary School. Chaiierson Blake asked if there have been any accidents at Vieja Castilla and Mr. Johnson replied negatively. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Eric Spitzbarth, 3026 Cadencia Street, Carlsbad, questioned the need for a trafltic signal at Cadencia versus alternz methods of traffic control. He stated that it is his personal opinion that traffic signals are obstacles and human nature bei what it is, people would seek an alternate route in an effort to avoid the signal. That would then increase traffk on t adjacent residential streets. Mr. Spitzbarth also pointed out that because of the nature of the topography from Rancho Sar Fe Road to Cadencia, he believes that there would be a higher incidence of running the red light and/or rear end collisio~ because of the blind curve at that location. Mr. Spitzbarth offered the following alternatives to a traff~ signal: 1) a ‘‘b Left Turn” sign on Cadencia warning of the dangers of turning left onto La Costa Avenue and, 2) a merge lane on La Cos from Cadencia (eastbound). Clive Walden, 2448 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, stated that one of the problems facing the homeowners and residents ( La Costa Avenue, is that they must exit their properties directly onto La Costa Avenue. Because there are is no signal i Vieja Castilla, vehicles have accelerated to a much higher speed than allowed by law and make it nearly impossible fi residents to exit their driveways. Mr. Walden also pointed out that there is major construction, in progress, at the top ( La Costa Avenue at Rancho Santa Fe Road, and at the top of La Costa Avenue at El Camino Real, which will (accordin to the traflic studies) nearly double the existing traEc. He Wer stated that the reason they (residents of La Costa Avenue would like to see a traflic signal at Vieja Castilla is that it would create a traffk gap that would give them regula opportunities to exit their driveways, safely. Also, with the signals nearly a mile away from Vieja Castilla, vehicles wi 0 February 2,1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 have ample opportunity to ramp up their speed (lugher than allowed) by the time they get to Vieja Castilla, again ma it nearly impossible to exit driveways. Cindy walden, 2448 La costa AVCXIE, Carlsbad, stated that people continually drive at 50 to 55 mph as they pass her h and it takes a very long time for her to exit her driveway. She further pointed out that the number of people traveling 1 Vieja Castilla are far greater than those passing Romeria and Cadencia, particularly between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Commissioner Allen asked Ms. Walden if she thinks the signal at Romeria will slow the traffic. Ms. Walden replied that the signal at Romeria is much to far away from Vieja Castilla to effectively reduce speed. Glenn Bechthold, 2420 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, stated that he has lived at this address for four years and there h been five accidents in his front yard, two of which were reported and three just cleaned up the messes and left. The appru cause of those accidents appeared to be caused by the accelerated speeds coming up the hill past Vieja Castilla, westbol to El Camino Real. Mr. Bechthold also quesboned the validity of the “average rate of speed” of 52 mph in the staff rep( and that it is his opinion that the majority of people are traveling at speeds as high as 75 and 80 mph. Mr. Bechthold furt questioned why La Costa Avenue has a 45 mph speed limit (and is considered to be a safe speed) when similar areas in city have 35 and 40 mph speed limits and don’t have residential driveways on them. Mr. Bechthold also stated disagreement with Mr. Spitzbarth‘s statement regarding traf€ic signals and alternatives. Since the City’s plans we to ins m&m, m, and si& on El camino Real west to 1-5, Mr. Bechthold asked why they can’t continue the beautificati and control the traffic with medians, trees, signals, and sidewalks down La Costa Avenue. He went on to state that th are a large number of kids that walk along La Costa Avenue and when it gets muddy, they step into the street to avoid mud. He voiced his concern for their safety, should even one car be out of control and hit and kill one or more of ther: Chairperson Blake asked if there is parking and or a bike lane along La Costa Avenue and Mr. Bechthold replied that thr are both. Peter Sainato, 7620 Calle Madero, Carlsbad, representing the La Costa Avenue Traffic Committee, stated that I committee has submitted a petition containing over 200 signatures to the City Council, with the primary objective reducing the speed limit on La Costa Avenue. Mr. Sainato presented the Commissioners with a “handout” (copy on f in the Engineering Department) which includes newspaper clippings, a letter from the principal of the La Costa Heigk Elementary School, and a letter from a Calle Madero resident. He pointed out that there are a large number of people tl turn off of La Costa Avenue onto Calle Madero and since crosswalks are not acceptable, he suggested that perhaps the could be an advisoy limit posted for a speed lower than 45 mph Mr. Sainato pointed out that the speed study was not do during peak hours and perhaps is showing speeds lower than if the speeds were tested throughout the day. After muc diS~SiO% Mr. fhhto Stated that the consensus of the committee was that the speed limit should be set at 35 mph. Thl then met with city staff and compromised at 40 mph. He stated that it is their feling that 40 mph would at least give the some reduction of risk. Regarding accidents, Mr. Sainato stated that he is of the opinion that if an accident is not report( to a police department andor DMV, it is not included in the Engineering reports. He went on to point out that there is I other street in Carlsbad, having direct residential entrance and exit, with a speed limit over 40 mph. While it would t acknowledged that this roadway would not be built, today, he pointed out, it still must be recognized that there is a risk 1 this road and it does represent some unsafe conditions. Mr. Sainato concluded by suggesting that a signal at Vieja Castill be reconsidered and the speed limit reduced to 40 mph. Commissioner Courtney explained how State Law regulates the setting of speed limits and how those limits can and cannc be enforced or upheld by the courts. He further pointed out that if a limit is set, either higher or lower than that called fc by the state, an individual can drive up to speeds of 65 mph without fear of being given a speeding citation. Commissione Courtney offered a little consolation, in that Leucadia Boulevard is due to be cut through and that should give some relie to the traffic on La Costa Avenue. Commissioner Allen agreed with Commissioner Courtney’s comments and added that to put a signal or crosswalk at Calk Madero, would be a mistake because of the blind me in the approach to.the street. A signal there would certainly do mor1 c a 0 February 2,1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 harm than good. In response to a question from Mr. Walden, Mr. Johnson replied that, in a direct way, the fact that there are homes a a street is not taken into consideration in the evaluation of an intersection. On the other hand, and in an indirect 1 residences on a given street are taken into consideration, in that those residences also generate traffic. So, that tr volume, accident history, delay, etc,. are all factors that are considered in an intersection evaluation. Mr. Sainato suggested that another traffic volume study be done in the morning hours, as opposed to the one alrc conducted between the hours of 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded, the Traflic Safety Commis; confirmed the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee that; 1) traffic signals be installed at Cadencia Street and Romeria Street; 2) move the 1 drop located immediately to the east of Romeria Street to a location westerly of Rom 4) sidewalks on the north side of La Costa Avenue be installed by land owner! development occurs and that no sidewalks on the south side be considered at this ti and, 5) the speed limit of 45 miles per hour remain and not be lowered to 40 miles hour. Street; 3) no flashng beacon or painted crosswalk be installed at Calle Madero: - AYES: Blake, Allen, and Courtney 6C. AdoDt a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Bud Green. Mr. Johnson presented thls resolution for the Commission's approval and described the resolution as follows: Usually wl a commissioner resigns aRer a number of years on the Conmission, as Mr. Green has, the Commission adopts a Resoluti of Commendation for that individual. ACTION On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safc Commission adopted a Tra€tic Safety Committee Resolution of Commendation for B Green. AYES: Blake, Allen, and Courtney REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: None REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER. None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 2,1998, was adjourned at 4: 16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, p"4&.*T=" /? /- ,/I Minutes Clerk