HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-01; City Council; 14961; Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau- h CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# iy,cid TITLE: MTG. &hr REQUEST FOR CHANGES TO THE 1998-1999 CONTRACT 0 F R PROMOTIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND DEPT. ED VISITOR’S BUREAU RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY ATTY. -4Is!L CITY MGR-Zgp Review the proposed 1998-l 999 contract changes from the Carlsbad Conventions and Visitor’s Bureau, and direct staff regarding a proposed contract amendment. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 20, 1997, the City Council authorized the Mayor to execute a two (2) year agreement with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CCVB) for promoting tourism and providing visitor services. November 1, 1998 marks the beginning of year two (2), of the City’s two year contract with CCVB. The approved 1998-1999 contract is for $243,000, $120,000 for operation of the Visitor’s Center, and $123,000 for other promotional services. Year one (1) of the 1997-1998 City/CCVB contract was originally approved and budgeted for $235,000. That amount was increased to $303,000, on October 21, 1997, as a result of a request by CCVB to expand their services and enhance their operations. At that time, it was recommended that program enhancements for the second year of the contract be brought to Council for review at a later date. On October 22, 1998, the City received a request from CCVB proposing new contract changes that would increase the 1998-1999 contract and budget amount to $370,000. Although this request represents an increase from the previous contract of $67,000, it would require an additional appropriation of $127,000 in order to adjust the approved and budgeted 1998-1999 contract amount. The following tables show a comparison of the original 1997-l 998, and 1998-l 999 contract amounts, with the 1997- 1998 revised contract amount and the new CCVB proposed 1998-l 999 contract: Table 1 Table 2 . ’ PAGE 2 OF AGENDLBILL NO. ! “I, 96 ( CCVB is requesting that the 1998-1999 contract amounts be reviewed by the City Council in consideration of a number of program “initiatives” they are proposing (see Exhibit 2). If Council would like to add any of these items to the existing contract, it would increase the total amount allocated for the contract by the dollar amounts shown in Table 2 (above). FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for community promotion, totaling $243,000 were appropriated in the 1998-1999 operating budget. If Council concurs with CCVB’s request, another $127,000 will need to be appropriated for the second year of the contract. Staff recommends that Council appropriate any additional funds from the Contingency Account. The Contingency Account available balance is approximately $2.8 million. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter dated October 19, 1998 from CCVB Executive Director Steve Link to Economic Development Manager Cynthia Haas. 2. “Initiatives for CONVIS Operations and Programs, November 1, 1998 - October 31, 1999. . ’ . Exhibit 1 October 19,1998 Cynthia Haas Economic Development City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Cynthia: I am forwarding a compilation of expenditures for the first year of the two-year contract with the city and proposed initiatives for the second year of the contract. Operating under a two-year contract aided us immensely this year in strategic planning. Would it be possible to make this next year the first year of a two-year contract? This has been a tremendously successful year for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. Some of the highlights include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We increased the number of travel trade shows attended from 11 to 12. We increased the number of “Celebrate the Magic of Carlsbad” brochures from 40,000 to 55,000 to keep up with the increased demand. Our Carlsbad web page increased from approximately 7,000 hits a week to more than 16,000 hits weekly this year. We increased the number of volunteers working in the Visitor Information Center from 3 to 3 1. We conduct a monthly volunteer training program that includes tours of Carlsbad’s points of interest. We worked with the Solana Beach, Encinitas and Oceanside chambers of commerce as well as North County Transit District in joint promotions that included publishing 400,000 “Beach Train” brochures that arc distributed throughout the state. We published 20,000 German language brochures that arc being inserted in the State of California brochures and distributed throughout Germany and Austria. We will be happy to meet with you to discuss our programs. Executive Director Attachments as stated Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 l Carlsbad, CA92018-1246 (760) 434-6093 * Fax (760) 434-6056 www.carlsbadca.org 3 - FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Funding for ConVis operations and programs November 1,1997 - Ott 31,1998 Allocated Expended Remaining I Advertising $62,000 $61,922.20 $ 77.80 Promoting events 9,000 6,832.OO 2,168.OO Travel Trade Shows 28,000 27,981.89 18.11 Fam Trips/ 6,000 3,241.83 2,758.17 Travel Writer Brochures 15,000 14,999.39 .61 Video 1,000 98.88 901.12 Management 68,000 48,750.OO 19,250.oo Overhead ConVisNisitor 114,000 114,000.00 -00 Center Operations Totals $303,000 $277,826.19 $25,173.81 I I I I At the conclusion of the first year of the two-year contract, $25,173.81 of the funds author&d by the city council was unspent. This is primarily because Carltas Co. didn’t permit us to build a booth and man it in the Flower Fields to direct tourists to other Carlsbad attractions, plus we canceled the German FilmFest and we have experienced lower costs for the Fam trip/travel writer program than anticipated. 4 Exhibit 2 INITIATIVES FOR CONVIS OPERATIONS AND PROGRAMS November 1,1998 - October 31,1999 Our marketing programs have been tremendously successful this year. To continue the momentum, we propose several new initiatives for next year in the following categories: Current Year’s New Programs Proposed Funding and adjustments Funding Advertising/ $71,000 $ 17,000 see# 1 below $88,000 Promoting events Travel shows/ 34,000 ( 2,500) #2 31,500 Fam trips Brochures 15,000 7,000 #3 22,000 I Video/CD-ROM I 1,000 I 19,500 #4 I 20,500 I Management Overhead Consultant (ad agency) ConVWVisitor 68,000 0 #5 68,000 0 20,000 # 6 20,000 114,000 6,000 #7 120,000 Center Operations Totals $303,000 $67,000 $3 70,000 1. Advertising/promoting events We recommend combining the advertising and promoting events categories. We have a wonderful window of opportunity to promote Carlsbad’s attractions by piggybacking on as much of LEGOLAND’s advertising as we can afford. Obviously, we can’t come close to their $15 million first year marketing budget. One example of a new advertising opportunity associated with LECOLAND is the special 8-page tabloid size (10 ‘/z X 13”) promotional piece they are producing to mail to more than a million pre-selected families in Los Angeles, Palm Springs and Phoenix in early March. A l/6 page (2 % X 5 %“) ad costs $5,950. We will also need to increase newspaper advertising next spring to counteract the widespread image people have of rocky beaches in Carlsbad. I strongly believe every dollar we can spend in advertising will generate much much more in visitor spending. At a minimum, we should increase the advertising budget by $20,000. At the same time, funds for promoting special events can be reduced somewhat. 2. Trade shows/fam trips We recommend combining the trade shows and fam trips categories. The San Diego ConVis has appealed to all destinations and attractions in the region to purchase compatible travel trade show displays so we all appear uniform. LEGOLAND has already purchased theirs. (See attached flyer). It comes in three or four panels at a 5 special cost of $1090 each. We would need three. Attached are the travel show schedules for this year and next year. We are considering a booth at next year’s American Society of Association Executives convention. But we will be unable to participate in next year’s ASAE World Congress. We also plan to only accompany the California Division of Tourism on their media blitz to New York every other year. Our costs for travel trade shows should be about the same and we are reducing our funding for fam trips. 3. Brochures A task force of six people from the marketing committee have been meeting regularly for five months to analyze the effectiveness of our 16-page “Celebrate the Magic” brochure. Currently 2/3 of the 55,000 brochures are mailed in response to inquires or distributed at travel shows to entice people to visit Carlsbad and l/3 are distributed locally in the Visitors Information Center or in hotels to inform visitors of things to see and do. They recommended two separate brochures; one designed specifically to entice visitors here and the second designed specifically to encourage visitors to stay longer. It is important that both brochures have a similar appearance and theme. In the 7-8 years that we have published the “Celebrate the Magic” brochure, the minor changes to update the text and change a few photos costs $2,000 - $2,500 in graphics work. (This does not include printing costs.) We have received bids from several graphics shops and they range from $5,500-$6,000 for each brochure. Ad revenue currently covers the cost of printing. Some of the increased cost for graphics will be covered by advertising revenues. We also need to reprint 500 press kit folders. The cover should have the same theme or similar appearance. The press kit folders will cost about $750. 4. Video/CD-ROM We no longer distribute the video we produced in 1991 because it is so obsolete (doesn’t mention LEGOLAND or show Four Seasons Aviara, for example). We keep some on hand to give travel writers to familiarize them with Carlsbad’s charms. We do need to maintain about $500 in the category for special requests from television stations around the U.S. who need basic Beta video footage of Carlsbad scenes for features they air. In January, representatives of Hi Tech Media did a presentation for our Hotel/Motel committee. They demonstrated a CD-ROM produced for the San Diego ConVis. The CD-ROM was divided into subject areas with dozens of pages of information beautifully adorned with photos and graphics. The San Diego ConVis distributes thousands of them to travel agents and other travel professionals. While the Carlsbad hotels were very enthusiastic, our board of directors concluded the CD- ROM was not sufficiently user friendly and was too expensive at $30,000 (it included 5000 free CD-ROMs). The San Diego ConVis is now on the 4ti edition of their CD- ROM and it is vastly improved. Hi Tech Media has modified their proposal where they will produce a CD-ROM for Carlsbad under our supervision, at a cost of $20,000 (it includes 4,000 free CD-ROMs). We would be pleased to arrange a demonstration for you. 5. Management overhead We are asking that this category be maintained at $68,000 even though we turned back to the city more than $19,000 from this year’s allocation, Over the past two years, we have expanded our advertising into publications aimed at groups i.e. tour operators and meeting planners. Almost half of the travel shows we now attend are aimed at travel professionals in the group market. The result has been a steadily increasing number of inquiries from people seeking a site for a group meeting or gathering. Their special needs require a time consuming search for the appropriate venue by ConVis staff. This is currently an additional duty of Lee Lees, the Visitor Information Center supervisor. The rest of us help if time permits. This sizable piece of business for our hotels is not being processed as efficiently as it should. Ideally, we should add a full time staff person with a computer to track the flow of inquires. At a minimum, we need a part time staff person to process this business. We currently have three full time staff people and two part time staff people, with two others who work occasionally as needed. 6. Consultant (ad agency) The marketing committee and board of directors have been considering a one-year contract with an ad agency to advise us on a theme, oversee the development of our brochures and other literature and in other ways help us fine tune our marketing strategies. In September, we sent out RPP’s and received some interesting proposals in the $20,000 range for a one-year contract. See attached RPP. 7. ConVisNisitor Center operations We currently receive $9,500 monthly to cover utilities, office supplies, equipment, postage, a percentage of the staff salaries, etc. The two year contract approved by the city council in October 1997 authorized an increase to $10,000 monthly effective November 1,1998 to keep up with inflation. As we stated last year, we are exploring a means to communicate with the 1.8 million people who will visit LEGOLAND, to guide them to places to eat, shop and stay in Carlsbad. At this time, we are not requesting funds for this purpose. ,’ ; I/ ;i! / ; _ __ _ _ . - -__ --. . . $ lir I ;3: A 0 8 l CI d 6 0 P B a0 $3 tA N 2 E A I -3 . > 5 2 3 0 A ii * g u 0 t? l u n . $ 9 m I B 0 5: ir 0 5: E E l S l LII G 9 & & !I l d 5 E 4 E e .d PO .II w’ 4 ci 2 s3 I v, ‘I’ Pa I Pa Fi a e CrJ E A rl rl 2 E 4 E A A A A A A A A September 30, 1998 Dear Sir, In early January the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau is planning to reprint its principle brochure (enclosed) and print for the first time two new brochures plus a new folder for press kits. We are also interested in a new logo. It is our wish that all three brochures have the same theme and the cover of each (plus the press kit) should reinforce this theme. For more than a decade, we have adhered to the theme “The Village by the Sea” in our literature and advertising. But with recent developments, including the new Four Seasons Resort, LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, Company Stores, the golf industry etc., marketing the image of a charming coastal village is insufficient. We considered changing the theme to “Southern California’s Ideal Family Vacation Destination”, but this may be insufficient as well. We are interested in more than the services of a graphic artist. We are seeking a full service agency under a one-year contract to guide us into new marketing ventures. We are sending this letter to several agencies. We will select the agency based on graphic art capabilities and knowledge of marketing the hospitality industry, plus costs. If you are interested, we will need from you: 1. Examples of brochures, ads, poster, etc. that pertain to the hospitality industry. 2. Examples of marketing programs that you have managed, especially cooperative marketing programs. 3. Hourly fees for graphic art services plus proposed monthly retainer fee and what services the fee will cover. We do not expect a precise estimate on doing the graphics on the brochures, because much of the graphics will depend on the theme. Do not suggest a theme as part of your proposal. I am sure you have questions. Please contact me. We would like to make a decision by mid- October. Sincerely, Steve Link Executive Director /ufcH ,L/ Carlsbad Convention 8t Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 l Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 (760) 434-6093 l Fax (760) 434-6056 www.carlsbadca.org