HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-05; City Council; 14995; La Costa Avenue Widening Projectii! 0 E % 25 F: Y d Y z C;;v OF CARLSBAD - AGENDAiLL q7 kk@ 4B# I+‘% dTG. i/05/99 TITLE- . APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING IEPT. I PROJECT NO. 3215 ENG CITY MGR&?\‘) CITYATTY. a=- .A7 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9 9 8 Avenue Widening, Project No. 3215. appropriating additional funds for the construction of La Costa ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 10, 1998, the City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $6,624,624 to C. A. Rasmussen for the construction of La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and l-5. As of this date, the City has issued 20 change orders, 13 of which are paid from City contingency funds which have been exhausted. The major reasons for depletion of City contingency funds were the need to rephase the project to enhance safety and unanticipated soils conditions requiring redesign of retaining walls. Staff recommends that additional funding be provided for asphalt paving on the project. The original plan for the project was to preserve and reuse as much of the existing pavement as possible. Since completion of the road widening plans, three factors have arose that, in concert, have changed the best strategy for paving the project. 0 The original design for the asphalt pavement was based on cross-section measurements of the existing roadway that have been found to have some errors that would require the existing pavement to be ground before being paved. 0 .The existing pavement has deteriorated as consequence of time, heavy loads during construction, and an extraordinarily wet winter (97-98). a Construction of a new sewer cut through the existing pavement resulting in less salvageable pavement and edge cracking of the existing pavement. The combination of these factors has changed the most cost-effective solution from preserving and reusing as much of the existing pavement as possible to removing the portions of pavement impacted by the preceding factors and replacing them with new asphalt pavement. In the long term, the new asphalt pavement will provide a longer lasting street and best serve the public. It is estimated that this extra work will cost up to $295,000. The contingency for paving needs to be increased by that amount. Also, it is recommended that an additional $100,000 be added to the contingency to cover any additional unforeseen items that may arise. The total recommended additional appropriation, therefore, is $395,000. . Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 74: 5 7 5 The following is a summary of change orders to date: Traffic & Road: Improve traffic safety and detour I Subtotal Crib Walls: - Unexpected soil conditions - Install additional reinforcements - Delay costs due to C.O. No. 8 -Increase crib wall height -Additional drainage for wall extension h :,, , ,, ,, 1 I $227.853.00 4 $17;000.00 6 $8,886.00 $253,739.00 9 $17,000.00 8 $327,645.00 12 $86,785.00 15 $87,541 .OO 20 $15,185.78 I Subtotal I I $534,157.00 Leucadia Sewerline 1,10,13,14, N/A I CMWD Reclaimed Water Line Miscellaneous Road Work TOTALS 16,17,18 7 N/A 2,3,5,11,19 $69,361 .OO $857,256.00 Amount available for contingencies $857,433.00 Total City’s Change Orders $857.256.00 Remaining amount available $177.00 Appropriation needed $395,000 Sufficient contingency funds are available for LCWD and CMWD change orders. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: All environmental permits, including U. S. Army Corps, State Fish & Game and State Water Resources Control Board are current. The City has secured a Coastal Commission Permit amendment to extend the construction window through the winter months. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff recommends an additional appropriation of $395,000 from CFD #I to fund increased costs. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Location Map. Resolution No. 97-8 appropriating additional funds for the construction of La Costa Avenue Widening, Project No. 3215. 2 LOCATION MAP BATIQUlTOS LAGOON CITY Of ENCINITA ‘ROJECT NAME PROJECT EXHIBIT LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING NUMBER 3215 I RESOLUTION NO. 99-8 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING, 4 PROJECT NO. 3215. WHEREAS, additional funds are required to proceed with the construction of the La Costa 5 Avenue Widening project; and 6 WHEREAS, the previously appropriated contingency funds for the City’s portion of the work in 7 the amount of $857,433 has been used to cover the cost of 13 change orders in the amount of 8 $857,256; and 9 WHEREAS, City Council has previously appropriated $6,314,000 in the 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program for design, construction, administration, and inspection of said project; 10 and 11 WHEREAS, additional funds in the amount of $395,000 are required for contingency funds. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, 13 as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. That the appropriation of $395,000 is hereby approved. 15 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders in I6 the amount of $395,000. 17 4. That the Finance Director is hereby authorized to appropriate an additional $395,000 ,* from CFD #l . 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held onthe 5 th dayof January , 1999 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Membe is, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall & Kulchin 22 23 24 25 II ATTEST: 27 28 KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Celrk (SEAL) II