HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-19; City Council; 14682; APPROVAL OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF POINSETTIA LANE FROM AVIARA PARKWAY TO BLACK RAIL ROADr * Qn 2 0 F 0 4 .J 0 z 3 0 0 - J 0 -,.* * 7 C! I f OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA blLL $5@&j vu AB# lfGLp8 L TITLE: APPROVAL OF A CITY ATTY. - CONSTRUCTION OF POINSETTIA LANE FROM MTG. 5/19/98 F REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE DEPT. HD. 4 AVIARA PARKWAY TO BLACK RAIL ROAD DEPT. ENG CITY MGR. i ~7-93-09 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?lg ' I5 0 approving a reimbursement agreement with the Catel Residential Group for the construction of Poinsettia Lane and authorizing the appropriation of fur from the Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 fund to pay for the construction of Poinsettia Lan ITEM EXPLANATION: The owner of the Ocean Bluff residential development has worked with the City Engineering stafl formulate an agreement providing for the completion of certain Poinsettia Lane improveme and Thoroughfare District No. 2 (B&TD No. 2), approved on July 8, 1997. The purpose of t district was to provide a funding mechanism for the construction of Poinsettia Lane from Avii Parkway to El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane. The Fee Study Report prepared in conjunction with the District's formation states that "A develol who acquires any right-of-way, designs and/or constructs any of the improvements or installs i required mitigation for the segments of Aviara Parkway or Poinsettia Lane covered by the . program may be eligible for credit and or reimbursement, subject to the approval of the C Council. Only those improvements or work included within the cost estimates upon which ' between Aviara Parkway and Black Rail Road. The basis for this agreement is the existing Bric 1 B&TD No. 2 fee is based are eligible for credit and/or reimbursement." The Ocean Bluff residential development (CT 93-09) was approved by the City Council April 2, 1996. As a condition of approval (56.J.) the developer was required to construct a port of Poinsettia Lane from its current terminus at Aviara Parkway approximately 1200 feet east to Ocean Bluff entry street ("A" Street). The approval also contained a provision (condition ! permitting the developer to apply for a reimbursement agreement. Since the Ocean Bluff project is located within the boundaries of Bridge and Thoroughfare Dist No. 2, certain costs incurred by the owner would normally be reimbursable from fee collectic made within the District. In discussions with the owner, it was agreed that the condition related to Poinsettia L: obligations (56.J.) could be modified to expand the Poinsettia Lane obligations so t Poinsettia Lane could be extended beyond the Ocean Bluff entry street to the intersection \I Black Rail Road (referred to as Reach No. 2). Due to the predominance of small parcel sizes in expanded (Reach No. 2) area, this would enhance the City's future prospects for completing width Poinsettia Lane improvements that would link Aviara Parkway .and Black Rail Road Poinsettia Lane (see Exhibit 1). The Reach No. 2 improvements will be for the benefit of propt not within the project and will be dedicated to the public. The owner has agreed to accept the Expanded Poinsettia Obligations subject to the following tet and conditions: 1. City will provide owner with reimbursements from B&TD No. 2 for eligible expen associated with Reach No. 1 (Ordinary Reimbursable Expenses). 2. City will provide owner with reimbursements from B&TD No. 2, on a progress payrr basis, for all expenses that are incurred in connection with Reach No. 2. f I ’ page 2 of Agenda Bill No. CF, ; (08 2 0 The owner has reserved the right to rescind this agreement if the Amended Tentative Map is r approved by the City. The full text of the proposed agreement is attached as Exhibit 3. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The alignment of Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road was included wit1 Zone 20 Specific Plan project description for which an EIR was certified (EIR 90-03). The Ocea tentative map which received a Notice of Prior Compliance on September 21, 1995 showt extension of Poinsettia Lane along the same alignment approved in the Zone 20 Specific PI; included all applicable mitigation measures of EIR 90-03 as conditions of approval. General Plan Consistency was granted by the Planning Commission to the Poinsettia Lane I pursuant to the approval of the Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203) and the Ocean Bluff tentativl (CT 93-09). FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost of reimbursable work to be constructed by the Catellus Residential pursuant to the proposed reimbursement agreement is $2,243,000 allocated between Reaches 1 as follows: Reach 1 from Aviara Parkway to Brigantine Drive $1,230,000 Reach 2 from Brigantine Drive to Black Rail Road $1,013,000 Presently the City has set aside $1,750,000 in the Capital Improvement Program budget to const to reimburse developers for the construction of Poinsettia Lane. Of this amount approxi $557,430 is needed to secure the acquisition of required rights-of-way for Poinsettia Lane companion agenda bill regarding condemnation request for Poinsettia Lane right-of-way). This le balance of $1 ,I 92,570 to be applied against the reimbursement for design and construction cc Poinsettia Lane. Staff is requesting appropriation of $1,500,000 ($307,430 for property acquisitil $1 ,I 92,570 for construction) to be applied to the Poinsettia Lane project at this time. iPursuant to the terms of the agreement, reimbursement for Reach 2 would have first priority UF remaining project allocation balance described above and be paid upon completion of the \ stages of work identified in the agreement. Reimbursement for the Reach 1 improvements wc subject to availability of Bridge and Thoroughfare No. 2 (B&TD No. 2) funds after completion improvements and after deducting the B&TD No. 2 fee credits for the Ocean Bluff project (estim $557,430 based upon 96 single-family units). The availability of funds to complete the reimbur: will be determined after adoption of the Fiscal Year 98-99 Capital Improvement Program budc after taking into account the reimbursement needs of other developers within B&TD No, 2, \ EXHIBITS: I. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 98 -/5 0 approving a reimbursement agreement with the Cate Residential Group for the construction of Poinsettia Lane and authorizing the appropriai of funds from the Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 fund to pay for the constructior Poinsettia Lane. 3. Reimbursement agreement dated May 19, 1998. i J 1 1 0 I 1 L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 cy44 QJ-9 z It RESOLUTION NO. 98-150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF POINSETTIA LANE AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FROM THE BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 2 FUND TO PAY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF POINSETTIA LANE. WHEREAS, the Catellus Residential Group, as a condition of approval for Carlsbad - 93-09 (Ocean Bluff) is conditioned to construct the north half of Poinsettia Lane from A Parkway to Brigantine Drive; and WHEREAS, the City desires to construct full width grading and two traffic lanes sepal by a raised median along Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road; and WHEREAS. the Catellus Residential Group has agreed to expand their constru program to include full width grading and two traffic lanes separated by a raised median E Poinsettia Lane from Brigantine Drive to Black Rail Road provided that they are reimbursed the proceeds of Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 (Aviara ParkwaylPoinsettia Lane); an WHEREAS, the Engineer's Fee Study Report prepared in conjunction with the form; of Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 states that the City Council may use the 1 collected by the district to reimburse developers for the construction of work included withi cost estimate upon which the district fees were based; and WHEREAS, the full width grading and two traffic lanes separated by a raised medi Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road are reimbursable items of work incl within the costs included in Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2; and WHEREAS, the Catellus Residential Group has requested Council approval reimbursement agreement for the construction of said improvements to Poinsettia Lane; and WHEREAS, the Catellus Residential Group desires to begin construction of the Poinr Lane improvements in Fiscal Year 97-98; and WHEREAS, adequate funds exist in the Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 fu pay for the construction of Poinsettia Lane. Ill /I/ 111 I I e L 0 e 1 California, as follows: 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carls 3 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the reimbursement agreement by and between the Catellus Reside Group and the City, dated May 19, 1998, is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized to said agreement on behalf of the City. 4 5 6 3. That the Finance Director is hereby directed to appropriate funds in the amoL 7 $1,500,000 to the Poinsettia Lane project account. 8 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Cc 10 held on the 19 day of May , 1998 by the following vote, to wit: 11 AYES: Council Member Finnila, Nygaard, Hall 6i Kulchin 12 NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Lewis 13 14 +& 15 CLAWE A. LEWIS, Mayor MONA FINNILA, Mayor Pro Tern 16 17 'i 8 ATTEST: 20 ALETHA L. RAbTENKWNZ, City Clerk 1 19 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (SEAL) 28 t 1 1 f e 0 EKcl(igC7 3 RECORDING REQUESTED BY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Owner to construct a thirty-two foot (32') paved section meeting major arterial standards. two lanes) along that portion of Poinsettia Lane (referred to as "Reach #I1') between A Parkway and the extension of Street A as shown on the Tentative Map. Owner's obliga under Condition 56J are referred to as the "Existing Poinsettia Obligations". Because Project is within City's Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 ("B&TD #2"), certain ( incurred by Owner in performing the Existing Poinsettia Obligations would be reimbursable fee collections for B&TD #2. C. Owner is currently processing with City revised Tentative Map CT 93. ("Amended Tentative Map"), which includes among other changes a conversion of the Prl from 92 single-family lots and sixteen affordable housing units to 96 single-family residentia ("Amended Project"). The Amended Tentative Map being processed also includes a revisic Condition 56J ("Amended Condition 56J"), This parties recognize that this Reimburse1 Agreement may .be approved by City prior to approval of the Amended Tentative Map. intend that Owner have the right to rescind this Reimbursement Agreement if the Amel Tentative Map is not approved by City. I 1 I , 1 ,I e 0 2 I 1 I e 0 1 e 0 (b) At such time as the undisputed Ordinary Reimbursable Expenses excee total B&TD #2 fee obligations for the Amended Project, the following procedures shall appl] (i) Upon the Auditing Engineer's determination on any Reimburse Request for Ordinary Reimbursable Expenses, City shall, within sixty (60) days determining that adequate B&TD #2 funds are available, pay all such undisputed Orc Reimbursable Expenses to Owner. 5 I e e I 6 e 0 Ill 111 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 7 >. e 0 (9) The following exhibits are attached to and by this reference incorpc into and made a part of this Reimbursement Agreement: A Legal Description of Property B Preliminary Cost Budget Summary IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Reimbursement Agreemt of the date first set forth above. Owner: City: 8 I 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ""~""""""__"""" ffefl"""" ...~,.,... ."._._._.,... . .,~. ~ ..,. . ... . - . _""- ddG&e&ec&me&@&L&Qx, $ p P State of California r', % G County of C~ITJ~~P~ 3 ? $ $ On T hi IQ9@, before me,- m I h#MA& I dm./ ?&lj& P 8 personally appeared$% ;b~1 ,7. T)Z 4 I I cl? 6 l3fuce T. Urn $ p 2 F P P } SS. e 5 g Date Name and litle of Offtcer (e.g., "JandDbe, Notary Public"y p *. Name@) of Signer@) at-$ 8 8 8 8 subscribed to the within instrument and $ k ": a- :5 ersonally known to me 4 ") to be the person(s) whose name(s) e@ b %; acknowledged to me that -executed Q the same in +tidm@ authorized % capacity(ies), and that by e 9 signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or 1 the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. 9 WITNESS my hand and official seal. Place Notary Seal Above Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Number of Pages: 0 1997 National Notary Association * 9350 De Soto Ave.. P.O. Box 2402 * Chatswotth, CA 91313-2402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 0 0 CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP, INC. SECRETARY CERTIFICATE RESOLVED, that Brian Milich in his capacity as Vice President and Bruce T. Lehman in his capacity as Executive Vice President are authorized for, on behalf of and in the name of Catellus Residential Group, Inc. (the ‘Corporation”), to sign The Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs for Construction of Improvements for Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road, and all other related documents and agreements. The execution of such agreements and documents by them shall be conclusive evidence of full Corporate approval thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my name as Assistant Secretary of said Corporation and have caused the corporate seal oft hereunto affixed this 6’ day of May, 1998. Stephen J. Muller, hssistant Secretary 0 0 EXHIBIT A Leaal bescriotion of the Pronerty " ?HAT PORTION 3F SECTION 22, mdNSEIR 17 SOL!TH, RANGE 4 VEST, SAN BERNMDLNO EASE AND M32IDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLBAD COW OF SAN DIPPA, STATE OF rcALIFORNfX, ACCCRDINQ TO OFPZCfAL PLAT TWERSOT, DESCRIBED AS F3UCW.S: BEGIYKING AT TElE NIIRTHWT C3RFIER OF LOT 3 OF SA= SECTION 22 As SHOtJN AN3 ESTABXSZE3 9N RECORD XF S'3RVKY PXR NO. 17035, FXLHD IN "HE OFFIC OF ?HE WZX CdP 5TAYPED "L.S. 3189 1/2M AER 1919"~ ?'HENCE ALONC THE EkST LINE 31 SAT; EAST ;SOW 0lo 29' 53' EAST FER R OF S 120351, 1056.64 FEET TO W SOZT;iIWT CG-ZR OF SAID LOT 3, SAID COWER BBING -XED BY 3/4 INCH IROX PIPE HARK23 "R*c-x- 9213" AS SIom AND ESrABfISHED ON SAID RECCm Op 5mmY #D NO. 12936: me= NCRTFI 66- 57' 46- WSSr (NCRTH 86' 57' 35" =ST PER R OP s 12096;, 663.55 FEZ? 70 AN hNSU POINT ON EIE SOU'I?XRLY LINE OF SAX LOT 3 BPS% W2D BY A 2 cctm XEC'CRDER Y-CH 23. 1989, SAID CORNER BEING WUU~ZD BY A 2 INCH IRON ?XPE LOT 3 AS Esr.uusi.:sD FDR SA:D RECCKD 07 SURVEY MA^ KO. 12396, s3m CIO 29' 12" IKCH IRON PIPE STAHPED *L.s. 2821" AS saom AVD DESCRIBED ON SAID RECORD 3~ 31" WEST. 653.69 PEET PEE a OF s 12036) TO A i INCH IRON PIPE smwm 1.~. 9. 6'- &ntEY v PA? YO. 12C96; 7EZKCE SORTH 66. 53' 43" WEST, E63.62 FEET (IIOHTH e60 53' 22;l" ESYA3LISWING TXE SOVTWEST CC'= OF SAID LOT 3 PEa XCOm GF SuR;rzY :.LAD K3. 12056; -CE AL3NG TE3 -a§TERLY ClNiE 31 SAX3 LCT 3 AS ESYULISXED PE2 RECORD OF S'JRVR' W NO. 12396 (SAID LINE BSTRBLISWKD BY SArD 2 INCrt IRON Fr?X CL0 43' 4s" WZS? ZBR R OF 3 120961, 997.78 ?PET TC A POINT ON !ME NORTH LINi: 3F 5EPT :5OUT8 B9O 26' 2:. EAST. i337.24 FEET ?!ER R OF S 12096) TO ZiE POI.- OF LE3 11.3 LNG I A? 1,'; INCH IRCN PIS AS SXW ON H OF S 22096) 8 NCRTH 01" 43' 56" XgST :NQKZ5 CXD SECTION 22; TKZNCE AX.- SA~O NORTZ LX~, sm e90 :B' 311. EAST, 1329.53 t 0 e EXHIBIT B Preliminarv Cost Budaet Summary [Attachsd.] 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1,700 LF OCEAN BLUFF " (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD """"""""""~""""""""""""""""~""""". PROJECT: POINSETTIA LANE (REACH 1) """""""-""--""~-. CLIENT: CATELLUS """""""""""""" DATE: 1/14/98 "-9"""- JOB# : 1953-4 """""_ TOTAL """""" IMPROVEMENTS ............................... $753,392 CONSULTANTS..... ........................... $283,744 FEES/BONDS ................................. $191,975 . T 0 T A L... ............................ $1,229,111 """""" """""" """""" . NOTE: This estimate is from a 40 scale improvements plans prepared by Hunsaker C Associates, San Diego. This estimate is for a 102' graded right-of-way with a 18' pavement section on each side of median curb. A 360' pavement transition area was included at the intersection with Aviara Parkway. Land Acquistion costs were estimated; however, actual costs are unknown at this time. HUNSAXER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 10179 Huennekens Street San Diego, Ca Tel: (619) 558-4500 Prepared by : Terry Allbritain File# [ocPLRlR] 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1 , 700 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) OCEAN BLUFF CITY OF CARLSBAD ................................. GRADING & SITE PREPARATION.. ............... $389,732 SLOPE & EROSION CONTROL.................... $72 , 190 SANITARY SEWERS............................ $0 STORM DRAINAGE... .......................... $33,592 WATER DISTRIBUTION. ........................ $0. ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ....................... $211,694 UTILITIES..... ............................. $0 AMENITIES & SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION........... $44 , 484 CONSULTANTS................................ $283,744 MAINTENANCE................................ $1,699 BONDS/FEES ................................. $191,975 """""" GRAND' T 0 T A L..................... $1,229,111 """""" """""" 6 * e PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1 , 700 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF .................................. GRADING & SITE PREPARATION ............................... CLEAR AND GRUB RELOCATION/RESTORATION POWER WATER MAINS MOBILIZATION & CONST. WATER MASS EXCAVATION a) POWER POLES b) IMPORT c) ALLUVIAL REMOVAL (EST. ) LANDSLIDE REMOVAL & RECOMP. CANYON SUBDRAIN (6I') CANYON SUBDRAIN (8 It) CONSTRUCTION WATER LOT FINISH & ACCEPTANCE CRIB WALL 7.0 AC@$ 800 = $5 , 600 LS@$ o= $0 LS@$ - N.L.C. LF@$ o= $0 1 LS@$ 13,000 = $13,000 106,355 CY@$ 1.75 = $186,121 43,410 CY@$ 2.25 = $97,673 25,000 CY@$ 1.05 = $26,250 LF@$ 16.00 = $0 1,070 LF@$ 16.00 = $17 , 120 131,355 CY@$ 0.07 = $8,538 EA@ $ 900 = $0 SF@$ 15.00 = $0 - CY@$ 1.10 = $0 SUB-TOTAL $354 , 302 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $35 , 430 TOTAL GRADING & SITE PREPARATION... ................ $389,732 """""" a] Assumed no undergrounding of existing overhead power lines. b). Assumes imported dirt could come from adjacent Zone 20 c) No soils report was available at the time of this estimate. Properties. 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION JZROM "A'I STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1 , 700 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF ............................... SLOPE & EROSION CONTROL _"_""~""""""~""""""""""""""""""""- STABILIZED CONST. ENTRANCE 5,000 SF@$ 0.35 = $1,750 STRAW HAY BALE 1,550 LF@$ 2.50 = $3 , 875 SILT FENCE 1,550 LF@$ 2.90 = $4 , 495 MODIFIED "C" DITCH 2,880 LF@$ 9.75 = $28 , 080 MODIFIED "D" DITCH 1,760 LF@$ 9.75 = $17 , 160 1" AC CAP FOR MEDIAN AREA 21,419 SF@$ 0.40 = $8 , 568 SAND BAGGING 1 LS@$ 1,700 = $1,700 SUB-TOTAL $65 , 628 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $6 , 563 TOTAL SLOPE & EROSION CONTROL...................... $72 , 190 """""" SANITARY SEWERS 8" SEWER MAIN LF@$ 17.00 = $0 MANHOLE EA@$ 1,600 = $0 R&R PAVEMENT SF@$ 5.00 = $0 JOIN EXISTING EA@$ 1,000 = $0 SUB-TOTAL $0 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $0 TOTAL SANITARY SEWERS.............................. $0 """"1oo~1~"o1oo1o~.o~.o..o~ooo~oo.o~oo~ooo~oooo.o~~~~~~~~ """""" STORM DRAINAGE PIPE """""""""""""""""""""""""""--"---- 18 u PIPE RCP 53 LF@$ 41.00 = $2 , 173 24 It PIPE RCP 176 LF@$ 55.00 = $9 , 680 CUT-OFF WALL EA@$ 3,000 = $0 CLEANOUT EA@$ 2,800 - $0 HEAD WALL/WING WALL 2 EA@$ 2,300 = $4,600 CURB INLET 3 EA@$ 3,500 = $10,500 TYPE 'IF" CATCH BASIN EA@$ 2,300 = $0 RIP RAP 39 CY@$ 65.00 = $2 , 535 TIE INTO EXISTING INLET 1 EA@$ 800 = $800 R&R PAVEMENT 50 SF@$ 5.00 = $250 SUB-TOTAL $30,538 - e 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION EXOM 'rA'r STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1,700 LF OCEAN BLUFF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD _"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" CONTINGENCY 10.00% $3,054 TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE ............................... $33,592 """""" 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION EROM "A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1,700 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF -===1=U-=111-==1==---E--=-==-=="-------------------------------- WATER DISTRIBUTION ............................... SUB-TOTAL $0 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $0 $0 """""" TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION ........................... ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ............................... 6" CURB & GUTTER 6" CURB ONLY MEDIAN 3' AC SWALE REMOVE EXISTING AC BERM 3" PVC ST. LIGHT CONDUIT PEDESTRIAN RAMP SIDEWALK (INCL. GRADE) SUBGRADE PREPARATION ADJUST SEWER MH TO GRADE ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION OTHER SIGNS PARKWAY CULVERT GUARDRAIL SURVEY MONUMENTS REMOVE BARRICADE PAINTED DETAILS STRIPING a) 4" AC/ 12" AB MATCH TO EXISTING PAVEMENT LF@$ 7.50 = LF@$ 5.00 = 3,076 LF@$ 6.50 = $19,994 $0 150 LF@$ 2.00 = $0 SF@$ 2.00 = $0 73,891 SF@$ 1.75 = $129,309 $0 $300 400 LF@$ 4.00 = $1,600 EA@ $ 250 = 73,891 SF@$ 0.15 = $11,084 6 EA@$ . 250 = $1,500 12 EA@$ 175 = $2 , 100 LS@$ =Not Included 1 LS@$ 1000 = $1,000 2 EA@$ 220 = $440 $0 700 LF@$ 29 = $20,300 4 EA@$ 315 = $1,260 1 LS@$ 400.00. = $400 8 EA@$ 100 = $800 3,150 LF@$ 0.75 = $2,363 EA@$ 1800 = SUB-TOTAL $192 , 449 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $19,245 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENT........................... $211,694 """""" a) These are assumed sections. Actual sections to be determined by the soils engineer. , 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION EROM "A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1,700 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF ................................. UTILITIES ............................... U. G . POWER JOINT TRENCH LF@$ 12 = $0 SOLE TRENCH LF@$ 6= $0 POLE & SINGLE LUMINARIA EA@$ 1,700 = $0 ENERGY CHARGES EA@ $ 150 $0 LINE EXTENSION FEE (SFDU) LF@$ 22.37 $0 LINE EXTENSION FEE (MFDU) LF@$ 22.88 = $0 TRENCHING TAX (39%) 1 LS@$ o= $0 GAS MAIN EXTENSION FEE LF@$ 16.44 = $0 . GAS STUB DEPOSITS EA@ $ 334 = $0 REFUNDABLE $0 STREET LIGHTS SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY 10 * 00% $0 $0 """""" TOTAL UTILITIES.................................... $0 AMENITIES & SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION MEDIAN AREA HYDROSEED 22,450 SF@$ 0.20 = $4,490 HYDROSEED AREA 47,000 SF@$ 0.20 = $9,400 IRRIGATION METER 1 EA@$ 550 = $550 a) SLOPE LANDSCAPING hydroseed 130,000 SF@$ 0.20 = $26,000 a) FUEL MODIFICATION 0 SF@$ 0.40 = $0 EQUESTRIAN TRAIL 0 LF@$ o= $0 SUB-TOTAL $40,440 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $4,044 TOTAL AMENITIES & SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION............. $44,484 ............................... """""" a) It is recommended that a landscape architect be consulted. These costs are provided for budgeting purposes only. a 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION EROM "A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1,700 LF OCEAN BLUFF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD """"""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""" MAINTENANCE STREET CLEANING 73,891 SF@$ 0.02 = $1 I 478 a) LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SF@$ 0.10 = $0 ................................ SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY TOTAL MAINTENANCE 15.00% $1,478 $222 """""" $1 I 699 a) Cost based on $650 per month per acre for 10 months. .. 1 e e PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM *'A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1,7 00 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF """""~"""""""""""-""""""""""~""""" CONSULTANT FEES & SERVICES ............................... a) ENGINEERING/PLANNING/SURVEY UTILITY CONSULTANT PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL STUDIES A.L.T.A. SURVEY PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT COMPACT. & GRADING CONTROL ARCHAEOLOGIST & PALEO. TRAFFIC CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BLUEPRINTS & DELIVERIES LAND ACQUIS. (Condemnation) 1 DU@$ 115000 1 Ls@$ 1,500 1 LS@$ 40,000 1 LS@$ 3,000 1 LS@$ 2,000 0 1 LS@$ 5,000 131,355 CY@$ 0*11 1 LS@$ 10,000 1 LS@$ 7,500 1 LS@$ 5,000 1 LS@$ 4,500 1 LS@$ 50,000 LS@$ = $115,000 - - $1,500 - $40,000 - $3,000 - $2,000 $0 - $5,000 - $14,449 - $10,000 - $7,500 - $5,000 - $4 , 500 - $50 , 000 - - - - - - - - - - - - SUB-TOTAL $257 , 949 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $25,795 TOTAL CONSULTANTS ................................ $283,744 """""" a) This is not a proposal. Use for budgeting purposes only. 4 e 0 PRELIMfNARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO AVIARA PARKWAY 1 , 700 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- BONDS/FEES ............................... BONDS GRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION GRADING DEPOSIT PERFORMANCE (2%) R & R BOND RELEASE GRADING IMPROVMENTS EIR DEPOSIT LAND ACQUISITION Right-of-way Easements Net Damages Right-of-way Easements PLAN CHECK C INSPECTION Sarkaraia (Parcel (A) Fernandes Parcel(B) Net Damages Hidalgo Parcel (C) Right-of-way Easements Net Damages Right-of-way Easements Net Damages Baker Parcel (D) Prorated Rudvalis 0 LS@$ o= 0 LS@$ o= 0 LS@$ o= 1 LS@$ 13,858 = 1 LS@$ 18,835 = LS@$ o= - - 1 LS@$ 46,864 = 1 Ls@$ 14,408 = 1 LS@$ 3,846 = 1 LS@$ 30,574 = 1 LS@$ 4,098 = 1 LS@S o= 1 LS@$ 3,960 = 1 LS@$ 3,819 = 1 LS@$ o= 1 Ls@$ 15,162 = 1 LS@$ 5,096 = 1 LS@$ 1,000 = 1 LS@$ 4,048 = $0 $0 $0 $8 , 955 $13 , 858 $18 , 835 $0 $46 , 864 $30 , 574 $14 , 408 $3 , 846 $4 , 098 $0 $3 , a19 $0 $3 , 960 $15 , 162 $4 , 048 $5 , 096 $1,000 MITIGATION COSTS In Reach 2 SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY 10.00% $174 , 523 $17 , 452 """""" TOTAL BONDS/FEES ................................... $191,975 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM ''A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF OCEAN BLUFF " (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD "_""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" PROJECT: POINSETTIA LANE (REACH 2) """""""""""""" CLIENT: CATELLUS """""""""""""" DATE: 1/14/98 """""_ JOB# : 1953-4 """""_ TOTAL """""" IMPROVEMENTS ............................... $396,356 CONSULTANTS ................................ $225,555 FEES/BONDS ................................. $390,110 T 0 T A L.. ............................. $1,012,021 """""" """""" ""_"""_ NOTE: This estimate is from a 40 scale improvements plans prepared by Hunsaker & Associates, San Diego. This estimate is for a 102' graded right-of-way with a 18' pavement section on each side of median curb. A 360' pavement transition area was included at the intersection with Aviara Parkway. Land Acquistion costs were estimated; however, actual costs are unknown at this time. HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 10179 Huennekens' Street San Diego, Ca Tel: (619) 558-4500 Prepared by : Terry Allbritain File# [ocplrlr] 0 e PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF " """"""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""". GRADING & SITE PREPARATION....... .......... $227,459 SLOPE & EROSION CONTROL .................... $27,632 SANITARY SEWERS..................... ....... $0 STORM DRAINAGE ............................. $18 , 321 WATER DISTRIBUTION........ ................. $0 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS....................... $111,167 UTILITIES......................... ......... $0 AMENITIES & SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION........... $10,835 CONSULTANTS............... ................. $225,555 MAINTENANCE... ............................. $943 BONDS/FEES .................................. $390,110 """""" GRAND T 0 T A L..................... $1,012,021 ""_"""_ """""" 1 e e PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM trArt STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1 , 150 LF OCEAN BLUFF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD ................................. GRADING & SITE PREPARATION ............................... CLEAR AND GRUB RELOCATION/RESTORATION POWER a) POWER POLES WATER MAINS MOBILIZATION & CONST. WATER MASS EXCAVATION b) IMPORT c) ALLWIAL REMOVAL (EST. ) LANDSLIDE REMOVAL & RECOMP. CANYON SUBDRAIN ( 6") CANYON SUBDRAIN ( 8It) CONSTRUCTION WATER .LOT FINISH & ACCEPTANCE CRIB WALL 4.0 AC@$ 800 = $3 , 200 LS@$ o= $0 LS@$ - - N.I.C. LF@$ o= $0 1 LS@$ 13,000 = $13 , 000 41,760 CY@$ 1.75 = $73 , 080 41,105 CY@$ 2.25 = $92,486 20,000 CY@$ 1.05 = $21,000 ' CY@$ 1.10 = $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LF@$ 16.00 = LF@$ 16.00 = EA@ $ 900 = SF@$ 15.00 = 61,760 CY@$ 0.07 = $4 , 014 SUB-TOTAL $206 , 781 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $20,678 TOTAL GRADING & SITE PREPARATION................... $227,459 """""" a) Assumed no undergrounding of existing overhead power lines. b) Assumes imported dirt could come from adjacent Zone 20 c) No soils report was available at the time of this estimate. Properties. I 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION F3OM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF OCEAN BLUFF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD ""~"""""""~""""""""""--"--""---------------. SLOPE 61 EROSION CONTROL """""""""""""""""""""""""""--------- STABILIZED CONST. ENTRANCE 5,000 SF@$ 0.35 = $1,750 STRAW HAY BALE LF@$ 2.50 = $0 SILT FENCE 170 LF@$ 2.90 = $493 MODIFIED "C" DITCH 1,740 LF@$ 9.75 = $16,965 MODIFIED "Dl' DITCH LF@$ 9.75 = $0 1" AC CAP FOR MEDIAN AREA 12,029 SF@$ 0.40 = $4,812 SAND BAGGING 1 LS@$ 1,100 = $1,100, SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY 10.00% $25,120 $2,512 """""" TOTAL SLOPE & EROSION CONTROL.......... ....-....... $27 , 632 SANITARY SEWERS 8" SEWER MAIN LF@$ 17.00 = MANHOLE EA@$ 1,600 = R&R PAVEMENT SF@$ 5.00 = JOIN EXISTING EA@$ 1,000 = ................................ $0 $0 $0 $0 SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY 10.00% $0 $0 """""" TOTAL SANITARY SEWERS .............................. $0 STORM DRAINAGE PIPE """"""""""""""""""""""""-------------- 18 " PIPE RCP 135 LF@$ 41.00 = $5,535 24 M PIPE RCP LF@$ 55.00 = CUT-OFF WALL EA@$ 3,000 = CLEANOUT EA@$ 2,800 = HEAD WALL/WING WALL 1 EA@$ 2,300 = $2,300 CURB INLET c 2 EA@$ 3,500 = $7,000 - TYPE "F" CATCH BASIN EA@$ 2,300 = RIP RAP 28 CY@$ 65.00 = $1,820 TIE INTO EXISTING INLET EA@ $ 800 = R&R PAVEMENT SF@$ 5.00 = $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUB-TOTAL $16,655 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF OCEAN BLUFF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD """""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""" CONTINGENCY 10.00% $1,666 TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE..... ........................... $18 , 321 """""" 0 0 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF OCEAN BLUFF ' (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-, WATER DISTRIBUTION ................................ SUB-TOTAL $0 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $0 TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION. .......................... $0 """""" ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ............................... 6" CURB & GUTTER 6" CURB ONLY MEDIAN 3' AC SWALE MEDIAN PAVING ENHANCED HDRO REMOVE EXISTING AC BERM 3" PVC ST. LIGHT CONDUIT PEDESTRIAN RAMP SIDEWALK (INCL. GRADE) a) 4" AC/ 12" AB SUBGRADE PREPARATION ADJUST SEWER "I TO GRADE ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION MATCH TO EXISTING PAVEMENT OTHER SIGNS PARKWAY CULVERT GUARDRAIL SURVEY MONUMENTS REMOVE BARRICADE PAINTED DETAILS STRIPING LF@$ 7.50 2,149 LF@$ 6.50 LF@$ 5.00 1,625 SF@$ 0.20 LF@$ 2.00 400 LF@$ 4-.00 SF@$ 2.00 41,000 SF@$ 1-75 41,000 SF@$ 0.15 10 EA@$ 17 5 1 LS@$ 1000 2 EA@$ 220 EA@$ 1800 1 EA@$ 315 LS@$ 400.00 '14 EA@$ 100 3,150 LF@$ 0.75 EA@$ 250 EA@$ 250 LS@$ LF@ $ 29 - - $0 - $13,969 $0 - $325 - $0 - $1,600 - $0 $0 - $71 , 750 - $6 , 150 - $0 - $1,750 - $1,000 - $440 $0 - $0 - $315 $0 - $2 , 363 - - - - - - - - - - - - - =Not Included - - - - - - - - - - $1 , 400 - SUB-TOTAL $101,061 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $10 , 106 TOTAL STREET IKPROVEMENT........................... $111,167 """1"". a) These are assumed sections. Actual sections to be determined by the soils engineer. e e PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION EROM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF OCEAN BLUFF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD """""""""""""""""""""""""-""-""""~. UTILITIES """"""""""""""""""""""""""""-""- U. G . POWER JOINT TRENCH LF@$ 12 = $0 SOLE TRENCH STREET LIGHTS POLE & SINGLE LUMINARIA ENERGY CHARGES LINE EXTENSION FEE (SFDU) LINE EXTENSION FEE (MFDU) TRENCHING TAX (39%) GAS MAIN EXTENSION FEE GAS STUB DEPOSITS REFUNDABLE LF@$ 6= $0 EA@$ 1,700 = $0 EA@ $ 150 $0 LF@$ 22.37 $0 LF@$ 22.88 = $0 1 LS@$ o= $0 LF@$ 16.44 = $0 EA@ $ 334 = $0 $0 SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY 10.00% $0 $0 """""" $0 TOTAL UTILITIES.................................... AMENITIES C SPECIAL, CONSTRUCTION ~""""""""""""""""""""-""---------------- MEDIAN AREA HYDROSEED HYDROSEED AREA 46,500 SF@$ 0.20 = $9,300 IRRIGATION METER 1 EA@$ 550 = $550 SF@$ 0.20 = $0 SF@$ 0.95 = $0 0 SF@$ 0.40 = $0 0 LF@$ o= $0 a) SLOPE LANDSCAPING a) FUEL MODIFICATION EQUESTRIAN TRAIL SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY 10.00% $9,850 $985 """""" TOTAL AMENITIES &I SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION...........-. $10,835 a) It is recommended that a landscape architect be consulted. These costs are provided for budgeting purposes only. t e e PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION EROM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD OCEAN BLUFF """""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""" MAINTENANCE STREET CLEANING 41,000 SF@$ 0.02 = $820 "_"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a) LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SF@$ 0.10 = $0 SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY TOTAL MAINTENANCE 15.00% $820 $123 """""" $943 a) Cost based on $650 per month per acre for 10 months. e e PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION OCEAN BLUFF FROM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1 , 150 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD ................................. CONSULTANT FEES & SERVICES ................................ a) ENGINEERING/PLANNING/SURVEY PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL STUDIES A.L.T.'A. SURVEY PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT COMPACT. &I GRADING CONTROL ARCHAEOLOGIST & PALEO. TRAFFIC CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BLUEPRINTS & DELIVERIES LAND ACQUIS. (Condemnation) UTILITY CONSULTANT 1 DU@$ 1 LS@S 1 LS@$ 1 LS@$ 1 LS@$ LS@$ 1 LS@$ 1 LS@$ 1 LS@$ 1 LS@$ 1 LS@$ 1 LS@$ 70,000 CY@$ 71850 1,500 40,000 2 , 000 2 , 000 0 5,000 0.11 10 , 000 7 , 500 4 , 000 3 , 500 50 , 000 - - $71,850 = $1 , 500 - $40,000 - $2 , 000 - $2 , 000 $0 - $5 , 000 - $7 , 700 - $10,000 - $7,500 . - $4 , 000 - $3,500 - $50 , 000 - - - - - - - - - - - - SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY 10.00% $205,050 $20,505 """""" TOTAL CONSULTANTS.. .............................. $225,555 a) This is not a proposal. Use for budgeting purposes only. . 5 e 9 PRELIMINARY COSTS BUDGET SUMMARY POINSETTIA LANE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FROM "A" STREET TO BLACK RAIL ROAD 1,150 LF (REFUNDABLE ITEMS REACH 2) " OCEAN BLUFF CITY OF CARLSBAD """""""""""""""""""""."~""~"""""""~. BONDS/FEES """""""""""""""""""""."""""""""" BONDS GRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION 0 LS@$ 0 GRADING DEPOSIT 0 LS@$ 0 PERFORMANCE (2%) R & R BOND RELEASE 0 LS@$ 0 GRADING 1 LS@$ 7,653 IMPROVMENTS 1 LS@$ 9,121 EIR DEPOSIT LS@$ 0 LAND ACQUISITION PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION Aitchison Parcel (F) Right-of-way 1 LS@$ 32,279 Easements 1 LS@$ 3,435 Net Damages 1 LS@$ 79,786 Right-of-way 1 LS@$ 34,950 Easements 1 LS@$ 9,044 Net Damages 1 LS@$ 0 Right-of-way 1 LS@$ 15,162 Easements 1 LS@$ 4,048 Net Damages 1 LS@$ 5,096 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION 1 LS@$ 149500 San Dieguito N. B~ank Parcel (G) Baker Parcel (D) Prorated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $0 $0 $4,572 $0 $7,653' $9,121 $0 $32,279 $3,435 $79,786 $34,950 $9,044 $0 - - $15,162 - $4,048 - $5,096 - - = $149,500 """""" SUB-TOTAL $354,646 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $35,465 TOTAL BONDS/FEES ................................... $390,110 """""" 4 h 0 * c May 26,1998 County Recorder PO Box 1750 San Diego CA 92112-4147 Enclosed for recordation is/are the following described document(s): Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs - Poinsettia Lane Catellus Residential Group APN: 215-070-16; Also enclosed are instructions on how the City is to be billed for the recordation fees incurred. Thank you for your assistance with this item. f. &@&v&-J&2$.&Q KATHLEEN D. SHOUP Sr. Office Specialist d 7 200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (760) 434-2808 I T > i:' May 26,1998 Catellus Residential Group Attn: Brian J. Millich, Vice President 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92614 RE: REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - CONSTRUCTION OF POINSETTIA LANE Enclosed for your records are copies of Agenda Bill No. 14,682 and Resolution No. 98-1 50, by which the Carlsbad City Council approved the reimbursement agreement for the above referenced project. Also enclosed is a copy of the signed agreement and a copy of our transmittal letter to the County Recorder requesting the recordation of said agreement. If you have specific questions regarding this reimbursement agreement please call Mr. Dave Hauser, Assistant City Engineer, at (760) 438-1 161 extension 4362. y$& . ' .A,',' 7 &"./jg*($.7 5 KATHLEEN D. SHOUP Sr. Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (760) 434-2808 L