HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-19; City Council; 14689; Proposed 1998-99 to Buildout Capital Improvement Programc .. z o ' 2 d g 3 0 0 A" ' f=w 2-7 C R( OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA B ILL 4 DEPT H CITY A DEPT. FIN CITY MI TITLE: AB# h,689 MTG. 5/19/98 PROPOSED 1998-99 TO BUILDOUT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report. Set public hearing for June 16, 1998. ITEM EXPLANATION: 1998-99 Capital Improvement Prowam The 1998-99 proposed budget for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) totals $72.9 I estimated revenues of $70.5 million. Appropriations of $58 million for on-going capi remaining unspent at the end of FY 1997-98 will be added to the new 1998-99 CIP appro1 sum of $1 31.3 million will then comprise the total 1998-99 CIP budget. Major projects sc next year include: Street & Traffic Signal Proiects Street construction projects are 27.8% of the total 1998-99 expenditures at $20.2 million. appropriation is $6.8 million for Cannon Road West, which will extend from Interstate 5 Camino Real when complete. This $18 million project is primarily funded from Transn Taxes ($4.2 million), CFD #I revenues ($6.5 million) and Bridge and Thoroughfare District million). The project to extend Faraday Avenue is scheduled for a $3.3 million appropriatic CFD#I fund, and the Poinsettia Lane extension project will receive an additional $2.6 I Bridge and Thoroughfare District Fees. Once completed, this road will extend east to El C from its existing intersection at Aviara Parkway. There are 5 traffic signals planned in 1998-99 are located at the following intersection! Village Drive and Donna Drive, Carlsbad Village Drive and Valley Street, El Camino Rea Barcelona, Faraday Avenue and Priestly Drive, and Palomar Airport Road and Melrose I: are no additional appropriations scheduled for 1-5 interchange projects. Park Proiects Park construction projects are 19.3% of the total 1998-99 expenditures at $14.1 million. appropriation is $13.2 million for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course to be funded by a bo1 addition, during 1998-99 Phase IA of Poinsettia Park will undergo additional construction in Sewer Proiects Sewer funding of $12.7 million reflects Carlsbad's share of costs for the Encina Wastew; capital improvements, and two major interceptor projects. The construction of the Vis Interceptor will continue with another $6.8 million towards the installation of a new an( sewer trunk line. The South Agua Hedionda Interceptor project is scheduled to receive ai appropriation of $2.7 million in 1998-99, and will provide sewer service to those areas gem south side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Civic Proiects Civic projects total 9.9% or $7.2 million of the 1998-99 capital appropriation. 1 appropriation is $3.8 million for the Public Safety and Service Center. Other projects in th I ' Page 2 of Agenda Bill9 / 4; (ab? 0 include design for the Cole Library remodel, the Financial Information System implemer ADA modifications at various locations throughout the City. Water Proiects The water category, including reclaimed water, is 9.6% of the total 1998-99 CIP with apprc $7 million. The Cannon Road Transmission Main will receive an additional $800,000, and totaling almost $1.8 million are scheduled along Poinsettia Lane in conjunction wit1 construction project. Another $1.4 million is scheduled for debt service payments on previl and reclaimed water projects. Drainage Proiects Drainage projects are 5.3% of the total 1998-99 expenditures at $3.9 million. Thi5 exclusively for the continued construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain Transnet-Local funds. This project will construct a storm drain system (primarily within tt- San Diego Railroad right-of-way) to carry storm water from the area bounded by Carlsl Drive, Highland Drive, Garfield Street and Agua Hedionda Lagoon. 1998-99 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program The CIP outlines approximately 215 future projects scheduled for construction from 19 through buildout at a total cost of over $459 million. The largest expenditure category street, traffic signal and freeway interchange projects and includes the widening of La Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road, Cannon Road West and Poinsettia Lane and 1 Parkway construction, and various traffic signal and road reconstruction projects. Park pr are the second largest expenditure category and include development of park projects wit quadrants of Carlsbad and the development of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. Sew< water expansion and replacement projects include construction of the Vista/Cai interceptor, South Agua Hedionda interceptor, parallel ocean outfall and reclaimed and PC water pipelines. Civic projects include construction of the South Carlsbad Library, the F Service Center, a new City Hall, and expansion of the existing Cole Library. Detailed information on the proposed 1998-99 to Buildout Capital Improvement Progr: included in the attached exhibits. Staff is requesting that Council set the public hearing fc meeting of June 16, 1998 when input will be received from interested citizens and gi wishing to comment on the proposed capital budget. EXHIBITS 1. Report on the 1998-99 Capital Improvement Program. 2. Projected Fund Balances and Revenue and Expenditure schedules. 3. Current and Future (1998-99 to Buildout) Projects. 1 e 0 1998-99 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document incorporates the current budget for capital projects with future planned revenue! expenditures. Most noticeable in this years CIP is the City’s ability to fund accel construction of several projects, particularly those related to major street improve throughout the City. This opportunity to fund more projects due to increased revenue direct result of strong recovery in the building industry which exceeded previous expect; ?he proposed 1998-99 Capital Improvement Program totals $72.9 million, an increase C, million from the 1997-98 adopted budget of $67.2 million. Most of this increase Ci attributed to major street construction projects throughout the City. Projected revenues f 1998-99 program total $70.5 million, an increase of $25.4 million from the 1997-98 estim The rise in projected revenue is a result of increased development, bond proceec construction of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, and contributions from the City of Vi5 the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor project. It is expected that development will continue at a ! pace through 98-99 and in the years to follow. As development increases within the City, there comes a corresponding increase in the demand for development- related services and new facilities. In addition, the City’s growth management plan requires that a standard level of facilities be available to meet the new demands or development cannot proceed. The proposed CI P reflects the increase in demand with a continued aggressive plan. As Carlsbad continues to grow and prosper, the CIP is one of the tools available to Council to address the issue of funding availability weighed against the demand for facilities. It also ensures that the necessary infrastructure that meets or exceeds the needs of Carlsbad’s citizens and businesses as prescribed I: City’s growth management standards. This report and the accompanying CIP document! schedules reflect the actions taken to fulfill these needs. A discussion of the City’s Growth Management Plan can be found at the end of this report GROWTH PROJECTIONS Several assumptions about the rate and type of growth were made in order to project the revenues which result from development. Growth assumptions were made and continue to change in correlation with the economic climate. Residential and non-residential development information was compiled by the Planning, Building and Engineering Departments, and the Finance Department overlaid the economic forecast. This past year, City staff and San Diego Association of Governments studied the buildout capacities of the City using adopted general plans, estimates of existing development, and estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop. The I of this analysis was a reduction in the total number of units at buildout from 54,600 to 48 which more closely reflects numbers provided in the January 7, 1998 Housing Unit Capa 0 0 report prepared by San Diego Association of Governments. The following table shov number of residential units used in calculating estimated revenues for 1998-99 and subsc years to buildout. Approximately 16,900 units are expected to be built from this point for Non-residential construction estimates are shown in projected square feet. 1998-99 CIP Growth Assumptions Residential Non-Residential Year Units Square Feet 1998-1 999 1,439 1,303,000 1999-2000 1,360 81 8,000 2000-2001 1,311 724,000 2001 -2002 1,173 498,000 2002-2003 904 803,000 Years 6-1 0 5,044 3,886,000 Years 1 1-2030 5,645 5,825,000 Total Future 16,876 13,857,000 Residential development for 1997-98 was conservatively projected at 375 building pr however, recent estimates anticipate over 1400 units by the end of the fiscal year. This I growth is expected to remain fairly constant with 1439 units projected in 1998-99. E growth in residential units is expected to average about 11 00 units per year for the next 5 years. Non-residential development projections are expected to remain high over the next two as the Carlsbad Ranch project builds out with the projected square footage dropping of the completion of that area. Carlsbad Ranch encompasses over 2.9 million square fe commercial and industrial properties. The Carlsbad Company Stores, a 300,000 squar specialty outlet center opened in late 1997. This will be followed with the opening of the family theme park, a park primarily for children ages 2 -13 based on the Leg0 building brii 1999-2000. Also in the Carlsbad Ranch project area are sites for a community hotel, a hotel and a research and development business park. Residential Units Trend 1985 to 2003 Permits Issued 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 InOhcoQOrNmbmQhcoaorNm mmaammaaaa~mama0000 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrNNNN mcocococoammmmmammmoooo 0 e REVENUES Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout total $477 million and may be segregated into four major categories: 1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, 2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge & Thoroughfare Districts), 3) Water and Sewer depreciation replacement reserves, and 4) other sources including grants, bond issues, and contributions from other agencies. Approximately 39.3% of all ( revenues are received as a result of development, and are dependent upon assumptions about the City’s annual growth in dwelling units and commercial/industrial square Development revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), P: Lieu fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and 1 Connection charges. Community Facilities District and Bridge & Thoroughfare District rev comprise 16.6% of the total. Water and Sewer replacement revenues generated by use equal approximately 22.2% of the total revenues, and the remaining 21.9% are rela federal & state grants, license tax on new construction, the County sales tax prc (Transnet), San Diego Gas & Electric funding, and contributions from other agencies. Funding Sources 1998-99 to Buildout Total Revenue = $477 million Other 21.9% Wa te rISewe r Replacement 22.2% Development Special 39.3% Districts 16.6% Calculation of Future Fees The revenue projections of the proposed Capital Improvement Program reflect the E assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how assumptions were applied to predict future development revenues. The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units was assumed to be 20% anc respectively and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development shown in current plans for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities fees was $89,500 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $1 75,000 per single-family dwelling unit. The mix of commercial and industrial development is based on actual projections in each category this year, with office space 0 0 included in the commercial category. A blended building permit valuation of $38 per s foot of construction was used to calculate non-residential Public Facilities fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact fees (TIF), the number of av daily trips was computed for each type of use. A multi-family residential dwelling uni assigned 8 trips per day and a single-family unit was assigned ten trips per day. residential trip was valued at the current TIF fee of $85. The trips-per-day value for comm and industrial buildings was averaged at 30 trips per 1,000 square feet of develop although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial/industriaI building can vary 1 depending on the ultimate land use. The value assigned to each commercial/industriaI tri $34, the current TIF fee. The implementation of CFD No. 1 in 1991 reduced the total amount of projected PFF ar revenues, as some projects previously funded from these sources are now funded throug CFD. CFD No. 2 is proposed to fund Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road, bi not yet been formally established. A prepayment program is in place to enable developm proceed within this proposed district. There is one new and one proposed Bridge & Thoroughfare Fee District included in this CIP. BTD No. 2 (Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway) was formed this year to financ construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and 1 Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. BTD No. 3 (Cannon Road is proposed to fund portions of Cannon Road from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. S reimbursement or prepayment agreements are in place so that developers can cor portions of the roadways in advance of formal adoption of the fee program, and thus, pr with their development projects. PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS Project construction is reliant upon the availability of capital and operating funds in addii established growth management standards requirements for facilities. Wherever F scheduling changes were proposed, compliance with the Growth Management Plar funding availability were evaluated. In the past, selected park and street projects scheduled in phases to defer costs and balance CIP expenditures with projected rever With the increased development in Carlsbad during the past couple of years and incrl estimates for the future, proposed construction of projects has been accelerated. PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS 1998-99 TO BUILDOUT The CIP for 1998-99 to buildout outlines approximately 215 future projects at a total c $459.2 million. The largest expenditure category is for street, traffic signal and intercl projects at $129.7 million or 28.3% of the total. Included are the construction of arterial roadways as well as the widening of some existing streets such as La Costa Avenul Rancho Santa Fe Road. Construction on the La Costa Avenue widening project began in 98, following completion of the La Costa Avenue project. Work on Rancho Santa Fe between Questhaven and Melrose is expected to begin in 1998-99, as well as the extens Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to El Camino Real. The second largest expenditure category is for park projects totaling $87.5 million, or 19. the total planned capital expenditures. Park projects include development of acreage wit quadrants of Carlsbad including Poinsettia Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Lawvin Park Carrillo Park, a Business Park recreational facility, a skateboard park, community centers 0 0 northwest and southwest quadrants and the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. The third largest level of expenditures at $86.1 million, or 18.7% of the total planned ( expenditures, is sewer projects. Sewer projects include the construction of the South Agua Hedionda interceptor, the Vista/Carlsbad trunk line interceptor, cleaning and refurbishment of existing sewer lines and access holes, the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina parallel ocean outfall and cogeneration projects. Civic and facilities maintenance projects represent the fourth largest level of expenditures at $71.1 million (15.5%), and include construction of the South Carlsbad Library and a new City Hall, the expansion and remodeling of the existing Cole Library, various Americans with Disabilities Act projects, the Public Safety and Service Center, Public Works/Community Development Administrative Offices, expansion and the re-roofing, painting, repair and refurbishment of various City facilities. Any facility maintenance project equal to or exceeding $25,000 is shown as a separate line item, while all others are grouped together as one project. Water projects total $31.5 million (7.7%) and include the second phase of the I‘D” Re: improvements, reclaimed and potable pipelines, and repayment of loans for water pro] Specific timing and cost estimates for all capital projects are identified in the Current and I (1 998-99 to Buildout) Projects schedule following the narrative. CIP Expenditures by Category 1998-99 to Buildout Total Expenditures = $459.2 million Other 5.6% Parks Drainage 19.1% Water 7.7% Civic 15.5% Sewer 18.7% 5.1% Streets 28.3% 0 PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECT§ -THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Some of the major projects planned for the next five years are discussed below. e South Carlsbad Library -Construction of the South Carlsbad Library began this wi opening anticipated in Spring/Summer of 1999. The Cole Library is scheduled to and undergo extensive remodeling upon the completion and opening of the new lit This is currently scheduled for 1999-2000. Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course - Initial construction is slated for 1998-99 for the City’s 250 acre golf course located in the industrial corridor directly south of the future Veterans Memorial Park. Streets - Several large street construction projects are planned for the next 5 years. The extension of Cannon Road West from 1-5 to El Camino Re continue, and Faraday Avenue south of Cannon road is scheduled for construd 1998-99. In addition, the extension of Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway Camino Real will begin in 1998-99. A direct benefit of completing these major strec be to alleviate traffic on Palomar Airport Road. Two major road widening projects I in 1997-98: La Costa Avenue between 1-5 and El Camino Real, and Palomar j Road between Yarrow and El Camino Real. The widening of Ranch Santa Fe between Questhaven and Melrose is scheduled to begin in the year 1999-2000. Civic Facilities - Phase I1 of the Public Safety and Service Center is scheduled for 1998-99 in order to meet growth need requirements. This phase includes construction of a purchasing warehouse, general offices and yard facilities for the Community Services Departments and Utilities and Maintenance Departments. In addition, the CIP includes funds to lease and/or purchase a building which will be used for Public Works, Community Development, and Administrative offices to met growing space needs of these service areas. Larwin Community Park - 2000. Park development may include construction of two tennis courts, a tot-lo rooms, a picnic area, a level turf area, a parking lot and a trail system. Leo Carrillo Park - The master plan of Leo Carrillo Park is complete, and the development of phase two is scheduled to begin in 2001-2002 on this 10.5 acre site. Park development will consist of rehabilitation to existing structures, landscaping, parking lots, rest rooms, walkways, large group picnic facilities and tot- lots. The general theme for this park will be passive in nature with the option for interpretive programming. e LVi 0 e e This 22.3 acre site is scheduled for construction in e e Business Park Recreational Facility - The City is planning land acquisition for this park in late 1997-98 or early 1998-99. Initial construction is slated for 2000-2001, with design preceding construction in 1999-2000. Proposed park amenities include baseba soccer fields, basketball and handball courts, volleyball, picnic area, jogging trail parking. e 0 e Skateboard Park - The skateboard park located between Fire Station #5 and the p area for the conference center at the Public Safety and Service Center should construction in 1998-99. Amenities at this 40,000 square foot site include fe lighting, bleachers, and a 25,000 square foot skateboard surface. Poinsettia Park - In 1998-99 the completion of Phase 1A will add two basebath fields, a restroom facility, and fencing around the existing soccer field. South Agua Hedionda Interceptor - In 1998-99, construction of an interceptor including a sewage lift station and forcemain is planned. This project will provide service to those areas generally tributary to the south side of the Agua Hec Lagoon. 9 e e Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor - This $17 million project involves installation of a ne\ upgraded sewer trunk line through the downtown portion of Carlsbad to the E Water Pollution Control Facility. PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS 1998-99 There are approximately 105 capital projects totaling $72.9 million proposed for 1998-99. ' projects are categorized as shown below. Appropriations of approximately $58 millic ongoing capital projects which remain unspent at the end of FY 1997-98 will be added new 1998-99 CIP appropriations for a total 1998-99 CIP appropriation of $130.9 million. Proposed 1998-99 CIP Expenditures by Category Total Expenditures = $72.9 million Parks Other 19.3% 10.6% Water 9.6% Sewer 17.5% Drainage 5.3% Civic 9.9% Streets 27.8% Street & Traffic Signal Proiects Street construction projects are 27.8% of the total 1998-99 expenditures at $20.2 million largest appropriation is $6.8 million for Cannon Road West, which will extend from Inters west to El Camino Real when complete. This $18 million project is primarily funded 0 * Transnet Highway Taxes ($4.2 million), CFD #I revenues ($6.5 million) and Bridgc Thoroughfare District Fees ($7.0 million). The project to extend Faraday Avenue is schc for a $3.3 million appropriation from the CFD#I fund, and the Poinsettia Lane extension F will receive an additional $2.6 million from Bridge and Thoroughfare District Fees. completed, this road will extend east to El Camino Real from its existing intersection at I Parkway. There are 5 traffic signals planned in 1998-99 are located at the following intersec Carlsbad Village Drive and Donna Drive, Carlsbad Village Drive and Valley Street, El C Real and Calle Barcelona, Faraday Avenue and Priestly Drive, and Palomar Airport Roa Melrose Drive. There are no additional appropriations scheduled for 1-5 interchange projec Park Proiects Park construction projects are 19.3% of the total 1998-99 expenditures at $14.1 million largest appropriation is $13.2 million for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course to be fundec bond issue. In addition, during 1998-99 Phase IA of Poinsettia Park will undergo add construction in. Sewer Proiects Sewer funding of $12.7 million reflects Carlsbad’s share of costs for the Encina Waste Facility capital improvements, and two major interceptor projects. The construction 1 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor will continue with another $6.8 million towards the installatioi new and upgraded sewer trunk line. The South Agua Hedionda interceptor project is sche to receive an additional appropriation of $2.7 million in 1998-99, and will provide sewer s to those areas generally to the south side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Civic Proiects Civic projects total 9.9% or $7.2 million of the 1998-99 capital appropriation. The I appropriation is $3.8 million for the Public Safety and Service Center. Other projects category include design for the Cole Library remodel, the Financial Information S implementation, and ADA modifications at various locations throughout the City. Water Proiects The water category, including reclaimed water, is 9.6% of the total 1998-99 CIF appropriations of $7 million. The Cannon Road Transmission Main will receive an add $800,000, and water lines totaling almost $1.8 million are scheduled along Poinsettia Li conjunction with the road construction project. Another $1.4 million is scheduled for debt s payments on previous potable and reclaimed water projects. Drainage Proiects Drainage projects are 5.3% of the total 1998-99 expenditures at $3.9 million. This is i exclusively for the continued construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain func Transnet-Local funds. This project will construct a storm drain system (primarily with Northern San Diego Railroad right-of-way) to carry storm water from the area bound Carlsbad Village Drive, Highland Drive, Garfield Street and Agua Hedionda Lagoon. 0 0 SUMMARY The proposed 1998-99 to Buildout CIP continues to reflect an aggressive plan for new fac It is being driven by the increased pace of development and the need to insure that facilitic available to service the developing areas as well as the current residents. Significant prc continues on the traffic circulation projects in response to and in anticipation of currer future development within the City. The 1-5 interchange at La Costa Avenue is completc the La Costa Avenue widening to El Camino Real is underway. Other major circulation pr under construction or scheduled in the next year include Cannon Road West, Poinsettia Aviara Parkway, and the extension of Faraday Avenue. Funding for the Public Service ( is included in the 1998-99 CIP, and the construction of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf C should begin. The current fee structure is working in conjunction with the growth management pl evidenced by the availability of revenue to fund the increased need for capital prc Carlsbad's philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities which meet, and at exceed, growth management standards. Practices such as phasing projects over a per years to match funding availability as well as maximizing the use of available balances been implemented when necessary in order to meet the needs of Carlsbad's citizens. 1998-99 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitment of Carl: Council and staff to providing its residents with a better quality of life. 0 0 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carlsl 1986. The plan was established in an effort to manage development within the City by I residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan adopted has established precise standards for eleven facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which star have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Library - Wastewater Treatment - Parks - Circulation - Drainage - Fire - Open Space - Schools - Sewer Collection - Water Distribution The Plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance wii adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless each of the eleven facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. The Growth Management Plan impacts both the operating budget and the Capital lmprovl Program. The detailed level of planning required by growth management has al Carlsbad’s Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for ( improvements through buildout of the City. The timing of construction of facilities is gov by the rate of development and the eleven performance standards. New public facilities require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the operating budget. Fa such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas wher or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted perforr standards. With the adoption of the 1998-99 CIP, compliance with the Growth Managc Plan is assured. e 0 CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY BILL 1600 (AB 1600) In 1987 the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1600 (AB 1600) which set for process a city or county must follow to establish developer fees to finance public facilities legislation applies to fees established, increased, or imposed on or after January 1, 198 effective date of the law. AB 1600 contains four general requirements: > A "nexus" or connection must be established between a development project or cl project and the public improvement being financed with the fee. All AB 160( adopted by the City have met the nexus test. For example, Traffic Impact, Bridg Thoroughfare District and Drainage Sewer Benefit Area fees were all established AB 1600. The fee must be segregated from the General Fund. Carlsbad segregates all ( funds not only from the General Fund but also each classification of fee as well. Fees collected by a city or county must be spent or committed to a project within year period. Funds are viewed to be committed if they are programmed to be spc a specific project(s). If the money is not spent, findings must be made describir continuing need for that money each fiscal year after the five years has expired City of Carlsbad commits the revenues from these fees through its Capital lmprovr Program budget. This budget, which is adopted by the City Council, sets forth the Capital expenditure program from the current year to projected build out of the City expenditure plan is updated annually as part of the City's budget process. Refunds must be made only if the City cannot make the required findings. At thii no refunds are due because the City's Capital Improvement Program commits 1600 fees to projects to be constructed both in the current year and in the future. > P > 0 a CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1997-98 JULY 1,1997 EST1 MATED ESTIMATED JUNE 30, UNRESERVED ESTIMATED CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE PROJEC GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2,633,473 1,520,999 1,139,509 0 3,Ol PUBLIC ART 315,481 10,738 62,156 0 22 GOLF COURSE 2,243,545 573,155 1,675,441 490,000 6f PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 14,638,029 7,551,332 512,594 0 21,6; ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 3,016,808 1,155,242 26,837 0 4,lr PIL AREA 1 NW 2,385,629 181,649 0 0 2,5f PIL AREA 2 NE 816,776 46,527 0 0 82 PIL AREA 3 SW 355,934 603,599 3,449 0 9! PIL AREA 4 SE 1,138,654 452,342 0 0 1,5! LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 3,088,381 2,389,333 61 7,298 0 4,8f TRANSNET/LOCAL 842,883 4,546,370 1,897,441 0 3,4! TRANSNEnHlGHWAY (374,299) 3,278,127 2,210,548 0 6Z TRANSNET/BlKE 24,823 878 0 0 2 TRANSNETISTP 1,179,066 67.078 0 0 1,21 TDA 66,589 314,114 9,080 0 37 STATE GRANTS 112,773 22,915 34,567 0 I( COUNTY GRANTS 1,606,663 267,916 36,253 0 1 ,8: ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,742,986 0 149,141 0 1,5! CFD #I 22,823,632 14,237,303 12,417,118 138,776 24,5( CFD #2 11,304,215 4,454,497 600,544 0 15,1! 44,985 0 7( CANNON ROAD WEST BTW3 POINSETTIA BTD #2 3,471,999 (122,658) 151,339 0 3,1! FEDERAL GRANTS (266) 299,854 105,166 0 15 SDG & E 0 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 4,479,721 1,159,953 145,956 0 5,4< SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 542,734 177,592 11,354 0 7c SEWER CONNECTION 14,942,223 4,697,425 91,332 1,106,820 18,4 SEWER REPLACEMENT 8,583,931 280,956 631,308 0 8,2: WATER CONNECTION 4,954,331 4,927,905 1,583,463 1,280,985 7,Ol WATER REPLACEMENT 7,899,739 762,931 1,792,338 243,997 6,6; REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 2,325,280 79,835 513,621 77 13s GAS TAX 4,750,106 1,546,746 709 531,351 5,7E OTHER 1,139,366 3,125,493 1,195,963 0 3,OE TOTAL 124,400,437 59,456,378 27,662,966 3,952,006 152,21 FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES & OTHER BALANi 479,780 266,787 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 869,452 579,444 3,456 160,000 1,2E JULY 1,1998 PROJECTED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE REVENUES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,014,963 1,925,000 PUBLIC ART 264,063 0 GOLF COURSE 651,259 15,000,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 21,676,767 5,036,875 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 4,14521 3 387,200 PIL AREA 1 NW 2,567,278 334,152 PIL AREA 2 NE 863,303 141,120 PIL AREA 3 SW 956,084 386,610 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,590,996 186,690 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 4,860,416 1,613,029 TRANSNEnLOCAL 3,491,812 6,990,000 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 693,280 743,000 TRANSNET/BI KE 25,701 0 TRANSNETETP 1,246,144 0 TDA 371,623 0 STATE GRANTS 101,121 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,593,845 0 CFD #I 24,505,041 8,969,923 CFD #2 15,158,168 1,736,750 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 701,582 600,509 POINSETTIA BTD #2 3,198,002 416,183 FEDERAL GRANTS 194,422 0 SDG & E 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 5,493,718 224,090 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 708,972 3,025,000 SEWER CONNECTION 18,441,496 10,956,060 SEWER REPLACEMENT 8,233,579 1,200,000 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 1,285,440 250,000 WATER CONNECTION 7,017,788 4,444,089 WATER REPLACEMENT 6,626,335 4,125,000 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,891,417 0 GAS TAX 5,764,792 1,500,000 OTHER 3,068,896 70,000 TOTAL 152,241,843 70,482,899 COUNTY GRANTS 1,838,326 221,618 1997 - 98 1998 - 99 CONTINUING NEW TOTAL CIP APPROPR. APPROPR. APPROPR. 2,224,807 1,757,000 3,981,807 11 8,487 20,000 138,487 651,259 15,000,000 15,651,259 4,488,739 1,554,750 6,043,489 3,973,163 0 3,973.1 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 238,000 0 238,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,290,845 2,817,000 5,107,845 2,504,008 7,910,000 10,414,008 1,321,387 0 0 0 0 0 0 350,898 0 350,898 85,024 0 85,024 1,792,946 1,792,946 0 1,002,783 0 1,002,783 16,109,722 11,664,600 27,774,322 2,203,623 500,000 2,703,623 405,106 0 405,106 3,167,816 567,816 2,600,000 0 192,140 192,140 0 0 0 973,519 0 973,519 490,646 2,665,000 3,155,646 5,896,386 8,586,426 14,482,812 1,375,270 4,510,048 5,885,318 397,053 160,000 557,053 2,964,185 6,441,869 9,406,054 2,328,257 2,510,451 4,838,708 1,550,000 1,875,044 1,573,200 2,459,491 2,851,067 70,000 2,921,067 58,027,471 72,871,344 130,898,815 578,387 743,000 325,044 886,291 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1998-99 1994-95 1995-96 (1) 1996-97 (1) 1997-98 (1) 1998- ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIN FUND REVENUES REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE REVE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,010,273 2,888,993 3,000,585 1,520,999 1 PUBLIC ART 17,457 20,454 18,033 10,738 GOLF COURSE 109,308 42,191 79,365 573.1 55 15 ZONE 5,13 & 16 PARK FEE 1,940,278 375,038 701,492 1 ,I 55,242 PIL AREA 1 NW 102,202 271,399 283,688 181,649 PIL AREA 2 NE 31,349 234.755 44,222 46,527 PIL AREA 3 SW 36,066 12.91 1 403,682 603,599 452,342 PIL AREA 4 SE 48,832 68,857 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 481,029 772.544 1 ,I 01,838 2,389,333 1 TRANSNET/LOCAL 22,535 24,122 1,155,361 4,546,370 6 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 9,667 8,503 103 3,278,127 TRANSNET/BIKE 1,351 97 520,948 878 67,078 TRANSNETETP 43,438 660,599 TDA 5,604 82,683 189,854 314,114 STATE GRANTS 642,181 213,661 2,596,708 22,915 COUNTY GRANTS 232,371 253,417 277,695 267,916 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 160,693 1,037,967 269,106 0 CFD #I 6,433,487 7,279,245 10,676,209 14,237,303 8, CFD #2 573,940 3,017,345 6,085,033 4,454,497 1, BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST 101,163 408,294 26,238 266,787 BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY 0 1,265,756 2,289,588 FEDERAL GRANTS 1,180,179 165,994 421,036 299,854 SDG&E 0 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 655,752 488,794 863,504 1,159,953 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS (C,D,E,F) 0 0 253,024 177,592 3, SEWER CONNECTION 1,331,031 2,669,428 2,823,755 4,697,425 10, SEWER REPLACEMENT 81 1,481 1,233,895 2,014,974 280,956 1, WATER - RECYCLED WATER 40,606 230,676 593,808 579,444 WATER CONNECTION 1,341,224 2,442,896 2,266,441 4,927,905 4, WATER REPLACEMENT 1,231,779 1,107,737 2,185,341 762,931 4, REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 501,656 133,308 127,079 79,835 GAS TAX 0 1,415,803 1,471,758 1,546,746 1, OTHER 436,484 542,320 1,352,547 3,125,493 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 21,800,330 32,542,382 49,227,405 59,456,378 70, PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 2,266.91 4 3,172,700 4,618,487 7,551,332 5 278,736 237,167 (122,658) (1) INCLUDES INTERFUND LOANS OR TRANSFERS. e CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS 0 DETAIL REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR FY 1998 - 99 FUND OF; DEVELOPER LOAN OR DEPRECIATI FUND FEES TAXES GRANTS OTHER BOND ISSUE TRANSFEI GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 250,000 1,475,000 200 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE 15,000,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 5,036,875 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 387,200 PILAREA 1 NW 334,152 PIL AREA 2 NE 141,120 PIL AREA 3 SW 386,610 PIL AREA 4 SE 186,690 LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,613,029 TRANSNETILOCAL 6,990,000 TRANSNETIH IGHWAY 743,000 TRANSNET/BlKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS 221,618 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I 458,750 831 1 ,I 74 CFD #2 1,736,750 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 600,509 POINSETTIA BID #2 416,183 FEDERAL GRANTS SDG & E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 224,090 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION 2,781,060 8,175,000 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 250,000 WATER CONNECTION 4,444,089 WATER REPLACEMENT 725,000 2,100,000 1,300 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX 1,500,000 OTHER 70,000 TOTAL 17,410,357 20,455,924 221,618 9,995,000 19,700,000 2,700 400,000 25,000 2,600,000 SEWER REPLACEMENT 1,200 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1995-1996 TO 1998-1999 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 (1) FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,711,165 3,068,165 1 ,I 39,509 PUBLIC ART 33,838 26,780 62,156 GOLF COURSE 677,135 252,506 2,165,441 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 3,217,822 1,285,908 512,594 ZONE 5,13 & 16 PARK FEE 0 0 26,837 PIL AREA 1 NW 0 0 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 0 0 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 0 301,226 3,449 PIL AREA 4 SE 0 0 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 103,225 275,234 617,298 TRANSNET/LOCAL 23 786,134 1,897,441 TRANSNET/HlGHWAY 60,060 499,666 2,210,548 TRANSNET/BIKE 0 498,066 0 TRANSNETETP 0 0 0 TDA 107,128 251,114 9,080 STATE GRANTS 91 1,459 2,516,379 34,567 COUNTY GRANTS 540 261 36,253 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 952,074 279,582 149,141 3,540,881 12,555,894 CFD #I 2,298,482 CFD #2 855,711 255,722 600,544 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST 37,532 17,505 44,985 BTW2 POINS. LN-AVlARA PW 0 83,345 151,339 FEDERAL GRANTS 166,312 421,302 105,166 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 29,466 484 145,956 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 0 0 11,354 SEWER CONNECTION 1,069,181 1,334,650 1,198,152 SEWER REPLACEMENT 369,356 187,625 631,308 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 386,632 151,251 163,456 WATER CONNECTION 2,377,234 2,447,648 2,864,448 WATER REPLACEMENT 969,498 2,170,009 2,036,335 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 14,130 20,795 513,698 GAS TAX 1,054,472 462,810 532,060 OTHER 797,240 602,662 1,195,963 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 18,199,715 21,737,710 31,614,972 1997-98 1998-99 CONTINUING NEW APPROPR. APPROPR. 2,224,807 1,757,000 651,259 15,000,000 4,488,739 1,554,750 3,973,163 0 0 0 0 0 0 238,000 0 0 0 0 2,290,845 2,817,000 2,504,008 7,910,000 578,387 743,000 0 0 0 0 350,898 0 85,024 0 1,792,946 0 1,002,783 0 11,664,600 2,203,623 500,000 405,106 0 567,816 2,600,000 192,140 0 0 0 973,519 0 490,646 2,665,000 5,896,386 8,586,426 1,375,270 4,510,048 397,053 160,000 2,964,185 6,441,869 2,328,257 2,510,451 325,044 1,550,000 1,573,200 886,291 2,851,067 70,000 58,027,471 72,871,344 118,487 20,000 16,109,722 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 1 1998 - 99 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/98 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 790,156 1,925,000 1,757,000 PUBLIC ART 145,576 0 20,000 GOLF COURSE 0 15,000,000 15,000,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 17,188,028 5,036,875 1,554,750 2 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 172,050 387,200 0 PILAREA 1 NW 2,567,278 334,152 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 863,303 141,120 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 956,084 386,610 238,000 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,590,996 186,690 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 2,569,571 1,613,029 2,817,000 TRANSNET/LOCAL 987,804 6,990,000 7,910,000 TRANSNEnHlGHWAY 114,893 743,000 743,000 TRANSNET/BlKE 25,701 0 0 TRANSNETETP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 0 0 COUNTY GRANTS 45,380 221,618 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 8,395,319 8,969,923 11,664,600 CFD #2 12,954,545 1,736,750 500,000 1 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW3 296,476 600,509 0 POINSETTIA BTD #2 2,630,186 41 6,183 2,600,000 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 0 0 SDG & E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 4,520,199 224,090 0 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 218,326 3,025,000 2,665,000 SEWER CONNECTION 12,545,110 10,956,060 8,586,426 1 SEWER REPLACEMENT 6,858,309 1,200,000 431 0,048 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 888,387 250,000 160,000 WATER CONNECTION 4,053,603 4,444,089 6,441,869 WATER REPLACEMENT 4,298,078 4,125,000 2,510,451 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,566,373 0 1,550,000 GAS TAX 4,878,501 1,500,000 1,573,200 OTHER 21 7,829 70,000 70,000 TOTAL 94,214,372 70,482,899 72,871,344 9 (1) BEGINNING BALANCE ON 7/1/98 IS NET OF CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS. 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 2 1999 - 2000 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 I99 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 958,156 900,000 1,373,000 PUBLIC ART 125,576 0 20,000 GOLF COURSE 0 0 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 20,670,153 4,462,812 5,616,000 1 250,000 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 559,250 188,360 PILAREA 1 NW 2,901,430 304,668 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,004,423 161,700 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 1,104,694 382,200 0 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,777,686 88,200 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,365,601 1,250,639 297,000 TRANSNETILOCAL 67,804 2,300,000 2,300,000 TRANS N ETIH I G H WAY 114,893 0 0 TRANSNETIBIKE 25,701 0 0 TRANSNETETP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 1,900,000 1,900,000 COUNTY GRANTS 266,998 232,699 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 5,700,642 7,296,647 698,000 1 CFD #2 14,191,295 105,239 0 1 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 896,985 104,160 412,000 POINSETTIA BTD #2 446,369 242,000 0 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 5,821,600 5,821,600 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 4,744,290 661,721 40,000 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 578,326 1,925,000 2,287,000 SEWER CONNECTION 14,914,744 6,893,399 2,286.21 0 1 SEWER REPLACEMENT 3,548,261 1,200,000 2,591,648 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 978,387 250,000 660,000 WATER CONNECTION 2,055,823 4,001,631 3,453,983 WATER REPLACEMENT 5,912,627 2,025,000 2,587,592 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 16,373 0 0 GAS TAX 4,805,301 1,550,000 504,200 OTHER 217,829 0 0 TOTAL 91,825,927 44,247,675 33,098,233 10 e e CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT EAR 3 2000 - 2001 3 BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 /2000 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 485,156 650,000 698,000 PUBLIC ART 105,576 0 20,000 GOLF COURSE 0 0 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 19,516,965 4,257,048 5,045,000 1 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 497,610 1,968,396 2,450,000 PILAREA 1 NW 3,206,098 67,158 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,166,123 164,640 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 1,486,894 536,550 0 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,865,886 226,380 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 2,319,240 1,163,935 672,000 TRANSNEnLOCAL 67,804 1,700,000 1,700,000 TRANSNET/HlGHWAY 114,893 0 0 TRANSNEnBlKE 25,701 0 0 TRANS N ET/STP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 0 0 COUNTY GRANTS 499,697 244,334 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 12,299,289 6,456,015 1 10,000 1 CFD #2 14,296,534 1,068,737 5,702,400 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 589,145 2,000,000 400,000 POlNSElTlA BTD #2 688,369 197,360 0 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 0 0 SDG&E 0 700,000 700,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 5,366,011 642,848 160,000 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 21 6,326 2,400,000 2,581,000 SEWER CONNECTION 19,521,933 1,937,404 12,359,196 SEWER REPLACEMENT 2,156,613 1,200,000 2,936,400 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 568,387 500,000 1,060,000 WATER CONNECTION 2,603,471 3,758,816 1,031,226 WATER REPLACEMENT 5,350,035 2,025,000 1,546,424 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 16,373 0 0 GAS TAX 5,851,101 1,600,000 0 OTHER 217,829 1,210,000 1,210,000 TOTAL 102,975,369 36,674,621 40,381,646 9 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 4 2001 - 2002 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2001 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 437,156 650,000 525,000 PUBLIC ART 85,576 0 20,000 GOLF COURSE 0 0 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 18,729,013 3,715,499 4,319,000 1 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 16,006 49,600 0 PILAREA 1 NW 3,273,256 229,320 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,330,763 216,090 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 2,023,444 431,900 0 PIL AREA 4 SE 2,092,266 154,350 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 2,811,175 944,929 447,000 TRANSNETILOCAL 67,804 1,700,000 1,700,000 TRANSNET/H IGHWAY 114,893 0 0 TRANSNEnBlKE 25,701 0 0 TRANSNETKTP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 0 0 COUNTY GRANTS 744,031 21 8,982 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 18,645,304 5,476,562 5,810,000 1 CFD #2 9,662,871 3,190,224 11,941,000 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 2,189,145 389,880 0 0 POINSETrIA BTD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 0 0 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 5,848,859 470,403 0 I SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 35,326 400,000 0 SEWER CONNECTION 9,100,141 1,770,415 1,676,000 SEWER REPLACEMENT 420.21 3 1,200,000 936,400 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 8,387 160,000 160,000 WATER CONNECTION 5,331,061 3,371,093 2,834,808 WATER REPLACEMENT 5,828,611 2,025,000 995,202 I REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 16,373 0 0 GAS TAX 7,451,101 1,650,000 80,000 OTHER 217,829 0 0 TOTAL 99,268,344 29,130,647 31,444,410 91 885,729 71 6,400 e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 5 2002 - 2003 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2002 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 562,156 525,000 525,000 PUBLIC ART 65,576 0 20,000 GOLF COURSE 0 0 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 18,125,512 3,153,428 950,000 2 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 65,606 165,622 0 PILAREA 1 NW 3,502,576 230,958 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,546,853 216,090 0 2,455,344 271,950 2,550,000 PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE 2,246,616 20,580 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 3,309,104 1,002,932 447,000 TRANSNET/LOCAL 67,804 1,700,000 1,700,000 TRANSNET/HlGHWAY 114,893 0 0 TRANSNET/BlKE 25,701 0 0 TRANSNET/STP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 0 0 COUNTY GRANTS 963,013 0 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 18,311,866 4,840,467 110,000 2 CFD #2 912,095 64,974 0 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 2,579,025 95,728 0 POINSETTIA BTD #2 1,602,129 783,600 0 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 0 0 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 6,319,262 704,306 0 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 435,326 400,000 0 SEWER CONNECTION 9,194,556 1,741,859 1,180,000 SEWER REPLACEMENT 683,813 1,200,000 736,400 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 8,387 160,000 160,000 WATER CONNECTION 5,867,346 2,884,720 1,024,682 WATER REPLACEMENT 6,858,409 2,025,000 195,178 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 16,373 0 0 GAS TAX 9,021,101 1,700,000 250,000 11 OTHER 217,829 0 0 TOTAL 96,954,581 23,887,214 9,848,260 111 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 6-1 0 2003 - 2008 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2003 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 562,156 3,100,000 2,225,000 PUBLIC ART 45,576 55,000 100,000 GOLF COURSE 0 0 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 20,328,940 17,191,514 18,221,000 1 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 231,228 976,408 0 PIL AREA 1 NW 3,733,534 1,248,156 2,380,000 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,762,943 1,461 ,I 80 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 177,294 1,813,980 0 PIL AREA 4 SE 2,267,196 321,930 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 3,865,036 5,205,823 4,435,000 TRANSNET/LOCAL 67,804 8,500,000 8,500,000 TRANS N ET/H I G H WAY 114,893 0 0 TRANSNET/BIKE 25,701 0 0 TRANSN ET/STP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 0 0 COUNTY GRANTS 963,013 0 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 23,042,333 16,778,589 34,453,500 CFD #2 977,069 237,667 0 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 2,674,753 1,535,105 4,000,000 POlNSElTlA BTD #2 2,385,729 2,788,320 3,226,800 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 0 0 900,000 SDG&E 0 900,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 7,023,568 4,571,748 0 1 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 835,326 2,000,000 0 SEWER CONNECTION 9,756,415 10,536,318 16,585,896 1,147,413 6,000,000 3,007,000 SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER 8,387 800,000 800,000 WATER CONNECTION 7,727,384 2,854,376 8,928,428 WATER REPLACEMENT 8,688,231 10,125,000 2,538,272 1 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 16,373 0 0 GAS TAX 10,471,101 8,500,000 255,000 1 OTHER 217,829 0 0 TOTAL 110,993,536 107,501,113 110,555,896 10 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2008 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,437,156 4,000,000 4,225,000 PUBLIC ART 576 200,000 200,000 GOLF COURSE 0 0 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 19,299,454 18,789,121 38,082,500 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 1,207,635 542,364 1,750,000 PILAREA 1 NW 2,601,690 1,844,388 4,445,000 PIL AREA 2 NE 3,224,123 2,837,100 6,060,000 PIL AREA 3 SW 1,991,274 721,770 2,710,000 PIL AREA 4 SE 2,589,126 776,160 3,365,000 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 1,725,000 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 4,635,859 7,461,843 10,331,000 TRANSNET/LOCAL 67,804 2,000,000 2,000,000 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 114,893 0 0 TRANSNEnBlKE 25,701 0 0 TRANSNETETP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 0 0 COUNTY GRANTS 963,013 0 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 5,367,421 9,859,169 15,209,500 CFD #2 1,214,737 395,000 0 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 209,858 1,518,504 1,664,000 POINSETTIA BTD #2 1,947,249 1,233,460 2,774,000 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 0 0 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 11,595,316 8,732,558 19,225,000 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 2,835,326 10,000,000 6,100,000 SEWER CONNECTION 3,706,837 15,035,874 18,604,624 SEWER REPLACEMENT 4,140,413 21,700,000 7,864,800 1 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 8,387 3,031,000 3,031,000 WATER CONNECTION 1,653,332 868,276 0 WATER REPLACEMENT 16,274,959 29,730,000 0 4 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 16,373 0 0 GAS TAX 18,716,101 22,100,000 13,325,000 2 OTHER 21 7,829 0 0 TOTAL 107,938,752 165,101,588 160,966,424 11 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1998 TO BUILDOUT GRAND TOTALS ALL YEARS 1 BEGINNING TOTAL TOTAL FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 790,156 11,750,000 11,328,000 PUBLIC ART 145,576 255,000 400,000 GOLF COURSE 0 15,000,000 15,000,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 17,188,028 56,606,296 73,788,250 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 172,050 4,277,950 4,450,000 PILAREA 1 NW 2,567,278 4,258,800 6,825,000 PIL AREA 2 NE 863,303 5,197,920 6,060,000 PIL AREA 3 SW 956,084 4,544,960 5,498,000 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,590,996 1,774,290 3,365,000 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 1,725,000 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 2,569,571 18,643,131 19,446,000 TRANSNETILOCAL 987,804 24,890,000 25,810,000 TRANSNET/H IGHWAY 114,893 743,000 743,000 TRANSNET/BlKE 25,701 0 0 TRANSNETSTP 1,246,144 0 0 TDA 20,725 0 0 STATE GRANTS 16,097 1,900,000 1,900,000 COUNTY GRANTS 45,380 91 7,633 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 591,062 0 0 CFD #I 8,395,319 59,677,372 68,055,600 CFD #2 12,954,545 6,798,592 18,143,400 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 296,476 6,243,886 6,476,000 POINSETTIA BTD #2 2,630,186 6,377,323 8,600,800 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,282 5,821,600 5,821,600 SDG&E 0 1,600,000 1,600,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 4,520,199 16,007,675 19,425,000 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 218,326 20,150,000 13,633,000 SEWER CONNECTION 12,545,110 48,871,329 61,278,352 SEWER REPLACEMENT 6,858,309 33,700,000 22,582,696 1 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 888,387 5,151,000 6,031,000 WATER CONNECTION 4,053,603 22,183,002 23,714,996 WATER REPLACEMENT 4,298,078 52,080,000 10,373,119 41 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,566,373 0 1,550,000 GAS TAX 4,878,501 38,600,000 15,987,400 2 OTHER 217,829 1,280,000 1,280,000 TOTAL 94,214,372 477,025,758 459,166,213 11 " 5 111 99244: d ; $3na+an+ (I) 0) < (3 r- p s n n ZZ J =-z< msg 22z (I) ifzrn2g E> oogz 62 d& +4zo> ya-+< wz $2 &&$a EggpgIEZ gFz~g~~z~ :29?:::2G afsg$gg;; zg2Y$a2gs $4ssgss5s 22ZSZ2 2 d+$" <zz%w?2c 1wzm3so- ozn~~zZC z7zizo<<z aawgG88: z~n~ngz5 0 w J z + Q - &n-l=~r.~wolll mog++-w> agorn moz zzzggz z mm q N (D W N 2 P 8 ; s 0 0 B o! 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U v) (I) (3 0 F P gn t-$ 0 (0: z 2z668z aaF2:r;r;a mmmmmm 6 \ 0 0 Batiquitos Lagoon Fomdation PrescIve, Protect, and Enhance Past 0Ll;Ce Box 3 I03 1)- ---- Carbbad, Califinria 92009 28 April 1998 MayorimdCouncilMembers 1200 Carkbad ‘village ;Drive Carkbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: The Ba@&os Lagoon ~oundation has enjoyed working closely witb the City for rhe past fivc years to pmm& the wonders of Batiquims Lagoon. The Foundation has worked effectively 7 the my’s Enginhe Department dllring the Bariquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project, with PWg Departhlent regarding management of agricultural mitigation fees, and with the AR office to de +e lagoon more user fiimcily. our docents give tows far students of a ages, well as tourists, and executives staying at the Four Seasons Resort. Last year we sewed over SO00 visitors. We have achieved all this without asking fm any financial SUPPOH fiom the City We have successfully raised funds &om the California Coastal Conservancy, California State University San Marcos, corporate sponsors, our members, and our board of directors. Wa tl funds we have developed a lagoon mter plan, paid development fees, staged and equipped a visitor center, and are in the process of installing five new interpretive signs on the North Shorn Td Sadly there have been a couple of funding disappointments involving agriculrural mitie funds and legshtive member’s request for state budget funds. , Our grant Miters are always looking for new funding opportunities. A request for County Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) funds to staff and operate the Batiquitos Lagoon Visitor Center has been submitted. The TOT program will require us to keep the cemer open at least 1 days a week. Wit$ current funding, the Foundation cannot meet this requirement. Currently, stfig at the ceiter is strictly on a volunteer basis and contined to weekends and occasional week days. Rent and utilities on our Visitor Center takes the bulk of our monthly receipts. If tJ Foundation were fke of rhis rent responsibility, we could use the money IO pay for programs a staff to keep the center open enough io make the program eligible for TOT funds. We note with pride that the 1-5 Corridor Study stated that it was Carkbad’s three lagoons that make it unique. We also appear on your Chamber of Commerce brochures. As a volunteer organization we hve provided real service to the City. We would like to increase thar level of cliryofcarlsbad &Am;&! $b 0s &pd sa-+ de fi/d%f e;&‘ &*ddl M@ * \ 0 4 X- service, and to do so we need the Ciry’s help. We respectfully request that the City purchas trailer that houses our Visitor Center, Iease it back KO the Foundation for a nominal fee, and provide funding $0 cover utilities for a year. The asking pice on the trailer is approximately $18,000 accordhg to the lessor (Wii-Scattsman). Our annual utilities cost is approximai $2,000.00. We ban Ieverage the City’s $20,000 with TOT knds to assure that the City has I more jewel in its wetiand crown. The Board of Directors would welcome the opportunity KO meet with you and discuss this proposal and fir$ year proposals more fully at your convenience. Please feel free to contal af 431-5640 if you have any questions. =* Batiquitos Lagodn Seth Schulberg, President cc: Ray Patchett, City Manager I TO