HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04-21; City Council; 14650; Request For Barricade Harwich Dr At Tamarack Av( .-- L . ” 4B# 14,650 JITG. 412 1198 JEPT. ENG - - Cl’r f OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA tdLL I w TITLE- -- CITIZEN REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL TO INSTALL A BARRICADE ACROSS HARWICH DRIVE AT TAMARACK AVENUE CITY ATTY. = CITY MGR. sz RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the requested barricade not be installed and that Harwich Drive be monitored for speeding problems with appropriate police enforcement initiated. ITEM EXPLANATION: Carlsbad residents Bob Quaney and Dick Walters submitted a letter and petition that was received by the City Manager on March 23, 1998. They are asking that a barricade be constructed across Harwich Drive at its intersection with Tamarack Avenue. Residents living on Harwich Drive are concerned that with development of new streets in Calaveras Hills, speeding problems will occur on Harwich Drive. Circulation patterns have been studied and planned for the Calaveras Hills area in the vicinity of the Harwich/Tamarack intersection for a number of years. However, development of the area has been dormant with grading and future construction of the roads only starting several months ago. Street patterns in Carlsbad are designed to distribute traffic volumes by providing an interconnected system of streets. Closure of a street(s) can result in out of direction travel, increased volumes on nearby streets and potential increases in emergency vehicle response times. Placing a barricade across Hat-with Drive at Tamarack Avenue will result in Harwich Drive having one access point only at the Glasgow Drive/Carlsbad Village Drive intersection. Consequently, the barricade would result in the creation of a cul-de-sac street about 2,200 feet in length. City standards limit the maximum length of a cul-de-sac street to 600 feet. The California Vehicle Code (CVC) governs the closure of highways (roadways) and gives authority to local agencies to determine if a highway (road) is no longer needed to carry traffic and, thus, might be considered to be barricaded at one end. CVC Sections 22101 and 22101 (a) states: 21101. Local authorities, for those highways under their jurisdiction, may adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution on the following matters: (a) Closing any highway to vehicular traffic when, in the opinion of the legislative body having jurisdiction, the highway is no longer needed for vehicular traffic. Because of the previous integration of Harwich Drive into the overall circulation system and road planning in this portion of the City, staffs opinion is that Harwich Drive could not be determined as unnecessary for vehicular traffic and could not be barricaded at its intersection with Tamarack Avenue. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact if the City Council determines that a barricade will not be installed. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. Letter from Bob Quaney and Dick Walters. ‘ROJECT NAME CITIZEN REQUESTED ROAD CLOSURE ON EXHIBIT HARWICH DRlVE AT TAMARACK AVENUE I t - City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn. Mr. Ray Patchett, City Manager Subject; Harwich Drive Safety Dear Mr. Patchett: This is being written at the request and on the behalf of the residents of twenty- eight homes fronting on Harwich Drive. Twenty-four of them who responded request closure of Harwich Drive at its intersection with Tamarack. Four did not respond with the letter - a copy of which is enclosed as Exhibit A. Exhibit B is a list of those responding. This is our formal request that the matter be placed on your agenda for consideration by the Carlsbad City Council at the earliest opportunity. A request similar to this was made some years back and rejected by the city on the grounds of concerns for ingress and egress of emergency vehicles to Hastings Drive, Brittany Way, Landsford Way, James Way, Milford Place, Stockton Place, and other streets accessed by Milford Place. Please note on the M attached to Exhibit “A” that there are three thoroughfares in the area. They are Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive - all designed for through traffic with no homes fronting on them. With the paving of College, Tamarack, and Carlsbad Village Drive emergency vehicles will now access this area by Tamarack from the direction of College, which will be open to Carlsbad Village Drive and also from the direction of College which will be open to Carlsbad Village Drive. Consequently, emergency vehicle access to the Hastings, etc. area is longer an issue. With the building of subdivisions Q and T the traffic problem on Harwich, which has always been bad, will become dangerous. We have noticed that whereas folks living on Harwich tend to drive carefully in deference to the many children here, others from other neighborhoods using Harwich as a thoroughfare, are much more likely to exceed the 25 MPH posted speed. We are unaware of any downside to a barricade where our street meets Tamarack. There are currently two barricades at the intersection which will be removed when Tamarack and Harwich are extended. One of these could simply be moved a few feet to block old Harwich at very little cost to the city or the homeowners as the case may be. What a small price to pay to perhaps save a child’s life. Thank you beforehand for your consideration. Bob Quaney &d Dick Walters cc: Mayor Claude Lewis, Council Members: Ramona Finnila, Matt Hall, Ann Kulchin, and Julianne Nygaard I HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Hantvich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 43417634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z We agree We disagree Please sign Name Address (Please Print) Number of minor children Exhibit A Phone !t3 s IllI ?r2 is i% 9Y: .;: c $i.: 2%. ‘* . F, .-.v;;. * “:..: : . *’ . .a,. ‘m; V.,‘&& i .‘. . ; 2;’ $< : $2, : &? ..*. . .;.:.~:.~,. , ,3 I”+ .; .b. r. . -. . . l ..i ‘*\ : ‘- I : :i . . . .!. ;. i . . 6 [ :_ i ! i ! i ; & c!P : P jdt; . : a I 4 .e i : . ..! No. Harwich Drive Address Resident’s Name 1 3611 Richard Hahnasch 2 3615 Betsy 6. Blendin 3 3619 Ligia C. Leake 4 3621 Michael Shanahan 5 3622 Robert 8 Cathy Culbertso 6 3623 Anita Hoekstra 7 3624 Patricia Hakius 8 3625 Stanley Pearce 9 3626 Jeff Mauwell , 10 3638 Tim 0 Janice Hoffman 11 3632 Gordon Peters 12 3634 M. Kay Karins 13 3650 flida Shakarian 14 3656 Lori C, Michael Rguirre 15 3658 Jackie Patterson 16 3668 Dick I;, Judy UJalters 17 3662 Robert A. Quaney 18 3664 Christina Sebring 19 3666 Robert Chekerajian 29 3668 Ty G Anne Miturley 21 3678 John Trayer 22 3672 Casement 23 3674 H. UJassmann 24 3676 Steue 8 Judy Johnson Exhibit 8 FUTiJRE STREETS EXISTING STREETS NOT TO SCALE ‘ROJECT NAME CITIZEN REQUESTED ROAD CLOSURE ON EXHIBIT HARWICH DRiVE AT TAMARACK AVENUE 7 AGENDA ,- CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MONDAY, OCXOBER 2,1989 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 3:00 P.M. 1200 ELM AVFNUE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. OLD BUSINESS 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. 8. 9. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Comments from the audience on items not listed in the agenda will be heard at this time; however, no action will be taken by the Commission until the matter is placed on a future agenda. If you desire to address the Traffic Safety Commission, please file a pink ‘Time Reservation Request” with the Commission Chairperson. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes. (A total of five [S] speakers will be heard.) A. Hamich Drive - Request to construct Harwich Drive as a cul-de-sac street at Tamarack Avenue. B. Calle Barcelona - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit. C. Carlsbad Boulevard - Request to revise Section 10.40.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by expanding limits of the NO PARKING from 11:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. zone at various locations and to revise other parking restriction locations on Carlsbad Boulevard. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER ADJOURNMENT CfNllflCAlf of POSTING 1 do Wtby cutify that 8 copy of the foreeoing CITY OF CARTSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REF’ORT COMMISSION MEETING OF: October 2; 1989 ITEM NO 6A -- LOCATION: Harwich Drive INITIATED By: Franklin A. Weston, 3625 Harwich Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 REQUJZ!XED ACI-ION: Terminate Harwich Drive at Tamarack Avenue by constructing Harwich Drive as a cul-de-sac street. BACKGROUND: Mr. Weston has indicated in letters dated May 18, 1989 and September 5 1989 that a speedin problem exists on Harwich Drive. To eliminate the problem he is requesting &a t Harwich Drive be constructed as a cul-de-sac street at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue. DATA: Tamarack Avenue is constructed full width from Chatham Road to its terminus at the intersection of Harwich Drive. The curb to curb width of Tamarack Avenue is 40 feet and it serves the residential area in the northeast portion of Carlsbad. This portion of Tamarack Avenue was constructed within the past four years. Harwich Drive begins at the terminus of Glasgow Drive that is located 600 feet northerly of Elm Avenue and continues for a total distance of 0.40 miles from Elm Avenue to the intersection of Tamarack Avenue. It is constructed full width for a distance of approximately 1 000 feet westerly and southerly of Tamarack Avenue and was also constructed within the past four years. There are 29 residences that front directly onto Harwich Drive near Tamarack Avenue. The of Ff ortion of Glasgow Drive northerly of Elm Avenue and the southerly portion arwich Drive are both constructed to one-half the ultimate street width. Future development in the area will construct the remaining one-half of each street. Due to the remote location within the Ci of Carlsbad and no connections to streets outside of the Ci low. A traffic count on 3; of Carlsbad, tr afi? c volumes on Harwich Drive are very arwich Drive near Tamarack Avenue conducted in June 1989 found 754 vehicles using Harwich Drive in a 24hour in an eastbound direction and 313 vehicles in a westbound cr eriod, 441 vehicles irection. Harwich Drive serves as a development in the Calavera R ortion of the circulation system of the housing ills area of Carlsbad. Access to the homes is from Tamarack Avenue or Harwich Drive. An extensive roadway system will be constructed to serve this area in the future, as shown on Exhibit 1. In the interim, the incomplete roadway network P rovides the subdivision. To avoid long circuitous trave and to two points of access to rovlde for emergency services with a minimum of travel time, the City of Car sbad requires P housin developments to be served from two access roads. This requirement is establishe ii in the City of Carlsbad Engineering Department Policy Number 1 attached. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION COMMISSION MJZETING OF: October 2, 1989 (Continued) ITEM NO. 6A Constructing Harwich Drive as a cul-de-sac at the Tamarack Avenue intersection would violate the cul-de-sac response time for emer poli 7 ency vehic es. r and establish lon Both Tamarac lf er travel routes and longer Avenue and Harwich Dnve * would become a sing e point access if the construction were implemented. Tamarack Avenue has an A.D.T. in excess of 2,200 vehicles in the vicinity of Hope Elementary School near Wilshire Street. If the cul-de-sac concept were implemented, Tamarack Avenue from Chatham Road to the Harwich Drive intersection would be a cul-de-sac 0.70 miles in length and would serve a roximatel i!T K 205 residences. Harwich Drive from Elm Avenue to the intersection 0 amarack venue would be a cul-de-sac 0.40 miles in length. Items 1 and 2 of the policy are not met by the existing conditions and construction of a cul-de-sac street would result in a violation of the Engineering Department policy for cul-de-sac streets. RECOMMENDATION: The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends denial of the re uest to construct a cul-de-sac on Harwich Drive at the intersection of Tamarack %, venue. However, to remind drivers of the prima facie speed limit in this residence district on Harwtch Drive staff has issued a work order to install a 25 mile per hour speed limit sign for each direction of travel. NECESSARY CITY COLJNCIL ACTION: No action required at this time. A:::.. I :::::::::::: ~~@$~’ Requested c;ul-de-Sac Existing Roads -w- --- Future Roads -- 10 0 / // &-’ 1 y&5 ’ / &/ 0 ‘/ / \ ’ \ ’ 1 N \ NO SCALE ’ \ , \ f HARWICH DRIVE REQUESTED CUL-DE-SAC \ EXHIBIT 1 . ‘I- i’ CITY OF CARLSBAL- ENGINEERING.DEPARTMENT POLICY NWBER: 1 SUBJECT : SINGLZi -7CE (cvGDl+SAC) -fEnIS . . EFFECTIVE: g-+84 APPROVED BY: ILJL -A. BEX4Ul “-& SUPERSEDES : 12-19-83 city Ilqineer EWEQSE: ~establishasetofconditians~~wfiichitisaccqptablefora developnenttohaveonlyoneentracetile fireaccesS. ensuringadeq.~~tetrafficcirculatioriti , . Pm~: Single entry paint hl-desac) dmelcpznts shall be permitted only when- the cul+sac street is: +OIlditiOIlS~IlY2t: . . a. m of street does not exceed 600 feet.* b. Traffic volm does not exceed 500 ADT. c* mthrof dM?llinglmits does Imtexceed 50. ti ~fiaybeincreasedtoamaxirrp;nrrof1200feetwith~~~sian ofthecityz@neer. 0 .- . 2. A 40-fmt cux+N streetandallofthefolhzingcollditionstixre~:' Drivemyorstreetintersectionsaresoac&l50feetormrea0art. one-half mile. Traffic volm at entrance does mt h 1200 ADT. :: Nuher'of dwelW units &es mt exceed 120. 3. A I-lane seamdaqormjorarkrialandallofthe follwingconditions are met: a. ?hel~~dlongs~~frcmentrancetoItPstremotepointdoesnotexceed one mile. b. Traffic volurrts at entrance dces mt ezeed 5000 AKYT. c. Bmber of dwelling units does n0t exceed '500. d. CMditi0n is tenporary, ccmsisting of a first phase of larger d-1-t. AsemMaazessmstbepartofthea~dem~tplans. 4. A 520foot wide txbeead i.&ustrial street and ah of the f0llcxJing CoaylitionS -Illet: Thelengthofstreetdoes mtexce&one-halfmile. . ba: Traffic volm at entrance does not wceed 3000 ADT. c. Thembuildable lot- senreaby thestreetdoe~ notd 25 a-s. NB:bp . Mr. Martin Lauber Associate Engineer Traffic Engineering Group The City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Lauber: May 18, 1989 I- --.. ,-.. 'a .‘:.: ' ..t.i..* ..,' .- .- .',. - - 4. d 1. -. ,I . . . - "-3 mvf 2 ;; i;$j \-, ci;'Jy-':,,' Yi; pi -. 'M$p;;;;; ;. T ;'- ; ;Z.-;? CL: :-; , ., . . . ..g- . : Harwich Drive in the Trails area of Calavera Hills is fast becoming an unsafe throughway due to people driving on it at an unsafe speed at all hours of the day and night. We fear for the safety of our children, pedestrians, joggers, and pets. The homeowners who live in other areas of the Trails drive from Elm Avenue east on Harwich Drive to Tamarack, then to their homes. Many of these drivers travel far above the speed limit for a residential area with tires screeching as they negotiate the many turns with an air of abandon. Often, homeowners yell at the speeding drivers to slow down, but they just drive on unconcerned. The answer to this problem is not by posting a speed-limit sign, "slow" sign, or a 'stop'( sign. The best solution would be to make Harwich Drive a cul de sac by placing some sort of appropriately aesthetic barrier at Harwich Drive and Tamarack. This would not interfere with the homeowners living in other sections of the Trails since all streets in that area run off Tamarack. It would, however, prevent the inevitable death of a child or other person or pet by carless speeders. We hope to prevent this event by careful planning and foresight. We, the undersigned homeowners and residents of Harwich Drive and Ashby Court request that the City of Carlsbad make Harwich Drive a cul de sac as outlined above. /36&r /f&&w&& &L - 7J9-war . , 3625 Harwich Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 September 5, 1989 Mr. Martin C. Lauber Associate Civil Engineer Traffic Engineering Division 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Lauber: In response to our recent correspondance and our telephone conversation today, the homeowners and residents on Harwich Drive and Ashby Court renew our request for Harwich Drive to be made a cul-de-sac at the Tamarack intersection. Yesterday, there was another accident at Ashby Court and Harwich Drive where two automobiles crashed and knocked over a mail box post on the sidewalk. The mailbox could easily have been a child or pet. Neither automobile was from this neighbor- hood, and one of the drivers is known by the residents as a chronic speeder - one who many of the residents have asked to please slow down in her speed. Her reaction was to tell some young students that she would report them to their mother that they were harrassing her. We request that you follow through on our request for a cul- de-sac with hearings in the Traffic Coordination Committee and the Traffic Safty Commission. We feel that this is a very important request, and that for the good of the neighborhood we must do something to avoid someone being killed in speeding traffic. We were very disappointed that our initial request was so quickly dismissed as unimportant and not possible because of the overall plan for the proposed neighborhood. Our concern is the disregard of the drivers who use Harwich Drive as a shortcut speed- way, and we feel that there is no hope of the situation getting any better in the future when more houses are built in the area. Please consider this request as serious, important, and as a life saver. As citizens of Carlsbad, we request the administration to follow through on this request. ‘-I Very truly yours, I G.&~ Franklin A. Weston CITY 6X Zkiii,SBAD irNG!NEEi’WS DE?A!lTMENT 3625 Harwich Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 September 14, 1989 Mr. Robert T. Johnson, Jr. Traffic Engineer City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Johnson: Thank you for your prompt reply to my letter concerning the proposed Cul-de-sac at the Harwich Drive-Tamarack Avenue inter- section. Enclosed is a copy of the neighborhood map showing the desired location of the cul-de-sac, and also the other streets in the neighborhood showing that a cul-de-sac would not be out- of-line or unusual in this neighborhood. As you can see, a cul-de-sac on Harwich Drive would not be inconsistant with the ones on Hastings Drive, Landsford Way, or Milford Place. We look forward to the meeting on sQpt&&r:,2:, 1989. A Very truly yours, Franklin A. Weston , , I . Sales Office 2964 Greenwtch Street Cartsbaa. CA 92008 16191 j34-4541 -. -..;.- -, z _-. Ano:rer cevelocmmt cv 3cc*11’ Scene. i?.C C. b il .- , .-. --. - -.__ H&&c&,; p-&p J-3- ;i‘ -I SE? 1.2 i39 . -. . -- 3662 Harwich Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 September 26, 1989 Mr. Robert T. Johnson, Jr. Traffic Engineer, City of Carisbad Engineering Dept. 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Johnson: We are writing this letter since we will be unable to attend the October 2, 1989 meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission. Please do everything you can to help us improve the traffic situation on Harwich Drive. The average speed seems to be 45- 50 MPH. There are many children and pets on our street, and it's just a matter of time before one of them is killed. It is difficult to back out of one's driveway because the sight distance to the curve is short and the traffic moves so fast. Harwich Drive could reasonable be made a cul-de-sac at either the Northern or Southern end. At the very least, speed bumps must be installed. We are very concerned and urge the Traffic Safety Commission to help correct this dangerous situation as soon as possible. ..e / - REC /$<- : -.- ‘7, i 5 -.di -Ll .Lt: SEP 27 ;?53 y-Y .l? 7, *,; -;: '? -:,-i .,^*. --, v - . . _ > ’ > ’ 1 z;.“‘t, ..i\Z y- _: ,_ _.~ I sg 2 )’ ,!id$ i ,,-*.*. e .- -. . . ;: . *. 3w f4mlJ~~ QC, :.*! _ . _. . ,-- .._.- --.‘ . ‘_ !-.A. _._I i+. ._ _. . ~~kw, WI aim $3 tkp-t-onbebr 9s; 1484 -_ -_ . . * .’ MINUTES Meet 1 ng of: TRAFF I C SAFETY COMMI SS I ON Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: October 2, 1989 5\ Place of Meeting: City Counci I Chambers \ 0, COMMISSIONERS ? CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Melideo called the Meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Commissioners Mel ideo, Ful ler and Stachovlak. Commissioner Herring arrived at 3:06 p.m. Absent -- Commissioner OfDay. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Carpenter, P0.l ice Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mlnutes of the Meeting held September 11, 1989, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Cunmlsslon on a non-agenda 1 tem. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson welcomed Commissioner Stachoviak to the Traffic Safety Commisslon. Mr. Johnson reported that the rural road standard for Adams Street was discussed by the Traffic Safety Commlsslon in May and June of th!s year. The issue WI\ I go to the Planning Commission thts comfng Wednesday for determlnatfon and recommendation. The Pontfac Drive “no parking” from Tamarack to Victoria will go to Council tomorrow night for fntroduction of the Ord I nance. The Car Country Drive item went to Council a week ago and the Ord inance wi I I be adopted tomorrow. NEW BUSINESS: A. Harwlch Dr fve - Request to construct Harwich Drive a: a cul-de-sac street at Tamarack Avenue. Bob Johnson gave,the staff presentation as contalned In the staff report, using a transparency to show the existing roads and future roads. He referred to copies of the letters from Frank I in Weston, al I of which were contalned in the Commission packet. Mr. Johnson said that according to Mr. Weston, speeding a problem on Harwich Drive, and he is requesting a cul-dc sac at Tamarack. Mr. Johnson used an aerial photograph to help show the area In question, and he stated the cu l-de-sac concept. There are 29 homes in this area at this time. A transparency was used to show the future network of streets, but Mr. Johnson explalned that It would be some time before a I I these roads are camp I eted . Mel ldeo Ful ler Stachov 1 ak . . ~ MINUTES October 2, 1989 TRAFF I C SAFETY COMMISSION Page NEW BUSINESS: (Cant i nued 1 Mr. Johnson continued, stating that the Traffic Safety CoordinatJng Committee discussed the speeding problem that occurs on every street In the City; especially, where it 1s posted 25 m.p.h. The problem is what to do about speed control, and whether or not a cu I -de-sac 1 s the way to solve the problem. Mr. Johnson referred to the single entrance cul-de-sac policy and showed an transparency of that policy. Harwich is a residential street and does have a 25 m.p.h. prima facie speed Ilmit, and the signs have been posted at this-time. He explained that the conditions of the single entrance (cul-de-sac) developments are not met, and if Harwich were barricaded, that would affect Harwich and Tamarack, creating two streets that would be cul-de-sac streets and both would violate the City Engineerlng Department Pol Icy. I n answer to Commlss Ion query regard ing accidents on that street, Sgt. Carpenter stated there has been one accident this year, and he cou Id not reca I I any pr for to that. Chalrperson Melideo opened the Publlc Hearing at 3:21 vb and issued the invitatfon to speak. Franklln Weston, 3625 Harwlch Drive, read hfs prepared statement Into the record, in which he questioned the vat idity of the traffic study and requested a ret fable vehicle count over several days. Mr. Weston stated there are vehicles parked at the curb on Harwich, which makes the street narrow for people backing out of their driveways. Also, the street has curves and a 90 degree left-hand turn onto Tamarack Avenue. He felt Harwtch was too narrow and too busy for the amount of speed Ing vehicles now using the street. Mr. Weston recommended a cul-de-sac to alleviate the problems. Jan Fleming, 3626 Harwlch Dr i fve, spoke in favor of the cul-de-sac, stat,ing it Is a directional problem, with the speed tng happening from E lm Avenue. David Clark, 3632 Harwich Drive; stated he had I ived at that address almost two years and there is extensive speeding on the street. He said he had asked drivers to slow down, but they become angry when approached and asked to please drive slower in that area. Mr. Clark stated he favored hav Ing a cu I -de-sac and al so requested that the Pot Ice Department come to that nelghborhood and sit there to tfcket the speeding motorists. He said there are a lot of children playing in the area, and the speeding makes it very dangerous. Mrs. Lord Schneider, 3610 Ashby Court, stated she sees the traf f ic coming up Tamarack that then turn down Harwich, and she has almost gotten hit while turning into Ashby Court. She sald the people that I Ive in the Trails come up Harwich, and 1 f the street is not a cu I - de-sac, there should at least be a stop slgn. I _’ MINUTES October 2, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS \: NEW BUSINESS: (Cant I nued 1 Peter Karavas, 3623 Harwlch Drl w stated that there Is the screeching of tires at al 1 hours of the nfght, and that his nelghbors would agree with his conclus!on that the speed ing on Harwich Drive I s a real danger. John L Indsley, 3604 Ashby Court, stated that peak hours’ produces the most traff fc on Harwlch, but the speedlng Is the danger. He said the 25 m.p.h. speed ltmlt signs are be I ng Ignored. Stnce no one else wlshed to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing ‘was closed at 3:45 p.m. Commissioner Fuller used the aerial photograph to I I lustrate one aspect not addressed by staff or the c It Wizens; that of the open space and brush. He said there could be a f Ire In that area and the residents would then need to get out of the area quickly. If a cul- de-sac were created, It would be very dlfflcult to get out of the area, and both exits wou Id be necessary. Mr. Fuller said that for safety reasons, he felt both exits were a necessity. Commissioner Fuller continued, stating that with the grading belng done In that area, when there Is rain, there WI I I be mud al I over the road and the res ldents won’t be able to use the road for an exit. He continued, statlng that the area Is sttll being developed, and when there are homes on the lower part of Harwlch, there will be parking on the street and street traffic will increase and slow down because of the development. Mr. Fuller said that when COI lege Boulevard Is extended, there wl I I be a major shift In the traffic patterns. He concluded, stat 1 ng bel leve time; al now. that this Is an Inter Im sltuat ion and he d Id not a cul-de-sac was the approprlate actlon at this so with deve lopment, It would be less needed than Commlssl oner Herr i ng stated that, If a cul-de-sac were Installed, this would cut off development fn the area. He felt the speeding cars were coming from the south. Mr. Johnson said that staff was aware that there were speeders In that area, but felt It was the nelghbors who were doing the speeding. Comm 1 ss loner Stachov 1 ak stated he apprec lated the residents’ concerns, as he 1 Ives on Basswood, and there 1 s speed 1 ng on that street. He agreed that the speed Ing appears to be done by the loca I peop I e and felt the Pol ice Department could put pressure on the roads In that area to get people to obey the 25 m.p.h. speed Iimli-. Mr. Stachovlak agreed that a cul-de-sac was not the thing to do at that spot. CornmIssioner Fuller stated that the homeowners assoclatlon should take up the matter of the residents’ speed Ing, as most of the traff Ic is local. He safd that scmetlmes the haneowners assoclatlon can be effective In putting out notlces to “respect your netghbors’ rights”. MINUTES October 2, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS y NEW BUSINESS: (Continued 1 Chalrperson Mel ldeo said that no one had mentioned the school In the area, and If a cul-de-sac were Installed, this would cause another problem for the school. There 1s a problem In that area, but the other res’ldents cannot be cut off from free use of publ lc streets because of 29 residences In one area. This Is a public street and and Is not the only one where there Is speed i ng and screech Ing of t It-es. She said that is a constant problem in every area. Eventual ly there wl: I I be traffic control there, and that should help solve th Is problem. Chairperson Mel ldeo said that testimony had been given about children playing In the street, and she wondered why they weren’t playing in their backyards with parent supervislon. She also commented that the emergency I vehicles would only have one way tn. The residents want to make a pr lvate area from a publ Ic area, and she said she could not agree with that. The Traffic Safety Commlsslon accepted the recommendation of the Traff Ic Safety Coord inatlng CommIttee to deny the request to construct a cul-de-sac on Harwich Drive at the intersectlon of Tamarack Avenue. Drivers are to be remlnded of the prima facie speed 1 imlt In this residence district on Harwlch Drtve, and 25 m.p.h. speed limit signs have been installed for each d lrectlon of travel. Commlssloner Fuller commented on the suggestlon to put a stop sign at Tamarack and Harwlch, and stated there would be no Justtflcatlon for one at this point. Bob Johnson concurred, and added that the purpose of a stop sign Is to assign right-of-way, and it Is not used for speed control. 0,. Calle Barcelona - Request to establlsh a prima facie speed I Im1-t. Bob Johnson reported that Mlsslon Estancla Elelmentary School 1s under constructlon on Cal le Barcelona at the Intersectlon of Calle San Fellpe. There will be school classes 12 months of the year, with the school to be opened In January of 1990. Speed surveys were conducted , and a prima facie speed Ilmlt of 30 m.p.h. recommended for Cal le Barcelona. The Traffic Safety Commfsslon accepted the recommendation of the Traff lc Safety Coord inatlng Committee to establ lsh a prlma facie speed I lmlt of 30 m.p.h. on Calle Barcelona. C. Car I sbad Bou I evard - Request to revlse Section 10.40.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by expanding Ilmlts of the NO PARKING from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. zone at various locatlons and to revise other parklng restriction locations on Carlsbad Boulevard. r Mel ldeo Ful ler Herrlng Stachov I ak Mel ldeo Ful ler Herring Stachov i ak . . - MINUTES October 2, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS \: NEW BUSINESS: (Cant lnued 1 Bob Johnson reported this item was requested by the Pol Ice Department, and he used a transparency to show Car I sbad Bou I evard and the areas affected . Mr. Johnson stated that beach erosIon, maintenance actlvltles and constructlon of the streetscape project a I I have changed parking cond it Ions on Car lsbad Boulevard, and the Pol Ice Department felt changes were needed In the parking restrlctlons. This would establ Ish the west sfde of Car lsbad Boulevard between the Agua Hed ionda Lagoon Brldge and Tierra Del Oro Street as a NO PARKING zone between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:OO a.m., seven days a week. The hour was changed from 6:00 a.m., to 5:00 a.m., to accommodate ear I y morn1 ng beach joggers and/or walkers or those wlshlng to fish. It was also thought that by expandtng the NO PARKING area, it would serve as a deterent for crime In the area. The Traffic Safety Commlss recommendation of the Traf Committee to amend Sect ion ordinance to establish the Boulevard between the Agua ion accepted the f ic Safety Coord inatlng 10.40.041 of the existing west side of Carlsbad Hed ionda Lagoon Bridge and Tlerra Del Oro Street as a NO PARKING zone between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.. seven davs a week, and other changes In that SectlonVas reflected in Exhibit 2, which ls attached. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commlssloner Fuller Inquired about the signals at Tamarack, and Bob Johnson reported there had been problems with the lnstallatlon, and the maintenance the ramp stgnal was being dlsputed w’lth CalTrans. for Mr. Johnson reported that al 1 the signals shou Id be operatlon this week. in Chairperson Mel ldeo had a request to have bushes tr at the corner of Sunny HItI and Tamarack to Improve lmmed vlslbl I ity. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mo tlon, the Meetlng of October 2, 1989, was ad Journed at 4:15 p.m. Mlnutes Clerk Mel ldeo Ful ler Herr Ing Stachov iak HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 434-6337- If your last name begins with M-Z B , We agree We disagree . Please sign %L-t.ei/u (Please Print) Number of minor children -L- HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 43416337- If your last name begins with M-Z Number of minor children 3 HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 434-6337- If your last name begins with M-Z We agree Please sign We disagree 1 . u Name 1qjA CM Address%/? (PI&se Print) ‘- Number of minor children HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic’. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construciion of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good \ chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z (Please Print) Number of minor children - HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z n ;, clcaw;gy& $$$ k ‘ay cu\‘c~d&ss 36z2 &<kJ;chphone760 -q?q- sq3?fl (Please Print) Number of minor children 1 HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z Phone 7m 7z4 ’ (Please Print) Number of minor children / HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 4347634 - If your last name begins with A-L \BOB Q)kANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z \ (Please Print) Number of minor children HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construciion of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z Name sffiN/-E’II (Please Print) Number of minor children 0 HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z lbcl ’ We agree I We disagree ( 36 &+’ w,$hofef - &+q p/6$’ (Please Print) Number of minor children -6 / ekfl&-G- - HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z II% We agree n We disagree 9 . Please sign - i&q. j$ :?jPQ- // c/3&1,; f? / Name xrtl f .TOaJi Cc /@‘%>iTess /~+ZLJ #‘c I$ Phone 939 -$%‘?J (Please Print) Number of minor children2 HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z a We disagree Name GnTA0N e pt- eK3Addres &63& (Please Print) Number of minor children / HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z [fl~~~;~~~ al.lJe disagree Please sign I Namefitiq /(A I (Please Pr?nc Rddress3634 l-jA&twPhone %??-/a8 Number of minor children * . HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. Y”o”Ci’can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construc;ion of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good \ chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 434-6337- If your last name begins with M-Z w e agree n We disagree Please si n w ikf$-@&Q&.~ /’ c twl Name 2HfiKmi&! Address 7 cis-0 Phone y 3 u jL2 2 c? (Please Print) Number of minor children 3 -- HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 434-6337- If your last name begins with M-Z Name Lar, NG~ ti k=w*.(= Address3656 /kw 136 cd k 0~ Phone 760 *39--65!0 (Please Print) Number of minor children Ona HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. ’ This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- if your last name begins with M-Z ci We disagree (Please Print) Number of minor children & Phone 1&173r1@& . ’ , HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z We disagree Name a/Kkh/d@5 Address&&?.&@~hone ,$547d 74 (Please Print) Number of minor children D HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoodi: This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it rwt+f~ c; intersects Tamarack to the)eash You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open y end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the*,, end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehides to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/I/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 434-6337- If your last name begins with M-Z We agree n We disagree Please sign 9CL+LAk 0. 224w~U Nam~pw- A. 9UAN&Y 3663 fYARWA9-t Addressw?., CARLSBAD Phone W4- 6337 (Please Print) Number of minor children * HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L \i BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z w We agree - . , , cl We disagree r Please sign Name &M+Iu S~rk~ Address J&q tiafbkh Phone wf-467b (Please Print) Number of minor children a- . .’ - HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construc;ion of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z Please Print Number of minor children . _ ’ HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z We disagree Address X6’ kw;&LL. Phone 7J3-0=2-8Q (Please Print) ’ Number of minor children a HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z ss 3b70 (Please Print) ’ Number of minor children - - _- HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 4346337- If your last name begins with M-Z (Please Print) Number of minor children HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 434-7634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 434-6337- If your last name begins with M-Z la We a ree l4fd n We disagree Please sign - Q43~W2-- h &s&y)? /fJL, s&s7y Name Address ~#%%‘!~l&Phone 7m -cm/@ (Please Print) Number of minor children 0 - .- HARWICH DRIVE NEIGHBORS Some of us living on Harwich Drive have concluded that an effort should be made to prevent our street from being used as a thoroughfare for traffic to and from other neighborhoods. This has become critical with the current building of roads connecting us to a nearly 400-home subdivision to the northeast of us. Ultimately, there will be over 1000 new homes with around 2000 vehicles. The impact of this on our short little street will be devastating. We think the solution to the problem is to block off Harwich Drive where it intersects Tamarack to the east. You can see from the attached map that this will funnel traffic in these other subdivisions on to Tamarack, College, and Carlsbad Village Drive which are designed for through traffic. We will still have access to the new College Avenue (which may connect to Frwy 78 in the future) via Carlsbad Villlage Drive at the open west end of Harwich. We are concerned as you probably are with the traffic hazards to children, etc. because it is human nature for drivers to be less careful in other people’s neighborhoods than in their own. An added problem is the impending construction of 35 units at the west end of Harwich and the 70 motor vehicles to be expected there. We need to know if you are in agreement on this so a united front may be presented to the City of Carlsbad. Without unanimity, we doubt that corrective action will be taken by the city. With unanimity, we think we stand a good chance of getting action. Please sign the attached copy of this letter, (with your address) if you agree that Harwich Drive should be blocked at its intersection with Tamarack. Drop it in the plastic bag next to the door at 3660 Harwich Drive before 3/l/98. This will make for a good beginning. THANKS MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: DICK WALTERS - 4347634 - If your last name begins with A-L BOB QUANEY- 434-6337- If your last name begins with M-Z We agree n We disagree I / , &l&-kh one t13Y-5262 (Please Print) Number of minor children -L I 3 W 0 IA ZI ‘III a 0 - d -a d a J -cc % 3 d cW a cl 5: -> lL 0 4 c t3 a 0