HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04-14; City Council; 14633; Improvements On El Camino Real Arroyo La Costa. /4 A Cl’, i OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA wLL 4B# /pz-- TITLE- . APPROVAL OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE VILLAGES OF LA COSTA ITG. 4/14/9a SOUTHWEST FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON EL CAMINO REAL IEPT. ENG I CT a- 03 - fwr~a La COSTA RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY ATTY. @?. Adopt Resolution No. 5?!?-/~~ approving a reimbursement agreement with the Villages of La Costa Southwest (VLCSW) for the construction of street improvements along the east side of El Camino Real north of Olivenhain Road. ITEM EXPLANATION: The construction of the intersection of Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real is complete and to its ultimate configuration, except for improvements required on El Camino Real north of Olivenhain Road. These improvements include one traffic lane, a bike lane, sidewalks, and landscaped medians. The estimated cost for this project is $139,568. The Villages of La Costa Southwest (VLCSW) and Green Valley developments are both required as a condition of site development to install 50% of these improvements. Villages of La Costa Southwest has agreed to construct the improvements early in order to help minimize congestion at the intersection of Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real. The City agrees to reimburse VLCSW for one half of the cost of construction (approximately $69,784). This amount will be collected from the Green Valley development at a later date. In addition to the one half of the cost of the construction, VLCSW has agreed to pay the City $30,339 for right of way/easement acquisition costs. The City will deduct this amount from the reimbursement to VLCSW, so the net amount to be reimbursed is $39,445 ($69,784 less $30,330). FISCAL IMPACT: The net cost to the City for reimbursement to VLCSW for construction of the improvements along El Camino Real north of Olivenhain Road less right of way/easement acquisition costs is $39,445, which will be paid from the funds received from the City of Encinitas developers. The balance of Encinitas funds will be used for the mitigating improvements at the intersection of La Costa Ave. & El Camino Real. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Location Map. Resolution No. oI&w approving a reimbursement agreement with the Villages of La Costa Southwest (VLCSW) for the construction of street improvements along the east side of El Camino Real north of Olivenhain Road. 3. Reimbursement and Easement Acquisition Agreement for the Installation of the Street Improvements on El Camino Real along the Railroad Property, and Villages of La Costa Southwest Frontage. n 6 3 Z 0 I- 6 c) 0 -I Q B z Q E 2 ‘zi Cl I I I I I (.p*’ &,.I 1 @ ( “7 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. g8-108 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE VILLAGES OF LA COSTA SOUTHWEST (VLCSW) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct the El Camino Real improvements; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has a prior agreement with the City of Encinitas to install improvements on El Camino Real north of Olivenhain Road; and WHEREAS, the Villages of La Costa Southwest (VLCSW) have been conditioned to construct improvements along El Camino Real north of Olivenhain Road as a condition of approval of the La Costa Arroyo development within two years; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that VLCSW accelerate the construction of the improvements on El Camino Real north of Olivenhain Road and construct the improvements within two months of the Notice to Proceed; and WHEREAS, upon completion of said El Camino Real improvements, the City will pay $39,445 of th e construction costs incurred by VLCSW from the funds received from Encinitas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement, attached I// /Jl Ill Ill I// I// I// /II /Ii as Exhibit 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 IO 11 16 23 24 25 26 27 28 - - 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California, is hereby authorized and directed to forward a copy of the executed agreement to the Villages of La Costa Southwest, P.O. Box 9000-685, Carlsbad, California 92018-9000, and a copy to the Engineering Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 14 day Of April , 1998 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Member Lewis, Kulchin, Hall .S Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: Nygaard ww . h REIMBURSEMENT AND EASEMENT ACQUISITION AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON EL CAMINO REAL ALONG THE RAILROAD PROPERTY, AND VILLAGES OF, LA COSTA SOUTHWEST FRONTAGE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the b M mk-k day of lflx, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter refer&d to as “CITY,” and the Villages of La Costa Southwest, L.L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as “VLCSW,” in view of the following purposes: A. CITY has an agreement with the City of Encinitas to have the street improvements installed on El Carnino Real, along the Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company and VLCSW property frontage (Olivenhain Road to El Carnino Station 84+87) (hereafter “ECR Work”) concurrent with the installation of street improvements associated with the Olivenhain Road widening project. B. The ECR Work extends from El Camino ReaVOlivenhain PCR to the northern boundary of the railroad property (Station 84+87) and is more particularly described on Exhibit “A” hereto. C. VLCSW is the successor in interest to Real Estate Collateral Management Company (“RECM”) the subdivider of the La Costa Valley project (“Project”) approved by the CITY under Resolution No. 90-258 (CT 88-3) for residential development. Condition No. 78 of said resolution required the Project widen El Camino Real (the “ECR Work”) and acquire offsite easements over the railroad property to accommodate said work. D. RECM and CITY entered into that certain “Agreement Between the City of Carlsbad and Real Estate Collateral Management Company Regarding the Acquisition of Certain Easements for Street and Other Purposes as Required for Subdivision CT 88-3” dated January 3, 1997 to satisfy Condition No. 78 in its entirety (“1997 Agreement”). As a result of change of circumstance, the parties hereto have concluded it is in their mutual best interests to modify the 1997 Agreement and substitute performance of this Agreement. E. CITY has requested VLCSW accelerate construction of the ECR Work under the terms and mutual obligations contained herein and the parties wish to supplement the 1997 Agreement as set forth below. C:\DMS\RWR\1246150.03 313198 IT IS, THEREFORE, AGREED: 1. VLCSW agrees to start construction of the ECR Work no later than receipt of Notice to Proceed from CITY, and substantially complete the construction within sixty (60) working days from the Notice to Proceed date. The scope of the ECR Work is set forth on Exhibit “A” hereto. 2. VLCSW has provided the CITY with a detailed construction cost estimate attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” which is hereby approved by the CITY in the total amount of $139,568 for VLCSW’s ECR Work. 3. CITY has agreed to reimburse VLCSW the total amount of $69,784, representing the CITY’s share of one-half of the approved construction costs set forth on Exhibit “B” for the ECR Work. As more particularly set forth in Section 5 below, VLCSW’s share of the right of way/easement acquisition costs for the ECR Work is $30,339, which amount shall be credited against CITY’s share of construction costs reimbursement, leaving a net reimbursement amount due from CITY to VLCSW of $39,445. Said net reimbursement amount of $39,445 shall be paid by the CITY to VLCSW not later than thirty (30) days following completion of construction of the ECR Work and receipt of an invoice from VLCSW in said amount. 4. VLCSW will hold the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas harmless from any liability of any kind resulting from its ECR Work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement and shall pay all costs of defense of any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys fees. 5. As a result of changed circumstances, the CITY is no longer able to deliver title to the railroad property as contemplated by the 1997 Agreement. Nonetheless, the CITY shall continue to be responsible for obtaining the easements necessary to construct the ECR Work and satisfy Condition No. 78. VLCSW agrees to reimburse the CITY the amount of $30,339.00 as the cost of acquiring the easements required by Condition No. 78 which amount shall be the total obligation of VLCSW and the Project for acquisition of the easements over the railroad property. Said amount is credited in favor of the CITY against the construction cost reimbursement amount CITY is to pay VLCSW as set forth in Section 3 above. 6. Immediately upon execution of this Agreement, CITY shall release to VLCSW or otherwise cooperate in the return of the $120,000, plus any interest, presently on deposit in that certain Bank of America trust account no. 24709-04406 established pursuant to Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the 1997 Agreement thereby cancelling said deposit entirely. 7. As originally provided in Section 4(c) of the 1997 Agreement, CITY agrees that the Corte Arboles street improvements in CT 88-3 may continue to terminate at the eastern edge of SDG&E’s transmission line easement as a construction field change without additional plan check fees. C:\DM.WWR\l246150.03 2 30198 6 - 4 . . 8. The parties hereto acknowledge performance of this Agreement as satisfaction of Condition No. 78 of the Resolution approving the Project and CT 88-3 and intend this Agreement to supersede and substitute for the 1997 Agreement as provided herein. 9. This Agreement does not amend, modi@, supersede or replace the separate reimbursement agreement for the cost of engineering/construction of El CaminoKalle Barcelona traffic signal or the reimbursement agreement for cost of engineering/construction of El Camino median previously or subsequently entered into between VLCSW and the City of Carlsbad. 10. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and the obligations created hereby shall be binding upon, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 11. The invalidity or illegality of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to affect the validity or legality of any other provision of the Agreement. 12. This Agreement and any amendments hereto shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 13. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby, and supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements, and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof. 14. This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded or canceled, and any of the terms, covenants or conditions hereof may be waived, only by a written instrument executed by the parties hereto or in case of a waiver, by the party waiving compliance. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] C:U)MS\RWR\I246lSO.O3 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. VILLAGES OF LA COSTA SOUTHWEST, L.L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Company By: Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware Corporation Managing Member By: &F si ere 71 )!j [,& * r (print name/title) ’ (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD L. BALL C:\DMS\RWR\l246150.03 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT h STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) } ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On March 6, 1998, before me, Vicki L. Udvarhelyi, personally appeared James M. Jackson and Kerry A. Lane, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the persons, or the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. County and State [SEALI C DECLARATION OF JAMES M. JACKSON I, James M. Jackson, declare as follows: 1. I am a Vice President of Real Estate Collateral Management Company. I have knowledge of the facts set forth below and could competently testify to them, if called upon to do so. 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit excerpt of paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of Company Agreement for Villages of La A is a true and correct the Limited Liability Costa, L.L.C., (hereinafter referred to as "V.L.C.l' ) a Delaware Limited Liability Company, which designates Real Estate Collateral Management Company as the manager of V.L.C. and authorizes Real Estate Collateral Management Company to act on behalf of V.L.C. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this I day of 1997, at San Diego, California. .~ . RECEIVED MAW 3 f :.:,;,,, EN@fNEEF?ING DEPARTMEN’T . . .‘, c -I ,L . EXHIB:-A ARTICLE IV MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF THE COMPANY 4.1 Management by the Manager. Real Estate Collateral Management Company shall be designated Manager of the Company and shall have full, complete and exclusive authority, power, and discretion to manage and control the business, property and affairs of the Company, to make all decisions regarding those matters and to perform any and all other acts or activities customary or incident to the management of the Company's business, property and affairs. The Members acknowledge that the Manager shall have the authority to sell all or any portion of the Property. 4.2 Powers of Manager. Without limiting the generality of Section 4.1, but subject to Section 4.4 and to the express limitations set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, the Manager shall have all necessary powers to manage and carry out the purposes, business, property, and affairs of the Company. The Members acknowledge that such powers include, without limitation, the power to: (a) Acquire, purchase, renovate, improve, alter, . rebuild, demolish, replace, and own real property and any other property or assets that the Manager determines is necessary or appropriate or in the interest of the business of the Company, and to acquire options for the purchase of any such property; (b) Sell, exchange, lease, or otherwise dispose of the real property and other property and assets owned by the Company, or any part thereof or any interest therein; (cl Borrow money from any party, including the Manager , and its Affiliates, issue evidences of indebtedness in connection therewith, refinance, increase the amount of, modify, amend, or change the terms of or extend the time for the payment of any indebtedness or obligation of the Company, and secure such- indebtedness by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, security interest, or other lien on Company assets; (d) Guarantee the payment of money or the performance of any contract or obligation of any person; (e) Sue on, defend, liabilities in favor of or aga such claims or liabilities to against the Company in connecti Company is involved; and or compromise any and all claims or .inst the Company; submit any or all arbitration, and confess a judgment .on with any litigation in which the (f) Retain legal counsel, auditors, and other professionals in connection with the Company business and to pay therefor such remuneration as the Manager may determine. I\ -. CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY I, DONALD T. MURPHY, an Assistant Secretary of Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware corporation, certify that the persons named below are officers of this corporation, holding the offices set opposite their names, and that their appointments have not been cancelled. Sandy Throop President James C. Berry Vice President Michael C. Davis Vice President James M. Jackson Vice President Robert W. Birmingham Vice President Spiro G. Kailas Vice President Kent Peters Vice President Kerry A. Lane Assistant Vice President Dated and Sealed: February 12, 1998 Donald T. Murphy, stant Secretary Real Estate Collater anagement Company 18164 Board of Directors October 29, 1993 Real Estate Collateral Management Company GENERAL OPERATlNG RESOLUTION 1. General Ooeratino Authoritv: Any two officers from Group I below, or any one officer from Group I below, acting jointly with any one officer from Group II are authorited to make, execute and deliver on behalf of Real Estate Collateral Management Company (“RECM”) all contracts of any kind or character, all conveyances of real estate, leases of any real property, transfers or leases of personal property, licensing agreements, contracts or agreements, and any other instrument, document, agreement or contract affecting in any way teal or personal property or any interest therein now or hereafter owned ‘by or standing in the name of this corporation, including but not limited to, bills of sale, contracts of sale, mortgages, deeds of trust, security agreements or indenture agreements, whether said property stands in the name of this corporation as owner or otherwise, any document, agreement or instrument that may be necessary in extending credit, granting participations therein, or acquiring participations in credit extended by others, and any release or reconveyance, whether in whole or in part, of any mortgage, deed of trust, lien or other encumbrance, and any loan agreement or note or any other instrument evidencing an indebtedness of the corporation. the Chairman of the Board the President any Senior Vic8 President any Vic8 President th8 Treasurer any Assistant Vic8 President the Secretary any Assistant Secretary any Assistant Tr8aSUr8r . 2. Any on8 officer from Group I above is authorized to make, 8xecute or deliver any assignment or reassignment of any previously executed mortgage, dead of trust, contract of sale, security interest in real or personal property, bond, certificate of sale, agreement, instrument or obligation held by this corporation as security for the payment or performance of any obligation to this corporation. - .’ ‘ - 3. Desianation of Eauitable Deed Comoanv as Aaent. Equitable Deed Company is authorited to act as the authorized agent of this corporation for purposes of executing assignments or reassignments to Bank of America NT&SA of loans, mortgages, or deeds of trust which have previously been assigned by Bank of America NT&SA to RECM. 4. Submission of Documents to Reaulatorv Authorities. This Board authorites any officer of this corporation, or any attorney in the Legal Department of Bank of America NT&SA with the title of counsel or a title senior thereto to sign registrations, reports, certificates, applications and other writings on behalf of this corporation for submission to or filing with any federal, state, local or foreign regulatory authorities, and any amendments, withdrawals, or terminations thereof, as the officer or attorney deems appropriate. 5. Authoritv Deemed Retroactive The authority given hereunder shall be deemed retroactive and any and all acts authorized hereunder performed prior to the passage of this resolution in conformity with this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. 6. Suoersession. The foregoing Supersedes the General Operating Resolution adopted by this Board on September 16, 1993. CERTlFlCATlON I, R. SCOTT MCMIUEN, an Assistant Secretary of Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware corporation, certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors in an action taken by unanimous written consent in accordance with the. bylaws as of October 29, 1993. This resolution is still in effect. Dated: May 2, 1996 .ytT L%+f-~&)gy R. Scott McMillen, Assistant Secretary Real Estate Collateral Management Comdany , . , . * . 1 CSOIIA Knowledcrebase Real Estate Collateral Management Company - Personnel org#: 372 acronym RECM status: Active domlintl Dot-n % owned 100 Directon - current Garvey. Chnstine N. McCrum, Chnstopher Ogorzelec, Paul R. St. Clair, Peter H. Westfall, James S. Director (Chairman) Director Director Director Director . Prepared by CSO Printed on : S/2/96 ;:. This data is CONFIDENTIAL . Page 1 of 1 pi- March 11, 1998 m - LACOSTA VALLEY RECEIVED Mr. Pat Entezari City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-I 576 MAR f 3 1998 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RE: El Camino Real Agreement Dear Pat: Enclosed please find the fully-executed original El Camino Real Reimbursement and Easement Acquisition Agreement. Please let me know what date the Agreement will be going before the Council when it gets placed on an agenda. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, kicfl*- Timothy O’Grady Project Manager Enclosure SALES INFORMATION [7601 736-1777 I’. 0. Box 9000-685 1 CARLSBAD, CA. 92018-9000 * TELEPHONE [7601 929-2701 . FACSIMILE [7601 929-2705 RPR-30-1998 15:17 JTY OF cPlRLsm .- 760 431 5769 P. 01me FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: TIME SENT: AM PM TO: Kathleen Shoup COMPANY: CITY CLERK PHONE 5106 NO: FAX NO: Number of pages 8 E-MAIL pente@ci.cariebad.ca.ur FROM: PAT ENTEZARI DIVISION: Eng. Dept PHONE (760) 438-l 161 x 4385 NO. FAX NO: (760) 4316789 Special Instructions: VILLAGES OF LA COSTA (CORPORME RESOLUT/ON) APR-30-1998 15:18 -CITY OF CRRLSBRD 760 431 5769 P .02&a ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA L. . COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On March 6, 1998, before me, Vicki L. Udvarhelyi, personally appeared James MI Jackson and Kerry A. Lane, the,basis,of satistactosy evidence to be the proved to me on persons whose names are subscribed to the within instxumen .t and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the persons, or the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. WITKESS my hand and official seal. . APR-38-1998 15:18 . . . - ? ‘,’ i -CITY OF CQRLSBRD 768 431 5769 P .83/08 DECL2iNLTIO# OP 3-S W. J&C%SON I, Yames M. Jackson, declare as follows: 1. I am a Vice President of Real Estate Collateral Management Company. X have knowledge of the facts set forth below and could competently testify to them, if called upon to do SO. 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true z and correct excerpt of paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of the Limited Liability Company Agreement for Villages of La Costa, L-L-C., (hereinafter referred to as W.t.C. ") a Delaware Limited Liability Company, which designates Real Estate Collateral Management Company as the rnanaber of V.L.C. and authotizes Real Estate Collateral Management Company to act on behalf of V.L.C. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 4 day of w 1997, at San Diego, California. !wmEmr4’,: DEPARTMENT WR-30-1998 15:18 CITY OF CARLSBFD 768 431 5769 P .I24108 ‘. I. . ..) . . . EXHIBlr A . . . * ARTICLE IV MANAGEMENT ti CONTROL OF THE COMPANY 4.1 Management by the Manager. Real Estate Coilateral Management Company shall be designated Manager of the Company and shall have full, complete and exclusive authority, power, and discretion to manage and control,the business, property and affairs of the Company, to make all decisions regarding those matters and to perform any and all other acts or activities customary or incident to the management of the Company's business, property and affairs. The Members acknowledge that the Manager shall have the authority to sell all or any portion of the Property. 4.2 Powers of Manager. Without limiting the generality of Section 4.1, but subject to Section 4.4 and to the express limitations set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, the Manager shall have all necessary pouers to manage and carry out the purposes, business, property, and affairs of the Company. The Members acknowledge that such powers include, without limitation, the power to: (a) Acquire, purchase, renovate, improve, alter, . rebuild, demolish, replace, and own real property and any other property or assets that the Manager determines is necessary or appropriate or in the interest of .the business of the Company, and to acquire options for the purchase of any such property; (b) Sell, exchange, lease, or otherwise dispose of the real property and other property and assets owed by the Company, or any part thereof or an)i interest therein; (cl Borrow money from any party, including the Manager and its Affiliates, issue evidences of indebtedness in connection therewith, refinance, increase the amount of, modify, amend, or change the terms of or extend the time for the payment of any indebtedness or obligation of the Company, and secure such, indebtedness by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, security interest, or other lien on Company assets; I (d) Guarantee the payment of money or the performance of any contract or obligation of any person; (e) Sue on, defend, or compromise any and all claims or liabilities in favor of or against the Company; submit any or all such claims or liabilities to arbitration, and confess a.judgment against the Company in connection with any 1iUgation in which the Company is involved; and (f) Retain legal counsel, auditors, and other professionals in connection with the Company business and to pay therefor such remuneration as the Manager may determine. . m-30-1998 15: 19 CITY OF CQRLSBAD ’ * . 760 431 5769 P .0S08 CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY I, DONALD T. MURPHY, an Assistant Secretary of Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware corporation, certify that the persons named below are officers of this corporation, holding the offices set opposite their names, and that their appointments have not been cancelled. Sandy Throop President James C. Berry Vice President Michael C. Davis Vice President James M, Jackson Vice President Robert W. Birmingham Vice President Spire G. Kailas Vice President Kent Peters Vice President Kerry A. Lane Assistant Vice President Dated and Sealed: February 12, 1998 &a~.~$ . . Donald T. Murphy, Asflstant Secretary Real Estate CollaterafManagemnt Company QPR-30-1998 15: 19 ,C ITY OF CFIRLSBQD ,. -- SC 760 431 5769 P .06/W - Board of Directors October 29,1993 Aad Estate Collataral Msnrgernent Company GENERAL -AtlNG RESOLUTION 1. General Oaeratina Authorhf : Any KWO officers from Group I below, or any one officer from Group I below, acting joindy with any one officer from Group II are authorized to make, execute and deliver on behalf of Real Estate Collateral Management Campany I’RECM’) all contracts of any kind or character, all conveyances of real estaz8, teases of any real pmpeny, transfers or leasas of personal property, licensing agreements, contracts or agrosmentp, and any other inruument, .document, agreement or contract affecting in any way real or personal property or any interest therein now ar hereafter owned by or standing in tie name of this corporation, including but not Mted to, bills of safe, contracts of s&e, mongagss, deeds of trust, security agreements or indenture agreement& whether maid property stands in the name of this corporation as owner or otherwise, any documenr, agreement or inmment that may be necessay in extending credit granting participations zherain, or acquiring partkipadona in credit extended by others, and any release or reconveyance, whether in whole or in pan, of any mortgage, deed of trust, lien or other encumbrance, and any loan agreement or note or any other instrument evidencing an indebtedness of the corporation. the Chaitman of the Board the President sny Senior Vice President any Vita President die Treasurer any Assistant Vie President the secretary any Assistant Secmary any Asskam Treasurer c 2. Any one officer from Gmup I abovk is rtiorized to make, sxewie~ or deliver any sssignment or reassignment of any previously executed mongage, deed of trust, contracr of sale, security interest in real or personal propony, bond, certificate of sale, agreement, instrument or obligation held by this corporation as security for the payment or performance of any obligation to thii corporation. FIPR-30-1998 15:20 i -CITY OF CRRLSBAD .- , ' . . a '* 760 431 5769 P. 07/08 3. . DesionationA Eourtable Deed Comaa Y as n Aaerq. Equitable Deed Company is audtorired to act as rhe autharized agent of this corporation for purposes of executing assignments or reassignments to Bank of America NT&SA of ~WIS, mortgages, or deeds of trust which have previously been assigned by Bank of America NTbSA to RECM. 4, . . submissian of Ooe~rrts to Reaulatorv Author& es. This bard authorizes any officer of thii corporation, or any attorney in the Legal Department of Bank of America NT&SA with tttr title of counsel or a tide senior therezo to sign regktradons, reports, certificates, applicadens and other writings on behatf of this corporation for submission to or filing with any federal, state, local or foreign regulatory tuthorixior. and any rmondmenzs, withdrawals, or terminations thereof, as t)le officer or attorney deems appropriate. 5. . Authonw Deqrne d Retrosctiv~ The authority given hereunder shall be deemed mtroaczive and any and ail acts audrorked hereunder performed prior to the passage of this resomon in conformity with this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. 6. . SuDe-ssrm . The foregoing supersedes the General Operadng Reshtion adopted by this Rosrd OCI September 16, 1993. CERnFIcATlON 1, R. SCOTT MCMLLEN, an As&cant SecreUy of Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware corporation. certify that the foregoing is s corcect copy of a resoludon adopted by the Board of Difect~rs in an action taken by unanimous written consent in accordance w@h drew bylaws as of Ocrober 29, 1993. This resoluthn is still in effect Dam& May 2,1996 . R. Scott McMilIen, Assistant SGretaw Real Estate Collateral Managemem Company . 2% * ‘7 6 . 760 431 5769 P . 0B/0B RP!+30-1998 15: 20 -CITY OF CfRLSEQD "< ' '., .,* . ' . 3 a. CSOllA Knowledaebase Real Estate Collateral Management Company Personnel OtQ#: 372 -Ym RECM statue Active ricdil Dom lLovneJI 100 Gamy, Chfidbw N. Dhcte(ChrLmn) MccNm, chv Dii Ogomkc,kulR, Dti stW,marH. WestI%, Jma S. Dim . Pageloll TOTRL P.08 May 7,1998 La Costa Valley Attn: Timothy O’Grady, Project Manager PO Box 9000-685 Carlsbad, CA 92018-9000 RE: CT 88-33, ARROYO LA COSTA Enclosed for your records are copies of Council Agenda Bill #14,633, Council Resolution # 98-108, and the signed reimbursement agreement which were adopted and approved by the Carlsbad City Council on April 14,1998. If you have specific questions regarding this reimbursement agreement, please call your project engineer, Mr. Pat Entezari, at (760) 438-l 161 extension 4385. KATHLEEN D. SHOUP Sr. Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (760) 434-2808