HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02-09; City Council; 15050; FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 BUDGET FOLLOW-UPb 1 FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 BUDGET FOLLOW-UP WECOMMENDED ACTION; Direct staff regarding the following items: m Community OutreachlPublic Information Program o Community Activity funds ID Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau budget ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 26,1999, Council received the mid-year budget update and amended the bud1 accordingly. At that time, Council requested that staff bring back for further discussion all ( budget follow-up items identified in that report. They are listed below with the ones being i by this agenda bill in bold print. u Council approved plan on I/U! o Council briefings being prepan o Solid Waste fund balance Defer decision until resolution 1 transfer station fund. o Current status and effect of thc limitations was discussed in previous agenda bill. Funding for the 800 megahertz communication Use of the Water and Sewer fund balances General fund balance/Proposition H limit Three options are presented Council consideration (see E Exhibit 3). Plan is currently on hold. o o Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs-fee for entry Fee is required. u Stay ’n’ Play Program-equity issues Recommend considering expa future budgets. o Police vehicles Re com mend cons id era t i o n w h 1 Victoria model is discontinued. o Split Pavillion implementation plan Council approved plan on 1/19 SanDag’s Plan for fiscal restructuring CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM o Carrillo Ranch Recommendation to review wit CIP projects. 9 , .... Page 2 of Agenda Bill # do50 0 Staff is requesting Council direction on three of the operating budget items at this time. St; bring back the appropriate documents to implement Council’s directions. Follow-up on thc Improvement Program topics will be brought back for Council discussion in March. FISCAL IMPACT: If Council approves all of the items in bold print at their highest noted cost, a transfer of $2 from Council’s contingency account would be required as well as a reduction of the Genet balance of $685,000. The Council’s contingency account has a current balance of $2.6 mi General fund balance was approximately $30 million as of June 30, 1998. EXHIBITS: 1. Community Outreach/Public Information Program 2. Update on Funding of Community Activities 3. Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau budget request EXHIBIT 1 I. .. Backn ro u nd The City of Carlsbad currently provides community outreach and public informat services through a variety of departmental staff who, in addition to their regular c activities, are also tasked with writing press releases, preparing departmental newsletters, coordinating groundbreakings and dedications and producing public workshops to obtain citizen feedback on projects and services. In the City ManagerICity Council offices, the Senior Management Analyst (currently vacant) assigned these functions, along with responding to general media inquiries and providing assistance to other City departments. While delivering community outr and public information services in this way has been fairly effective for the City o Carlsbad in recent years, increasing demands from the public and the organizati information about City programs and services emphasize the need to dedicate a specific resource to this program. Creating a focal point for community outreach and public information activities will result in the more efficient use of existing res and increase the effectiveness of these efforts. The City Manager is recommenc creation of the position of Public Information Officer to focus the City's outreach i information efforts. . Development of a city community outreach/public information function is consiste the City Council's Strategic Goal of enhancing the educational opportunities for a segments of the community. Proqram Activities 'The City Manager in conjunction with the Leadership Team, and through feedbac the City Council, will need to work with the Public Information Officer to develop i Communication Plan. A clear description of the goals, objectives, duties and expectations is vital to the success of any communication program. Proposed Program Goal: @ Development of a City Communication Plan that will: Encourage positive customer contact with city employees and a( customer service goals. 0 Examine the process of government decision making and identif residents can participate fully. 0 Inform citizens/customers about the critical issues in public polic! which confront local government. I ..- 0 0 Proposed Program Objectives: 1. Evaluate all existing City publications to ensure that Carlsbad’s citizenskustomers find the information they need to use municipal servic City publications. 2. Develop and maintain a city database of general City information. Th include basic demographic information, media contact list, stakeholders i community and other frequently used information. 3. Act as a professional resource to City Departments in the following arf dedications and groundbreakings, press releases and development of publications. 4. Develop and administer a citizenkustomer satisfaction survey to test citizenkustomer satisfaction with the City’s level of service and infrastrucl maintenance so baseline data can be gathered and used in setting custoi service goals. The survey can also be used to gather information on leve citizen/customer awareness of the issues confronting local governments. 5. Participate in the development and ongoing enhancement of the City c Carlsbad’s web page. Fiscal Impact The cost to fund the Community Outreach/Public Information Program is outlinec below. 0 Salary (Senior Management Analyst range): $48,800 - $67,100 annua Benefits: $14,000 - $16,000 annually Computer: $6,000 (one time cost) Miscellaneous program costs: $5,000 Total First Year Program Costs: $73,800- $84,100 mlD.LJ. L 0 0 December 15,1998 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Fin a nce Director UPDATE ON FUNDING OF COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Backqrou nd Prior to 1995-96, Council had appropriated and distributed $75,000 per year to various community groups within the County to provide human and social services to Carlsbad residents. The process used to distribute those funds is set forth in Council Policy State #51. In 1995-96, this process was put on hold as Council wished to review other possib methods of distributing these funds. The Mayor appointed a subcommittee to look into 1 issue. The sub-committee and staff brought an agenda bill to Council on April 9,1996. I time, Council directed staff to return with documents to establish a foundation which wot focus on library programs for now but would be able to be expanded for other general community uses in the future. The establishment of a Library foundation was put on hold when a ballot measure was CI which would increase the sales tax to fund public libraries. That measure was not appro however, a similar measure is scheduled to be placed on the ballot for the next election I 1999). In addition, the Friends of the Library are creating a library foundation on their ow Un September 1997, staff returned to Council with an agenda item which gave Council SE options which could be taken regarding the community activity funds. At that meeting, C directed staff to set aside, in a separate fund, the money that had been accumulated in previous years ($225,000) and continue to budget $75,000 per year to be contributed to fund. When sufficient money was available, then Council would be able to use the inter€ earned in the special fund to provide money to community activity groups. The method t which the funds would be distributed was to be decided in the future. Financial Status Council appropriated $75,000 in fiscal years ‘96, ‘97, ‘98 and ‘99. All of those monies tot; $300,000 have been set aside in a special fund which generates its own interest. Intere: earned to date is $15,000 making the balance in the fund total $315,000. Options Available I. Some Council members have expressed a desire to accelerate the funding of this pro1 to provide a total of $1,000,000. This would require an appropriation from the Genera balance of $685,000. The interest from the fund would then be used to finance grant: community service groups on an annual basis. Interest would amount to approximate $55,000 per year. e 0 If Council wished to proceed in this manner, they would need to appropriate the add $685,000 and direct staff to investigate the options available for administering the ar grant awards. 2. The program could continue as is with $75,000 per year being set aside until the fun( reaches $1,000,000. This would take approximately 9 more years. No grants woulc given during this time period. 3. The program could be eliminated and the money returned to the General fund to final other programs as Council desires. This information will be provided to Council in the mid-year budget update. If you would handle this issue in a different manner, please let me know. LISA HILDABMND c: Administrative Services Director )I Backqround On August 20, 1997, the City Council authorized the Mayor to execute a two (2) year ag the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CCVB) for promoting tourism and pro services. November 1, 1998, marks the beginning of year two (Z), of the City’s two year CCVB. The approved 1998-1999 contract is for $243,000 ($120,000 for operation of Center, and $1 23,000 for other promotional services). Year one (1) of the 1997-1998 City/CCVB contract was originally approved and budgeted i That amount was increased to $303,000, on October 21, 1997, as a result of a request expand their services and enhance their operations. At that time, it was recommended enhancements for the second year of the contract be brought to Council for review at a la October 22, 1998, the City received a request from CCVB proposing new contract changc increase the 1998-1 999 contract and budget amount to $370,000. Although this request r increase from the previous contract of $67,000, it would require an additional appropriatior in order to adjust the approved and budgeted 1998-1999 contract amount. The following t: comparison of the original 1997-1998, and 1998-1999 contract amounts, with the 1997-‘ contract amount and the new CCVB proposed 1998-1 999 contract: TABLE I TABLE 2 . -> * . Backwound (continued). e CCVB is requesting that the 1998-1999 contract amounts be reviewed by the City consideration of a number of program “initiatives” they are proposing (see Exhibit 2). If Cc like to add any of these items to the existing contract, it would increase the total amount l the contract by the dollar amounts shown in Table 2 (above). Fiscal Impact Funds for community promotion, totaling $243,000 were appropriated in the 1998-1 99 budget. If Council concurs with CCVB’s request, another $127,000 will need to be appropr second year of the contract. Staff recommends that Council appropriate any additional fur Contingency Account. The Contingency Account available balance is approximately $2.7 rr