HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-20; City Council; 14901; POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS SP 210(A)d) 5 - DEPT-HD. I' AB# &9d/ TITLE: POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN 7------ MTG. 10/20/98 SUGGESTED MODIFUCATIONS CITY ATTY .< DEPT. PLN W ? *rl a SP 210(A) e CITYMGR 5 F, cd &4 MJ a, z a, G a G g 0 " 2 G 2 k .", 3 o g w o u a 2 2 2 F, c) 0 LJ $ m c) V a, cdc w u-$ mu md LJO a,u as a -2 a, .1J $ $ n '5 a am a *rl ah G m 5: mcd d @ a 'd a, $ f a .rl u ' ' ma, FI H 2 0 I F 0 4 1 z 3 0 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Council INTRODUCE Ordinance No. /z/s- 440 , acknowledging receipi accepting the California Coastal Commission's Suggested Modifications to the Poinsettia F Specific Plan (SP 21 0), and amending the plan to incorporate the modifications. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 27, 1998, the City Council approved the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan. the Poinsettia Properties Plan serves as the land use plan and implementing ordinance portion of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), the Council's actions included an amen the LCP. The LCP amendment was approved by fhe California Coastal Commission on 1998, with suggested modifications. These modifications, included as Exhibit X with the ordinance, must be incorporated into the local regulatory documents to maintain cor between the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and the LCP. The suggested modifications require a view shed analysis to preserve possible ocean horiz for the public traveling on Interstate 5, unrestricted 24-hour pedestrian access to the prop trail and the protection of an off-site vernal pool. The suggested modifications ai refinements to the specific plan; the general structure of the plan, land uses, project lay project density remain as approved by the City Council. The minor revisions are still consiz the purpose and intent, as well as all land use policies of the specific plan. The project compliance with all City standards and was approved unanimously by the Planning Comm September 16, 1998. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed amendments to the specific plan are exempt from the California Envir Quality Act pursuant to Section 21080.5 of the Public Resources Code. FISCALIMPACT: The modifications suggested by the Coastal Commission deal only with development stand physical features of the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and do not cause any fiscal imp with the previous approvals, all development fees have been, or will be paid, and all I accommodated in the Zone 22 Local Facilities Management Zone projections. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Ordinance No. 2. Location Map 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4381 4. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated September 16, 1998 M5-- g&D 5. Excerpts from Planning Commission Minutes, dated September 16, 1998. ORDINANCE NO. NS-460 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN BY THE AMENDMENT OF VARIOUS SECTIONS, INCORPORATING THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION’S SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has revie Ian Amendment to provide consistency between the F d Local Coastal Program; and the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and accompanyir y Council Ordinance No. NS-441 on Jan nd use and zoning for the subject property; Commission appro d modifications; an lsbad acknowledges receipt of California fications for the F Commission’s SI with the California \ \ 1 2 3 4 0 0 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all tc knd arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said City Council consic 1 \ f&tors relating to the Specific Plan Amendment; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does o ‘i 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No. 4381 shall also constitute the findings and con( \ \ \ \, the City Council. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days adoption, and the City Clerk sha’fcertify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause published at least once in a publication of general circulation in the City of Carlsb: \. \ \ \ fifteen days after its adoption. / INTRODUCED AND FIRS READ at a regular meeting of the Carls $998, and thereafter. L \ \ \. Council on the day of ?. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill \ \ \ \ a \ \ -2- f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a PAQQED ANB AB8PT€6 at a regular meeting of the City 6ouncil of tb \$ Carlsbad day of 1998, by the following vote, to wit: A ES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: \ '\ a '\\ \ N\ *\ 'i, CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: \, \ '\ \ hi \\ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) \ 1 \ ', ',, \ '(\, '> 1 '\ ', -3 - 0 0 Exhibit X September 16, 1998 Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Revised Pages SP 210(A)/LCPA 96-03(A) Per Suggested Modifications Approved by the California Coastal Commission on June 9,1998 0 0 F. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY This specific plan has been prepared according to California State Government Codc Section 65450, et. seq., which permits local jurisdictions to prepare specific plans for thc systematic implementation of the general plan for the local agency. This plan addresses all required items as indicated in Government Code Section 6545 1 for the preparation oj specific plans, such as land uses, public facilities, development standards and implementation measures. Additional issues pertaining to this region and community, such as neighborhood units, compatibility, and community pride, are also addressed, as provided for in Government Code Section 65452. The development standards set fortb in this document go one step further, and constitute! the applicable zoning regulations foi the specific plan area, and are adopted in ordinance form in order to supersede the otherwise applicable zoning regulations. The Poinsettia ProDerties SDecifie Plan as adopted bv the Citv of Carlsbad and certified by the California Coastal Commission is amroved as both a land use and use. zoninp and development standards auulicable to the uroiect as a whole with consideration to individual planning areas. defining the uermissible tvDe and intensitv of development. implementation element of the Citv’s LCP. The SDecific Plan will establish land 2. ENTITLEMENTS The specific plan sets standards for development; however, it does not provide a guarantee of approval for future discretionary projects within its boundaries. Specific development plans shall be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the specific plan as well as with municipal ordinances and policies in force at the time said plans are before the Planning Commission andor the City Council for approval. Unless specifically addressed, the specific plan requires conformance with all otherwise applicable City development standards and requirements. Where a conflict in development standards occurs, the more restrictive standard shall take precedence. Development within the specific plan shall be subject to all present and future Growth Management plans, policies or ordinances adopted by the City Council or by citizen vote including but not limited to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Growth Management). 3. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 10 July 23, 1998 0 0 B. PEDESTRIAN PARKWAYS AND TWLS 1. INTRODUCTION As called out both in the Vision and Goals section of this plan, a trail system which blends thr various neighborhoods and land uses is the key element of a TOD development. For thii reason, the specific plan includes an extensive system which allows maximum connectabilit] of all neighborhoods, but more importantly allows easy and comfortable access to thc Poinsettia Transit Station. In addition to the trail system itself, the plan also calls for a appropriate scale of buildings to encourage their use, as well as inviting public areas when different neighborhoods and land uses meet. To encourage non vehicular movement within the community, a system of pedestrian parkway! and trails have been developed. These trails and parkways allow residents to move freel! about the Poinsettia Properties communities and access both the open space and recreation amenities provided. This trail system is also designed to tie into a future city-wide trail system. if one is developed. In addition, trails will be designed to provide pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. Exhibit 13, page 5 1, details the trail/ parkway concept of the specific plan. Each Dlanning area containing a segment of the mblic trail system shall be conditioned to construct its trail segment prior to issuance of anv buildinp Dermits for that Planning area. Such access-wavs shall be Dreserved for public use bv reauirinp irrevocable offen of dedication of those areas as a condition of develoDment and, prior to the issuance oi any buildinp uermits for those DlanninP areas, the trail dedications shall be accepted bi the Citv of Carlsbad if the City agrees and it adopts a Citvwide Trails Promam thai includes Drovisions for maintenance and liabilitv. Otherwise. prior to issuance of anv building permits, the obligation for acceDtance. construction, maintenance and liabilitv of the Homeowner’s Association. UDon aecebtance of the dedication, induding maintenance and liabilitv resuonsibilities, and comDletion of the trail improvements, the trail shall be open for public use. The access-wavs shall not adverselv imuact environmentallv sensitive habitats. shall be the resmuibilitv of another agencv designated bv the Citv or the resaonsibilitv 2. DESCRIPTION The specific plan provides for the following types of trails and parkways, which are also shown as Exhibit 13, page 5 1. The following table lists these facilities and their design standards as well as a text discussion. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 39 July 23, 1998 TraiVParkway Facility Design Standard Avenida Encinas Pedestrian Open Space Parkway A 20 foot landscaped parkway along the western right-of-way of Avenida Encinas fionting Parcel A. Within this parkway, a five foot meandering sidewalk shall be constructed. - A minimum 100 foot setback along the western boundary of Parcel A from all wetland areas located on site or within mrb the railroad right-of-way unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. An open space setback from the railroad rieht-of- - way of lesser width. but not less than 40 feet. shall be permitted in areas where wetlands are not present within the railroad right-of-way or on the subiect site. subiect to aproval bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This setback area shall be landscaped pursuant to Exhibit 15, page 53, and shall include a 8-10 foot natural public trail constructed on decomposed granite and stabilized with concrete (or other construction type as may be approved by the City). The mblic trail shall be located in the eastern half of the setback An average 10 foot sidewalk and landscaped canopy area along both sides of the public street in Planning Area 6. Sidewalks shall be 5 feet wide. A north/south spine corridor within Parcel A providing public access between Avenida Encinas and the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors. This area shall be an average of 15 feet in width including landscaping and a 5-foot sidewalk. Railroad PedestriadOpen Space Corridor Mixed-Use Pedestrian Link Corridors Public Access Parkway a. Public Access Parkway (PA 4) (PA 2) b. Private Community Trail The Public Access Parkway is divided into two segments. The segment within Planning Area 4 is known as the Public Access Parkway, which allows for public access. The segment within Planning Area 2 is known as the Private Community Trail which does not provide for public access. A 40 foot wide landscape setback, including a 8- 10 foot wide natural trail of decomposed granite with stabilizing concrete (or other construction as may be approved by the City). Parkway at Carlsbad Boulevard Public Pedestrian Trail to the west of Poinsettia Transit Station loading area A 5-10 foot wide natural trail (decomposed granite or other acceptable material) on the northern boundary of Parcel B and within the SDN right-of-way, if approved by NCTD. Internal Parkways/ Trails/Sidewalks Other internal parkwaydtrails and sidewalks within each planning area are designed to link and connect with main parkways and trails. 0 e area shall not be delayed pending the planning and approval of the proposed regiona trail. However, if the timing and construction of the regional trail is consistent wit1 the planning and development of the specific plan area, then both the developer and lead agencies should be encouraged to cooperate with the design and construction oi the regional trail. c. Mixed-use Pedestrian LinWCorridors This area is the pedestrian element designed within the public street between Planning Areas 5 and 6. Links and corridors shall be established to encourage pedestrian access and exchange between Planning Areas 5,6 and the Poinsettia Transit Station. Thi: shall be accomplished through the use of sidewalks, canopy trees, landscaping, outside eating areas, gathering areas and other elements to encourage pedestrian and public activity. Exhibit 21 on page 59 provides a vignette of the types of public gathering places that could be designed along this corridor. The average width of this comdor will be lo', although this area could be expanded at public gathering places. Portions of this area shall be counted toward satisfaction of the specific plan's overall open space requirement. The design of this link/corridor shall be approved by the Planning Director in conjunction with other discretionary permit applications. d. Public Access Parkway Planning areas 2, 3, and 4 shall include a "pedestrian collector spine" intended to facilitate pedestrian access to the mixed-use pedestrian IWcorridors of Planning Area 5 and 6 and the Transit Station. This sidewaWparkway will be a private facility, but a exceDt that a portion within Planning Area 4 and v 1 an east/west sewent sited alonp the boundaries of Planninp Areas 2 and 4 will provide unrestricted public access between the Avenida Encinas pedestrian parkway and the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors, as well as the railroad pedestriadopen space corridor. The location of this public access to this sidewalMparkway is shown on Exhibit 14, page52. fi . .. G LA&k The portion of this "pedestrian collector spine" parkway in Planning Areas 2 and 3 shall not be accessible to the public. The Public Access Parkway is divided into two segments. The segment within Planning Area 4 is known as the "Public Access Parkway", which allows for public Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 42 July 23, 1998 /I 0 m h. Bike Daths in right-of-way Bikeways may be provided on Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Boulevard. Bike rack two commercial planning areas to encourage this mode of transportation. and related facilities shall be provided within each recreational facility and within thl 3. ACCESS TO PARKWAYS AND TRAIL SYSTEMS Because there is a need to provide certain sound walls, privacy walls, and private yard fencing. there is a need to define access points to the system of parkways and trails in order to maintain the TOD principles. Conceptual points and type of access are shown on Exhibit 14, page 52 and further defined below: a. Avenida Encinas Pedestrian/Onen Suace Parkwav This parkway is intended to be a public pedestrian parkway. Access to this parkwaj within the specific plan area will be at two points. (1) The entry of Planning Area 4 (which may be combined with Planning Area 2 and 3) will be an unrestricted oubiic access point. v (2) The Planning Area 6 public street and mixed-use pedestrian 1inMcorridor will be an unrestricted public access point. b. Railroad Pedestrianlopen Space Parkway Unrestricted public access will be provided at Poinsettia Lane and at the Poinsettia Transit Station. Because the eastern boundary of this parkway will be bounded by a private sound wall, certain private access gates shall be located and constructed in the sound wall to ensure private community access to this parkway. These access gates can be controlled by private use of keys or access codes and are not for public use. However, one public access gate shall be provided m bdrgate. This gate access Doint may be placed in either Planning Area 2 or 4 @ connect this corridor with the Avenida Encinas Public Access Parkwav. e. Parkway at Carlsbad Boulevard Unrestricted public access wiIl be provided at Poinsettia Lane and at the Poinsettia Transit Station. Because the eastern boundary of this parkway will be bounded by a private sound wall, certain private access gates shall be located and constructed in the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 44 July 23, 1998 / 0 0 IZ =< .- 7 T ., .. J A .. G Y 8, s= my +$ aJ g. e5 %E 26 g5 wa 0 co- w I>!= 0 0 should be limited to the one or two major entry points into a planning area and will provid visitors with the project name identification. Thevehicular entries into all planning areas may be manned or electronically guarded gate This is intended to limit the automobile access into the private portions of the specific pla development area. Public pedestrian access om all identified Dubiic corridors will b unrestricted. ~ Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the general location of project sound walls and the Dubli pedestrian access-ways. The design and architectural elements of entries shall be compatible and consist with th specific plan theme elements of this specific plan. Design will be determined at the tentativ map for each planning area. D. WALLS AND FENCING .. The TOD principles call for the general elimination of pedestrian baniers such as walls Because the Poinsettia Properties project is basically in-fill, and because the City of Carlsbac has a stringent noise abatement ordinance, some walls will be needed to help abate noise fion such sources as NCTD railroad right-of-way, Carlsbad Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane, an( Avenida Encinas. Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the general location of project sound walls, To accomplish the TOD goal of pedestrian scale and access, the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan will not have neighborhood walls at locations of principal pedestrian access from on( neighborhood and land use to another. Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the relationship of accesi gates to pedestrian corridors. The walls and fences for the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan area are divided into twc categories: Community ThemePlanning Area Noise Attenuation Wall, and Productior Fencing. All wall types combine community theme pilasters in appropriate areas. Exhibit 14 page 52, shows the general location of these walls. The design and architectural elements of all walls and fencing shall be compatible anc consistent with the specific plan theme element of this specific plan. Design will bc determined at the tentative map for each planning area. The design of walls shoulc accomplish the objective of a unir)mg theme and integrated community with a pedestrian scale. 1. COMMUNITY THEMEPLANNING AREA NOISE ATTENUATION WALL Community Theme Walls which also serve as noise attenuation walls shall be constructed as shown on exhibits within this chapter with a height of not more than 6 vertical feet above finished grade, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, or required due Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 94 July 23, 1998 ) 0 0 c. Use Allocation: General Plan Land Use: Growth Control Point: 6.0 ddac Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan: Development Process: Tentative MapPUD Product Type: Single family residential RM (4-8 ddac) zoning: RD-M allows 168 single-family homes, including secondary units This planning area allows for up to 168 single family detached homes and can be developed at this density without the use of secondary units. In the event secondaq units are proposed as part of a subdivision map, the sum of secondary units and single family homes shall not exceed 168 units. The use of secondary units is an option of the developer, but not a requirement. d. Lot Size: Minimum 3,500 square feet. e. Development Standards: 1. Parkways and Setbacks: Poinsettia Lane: 0 All buildings shall be setback a minimum of 40 feet fiom Poinsettia Lane. This setback area includes the 20 foot landscaped setback along Poinsettia Lane. Avenida Enciuas PedestridOpen &ace Parkway 0 All homes shall be setback a minimum of 3 0 feet fiom Avenida Encinas right-of-way. This setback area includes the 20 foot landscaped parkway along Avenida Encinas. (See Exhibit 18, page 56 and discussion starting on page 39). Railroad PedestridOuen Suace Comdor: 0 Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 106 July 23, 1998 ! 0 0 12. Discourage perimeter walls around neighborhoods except where required fo noise attenuation. 13. Provide sidewalks on both sides sf all streets for better pedestrian access. 14. Provide direct walkways between neighborhoods, land uses and the Poinsettii Transit Station. 15. Private streets shall be designed to include a minimum 50 foot curb radius 01 knuckle designs. 16. Area drains for side yards, within 3 feet of the foundation, and drainagi through curbs will be allowed subject to the requirement that a fail safe overflow is provided. 17. Gated entry turnarounds will be designed to conform to AASHT0"P' (passenger) design vehicles and City of Carlsbad engineering standards. Bur turn around criteria is not required. 18. In the event alleys are proposed, minimum alley width shall be 20 feet Garages may have a 5 foot minimum setback from the alley. 19. Onsite parking requirements for secondary units can be satisfied by uncovered tandem parking in driveways provided that the garage is setback 20 feet from the street curb. 20. A buffer is required from the vernal pools within the existing railroad right-of- way to the west. This buffer will merage# be a minimum of 108 feet &J width, unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and is known as the railroad pedestrianlopen space comdor. 21. Sound walls or wall/berm combinations shall be used, where necessary and to a height necessary as determined by the noise study required for this planning area (see "Special Conditions" below) to mitigate noise along Avdda Encinas and the railroad right-of-way. These walls and/or bems shall be shown, reviewed and approved on plans submitted as a part of any future planned development permit for this planning area, prior to approval of the planned development permit. Preliminary Landscape Plans submitted for any future planned development permit shall show landscaping along noise walls which reduces the visual impacts of the walls. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 112 July 23, 1998 1; 0 a 22. Prior to the granting of occupancy for any home in this planning area, th portion of the Avedda Encinas Pedestrian Open Space Parkway and th Railroad PedestridOpen Space Corridor outside of this planning area sha be completed. 23. The RV Storage requirement for Planning Area 2 must be addressed with th tentative map for Planning Area 2. Requirements for RV Storage a described on page 2 1. 24. In addition to active recreation facilities provided in Planning Area 3, Plannin Area 2 shall provide a passive recreation space in the form of a neighborhoo plaza with some homes fionting on such area. The passive recreation area, minimum of 10,000 square feet in size, shall include tables and benches and./( outdoor seating. The portion of the area used for passive recreation; purposes may count toward meeting the common passive recreatio requirements of Chapter 2 1.45 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Plannin separation areas to increase the size and usefulness of the plaza; however, j all cases, minimum side yard setbacks shall be maintained. Director may allow for the consolidation of other recreation sites or buildin 25. All existinp Dublic views from 1-5 across the sDecXic olan proue* throuph the hotel siteh) located north of Poinsettia Lane and west of I-! to the ocean shall be Dreserved. Existinp views of the ocean horizon sha be identified through a line of sipht analvsis which identifies the metc and bounds of the existinp visual corridors. The sipht line analvsis sha be submitted as Dart of the aDDnication for a coastal develoDment Derm for the Master Tentative MaD. The visual analvsis shall be used to desig future develoDment in this Dlaraniw area to avoid sipnificant irmaets 1 & g. Development Review Process 1. Tentative MadPlanned DeveloDment Permit The following conditions identify the development process for this plannin area: 0 A tentative tract map processed pursuant to Title 20 and 21 of tl Carlsbad Municipal Code shall be submitted and approved prior to tl development of any ownership units within this planning area. Tf tentative map(s) shall be consistent with the concepts, goals an standards specified in this specific plan. After final map approval of tl planning area(s) grading, building and other ministerial permits for tl Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 113 July 23, I998 I 0 0 4. PLANNING AREA 4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS a. Implementation of Specific Plan Vision and Goal -- Purpose and Intent The purpose and intent of this planning area is to provide medium-high density, marker rate single-family detached units which complement the Poinsettia Transit Station and coastal features of the specific plan area. Under the principles of transit-oriented development, Planning Area 4 shall develop within a density range of 6-9 ddac (including secondary units) while providing pedestrian access for its residents to the specific plan parkways, trail and transit center. The density range of 6-9 ddac (including secondary units) is atransit development principle which targets this densib range for land uses from 500 feet to 1/4 mile from a transit station. The design of this planning area shall accomplish the vision, goal and objectives as set forth in this specific plan, including design which encourages pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. This planning area may utilize private access gates which restrict public vehicular access to this pBanning area, provided, however, public pedestrian access through a-gatcd an unrestricted entry must be maintained in an effort to encourage pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. This planning area's entry may be combined with the entry to Planning Area 3 and/or Planning Area 4, thus providing one common private entry. The concept of one common entry is shown onExhibit 13, page 51 andExhibit 14, page 52. F fi The common private entry with public pedestrian access shown on the above referenced exhibits anticipates public pedestrian access to be provided within Planning Area4. Additional discussion regarding public pedestrian access is found on page 42, section 2 (d). .- b. Description: 1. Planning Area 4 is located west of AvePlida Encinas and east of the railroad right of way near the intersection of Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane. It has a gross planning area of approximately 1 8.6 acres. Planning Area 4 may be developed with single family detached residences. 2. Projects within Planning Area 4 shall be developed per the PD Ordinance, Chapter 21.45 and RD-M Zones unless specified otherwise in the Development Standards for the Planning Area and elsewhere in this specific plan. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 119 JuZy23, 1998 if 0 0 3. The following exhibits are used in this section and are helpful in review of thi: planning area: Exhibit 'a # 38, Site plan 120 # 5, Planning area map 25 # 28-30, conceptual single family 80-82 street scenes c. Use Allocation: General Plan Land Use: Growth Control Point: zoning: RD-M Development Standards Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan: Development Process: Tentative MapPUD Product Type: Single family residential This planning area allows for up to 178 single family detached homes and can be developed at this density without the use of secondary units. In the event secondary units are proposed as part of a subdivision map, the sum of secondary units and single family homes shall not exceed 178 units. The use of secondary units is an option of the developer, but not a requirement. RMH (8 - 15 ddac) 11 -5 ddac allows up to 178 single-family homes, including secondary units d, Lot Size: Minimum 3,500 square feet e. Development Standards: 1. Setbacks and Parkwavs Avenida Encinas PedestriadOuen Space Parkwav: 0 All homes shall be setback a n&imum of 30 feet from Avenida Encinas. This setback area includes the 20 foot landscaped parkway and meandering sidewalk along Avenida Encinas. (See Exhibit 18, page 56 and discussion starting on page 39.) Railroad PedestriadODen SDace Corridor: 121 July23, 1998 Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 12 0 0 @ A minimum 100 foot open space setback shall be provided between homee in PlanninP Area 4 and all wetland areas located on the site or within tht existing railroad rkht-of-way to the west unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. To accomdish this setback an oDen mace easement at least 100 feet wide will be established alon? the railroad right-of-wav. - No homes or other development shall be allowed within this setback, however. a public trail and trail associated uses, utilities. sewer, water and drainace facilities. and native drouPht-tolerant 1andscaDinP are allowed, if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service amees through a Section 7 consultation that such develoDment can occurwithout adverselv imDactin9 the wetlands. A Dublic trail allowed in the setback shall be located within the eastern half of the buffer. Sound walls and/or rear vard fences can be Dlaced at the eastern boundarv of this setback. setback. The public trail in this area shall Drovide access to the Poinsettia Train Station. A oDen space set0ack from the railroad ripht-of-wav of lesser width, but not less than 40 feet. shall be Demitted in areas where wetlands are not Dresent within the right-of-wav or on the subiect site, subiect to aproval bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Any utilities allowed in the setback shall be placed underground in this Public Access Parkwav Parcel A (Planning areas 2,3, and 4) shall include a north/south “pedestrian collector spine“ intended to facilitate pedestrian access to the mixed-use pedestrian linwcomdors of Planning Area 5 and 6 and the Transit Station. This SidewaWparkway will be a private facility, but a portion within Planning Area 4 will provide public access between the Avenida Encinas pedestrian parkway and the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors. The location of this public access to this SidewaWparkway is shown on Exhibit 14, page 52. This Dublic access east/west segment sited alone the boundaries of PIanninP Areas 2 and 4 shall Drovide unrestricted public access linking the Avenida Encinas public access Darkway with the railroad pedestrian/oDen mace comdor. segment will be an unrestricted Public access-wav, In addition. the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 122 July 23, 1998 * ‘1 a a e Exposed roof beams or rafter tails Accent materials such as stucco, wood, siding and stone e Decorative window ledges a Window and door lintels Dormers a a a Exterior wood elements Accent and varied shape windows Window boxes and planters with architecturally evident supports Variations in colors of stucco and other elements Accent colors on doors, shutters or other elements e a stucco wainscoting Covered balconies Arched elements Shutters 2. Rear building elevations exposed to public streets shdl include enhanced architectural detailing incorporating elements of good design, such as described in Item #2 above. 3. Provide sidewalks on both sides of all streets for better pedestrian access. 4. Provide direct walkways between neighborhoods, land uses and the Poinsettia Transit Station. 6. Discourage perimeter walls aroundneighborhoods except where required for noise attenuation. .. .. 7. m A buffer is required from the vernal ROOIS within the existing railroad riiPht- - of-way to the west. This buffer will be a minimum 100 feet in width. unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. and is known as the railroad PedestriadoDen mace corridor. 8. Sound walls or wall/berm combinations shall be used, where necessary and to a height necessary as determined by the noise study required for this planning area, to mitigate noise along Avenida Encinas and the railroad right-of-way. These walls andor berms shall be shown, reviewed and approved on plans submitted as a part of any future planned development permit for this planning area, prior to approval Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 125 July 23,1998 2c 0 a outdoor seating. The portion of the area used for passive recreational purpose: may count toward meeting the common passive recreation requirements 01 Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may allow for the consolidation of other recreation sites or building separation areas to increase the size and usefulness ofthe plaza; however, in all cases, minimum side yard setbacks shall be maintained. All e6sting ~ubl;c views from 1-5 across the specific plan proDerty3 throuph the hotel siteh) located north of Poinsettia Lane and west of 1-5 to the ocean. shall be Dreserved. Existina Views of the ocean horizon shall be identified throuph a lhie of sipht analvsis which identifies the metes and bounds of the existing visual corridors. The sipht line analvsis shall be submitted as Dart of the amlieation for a coastal deveIoDment permit for the Master Tentative MaD. The visual analvsis shall be used to desim future develoDment in this danninp area to avoid significant immcts to - 27. h g. Development Review Process 1. Tentative MadPlanned Development Permit Tentative Mapplanned Development Permits shall be processed as provided in section XLB. 1 .g. 1 on page 1 13 of this Specific Plan. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 151 July 23, I998 & I 0 e purposes may count toward meeting the common passive recreatioi requirements of Chapter 2 1.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Plannin; ~~ector may allow for the ConSolidation Of other recreation sites or buildin1 Separation areas to increase the &e and usefblness of the plaza; however, ix dl cases, minimum side yard setbacks shall be maintained. - 26. All existing oublic views from IS across the specific plan proper& to the ocean shall be preserved. These views are located west of 1-5 and south of Poinsettia Lane, through the Poinsettia Village ShopDinP Center. Existinv views of the ocean horizon shall be identified through a line of sieht analvsis which identifies the metes and bounds of the existing visual corridors. The sight line analvsis shall be submitted as Dart of the armlication for a coastal development permit for the Master Tentative MaD. The visual analvsis sball be used to design future develoDxrnent in this planning area to avoid sienificant imDacts to existingpublic views from 1-5. 3. DeveloDment Review Process g. Development Review Process i. Tentative MadPlanned Development Permit Tentative Mapplanned Development Permits shall be processed as provided in section XI.B.l .g on page 113 of this Specific Plan for all single family detached or for sale attached projects proposed. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 159 July 23, 1998 22 e 0 A minimum 100 foot open mace setback shall be provided betweei homes in Planninp Area 2 and all wetland areas located on the sit or within the existinv railroad ripht-of-wav to the west unless reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. T aCCOmDbh this setback. an open space easement at least 100 fee wide will be established alonp the railroad right-of-wav. No home or other develoDment shall be allowed within this setback however, a Dublic trail and trail associated uses. utilities. sewei water and drainage facilities. and native and drouyht-toleran IandscaDing are allowed ifthe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service amee throuFh a Section 7 consultation that such develoDment can occu without adverselv impactinp the wetlands. A public trail allowec in the setback shall be located within the eastern half of the buffei Sound walls and/or rear vard fences can be Dlaced at the easten boundarv of this setback. Anv utilities allowed in the setback shal be Dlaced undermound in this setback. The Dubk trail in thi area shall provide access to the Poinsettia Train Station. A o~ei mace setback from the railroad ripht-of-way of lesser width, bu not less than 40 feet. shall be Dermitted in areas where wetland are not present within the ripht-of-wav or on the subiect sitc subiect to amroval bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Planning Area 2 shall include a "pedestrian collector spine" to sene a Exhibit 19, page 57, and further discussion starting on page 39). Thi private commdty sidewWtrai1 shall be an average width of 15 fee with a 10 foot minimum, including a 5 foot sidewalk and 5 foc landscaped area. 0 a main community (private) sidewalkhail for pedestrian use (Se 0 Front Yards: Front yard setbacks for livable dwelling space may range from 10-21 feet with a 15 foot average. The 15 foot average shall be calculated b measuring the closest point of the structure (not including porch) to th fiont property line on each lot and calculating the average on a projec level basis. Front porches may be located 10 feet fiom the fion property line if the porch has a minimum dimension of five feet and Poinsettia ProperGes Specific Plan 107 July 23, 1998 C e 0 EX) @ NORTH POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SP 210(A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXH 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4381 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN BY THE AMENDMENT OF VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE PLAN INCORPORATING THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION’S SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN COASTAL COMMISSION SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS SP 2 1 O(A) CASE NO.: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad. Calif reviewed and considered a Specific Plan Amendment to provide consistency bet Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan was adopted by Cit! Ordinance No. NS-441 on January 27, 1998, and constitutes the zoning for the subject and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Local Coastal Program Am LCPA 96-03, concurrently with the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, on June 9, 1998, the California Coastal Commission apprl Specific Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment with suggested modifications; an WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad acknowledges receipt of the Californi Commission’s resolution of certification including suggested modifications for the I Properties Specific Plan as set forth in this resolution: and WHEREAS, acceptance of the California Coastal Commission’s I modifications is necessary to comply with the California Coastal Act and ( Administrative Code; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 16th day of Septembe hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request for a Specific Plan An as shown on Exhibit ccY”, dated September 16,1998, attached hereto and made a part h WHEREAS at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all i and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered q relating to the Specific Plan Amendment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Commission as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based 011 the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Coi RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of Specific Plan Amendment, SP according to Exhibit “Y”, dated September 16, 1998, which effectu acceptance of the Coastal Commission’s “suggested modifications” bas following findings: FindinEs: 1. That the proposed Specific Plan Amendment is required in order tc suggested modifications approved by the California Coastal Commission. That acceptance of the proposed suggested modifications is necessary by th order to comply with California Administrative Code Segments 113544 and That the proposed amendments will retain consistency between the P Properties Specific Plan, Title 21 and the implementation plan for the Loca Program as approved by the California Coastal Commission. 2. 3. ... ... ... ... ... ... PC RES0 NO. 43 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 16th day of September 19! following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Noble, Commissioners Compas, Heineman, : and Welshons NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Nielsen and Monroy ABSTAIN: BAILBY.QOl3@E7 Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. IIO~YMILL~ Planning Director PC RES0 NO. 4381 3 EX %e City of CARLSBAD Planning Depa at A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSIOl Item NO. @ 1 Application complete date: NA Project Planner: Adrienne Landers P.C. AGENDA OF: September 16, 1998 1 Project Engineer: NA SUBJECT: SP 210(A) - COASTAL COMMISSION MODIFICATIONS T POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN - Request for approval of amendment to the previously-approved Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan accept modifications made by the California Coastal Commission. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 43 E RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SP 2 1 O(A) based on the findings contained therein. 11. INTRODUCTION The California Coastal Commission made several modifications to the Poinsettia Properti to the provision of a sight line analysis, an unrestricted pedestrian access to the proposed r trail, and protection of an off-site vernal pool. The suggested modifications create the need 1 only minor revisions to the specific plan and are consistent with the purpose and intent, as WI as all land use policies of the specific plan. The project is still in compliance with all CI standards, and all the necessary findings can be made for the approvals being requested. 111. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND On January 27, 1998, the City Council approved the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan. Sin the Poinsettia Properties Plan serves as the land use plan and implementing ordinance for tl portion of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), the Council's actions included amendment to the LCP. This LCP amendment was approved by the California Coas Commission on June 9, 1998 with suggested modifications. These modifications, shown Attachment 5. must be incorporated into the local regulatory document to maintain consisten the previously-approved specific plan. Per State law specific plans must be amended in the sa manner as general plans, therefore. the amended documents must be reviewed and approved the Planning Commission and City Council. The suggested modifications and subsequc amendments are the only aspects of the specific plan under discussion at this point. boldhtrikeout version of the revised specific plan text (appropriate pages only) is included Exhibit X attached to Resolution No. 43 8 1. Specific Plan during their action to approve the specific plan. The suggested modifications rel; between the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and the LCP. This is accomplished by amendi q SP 210(A) - COASTAL @! MMISSION MODIFICATIONS TO &SETTIA PROPERTIE3 SPECIFIC PLAN September 16, 1998 Page 2 The suggested modifications deal exclusively with more precise language regarding t protection of significant view corridors (such as views of the ocean horizon), 24-hour pedestri access to the rail trail, and protection of off-site vernal pools. The suggested modifications : briefly summarized below: Views Several of the suggested modifications relate to the Commission’s interest in preservi significant ocean horizon views consistent with prior Coastal Development Permit requiremer for Poinsettia Village and one of the motels along Avenida Encinas. The modifications requirt line of sight analysis to identify the metes and bounds of existing visual corridors as seen frc Interstate 5. This analysis must be submitted concurrently with the master tentative map a would determine if there are significant ocean horizon views worthy of preservation. If there i significant views, future development would be required to be designed to avoid impacts existing PUBLIC views from Interstate 5. When the master tentative map is presented Planning Commission, that staff report will include a review of the viewshed analysis as well a recommendation for future project conditions. Unrestricted Pedestrian Access When approved by the City, the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan included provisions for tim lock gates at various locations along the Avenida Encinas side of Parcel A. The rationale for tk provision was to provide a more secure environment for residents living near the transit station along the rail corridor. The specific plan allowed the gates to be locked from 7 p.m. to 6 a.1 each day. The Coastal Commission believed that in addition to the public access available at tl transit station and through Planning Area 6, the main pedestrian corridor from Avenida Encin to the proposed rail trail should be available to the public 24 hours a day to provide unrestrictl access to the proposed rail trail. Several of the suggested modifications are cross-references revise the specific plan to provide this 24-hour access. Protection of the Off-site Vernal Pool The Coastal Commission revised the specific plan to require a 100’ buffer around the off-SI vernal pool unless a reduced buffer is approved by the resource agencies through a Section permit. This is very similar to existing language in the Mello I1 Segment of the Local Coast Program and the Specific Plan, but further ensures compliance by requiring a Section 7 permit. IV. ANALYSIS The modifications suggested by the Coastal Commission are considered measures of refineme to the approved specific plan and do not change any of the main policies or programs of the pla The line of sight analysis rnav have a slight impact on the development potential at the southe end of Planning Areas 1 or 8 or, possibly, a narrow sliver at the middle of Planning Area 7. TI requirement for a 100’ buffer. unless a lesser width is approved by the resource agencies throuj a Section 7 permit, is a slight refinement of current language in the LCP and the Specific Pla SP 2 1 O(A) - COASTAL @ MMISSION MODIFICATIONS TO sm NSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN September 16, 1998 Page 3 Existing language in the LCP requires “a 100’ buffer unless the applicant demonstrates that buffer of lesser width will protect the identified resources, based on site-specific informatior The applicant has indicated that the suggested modification is acceptable to him and is present in consultation with the resource agencies to determine the width of an acceptable buffer and/ alternative mitigation. As mentioned earlier, these modifications have been approved by the Coastal Commission. TI City is now processing the specific plan amendment to effectuate the acknowledgment a acceptance of the suggested modifications and to provide consistency between documents. TI applicant has agreed to accept all of the modifications. All issues have been resolved. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the proposed specific plan is exempt from tl California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 21080.5 of the Public Resources Cod ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4381 (SP 210(A)) 2. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Planning Areas 3. Coastal Commission Suggested Modifications, dated June 9, 1998 4. Location Map AL:mh 0 0 ATTACHMENT POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN PLANNING AREA5 e 0 COASTAL COMMISSION SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS SP 2 1 O(A)/LCPA 96-03(A) Poinsettia Properties Approved by the California Coastal Commission on June 9,1998 STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGEN II) 0 PETE WILSOI CALI FORNl A COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO COAST AREA 3111 CAMINO DEL RIO NORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 CARLSBAD LCP AMENDMENT 1-98A & B (POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN/AVIARA MASTER PLAN REVISIONS) COASTAL COMMISSION ADOPTED SUGG ESTED MODIFICATIONS ADOPTED JUNE 9, 1998 (Page 1 of 7) POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN - Land Use Plan Revisions 1. On Page 10, under "Purpose and Authority", the following language should be added to the end of the section: The Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan as adopted by the City of Carlsbad and certified by the California Coastal Commission is approved as both a land use and implementation element of the City's LCP. The Specific Plan will establish land use, zoning and development standards appficable to the project as a whole with consideration to individual planning areas, def i ni ng the permi ssi bl e type and i ntensi ty of development . POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN - ImDlementation Plan Revisions 2. Commencing on Page 38 and within the entire section "Open Space and Resource Preservation" , a1 1 exhibits and references to the Rai lroad Pedestrian/Open Space Corridor being constructed within "the average 40 foot setback" at the eastern railroad right-of-way and Parcel A's western boundary shall be revised to include a requirement for a 100-foot setback from all wetlands in or along the railroad right-of-way unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Also, all references indicating the pub1 i c trai 1 shall be constructed "in the setback area" should be changed to "within the eastern half of the setback area." The references to the setback shall also acknowledge that, an open than 40 feet, shall be permitted in areas where wetlands are not present within the right-of-way or on the subject site, subject to approval by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. fol lowing language shall be added as a new paragraph: Each planning area containing a segment of the public trail system shall be conditioned to construct its trail segment prior to issuance of any building permits for that planning area. Such accessways shall be preserved for public use by requiring irrevocable offers of dedication of those areas as a condition of development and, prior to the issuance of any building permits for those planning areas, the trail dedications shall be accepted by the City of Carlsbad if the Cjty agrees and it adopts a Citywide Trails Program that includes provisions for maintenance and liability. Otherwise, prior to issuance of any building permits, the space setback from the railroad right-of-way of lesser width, but not less 3. On Page 39, under "Pedestrian Parkways and Trails - Introduction", the 0 a Carlsbad LCPA 1-98A & B/Sug. Mods. Adopted 6/9/98 Page 2 ob1 isation for acceptance, construction, maintenance and 1 iabi 1 i ty shall be the responsibility of another agency designated by the City or the responsibility of the Homeowner's Association. dedication, including maintenance and liability responsibilities, and completion of the trail improvements, the trail shall be open for public use. The accessways shall not adversely impact environmentally sensi tivt habitats. 4. On Page 40, the Design Standard for the Railroad Pedestrianlopen Space Corridor shall be revised as follows: A minimum 100 foot setback along the western boundary of Parcel A from a1 wetland areas located on the site or within the railroad right-of-way unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. This setback shall be landscaped pursuant to Exhibit 15, page 53, and shall include a 8-10 foot natural public trail constructed on decomposed granite and stabilized with concrete (or other construction type as may b approved by the City). The public trail shall be located in the eastern half of the setback. Access Parkway, the language shall be revised as follows: Planning areas 2, 3, and 4 shall include a "pedestrian collector spine" intended to facilitate pedestrian access to the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors of Planning Area 5 and 6 and the Transit Station. This Planning Area 4 and an east/west segment sited along the boundaries of Planning Areas 2 and 4 will provide unrestricted public access between thl Aveni da Enci nas pedestrian parkway and the mi xed-use pedestrian 1 i nk/corri dors , as we1 1 as the rai 1 road pedestri an/open space corri dor. The location of this public access to this-sidewalklparkway is shown on Exhibit 14, page 52. The portion of this "pedestrian collector spine" parkway in Planning Areas 2 and 3 shall not be accessible to the public. [All references to any time-lock gates or restricted access to any identified public pedestrian corridors shall be eliminated.] 6. On Page 44, under Access to Parkways and Trail Systems, Section 3a. Avenida Encinas Pedestrian/ODen SDace Parkway, the 'language shall be revised to read: This parkway is intended to be a public pedestrian parkway. this parkway within the specific plan area will be at two points. (1) Upon acceptance of the 5. On Page 42, under "Pedestrian Parkways and Trails", Section 2d. Public sidewal klparkway wi 7 1 be a private faci 1 i ty, except that a portion wi thin Access to The entry of Planning Area 4 (which may be combined with Planning Area 2 and 3) will be an unrestricted public access point. 0 0 Carlsbad LCPA 1-98A & %/Sug. Mods. Adopted 6/9/98 Page 3 (2) On Page 44, under Access to Parkways and Trail Systems, Section 36. Rai 1 road Pedes t ri an/Oeen Soace Parkway, the language shall be revised to read : Unrestricted public access will be provided at Poinsettia Lane and at the Poinsettia Transit Station. Because the eastern boundary of this parkway will be bounded by a private sound wall, certain private access gates shall be located and constructed in the sound wall to ensure private community access to this parkway. private use of keys or access codes and are not for public use. one public access point shall be provided. This access point may be placed in either Planning Area 2 or 4 to connect this corridor with the Aveni da Enci nas Pub1 i c Access Parkway. Public & Private Pedestrian Access Points, shall be revised to eliminate any reference to "time-lock gates" at the entrances to or along any identified public pedestrian accessways. There shall be no restrictions to publ i c access along any of the identified publ ic pedestrian accessways. The Planning Area 6 public street and mixed-use pedestrian link/corridor will be an unrestricted public access point. 7. These access gates can be controlled by However, 8. On Page 52, Exhibit 14, entitled Community Wall & Entry Concept with 9. On Page 94, under Entries, the third paragraph shall be revised to read: The vehicular entries into all planning areas may be manned or electronically guarded gates. This is intended to limit the automobile access into the private portions of the specific plan development area. Public pedestrian access on all identified public corridors will be unrestricted. Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the general location of project sound walls and the public pedestrian accessways. Corridor, the language shall be revised as follows: A minimum 100 foot open space setback shall be provided between homes in Planning Area 4 and a1 1 wet1 and areas located on the site or within the existing railroad right-of-way to the west unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. To accomplish this setback, an open space easement at 1 east 100 feet wide wi 11 be establ i shed a1 ong within this setback, however, a publ i c trai 1 and trai 1 associated uses, uti 1 i ties, sewer, water and drainage faci 1 i ti es, and native and drought-tolerant landscaping are allowed, subject to approval if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agrees through a Section 7 consul tation that such development can occur without adversely impacting the wetlands. A public trail allowed in the setback shall be located within the eastern half of the buffer. 10. On Page 106, under "Planning Area 2" - Railroad Pedestrian/Open Space the railroad right-of-way. No homes or other development shall be allowed Sound walls and/or rear yard 0 0 Carlsbad LCPA 1-98A & B/Sug. Mods. Adopted 6/9/98 Page 4 fences can be placed at the eastern boundary of this setback. utilities allowed in the setback shall be placed underground in this setback. The public trail in this area shall provide access to the Poinsettia Train Station. A open space setback from the railroad right-of-way of lesser width, but not less than 40 feet, shall be permitted in areas where wetlands are not present within the right-of-way or on the subject site, subject to approval by the United States Fish and Wi Id1 i fe Service. Any 11. On Page 112, under "Planning Area 2"--Speciai Design Criteria, the language shall be revised as follows: 20. railroad right-of-way to the west. in width, unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Servi ce, and i s known as the rai 1 road pedestri an/open space corridor. 72. On Page 112, under "Planning Area 2" within the section "Special Design A buffer is required from the vernal pools within the existing This buffer will be a minimum 100 feet Criteria", the following language shall be added as Provision #25: All existing public views from 1-5 across the specific plan property, through the hotel site(s) located north of Poinsettia Lane and west of 1-5, to the ocean shall be preserved. Existing views of the ocean horizon shall be identified through a line of sight analysis which identifies the metes and bounds of the existing visual corridors. analysis shall be submitted as part of the application for a coastal development permit for the Master Tentative Map. The visual analysis shall be used to design future development in this planning area to avoid significant impacts to existing public views from 1-5. Implementation of SDecific Plan Vision and Goal -- PurDose and Intent, the second paragraph shall be revised to read: - The design of this planning area shall accomplish the vision, goal and objectives as set forth in this specific plan, including design which encourages pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. This planning area may utilize private access gates which restrict public vehicular access to this planning area, provided, however, public pedestrian access through an unrestricted entry must be maintained in an effort to encourage pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. This planning area's entry may be combined with the entry to Planning Area 3 and/or Planning Area 4, thus providing one common private entry. The concept of one common entry is shown on Exhibit 13, page 51 and Exhibit 14, page 52. The common private vehicular entry with public pedestrian access shown on the above referenced exhibits anticipates pub1 i c pedestrian access to be provided within Planning Area 4. Additional discussion regarding public pedestrian access is found on page 42, section 2 (dl. The sight line 13. On Page 118, under Planning Area 4 Development Standards, Section a. 0 0 Carlsbad LCPA 1-98A & B/Sug. Mods. Adopted 6/ 9/ 98 Page 5 14. On Page 721 , under "P1 anni ng Area 4"--Rai 1 road Pedes tri anlopen Space Corridor, the language shall be revised as follows: A minimum 100 foot open space setback shall be provided between homes in Planning Area 4 and all wetland areas located on the site or within the existing railroad right-of-way to the west unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. To accomplish this setback an open space easement at least 100 feet wide will be established along the railroad right-of-way. No homes or other development shall be allowe wi thi n thi s setback, however, a publ i c trai 1 and trai 7 associated uses, uti 1 i ti es, sewer, water and drainage faci 1 i ti es , and native, drought-tolerant landscaping are allowed, if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agrees through a Section 7 consultation that such development can the setback shall be located within the eastern half of the buffer. Souni walls and/or rear yard fences can be placed at the eastern boundary of this setback. Any utilities allowed in the setback shall be placed underground in this setback. The public trail in this area shall provide access to the Poinsettia Train Station. A open space setback from the railroad right-of-way of lesser width, but not less than 40 feet, shall bi permitted in areas where wetlands are not present within the right-of-way or on the subject site, subject to approval by the United States Fish and Wi Id1 i fe Service. 15. On Page 121, under Planning Area 4 Development Standards, Section e. 1. Public Access Parkwav, the first paragraph shall be revised to read: Parcel A (Planning areas 2,3, and 4) shall include a north/south "pedestrian col 7 ector spi ne" i ntended to faci 1 i tate pedestrian access to the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors of Planning Area 5 and 6 and the Transit Station. This sidewalk/parkway will be a private facility, but a Avenida Encinas pedestrian parkway and the .mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors. sidewalk/parkway is shown on Exhibit 14, page 52. segment will be an unrestricted public accessway. In addition, the eastjwest segment sited along the boundaries of Planning Areas 2 and 4 shall provide unrestri cted publ i c access 7 inking the Avenida Enci nas publ ic access parkway with the railroad pedestrian/open space corridor. 16. On Page 124, under "Planning Area 4"--Special Design Criteria, the language shall be revised as follows: 7. A buffer is required from the vernal pools within the existing railroad right-of-way to the west. This buffer will be a minimum 100 feel in width, unless a reduced buffer is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Servi ce, and i s known as the rai 1 road pedes tri &open space corridor. occur without adversely impacting the wetlands. A public trail allowed i portion within Planning Area 4 will provide public access between the The location of this public access to this This public access 0 0 Carl sbad LCPA 1 -98A & B/Sug. Mods. Adopted 6/9/98 Page 6 17. On Page 146, under "Planning Area 7" within the section "Special Design Criteria", the following language shall be added as Provision #27: All existing public views from 1-5 across the specific plan property, through the hotel site(s> located north of Poinsettia Lane and west of I- to the ocean shall be preserved. Existing views of the ocean horizon shall be identified through a line of sight analysis which identifies thc metes and bounds of the existing visual corridors. The sight line analysis shall be submitted as part of the application for a coastal development permit for the Master Tentative Map. The visual analysis shall be used to design future development in this planning area to avoid significant impacts to existing public views from 1-5. 18. On Page 154, under "Planning Area 8" within the section "Special Design Criteria", the following language shall be added as Provision #26: All existing public views from 1-5 across the specific plan property to the ocean shall be preserved. south of Poinsettia Lane, through the Poinsettia Village Shopping Center. Existing views of the ocean horizon shall be identified through a line of sight analysis which identifies the metes and bounds of the existing visual corridors. The sight line analysis shall be submitted as part of the application for a coastal development permit for the Master Tentative Map. The visual analysis shall be used to design future development in this planning area to avoid significant impacts to existing public views These views are located west of 1-5 and from 1-5@ 19. On Page 141, within ng Area 18, under Spe "Landscape", the fol 1 anguage shall be ad of the Planning Director Landscape Guide1 i ne Communi ti es" provi d as defined in the space areas require of the Master Plan. nts of the fire 0 e Carl sbad LCPA 1-98A & B/Sug . .Mods. Adopted 6/9/98 Page 7 5, within Planning Area 19, under "Special Design C ¶ the following language shall be added: on zone subject to the approval of th 1 be established betwee suppression plan shoul "Gui del i nes '* shall encroach ricted open space areas required A por 'on of the major community trail system shall traverse e east side anning Area #32). The trail shall be constructed as a conditio of development for this planning area. brosia Lane and connect with the trail on the adjacent Par Site h., Trai 1 s : / (221 9A) \ e 0 DRAFT E'H1f 12. SP 210(A) - COASTAL COMMISSION MODIFICATIONS TO POINSETTIA PROPERTIE SPECIFIC PLAN - Request for approval of an amendment to the previously-approved Poinseti Properties Specific Plan to accept modifications made by the California Coastal Commission. Assistant Planning Director, Gary Wayne, introduced this item and stated that Principal Planner, Adrienr Landers, would present the staff report. Project Planner, Adrienne Landers, presented the staff report and described the Coastal Commissic modifications as follows: This item relates to changes that were made to the Poinsettia Properties Specif Plan, when it was approved by the Coastal Commission in June, 1998. The site is bounded by Carlsbz Boulevard on the west, is bounded on the east side by Avenida Encinas, and by a portion of the Pon area on the south, and Poinsettia Lane runs through the site from east to west. The suggest€ modifications that are being reviewed are very minor but do constitute an amendment to the Specific Pla Per State Law, the Specific Plan Amendment is required to be approved by both the Planning Commissic and the City Council. The suggested modifications are considered to be only minor refinements and c not change the general structure of the plan, the layout of the various planning villages, the land uses, ( the density of the project. The modifications address three particular areas: 1) the protection of significant ocean horizon views fc the public traveling on Interstate Highway 5 (the Coastal Commission did not speak to private views) Whether or not there are any significant horizon views will be determined through a metes and bounc analysis that will be brought forward as part of the Master Tentative Map in approximately two to thre months. The second issue addressed is 24-hour access to the proposed Rail Trail, located along th railroad. The Plan called for time-lock gates to close at 7:OO p.m., and re-open at 6:OO a.m. This wi intended to provide some security for the residents living near the transit station. However, the Coast Commission felt that it is important to maintain 24-hour unrestricted public access to the proposed rail tra The required unrestricted entries will be; a) at the main entry; b) at the mixed use area; and c) near tt transit station. The third issue included protection of the off-site vernal pool located in the railroad right-c way. The Coastal Commission further refined existing language in the Mello II Segment which requires 100 foot buffer to be provided around any wetlands area. The Coastal Commission modified thz language by adding a requirement that the applicant do a Section 7 permit consultation through th resource agencies. The applicant has agreed to all of these measures and is currently processing th Section 7 permit and is developing a metes and bounds analysis. The Plan is still in compliance with E recommends approval of this item. Commissioner Heineman asked what the current status of the proposed rail trail actually is. Ms. Landers replied that the proposed rail trail is still in process. However, with regard to the Poinsetti Properties Specific Plan, and due to the location of the vernal pools along the railroad right-of-way, th agencies involved (including the City) have decided that it would be preferable to avoid the area near th vernal pool. She went on to point out that at the transit station, the trail turns east to Avenida Encinas then south to Poinsettia Lane, then west to Carlsbad Boulevard, and finally turns south to La Cost; Avenue where it will again run parallel to the railroad right-of-way in Encinitas. Commissioner Heineman stated that, under those circumstances, and with reference to Poinsetti Properties, the rail trail is a moot point, to which Ms. Landers agreed with Commissioner Heineman, a City standards and all of the necessary findings can be made for the requested approval. Staff, therefort MINUTE! Pagl 0 September 16, 1998 0 PLANNING COMMISSION there is access to a trail that will no longer exist in that location. Chairperson Noble asked the applicant, Mike Howes, if he would prefer to have this item continued tl future meeting when all seven Commissioners are present. Applicant, Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, 3500 Pasteur Court, #I 50, Carlsbad, stated that would prefer to have the item heard by the Commissioners present at this hearing. Mr. Howes stated that his client has accepted the suggested modifications by the Coastal Commissic Mr. Howes further stated that they are presently working on the mete and bounds analysis, conformance with the requirements placed on this project by the Coastal Commission. Chairperson Noble opened the Public Hearing. Kent Schnoecker, 6880 Seaspray Lane, Carlsbad, President of his neighborhood’s homeownc association, stated that he and his organization are in favor of the modifications proposed by the Coa: Commission and urged the Planning Commission to follow the recommendations of the Goa: Commission. Mr. Schnoecker presented the Commission with a copy of his statement and a copy oft statement is on file in the Planning Department. Commissioner Welshons asked Mr. Schnoecker for his interpretation of the staff report and the propos modifications recommended by the Coastal Commission. Mr. Schnoecker replied that he interprets the staff report as saying that there are views to be preserv from the hotels to the ocean, north of Poinsettia Lane and thereby preserving the views from multil residential areas east of Interstate Highway 5. Commissioner Welshons asked what Mr. Schnoecker is expecting, in terms of the views. Mr. Schnoecker replied that he would expect the modifications to result in minimum view impacts. I added that his organization is not asking for, nor do they expect, a reduction in the scope of t development by Poinsettia Properties, but they would ask that it be tailored to make the project attract1 and at the same time not diminish the views. Commissioner Welshons stated that she is trying to determine what his organization’s expectations al versus what the Coastal Commission is asking the applicant to do and Mr. Schnoecker replied that thl expectations are the same. Chairperson Noble asked if Mr. Schnoecker understands that this project has already been approved the Planning Commission and that the Coastal Commission’s recommendations are subsequent to t original approval. Mr. Schnoecker replied that he understands. He added that the “line of sight” analysis is their 01 concern since something like this always leaves a question as to what a project will look like. Seeing no one else wishing to testify, Chairperson Noble closed Public Testimony. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Welshons, and duly seconded, to adopt Plannil Commission Resolution No. 4381, recommending approval of SP 210(A),bast upon the findings contained therein. Noble, Heineman, Savary, Welshons, and Compas VOTE: 5-0 AYES: A BSTAlN : None NOES: None MINUTE (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times-Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudged newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of Proof of Publication of %&Le of Dub1 :C Ueah~~ _____-----------------~ ....................... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 0 COMPLETE DATE: DESCRIPTION: SP-2 1 O(A) - COASTAL, COMMISSION MODIFICATIONS TO POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPE PLAN - Request for approval of amendments to the previously approved Poinsettia Properties SI Plan to accept modifications made by the California Coastal Commission. LOCATION: This project is within the City of Carlsbad’s Coastal Zone between Avenida Encinas and Ca Boulevard north and south of Poinsettia Lane. ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER APN: 214-150-17; 214-150-18; and 214-150-21 APPLICANT: HSL/BP Michan, Inc. A public hearing on the above proposed project will be held by the City Council, in the Council Chambers Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, on October 20, 1998, at 6:OO p.m. Persons are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the decision makers with any oral or I comments they may have regarding the project. The project will be described and a staff recommendation followed by public testimony, questions and a decision. Copies of the staff report will be available on o October 16,1998. If you have any questions, or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Adrienne Landers, at th of Carlsbad Planning Department, Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 8:OO a.m. to 5:O at 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009, (6 19) 438- 1 16 1, extension 445 1. APPEALS If you challenge the Specific Plan or Local Coastal Plan Amendments in court, you may be limited to raisin: those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspon delivered to the City of Carlsbad prior to the public hearing. 1. Appeals to the Citv Council: Where the decision is appealable to the City Council, appeals must bc in writing within ten (10) calendar days after a decision by the Planning Commission. 2. Coastal Commission Appealable Project: [7 m This site is located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Ai-ea. This site is not located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. Where the decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission, appeals must be filed with the Coastal Comm within ten (10) working days after the Coastal Commission has received a Notice of Final Action from the C Carlsbad. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission of the date that their appeal perioc conclude. The San Diego office of the Coastal Commission is located at 3 11 1 Camino Del Rio North, Suit1 San Diego, California 92108-1725. CASE FILE: SP-21O(A) CASE NAME: PUBLISH: OCTOBER 9,1998 POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN 0 0 .-. . .. ..._ @ POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SP 210(A) 0 0 (Form A) - TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROtf; PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: Puwc HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materfals necessary for you to notice SP 210(A) - Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Suggested Modifications for a publlc htarfng before the Clty Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of First Available ~ . I /--u --- Thank you. September 28, 19! Assistant City Man-- Date .I - 0 0 - City of Carlsbal _. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMPLETE DATE: P DESCRIPTION: SP 210(A) - COASTAL COMMISSION MODIFICATIONS TO POINSET7 PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN - Request for approval of amendments to previously approved Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan to accept modifications made the California Coastal Commission. LOCATION: This project is within the City of Carlsbad’s Coastal Zone between Avenida Encinas i Carlsbad Boulevard north and south of Poinsettia Lane ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER: APN 214-150-17 2 1 4- 1 50- 1 8 2 14-1 50-21 APPLICANT: HSL/BP Michan. Inc. A public hearing on the above proposed pro-iect will be held by the Planning Commission in 1 Council Chambers. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. Carlsbad. California. on September 16. 1998 6:OO p.m. Persons are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the decision makers w any oral or written comments they may have regarding the project. The project will be describ and a staff recommendation given. followed by public testimony. questions and a decisic Copies of the staff report will be available on or after September 10. 1998. If you have any questions. or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Adrien Landers at the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. 520 p.m.. Friday 8:OO a.m. to 5:OO p.m. at 2075 Las Palmas Drive. Carlsbad, California 920C (760) 438-1 161. extension 445 1. ... ... ... 2075 La Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad. CA 92009-1576 - (760) 438-1 161 - FAX (760) 438-08 4- * 0 ._ APPEALS - .-- If you challenge the Specific Plan or Local Coastal Plan Amendments in court. you ma! limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing describe1 this notice. or in written correspondence delivered to the Citv of Carlsbad prior to the pu hearing. 1. Appeals to the Citv Council: Planning Commission. Where the decision is appealable to the Cit!. Coui appeals must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days after a decision b) 2. Coastal Commission Appealable Project: IXi This site is located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. This site is not located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. Where the decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission. appeals must be filed with Coastal Commission within ten (1 0) working days after the Coastal Commission has receive Notice of Final Action from the City of Carlsbad. Applicants will be notified by the Coa Commission of the date that their appeal period will conclude. The San Diego office of Coastal Commission is located at 3 1 11 Camino Del Rio North. Suite 200. San Diego. CaIifol 92 1 OS- 1725. CASE FILE: SP 210(A) CASE NAME: PUBLISH: SEPTEMBER 3- 1998 POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN 0 0 0 I 2 0, M u P, a 0 E 0" 3 Iv -. -. P, a 0 0 ? A Io Cll Io nmw E=% wg P C34H C& g;E UH HW nnz mo VG :lg %PI -Go QUE 0 ZZ 60 NWH PH m7dH I am I I UY u 4 f- 4 I I I I I 1 I 0 0 I I I nmF4 I I E2 cn wmcn I tz!2 53% I SZ I CAD -0 em w I wr I I OM \D I 1 I I 1 I I 4 CITY OF ENCINITAS 0 SD COUNTY PLANNING 0 CARLSBAD UNIF SCHOOL DIST 801 PINE AVE STE B 505 S WLCAN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 5201 RUFFIN RD ENCINITAS CA 92( - .- SAN DIEGO CA 92123 CITY OF SAN MARCOS CITY OF OCEANSIDE CITY OF VISTA 1 CIVIC CENTER DR 300 NORTH COAST HWY PO BOX 1988 SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 VISTA CA 92085 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SANDAG CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME STE 50 STE B STE 800 330 GOLDENSHORE 9771 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD 401 B STREET LONG BEACH CA 90802 SAN DIEGO CA 92124-1331 SAN DIEGO CA 92 I.P.U.A. - SCHOOL LAFCO AIR POLLUTION CNTRL DIST 1600 PACIFIC HWY 9150 CHESAPEAKE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 ADMIN & URBAN STU SAN DIEGO STATE U SAN DIEGO CA 92 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE BERNARD PONSEGGI MARILYN PONSEGGI , 2730 LOKER AVE WEST 6947 WHITECAP DR ATTN MF PONSEGGI EL CAJON CA 920 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92009 2117 JARAMA CT HSL/BP/MICHAN PO BOX 2524 CARLSBAD CA 92018 (ABOVE ADDRESS - Council Notices 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY MUNICIPAL WATER D DEPT SERVICES CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL LABE PROJECT PLANNER SP 210 (A) - POINS ADRIENNE LANDERS PROPER TIES 0 0 JACK R & TERESA HORAK GEORGE I PEABODY HARRY C & CHERY 6550 PONTO DR 108 6550 PONTO DR 120 6550 PONTO DR 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2312- CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92 JOHN C ZAHAREE THOMAS CHYNCES POLHAMUS ALBERT 6344 LAKE COMO AVE 6550 PONTO DR 129 PO BOX 3069 SAN DIEGO CA 92119-3125 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2315 CARLSBAD CA 92 CINDY L DABNEY DOUG & MARC FRONING WENDELL J BARNE' CARLSBAD CA 92009-2317 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2317 CARLSBAD CA 92 6550 PONTO DR 139 6550 PONTO DR 141 6550 PONTO DR 1, LOU & CLEO GAZO EMILY M MORAN JOSEPH S MOISAN 6550 PONTO DR 152 6550 PONTO DR 155 6550 PONTO DR 1' CARLSBAD CA 92009-2319 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2319 CARLSBAD CA 921 ISABEL B TEEPLE MONTY D & GLORIA JONES ELEANOR ALVARAD( 7011 SAN BARTOLO ST 35 938 AVENIDA DE SAN CLEM 7103 SANTA BARB; CARLSBAD CA 92009-4604 ENCINITAS CA 92024-3935 CARLSBAD CA 92r PATRICIA H KEAIRNS GEORGE MCCARTHY WILLIAM L & LETi 7129 SANTA BARBARA ST 1 PO BOX 230459 7400 SANTA BARBi CARLSBAD CA 92009-4630 ENCINITAS CA 92023-0459 CARLSBAD CA 92( TROY C & GERALDINE CAT0 ELIZABETH M WALKEY SHARON L GESSNEI 5257 N FAIRVALLEY AVE 7235 SAN BENITO ST 336 7220 SAN BENITO COVINA CA 91722-1915 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4614 CARLSBAD CA 92( *** 51 Printed *** 0 0 TIMOTHY L CAVARETTA BRIAN E & GINA PIERCE LINDA COOK 806 BLUEWATER RD 804 BLUEWATER RD 801 BLUEWATER R CARLSBAD CA 92009-3721- CARLSBAD CA 92009-3721 CARLSBAD CA 92 KURT E & HILDEGARD OTTE HARBOR POINTE HOMEOWNER GLEN A & ARLENE 1339 ALBRIGHT AVE 7720 EL CAMINO REAL 2A 7026 IVY ST UPLAND CA 91786-2721 CARLSBAD CA 92009-8510 CARLSBAD CA 92 SUSEN M DEAN RAYMOND G ALLEN GREG V & DEBBY 6550 PONTO DR 1 6550 PONTO DR 5 2765 OHANA AINA CARLSBAD CA 92009-2304 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2304 KALAHEO HI 967 TERESA L HAYNES CLAUDIA BRYANT FRANCIS L BUTTS 6550 PONTO DR 16 6550 PONTO DR 17 6550 PONTO DR 2 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2305 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2305 CARLSBAD CA 92 HOMER G BROWNING JAMES R BETTS TAMARA A OLEA PO BOX 84 6550 PONTO DR 33 6550 PONTO DR 4 DOWNEY CA 90241-0084 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2306 CARLSBAD CA 92 MEKMINA C DUFFELL ELEANOR M FOSTER JAMES E HALL CARLSBAD CA 92009-2306 HONOLULU HI 96821-2321 CARLSBAD CA 92 6550 PONTO DR 44 260 PAIKO DR 6550 PONTO DR 5 ALBERTA Y BMT ALTA M WILKINS FRANKLIN E GRUB 8308 COLBY PKY 104 6550 PONTO DR 68 1923 MORENO ST URBANDALE IA 50322-7007 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2308 OCEANSIDE CA 9 RANDY HUDSON ERIC E NEAVES SUSAN A HENSON 1132 7TH ST 1 7236 SANTA BARBARA ST 6550 PONTO DR 7 SANTA MONICA 90403-5227 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4635 CARLSBAD CA 92 CONSTANCE L BLAINE HOWARD BELL WATHENA L SCHIA' 6550 PONTO DR 78 6550 PONTO DR 82 6550 PONTO DR 8 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2309 CARLSBAE CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92 JOHN H UESATO MILBY C MARLING PHILLIP H PERDU 6550 PONTO DR 90 6550 PONTO DR 101 6550 PONTO DR 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2309 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2311 CARLSBAD CA 92 0 0 PATRICIA L SANCHEZ ROBERT H BARELMA" RICHLAN BUILDER 1068 NARD0 RD 1967 N COAST HWY 101 390 OAK AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024-383-3 ENCINITAS CA 92024-1000 CARLSBAD CA 92 THEODORE T VA POINSETTIA INVE ENCINITAS CA 92024-3256 AS CA 92024-3256 LOS ANGELES C 9 THEODORE 246 5TH ST T VALLAS ( 246 5TH 515 S FIGUEROA POINSETTIA INV STATE OF CALIF PAUL W & LINDA LOS 515 33 S FIG LES C 90071-3301 EGO CA 92128-2920 DEL 1175 MAR SOLANA CA DR 920 KENNETH K & IE WANG MARK & M LEIDER 4433 CO Y ST H 461 MAWMAN AVE EGO CA 92111-3736 LAKE BLUFF IL 6 KENNETH K PHIE WANG KENNETH K & SOP 6188 CARDENO DR EGO CA 92111-3736 LA JOLLA CA 92 < 1 KENNETH K & SOPHIE WANG 4433 CONVOY ST H SAN DIEGO CA 92111-3736 4433 C OY ST H DALE L SCHREIBER CHAPPEE 654 N COAST HWY IEGO CA 92130-1816 CARLSBAD CA 92009-6507 ENCINITAS CA 9 MARK L LEIDE PONTO STORAGE INC LAKESHORE GARDE PO BOX 23 10780 SANTA MON 461 MAW a LUFF IL 60044-2424 CARLSBAD CA 92018-0023 LOS ANGELES C 9 MEHRAN MAZDYASNI 3335 LOWER RIDGE RD SAN DIEGO CA 92130-1816 MEHRAN MAZD 3335 LO RIDGE RD 7163 ARGONAUTA WAY _il__g_ 1 BUCCI LAKESHORE G S PROPE GEORGE W WILSON 10780 A MONICA BLVD PO BOX 135 801 CAMINITO AZ1 L GELES C 90025-4749 PROSPECT HEIG 60070-0135 CARLSBAD CA 92( DOROTHY K FAHEY DOUGLAS J GEYER JANE R MULLER 803 CAMINITO AZUL 805 CAMINITO AZUL 807 CAMINITO AZ1 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3302 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3302 CARLSBAD CA 92( SONYA M & JOHN SIDER ALTAMIRA MANAGEMENT ASS NICHOLS GENEVA I 809 CAMINITO AZUL 7720 EL CAMINO REAL 2A 1506 S COAST HW CARLSBAD CA 92009-3302 CARLSBAD CA 92009-8510 LAGUNA BEACH 9: 0 0 KAY T MOORSTEEN GLbNDQKA MVTVRCI DONAHUE SCHRIBER REALTY 3501 JAMBOREE RD PO BOX 783 6830 AVENIDA EN( NEWPORT BEACH 92660-2939 SAN DIEGO CA 92112-4126 CARLSBAD CA 92( GLENDORA MOT HOEHN GROUP H K H CORP 6830 AV A ENCINAS 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE ELEVEN GREENWAY AD CA 92009-3201 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4426 HOUSTON TX 7701 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALT HERRICK HOLDING! JOHN TOHIDI 10501 WILSHIRE BLVD 393 E WALNUT ST 755 RAINTREE DR LOS ANGELES C 90024-6302 PASADENA CA 91188-0001 CARLSBAD CA 92( m 755 RAI AD CA E DR 92009-3206 200 1 WILLIAM J WADE NEW 1585 YORK BROADWAY NY 10036 BAD CA 92( L P HSL&BP&MICHAN WILLIAM R LYNCH JAMES A & BETTY PO BOX 2524 810 SKYSAIL AVE 808 SKYSAIL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92018-2524 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3705 CARLSBAD CA 92( LINDA M SORENSEN MARGARET C COWLES SHELLEY L GARTNI 806 SKYSAIL AVE 804 SKYSAIL AVE 802 SKYSAIL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009-3705 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3705 CARLSBAD CA 92( ROBERT B I-IARUTUNIAN JUDY E KERN DONALD P & JO SI 803 SKYSAIL AVE 807 SKYSAIL AVE 6963 WHITECAP DF CARLSBAD CA 92009-3706 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3706 CARLSBAD CA 92( SCOTT W ENGLISH ALMA F SOLOMON GEORGE & LYNDA '4 1118 ALOE CT 1116 ASBURY SQ 802 WINDWARD LN SAN MARCOS CA 92069-4573 ATLANTA GA 30346-2410 CARLSBAD CA 92C DAVID MOORE WILLIAM J & MONICA GILL MICHAEL & DINA r 801 WINDWARD LN 803 WINDWARD LN 805 WINDWARD LN CARLSBAD CA 92009-3716 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3716 CARLSBAD CA 92C WILLIAM v LOOSE TEREbA K POLLEY ALFONSO A ZUNIGZ 1040 LA PRESA AVE 806 WINDCREST DR 804 WINDCREST DF ROSEMEAD CA 91770-3722 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3712 CARLSBAD CA 92C a m WILLIAM M LIZALDE THOMAS P SULLIVAN GEOFFREY C PRINl 3411 AVENIDA DE LOYOLA 803 WINDCREST DR 807 SANDBAR WAY OCEANSIDE CA 42856-3222 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3713 CARLSBAD CA 921 *** 63 Printed *** 0 0 i TIMOTHY L CAVARETTA BRIAN E & GINA PIERCE LINDA COOK CARLSBAD CA 9 2-009 - 3 72 1-- CARLSBAD CA 92009-3721 CARLSBAE CA 92( 806 BLUEWATER Rb 884 EL~WATBR RD 801 BLUEWATER RI KURT E & HILDEGARD OTTE HARBOR POINTE HOMEOWNER GLEN A & ARLENE 1339 ALBRIGHT AVE 7720 EL CAMINO REAL 2A 7026 IVY ST CARLSBAD CA 92009-8510 CARLSBAD CA 92( UPLAND CA 91786-2721 RAYMOND G ALLEN GREG V & DEBBY € 2765 OHANA AINA CARLSBAD CA 92009-2304 KALAHEO HI 967.1 SUSEN M DEAN 6550 PONTO DR 1 6550 PONTO DR 5 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2304 TERESA L HAYNES CLAUDIA BRYANT FRANCIS L BUTTS 6550 PONTO DR 17 6550 PONTO DR 2; 6550 PONTO DR 16 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2305 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2305 CARLSBAD CA 92( HOMER G BROWNING JAMES R BETTS TAMARA A OLEA PO BOX 84 6550 PONTO DR 33 6550 PONTO DR 41 DOWNEY CA 90241-0084 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2306 CARLSBAD CA 92C ELEANOR M FOSTER JAMES E HALL 260 PAIKO DR 6550 PONTO DR 5: MEKMINA C DUFFELL 6550 PONTO DR 44 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2306 HONOLULU HI 96821-2321 CARLSBAD CA 92C ALBERTA Y BRANT ALTA M WILKINS FRANKLIN E GRUBE 8308 COLBY PKY 104 6550 PONTO DR 68 1923 MORENO ST URBANDALE IA 50322-7007 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2308 OCEANSIDE CA 9: RANDY HUDSON ERIC E NEAVES SUSAN A HENSON 1132 7TH ST 1 7236 SANTA BARBARA ST 6550 PONTO DR 75 SANTA MONICA 90403-5227 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4635 CARLSBAD CA 92C CONSTANCE L BLAINE HOWARD BELL WATHENA L SCHIAP 6550 PONTO DR 78 6550 PONTO DR 82 6550 PONTO DR 85 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2309 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 920 JOHN H UESATO MILBY C MARLING PHILLIP H PERDUE 6550 PONTO DR 10 6550 PONTO DR 90 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2309 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2311 CARLSBAD CA 920 6550 PONTO DR 101 0 0 !i DONAHUE SCHRIBER REALTY KAY T MOORSTEEN GLENDORA MOTORO 3 5 0 1 JAMBOREE RD PO BOX 783 6830 AVENIDA EN( NEWPORT BEACH 92660-2939 SAN DIEGO CA 92112-4126 GXRLSBAD CA 92r GLENDORA MOTORCARS CO I HOEHN GROUP H K H CORP 6830 AVENIDA ENCINAS 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE ELEVEN GREENWAY CNLSBAE CA 92009-3201 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4426 HOUSTON TX 7701 JOHN TOHIDI KAISER FOUNDATION HEALT HERRICK HOLDING! 10501 WILSHIRE BLVD 393 E WALNUT ST 755 RBZNTREE DR LOS ANGELES C 90024-6302 PASADENA CA 91188-0001 C;rWLSBAD CA 92( HERRICK HOLDINGS LTD WILLIAM J WADE HERRICK HOLDING! 755 RAINTREE DR 200 1585 BROADWAY 755 WmEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92009-3206 NEW YORK NY 10036 WSBAD CA 92( L P HSL&BP&MICHAN WILLIAM R LYNCH JAMES A & BETTY PO BOX 2524 810 SKYSAIL AVE 808 SKYSAIL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92018-2524 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3705 CARLSBAD CA 92( LINDA M SORENSEN MARGARET C COWLES SHELLEY L GARTNl 806 SKYSAIL AVE 804 SKYSAIL AVE 802 SKYSAIL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009-3705 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3705 CARLSBAD CA 92( ROBERT H HARUTUNIAN JUDY E KERN DONALD P & JO SI 803 SKYSAIL AVE 807 SKYSAIL AVE 6963 WHITECAP DI CARLSBAD CA 92009-3706 CARLSBAE CA 92009-3706 CARLSBAD CA 92( SCOTT W ENGLISH ALMA F SOLOMON GEORGE & LYNDA 1 1118 ALOE CT 1116 ASBURY SQ 802 WINDWARD LN SAN MARCOS CA 92069-4573 ATLANTA GA 30346-2410 CARLSBAD CA 92( DAVID MOORE WILLIAM J & MONICA GILL MICHAEL & DINA I 801 WINDWARD LN 803 WINDWARD LN 805 WINDWARD LN CARLSBAD CA 92009-3716 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3716 CARLSBAD CA 92( WILLIAM V LOOSE TERESA K POLLEY ALFONSO A ZUNIG? 1040 LA PRESA AVE 806 WINDCREST DR 804 WINDCREST DF ROSEMEAD CA 91770-3722 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3712 CARLSBAD CA 92C 0 0 PATRICIA L SANCHEZ ROBERT H BARELMA" RICHLAN BUILDER 1068 NARD0 RD 1967 N COAST HWY 101 390 OAK AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024-383-3 ENCINITAS CA 92024-1000 CARLSBAD CA 92 c THEODORE T VALLAS THEODORE T Y&US POINSETTIA INVE ENCINITAS CA 92024-3256 *ITAS CA 92024-3256 LOS ANGELES C 9 246 5TH ST 246 5TEI/ST 515 3 JFIGUEROA A POINSETTIA INVESTORS L STATE OF CALIFORNIA (PA PAUL W & LINDA 515 S FIGUEROA ST PUBLIC AGENCY 1175 SOLANA DR LOS ANGELES C 90071-3301 SAWDIEGO CA 92128-2920 DEL MAR CA 920 - KENNETH K & SOPHIE WANG KENNETH K & SOPHIE WANG MARK & M LELDER 4433 CONVOY ST H 4433 CONVOY ST H 461 m AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92111-3736 SAN DIEGO CA 92111-3736 m- BLUFF IL 6 _- MEHRAN MAZDYASNI KENNETH K &SOPHIE WANG KENNETH K & SOP 6188 CARDENO DR 3335 LOWER RIDGE RD 4433 CONVOY ST H SAN DIEGO CA 92130-1816 SMf DIEGO CA 92111-3736 LA JOLLA CA 92 MEHRAN MAZDYASNI DALE L SCHREIBER CHAPPEE 3335 LOWER RIDGE RD 7163 ARGONAUTA WAY 654 N COAST HWY SAN DIEGO CA 32130-1816 CARLSBAD CA 92009-6507 ENCINITAS CA 9 LAKESHORE GARDE MARK L LEIDER PONTO STORAGE INC 461 MAWMAN AVE PO BOX 23 10780 SANTA MON LAKE BLUFF IL 60044-2424 CARLSBAD CA 92018-0023 WANGELES c 9 GEORGE W WILSON BUCCI LAKESHORE GARDENS PROPE 10780 SANTA MONICA BLVD PO BOX 135 801 CAMINITO AZT LOS ANGELES C 90025-4749 PROSPECT HEIG 60070-0135 CARLSBAD CA 92( JANE R MULLER DOROTHY K FAHEY DOUGLAS J GEYER 807 CAMINITO AZT 803 CAMINITO AZUL 805 CAMINITO AZUL CARLSBAD CA 92009-3302 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3302 CARLSBAD CA 92( SONYA M & JOHN SIDER ALTAMIRA MANAGEMENT ASS NICHOLS GENEVA P 809 CAMINITO AZUL 7720 EL CAMINO REAL 2A 1506 S COAST HW! CARLSBAD CA 92009-8510 LAGUNA BEACH 9; CARLSBAD CA 92009-3302 0 0 JACK R & TERESA HORAK GEORGE I PEABODY HARRY C & CHERYI 6550 PONTO DR 108 6550 PONTO DR 120 6550 PONTO DR 1; CARLSBAD CA 92009-2312- CmLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92( JOHN C ZAHAREE THOMAS CHYNCES POLHAMUS ALBERT 6344 LAKE COMO AVE 6550 PONTO DR 129 PO BOX 3069 SAN DIEGO CA 92119-3125 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2315 CARLSBAD CA 92( CINDY L DABNEY DOUG & MARC FRONING WENDELL J BARNEII 6550 PONTO DR 139 6550 PONTO DR 141 6550 PONTO DR 14 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2317 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2317 CARLSBAD CA 92C LOU & CLEO GAZO EMILY M MOM JOSEPH S MOISAN 6550 PONTO DR 152 6550 PONTO DR 155 6550 PONTO DR 15 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2319 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2319 CARLSBAD CA 92C ISABEL B TEEPLE MONTY D & GLORIA JONES ELEANOR ALVARADC 7011 SAN BARTOLO ST 35 938 AVENIDA DE SAN CLEM 7103 SANTA BARBA CARLSBAD CA 92009-4604 ENCINITAS CA 92024-3935 CARLSBAD CA 920 PATRICIA H KEAIRNS GEORGE MCCARTHY WILLIAM L & LETA 7129 SANTA BARBARA ST 1 PO BOX 230459 7400 SANTA BARBA CARLSBAD CA 92009-4630 ENCINITAS CA 92023-0459 CARLSBAD CA 920 TROY C & GERALDINE CAT0 ELIZABETH M WALKEY SHARON L GESSNER 5257 N FAIRVALLEY AVE 7235 SAN BENITO ST 336 7220 SAN BENITO , COVINA CA 91722-1915 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4614 CARLSBAD CA 920 *** 51 Printed *** A noticn h- Cy been mailed t( all Fr ,,~:s/occupant! Listes +{!+- Ji Date Signatu re 4.31 ?Lf 464 \ 5 e: 0 0 WILLIAM M LIZALDE THOMAS P SULLIVAN GEOFFREY C PRIN; 807 SANDBAR WAY 3411 AVENIDA DE LOYOLA OCEANSIDE CA 92056-3222 CARLSBAD CA 92°09-3713 CARLSBAD CA 921 803 WINDCREST DR *** 63 Printed *** BERNARD PONSEGGI MARILYN PONSEGC 6947 WHITECAP DRIVE ATT: M.F. PONSE(: CARLSBAD CA 92009 2117 JARAMA CT EL CAJON CA 9201 HSL/W/MICHAN p 0 BOX 2524 CARLSBAD CA 92018