HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-17; City Council; 14599; Friends of Carrillo Ranch Presentation- CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEhA BILL -70 AB# 14,599: TITLE- -. DEPT. HD. PRESENTATION BEQUEST BY MTG. 3/17/98 FRIENDS OF CARRILLO RANCH DEPT. CM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from representative of Friends of Carrillo Ranch. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City has received a letter from Mr. Alan K. Kindle requesting time to make a presentation to the City Council regarding several issues related to the Leo Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to City Manager from Alan K. Kindle dated December 18, 1997. Exhibit 1 2022 El Aguila Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92009 0 760/439-1669 e-mall lDxwp29a@prodlgy.com December 18, 1997 Mr. Ray Patchett City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carl&ad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RR: Leo Carrillo Ranoh Park Raster Plan (PMP) Dear Ray: It is our understanding that Council review of the subject PMP is scheduled for January 6. We wish to make a single speaker presentation which will include some slides but should not exceed ten (10) minutes in length. Please be kind enouah to establish with Mayor Lewis if 10 minutes can be allowed. We will cover the following: >>> Three trail segments that abut a proposed security wall. We will ask Council to scrutinize them with extra diligence; >NN Absence of water features in the PMP. We feel there are two important opportunities which we will.identify; >N> Perhaps the ranch0 qualifies for some T.O.T. funding because of its potential as a visitor destination. Our remarks in this area will be very brief. Staff has been kept informed of our presentation issues. We will be happy to provide any additional details that may be helpful to you and/or Council. Yours truly, Alan\K. 'Kindle, for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS C: Mayor Lewis Mayor Pro Tern Finnila Members of Council (3) Mark Steyaert Board of Directors A 501 (c)(3) Callfornla Educattonal Corporation . GO SLOW GO SLOWER CITY COUNCIL REMARKS - 3/17/98 (new version) Mayor, Council Members, staff, my name is Alan Kindle. I reside at 2622 El Aguila Lane, Carlsbad. I am speaking for the Board of Directors and the membership of the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Incorporated. We wish to thank the Mayor and the City Manager’s office for being so gracious and understanding in re-scheduling this presentation. . The Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan which you approved unanimously on January 13 represented the superior dedication and talents of city staff and KTU+A, accomplished despite the burden of extraordinarily difficult, long-term constraints. This award-winning Master Plan also reflected a composite of hundreds of hours of spontaneous citizen input at the grass roots level. It behooves the Friends to recognize the efforts of your Park Development Coordinator, Mark Steyaert, who - early on - established 1 a unique communications ethic. This allowed our Board to freely interface with and make recommendations to the staff, KTU+A and a blue ribbon steering committee. We were pleased to endorse the Plan for its overall scope and sensitivity and believe the methodology can serve as a model for future municipal, public interest projects. * * * * So just how does one quarrel with such perfection? Well, very, very carefully. Should we quit while we’re ahead? However, we feel this Council has an open mind and will listen thoughtfully. Please keep in mind that these remarks are entirely consistent with what we have been telling the planners, beginning as early as a year ago. The staff has been kept fully informed of our intentions tonight and will be prepared to answer any questions you may have. * * * * PROJECTOR ON W/DARK SCREEN As the years go by, you and future Councils will be making an endless series of decisions on spending priorities for the Ranch. 2 You will be balancing available funds with the many irresistible items on a lengthy wish list. Which will come first? Which must be deferred? Some of today’s great ideas will be replaced by even better ones. As the economy shifts upward or downward, so may the priorities. As this process evolves the Friends wants the record to show we a3 feel an important component - water features - was regrettably omitted from the Master Plan, mostly because of cost considerations. With such a long road ahead, we contend it is premature and unwise to discard worthy concepts at this early stage. Unaffordable as they may seem today, they may prove very affordable tomorrow. It is also possible that generous individuals, companies and foundations will come forward to underwrite key elements at the Ranch. The recent $250,000 gift to the new library is an example of how this can happen. Wouidn’t any one of us like to have something at the Ranch named in our honor? How about the Old Barn Theatre? We wish, we wish, we wish. * 3 * * There are two once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for water features at Carrillo Ranch: @3 4 One, at the old north bridge and weir complex ----- and, a second, QC where a small stream once flowed south of the stable, behind the cantina and between the hacienda and Deedie’s House to the west 4 meadow. We are told the original stream patterns have been greatly altered by Melrose Dam and that the only flows in the future will be from site-specific seasonal rainfall and runoff from sprinkler systems. Water features are enormously popular in urban settings. They are created by caring private property owners and enlightened park 97 planners. Leo Carrillo was a great fan of water features and built a spectacular waterfall at his ranchito in Santa Monica Canyon. He arranged for a recirculating stream to cascade over a 200 foot cliff, 08 tumbling endlessly into a decorative pool below. Visitors are always impressed by the sight, even though only traces remain. (BEGIN SILENT SEQUENCE AT 4 COUNTS PER SLIDE) 0 oarma Li 14 /I 12 13 r4- 4 As you can see, we have begun a tour of some of the water features successfully operating in this area. All are instantly familiar. WC Here is the most heavily used, privately owned and maintained l lb water feature we have yet to encounter. Note the distance travelled by 417 the stream and the gorgeous waterfalls and pools. The location is well aw known to virtually everyone. By its very beauty this lovely place easily overcomes the air and noise pollution generated by one of our busiest OM highways only a few yards away. There is activity here every day of the year - some visitors even arriving by limosine, no less. 920 We acknowledge that the stream to the south - behind the cantina - could be a stretch for engineering reasons and may be beyond the reach of a prudent capital investment. On the other hand, we are 931 confident a water feature at the old north bridge and weir complex will prove doable and affordable. This location would be a jewel in the rancho’s crown. It would increase visitor traffic and the market for revenue-friendly ancillary activities - possibly enough to pay for itself over time. l 22 If private, bottom-line property owners believe water features justify the cost of installation and continuing maintenance, there is always a glimmer of hope the city will come to believe it must be true for public facilities as well. Meticulous professional design, tight budget oversight and long-term commitment are the secret. cp33 We ask Council to make certain that water features are given the attention they deserve as an amendment to the current Park Master Plan. Please add them to the mix - to the Book of Dreams. The Friena!s solicits your endorsement; the staff needs your direction. We are hopeful you might take action on this tonight. PROJECTOR OFF’ Thank you and good evening.