HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-27; City Council; 14912; Parking Spaces Community Swim ComplexP -, . Ch f OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL 71 I 4B# Iv. ?/ti TITLE- ESTABLISH A “NINETY-MINUTE PARKING” -’ TIME LIMIT FOR PARKING SPACES LOCATED IIITG. i 0127198 SOUTH OF THE SWIMMING POOL AT THE IEPT. ENG I CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. /\/s- 461 amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code to designate NINETY-MINUTE PARKING 24-HOURS PER DAY SEVEN DAYS PER WEEK for the parking spaces located immediately south of the swimming pool located at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex. ITEM EXPLANATION: Previous City Council action has established NINETY-MINUTE PARKING 24-HOURS PER DAY SEVEN DAYS PER WEEK for the parking spaces at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex. These parking spaces are located on the east side of the swim complex building. A parking time limit of NINETY-MINUTES has helped to minimize the number of high school students parking in the swim complex parking lot, thereby permitting the availability of parking spaces for Swim Complex patrons. During the Summer of 1998, the Carlsbad Unified School District constructed 13 parking spaces immediately south of and adjacent to the swimming pool at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex. The newly constructed parking spaces are on City property and were built by the district as an obligation required by a previous agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Unified School District. Designating the new parking spaces with the same NINETY-MINUTE PARKING time restriction as the other parking spaces at the swim complex will deter student parking. The Aquatic Supervisor has citation authority and can place a parking citation on offending vehicles to reinforce the restriction. At their meeting of October 5, 1998, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended by a 5-O vote to establish a NINETY-MINUTE PARKING restriction for the 13 new parking spaces located south of the swimming pool and to be in effect 24-hours per day, seven days per week. FISCAL IMPACT: Eight (8) new NINETY-MINUTE PARKING signs will cost about $800 to manufacture and install. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Memorandum dated September 8, 1998 from the Aquatic Supervisor. 3. Ordinance No. IiS- 4 6 / amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code to designate NINETY-MINUTE PARKING 24-HOURS PER DAY SEVEN DAYS PER WEEK for the parking spaces located immediately south of the swimming pool located at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex. LOCATION MAP PROPOSED 90 MINUTE PARKNVG ZONE, 24 HOURS PER DAY, 7 DAYS PER WEEK. AQUl4 ncs BUILDING - nc. 5 l4 7 I \ i -7 t 5 . . c ‘../ :.; ;... ; ._ : ; :.:.. I,: . . . . . j *!.. .y,oL’” ,-.. I... ,.: -.I, -..* ; ; .- *-:a~‘+;-.::. _.. *. -. :.. . ;Tz.l . . - MONROE STREET - - - - - - -- ii 2 i3 PROJECT NAME MONROE STREET SW/M COMfLEX EXHIBI PROPOSED 90 MINUTE PARKING ZONE I September 08 1998 _._... ? EXHIBIT 2 TO: TRAFFIC SAFETY ENGINEER, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .:‘ i i- & e 1 1 f998 VIA: RECREATION AND PARK PLANNING MANAGER AQUATIC SUPERVISOR, COMMUNITY SERVICES i.‘;.;-,i.-;;:;$q\jCT FROM: \ ” :. ‘?-I-, t :: .,:7 ) . CHANGE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE PARKING REGULATIONS AT THE SWIM COMPLEX B ckamunc4 Thaere are currently 13 parking spaces south of the Swim Complex on City property which need to be posted with signs and included in the Municipal Code as time limit restricted parking (90 minute limit). See Attachment 1. Due to the inadequacy of available parking for students at Carlsbad High School there continues to be a need for time-limited parking at the Swim Complex. This code revision will help ensure that as many spaces as possible will be available to the public users of Swim Complex. As a result of an agreement between the City and the Carlsbad Unified School District, the City made additional parking available to Carlsbad High School’s students by deeding land to the District north of the Swim Complex. That lot was developed for parking but has now been converted to use for portable classrooms, taking away 15 Swim Complex patron and 10 student spaces and making the overall parking situation worse. The District agreed to mitigate the removal of a previously agreed upon 15 parking spaces reserved for Swim Complex patrons by developing spaces on City property south of the Swim Complex. There are currently thirteen (13) parking spaces designated as “Pool parking only” on City property south of the Swim Complex, and another two (2) spaces so designated in the north-east comer of the Carlsbad High School lot along Monroe. . Recommendation It is staffs recommendation to amend the municipal code 10.40.076 to read: “There will be one and one-half hour parking twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, for the posted spaces located on City property at the Community Swim Complex.” This re- wording of the Municipal Code will allow all parking spaces on City property which are properly posted to be designated as time limited parking. This will hopefully preclude the need to revise the Municipal Code again if the number or location of designated spaces changes. tilf$?iJY Carl T. Pope III Attachment 1: Map of Swim Complex site c: City Engineer File CPhlle Swth 13 Swces MCMEM - - CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL/ SWIM COMPLEX SITE N ‘Proposed Additional 90 Minute Paddy \ Private Property C.U.S.D. Property - SOLAR e-- 1 I I I I I I I I I I- -s ‘13 spaces Hc 2 spaces -I C.U.S.D. Parking Lot Cultural Arts Center Linda Lane Gayle Way ATTACHMENT 1 Lt . II EXHIBIT 3 ORDINANCE NO. NS-461 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF SECTION 10.40.076 TO DECLARE “NINETY-MINUTE PARKING 24-HOURS PER DAY SEVEN DAYS PER WEEK” FOR THE PARKING SPACES IN THE PARKING LOT DIRECTLY SOUTH OF AND ADJACENT TO THE SWIMMING POOL AT THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX. 7 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: a SECTION 1: That Title IO, Chapter 10.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended s by the revision of Section 10.40.076 to read as follows: 10 “10.40.076 Parking Restricted in the parking lot at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex. 11 12 13 (a) There will be Ninety-Minute Parking 24-Hours Per Day Seven Days per Week for all the parking spaces located east of the Swim Complex between the driveway on Monroe Street at the south end of the Swim Complex to the driveway on Monroe Street at the north end of the Swim Complex. (b) There will be Ninety-Minute Parking 24-Hours per Day, Seven Days Per Week for all the parking spaces located immediately south of and adjacent to the swimming pool at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex.” 14 15 16 17 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption ia and the City Clerk, City of Cartsbad, shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 fifteen Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 26 "' 27 I" 28 'I' III (15) days after its adoption. 4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the day of I 1998 by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT: 8 9 IO CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor II ATTEST: I2 I3 I4 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) I5 16 I7 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 c 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 2 day of , 1998, and thereafter, 3 28