HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-06; City Council; 14868; AGREEMENT WITH VALLECITOS WATER DISTICT TO RELOCATE SEWER FACILITES AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MELROSE DRIVE- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 96-1 RANCHO CARRILLOAGREEMENT WITH VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT TO RELOCATE MTG. 10106198 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 98 -%Z/ maintenance with Vallecitos Water District. approving an agreement for installation, acquisitic ITEM EXPLANATION: The Rancho Carrillo Assessment District's primary work consists of grading for and construc Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Alga Road. Part of that work includes relocatii reconstructing a sewer transmission line owned and operated by the Vallecitos Water Distric work was completed prior to the public hearing to form the assessment district since this acquisition district. Normally, public works that are completed cannot be included witt assessment district. Therefore, the attached agreement is required to acknowledge the intent to include the work within the assessment district and that the Vallecitos Water Distr operate and maintain the system after completion. An acquisition agreement with the pi owner, Continental Ranch, Inc., was approved by the City Council in 1996. The public hearing confirming this assessment district was held on September I, 1998. The ( the Vallecitos sewer line was included in the confirmed cost of the district. Howeve agreement was not included at that time because the Vallecitos Water District Board had r approved it. The agreement has now been approved by the Vallecitos Water District. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the Vallecitos Water District agreement will allow the assessment district to rein the developer for the sewer line relocation. No City funds were or will be expended. 1. Resolution No. 9 8 -3kI approving an agreement for installation, acquisitior maintenance with Vallecitos Water District (copy of agreement attached). 9 0 a2 as 2 z 0 F i3 2 9 z a 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 98-321 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH -THE VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT FOR THE INSTALLATION, ACQUISITION AND MAINTENANCE OF A SEWER LINE, ASSESSMENT NO. 96-1, RANCHO CARRILLO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on June 2 adopted Resolution No. 98-210 approving a Resolution of Intention to Order the Acqui Certain Improvements for Assessment District No, 96-1, Rancho Carrilio; and WHEREAS, the developer is constructing sewer line facilities to be owned and ( by the Vallecitos Water District; and WI IEREAS, the sewer line facilities were included in the Acquisition Agreement a by the City Council; and WI {EREAS, the Installation, Acquisition and Maintenance Agreement with L Water District will not take affect until after proceedings have been taken and funds are i pursuant la the "Municipal Improvement Act of 191 3". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Agreement for Installation, Acquisition, Conveyance, Maintena Operation of Improvements, a copy of which is attached, is hereby approved and the h hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement. Ill JJJ Ill Ill 111 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 3. Following the execution of the agreement, the City Clerk is further authoriz directed to forward originals of the agreement to the Engineering Department and Vallecitos Water District, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City held on the 6th day of October , 1998 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, and Hall NOES: None ATTEST: (SEAL) 1 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 1 0 . COP AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION, ACQUIsI"HON, CO"cE, MAMTENANCE AND OPERATION OF IMPROVEMENTS - THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ioth day of October , 1998, by between the CRY OF CARLSBAD (hereinafter dl "City"), the VALLECITOS WATER DISTR; (hereinafter called "District"), and CONTINENTAL RANCH, INC. (hereinafter referred to "Property owner"). WHEREAS, City is considering proceedings pursuant to the provisions of the "Munici Improvement Act of 1913," being Division 12 of the Strwts and Highways Code of the State California, for the acquisition of certain improvements, including certain sewer improvements, wit a special assessment district, and to assess the costs and expenses of such improvements agai properties benefitting from said improvements, said special assessment district known and designa as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 96-1 (RANCHO CARIULLO) (hereinafter referred to as "Assessment District"); WHEREAS, Diskict is a public agency organized and existing under the laws of the State California, and is authorized and obligated to provide service to the territory and property within I boundaries of the proposed Assessment District; WHEREAS, property Owner is an ownex of property within the boundaries of the props Assessment District, and said Property Owner is constructing and installing the facilities prior to s of bonds for said Assessment District; WHEREAS, the improvements to be acquired under the Assessment District inciude the installati of public improvements, together with certain facilities that will be under the ownership, - and control of District and a general description of such "facilities" is as folfows: The relocation of sewer facilities as necessary for the construction of Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and its northerfy termhation within the Assessment District; WHEREAS, City, District and Property Owner desire at this time to enter into this Agreeme pursuant to the provisions and authorization of Section 101 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of tl State of California NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED between the parties as folIows: PECITAIS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. 1 0 0 PROCEED1NG:S SECTIONZ. City &dl continue to conduct proceedings for financing the acquisitic *rovements proposed for the above-referenced Assessment District, including t facilities to be under the ownership, management and control of District, and for 5 and complete description of the facilities to be under the control, management ownership of District, reference is hereby made to the plans and specification previously approved, all of which will be incorporated in the Engineer's "Report" the above-referenced Assessment District. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SECTION3. District shall furnish and supply, and/or approve, all plans, specifications drawings, as well as provide administration, supemision and inspection as neces! and required for the construction and installation ofthe above referenced facilitit OPERTY OWNER CONSTRU~O~ SECTION 4. In order to expedik the proceedings and to hitiate the construction of the facilit Property Owner is constructing and installing said f'ilities. Upon a successful i of bonds, the City shall then pay to Property Owner the costs and expenses of facilities pursuant to the terms of that certain Aquisition/Fiicing Agreement by, between Property ownet and City, which is on file and open to public inspection JMPROVEMENT FU ND SECTiON 5. Upon the confinnation of an assessment to pay the costs and expenses of the wo of improvement, the City shall establish a special Improvement Fund, into which SI be deposited all payments made upon any assessment, as well as the proceeds hm sale of bonds. This Fund shall be used exclusively for the payment of the costs 2 expenses of the proceedings and to reimburse costs for the construction and installat of the sewer facilities. PAYMENT SECTION 6. All payments required to be made by City fir the Assessment District shall be m solely and exclusively from the special Improvement Fund, and City shall not obligated to make any such payment fiom any other funds or monies of said Ci This Agreement is subject to the power of the legislative body to abandon 1 proceedings at any time prior to the effective date of this Agreement. D 2 0 0 OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES SECTION 7. Upon completion of the installation of the facilities, District will own, operate drain said facilities. Said facilities shall become part of the system of District shall thereafter be used, operated and maintained as part of said system. AUTHORIZATIQN SECTION 8. This Agreement is made pwsuant to the authorization of Section 101 10 of the Strc and Highways Code of the State of California, the "Municipal Improvement Ac 1913". EFlFECTTVE DATE OF AGREEMEW SECTION 9. Pursuant to Section 10110 of the Streets and Highways Code, this Agreement sl become effective after proceedings have been taken and work ordered, pursuant to "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913" and funds are available to carry out all of terms. In the event the proceedigs for the formation of the special Assessm District shall be abandoned, enjoined or held by a court of competent jurisdiction be illegally or improperly conducted, or if for any reason the proceedings are l Agreement shall be terminated and any Agreement between the parties shall Canceled. SECTION 10. Property Owner, its successors and assigns agree to MernniQ and hold harmless City, the District, and their respective officers, oficials, employees and voIunte from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorney 6 arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused by any will misconduct, or negligent act, or omission of the Property Owner, any contractor, i subcontractor, anyone direaly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone whose acts any of them may be liable. Property Owner, its successom and assigns a agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District, and their respective office officials, employees and volunteem from and against ali claims, damages, losses, i expenses including attorney fees arising out of this Agreement. consummated, or if consummated and fhds are not sufficient or avaiIable, then t l!a€EE SECTION 11. Any notices authorized or required by this Agreement shall be deemed to have be given when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to 1 persons below listed: To CRY: City of Carlsbd 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 3 0 0 TO DISTRICT: VaIlecitos Water District 201 Vallecitos De Or0 San Marws, CA 92069 Continental Ranch, Inc. 12636 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92130 - TO PROPERTY OWNER: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year i hereinabove written. e VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT BY: a i William W. Rucker General Manager C0"ENTAL RANCH, INC. BY: b4 & iTC /I& PFES 4 October 21,1998 Vallecitos Water District William W. Rucker, General Manager 201 Vallecitos De Or0 San Marcos, CA 92069 Enclosed for your records is a copy of the Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 98-32 which was approved on October 6,1998. Also enclosed is a fully executed and original agreement between the City of Carlsbac and the Vallecitos Water District for the installation, acquisition and maintenance of a sewer line in Assessment District 96-1, Rancho Carrillo. If you have any questions regarding this agreement please call Mr. Richard Allen, in tt . Carisbad Engineering Department, at (760) 438-1 161, ext. 4389. --A KATHLEEN D. SHOUP Senior Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (760) 434-28C October 21 I 1998 Continental Ranch, Inc. David A. Lother, Vice President 12636 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92130 Enclosed for your records is a copy of the Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 98-32 which was approved on October 6, 1998. Also enclosed is a fully executed and original agreement between the City of Carlsbac and the Vallecitos Water District for the installation, acquisition and maintenance of a sewer line in Assessment District 96-1, Rancho Carrillo. If you have any questions regarding this agreement please call Mr. Richard Allen, in tt Carlsbad Engineering Department, at (760) 438-1 161 , ext. 4389. *-+ KATHLEEN D. SHOUP Senior Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (760) 434-28C m- q - -- - THE BOND MARKET I i‘ -= j 1Z v- -lid Li TRADE ASSOCIATION ,_ --l MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT SEPTEMBER 1996 VERSION Dated as of December 23, l! Between: City of Carlsbad, as Buyer and Republic National Bank of New York, 1. Applicability / as Seller From time to time the parties hereto day enter into transactions in which one party (“SeIler”) agee. transfer to the other (“Buyer”) securities or other assets (“Securities”) against the transfer of funds b Buyer, with a simultaneous agreement by Buyer to transfer to Seller such Securities at a date certain on demand, against the transfer of funds by Seller. Each such transaction shall be referred to herein ( a “Transaction” and, unless otherwise agreed in writing, shall be governed by this Agreement, inch ing any supplemental terms or conditions contained in Annex I hereeo and in any other annexes idei fled herein or therein as applicable hereunder. 2. Definitions (a) “Act of Insolvency”. with respect to any party, (i) the commencement by such party as debtor of any case or proceeding under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, liquidation, rnoratori- urn, dissolution, delinquency or similar law, or such party seeking the appointment or election o receiver, conservator, trustee. custodian or similar official for such party or any substantial part ( its property, or the convening of any meeting of creditors for purposes of commencing any such case or proceeding or seeking such an appointment or election, (ii) the commencement of any su case or proceeding against such party, or another seeking such an appointment or election, or the filing against a party of an appiication for a protective decree under the provisions of the Securiu Investor Protection Act of 1970, which (A) is consented to or not timely contested by such party. (B) results in the entry of an order for relief, such an appointment or election, the issuance of suck a protective decree or the entry of an order having a similar effect, or (C) is not dismissed within 15 days, (iii) the making by such party of a generai assignment for the benefit of creditors, or (iv) the admission in writing by such paq of such party’s inability to pay such party’s debts as they become due; (b) “Additional Purchased Securities”. Securities provided by SelIer to Buyer pursuant to Paragraph 4 (a) hereot (c) “Buyer’s Margin Amount”, with respect to any Transaction as of any date, the amount obtained b application of the Buyer’s Margin Percentage to the Repurchase Price for such Transaction as Of such date: W * (d) “Buyer’s Margin Percentage”, with respect to any Transaction as of any date, a percentage (whicl may be equal to the Seller’s Margin Percentage) agreed to by Buyer and Seller or, in the absence L any such agreement, the percentage obtained by dividing the Market Value of the Purchased Securities on the Purchase Date by the Purchase Price on the Purchase Date for such Transaction: (e) “Confirmation”, the meaning specified in Paragraph 3(b) hereof; (f) “InCOme”, with f‘@SpeCt to any %!tuffty at any time, any qrincipal thereof and di interest, divi- (g) “Margin Deficit”, the meaning specified in Paragraph 4(a) hereof; (h) “Margin Excess”, the meaning specified in Paragraph 4(b) hereof; (i) “Margin Notice Deadline”, the time agreed to by the parties in the relevant Confirmation, Annex hereto or otherwise as the deadline for giving notice requiring same-day satisfaction of margin maintenance obligations as provided in Paragraph 4 hereof (or, in the absence of any such agree- ment, the deadline for such purposes established in accordance with market practice); (j) “Market Value”, with respect to any Securities as of any date, the price for such Securities on suck date obtained from a generally recognized source agreed to by the parties or the most recent clos- ing bid quotation from such a source, plus accrued Income to the extent not inciuded therein (othc than any Income credited or transferred to, or applied to the obligations of, Seller pursuant to Paragraph 5 hereof) as of such date (unless contrary to market practice for such Securities); (k) “Price Differential”, with respect to any Transaction as of any date, the aggregate amount obtainec by daily application of the Pricing Rate for such Transaction to the Purchase Price for such Transaction on a 360-day-per-year basis for the actual number of days during the period commenc ing on (and including) the Purchase Date for such Transaction and ending on (but excluding) the date of determination (reduced by any amount of such Price Differential previously paid by Seller to Buyer with respect to such Transaction); (1) “Pricing Rate”, the per annum percentage rate for determination of the Price Differential: (m) “Prime Rate”, the prime rate of U.S. commercial banks as published in The Wall Streetjournal (or, if more than one such rate is published, the average of such rates): (n) “Purchase Date”, the date on which Purchased Securities are to be transferred by Seller to Buyer: (0) “Purchase Price”, (i) on the Purchase Date, the price at which Purchased Securities are transferred by Seller to Buyer, and (ii) thereafter, except where Buyer and Seller agree otherwise, such price increased by the amount of any cash transferred by Buyer to Seller pursuant to Paragraph 4(b) hereof and decreased by the amount of any cash transferred by Seller to Buyer pursuant to Paragraph 4(a) hereof or applied to reduce Selier’s obligations under clause (ii) of Paragraph 5 hereof; (p) “Purchased Securities“, the Securities transferred by SelIer to Buyer in a Transaction hereunder, and any Securities substituted therefor in accordance with Paragraph 9 hereof. The term “Purchased Securities” with respect to any Transaction at any time also shall include Additional Purchased Securities delivered pursuant to Paragraph 4(a) hereof and shall exclude Securities returned pursuant to Paragraph 4(b) hereof; (4) “Repurchase Date”, the date on which Seller is to repurchase the Purchased Securities from Buyer, including any date determined by application of the provisions of Paragraph 3(c) or 11 hereof; (r) “Repurchase Price”, the price at which Purchased Securities are to be transferred from Buyer to Seller upon termination of a Transaction, which will be determined in each case (including Transactions terminable upon demand) as the sum of the Purchase Price and the Price Differential as of the date of such determination: dends or other distributions thereon: September 1996 * Master Repurchase Agreement 2 * a (s) “Seller’s Margin Amount”, with respect to any Transaction as of any date, the amount obtain application ofthe Sekr’s Margin Percentage to the Repurchase Price for such Transaction a~ l such date; (t) “Seller’s Margin Percentage”, with respect to any Transaction as of any date, a percentage (wl may be equal to the Buyer’s Margin Percentage) agreed to by Buyer and Seller or, in the absei Securities on the Purchase Date by the Purchase Priie on the Purchase Date for such Transacti any such agreement, the percentage obtained by dividing the Market Value of the Purchased 3. Initiation; Confirmation; Termination (a) An agreement to enter into a Transaction may be made orally or in writing at the initiation of either Buy& or Seller. On the Purchase Date for the Transaction, the Purchased Securities shal transferred to Buyer or its agent against the transfer of the Purchase Price to an account of Sell (b) Upon agreeing to enter into a Transaction hereunder, Buyer or Seller (or both), as shall be agre shall promptly deliver to the other party a written confirmation of each Transaction (a u Confirmation”). The Confmation shall describe the Purchased Securities (including CUSIP r ber, if any), identify Buyer and Seller and set forth (i) the Purchase Date, (ii) the Purchase Prict the Repurchase Date, unless the Transaction is to be terminable on demand, (iv) the Pricing Ra Repurchase Price applicable to the Transaction, and (v) any additional terms or conditions of tl Transaction not inconsistent with this Agreement. The Confirmation, together with this Agreement, shall constitute conclusive evidence of the terms agreed between Buyer and SelIer respect to the Transaction to which the Confirmation relates, unless with respect to the Confirmation specific objection is made promptly after receipt thereof. In the event of any confl between the terms of such Confirmation and this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. (c) In the case of Transactions terminable upon demand, such demand shall be made by Buyer or Seller, no later than such time as is customary in accordance with market practice, by telephone otherwise on or prior to the business day on which such termination will be effective. On the d. specified in such demand, or on the date fixed for termination in the case of Transactions havin fixed term, termination of the Transaction wiil be effected by transfer to Seller or its agent of tht Purchased Securities and any Income in respect thereof received by Buyer (and not previously credited or transfened to, or applied to the obligations of, Seller pursuant to Paragraph 5 hereo against the transfer of the Repurchase Price to an account of Buyer. 4. Margin Maintenance (a) If at any time the aggregate Market Value of all Purchased Securities subject to all Transactions which a particular party hereto is acting as Buyer is less than the aggregate Buyer’s Margin Amount for all such Transactions (a “Margin Deficit”), then Buyer may by notice to Seller requii Seller in such Transactions, at Seller’s option, to transfer to Buyer cash or additional Securities re sonabiy acceptable to Buyer (“Additional Purchased Securities”), so that the cash and aggregate Market Value of the Purchased Securities, including any such Additional Purchased Securities, \r thereupon equal or exceed such aggregate Buyer’s Margin Amount (decreased by the amount of any Margin Deficit as of such date arising from any Transactions in which such Buyer is acting 2 Seller). (b) If at any time the aggregate Market Value of all Purchased Securities subject to all Transactions ii which a particular party hereto is acting as Seller exceeds the aggregate Seller’s Margin Amount for all such Transactions at such time (a “Margin Excess”), then Seller may by notice to Buyer require Buyer in such Transactions, at Buyer‘s option, to transfer cash or Purchased Securities to Seller, so that the aggregate Market Value of the Purchased Securities. after deduction of any sud 3 September 1996 * Masw Repurchse , * 0 cash or any Purchased Securities so transfened, will thereupon not exceed such aggregate Seller’s Margin Amount (increased by the amount of any Margin Excess as of such date arising from any Transactions in which such Seller is acting as Buyer). before the Margin Notice Deadline on any business day, the party receiving such notice shall tram fer Cash Ur Additional Purchased Securities as provided in such subparagraph no later than the close of business in the relevant market on such day. If ziny such notice is given after the Margin Notice Deadline, the party receiving such notice shall transfer such cash or Securities no later than the close of business in the relevant market on the next business day following such notice. (d) Any cash transferred pursuant to this Paragraph shall be attributed to such Transactions as shall b agreed upon by Buyer and Seller. (e) Seller and Buyer may agree, with respect to any or all Transactions hereunder, that fie respective rights of Buyer or Seller (or both) under subparagraphs (a) and @) of this Paragraph may be exer- cised only where a Margin Deficit or a Margin Excess, as the case may be, exceeds a specified dollar amount or a specified percentage of the Repurchase Prices for such Transactions (which amount or percentage shall be agreed to by Buyer and Seller prior to entering into any such Transactions). (0 Seller and Buyer may agree, with respect to any or all Transactions hereunder, that the respective rights of Buyer and Seller under subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this Paragraph to require the elimi- nation of a Margin Deficit or a Margin Excess, as the case may be, may be exercised whenever such a Margin Deficit or a Margin Excess exists with respect to any single Transaction hereunder (calcu- lated without regard to any other Transaction outstanding under this Agreement). (c) If any notice is given by Buyer or Seller under subparagraph (a) or (b) of this Paragraph at or 5. Income Payments Seller shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to all Income paid or distributed on or in respect of the Securities that is not otherwise received by Seller, to the full extent it would be so entitled if the Securities had not been sold to Buyer. Buyer shall, as the parties may agree with respect to any Transaction (or, in the absence of any such agreement, as Buyer shall reasonably determine in its dis- cretion). on the date such Income is paid or distributed either (i) transfer to or credit to the account of Seller such Income with respect to any Purchased Securities subject to such Transaction or (ii) with respect to Income paid in cash, appIy the Income payment or payments to reduce the amount, if any, to be transferred to Buyer by Seller upon termination of such Transaction. Buyer shall not be obligated to take any action pursuant to the preceding sentence (A) to the extent that such action would result in the creation of a Margin Deficit, unless prior thereto or simultaneously therewith Seller transfers to Buyer cash or Additional Purchased Securities sufficient to eliminate such Margin Deficit, or (€3) if an Event of Default with respect to Seller has occurred and is then continuing at the time such Income is paid or distributed. 6. Security Interest Although the parties intend that all Transactions hereunder be sales and purchases and not loans, in the event any such Transactions are deemed to be loans, Seller shall be deemed to have pledged to Buyer as security €or the performance by Seller of its obligations under each such Transaction, and shall be deemed to have granted to Buyer a security interest in, all of the Purchased Securities with respect to dl Transactions hereunder and all Income thereon and other proceeds thereof. 7. Payment and Transfer Unless otherwise mutually agreed, all transfers of funds hereunder shall be in immediately available funds. All Securities transferred by one party hereto to ‘the other party (i) shall be in suitable form for transfer or shall be accompanied by duiy executed instruments of transfer or assignment in blank and September 1’396 * Master Repurchase Agreement 4 0 0. such other documentation as the party receiving possession may reasonably request, (ii) shall be ferred on the book-entry system of a Federal Reserve Bank, or (iii) shall be transferred by any 0th method mutualIy acceptable to Seller and Buyer. 8. Segregation of Purchased Securities To the extent repired by appiicable law, all Purchased Securities in the possession of Seller shall segregated from other securities in its possession and shall be identified as subject to this Agreer Segregation may be accomplished by appropriate identification on the books and records of the b including a financial or securities intermediary or a clearing corporation. All of Seller’s interest in Purchased Securities shall pass to Buyer on the Purchase Date and. unless otherwise agreed by Bt and Seller, nothing in this Agreement shaI1 preclude Buyer from engaging in repurchase transacti with the Purchased Securities or otherwise selling, transferring, pledging or hypothecating the Pu chased Securities, but no such transaction shall relieve Buyer of its obligations to transfer Purchas Securities to Seller pursuant to Paragraph 3, 4 or 11 hereof, or of Buyer’s obligation to credit or pa: Income to, or apply Income to the obligations of, Seller pursuant to Paragraph 5 hereof. Required Disclosure for Transactions in Which the Seller Retains Custody of the Purchased Securities Seller is not permitted to substitute other securities for those subject to this Agreement and therefore must keep Buyer’s securities segregated at all times, unless in this Agreement Buyer grants Seller the right to substitute other securities. If Buyer grants the right to substitute, this means that Buyer’s securities will likely be commingled with Seller’s own securities during the trading day. Buyer is advised that, during any trading day that Buyer’s securities are commingled with Seller’s securities, they [will]* [may]** be subject to liens granted by Seller to [its clearing bank]* [third parties]** and may be used by Seller for deliveries on other securities transactions. Whenever the securities are commingled, Seller’s ability to resegregate substitute securities for Buyer will be subject to Seller’s ability to satisfy [the clearing]* [any]** lien or to obtain substitute securities. *Language to be used under 17 C.F.R. §403.4(e) if Seller is a government securities broker or dealer other than a financial institution. **Language to be used under 17 C.F.R. §403.5(d) if Seller is a financial institution. 9. Substitution (a) Seller may, subject to agreement with and acceptance by Buyer, substitute other Securities for ar Purchased Securities. Such substitution shall be made by transfer to Buyer of such other Securiti and transfer to Seller of such Purchased Securities. After substitution, the substituted Securities shall be deemed to be Purchased Securities. (b) In Transactions in which Seller retains custody of Purchased Securities, the parties expressly agrt that Buyer shall be deemed, for purposes of subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph, to have agreed t and accepted in this Agreement substitution by SeIIer of other Securities for Purchased Securitie: provided, however, that such other Securities shall have a Market Value at least equal to the Marke Value of the Purchased Securities for which they are substituted. 10. Representations Each of Buyer and Seller represents and warrants to the other that (i) it is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement. to enter into Transactions contemplated hereunder and to perform its obligations hereunder and has taken all necessary action to authorize such execution, delivery and pe 5 September 1996 - Master Repurchase 1 W’ 6 formance, (ii) it will engage in such Transactions as principal (or, if agreed in writing, in the form of a annex hereto or otherwise, in advance of any Transaction by the other party hereto, as agent For a dis- closed principal), (iii) the person signing this Agreement on its behalf is duly authorized to do so on i behalf (or on behalf of any such disclosed principal), (iv) it has obtained all authorizations of any gov ernmental body required in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions hereunder and suck authorizations are in full force and effect and (v) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Transactions hereunder will not violate any law, ordinance, charter, by-law or mli applicable to it or any agreement by which it is bound or by which any of its assets are affected. On th Purchase Date for any Transaction Buyer and Seller shall each be deemed to repeat all the foregoing representations made by it. 11. Events of Default In the event that (i) Seller fails to transfer or Buyer fails to purchase Purchased Securities upon the applicable Purchase Date, (ii) Seller fails to repurchase or Buyer fails to transfer Purchased Securities upon the applicable Repurchase Date, (iii) Seller or Buyer fails to comply with Paragraph 4 hereof, (iv) Buyer fails, after one business day’s notice, to comply with Paragraph 5 hereof, (v) an Act of Insolvency occurs with respect to Seller or Buyer, (vi) any representation made by Seller or Buyer shall have been incorrect or untrue in any material respect when made or repeated or deemed to have been made or repeated, or (vii) Seller or Buyer shall admit to the other its inability to, or its intention not to, perform any Of its obligations hereunder (each an “Event of Default”): (a) The nondefaulting party may, at its option (which option shall be deemed to have been exercised immediateIy upon the occurrence of an Act of Insolvency), declare an Event of Default to have occurred hereunder and, upon the exercise or deemed exercise of such option, the Repurchase Date for each Transaction hereunder shall, if it has not already occurred, be deemed immediately to occur (except that, in the event that the Purchase Date For any Transaction has not yet occurred as of the date of such exercise or deemed exercise, such Transaction shall be deemed immediately canceled). The nondefaulting party shall (except upon the occurrence of an Act of Insolvency) give notice to the defaulting party of the exercise of such option as promptly as practicable. .(b) In all Transactions in which the defaulting party is acting as Seller, if the nondefaulting party exer- cises or is deemed to have exercised the option referred to in subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph, (i) the defaulting party’s obligations in such Transactions to repurchase all Purchased Securities, at the Repurchase Price therefor on the Repurchase Date determined in accordance with subpara- graph (a) of this Paragraph, shall thereupon become immediately due and payable, (ii) all Income paid after such exercise or deemed exercise shall be retained by the nondefaulting party and applied to the aggregate unpaid Repurchase Prices and any other amounts owing by the default- ing party hereunder, and (iii) the defaulting party shalI immediately deliver to the nondefaulting party any Purchased Securities subject to such Transactions then in the defaulting party’s posses- sion or control. (c) In all Transactions in which the defaulting party is acting as Buyer, upon tender by the nondefault- ing party of payment of the aggregate Repurchase Prices for ail such Transactions, all right, title and interest in and entitlement to all Purchased Securities subject to such Transactions shall be deemed transferred to the nondefaulting party, and the defaulting party shall deliver all such Purchased Securities to the nondefaulting party. September 1986 * bbter Repurchase Agreement 6 W i (d) If the nondefaulting party exercises or is deemed to have exercised the option referred to in s paragraph (a) of this Paragraph, the nondefauIting party, without prior notice to the defaultii party. may: (i) as to Transactions in which the defaulting party is acting as Seller, (A) immediately sell, i recognized market (or otherwise in a commerciaIly reasonable manner) at such price or p as the nondefaulting party may reasonably deem satisfactory, any or all Purchased Secur subject to such Transactions and apply the proceeds thereof to the aggregate unpaid Rep) chase Prices and any other amounts owing by the defaulting party hereunder or (B) in it2 discretion elect, in lieu of selling dl or a portion of such Purchased Securities, to give the defaulting party credit for such Purchased Securities in an amount equal to the price therl on such date, obtained-from a generally recognized source or the most recent closing bid tation from such a source, against the aggregate unpaid Repurchase Prices and any other amounts owing by the defaulting party hereunder: and (ii) as to Transactions in which the defaulting party is acting as Buyer, (A) immediately purci- in a recognized market (or otherwise in a commercially reasonable manner) at such price I prices as the nondefaulting party may reasonably deem satisfactory, securities (“Replacen Securities”) of the same class and amount as any Purchased Securities that are not delivert the defaulting party to the nondefauiting party as required hereunder or (B) in its sole disc tion elect, in lieu of purchasing Replacement Securities, to be deemed to have purchased Replacement Securities at the price therefor on such date, obtained from a generally recog- nized source or the most recent closing offer quotation from such a source. Unless otherwise provided in Annex I, the parties acknowledge and agree that (1) the Securitie subject to any Transaction hereunder are instruments traded in a recognized market, (2) in the absence of a generally recognized source for prices or bid or offer quotations for any Security, i nondefaulting party may establish the source therefor in its sole discretion and (3) all prices, bi and offers shall be determined together with accrued Income (except to the extent contrary to n ket practice with respect to the relevant Securities). (e) As to Transactions in which the defaulting party is acting as Buyer, the defaulting party shall b liable to the nondefaulting party for any excess of the price paid (or deemed paid) by the nondl faUhg party for Replacement Securities aver the Repurchase Price for the Purchased Securiue: replaced thereby and for any amounts payable by the defaulting party under Paragraph 5 herec or othewise hereunder. (f) For purposes of this Paragraph 11. the Repurchase Price for each Transaction hereunder in resp of which the defaulting party is acting as Buyer shall not increase above the amount of such Repurchase Price for such Transaction determined as of the date of the exercise or deemed exerc by the nondefaulting party of the option referred to in subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph. (g) The defaulting party shall be liable to the nondefaulting party for (i) the amount of all reasonabl legal or other expenses incurred by the nondefaulting party in connection with or as a result of 2 Event of Default, (ii) damages in an amount equal to the cost (including all fees, expenses and commissions) of entering into replacement transactions and entering into or terminating hedge transactions in connection with or as a result of an Event of Default, and (iii) any other loss, darr age, cost or expense directly arising or resulting from the occurrence of an Event of Default in respect of a Transaction. (h) To the extent permitted by applicable law, the defaulting party shall be liable to the nondefaultir party for interest On any amounts owing by the defaulting party hereunder, from the date the defaulting party becomes liable for such amounts hereunder until such amounts are (i) paid in ft 7 September 1996 * Master Repurchase 4 by the defaulting party or (ii) satisfied in full by the exercise of the nondefaulting party’s rights hereunder. Interest on any sum payable by the defaulting party to the nondefaulting party under this Paragraph Il(h) shall be at a rate equal to the greater of the Pricing Rate for the relevant Transaction or the Prime Rate. (i) The nondefaulting party shall have, in addition to its rights hereunder, any rights otherwise avail able to it under any other agreement or applicable law. 12. Single Agreement Buyer and Seller acknowledge that, and have entered hereinto and will enter into each Transaction hereunder in consideration of and in reliance upon the fact that, all Transactions hereunder constitute single business and contractual relationship and have been made in consideration of each other. Accordingly, each of Buyer and Seller agrees (i) to perform all of its obligations in respect of each Transaction hereunder, and that a default in the performance of any such obligations shall constitute a default by it in respect of all Transactions hereunder, (ii) that each of them shall be entitled to set off claims and apply property held by them in respect of any Transaction against obligations owing to them in respect of any other Transactions hereunder and (iii) that payments, deliveries and other trans fers made by either of them in respect of any Transaction shall be deemed to have been made in con- sideration of payments, deliveries and other transfers in respect of any other Transactions hereunder, and the obligations to make any such payments, deliveries and other transfers may be applied against each other and netted. 13. Notices and Other Communications Any and all notices, statements, demands or other communications hereunder may be given by a party to the other by mail, facsimiie, telegraph, messenger or otherwise to the address specified in Annex I1 hereto, or so sent to such party at any other place specified in a notice of change of address hereafter received by the other. All notices, demands and requests hereunder may be made orally, to be con- firmed promptly in writing, or by other communication as specified in the preceding sentence. 14. Entire Agreement; Severability This Agreement shall supersede any existing agreements between the parties containing general terms and conditions for repurchase transactions. Each provision and agreement herein shall be treated as separate and independent from any other provision or agreement herein and shall be enforceable notwithstanding the unenforceability of any such other provision or agreement. I 5. Non-assignability; Termination (a) The rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement and under any Transaction shall not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other party, and any such assignment without the prior written consent of the other party shall be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement and any Transactions shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. This Agreement may be terminat- ed by either party upon giving written notice to the other, except that this Agreement shall, notwithstanding such notice, remain applicable to any Transactions then outstanding. (b) Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph 15 shall not preclude a party from assigning, charging or other- wise dealing with all or any part of its interest in any sum payable to it under Paragraph 11 hereof. 16. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to the conflict of law principles thereof. Seoiember 1996 9 Master Repurchase Agreemeni 8 w 6 17. No Waivers, Etc. No express or implied waiver of any Event of Default by either party shall constitute a waiver: of other Event of Default and no exercise of any remedy hereunder by any party shall constitute a v of its right to exercise any other remedy hereunder. No modification or waiver of any provision o Agreement and no consent by any party to a departure herefrom shall be effective unless and unt such shall be in writing and duly executed by both of the parties hereto. Without limitation on an the foregoing, the failure to give a notice pursuant to Pafagraph 4(a) or 4(b) hereof will not consti waiver of any right to do so at a Iater date. 78. Use of Ernpioyee Plan Assets .. .. (a) If assets of an employee benefit plan subject to any provision of the Employee Retirement Inct Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) are intended to be used by either party hereto (the “Plan Paq a Transaction, the Plan Party shall so notify the other party prior to the Transaction. The Plan shall represent in writing to the other party that the Transaction does not constitute a prohibit1 transaction under ERISA or is otherwise exempt therefrom, and the other party may proceed i reliance thereon but shall not be required so to proceed. (b) Subject to the last sentence of subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph, any such Transaction shall p ceed only if Seller furnishes or has furnished to Buyer its most recent available audited statemt of its financial condition and its most recent subsequent unaudited statement of its financial co tion. (c) By entering into a Transaction pursuant to this Paragraph, Seller shall be deemed (i) to represei Buyer hat since the date of Seller’s latest such financial statements, there has been no material adverse change in Seller’s financial condition which Seller has not disclosed to Buyer, and (ii) tc agree to provide Buyer with future audited and unaudited statements of its financial condition they are issued, so long as it is a Seller in any outstanding Transaction involving a Plan Party. 19. lntent (a) The parties recognize that each Transaction is a ”repurchase agreement” as that term is defined Section 101 of Title 11 of the United States Code, as amended (except insofar as the type of Securities subject to such Transaction or the term of such Transaction would render such definit inapplicable), and a “securities contract” as that term is defined in Section 741 of Title 11 of the United States Code, as amended (except insofar as the type of assets subject to such Transaction would render such definition inapplicable). (b) It is understood that either party’s right to liquidate Securities delivered to it in connection with Transactions hereunder or to exercise any other remedies pursuant to Paragraph 11 hereof is a c tractuaI right to Iiquidate such Transaction as described in Sections 555 and 559 of Title 11 of the United States Code, as amended. (c) The parties agree and acknowledge that if a party hereto is an ”insured depository institution,” i such tern is defined in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended (“FDIA”) , then each Transaction hereunder is a “qualified financial contract.” as that term is defined in FDIA and any rules, orders or policy statements thereunder (except insofar as the type of assets subject to such Transaction would render such definition inapplicable). (d) It is understood that this Agreement constitutes a “netting contract” as defined in and subject to Title IV of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (“FDICIA”) and each payment entitlement and payment obligation under any Transaction hereunder shall consti- tute a “covered contractual payment entitlement” or “covered contractual payment obligation”. I 9 September 1996 - Master Repurchase 9 w e’ respectively, as defined in and subject to FDICIA (except insofar as one or both of the parties is not a “financial institution” as that term is defined in FDICIA). 20. Disclosure Relating to Certain Federal Protections The parties acknowledge that they have been advised that: (a) in the case of Transactions in which one of the parties is a broker or dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (”SEC”) under Sect& 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“1934 Act”), the Securities Investor Protection Corporation has taken the position that the provisions of the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 (“SIPA”) do not protect the other party with respect to any Transaction hereunder; ernment securities dealer registered with the SEC under Section 1% of the 1934 Act. SIPA will not provide protection to the other party with respect to any Transaction hereunder: and (c) in the case of Transactions in which one of the parties is a financial institution. funds held by the financial institution pursuant to a Transaction hereunder are not a deposit and therefore are not insured by the FederaI Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Share (b) in the case of Transactions in which one of the parties is a government securities broker or a gov- Insurance Fund, as applicable. City of Carlsbad, as Buyer Republic National Bank of Be\ as Seller By; x- fY A By: [{tfdJd ANTHO A.BELO Title: Title: Finance Director Date: December 28, 1999 Date: NI By : Title :“a,,” Tivvud 1 a q Date: -&I-& \/ice ff=ichpn,k n /> ‘2 J.44 Septemwr 1996 - Muter Repurchase Agreement 70 * il) ANNEX I Supplemental Terms and Conditions This Annex I forms part of the Master Repurchase Agreement dated as of December 23rd, 1999 { "Seller"). Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Annex I shall have the meaning ascribed to them in Agreement. Definitions: (i) "Business Day" means any day other than Saturd Sunday or any other day on which commercial banks in N York, New York, or Carlsbad, California are required authorized to be closed. (ii) 'kdenture" means that certain Bond Indenture date& of October 1, 1998 by the City of Carlsbad ("City") connection with the execution and delivery of City of Carlsb Assessment District No. 96-1 (Rancho Carillo) Limii Obligation Improvement Bonds (the "Bonds"). December 23rd, 1999 "Agreement") between CITY OF CARLSBAD, (the "Buyer") and REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK I Initial Purchase Date: Amount of Initial Purchase: $0 Final Repurchase Date: September 2,2008 Repurchases: Prior to the Final Repurchase Date, Seller shall repurchase all I part of the Purchased Securities in such amounts as the Buy shall request by notice to Seller at least two Business Days pri~ to the date of repurchase; provided, however, that the Buy shall not request Seller to enter into a Repurchase Transactic other than in each case as required or permitted by the Indentu (i) to make payments with respect to the Bonds if the amount i the designated accounts (as defmed in the Indenture) insufficient; (ii) to provide for the redemption or refunding ( the Bonds; (iii) to make payments upon an Event of Defau under the Indenture that results in the acceleration or mandator redemption of all the Bonds or (iv) for any transfers required b the Indenture to the extent the amount on deposit in the Reservl Account is in excess of the Reserve Requirement under thc Indenture. The Buyer shall neither request Seller to enter into a Repurchasl Transaction earlier than three Business Days prior to the date 01 which the proceeds of such Repurchase Transaction are to be applied by the Buyer pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture stated above, nor in amounts greater than the amounts to be sc applied by the Buyer. In no event shall the Buyer require any repurchase for purposes of reinvestment. Seller will repurchase all Purchased Securities on the Final Repurchase Date. Pricing Rate: A rate per annum of 6.03%. W 0' Phce Differential Payment Dates: One Business Day prior to the second day of each March and September during the period frm the date hereof to a including the Final Repurchase Daw, commencing March 1 2000. 30/260 day basis. Price Differential Day Count Calculation: Additional Purchases: Additional Purchases may be made at rhc Pricing R~E up to s months after the initial Repurchase; provided, however, that tl agpgate sum of the Additional Purchases shall at no fn exceed the Amount of $1,357,770. Additional Purchases w1 be made prior to the Final Repurchase Date. Any suc Transactions shall be governed by the terns of this Agrement. (a) Any bond or other oblitions which as to princip. and interest constitute direct general obligations of, or ar unconditionally guaranteed by, rhe United States of America; (b) bonds, debentures, notes, rncutgase parcicipatio: certificates, mortgage pass-through certificates in physical 01 book entry form, collateralized mortgage obligations, or otk evidences of indebtedness issued by or the payment of which i: guaranteed by Federal Home Loan Martgape Corporatiox (including participation cenificates); or Federal Nationa Mortgage Association; or (c) Securities: any other securities pemittcd in the Indenture and agreed to by the Buyer and Seller. Buycr's Margin Percentage: The market value of the collateral js maintained at a level of not less than 103% of the amount invested and upon such conditions as would be acceptable 10 Standard & Poor's and Moody's to maintain an "A" rating in an "A" rated structured financing (with a market value approach). Full substitution rishts. IO A.M. Eastem Standard Time; unless agreed otherwise by the parries, notification given after such time shall be deemed @en on the next Business Day. Notification shall be by telephone or by facsimile with rem confmuon. As soon as practicable, but in no event later bn one Business Day from date of notification of a Margin Excess or a Marsin Deficit Norification shall be by telephone or by ficsimile with return confurnation. Each eansfer of Purchased Securities by Seller pursuant IO the terns of this Master Repurchase Agreement shall be made KO Buyer. Notwithstanding any provision in Paragaaph 8 of this Master Repurchase Agreement, Seller shall not retain cusrody of Purchased Securities. Substitution Rights of Seller: Margin Notice Deadline: Cure Period for Margin Excess or Deficit: Delivery Method: 2' TOTQL w e Securities Valuation Responsibilities: The Market Value of the Purchased Securities shall be determined by Seller at least weekly and communicated facsimile transmission to Buyer. "Market Value'' of Federal Reserve Bank of New York for such Securities on preceding Business Day as reported in The Wall Street Jou or the New York Times: or, if not available, the price of s Securities as determined by a nationally recognized accepted pric-ing service whose valuation method consists of composite average of various bid price quotes on the datc valuation; or, alternatively, the lower of the bid prices for s' Securities as quoted on the date of valuation by two securi dealers that are market makers in such Securities. The rating! such dealers or, if applicable, their parents, on the date valuation must be investment grade or higher, as determined Moody's and Standard & Poor's. Seller agrees to give Buyer one Business Day written notice Income Payments due by Buyer to Seller for the timely trans of income from Buyer to Seller. Paragraph 6 of the Master Repurchase Agreement is here deleted and restated in its entirety as follows: "(a) Buyer and Seller agree that, if for any reason a Transaction hereunder shall be deemed to be other than a sale purchase, Seller hereby grants a first security interest in a pledges, assigns and transfers to Buyer any and all right, tit and interest of Seller in and to the Purchased Securities a Income thereon and other proceeds thereof or cash delivered to be delivered to Buyer pursuant to the terns of tl Transactions in order to secure the prompt performance of i obligations of Seller under this Agreement, including, with0 limitation, the payment to Buyer of the liabilities, indebtedne and obligations of Seller, and all claims of Buyer against Sell arising out of or by reason of any or all Transactions hereunde: "(b) It is the intention of Seller and Buyer that, if for ar reason any Transaction shall be deemed other than a sale ar purchase, Buyer's rights in and to the Purchased Securities ar cash delivered to Buyer shall be those of a secured party holdir collateral under the provisions of the Uniform Commerci Code as in effect in the State of New York." All payments under the Master Repurchase Agreement will b made without setoff or counterclaim. The third sentence of Paragraph 8 of the Master Repurchas Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as foilow: "All of Seller's interest in the Purchased Securities shall pass tc Buyer; provided, however, that Buyer shall not engage u repurchase transactions with the Purchased Securities o otherwise pledge or hypothecate the Purchased Securities." Securities shall mean at any tie the bid price last quoted bj Income Payments: Security Interest: Setoff: Rehypothecation: 3 1) e’ Covenants of Buyer: Buyer agrees that (i) it will deliver to Seller written notice o proposed amendments and waivers to the Indenture that w( affect the Transctiom, and wh notice shall be accomp by the proposed amendments and waivers; (ii) no propc amendment to or waiver of any provision of the Inden relating to the Transactions shall be adopted which has the ef of reducing Seller’s expected benefits or increasing Sel exposure or obligations pursuant to the Master Repurcl Agreement without the prior written consent of Seller; (iii; proposed amendment to or waiver of any provision of Indenture relating to the Transactions shall be adopted wh has the effect of making the Transactions contempla hereunder no longer permissible under the Indenture; (iv) funds used by Buyer to pay for the Purchased Securities derived from funds and accounts established pursuant to Indenture; and (v) it has received all required consents z directions to enter into the Transactions contemplated herein accordance with the applicable provisions of the Indenture. (a) Seller agrees that so long as it has or may have i! obligation under this Master Repurchase Agreement, it w notify Buyer of any Event of Default under the Mas1 Repurchase Agreement or any suspension, withdrawal downgrading of its rating. (b) Seller agrees that in the event Seller’s rating suspended, withdrawn or is ,gadded below A- or below A3, t either Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s, respectively, the Mast Repurchase Agreement and any outstanding Transactions mi be terminated by Buyer on one Business Day’s prior notice Within two Business Days of the termination date specified Buyer‘s notice, all securities shall be repurchased by Seller ill any Price Differential Payments owing as of the date of suc Repurchase Transaction shall be paid by Seller. Seller currently rated AA- and Aa3 by Standard & Poor’s an Moody’s, respectively. (c) Seller will provide monthly reports to Buyer settir forth the amount and value of Purchased Securities held b Buyer, any repurchases made by Seller during such period an Price Differential Payments made by Seller during such period. (a) Paragraph 1 I(h) of the Master Repurchase Agreemer is hereby amended by deleting the words “Prime Rate” at th end thereof and substituting “Federal Funds Effective Rate’ therefor. For purposes of Paragraph 11Q “Federal Fund. Effective Rate” shall mean, for any day, an interest rate pe annum equal to the weighted average of the rates on overnigh Federal funds transactions with members of the Federal Resew System arranged by Federal funds brokers on such day, a published for such day (or, if such day is not a Business Day for the immediately preceding Business Day). Covenants of Seller: Events of Default: 4 e 6. (b) is hereby deleted and restated in its entirety as follows: Paragraph 1 l(i) of the Master Repurchase Agreerr “The non-defaulting party shall have, in addition to its rig hereunder, any rights otherwise available to it under any ot agreement or applicable law; provided that for Transactii where the defaulting party is acting as Seller, the non-default party must first exhaust its remedies against the Purcha Securities, as,set forth above.“ (c) Events of Default specified in Paragraph 11 of the Ma Repurchase Agreement, the failure of either party to obsei any material obligation under the terms of this Ma Repurchase Agreement, including, without limitation, failure to make any Price Differential Payment when due, si also constitute an “Event of Default” under Paragraph 11 oft Master Repurchase Agreement and, upon the occurrence of Event of Default, the non-defaulting party shall have the right exercise a11 remedies available under such Paragraph unlc otherwise specified herein. To the extent that the terms and conditions of Annex I confl. with the terms and conditions of the printed form of Mast Repurchase Agreement, the terms and conditions of Annex shall prevail. Section 15 of the Master Repurchase Agreement is herel amended by adding (I) “The Master Repurchase Agreement ill Custody Agreement shall only be amended by a writing signne by the parties.” as a sentence at the end thereof. In performing its obligations, neither Seller nor any of i directors, officers, partners, employees, or agents (includir directors, officers, employees or agents thereof) shall be liab or responsible for: (a) to the Bonds issued pursuant to the Indenture; (b) to Buyer hereunder; or (c) the Bonds or the Indenture. Without limiting the foregoing, regardless of whether Seller ha reviewed the Indenture or is generally familiar with the terms o indentures of a similar type, Seller shall have no duty to compl; with the terms of the Indenture or to ascertain whether Buyer ir in compliance therewith. (a) Buyer agrees that if any trustee succeeds to the dutie: of Buyer as trustee pursuant to the applicable provisions of tht Indenture, it will promptly notify Seller in writing of SUC! It is agreed by Buyer and Seller that, in addition to Conflict of Terms: Amendments and Assignability: Role of Seller: the payment of any amounts owing on or with respec the use or application by Buyer of any monies payabl any acts or omissions of Buyer under or with respect tc Miscellaneous: 5 w e succession, which notice shall identify the successor trustee, successor trustee shall, upon delivery to Seller of such additic information as may reasonably be requested by Seller, and u execution of an assumption of Buyer's obligations under Master Repurchase Agreement, if required by Sel automatically succeed to the rights and duties of Buyer pursu to Paragraph 15 of the Master Repurchase Agreement. (b) This Master Repurchase Agreement may be execu in counterparts by the parties hereto, and each such counten shall be considered an original and all such counterparts sl constitute one and the same instrument. (c) The headings of the articles and sections hereof are convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meani or construction of any provisions hereof. (d) The Buyer has entered into this Agreement under 1 Indenture as directed by the in accordance with the provisions the Indenture. The Buyer may consult with counsel with resp to any relating to its duties or responsibilities hereunder. T may act through its officers, agents, employees and attome! Each party shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon a certificate, notice, direction or other document delivered hereunder by the other party as provided herein as to the trut accuracy and validity thereof, In addition to this Annex I and Annex 11, the following Annex and any Schedules hereto shall form part of the Agreement an shall be applicable thereunder: NONE out it~ addressl telephwi ad ffi~iknik numbers. S Other Applicable Annexes: Agreed to and annexed to the Master Repurchase Agreement dated as of December 23rd, 1999, between Buy and Seller. CITY OF CARLSBAD, AS BUYER By: (L Title: Finance Director Date: December 28, 1999 REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK, AS SELLER By: (fffp Title: Date: ANTHO YA. BELO SENlOR VI €-PRESIDENT i! 6 w ANNEX I1 Wire and Delivery Instructions 1. Buyer US Dollar Payments (Funds): .City of Carlsbad Wells Fargo Bank ABA No:# 121 000 248 Acct.# 415928 1716 Ref Rancho Carrilo AD VIA Federal Book Entry (F.B.E.) FED ABA Routing Number ABA NO” First Attn: Fed Book Entry (Securities): 2. Seller C@-J\C.zA - =e A&( Republic Na ’ nal Bank of NY ABA NO- 21-004-823 For cr / it to Dept 357 Chase MC/ RNB DPG US Dollar PaymentsFunds: Fed Book Entry (Securities): ABA NO: #02 1-000-02 1 FNMAS Chase NYCLDTC 281 I/RNB DPG 7 . e' 6 _'* Notices: For Buyer; City of Carlsbad Finance Dept. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Attention: Corporate Telephone Np.: (760) 434 2867 Facsimile No.: (760) 434 8164 Republic National Bank of New York 452 Fifth Avenue - Tower 10 New York, New York 10018 Attention: Jorge Martin, First Vice President Telephone No.: (212) 525-8000 FacsimiIe No.: (212) 556-9224 For Seller: 8 4 Y 7 t' %. e . N!j-J4J 06. 2-9913 12:: RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: OFFICIAL RECORK %I! ftIEGC COUNTY EEOIIDER' S OFICE ggijafl 2. SMITH, CfluNTY iEC%Wi FEES: 49.M City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 lllliollllss Qs I< p Attn: C;b,Ckk 1998-0725542 (Space above for recorder's use o AGREEMENT FOR FILING OF FINAL MAPS WITHIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 96-n (RANCHO CARRILLO) 4-/ This Agreement is made and entered into this d '&day of 6cbb e( 15 by and between THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of Califo (the "City"), and CONTINENTAL RANCH, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Prop Owner" ) . RECITALS A. At the request of Continental Ranch, Inc. and for the benefit of district under the terms and conditions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913" (the "1 Act"), being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and issuance of bonds pursuant to the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915" (the "1915 Act"), bc Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the acquisitioi certain public improvements, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work within jurisdictional limits of the City, said special assessment district known and designatec Assessment District No. 96-1 (Rancho Carrillo) (the "Assessment District"). property subject of this Agreement, the City is undertaking the formation of a special assessn B. Property Owner is the owner of certain real property (the "Propen within the Assessment District, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. C. Upon formation of the Assessment District, assessments will be confin with respect to the parcels of land within the Assessment District in accordance with a f engineer's report for the Assessment District (the "Engineer's Report") prepared by Berry] and Henigar (the "Assessment Engineer"). D. The Engineer's Report will identify an assessment ("Assessment") single-family detached residential lot ("Lot") anticipated to be developed within each of 09-23-98 - S \172\97120012 AG8 ? f \> %c . e 499 0 fourteen (14) villages proposed to be developed with single-family detached housing within Assessment District (each, a "Village"). The Assessment Engineer's determination of number of Lots within a Village shall be based upon approved tentative or final subdivision 11 at the time of confirmation of the Assessments, or in the absence of such maps, upon estimated number of "Adjusted Planned Equivalent Dwelling Units" for such Village set f in Exhibit 5 of the Engineer's Report. E. The City has approved final subdivision maps for Villages D, H, 0 Q1, tentative subdivision maps for Villages M, Q2 and R3/Q4, and is currently proces tentative subdivision maps for Villages E, F, G, K and P within the Assessment District. F. The City's policy with respect to the Assessment District is t notwithstanding any possible subsequent reductions in the number of Lots to be developed wi a Village, as a result of subdivision, the Assessments shall remain substantially equivaler those projected in the Engineer's Report. Therefore, it is the intent of this Agreemenf conformance with such City policy, to ensure that at the time of filing of a final map 1 respect to any Village, the actual assessment on each Lot resulting from the subdivision shal substantially equivalent to the Assessment described in the Engineer's Report. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of wl is hereby acknowledged, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: AGREEMENT 1. 2. The above Recitals are all true and correct. Prior to approval of each final map creating Lots upon which single-far detached dwelling units may be constructed and sold (a "Final Map") within a Village, Assessment Engineer shall make a preliminary determination of the apportionment assessments to each Lot to be created by the Final Map in accordance with the method formula of assessment spread set forth in the Engineer's Report, the provisions of Part 10. the 1915 Act and other applicable law (the "Preliminary Apportionment"). If the Prelimir Apportionment indicates that the assessment per Lot upon filing of the Final Map "Apportioned Assessment") would exceed the Assessment per Lot identified in the Enginel Report for the Village by more than 3 %, then prior to filing the Final Map, the Property Owl shall, as a condition of approval of such Final Map, pay the amount (the "Prepayment Amou. required to reduce the Apportioned Assessment (the "Adjusted Apportioned Assessments" an amount not greater than the Assessment for each Lot projected in the Engineer's Report 1 respect to such Lots. No Final Map shall be approved unless and until the Property Owner F the Prepayment Amount, if applicable. The Prepayment Amount shall be calculated in accordance with Section 87t of the 1915 Act and other applicable law as follows: 2 09-23-98 S.\172\97120012 .AG8 <* e 499 0 (i) determine the difference between the sum of the Apportic Assessment on all Lots and the Adjusted Apportioned Assessment; (ii) multiply the determined amount in (i) by the applicable redem1 premium on the bonds of the Assessment District (the “Bonds”) at the next call date add the result to the amount determined in (i); (iii) add to the result of (ii) an amount equal to interest accrued to next call date of the Bonds with respect to the amount in (i), which date shall be the 1 Bond interest payment date after the date of prepayment; (iv) add to the result of (iii) the amount of any delinquent installn of principal and interest, together with penalties accrued, to the date of prepayment 7 respect to the portion of the Assessment District to which the Final Map applies a: fee for the costs of administering the prepayment and the advance redemption of Bo if any; (v) to determine the Prepayment Amount, subtract from the resu (iv) an amount equal to a credit for the reserve fund on the 3onds calculatec accordance with Streets and Highways Code Section 8881. Prepayment of the principal amount of the Assessment in increments of $5,000 or any por thereof shall be permitted in accordance with the Bond documents. 3. Upon payment of the Prepayment Amount pursuant to Section 2 abov upon a prepayment of assessment pursuant to Section 3 above, the City shall issue a rev auditor’s record showing the proportionate reduction in assessment installments and there2 levy subsequent installments at the reduced rate. The City shall also modify the assessment accordingly and record an addendum to the notice of assessment in accordance with applic, law. 4. Property Owner hereby agrees to provide written notice to any subseql purchaser of all or any portion of the Property (other than the purchasers of homes) upon wf single-family detached dwelling units will be constructed advising such purchaser af existence of this Agreement and the condition of approval of each Final Map imposed pursi to Section 2 of this Agreement. In addition, Property Owner shall cause each such purch to sign and deliver to the City a written assignment and assumption of obligations under Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “3”. Such assignment and assump agreement shall not be effective until it is executed on behalf of the City by the City Man: or his designee. 5. This Agreement shall terminate with respect to any Lot created by a F Map and and such Lot shall be released and no longer be subject to this Agreement without execution or recordation of any further document upon filing of the Final Map and paymen 3 09-23-98 S:\172\97120012.AG8 It e 50a the Prepayment Amount with respect to such Lot, if required. In addition, this Agreement z terminate upon the filing of Final Maps with respect to all of the Property. 6. The parties hereto intend that the Property Owner’s burdens obligations under numbered paragraph 2 above constitute a covenant running with the land that such covenant shall be binding on all transferees of the subject property. 7. This Agreement shall be binding on all of the Property Owner’s succes and assigns. 8. This Agreement is executed by and between the parties hereto on the first hereinabove written. ATTEST: City l2dtzZLa- Clerk By:: &City Attorney Name: By: f 2 Jg p ;a. . Lore Approved as to form: CONTINENTAL RANCH, INC., a Delar corporation W-u bk* & Title: By: Name: ehfi:r h bG Title: prq 4 09-23-98 S \172\97120012 AG8 0 sd, Y - STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ) ss. 1 COUNTY OF c! & f 0 On &&S ,998 before me, notary public in and for said State, personally appeared > - idYyaAiLi% person s whose nam (s i /@subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me @/SI& e executed the same in h' /h r/ ei authorized capacite, and that by $s/$r$ signature 9 s on the instrument the perso s) or the entity upon behalf of which the perso acted, executed the instrument. hot-ic nf ...- evl, 0- personal known to e J- ) to be 7 8& WITNESS my hand and official seal. NataryR#c--ccllwlk sonMeoocarpy fL STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF 1 1 ss. On before me, notary public in and for said State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity( ies), and that by hislherlt signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the persc acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (5 08-25-98 S:\172\97 12001 2.AG4 5 0 s? EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY 0 8 - 2 5 - 9 8 S:\172\97 12001 2.AG4 RICKE"EERING aMP @a3 -. 0 5620 Friars Road vAv . SanDiego L& California 921 10-2596 (619)291-0707 Legal Desc TC Ref. J-12987 ~ Order No. - RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Descr. Rev. By Page 1 of 6 A parcel of land being a portion of the Southerly one half of Section 18 and a portion ( Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian and a portion ( Fractional Section 13 and a portion of Fractional Section 24, Township 12 South, Rang 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State ( California described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly boundary line of Record of Survey No. 91 12 on fi in the Office of the County Recorder of said County of San Diego, said point also being c the centerline of Palomar Airport Road and the beginning of a non-tangent 1200.00 foc radius curve concave Southwesterly, to which a radial line bears North 02"03'04" Eas thence leaving said Westerly line and along said centerline Southeasterly along the arc ( said curve through a central angle of 20'1 3'34" a distance of 423,61 feet; thence Sou' 67"43'22" East 1328.80 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1000.00 foot radius CUD concave Northeasterly; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a centr angle of 03°09'32" a distance of 55.13 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 2263.00 fol radius curve concave Northerly to which a radial line bears North 08'33'46" East; thenc Easterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 16"17'25" a distance 643.41 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 1000.00 foot radius curve concai Northwesterly to which a radial line bears North 18"16'59" West; thence Northeaster along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 03"09'32" a distance of 55.13 fee thence North 68'33'29" East 1525.56 feet to the beginning of a tangent 6000.00 fo radius curve concave Southeasterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said cun through a central angle of 05"39'05" a distance of 591.81 feet; thence North 74'12'34 East 454.40 feet to the beginning of a tangent 3000.00 foot radius curve conca\ Southeasterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle OO"52'58" a distance of 46.22 feet to a point on the Easterly boundary line of said Reco - RE103 4/89 e RICKENGINEERING COMPANY -. . a 5620 Friars Road Bq ' SanDiego Lw& California 92110-2596 (6 19)291-0707 504 Legal Des TC Ref.- Order No. - Date Descr. 1 Rev. By __ J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 2 of 6 of Survey No. 91 12; thence leaving said centerline and Southerly, Westerly and Northei along the boundary lines of said Record of Survey the following courses: South 00'39'5 West 2492.24 feet; thence South 00'08'23" West 2669.98 feet; thence South 00'07'3 West 1335.81 feet; thence North 89'45'39'' West 1314.12 feet; thence North 89'48'0 West 1248.20 feet; thence North 89'46'41" West 1848.74 feet; thence South 00'51'4 West 431.07 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 900.00 foot radius curve concai Northeasterly, to which a radial line bears South 15'05'10" West; thence Northwestei along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 01 '44'50" a distance of 27.45 fec thence North 73'1 0'00" West 120.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 900.00 foot radii curve concave Northeasterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through central angle of 29'32'00" a distance of 463.91 feet; thence South 46'22'00" West 82.; feet to the beginning of a tangent 150.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly; then1 Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 82'18'00" a distance 21 5.46 feet; thence North 51 '20'00" West 440.25 feet to the beginning of a tangent 700.1 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said cur through a central angle of 19'20'00" a distance of 236.20 feet; thence North 32'00'0 West 425.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 750.00 foot radius curve conca> Southwesterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central anc of 57'17'44'' a distance of 750.00 feet; thence North 89'17'44" West 480.00 feet; then1 North 00'41'42" East 205.09 feet; thence South 89'26'46" East 2458.80 feet; thence Noi 02'38'00" West 5065.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. Excepting therefrom the following described parcels of land: (Existinq Park Site 1) Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Record of Survey No. 91 12; thence Noi RE103 4/89 NCKENGI"GmM P ANY 5620 Friars Road e rA@ ' SanDiego LwA California 92110-2596 565 (619)291-0707 Legal Desc TC Ref. Order No. - ~ J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" Descr. Rev. By By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 3 of 6 00'07'39" East along the Easterly line thereof 1335.81 feet; thence leaving said Easter line North 89'46'11 " West 1308.84 feet; thence North 00 '21 '00'' East 1398.14 feet; then( North 89'39'00'' West 542.1 1 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being a point c that certain document granted to the City of Carlsbad on February 24,1977 as File/Pa< 77-068081; thence along said document the following courses: South 36'1 5'49" We 408.00 feet; South 05°10'1 5" East 176.66 feet; South 06'32'57" West 225.02 feet; Sou 79 O555'36" East 228.30 feet: South 32'22'1 9" East 107.90 feet; South I go 16'22" We 68.69 feet; South 76'50'48'' West 575.23 feet; North 48'51'58" West 291 .IO feet; Nor 16'01'37'' East 549.47 feet; North 49'58'58'' East 494.91 feet; North 85'50'40'' Ea 240.49 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. jExistins Park Site 21 That parcel of land described in that document recorded November 4, 1997 ( Document No. 97-0554155 and being a portion of Parcel 2 of Certificate Compliance, Document No. 94-0497667 in the City of Carlsbad, both on file in tl Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California described , follows: Beginning at an angle point in the Southeasterly line of said Parcel 2 formed by tl intersection of the two courses: North 85'50'40" East 92.05 feet, North 04'09'2( West 326.97 feet; thence along said Southeasterly line the following courses: Sou 85"50'40" West 92.05 feet to the beginning of a tangent 2000.00 foot radius cur concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central anc of 02'22'02" a distance of 82.63 feet; thence leaving said Southeasterly line Nor 50'32'05" East 21 4.03 feet to said Southeasterly line; thence along si Southeasterly line South 04'09'20'' East 122.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. RE103 4/89 - 0 5GG II(ICKENGI"GCOWM a 5620 Friars Road rAv ' SanDirgo L-A California 92110-2596 (619)291-0707 Legal Desc TC Ref. Order No. - Date Descr. 1 Rev. By J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 4 of 6 [Lot I1 1, Carlsbad Tract No. 93-04, Villaae "Q", Phase 1, Park Site) Lot 111 of Carlsbad Tract No. 93-04, Rancho Carriilo Village "Q" Phase 1 in the City Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California according to Map No. 13551 on file the Office of the San Diego County Recorder. (Proposed School Site) That portion of Parcel 2 of Certificate of Compliance, Document No. 94-0497667 ai Parcel 3 of Certificate of Compliance, Document No. 94-0497669 both in the City Carlsbad, on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State California described as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the Southeasterly line of said Parcel 2 formed by tl intersection of the two courses; North 85"50'40" East 92.05 feet, North 04"09'2( West 326.97 feet; thence North 04'09'20" West along said Southeasterly lii 122.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 50'32'05" We 230.39 feet; thence South 38'58'1 2" East 19.32 feet; thence South 55"32'56" WE 143.45 feet; thence South 48"54'47" West 151.28 feet; thence South 44"27'1 West 104.02 feet; thence South 56'30'35" West 147.17 feet; thence Nor 74'13'36" West 146.41 feet; thence North 84'11'15'' West 218.1 1 feet to t beginning of a tangent 140.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly; then Southwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 56'28'45'' distance of 138.01 feet; thence South 39'20'00" West 236.54 feet; thence Sou 46O46'16" West 31.78 feet; thence South 60"10'20" West 58.15 feet to t beginning of a tangent 1 25 .OO foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence Weste I RE103 4/89 0 RICKENGI"GC0MTANy 0 5620 Friars Road ra ' SanDirgo LwA California 92110-2596 (6 19)29 1-0707 5fi7 Legal Desc TC Ref. J-12987 r Order No. - RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RWjb.002 Descr. Rev. By Date: September 29, 1998 Page 5 of 6 along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 51 '48'28" a distance of 1 13.0 feet; thence North 68'01 '1 2" West 41.08 feet to the beginning of a tangent 100.0 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curb through a central angle of 35'36'36" a distance of 62.15 feet; thence Soul 76"22'12" West 45.1 3 feet; thence North 87'28'01 'I West 41.1 8 feet; thence Nod 18'34'56" West 95.67 feet; thence North 72"43'50" East 84.30 feet to tk beginning of a tangent 145 1 .OO foot radius curve concave Northwesterly; thenc Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 30'05'48" distance of 762.1 9 feet to the beginning of a reverse 20.00 foot radius curve concat Southeasterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central ans curve concave Northwesterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve throu! a central angle of 33'23'30" a distance of 17.48 feet to the beginning of a rever 170.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly; thence Northeasterly along the a of said curve through a central angle of 10'03'18" a distance of 29.83 feet to tl beginning of a reverse 145 1 .OO foot radius curve concave Northwesterly; then1 Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 07'43'04" distance of 195.45 feet; thence North 32"47'02" East 24-0.48 feet to the beginnit of a tangent 21 49.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly; thence Northeastei along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00'54'1 1 " a distance of 33.t feet; thence North 33'41 '1 3" East 280.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent 25.( foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said cur through a central angle of 91'53'02" a distance of 40.09 feet; thence Sou 46"49'56" East 31.87 feet; thence South 53'32'41 " East 8.86 feet; thence Sou 59"31'58" East 35.19 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 2337.00 foot radi curve concave Southwesterly. to which a radial line bears North 37O25'20'' Ea! thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 13'37'2 of 21 o 12'1 6" a distance of 7.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse 30.00 foot radii - RE103 4/89 0 RICKEI.GI"G COMPANY e. * 5620 Friars Road rAy SanDIego LwA California ?2110-25?6 (619)291-0707 568 Legal Desc TC Ref. J-12987 r Order No. __ RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" Descr. Rev. By By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 6 of 6 a distance of 555.71 feet; thence South 50'32'05" West 59.84 feet to the TRI POINT OF BEGINNING. JVillaqe "J", Lots 1 throuqh 45 & Lots 61 throuah 65) Lots 1 through 45 and Lots 61 through 65 of Carlsbad Tract No. 93-01, Rand Carrillo Village "J" in the City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of Califorr according to the map thereof No. 13552 on file in the Office of the San Diego Coun Recorder. jbll2987.002 RE103 4/89 - .- e a9 EXHIBIT "B" FORM OF ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT [Attached] 08-25-98 S:\172\97120012.AG4 .. e e0 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT Pursuant to an Agreement for Filing of Final Maps Within Assessment Dir No. 96-1 (Rancho Carillo) dated , 1998 (the "Agreement") between the C OF CARLSBAD ("City") and CONTINENTAL RANCH, INC., a Delaware torpor( ("Assignor") , which Agreement is hereby incorporated herein by this reference, and for I and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned agrc follows: 1. The assignment and assumption provided for under this Assignmeni Assumption Agreement ("Assignment") is made together with the sale, transfer or assign of all or a part of the property subject to the Agreement. The property sold, transferrt assigned together with this Assignment is described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto incorporated herein by this reference (the "Subject Property"). 2. Assignor hereby grants, sells, transfers, conveys assigns and delegatr ("Assignee") all of Assignor's rights, title, inte benefits, privileges, duties and obligations arising under or from the Agreement with respe the Subject Property. 3. Assignee hereby accepts the foregoing assignment and unconditioi assumes and agrees to perform all of the duties and obligations of Assignor arising undt from the Agreement as owner of the Subject Property and Assignor is hereby released fror such duties and obligations. 4. The sale, transfer or assignment of the Subject Property and the assigm and assumption provided for under this Assignment are the subject of additional agreenr between Assignor and Assignee. Notwithstanding any term, condition or provision of additional agreements, the rights of the City arising under or from the Agreement and Assignment shall not be affected, diminished or defeated in any way, except upon the ex] written agreement of the City. 5. Assignor and Assignee execute this Assignment pursuant to Section the Agreement, and the City evidences its consent to this Assignment by signing below. 08-25-98 S :\ 172\97 12001 2 .AG4 B- 1 e 511. ,* ** .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Assignment ASSIGNOR: CONTINENTAL RANCH, INC., a Delai corporation By: Name: Title: ASSIGNEE: By : Name: Title: The City hereby consents to this CITY: Assignment. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF CARLSBAD 3y : Its: City Manager City Attorney 08-25-98 S \172\97120012 AG4 B-2 512 g: q yjcj WgZgV 0&3 199s 12=: RECORDING REQUESTE BY AND WEEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Carlsbad OFFICIAL k!@RDS p 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive $hl DIEGO EQfirNPI FEiIRDEtl’S OFFIC 9 .. 7 .. . Carlsbad, CA 92008 GXGW J. SMITH? COUNTY EECOWDEF \&? Attn: c;tY--C\e?k. : FEES: 4tJ.00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (Spat UHHlll~~ll~ll~l111~1~ 1QQ8-072554! DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into as of thisd‘ p day o l’ k t&’b<d98 by and between the Ci of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation (“City,”) and Continental Ranch, Inc., a Delaware Corporatio (“Developer”). WHEREAS, Developer or its predecessor in interest has petitioned the City Council of the City to initiate and the City has initiated proceedings for the formation of a special assessment district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the “Municipal Improvement Act of 1913”, being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO 96-1 (RANCHO CARRILLO) (hereinaf referred to as the “Assessment District”); and WHEREAS, the City has adopted policies relating to the utilization of Assessment District financing which require Developer to extinguish the lien on any parcel created as a result of the confirmation of the Assessment District prior to the close of escrow on the sale of such parcel to a residential home buyer unless Developer shall have provided full disclosure of the existence of the assessment lien, the amount thereof, the annual assessment installments, the duration of the assessment lien and such other information as may be required by the City, and has provided the residential home buyer with the option to (a) take title subject to the applicable Assessment Distric special assessment against their parcel, or (b) require the special assessment obligation to be discharged prior to the close of such escrow; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have entered into this Disclosure Agreement to establish the terms and conditions which must be satisfied by Developer should it desire to allow residential home buyers to take title subject to the assessment obligation established for any parcel or parcels within the Assessment District. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES P FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. SECTION 2. The above recitals are all true and correct. Developer owns property proposed to be subject to assessment obligations within the boundaries of the Assessment District. Developer’s property is describe and set forth in the attached, referenced and incorporated Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3. The escrow for the sale to any residential home buyer of any lot or parcel, including condominium unit, within the Assessment District shall not close or title 1 such parcel be buyer without first causing the ass a ent lien created as a result of the coli ? irniation of the Assessment . District, if any, on such parcel to be extinguished except as provided for herein below. An assessment lien on a parcel within the Assessment District proposed to be sold to a residential home buyer need not be extinguished prior to the close of the escrow for the sale or other conveyance to such residential home buyer if Developer shall have given the residential home buyer a copy of the Notice of Special Assessment and Payment Option Election, the form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit ‘$13” and incorporated herein by this reference and such notice shall have been duly executed by the residential home buyer or buyers and deposited into escrow. mise conveyed to such residential 11 .. . SECTION 4. Developer shall incorporate the amount of assessment lien into the advertised sales price of the home and clearly disclose the pass-through option in any sales literature. Sales literature for this purpose shall not be deemed to include media advertising, billboards, signs or other like advertisements. In addition, notice of the assessment in a form similar to Exhibit “C” shall be prominently displayed in all sales offices offering units for sale that are subject to the Assessment District lien. SECTION 5. This obligation shall be binding on a11 heirs, assigns or successors-in-interest of the parties hereto, and the City shall cause a copy of this Agreement to be recorded in- the Office of the County Recorder upon its execution, SECTION 6. Developer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad from any claims arising out of Developer’s failure to adequately perform under the provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the 5th day of October , 1998. CITY OF CARLSBAD CONTINENTAL RANCH, MC., a Delaware Corporation By: - -- chris topher ChaiunberS & Mayor President ATTEST: By: w A. David Lother Vice President -3- Aletha L. Rautenkranz City Clerk 2 ilJ 0 e State of California County of San Diego On October 26, 1998 before me, Nancy A. Nemec, Notary Public, personally appt David A. Lother and Christopher Chambers, personally known to me to be the pel whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures 01 instrument the persons or the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, exec the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. -a# llrnl Notary Dusk - caiifonda 0 *& P dncy A. Nemec, Notary Public Description of Attached Document: Title or Type of Document: Spec ial Assessment District Disclosure Agreement Document Date: T Jndated Number of Pages: 13 Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signers: Signer’s Name: David A. Lother Signer’s Name: Chris Chambers Title: Vice President Title: President Representing: Continental Ranch, Inc, Representing: Continental Ranch. Inc. * .. ,. 0 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY w JAW RICKENGINEERZNGCOMPWIY 5620 Friars Road 0 v@@ . SanDirgo L-a California 92110-2596 (619129 1-0707 Legal Desc TC Ref. Order No. - ~ J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: REVjb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 1 of 6 Descr. Rev. By A parcel of land being a portion of the Southerly one half of Section 18 and a portion Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian and a portion Fractional Section 13 and a portion of Fractional Section 24, Township 12 South, Ran< 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State California described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly boundary line of Record of Survey No. 91 12 on fi in the Office of the County Recorder of said County of San Diego, said point also being ( the centerline of Pabmar Airport Road and the beginning of a non-tangent 1200.00 fo radius curve concave Southwesterly, to which a rsdial line bears North 02'03'04'' Ea: thence leaving said Westerly line and aior,g said centerline Southeasterty along the arc said cutve through a central angle of 20'13'34" a distance of 423.61 feet; thence Sou 67'43'22'' East 1328.80 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1000.00 foot radius CUT\ concave Northeastedy; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a centr angle of 03'09'32' a distance of 55.1 3 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 2263.00 fo radius curve concave Northerly to which a radial line bears North 08'33'46'' East; them Easterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 16°17'25" a distance 643.41 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 1000.00 foot radius curve concal Northwesterly to which a radial line bears North 18' 16'59" West; thence Northeastei along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 03"09'32" a distance of 55.13 fec thence North 68"33'29" East 1525.56 feet to the beginning of a tangent 6000.00 fo radius curve concave Southeasterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said cur through a central angle of 05O39'05" a distance of 591.81 feet; thence North 74'12'3 East 454.40 feet to the beginning of a tangent 3000.00 foot radius curve conca! Southeasterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle 00'52'58" a distance of 46.22 feet to a point on the Easterly boundary line of said Reco .. RE103 US9 e v- I RICK ENGINEEIUNG COMPANY 0 ,. 5620 Friar\ Road r@v SanDwgo L-r Calrfornia 92110-2596 (61 9)29 1-0707 Legal De: TC Ref.- Order No. - Date Descr. - ~ Rev. By __ J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 2 of 6 of Survey No. 91 12; thence leaving said centerline and Southerly, Westerly and Northe along the boundary lines of said Record of Survey the following courses: South 00'39'5 West 2492.24 feet; thence South 00'08'23" West 2669.98 feet; thence South 00 "07'3 West 1335.81 feet; thence North 89'45'39" West 1314.12 feet; thence North 89'48'0 West 1248.20 feet; thence North 89'46'41" West 1848.74 feet; thence South OO"51'4 West 431.07 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 900.00 foot radius curve conca Northeasterly, to which a radial line bears South 15'05'1 0" West; thence Northweste along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 01 '44'50" a distance of 27.45 fej thence North 73'10'00" West 120.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 900.00 foot radi curve concave Northeasterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said CUNE! througt central angle of 29"32'00" a distance of 463.91 feel; thence South 46'22'00" West 82. feet to the beginning of a tangent 150.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly; then Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 82 O 18'00" a distance 21 5.46 feet; thence North 51 "20'00" West 440.25 feet to the beginning of a tangent 700.1 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said cur through a central angle of 19'20'00" a distance of 236.20 feet; thence North 32'00'C West 425.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 750.00 foot radius curve conca Southwesterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said cuwe through a central an< of 57'17'44" a distance of 750.00 feet; thence North 89'17'44" West 480.00 feet; then North 00'41'42" East 205.09 feet; thence South 89'26'46" East 2458.80 feet; thence Noi 02°38'00" West 5065.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. Excepting therefrom the following described parcels of land: [Existitla Park Site 1) Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Record of Survey No. 91 12; thence Noi RE103 4/89 NCKENGI"G COMPANY 5620 Friars Road 0 VAT. San Diego L-d California 92110-2596 (619)291-0707 Legal Desc TC Ref. Order No. - Date Descr. ~ Rev. By J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J,' By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 3 of 6 OO"O7'39" East along the Easterly line thereof 1335.81 feet; thence leaving said Eastei line North 89'46'1 1 I' West 1308.84 feet; thence North 00 "21 '00" East 1398.14 feet; them North 89'39'00" West 542.1 1 feet to the TZU€ POINT OF BEGINNING, being a point ( that certain document granted to the Citj of Carlsbad on February 24,1977 as File/Pa! 77-068081 ; thence along said document the following courses: South 36' 15'49" WE 408.00 feet: South 05' 10'1 5" East 176.66 feet; South 06'32'57" West 225.02 feet; Sou 79'55'36" East 228.30 feet; South 32'22'1 9" East 107.90 feet; South 19" 16'22'' WE 68.69 feet; South 76'50'48" West 575.23 feet; North 48'51'58'' West 291 .IO feet; Nor 16°01'37'' East 549.47 feet: North 49'58'58" East 494.91 feet; North 85'50'40'' E: 240.49 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. JExistinq Park Site 2) That parcel of land described in that document recorded November 4, 1997 Document No. 97-0554155 and being a portion of Parcel 2 of Certificate Compliance, Document No. 94-0497667 in the City of Carlsbad, both on file in t~ Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California described follows: Beginning at an angle point in the Southeasterly line of said Parcel 2 formed by t intersection of the two courses: North 85'50'40" East 92.05 feet, North 04'09'21 West 326.97 feet; thence along said Southeasterly line the following courses: Sou 85'50'40" West 92.05 feet to the beginning of a tangent 2000.00 foot radius cur concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central ani of OZ"22'02" a distance of 82.63 feet; thence leaving said Southeasterly line Nor 50'32'05'' East 21 4.03 feet to said Southeasterly line; thence along si Southeasterly line South 04'09'20'' East 122.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. . :j% RE103 U89 - W VILl RICKENGINEERING cofvlpANy 5620 Friars Road 0 VAT . SanDirgo L-A California. 92110-2596 (619)291-0707 Legal Des TC Ref. Order No. Date Descr. E Rev. 0 y J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RWjb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 4 of 6 {Lot 11 1, Carlsbad Tract No. 93-04, Villaae "Q". Phase 1, Park Site) Lot 11 1 of Carlsbad Tract No. 93-04, Rancho Carrillo Village ''Q" Phase 1 in the City Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California according to Map NO. 13551 on file the Office of the San Diego County Recorder. [Prooosed School Site) That portion of Parcel 2 of Certificate of Compliance, Document NO. 94-0497667 ai Parcel 3 of Certificate of Compliance, Document No. 94-0497669 both in the City Carlsbad, on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State California described as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the Southeasterly line of said Parcel 2 formed by tl intersection of the two courses: North 85'50'40" East 92.05 feet, North 04O09'21 West 326.97 feet; thence North 04"09'20" West along said Southeasterly lii 122.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 50'32'05" We 230.39 feet; thence South 38'58'1 2" East 19.32 feet; thence South 55'32'56" WE 143.45 feet; thence South 48"54'47" West 151.28 feet; thence South 44"27'1 West 104.02 feet; thence South 56'30'35" West 147.17 feet; thence Nor 74"13'36" West 146.41 feet; thence North 84"l 1'15" West 218.11 feet to t beginning of a tangent 140.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly: then Southwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 56'28'45" distance of 138.01 feet; thence South 39'20'00" West 236.54 feet: thence Sou 46O46'16" West 31.78 feet: thence South 60°10'20" West 58.15 feet to t beginning of a tangent 125.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence Westei - RE103 4/89 vuv RICKENGI"GCOMPANY 5620 Friars Road 0 rAv . SanDirgo L-A California 92110-2596 (619)291-0707 Legal Desc TC Ref. J-12987 :: Order No. - RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 5 of 6 Descr. Rev. By along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 51 '48'28'' a distance of 11 3.C feet; thence North 68'01'12" West 41.08 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1OO.C foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curl through a central angle of 35'36'36" a distance of 62.15 feet; thence Soul 76'22'1 2" West 45.1 3 feet; thence North 87'28'01 I' West 41.1 8 feet; thence Non 18'34'56" West 95.67 feet; thence North 72'43'50" East 84.30 feet to tt. beginning of a tangent 145 1 .OO foot radius curve concave Northwesterly; thenc Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 30'05'48" distance of 762.1 9 feet to the beginning of a reverse 20.00 foot radius curve concaj Southeasterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central ang of 21 "1 2'1 6" a distance of 7.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse 30.00 foot radit curve concave Northwesterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve throuG a central angle of 33"23'30" a distance of 17.48 feet to the beginning of a rever2 170.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly: thence Northeasterly along the a of said curve through a central angle of 1 0'03'1 8" a distance of 29.83 feet to t! beginning of a reverse 1451 .OO foot radius curve concave Northwesterly; them Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 07"43'04" distance of 195.45 feet; thence North 32'47'02" East 240.48 feet to the beginnir of a tangent 21 49.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly; thence Northeaster along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00'54'1 1 I' a distance of 33.E feet; thence North 33'41 '1 3" East 280.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent 25.C foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said cur\ through a central angle of 91'53'02'' a distance of 40.09 feet; thence Sou. 46'49'56" East 31.87 feet; thence South 53'32'41 " East 8.86 feet; thence Sou. 59'31 '58" East 35.1 9 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent 2337.00 foot radk curve concave Southwesterly, to which a radial line bears North 37'25'20'' Eas thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 13'37'2: - RE103 4189 W RICKEYGI"GCOMPANY e .. 5620 Friars Road rA@ ' SanDiego Lwd California 92110-2596 (619)291-0707 Legal Des TC Ref. Order No. - Date Oescr. ~ Rev. E y - J-12987 RANCHO CARRILLO, EXCLUDING PARK SITES, SCHOOL SITE AND PORTIONS OF VILLAGE "J" By: RB/jb.002 Date: September 29, 1998 Page 6 of 6 a distance of 555.71 feet; thence South 50"32'05" West 59.84 feet to the TRI POINT OF BEGINNING. jVillaqe "J", Lots 1 throucrh 45 & Lots 61 throuah 651 Lots 1 through 45 and Lots 61 through 65 of Carlsbad Tract No. 93-01, Ranc Carrillo Village "J" in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califorr according to the map thereof No. 13552 on file in the Office of the San Diego Cour Recorder. jbll2987.002 RE103 4/89 3L-m 0 EXHIBIT B (SAMPLE - FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND PAYMENT OPTION ELECTION (Supplement to Escrow Instructions) THE PROPERTY WHICH BUYER IS PURCHASING IS SUBJECT TO A SIGNIFICANT ASSESSMENT WHICH IS IN ADDITION TO REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES. THIS ASSESSMENT WILL AFFECT THE AMOUNT WHICH BUYER WIL; BE REQUIRED TO PAY IN THE PURCHASE OF BUYER'S PROPERTY. YOU ARE URGED TO READ THIS NOTICE VERY CAREFULLY IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY. Name(s) of Buyer: Address of Property: Escrow Company: The escrow instructions relating to the sale and purchase of the above described propertj (the "Property") are supplemented by the following as set forth herein. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION The City of Carlsbad ("City") has formed a special assessment district pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913" to finance the acquisition or construction of certain public works of improvement which will benefit the properties within the assessment district. This assessment district is known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 96-1 (Rancho Carrillo) (the "Assessment District"). The public improvements to be financed through the Assessment District include: e Roadway improvements to Melrose Drive generally consisting of relocation of sewer mains, grading and paving of streets, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, guardrail, signing and striping, storm drainage facilities, water, sewer and reclaimed water mains, riparian mitigation, landscaping of medians, parkways and adjacent slopes and other appurtenant works; Roadway improvements to the intersection of Melrose Drive and Palomar Airport Road generally consisting of left-turn pockets, acceleration and deceleration lanes and median break; and 0 Bonds in the amount of $ above-described improvements. The bonds are secured by the assessments levied on property 3 have been issued to finance the construction of the 0 Is3 within the Assessment District. The Property which you are purchasing is located within the boundaries of the Assessment District. The City has determined that the Property will receive a direct and special benefit from the improvements to be financed through the Assessment District and has levied an assessment is secured by a lien much like a home loan is secured by a deed of trust. When you purchase the Property, you will be solely responsible for the payment of the assessment. Prior to the close of escrow, you have the option to either (a) pay off the assessment obligation in semi- annual installments ("Option (a)") or (b) pay the entire assessment obligation at the close of escrow on the sale of the Property ("Option (b)"). If you elect Option (a) the assessment on the Property will be collected in annual installments which will be included in the property tax bill for the Property. The annual installments are estimated to be $ years, In the event you elect Option (b), the amount required to pay the assessment will be determinl at the close of escrow. FAILURE TO PAY Should you fail to pay an assessment installment when due, the City may be required to initia judicial foreclosure proceedings against the Property in order to recover any delinquent assessment installments and the penalties which may be imposed for such a delinquency. In the event that the City is able to obtain a favorable court ruling in such foreclosure proceedings, the Property would be subject to foreclosure sale. Should you have any questions regarding this Notice, please call NBS Government Finance Group (the District Administrator) at 1-800-676-7516 or the Finance Department of the Cit of Carlsbad at (760) 434-2867. PLEASE INSURE THAT YOU HAVE THOROUGHLY READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS NOTICE BEFORE YOU PURCHASE TKE PROPERTY. against the Property in the total amount of $ I The assessment against the Proper1 per year to be collected for a maximum period of .................................................................................................................... RECEIPT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND OPTION ELECTION By signing this Notice, Buyer acknowledges that: 1. 2. The Property that Buyer is purchasing is located within the boundaries of the Assessment District and is subject to a significant assessment against the Property. Buyer has had an opportunity to read and review this Notice, and has received a copy of this Notice prior to opening escrow for the purchase of the Property, or, if received after the opening of such escrow, with sufficient time for Buyer to make any reasonabl inquiries that Buyer deems necessary regarding the assessment against the Property prior to the close of escrow. 4 e e524 3. Buyer hereby elects the following option (check one): (a) pay the assessment in annual installments estimated to be $ (b) pay the entire assessment at one time at the close of escrow for the Property. Tht per year. amount will be determined in escrow. 4. If Buyer elects Option (a), Buyer assumes the assessment against the Property, and wi be solely responsible for the payment of such assessment and Seller shall have no liability for such payment. Further Buyer agrees to the amount and purpose of the assessment on the Property and that Buyer forever waives any right of complaint or protest to the City pertaining to the nature, extent, duration and amount of the assessment against the Property. Notwithstanding Buyer’s election of Option (a) at thi time, Buyer may pay the entire assessment at any time in the future if Buyer so chooses. BUYER Name (Please Print) Signature Date Name (Please Print) Signature Date A COPY OF THIS EXECUTED NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR OF THE CITY AT THE CLOSE OF ESCROW. Please mail executed copy to: Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 5 ......... .-" ... . . I I VL., .... .. ea ~~ ..___..- . --._.---- .' .525. . ' ,. , ' .. .. a. .* .. I ... .... ...... .' .._. .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. .. . EXEZIBrrC '. .. .. .. ... ..... ..... .. 1 ... ,. . .. .. ., .. : . . :e. .' ... ..: * . .:. . ... ...... .... ... .. .... : '. -. . :. .. .. fExamp1.e)'; . ' ..... I. .. .. ._ . .. .. .. .. NOTICE' OF SPECIAL- TAxEs..AND . '_. ' .. ... .. . _. . .. ASSESSMENT!$ ',The homes. being sold in [nme of development.) are within , . Unified School Dis'kict Community Facilities District No. .5 an '.are subject 'to' special taxes .and. an assessirtent iiem This may. -: ':. . ..' require .the homeowner to make semi-annual- payments .-over. a. .. ,, .. , 1 .tepi ofup to.30 years-. The payments' aremade at.the'same time .'. . and imthe 'same manner as.your property taxes. .,More . I. ' . . . .- :;:' : I .. :. ; . I information can be found .in the Notice of Special' Assessment'.':, . ::. and Payment Option Election. fork .and the Nofice of Special -: : . ' ' ' . Tax, both of which.must be read'and signed prior to purchasing * . ' a (name ofdevelopment) home. Your sales representative ... will provide a copy ofthese notices and is avaiIabIe to answer. : .: , . 4. ... , . ' Carlsbad Assessment District No.- 96-1 and the San Mxcos . . I. :. ... ._. ... .. .. ./. . .. .. questions. ' - .. ... .._ .. .. ... ..I .. ... ... ._ .. ... ... .. ... .. ..... I' , .. ...... ... .. I .. .. . , .. ... .... .- .. .. .. .. .. .. .i .. .. .. ..' . .. .. ... .. .. , .. ,. .. . ..x. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .,. :' .. ... ... ., ' . .. ... .. .... ... ... .. '. ., .... .. .. ..... :.i . . .... ... -. .. +. ., .. .. .. 1 .. .. ... . . l_'. . ... . ,. . 3. .. .. .... .. , .. .. .. ... .. ..* ., ... .. , .. .. 526 . Ng-J'tt 06s 1998 3-2: :;AM DfEfiU ~~~ RE^'^ OFFIL *. e t UFFICIfiL RECUb!IIS RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: GEEGORY J. SMITflr CGUHfY RECWJE! FEES: 31.00 City of Carlsbad lf$ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~l~~l~~~l~~~~~~l~l~~~~~~~ll~l~l~l~~~ sf Attn: (?i$ C\.&k 1998-0725544 (Space above for recorder's use AGREEMENT FOR FILING OF FINAL MAPS WITHIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 96-1 (RANCHO CARRILLO) This Agreement is made and entered into this .-/ 5-34 day of c> [hbd, by and between THE CITY OF CAFUSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of Calij (the "City"), and SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, n Californi2 !in?ired "am€ (the "Property Owner"). Y RECITALS A. At the request of Property Owner's predecessor-in-interest, and fc benefit of the property subject of this Agreement, the City is undertaking the formation special assessment district under the terms and conditions of the "Municipal Improvemer of 1913" (the "1913 Act"), being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the St; California, and the issuance of bonds pursuant to the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915' "1915 Act"), being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Califomi work within the jurisdictional limits of the City, said special assessment district known designated as Assessment District No. 96-1 (Rancho Carrillo) (the "Assessment District") Property Owner is the owner of certain real property (the "Prope within the Assessment District, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Upon formation of the Assessment District, assessments will be cod1 with respect to the parcels of land within the Assessment District in accordance with a engineer's report for the Assessment District (the "Engineer's Report") prepared by BeT and Henigar (the "Assessment Engineer"). the acquisition of certain public improvements, together with appurtenances and appurt B. C. D. The Engineer's Report will identify an assessment ("Assessment": single-family detached residential lot ("Lot") anticipated to be developed within each o 09-23-98 S: \172\97120312 .AG7 e 527 0 .* fourteen (14) villages proposed to be developed with single-family detached housing wid Assessment District (each, a "Village"). The Assessment Engineer's determination number of Lots within a Village shall be based upon approved tentative or final subdivisioI at the time of confirmation of the Assessments, or in the absence of such maps, up estimated number of "Adjusted Planned Equivalent Dwelling Units" for such Village se in Exhibit 5 of the Engineer's Report. E. The City has approved final subdivision maps for Villages D, H, Q1, tentative subdivision maps for Villages M, Q2 and R3/Q4, and is currently proc tentative subdivision maps for Villages E, F, G, K and P within the Assessment Distric F. The City's policy with respect to the Assessment District i: notwithstanding any possible subsequent reductions in the number of Lots to be developed a Village, as a result of subdivision, the Assessments shall remain substantially equiva +hose projeaed in the kngmeer's Xepor:. Therefore. A: ls Li.ie InLent 3i this Agreeml conformance with such City policy, to ensure that at the time of filing of a final ma respect to any Village, the actual assessment on each Lot resulting from the subdivision s substantially equivalent to the Assessment described in the Engineer's Report. - NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of is hereby acknowledged. it is mutuallv agreed between the parties as followc. AGREEMENT 1. 2. The above Recitals are all true and correct. Prior to approval of each final map creating Lots upon which single- detached dwelling units may be constructed and sold (a "Final Map") within a Villai Assessment Engineer shall make a preliminary determination of the apportionme assessments to each Lot to be created by the Final Map in accordance with the methc formula of assessment spread set forth in the Engineer's Report, the provisions of Part 1 the 1915 Act and other applicable law (the "Preliminary Apportionment"). If the Prelir Apportionment indicates that the assessment per Lot upon filing of the Final Ma "Apportioned Assessment") would exceed the Assessment per Lot identified in the Engi Report for the ViIlage by more than 3 % , then prior to filing the Final Map, the Property C shall, as a condition of approval of such Final Map, pay the amount (the "Prepayment Am required to reduce the Apportioned Assessment (the "Adjusted Apportioned Assessmen an amount not greater than the Assessment for each Lot projected in the Engineer's Rep0 respect to such Lots. No Finai Map shall be approved unless and until the Property Own€ the Prepayment Amount, if applicable. The Prepayment Amount shall be calculated in accordance with Section F of the 1915 Act and other applicable law as follows: 2 09 43-98 5:\172\97120012 .AG7 a. e 52tP (i) determine the difference between the sum of the Appo Assessment on all Lots and the Adjusted Apportioned Assessment; (ii) multiply the determined amount in (i) by the applicable redel premium on the bonds of the Assessment District (the “Bonds”) at the next call & add the result to the amount determined in (i); (iii) add to the result of (ii) an amount equal to interest accrued next call date of the Bonds with respect to the amount in (i), which date shall be tl Bond interest payment date after the date of prepayment; (iv) add to the result of (iii) the amount of any delinquent insta of principal and interest, together with penalties accrued, to the date of prepaymei respect to the portion of the Assessment District to which the Final Map applie: fee for the costs cf :immswizg tne prepaymenc aiiu the aavance reaemprlon of if any; (v) to determine the Prepayment Amount, subtract from the re (iv) an amount equal to a credit for the reserve fund on the Bonds calcul: accordance with Streets and Highways Code Section 8881. Prepayment of the principal amount of the Assessment in increments of $5,000 or any 1 thereof shall be permitted in accordance with the Bond documents. 3. Upon payment of the Prepayment Amount pursuant to Section 2 ab upon a prepayment of assessment pursuant to Section 3 above, the City shall issue a I auditor’s record showing the proportionate reduction in assessment installments and the levy subsequent installments at the reduced rate. The City shall also modify the assessme accordingly and record an addendum to the notice of assessment in accordance with app law. 4. Property Owner hereby agrees to provide written notice to any subs purchaser of all or any portion of the Property (other than the purchasers of homes) upon single-family detached dwelling units will be constructed advising such purchaser existence of this Agreement and the condition of approval of each Final Map imposed p~ to sign and deliver to the City a written assignment and assumption of obligations undc Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “B”. Such assignment and assur agreement shall not be effective until it is executed on behalf of the City by the City Mi or his designee. to Section 2 of this Agreement. In addition, Property Owner shall cause each such purl 5. This Agreement shall terminate with respect to any Lot created by i Map and such Lot shall be released and no longer be subject to this Agreement withc execution or recordation of any further document upon filing of the Final Map and paym 3 09-23-98 S: \172\97120012.AG7 89 the Prepayment Amount with respect to such Lot, if required. In addition, this Agreeme] terminate upon the filing of Final Maps with respect to all of the Property. The parties hereto intend that the Property Owner’s burder obligations under numbered paragraph 2 above constitute a covenant running with the [a that such covenant shall be binding on all transferees of the subject property. This Agreement shall be binding on all of the Property Owner’s sua and assigns. This Agreement is executed by and between the parties hereto on tl 6. 7. 8. first hereinabove written. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNER a California limited partnership B : J.F. SHEA CO., INC., a b corporation, General Partner JL ---..- By: =ew*- Its: Richard Gustafson, Ass by:.^ d By: Its: +&e--, Asst. S Teri Shusterman, 09 - 23 -98 4 S: \ 172\97120012.AG7 0 go State of California ) County of San Diego ) ) S.S. On October 6, 1998, before me, Susan L. Trimingham, Notary Public, personally appeared Rich Gustafson and Teri Shusterman personally known to me to be the persons whose names subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in tl authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the persons, or the entity uy behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. b- x \&L-&Le- q L a 531e EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIF01 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 1 THROUGH 45 AND 61 THROUGH 65 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. RANCHO CARRILL0 VILLAGE "J", IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF DEEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 13552, F IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MARC 1998. 09-23-98 S:\172\97120012 .AG7 L ', 0 "W EXHIBIT "B I' FORM OF ASSIGNMENT AND ASSIJMPTTON AGREEMENT [Attached] 09-23 -98 S:\l72\97120012.AG7 0 .r 533 e b '.- ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT Pursuant to an Agreement for Filing of Final Maps Within Assessment No. 96-1 (Rancho Carillo) dated , 1998 (the "Agreement") between th OF CARLSBAD ("City") and [Shea Homes], a ("Assignor"), Agreement is hereby incorporated herein by this reference, and for good and v consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned agree as follo The assignment and assumption provided for under this Assignml Assumption Agreement ("Assignment") is made together with the sale, transfer or assi of all or a part of the property subject to the Agreement. The property sold, transfe assigned together with this Assignment is described in Exhibit "A" attached here incorporated herein by this reference (the "Subject Property"). ' 1. 2. Assignor hereby grants, sells, transfers, conveys assigns and deleL ("Assignee") all of Assignor's rights, title, ir benefits, privileges, duties and obligations arising under or from the Agreement with res the Subject Property. 3. Assignee hereby accepts ihe foregoing assignment and unconditi assumes and agrees to perform a11 of the duties and obligations of Assignor arising un from the Agreement as owner of the Subject Property and Assignor is hereby released frl such duties and obligations. 4. The sale, transfer or assignment of the Subject Property and the assig and assumption provided for under this Assignment are the subject of additional agree between Assignor and Assignee. Notwithstanding any term, condition or provision of additional agreements, the rights of the City arising under or from the Agreement an Assignment shall not be affected, diminished or defeated in any way, except upon the e; written agreement of the City. 5. Assignor and Assignee execute this Assignment pursuant to Sectior the Agreement, and the City evidences its consent to this Assignment by signing berow. B- 1 05 -23 -58 S :\172\97120012 .AG7 i) --I w .-. -4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Assigm ASSIGNOR: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERS' California limited partnership By: J.F. SHEA CO., INC., a corporation, General Partner By: Its: By: Its: ASSIGNEE: By: Name: Title: The City hereby consents to this Assignment. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY: CITY OF CARLSBAD By : Its: City Manager City Attorney B-2 09 -23 - 98 S: \172\97120012.AG7 5 87 Lf 535 ’ RECORDINGREQUES BY AND WHEN RECORDED AIL TO: City df Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: CJ”bj Gb~k, - NQ4J I(-J&% 1998 2-22: !E DFFTCIK R€@RDS $# ijlEGO COMNTY HECOWDER i S OFFICI GEC@Y J. SfifITHt C!jLW\! ~E~~~~E~ RES: 28, cc? SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT illlUllllWllillilYl DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 1998-0725545 ci i3 5%’ THIS AGREEMENT entered into as ofthis - day of &t x e/( 1998 by and between the Cit of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation (“City”) and Shea Homes Limited Partnership, a California Limited Partnership (“Developer”). WHEREAS, Developer or its predecessor in interest has petitioned the City Council of the City to initiate and the City has initiated proceedings for the formation of a special assessment district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the “Municipal Improvement Act of 1913”, being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO 96-1 (RANCHO CARRILLO) (hereinaft1 referred to as the “Assessment District”); and WHEREAS, the City has adopted policies relating to the utilization of Assessment District financing which require Developer to extinguish the lien on any parcel created as a result of the confirmation of the Assessment District prior to the close of escrow on the sale of such parcel to a residential home buyer unless Developer shall have provided full disclosure of the existence of the assessment lien, the amount thereof, the annual assessment installments, the duration of the assessment lien and such other information as may be required by the City, and has provided the residential home buyer with the option to (a) take title subject to the applicable Assessment District special assessment against their parcel, or (b) require the special assessment obligation to be discharged prior to the close of such escrow; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have entered into this Disclosure Agreement to establish the terms and conditions which must be satisfied by Developer should it desire to allow residential home buyers to take title subject to the assessment obligation established for any parcel or parcels within the Assessment District. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES A, FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. SECTION 2. The above recitals are all true and correct. Developer owns property proposed to be subject to assessment obligations within the boundaries of the Assessment District. Developer’s property is described and set forth in the attached, referenced and incorporated Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3. The escrow for the sale to any residential home buyer of any lot or parcel, including condominium unit, within the Assessment District shall not close or title tc 1 .I 5-v such parceeothenvise conveyed to such residentia “?a e buyer without first causing the assessment lien created as a result of the confirmation of the Assessmei District, if any, on such parcel to be extinguished except as provided for herein below. An assessment lien on a parcel within the Assessment District proposed to be sold ‘ a residential home buyer need not be extinguished prior to the close of the escrow 1 the sale or other conveyance to such residential home buyer if Developer shall havc given the residential home buyer a copy of the Notice of Special Assessment and Payment Option Election, the form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference and such notice shall have been duly executec by the residential home buyer or buyers and deposited into escrow. ‘ SECTION 4. Developer shall iqcorporate the amount of assessment lien into the advertis1 sales price of the home and clearly disclose the pass-through option in any sales literature. Sales literature for this purpose shall not be deemed to include media advertising, billboards, signs or other like advertisements. In addition, notice of thc assessment in a form similar to Exhibit “Cy’ shall be prominently displayed in all sales offices offering units for sale that are subject to the Assessment District lien. SECTION 5. This obligation shall be binding on all heirs, assigns or successors-in-intere: of the parties hereto, and the City shall cause a copy of this Agreement to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder upon its execution. SECTION 6. Developer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad from anq claims arising out of Developer’s failure to adequately perform under the provision of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the 5 th day of nrtnhpr , 1998. CITY OF CARLSBAD State of California SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a California Limited Partnership J.F. SHEA CO., INC., a Nevada Corporation, General Partner q$ 1 / , - - By: By: -M Cla Mayor -Richard Gustafson Ifs: Assistant Secretary , By: pu/7Li$itd ATTEST: Dale Holbrook It’s: Assistant Secretary Aletha L. Rautenkranz City Clerk 2 -. 0 5370 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 ) ss. On od D bw 6”, l q 9 .z , before me, Rhonda M. Angel, Notary Public, personally app Richard Gustafson and Dale Holbrook, personally known to me to be the persons whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the persons, or the entity upon b of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. *h rnWLdYrn .aykL Rhonda M. Angel, Nota SEAL: d e 5- EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFOW COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 1 THROUGH 45 AND 61 THROUGH 65 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 93 RANCHO CARRILLO VILLAGE "Y, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF s. DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, NXDRDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 13552, FIL IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MARCH 1998. 09 - 23 -98 S.\172\97120012 AG7 c w 0 EXHIBIT B 'C (SAMPLE - FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND PAYMENT OPTION ELECTION (Supplement to Escrow Instructions) THE PROPERTY WHICH BUYER IS PURCHASING IS SUBJECT TO A SIGNIFICANT ASSESSMENT WHICH IS IN ADDITION TO REGULAR PROPERTI TAXES. THIS ASSESSMENT WILL AFFECT THE AMOUNT WHICH BUYER WIL BE REQUIRED TO PAY IN THE PURCHASE OF BUYER'S PROPERTY. YOU ARE URGED TO READ THIS NOTICE VERY CAREFULLY IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY. Name(s) of Buyer: Address of Property: Escrow Company: The escrow instructions relating to the sale and purchase of the above described propert (the "Property") are supplemented by the following as set forth herein. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION The City of Carlsbad ('Tity'') has formed a special assessment district pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913" to finance the acquisition or construction of certain public works of improvement which will benefit the properties within the assessment district. This assessment district is known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 96- 1 (Rancho Carrillo) (the "Assessment District"). The public improvements to be financed through the Assessment District include: 0 Roadway improvements to Melrose Drive generally consisting of relocation of sewer mains, grading and paving of streets, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, guardrail, signing and striping, storm drainage facilities, water, sewer and reclaimed water mains, riparian mitigation, landscaping of medians, parkways and adjacent slopes and other appurtenant works; Roadway improvements to the intersection of Melrose Drive and Palornar Airport Road generally consisting of left-turn pockets, acceleration and deceleration lanes and median break; and e Bonds in the amount of $ above-described improvements. The bonds are secured by the assessments levied on property 3 have been issued to finance the construction of the . within the Assessment Det. The Property which you are purc E" g is located within the boundaries of the Assessment District. The City has determined that the Property will receive a direct and special benefit from the improvements to be financed through the Assessment District and has levied an assessment against the Property in the total amount of $ . The assessment against the Proper1 is secured by a lien much like a home loan is secured by a deed of trust. When you purchase the Property, you will be solely responsible for the payment of the assessment. Prior to the close of escrow, you have the option to either (a) pay off the assessment obligation in semi- escrow on the sale of the Property ("Option (b)"). If you elect Option (a) the assessment on the Property will be collected in annual installments which will be included in the property tax bill for the Froperty. The annual installments are estimated to be $ years In the event you elect Option (b), the amount required to pay the assessment will be determin at the close of escrow. FAILURE TO PAY Should you fail to pay an assessment installment when due, the City may be required to initial judicial foreclosure proceedings against the Property in order to recover any delinquent assessment installments and the penalties which may be imposed for such a delinquency. In the event that the City is able to obtain a favorable court ruling in such foreclosure proceedings, the Property would be subject to foreclosure sale. armuai installments ("Option (a)") or @) pay the entire assessment obligation at the close of per year to be collected for a maximum period of Should you have any questions regarding this Notice, please call NBS Government Finance Group (the District Administrator) at 1-800-676-7516 or the Finance Department of the Ciq of Carlsbad at (760) 434-2867. PLEASE INSURE THAT YOU HAVE THOROUGHLY READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS NOTICE BEFORE YOU PURCHASE THE PROPERTY. ................................................................................................................. RECEIPT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND OPTION ELECTION By signing this Notice, Buyer acknowledges that: 1. 2. The Property that Buyer is purchasing is located within the boundaries of the Assessment District and is subject to a significant assessment against the Property. Buyer has had an opportunity to read and review this Notice, and has received a copy of this Notice prior to opening escrow for the purchase of the Property, or, if received after the opening of such escrow, with sufficient time for Buyer to make any reasonable inquiries that Buyer deems necessary regarding the assessment against the Property prior to the close of escrow. 4 r' e41 0 3. Buyer hereby elects the following option (check one): (a) pay the assessment in annual installments estimated to be $ per year. (b) pay the entire assessment at one time at the close of escrow for the Property. Tht amount will be determined in escrow. 4. If Buyer elects Option (a), Buyer assumes the assessment against the Property, and wi be solely responsible for the payment of such assessment and Seller shall have no liability for Such payment. Further Buyer agrees to the mount and purpose of the assessment on the Property and that Buyer forever waives any right of complaint or protest to the City pertaining to the nature, extent, duration and mount of the assessment against the Property. Notwithstanding Buyer's election of Option (a) at thj time, Buyer may pay the entire assessment at any time in the future if Buyer so chooses. BUYER: Name (Please Print) Signature Date Name (Please Print) Signature Date A COPY OF THIS EXECUTED NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR OF THE CITY AT THE CLOSE OF ESCROW. Please mail executed copy to: Finance Director City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive 5 vLII~~~uitu I IIUIIWL I nn I'LV~ IUUYJ'@'i . re UL., .. . .... .. .. ,. , ....... .. .. 542 ,... l .. U"' @, b ~~-; .x., "Y I.-". 1"- . 6 .. .' . ' .. ' .... ,. .- ... ..... .. .. ....... .. .. ..... .... .. ? .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. . ExHIBrrC '. .. .. .. ,. ... .. .. .. .. .. '. ,. .. .. . .,.. ... ... ... .... ,, ((.:. .' . .. *. .. ... , .. ., .. .. .. ... .. .' ... .. ... :.. .. NOTICE'OP SPECIAL TAXES,.AND . '. ,. ... ' ... .... .. .. .. I. ASSESSMENTS, . .... .. .. .. 'The homes. being sold in (name of develqment] aqe 'within . . ' Carlsbad Assessment District No.-.96-'1' and the San Marcos . : . ,. .' ' ' . .. . require .the homeowner to make semi-annual payments&&. a. .' .. ' . Unified School Dis'trict Community FaciIities' District ... . .are subject 'to' special' taxes .and'an assessinent iien: This ... ,..' . .. ..... .. , , .. ' . ' ,term ofup to30 years-. The payrnentsare.made at.the same time . :. ' ' and inthe 'same manner as.your . ' :' ; '.. information can be found .in the ... and Pa-ment Option Election formmd the Notice of Special '.: : .. : . . ' Tax, both of which .must be read$.nd signed prior to purchasing ' , ' . ' a (name of development) home. Your sales representative wilf provide a copy &these notices and is available to answer. : .; , . ' ., . .... questions. . .. .. ... .... .. .. .. 1. .. .... ... .. ... . . , .: .. .... .. .. ..... ,. .. ...... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ..'. ' .. .. .. . , '.e ..... . I* .. .' ..' .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. ..... .. *. .... ... .. .. .. .. ... ..I ... .. .. .. .- .. :.: . . . .I .. .. .. ... .. .... .. ....... *. .. .... ., .. _. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. * .... .