HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-12; City Council; 14674; Request For Donation From Grad Nite Committees.’ . %- 0 G CITY OF CARLSBAD -- AGENDA BILL AB# I?, cl77 TITLE : REQUEST FOR’DONATION FROM DEPT.HD.w MTG. 5- 12 c 58 GRAD NITE COMMITTEES CITY ATN “D&L RECOMMENDED ACTION : Consider instituting a City Council policy which establishes the value and methodology of distribution for contributions to Grad Nite request. Direct staff accordingly. ITEM EXPLANATION : BACKGROUND: During the past six years the City has supported the Carlsbad High School Grad Nite Committee by providing the use of the Calavera Community Center for their graduation night activities. At the June 10, 1997, City Council meeting, Council requested the 1997 Grad Nite Committee to respond with a specific request for the 1998 event. To date, we have received annual donation requests from Carlsbad High School and La Costa Canyon High School Grad Nite Committees. The Carlsbad High Grad Njte Committee submitted a request for a $4,000 annual cash donation, and suggests that $3,600 be given to Carlsbad High School and that $200 be given to both La Costa Canyon High School and San Marcos High School (EXHIBIT 1). The La Costa Canyon High School Grad Nite Association has requested that 25% of the City’s annual cash donation to Grad Nite activities be designated to La Costa Canyon High (EXHIBIT 2). Realizing the importance of the “Alcohol Free” Grad Nite activities of the four (4) high schools that serve Carlsbad residents, staff was requested to obtain additional information so that Council would be able to direct staff accordingly. Grad Nite Historv: Since the inaugural year in 1993 the City’s contribution toward CHS Grad Nite has steadily increased. Historically the City has provided in-kind services via reduced rental fees and staff time for the use of Calavera Hills Community Center and gymnasium. Most recently, on June 10, 1997, the City Council waived rental fees for the use of the center/gym valued at approximately $2,550 in support of the 1997 CHS Grad Nite activities. The only provision for the use of the facility was a refundable $500 security deposit. Staff Analvsis: In review of the requests from the Grad Nite Committees, staff conducted a demographic study of the number of Carlsbad resident high school seniors at each of the four (4) high schools, as well as a survey to determine how each School District supports their Grad Nite activities. Furthermore, in an effort to gain a perspective on what other municipalities contribute, staff surveyed how neighboring cities supported their Grad Nite events. - - AB# Page 2 Senior Demoqraphics Staff has contacted the four (4) School Districts that serve Carlsbad residents and the following is a break down of the Senior demographics and High School attendance in Carlsbad. NUWEROF TOTALNUMBER CARLSRAD %OFCARlS6AD HIGH SCHOOL OF SENIORS SENIOR RESIDENTS SENIOR RESIDENTS CARLSBW 451 387 67% SANliwcoS 534 17 3% lACOSTACANYObJ 536 141 24% S4N DIEGUITO ACADEMY 215 26 6% TOTAL 1,736 571 100% School District Support Survey A survey of the school district support (EXHIBIT 3) showed that San Marcos Unified and San Dieguito High School Districts provided free use of the school gymnasium and other facilities for 7-l 1 days ranging in value from $6,000 - $12,000 for in-kind services. In addition, each have provided storage space for Conex boxes at their school site for prop and supply storage valued at $4,000 per year. Carlsbad Unified School District only provides storage space for three Conex boxes valued at $4,000. No cash donations are made by any school district to the Grad Nite Committees. City Support Survey Five cities were surveyed to gain insight on how they support Grad Nite events in their community (EXHIBIT 4). All cities, with the exception of Vista provide some type of support to their Grad Nite festivities. Three out of the five cities provide annual cash donations to each school ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 while San Marcos provides in-kind services of storage and theatre prop loan valued at $1,700. Poway provides $3,000 to schools inside City limits and $500 to schools outside the City limits which serve their Senior residents. Staff Analvsis: (Cont.) In an effort to support annual Grad Nite requests on a consistent and equitable basis, staff is recommending that Council adopt a policy which would establish an amount (cash or in-kind service) to be donated, and a method by which the contribution would be distributed among High Schools serving Carlsbad Seniors. To that end, and for illustrative purposes only, staff has prepared an example of how such a policy of cash contributions might be applied. Based upon a total contribution of $4,000 for Grad Nite activities, the percentage contribution and dollar amount to each school serving Carlsbad Seniors would be as follows: , - AB# Page 3 - TOTAL NUMBEROF % wPRwRlAlloN HIGH SCHOOL CAREBAD SENIORS APPRWRNTION LIMIT CARLSBAD 387 67% smo SANMARCOS 17 3% $120 IACOSTACANYON 141 24% SAN DlEGUlTO ACADEMY 26 6% $240 ITOTAL I I I RI I 1000/o I s4.mI ALTERNATIVE CONSIDERATIONS: OPTION 1. Provide annual cash donation only. OPTION 2. Annual cash donation with a required matching contribution from each respective school district. OPTION 3. Provide annual in-kind services only (i.e. facility rental). OPTION 4. Provide a combination of cash and in-kind services. I CONCLUSION: If Council concurs with staffs recommendation, your action would be to authorize a method by which an amount, not to exceed a specific value, would be donated to respective high schools requesting contributions for 1998. In addition, Council would direct staff to return with a Council policy statement memorializing that specific amount and methodology of distribution for all future Grad Nite request. EXHIBITS: 1. Carlsbad Grad Nite Committee Request 2. La Costa Canyon Grad Nite Associations Request 3. School District Grad Nite Support Survey 4. City Grad Nite Support Survey ,* . City Council - 1200 Carlsbad V,..dgc Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Members, This letter is the ~O~IOW-UP YOU requested regarding CarIsbad I-Ii@ School Grad Knight funding. The Grad Knight committee discussed-the options prescntcd by the city manager’s office, and WC kvould Iike ihc counciI to donate $4000 annually fo our budget. The $4000 would include $3600 .for the Carl&ad I+gh Grad Knight, with $200 going to each of the two other schools that CarIsbad students attend, La Costa Canyon and San Marcos. The $4000 sum is comparable to the amounts donated by other North County cities to their schools, and it takes into account the increased number of * students in the 1998 CI<S graduating class. It is ako an appropriate amount considering the donations made by local business and civic groups. . . As you know, Grad Knight is a party exclusively for seniors on their graduation night. ‘ihis drug- and alcohol-free cvcnt, which is completely supported through volunteer efforts, saves the lives of students who might otl~tnvisc bc drinking and driving on a t:aditionally daqcrous night. WC look forhard to your financial support, and arc avaihbk to answer any additional questions. a2 ..i Ix&I c3~tu-t &I hirlcy hrncy 1!’ Cr;ld IX&t Co-C&&s ‘97- ’ . . , c/O Lcic!’ CoIm X20 \Voodl;lnd \VJY C&Lad, CA 92003 43:ax . c . . L- I I , : . i* Dream Cruise ‘98 Mayor and City Council City of Carl&ad 1200 Carisbad Vi Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 La Costa Crayon High School Grd Nite Association 132 North El Gmino Real ~112 Encinitas, CA 92024 RfFlRRED VICITYWANAGER February 15, 1998 Dear Mayor and Council Members, I am writing this letter on behalf of the Grad Nitc Association and Senior Class of La Costa CanpnHighschooL ~Associationisnqucstingthatyou~acashdonationtotheaRtr graduation event bzing planned at La Costa Canyon High School on June 12.1998. La Costa Canyon is the nexst scho& in Carl&ad and currently enrolIs 2400 students. The . currznt Senior Claxx has 530 students and approximately *A or 135 students are residents of C&&ad. We undc.*ad that you have contributed to Carlsbad High School in the past and applaud your sumt-t of this important event. Gkn the demographics of this area ~YZ ha% assumed that appmxiclately % of the Senior CIass at Carisbad High v,nufd be residents of Carlsbad. We Ruuld like the Council to consider allocating 23% of your donation for Grad Nite evtzts to La Cos’~a Canyon. The Grad Nitro ATxxziation and the event we present are completely funded by donations from the cities, local businesses, civic grm~ps and ticket sales. The District pruvidea the facilities and voIunteers will contribute 20,000 + man-hours towards our goal of ptwiding a substancc- free, ~~‘curc, all night party for the graduates. We are a new txhcxl and a new a8sociaticrn with the challcng+z of cp,ating this event a new. To do this vx haclle established a $43,000 budget. Your donation will go towards meeting this paI. I am available to meet and discuss this important issue at your earliest conxniena. Thank you for Rur support,. Michael M&&ire, k&or Chair 98 (760) 753-0260 / (519) 994-4134 all . EXHfBtT 2 . I .a Costa Canyon Iigh School ittendance 1998- ‘rejected - 425 San Dieguito Academy Attendance 1998 - Projected - 200 Carlsbad High School Attendance 1997 - 359 Projected 1998 - 400 San Marcos I-Iigh Schoo Attendance 1998 - Projected - 400 School District Survey Grad Nite Donations School District Donation (In-Kind Services) On site storage for Conex boxes and key access to school site. 1 Free use of gymnasium, cafeteria, and softball field. lune 5* - June 14* yalue $15,000) b Provides free use of gymnasium and cafeteria for 10 days. . Provides storage space for Conex boxes. (Value $12,000) l Three school sites to store Conex storage containers. (Value $4,000) l Use of campus gymnasium and locker room. May 301h - June Gh (Value $10,000) City Donation . lncinitas - $2,500 (cash) Lecommended. Has not ;one to Council for pproval. Manager’s )ffice not sure of split. Zncinitas - $2,500 (cash) . see above Carlsbad - Room rental fees waived (Value $2,658) plus volunteer security (Value $650) San Marcos -Warehouse space and loan of theater Props (Value $1,700) 1998 Starting Proposed Balance Budget $20,000 3 ( 1 I 643,000 :$2l,250 projected in icket sales) $5,000 / , $30,000 ($10,000 projected in ticket sales) $5,000 $2,000 $25,000 ($15,000 projected in ticket sales) $27,000 ($17,500 projected in ticket sales) . City Survey Grad Nite Donations Agency Carlsbad Encinitas Vista support Yes No X X X In-Kind Cash Donations In-Kind Services Donation Years Value Contributed . 0 1997 $2,658 5 years 229 Room Hours 22 Staff Hours $2,500 (recommended not approved) San Marcos X Escondido X 0 $1,000 , Loan theater props Storage for props $1,700 1 year 6 years Poway . X 10 years *$3,000 to scl~ools located inside City Limits **$500 to scl~ools outside City Limits