HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-05; City Council; 15000; Regional Communications System FinancingAB# 6; 000 MTG. l/05/99 DEPT. FIR ~7/4q$?~k (TJ k CITY OF CARLSBADKARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA ILL ~ -_ - TITLE: APPROVAL OF REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS DEPT. HD. SYSTEM FINANCING, APPROVAL OF PHASE II PART 2,800 MHZ RADIO EQUIPMENT AND APPROPRIATION au CITY ATTY. -3 OF FUNDS RECOMMENDED ACTION: City of Carlsbad City Council: Adopt Resolution No. 99 -13 approving Amendment No. 2 to the Communications System Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Motorola, Inc. for the purchase of Phase II, Part 2 radio equipment, and approving a plan for the financing of past and current Regional Communications System equipment purchases and appropriating funds therefor. Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors: Adopt Resolution No. /D3Y , appropriating funds for the Districts proportional share of costs associated with Regional Communications System financing. ITEM EXPLANATION: Background The City of Carlsbad is a participating agency in the San Diego County Regional Communications System. The system was designed to replace existing conventional radio frequencies with a trunked 800 Mhz system. The purpose of the system is to develop regional communications capabilities to cope with potential disaster and major events, to improve inter-agency and intra-agency communications and to provide the needed technology for all participants to meet their communications needs in the future. On March 21, 1995, the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution No. 95-69 approving the City of Carlsbad budget for CSA 135 and requesting the levy of benefit charges for CSA 135 - Zone A for the inclusion of the City of Carlsbad in the Regional Communications System. On May 14, 1996, the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution No. 96-170 approving the 1996/97 fiscal budget for CSA 135 - Zone A. The CSA 135 - Zone A was established to fund all local costs associated with the Regional Communications System. On November 12, 1996, The City adopted Resolution No. 96-383 approving the Communications System Agreement with Motorola, Inc. which authorized the purchase of dispatch center and microwave system equipment. On November 18, 1997, the City adopted Resolution No. 97-694 approving Communications System Agreement Amendment No. 1 which authorized the purchase of police, fire and water department radios. Also on November 18, 1997, the District adopted Resolution No. 1002 authorizing its inclusion in the Regional Communication System. The passage of Proposition 218, “Voter Approval for Local Government Taxes, Limitations on Fees, Assessments and Charges” effectively ended our ability to use the CSA as a funding mechanism. However, money collected prior to the passage of the new law was collected legally and has continued to be spent on RCS-related costs. Those funds will be exhausted in the first quarter of 1999 and a replacement source of funding must be identified. The additional funding is described in the System Financing section of this agenda bill. Carlsbad’s 800MHz radio system has been phased as described in the following: l Backbone Carlsbad’s Share of Backbone 1996 . Phase I Dispatch & Microwave Link 1996197 l Phase II, Part 1 Police, Fire & Water Dept. Radios 1997198 l Phase II, Part2 Public Service Radios 1998199 l Phase III Data Communications System 2000/01 Phase II, Part 2 Radio Equipment The Carlsbad portion of the regional communications system consists of local equipment which is connected to the regional backbone. The installation of local equipment is being accomplished in three phases. Phase I and Phase II, Part 1 have been completed. Part 2 of Phase II is the installation of base station, mobile and portable radios for the remainder of the city departments. Approval of this final portion of the radio system will enable all City radio users to communicate with one another regardless of which subdivision of the City the radio user belongs. / Page 2 Qf AB# IS, 0 00 Phase III Phase III, the data communications portion of the system, was originally planned to be operational in Carlsbad in 1999. An in-depth review of system features and requirements has revealed that the existing Police/Fire Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System will have to be replaced before the data system can be made operational. A consultant has been retained to complete an assessment of our existing system, assess current technology and make a recommendation about how the city should proceed. Staff plans to incorporate the CAD & Data Systems into the FY 99100 Capital Improvement Project (CIP) budget process. SYSTEM FINANCING Financing of the various phases of the system has been through the use of lease-purchase agreements. Based upon the terms of each of the agreements, staff recommends the following course of action for financing: Backbone Carlsbad’s total cost for its share of the backbone system was $1,586,650. Payment is being made under a lease agreement with Motorola at a 5.65% interest rate for 15 years. The remaining balance is $1,442,685. Since we are earning approximately 5.76% on City funds and the lease rate is 5.65%, the lease is essentially at break-even (we are earning about the same as we are paying). Therefore, staff recommends that the remaining balance on the lease be paid as of January 1999 using the General fund balance. This method of payment allows the City to match its “one-time” money with a “one-time” expense as well as decreasing the administrative burden associated with the lease agreement. I Phase Total costs for Phase I were $764,086. Payment is being made under a lease agreement with Motorola at 6.9% for 15 years. This lease contains a prepayment penalty equal to $34,869. Thus, at this time, staff recommends continuing to pay this lease according to the agreement. Phase II, Part I Total costs were $1,091,628. This phase was also financed with a lease agreement with Motorola at 5.79% over 15 years; however, it does not contain a prepayment clause. Thus, staff recommends that it also be paid off as of the next lease payment date with funds from the General fund balance. The outstanding balance is $996,541. Phase II. Part 2 The phase II, Part 2 cost is approximately $458,000. Staff recommends using CSA 135, Zone A funds to fund the cost of the equipment. The current CSA fund balance is $686,787. Phase III (includina CAD replacement) This will be submitted for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Program budget as a multi-year project. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The City Council approved Carlsbad’s participation in the Regional Communication System on March 21, 1995. The County Board of Supervisors approved the Negative Declaration for the Regional Communications System on March 5, 1996. Participants in the System contemplated a series of subsequent actions to render the System fully functional. This item is one of those subsequent actions. The Planning Director has determined this subsequent action is in compliance with prior environmental documentation. a Page 3 of AB# l5,oOQ FISCAL IMPACT: The total required to pay off the lease agreements for the backbone system ($1,443,000) and Phase II, Part 1 ($997,000) is approximately $2,440,000. Following is a summary of payments that will need to be made this year: Backbone payoff amount $1,443,000 Phase II, Part 1 payoff amount 997,000 Lease payment on Phase I 79,000 Phase II, Part 2 costs 458,000 Carlsbad’s share of backbone maintenance 87.000 Total 3,064,OOO CSA funds available Additional amount required (686.000) $2,378,000 The 800 MHz radios operated by water and sewer operations within the Public Works Department account for approximately 35% of the City’s radios. Staff recommends that 17.5% of costs, or $416,000, be appropriated from each the Water and Sewer enterprise funds and that the remaining $1546,000 be appropriated from the General fund balance. In succeeding years, our annual costs will total approximately $234,000. This figure includes debt service for Phase I and system maintenance costs. These amounts will be included in the annual operating budget in future years. EXHIBITS: I. Resolution No. 99 -13 , approving Amendment No. 2 and appropriating funds. 2. Resolution No. I03 V , appropriating funds. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 99-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND MOTOROLA, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF PHASE II, PART 2 RADIO EQUIPMENT, AND APPROVING A PLAN FOR THE FINANCING OF PAST AND CURRENT REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM EQUIPMENT PURCHASES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a participating agency in the Regional Communications System; and WHEREAS, on November 12, 1996, The City adopted Resolution No. 96- 383 approving the Communications System Agreement with Motorola, Inc.; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 1997, the City adopted Resolution No. 97- 694 approving Communications System Agreement Amendment No. 1; and WHEREAS, a second amendment to the Communications System Agreement is required to purchase Phase II, Part 2 radio equipment; and WHEREAS, all proposed Phase II, Part 2 equipment purchases will be reviewed and approved by the Regional Communications System Board of Directors or designee pursuant to the Regional Communications System Agreement; and WHEREAS, City of Carlsbad continues to require the services of Motorola to provide the necessary equipment and communications system services for acquisition and/or installation of Carlsbad’s equipment complimentary to the 800 MHz Regional Communications System; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to provide Phase II, Part 2 services and equipment; and WHEREAS, lease-purchase agreements were used to fund previous phases of the 800Mhz radio system; and WHEREAS, it is fiscally prudent to pay off the existing balances of the lease-purchase agreements for the radio backbone system and for Phase II, Part 1 radio equipment ; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the City General Fund Balance and the CSA 135, Zone A account to fund the purchase of Phase II, Part 2 radio equipment and pay off the balances of two lease-purchase agreements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, that the City of Carlsbad: 1. Approves the attached agreement and authorizes and directs the mayor to sign for the City. 2. Approves the 1998/99 financing plan for Regional Communications System costs and equipment, including: a. Authorizing the Finance Director to appropriate $1,546,000 from the General Fund balance and $4 16,000 from the Sewer Enterprise fund balance, and the remaining balance of the CSA 135, Zone A fund for the purpose of paying off amounts owed for the City’s share of the regional backbone, paying off the remaining balance for Phase II, Part 1 radio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 equipment, making the 1998/99 payment for Phase I dispatch and microwave equipment and payment of 1998/99 system maintenance costs. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 5 th day of January , 1999, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall & Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHAkltiTE (SEAL) NZ, City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk AMENDMENT NO. 2 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND MOTOROLA, INC. FOR THE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM This amendment is entered into and effective as of the 5 th day of January, 1999 amending the Agreement dated November 121996, by and between the City of Carisbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and Motorola, Inc., hereinafter referred to as ‘Contractor”, for the 800 MHz communications system. RECITALS Whereas, the initial Agreement dated November 15.1996, identified a scope of work related to the purchase of equipment and installation thereof with regard to the dispatch center and microwave system; and Whereas, on November 18.1997, Amendment No. 1 to the aforementioned agreement was approved to provide for the purchase of Phase II, Part 1 radio equipment; and Whereas, the parties to this aforementioned Agreement desire to alter the scope of work as follows: to provide for the purchase of Phase II, Part 2, radio equipment; and Whereas, it is now both desirable and necessary to amend said Agreement to provide for such equipment. Now, therefore, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained therein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: .I. Section I. Motorola’s Obligations of said Agreement is amended by the addition of a new subparagraph E to read as follows: ‘E. Motorola shall furnish and/or install the radio equipment of the type specifiecl at the site specifkd and for the amount specified in the equipment list attached to schedule A-2, dated January 4 th, 1999.” 2. Section 5. Payment Schedule of said agreement is amended as follows: “Pavment Terms 1. One hundred percent (j 00%) of equipment total, as shown on Schedule A-2, including tax, due net 30 days after receipt of equipment. 2. One hundred percent (lOOoh) of installation costs as shown on Schedule A-2, due net 30 days after completion of all installations.” 3. All other provisions of the aforementioned Agreement not modified by this Amendment No. 2 remain in full force and effect. 4. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor shall include coverage for the amended scope of work. ACKNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPTED: CONTRACTOR: - tARRYoLsoN . wcwl?EslDEM,sALEs Dated: 2 ATTEST: Dated: I -26-W ALETHA L. RAGTENKRANZ, Cii &Jerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald R. Ball, City Attorney by: f3clp m ~%u.G /* 2&T?. (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secr@ary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) 3 CALlFORNlA AU-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT km7 State of 1 countvoff before me, /v fla Mb personally appeared Id . . . personally known to me - &? - •; 1 to be the person(s) whose name(s) iem subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that the same. in capacity(ies), a signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and o OPTIONAL ~Ihedatabdowisnottequiredby~,ImayprovevaluaWetopersorw~onthedocumentandoouldprevent hlKJulent reettachmeflt of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRH’TlON OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT J-AL II-TEOmCER 7 PARTNER(S) ClLHWlTED $Y?%&q’~‘&~ q GENERAL 3 j ATTMtTT~S;WFACT NUMBER OF PAGES / I dw DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 79-S/# @I993 NATlONALNOTAFlYASSOCl4TlON ‘6236fhnmetAve.. P.O. Box?lf3+*CanopaP~ cA9130971~ mYoFc?wMBD lamowu Coll4ilMJNlcAm~mrE..mtlactf~ Variow~serviceAgencies ASTRO DIOITAL EGUIPME -A-s ~--ibfV~c#yA~S 4 57 T99Dx A!SlRODMALSPECTRAMoBKESERlE~ $1,970 40 57 133w AsTRosfxcTRAwB3!5w8aMHzREMoTE 4b 57 G51 ENH: ENHANCED SMARlZONE OPERATlON 4c 57 6114 ENH: DIGiTALlO DIWAY $44 4d 57 Gms ENH: APCO 25 COMMON AIR INTERFACE s35 PACKAGED UNIT PRICE SW= ANNuALyAllvIElllulvcE A6REEuENrFoRAsm0sFEcmA 57 WAR2h+XME~E~MABOVESELECTRADK) $60 ‘57 M3u?3/bimvlEMNCEFo/?ANYAA3oMsELEcTRADD s60 ASTRO 8oolyclb -RaaoslbdasfIu 37 47 l-HBUCHpp\KI_N ASTRODIGITAL )W3OOOMODELIII PORT 37 a 47 Q806 ASlRODlGliALCAlOPERATlON 37 b 47 Ii38 ENHANCED SMARTZONE OPERATION 37 c 47 H14 ADD: ID DWIAY 37 d 47 H799 ADD SYSIEM TESl RESULT 37 8 47 Ii885 2YEARSERVKZEllAN PACKABBB UNIT PRICE 43 17 NMN6193 REMOTE-R MIC 44 8 NrN8294 SPARE ULlR HIGN EWIERY 45 18 NTN1168 CHARGER.DESKfOPSlNGLEUNlT 117V 46 4 m1177c CHARGER, DESKTOP MULTI UNIT 117V 52 10 TDN9816 VEWULARCHARGERXTSXXIIBD $707 $76 so s36 sa,asl 56 12 T99Dx A!STRODIGK4LSFKXRAMOBlLBSERIES $1,970 560 12 132w 35w800806-870w7 56b ’ i2 651 ENH: ENHANCED SMARVONE OPERATION z 56C 12 6114 ENH: DIGITAL ID DISIIAY s44 56d 12 w&s5 ADD: CONKROLSTATION OPERATiON $344 Stie 12 6806 ENH: AFCO 25 COMMON AIR INTERFACE $35 PACKAGED UNIT PBiCE $3,189 ANNUAL n#mNluuMc E AOREEWEWT FOR ASlRO - 12 YEAR2M4liVlEiWNCEFORA5OVEMOBILESTAllON~O $30 12 K54R3lWWWE~EFORA6OVEMOBlLE~ATlONRADlO MO $112286 $31361 $25.912 $2.493 $1,971 SW20 s3Am sQ3al S23.9Ul S33220 s3.585 so S1.692 s1210 SlD72 s7.739 s2Ao4 St217 $23.639 $4.113 ssA55 5525 $4,125 $415 5720 $720 Rwised1-699 . , . clTY(xixms4BLJ tEGmwuC~U~~mSTmAContmctR43095 Vd~,WAgencies - SYm krtmmdfh-eDeskf8wstatiat8 72 240 73 24 74 24 75 900 77 24 78 24 79 24 80 24 87 24 a3 12 Revised l-699 L1702 5880367621 Llrn TDN8814 TDNaa15 TDN6673 TDN6670 TDf644l l/~SUPERFLEX.POLYJM.PERKxlT IR’CONN, N PLUG SFLEX (PLTD) Mini/UHF M TO NF l/2’ IDF HEW. POLY JKT, PER FOOT 1/2’CONNECTOR. N PLUG (PLATED) 1/2CONNECTOR, N JACK WlATED) COAX Pl?olEcToR 1/2’CABLEGROUNDClAMPKJT CABLE TIES, NYLON YAGI ANTENNA s923 $1.137 $17 $3 -a389 S41 $989 $41 $77 SlGi S24 $38 $912 S90 S1#076 Total Equip s395.177 TaX tiO.626 krstallotkn/Rer $31.350 TOTAL S457.153 January 4,1999 City of Carl&cl 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad,Ca 92008 Att: Chief Brian Watson Motorola is pleased to present to the City of Carl&ad the final&d subscriber radio quantities and types for the remaining city public service departments for usage on the Regional Communications System. The enclosed list of equipment shown in Schedule “A-2” has been selected and priced using the RCS ‘Trite Book”. Terns of Sale The master lease will not be used for this agreement as requested. Therefore the payment terms for the equipment and service will be 100% of equipment & tax total Due 30 days from shipment & invoice 100% of installation due after final instaJlation Communications Equipment Purchase Agreement Motork will work with you and the City Attorney’s office to modify the existing agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Motorola. This will be accomplished by Amendment NO. 2 to the existing agreement. Statement of Work (SOW) Motorola has included a statement of work to help define the responsibilities of the City of Carlsbad and Motorola for the InstallationkemovaI of your subscriber radios shown in Schedule “A”. Subscriber Equipment Warranty Motorola has included information on the warranty period for the proposed equipment. Also included is the standard repair process. Additional information on maintenance and warranty repair procedures is being determined by the RCS. Ifyou have any questions do not hesitate to call me at (760) 930-4013. Sincerely, Motorola Inc. Ed wz!cAkowski Sales Team Manager Western Division cc: Curt Munro, RCS Project Manager Stu Tant, RCS Radio Service Supervisor Statement of Work (SOW) Installation and Services Motorola will sub-contract to a qualified service provider Quigley/Behr. Motoroia will ship and deliver the radios to the City of CarIsbad that are specified as the City of Carlsbad user radios shown in Schedule “A-2”. City of Carl&ad should contact the RCS project office to make arrangements for the installation timelines, programming of the radio units, Training for the radio users and the final radio installation to be performed by the Motorola contracted installation provider. Removal of existing radios will be accomplished as part of this service. Training Training for all subscriber radio equipment will be coordinated by the city of Carl&ad and the RCS Sheriffs transition training team. Contact the RCS project office for additional information. Installation Schedules Will be coordinated between the City of Car&ad, the RCS/Motorola@uigley’s Behr. Product Warranties ~Motorola warrants that all products provided under this agreement will be ke from defects in design, material, and workmanship for the Warranty Periods listed in Table I - Warranty Periods. During the respective Warranty Periods, Motorola will repair or replace defective parts free of charge, including fkight, during the product warranty period, Table I -. Warranty Periods Field Unit Equipment From Date of Ship + two year l&3 ESP/ “Express Service Plus Plan (ESP) This option has been included for all MTSZOOO, MCSZOOO, XTS3000 field units. (@e&a DigitaI radios contain a I yearparts and labor warranty along with years 2 & 3 maintenance). The ESP provides repair coverage for 2 years beyond the standard 1 year warranty (for a total of 3 years of radio coverage). Repairs under the standard 1 year wsrranty can be made at any qualified Motorola Service Center, or when initialization of the board is required, at the Plantation or National Subscriber Depots. Repairs under the 2 year extended warranty must be made at the National Subscriber Depot (Schaumburg). All inbound shipping or transportation charges to Motorola must be paid by the purchaser. Motorola will pay for outbound shipping via Motorola’s normal shipping methods. This Factory Depot Service plan is available in addition to the Standard Commercial Warranty for certain Motorola manufactured subscriber products for a consideration over and above the price of the product paid by the original purchaser or lessee ( WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BATTERIES AND ANY MOTOROLA SOFTWARE WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY TI3IS PLAN) and is in effect from the date the standard commercial warranty expires. This plan is available for purchase at the time of equipment order only.. THIS !‘Z.-%N DOES NOT COVER DEFECTS, MAIXUNCTIONS, PERFORMANCE FAILURES OR DAMAGES TO THE UNlT RESULTING FROM: A) USE IN OTHER THAN ITS NORMAL AND CUSTOMARY MANNER B) MISUSE, VANDALISM, ACCIDENT OR NEGLECT; OR C) IMPROPER DISASSEMBLY, TESTING, OPERATION , MAINTENANCE, INSTALLATION, MODIFICATION, ADJUST- MENT, ALTERATION OR REPAIR. RESOLUTION NO. 1034 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PAYOFF OF LEASE AGREEMENTS FOR REGIONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND 1998/99 MAINTENANCE COSTS. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is a participating agency in the Regional Communications System; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 1997, The City adopted Resolution No. 1002 approving participation in the 800MHz Regional Communications System.; and WHEREAS, lease-purchase agreements were used to fund previous phases of the 800Mhz radio system; and WHEREAS, it is fiscally prudent to pay off the existing balances of the lease-purchase agreements for the radio backbone system and for Phase II, Part 1 radio equipment ; and WHEREAS, the Water District is responsible for a proportionate share of the cost of the backbone system and Phase I equipment, the amount of the share determined by the proportionate number of radios operated by the District compared to those operated by the City; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the Water District enterprise fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 1. Authorizing the Finance Director to appropriate funds in the amount ! of $416,000 from the Water Enterprise fund balance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of Carlsbad, California, held on the 5 th day of January, 1999, by the following vote, to wit:: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall & Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) - KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant Secretary WRITE IT - DON’T SAY IT! To Chief Brian Watson/Fire UuePn a/cl@ s From I Date January 27 0 Reply Wanted q No Reply Necessary 19 99 Per our telephone conversation this morning, I have attached one original Amendment No. 2 to the 800 MHZ Motorola agreement. you said that you didn't know what mailing address to use for Motorola, but that you would call in the sales representative and have him deliver the original to Motorola. Thanks for your help, Brian. .