HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-05; City Council; 14665; APPROVAL OF PLANS & SPECS, APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS & AUTH TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF VISTA|CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B VIA VC9, CMWD PROJ. 91-403,2 2 G E $ - @ ? g & LE 3; q a 3 03 .$ a ' 5 8';; 3 .rl m co'o cv 0 4J a, .. 2 0 i= 0 a G z 2 0 0 J 1 u AB# )A! TITLE: APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, DEPT. HD. 1 MTG. 05/05/98 ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CITY ATTY. DEPT. CMWD THROUGH VC9, CMWD PROJECT 91 403,CONTRACT 31 821 B, CITY MGR. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZATION TO VISTNCARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B OAK STREET STORM DF?AIN,CONTRACT NO. 3528, AND PAVEMENT OVERLAY, CONTRACT NO. 35581 AND APPROVING CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 98 r 133 approving plans and specifications, appropriation c and authorization to advertise for bids for the construction of the Vista/Carlsbad Int Sewer Reaches VC5B through VC9, CMWD Project No. 91-403, Contract No. 3182 Street Storm Drain, Contract No. 3528, and Pavement Overlay, Contract No. 35! approving Construction Schedule 3. ITEM EXPLANATION: This project replaces Reaches VC5B through VC9 of the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor constructs the Oak Street Storm Drain, and includes an asphalt pavement OVE Jefferson Street and Oak Street. Reaches VCSB through VC9 include 42-inch c interceptor sewer pipelines in Jefferson Street from Las Flores Drive south to Oak and in Oak Street from Jefferson Street to the railroad right-of-way. The sewer i owned by the Cities of Vista and Carlsbad. The existing sewer pipeline and manhol been severely corroded due to hydrogen sulfide, and the daily flow rate now t pipeline design capacity. The existing sewer pipeline will be abandoned along thi! Staff recommends proceeding with the proposed construction to replace the intc sewer to meet capacity requirements and preclude potential pipeline failure resulti corrosion. The Oak Street Storm Drain is a portion of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain 1 The Oak Street Storm Drain extends along Oak Street from Roosevelt Street to the right-of-way. In an effort to minimize construction impacts, Staff recommends pro with construction of the Oak Street Storm Drain in conjunction with Reaches VC8 anG the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer. The contract will involve separate bid sched sewer and storm drain, and the fiscal impact will be separated accordingly. Thc project will be bid with two separate alternatives. Alternative 1 is conventional trc Alternative 2 is microtunneling. Staff will recommend one of the alternatives at tim award. Microtunneling will have less impact on the streets and traffic. The asphalt pavement overlay will be applied if conventional open trench constrL selected for the pipeline installation. Microtunneling will not include the asphalt pc overlay. The engineering staff has prepared plans and specifications to construct the pipelii Construction is anticipated to require approximately two hundred and seventy (270) c days from the date of issuance of the Notice to Proceed. In accordance with 3.28.080 of the Municipal Code, an Invitation to Bid will be published, and the contrac awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder subject to the City Council a install the pavement overlay which are available for review in the Engineering Depi < Page 2 of Agenda Bill IP 0. /y/ dk 4 0 This project includes interceptor sewer replacement in Jefferson Street and Oak Si shown on the attached location map and installation of the Oak Street Storm Drair recommends approval of the project plans and specifications and requests appr proceed to bid for the replacement of the interceptor sewer and construction of tl Street Storm Drain. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: There are three possible schedules to consider for construction of the project. schedule is described below with a brief summary of general comments. Project D on track for execution of all schedules described below. For SCHEDULE 1, Contract Award would take place in July 1998; however, construction of the sewer replacement would begin in September 1998 and extend I, I999 (Legoland Opening). a) Prior to beginning construction gas pipeline relocations must be completec quantity of gas line required to be relocated will depend upon the method o pipeline installation chosen (conventional trenching or microtunneling). Convt trenching will require significantly more gas line relocation than will microtur The gas pipeline relocation work if not completed on schedule could also r delaying the sewer pipeline construction. b) Construction will occur during the Fall and Winter months. Construction del: occur in winter months due to wet weather and some difficulty can occui passing operations because of surcharging conditions in the sewer, crews working simultaneously and extended work days. This may result ir bid costs as compared to the other schedules. c) This construction schedule is a compressed schedule which will require For SCHEDULE 2, Contract Award would take place in July 1998; however, construction of the sewer replacement would begin in January 1999 and be comple to 9.5 months. a) Gas line relocation work would be completed and shop drawing submittals wc substantially completed allowing for coordination and resolution of une> construction problems prior to start of the sewer construction. b) Construction would not begin until after the ChristmaslNew Year holiday seas c) Construction would be completed prior to the Year 2000 winter season. For SCHEDULE 3, Contract Award would take place in November 1998, h construction would start April 15, 1999 and be completed in 7 to 9.5 months. a) This schedule begins after the 1999 winter season, avoiding rain delays. b) Construction would be completed prior to the Year 2000 winter season. c) Construction would take place after the opening of Legoland. d) Construction would occur during spring and summer months. Staff recommends Schedule 3. 9 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill 0. a 'f; 6 6 5 FISCAL IMPACT: The engineer's estimate of the sewer interceptor project cost is $3,600,000 for conv trenching and $3,800,000 for microtunneling. The total project cost is $4,400,000 F Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, of which $2,485,600 is available. The addition, requested, $1,914,400, for construction of this project in May 1998 are available in th 99 budget for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Replacement. The detail of proje are summarized in Table 1. {he amount of $3,929,999 have been appropriated in the 1997-98 budget TABLE 1 Carlsbad will be fronting the total cost of construction with reimbursement by accordance with the agreement on joint ownership. Carlsbad's and Vista's sharc construction cost is summarized in Table 2. Carlsbad is responsible for 27.3% of the Reaches VC5B through VC8 and 37.3% of the cost for Reach VC9. Reaches VC5B VC8 consist of 87.3% of the total project cost of $4,400,000 on a linear foot basis, $3,841,200. Reach VC9 consists of the balance which is $558,800. The Engineer's Estimate of the storm drain project cost is $300,000. The total projec $355,000. Funds in the amount of $500,000 have been appropriated in the 1997-9E for the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain and are available. Therefore, there are I funds available for this project. The detail of project costs are summarized in Table : 9 0 Page 4 of Agenda Bill 0. l% dk < TABLE 3 The Engineer's Estimate of the pavement overlay project cost is $250,000. The tota cost is $305,000. Funds in the amount of $496,000 have been appropriated in the ' budget for Pavement Management of which $412,900 are available. Therefore, tt- sufficient funds available for this project. The detail of project costs are summarized 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: The project is in compliance with the Negative Declaration approved by the F Commission on April 1, 1998, for the project's Coastal Development Permit 98-0 financing, bidding, and construction of the project would not create any ac environmental impacts that have not otherwise been evaluated and considered in Part II and the approved Negative Declaration that covers the entire project. 0 Page 5 of Agenda Bill d 0. /yjb (a 5 EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. Location Map, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Replacement Project Reache through VC9 Location Map, South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain Project, Oak Street Storm [ Resolution No. 92-13 7 approving plans and specifications, appropriation c and authorization to advertise for bids, for the construction of the Vista/C Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC5B through VC9, CMWD Project No. 91-403, ( No. 31821B, Oak Street Storm Drain, Contract No. 3528 and Pavement ( Contract No. 35581 and approving Construction Schedule 3 e LOCATION MAP VISTA / CARLSBAD INTERCEPTER SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT Project Name: SOUTH CARLSBAD VILLAGE OAK STREET STURM DRAIN STORM DRAIN PROJECT Project Ex No, r 31821BI352E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 98-137 EXHIB A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VISTNCARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B THROUGH VC9, CMWD STORM DRAIN, CONTRACT NO. 3528, AND PAVEMENT OVERLAY, CONTRACT NO. 35581 AND APPROVING CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 3 PROJECT NO. 91-403, CONTRACT 31821 B, OAK STREET WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determint necessary and in the public interest to approve plans and specifications, to appropi funds, and to authorize publishing an advertisement for bids for the constructior Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC5B through VC9, CMWD Project No. 91 -1 Contract No. 31821B; Oak Street Storm Drain, Contract No. 3528; and Pavement Ove Contract No. 35581; and WHEREAS, staff recommends Construction Schedule 3; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $3,920,000 have been appropriated in the I! 98 budget for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, of which $2,485,600 is available, the additional funds requested, $1,914,400, for construction of this project in May 1998; WHEREAS, the sewer is jointly owned by the Cities of Vista and Carlsl the City of Vista's sharc Carlsbad's share of $4,400,000 amounts to $1,257,080; $4,400,000 amounts to $3,142,920; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $500,000 have been appropriated in the 199; budget for the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain, and the total project cost is $355~ therefore, there are sufficient funds available for the project; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $496,000 have been appropriated in the 199; budget for Pavement Management and $412,900 are available, and the total project co $305,000, therefore, there are sufficient funds available for the project; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a e a WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the VistalCarlsbad Interceptor SE Reaches VC5B through VC9, CMWD Project 91-403, Contract 31821B; Oak Street SI Drain, Contract No. 3528; and Pavement Overlay, Contract No. 35581 have been prep; by the engineering staff and an Engineer's Estimate of the cost of the project of $5,060 are available in the Engineering Department; and WHEREAS, authorization is hereby granted by the City Council to publish Invitation to Bid in accordance with Section 3.28.080 of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Contractor and the City of Carlsbad will enter into a contrac construction of the project. WHEREAS, based on the EIA Part II and approved Negative Declaration for project's Coastal Development Permit 98-07, this project was described in the Neg: Declaration as within its scope; and there will be no additional significant effect, analyzed therein; and that no new or additional mitigation measures or alternatives required; therefore no new environmental document is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsl California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans and specifications and cost estimate of $5,060,000 submittec the engineering staff which are on file with the Engineering Department are incorpor( herein by reference and are accepted. 3. That Construction Schedule 3 is incorporated herein by reference ant recommended for acceptance. 4. That the authorization to publish an Invitation to Bid in accordance with Sec 3.28.080 of the Municipal Code be granted. Ill Ill Ill (L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e 5, That the Contractor and the City of Carlsbad Will enter Into a contrac construction of the project. 6. That the Finance Director is authorized to appropriate an additional $1,914 from the Sewer Connection fund and record Vista’s reimbursement of $3,142,92( estimated revenue. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Counc the City of Carlsbad, California held on 12th day of May , 1998, by following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: None Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin ABSENT: Council Member Hall ATTEST: & ,* ./Q pSJ / &fl ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk i (SEAL)