HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-19; City Council; 14687; BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST)d- BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE MTG. 5/19/98 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 98 e I s* approving the Engineer’s Report, including approval oi establishing Area of Benefit, declaring the City’s intention to form a district and setting the d and place for a public hearing on the formation of Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 3 ITEM EXPLANATION: In accordance with the provisions of the Local Facility Management Plan (LFMP) for Zones 24, the property owners within those zones are required to establish a financing progrl guarantees the construction of Cannon Road West from Car Cowrive to El Camino Re? necessary to provide an ultimate secondary access to a portion of Phase V of the Carlsbad Center pursuant to a project condition of approval for Carlsbad Tract 85-24, Unit No. 5, which 5. Given that the four LFMP zones have overlapping requirements to finance Cannon Road V in cooperation with the property owners, decided to consolidate the financing needs of the 1 into one comprehensive Bridge and Thoroughfare District. The attached engineer’s report dated April 16, 1998, includes a District Boundary Map Appendix E of the report, which shows the proposed area of benefit for the district. The t include all properties within LFMP Zone 8 as well as portions of Zones 5, 13 and 24. In t setting the district boundary, the engineer’s report describes the improvements to be func district, provides a detailed estimate of the costs for the improvements, apportions the cc properties within the fee benefit area and establishes a schedule of fees to be collected. The engineer’s report recommends that a fee of $124 per Average Daily Trip (ADT) be collc all properties within the district boundary with the exception of Zone 13. For Zone 13 identified as Benefit Zone A on the District Boundary Map found in Appendix E of the Reporl of the cost of Cannon Road West was assessed to these parcels in Assessment Distric (Carlsbad Ranch). Accordingly, all parcels in Benefit Zone A will be charged a fee of $124 pe the amount assessed in Assessment District No. 95-1 (Carlsbad Ranch). The fees are based upon the number of ADT estimated for new development occurring district. The estimated ADT values for a particular development are established by the late5 San Diego Association of Governments’ (SANDAG) “Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Gener: for the San Diego Region”. A detached single family residence generates 10 ADT while a condominium generates 8 A apartment generates 6 ADT. Therefore the fee for a single family home would be 10 timl $1,240. The fee for one condominium unit would be 8 times $124 or $992 and the fl apartment unit would be 6 times $124 or $744. The fees for non-residential land use, SUC properties in Zones 5 and 13 are based on the SANDAG Guide referenced above. The f adjusted annually based upon the Enaineerina News Record construction cost index f Angeles area. The fees may also be adjusted in the future based on changes in developme a density change resulting from a general plan amendment or an unexpected increase in c Total Project Cost Estimate Less SANDAG TransNet Highway Funds Less Caltrans SLTPP Funds Less City CFD No. 1 Funds Less City El Camino Real Intersection TIF Funds Less City Traffic Signal PFF Funds Unfunded Costs for Fee Program $1 9,678,329 $4,193,000 $2,000,000 $6,534,646 $1,159,390 $1 80,000 $5,611,293 ( 0 t e Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. f EXHIBITS: 1. Order of Procedure. 2. Resolution No. 4 8 - t 5 yapproving the Engineer’s Report, including approval of thc establishing Area of Benefit, declaring the City’s intention to form a bridge and thoroug district and setting the date, time and place for a public hearing on the formation of Bril Thoroughfare District No. 3 (Cannon Road West). 3. Engineer’s Report dated April 16, 1998, including the District Boundary map attached i Appendix “E” to the report. ~ \e,. I\-- *G ! - ’ * x- > 4 0 0 1 k ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST) DATE OF MEETING: MAY 19,1998 STAFF: Presentation of Engineer’s “Report” for proposed Bridge & Thoroughf; District pursuant to the provisions of Section 66484 of the Governmi Code”, consisting of the following: - Boundary Map - Description of proposed improvements - Cost estimate CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ENGINEER’S REPOF INCLUDING APPROVAL OF THE MAP ESTABLISHING AREA 1 BENEFIT, DECLARING THE CITY’S INTENTION TO FORM A DlSTRl AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON T FORMATION OF BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO (CANNON ROAD WEST): Jurisdictional Resolution under Governm Code Section 66484, preliminarily approves the Engineer’s “Repc including establishing and approving the boundaries of the propoi District, and sets the date, time and place for the public hearing. *** PROPOSED SCHEDULE: MAY 19,1998: ADOPT JURISDICTIONAL RESOLUTION JUNE 16,1998: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER FORMATION OF BRIDGE THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT *** 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 Lz &i! lyB- RESOLUTION NO. 98-154 --CEI A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD , CALI FORN IA, APPROVING THE ENGl N EERS REPORT, INCLUDING APPROVAL OF THE MAP ESTABLISHING FORM A DISTRICT AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FORMATION OF BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST). AREA OF BENEFIT, DECLARING THE CITY'S INTENTION TO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, is considei formation of a bridge and thoroughfare district, as authorized under Section 66484 Government Code of the State of California, and specifically as authorized by Section 2C of the Municipal Code of the City of Carlsbad; said district to be known and design BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST). he1 referred to as the "District"; and WHEREAS, the imposition of a Bridge and Thoroughfare fee is not SUI Article Xlll D of the California Constitution; and WHEREAS, the proposed improvements are in conformance to the circulation elf the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, at this time there has also been submitted a "Report" of the Engint "Report" generally setting forth the following: A. Boundary map of area of benefit; B. Description of proposed public facilities; C. Estimate of cost for said facilities; D. Method and apportionment for distribution of costs based upon benefits receb the proposed public facilities; and WHEREAS, at this time this legislative body is now ready to preliminarily app "Report' as submitted by the Engineer and proceed to set a time and place for a public on said District. Ill ill ’1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 ’ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: RECITALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. I M PROVEMENTS SECTION 2. That this City Council does hereby declare its intention to prc authorize the formation of a bridge and thoroughfare district for the purpose of financin! of the costs and expenses relating to major public improvements in said District. 1 improvements, a portion of which are to be funded in Bridge and Thoroughfare Distric include the following: Full width grading of the roadway, all curbs, gutters, sidewalks, base and pavement landscaping and irrigation, median hardscape, street lights, street monumentatio drainage facilities, erosion control, guard rails, and other incidentals necessary to co four-lane major arterial roadway. The facilities also include two (2) 455-foot multi-spz structures across the salt water wetlands at the north end of Macario Canyon, and a single-span bridge across the Aqua Hedionda Creek at El Camino Real. The impro also include modifications to the intersection of Cannon Road and El Camino Real. In the project includes the cost for full mitigation of the environmental impacts of the con of the improvements noted above. The soft costs included are design, contract admin fee administration, construction inspection, construction engineering, mitigation monitc land acquisition. “REPORT” SECTION 3. The “Report“, as submitted by the Engineer, is hereby prel approved and adopted by this City Council and shall be kept on file in the Office of the GI and remain open for public inspection. “MAP” - SECTION 4. That a map of the District, showing the boundaries and area of bl the proposed District and lands and property to be charged to pay the costs and expensc proposed improvements designated as “PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF BRlDG THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST)” is included as Appendi the Report, and the same is hereby approved and adopted. Ill Ill '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ?I 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 '9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 COST ESTIMATE SECTION 5. The cost estimate, as set forth in the "Report" of the Engineer, re total estimated costs for the proposed works of improvement, and the method of fee i represents a fair method of allocation of the costs to the area of benefit. The total estim of the improvements is $19,678,329. Contributions in the amount of $14,067,036 I unfunded cost of the fee program to $5,611,293. COST ALLOCATION SECTION 6. The above unfunded fees, as set forth in the "Report" of the Enginc be applicable to all property within the area of benefit, and said fees shall be paya condition of issuing a building permit for the property or portions of the property to be de! PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUESDAY, THE 16TH DAY 0 1998, AT THE HOUR OF 6:OO O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE ( CITY COUNCIL, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 1200 CARLSBAD \ DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008, IS THE TIME AND PLACE FIXED TO CONSIDER Wt OR NOT TO PROCEED TO ESTABLISH THE PROPOSED BRIDGE AND THOROUC DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (C ROAD WEST), AND TO CONSIDER PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS GENERALLY BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED DISTRICT, THE ESTIMATED COST FOR THE ' OF IMPROVEMENT AND THE METHOD AND APPORTIONMENT OF THE FEE TO Pi SAID FACILITIES, AND TO CONSIDER WHETHER THE OWNERS OF MORE THAI THE AREA OF THE PROPERTY TO BE BENEFITED BY THE PROPOSED IMPROL HAVE PROTESTED AGAINST THE SAID IMPROVEMENT, OR ANY PORTION TH AND TO HEAR ALL PROTESTS RELATING TO SAID PROPOSED PROCEEDINGS; AI AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST AT OR BEFOF TIME SET FOR HEARING REFERRED TO HEREIN; AND IF PROTESTS BY OWNE MORE THAN % OF THE AREA OF THE PROPERTY TO BE BENEFITED ARE FILE j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 NOT WITHDRAWN SO AS TO REDUCE THE AREA REPRESENTED TO LESS THI! THAT TO BE BENEFITED, THEN THE PROPOSED PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE ABAF PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66484 OF THE GOVERNMENT C THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. NOTICE SECTION 8. Notice of the public hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 650 Government Code of the State of California, and said notice shall Contain preliminary in1 relating to the boundaries of the area of benefit, the estimated costs and method o apportionment. For particulars, notice shall be given in the following manner: A. Mailing Notice of Public Hearing to all owners of real property u boundaries of the District, said mailing to be completed at least ten (IO) days prior to the for the public hearing; B. Mailing Notice of Public Hearing to any local agency expected tc water, sewage, streets, roads, schools or other essential facilities or services to tht whose ability to provide those facilities and services may be affected, said mailin completed at least ten (1 0) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. C. Mailing Notice of Public Hearing to all owners of real property as s the latest equalized assessment roll within 300 feet of the boundaries of the District, saic to be completed at least ten (IO) days prior to the date of the public hearing. D. Publication of the Notice of Public Hearing, said publicatiorl completed at least ten (IO) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. Ill Iff I// Ill 111 Ill Iff 'I z 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 * SECTION 9. For any and all information relating to these proceedings, information relating to protest procedure, your attention is directed to the below dc person: DAVID HAUSER ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 TELEPHONE: (760) 438-1 161, EXTENSION 4362 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Cit heldon the 19 dayof May , 1998 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Member Finnila, Nygaard, Hall NOES: N~~~ ABSENT: Council Members Lewis & Kulchin Fd C%AkJ.DE A. LEWIS, Mayor RAMONA FINNILA, Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST: AL$k$?i&i6Eiiii~~\ (SEAL) J d c)qi p1-i J 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE STUDY REPORT FOR BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST) April 16, 1998 Prepared By GALEN N. PETERSON, P.E. Consulting Engineer San Diego, California (61 9) 487-7000 0 , TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION P Purpose ...................................................................................................................... Process ....................................................................................................................... Background ................................................................................................................. Description of improvements ....................................................................................... Cost Estimates ........................................................................................................... Funding Sources ......................................................................................................... Transnet Highway Funds .................................................................................... Caltrans SLTPP Funds ....................................................................................... El Camino Real Intersection ................................................................................ Traffic Signal ....................................................................................................... Area of Benefit ........................................................................................................... LFMP 1 ............................................................................................................... LFMP 5 ............................................................................................................... LFMP 8 .............................................................................................................. LFMP 13 ............................................................................................................ LFMP 24 ............................................................................................................ Methodology to Determine Fee .................................................................................. Fee Calculation .......................................................................................................... Fee Program .............................................................................................................. Community Facilities District No. 1 ...................................................................... APPENDICES A Project Cost Estimate B SANDAG Trip Generation Rates C Proposed Fee D Glossary E Boundary of District and Zones of Benefit B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/?6/98 -1- 0 e I CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE STUDY REPORT FOR BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST) PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to outline a financing mechanism for a proposed Brh and Thoroughfare Fee District No. 3 for the construction of Cannon Road, a mi arterial roadway, from Car Country Drive to El Camino Real (hereafter referred tc Cannon Road West). This financing program is required pursuant to condition3 approval for Local Facilities Management Plans (LFMP) for Zones 8, 13 and 24. also necessary to provide an ultimate secondary access to a portion of Phase V of Carlsbad Research Center pursuant to a project condition of approval for Carlsl Tract 85-24, Unit No. 5, which is in Zone 5. This report includes a project description and cost estimate for Cannon Road W an identification of existing funding sources, a description of the area of ber (including those properties which have a responsibility and a specific benefit from construction of Cannon Road West), a description of the fee calculation methodolc an estimate of the average daily traffic projections from undeveloped properties wi the benefit area, and a recommended fee structure. PROCESS The proposed fee program has been reviewed by City staff. On April 9, 1998 property owner workshop was held to discuss this report with all affected owners. 1 fee program must be approved by the City Council at a duly noticed public hearir The fee will be collected with the issuance of all future building permits within the boundary or construction of all or a portion of Cannon Road West improvements be required prior to or concurrent with issuance of building permits. If constructior required, credits and/or reimbursements may be given for actual costs incur subject to limits as further defined in this report. BACKGROUND As a result of approved Local Facilities Management Plans (LFMP) for Zones 8, and 24, conditions were imposed requiring a guarantee for the construction of Canr Road West prior to the recordation of any final maps or the issuance of build permits. B&TD No 3 (Cannon Road West)5.doc 4/16/98 -1- e 0 DESCRlPT/ON OF lMPROVEMENTS The road segment covered under this fee program includes the completion of Canr Road to major arterial standards from Car Country Drive to El Camino Real (herea known as Cannon Road West). This major arterial road has four traffic lanes anc raised median within a 102 foot right-of-way. The plans and a cost estimate for total improvements have been prepared by B’Day Consultants in association v McDaniel Engineering (bridge design) and ADL Planning Associates (irrigation i landscaping). The total improvements necessary for completion of Cannon Road West include following: Full width grading of the roadway, all curbs, gutters, sidewalks, base i pavement, median landscaping and irrigation, median hardscape, street ligl street monumentation, storm drainage facilities, erosion control, guard rails, : other incidentals necessary to complete a four-lane major arterial roadway. ‘ facilities also include two (2) 455-foot multi-span bridge structures across the water wetlands at the north end of Macario Canyon, and a 133-foot single-s bridge across the Aqua Hedionda Creek at El Camino Real. The improvemc also include modifications to the intersection of Cannon Road and El Can Real. In addition, the project includes the cost for full mitigation of environmental impacts of the construction of the improvements noted above. . The improvements do not include any franchise utiltty, water, sewer improvemeni reclaimed water facilities, or traffic signal costs. The cost of traffic signals are eii covered under the traffic impact fee program or will be paid directly by the develop The other costs are included with other fee programs and/or will be the responsit of the adjacent developing projects which require the need for these facilities. The above improvements have been divided into two categories, namely “front improvements” and “common improvements”. The “common improvements” incl the following: Full width grading of the roadway, paved road surface for two lanes (18- paved section on each side of median for a total of 36 feet of paved secti transition pavement section at major intersections, median curbs, outside asl: berms and drainage improvements which are necessary to serve the center I: and/or protect the roadway grading. It also includes the two 455-foot multi-$ bridge structures at Macario Canyon and the 133-foot single- span bridge nei Camino Real. In addition, the improvements include the cost for full mitigatic the environmental impacts of the construction of the improvements noted abc The soft costs included are design, contract administration, fee administra construction inspection, construction engineering, mitigation monitoring and acquisition. BITD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/16/98 -2- 0 0 I The “frontage improvements’’ include all other improvements necessary to compk Cannon Road West to four lane major arterial roadway standards. These remaini improvements would include the following: Paving beyond the 36-foot paved section, outside curb and gutters, sidewall street lights, any frontage landscaping and irrigation, median landscaping a irrigation, median hardscape, and any other frontage improvements which wo normally be required of the adjacent development projects. For the purposes of calculation of the Cannon Road West fee, the cost of the fronta improvements along properties which have a general plan designation of open spa and which are environmentally constrained, are shown as ‘eligible frontage costs” ai included in the “common improvements.” These costs are not a frontage obligation the adjoining property owner. COST ESTIMATES The cost estimates for the project improvements were prepared using the latest pl revisions for Cannon Road West as prepared by O’Day Consultants. The detailed construction cost estimate for that portion of the improvements frc Leg0 Drive to El Camino Real that is shown in Appendix A was prepared by O’Day 1 construction bidding purposes. Table 1 summarizes the overall project cost estimai including incidental costs, for the proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 3. A portion of the improvements from Car Country Drive to Leg0 Drive was construct by Assessment District No. 95-1 (Carlsbad Ranch) and assessed to benefiting parcf in the assessment district. The cost of this portion of the improvements that h already been constructed is shown in Table 1. Those parcels in Assessment Distr No. 95-1 will receive a credit for the amount of their assessment. Table 1 SUMMARY OF PROJECT COSTS Total Construction Costs $ 15,976,212 Less Non-eligible frontage costs $ 1,397,175 Net Construction Costs $ 14,579,037 Right-of -Way Costs $ 565,075 Environmental Costs $ 1,504,738 Incidental Costs $ 2,405,000 Cost assessed in A.D. 95-1 $ 624,479 Total Project Costs $19,678,329 68TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/16/98 -3- 0 e FUNDING SOURCES There are presently five funding sources identified in the City’s Capital lmprovem Program (CIP) for the construction of Cannon Road West. These five fund sources are as follows: Transnet Highway Funds Cannon Road West is designated on the Regional Transportation lmprovem Program (RTIP) as a regional facility and was allocated $3,450,000 in Trans funds. This allocation will be indexed to the present date. The current inde) amount is $4,193,000. The Transnet funds, administered by the San Die Association of Governments (SANDAG) are limited to funding one-half of construction costs of a basic four-lane facility, excluding outside curb i gutter, sidewalks, street lights, median landscape, and median hardscz improvements. The detailed cost estimates presented in Appendix A includl column entitled “Common Improvements” which basically includes the fac costs eligible for Transnet funding. One-half the amount of this colu exceeds the amount previously allocated. Caltrans SLTPP Funds The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has included Cam Road West in the State-Local Transportation Partnership Program (SLIP Approximately $2 million is expected from this program based on anticipal funding of approximately fourteen percent of an eligible construction cost $1 5 million. The actual amount will be determined in about August 1998 wh the state budget is approved. Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 The list of improvements to be funded by CFD No. 1 includes a provision ’ $3,950,000 to be applied towards the construction of Cannon Road West. T City may adjust this appropriation for increases in the construction cost to t present date. The current adjusted amount is estimated to be approximatc $6.5 million. El Camino Real Intersection The City has currently appropriated $700,000 from Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) its CIP Fund for the improvement of this intersection. It is anticipated that t City will appropriate additional funds, if necessary, to cover the entire cost this intersection work. Table 2 shows a contribution equal to the total estimab cost of the intersection work. B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/16/98 -4- m e W Traffic Signal The City has currently appropriated $125,000 in Public Facilities Fees (PFF: the traffic signal at Cannon Road and El Camino Real. It is anticipated that City will appropriate additional funds, if necessary, to cover the entire cos the traffic signal work. Table 2 shows a contribution equal to the t estimated cost of the traffic signal. The total of these five funding sources will be applied to the total project costs shc in Table I. The resulting amount of unfunded costs will be utilized to calculate Cannon Road West facility fee. This unfunded amount is summarized in Table 2 follows: Table 2 Summary of Unfunded Costs for Fee Program Total Project Cost Estimate $19,678,329 Less SANDAG Transnet Highway Funds $ 4,193,000 Less Caltrans SLTPP Funds $ 2,000,000 Less City CFD No. 1 Funds $ 6,534,646 Less City El Camino Real intersection Funds $ 1,159,390 Less City Traffic Signal PFF Funds $ 180,000 Unfunded Costs for Fee Program $ 5,611,293 AREA OF BENEFIT The area of benefit for the proposed Cannon Road West facility fee is shown on map in Appendix E. The area includes portions of LFMP Zones I, 5, 8, 13 and With two exceptions, each of the properties within the proposed benefit arei obligated by virtue of a condition of development approval, or LFMP requirement finance all or some portion of Cannon Road West. The relationship betw developing properties within the area of benefit and the need to construct Can Road West is discussed in more detail on a zone by zone basis in the follov paragraphs. LFMP Zone 1 There is only a portion of one parcel in LFMP Zone 1. This parcel has an open sp designation and therefore is exempt from the proposed fee. B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/16/98 -5 0 0 LFMP Zone 5 There are 20 parcels in LFMP Zone 5 that are included within the proposed arei benefit. The 18 parcels designated as Map No. 30 through 47 are fully develol parcels created with Phase V of the Carlsbad Research Center (CRC). These parcels are subject to a tentative map condition of approval which requi construction of a secondary access prior to issuance of building permits on any of parcels. Secondary access would occur with the extension of Faraday Avenue Cannon Road and Cannon road east to El Camino Real or west to the exisi terminus of Cannon Road. Interim secondary access may be allowed by the City fr Camino Hills Drive to El Camino Real; however, City approval of the interim second access is conditioned upon the owner's participation in the financing of Cannon Rc West. The remaining two parcels, designated as Map No. 28 and 29, are undeveloped do not have any development approvals. Access to these parcels must occur thro Phase V of CRC and therefore, any development of the property would be subjec the same requirement for secondary access as was applied to the CRC properti For this reason, these two properties are included within the proposed area of bet for the Cannon Road West facility fee. LFMP Zone 8 There are four parcels in LFMP Zone 8 that are included within the proposed are benefit. All properties within LFMP Zone 8 are subject to a LFMP requiremen guarantee funding of Cannon Road from El Camino Real to Car Country Drive pric development of the property. LFMP Zone 8 properties which have been excluded from the area of benefit incl City owned property in Macario Canyon and privately owned properties located on north shore of the Lagoon. The property within Zone 8 located on the north shoF the Lagoon will access the freeway and other regional routes by way of Park 0 and Tamarack Avenue and thus were not included in the proposed facility program. LFMP Zone 13 There are 14 parcels in LFMP Zone 13 that are included in the proposed are benefit. Each of these parcels is subject to a LFMP requirement to financ participate in the funding of all or some portion of Cannon Road West. Se\ parcels in LFMP Zone 13 located along Paseo Del Norte and Armada Drive are within the area of benefit and would not be subject to the Cannon Road West Fa Fee. These excluded parcels are considered to have responsibility for and be B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/16/98 -6- a e from Palomar Airport Road and were included in both Assessment District (A.D.) f 86-1 for the construction of Palomar Airport Road from Paseo Del Norte to Palon Oaks Way, as well as A.D. No. 95-1 (Carlsbad Ranch) which acquired the lien for A No. 86-1 on the parcels in A.D. No. 95-1. LFMP Zone 24 There are 241 parcels in LFMP Zone 24 that are included in the proposed area benefit. The existing mobile home park within Zone 24 is not included within the ai of benefit. The approved Zone 24 LFMP requires that a financing plan guarantee the construction of Cannon Road from El Camino Real to Car Country Drive approved by the City prior to any development occurring within the zone. T requirement was placed on development within Zone 24 because the traffic Cannon Road West generated by the development of Zone 24 is projected to exce the Growth Management threshold requiring implementation of a financing pl requiring construction of the facility. METHODOLOGY TO DETERMINE FEE Since Cannon Road West is a major arterial roadway, and future parcels will gi trips (ADT) will be utilized as the methodology to apportion benefit within the bound: of the fee district. The approved LFMP zone plans, proposed and approved tentative maps, a recorded final maps were utilized to determine the projected land uses a development potential of each parcel included within the area of benefit. Project ADT totals were then estimated using traffic generation rates obtained from t December 1996 edition of the SANDAG trip generation table (included in Appendix I The ADT projections for each parcel are listed within Appendix C of this report. The are a total of 45,258 ADT within the area of benefit. The traffic projections listed in Appendix C are for future development only and do r include ADT figures for existing residences located on property within the propos area of benefit. Existing residences are exempt from the proposed fee progra however, any additional development in excess of the existing units on such property is subject to the facility fee. There are presently three existing units within t proposed area of benefit, two in LFMP Zone 24, and one in LFMP Zone 8. FEE CALCULATION The proposed facility fee is calculated by dividing the total unfunded costs for Cannc Road West by the total number of ADT anticipated to be generated by tl undeveloped property within the area of benefit. The unfunded cost, amounting access to this arterial by means of collector roadways, the measure of average d: B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/16/98 - 7- 0 0 $5,611,293 was identified in the previous section entitled “Funding Sources.” ‘ total ADT of 45,258 was previously identified in the section entitled “Methodolog Determine Fee.” The proposed facility fee is therefore calculated by dividing unfunded costs by the total ADT as follows: Facility Fee = $561 1,293 + 45,258 ADT = $123.98/ADT, Say $124/ADT The proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 3 has been divided into benefit zones A and B to reflect a credit for the existing assessment of $36.96 ADT (estimated at that time) that was previously charged to all parcels in Zone I means of Assessment District No. 95-1. Accordingly, all parcels in Zone A wil The remaining parcels in Zone B will pay the total fee of $124 per ADT. charged a fee of $124 per ADT less the amount assessed which is shown in Tablt Table 3 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 95-1 ASSESSMENTS FOR CANNON ROAD Map# APN Land Owner ADT For Assessr Use A.D. 95-1 10 21 102225 O/PI KREG - OC, LP 1,210 $44 1 1 21 10231 0 O/PI GEMOLOGICAL INSTIT. 2,305 $85 12* 21102311 Golf CARLSBAD RANCH CO. 13 21102312 O/PI RANCH, PAUL ECKE 2,395 $88 14 21102313 Golf CARLSBAD RANCH CO. 600 $22 15 21 I10001 O/PI CARLSBAD RANCH CO. 1,443 $53 16 21 110002 O/PI CARLSBAD RANCH CO. 1,445 $53 17 21 110007 OS CARLSBAD RANCH CO. I8 21 I10008 T-R CARLSBAD ESTATE 7,500 $277 19 21 1 I001 1 Leg0 Dr. LEG0 CARLSBAD AG Total $624 *ADT for this parcel combined with parcel shown as map no. 14 The amount of the fee for each developing parcel within the District is calculatec multiplying the facility fee of $124/ADT by the total ADT generated by the propc development less any credit for the previous assessment in Assessment District 95-1 shown in Table 3. Appendix C shows the development potential, general plan land use, estimated E and proposed facility fee for each parcel in the area of benefit. It should be noted the fees listed in Appendix C are estimates based upon currently proposed land I and growth management projections. The actual fee will be determined at tim projected at the time building permits are issued. development based upon the approved land use and the trip generation I B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)Ei.doc 4/16/98 -8- 0 0 Agreements have been entered into with several developments to pay their fair sh; cost of the Cannon Road West facility fee. These developments are identified follows: Carlsbad Tract 91-02 (Eagle Canyon) Carlsbad Tract 85-24 Unit No. 5 (Koll Research Center Phase 5) Carlsbad Tract 92-07 (Lot 5 and 6 of Carlsbad Ranch) - GIA Carlsbad Tract 94-09 (Lot 5 of Carlsbad Ranch) - Golf Course Carlsbad Tract 94-09 (Lot 6 of Carlsbad Ranch) - NIA (Kreg-O.C. LP) Carlsbad Tract 94-09 (Lots 9 and 10 of Carlsbad Ranch) These developments were allowed to proceed with development on the condition t they deposit an initial amount per estimated ADT. The actual amount of their share payment shall be determined by the City Council at the time this fee progran established and will be based on the actual dollar per ADT approved by the C Council times the number of trips established in the agreements. The number of AI and the full amount of the fee for each parcel in the development is reflected Appendix C and included in the total fee program. The agreement for Carlsbad Tri 85-24 places the full amount of the fee for all 18 parcels on one parcel, lot 109 of C 85-24, APN 212-1 3043. However, Appendix C shows all of the 18 parcels which tc 38.7 net developable acres.. Carlsbad Tract 91-03 (Evan’s Point) FEE PROGRAM The following recommendations make up the full extent of the facility fee program: 1. Based on the above, the recommended Bridge and Thoroughfare District 1 3 (B&TD #3) Fee for the Cannon Road West Facility is $124 per ADT in Ben( Zone B and $124 per ADT less any credit for the previous assessment Assessment District No. 95-1 in Benefit Zone A. The fee is to be paid at the time of building permit issuance. The ADT for each project shall be based upon the latest edition of the Br Guide for Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Regi produced by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). A sin! family detached residence has an ADT of 10. For multiple land uses and, land uses not included in the Guidelines, the City Engineer shall determine t appropriate traffic generation rate. The B&TD #3 Fee will be reviewed and adjusted, if necessary, when ma changes occur (such as a determination of increase in cost of improvemen 2. 3. 4. B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)S.doc 4/16/98 -9- 0 0 or changes in proposed development or number of average daily trips) periodically by the City, based on actual construction, incidental, i acquisition costs or engineering cost estimates and/or the actual number units constructed or authorized to be constructed in B&TD #3. The B&TD #3 Fee will be adjusted annually as a part of the City's Cap Improvement Program budget process. The B&TD #3 Fee will be adjus according to the increase in the Engineering News Record, City of Los Ange Construction Cost Index. The costs included in Appendix A are based on 1 December 1,1997 Index of 6663.55. The City may use at its discretion all or a portion of the B&TD #3 Fee fund design and/or construct any portion of Cannon Road West. Alternatively, 1 City may give credits or make reimbursement payments to eligible developer: A developer who acquires any right of way, designs and/or constructs any the improvements or installs any required mitigation for the segments Cannon Road West covered by the fee program may be eligible for crc and/or reimbursement, subject to the approval of the City Council. Only tho improvements or work included within the cost estimates upon which the B&- #3 Fee is based are eligible for credit and/or reimbursement. Credit and/or reimbursement (if funds are available) may be given for the act( costs incurred by the developer for the improvements subject to the lim defined below: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9- Credit The amount of credit is limited to the total amount of B&TD #3 Fee whi would be payable by the developer for hidher development but not exceed the Estimated Cost of the Improvements as set forth in the ft program documents, or the developer's actual cost of the improvemeni whichever is less. Once the credit has been determined for a development, the credit sh be considered to run with the land and be awarded on a building perr by permit basis to whomever is listed as the building permit permittee. > Reimbursement Reimbursements shall be made in accordance with City Council Policy. B&TD No. 3 (Cannon Road West)d.doc 4/16/98 -10- e 0 APPENDIX "P Project Cost Estima E z- u4 :z F- gz 0" z kc z d 0 0 D 5 w B E c m or mm 0 .E I 5d .g 0 tP g: 0-. '= In -0 a 2 c TI m m 9 D z e a APPENDIX "E SANDAG Trip Generation Rat e @J~mmoF 7 4011)%bwLsult.doo 8.n D*oo. txllona 92101-4231 (619) Se5-53W Fu (ere) 5855 nPk*rrrrrdq.=n.=.= a fMOT SO) BRIEF GUIDE OF VEHICULAR TRA FOR THE SAN DIEOO REGION OENERATIOW RATE8 BECEMBER 1@96 NOTE Thii listing w repmoms a #de& mng.. a atinu(.d ldik - w ~rd~ry~(rOdmiafa*ndmms(rrpW.onmgrdbdldiwsquemtooo( h the Ln D*po region. Thu ntuue .uy.ct mchMg.ntvM~ . &mr.*.itlbl*anbc*.ouor.nIOd.#. FacnorogcY*WonrrcLanmffichmduipm ~r.hcu,th.S.nD*Ooi~OmmnnulclllIh.mmIr*bn-k.~~r-~ u*D U81 lmPurroo111p --IIEBDDIIyIIIcu #wEcTMIwou%~(cLr~) TmPLD# - mrrrsrrmmUrrrnt#mrrm -mMmAa-ycu)ma yr) -7-UmtDp.nSp.o) rn182) U-" 10.8 12.6 A#61R tu-. immrgM 7o/ioooq.n- 8% mI 0% (s6) bmmCi.1 pr*nlAvLlbn 8/rrr31W%1/bnd-n 10I 0. 16% m6) H*ipmr 1w/e I. llB*n AummomP QI w8Sh Auronutic ooo/.ip soo/em- 4% @MI a% 6s) s.lkrm im/*rh.ol" 4% 6%) 0% ma, wkh/FoodM.rt lw/vddde(uhp~- 7% rn) 6% (6%) With/Fwd MaR 6 CU Wash 166/nhic* (uhp qna" 81 (ab) S% (65) 0ld.rSmiSptimDOSigbl 1w/- (uhp rpq eOo/.ooim" 7% (SS) OI m) s.ks (D..IM a R.D.ir) w/1OOo q. h 3Do/un. so/urpr mr ' 5% Pa 8% t4m Auto Repllr Cenm 20/1000 q. h aO/um. 20/rrr*. mr 0% m) 11% (4s) oololi . Rl%lrn] 2.8 CEMEIEw 6/m' - tw ~mwJlIwn) [M2kll] B/looo q. h 3o/M" lqlud&D ma 4% Val mi tSSl 5.2 -an* lor8udn.adlVrdwumbly) -- suprR.p-~ylopoiw - 40/1ooo a@ hCaO/rn' 2% 03) ICL mm (More than 80 YTI. mon mU, nuiPr.tom) 890,oOo 8q* n, WILnwny 3+ R.giaul shopping cnnn I6436:llI w/1m q. hCKw.cn' 2% 04 OI WS) k2 (3060 mu, 300,000(1W,000 +q. h W/~ll" 2* nub noma) (10.30 ems, 100.~00.OOO w. h w/unully I Njol M. .nd dmoM nmvm) 1L.u than 10 m. In$ rtvn 100.OOO w. h w/uww omoy rtole 6 drup me) Specially ReUit/Strip Camnacu 'I 40/lDwIq.h4oo/.cn' 3% (64) 9% (66) 4.3 svprnurket lW/lOOO 4 h 2OOo/m'" 4% (M) 10% ms) ComsruaraMarkel (1618 how) 6W/lom q. h" 6% tw 6% (66) Conw- MOM (24 houn) 7oo/iooo 14- n- = (HI 7% (66) conwnii wet tW/wWlii GulnPs) 860/1000s%h6M)/nhic*(uhpspsee" 6% IKW 7% m%) Discount Club W/lOOo q. h sOo/.cn'" 1% MI 0% (6.6) Discount s~are (KMlOOo q. h oOO/.cn- 3% (&4) 8% (6%) Furniture Store 8/1oooIOh lW/.Cn.. 4% (7:3) ' 0% (6%) Lumber Stare W10Wq.t 160/m" 7% (&4) ox (86) H.rdwr.IP.int stor* W/lOOo .q. h w/m- !ab (8s) OI (66) OvdmNW 40/1OOo q. h oo/un" a (OA) 101 (56) 0% (661 communi(y shaming hter " . waiw lO/looos%tL,7OOl.cn." 3% (k4) (OI (65) 3.6 w-yDppCl0c.nt.r 120/lmoa@h lzOo/am'" 4% MS) 11% (ks) commerdal shops -- [46&lS) .{ s/drrJI*lo un 200/~' tmktamu alw :: g; 151 18s) llO/loooq.h2000/.cn~~cormrrbl~) Mi uu: c0mmrci.i twwpumukOt)/- PwuTlQn UniveniW(4 pars )-.- - ~91~~1 i.i/nud*nt im ~n* 0% a:7) 0.B la (tl) Junior College 12 wsI-.......-----t82:7:11 l.O/rmM80/.cn' . 6% 137) 0.0 12% (tl) Hiih School -......_- " [7619s] 1.4/md.ny ll/lOOOq.h 6O/rn*- 201 (02) 14% (37) 4.8 Middb/H*lior Hi [032612] l.O/rrUbm 40/cn- 24% (723) 7S 133) 6.0 rm me) bw Cero -~- 12&6&141 WddU 8011000 m. (L" 17% cem Bent (WaIMn Only) lW/loooSq.h rmo/em-- 4% mi 0% 14s) 3.4 3.7 ss 091 umnwy -..."""".. *.. (BMklO] lYnudm 1111oOo q k.8QIwn" 26% IO*) RyIyQu'..--_ __-- 13S4M31 a4 ZOO11OOOq.h lsoo/em' Wb (W 101 tM) 2W(l26almuOy~ 3% (eesI lsIL ma, With -Through DrivbThmUphw Swings 6 Loon W/lOOo4 h WO/.Cn" 2% a% WThroUph onhl im tw -- 4% 16% IlOsPRAL --.-I t732S21 a3 Genu* Wbd 20/1mO a@ n 3Oo/.cn. w tm la rn7) cam-- 3lbd- 7% leer) 7% (4s) Industri.VBwimss Pa~lcmmucw~--[7~1021 1e/mm q. h zOo/.cn' 12% aKI 12s (n) mn Indrum Rrk In0 ooll*l*.c*l) 8/1ooo a@ h w/m' 11% rnl) 12s 0 lndUStrlDl Plant (mllid. dMm) 182631 10/10004h 12O/un' 14% (82) 16% w.7) 91.7 Wlooo q. h w/m- imi c19) 10% (rm) stmp 2/lOOo q. h 0.2/* Wrn' 0% 0 S% Csm ~R.Uath&Dmbpr*m 8/looo q. h m/m' 18% so 1- (19) YDtnSmwL 4/1OOO q. h SO/aue" 201 It) to1 ea) W MDRBERMMC(ES:ClludCo*b.d~WltL~WYr,Byon.hoW(.*~,Ircp*YBrd~~L*mnOmvr,~cny, ~,~,&n~&n~.Snlw,[(olnr~.Vhhnd~dBnDlroa ~VISORYILWSON -E- - ~satmrn d~m-i, cou.r--. us. ompmmnt~ -. a~. u*~6 w DL..(o~ .nd- -. - 2!M flculLooIQI -lWD-yvBICu ~,uw~mtlel mPLD P TmPoI*Lum*UIIWAvJ w* - LNmm [.4:44:12J w/lar,q.h400/~- so 101 (SSI 3.8 LD#pyo m1 7.8 Hot81 (r/orm*a 1.o.lr/nrmg to/- room =/=e a (w) I(L (ac) w o/oae*dmmbMo/m' au fm w (SJ) Rr0rtHot.l uooapllp-1Qo/.A. s% e4 7u (4s) YUrAlly mrw urnarn~~m~~r I &lt 101 ml 115 owla oM&dbnmoiJolnm Cn:lUI ~/¶oao.+n.~~m 14s Ll) 151 (M R8 (*.I mm 1oo.oO0 q. h) (mom hn lOO.OO0 ut. h E+ s~ofb) LmwlHbMin)CommoWOfRa mlIw1 17/100010(L*~~* . 1s el) 14% Iu) 10.0 SingkTan8ntOtfim 14/1OOo q. n. la/-* 18% a1, 1- tam an CagonuHudqUruI 7/1ooOq. h 110/m' 17u m11 1- (1s) oormmunt(civiccmn) tSasr:lOl 50/1oOo~(L" OI L11 12u mn a.0 cmtncm.n-ln~ 90/1OOO 4. It." su 7%' CaMlUniry ~nol ilc*dinp mjlaDp I") 200/100(18q.h13m/bm* mb @*I OI (55) 7% (SS) 10!4 (651 -Hv (W/mdl drop Ir*) 300/100014.h2000/cn' M8il Dmp lane only 16OOV600-WVW 7% lW 12% 16s) 6% (sir) 111 (431 lso/looo~it. aoo/.m- 'Ponoftim r)wmmmt ot Motorvehii 0.4 MwWaIltal Ia0.lOl W//lrnlohrn/un' am 12% @7J w=1 4% 8!4 6.4 PARK8 m/m' w&zL) m/Un' -bunr(- 6/~'lad1lbr~qmrt~) --I m/m. 13o/m (rmnr alw 8% IM SanDiegoZoo 116/rn' &8 world 6wm' -noN &.ch. Ooun OT Bay [s2sml soo/loooft.~Kl/.on. 0.3 &dl. lake (fresh Wur) w/1m n - Slad Bar(klg c.nor ~~sao/am- 7u PSI 11% (4l) WamlQam- 4u 8u a- m) w n:n x IO*) = ma o/aa#4o/h4~/-- i*c4uawaMrtmoub 40/1oO0 q. h soo/rrr u)/oour 4% @*) w m*1 Tomb Cam l0l.a so/mur nu 11% msb sOarF* EZEz Mwh.r 4Pdb208.a'" Outdoor stdim W/m.WW hdooIM 3o/Wrra1/rR rkamck 4o/m. 0.0 8ur Thea1.n (mu(tipkx w/mtim) . 1mizi71 w/ioao.pit. im/.utm/-* brr 8u W3) 6.1 7.1) . .IpuDBmU& _.._- ___.- .- .. {*.*.I-- . -- - -- .. - . ____. ._- ___ .___ -. _- ...- .- -.I hmm. Urhsn LW Rwal 12/- w- 896 W7) 101 (73 Single Fmik De- 10/~ mil- 8u I331 tm W3) Cmdainim a/-uh- a% rn) 10% W31 Awbnenu 8/rhnmhemil- m m?) 01 wa) WCMling UIH 7% mn OI 10:4) Miliry Hwhg (OW, muhilrmilv) (6-20 DU/m) Oldrryp uh nb w.7) OI rn4) w a71 12% leal w4 M3) 101 (a*) yJlUonlV --w conmum cro ~CHHY WoI**yno(n#. mb 18s) mi (Sm ioo/iooo m. h a/ut sao/m' - 1% lw w4 na 6u (04) x 16s) s% le*) S% IS7) (aWng8 1-2 DU/m) (8WW 36 DW-0) (or MY multiamily 8-20 DU/.era) (w 8ny multifamily uniu mom th.n 20 W/.ar) 0.- tNn B DW-1 WbHm Frnihl 6/dw*llng urit 40/-' J/oI**yno UJf m/-* 4/drr*hg UJT aEslAtJn&uv ~137121 4.7 ~hiph(umowr - 200/1000 q. it. I/* 1200/m' " 896 (6s) nb (*4) Fan Food (w/driwttyugh) . 7OO/1OOO #I+ h 23/uL 3oOo/m'" 7% (65) 896 ms1 760/1000q. h 22/W lm/looo.ehll/8ur * Fan Food ~wimwt dmwkrouph ) Ddiumun I78m4pn) Bus Depot 26/10004 It" 10/1000q..h7/b.*60/m- = wm a l8W Transit SUM (flail) 3oo/mC 14u (723) mu (32) P8rk Et Rid. Lots 4oo~~~~m.0rr 1- Val 1M P7) -AnoN Twk Tmnitul Watarpon/Muim Tenniul 170/bres 1Vm" . e' Omn mm: ITE W~4mnpn~T~bonma klr(akr8mewln8nlO-tNaA0 b CUW rvYr npatl ndrcllrr ' Iri9ut.gayOrsn(4.ntiamWlkorn~kouholduwlL~c~~e~~~~~~w~-m h*runl ww: S.n a.90 inn* Gmwm Idraft SANMQ ANMS of TP - nr*.d -. tm mitaw - C- trip m b.nm cr0.n nd rriy c*uln MRIED-~~(k.ring~or4.*og.*.l.*.r*~8m~)~~.mMLPIID.21 rY. PWPOV - undwwwd wdimudr 1 Iry.. ' 'I@ ha@ We mW@ M kr 1 m(0 Nd k*r (ml MU 8llO. UI n, m rr* w - 4.6 &) e ~t~--tiar: rm, - a7~ -I+ 6.26 ' Fmrdcw#Y*bn: Wn- 0.7MLn(i)+ 3.861 Fimd CUI. .puuon: t - -1.18s Ud) + 12.W I T-#w@br-lmrn t - rww.d - wh m/Wa w - 4nemo dl ' buop.n.dP*sssrt-w~irrvdrlnY.I~*r.*~~~~~~~IY~~aY**r.t*~~~~-~ COUIERW~TLJL ' R.Pi0rul-y 2m = -. . a ---'- 2 zzz%Ikm IOI -ab/Ean SOI m 2ss auDlinSutla wc olvkv 10. MQomNph- 20% Fut Food 40% RH*WQU unm4om.E REST"l 0 a APPENDIX ' Proposed e Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 3 (Cannon Road West) e Proposed Fee Net Growth Future Average APN Constrained Developable Mgmt Dwelling Daily PI LFMP Map General Zone No APN Plan Owner Acres Acres Acres ControlPt Units Trips 1813 8 21101026 OS SAN DIEGO GASBELECTRIC CO 371.65 327.87 43.78 5 28 21205041 PI INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNAT 1.83 1.83 5 30 21213017 PI Q D S ENTERPRISE INC <DBASHElCO 2.53 0.43 2.10 220 $ 5 31 21213018 PI Q D S ENTERPRISE INC <DBA SHEICO , 1.92 0.42 1.50 157 $ 5 34 21213021 PI LBMPROPERTIESLLC 2.93 0.83 2.10 220 s 5 35 21213022 PI CRCPARCEL97LLC 2.22 0.42 1 BO 188 $ 5 37 21213026 PI HAGEMANTHOMAS 2.96 2.16 0.80 84% 5 38 21213027 PI CRC 8.16 4.86 3.30 345s 5 29 21205043 PI INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNAT 14.28 1.78 12.50 691 $ 5 32 21213019 PI DEIHL FAMILY TRUST 08-28-79 1.50 0.30 I .20 125 $ 5 33 21213020 PI CRC 1.79 0.29 I .50 157 $ 5 36 21213023 PI BLACKMORESIGNALHILL 2.08 0.68 1.40 146 $ 5 39 21213028 PI BLACKMORESIGNALHILL 2.69 1.59 1.10 115 $ 5 40 21213029 PI ISOBECWGTBCHERYLA 2.39 1.29 1.10 115 $ 5 41 21213030 PI BLACKMORESIGNALHILL 2.24 1.14 1.10 115 $ 5 43 21213032 PI HERMANNENTERPRISESLLC 8.00 3.90 4.10 429 $ 5 44 21213033 PI HOFFMANSTEPHEN 6.29 1.79 4.50 470 $ 5 42 21213031 PI CACASSOCIATESLLC 7.24 3.84 3.40 355s 5 45 21213034 PI SMAC PARTNERSLP 4.10 0.80 3.30 345) 5 46 21213042 PI CRCPROJECTONELP 6.50 3.80 2.70 282 t 5 47 21213043 PI CRCPROJECTONELP 2.13 0.43 1.70 178 5 Zone Subtotal 4,737 8 2 20802030 OS HILLMAN PROPERTIES WEST INC 6.96 5.39 1.57 8 5 20802038 KELLY LAND CO 244.60 198.45 46.15 C.T. 97-16 412 4,120 $ 8 4 20802037 KELLY LAND CO 95.00 57.73 37.27 C.T. 97-16 384AptS. 2,304 $ 8 20 21201003 RUOS KlRGlS1996TRUST 21.90 21.82 0.08 1 10 $ 13 6 21101005 OS WINTER RAY RBCONSTANCE L M REVOC 1.40 0.00 1.40 13 7 21101024 T-R SANDlEGOGAS8ELECTRICCO . 49.95 13.02 36.93 14.800 S 1, 13 9 21101027 OS SAN DIEGO GASELECTRIC CO 22.77 8.96 13.81 13 10' 21102225 OPI KREG-OC,LP 4.84 4.84 590 t 13 11' 21102310 OPI GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OFAMER IN 17.74 17.74 2.322 $ 13 12" 21102311 GOW CARLSBAD RANCH COMPANY 45.60 0.49 45.11 13 13' 21102312 OPl RANCH PAULECKE 10.87 10.87 2.395 t 13 14' 21102313 Golf CARLSBAD RANCH COMPANY 26.45 26.45 600 t 13 15' 21110001 OPl KOLLREALESTATE 5.77 5.77 1,380 $ 13 16' 21110002 OPI KOLLREALESTATE 5.78 5.78 1.580 $ 13 17 21110007 OS CARLSBADRANCHCOMPANY 10.00 10.00 13 18' 21110M)B T-R CARLSBAD ESTATE HOLDING INC 53.65 2.1 1 51.54 7,500 t 13 19 121110011 LegoDr. LEGOCARLSBADAG 0.08 0.88 Zone Subtotal 6,434 *See Table 3 in the Report for the credit to this parcel for the assessment in AD. 95-1 "ADT for this parcel combined with parcel shown as map no. 14 Zone Subtotal 31,167 24 1 20802017 RM SIPPEL MARVIN HBLUCIA C TRS 2.42 0.23 2.19 6 13 130 $ 3.2 1 10 $ 24 3 20802036 RLM SIPPEL MARVIN HBLUCIA C TRS 1.09 0.14 . 0.95 24 22 21205032 RLM HICKS FAMILY TRUST OF 1992 06-13 0.84 0.13 0.71 3.2 2 20 f 24 24 21205036 RLM STEINDORF FAMILY TRUST 1130-90 1.20 0.09 1.11 3.2 3 30s 24 25 21205037 RLM STEINDORF FAMILY TRUST 1130-90 1.39 0.00 1.39 3.2 4 40s 24 26 21205038 RLM STEINDORF FAMILY TRUST 1130-90 1.29 1.29 3.2 4 408 24 27 21205039 RLM STEINDORF FAMILY TRUST 11-30-90 1.12 0.00 1.12 3.2 3 308 24 49 21214002 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.18 0.00 0.18 1 10 t 24 50 21214003 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.19 0.00 0.19 1 10 b 24 51 21214004 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.20 0.00 0.20 1 10 $ 24 52 21214005 RLM WILSONDANIELC 0.24 0.02 0.22 1 10 $ 24 53 21214006 RLM BERTOLDI JOHN BBPATSY M 0.30 0.10 0.20 I 10 $ 24 54 21214007 RLM PIERCE JAMES W JRBECIZABETH V 0.21 0.21 1 IO $ 24 55 21214008 RLM COHN MAURICE BBDAVISCOHN KRISTE 0.25 0.25 1 10 5 24 56 21214009 RLM BERTUSSI Gl0VA"l D JRBANNE T 0.31 0.00 0.31 1 10 0 0.40 0.00 0.40 1 10 $ 24 58 21214011 RLM BLADEN JAMES BBBARBARAA 0.26 0.26 1 10 $ 24 59 21214012 RLM DOHERTY FRANCIS €&DONNA L 0.25 0.01 0.24 1 10 6 24 60 21214013 RLM CASHIN ROBERT DBGINAA 0.29 0.07 0.22 1 10 s 24 61 21214014 RLM PIERSONWILLIAMB 0.36 0.07 0.29 1 10 $ 24 62 21214015 RLM POTTER RICHARD H8WILLIAMS CAR1 L 0.44 0.08 0.36 1 10 f 24 63 21214016 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.06 0.06 1 10 $ 24 64 21214101 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.19 0.05 0.14 1 10 t 24 65 21214102 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.18 0.01 0.17 1 10 $ 24 66 21214103 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.17 0.17 1 10 5 24 67 21214104 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.17 0.17 1 10 $ 1 10 $ 24 68 21214105 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 24 70 21214107 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.19 0.00 0.19 1 10 s 24 71 21214108 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.41 0.21 0.20 1 10 a 24 21 21205013 RLM HIGDONBARBARAJTR 5.00 0.57 4-43 3.2 13 130 $ 24 23 21205033 RLMJOS TABATA NOBORUBMLYN TRS 9.52 1.19 8.33 3.2 26 260 $ 24 48 21214001 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.31 0.31 24 57 21214010 RLM GREEN MICHAEL GBELIZABEM A 1 10 s 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.01 0.17 24 69 21214106 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP ADT-NET5.XLS Page 1 of 4 Bridge and Thoroughfare Disbid No. 3 (Cannon Road West) 0 0 Proposed Fee Not Growth Future Average APN Constrained Developable Mgmt Dwelling Daily Pro, LFMP Map General Zone No APN Plan Owner Acres Acres Acres ControlPt Units Trips F 0.22 0.06 0.16 1 10 a 0.22 0.03 0.19 1 10 s 0.20 0.02 0.18 1 10 s 24 75 21214112 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.23 0.01 0.22 1 10 $ 24 76 21214113 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.21 0.00 0.21 1 10 s 24 77 212141 14 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.18 0.00 0.18 I 10 s 24 78 21214115 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.34 0.09 0.25 1 10 s 24 79 21214116 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.39 0.05 0.34 1 10 8 24 80 21214117 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.39 0.09 0.30 1 10 s 24 81 21214118 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.31 0.04 0.27 1 10 s 24 82 21214119 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.23 0.00 0.23 1 10 s 24 83 21214120 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.37 0.00 0.37 1 10 s 1 10 $ 24 84 21214121 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.25 0.01 0.24 24 85 2.1214122 RLM SclEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.24 0.02 0.22 1 10 $ 0.01 0.21 1 10 s 24 87 21214124 RLM DEARBAUGH FAMILY TRUST042591 0.24 0.01 0.23 1 10 s 0.22 0.06 0.16 1 10 s 24 89 21214126 RLM PELUSO PHILIP PBDIANE M 0.22 0.03 0.19 1 10 s 24 90 21214127 RLM CARlCCHlO GREGORYBCYNTHIA Z 0.22 0.01 0.21 1 10 s 24 91 21214128 RLM ELLIOlTCHRlSTlNAK 0.40 0.05 0.35 I 10 s 24 92 21214129 RLM DIFRANCO ALBERT NgMAXlNE H 0.21 0.21 1 10 t 24 93 21214130 RLM SCHULZE ECKEHARDT KBSUE L 0.19 0.19 1 10 s 24 94 21214131 RLM NESTDONALDL8MARYE 0.22 0.22 1 10 s 24 95 21214132 RLM BREAULT CHRISTIAN G-MCDEEDBREAU 0.24 0.24 1 10 s 24 96 21214133 RLM FISKEERIKAWATHERINEF 0.24 0.24 1 10 s 24 97 21214134 RLM BLOCH DAVID AUACQUELINE M 0.19 0.19 I 10 s 24 98 21214135 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.18 0.18 1 10 s 24 99 21214136 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.23 0.23 1 10 s 24 100 21214137 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.22 0.22 1 10 s 24 101 21214138 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.20 0.20 1 10 s 24 102 21214139 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.18 0.18 1 10 $ 24 103 21214140 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.29 0.29 I 10 s 24 104 21214141 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.26 0.03 0.23 1 10 s 24 105 21214142 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.25 0.01 0.24 1 10 s 24 106 21214143 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.26 0.26 1 10 $ 24 107 21214144 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.25 0.25 1 10 s 24 108 21214145 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.24 0.24 1 10 t 24 109 21214146 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.23 0.23 1 10 s 24 110 21214147 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.23 0.23 1 10 s 24 111 21214148 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.22 0.22 1 10 s i io s 24 113 21214150 RLM ZAMBONPETERA&REGINA 0.25 0.25 1 10 0 24 112 21214149 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 24 114 21214151 RLM KUSUNOSEKAZUMA 0.19 0.19 I 10 s 24 115 21214201 RLM WEWORSKI JOSEPH MBCOREY D 0.24 0.02 0.22 1 10 0 24 116 21214202 RLM LONGWAY RALPH EBBERRYL B 0.18 0.00 0.18 1 10 s 24 117 21214203 RLM MANSON DVINCENTiWVERIL 0.17 0.17 1 10 t 24 118 21214204 RLM ROBERTS ROBERT E L iiiapiw DARL 0.17 0.17 1 10 $ 24 119 21214205 RLM HUBBARDKIRTR 0.17 0.17 1 10 $ 24 120 21214206 RLM LEHUNGTON 0.17 0.17 1 10 s 24 121 21214207 RLM MANCERAMARYA 0.17 0.17 1 10 s 24 122 21214208 RLM SERENE THOMAS PBCLYONE E 0.17 0.17 1 IO s 24 123 21214209 RLM DOWELL GREGORY PIBONNIE L 0.19 0.19 1 10 s 24 124 21214210 RLM RUNYON WILLIAM KBMARSTON BEVERLY 0.41 0.05 0.36 1 10 s 24 125 21214211 RLM JESSE FAMILY TRUST07-30-97 0.25 0.00 0.25 1 10 s 24 126 21214212 RLM MILCH ROBERTMBSUSAN E 0.23 0.00 0.23 1 10 a 24 127 21214213 RLM KROOPKIN MICHAEL JBSHARON F 0.26 0.00 0.26 1 10 t 24 128 21214214 RLM AKIN moMAs ABGEORGIA D 0.37 0.37 1 10 s 24 129 21214215 RLM COOPER MICHAEL J&A"A M 0.27 0.27 1 10 s 24 130 21214216 RLM WEAVERVIRGINIAZ 0.27 0.27 1 10 s 24 131 21214217 RLM JELOVICH MICHAEL KBIAURAL 0.27 0.27 1 10 s 24 132 21214218 RLM KOLDEN KENNETHBROSEMARY C 0.25 0.25 1 10 s 24 133 21214219 RLM WEISEL GREGORY DBCATHERINE M 0.22 0.22 1 10 s 24 134 21214220 RLM SCHWEIZER GREGG JBSUSAN L 0.28 0.28 1 10 s 24 135 21214221 RLM MACKMAITHEWWEANM 0.24 0.24 1 10 t 24 136 21214222 RLM SEAL GALEN JRBSEGRIED M 0.32 0.05 0.27 1 10 s 24 137 21214223 RLM CARPENTER TOMMY DBLORNA D 0.46 0.00 0.46 1 10 s 24 138 21214224 RLM KERCKHOFFSTEVETBPAMJ 0.23 0.23 1 10 s 24 139 21214225 RLM DEGOUR JOHN MBLISA N 0.37 0.03 0.34 1 10 s 1 10 $ 24 140 21214226 RIA4 SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 24 142 21214228 RLM GUNZBURGMIRIAM 0.21 0.21 I 10 s 24 143 21214229 RLM COWILLION JOHN RBTRACI N 0.19 0.19 I 10 s 24 144 21214230 RLM HACKTERRYABSUSAN E 0.20 0.20 1 10 $ 24 145 21214231 RLM EVANOFFMICHAELC 0.21 0.21 1 10 5 24 146 21214232 RLM MILLER DOUGLAS ABJACQUELINE M 0.18 0.18 I 10 t 24 147 21214233 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.27 0.01 0.26 1 10 $ 24 148 21214234 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.22 0.01 0.21 1 10 s 24 149 21214235 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.19 0.01 0.18 1 10 5 24 150 21214236 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.22 0.00 0.22 1 10 s 24 72 21214109 RLM SHEA HOMES Lm PARTNERSHIP 24 73 21214110 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 24 74 21214111 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 24 86 21214123 RLM FORMAN LAURENCE RBDORMPN CHRIST1 0.22 24 88 21214125 RLM SILVERMAN TIMOTHY JBLORRI A 0.26 0.00 0.26 1 10 s 0.00 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.20 24 141 21214227 RLM DIONMICHAELS ADT-NET5.XLS Page2of4 Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 3 (Cannon Road West) e 0 P’oposed Fee 1 Net Growth Future Average LFMP Map General APN Constrained Developable Mgmt Dwelling Daily Pro Zone No APN Plan . Owner Acres Acres Acres ControlPt Units Trips I 24 151 21214237 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.24 0.24 1 10 t 24 152 21214238 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.20 0.20 1 10 t 24 153 21214239 RLh4 SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.26 0.26 1 10 t 24 154 21214240 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.45 0.45 1 10 t 24 155 21214241 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.27 0.27 1 10 t 0.50 1 10 $ 24 156 21214242 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.59 0.09 24 157 21244243 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.42 0.12 0.30 4 IO $ 24 158 21214244 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.31 0.12 0.19 1 10 t 24 159 21214245 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.31 0.07 0.24 I 10 $ 24 160 21214246 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.30 0.05 0.25 1 10 8 24 161 21214301 RLM WHllTON FAMILY TRUST 02-2- 0.32 0.32 1 10 t 24 162 21214302 RLM BOCHOW FAMILY LIVING TRUST 0529 0.23 0.23 1 10 5 24 163 21214303 RLM WORTHENRYBSANDRA 0.21 0.21 1 10 t 24 164 21214304 RLM YUNG SHIN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTR 0.24 0.24 1 10 t 24 165 21214305 RLM HOWARD JAMES RBLINDAD 0.26 0.26 I 10 s 24 166 21214306 RLM DORRIS GARY A&IILL L 0.25 0.25 1 10 t 24 167 21214307 RLM DEMO BRUCE LBSUSAN L 0.24 0.01 0.23 1 10 s 24 168 21214308 RLM RICE EDWARD ALBERT TRUST MI58 0.25 0.01 0.24 1 10 t 24 169 21214309 RLM HORNUNG WILLIAM CBGENA S 0.30 0.00 0.30 1 10 t 24 170 21214310 RLM GARDNER JEFFREY GgADRlANNE D 0.33 0.01 0.32 1 10 5 24 171 21214311 RLM DUWERIC8DSTEPHANlE 0.26 0.00 0.26 1 10 5 24 172 21214312 RLM ESTES FAMILY INTER WOS JOINT L 0.25 0.00 0.25 1 10 t 24 173 21214313 RLM HAWKANTHONYF 0.25 0.02 0.23 1 10 t 24 174 21214314 RLM PASlNl BARTRUUNEA 0.30 0.03 0.27 1 10 t 24 175 21214315 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.29 0.04 0.25 1 10 s. 24 176 21214316 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.39 0.05 0.34 1 10 t 24 177 21214317 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.22 0.02 0.20 1 10 t 24 178 21214318 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.27 0.27 1 10 $ 24 179 21214319 RLM HENDRICKSON DALE 0.30 0.30 1 10 5 24 180 21214320 RLM WHITE GREGORY &CHERYL S 0.26 0.26 1 10 t 24 181 21214321 RLM MOURA NEIL K8LANE-MOURA HEATHER 0.28 0.28 1 10 a 24 182 21214322 RLM MERRllTGUY&IILL 0.26 0.26 1 10 f 24 183 21214323 RLM SHOOK TIMOTHY SBSUSAN G 0.27 0.27 1 10 t 0.35 1 10 $ 0.30 1 10 $ 24 184 21214324 RLM MOLINASTEVEN JWYBETHF 24 186 2121426 RLM DElSlNGER DAVID J&NANCY T 0.23 0.23 1 10 $ 24 187 21214327 RLM WAUMANS MARK DBKATHERINE R 0.21 0.21 1 10 5 24 188 21214328 RLM MOORE GENE PBSHARON M 0.31 0.31 1 10 t 24 189 21214329 RLM KNOOIHUIZEN WILLIAM MUOAN E 0.22 0.22 1 10 t 24 190 21214330 RLM SACKINDANIELP 0.19 0.19 1 10 t 24 191 21214331 RLM COMITO JOSEPH ABROBERTA M 0.20 0.20 1 10 t 24 192 21214332 RLM BABINEAU STEVEN RBDENISE M 0.23 0.23 1 10 s 24 193 21214333 RLM STEPHENSON ROBERT L JR 0.23 0.23 1 10 t 24 194 21214334 RLM EVANS POINT HOMEOWNERS ASSN 0.67 0.67 24 195 21215001 RLM BELTRANMARCUSF8MARYA 0.24 0.24 1 10 a 24 196 21215002 RLM THOMPSON JAMES RBCOUEEN M 0.28 0.03 0.25 1 10 t 24 197 21215003 RLM BRADNER LINCOLNBCAROL J 0.32 0.32 1 10 t 24 198 21215004 RLM BRICKER KENT WBSTEINBERGBRICKER 0.26 0.26 1 10 t 24 199 21215005 RLM HYMER STM MBMELINDA J 0.27 0.27 1 10 t 24 200 21215006 RLM NORTONGREGORYAUANETL 0.28 0.28 1 10 t 24 201 21215007 RLM ASHTON DENNIS DBGRETCHEN M 0.23 0.23 1 10 t 24 202. 21215008 RLM KUPCHlNJOELL8MYRA 0.22 0.22 1 10 t 24 203 21215009 RLM MORGAN CALLON JBLINDA M 0.24 0.24 1 10 t 24 204 21215010 RLM DECARO JAMES M JRBKATHRYN R 0.22 0.22 1 10 $ 24 205 21215011 RLM KOLIAR HUGHBCHRISTINE 0.28 0.28 1 10 s 24 206 21215012 RLM ANZILLUIGIBLYDIAI 0.20 0.02 0.18 1 10 t 24 207 21215013 RLM FAHEY GREGORY PBSUE K 0.18 0.18 1 10 t 24 208 21215014 RLM ROSE THOMAS DBRENU B 0.18 0.18 1 10 f 24 209 21215015 RLM HILDEBRANDT JOHN LBTAMMYT 0.17 0.17 1 10 s 24 210 21215016 RLM ARTERBURN JAMES WBLORl B 0.17 0.17 1 ,10 t 0,19 1 10 $ 24 211 21215017 RLM COLVIN MIKE D&JOAN 24 213 21215019 RLM STOKES RUSSELL C 0.21 0.00 0.21 I 10 s 24 214 21215020 RLM KOWlTE JOHN SBDEBRAZ 0.36 0.36 1 10 t 24 215 21215021 RLM BLAKELEYWlLLlAMA 0.31 0.31 1 10 5 24 216 21215022 RLM DUFFYPHILIPC 0.23 0.23 1 10 t 24 217 21215023 RLM MERRILLJOHNC 0.24 0.24 1 10 t 24 218 21215024 RLM CRUZJOSEFINAI 0.27 0.27 1 10 t 24 219 21215025 RLM HAUNSCHILD TIMOTHY TBBARRIOSHAU 0.32 0.04 0.28 1 10 t 24 220 21215026 RLM THOMAS TODD BBCATHY E 0.33 0.04 0.29 1 10 s 24 221 21215027 RLM WEAVER WILLIAM J TRUST 07-24-96 0.27 0.06 0.21 1 10 s 24 222 21215028 RLM MANKARIOUSRONALDR 0.25 0.01 0.24 1 10 f 24 223 21215029 RLM WADEALLENBBETHG 0.38 0.00 0.38 1 10 t 24 224 21215030 RLM GRAFF KENT CBLUNA PATRlClAA 0.24 0.24 1 10 t 24 225 21215031 RLM LIU HUAMINGBKOK SANDY SIU PING 0.19 0.19 1 10 t 24 226 21215032 RLM BAHADOORI ALIRUA8CAMELIAA 0.18 0.18 1 10 s 24 227 21215033 RLM BUSSEMARYL 0.18 0.00 0.18 1 10 s 24 228 21215034 RLM DALYJOHNEBRENEEL 0.17 0.01 0.16 1 10 s 24 229 21215035 RLM EVANS POINT HOMEOWNERS ASSN 0.23 , 0.01 0.22 0.35 0.30 24 185 21214325 RLM MORGAN SlEMN MLSTEPWIE B 0.21 1 10 0 0.19 0.21 24 212 21215018 RLM BECKM4”KARLM ADT-NET5.XLS Page3of4 Bridge and ThomugMare District No. 3 (Cannon Road West) e > Proposed Fee 0 Net Growth Future Average LFMP Map General APN Constrained Developable Mgmt Dwelling Daily PI Zone No APN Pian Owner Acres Acres Acres ControlPt. Units Trips 24 230 21215036 RLM EVANS POINT HOMEOWNERS ASSN 0.10 0.00 0.10 24 231 21215101 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.19 0.00 0.19 1 10 $ 24 232 21215102 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.18 0.02 0.16 1 10 a 24 233 21215103 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.20 0.00 0.20 I 10 a 24 234 21215104 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.20 0.20 I 10 a 24 235 21215105 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.18 0.18 1 10 s 24 236 21215106 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.19 0.19 1 10 a 24 237 21215107 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.19 Q,t% II 10 J 24 238 212($108 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.20 0.20 1 10 $ 24 239 21215109 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.20 0.20 1 10 a 0.21 0.21 1 to $ 24 240 21215110 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 24 241 21245111 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.22 0.00 0.22 1 10 $ 24 242 21215112 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.25 0.01 0.24 1 10 0 24 243 21215113 RLM SHEAHOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.25 0.05 0.20 1 10 s 24 244 212151 14 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.25 0.07 0.18 1 10 a 24 245 21215115 RLM SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 0.29 0.04 0.25 1 10 t 24 246 21215201 OS SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 24.40 24.40 24 247 21215202 OS SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 36.33 36.33 24 248 21216001 RLM ALLENMARCUSL 0.16 0.00 0.18 1 10 $ 24 249 21216002 RLM PEAEODY ALEXANDER &JENNIFER H 0.17 0.01 0.16 1 10 a 24 250 21216003 RLM DEHNEA%ELG&LOISA 0.17 0.00 0.17 1 10 a 24 251 21216004 RLM RYANJAMESGlllgMARYE 0.17 0.17 I 10 a 24 252 21216005 RLM DlVlNEWlLLlAMA&JUNEF 0.17 0.17 1 10 a 24 253 21216006 RLM BULLBRADFORDJ 0.17 0.17 1 10 a 24 254 21216007 RLM BERGAMlNl JAY8VICKYL 0.17 0.17 1 10 a 24 255 21216008 RLM KORSON IRVINCXROSALIE 0.18 0.18 1 10 a 24 256 21216009 RLM KAZAKEVITCHMlKHAlL&SVETLANA 0.17 0.17 1 10 s 24 257 21216010 RLM SAlABRlANABTHERESAC 0.17 0.17 1 10 $ 24 258 21216011 RLM SULEIMANMAZEN 0.18 0.18 1 10 $ 24 259 21216012 RLM BONENBERGER H STEVEN 0.23 0.04 0.19 1 10 a 24 260 21216013 RLM CREAGAN WILLIAM J I118LISA D 0.18 0.05 0.13 1 10 a 24 261 21216014 RLM TILLMAN BRUCEBDENISE 0.26 0.02 0.24 1 10 s 24 262 21216015 RLM KAPCZYNSKI MICHAEL L&JAMIE M 0.27 0.04 0.23 1 10 s 24 263 21216016 RLM SWEENEY WILLIAM K&JOA" V 0.17 0.06 0.11 I 10 $ 24 264 21216017 RLM SORBYBRIANIDIANNA 0.18 0.03 0.15 1 10 $ 24 265 21216018 RLM ARMBRUSTTHOMAS E8NATALIE I , 0.19 0.02 0.17 1 10 a 24 266 21216019 RLM KELSOGEORGEV&BEllYJ 0.19 0.02 0.17 1 10 a 1 to $ 1 10 $ 24 267 21216020 RLM CARLSON MELVIN L&KARIMI-AW) SHO 0.19 0.07 24 268 21216021 RUJl SCEFONAS ROB€RT F8JANET G 0.35 0.04 24 269 21216022 RLM PEACOCKJOHNA 0.24 0.01 0.23 I 10 a 24 270 21216023 RLM HENKEL DOUGLAS L8BARBARA J 0.18 0.02 0.16 I 10 $ 24 271 2121 6024 RLM FOLTZ WILLIAM RBFRANCES M 0.19 0.02 0.17 I 10 $ 24 272 21216025 RLM PARKER JOHN CBSANNCCI DEBORAH L 0.18 0.00 0.18 1 10 t 24 273 21216026 RLM BENNEtT MARTIN J&DEBORAH J 0.19 0.04 0.15 1 10 $ 24 274 21216027 RLM MANNPETER J&A"ETTEM 0.22 0.05 0.17 1 10 a 24 275 21216026 RLM KIMLORIS 0.21 0.05 0.16 1 10 t 24 276 21216029 RLM PENFIELD JOHN B JR&LlONG L G 0.21 0.07 0.14 1 10 s 24 277 21216030 OS EAGLE CANYON AT EVANS POINTASSN 1.51 0.13 1.38 24 278 21216031 os EAGLE CANYON AT EVANS POW ASSN 2.77 1.12 1.65 24 279 2121 6032 OS EAGLE CANYON AT EVANS POINT ASSN 1.56 0.01 1.55 0.12 0.31 Zone Subtotal 2,920 Grand Total 45,258 t 4; ADT-NET5.XLS Page40f4 0 0 4 APPENDIX “I Gloss; 0 0 * GLOSSARY Ac or AC Acre A.C. Asphaltic Concrete ACP Asbestos Cement Pipe AD Assessment District ADT Average Daily Trips As APN Apts Apartments B&TD Bridge and Thoroughfare District CFD Community Facilities District CIP Capital Improvement Program CL Class CMP Corrugated Metal Pipe CMWD Carlsbad Municipal Water District CRC Carlsbad Research Center CY Cubic Yard DU Dwelling Unit DU's Dwelling Units EA Each ECR El Camino Real EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit GIS Geographic Information System GMCP Growth Management Control Point LF Lineal Feet LFMP Local Facilities Management Plan L&l Landscaping and Irrigation LS Lump Sum MO Month MULTI Multi-family Dwelling Unit 0 Office os Open Space PCC Portland Cement Concrete PFF Public Facilities Fees PI Planned Industrial PSI Pounds per square inch PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride (pipe) RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe RL Residential Low (density) RLM Residential Low-Medium (density) RM Residential Medium (density) RMH Residential Medium-High (density) RTIP Regional Transportation Improvement Program RNV Rig h t-of-Wa y SANDAG SD Storm Drain SDR Standard Dimension Ratio (pipe) SDRSD SF Square Feet SFD Single Family Dwelling Sta Station (survey) SY Square Yard T-R Travel Recreation Commercial Aggregate Assessor's Parcel Number San Diego Association of Governments San Diego Regional Standard Drawing 0 0 1 APPENDIX " Boundary of Distril and Zones of Benei June 4,1998 BROWN DIVEN HESSELL & BREWER LLP 400 South Sierra Avenue, Suite 100 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Attn: Cecelia Brewer RE: BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 3 ( CANNON ROAD WEST) Enclosed per your request are copies of the following documents from the City Council Meeting of May 19, 1998: 1. Certificate of Compliance with Notice Requirements 2. Resolution No. 98-1 54, Approving the Engineer's Report, Declaring Intention to Form the District, and Setting the Public Hearing for June 16, 1998 3. Minutes of the May 19, 1998 City Council Meeting If you have any questions regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to contact the Clerks Office. dd%- KARENR.KUN , CMC Assistant City Clerk Enclosures c: David Hauser, Asst. City Engineer 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (760) 434-28C . L’ 0 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH NOTICE REQUIREMENTS BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST) STATE OF CALIFORN~A COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ALETHA RAUTENICRANZ, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLO’t The undersigned is now, and at all times mentioned herein was, the d appointed, qualified and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBl CALIFORNIA, and as such, accomplished the notice requirements in connect with the referenced District as noted: POSTING A copy of the AGENDA for the meeting of May 19, 1998, was posted in a locat freely accessible to the general public at least 72 hours before the time set for s meeting; said posting being accomplished on the /fa day of 1998. + PUBLICATION The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING was published in the North County Time5 at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the public hearing; said publica1 7 1998. being accomplished on the - 5th day of June - MAILING The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING was mailed to all persons owning 1 property within the boundaries of the District within ten (10) days prior to date set for the public hearing; said mailing being accomplished on the 2’/ dayof %?, , 1998. The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING was mailed to any local agency expecte( provide water, sewage, streets, roads, schools or other essential facilitie: services to the project whose ability to provide those facilities and services 1 be affected within ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing; I mailing being accomplished 4/@ day of %, , 1998. . .- 0 0 I The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAFUNG was mailed to all owners of real prope as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll within 300 feet of boundaries of the District within ten (10) days prior to the date of the pul hearing; said mailing being accomplished A// day of bK2 ~ , 19 If there were more than 1,000 owners, the City instead provided otice by plac a display advertisement of at least one-eighth page in the designated newspa within ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing; said publicat being accomplished q& day of q& , 1998. EXECUTED this 7A TJ day of + , 1998, at Carlsbad, Califori u e...{ .hd- CITYCLE < CITY OF CAFUSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA , 0 0 N ES§ELL E 1 400 S@UrfJ SJERRA~VENUE, SUITE 100 SOLWABBACII, CA92075 (619) 456-1915 FAX: (619) 259-02' May 14,1998 Aletha L. Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92005 Re: Bridge &Thoroughfare District No. 3 (Cannon Road West) Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Enclosed herein please find the following documents for consideration and adoptic meeting scheduled for May 19, 1998. 1. ORDER OF PROCEDURE 2. RESOLUTION APPROVING REPORT INCLUDING APPROVAL 0 ESTABLISHINGAREA OF BENEFIT, DECLARING INTENTION TO DISTRICT AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEAR 3. INSTRUCTION SHEET 4. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 5. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE The Order of Procedure as enclosed herein sets forth the presentation, and will helpful in the preparation of the Minutes. Please note that a copy of the Agenda for this meeting must be posted in a 1 accessible to the general public at least 72 hours before the time set for the meeting. Inland Empirc (909) 421-1915 3 Los Angclcs County (213) 587-1915 a- Orange County (714) 551-1915 a Ccntral Coast (805 M2 0 a * Aletha L. Rautenltranz < , w Bridge &Thoroughfare District No. 3 (Cannon Road West) DOCUMENTS On file now in the Office of the City Clerk should be the following: Engineer’s Report, including: * * Proposed Map of Benefit Area Description of Proposed Public Facilities Cost Estimate * RESOLUTION Through the adoption of the enclosed Resolution, the following will gene accomplished: The RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF APPROVING THE ENGINEERS REPORT, INCLUDING APPROVAL OF TH ESTABLISHING AREA OF BENEFIT, DECLARING THE CITY’S INTENTION TO 1 DISTRICT AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING C FORMATION OF BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNOP WEST) is the jurisdictional Resolution under Government Code Section 6684, preli proposed District, and sets the date, time and place for the public hearing. approves the Engineer’s “Report,” including establishing and approving the boundari WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS As written communications are filed in connection with the proceedings, copies s immediately transmitted to the following: * * Office of Assessment Engineer * Office of Bond Counsel Each member of the legislative body CONFORMED COPIES I would appreciate receiving conformed copies of all Resolutions upon their 2 together with a copy of the minutes of the meeting where the Resolutions have been a Ma3 0 a . ' Aletha L. Rautenkranz - . Bridge & Thoroughfare District No. 3 (Cannon Road West) Upon your review of the enclosed material, if you have any questions, comn suggestions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, ?a 6% Celia A. Brewer CAB/as cc: David Hauser, Assistant City Engineer v w I 4 , INSTRUCTION SHEET I NAME OF AGENCY: NAME OF PROJECT: CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 3 (CANNON ROAD WEST) JUNE 16, 1998 PUBLIC HEARING DATE: **** INSTRUCTIONS All blanks in the enclosed forms of notice must be completed before the required I notice is given. THE CITY CLERK SHALL PERFORM THE FOLLOWING: PUBLICATION At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing, the NOTICE OF PUP HEARING must be published by the designated newspaper. (a & AJ I/& MAILING At least TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR to the date of the public hearing the NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING must be mailed to all persons owning real property within boundaries of the District. At least TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR to the date of the public hearing the NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING must be mailed to any local agency expected to provide w sewage, streets, roads, schools or other essential facilities or services to the project w (%. &A A-) ability to provide those facilities and services may be affected. (e,," 4j At least TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR to the date of the public hearing the NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING must be mailed to all owners of real property as shown on the la equalized assessment roll within 300 feet of the boundaries of the District. If ther more than 1,000 owners, the City may instead provide notice by placing a dis advertisement of at least one-eighth (1/8) page in the designated newspaper at leas (10) days prior to the hearing. cy-i" 4j FINAL DATE FOR PUBLICATION AND MAILING LAST DATE: JUNE 6, 1998 I would recommend that these notice requirements be accomplished at an earlier in order to avoid any last minute confusion.