HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-05; City Council; 14657; California Presenters InitiativeCIx=’ OF CARLSBAD - AGElP.4 BILL 23/h a CALIFORNIA PRESENTERS INITIATIVE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution s&-la8 No. approving the Arts Office request to submit a grant application to the California Presenters Initiative for an $8,000 Planning Grant. I ITEM DESCRIPTION The Arts Office is requesting approval to submit a Planning Grant application to the California Presenters Initiative. The grant will support a joint planning process with sister city Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic for cultural exchange programs and performances in Carlsbad by Karlovy Vary arts organizations. The grant requests funding of $8,000 to cover travel and communication expenses for arts organizations seeking interactions with national and international artists to expand, improve or reinvigorate arts programming at the community level. This grant will address the goal in the Arts Element of the General Plan to “provide direction and support for continued development and presentation of a wide variety of arts in the City,” and City Council’s goal for the Arts Office and Sister City Committee to seek private funding and grants when possible. I Background The California Presenters Initiative is a special project conducted by the James It-vine Foundation and Arts International, a division of the Institute of International Education, which oversees the Fulbright Scholarship Program. Based on the knowledge that California presenting organizations are important international resources for the development of diverse art forms, the Initiative’s primary goal is to strengthen programming by providing organizations with the opportunity to advance their artistic missions and reconnect to their audiences. Specifically, the Initiative will support interaction between artists and organization decision-makers with the capacity to build upon the outcomes to reinvigorate artistic and organizational planning. The Initiative provides Planning Grants for the purpose of researching and planning activities that enable organizations to identify and establish ties with artists/creative thinkers with whom to work on longer range projects. Through the sister city program, the Carlsbad Arts Office has already identified key organizations and individuals in Karlovy Vary whose cultural programs can benefit Carlsbad citizens and assist in attaining Arts Office goals. Community response to “Karlovy Vary in Carlsbad Week” was very positive, with capacity audiences for a series of events and many requests for more programs. To develop a plan for increased Sister Cities cultural programs using Karlovy Vary’s international quality performers, resources are needed to allow professional arts staff and artists to confer together and acquire first-hand familiarity with Carlsbad’s resources, facilities and interests and Karlovy Vary’s importable performing arts. CPI Planning Grants fund travel, communication costs and fees to artists and consultants to help develop programs. A Planning Team of 3-4 representatives from each city would spend a week in Carlsbad and a week in Karlovy Vary, with additional planning activities performed over the course of one year. B The proposal was submitted to the California Presenters Initiative contingent upon City Council E approval. If Council approves the application, a formal Application Summary Sheet will be a submitted and the proposal will be entered for funding competition. If awarded, the beginning date is July I, 1998. FISCAL IMPACT No new City matching funds are required. Staff time is already dedicated to arts and sister cities planning and programming. Total program cost is $14,000 to be funded by the following: The California Presenters Grant $8,000 Each city’s contribution to hotel lodging 3,500 Carlsbad’s 98-99 Sister City Budget 1,500 Karlovy Vary’s City budget 1,000 Total $ I4.000 Karlovy Vary Sister City Chairman, City Council Member Dr. Jan Podlipny has informed Carlsbad that his city government allocated $25,000 toward sister city exchange projects. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 4 8 - 1 aq . 2.. Grant Application Guidelines and Proposal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 98-12~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS OFFICE REQUEST TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION FOR A PLANNING GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA PRESENTERS INITIATIVE and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Office plans, develops and promotes the arts in Carlsbad; WHEREAS, the City Council directed the Arts Office to seek funding from other sources; and WHEREAS, the California Presenters Initiative is providing local arts agencies access to funding through a new Planning Grant of up to $10,000 for a one-year planning process with identified arts partners; and WHEREAS, no new funding from the City is required to match the grant; NOW, THERE FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: I. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the Arts Office request to submit a grant application to the California Presenters Initiative for an $8,000 Planning Grant. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 5 day of aY ,1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Nygaard, Hall & Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: Lewis G Kulchin Check 011e: ( Al)l)l icut iot\ S~~r~~i1m y Slwet _I Ptojecl Iniplcnicntatiori Letter of Inquiry Namr of Organiration CARLSBAD ARTS OFFTCE ~~ .~. - -.- Contact Person CDLLEEN FINNEG&--~--.~_~~~ Title ~-COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR/SISTER CITY STAFF LIAISON -__~- Address 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE -__ * State CA Zip 92008-1989 Telephone (760) 434-2920 Fax (760) 730-0329 Artist Signature Print Name ** Qanization Authorizing Official Signature h, c Print Name2 CIT.T.EENmwm-- Ti tie TTY ARTS AMOUNT RIDULSTLD TROM CAt.ITORNIA PRESENTERS INITIATIVE ~8,000 Prolcrt bcgiuning and end dales Froin:&y 98 To: a-99- Proposal Summary In V-75 word>, bricfty sumrnarire your pl;jr~~, Carlsbad Arts Office will conduct a planning process with arts organizations in its sister city, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, to create a program of residencies, festivals and performances by visiting artists in music, theatre, opera, film and possibly dance over several years. Carlsbad has no profes- sional arts groups. Karlovy Vary has several resident ensembles and major annual festivals. The cities share a working relationship and basic familiarity witi] cbxistinl; resources, facilities, interests and methodologies. ** (:(I I I d-(-ii I; i IIIIC~);;III is auLIlc)r iscstl to s igli for Arts 01 f icca btlsil~ess. o111y Lllc. (Iity Manager cbt A:;:; i :;L;III~ (1 i I y M;lrl;tp,(‘r, Iciii;~i~c.i;rI Stbrvices I)irc~c~tor ;llllj (1 i Ly ACtorllcy m;iy :i ign (:OlltTil(‘~S, I.(*1 Itbr-5 01. /\j:r~~c*ll~~~~iL ;III~! (;r;iill Appl ic.;kt ioris, 101 low i II); :lpprova I of (Iity (k)lll1(~ i 1 . Count i. 1 cl1’1’l ov;1 I 01 :;rll~m i ss i 011 01. t Ii i :; ;II’~’ I i (‘;I t ion is s t i I I (II I i(.(b w i I I :irr/)m i I ;I r-(*v is1.J ;II)II I i(.;~t i01) sllc8c.t . I‘0 cl’l: 1111s break-our budget was submitted to cl -TIC. We have included f>a,,ne,Na,,- CARI-SRAD tm!Ts OFFICE --~ total amount we manage I’lu)JIic-rr~r, % 01 IY v? 9(L OUd~.l I,&\4 nl Yvar I*.,~llr\ .I ULY (111,111, I!) I IN(‘OMIi A (‘oll~rlbtrf4vf <‘OMI’I.ITl‘lil) % “I IY WY H”‘lR’4 ry n-n 7. I,, Rud~rl I 2 3 4 5. 6 7. 8 9. 10. Iidcrnl ( Iov(*rntn~*l~l Stdlr Govrmrnrnt (JO ncll 8~ luclr ths rrSll,rS~) Gr.~nt Arnocrnt Rcqucsted Local/Munlclpal Government Individual Contributions Busrncss/Corporatc Contributions Foundations Memberships Fundraismg Events (gross) Other: wnty TQTU Subtotal Contributed I Lmo . .._.- 9 87.4 -3.4oo-Ll -lf.LQQcm 9..ooo3.0 1.000 .3 297,400 98.7 330 1 & --Iu.QQ 1.2 _Lzm 2i.J 367.000 _829 2.600 .8 18.000 5.6 9,000 7.8 1,000 .3 314,000 97.7 7.500 2.3 3.830 1.3 7.500 2.3 3 * 500* JJ-J 15,000 4.1 298,500 81.9 3,500 1.0 21,000 5.8 10,000 2.7 2,000 .5 353,000 97.0 8. Earned 11. Admissions 12. Touring 13. Other Contracted Services 14. Tuition/Workshops Summer Camp 15. Product Sales/Concessions 16. Investment Income 17. Other: Subtotal Earned 11,000 3 0 A 11,000 3.0 18. Grand Total Income (A+B) Sister City Gen'l 322.100 100.0 364,500 100.0 7,000 6,800 1,500 1,200 11. EXPENSES Sister City Contrib. 5,500 A. PersonneI Arts Events Contrib. -O- 19. we TOTALS 310,730 Other Artistic IvOlslZ 20. Administrative Full-time -+fg% Other Administrative -.-l&Jm 6.0 21. Technical Production Full-time Other Technical Production -.--cum .8 Facility Expenses/Space Rental Marketing Production Exhibition Rcgranting Fundraising Expenses (gross) Other (if greater than 10% of budget, attach separate schedule) Subtotal Operating ‘I‘otrl lixpenacr (A plus B) Surplus Income (I)cCicit) at yc..lr end (IIW IH llll1ltl\ ll~*rll ?H) Subtotal Personnel 6. Operating Expenses 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. s.nnoa -.-lLmQa 11.621) 7.4 1*.QOQ -43 7rn.snnu ----___ - w 7') ~_ -..--.. .5%370 -IfI A IO I , 77q (O(),() -0 20,200 21,000 350,800 393,800 63,000 17.3 57.000 16.1 181.400 56.4 19.oooa 185,000 50.8 23,000 6.2 7,000 2.0 278,100 76.1 10,000 7.7 20,500 _1,6 18,400 LLI 1 5 000 -A,-1 ---L---- 10.000 7.2 19.700 6.1 14.600 4~ w.000 -4.4 22,500 -1.2 -86,400 .?I.7 - 364 ,500 I()() () _--- -- ? 9,000 7.8 --___ 66,300 2Q-4 322 ) 100 CQQ.J ___---. -o- -o- A wq- WfII .I[‘11 1’1 III, I IIt* .‘ll<l ‘!I’;11 I)f I IICO /It,: I’;(, f 114’) ~.lli,’ t:l-;llrf :;. 11144 II I ,‘bOO I ‘, .II,I / ,’ I~I,I( ,-tI ‘,t11,1,~11 t I I T,III t III* II/it’ ‘I’IIIII i II)‘, I’1 11)1,r ;I111 I(11 v iri* “I 4 ( Planning Grant Budget Sheet ORGANI/AI ION I INAN~IAI INt OHMAIION 11)1.11 O~~~~II~I~~~IIOII.~I Op(~r,llrllq Ixpc>nst5: ** Mn\l rwently complclcd yeat: Currcsn1 fiscal year: Projected for fiscal year of proposal: EXPENSES Artist/Consultant Fees ‘I ‘3 ~ 500 Travel $h.OOn Communication P 1,000 Other (Please specify) Lodging s 3,500 s S s s TOTAL $ 14,000 $&!93,800 __~_._._... d 35’),800 $ 400,000 INCOME Amount Requested from California Presenters Initiative B 8,000 Other (Please specify) Lodging S 3,500 Carlsbad Sister City$ 1,500 KV Sister City d 1,000 s B TOTAL $ 14,000 Please include a budget narrative to provide additional clarification, if necessary. 1. See accompanying Organizational Budget Summary for information 2. Consultant Fees: Amethyst: $1,000 to develop aspects of Plan Karlovy Vary Music Theatre $500 to develop aspects of Plan Claudia Leonesio Mons & other Carlsbad consultants as needed to develop local aspects of Plan - $1,000 Film Festival Consultant to assist Carlsbad - $1,000 3. Communication: Fax/phone/post/private courier - $500 Computer software for Czech/Engl.ish automatic translation $300 Kental of video conversion machine for Iiuro/US video tapes- $200 4 . I,odging : 7 people x 7 nights each X $72 per person; I,odging will be in-kind contribution of local hotels in each city (past contributions of Ilotcl rooms by cacl~ city’s hotels indicate that tlris wil.1 present no tlirCic.clIly). I) . AI I ;~tl~~~ini:itr;rt iv(* cosls wi I I I)(, iihsort,otl by Car Ish;td At-r s Of I ice h A~r~cthyst **Al-L:; 01 Ii(.(n/Si:;C(‘r (:iLy/Spcbc, ial ~~~~~~~~~~ & (:011t r iI)rlt: ion>; fllnds do not include’ l’lll~ 1 i(. Arl I:~ljl(l:; !;(.I ;IS id(b Ifor “X I:or Art” p~~rlIl:Irlc’III (:i ty-OWllcd :lrtworks. (1 . ‘I’I-;lvc’ I - 11 I:‘I’ !;;rll I) i (s):(,/ I'ril);llc~; I ~‘1 1’1 ;I),,II(~/sI), $X’,/ ;rv(‘r ;r):(’ I i(,kc*t price I’I.ANN I NC; I’ROPOSAl> DESCRIPTI.ON Rlis~ion: 111~~ C ';ll~lSl~;ltl i\CtS ( J t’lic~c* pl:lllS. tlCVClOpS illld prc~llt~btcs IllC \risil;ll illld p~~1.1;)1.11111lg ;i1.15 iI1 C ‘;irl5b:1tl lo crcalc ;I ClilllillC which cncouragcs artislic tlc~cl~~plllClll I’rOpS;ll: :\ Olilllllil~~ ( il~ill1l will pn~vitlc I‘untling t0 bring togcthcr ill?iStS :llld Slilfl‘ Ii)1 IllC IJtl~IJOSC 01' CKCillillg il IOllg-lCII11. Ii)cuscd illIS c.Ychangc C~~ll~p~~l~Cl~t IO IllC (‘~I~lSb~ldi Kxlovy Vary sister cities rclationsliip. I’otcntial partnerships bet\vccn the (‘arlsbad Arts (Jl’licc and K;arlo\‘y Var!,‘s cultural ~lI‘lOil3 ol‘licc. Amethyst will bc cxamincd by lhc Sister (‘ity (‘ommittccs. cultural agency stall‘ and proltissional artists from both cities bctwccn .luly IO98 and .Iunc IOW; all aspects will be fillly explored during two week- iwg meetings, one in ~‘arlsbad in October, I998 and one in Karlovy Vary in April, 1999. ‘I‘ravcling participants during those meetings are anticipated to be Amethyst Director Alois .lczck, KV Symphony Conductor Douglas Bostock and KV Music Theatre Director I,ibor Halak in October and Arts Oflicc Manager Connie Beardsley, Community Arts Coordinator C’ollcen Finnegan, Carlsbad Unified School District Arts Coordinator Richard Kecly and Starmakers Director Claudia Leonesio-Mons in April. The Plan will include pcrti~rmances and residencies by artists from both communities, exploring the two cities’ similarities and singularities. The resulting programs will take advantage of the interpersonal connections already developed, use existing arts resources to meet identified program needs. and finally bring artists and audiences together in performances that are meaningful to Carlsbad and Karlovy Vary residents. Background: Carlsbad, California, named after the famous Bohemian spa city, Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary in the Czech language) began an official Sister City relationship in 1991, with programs and budget managed by the Carlsbad Arts Office. Since then, visitors from Karlovy Vary to Carlsbad have included official and independent performing arts groups representing the thriving arts traditions of this major center of culture. Nearly every celebrated European composer, author, and performer of the late 18” through early 20th centuries spent signilicant time in Karlovy Vary. Anton Dvorak held the European premiere of his Symphony for the New World there. Because Carlsbad has no professional arts organizations, major educational institutions, public museums or galleries within its 42 square miles to serve its population of 68,000, the Arts Office role is to act as a catalyst in community development of the arts, to serve as a resource Ihr local artists and to provide cultural opportunities for residents and visitors. An established seaside tourist destination with a professionally staffed Convention & Visitors Bureau, Carlsbad has the potential to significantly increase performing arts programs and audicnccs. ‘l‘hc partnership offers a prime opportunity to dcvclop professional pcrIi)rming arts prcscntations ofcxccptional quality at an international Icvcl. ‘l’hc 1001 ( ‘ul~ural Plan conducted by the (‘arlsbad Arts Ollice idcntilicd dcvclopmcnt of’ a c~trl/rtt~oll~~ .si.tyyi/ic,crrtl rrrl.~/~~.~li~~trI L:.Y (I jwiori/.~! -..- -~__ ‘I’hc Cultural Plan survey lbund that 77% of‘ ( ‘ilrlSlJ~ltl rc5idcllls Willlt itrc~rx~tr.vc*tl c.ttl/trt-trl l’\Y’t?l.\’ in l ‘W~l.\hd :llld 02% SlIppOll ittiwct.vitt~~ rtt’1.v rt/t/~ot~llltt,llr~\ /iv ( ~rt~!~htrti c~lrilrltI~t1. ~~ -I_ A major rccollllltclldalion prcscntcd in Ihc t ‘uItr11;11 ~‘I;III \\;Is IO WCW~\ \\itlr 111~ ( ‘ilrIsl,~ltl (‘onvcntion XKI Visitors I~tlrcau ((‘ONVIS) ;IIKI c)ll~r ;I~‘,c’I~c‘IC~ IO ci~calc I;II-p-W;IIC cvcnls llrcrl tt.w wkqty c./rrrt.trc./(~t.i,\!~~~~~ ( ‘c!rl\lu!cl --..-~ 6 US (I rhcmc. Sister City Committee goals include development of more community outreach programs and a less government-focused “hospitality” relationship, and using cultural events to increase community awareness and develop funding resources. Although a relationship is established, community needs identified and professional resources and facilities exist to successfully present new programs to local audiences, no comprehensive arts programming plan has yet been developed through the Sister Cities program. Time and money have not been available for the artists and arts managers to work together creating such a plan. Official visitors from each city are generally government and business leaders. Karlovy Vary sends these visitors more frequently by far than Carlsbad, where City Council and staff are responsive to citizens’ expressed concerns over publicly funded travel. Possible collaborations to be explored are many: A long-time Arts Office goal has been to present a chamber music series in the winter in the 400-seat Cultural Arts Center managed by the Carlsbad School District. San Diego County has no symphony; its 2 major classical music festivals take place May-August. In 1997, the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, which has an English-speaking conductor, sent 6 of its principals to Carlsbad for a 3-day series of formal concerts and community programs which received an exceptional community response. Karlovy Vary holds the annual Dvorak Competition for young opera singers every fall. Carlsbad is interested in developing opportunities for local singers, including San Diego Opera ensemble members, to participate in the Dvorak Competition and in bringing the top performers to Carlsbad. Many possibilities exist to present opera programs and performances in Carlsbad, using San Diego Opera and Dvorak Competition performers, with the history of operatic activity in Karlovy Vary serving as a thematic lens. Karlovy Vary’s biannual Jazz Festival hosts an international roster of musicians, especially Eastern European jazz artists. Carlsbad’s annual TGIF Jazz in the Parks lo- concert summer series presents a roster of San Diego performers, many recognized as world-class (Charles MacPherson, Holly Hofmann). Swing Studio Karlovy Vary and the San Diego-based Jazz Pigs have each traveled at their own expense to the opposite city to perform, with successful results. We are interested in exploring further opportunities to present jazz artists from both cities. Expanded opportunities for children as both audiences and performers is a high community priority for Carlsbad’s active and popular youth theatre, show choruses and dance teams. Karlovy Vary Music Theatre has developed and toured programs for children throughout Europe. A residency with Carlsbad youth groups by KVMT’s Artistic Director and/or company and participation by Carlsbad teens in KVMT’s summer program for 100 teens, History of European Culture, are possible. Karlovy Vary conducts one of Europe’s oldest and largest annual t?lm festivals each July. Carlsbad has a restored 1920‘s downtown 300-seat movie house and 3 modern cincplcxes. We would like to learn from them and work with them to develop a festival. ~\llh~~~~~l~ ;I i~clalionship is cst;~blishcd. community needs idcntilicd and prot~ssioii~~l rc~~oIII’ccs antI &ilitics csisl 10 S~iCCCSSt‘~llly prcscnt llcw prOgrains to local ilLldiCllCL!S. I10 c.c,llil”.clicrlsi~c arts l”wgran~niing l~lan hiis yet been dcvclopcd through the Sister (‘itics plI’gr;llll, ‘I‘inic and money liavc not been available for the artists aid arts ma~iagers to worj\ togcthcr creating such a plan. ( )I‘licial visitors from each city arc gcncrally govcrnmcn~ and business Icadcrs. Karlovy Vary sends these visitors more frequently by IilK tlli\ll ~‘arlsbad. whcrc concern exists over the appcarancc of ‘tjunketeering” by City (‘ouncil and city stal‘l*. I’ossiblc collaborations to be explored arc many: A long-time Arts Oflice goal has been to present a chamber music series in the winter in the 400~scat Cultural Arts Ccnlcr managed by the Carlsbad School District. San Diego County has no symphony: its 2 major classical music festivals take place May-August. In 1997, the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, which has an English-speaking conductor, sent 6 of its principals to Carlsbad for a -‘,-day series of formal concerts and community programs which received an exceptional community response. Karlovy Vary holds the annual DvoFak Competition for young opera singers every fall. Carlsbad is interested in developing opportunities for local singers, including San Diego Opera cnscmble members. to participate in the Dvorak Competition and in bringing the top pcrformcrs to Carlsbad. Many possibilities exist to present opera programs and perlbrmanccs in Carlsbad, using San Diego Opera and Dvo?ak Competition performers, with the history of operatic activity in Karlovy Vary serving as a thematic lens. Karlovy Vary’s biannual Jazz Festival hosts an international roster of musicians. cspccially Eastern European jazz artists. Carlsbad’s annual TGIF Jazz in the Parks 1 O- concert summer scrics presents a roster of San Diego performers, many recognized as world-class (Charles MacPherson, Holly I-lofmann). Swing Studio Karlovy Vary and the San Dicgo-based Jazz Pigs have each travelcd at their own expense to the opposite city to pcrl’orm, with succcssf~~l results. We arc intercstcd in exploring further opportunities to prcscnt jazz artists from both cities. I:xpandcd opportunities lbr children as both audiences and pcrformcrs is a high community priority for Carlshad’s active and popular youth thcatrc. show choruses and tlancc tcanw. Karlovy Vary Music ‘l‘hcatrc has dcvclopcd and toured programs lip children throughout I:uropc. A rcsidcncy with Carlsbad youth groups by KVMT’s Artistic I)ircctor and/or co~npany and participation by Carlsbad teens in KVMT‘s swi~~nci~ program li)r 100 teens. I listory of’ I~uropcan (‘ulturc, arc possible. K;lrlo\‘y V;IIy Cold~lClS Ollc oI‘I~~IlropC’!i 0ldCSt :llKl IdI-gCSt ~lllll~lihl liliii ICslivds Clc’ll .lUly. t ‘;~rlsl~;~tl 11:1x ;I ~-csto~~~~cl IO2O‘s do\\ 1il0\v11 iOO-sc;~t tiub\k Iioiisc aid 3 iiioil~~i~ti c~illc*l~lc*scs. WC \vor~ltl lihc to IL*;IIII 1i-o111 ~IICIII :IIKI \vorh will1 (IICIII IO tl~vcl~~l ;I ItistiL’iII. CONNIE BEARDSLEY has been the Manager of the City of Carlsbad Arts Offke since its inception in 1986 and has worked as an executive director of local arts agencies for eighteen years. She has developed the programs and services of the Arts Office, is responsible for cultural planning, new programs, arts education, community relations and overall supervision of the Arts Office. A graduate of Northwestern University, Connie has served on national and state panels on arts education, leadership and arts planning, as the NALAA Arts Education Interest Chair, as president of the California Assembly of Local Arts Agencies, and board member of the San Diego County arts agency. She is currently President of the Executive Committee of the League of California Cities Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department. She has received the California Women in Government S.D. County award for outstanding achievements benefiting women in the public sector. COLLEEN FINNEGAN has been Community Arts Coordinator for the Carlsbad Arts Office since 1990. Her responsibilities include Visiting Artists, Grants Development, Jazz in the Parks, Sister City Committee, Artists in Residence, Community Grants & Partnerships and Special Events programs and projects. Formerly, she was Cultural Arts Supervisor for the City of La Mesa, California (1986-1990), Development Director for the San Diego Repertory Theatre (1984-l 986), Marketing Coordinator for the San Diego Symphony (1982- 1984) and Assistant Manager for the East County Performing Arts Center (1981-1982). Colleen received her Master’s in Community Arts Management from Sangamon State University, Illinois in 198 1. Currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Southern California Region of Sister Cities International, she served as an appointee to the San Diego County Public Arts Advisory Council from 1989 to 1994, including one year as Chairman. Other associations include member of the Board of Directors for the Progressive Stage Company, and consultant with the Frank LIoyd Wright Foundation. RICHARD KEELY is a visual artists with an extensive exhibition history who works with mixed media sculpture and site specific installation. Richard has worked for the Carlsbad Unified School District for the past eleven years teaching at every grade level (K- 12), developed curriculum and presented numerous teacher workshops. Currently he is teaching drawing and painting classes at San Diego State University and working for the Carlsbad Unified School District half-time as Arts Coordinator. Richard’s Coordinator duties include overseeing artist-in-residence projects, arts curriculum programs and artist/teacher training at 9 school sites. (MFA - San Diego State University) CLAUDIA LEONESIO-MONS produces consistently excellent work in some exceptionally challenging contexts. As Artistic Director of Starmakers, Claudia works with developmentally disabled performers, mostly teens and young adults, in a wide range of applied theatre skills. She has extensive experience in working directly with playwrights and design teams and her Vista Academy and Starmakers casts have developed original scripts working with writers and/or new works for theatre. The quality of Starmakcrs performances has won funding support in the highly competitive community grants program annually since 1987. (BA/Honors in Drama - UC Santa Barbara; Multiple Sub-ject Teaching Credential - National University, Vista CA). claudla Leoneslo-Mons Page 1 Claudia Leqncsio-Mons 2504-C Wanck Road Escondido, CA 92027 (760) 741-2248 EDUCATION: 1992-799s National University, Vista. CA - Calif Mu/t/p/e Sublect Teachrng Credent/a/ 1977-1980 University of California, Santa Barbara - Bachelor of Arts Degree, with Honors Dramatic Aris 1975-1976 West Valley College, Saratoga, California EMPLOYMENT: 1992 1985 . . . l . . . . . Drama Specialist, Vista Academy of Visual & Performing Arts, Responsibilities include integrating language arts, science and social studies curriculum with creative dmmatics, teaching acting, puppetry, mime and Shakespeare for grades 2-8 and directing student productions of: LOS HiJOS DEL PAiS or CHiLDREN OF THE COUNTRY (1998), WiTCH OF BLACKBIRD POND (1998), THE HOB5iT (1997j, SADAKO’S THOUSAND PAPER CRANES (1996), MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM (7995), WHALES! (1994), LET EiNSTEiN BLOW YOUR M/ND (1993), EMPEROR AND THE NiGHTiNGALE(1992). Artistic Director, Co-Founder Starmakers Open Access Theatre. Star-makers is a seasonal theatre company that features talented developmentally and physically disabled actors, co-produced by the City of Carisbad and the Association for Retarded Citizens - North San Diego County, California. ONCE ON THE FAR S/DE OF YESTERDAY.- Carisbad Cultural Arts Center, February 7995 and September 1997. MYSTERY OF A VANlSHiNG RAiN FOREST: Carisbad Cultural Arts Center, January 1994 RHYTHM OF LIFE; WiSDOM FROM THE RAiN FOREST: Carisbad Cultural Arfs Center, A@ 1993. STARMAKERS’ MUSICAL H/STORY TOUR: Carisbad Cultural Arts Center, February 1995 and March 1996. NlGHTiNGA LE; Carisbad CuNural Arts Center, February 199 1. RENAiSSANCE REVELS: Selections from Shakespeare: Hahn Cosmopoiifan Theatre, San Diego, produced by John Burnham and Company, August 7991. Ye O/de English Renaissance Faire, San Marcos, CA lo/90 and 10/9 1. Car/bad Cultural Arts Center, Callsbad CA 3114 - 3116190 Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, San Diego. sponsored by the San Diego RegIonal Center, g/30/89 OLD SILENT MO VIE Carisbad Cultural Arts Center, 4/l 1 - 4/16/89. .- ~- -.-__..- ______ __ PETER AND THE WOLF Puppeteers of Amenca - Southwest Regtonal Puppetry Festival. San Diego. CA, 2/13/I/88. Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center, 2/l l/88. Disables Women’s Q~~~ortunity Week Operwg Ceremon/es, San D/ego. CA, IO/l 5/8 7 Carisbnd Cuitumi A& (:cJr,ttr,. lo/07 100/1.1~;111 I ANifl.‘;y SBrrj (k?(]o Vt?ry ~r~fJ(vrl,~/ Art:; f’ost~v,I/, tj/tj(i ~‘,lrt.‘,/hl(f Ctdtllfal Rfts l:c~rrlt’r ;‘/Il.‘, #I/K1 ;‘/H(; - Claudia Leoneslo-Mons Page .I 1990 199.7 A/fist in Rcsidcncc A ( :,~/~lofr~~,t Aff:; (:ollftc.~/ c~r;rfrl :~~~or~.soretl 1)~ lhe Assooalfon tof Retafded C&zef,s, San D/ego Norit~ (:ocff~ty (Il~ipt~r cx~r~tlrrr:t~f~~ theatre arts workst?o~x~ for developfnefitatly disabled adult ‘J( IO/.\ I ‘,ut~c:~pants pertor/~wl 11) trdl stage Starmahers productions, and toured fnm- 1)(~/1~)//1~~1/t(:(‘.s to SCIIIOI ~xwt~?/~. corwalesccftt Itospftals. Earl/l Day fam. NatlolJal Assocrat/o,) of Ml/s/c: Thefap/sfs, af)tl va11011.s orgaf,/zat/ons 1990, 1991 San Marcos Chamber Renaissance Faire Duchess of St Marks. Royal Cowi Coordinator 10/90, 70191 1990, 1991 Carlsbad Youth Theatre Summer Workshop Actmg instructor 1986 - 1989 Artist-in-Residence A three year California Aris councrl grant sponsored by the Vista Unified School District conducting Theatre Arts Workshops with developmentally disabled and physically challenged students. High risk continuaDon school students from Abraxas High School, Poway, were Integrated into the last six months of this project. 12/89 - 2/90 Carlsbad Youth Theatre, THE HOBBIT, Director 7988 Ariist in the Library, Carlsbad, CA This was a four month project funded by the State Library Reconstruction Act, designed t0 encourage deaf students to read and to utiiize public library services. Students selected poetry and interpreted it through mime and sign language in two separate theatrical productions. SIGN/MIME REVUE AND SIGN/M/ME REVUE ii. 1984 - 1990 . PETER AND THE WOLF - Director . A CANDLE FOR EVERY MAN - Co-author, puppeteer, mime . MASTER MiCHAEL’S MYSTiCAL HALLOWEEN - Puppeteer, mime . ELF/N HOLLOW - Puppeteer . FAN TAS YMAKER’S PUPPET CIRCUS - Puppeteer . THE LAST CHRiSTMAS - Puppeteer . MELANIE AND THE FAiRY PRiNCE - Director . BE WILD WEST MEDICINE SHOW - Co-author, puppeteer . 4 PUPPET KEEPSAKE - Co-author, puppeteer . S_L_I_DlNG DOWN A RAINBOW - Mime # TfiA T SPECiAL PUPPET CHRISTMAS FEELING - Puppeteer . l-KS/DE THE MASK - Director, mlrne Tri-Crown Family Theatre: Co-Founder, Producing Director A non-profit corporation that toured the West and Midwest with meaningful family entertainment. 1983 Stony Creek Critters Puppet Theatre - Puppeteer Tollred over 150 performances of a drug-abuse pfeventrort SIJOW to elementary SdJOOiS ‘n .‘ic~flla (h7 and .%flta Lhrtxm cOuf1tfe.S AI .o I !I I I..%lo; I~I~!~llMI~ Jkd~~ctclv~ I 1’ f’dr*tnv.~ 14, I(IIJ 01 huluvy Vd~y. I< I 004 .‘O’ 17’207 I?/ 08, fax (K)4 ?(]‘I I’ j2? 37 5 \ R‘Yl,Wl AlW\ I,*lt’k i6.i 004A)*l I* 111 .t.+ 10 ~Cfd~r~~;wrt I~MJ~~.I~ thmck t/w. 001 (II) II IOU , I,, I,(.', Iwrt. ItI 04. 1v*lt1 TO c.lIl~l~nd All3 tlllaa. /XI,l.., , Lo, ,‘,W”#,,,C, HI ., L~C~L,.CN I 1 NN,.L.AN CUHRI~:1ll.UN Vl’l’Ab. Alo .lcfek, born 1’1 16, 1 r<ml tllr .1qc <II 1-t ‘~Itcnrrd slnqinq ,‘o,,IT.*-h and p,em lormd Lxl3r ‘c,,<‘rc.o*r~~ .,I coII<:I.c,J. nt the age 01 16 IIC ~t3~Lcd stuuyluq at the ~KWJUC CcmservaLury UILI, P~~oleosot Kon3tanLin. liti) vnlarqcd his ant.c!r3f 3 on direct In‘, and gvorythlng thal wdh a:onnq ct+rd v1t.h theatcc artid mu:,,<- crrat lnr,. lie graduated ,,a 195tI. In 1959 he escablishcct Lhc pxoqrczr ivc ~cenc of small thc,Lrc tOKms in Ksrlovy Vary allcl dL Lhc ‘.dmr tlZW he wotkcd AS a dranntic adviser to Katlovy Vary mu-ic Cestiv;,la. In 1963 he Left for Prague, whrr~ he gor throurjla literary prdctiso with t.hw writer Emi1 Vaclrek and norkcd tis dr& a SSlLLetrlL to ilLrector 111 Lh.2 PrJqL4a nun.ii~lprl Theat.ros. In 1365 hc returned to Karlovy Vnry. A year lst.er he intclated establishlny Lhe TnlercaLlon~~l Vocal Contest of Antonin Uvoidk. Uy the par 1970,hC Wax A mcniwr of 1~s iury and the rcpcrlory adviser fif K&rlovy Vdry music life. From 1971 to 1973 hc was n prlv.ate singing torches From 1974 to 1979 he uo~hed as .I dramatic ddvi3er to the Art% Agency YE~~OCOMXC~ ahd ihc dlrcctot oi the l-r~gw ttrentrc Rcduta. rears from 197Y to 1190 h,- Jrur>ted t.o a.Ct-Avltl(?s a.9 an auC-her, dlt’vctor and mdnager. Hc took p.311, in ~t.u,~e p~rfo~nru~cca and concerts. In 1990 he uun tlw cccnpctit loi> of a post for the director of Lhe Munlclpal CJIltULAl Centre LII Ka~lovy Vary and hc ptcparcd it for transformatiorr CO the Production Ccntrc: aaL AnwzthysL in lYY7. 1” 1991 he csLrblish& U~~.Intecn~ltio~;al Vocal Centlc Of Antonin I~Voiik. lt supcrViae3 anm~*l InI crn.lt Ivrtidl Vocal COoteZt Of hntoni.n I)voiAk (th~.s year the 33rd) and I11LrrnaIion.rl InterplctJlive Singing Cacrrscr; Ithi:, yc.~r qhe 0th). I,, 1996 hc bC.C,,R,c the t,) l,.<.t.or ot tlw agrricy tlrrt ~a.5 rrrrdLed by Cvnncctinq 01 the Pro<luction CL’III or: 01 Arm*l.hy~C, the Karlnvy Vary Symphony Orcho31 la .md the Internat.ional Vocal Ccntrc u[ Antonb Uvoiak. by the dccl*~oll Of the Town at K~rlovy Vat y. : 1 .; f. 1 I .I . \ I - --~ __.. KARI.OVARSK$ SYMTONICti ORCWSTR nd rmwu VIJdmlr CwmAL klJh8 017 312 30 44 .- - ~-. _____ - -- _. _ .-- I’ROOUKtNi CCNIRUM MEZlNhOONf AMETHYST PfVECKf CENIRUM ANIoNhA ovo(uuA Ma,L& Jrlulrorl s&rclrrist Juu Iphvl M&k ImcLovl Id. 111 17 ‘IO d lu707aa I I( )I I( iI AS I<( )S I‘( I( ‘K ItI;sl IMI~. VI )I I( ‘:\ I I( )N Sltc-llic4tl t II~I\c.I~sI~J~. ( ;I.C.,II I<I.;I;IIII Ikk~lrClcll~ 01. M\lSlC \vill1 I lol1(,I-\ I’,70 M;lsfc.~ 5 of’ Mklsic. 107X I*‘rcihCrg h,l~lsil;l~ocl~scl~rll~. (icrn~;~~ly I liglk*r Arlislic I )ipl~lrlla in (‘olldilc~(iI~g 1070 IO70- I903 M :‘k 1’ ’ t u41 c ~rcc or, Kionstm/. ( kwn~~r~~ I OS-l- IO93 I’rincip~l, Kostanz Musikschule I90 I - I’IL’SCII~ Conductor, Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra ,+Fs-.zwc; -- .-. z_F__ .A.-..--;.- ;zz :i B - --. -7-=-,1 II ; ~~. __.. -_ .L _.___.. --.~~~ .-.-... --1 Ihlgbs ihs t ock Cotlducfur I~c~u~las Ik)slocA. ~NII III England m 19.55, ic nnc of fhc outstanding British conductors of his ecncralion. As Murikdirehlor m Konstanz. Germany Ironr 1979 he worked CKlCflSiVdy as regular guest conducwr wirh IIK Southwcs~ (icrmm t’hilhrrtnonic. ttis r~~~tarion PRZW midiy and I-XI I<) numtrous gutsI cn~a~ctocmtc with prom&m orchestras io LIT@, A&&i and Asia, including widely acclaimed appcluances with the RflC Philharmonic?( Prague Symphony, Crcfh Radio Symphony. Virtuosi di Prqa, Bmo Pbhilharmonic (Czch Republic); United I’hilhnrn~ooic Vienna (Autirla); c;rmcra!.l Polifonica Siciliana (Italy); Stuttgart Chamber Orchcstn, Hallc Philharmonic, Mimchcn S Chicago Chamber, Colnrdh Festival and ii mphony Orclrerrra (Gcnnany); Nafinnal Chamber, ansjls Cil S mplrony t : Symphony Orchestras (USA); Gunma r anrl Gci-I)ai Orchestras (J+wI); Mexico . talc Symphony, to mention but a few. I c has OollaboraWd with almost 100 orchestras and choruws on R contmcnts In 1991 I)trcry.l.~s IIoaock was appointed IO lhc position of Principal C~-~cluc~nr and Music Director of the Karlovy Vary (Carlshad) Symphony Orchcstrq one of the leading orchestras in the Cxch Kcpul~lic and ilonorary Gucu Conductor with lhc inlcralionally rcnowncd Chamber Philharmonic of lklhcmia. Ilc tours wilh bolh orchcslras throughouut Europe in addition ta a busy &hcrdulc in the Czech Republic ir4C. Dou~:lnc lb%kx-k has rccorclcrl many (‘1)s wirh orclu:rtras u, IIK Cmh Rcpuhlq in luly, (icrn~~ny and with IIIC Wcbyal l’hilhrrn~wuc Orchorra tn I or~clon, and IUX broadcast hoti fur rddw a4 IA-vision lit l~rform\ rqul;lry at inlcrnal~on.4 frclivalc, including Ihc Prague Sprint I’IcIival, whc~r hc IS nlul a jury mcn~ber of lhc lrltcrnalional Conclucling Comfk3ition. A fornirr pupil of SII hdrldrl I~NII~ m Lonrlon, and I.rancis Travi.5 in I‘rctburg, MacsIro IketcKk’c hdd rqn!rloirc (ca I (KM scorch mndwcd to de) covrr$ a wide spcclrum of ecnrrs and c~yl<~ 111~ conducting S$ nrarkcd hy Ihc carv and inlqrl(iy with which he app~o~~‘hrs ~-AC-II .swr~- antl Iby III<: Icmplnnicnl mid rmhucia\lll with which he conununica(c’s 10 tHlIII mu\icxinr alId aucll,W~ ,‘\ d!lkC III ih, 100 IPHi V’I~III I h~~l.~\ I~I,~x L ‘\ cll.lry I(,, l~l,-\ 10u15 4114 ,:~c\I rq-,;qrmcnrc in (;<:rlllany. Splln. (;tc,u IhIrn,,,, Swl~rrrLlrltl, hlI\lrl.l, IUly. SC rlrchnL4vU. the [ISA allcl la(W I,, 4&IIII<lII ICI 1 IW\y I~XWllll): u4r,~tlUlc N.~r,d* I IV? I IX)t t.l.A!, lK~.\IU~'h Cl) Al~l"rA11~11 \ \,\II\~III~w~ IWIJ IH)\I(;~.AS Bo! - YK I)IS(‘O(;HAPIIV (Nnwmhw 1991) - MUnchon dymphony Orchaatra / Conductor2 Douqlkm Bomtock Cot-don Jnc (a11 Sym~hon i CY et I.. “The Rr I c ish symphony Cul lact ion” Vol. I 4 - Vnuqhnn b-411 I Inme Symph. No H I orchestral works; “1‘11e LIr it ish Symphony c‘ol 1rc:t ion" Vul 1 I Royal Philharmonic Orohestrr London 1 Conduotor: Dauqlas Bostock - Ar~lonin nvnrak ‘*!;I.~vuI~Lc Uanccs” OD. 46 & 7~ Carlsbad Symphony Orchentre / Conductor: Douglas Boatock - Antontn Dvorak "Tlrc Symphonies of Ceremony and Oanc.c" (incl. Scherzo capriccioso, l.~Jgcnds, Carnival overture etc.) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart “Wind Concertoo” (Daniel L+ampcrC - flute, Christinn Lampert - horn) - Bedrich Smetana u?foldau"; Antonin Dvorak Symphony No. VIII etc. - Yioonliqht4' (John Briqqs - piano) (i cl. P *'HatGnu Concerto” 6 works by Rachmaninov, Debussy, Uo art, Saint-Saens etc.) - *A &fusica~ Souvonlr from Karlovy Varyw (incl. Fibich, Smetana, Ncdbal, Dvorak, Lahitzky, Fucik) - Zdenek Fibich *'AC Twilight" Antonin Dvorak Symphony "From the NW World" - Vitezlav Novak “South Bohemian Suite* and uNocturnesg’ (Daniela Strakoua - soprano) - Oscar Nedbal Ovsrturofi, Suiies, Scherzo Caprice etc. * - Zdenek Fibich "Symphonic PoemcW and other works l - Vitzezlav Novak Symphonic Song Cycles and orchcstrnl music (Daniela Strakova - soprano) Camarata Polifoniaa Biciliana / Conduotor: Douglas Bostock - “Stabat Uater” works by AIessandro Scarlatti & D'Astorqa l - Vinccnzo Bellini Mass No.2 (CD premiere) t choral works by Ceremia (world premiere recordings) Chamber Philharmonic of Bohemia / Conduotor: Douglas Boatock - “French t4iniatures I*' (Rizct, Saint-Sacns, falo, Chabrier, Franck, Dcllbes) - “French Hiniatures II" (FaurC, Ropartr, D’Indy, Picrnb, Debussy, Satie) - “French Hiniatur-rs III" (Rawl, ~ousscl, ro~ienc, ttowqqer, Milhaud, Ibert) - Johannes Brahms; Serenader. I i IY Op. 11 I I6 * - Gabriel Faur& Etaqulcm L or.ner works l - Joocptr Rt~c+lnhcrger organ Concf?rtos etc. ((II rik !;paw-nanson - or yhn) L .locepl~ Haydft .Sy~~~lht-m irr; Tokyo Kosol Orchaatre / Conductor: Douylaa 8o*took l - r‘ont r*iqmt-a~ y FIIJ o(w.nn Wind H\l:i JC: l.i1301< I3Al.AK I<IISI rn4r: i:l)l I(‘A I’ION .I;I~c~s~;I\~;I .i~~/I\;t ( ‘OI~SC~ ;II~w~. I’IJ~IIC: Music ( ‘cmiposition 31~1 .i\t.l.;~ll~c’~ilc~lII h4;1slcr’s I )cgrc~ IO’)!4 (( ‘/.cch ICqui\~;llcnl) I~;i~l~cl~w~s I )cgrcc IO00 ((‘/cc11 I~cluiv;llcnl) Karlovy Vary Vocational I ligh School: Machinery I)iploma. I970 I’lcctronics IXploma, IWO CAI<IXR I IIS’I‘ORY I977 - Formed SI ICX‘K ROCK Rock Opera Ensemble, Succcssli~lly toured C’zcchoslovakia for several years 1988 - Formed ROCKOPERA, later changed to KARLOVY VARY MIJSIC THEATRE Artistic Director/Composer/Arranger/Business Director COMPOSI’I‘ION AND PRODUCTION HISTORY 199 l-1 995 KVMT production TIIE TIME MACHINE, an introductory music program for elementary-school aged children, toured Czech Republic, Italy, Germany I99 1 KVMT Original Production of rock opera THE TIME CD produced 1991 I993 KVMT Original Production of Contemporary Ballet STONE CD produced 1993 1995 KVMT Original Production of instrumental work-BALLAD OF TI-IE LEAVES CD produced 1995 I997 KVMT Original Production of rock opera ROMANY (English: GYPSY) Cf> produced 1997 10% - Tenth Anniversary of KVM’I‘ celebrates 2,000 performances of rock opct3, baIIct, thcatrc, concert performances. **Mr. I3alak.s fas communication of his backgr<>und is attachcd, to indicate his cspcricncc as au “oulsitlcr artist” during tlic Conmunist l<cgime and his achicvcnicnts as I;oundcr and Artistic IIircctor of an indcpcndcnt (non-state-nffiliatccl or funded) musical ill.lS CllSClllhlC. Ill IOOO. tllC COlll~illly cstahlishcd II Slll:lll pcrl‘ormancc SpXC CLlllCd “‘I’I~c;ilrc I Jntlcr llw I3ridgc.” Mr. I3;1lak IUS cshihitcd iI11 unusual ability 10 dcvclop IocaI corlxxllc* s~lpporl li)r llis Ilighl~~ contcn~porary projccls \villiin iI culture 0l‘goVCl IllllClll Iiitldiilg :lld c~l’liciillly sailclicbl\c~l Il~;l~lili0llill illIs. TO: SENDER: KARLOVARSKti HUDEBNi DIVADLO Llbor BaMk rockovd opera 1988 - 1998 Ktrrlovy Vary 9. dubna 1998 COLLEEN FINNEGAN SISTER CITY STAFF LIASION Carl8bad Arts Office phone & voice mail: 434 - 2900 KarlovatskC hucfebni divadlo Llbor Bal6k Cetni 13 360 05 Karlovy Vary Dear Colleen, I send you ,, hurry“ fax message. It Is in poor English. Only now I all right transfer text of your fax message. Now I will write without aid. It is mad- house1 I was born in Karlovy Vary may 10. 1961. After I was 9 years old, I began study elementary music schoo! in Katlovy Vary. In 15 years I base my first music team Shock - rck. My group ride about all Czechoslovakia vith great achicvcmcnt vith musical program . Because diction of my music was for communistic r,gimc implausible (rock opera I’?§...), and my person too, study in music school was for me excluded. But my music was lived all long and in end of communist my live was born afresh. I am purely 9 year old... In years 1875 -1978 I was study high school (machine), graduation 1880, in years 1985 - 1990 I was study additional high school ( electronics), graduation 1990. Not until in 1990 I bagan study official music In selective high school- conservatory Jaroslava Je2ka In Prag branch compo- sition and arrangamont. Graduation 1996, absolutorium 1998. For all compositors Is greatest achievement edition of CD. I have 4 CD, in 1991 The Time, 1993 ballot Stone, In 1995 for Ballad of folliago for string band and in 1997 rock opera Rumany opera. Karlovy Vary Musical Theatre is my private company with many of difliculties. We have not lot of many for our pursuits, we have not good places for rehears16 wo havo small theare....But extant WC‘ arc goin to cclobrnliorr 3 000 performance ot my thoatre!( Rock opers, ballet6,opcn - air thsnfros,fables, conserts etc..) PROGRAMMTNG HISTOKY ‘l‘llr Ol~~il~~iz~lti0n: ( ‘;rrIshad \\;;Is 111~ lirsl city in San I)icgo ( ‘ou~lty lo cslablish ;1 Iilrllrlc~ipal :llTS tlg!cllCy, wilh ill1 AlIS I~:lcll~cill ~~lll~lldlll~ll~ 10 the (iCllCl-ill l’l;lll in 1085. I’llC Arts ()I’licc opcrnlcs 011 ;I /.cro-bawd annu:rl budget, which hiIS incrcascd from X0.000 in IWO lo mor-e Illilll $300,000 in I:Y 1005. In addition Ic, (‘ily Ciencral l~untls, j.!l.illltS, sponsorships, partnerships and conlributions provide t1;20.000-ilj.000 annually. I Iw Arls (H‘licc employs 3 lilll-tinic and 2 pal-l-time pcrnianent StillI‘; nianagemcnt staff has 40 years conibincd cspcricncc in professional arts programming and production. ‘I’hc Community: Localed about 35 miles north of the City 01‘San Diego. Carlsbad cspcricnccs one of the nation’s fastest growth rates: population doubled between 1980 and 1990 and is projected to reach 135.000 by 2020. Seniors make up 25%, Latin0 and other minority residents cotqprise 18% of the current population, projected to increase to 30% of build-out population. Student population is currently 30% culturally specific. Rcsidcnt statistics: 90% high school/35% college graduates; 50% professional/managerial occupations; median age 35, family income $5 1,000. Local industries include 27 hotels with 2000 rooms, 2 major regional shopping malls, electronics, aerospace, biotech, sports apparel and equipment manufacturing, several land developers, an auto dealerships park. Ability to Carry Out Project: Staff has full responsibility for the development and management of events including residencies, concert-hall performances, large-scale outdoor events. Staff conducts booking and artist relations, budgets and contracts, marketing and promotions, production and technical support, site management, and evaluation. The Arts Office presented 43 events attracting 30,000 people in 1997: l Festcjando: the Mothers Day Festival at Holiday Park hosted over 600 residents. l TGIF Jazz in the Parks: expanded to 10 jazz concerts in 1997, added a 41h park and saw an increase in attendance at all concerts, totaling 25,000. l Visiting Artists: Under a fully funded international residency program (1 of only 4 nationwide) Irish Dancer/Choreographer Mary Nunan spent 4 weeks teaching 200 students contemporary dance. (No CAC Touring Roster artists booked in 1997; most years 2-3 artists/ensembles spend 3-5 day performance residencies Carlsbad). l Sister Cities: For October’s “Karlovy Vary Cultural Week,” Mayor Josef Pave1 led a delegation of musicians and artists for a Czech art exhibit and a series of classical concerts. Futtsu Student Iiomestay included Mayor Kan Shirai, and 15 students. l ‘I’hc Multicultural Festival 11~ Kids For Kids presented I2 free ethnic dance programs in professional performance sites to 2500 students. l The first annual Arts and Lecture Series attracted over 200 attendees. l Crcativc Arts Camp & Club Pelican achieved record attendance this year: 180. l Artists-in-Hcsidcncc: Buena Vista School: Mary Lou Valencia completed her 2-year Aztec Traditions residency in the spring and dancer Elizabeth Jam began a 2-year rcsidcncy in the fall. Valley Jr. 1 Iigh: Angel Andamc continued the photographic arts program from 96-97 through 97-98 on a CDI3G grant. S~~,OOO in matching Community Arts Grants to 14 local organisations helped to provide 00 additional pcrl~~rtnauccs and exhibits md 4 ongoing projects in (‘&bad. SC\‘Cl-ill pro.jcc& illILl pcrlinmallccs rcccivcd technical WSiSlilllW Ii-0lll lllC Arts Oflicc.