HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-03; City Council; 14924; HIV Prevention Planning Board Presentationz 0 i= Y P . . p 2 d Y z AB# /Y 927 MTG. 1 l/3/98 DEPT. CM CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEhA BILL 87 TITLE- -- SAN DIEGO COUNTY HIV PREVENTION PLANNING BOARD PRESENTATION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from San Diego County HIV Prevention Planning Board representative regarding the AIDS epidemic and prevention efforts in the County and City of Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: The San Diego County HIV Prevention Planning Board is an advisory board to the San Diego Board of Supervisors. The Board has requested an opportunity to provide a presentation to the City Council regarding the AIDS epidemic and prevention efforts. EXHIRITS: 1. Letter from San Diego County HIV Prevention Planning Board. - San Diego HIV Prevention Planning Board c/o: Office of AIDS Coordination 1700 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 City of Carl&ad Attn: City Council Docket Coordinator 1200 Carl&ad Village Drive Cad&ad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, On behalf of the San Diego County HIV Prevention Planning Board, I would like to request approximately 10 minutes of time on your Council meeting docket for one of your November meetings. As part of the AIDS Awareness Month efforts in San Diego County, the HIV Prevention Planning Board would appreciate having the opportunity to make a presentation to your City Council with regard to the current status of the AIDS epidemic in the County and specifkdy in the City of Carl&ad. In particular, we would like to share with you the successes of HIV prevention efforts in your community and tell you about the continuing needs for a strong response to the epidemic from local elected officials. The HIV Prevention Planning Board is an advisory board to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and meets on a monthly basis for the purpose of developing a comprehensive plan for HIV prevention efforts in the County. As part of this process, the Prevention Planning Board also makes recommendations for funding of various non-profit organizations serving high-risk populations within the County utihzing a budget which has been granted to the County by the Centers for Disease Control. Input from community members and elected ofGals is always appreciated in this process. Thank you for your attention and I look forward to speaking with you at your November meeting. Please feel free to call me at (619) 236-7734 with any questions and to confIrm the scheduling of this presentation. Sincerely, Bob McPhail San Diego HIV Prevention Planning Board San Piego County AIDS Cases in the North Coastal Re&~a Cumulative Cases Compared to Recent Casts (Diagnosed 10/l/96 - 04/30198) by Gender Cumulative Ceses Recsot Cores (XIX 10/119649130/98) Male 590 88.5% 92 15.2% Female 77 11.5% 16 18.4% TOTAL 667 100.0% I 108 100.0% San Diego County AIDS Cases in tba North Coastal Region Cumulative Cases Compared to Recent Cases (Diaguosed 10/l/96 - 09/30/98) by RacdErhniciiy Cumulative Cases [ Recent Cases (DX 10/l/96-09/30/98) Percent Frequency Percea t White 460 69.0% 64 59.3% BIack 57 8.5% 11 10.2% . Hispanic 132 19.8% 30 27.8% Asian/Pat Isl 14 2.1% 3 2.8% htive Amer - --.~ - 4 0.6% ** I- ** TOTAL I 667 100.0% r --~ 10'8 1 100.0% I **Row and Column totals may differ from sum of values in each cell as categories with less than 3 cases are not shown. . . - San Piego Couaty Adult/Adolescent* AIDS Cam la the North Coastal Region Cumulathe Cases Compared to Recent Cases (Diagnosed 10/l/96 - 09/30/H) by 4s -~ -----~ -~ - r 20-29 I 92 7 13.9% 12 11.1% 1 30-39 305 46.1% . 52 48.1% 4049 176 26.6% 31 28.7% so-59 65 9.8% 9 8.3% 60+ 22 3.4% 4 3.7% TOTAL 661 100.0% 108 I 100.0% *Age 13 and older **Row and Column totals may differ from sum of values in each cell as categories with less thm 3 cases are not shown. ,’ -’ , * Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers, my name is Judy Brooks and I’m a member of the San Diego County HIV Prevention Board. Let me first thank you for allowing me to speak to you tonight. Our board is a 25 member advisory body to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. We are made up of a diverse group of County staff, representatives from non-profit organizations, and community members of all ages, ethnicities, and from all regions of the County. We oversee the financial allocation of federal funds from the Centers for Disease Control to the local non-profit organizations that work as contractors for the County in their HIV efforts. We were formed in 1995 and developed a comprehensive plan for HIV prevention within the County. Since that time we have continuously revised the plan and reviewed the progress of the epidemic in the County. November has been designated as AIDS Awareness Month culminating with WORLD AIDS DAY on December 1’. I am here to tell you quickly about the state of the epidemic in San Diego today. If you’ll look at the graphs we’ve provided you, you will see the statistics for the North Coastal Region which covers from De1 Mar north to Oceanside and west of Highway 5. As you review this information let me point out some facts for your consideration. 1. In general, HIV is not reportable, only AIDS is. Most scientists believe that it takes 8-10 years for someone to go from contracting the HIV virus to getting AIDS. So, this is really data about what HIV was like in this area a decade ago. 2. Most conservative estimates place the proportion of actual HIV cases to what we have in these charts as about a ratio of 2-3 times to one. This means you probably have about several hundred more residents of this area who may be HIV positive at this time, many of whom don’t know it. 3. This epidemic is far horn over. In Africa and other underdeveloped nations, HIV is increasing at an alarming rate. Here in California, it continues to be among the top killers of young men and an increasing number of women and senior citizens are testing HIV positive. 4. While medical breakthroughs in treatment are being developed at an incredible pace, HIV infection is unfortunately one of the most resilient and intelligent viruses ever encountered. It mutates at a rapid rate meaning that a treatment which is initially effective may become ineffective within a few years or even a period of a few months. A year ago we hoped that Protease inhibitors would make the infection a chronic one and not necessarily a fatal one. Unfortunately, these drugs don’t work for everyone and may not even be successful over the long term for the people who are using it now. That is why prevention is so important. 5. In the North Coastal region, the majority of HIV cases are young white men. Since 1996, 108 new AIDS cases have been reported. This community has a lot to be proud of and I can tell you that there are some innovative non-profit organizations in this area that are working hard on prevention efforts. Vista Community Clinic, North County Health Services, the Red Cross, local hospitals and churches are among them. They do things which range Tom providing literature to one-on-one counseling and intervention programs. More specific information about local services available may be obtained from the Office of AIDS Coordination referenced on your flier. What can you do? Support your local agencies in their efforts to educate and provide early intervention. Annually proclaim November to officially be HIV/AIDS awareness month in your city. Encourage interested residents to join our Board or volunteer for committee participation. Provide your input in the future on how we allocate our resources. In closing let me thank you again for your time and just emphasize that HIV is a problem that exists here in Carlsbad and all over the County. If you have any questions, please feel fi-ee to contact us through the Office of AIDS Coordination. Thank you.