HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-12; City Council; 15011; Disposal Of Surplus City PropertyCl7 OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY ’ CITY ATTY I IECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council action would be to direct staff to proceed with the disposal of surplus property as directed by the Council. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 4th, the City Council approved plans and specifications for the demolition and removal of the Split Pavilion. In accordance with the Council’s action at the August 4th meeting, City staff will remove the bars prior to the demolition of stated portions of the split pavilion. There are approximately 300 + pieces ranging from 3’5”-IO’ and weighing between IO-30 pounds each. Under regular circumstances, surplus City property of this value would be sold for scrap. However, because of the interest in the bars, Council may want to consider alternatives for the disposal of the surplus items. The following are some of the options available to the Council: 1. Donate the bars to Carlsbad High School for the Ralph Cripe Baseball Field and Carlsbad Educational Foundation’s “Kids are Worth A Million” project. 2. Advertise and sell the surplus items by sealed bids 3. Sell the surplus items for scrap metal Staff recommends that the Council direct the staff to dispose of the surplus property under any of the above options. FISCAL IMPACT: The bars weigh approximately 7,820 Ibs and at the current price of $.Ol per pound, the scrap value of the bars is $78.20. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Carlton D. Lund 10/14/98 13:ll FAX 7604313399 LUND TEAM + @UUZ - October 14,1998 Dear Mayor and City Council ofcarlsbad, We would appreciate the opptinity to utilize the apparimckely 2.56 abars” that are part of the Split Pavilion that m is to be demolished in the nearj&ture, with theirgalvanized top rail to be intact as much as possible. Ralph Gripe stated that t&y cvukl be housed in the storage area by the Ralph Gripe Baseball Field of Carkbad Hi&h School and then muld be cut d&n to size for his stadium use, with the remaining scrap to be cut in smaller lengths for donation to the computer project of “Kids Are Worth A Million”. We thank you for the oppartunity to bring a positive recycling e$mt g the ubaxf. Best Persbnal Regardc, Carltun D. Lund qohft+=r cc: Julie Baker “ICids Are Worth A Million’ Ralph Gripe Diego realizr their personal real estate goals is what really makes Carlton cf Sandy Lund smile. Whether that entails buying or selhgproprrty, The Lund Team is hppy to make that important difference in their clients lives. Call Carlton 81 Sandy Direct & Message Center (760) 431-3336 Fax (760) 431-3399 E-Mall lundmail9lundteam.com Vlsit The Lund Team’s Site on the World Wlde Web at www.lundteam.com @ a Prudential California Redty 7030 AwnIda Enelnar sutls loo carlabad, CA 92009