HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-12; City Council; 14673 Exhibit; Tienda de la Esquina?- I 1. PART 2 OF 2 AB #14,673 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA CT 91-6 Documents received from the public CARLSBAD RESIDENT PETITION CT 91 -06x2 TENDA DE LA ESQUINA OVERVIEW OF COMMUNITY CONCERNS This site is designated a neighborhood commercial and the site at La Costa and Rancho Santa Fe is designated as community commercial. Please do not consider them as similar locations. Also keep in mind we are only 700 households, and 367 said “NO” we do not want this for our children. Another 1,000 households are unable to speak for themselves as the homes are planned but not built. If another 500 households said please don’t do this - then you would have almost 900 households or 1,800 residents asking to keep this area a safe environment for our children. We are concerned about traffic issues on Camino de 10s Coaches between 7:OO am and 7:30 am when students and parents are driving to La Costa Canyon High School. We have included pictures that clearly show the increased traffic during this 30-minute time frame every school day. Pictures also show how drivers are now illegally proceeding down Camino de 10s Coaches in the center isle. Any business in this commercial site should not open prior to 7:30 am, as it would create an even more dangerous setting. Note: These pictures also capture an “almost accident” with cars driving down the center isle. Pictures also show that the children’s swings, slides, and playing area of Stagecoach Park is directly across the street from the proposed main entrance and only exit to this center. The La Costa Canyon High school has established a panel that includes the police department to address the many traffic issues created with the opening of the high school. The principal, Simeon Greenstein and Office Schultz may be contacted. 40 Households wrote additional comments that include: Residents asked the City Council to represent our families in making this site a safe part of our community. We cannot speak strongly enough against the sale of off-premise liquor on this site. Residents are stating they will not support or shop at any store that is providing for the sales of off-premise liquor on this site. Residents are concerned about environmental issues (Have included Baseline Risk AssessmentExposure Assessment) Residents who are schoolteachers have seen first hand the negative results associated with AM/PM type stores and gas stations that are located by a school. Residents are concerned about 7-Eleven in Village Park (Encinitas) and that we will duplicate the same environment here by La Costa Canyon High School. (see newspaper article) Residents do not want a gas station to include service & repair. They are also asking for a small number of gas isles. Residents are asking why we need two gas stations on the same side of the street within a quarter mile of each other. Where is this same situation in a residential area in the City of Carlsbad? There are only 12 gas stations in the City of Carlsbad. None are surrounded by residential homes. Does it make sense we are opening number 13 and 14 one quarter of a mile from each other in an area that is literally surrounded by homes, schools, and a community park? NEIGHBORHOOD ALERT #2 The City of Carlsbad will hear our appeal regarding the proposed commercial development at the corner of Rancho Santa Fe and Camino de 10s Coaches on June 2nd at 6:OO p.m. at the City Council meeting. Many of us are opposed to having a gas station, any type of store that provides for the sale of off-premise alcohol, and commercial businesses opening earlier than Albertson's or the Shell gas station in Encinitas Town Center. Our appeal is asking for the city council not to let this happen. The developer for this parcel is from Orange County and initially received approval for his plans in 1985. He chose not to build and the City of Carlsbad has given him other extensions. If this development was completed in 1985, possibly the schools, the park, and the developers of our surrounding communities could have designed their properties with safety of our children taken into consideration. Now 13 years later, the City of Carlsbad needs to reevaluate the feasibility of his plans within our community. This corner is surrounded by Mission Estancia grammar school, Greystone homes, Sonata homes, Stagecoach Park, and the new La Costa Valley homes being built over the next few years. La Costa Canyon High School is in close proximity. La Costa Valley area will also support the junior high school that our children will attend within the next five years. Additionally, the main entrance and the only exit to the center is on Camino de Los Coaches NOT Rancho Santa Fe. With this in mind, our concerns include: The Greystone children will be walking past this corner on th:- way to and from grammar school. For all the other children attending Xission Estancia, do we want any store selling liquor that is adjacent to cur grammar school? When the junior high school opens in La Costa Valley, ,tiany more of our children will be exposed to this corner site. During the school week our pre-school children attend programs which include utilizing the play ground area at Stagecoach Park. Additionally, many structured play groups (moms with children from newborn thru 5 years) in our community utilized the park as a meeting place for their children with lunch and afternoon activities. The park also provides numerous after school programs. The main entrance of the connaercial development is directly across the street from the children's swings and slides. Children in all our communities except Greystone will be required to cross Camino de 10s Coaches to attend Saturday structured activities or simply play at the park. Our neighborhood park will now be located on a busy street. Will we feel as safe allowing them to cross the street, or do we see the weekend family picnics and the many birthday parties held there in the same light? A similar project is already underway just a quarter a mile up the road at La Costa and Rancho Santa Fe. Union 76 is building a gas station and a two- story strip mall will be behind it. Do we need a 2nd gas station on the next corner on the same side of the street? During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MZETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELEC- OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: Coaches as students proceed to La Costa High School. Typical school morning 7:OO - 7:30 am Bike lane is left open for cars turning right. Rules issued by the school require students to be dropped off at a location on Calle Acervo - those are the cars turning. Truck in center isle making way to intersection of Calle Acervo. Taken between 7: 10 and 7:25. Red car is making way up center isle after entering isle after the Stagecoach left turn lane. Red car is still proceeding towards intersection of Calle Acervo in the center island. Students are driving is the only legal lane. Vehicle driving in center isle. This picture was taken between 7: 10 and 7:25 on a school morning. Vehicle is driving in front of Stage Coach Park towards Calle Acervo intersection. isle and is entering left h, for vehicles coming in th direction turning on Call black utility vehicle actually slammed on its brakes to avoid the red car that was turning left onto ram de Ins Coaches. left ad ti le 01 e Ac center Jrn lane )posite :ervo. u) 00 2s 0 0 .c a c 3 JrJ 4- 3 J I i- o 2. I .- ATSDR 1600 Clifton Road, N.E. (E-28) Atlanta, Georgia 30333 Offiie of Program Operations and Management Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry I Office of Policy and External Affairs Office of the I Office of the Assistant , Office of Administrator ATSDR Information Resources Management r Washington I Off ice I I Division of Division of Health Assessment Health Studies & Consultation - 1-1 Division of Division of Toxicology Health Education m 8 HUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR - WZAWS- a, '. KTEMAL -+---- SITES I-_ -_ - _. (AN OVERVIEW) David H. W. Liu, Ph.D. PrincdJRal,,?~xl~logist- Bechtef National,"Inc. ----e--+- -- r BASELINE RISK-ASSESSMENT EXPOSUREXSSE&MENT 1. %*> A .!i SELECTION OF o - identify- current- an&futbre-onsiteand offsite land use (residehtial,&%nmercial, industrial, recteational, other) I' Scer&rios for the basis o Choose0 Example: if the :is currently usedjb t , >-* manufacture widgets and will be redeveloped'for residehtial use in the future, a residential ad an industiial scenario estimates wou C' of risk ks $1 ' -, -_ -_-- m --). . Ch c -hr -- -.en included even th assumed to live on es on the site 7 % Exposure conkiitions for residents'are assumed to be worse than for oth& , 9'2 J+'&LX&& tf&s df 3' beople. 3.c ?; .,,- f-;F *.- I h 1 I 0 - N U n kZ t 6 0 0 0 (D F During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE WEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING1 YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IIP YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAmTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : Signature: Any additional comments : I During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HFARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MeETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE WEED TO FILL THE COVMCZL Cm 20 AN IMPACT ON OUR ELeCTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IP YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE TEERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary - I. -~ . Please have Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. .- What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SkETY -Ah WELFm. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED - - ---__ - - __ The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 The meeting is in the Council Chambers and Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary .- Please have allradults in your household sign: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal' of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARO! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO PILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IP YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND OSELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAII, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TEERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 OK Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. . Please have all adults in your household sign: -. - - Name : &---( /Gadsz Signature: - L-c) Name : Signature: k Address : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, I the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our-children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! To FILL -- COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPAJCT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 Let's make this a real cornunity effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary f Please have a1 Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE WEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL EZ FINZ IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PUN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 OK Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: ri .- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MMCE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carisbad Village Drive, just a block easr: of izhe I-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! I We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have alaadults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : I c4- ?a7 During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AETE?, &GL TXt9 IS ALL -ABCrUT TWZIR SAPETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Address : 3203 cob-+i POLO Any additional comments: of- Uuhd 76 w?} L L 'L During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SbPSURT Bli ;rlTzzii)IZ$G THIS MEETING! YOU WZT& NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAPETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLeASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in,your household sign: Name : Signature: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. x Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: .- d I/ __ During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have al1,adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR E'JPPORT EP ATTEEWING TXSS -TINS! YOV WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEEO TO FILL THE COUNCIL CKAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : A/ d Signature: rn&O-%r &a~nd Name : Signature: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL C- TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL- BE-FF~~~E-IF -YOU BRING YOUR XHILDREN -->T&s( ALL THIS 15 'ALL AEOW TiiiK SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO' P.M. PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU?! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in VOUK househol&sian: Name : Sig-nature : - Address : Any additional comment - Y 94-L52-3 c _- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the cormnittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING ~W&€%€ZLDREN - P-FTER ALL THTS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: _. During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his 7, concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. 1 Please have ts in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: , During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR-SU~TORT ~~ATTEKDIXO ms XZXXG~ YOUWSLL-~T HAW TG SPEAK, BUT-WE-NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CIUMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. I Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : LY' f Signature: dwAe U&X Address : 0' During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, f Mission Estanci2 1 came and spoke to the committee about his the principal o concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST 0PP;)RTULJITP TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW 'YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CflAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT OK QJR EXCm OFBICIALS. WILL BE FINZ IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - Ap?pER Au THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 PLEASE on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN TO BE TEEER&. WE NEED YOU!! The meeting is in the Council Chambers and Let's make this a real community effort! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather'at 943-7944 or Mary .- -- - Address : __ During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LUT OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MARE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS Au ABOUT THEIR - -- -_-e -_ -I--_ -- __ -- SAEETF AND-WELr2iRE-F The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-51 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: + /odd &bo( Signature: Name : + Name : /odd &bo( Signature: Name : Signature: - - ___ - Address : _- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO WU_qpJ FACT ON OUR &W!BFICIALS. IT __ - - WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have-dults in your household sign: Name : Signature: __ . .- . . . - Signature: Address : 77w c& Pd During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends OUT schools OK plays at our park. __ TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CIIAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 OK Mary _____ --- -- - Ellen N&ktgmaw - r-- Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : ” Any additional comments: ‘v- _- e. ; c - -. .- - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS Is an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW - -d-!Z!&X3?~ “1 . YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR smTY AND WELFARE. . .-- .- a. a. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: - Name : Signature : Name : 3iq.iatuze : Address : - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPr-T SZ ATT'ENEING THkS MEETING! WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. IOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CXAMBERS TO MAKIE AN IMPACT ON OUR E~ECTED OFEICIALS. ZT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. ' The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City - Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Any additional comments vu During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NGT HA= Ta S?=, EL- WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: .- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the - The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CWAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. WILL BE FIm IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. I Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : MASAo M/tc--( \ Signature: r A - Name : Signature: U During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU UILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BLlT WE W!Z T@ FILL TEse COUNCIL Cii TO MN(Z A# IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRIN(3 YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please haw11 adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAX, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL EE FIXE IF YCC SRING YO'= CHXLDPZN - P!FTER ALL =IS IS -ALL ABOUT TmIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 OK Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. I Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature: Name : Signature: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! Ts PZLL TIE COUECIL CHIL- TO MX?KZ AX ZXFACT CS 9'JR ELEC!lXD OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 The meeting is in the Council Chambers and Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Signature: I During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKe AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WIXIL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AETZR ALL TEIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFAPZ. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City - Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Adh Aoh,i5* Signature: Name : Signature: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. WILL RE FTNR XF YOU BRTUG PQWB_CHIIDR?TN - lLfiER ALL THlS IS -9u AEDUT T)IEZR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAEt TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City - Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature: U Name : Signature: -_ .- __ _- .. . - __ During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LIST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MARE AN IMPACT ON 0- E_LECTED OFFICIALS. SAFETY AND WELFARE. IT WILL BE FI~ IF YOU E~~~~G-Y~-CHILDF~EN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAEf TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City - Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Name : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL TXE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED NTICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOLi BSZX=5 YS'n- CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Any questions, please Gall Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : Name : P r retU m .- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the cormnittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our .park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER' ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAE'ETY AND WELFARE. TO FILL THZ cmcx~.-cxu+,mmsm-wm LW~~AGT- - ,aCW!Znn-CFFICuJ;,Q; --ET The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please have a14 ahltsh youdh/&hold sign: Name : Signatuse - : Address : . _- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttes about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends OUK schools or plays at OUT park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL C--TO MpKE_ +N IMPACT-ON OUR E-mCTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PUN To BE THERE. WEE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope I provided. Please Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at Please have Name : Signature: return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary 436-4243. all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : .. Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO &?tKE AI3 IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - -ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope - provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: W&%A. -- Signa , Any additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTIJNI!FY To BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO Sm, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CIUMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - Ap"pER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please have Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : 3!t3 4 - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SOPPORT EY XTTENDING THIS MEeTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED To FILL T€p COmCIL qpiBmV3 TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. WILL BE Z'ml-ZP YO'f BRI- SAFEm! AWD WELFARE. IT 1 VS IISALLABOUT TFIEIR- The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. _- provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: auric BhiIqn I Address : 3tod bvk ?om Any additional comments: ,As -,f ClLm help io anq dW, 1 I I' - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FIZNE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Y' Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLeASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTKNDING THIS MEETING! WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - ASTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT BE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL cxmmms TO MAME AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED omIcxms. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 The meeting is in the Council Chambers and Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. begins prompt1.y at 6:OO P.M. PLAN To BE THERx. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please ail Jody Sather at 343-7344 --f Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sian: e previous public meetings with the the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to grammar school. wrote a letter to the coxanittee expressing the s loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses so close to the high school campus. We need to administrators. The assistant principal of La What we hope that you have come to realiz few homeowners upset that they don't have a vie - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that a our park. TUESDAX, JUNE 2nd PTrS BE OUR SAST OPWRTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE S YOUR SUPPORT 89 ATTKHDSUG TEUS MEETR?Gk YOU WI To FILL THE COUNCIL To MAICE AN IMPACT ON OfIR ELECZED OFFICIALS. WILL BE FINE If YOU BRING POUR CHILDREN - SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEllsE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! The meeting is in the Council Chambers and We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If y agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in'the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City' Please have afi adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature : Address : Any additional comments: ld! w&&3-f--u,o During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, I the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JuNe 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HIWRD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEE& TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR EISCTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AE'TER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SmTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERe. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope - provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTPNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO E'IU THE COUNCIL TO MAZCE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU HILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE "3 ELL ss mi 13 YOU ~krm XOUR CHILDWN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you -_ agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Address : - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Cormnittee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL RE OUR LAST 0PPOR"ITY TO BE BEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED WT.~ VYF cnpwfr. mamums qm AN WWT nw om PTXE~ OFIPTCTAT,.Q. TC WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CFIILDREN - AFTER AU THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND OSELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE T"z. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : \ \ Signature: CLL -4 During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Cod the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the conunittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulk wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be loc so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these sc administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is few homeowners upset that they don't have a ?biew that is pleas - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our sch The address is on the left side of the street. The mee begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED Pow!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood AI agree with the issues, please sign the c provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Ma Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: I Name : i Signature: I , I .-, Address : I i Any additional comments: I it During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the . grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campu administrators. our park. TUESDAY, JtlX4E 2&WILL BE OUR WT YOUR SUPPORT BY OOIU BE rINE 11 YOU YOUR CHILD ' SAP%= AlqIj WELPmX. PLANTOBETHERS. WE agree with the issu t Council meetiFq. Any questions Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. # 0 .I Please hav -i- Qf t. # B , '- Address : Any additional comments: .. .. . .. .i I 'I During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPPORTUNTTY TO BE HEARO! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! TO FILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WXLL EE FINE IF YOU bIUN6 YOUR C2HLISRE;N - AF!CE3 ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Si gnatare: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the comntittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - !CHIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUl9ITX TO BE IIEARD! PLEASE YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING =IS MEETING! YOU WILL HOT HAVE TO Spl$AK, BUT TO FILL THE COUNCIL CBAMBgRS TO WKE AN IMPACT ON ELECTED OppIICIALS. WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AE’TER AI&’TRIS IS ALL’ABOm SATETX AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let‘s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. -If agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. - Please return immediately-so we can have them available at-the. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mar Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. i I Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: -fit/; B-#& i I Name : Signature: .I 3%- *<, Id I. v + previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his During the the principal of concerns for our grammar school. children should this proposed development be adjacent to the The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conanittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. I 1 TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE EIEARO! PLEASE SHOW I YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SpEAlf, BUT WE NEED To FILL THE COUNGfL cHu4BFRs . TO AN -ACT ON OUR WCTED OITXCIALS.' IT WILL BE FIXE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - Ap7pER Au THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETX AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERe. ia NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Name : Signature: u ET?! Address: : - During the previous public meetings wi;h -%.he- Carlsbad Planning Comni!%e$;$& ,. "' .. i' the principal of Mission Estancia came and-spoke' to the codttee about"his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE REARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING TXIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL TElE COUNCIL TO MAKE AN IXRACT ON OUR ELECTED OPIPICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOWR CHILDREN - AFTZR ALL TEIS I3 ALL ABOUT THEIR SzLlPETp AND WEWARE. L The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community PLAN To BE TLERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood -- east of the 1-5 Chambers and effort! PLEASE .-3 Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : r&kE ICttc6BW Name : Signature: Address : CA 9AOOc7 Any additional comments: - "e.. *hh.f,l*.-, .;- +-/ %b%?+@q&p-+&! Lc I- ' . During the preiridui p&l2c the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about'kjis concerns for OUK children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the coxrunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. the Carlsbad Planning Codttee, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WXLL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE IIEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEeTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE WEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CIULMBERS TO MMtX AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE E'INE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAIPETY AND WELFARE. -- The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. I Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: 1 - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED T3 FILL TXE COUNClL CXXi TQ M!! AH WACT ON OW9 EXSCTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope - provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature: - yyl?7*2;~ ~~~~~t~~~ev~~~~p~liqtme~~ings ~wi~b:th~ip=~s~@~M??~4 the principal of Mission Estancia came and rsr. spoke .P he co~t;4e4*PPP,U,t.~iBr~-~~~~~~~idT - r. hkoncerns for"&r childfen shbuld th3.s 'pr6posed de pment ge adjacent to grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student , ir loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JULOE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CfUMBERs TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE MNE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE LSEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Anmv S. M-4' Signature: Name : Signature: Address : 7804 CAJIE MEW& URLS/3-40, c4 92004 _. r' During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the codttee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR UST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SWPmRT SY E-ZEe =-IS mTIWG1 YOU WIWi NOT HA- TO SpEAlt, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CXAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON om ELECTED OrrIcnuj. IT WILL BE FINE Ir YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AI"I%R ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WEWARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. /- Please have al1;adults in your hpusehold sign: u' Name : Signature: Any additional comments: J -- grammar school. wrote a letter to the comnittee expressing $he schools concern about student. loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. ,-. The assistant principal of La Costa high School;, Marpi$ By1 I I . .,- What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARO! PWE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO ]PILL COUNCIL CIUMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IP YOU BRING POUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SATETY AND LIPA ARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 Let's make this a real community effort! PLE&SE on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEEO YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in vour household sian: Name : Signature: Name : h Address : PI Carlsbad, CA 92009 Any additional comments: hdfr# scF$?L d/= f - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High school, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE WEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT We NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL .sE FfNP, IF YOV GRIBG YO'Vli CHILD- - ASTJLR ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFM. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you I agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : /"I: . G49/~r / Signature: Address : ;3 33- 6 fcDrarC= Z*U~OU r- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Cormittee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about,his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITX TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS WTING! TO PILL THE COUNCIL C- To MAXE AN IMPACT OH OUR LLECTED OfFICIUS. IT WILL BE PINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - MTER ALL THIS IS AU ABOUT TKEIR SATETY AM) WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT IUVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TWERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope P provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City "dyI1lII - -..--: 1 ..&&--...,. ---&a -- ?x.y qua-ti=r.s, 3ls3se call Jody Sat-h?nr zt 9-43-7944 e* nary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: -b \&d. _-. Name : Signature: Name : Signature : dw - Any additional comments: .- - .., ...-. .... ...... ... ... .... ....... .j ., ~ .. .... ..... , .,. . ". I_ During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. . What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAltE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAPETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To RE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope - provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: L\ 5-S- r Any additional comments: 0 4- concerns grammar school. The assistant principal Gf La Coit wrote a 'letter :to th$ committee' expressin$* tlie scho oi $~@t&~prnenra$pa f etyt&yE r~ho$$~%&s+e~ so &xose go the high school campus. We need to %- <- that you have come to -realize ;that few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child*that attends our-schools or plays_aC+9'- -*' I. our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITP TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS BSZTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHMBERS To MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BZ FINE IF YOU BUNG YO- CHILD- - AFTER ALL THIS AS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAPETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: ,+* s sip& -4L. tanci~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~ L .*'rlryc ildren should this proposed development be adjacent to t mmar school. The assistant prin rc Cost."@+ SI -I gh ' i3ChciGh con qta*a"'>d,t$&r to the c&mittee exp itering and general safety issues so close to the high school campus. administrators. .. 1 --. &%%$$es of' We need to listen and support,,th~se-,gcch_o_o I .. 1. - What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL RE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HIWRD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING TElIS MEETING! TO TILL TEE COUNCIL TO WhKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICZALS. IT SAFETY AND WELFARZ. YOU WILL NOT IUVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED WILL RE FTNB: TF you BRWG POUR CHTXDREN - AFTER ALL mrs IS ALL ABOUT THEIR The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 The meeting is in the Council Chambers and Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN To BE TWERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: 4 Name : Signature: ~ny additional comments: hdpe *e Cl'ty T&~cI'/ c;S- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY To BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAR, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CWIMBERS To MAItE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To RE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return imediately so we can have them available at the City Council. meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Address : 7968 &, 6Anl During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDRXN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional c0p.y of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: / .I Name : Signature: Name : Signature: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at OUK park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PteASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL CEIAMBERS TO MAZCE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT SAFETY AND WELFARE. WILL BX PIYZ IF VQU EmZXG YJR CHSLDPSB? - Z-3 ALL =IS IS ALL 2mbT TIIEIZ The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : . ... ~ Any additional comments: ". During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, _jr the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke tokhe committee about his *:T.%&sw4.-? concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to theJ.+,+G,, .-.. 714 grammar school. ' "-I' wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student .I..,~ loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be lo&tea so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bull?in"'."'"' .. .- What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPpORTubtrTY TO BE HEARD! P YOUR SUPPORT BY A-ING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HXVE TO SPEAK, To FILL THE COUNCIL TO MIKE A# IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OmCIALS. WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHIIDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT SAFETI! AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! r We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : pVR4A.f Za?k&(/ Signature: J Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends OUK schools or plays at Our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd OJIU BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAlcE IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT %TU aE PINE IF YOU SECNG YOUR CSILDREN - ALL TEiI IS ALL ABOUT THEiEt SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Any additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHIIS" - Wi%R AU THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : L\lvwK.-.-a MW& 5 Signature: %LL)- Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Codtte the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the-committee-.about his& concerns for our children should this proposed development be- adjacent to thz grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bul wrote a letter to the conunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be locat so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. .% r - What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SROW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SF-, BOT WE NEED To FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAlCE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. - The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 .i on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 OK Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: +k---- Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE )EARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS M&ETXNG! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO S-, BUT WE NEEO TO FILL THE COUNCIL C- TO MARZ AN IMPACT ON OUR ELeCTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: i Name : Signature: t, * Name : Signature: M'& Mj& Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with '' the principal-"of Mission Estancia c&ne*sd"apo e "CaFlsBad Planr;"ngzC$ $0 %the'' &attee ab0 concerns for our children should-,this proposed.development+be,adjacen "rw. -3 .." ri.I.4-%"-'' ~ d'4. grammar school. The a&istant principal'of La Costa High School, Mar +a .. c ' -* J ,. ~ ..\ . ~ wrote a-letter to the committee expressgng the *'.'- ILitering arid generaI-sGfety issues shoul8i"t'he )pt cp~q,e~p**~oy$t es of ~us~fie~~~~~b so close to the high school campus. administrators. We need to listen and support th I "<. ., . i,? What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends OUT schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITX TO BE HEARO! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF %OW BKXNG Y@UR CHILOREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! I We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood east of the 1-5 Chambers and effort! PLEASE Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope - provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in VOUK household sian: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: . .- I. . . ,. . -2 :. , .- .. . ,. . .. - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Coxranittee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO *W IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in Lhe Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: 1. . . I During the previous public meetings with the.C?rlsbad Planning Co the principal of Mission Estancia cme and spoke to"the :'concerns for our.children sliould this fir6pGsed devel grammar school. - wrote' a letter -to the committee expressing the qchools cpnce_m;~~utT,studta' loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses so close to the high school campus. administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, We need 'to listen and support t€ies@:'school -+-e =';t?- What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITX TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE HEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE PINE XF YOU ERING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. -. Please have all adults in your household sign: F Name : Signature: Name : L Signature: Any additional comments: -: . . . During the the principal of concerns for OUT grammar school. __ - .. previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his children should this proposed development be adjacent to the The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPWRTWNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CKAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTEO OFFICIALS. IT SAFETY AND WELFARE. WILL BE FINE IF Yc'l BRING YOUR CIETI2PZP - ALL TEIIS IS ALL AEZJUT THEIR The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : n A Any additional comments : . During the previous public meetings with the Cgtlsba the principal of &ssion Estancia came and spoke tlb t6; co concerns for y.t.t#ildrew should this .props?* dexv~v~m~~t grammar school. wrote a, l,ett%K .+tP.>the commiqfee expresshg loitering and "gexferal safety issues shou?d so close to the high school campus. We need-to administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High *- +%%Z: Lucl .< '* A' .. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAICE AN IXPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WEIl&=. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TtEERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 OK Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: - Name : d Signature: Name : Any additional coments : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, -7 the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed'development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPpoRTuL9ITY TO BE IEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SpEAlt, BUT WX NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL C- TO AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OmICIALS. IT sApzT!t AND WELFARE. WILL BE FIW IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 The meeting is in the Council Chambers and Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : 1 Any additional comments: During the previous - public meeti with the. Carl , In e c*. the principal of Missionbstancia came and 'spoke to the cor& .- 5 .tl%-'s.lru .I ~ - conce'rns -for our chilwen kfiould this -propoSed "developmen&-;-6 --. grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, WE+% a Setter. to the conunittee ,expressisng ,.#e 'Schoo~~~s~~on~~K~~a~~~~~~~~ loitering and general safety issues should these types of business so close to the high school campus. We neea to listen and"support administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOL!. SrnXP-T BY ATmNDIm? =Io MEEZrnG! YOU mu xm PAVE m sE%Iuc, 9m m NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OPFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELIPARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAW TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you - agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : mow me at-^ Signature: Signature: Any additional comments: - I t- .’ . -_ .-.# -\ . .. , ,. -%,. I , .*. .I. a”’ ._ .. 1. L * ._ rrr-. -z,. 4 -- --- - -. .. .* ,._.._. , ..L_ (-4 =~>,-.....*.--- i Ti -I i During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located administrators. so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school f $ What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! POW WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MKKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEfR SAFETP AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Ccu~cil Zeeticg. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: i Any additional comments : ! During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Conanittee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located I so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student i What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at 3ur park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED ZO Z'XLT: TEa COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT NILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER &i& T3iS IS htL ABQ?JT THEIR 3AFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 3n the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and Jegins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE ?LAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you igree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope 3rovided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City :ouncil meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary 2len Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your hgusehold sign: Signature : % - L'h,jl;: 62&d Name : Signature: re I' ny additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Coxrunittee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YGUj SUPp(JkZ bf ATL'&NDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Codttee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conanittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WIL?, BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNXT!! Fp OR HEARn! PLEASE SH@W YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARS. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: T& w Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with th *..+ "'f the principal .of Mission,Estancia came agd spoke concerns for our-children should thks proposed d grammar school.- The assistant principal of La . wrote a letter to 'the committee expressing'the' loitering and general safety issues should thes so close to the high school campus. We need to administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTWNITY TO BE WEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL TEE COUNCIL C- TO AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTZD OICICSALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLeASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Ahy questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: i . Any additional comments: J During the previous public meetings with the CaElsbad" Plaan the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee Mr . concerns . for our children should_ this propo_sed developpt" be *-a+dj grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, mp wrote a letter to the committee expressing,the scko?& loitering and general safety issues should these types' so close to the high school campus. administrators. ..,I * '" - . We need to listen and'support +t$e3$Sc -a a . rr<< <.r&k.Y .**I Vm . .. -i 1- . .. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HEARD! PLeASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HA- TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - APTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in youq household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: 7 I Address : Wlp &kmv;h Any additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Conunittee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT %ILL SE FZYZ IF VCL7 EXNG VQL.. CSILDF?? - -AFTER BLL TXSS IS ALL AE(?uT TEIEIR SAPETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: I Any additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the coxrunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW FOUR BbT2CZT BY ATTE33fXG THIS MFSTING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE T6 SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you - agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : - Signature: Address : tl/ Any additional comments: T During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his ,concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conanittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends OUK schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR IAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AE'TER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1203 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO.P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City ? Please have all adults in vour household siun: II Name : '7 ,7 I,. Signature: _,' <- c-. *L -.- I Name : Signature: - a-&.. --..--- c4 9Jm9 Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the prlsbad Planning ' 1_ I. I " The assistant principal of La Costa Hrgh SCKOO~,~~ L. ~ wrote a letter to the committee,++expressing,, theF,sqhool,sr conce~nw,~ao~u the principal of Mission Estancia cke and spo e ' to .'the committee ab0 concerns f orw our children should thi? proposed devi&hpment~ be. adjacen grammar school. loitering and general safety issues should'the'se types of businesses so close to the high school campus. administrators. We need .to listen and support **;< : What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NED TO FILL THE COUNCIL WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - APTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. PLEASE SHOW TO MlKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning, Co the principal of Mission Estancia'came and spoke to the codtt +* .concerns for our children should this proposed development-be-3 grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High Schoo wrote a letter to the comnittee expressing the-schools concern- loitering and general safety issues should these types of so close to the high school campus. We need to -listen and supp administrators. * ,* 2 , *.- 31 - rr. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST opmmtmrn TO BE HEARD! P~E SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAX, BUT WE NEED TO PILL TXE COUNCIL CHA!!!! TO LLY IHPACT QN OW3 ELECTED T)ETfCIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: 7 -2 ,L' . .. , During the 'previous publi; beetingswith the Carlsbad Phnning the principal of Mission Estancia came arid spoke $0 the cod'tfee ,ab concerns for our children should this proposed development b g$,mmar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High Sc wrote a letter to the conunittee expressing the schoo1s"conce loitering and general safety issues should these-types of bu so close to the high school campus. administrators. .- .a We need to listen and support these sc What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THXS XS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YopR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! TO r'fU THE COWNCIL CIUMBERS TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER AU THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SFSAX, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers an.d begins proru7tly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To u, T:. WE NEED YOU!! We .-at? included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeELng. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : my%= A! //&$wiiS Signature: Name : my additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. TO FTLL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLeASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : ChC~C.c L ?D ad c.AJ Signature: BlL LdGC;cluc~, n Name : Any additional comments: . .. . . 1 _..,.--. . _,.__ ,- . -- . .- - . . ,. ... .- , ..- .. .- - ' ._... - . ,. .. . , , .. ., . *; :-. . , ,~ .-. I ..- .. : I. ___ . . . . .. .. . . , ,. .- . , ,.-, - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TiiSDAY, u"Jh'E 2nd kTLL 2Z CUR WT 0OWRT.JNITY To 54: HEIL?L?! PLEAS3 SXOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS METING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: + .- Name : m IL-s TGK Name : Signature: Any additional comments: -7 During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the cormnittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAXE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OPFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFET-.. AND WZLFErRE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City 1, Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : - Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During-the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad,Planning Co y'rthe principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke-to the'cb&ittee &out'.his 3- 'Zcbncerns for our children sho,uld: this proposed developmentpbe .~-- ,*cr ri', ,ad3acent+to& The assistant principal of La Costa High Schoolf MagTiS*B& grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schoolsxzo$c$rn ab loitering and general safety issues should these' types 'ofibusines so close to the high school campus. We need ,to liste&an*;suppor administrators. I I . - -*I What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPpORTcTNfTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFAZa. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: I.. Name : -_-.--- Signature: Any additional comments: ti a I 'C During the previous public meetings with-the Carlsbad P the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee aboEt h concerns for our children should this proposed detelopment' be adjacent to grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School,-Margie_ wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools'concern about: stud loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be lq so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these s administrators. LA - What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TPESDAY, 3JNE 2~d WXJI BE O*? I4-W C'PPORlV?rTY 3s V-iiBI FtERqE SrWV YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTZNDING THIS MeETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL RE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SALrETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NeED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: c Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings :with the, >Carl the principal of Mission EstancSa came and. spoke-to concerns for our children should’this proposed devel grammar school. -The assistant principal of La Costa *wrote a letter to the commaittee expressing’:%e skhoo loitering .and general shfety iskues shoGld 5hese th administrators. .. -.*j *. *. . ,yxr *$P-:.? - I ..* so close to the high school campus: We need to listen an’d support these sc What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TWESOAP, Jv#p 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OppORRRsfT!t TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS bi&1GTING! Yo0 WILL HOT HAVE TO SPENC, BUT WE #eED WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SArETY AM) WELFARE. TO FILL m CO~CIL c- TO ~lllt~ A# IXPACT a atl~ ELECTED O~CIALS. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you T agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, 7 the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE WILL BE FINE IT iGU BRIX0 'i'Gt"A CHILDRZX - ASTER ALL TIIIS fS -ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND W.LPARE. TO PILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MARE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED orrIcIas. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you 7 agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Name : Address : Any additional comments: -r .I During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad P1 .I. the principal--of Mission Estancia came and spoke to-the codtsfe- +out.& concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent t grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High Sch wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concer loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. h I' . -*e ZJ -c a f- What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLeASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTEWDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SpEIut, BUT --NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAM8ERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFE'ICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - Ap"I%R ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFeTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in vour household siqn: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: - .,. ..% -. ,-.. ".-. . . ....... .. ............ '.U.. .. -.... - .............. ..... ... .... .,.: ....... ~ ,,-.- '..< .... ...__ ij_-I_ During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Cormnittee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CWAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU ERTNG YOUR CHILDRW - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Gri%h/ id:* Signature: // Signature: t Riy additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCTL C-ES TO &!AXE -W IMPACT ON OLJR EI.ECZ!E5 CPFIISIXS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let‘s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : SiTna tu re : Address : Any additional comments: 1 During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. ' The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHMLBERS M X.?iKE A22 WACT ON OfsR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City -, Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: w- Any additional comments: -, During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends cxr schc2le 3,' plays zt our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPOR!CUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAX, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OPFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR smTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary F.ll brreri Nakasswa ai 436-4243. 7 Please have all adults in your household sign: Naqe : . - Signature: .. . Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments : .-:- . . .. . . .;. ...-- . .' . . , , . . .? . ..+ ,_ . .r . -. - -. . .. - ._ .; . . ,_*__. 3+.. . _.._ . - -.-.e During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TING! YGU WILL NOT "E TO s-, auT KE TO FILL TlIE COLXCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREW - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: - Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: _- A During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of busin-ses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-51 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all . adults in yourAusehold sign: Name : Ld Signature: Any additional comments: Any mdditional COYnts: ' \ During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - WIS 1s ar! issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: - Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPFZK, BUT WF, NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - APTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature: II 1J Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YXT. S~TEORT ax ~~iixc x-i-i~b WEIPAHO! YOU WILL NOT HA- TO SPEAK, BW HE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU WNG YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE TIIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: > -Y Address : GrIbbd CP Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY To BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEM, BUT WE NEED TO FXLL TEE COUNCIL CX.?.'.= TO XESE AH -ACT @N m- ELYCTE!3 OFFXCZALS. XT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR .a- SAFETY AND WEmARX. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PUN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FfLL THE CC'JSCIL GSbm TO M&XE AN -ACT ON OUR ELEC'i"3 OFFPCIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN To BE TIIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : A Signature: . /I' =-----' Any additional comments: During the the principal of concerns for our grammar school. previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his children should this proposed development be adjacent to the The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SW?PORT BY A-ZTXG mIS KEETINQ! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MARE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF POW BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETP AND OSELFARE. POW ??ILL HOT BAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLaN TO BE TXERE. WE NEED POW!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you Please return hediately so we can have them available at the City agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please-call 3ody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : . Any additional comments: During the the principal' of concerns for our grammar school. previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his children should this proposed development be adjacent to the The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTCINITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE WEE0 TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please.cal1 Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WT OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PIZASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO M?iKE AN IMPACT ON ELEETED C~ICXALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY Am WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. wJ3 NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. -- Please have Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the camnittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITP TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WIU NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WLLL aE FINE IF YOU WETS ?CUR CHILD- - &?!?! ALL =IS I§ ALL AEWT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFmE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PWIN TO BE THERE. UE NEY%D YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - TXIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MeETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUWCXL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY IWD WELFABE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THlZRX. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have a+l/dults in you): vusehold sign: Name : "- Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL CHAM8ERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT . WILL BE PINE If YOU BRING YOUR CHILDRXN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: n Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JULJE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPoRTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN =ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: d Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TC!STlE2Z, 7-m 2r.d EXLL BE OL! LAST OFPSZTUXTTY TC PWE SHCX YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL RE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARS. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, I the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. -We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS METING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CXAMBERS TO MAKE AN -ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WXU BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CWXIJlm - ASTER ALL ntXS IS ALL ABOUT mrR il SAFETY AND WELFARE. .. I. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City - Please have all adults in your household sisn: - Name : Signature: // --L I \ Any additional comments: During the the principal of concerns for our grammar school. previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Coxrunittee, Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his children should this proposed development be adjacent to the The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, 2nd WILL BE Om WT OPPORTUNITP TO BE HeARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELeCTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL bE FINE IF YOU BRING YBUS CHILlj&EH - AFTER ALL THIS XS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have Name : Signature: Name : --.---- Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Conanittee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITP TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINGI YOU WIU NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN -ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIMIS. IT WILL BE PINE IP YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFllRE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAW To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Si gnat u r e ': Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus.' We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOGk SUPFGrCT BY ItTTEb?DIB?G TilTS MEZTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY aND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Signature: / Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LIST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE TO FILL THE COUNCIL C- TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT klLL i3E 2TiM D' XW ERIK6 YOUR CHPLDBZN - APTJZR A1;I. TXIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WEtSARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN To BE TEIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. ._ Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : JUEE T,€e Signature: Signature: Any additional comments: .- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, administrators. What we hope that you have come to few homeowners upset that they don't have - THIS IS an issue that affects any child our park. realize that this is NOT an issue of a a view that is pleasing to their eye - that attends our schools or plays at TUESDAY, juHe 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPPORTUNITP TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREW - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY mD WELFARe. YOU WILL NOT XAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TEIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call-Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. ,. Signature : sL-&- Address : I Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: n Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL RE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FXLL TXS COLWSfL CF-ALt"S Iy3 P! IKPACT C:? CST. EZZCT"yC CZTZCIZS. IT UILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDRSN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: .- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the conanittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MNCE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE TIIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the conunittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE -! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY AT"DiNC5 %!EXIS MZZTiNG! PaU loIU NOT WkVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEZD TO FILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO MARE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - APTER ALL THIS 1s ALL ABOUT THEIR smTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this propoFed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends OUT schools OK plays at OUK park. TUESDAX, JWNX 2nd WILL BE Om UUT 063o&!LWNXTk- TO EiE NGARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real cornunity effort! PtEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEEO YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: /ffm P, Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITX TO BE HEARD! PWE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCXL CHAkSERS TO a AN -ACT ON Om ELECTZD OY3'ICfPJS. 3T WILL BE FINE IF YOU ERIN0 YOUR CHILDREN - ABTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have a1 Name : Signature: Name : Signature : '-- I- , Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL EE. "II?E fP YO!! SEZHC- P@L? CEILDPrn? - AFTZR ALL "IS I3 ALL asGT TKZIZ SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: a. e c Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a . few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LMT OPPORTtMlTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SpEAIf, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN =ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT UILL FINE IP YOW BRING YO?Ei CHILD= - UT= ALL Z'HZ3 XS ALL ABOUT THPXR * SAFETY AND WELrARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a-block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THER&. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Codttee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE fIEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING !CHIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCXL CHAMBERS TO AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT IIAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED HILL EE PINE ZF ycv a~~m YOUR cpnnm - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT TWEXR The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. _. , .- . ,: * Please have alkadults in your household sign: Name : Signature: . Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTVNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIT, CwlMBERs TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR S?-ETZ ?LE F-LF32S. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 or! the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope return immediately so we can have them available at the City provided. Please Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at Please have Name : Any questions, pliase call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary - 436-4243. all adults in your household sign: c R ct Signaturd: V I Address : .s- Any additional comments: P During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTuNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENYINO THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CLAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WALL M!, ZiKG Ih Kti5 fOciS( CHILGWSS - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. - The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : mIMCIq OthCrn3 Signature: &.- L Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFpeR ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: [k 1L-L Name : . Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, I”\ the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, juNE 2nd WILL BE OVR LAST OPPoRlwNITy TO BE HEX?D! PLEASE SHOW YGb% SUPEORT E1 Am133 T3iU M&&TXBG! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO ;PEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED ’FFICULS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING POUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFE= AND WEISARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City -i \ Pleas e have household sign:. (Fpflpjg /L’lsc.c’LL/l-i V Name : 4rx A-7 e-- Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPPORTCMITY To BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IT YOU BRING YOUR CMILEFSN - A2TZZ EiLL THXS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE To SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: ,LA- Any additional coxrunents: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these tees of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTEM)ING THIS MEETING! YOU UILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MARE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have alladults in your housechold sign: Name : Signature: Name : SiSnztcrc: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, 7 the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT €SAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CIUMBERS TO MAKE AN =ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. .IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN’ - AFTER lulL TfiiS IS ALL ABO-JT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TIIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all ad Name : Signature: n Name : Signature : Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the conanittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that .is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools QZ plays at our park. Tr-ES'DAY, JLR??3 2nd WILL B!Z OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MeETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL AEiG-JT TZiZ SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptiy at 6:CC P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LIST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTWDING THIS MEETING! YOU WXLL NGT HkVE TO SP"&, BCT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELeCTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TWERE. WE HEED YOU!! The meeting is in the Council Chambers and We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy apd return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City -_ - Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing.the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CElAMBERs TO MAKE AN -ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CWIILURW - AI*reR ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU RILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT We NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. .~ Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : n Wkkh Signature: Name : - CRl/\gLQPn Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the conunittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPpoRTDNfTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTEWDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CLUMBERS To AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IP YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. __ - -- .- . Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schooJs or plays at our park. -. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY To BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR -SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL TME COUNCIL CI€W!3 TO EA,!,! I!!? -ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIUS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR'V" SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WII& NOT HAVE TO SPEAIC, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLm To BE THEBE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary - .- Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. ., Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Conunittee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the coxrunittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd HILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTWNITP TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MeETINO! YOU WILL NOT HWE TO SPEAX, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR EL&CTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! .I . -- . -. . - -. We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately. so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : 5ck~ t~ .igd5c h Signature: . ~~C6)7. k&*&/& , \ Name : Signature: 'C. Address : Any additional comments: -> During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JtlNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPPORTUNITY TO BE fEARo! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTlENDZNO TEIS MESTXNQ! YOU WILL NOT K%VZ T-3 SPZEX, BUT WE! TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MllltE Aw IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OPFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELTARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE !MmRE. WE NEED Yowl! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. --) Please have all adults in your household sign: ,- A .I Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal’ of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grarmnar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OtR LUT OPPORTUNITY To BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTElvDINO THIS METING? YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAXE AN IXPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AE’TER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR .L SAFETY AND POELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. PJE NEED YOU!! -” - -_ ~ .- We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature : Name : Signature: !/& Any additional comments: .. , During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOLX S'JPPOIZT BY ATTE%EIP?'Q TIEZS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature : 5 Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, __ the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING? YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL ClIAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLm To BE Tmm. WE NZED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. - .. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: nOL&do A* SA 48WA Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPoRTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PxzAsE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEEI) TO FILL THE COUNCIL CWAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTEn OBPTCI3LS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDRSN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: __ .~. Address : Any additional comments : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principaLof Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, 2nd WZU BE OUR XAST OPpORTuNfTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU POILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAXE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AM) WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: .. Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPWRTtRJITY TO BE HEllRIJf PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEZTING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS To MAKE AN =ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETP mD WELmRE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE M SPEAK, BUT WE WEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PIXASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your hoysehold sign: Name : Signature: I- i Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: 1 During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators .. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. "CJESMY, JUNE 2nd WL?, BE OUR LAST OPWRV-WITY TO 9I(1 €!E?.l?! PfSAaE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SpEAlt, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELIECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - APTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND OIEIIrm. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TEERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. 7 Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : R7f. Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his -, concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd HILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARb! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAZtE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WXLL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN'- AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: -, Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing-the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE IIEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED ra PSLL miz CGNCiL cziaiszw WdCE M- -UP OH OQZt ZLiZCZZ& OiS3CiALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDRW - AFTER ALL THIS IS ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Any questions, please- call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary __ - - - . . . Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : Name : Signature: A Any additional comments: 7 During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JULOE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPpoRTuNfTy TO BE HEARD1 PLEASE SHOOO YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS TO FILL THE COUNCIL TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SATETY AND WELTARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City 7 Please have all adults in your household sign: J -.' i Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WIU BE OUR LIST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAlcE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL FINX 1H’ iUU EuCLku Wuir CBLWSEN - IIl’TWit ALL TUIS IS ALL WUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: h&i / Signature: Name : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY A!CTENDING THIS -TINO! WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - APTER ZUU THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE To SPEAK, BUT WE NEED . TO FILL TEE COTWCIL CKF2 TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TEIERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Name : Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPdRTvNfTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE TO PILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO MAKE AN XMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING POUR CHPLDREN - AFTER ALL THfS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR -- ~ - SAFETY AND WELIPARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Q. x,m Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his T concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPpoRTlRJTTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL To MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE rrm IF SOG BRIXG YOUR CHI=-- -.~~FTER ALL ais IS ALL ABO~ ~IR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real cornunity effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: I' Name : Signatur -? Any additional comments: n 1 During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his ”\ concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITP TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO AN =ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. ”7 Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Any additional comments: During the the principal of concerns for OUK grammar school. previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his children should this proposed development be adjacent to the The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at OUK park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY To BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TC FILL TXZ COLTXIL CFE2-S TQ ZW TXPACT OE 01JP. EXJXCTED CTFTC1AT.S. TT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AETER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFPER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools OK plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LUT OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEWC, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE: COUNCIL CV .1 MAIU Ah IMPACT UN OGR ELE;CTW W!'E'SCIALS. IT WILL RE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN --AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : CP~GI-Vbl L. FOL-Tyd Name : Signature : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2ad L?LL B= OUR LA3T O?i?OR%V~11Y TO &E HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY A!CTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature: (Lh- Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL RE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAlfE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WiLL SE TI'= IF 'io3 BRING PO'V2 CZILEF'S?: - ApTep ?LE, =IS IS -ALL. 3SCWT mLR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: r Name : s i gnat u r e) Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal, of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. SAFETY AND WELFARE. IT WILL BE FIXE XF YOU BZXPTG YOUR cHImrsx - mmm AU TIIIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To RE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : II U Signature: / Name : Signature: Any additional comments: n n During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, -. the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. F'!SDAY, cl?Jk?E 2nd pf3Lfi RF! Om. WWT OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TIl?G! YOU OOIU NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TXEm. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. --) Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : ., 2 ,d- {</e' , .,,, 1 I) 1 Signature: '/> -2," '1 +/&, .L&, <;/- Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these schocl administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd HILL BE OUR LAST OPFORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return bediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: .- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his -. concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CW- TO MAKE AN TMPACT ON OTTR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARX. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood east of the 1-5 Chambers and effort! PLEASE Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: b& Address : 34oa CaQQ- f- Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his _- concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools of plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAfcE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FIN3 IF YOU BRXXG YCUR CHZ'LERZN - kpTER ALL TKTS IS ALE ABOU'S THEXR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 OK Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : .Gjc<6od Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his - concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LFUT OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood east of the 1-5 Chambers and effort! PLEASE Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : d\\\Usj.h bc*azQA Signature: A I Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his - concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FPLL "E COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the I-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PUIN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adulthin your household sign: Name : .- Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. ? What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JtRJE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OppoRTuNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW XOUR SUPPORT BY ATlIENDINCi THIS -TINO! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : I y , ,p$&.,<- Lv7 T/ Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his - concerns for'our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. -We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR WST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS M&ETING! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAItE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL & FINE IF YOU B"C3 YOUR CHIXDREX - M'TER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TI!lmx. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at Please have Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary 436-4243. all adults in your household sign: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to'realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SBFalic'I AND WE&-A€GZ. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE TKERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the conunittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. - What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR sM??F.TY AND TdELFAR!!. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To RE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the cormnittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU USLL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AE'TER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE TWERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have Name : 0-5 Signature: I Name : Signaturr: Any additional comments: During the the principal of concerns for our grammar school. previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his children should this proposed development be adjacent to the The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, -1 wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL C- TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELZCTED CFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR smTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at Please have Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary 436-4243. -7 J \ , Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WXLL BE OUR LAST OPFORTtJNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS M&ETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL C- TO MAXI3 AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL RE FINE TF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ZllLL 'PHLW IS ALL SUSOUT THZIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. .- . Please have all adults in your household sign: -- Name : Bd/€*L /2. 7 ROW Signature: ,- Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the conunittee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! TO FILL THE COUNCIL CXAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED SAFETYANDWELFARE. * 44. . ” +t The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 The’meeting is in the Council Chambers and Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional cop this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please ca Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City f 1 <_ Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comrnents: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLeASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SpEAEf, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAItE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WXU EE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHLtJl8ZN - LFTER AI& THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The addr@ss is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN TO BE TEIERE. WE NEED YOU!! L* We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Signature: Name : Signature : I Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR tAST OPPORTUNTTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING TXIS bPeETING! To FILL IL'WE COUNCIL CKmSERs AN -ACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. iT WILL BE FINE IS' YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL TXIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFAm. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE WED .,. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PWLN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. t Please have all adults in your household sign: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his - concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LIST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PfiEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS -TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS To MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFZTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the cormnittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPOR!FUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPE?UC, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS To biAIcE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PtAw To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: -. Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal'of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his- concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEAR01 PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS mTING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO PILL THE COUNCXCE CRAMBEG ZG ZAXE AN -ACT OUR ELECTED OPFZCXUS. IT , '- WILL BE FINE IP YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELTARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! The meeting is in the Council Chambers and We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : ca x Signature: Name : Signature: I Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cox 3295 camin0 Coronado Carlsbad, CA 92009-931 2 - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED F9 PLLL: T€IE COLWCIL CY&- rG &- AK 3iPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - APTHI ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Y Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the comanittee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITP TO BE HEARLl! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINOt YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SpEAlt, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COITNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF XOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR WWETP AND wELFAR&. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at Please have Name : Signature: return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary 436-4243. all adults in your household sign: Address : Any additional comments: .. , h During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, -,. the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS M&ETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAIC, BUT WE NEED TO FSLL TIE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MARE AN -ACT ON OUR EYZCTED OPTSCIALS. IT WILL BE PINE If YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEEO YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City -! Please have all adults in your household sign: Address : 1362 cainn rnrwn Carlsbad,CA. pzOO9 Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal' of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the achsols ccxsern ahcut student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS =TINO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAICE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. ST WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFeTY AND WELFARX. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE T#IERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: 8ML ' t- u Name : .' d Signature: 7. pJ& Address : Any additional comments: . . .. During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEW(, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: .- During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, I the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CW&BER!3 TO MaKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: - Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address: Any additional comments: I. During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - Ar'TER ALL TEIS IS ALL ABO'VT TiiiR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU! ! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: 1 Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his ? concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - APTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. TC PILL TEE CaWNCIL CHAbBEFE TO MXCE AN IMPACT OS OUR ELECm OFBICIAJAS. IT The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. 1 Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary i Address : Any additional comments: h 1, During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LUT OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MeETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMeERs TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PIAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all Fdults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : 1 Any additional comments: - During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT We NEED TO FILL TXE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON QUR ELECTED OFFICTALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. We NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in you Name : Signature: Name : Signature: \A\ Lvjcac,j Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL TH% COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTE-5 SLZ TIiIS IS ALL -OUT TiIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : 5 /5 Signature: flnAfz4A- Address : 3360 dxadfl) Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY AT!l!ENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FEYE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASEi PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU! ! We have included an additional COP;' of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFXRE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meetirig is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: c During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his - concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, J"E 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL Cm TO MARE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILD- - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR. SAPETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU! ! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Pf- Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Codttee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the codttee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNfTY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFZTY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return inunediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature : Name : Signature: YY Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his - concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , J"E 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TC FILL THE CCLWCIL CY?!W TO W- AbJ IMPACT ON OUR EX.SCT!!D OFFICTALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER AtL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEZD YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL Ti CSLEYCIL CHiWZZSS TQ 1- W IMPACT ON OL? ELECTED OFFICS.aLS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NE3ZD YOU! ! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Signature: I Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don’t have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCI& TO XAELAKJMPACT ON OUR XLECm OlFICIALS. 3T WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let’s make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: n I- Name : Sign-ature : --- - -- Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAX3 3N IMPACT ON OUR ELECTZD OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in vour household sian: Name : Signature: Address : Any additional cormnents: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBEBS-TO MAKg-IS"PKCT ON OUR Z3LECTED-OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have all adults in your household sign: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at Please have Name : Signature: return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary 436-4243. all adults in vour household sian: Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located so close to the high school campus. We need to listen and support these school , administrators. What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL m CO~CIL CsaWBERs TO MAKE-AN IDACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FINE IF YOU BRING YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community PLAN To BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood east of the 1-5 Chambers and effort! PLEASE Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please return immediately so we can have them available at the City Council meeting. Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-7944 or Mary Ellen Nakagawa at 436-4243. Please have Name : Si gna ture : Name : Signature: Any additional comments: During the previous public meetings with the Carlsbad Planning Committee, - the principal of Mission Estancia came and spoke to the committee about his concerns for our children should this proposed development be adjacent to the grammar school. wrote a letter to the committee expressing the schools concern about student loitering and general safety issues should these types of businesses be located SO close to the high school campus. administrators. The assistant principal of La Costa High School, Margie Bulkin, We need to listen and support these school , What we hope that you have come to realize that this is NOT an issue of a few homeowners upset that they don't have a view that is pleasing to their eye - - THIS IS an issue that affects any child that attends our schools or plays at our park. TUESDAY , JUNE 2nd WTLL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD! YOUR SUPPORT BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED TO FILL THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. IT WILL BE FIUE IF YOU-BRINIS YOUR CHILDREN - AFTER ALL THIS IS ALL ABOUT THEIR SAFETY AND WELFARE. PLEASE SHOW The address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, just a block east of the 1-5 on the left side of the street. The meeting is in the Council Chambers and begins promptly at 6:OO P.M. Let's make this a real community effort! PLEASE PLAN TO BE THERE. WE NEED YOU!! We have included an additional copy of this Neighborhood Alert. If you agree with the issues, please sign the copy and return it in the envelope provided. Please Council meeting. Ellen Nakagawa at Please have Name : Signature: Name : Signature : Address : 1 i return immediately so we can have them available at the City Any questions, please call Jody Sather at 943-1944 or Mary 436-4243. all adults in your household sign: Any additional comments: . . , . . . . -.- '.<.A CARLSOAD RESIDENT PETiY'ION CT 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA - 2, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 Tentative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camho De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that wiI1 be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents si&cant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. i' We are opposed to'a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial corner on a four corner intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. CARLmAD RESIDENT PET"1ON CT 9 1-06x2 TENDA DE LA ESQUINA -We, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 entative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents sigmficant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE # I J CARL73AD RESIDENT PETI.TION CT 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA _. -We, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 ientative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1 : 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traf€ic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four corner intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE t 34 $?d!u&u J CARL,C3AD RESIDENT PETTION CT 91-06s TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA Ne, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 . entative Map generally located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four corner intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE # CARL*BAD RESIDENT PETTION CT 91-06x2 TlENDA DE LA ESQUINA We, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 Tentative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial trac presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only corkercia1 comer on a four corner intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. PRINTNAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE ## CARLWAD RESIDENT PET-IITION C1 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA - We, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 rentative Map generally located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only conimercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE P CARLSBAD RESIDENT PETJTION Cl 91-06x2 "IENDA DE LA ESQUnLA - We, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 l'entative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. 2. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traf€ic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residehtial neighborhood. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. CARLP3AD RESIDENT PETITION CT Y 1-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUIPItA We, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 I entative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four corner intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design J CARLLOSAD RESIDENT PETTION CT 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA "Ye, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 I entative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. 2. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only comhercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE # J CARLQBAD RESIDENT PEFTION Cl' 91-06x2 "DA DE LA ESQUINA - We, the residents of Carisbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 rentative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only corrimercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. CARLY3A.D RESIDENT PETTION CT 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA - .le, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 i'entative Map generally located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. CARLE%D RESIDENT PET-TION CT 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA -''e, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 i'entative Map generally located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. 2. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours.. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students .of our community, will be a magnet for crime and Will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE ## CARLLWAD RESIDENT PETTION CT 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA We, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: stative Map generally located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los 1. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial trac presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. 2. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only comniercial corner on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. Y CARL,r3AD RESIDENT PET-TION CT 91-06s TENDA DE LA ESQUINA "Ye, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 I'entative Map generally located at the southeast comer of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four comer intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. CARLL-AD RESIDENT PEFTION CT 91-06x2 TIENDA DE LA ESQUINA i "Ye, the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 l'entative Map generally located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. 2. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial comer on a four corner intersection. The residential homes are in very close proximity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design Q CARLSIT-*lD RESIDENT PETIw.ON CT 9 1-06x2 TlENDA DE LA ESQUINA . the residents of Carlsbad, are writing this letter to publicly object to the extension of CT 91-06x2 Tentative Map generally located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino De Los Coaches and urge you to deny this request for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. We are opposed to a commercial site that allows the sale of off-premises beer, wine and liquor. Such an establishment is not only too close to our homes, but is in fact next to a major recreational park, an elementary school and a high school. The development of such a facility next to these four (4) elements is not in any way a compatible land use plan. We are opposed to a commercial site that includes a convenience store or any other facility that will be open extended hours. The increase in commercial traffic presents significant safety hazards to the students of our community, will be a magnet for crime and will drastically alter the character of this residential neighborhood. We are opposed to ti commercial site that includes a gas station. This site is very unusual in that it is the only commercial corner on a four corner intersection. The residential homes are in very close pro+nity to this proposed site - no buffer zone. A large, brightly lit gas island and the required "price per gallon" street signs are not aesthetically pleasing and are very limited in architectural design. *I