HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-04-20; City Council; 15147; Aviara Parkway & Poinsettia Lane Intersection. GROUP FOR COMPLETION OF AVIARA PARKWAY AND POlNSEll-IA LANE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ($9 - / ?/n approving the First Amendment to Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs for Construction of Improvements for Poinsettia Lane From Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road with Catellus Residential Group and approving First Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement with Sambi Seaside Heights. I ITEM EXPLANATION: The conditions of approval for Carlsbad Tract 92-02 require the developer, Sambi Seaside Heights LLC, to construct a portion of Aviara Parkway from the northern project boundary to Poinsettia Lane. A portion of these improvements are included within the improvements financed by Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2. Pursuant to the provisions of B&TD #2, the developer is entitled to receive fee credits and/or reimbursement for constructing improvements included within the district. Plans for the construction of the required Aviara Parkway improvements were prepared by the developer and approved by the City Engineer. The required improvements were constructed by the developer in accordance with the approved plans. Upon completion of the improvements, City staff pointed out to the developer that the completed Aviara Parkway improvements included a severe dip in the road surface at the intersection with Poinsettia Lane. Staff informed the developer that the City would not accept the completed improvements or allow credits against payment of B&TD #2 fees until the dip was removed. The developer responded that the improvements were constructed in accordance with the City approved plans and that any construction revisions should be subject to credit and/or reimbursement through the B&TD #2 program. City staff and the developer were in a virtual stalemate over this issue for the past year and a half. During this same time, the Ocean Bluff developer, Catellus Residential Group, was proceeding with a project to extend Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road in compliance with their project conditions of approval. Staff has refused to allow Catellus to complete the Poinsettia Lane connection with Aviara Parkway until the problem of the dip is resolved. Staff recently concluded negotiations with both the Sambi and Catellus developers to resolve the stalemate and complete the construction of Poinsettia Lane and Aviara Parkway as desired by the City. Sambi has agreed to contribute an additional $20,000 in fees to B&TD #2 over and above their existing fee contribution. In addition, Sambi agreed to prepare and turn over to the City revised construction plans to eliminate the existing dip condition. Catellus is agreeing to include the intersection reconstruction work within their existing construction project provided that they receive a guaranteed reimbursement for such work on a progress payment basis. In addition, Catellus is requesting modification to one of their previous reimbursement agreement provisions to allow for earlier reimbursement of certain overhead expenses associated with work identified as ordinary reimbursable work. The two agreements attached as Exhibits 2 and 3 to this agenda bill reflect the agreements staff reached with the Sambi and Catellus developers as noted above and are being presented for Council consideration and approval. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. Zi 1 Y 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The Planning Director has determined that the proposed work is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Section 15301(c) (repair or minor alteration to existing streets for the purpose of public safety). A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the Planning Director subsequent to project approval. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to correct the improvements is estimated at $120,000, excluding the cost for the plan revisions contributed by Sambi Seaside Heights. Payment of the $120,000 for the corrective improvements will be made from the following sources: Sambi Seaside Heights will contribute $20,000 (through an adjustment of a reimbursement owed to them by the City); another $20,000 will be paid from available Alga Road Assessment District funds, and the remaining $80,000 will be paid from available BTD#2 funds previously appropriated. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. First Amendment to Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs for Construction of Improvements for Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road with Catellus Residential Group. 3. First Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement CT 92-02 (On-site Improvements) with Sambi Seaside Heights. 4. Resolution No. 99 - /36 approving the First Amendment to Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs for Construction of Improvements for Poinsettia Lane From Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road with Catellus Residential Group and approving First Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement with Sambi Seaside Heights. LEGEND: SAMBI SEASIDE HEIGHTS IMPROVEMENT OBLIGA T/ON CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP IMPROVEMENT OBLIGATION 0 AREA OF CORRECTIVE WORK AVIARA PARKWAY AND POlNSETTlA LANE IMPROVEMENTS 3 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR POlNSElTlA LANE FROM THIS FIRST A &RAIL ROAD KSBAD, a municipal co 99, is made at San City are to thati certajn’*Agree as in the Reim to therein as the E the payment and i rsement of 1 Black Rail C. Reimbursement Agreeme intersection of Aviara Parkway and work referred ain aspects of ‘ent. ’ h are the subject of the arn corrective action to the WPoinsettia Intersection”), which as designed and constructed by another property owner has a grade differential of approximately seven inches (7”) from Aviara Parkway onto the eastbound Poinsettia Lane and lacks a proper transition area (for which additional right-of-way must be acquired). D. Owner has no obligation to perform any corrective action on the Aviara/Poinsettia Intersection under Owner’s existing Tentative Map or other approvals relating to its Amended Project. However, as an accommodation to City, and because it is in City’s best interests to ensure timely corrective action is taken, Owner does wish to ensure that the intersection is opened to traffic as soon as possible. In addition, Owner’s contractors are already mobilized and constructing Reach #l and Reach #2 of the Aviara/Black Rail Segment described in the Reimbursement Agreement. Accordingly, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Amendment, Owner is willing to take steps to open the Aviara/Poinsettia I Intersection to traffic, either (i) by having its contractor construct all the improvements involved in the full Intersection Correction, as depicted in detail on City-approved Drawing No. 327-9-C (“Final Intersection Correction”), if City timely obtains the necessary plans and right-of-way, or (ii) by doing a grade transition correction to provide interim access (“Temporary Intersection Correction”), to serve until such time as City itself is able to construct all the improvements involved in Final Intersection Correction. The term “Intersection Correction” is used in this Amendment to refer to either the Final or the Temporary Correction, whichever Owner actually performs pursuant to Paragraph 1 below. THE PARTIES AGREE: l(b) below, and in ,;City herein, Owner inal Intersection (b$$;:. ~~The:i:‘conditions ““’ Intersection C$$ij&$fp (“@jjal ?.pr ~o&&jff to Own&s .obli’&WR toi.l&o the Final sole expense, J&right-ofbway necessary for ~~~~: ,(ij,:eity s~~~~ ,~~~~~~uired, at its the &&nsettia/Aviara trgns~tton; I(t) ‘@f&y shall have obtained any ~@&&onmental clearances and/or habitat take per#hit&$r$cioen$ $0 the Final Intersection C&$&&on; (S) City shall ,.havecaus& O’Day Cog~~~@‘rts ~~~,~~~~~~ release the City-approved .&i’nsfor the Final Intersection Correction :~‘,~~~~~d P@I~;)~ f$$h hard copy and in digital f&$a*for use by Owner’$ Engineers J-luns$$$$$ ~sso~~~e~~.~H~~saker”); and (iv) City shall have provided writte~&@nfirmatibm-that O’D&&#W&s a&@ngine&;:of record for the Final Intersection Ccfr$ction, riot%ithstsnding, that; l#ns$iker wilf$&&o@~ construction staking and certain othee:$ctivities,: in connection; with the l?ters~~~~:‘~8rrection. City acknowledges that if Owtier *rs,:to do the Final Qersection Cor@cfi@$&$#he ‘Final Correction Conditions must be~s~tisfi~~e;~;,~~~n, to permit Owner to z&@$ its ex&#g contracts while already mobilized for’ the conSti~c@&@~~,~t~e AvJara/Bl.ac~I,!%i~ Se~,m$$n%~ Accordingly, if the Final Correction Condition$$j&e. n@ b~~~s~~~~~~~~~~~~,ixb;ir,gg?;.‘fbil~~ Owner shall have no further obligation hereunder#@j res&@ to th~“~~~~,Int~r$RCtf~nl,~arrection, and City shall be solely responsible for accomplishing theL~ti@‘r@& Ihte~~e~~~~~~~,%6rrection without cost or participation by Owner. If the Finaf”~~~~~~rp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~een satisfied by April 39, 1999, then Owner shall perform the Final Inters~~~~~~~~~~~t~~n on a fully reimbursable basis and the provisions of Paragraphs 2 and 4 below shall apply. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Final Correction Conditions have not been satisfied by April 30, 1999, then Owner shall also have the right (but not the obligation), exercisable on written notice (“Interim Correction Notice”) delivered to City at any time prior to City’s commencement of the Final Intersection Correction, to perform the Temporary Intersection Correction, on a partially reimbursable basis as set forth herein. In such event, the provisions of Paragraphs 3 and 4 below shall apply. 2. Provisions Applicable to Final Intersection Correction. If Owner should perform the Final Intersection Correction pursuant to Paragraph l(a) above, then the following provisions shall apply: (a) Neither Owner nor Hunsaker shall have any liability for the Approved Plans, and City shall not require Owner to enter into any indemnity agreement or other arrangement that might have been imposed on a property owner or developer that was required to do the Final Intersection Correction and/or was responsible for preparation of the Approved 2 Plans. City shall indemnify, defend and hold Owner harmless from any claim by O’Day relating to Owner’s use of the Approved Plans, and from any claim, loss or liability in connection with the design or construction of the Final Intersection Correction. UN Owner shall cause Hunsaker to do an as-built report for the purpose of showing what was actually constructed on the ground, but preparation of the as-built report shall not impose any liability on Owner or Hunsaker for the design of the intersection or be deemed any evaluation or representation by Owner or Hunsaker as to the adequacy of the design, and Hunsaker shall not be required to become the engineer of record of the Intersection Correction. insettia Intersection, and ction obligation with respect thereto will be inst cuits beneath the intersection pavement +,:., .:; :,.’ 3 j:_ ,...,:: ~ T‘. : I:, > ,- ._ @):Y. Owner shall haveno obli&t[on to obtain c~~p~~~‘~~~~~~~~r otherwise comply with Ci@competQive bidding procedures$and may contra&&r ~~~~~~~ting change orders to existin’&contracts relating to Zhe Aviara@ack Rait~~~#m&t or&#ry..othe~~Pspect of the Amended Project, or,,by whatever other means’pwner de~~~~-;~ason~~l~i:ti, accomplish the Final IntersectionCorrection as quic~l)c.as,practisal?le. .,e ‘,>, ,_ 1.z , I “%‘., .,, ‘ (f) ‘:j Cwr$#$ehall he$e no obli&‘k#‘to”. provide bon#$$r$&&& improvement security with respect to th&Pfh&lntersection Correction. il._ ‘, : (9) Once~@tiner%ioes! commence t,he~&&Sil. I’iters@$@$n Correction, and ,‘.. ;I :.,*‘;&q;~ ,~).; ii_ “,,l *‘,, _ i, ~‘.-&> subject to City compliance withy it@ o~~~~~~q~~~~~~~~~ua~~~, C%Vner @#“diligently pursue the same through to completiot&$ : - l,‘> :.:,I’ ,i -, ^_ .;‘ ‘; ( (W een satisfied by April 30, Owner shall have no further obli espect to the Final Intersection Correction, and City shall thereafter be responsible for completing the work, at its expense or through another property owner or developer, as soon as practicable thereafter. City acknowledges and agrees, in this regard, that the need for the Final Intersection Correction has been recognized for more than eighteen (18) months, and that completion of the intersection is of material importance to the success of Owner’s residential development project. 3. Provisions Applicable to Temporarv Intersection Correction. If Owner should elect at its sole option to perform the Temporary Intersection Correction pursuant to Paragraph 1 (c) above, then the following provision shall apply: (a) The Temporary Intersection Correction shall consist of taking such actions as are necessary to minimally prepare the intersection for interim access to Poinsettia Lane eastbound. (b) Promptly following receipt of the Interim Correction Notice, City shall meet with Owner with a view toward issuing, within ten (10) days after delivery of the Interim Correction Notice, all approvals and permits necessary for Owner to commence the Temporary 3 Intersection Correction Implementation. City shall expedite processing to the maximum extent possible to meet this schedule. 63 Owner shall have no obligation to obtain competitive bids or otherwise comply with City competitive bidding procedures, and may contract for the work by initiating change orders to existing contracts relating to the Aviara/Black Rail Segment or any other aspect of the Amended Project, or by whatever other means Owner deems reasonable to accomplish the Temporary Intersection Correction as quickly as practicable. 4. . All costs and expenses by Owner in con e reimbursable as set forth below. Only those costs an& the Temporary Intersection Correction wh&% 1 uired for the Final Intersection Correction, i.e., worksh t be removed when the Final Intersection:~,C0Cre~~~~~ j set fort,., below; other costs and expenses?$$socia tion will be non- reimbursable and be+%n@~~ner at its sole cost. 1.G ” .: :,,i, ,, “.i’;r ,.Z.! 1, ,. .“?,, ” i ._ ,,..- “,*:.,‘,: : (&jj fXq@f and expenses_ : “j_, *;, Intersection C$@ctiu~. @j@-h are r&&‘@@$ in :&y ,,,.. Owner ‘~~~ connI$&pn with the f$j&$!~$ ‘Intere&“~$$@pi ..,*I 1’ z$L ’ ~~~~~&$$enses”) shall include without$%itation, e&h of the ~following ‘a!t;construction costs;, alf”x@osts ilnc@rred for legal counsel, enginsersWid other consultants in connection with this Am’endm;ent;, c@ engineering; soils and geotechnical consulting and;:engineer@g; field supervi~~~~;,tr~~~~.~~~~~; an amount determined as one and, 6/l 0,~ percent (1.8%) -of the totti~$& a!f Reimbursable Intersection Expenses, as an allowance to, cover the alloc&ble: portib$$@@~premiu$$ ,pafddi::by Owner for blanket liability inWance ~~verag~~~~~rance;-.and--an ove~~Bl~~trowa~~61~~~~f~~~~percent (4%) of all other actu&Reimb&&ble lf&+ct/~n ~j’<penapsE...i:t:o~irijer’s $~~~~~~,~~~eimbursable Intersection Expenses for th$Einal Intersection Rep&% attached a~i$&ibit~&L i: ,‘<, ^’ ~,‘, ‘.,_” (b) Owne& m&~~,submi’t .,I. .:, +.;., Reimbursemept&#equests z;.t:;for Reimbursable Intersection Expenses to C~~~~~~~~~~~~,,time, ~anc!,~~~~~~~c~~rnp~~~~~ by the supporting documentation required f.&$&y thg .,Rt~~~b~~~~~~le~~~~~~~~~nt ‘Q~#&s Reimbursement Requests shall be processedby~ ‘th~@%.rditing~ Engineer :as out@ed in the Reimbursement Agreement. All costs of the Audiiirt~~5~~i~e~~~~h~~~-ber paid direct& by City. ,.: , . . . ,; ,( ‘,I_., >, :, j .^ (cl The Auditing Erigi’nedY;“sn& review Reimbursement Requests for Reimbursable Intersection Expenses and the payment records submitted in connection therewith, and shall within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof issue to City and Owner a report either accepting Owner’s submittal or specifying with particularity any reimbursement items or amounts not approved. Any reimbursement items or amounts not approved by the Auditing Engineer may be further pursued by Owner using the dispute resolution procedure of Paragraph 6 of the Reimbursement Agreement. (4 Following approval by the Auditing Engineer, all Reimbursable Intersection Expenses, including without limitation the overhead allowance, shall be paid by City within thirty (30) days. Payment shall be made by check issued by City, and Owner shall have no obligation to accept fee credits or other non-cash payment mechanism. (e) City shall identify and reserve B&TD #2 funds in an amount sufficient to make payment for all Reimbursable Intersection Expenses. 5. Modifications Reqarding Existinq Aqreement. (4 Owner shall not be required to install final landscaping along any portion of the Aviara/Black Rail Segment of Poinsettia Lane outside of the Amended Project, notwithstanding that the current approved landscape plans, City-approved Drawing No. 360-38, reflect such landscaping. Owners shall be entitled to amend the current plans to provide only for reimbursable erosion control planting. 03 In modification of Paragraph 2(e) of the Reimbursement Agreement, the parties agree that Owner’s over Reimbursable Expenses shall b other Reimbursable Expen against B&TD #2 fees (c) Amended Project pendtng a turnover of p~~rons~‘&$$ notwithstanding t#the er@@Reach #l has not been completed. :.;r _< . (?&fie*#r(oj&i~~~~ ;*: : 3‘ >, ; ,__,, 5’11!~,~~jj,i,;~~~:!~: 6. .~ j ): !,+ $;.l-v, ._II :_ ‘1 , _’ ‘::’ .., ; (d) This Amendment may be executed in any numbet?of counterparts, each of which when$oexecuted and deliveied’shall:.be deemed to be#rn qr@na~.afi~ all of which counterparts taken together shall consfitute but one and the.:s~~~,:~~strutrtent, -. !. (b>, Except as ,, +#odified hereby, all p&@jons ,~~,-:~~h~:i:,~airnbursement Agreement shall$&~& i&f$l force’$&&,~ff&t. ‘, .:i .: *: “3 I :: ;:;.& * IN WITNESS WHERE@F~ the parties have-.‘executed this Amen&Q&~a’s of the date first CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL G’R@Uf&; ; .)‘: a California Corporation set forth above. OWNER: I APPROVED AS TO FORM: I RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney ~ssistanz City Attorney 4p-3}70. 5 State of California ow > ss. County of On APRIL LZI.\W~ bate , before me, ~RTMA &MET5 c&g!Ee ? NoTAf?Y Pwuc , Name and Tie of Dfker (e.g.. ‘Jane Doe, Notay Public”) personally appeared FFlE.R ‘I: IAuENEU ! BrtUCE To L~HMAkf Name(s) of S&w(s) @personally known to me 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) &/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thaLb&he/they executed the same in -b.is&.er/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by -hie#%/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Place Notaty Seal Above OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Number of Pages: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer’s Name: 0 Individual 0 Corporate Officer - Title(s): •i Partner- 0 Limited 0 General 0 Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee 13 Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer Is Representing: Top of thumb here 0 1997 National Notary Association * 9350 De Soto Ave.. P.0 Box 2402 * Chatsworth. CA 91313-2402 Prod. NO. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free l-800-876-6827 EXHIBIT “A” Cost Estimate for Corrections to Aviara Parkway Improvements Work Item Description Cost Estimate Demolition 9,780 Rough Grading 5,000 Storm Drains 13,700 Drainage Devices 1,500 Paving 45,203 Curb and Gutter 10,840 Signal Conduit 1,000 Traffic Control/Signs/Barricades 8,500 Contingency (12%) 12,135 Total Construction Cost $ 107,658 Engineering/Construction Staking 6,100 Liability Insurance (1.8%) 1938 Developer’s Overhead (4%) 4304 Total Project Cost $ 120,000 CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP, INC. SECRETARY CERTIFICATE RESOLVED, that Peter Lauener in is capacity as Vice President is authorized for, on behalf of and in the name of Catellus Residential Group, Inc. (the “Corporation”), to sign the Poinsettia Lane and Aviara Parkway Intersection Reimbursement Agreement, and all other related documents and agreements for The City of Carlsbad. The execution of such agreements and documents by him shall be conclusive evidence of full Corporate approval thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my name as Assistant Secretary of said Corporation and have caused the corporate seal of the corporation to be hereunto affixed this gth day of April, 1999. : \ \,, i ? ,: : ’ t t’ ‘, I i F’IRSTAMENDMENTTO SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT CT 92-02 (ALGA ROAD) (“AMENDMENT”) A. WHEREAS, the undersigned Property Owner entered into an agreement with the City of Carlsbad (“City”) entitled “Subdivision Improvement Agreement CT 92-02 (Alga Road)“, executed on August 19, 1996 (“Subdivision Improvement Agreement”); and, B. WHEREAS, Property Owner also entered into an agreement with the City entitled “Petition, Waiver, and Consent to Creation of a Facility Impact Fee Program and Agreement to Pay Fair Share Cost of Alga Road and Poinsettia Lane” (“Agreement”) executed on August 3, 1995 and filed with the County Recorder of the County of San Diego, California on September 5, 1995 per file page No. 1995-0392214; and, C. WHEREAS, in addition to other matters, the Agreement and Subdivision Improvement Agreement spelled out the duties and obligations of the Property Owner and City with regard to construction of a portion of Aviara Parkway (formerly known as Alga Road) and the establishment of a Fee Program for the construction of Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane including the provision for fee credits and reimbursements for those portions of Aviara Parkway constructed by Property Owner; and, D. WHEREAS, City approved the formation of Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 for Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane (“B&TD #2”) on July 8,1997; and, E. WHEREAS, Property Owner constructed that portion of Aviara Parkway (“Aviara Parkway Improvements”) required pursuant to the conditions of approval for Carlsbad Tract 92-02 (“Project”) as refmed to in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement in accordance with the Project Improvement Plans as approved by the City; and, F. WHEREAS, upon completion of the improvements to Aviara Parkway by the Property Owner, City identified certain design features of the completed improvements not conducive to the smooth riding characteristics normally expected on arterial roads within the City; and, G. WHEREAS, City has refused to accept the Aviara Parkway Improvements until certain corrections are made to improve the riding characteristics of the road (“Corrections”); a4 H. WHEREAS, Property Owner has refused to complete the Corrections until City agrees to reimburse Property Owner for the work to complete the Corrections from funds generated through B8zTD #2; and, I. WHEREAS, another property owner (“Catellus Residential Group”) is currently in the process of constructing improvements to Poinsettia Lane which are adjacent to and connect with the Aviara Parkway Improvements; and, J. WHEREAS, City will not allow Catellus Residential Group to complete the construction of the Poinsettia Lane improvements until the Corrections are made to the Aviara Parkway Improvements; and, K. WHEREAS, Catellus Residential Group is prepared to complete the Corrections pursuant to a reimbursement agreement with the City; and, L. WHEREAS, City has completed the audit of reimbursable work performed by Property Owner in regards to the Aviara Parkway Improvements in accordance with the provisions of B&TD #2 and Agreement; and, M. WHEREAS, Property Owner has paid B&TD #2 fees in an amount which exceeds their Project fee obligations by a total of $78,000 pursuant to the provisions of B&TD #2; and, N. WHEREAS, the estimated construction cost for the Corrections is $120,000 plus the cost to revise the Project Improvement Plans (“Revised Plans”); and, 0. WHEREAS, Property Owner is willing to contribute $20,000 towards Corrections to prepare the Revised Plans at their sole cost and expense; and, P. WHEREAS, Property Owner has prepared Revised Plans at their sole cost and expense and the City has approved the Revised Plans on April 6, 1999; and, Q. WHEREAS, City and Property Owner desire to complete the Corrections and to have the Aviara Parkway Improvements accepted by the City and to fully and finally resolve their differences regarding property owner obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the preceding recitals Property Owner and City hereby agree to the following: 1. Property Owner agrees to release the Revised Plans to the City for use by Catellus Residential Group and/or the City for the purpose of constructing the Corrections and hereby waives any claim for reimbursement for the cost to prepare the Revised Plans. 2. Property Owner acknowledges and agrees that all work performed by Catellus Residential Group and/or the City in connection with the Revised Plans shall remain subject to all provisions of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement including without limitation Paragraphs 4, 5 and 17. Property Owner agrees that the ten year design and construction defect indemnification period applies to Property Owner’s Improvements, including Corrections. 3. Property Owner agrees to make an additional contribution of $20,000 in the form of a credit against potential refimd as set forth below, to offset the cost of the Corrections. 4. City agrees to refund to Property Owner $58,000 ($78,000 less cash contribution of $20,000) in B&TD #2 fee overpayments made by the Property Owner upon completion of Corrections and City’s final acceptance of the Aviara Parkway Improvements, including Corrections. 5. City agrees to use B&TD #2 funds to construct the Corrections and in no event to seek further funds or assessments from the property owner in connection with the corrections and/or to reimburse Catellus Residential Group for the construction of the Corrections. 6. The above paragraphs notwithstanding, all other provisions of Agreement and Subdivision Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 7. This Amendment and the covenants contained herein shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees of Property Owner and City. 8. This Amendment together with the Agreement and Subdivision Improvement Agreement constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter. All modification, amendments, or waivers of the terms of this agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate representatives of the parties. Executedthis PROPERTY OWNERz SAMBI SEASIDE HEIGHTS, LLC a California Limited Liability Company, (Notarial acknowledgment of execution by PROPERTY OWNER must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secre&y or assistant secretq must sign for corporation. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL :~o&!!! City Attorney +3/ 97, State of California County of FL& &cc; / Li??M > ss. /x’ 8, Lf.9’4, before me, C&&J’- B em/&t%% &&&v Date’ Name and Tile of Offwx (e.g., ‘Jane Doe. i%ta!y P&Iii’) / personally appeared ti- -z/&4 X&m j4hle(s) of Slner(s) I Cl ersonally known to me & oved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. SS my hand and official seal. Place Notary Seal Above , Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attach Title or Type of Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Number of Pages: /c/o&e Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer’s Name: 0 Individual q Corporate Officer - Title(s): 0 Partner - 0 Limited 0 General Cl Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer Is Representing: Top of thumb here Q 1997 National Notary Association - 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 - Chatsworth. CA 91313-2402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-600-676-6627 RESOLUTION NO. 99-136 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t3 14 15 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR POINSET-I-IA LANE FROM AVIARA PARKWAY TO BLACK RAIL ROAD WITH CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP AND APPROVING FIRST AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH SAMBI SEASIDE HEIGHTS. WHEREAS, pursuant to the conditions of approval for Carlsbad Tract 92-02 (“Project”), Sambi Seaside Heights LLC. (“Sambi”) is required to construct a portion of Aviara Parkway from the northern boundary of the Project to Poinsettia Lane (“Aviara Parkway Improvements”); and, WHEREAS, portions of the Aviara Parkway Improvements are included within Bridge and Thoroughfare District #2 (“B&TD #2”) and as such. are eligible for fee credits and/or reimbursement from the proceeds of the district inconformance with the provisions of B&TD #2; and, WHEREAS, in satisfaction of said conditions of approval for Project, Sambi prepared II improvement plans for the Aviara Parkway Improvements, which plans were approved by the II City, and entered into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement guaranteeing the construction of the 16 Aviara Parkway Improvements; and, WHEREAS, upon construction of the Aviara Parkway Improvements, by Sambi, in 17 18 conformance with the City approved improvement plans, City refused to accept the improvements 19 20 due to the existence of a severe dip in the Aviara Parkway Improvements at the intersection with Poinsettia Lane; and, 21 WHEREAS, Sambi refused to effect corrections to the Aviara Parkway Improvements 22 23 unless the City agreed to reimburse Sambi for such corrections from the proceeds of B&TD #2 24 and/or other funding sources; and, 25 WHEREAS, City recognizes that the dip in the roadway was exacerbated due to the 26 preexisting condition of the improvements to the Aviara Parkway (formerly Alga Road) and 27 Poinsettia Lane intersection constructed as part of the Alga Road Assessment District; and, 28 I" 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, a second developer, Catellus Residential Group (“Catellus”) is required pursuant to a condition of approval for Carlsbad Tract 93-09 to extend Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road; and, WHEREAS, Catellus has entered into a reimbursement agreement with the City to obtain reimbursement for a portion of the Poinsettia Lane improvements constructed by Catellus in accordance with the provisions of B&TD #2; and, WHEREAS, City has refused to allow Catellus to complete the Poinsettia Lane connection to Aviara Parkway until such time as the corrections are made to the Aviara Parkway Improvements; and, WHEREAS, Catellus is prepared to complete the corrective work pursuant to a amendment to their reimbursement agreement guaranteeing early reimbursement for the cost of the corrective work in addition to other minor changes affecting their original reimbursement schedule; and, WHEREAS, Sambi is willing to contribute an additional sum of $20,000 to B&TD #2 to help offset the cost of the corrective work and is further willing to pay for the cost to revise the improvement plans for the corrective work; and, WHEREAS, City Council has previously allocated funds from the Alga Road Assessment District to make corrective improvements to the Poinsettia Lane and Aviara Parkway intersection; and, WHEREAS, City Council has previously allocated sufficient funds from B&TD #2 in an 21 amount sufficient to reimburse Catellus for the construction of the corrective work; and, 22 WHEREAS, Sambi, Catellus and the City all desire to enter into appropriate agreements 23 to complete the Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia lane improvements including the corrective work 24 25 26 27 28 ~ to the Ill Ill IfI Ill Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane intersection. II 1. w - 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 2 California, as follows: 3 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. 4 That the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into the amended agreement with 5 Sambi Seaside Heights, LLC, entitled “First Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement 6 CT 92-02(0n-site Improvements)“. 3. 7 That the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into the amended agreement with 8 Catellus Residential Group entitled “First Amendment to Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs g for Construction of Improvements for Poinsettia Lane From Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road”. 10 4. That the Finance Director is directed to allocate $20,000 from the existing 11 appropriation for the Alga Road Assessment District project to be used to reimburse Catellus ,2 Residential Group for the corrective work done pursuant to the amended reimbursement 13 agreement. 14 5. That $100,000 of the existing appropriation from .B&TD #2 funds for the ,5 improvement of Aviara Parkway from Palomar Airport Road to Cobblestone Road be used to 16 reimburse Catellus Residential Group for the corrective work done pursuant to the amended 17 II reimbursement agreement. 18 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 20 tbday of A-1 , 1999 by the following vote, to wit: 21 22 23 AYES * Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila & Hall ABSENT: cou 24 25 26 ATTEST: 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk) (SEAL) City April 29,1999 Kazuyu ki Kawakita Toyohara America Group 8649 Firestone Boulevard Downey, CA 920241 ~IRtkTAMENbMEN’l?‘U SUBDIVISiON IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR CT 92102, ALGA ROAD Enclosed for your reference are copies of Carlsbad City Council Agenda Bill No. 15,147, and Resolution No. 99-136. These documents went before the City Council on April 20, 1999, when the Resolution was adopted, approving the amendment to an existing agreement with your agency. Also enclosed is a copy of the fully executed First Amendment for the above referenced agreement. If you have any questions regarding your project, please call Mr. Dave Hauser, Engineering Department, at: 438-l 161. Kathleen D. Shoup Sr. Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-l 989 * (760) 434-2808 6B April 29, 1999 Peter Lauener Catellus Residential Group 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92714 ~iR@r ~~E~ti;CiitENli’ ta REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR COSTS FOR CONSfRUCTldN OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR POINSETTIA LANE, ETC. ETC. Enclosed for your reference are copies of Carlsbad City Council Agenda Bill No. 15,147, and Resolution No. 99-136. These documents went before the City Council on April 20, 1999, when the Resolution was adopted, approving the amendment to an existing agreement with your agency. Also enclosed is a fully executed copy of the Amendment for the above referenced agreement. If you have any questions regarding your project, please call Mr. Dave Hauser, Engineering Department, at: 438-l 161. : - *yLdYLdf+ . . !-, Kathleen D. Shoup Sr. Office Specialist 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive * Carlsbad, CA 92008-l 989 * (760) 434-2808 a9