HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-23; City Council; 14734; Carlsbad Skate Park At Safety Center ComplexCh f OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA dLL 4B# /9 3,?4 TITLE- . AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MTG. 6/23/98 CARLSBAD SKATE PARK LOCATED AT THE I SAFETY CENTER COMPLEX DEPT. ENG MGRS CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. qe c $0 ( approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the Carlsbad Skate Park. By minute motion, accept the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commissions and officially adopt the name of the facility as the Carlsbad Skate Park. ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff recommends approval of the plans and specifications to construct the Carlsbad Skate Park on property located at the City’s Safety Center complex on the south side of Orion Way, just east of Fire Station No. 5. The Skate Park would be constructed and operated as follows: 0 15,000 square feet of skating surface on a parcel of approximately 40,000 square feet. a Lighted park allowing use until 10 p.m. consistent with other City parks. l Separation fencing between the park and Fire Station No. 5. 0 Informal turf seating/viewing as well as dispersed bench locations. 0 An art element administered by the Arts Commission. 0 Xeriscape landscaping in addition to shade trees. 0 Drinking fountain. a Portable restroom. 0 Regulatory and informational signs. Parks and Recreation Commission Action On May, 18, 1998, after soliciting public input on the proposed name of the skateboard park, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the name of “Carlsbad Skate Park” as the official name of this facility. In accordance with Council Policy No. 48, the Commission’s recommendation is forwarded to the City Council for final approval. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. I ?: 13 Y ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITS: An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the site and project was carried out in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). On April 15, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4270 approving a mitigated Negative Declaration to allow for the construction and operation of the Carlsbad Skate Park. The Conditional Use Permit (CUP 98-05) was approved on April 15, 1998 pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 4271. FISCAL IMPACT: As part of the adoption of the 1997/98 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), the City Council appropriated $330,000 for the design and construction of the skate park. The City then entered into a contract with David Evans and Associates to prepare a preliminary design report based on public input from three workshops. The preferred design alternative was approved by the Council earlier this year allowing the consultant to prepare final design plans and the construction specification documents. The total expenditures for these efforts, including staff time, has totaled $69,000 leaving $261,000 for construction and project administration. The Engineer’s Estimate to construct this project is as follows: Budget Expenditures to date AVAILABLE BALANCE Construction Estimate Contingency (20%) Project Administration & Inspection (10%) DEFICIT $330,000 -69,000 $261,000 242,504 -48,500 -24,250 I <$54,254> As can be seen on the above chart, the Engineer’s Estimate currently exceeds the established budget. One of the additions, which was supported by those attending the workshops, was the installation of lighting to allow usage to IO:00 p.m. The estimated cost for the lights is $47,000. The lighting included on the bid sheet is designated as an add alternative, meaning that this item can be deleted if funds are not available, therefore not delaying the bid process. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the solicitation of bids. If the construction bids come in below the remaining budget, the project can move forward as planned. If the lowest bid still exceeds the remaining budget, the Council can either appropriate additional funds or scale back the project. These alternatives can be addressed during the request for contract award agenda bill expected to be considered by the Council in late August. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 9 f -m/ approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the Carlsbad Skate Park. 3. Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Bill No. 598-7 and minutes of the Commission’s May 18, 1998 meeting. 2 LOCATION MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE PROJECT NAME PROJECT EXHIBIT CARLSBAD SKATE PARK NUMBER 3597 1 A.. __ XXI/f tVANS. CAHLWAU tNWNttHlNG LUPI. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 98-701 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined it 4 OF THE CARLSBAD SKATE PARK, PROJECT NO. 3597. 5 6 desirable and in the public interest to construct the Carlsbad Skate Park; and 7 WHEREAS, the plans and specification for the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, 8 equipment, transportation, and other expenses or incidentals for said project have been prepared 9 and are on file in the Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by IO 11 reference herein; and WHEREAS, funds for the Carlsbad Skate Park have been scheduled and appropriated in 12 the 1998/99 Capital Improvement Program; and 13 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission, at their regularly scheduled 14 meeting of May 18, 1998, recommended that this facility be named the “Carlsbad Skate Park”. 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 16 California, as follows: 17 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 18 2. That the plans, specifications and contract documents as presented are hereby 19 approved. 20 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to 21 publish, in accordance with State law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the Carlsbad 22 Skate Park - Project No. 3597. 23 Ill 24 Ill 25 Ill 26 Ill 27 Ill h 1 4. That, based on the recommendation of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation 2 Commission, the Council officially names project as the Carlsbad Skate Park. 3 4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council 5 held on the 23rd day of June , 1998 by the following vote, to wit: 6 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall 7 NOES: None 8 ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin 9 . 10 11 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, fiayor”” * L- 12 '3 ATTEST: '5 ALETHA L:RA (SEAL) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t “. PARKS& RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL ‘I AB# 598-7 1 -E : El INFO MTG. 5-18-98 NAMING THE SKATEBOARD PARK DATE: DEPT. Park Plan. DIV. cl x ACTION STAFF: Stevaett RECOMMENDED ACTION : /cihibi+3 Recommend a name for the Skateboard Park and direct staff to pass recommendation on to the City Council. ITEM EXPLANATION : Council Policy No. 48 sets forth the procedure to name new parks and rename existing parks. The Policy states that the Parks and Recreation Commission shall, after soliciting public input, recommend a name to the City Council for their final decision. The Carlsbad Skateboard Park currently under design needs to be formally named so that the layout for proposed monument sign to identify the park.on Orion Way can be finalized. In accordance with the Policy, staff has solicited public input prior to the meeting through an ad in the local paper. In addition, a letter soliciting suggestions from the former Skateboard Committee has also been sent. Staff will present any names submitted for your consideration. Staff is proposing to submit your recommendation to Council at the same time that we ask for authorization to go to bid. EXHIBITS: 1. Council Policy Statement #48, “Naming of Parks”. *I I / - ,. . / ( C=y OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: NAMING OF PARKS Policy No. 48 Date Issued June 18, 1991 Effective Date June 18, 1991 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: NAMING OF PARKS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES IN PARKS AND RENAMING PARKS I I Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE To establish guidelines and procedures for the naming of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and the renaming of parks. STATEMENT OF POLICY The Parks and Recreation Commission shall be responsible for recommending the name of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and for considering the renaming of parks every 25 years. The Commission will recommend and the City Council will determine the official name of parks, facilities and amenities within parks. I PROCEDURE I At the appropriate time for naming a park or considering renaming a park, the Parks and Recreation Commission will solicit public input. The proposed names shall be submitted in writing to the Parks and Recreation Commission with justification to aid in considering the proposal. The proposed name shall be placed on the Commission agenda, allowing appropriate time for review by the Commission (and subcommittee, as necessary) and to publicize and receive input from the public at the Commission meeting. When considering proposals, the Commission shall emphasize the following criteria in making their recommendation io the City Council: m Geographic location n Community significance I Historical significance u School name, when adjacent to a school n Individual person who shall have made a significant contribution to the City The Commission’s recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their determination of the official name. , Parks and Recreation \- ImissIon 3 May l&l998 Mark Steytart, Park Development Coordinator, gave the staff presentation on this Item. He explained that staff was following City Council policy regarding the naming of parks. as described in the Commissioners’ packets for the evening. He addressed the issue of whether the park would be a skate park or a skateboard park, and added that the majority of parks of this nature were referred 10 as skate parks. Mr. Steyeart presented seven names to the Commissioners (Cartsbad Skate Park, Carlsbad Skateboard Park, Carlsbad Skate Plaza, C-Bad Skate Park, The Grind, The Grindyard. and Skate o Rama) and added that staff did not have a specific recommendation. Questions and discusslon included the following issues: l Timing of notification to the public regardlng requests for suggested names 0 Use of personal names ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, to approve AB #!i98-7, to recommend ‘Carfsbad Skate Park” as the name for the Skateboard Park and direct staff to pass the recommendation on to the City Council AYES: Chairperson Baker, Cunningham, Richards, SChdbtXQ, and Pieratt NOES: None ABSTAIN; None ABSENT: Commissioners Davidson and Cox None 1. Dog Park 2. Trla thlon 3. Veteran’s Memorial Park/Road Alignment Other topics mentloned included: l The Executive Summary of the Public Operations and Attitudes on Outdoor Recreation in California l Tlmlng of budget items belore the City Council . Future plans for shade in tot lot areas l New issues regarding street trees l Inclusion of minutes of City School Committee in packets when available l Success of day trip to Getty Museum l Possible update regarding Zone 5 Industrial Park 8