HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-24; City Council; 14613; Funding Allocations For CDBG/Home Program Funds. t? s !c % . . p 2 d Y $ CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEhA BILL IB# 4613 IIITG. 3*97-c& IEPT. H/RED TITLE- k&T SELECTION AND FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR 1998-99 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT/HOME PROGRAM C1TYATTY.e CITY MGa> RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 98’ - $0 approving the projects and funding allocations for the City of Cartsbad’s 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant/Home Investment Partnership program and authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Director to submit the City’s Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy for 1998-99 to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for final approval. ITEM EXPLANATION: Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the City of Carlsbad continues to be eligible to receive funding under the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program to finance projects which serve the identified needs of low and moderate income persons. As a participant in the San Diego Urban County HOME Investment Partnership Consortium, the City will also receive federal HOME funds to provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income households. The City of Carlsbad is entitled to receive an anticipated new CDBG allocation of $606,000 during fiscal year 1998-99. The City also has !$32,996.80 in CDBG funds which were allocated in previous years but now need to be reallocated to new projects. These funds include: l $2,910 from a previously approved public service project which was canceled (Family Service Association); l $30,086.80 from the remaining balance for general administration of the CDBG/HOME Program. The total amount of CDBG funds currently available for allocation to eligible projects which meet the needs of low and moderate income persons is $638,996.80. The total amount of HOME funding available for allocation to eligible projects is anticipated to be approximately $210,183. In response to the City’s “Request for Proposals”, a total of (24) proposals, with $1,085,464 in CDBG funding requests, have been submitted to date for consideration by the City Council. The proposals were reviewed and evaluated, based upon pre-established criteria, by the Council-appointed CDBG Funding Advisory Committee, Housing Commission, and staff. A chart outlining each request for CDBG funding received with the Committee’s evaluation of the proposal and the funding recommendation is attached as Exhibit 2 for consideration by the City Council. A chart outlining the recommended housing activity for HOME funding with the Housing Commission’s evaluation of HOME proposals and funding recommendations is attached as Exhibit 3. On March 17, 1998, the City Council held a public hearing to accept comments on the housing and community development needs of low and moderate-income persons within the City of Carlsbad and the various proposals which were submitted for funding under the City’s 1998-99 CDBG/HOME program. During the noted meeting, the City Council expressed its intent to approve the final project funding allocations at a future meeting. Staff is now requesting that the City Council make its final project selection and approve funding allocations for Carlsbad’s 1998-99 CDBGIHOME program. Although every proposal submitted for funding under the CDBG/HOME program should be considered by the City, the Council has no obligation to fund every proposal. The City Council should select projects which best meet the identified needs of the low ‘ Page 2 of Agenda Bill # 74. iif3 and moderate-income population within Carlsbad. The chart below summarizes the funding available and the maximum amount which can be allocated in each expenditure category: I I AMOUNT OF REQUESTED AMOUNT OF AVAILABLE EXPENDITURE CATEGORY FUNDING I$1 I FUNDING ($1 Public Services Public Facility/Improvements & Other Projects Administration Section 108 Loan Repayment 233,475 (19 proposals) 539,200 (5 proposals) 121,200 191,589 90,900 235,308 121,200 191,589 Residential Rehabilitation 210,183 210,183 Subtotal 210,183 210,183 TOTAL 1,295,647 849,180 The Annual Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development, which specifies CDBG/HOME funded projects and the designated funding levels, must be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by May 15, 1998. To assist the Council in its decisions, the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee and Housing Commission met several times to review and discuss the various proposals submitted for consideration. RECOMMENDATIONS: Consistent with the City’s CDBG Application Review Process, the minimum funding level recommended by the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee for each public service activity is $5,000 and $20,000 for public facility activities or the full amount of the request, whichever is less. The CDBG Funding Advisory Committee conditioned their funding recommendation for the development of the Join Hands-Save A Life youth activity facility to require Join Hands to provide $1 cash for each $1 in CDBG funds awarded. It was the opinion of the Committee that Join Hands should not be allowed to use in-kind services or materials to satisfy the matching funds requirement. The Committee felt is was important that Join Hands obtain more private funding for the youth facility project to ensure its success. In addition to the Committee recommendations, Staff is recommending that all CDBG funds awarded for public facility and improvement activities be provided in the form of a non-interest bearing, forgivable loan. The term of the loan shall be a minimum of five (5) years, Repayment of any and all of the loan principal will be required if at any time during the term of the loan, the use or planned use of such property changes from that for which the acquisition or improvement was made or the property no longer qualifies in meeting the national objectives established for the CDBG Program. If all requirements of the CDBG Program are fulfilled upon the expiration of the term of the loan, any and all obligations for repayment are forgiven. At this time, it is staffs recommendation that the City Council accept and approve the project funding recommendations of the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee and the Housing Commission for Carlsbad’s 1998-99 CDBG/HOME program, including such conditions recommended by the Committee and staff, and authorize the Housing and Redevelopment Director to prepare and submit the required application 2 Page 3 of Agenda Bill # /T 6fJ documents to the U.S. Department of HUD. FISCAL IMPACT: The City of Carlsbad will receive an estimated new allocation of $606,000 in CDBG funds for program year 1998-99. An additional $32,996.80 in CDBG funds is also available for reallocation from previously approved, canceled or completed projects. The City may use a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the new allocation, or $121,200, for administration of the City’s CDBG and HOME program. The CDBG Program has no impact on the General Fund. As a participant in the San Diego Urban County HOME Investment Partnership Consortium, in 1998-99, the City will receive approximately $210,183 to increase affordable housing opportunities in Carlsbad. Administration of the HOME Consortium, including overall program management, is the responsibility of the County of San Diego. The HOME Program has no impact on the General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 98 d 9 0 approving projects selected for CDBG/HOME funding and authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Director to submit a Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy for 1998-99 to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for approval. 2. Summary of the evaluation of proposals and funding allocation recommendations from the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee. 3. Summary of the evaluation of proposals and funding allocation recommendations from the Housing Commission. 4. Project proposals (25 total; On file in the City Clerk’s Ofice). 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 98-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SELECTING SPECIFIC PROJECTS FOR FUNDING UNDER THE 1998-99 COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT/HOME PROGRAM. / WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held a public hearing on March ~ 17, 1998 to accept comments on the needs of low and moderate income persons and the proposals 1 submitted for funding consideration under the 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant/HOME ~ Program; WHEREAS, the City Council considered the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee’s and the Housing Commission’s recommendations for project funding allocations; WHEREAS, the City Council selected the projects to be included in the City of Carlsbad’s 1998- 99 Community Development Block-GranVI-IOh4E Program; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the projects selected at the City Council meeting of March 24, 1998 are hereby approved at the indicated funding levels and specified matching funds requirement for inclusion in Carlsbad’s Annual Consolidated Funding Plan for the 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant/HOME Program. 3. That CDBG funding allodated to public facility and improvement projects be provided in the form of a non-interest bearing forgivable loan. The term of the loan shall be a minimum of five (5) years. Repayment of any and all of the loan principal will be required if at any time during the term of the loan, the use or planned use of such property changes from that for which the acquisition or improvement was made or the property no longer qualifies in meeting the national objectives established for the CDBG Program. If all requirements of the CDBG Program are fulfilled upon the expiration of the term of the loan, any and all obligations for repayment are forgiven. 4. That the City will publish a summary of the proposed projects in a local newspaper(s) and allow a thirty (30) day public review and comment period prior to submitting the City’s Consolidated Funding Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for approval. 5. That the Housing and Redevelopment Director is authorized to submit the required application documents, the Annual Consolidated Funding Plan, to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for approval upon expiration of the public review and comment period. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I? 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 24th day of March, 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. FUUTENKRAN Z, City Clerk 2 EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1998-99 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS AND EVALUATION SCORE OF PROPOSALS STAFF AGENCY/ TYPE OF LOCAL REQUEST RECOMD EVAL No. PROJECT PROJECT OBJECTIVE 6) cf9 SCORE BREAKER 1. No Co Council on Aging/ Public Service - Social Svcs - 8,@30 5,OCJO 68 7 Support Services for Seniors Seniors Elderly 2. Senior Adult Services/ Public Service - Social Svcs - 5,642 5,ooo 84 8 Meals on Wheels Seniors Elderly 3. Community Care for Adults/ Public Service- Gen Social Svcs 8,236 5,o@J 76 7 Adult Day Services Handicapped - Basic Needs 4. Brother Benno Foundation/ Public Service - Aff Housing - f3,m 5,ooo 68 9 Homeless Services Homeless Shelter & Svcs 5. Catholic Charities/ Public Service - Aff Housing - 10,ooo 5,ooo 88 9 La Posada Homeless Shelter Homeless Shelter & Svcs 6. YMCA Oz North Coast Public Service - Aff Housing - 10,ooo 0 69 6 Homeless Shelter & Svcs 7. Community Resource Public Service - Gen Social Svcs 24,844 10,000 71 8 Center/Homeless Prevention Homeless - Basic Needs 8. Boys & Girls Club/ Public Service - Social Svcs - 15,ooo 7,500 82 8 Teen Scene Program Youths Youths 9. Join Hands Save a Life/ Public Service - Social Svcs - 35,000 5,ooo 67 6 Gang Prevention Program Youths Youths 10. City of Carlsbad/ Public Service - Social Svcs - 15,ooo 8,400 75 7 Stay N’ Play Youth Youths 11. City of Carlsbad/Yes to Art Public Service - Social Svcs - 15,ooo 5,ooo 70 6 Youths Youths 12. Fraternity House/Res Care and Public Service - Aff Housing - 5,C@o 5,ooo 70 7 Support Services AIDS Patients Shelter & Svcs 13. Women’s Resource Center/ Public Service - Aff Housing - 12,000 7,500 78 8 Alternatives to Abuse Shelter Battered Spouses Shelter & Svcs 14. Casa de Amparo/Shelter for Public Service - Aff Housing - 7,500 7,500 71 7 Abused Children Abused Children Shelter & Svcs 15. EYE/Carlsbad Neighborhood Public Service- Gen Social Svcs 31,700 0 51 5 Connection General - Counseling 16. Hospice of North Coast/ Public Service - Gen Social Svcs WOO 5,000 74 7 Bereavement Program General - Counseling 17. Lifeline Community Services/ Public Service - Gen Social Svcs 14,553 5,000 68 7 Family Self Sufficiency General - Basic Needs 18. Catholic Charities/Renovations Public Facilities Aff Housing - 30,ooo 20,ooo 70 9 to La Posada Homeless Shelter & Improvements Shelter & Svcs - Homeless 19. Fraternity House/Improvements Public Facilities Aff Housing - 10,ooo 10,ooo 69 7 for ADA Compliance & Improvements Shelter & Svcs - AIDS Patients 20. Join Hands Save a Life/ Public Facilities Social Svcs - 150,ooo 20,307.80 60 6 Development of Bldg 1 & Improvements Youths - Youths 1 1 Required to provide $1 for every $1 of the City’s CDBG finds. Matching funds requirement cannot be satisfied by in kind services or materials or by other federal funds. b $DBG Program-Evaluation PY 1998-99 Page 2 STAFF AGENCY/ TYPE OF LOCAL REQUEST RECOMD EVAL TIE No. PROJECT PROJECT OBJECTIVE cs) (N SCORE BREAKER 21. Boys & Girls Club/Remodel & Public Facilities Social Svcs - 200,000 125,000 77 8 Expansion of Village Branch & Improvements Youths - Youths 22. North County Health Public Facilities Gen Social Svcs 60,000 40,000 75 7 Services/Rehabilitation of & Improvements - Basic Needs Oceanside-Carlsbad Clinic - Health Services 23. Lifeline Community Public Facilities Gen Social Svcs 24,200 20,000 76 7 Services/Tenant Improvements & Improvements - Basic Needs - General 24. Carlsbad Children’s Public Facilities Social Svcs - 65,000 0 48 5 Museum/Tenant Improvements & Improvements Youths - Youths 25. City of Carlsbad/Section 108 Section 108 Loan N/A 191,589 191,589 N/A N/A Loan Repayment 26. City of Carlsbad/Program Gen Program N/A 116,700 116,700 N/A N/A Administration Administration 27. Heartland Human Relations Gen Program N/A 4,500 4,500 N/A N/A NOTES : 1. The total number of points possible was 100 points. The highest number of points received by any proposal was 88 and the lowest number was 48 points. The average point value for public service activities was 72 points and 68 points for public facility and improvement activities. 2. The average funding recommendation for public service activities was $5,347 and $33,615 for public facility and improvement activities. 3. Each proposal was given an overall impression score from a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being an excellent program/project. wp: List-m tid: oziz3/98 CITY OF CARLSBAD HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM 1998-99 [No. 1 Agency/ Project 1. City of CarlsbadKingle Family Cons Plan Priority Medium Residential Rehabilitation Program I.a~::~~;~ili~:r”“~~!~~ g :g_” : :_ :.&$ $qi’ i“$>‘&‘ ,’ >. ii[Z rl-,ljll; __ s ? wi:ily~;,jy.~~ : ;:l”,“;;“” jj;‘;l_:;,;j d?“‘“, r’i&g#~~;:~>:~!~ ,L<rr&:, ,, i, ‘,(i_ ,t EXHIBIT 3 Request wl Eva1 Amount Commission Score ($1 Recommend ($1 65 210,183 210,183 #jp .“$~~Qg@J’ j&$~~~ c< t. 't"Q$~$?,83 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1998-99 Approved Funding Allocations No. AGENCY/ PROJECT TYPE OF PROJECT LOCAL OBJECTIVE WQUWI- ($1 COUNCIL APPROVED (8 5,ooo 5,000 5,ooo 5,ooo 5,ooo 0 10,000 7,500 5,ooo 8,400 5,ooo 5,ooo 7,500 7,500 0 5,ooo 5,000 20,oocl 1. No County Council on Aging/ Support Services for Seniors Meals on Wheels Greater San Diego Community Care for Adults/ Adult Day Services Brother Benno Foundation/ Homeless Services Catholic Charities/ La Posada Homeless Shelter YMCA Oz North Coast Public Service - Social Svcs - Seniors Elderly Public Service - Social Svcs - Seniors Elderly Public Service- Gen Social Svcs Handicapped - Basic Needs Public Service - Aff Housing - Homeless Shelter & Svcs Public Service - Aff Housing - Homeless Shelter & Svcs Public Service - Aff Housing - Homeless Shelter & Svcs Public Service - Gen Social Svcs Homeless - Basic Needs - 2. 5,642 3. 8.236 - 4. 8,000 5. 10,ooo 6. 10,ooo 7. Community Resource Center/Homeless Prevention 24,844 8. Boys & Girls Club/ Teen Scene Program Join Hands Save a Life/ Gang Prevention Program City of Carlsbad/ Public Service - Youths Public Service - Youths Public Service - Social Svcs - Youths 15,000 9. 10. 35,ooo Social Svcs - Youths Social Svcs - 15,000 Stay N’ Play Youth Youths 1-l. City of Carlsbad/Yes to Art Public Service - Social Svcs - 15,ooo Youths Youths 12. Fraternity House/Res Care and Public Service - Aff Housing - Support Services AIDS Patients Shelter & Svcs 13. Women’s Resource Center/ Public Service - Aff Housing - Alternatives to Abuse Shelter Battered Spouses Shelter & Svcs 14. Casa de Amparo/Shelter for Public Service - Aff Housing - Abused Children Abused Children Shelter & Svcs 15. EYEKarlsbad Neighborhood Public Service- Gen Social Svcs Connection General - Counseling 16. 1 Hospice of North Coast/ 1 Public Service - 1 Gen Social Svcs 5,000 12,ooo 7,500 31,700 1 Bereavement Program General 1 - Counseling 17. 1 Lifeline Community Services/ 1 Public Service - 1 Gen Social Svcs 14,553 Family Self Suffici&cy Catholic Charities/Renovations to La Posada Homeless Shelter General - Basic Needs Public Facilities & Aff Housing - Improvements - Shelter & Svcs Homeless 2 18. 30,oocl I Required to provide $1 for every $1 of the City’s CDBG funds. Matching funds requirement cannot be satisfied by in kind services or other federal funds. Matching funds to be held in escrow or trust for appropriate construction related costs. 2 Funding for public facility and improvement projects will be provided in the form of a non-interest bearing forgivable loan. The term of the loan shall be a minimum of five (5) years. Repayment of any and all of the loan principal will be required if at any time during the term of the loan, the use or planned use of such property changes from that for which the acquisition or improvement was made or the property no longer qualifies in meeting the national objectives established for the CDBG Program. If all requirements of the CDBG Program are fulfilled upon the expiration of the term of the loan, any and all obligations for repayment are forgiven. CDBG Program-Approved Funding P;Y 1998-99 Page 2 q--XT- 19. Fraternity House/Improvements for ADA Compliance 22. North County Health Services/Rehabilitation of Oceanside-Carlsbad Clinic 23. Lifeline Community Services/Tenant Improvements 24. Carlsbad Children’s Museum/Tenant Improvements 25. City of Carlsbad/Section 108 Loan Repayment 26. City of Carlsbad/Program Administration 27. Heartland Human Relations TYPE OF PROJECT Public Facilities & Improvements - AIDS Patients 2 Public Facilities & Improvements - -Youths 2 Public Facilities & Improvements - Youths 2 Public Facilities & Improvements - Health Services 2 Public Facilities & Improvements - General 2 Public Facilities & Improvements - Youths 2 Section 108 Loan Gen Program Administration Gen Program Administration Shelter & Svcs - Basic Needs - Basic Needs COUNCIL APPROVED 6) 10,ooo 20,307.80 125,000 40.000 20,000 0 191,589 116,700 4,500 $638.996.80 wcnl:\Appmved Pmku Lin nenked: 03R6f95 . CITY OF CARLSBAD HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM 1998-99 Approved Funding Allocations No. Agency/ Hsg Commission City Council Project Recommended Approved (8 (8 1. City of Carlsbad/Single Family Residential 210,183 210,183 Rehabilitation Program ,P i”$&if f i !j?’ ,.z:;!$i,;z’,‘: ,; _g_?~ _<gf; > ,_:,:,_ _, ;:;;j$,s _I <_ ‘, lvlg g:*: “_ _, $$$,$ ; q;s,j__ ii ,m;__ _ ‘, I’ _jg i: ; O+II i_;l(jif_; @@;‘@3, ,;j;il;i;I__: ~,:,:;;:::: ,‘$@;$8~ ;‘1’ is (,_< <;:_,;; /