HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-05; City Council; 14667; Wording for Public Information Program on Radio Communication System Ballot Measures C and EAB# /T&b?
MTG. 5/5/98
Proposed Wording For The Public Information Program On
The Regional 800 MHz Radio Communication System Ballot
Measures C and E. CITY MGR. %
Approve the proposed wording on the attached 8 % x 11 inch postcard to be mailed to registered voters in the City of
Carlsbad to educate and inform them on ballot measures “C” (County wide backbone costs) and “E” (Carlsbad local
costs) for financing the 800 MHz radio communications system.
On April 21, 1998, the City Council approved an allocation of $10,000 from the general fund for the purpose of
developing and mailing an educational postcard on ballot measures “c” and “E” to registered voters in the City, with
the provision that the City Council have an opportunity to approve the final postcard’language (attached).
As previously stated, staff believes the City, as the agency that placed these measures on the ballot, should accept
some of the responsibility for delineating information to the public so they can make an informed decision. The
attached language has been approved by the City Attorney’s office and the Fair Political Practices Commission
(FPPC) has determined the text to be informational and therefore not require an FPPC filing.
Staff, therefore, recommends that the City Council approve the attached postcard language developed for the
purpose of educating registered voters in the City on Propositions “C” and “E” in the upcoming election.
$10,000 was previously approved from the general fund to the fire department budget for FY 1997-98.
1. Postcard language (front and back).
RPK-U:J-YB FRI 15:38 , . .
City of Carlsbad
Proposition E
(This proposition will appear on ihe ballot in the following form.)
Shall an Ordinance for funding police, fire,
medical and other emergency services be approved which
establishes as a specia 1 tax the previously authorized charge to continue paying Carlsbad's costs of
participating in the Regional Communications System?
- ---, -. .
At'K-U?-YU I'KI Iti; c, UC
For the purpose of funding the City of Carlsbad's costs of participating in a Police, Fire and Public Safety Regional Communications System (?System"), you are asked to vote on the adoption of a special tax ordinance ("Ordinance") to apply within the boundaries of County Service Area US-Zone A, Carlsbad. County Service Area 135 as a whole consista of the unincorporated area plus the cities of Carl&ad, De1 Mar, Encinitas, Solana Beach, San Marcos, Vista, Imperial Beach, Sanree, Lemon Grove and Poway. A two-thirds "yes" vote is required to appmvc: the Ordinance.
Pursuant to the Regional Communications System Agreement the City of Carlshad and the other participating jurisdictions are required to fund certain coats ("local coats") of the System. Zone A, Carlsbad, of CSA 135 was established to fund these local Wats. The special tax provided by the Ordinance will replace and not increase a county service area zone charge levied within the City of Carlsbad in 1995-1997 and which, due to the provisions of Proposition 218, may no longer be imposed.
Each year, the special tax will be limited to the amount actxia1I.y needed (but not more than the maximum amount permitted by the ordinance)
to pay for Carlsbad'a CORM of participating in the System. As specified in the Ordinance, revenue raised by the tax may be used solely PO pay (1) local expenses of the System and (2) the reasonable coets of this election.
The maximum annual special tax under this Ordinance Is $2.42 a benefit unit. Each tax parcel is assessed a specified number of bemfit units based on the use of the property. For example, singlo family homes are assessed 7 benefit units, mobilehomes are asseaaed 4 tiefit units, developed industrial parcels are aseeoced 20 boneLit tiits and timeshares are assessed one-half a benefit u&t.
The maximum annual t.a to be lrvied by Zone A, Carlebad af! ti single family home will be $16.94 tid on a mobilehome will We $9.68.
The Ordinance providg -t?hat after capital costs of the *em arc paid fIor, it is the intent. of the Board of Supervisors to reduce the tax to the amount necessary to pay for ongoing operations and maintenance
C0St.S -
A separate and distinct proposition (Proposition C) will also appear on your ballot requesting voter approval from all residents of County Service Area 135 of a separate special tax ordinance to pay countywide (backbone) costs oL the System. If Proposition C passes, the City of Carl&ad will not be required t.o pay its share of these backbone costs from local revenues; however, revenue raised by the Ordinanca will then be used to pay other local expenses such as user equipment. If Proposition C does not pass and this proposition passes, the City of Carlsbad may use the revenue raised by this Ordinance to pay its share of the backbone plus other local cxgenuea.
A 'yes" vote means that you are in favor of adogt~ny the ordir-ante.
A %oN vote means that you are opposed to adopting the Ordinance.
WK-U3-YB FRI 15:40
VOTE to complete the emergency 800 MHz Regional
Communications System.
Public Safety First
Time and time again, California has learned one overriding lesson from its fire and earthquake
disasters - communication and -. reu ionai coordination of resoumsa!utely essential. When your family or property Is threatened by a fast-moving wildfire or other peril,
you know that seconds count. Firefighters and law enforcement officers know that too. That’s
why they are asking you to vote ‘*YES” on Propositions C and E.
Prooositions C and E will:
. l Cut emergency response times
l Enhance disaster preparedness
.- l Provide improved public s&Q
by establishing a regional communications system linking public safety personnel.
. ,ronosition C funds the “backbone”, such as transmission towers, that creates ‘be system.
ProDasition E provides the radio equipment. which allows Carlsbad to use the system-
Saving Lives, Saving Property
Today, when several agencies respond to a public safety crisis they cannot all communicate
with each other. During the “1996 Harmony Grove fire”, precious time was lost because palice officers and firetightem were forced to try to communicate through a patchwork of
different radio frequencies. A “YES” voto on ProoosiUons C and E will chancre that
Propositions C and E they know firsthand of $; ere itten b
Enhance your family’s safety for six cents a dav.
Collection of property cation system WBS actually started in
1995196, and collecte ition 218 halted the collection of funding
pending voter approval.
Carlsbad homeowner
Plea& support publi
San Diego County Police Chiefs’ Pire Chief, Carlsbad and Sheriff's Afisociatim
,ROBERTB;VALJZS Chief of Police, CKlsbad DONKREPPS President, Carlsbzd Firefighters Association
CadSbad Police Officers AssocSJtim
No argument against the pmpeitian was filed in tk affice of the Registry of Voters.
The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego ordains
as follows:
Section 1. Puraose. County Service Area No. 135-Regional
800 MHZ Radio System is authorized to provide the extended
service of a regional communications system ("System"). Each
City or Fire Protection District that is participating in the
System is responsible for the cost of certain local expenses of
the System. This ordinance, which shall apply within the
boundaries of Zone A - Carlsbad of County Service Area 135,
provides for adoption and collection of a special tax to be used
solely to pay for the local expenses of the System and for the
costs incurred in connection with the election at which the tax
is adopted. The special tax set forth herein will replace and
?. not increase those county service area charges previously levied
throughout Zone A under Government Code section 25210.77a in
fiscal years 1995-1996 and 1996-1997.
Section 2. Determination of Tax. The Board of Supervisors
does hereby determine and propose for adoption an annual special
tax of $2.42 per "unit" as determined under section 3 of this
Section 3. Number of Units Determined. Units shall be
assigned to each parcel and calculated as follows:
Land Use Benefit Units
Single Family, Res. (incl. farm land) 7 per dwelling unit
Multi-Family and Condo 6 per dwelling unit
Mobile Homes (not in space rental parks) 4 per dwelling unit
Trailer Parks (with rental spaces) 4 per pad
Timeshare .5 per dwelling unit
Vacant Residential 4 per parcel
Office and Industrial Condos 6 per parcel
Vacant Commercial and Institutional 8 per parcel
Parking Lots, Garages 9 per parcel
Vacant Industrial 12 per parcel
Improved Institutional 14 per parcel
2/17/w vo
: .
Offices and Stores 16 per parcel
Meeting Hall, Gym, Marinas, and Docks 18 per parcel
Other Improved Commercial and Industrial 20 per parcel
Mining, Vacant Recreational,
Golf Courses, and Camps T s r 1 per parcel if
less than 10 AC;
2 per parcel if
between 10 and 20
AC; 3 per parcel
If 20 AC. or more
Section 4. Use of Revenue. Revenue raised by the special
tax may be used solely for the purpose of paying for local
expenses of the System and to reimburse all reasonable costs
incurred in connection the election.
Section 5. Annroval bv Voters. The special tax proposed by
this ordinance shall be submitted to the voters within the ,
boundaries of Zone A - Carlsbad of County Service Area 135-
Regional 800 MHZ Radio System. The ballot proposition shall be
worded as provided in the resolution of the Board of Supervisors
calling the election within the zone.
Section 6. Ooerative Date. This ordinance shall become -. operative as an ordinance of County Service Area 135 - Zone A - '
Carlsbad on July 1, 1998, if prior to that date the special tax
proposed by this ordinance is approved by two-thirds of the
voters voting on the question of the adoption of the special tax.
Section 7. Imnlementation of Tax. If the proposition is
approved, the Board of Supervisors shall prior to August 10th of
each year place the tax on the tax roll for each class of
property as set forth in section 3. The special tax shall not
exceed the amount set forth in section 2 hereof and shall be in
lieu of the previous benefit charge.
Section 8. Severabilitv. If any portion of this ordinance
be declared unconstitutional, invalid or otherwise unenforceable,
the other provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect.
Section 9. Fffective Date. Pursuant to Government
section 25123, this ordinance is effective upon adoption
ordinance relating to an election.
as an
APR-03-98 FRI 15:34 0 .' - :: .* *
I-, UL
Unincorporated areas of San Diego County, pkrs cities of Carlsbad,
Del Mar, Eminitas, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, San Marcos,
Santee, Sokna Beach and Vista
Propodtion C t
(This proposition will appear on the balk2 in the following form.}
. . . . . ” P.
Shall an Ordinance for funding police, fire,
medical and other emergency services be approved which
establishes as a sgecial tax the previously authorized
charge to continue paying the countywide costs of
participating in the Regional Communications System?
For the purpose of funding a Police, Fire and Public Safety Regional Communications System (*System"), you are aaked to vote on the adoption of a special tax ordinance ("Ordinance") within the
boundaries of County Service Area ("CSA")135-Regional 800 Megahertz Radio System. County Service Area 135 includes the unincorporated area of the County plus the cities of Carlsbad, De1 Mar, Encinitas, Solana Beach, San Marcos, Vista, Imperial Beach, Poway, Lemon Grove,
and Santee. The Ordinance will become effective if approved by a two-thirds mjority "yes" vote- 'l'he special tax will replace and not increase county service area charges previously levied by the County j.n most of County Service Area 135 from 1995 until 1997 and which,
due to the provisions of Proposition 218, may no longer be imposed.
Each year. the special tax will be limited co the amount
actually needed (but not more than the maximum amount permitted by tht3 Ordinance) to pay for the countywide ("backbone") costs of the System. As specified in the Ordinance, revenue raised by the tax may
be used solely to pay for (1) the costs of the System and (2) the
reasonable casts of this election.
The wimum Gpecial tsx rate io $O.BQ per benefit unit. Esch
tax parcel is assessed a rspecified number of benefit: units based on the use of the property. For example, single family homes are assessed 7 benefit units, mobilehomes are assessed 4 benefit units, developed industrial parcels are assessed 20 benefit units and timeshares are assessed one-half a benefit unit.
The maximum annual tax on a single family home is $6.16 and on a
mobilehome is $3.52.
The Ordinance provides that after capital costs of the System are paid for, it is the intent of the Board of Supervisors to reduce the tax to the amount necessary to pay for ongoing operations and maintenance costs.
If you live in the unincorporated area or within the cities of Carl&ad, De1 Mar, Solann Beach, Encinitas, San Fiar-cos, Vista, Poway or Imperial Beach, a separate and distinct special tax measure will appear on your ballot to pay for local costs not included irr this Ordinance.
A "yes" vote means that you are in favor of adopting the Ordinance.
A *no" vate means that you are opposed to adopting the Ordinance.
VOTE YES on Proposition C to complete the emergency 800 MHz Regional Communications
Public Safety First
Time and time again, California has learned one overriding lesson from its fire and earthquake
disasters - communication and reqional coordination of resources are essential. When
your family or property is threatened by a fast-moving wildfire or other peril, you know that
seconds count. Firefighters and law enfdrcement officers know that too. That’s why they are
asking you to vote “YES” on Proposition C.
Passing Proposition C will:
0 Cut emergency response times
l Enhance disaster preparedness
l Provide improved public safety
by establishing a regional communications system linking public safety personnel.
Proposition C funds the “backbone”, such as transmission towers, that creates the system.
A local iurisdiction proposition will provide funding for the radio equipment, which allows
each jurisdiction to use the system.
Saving Lives, Savicg Property
Today, when several agencies respond to a public safety crisis they cannot all communicate
with each other. During the “1996 Harmony Grove Fire”, precious time was lost because
police officers and firefighters were forced to try to communicate through a patchwork of
different radio frequencies. A “YES” vote on Propositions C will chanae that. Proposition
C and the local proposition were written bv public safetv professionals; they know
firsthand of San Dieao Countv’s vital need for a reliable communications svstem.
Enhance your family’s safety for seven cents a day:
The maximum combined cost for Proposition C and the local jurisdiction Proposition for a
homeowner will be $24.50 per year - seven cents a day; In many areas the cost will be less.
Proposition C and the local jurisdiction proposition, will fund ONE public safety
communications system, replacinq the multitude of radio svstems now in use.
Pleas/e support public safety - vote 44YES” on Proposition C and vour local proposition.
BILL KOLENDER SCCYITBARNETT San Diego County Police Chiefs' Executive Director and Sheriff's Association San Diego County Taxpayers Associac:
Deputy Sheriffs' Association San Diego County
President San Diego Fire Chiefs' AsSOCiatiOn
Vote No. This TAX FOREVER and TAX THE MAX proposition provides
funding for a big bloated bureaucracy
County service area law provides that the special tax may be used solely for the
purpose of obtaining financing, furnishing and maintaining the system
What is the system? One big bloated bureaucracy. Th re is a regional Communication
board. The regional communication board has adop d y-laws and establish
subcommittees. Then we have DIS (Department of Information Service) DIS is a
support organization . DIS handles paperwork, such as establishing and maintaining
accounts and records for the board.
The city council of San Marcos has authorized the&my of San Diego to collect
this special tax and have approved the election date for two propositionss K and C.
I quote a member of the city council. “ The record is very clear, June
elections yield voter apathy , November elections yields greater voter participation .”
Definition of voter apathy: lack of interest, unconcerned, indifference, and blissfully
ignorant. Don’t be an apathetic non K voter!
Are you happy with your taxes ? Have you ever blamed the politicians for high taxes?
That Washington bunch, that Sacramento bunch, that San Diego supervisor bunch,
That&y of San Marcos bunch. Don’t let this election be decided by the big spenders
and apathetic voters.
Vote No : proposition$C and K .
WK-UPYtl h-K1 15: 37
. : + .
. . mmjtL '!O'mE ARQR@NS pI;ALNS'T Pm=IT'IC..C
r, UJ
,Here are tie FACTS about Proposition C:
.’ . -. kf, p Proposition C was written by law enforcement and fire protection professionals, not &fpolitkians.
f$ 0 kroposition C funds arc restricted by law. They may only be used to wmpktc construction of tbt regional communication system for police, fue, medical and other
ctncrgerlcy SQvjccs.
#p: * Not vnc dime !bm Prop. C exn go to pet projects w bureaucrats.
/ #. I Proposition C is KOT a new tax. It nplacss tie fee WC have already Excn paying with a fax of the sallIe amoullt.
That’s why w C has ~cQ&YDCIRSED BY tfie Sfln AssOefatiOn, . . ~ofw~vciters, b v l E& O-d& md Poke Chiefs thmumaut San Dkyo COU+.
&m’s whv we need Prooositior~ C:
Today, many of our county’s 80 pubtic safety agencies coot communica~ &,!I each other when
disasters strike bccausc of outdated and incompatible communication systems.
Last year’s Harmony Grove fire demonstrated the problm. To notify others of their location on
rhe fire line, agencies had to telephone messages rhrough o?het dispatch centers.
Proposition C replaces the hedge-podgt of sytem with one reliable countywide @em, . . thereby c l
The plan to complete the Regional Communidons System has ,nVo paa.
1. Proposition C builds the infks~crurc. such 8s transmission towers.
2. A second measure on your local ballot provides the radios for the ftifighters and police
offrccr~ in your ncighborkood.
We need yoti YES vote for both pans: Proposition C g& your local measure.
mfylRNETT k&xx tive scm sAR&W?T EDWINAA.CISCO Executive Director LIeague of Somen vvl;ers uf !%I Dieyo Cour?ty Ttzxpqyera Association SXI niego County President
MnF!K C. ZEi3F#XXI RUSTYBURKETC Greater San Djego Chufriber of Commerce President, Deputy Sheriff's Association of San Diego county
Sen Diego Ckmty Polio2 Chiefs’ md Sheriff's Association
RPK-U3-YtJ PKl lb:31 r, uo . - . EcENlTTAL ‘. 1l.E AKUMEiW IN E’AWH CJF L’3O~:I -‘N C
The following well managed cities have chosen to avoid the CSA and higher taxes:
Bcondido, Oceanside, Chub Vista, El Cajon, San Diego, National City, La Mesa.
COKJM~CI. These cities are able to provide area and rcgionai services for their citizens
witt$ut a tax increase.
This tax is not based on the ability to pay. Property described as a mansion or as a modest
family home have identical special tax payments. The millionaire pays a tax identical to
senior citizens on social security income.
Do not be misled, do not believe scare tactics . The city and the county have adequate
tinds to support the regional communication i&structure without a tax increase.
San Diego County 2,097,231,000
Cities in San Diego County I,91 1,959,.0oo
School Districts in San Diego County 2,365,719,000
Special Districts in county 1,143,453,000
Redevelopment Agencies in county 498,027,OOO
Community CoIleges in County 16S,180,000
Use&I information may be obtained from the sources Iisted below
California Statistical Abstract
City of San Marcos Reports to the council Apr. 95 $ Oct. 97.
Regional Comxmmication Agreements for the cities and the county
County ordinance 888 1. $878
Ccxmty Service Ares Law beginning with section 25210.1 title 3 ofthe Government
General election 92 & 96
The Board of Supenrisors of the County of San Diego ordains
as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. County Service Area No. 135-Regional
800 MHZ Radio System is authorized to provide the extended
service of a regional communications system ("System"). This
ordinance, which shall apply throughout the boundaries of County
Service Area 135, provides for adoption and collection of a
special tax to be used solely to pay for costs of the System and
to pay for the costs incurred in connection with the election at
which the tax is adopted. The special tax set forth herein will
replace and not increase those county service area charges
previously authorized throughout County Service Area 135 under
Government Code section 25210.77a in fiscal years 1995-1996 and
1996-1997. .
Section 2. Determination of Tax. The Board of Supervisors '
does hereby determine and propose for adoption an annual special
tax of $0.88 per "unit" as determined under section 3 of this
Section 3. Number of Units Determined. Units shall be
assigned to each parcel and calculated as follows:
Land Use Benefit Units
Single Family, Res. (incl. farm land) 7 per dwelling unit
Multi-Family and Condo 6 per dwelling unit
Mobile Homes (not in space rental parks) 4 per dwelling unit
Trailer Parks (with rental spaces) 4 per pad
Timeshare . 5 per dwelling unit
Vacant Residential 4 per parcel
Office and Industrial Condos 6 per parcel
Vacant Commercial and Institutional 8 per parcel
Parking Lots, Garages 9 per parcel
Vacant Industrial 12 per parcel
Improved Institutional 14 per parcel
Offices and Stores 16 per parcel
2f17/98 (4)
Meeting Hall, Gym, Marinas, and Docks 18 per parcel
Other Improved Commercial and Industrial 20 per parcel
Mining, Vacant Recreational,
Golf Courses, and Camps >T ;f v 1 per parcel if r r less than 10 AC;
2 per parcel if
between 10 and 20
AC; 3 per parcel
If 20 AC. or more
Section 4. Use of Revenue. Revenue raised by the special
tax may be used solely for the purpose of obtaining, financing,
furnishing, operating and maintaining the System and to reimburse
all reasonable costs incurred in connection with the election.
Section 5. Apnroval bv Voters. The special tax proposed by
this ordinance shall be submitted to the voters within the .
boundaries of County Service Area 135-Regional 800
System. The ballot proposition shall be worded as
the resolution of the Board of Supervisors calling
within the county service area.
MHZ Radio
provided in
the election
Section 6. Onerative Date. This ordinance shall become *. operative as an ordinance of County Service Area 135 on July 1, \
1998, if prior to that date the special taxes proposed by this
ordinance are approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the
question of the adoption of the special tax.
Section 7. Imnlementation of Tax. If the proposition is
approved, the Board of Supervisors shall prior to August 10th of
each year place the tax on the tax roll for each class of
property as set forth in section 3. The special tax shall not
exceed the amount set forth in section 2 hereof and shall be in
lieu of the previous benefit charge.
Section 8. Severabilitv. If any portion of this ordinance
be declared unconstitutional, invalid or otherwise unenforceable,
the other provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect.
Section 9. Effective Date. Pursuant to Government Code
section 25123, this ordinance is effective upon adoption as an
ordinance relating to an election.