HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-09; City Council; 14711; Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. . . !a P k 4 . . p 2 1 Y ii - - CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~JA BILL AB# /“r, 7 // TITLE: DEPT. HD. MT& 6.-f- fg CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 319 1998 CITY AI-W. DEPT. ED I CITYMGR %? RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept the Report ITEM EXPLANATION: On October 21, 1997, the City Council authorized the Mayor to execute a two (2) year agreement with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CCVB) for community promotion purposes. The contract is for the period November 1, 1997 and will run through October 31, 1999, unless funds for the second year are not appropriated in the 1998-1999 budget. Total fees payable to CCVB for the first year shall not exceed $235,000, and $243.000 for the second year. Services CCVB will provide to the City, and that are specified in the contract, are as follows: A. Manage and coordinate a marketing program that positions Carlsbad as a prime destination in Southern California B. Generate awareness of Carlsbad in those geographic regions of the United States which provide the largest number of visitors to Carlsbad each year. C. Operate the Visitor’s Information Center. D. Provide familiarization tours/travel writer program. E. Promote local community events, including the San Diego Marathon, the Carlsbad 5000, the Carlsbad Triathlon, the La Costa Golf event, and the Toshiba Tennis Classic. F. Develop private funding for advertising co-op programs, central reservations fees, and other participatory fees to support a full-time, aggressive tourism marketing program. G. Establish a corporate/group sales incentive program. Each quarter, CCVB is required to provide the City Council with a report of its activity and expenses. CCVB has submitted their latest report summarizing their activities for the period November I, 1997 through Jan 31, 1998 (EXHIBIT 1). CCVB Report Highlights: 1. The number of visitors served at the Carlsbad Visitor’s Information Bureau offices was up over 23% ( 6791 to 8395) from the same period last year. 2. The number of telephone inquiries were up slightly over 6% (6257 to 6661) from the same period last year. 3. The number of internet inquiries (e-mail inquiries for hotels, meetings, conventions, etc.. .) was 64, and represents a new method for CCVB to respond to potential visitors. 4. The average number of times the CCVB internet homepage was accessed by the public, was 16,000 (hits) per week or an estimated 200,000 hits for the 3 month period. 5. CCVB recently implemented a volunteer program that provided an additional 144 hours of service during the period. - . PAGE 2 OF AGENDA c3lLL NO. j”/, 3/f CCVB received a commitment of $6000 from the Solana Beach City Council for their regional marketing program. FISCAL IMPACT: The City’s Agreement with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau established $235,000 as the total amount of funding for the twelve (12) month period from November 1, 1997 to October 31, 1998. The contract includes $114,000 for operation of the Visitor’s Center, and $121,000 for programs. Payments from the City during this period totaled $72,959. The CCVB also raised an additional $13,583 from other sources that include local hotels ($3,099), regional partners ($8,000) and miscellaneous promotions and sales ($2,484). Expenditures for the period totaled $75,424. Visitor Center operations totaled $28,500 or 38% of the expenditures. The remaining expenditures ($44,459) were for programs. Print advertising (magazines/brochures) was the largest single outlay in this category totaling $27,744 or 62%. Expenditures for participation in trade shows totaled $11,096, followed by the travel writer program ($4,104) and promotion of community events ($3,980). EXHIBITS: 1. Report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for the period of November 1,1997 through January 31,1998, dated February 26,1998. . February 26,1998 Cynthia Hass Economic Development City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad CA 92009 Dear Cynthia: Attached is the financial report and a synopsis of major activities of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau for the period November 1,1997 - January 31,199s. If you have any questions, please call me. Please notify us when this will be placed on the Council Agenda so we can be present to answer questions. Enclosure Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 l Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 (760) 434-6093 l Fax (760) 434-6056 www.carlsbadca.org City of Cadsbad County of San Diego Regional Partners Hotel Co-op Marketing Partnership Depot Sales Misc. Promotions TOW Cat&bad Convention & Visitors Bureau Accounting of Funds For the Quarter Ended Jan 31,1998 For the Quarter ContmttoDate 8 72,959.20 $ 72,959.20 8,000 8,000 3,099.05 3,099.05 936.29 936.29 787.85 787.85 760.00 760.00 $ 86,542.39 $ 86,542.39 Visitor Cemter Opefaths Personnel: Management Staff Salaries Benefits Payroll Taxes For the Quarter S 2,750 13,840 775 5,268 Total Personnel s 22,633 $ 22,633 Overhead: UCliities Cutside Services Maint/Rental Equipment Allocation Oftice Supplies Postage Travel insurance Conferences Memberships Telephone items for Resale Misc. Fees 489 489 715 715 228 228 738 738 1,110 1,110 52 52 334 334 1,012 1,012 450 450 369 369 231 231 139 139 Total Overhead S 5,867 $ 5,867 Equipment Purdwes: Items Cost Total Equipment Total Visitor Center Operations: $ 28,500 $ 28,500 $ 2,750 13,840 775 5,268 E:\ConVis\Financial Reports\CIuarteriy RepoMConvis Accounting of Funds Jan31-1998 4 Travel Writer Program: Management Allocation Meals Equipment Allocation Fees Telephone/Postage Subtotal Community Events: Management Allocation Equipment Allocation Advertising Other [kit] Subtotal Trade Shows: Management Allocation Booth Fees Travel Costs Supplies/Materials Subtotal Advertising: Management Allocation Equipment Allocation Ads Production Costs Telephone/Postage Other Subtotal Brochures: Management Allocation Equipment Allocation Design 81 Printing Subtotal Vieo: Management Allocation Production Costs Subtotal Marketing Partnership Subtotal Total Program Expendiires: Total Period Expendires: Program Expenditures Accounting of Funds For the Quarter Ended Jan 31,1998 TOTAL EXPENSES For the Quarter Contractto0ate $ 1,500 4 s 1,500 4 2,500 100 $ $ 3,500 480 2,500 100 4,104 s 4,104 $ 3,500 480 $ 3,960 S 3,980 s 1,550 $ 1,550 9,546 9,546 s 11,098 s 11,098 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 9,701 9,701 1,083 1,083 500 500 s 15,284 S 15,284 s 4,400 $ 4,400 8,080 8,080 s 12,480 S 12,480 5 46,924 $ 46,924 S 75,424 $ 75,424 E:\ConVi~inancial Reports\Quarterty RepotiConvts Accounting of Funds Jan31 -1998 Visitor Information Summary Attached is the summary for the current reporting period and for the same period in 1997. The number of people stopping in at the Visitor Information Center is substantially less than would stop in if parking were available. For the past 22 months, people riding the Coaster completely fill our parking lot by 7:00 a.m. All day long we watch tourists drive into our parking lot and continue on, without ever coming in, because they cannot find a place to park. This 25 month situation could be easily remedied by designating a half dozen spaces as 20-minute spaces or 2-hour spaces. Visitor Information Summary November 1,1997 to January 3 1,1998 CA resident visitor Out of CA visitor Foreign visitors Total for month November 2,718 December 2,784 January 1,333 1,387 3 month totals 4,112 3,847 Above figures represent one member of family and/or group. 173 2,893 436 8,395 November December JauarY Totals Phone inquires 2,207 2,082 2,372 6,66 1 Mail outs 2,795 Travel agent mail outs 221 166 320 707 ‘.. :... : ., i..t:y 1 .’ ‘. .‘,, : .’ :,:, : .’ i. ( c_ Visitor Inforn~ation Swnmary November I, 1996 - January 3 I, 1997 - CA resident visitors out of CA visitors Foreign visitors Total for 111011tl1 November 1.157 945 125 2,227 Ikccrnber 1,169 821 I56 2,146 January 3 lnolllh totals 6,791 r$ Al~ovc figures rcprcscnt one member of family and/or group. November December i~lwiic iiiquiries ..c;> : ;,, , 2,096 1,839 2,322 6,257 , Mail outs 3,164 --____. ‘I’rwcl agctit inail ouls I05 I I5 1~10 330 __._ Programs to Attract Groups During this three month period we advertised in several publications aimed specifically at the travel professionals including group tour organizers and meeting planners. These were: California Travel Planner’s Guide (annual book) San Diego Travel Planner’s Guide (annual book) Travel Industry Directory (annual directory) World Travel Guide (annual book) Western Association News (Nov issue) Corporate Meetings & Incentives (Jan issue) Group Tour Magazine (Spring issue) Steve Link and Diana Aaron were members of San Diego’s Superbowl Host Committee. On January 13, the ConVis hosted a workshop at the Olympic Resort for the hospitality industry. Representatives from hotels from as far away as Mission Valley attended. Through our Internet web page and in response to our advertisements, we provided viable leads to hotels for meetings and conventions totaling more than 10,130 people, requesting 1,108 room nights. Most people were requesting meeting spaces. Names are available upon request. These are in addition to the individuals who inquired in response to our advertising programs. Volunteer Program ConVis has now implemented a volunteer program. We are continually looking for and recruiting new volunteers. The following chart illustrates volunteer hours worked. VOLUNTEER HOURS WORKED f997-98 Carhbad Convention and Visitors Bureau NAME NOV. DEC. JAN. ‘98 Ursula Belitz 4 20 12 Cathy Belt 0 12 26.5 Morris Hayes 9 8 6 Lucy Henson 6 Kay Karins 14.5 10.5 12.5 Kelsie Mdvliren 3 MONTHLY TOTAL= 36.5 50.5 57 ACTMTIES November-January Steve Link and Diana Aaron were members of San Diego’s November 2 November 4 November II November I2 November I2 November 14 November 16 November 18 November 18 Superbowl Host Committee plus two sub-committees from November through January. They attended more than 20 Superbowl meetings in San Diego. Office used by Village Street Faire. ConVis staff worked prior to this to promote, answer questions, and assist in coordinating volunteers. Steve Link gave a tour of San Diego to some of the delegation from Karlovy Vary. Members of the German Film Fest Committee met to plan the event, April 3-5&. Met with Envision Magazine to discuss the Carlsbad section. The ConVis held its second Hoster, a community information/ social event at Seapointe Resort. The staff briefed the 65 people attending on our marketing programs. The resort provided the room, four restaurants provided food and a dozen hotels and restaurants provided door prizes valued at more than $1,000. Diana Aaron met with Jeri Mares from The Meeting Manager, a destination management company to help bring groups to Carlsbad. The San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp. hosted a golf tournament on Sunday morning for 145 players, representing some of America’s leading corporations. Each city in the county was assigned a hole and asked to have volunteers present at 5:30 a.m., to tout their city’s economic potential to each foursome. Carlsbad’s only volunteer was Diana Aaron. Members of the German Film Fest Committee met to plan their event. Norine Sigafoose appeared before the Solana Beach City Council and received a commitment of $6,000 for our Regional Marketing program. ln November I9 November 19 November 20 December December December 8 Steve Link and the ConVis were featured in an article in the North County Times. December I6 Assisted with photo and article on Steve Link for the German newspaper Neue Presse. December 16 South Carlsbad Office Committee met and evaluated other office options. December 17 The Board of Directors met. December 20 KSNE-FM 106.5, the #1 radio station with adults in Las Vegas, asked to repeat the Carlsbad Getaway Promotion in January and February. This past fall, Diana Aaron worked with them on the Carlsbad promotion. They held a contest in October with the winners receiving free airline tickets from Southwest Airlines, two nights at the Carlsbad Inn, and tickets to the San Diego Zoo. The announcements aired 4 1 times. The airings had a value of $6,150. Besides January and February, the promotion will be repeated periodically in the future. The Hotel/Motel Committee meeting on November 19th was hosted by the Olympic Resort. The speaker was Lyn Flanagan who talked about the San Diego Marathon Weekend, January 17- 18, 1998. The Board of Directors met. Staff assisted a travel writer who was writing an article for the January issue of Corporate Meetings and Incentives. Carlsbad participated in the Holiday Bowl promotion, December 29*. We were listed in their literature as well as on their Internet Web Site. The American Airlines Reservation Center in Tucson, solicited prizes to award top employees at their Christmas party. Ramada Inn Suites donated a gift certificate for two nights’ lodging. December 27 The Vancouver Sun (British Columbia) published a feature article about Carlsbad. December-January Diana Aaron is working with the other bureaus in the county to put on an informative interesting program for the international travel professionals attending California Travel Mart, March 22-25. The group is meeting 2-3 times per month. , January 6 January 6 thru 1 I January 7 January 10 January 12 January 15 January 15 January IS Januav 16 January I6 to I8 January 19 January 21 January 27 - 28 January 31 Steve Link was interviewed by KDCI News regarding the impact of the Superbowl on Carlsbad’s economy. Supported the Mercedes Golf Championship at La Costa Resort and Spa by distributing brochures and answering questions. Members of the Marketing Committee met to evaluate the marketing programs. Organized Las Vegas radio promo on KSNE-FM 106.5. Complimentary hotel accommodations were provided by Inns of America and dinner at Raintree Restaurant. The radio spots had a value of $6,150. Met with Vicki Niemi from Event Corps International a destination management company, to promote groups coming to Carlsbad. ConVis hosted a Superbowl workshop at the Olympic Resort for members of the hospitality industry. Sixty-four people attended. Staff assisted a writer who is publishing a book on great places to retire. The Hotel/Motel Committee met at the Raintree Restaurant. The speaker, Tom Johnson of Hi Tech, demonstrated how cities have produced CD-ROMs as a promotional tool, The luncheon was hosted by Inns of America and Raintree Restaurant. Diana Aaron gave two representatives of the California Division of Tourism, visiting Carlsbad, an orientation tour of Carlsbad’s tourist attractions and facilities. ConVis staff and volunteers manned an information booth at the San Diego Marathon. Staff assisted a writer doing an article on places to hold meetings and conventions. Staff also provided a press kit to a writer preparing an article for a Belgium publication. The Board of Directors met. Steve Link and Diana Aaron attended the California Conference on Tourism in Sacramento. Steve Link manned a booth at the Orange County Trade Show with Beth Webster from Carlsbad IM Beach Resort. INQUIRIES - 1997398 ADVERTISERS Nov. 97 Dec. 97 Jan. 98 SD Visitor Guide 6 13 16 Sunset Magazine 100 48 Travel Agent Magazine 40 10 9 Travel 50 Beyond 22 23 14 Western Association News 14 3