HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-02; City Council; 14694; Agreement With Boys & Girls Club For CDBG FundsCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL 4B# /y to ci 4 TITLE: WTG. b-7. * %? APPROVAL OF 1997-98 SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD FOR DEPT. H/RED FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MGRW Adopt Resolution No. 9 6 - / 5 k to approve a Subrecipient Agreement with the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad for 1997-I 998 federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 1, 1997, the City Council selected the organisations to receive federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement funding for the 1997-98 program year. Prior to disbursing CDBG funding for the subrecipients, the City must complete the appropriate environmental reviews and execute a written agreement for the various approved project(s). A Subrecipient agreement with the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad has been prepared and is attached as Exhibit 2 for City Council review and approval at this time. The Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad will receive $11,000 in 1997-98 CDBG funds for the operation of the Teen Scene Program located at 3115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, California. As required by federal regulations, staff has completed the required environmental review documentation for the above CDBG funded project. Staff has determined that the grant for this project is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Section 58.34 (a)(4). The environmental review documentation for this project is on file in the Housing and Redevelopment Department. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact on the General Fund. The Boys & Girls Clubs Teen Scene Program will be funded through the CDBG program. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 3 b - / 5 b approving a Subrecipient Agreement with the Boys & Girls Club of Cartsbad for 1997-98 federal CDBG funds. 2. 1997-98 Subrecipient Agreement Between City & Boys & Girls Club of Cansbad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 98-158 A RESOLUTlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE BOYS BE GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD FOR 1997-98 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, on April 1, 1997, the City Council of the City of Carl&ad, California, selected the programs to receive funding under the City’s 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has considered the required subrecipient agreements for 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant funds; WHEREAS, the City has determined that these Community Development Block Grant funded activities are exempt from enviromnental review under 24 CFR Section 58.34 (a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby approves the 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant Subrecipient Agreement, on file in the City Clerk’s office, for the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad for the operation of the Teen Scene Program located at 3 115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, California 3. That the Mayor is authorized to sign the Community Development Block Grant Subrecipient Agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 2nd day of June , 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK AGREEMENT BETWEEN TI-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD FOR 1997-98 FEDERAL COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 2 WD JIjM E day of 1998, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD, a non-profit organization, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer day care, after-school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health care/immunization or self-improvement for lower income children living in Carlsbad WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these services for low and moderate income children with some assistance from the City; WHEREAS, the City has determined that the Teen Scene program offered by Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”); NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1997-98 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of eleven thousand dollars ($11,000) to the Subrecipient for operation of the Teen Scene program located at 3 115 Roosevelt Street, California for the period beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant, to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 1998. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. . - 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $11,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of. actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $11,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1997-98. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be’ limited to: 2 . t : i: e. f. h. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 1998. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. d. e. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic@, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of four (4) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for four (4) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the 3 - A Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $25,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998 and ending June 30, 1999 for any funds received in fiscal year 1998-99 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as afftrmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CTIANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its offtcers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. . - 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of SBAD, a non-profit organization, ATTEST: &&HA bkAdJTE@ktAlVZ, City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 EXIHIBT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Contract Term: Subrecipient Name: Address: SCOPE OF WORK July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD 3 115 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Provide the Teen Scene program, which provides positive alternatives, focused on young people between the ages of 13 and 16: Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. 2. 3. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBG funds will be used to fund costs associated with stafing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Community Development Block Grant funds will be used primarily to offset staffing costs associated with the Teen Scene program. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the speci#c services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/householtis to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) The primary objective of the Teen Scene Program is to provide an array of programs specifically targeted towards teens in the areas of education, socialization, athletics,arts anC crafts and recreation. The programs encourage the development of life skills in the areas of leadership, decision making, conflict resolution, tolerance and empowerment. Activities are directed by professionally trained staff who offer guidance and direction. Project objectives performance measures: Over 150 teens will be served. a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 . r’ t EXIHIBT “B” Contract Term: CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998 Subrecipient Name: Address: BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD 3 115 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Provide the Teen Scene program, which provides positive alternatives, focused on young people between the ages of 13 and 16. CATEGORY DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT Cash Receipts El7 Total CaSci Receipts 1 Cash Disbursements Total Cash Disbursements 1 EXCESS(DEFICIT) CASH RECEIPTS ] . 1 8 - - BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD Teen Scene Program for the fiscal year ending June 30,1998 INCOME Club Sponsored Income Membership Fees Other Total Club Sponsored Income Grants & Contributions United Way Donations Special Events Foundations/Grants Building Fund Other/Board Dues Total Grants & Contributions TOTAL INCOME 64625 EXPENSES Payroll & Benefits Administration Program Coordinators Part-time & Seasonal Payroll Tax Expense Life & Hospitalisation Workers’ Compensation Other Total Payroll & Benefits Operating Expenses Accounting Advertising Bank Charges pues to BCGA Other Dues & Supscriptions Insurance OffIce Supplies Outside Services Postage Printing Repairs & Maintenance Staff Training 35000 22625 0 0 64625 11798 8333 17221 3343 773 1109 0 42577 1050 600 150 900 75 5591 750 375 450 750 2500 200 Telephone 1000 Utilities 3300 Vehicle Expense 266 Program Supplies 3000 Miscellaneous Expense 300 Total Operating Expenses 21257 TOTAL EXPENSES 63834 NET INCOME 791 h - December 9, 1996 Ms Leilani Hines, CDBG Coordinator Housing and Redevelopment Department City of Carlsbad 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B Carlsbad. California 92008 Dear Ms. Hines, Please be advised that on November 20, 1996, the Board of Directors of the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad authorized the submittal of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding proposal for $20,000 to the City of Carlsbad for the purpose of continuing and expanding the Teen Scene Program. The program, which provides critical educational, social, artistic, athletic and recreational services to “at risk” teenagers, is available free of charge at the Village Branch which is located at 3115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, California. Primarily, the Teen Scene Program has served individuals from low income families that reside in Carlsbad. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at the Capital Bank of North&u/y e{ 434-0198. S$&rely, 1 Luke D. Matteson, President Board of Directors LDM: tjm BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD Administrative Office Post Office Box 913 Cartsbad, CA 92018 (619) 729-0207 FAX (619) 729-2279 La Costa Branch 7605 Centella Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 944-9211 FAX (619) 944-0150 Village Branch 3115 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92006 (619) 729-0956 Board of Directors Officers Luke Matteson President Ann J. Kulchin Vice- President Bob Grimes Vice-President Richard Macgurn Vice-President Steven K. Krogh. CFP Secretary & Chief Financial Officer Members Bruce Bandemer Tom Betz Ofelia Escobedo Bob Grimes John Haednch Tim Jochem Bruce Jordan, D.D.S.’ Steven K. Krogh, CFP Ann J. Kulchin Rett LeMoult Richard Macgurn Luke Matteson’ Greg Nelson* David Oas A. Sandy Parsons, Ph.D. Conrad B. Pawelski *Past President Executive Director Canan Cedola The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Curlsbad is to provide actioities and experiences that enrich the lioes of&l young people in our community. A United Way Agency 4 c December 9. 1996 Ms. Leilani Hines, CDBG Coordinator Housing and Redevelopment Department City of Carlsbad 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Hines, Please be advised that on November 20, 1996, the Board of Directors of the Boys Sr Girls Club of Carlsbad authorized me to negotiate any relevant documents and contractually obligate the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad regarding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding proposals with the City of Carlsbad. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at the Capital Bank of North County at (619) 434-0198. Sin& Luke D. Matteson, President Board of Directors LDM: tjm BOYS 81 GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD Administrative Office Post Office Box 913 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (619) 729-0207 FAX (619) 729-2279 La Costa Branch 7805 Centella Street Cartsbad. CA 92009 (619) 944-9211 FAX (619) 944-0150 Village Branch 3115 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 729-0956 Board of Directors Officers Luke Matteson President Ann J. Kulchin Vice-President Bob Grimes Vice-President Richard Macgurn Vice-President Steven K. Krogh, CFP Secretary & Chief Financial Officer Members Bruce Bandemer Tom Betz Ofelia Escobedo Bob Grimes John Haedrich Tim Jochem Bruce Jordan, D.D.S.’ Steven K. Krogh, CFP Ann J. Kulchin Rett LeMoult Richard Macgurn Luke Matteson’ Greg Nelson’ David Oas A. Sandy Parsons, Ph.D. Conrad B. Pawelski ‘Past President Executive Director Carman Cedola The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Curlsbad is to prouide activities and experiences that enrich the liues of all young people in our community. A Unlted Way Agency S-Ii@-1 998 1 : 07l+! FROM @PITAL BAN< NO CTY 619 A34 5921 - P. 1 BY-L&/S Revised April 16, 1979 The name of the corporation shall be Boys’ Club of Carlsbad, CaUfornia, Incorporated. This corporation is faaned solely ard exclusively for non-proflt purposes, and not for peaWary @n or profit, and no pecuniary gain or profit shall ever lrure frcxn its business to any &rector or member of this ccrslporation, arxl the earnings, If any, of this corporation, shall be used exclusively for the purposes for which this corporation is formed, as hereInbefore described. Nomemberofdlrector of this corporation shallhave any personal, proprietary, or beneficial interest in the property of this corporation, either during 33s corporate existence, or upon its dissolution, it being hereby expressly provided that aLl promy acquAred by the corpora- tion, real or personal, an3 all increments, interests, or earnings thereof, are and shall be devoted irrevocabljr, an3 in perpetuity dedicated exclusively to charitable purposes; ard in the event of the liquidation, dissolution, or abarxivnt of tMs corporation, aU property in the possession of this corporation or the proceeds of the sale of arly such property shall be transferred, assigned, or set over to a corporation -2~33 an3 operated solely for ctiftable purposes whose articles of incorparation sl@J. include a dedication sWUar to that which Is herein pzwlded; such transfer, asslgn- ment, or setting over to be made by a 2/3 vote of the individuals who are the members of the last Board OZ Directors of tHs corporrttion. Any adult person of gpod mon3.l character in sympathy with the work of the Club, who Is approved by the Board of Directors, may becane a me&er of the CarporWdon. In the b&rmlng, the membership .of the CorpoPation shall consist of those persons who signed the Articles of Incorporation. At the first meeting of the Corporation and at any meeting thereafter, ,the Boerd of Directors may elect addltlonal mezubers by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Board of Directors present ard voting. Any member may be removed fPaa membership on recunner&tion of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds vote of the members tresent and v&ix at am special meeting or anwal meeting. 6-08-l 998 1 : 08PM FROMXAPITAL BANK No CTY 619 434 591! . n 9 . 1.’ Byxa.ws, Page 1. BCARDOFDIHEcllclRs -The or&zation shallbe governedby aBoard of DIrectore+ which s&U. consist of twenty-five (25) members. 2. In the case of alrly VACANCY ABBE THE DIRETIQRS t&cugh death, resmtlon, dLsqualiF;lcation or other cause, the remaWIng Directors by a majority vote the-f at any regular meeting, may elect a successor. 3. A member of the Board of Directors may be removed by a decision of two-thirds (2/3) oftheBoardofDlrectors when intheirjudgemerrtthe member has had consLstent absenteeism from Directors meetings, is guilty of lrmroral conduct, or by his actions has brought discredit to the Boys1 Club, or has ccmitted corporate waste. 4. TheBoardofDlrectorsshallemployan-DIRECIOR or manager who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board, ti for such cmpensation as the Baard may detennlne. Such executive director or w shall have, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, entire charge of the club work, including the power of employing anti dLscharging his assistants and teachers. 1. The officers of the corporation shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary an3 the Treasurer. 2. The officers -1 be elected at the last regular meeting of the fiscal year by the Board of Directors and shall be Installed at the next regular-meet& They shall hold office for the term of until their successor has been elected. 3. Vacancies occurring among the officers may be filled vote of the Wers of the Board of Directors present at llW%iXlg. oneyearcx c 1. The annual meeting of the membersblp of this organizatlon for the ,transaction of such business as may 1egaUy ccme before it shall be held on the 4th Mor&y in July, at 12:00 noon at the Boys' Club, Carl&ad, CaUfornia, or at w other place as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Specialmeetings ofthemembershipmaybecalledbythe President of not less than 13 members of the Board of Directors upon written notice mailed to each mgnber at Ns address given on the records of the organization at least five days prior to the day of said meeting. Y P. 2 / 6-08-l 998 1 : 09PM FROM-CAPITAL BANK NO CTY 619 A34 5921 P. 3 . \’ :.* -N *_ . . I . . By-Iaws, Page 3 Article VI, Meetl.ngs/contlnued 2. Meetings of the Board of Directors: the regular meeting of the Board ofDirectors shallbeheld onthe 4thMorxIay ofeachcalendar month at 12:OO noon at the Boys' Club, Carl&ad, CaMfornia, or at such hour an3 place as may be desigMted by the President; wrltten notice of such other hour arid place shall be given to the Directors atleasttwo days prlca, to theday'of saidmeet-. 3. The President, or a majority of the Dlrectars may caU. special meet- ofthe Board of Dlrectorsatanytime. Notice of such meetings shall be malled to each of the Directors at the address appear- upon the records of the corporaMon at least 48 hours pri& to said meeting. Whenever all theDirectors arepresentatany Directors~meeting,ard signawrltten consent thereto on the records of such meeting, or, if a majority of the Directors arepresent, and if those not present signlnwritingawaiver of notice of such meeting, whether priar to or after the holdlng of such meeting, which said waiver shall be flied with the Secretary of the Corpora- tion, the transactiansthereofareasvalidasifhadameeting been regalarly called and noticed. 4. At all meetings of the Eoard of Directors, whether regular or special, a majority of the D3rectoz-s shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but if at any meeting less than a quorum be present, a ma,jor- i'cy of thosepresentmayadjourntheme&lng fkmtlmetotlme. 5. All meetings will be conducted under the Roberts Rules of order. 1. TheMof Directars shallhavecanpletepower,managementti control of all the affairs arxi activities of the Corporation. 2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to be caused to be keptac~leterecordofallminaztes andacts oftheCorporatXonand to designate the duties of the executive director or manager, 3. ~~~OfDirectorss~prepareard~~t~t~~ers~ at the annual meeting a detailed statesnent of assets and llabilitles of the Corporatlonandanaudited statement of the operating expenditures far the fiscal year. 4. TheBoardofMrectca?sshdllhavefullpower~the~ofthe organlzationto borrowmoney as the gen~~J. interestofthe Corporation may require and to Issue notes or other evid&ces of'obligations so lncurredarrltotirtgage its prgpertyto securepaymentofany such obl+tions. 5. 'Ihe Board ofDlrect*s shallhave full authorlty in the LUTE of this corporation to acqutie by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise, real and per?sonal property a& to hold, manage, control, sell., dispose of the same In f'u&herance of the interest and obJects of the Corporation. 6-S.8- 1998 1 : 09PM FRCIM-CIAP I TAL BANK No CTY 619 434 5911 at P. A Article VII, Board of Direotors/contlnu~ 6. -Board of Illrectors shalIhsve f~lauthoritytodo a~zytiall othe things which they deem necessary or desirable for the general papase for M&h W mzation is established. 1. President It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings Directors. b. It shall be his duty to, at all times, act as the representative head of the or@nizMon. c. He shall sign aa President all papers, contracts, or lnstwnents of writing appoved by the Eoard of DLrectors. d. He shaUcalltheBoard ofDirectorstogetherwheneverhed.eans it necessary or desirable and, subject to the advice of the Board of Directors, shall have direction df the aff'alrs of the corporation and shall generally discharge such other duties as may be required of h%m by these by-laws. The President shall have the power to appoint cmttees subject to t& approval of the Bard of Dfrectors and shall be an exofficio member of all. such carmittees so appointed. 2. Vice-Presiderrt a. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to perform the dutles of the President Zn case of Ms absence or inabiUty to act. 3. T!rwurer a. It shall be the duty of the trwsurer to receive a& have the custody of all money, bm, notes and other ~UIY~S and securities of the corporatloll. He shallkeepanaccountof'the sameand shall pay such bills as are approved by the President ard the Executive Director aM authorized by the M of Directors. Check drawn on corporation fur& shall be signed by any one of the following three officers: President, Vice-President, ti Secretary with the signature of the Treasurer. He shall rerrler a canplete accounting of all receipts and disbursements ti deposit all f"uMs In a baring institution authtxized by the Board ofDIrectors. b. HenPlstrerderaflnancial statementateachregularmeetingof theBxm3ofDirectors. . Thebooks arrlrecords oftheT!reasurer shallbeaudi.tedarmuaUy by G Accountant selected by the Bard of Mrectors. 4. secretary a. It shall be the duties of the Secretary to issue notices of meetings of the corporatlonandBoasd of Directors; notify lndlvlduals elected to offlce, the corporation tid board; keep complete records of meetings of the corporationardthe Board; act as custodianofallrecords of the corporatlon and baard; and perform other duties incidental to his office. 6-08- 1998 1 : 10pM FROM-CAPITAL BANK No CTY 619 634 59w _' :m g? " . . . The coqoratlon shall have a seal consisting of a circle having on it the worda rrEoysp Club of Carlsbad,. California, Incorporated, 1953”. ARrImx ' AMENcMENIls To THE ARITCLES OF .INCSRFORATION Arg amedment to the Articles of IncorpoGationmay be propo3ed in writing atanyregdarmeetlngofthe BardofDirectora tia copy of such proposed amerdment shall be sent to each member of the Boardardmaybeactedupon atanyrqgdarorcalledmeetingone week cr more subsequent. Atwcdhlrdsvotetillberequired for any anmdment to the Articles of Incorporation. ARrIcLExI t P. 5 The by-laws may be ameded or new by-laws adopted at any regular or spedaJ.meetIngofthe Boardof Directorsbya two-thirds vote. * ,’ 6-08-1998 1 : 18pM FROb’-?APITAL BANK NO CTY 619 A34 5-l P. 6 : . ‘* ,, L -^ :+f - t .7 p l -. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CAFESBAD Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting J&16, ,l997 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Beth, &man Cedoia, tie1 Dewhurst, OfE fsc\obedo, Bob Grimes, John Haedrich, Tim Jochem. Steve Krogh, Martha taw&Wards, Luke Matteson, Baiiey Noble, Mike Ripley, and Gordon Schmidt. STAfF MEMBERS PRESENT: Tammy Marine and Denise Lamb The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Luke Mat&on at 7ACl a.m. at the Vii Branch of the Boys & Girls Club of Carisbad. Immediately foIlowing, &he minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors on June 18, 1997 were then unanimously approved. MANAGEMENTREPOIW Luke Matteson revieu& ‘the finandai statement for the twelve months ended Jurre 30. 1997 which reflected a cumulative net profit of $12.986.50 largely due to success in the area of grants and foundations. Operating expenses remain fairly consistent with the budgeted forecast Payroll and benefits were under budget by $20,000 due to the unexpected absence of an Executive Director for three months. Fundraising continues to be under budget with only $88,477 collected towards the projected goal of $122,000. Matteson a&o gave an update on th;search for a new Executiw Director. The Search Committee, comprised of Luke Mat&son, Jeff Kasschau, Bob Grimes and Carman Cedoh wiIl continue with the final interviewing and hope to have a recommendatian by the end of the month. As soon as a fin&t is selected, an Open House will be scheduled to $ve the Board the opportunity to give feedback before a final selection is made. Denise Lamb, Program Coordinator of the Village Branch, gave an ovexview of the w and activities taking place at the Branch. Summer session is in fulI swing with daiIy attendance averaging 70 children per day. Special activities taking place intlude the newly implemented &am-to-swim program which has been running at full capacity and a golf clinic scheduied to take place for three weeks in July with Golf Professional Eke Snider. BOARDDEVELOPMENT: The election of the officers of ihe Board of Directors for 1997-1998 was held A motion was made and unanimously approved to elect the following: Luke Matteson, President Jeff Kasschau, Vice President. Richard Macgum. Vi Resident. &b Grimes, Vice President. Steven Kmgh. vice Resident. 4atteson again. discussed the new structure of the Board of Dire&xx which entail the formation of the following four basic ~onunit&ees: I Fundraising Committue n Program and Volunteer Staff Committee m Grants and Foundations Committee m Building and FaciWs Committee ach Board Member will be required to skive on at least one of these committees. It was noted that participation on the committees ,ill not be limited to the Board of Directors but will be open to other volunteers as well. Matteson will be contactin each Board June IO,1998 Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad Luke D. Matteson, President Board of Directors PO Box 913 Carlsbad, CA 92018 RE: 1997-98 C.D.B.G. SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT On June 2,1998 the Carlsbad City Council discussed Agenda Bill No. 14,694, and adopted Resolution No. 98-158, which approved a Subrecipient Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Funds with the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad. Enclosed for your records are copies of the Agenda Bill and Resolution, and also a copy of the signed agreement. Additionally, Mr. Matteson, I would like to thank you for your speedy response to my request for a document showing your authority to “bind” the Boys and Girls Club with the above referenced agreement. KATHLEEN D. SHOUP Sr. Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (760) 434-2808