HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-08-04; City Council; 14820; RESERVATION OF ACREAGE FOR FARADAY AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING FROM THE INTERIM SAGE SCRUB 5% ALLOCATION4 l* Qc 4 7i- :,,:. ./r CII OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA LL ' j r' I I AB# /yp2.d CITY AT7 FARADAY AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING MTG. 8/04/98 DEPT. HC TITLE: RESERVATION OF ACREAGE FOR FROM THE INTERIM SAGE SCRUB 5% ALLOCATION DEPT. ENG CITY MGI RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. %'-as2 approving a reservation of 6.5 acres from the City's all take of coastal sage scrub for Faraday Avenue (Project No. 3593) and El Camino Real W (Project No. 3184). ITEM EXPLANATION: The listing of the coastal California gnatcatcher as a threatened species establish( requirement for a federal permit to impact any coastal sage scrub vegetation. A special permit or Interim Coastal Sage Scrub Take Permit. This agenda bill is a request for a reservation of 6.5 acres from the City's 5% allowable 1 coastal sage scrub. The following projects are expected to impact coastal sage scrub and I permitting in the near-term: 0 The Faraday Avenue Extension is located in Macario Canyon and extends Faraday / process was created to address projects with small impacts. This process is known as tt from its existing terminus westerly to the future intersection with Cannon Road. impacts will be no more than six (6) acres of coastal sage scrub. 0 The El Camino Real widening at Cannon Road requires the construction of a free ric lane from El Camino Real to Canon Road West and will impact no more than 0.5 ac coastal sage scrub. 0 Rancho Santa Fe Road construction will impact coastal sage. A mitigation progr< these impacts is a part of the City Habitat Conservation Plan and is not required removed from City 5% allocation, Q w 5 2 L6: 4 z 0 F 2 z 4 zj z 0 To date, 19.58 acres of the total interim 5% take have been used for City projects. 1 I .91 ac the original 165.70 acres remains. With this reservation, the usage by the City is 26.08 ac 16% of the total acreage available. 5.41 acres remains available for future projects. Environmental review is being completed using a worst case impact to coastal sage scrub. final determination of actual coastal sage scrub impacts, staff will return and: 0 Request a Section 4(d) Interim Coastal Sage Scrub Take Permit. 0 Request that City Council adopt the seven findings as outlined in the Natural Comn; Conservation Planning Conservation Guidelines. 0 Approve the deduction of the actual acreage of impact from the City's 5% allocatic make available the unused portion. The City's remaining 5% allocation is getting low and the Habitat Management Plan timing i: that it may not be approved prior to the scheduled initiation of final design for the pr Permit. A future City Council action is required to issue the permit. These projects are nec for the continued development of the City. Reservation of the acreage does not automatically issue the Interim Coastal Sage Scruk Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. qm 0 0 LOCATION P Y 78 EL CAMlNO REAL RANCHO CARLSBAI WA TERSHED BASIN NOT TO SCALE I 1 PROJECT NAME ~T -. RESERVATION OF COASTAL SAGE SCRUB 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 98-282 I A R€SOlUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A RESERVATION OF 6.5 ACRES FROM THE 5% ALLOWABLE TAKE OF COASTAL SAGE SCRUB FOR FARADAY AVENUE (PROJECT NO. 3593) AND EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING (PROJECT NO. 3184). WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has listed the coastal C 6 I I gnatcatcher as a threatened species and, therefore, subject to certain protections afforde 7 I I Endangered Species Act; and 8 WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Interior has adopted a Special Rule as providc 9 WHEREAS, the Special Rule provides guidelines for interim take of the coastal C 10 Section 4(d) of the Endangered Species Act for threatened species: and 11 Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) program of the State of California; and ,2 gnatcatcher pending completion and approval of larger scale plans pursuant to the 13 WHEREAS, among provisions of the Special Rule is an expedited process for apl interim impacts, which process may be used until the San Diego County region has takc coastal sage scrub existing as of March 25, 1993; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad’s portion of the 5% allowable take has been calc be 165.7 acres, and all impacts to coastal sage scrub during the interim period I subtracted from this amount; and 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has adopted a prioritization system and guide 19 determining which projects should be allowed to deduct from City’s 5% allocations; and 20 WHEREAS, Faraday Avenue impacts 6.0 acres of coastal sage scrub and is cons 21 second priority project by impact; and 22 WHEREAS, El Camino Real Widening impacts 0.5 acres of coastal sage scru 23 considered a first priority project by impact; and WHEREAS, Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real Widening are City Capital 24 //required to meet a Growth Management Standard and are first priority projects b) 25 I I type; and 26 WHEREAS, the City’s 5% allocation is nearing depletion, thus the project 27 considered: and 28 ri 0 0 1 WHEREAS, the prioritization guidelines allow commitment of acreage fron- 2 3 4 5 6 allocation prior to the project receiving all discretionary action; and WHEREAS, Attachment 1 to this resolution is a listing of all projects which h authorized by the City Council pursuant to the Special Rule to impact coastal sage scri in Carlsbad since March 25, 1993, including a statement of the remaining number available to the City from the 5% allocation; and WHEREAS, when approving interim impacts to coastal sage scrub habitat I 7 8 seven specific findings which are outlined in the NCCP Conservation Guidelines; and expedited process provided by the Special Rule, it is necessary for the City Council 9 WHEREAS, CEQA guidelines require environmental review to be completed b 10 final design of the project can be initiated; and 11 WHEREAS, a preliminary plan has been prepared for Faraday Avenue and E 12 Real that are currently under environmental review; and 13 WHEREAS, these projects, through the final design process may impact mort coastal sage than is evident at the level of detail of the preliminary plans; and 14 WHEREAS, this request is for a reservation of the 6.5 acres of the coastal I l5 11 allocation until actual impacts can be determined in the final design of the project; and 16 WHEREAS, when the actual impacts are known, City Council will be requested the seven specific findings and approve the deduction of the actual acreage from 17 l8 allocation and make available the unused portion; and 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C 20 California, as follows: 21 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 22 2. That the City Council approves the reservation of 6.0 (six) acres from 23 allocation for Faraday Avenue (Project No. 3593). 24 25 26 27 20 111 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill - ll 0 e 1 3. That the City Council approves the reservation of 0.5 (one-half) acre fror 2 3 allocation for El Camino Real Widening (Project No. 3184). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Cit: 4 held on the 4th day of August , 1998 by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall 6 7 8 9 10 I1 I ATTEST: 12 2 a= -" 1 13 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I ATTACHMENT 1 Itemization *pacts to Coastal Sage Sa*% Allocation 'Description of Project San Dieguito Union High School District for South Carlsbad High 165.70 Starting Balance Acres 711 5/98 7:40 City and Other Public Agency Projects: School site. Section 7 permit issued, 1993 CalTrans for Poinsettia Lanell-5 Freeway ramps and auxiliary lanes., I .46- -' 0.10 La Costa Avenue Widening - Section 7 1998 x' 1.98 Cannon Road Reach 2 - 4(d) permit issued 2/97 *' 0.53 Maerkle Reservoir -- additional impacts 1997 6.32 -.' Hidden Valley Road - Section 7 permit issued 1995 c ' 2.40 Cannon Road Reach 1 - 4(d) permit issued 1995 -* 0.04 Poinsettia Park - 4(d) permit issued, 1995 * 4.30 CMWD - lining and covering of Maerkle Reservoir - 4(d) permit issued, 1995 2.10 Section 7 permit issued, 1995 ~ ~ ~~ _~"~ Private Development Projects: Aviara Phase I1 drainage structure impacts - 1994 6.80 Rancho Verde - Section 7 permit issued 1995 1.10 Carlsbad Ranch - 4(d) permitissued May 1996 1.10 Parkview West - 4(d) permit issued May 1996 8.68 Aviara Phase 111 grading - 4(d) permit issued 9/95 0.40 Mar Vista/Emerald Ridge West and East - approved administratively 1 V95 0.96 Carrillo Ranch Phase I Grading - Section 7.permit issued 1995 42.20 Arroyo La Costa - Section 7 permit issued 1993 11.00 Cobblestone Sea Village- 4(d) permit issued 1/97 14.60 Holly Springs agricultural impacts 1997 0.50 Carlsbad Ranch - Hidden Valley Road approved administratively 1997 Meadowlands - 4(d) permit issued 3/98 28.00 Carrillo Ranch Phase II Grading - authorized 11/97 0.10 Cobblestone Sea Village additional impact approved administratively 10/97 0.27 0.35 x' Poinsettia Lane Extension - Admin 4(d) Pending 7/98 0.35 Lincoln North PoinfeNiaSat - Approved administratively 7/98 2.66 Kelly Ranch Area E- Shea Homes -- #(d) Pending 7/98 0.78 Newton Business Center - 4(d) approved administratively 6/98 3.40 Ayres Land Co. - Aviara Parkway - Pending 4(d) 6/98 2.38 Green Valley El Camino Real widening - 4(d) Approved 6/98 1.70 - La Costa Village - 4(d) Issued 4/98 3.98 Ocean Bluff - 4(d) Issued 3/98 1.95 Pacific View Estates - 4(d) permit issued 3/98 1.30 I I 1 I - Total acres authorized to be taken Remaining acres 153.79 Note: lfalics indicates that grading permit has not been issued 11.91