HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-23; City Council; 14733; APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WIDENING OF PAR, WESTERLY OF EL CAMINO REAL, AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS, AND APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF ACCESS ROAD COSTS, PROJECT NO 3286_1 TITLE: APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WIDENING OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, WESTERLY OF TG. 6/23/98 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. '3 8 -200 approving plans and specifications, prepared by Consultants Inc./Consoer Townsend Envirodyne Engineers (P&D/CTE), for the widening of Pi Airport Road from El Camino Real westerly along the County Airport frontage and the additio access road to the County Animal Shelter, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids construction of these improvements, and approving an agreement with the County of San Dil reimbursement of the costs for the access road. ITEM EXPLANATION: The design for the widening of Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real westerly alo County Airport frontage, as previously authorized by the City Council, has been complete( project includes the addition of an access road to the County Animal Shelter on the south Palomar Airport Road that will be paid for by San Diego County. The San Diego Gas & Electric Company is completing their conversion from overhc underground circuits along the project frontage at this time. This construction should be GO in late July or early August '1 998, before the City's contractor will start work. An agreement entered into with the County of San Diego on August 22, 1989 required the to contribute annually to a fund for the construction of the improvements along Palomar Road. The current fund balance is $1,830,000. The agreement specifies that the Cou continue to contribute annually until the total sum of $2,350,000 has been contributed. In addition, the proposed agreement (shown as Exhibit 3) with the County requires them to the proposed access road to the County Animal Shelter, which the County recently reque added to the plans. The County staff has approved this proposed agreement. The final 2 will be accomplished by the County Board of Supervisors in approximately three weeks. Q, w 5 3 a fb The Engineer's Estimate to complete this project is $2.28 million. A revised estimate of the construction will be available after the bids are opened. Total appropriations will be adjL necessary at a later date. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the plans and specifications as we' proposed agreement, shown as Exhibit 3, with the County for payment of the proposed acc to the County Animal Shelter. I ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: z 0 F 2 1 z 3 0 0 G The potential environmental impacts of the project have been reviewed consistent with C Mitigated Negative Declaration EIA 91-14 for this project was issued by the Planning Dil December 5, 1991. A Notice of Determination was filed on December 26, 1991. Staff revit Mitigated Negative Declaration EIA 91-14 shows that there have been no changes to tht the site or to the circumstances considered in the original Mitigated Negative Declaration tt require subsequent or supplemental environmental review including the modifications to th access road which are within the study area and scope of the original environmental a Therefore, this project is in prior compliance with Mitigated Negative Declaration EIA 91-11 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. Qk= 0 FISCAL IMPACT! In addition to the $1,830,000 in San Diego County funds, the City has obtained $125,000 in funds to construct the sidewalks and bike lanes. Sufficient local funds have also been appropl to complete this project and will be ‘‘loaned’’ as needed to keep the project on schedule un balance of the County funds are received. EXHIBITS: I. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 9 8 * gooapproving plans and specifications, authorizing the City C invite bids for the construction of widening Palornar Airport Road West, and approv agreement with the County of San Diego. 3. Agreement with the County of San Diego. E, LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PALOMAR AIR 0 0 EXHIBIT i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I1 RESOLUTION NO. 98-200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST, PROJECT NO. 3286, AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT THE COSTS FOR THE ACCESS ROAD. WITH THE COUNTV OF SAN DIEGO FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed, analyz considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration EIA 91-14 for this project that was is2 December 5, 1991 ; and WHEREAS, based on the EIA Part II, comments thereon, and that there have n any changes to the project, the site or to the circumstances considered in the original N Negative Declaration that would require subsequent or supplemental environmental including the modifications to the County access road which are within the study area an1 of the original environmental approval, the City Council finds that there is no SUI evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find that the project is in prior compliz Negative Declaration EIA 91-14; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Negative Declaration EIA 91-14 w1 prepared and published reflects the independent judgment of the City Council of th Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously appropriated this project; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the construction of Palomar Airport Rc Project No. 3286, have been prepared and are on file in the Engineering Department ( of Carlsbad and are incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the City has on deposit County of San Diego funds in the E $1,830,000 and that sufficient additional funds are currently available to complete this p WHEREAS, the County of San Diego has agreed to reimburse the City for the r access road to the Animal Shelter including the cost of construction and inspectic estimated at $91,000; e 0 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C, 2 California, as follows: 3 4. That the above recitations are true and correct. 4 2. That plans and specifications as presented are hereby approved. 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and dir proceed to publish, in accordance with law, Notice to Contractors inviting bids for the con: of the widening of Patomar Airport Road West, Project 3286, in accordance with the p specifications hereinabove referred to. 5 6 7 8 4. That the reimbursement agreement with the County of San Diego 9 construction of the access road to the Animal Shelter, included in the plans and spec 10 agreement. ,2 approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to exel 11 hereinabove referred to as Project No. 3286, as described in the attached agreement 13 5. Following the Mayor's signature of the agreement, the City Clerk authorized and directed to forward copies of said agreement to Timothy A. Walsh, Deputy Director - Aviation, County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, 5555 Ave., San Diego, CA 92123-1295, and to the Engineering Department Planning ar Section for their files. 14 15 16 17 18 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Ci 19 held on the 23rd day of June , 1998 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall 20 NOES: None 21 22 ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin 23 24 25 26 ATTEST: 27 A - 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) P @ June 26,1998 Timothy A. Walsh. Assistant Deputy Dir. - Aviation Department of Public Works county of San Diegd 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego. CA 92123-1295 RE: REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMEW , ' PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WiDENlNG - PROJECT NQ. 3286 ' Enclosed for your reference are copies of Council Agenda Bill No. 14,733 and' Resolution No. 98-200. These documents went before the Carlsbad City Council on June 16,1998, when they were adopted. Also enclosed a@ &J original reimbufsement agreements, signed by the Mayor of Carlsbad, lacking only the County Ofticial's signam=. Please. return one of the originals to thk office for our files when you have cornpletec the signature process. If you have questions regarding the project, or the rehbursernent agreement, pleas' call our Engineering.Consultant, Mr. Galen Peterson, at (619) 487-7000. KATHLEEN D. SHOUP Sr. Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, Californiel 92008-1 989 - (760) 434-: e 0 Exhibit 3 .~ .. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION OF ACCESS RQAD TO AN"- FACILITY INCLUDED IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 3286 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 25 day of June ,1998, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAO, a municipal corporatiim, hereinafter referred to as 'CITY ad fie COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal cwporation, hereinafter referred to as "COUNW, in view of the fobwing purposes: A. CITY enters into this agreement with COUNTY for the reimbursement of the construction and inspection costs by the CITY for the access road to the County Animal Contra Facility as shown on the plans and specifications prepared by P & D/CTE. These plans are title( "Plans for the Improvement of Palomar Airport Road from 556 feet West of Yam Drive to 622 fee West of El Camioo ReaF consisting of 29 sheets. B. The access road to the County Animal Control Facility was designed by P & D/CTI according to County requirements and will be constructed on County property. IT IS, THEREFORE. AGREED: 1. CITY agrees to enter into a separate agreement with a construction contractor 1 accomplish construction of the access road to the County Animal Control Facility pursuant to the plar and specifications which COUNTY has previously approved. 2. COUNTY agrees to reimburse CITY for costs asociated with COUNTY work which presently estimated at $81,836 for consbuction and $9,164 for inspectionhesting. The amount ' construction will be updated after construction bids are received and again after construction complete. 3. COUNTY will deposit $91,000. adjusted after bids and construction is complete, H CITY within thirty (30) days of notice fnrm CITY to do so. If the actual construction cost p inspectian exceeds $1 15.000. the County may terminate this agreement and the Civ may delete t work from the contract. 4. COUNTY will have the right to audit costs paid by CilY for these construction i inspection setvices. 1 0 e Exhibit : .. I. 5. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of, andl the obligations created hereby shal be binding upon, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 6. The invalidity or illegality of any provision of thk agreement shall not be deemed I affect the validity or legality of any other provision of the agreement. 7. This agreement and any amendments hereto shall be governed by and construe and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 8. This agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties wi respect to the transactions contemplated hereby, and supersedes alt prior agreements, arrangement and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof. 9. This agreement may be amended, modified, supersecled or canceled. and any of tl terms, covenants or conditions hereof may be waived, only by a written instrument executed by tl parties hereto or in case of a waiver. by the party waMng compliance. 10. This agreement does not amend. modify. supersede or replace the previa Memorandum of Agreement for funding and construction of street improvements on El Camino Rc and Paiomar Airport Road, dated August 22. 1989 between the CITY and COUNTY for t reimbursement of costs paid by the CJIY for the improvements to Palomar Airport Road as shown the plans stated in paragraph A, subsection (1) above, nor the ‘Reimbursement Agreement for engineering design services for Palomar Airport Road Improvements, Project No. 3286” da December 16,1997. ttl 111 111 Ill 111 Ill Ill ill 111 flI 2 ,- 0 e Exhibit I I. CITY will hold the COUNTY harmless from any liability of any kind resulting from fi work to be performed pursuant to this Reimbursement Agreement and shall pay all costs of defense 1 any dahs or lawsuits, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from the work. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation of the State of California By: Typed Name: Tie: Mavor Title: AITEST: /-"\ 3