HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-11; City Council; 15178; SANDAG Regional Beach Sand Projectc1 -, - Ci I ‘/ OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA JLL AB# 15, 138 TITLE- L UPDATE OF SANDAG MTG. 5-11-99 REGIONAL BEACH SAND PROJECT CITY ATTY. GP I DEPT. FNG CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 9, 1999, City staff and a representative from SANDAG provided the Council with a detailed status report on the Regional Beach Sand project. The Council adopted Resolution No. 99-50 supporting the Regional Beach Sand Project and recommended the allocation of sand as outlined in Alternative A. The allocations were based on the provisions adopted as part of the SANDAG Shoreline Preservation Strategy. Since that time, the SANDAG Board and the Shoreline Erosion Committee have embarked on the environmental impact analysis and permitting phase of the project (expected to be completed in December, 1999). For permitting considerations, the Shoreline Erosion Committee proposed placing a larger quantity of sand on the beach at each site than originally envisioned in Alternative A, now known as Alternative A Plus. This assumption would serve as a permitting contingency measure if the project construction contingency and/or construction costs are lower than those estimated. This would enable the region to obtain more sand than was originally calculated especially if additional sources of funding for sand became available in the future. I The following table compares the two alternatives: :, VOCATION ” ’ 1’. ~$(;L-f@~ATIVE :;A : ALTERNATIVE :&:,pEm North Carlsbad 240,000 cu. yds. 240,000 cu. yds. South Carlsbad 154,000 cu. yds. 360,000 cu. yds. TOTAL 394,000 cu. yds. 600,000 cu. yds. Sand is still expected to be placed on the region’s beaches starting in the spring of the year 2000, about one and one-half years after the start of work. The most likely source of large sand deposits is located along the nearshore coastal area in 30 to 100 feet of water depth and within a mile of the shoreline. Dredging sand from the nearshore sources and pumping it to beaches is a technology that has proven reliable and effective all over the world. This report is an information item only. Staff will continue to apprise the Council of the status of this project as needed. I FISCAL IMPACT: The funds for the Regional Beach Sand Project are a combination of federal and state allocations. The federal government has dedicated $9.3 million with the State of California providing an additional $4.7 million. Currently, no local funds are included. However, coastal cities have the option of contributing additional funds to increase the amount of sand deposited on the beaches. March 31, 1999 San Diego ASSOCZATION OF GOVERNMENTS 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, California 92101-4231 (619) 5955300 l Fax (619) 5955305 http://www.sandag.cog.ca.us TO: ALL CITY CLERKS AND THE CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At their meeting of March 26, 1999 the Board of Directors of the San Diego Association of Governments adopted their FY 2000 Preliminary Program Budget. The Board further directed that a copy of that document be filed with the Clerk of each member agency. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the SANDAG “FY 2000 Preliminary Program Budget”. Your City Manager/CA0 received a copy of this document in his or her March 26, 1999 SANDAG Board Agenda package. Sincerely, 1 Director of Finance and Administration WITS/ Enclosure MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Garlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, Vista, and County of San Diego. ADVISORY/LIAISON MEMBERS: California Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Defense, S.D. Unified Port District, S.D. County Water Authority, and Tijuana/Baja California. Agenda Report No. 21 FY 2000 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM BUDGET MARCH 26,1999 San Diego ASSOCIAX’ION OF GOVERNMENTS 401 B Street l Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 595-5300 MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Cadsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, De4 Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcus, Santee, Sdana Beach, Vista, and County of San Diego. ADVISORY/LIAISON MEMBERS: California Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Defense, San Diego Unified Port District, San Diego County Water Authority, and Tijuana/Baja California/Mexico. Board of Directors SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS The 18 cities and county government are SANDAG serving as the forum for regional decision-making. The Association builds consensus, makes strategic plans, obtains and allocates resources, and provides information on a broad range of topics pertinent to the region’s quality of life. CHAIRMAN: Hon. Art Madrid VICE CHAIR: Hon. Ramona Finnila SECRETARY-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Kenneth E. Sulzer CR-Y OF CARLSBAD CITY OF SAN DIEGO Hon. Ramona Finnila. Councilmember (A) Hon. Bud Lewis, Mayor Hon. Barbara Warden, Councilmember (A) Hon. Juan Vargas, Councilmember (A) Hon. Matl Hall, Mayor Pro Tern (A) Hon. Byron Wear, Deputy Mayor CITY OF CHULA VISTA Hon. Shirley Horton, Mayor (A) Hon. Mary Salas, Mayor Pro Tern CITY OF CORONADO Hon. Thomas Smisek, Mayor (A) Hon. Chuck Marks, Councilmember CR-Y OF DEL MAR Hon. Richard Earnest, Mayor (A) Hon Crystal Crawford, Councilmember CITY OF EL CAJON Hon. Richard Rarnos, Councilmember (A) Hon. Mark Lewis, Mayor CITY OF ENCINITAS Hon. Dennis Holz, Deputy Mayor (A) Hon. Sheila Cameron, Mayor ClTY OF ESCONDIDO Hon. Keith Beier, Mayor Pro Tern (A) Hon. June Rady, Councilmember CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Hon. Diane Rose, Mayor (A) Hon. Mayda Winter, Mayor Pro Tern (A) Hon. Patricia McCoy, Councilmember CITY OF LA MESA Hon. Art Madrid, Mayor (A) Hon. Barry Jantz, Councilmember (A) Hon. Jay La Suer, Councilmember CITY OF LEMON GROVE Hon. Mary Sessom, Mayor (A) Hon. Jill Greer, Councilmember CR-Y OF NATIONAL ClTY Hon. Ron Morrison, Vice Mayor (A) Hon. George H. Waters, Mayor Cl-l-Y OF OCEANSIDE Hon. Carol McCauley, Councilmember (A) Hon. Colleen CYHarra, Deputy Mayor CITY OF POWAY Hon. Don Higginson, Councilmember (A) Hon. Mickey Cafagna, Mayor (A) Hon. Robert Emery, Deputy Mayor CITY OF SAN MARCOS Vacant (A) Hon. Hal Martin, Councilmember CITY OF SANTEE Hon. Jack Dale, Mayor (A) Hon. Hal Ryan, Councilmember (A) Hon. Jim Bartell, Vice Mayor ClTY OF SOLANA BEACH Hon. Marion Dodson, Mayor (A) Hon. Joe Kellejian, Deputy Mayor (A) Hon. Marcia Smerican, Councilmember CITY OF VlSTA Hon. Gloria E. McClellan, Mayor (A) Hon. Judy Rter, Councilmember COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Hon. Pam Slater, Chairwoman (A) Hon. Greg Cox. Supervisor STATE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATlON (Advisory Member) Jove Medina, Director (A) Gary Gallegos, District 11 Director U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (Liaison Member) CAPT Tom M. Boothe, USN, CEC Commander, Southwest Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command (A) CAPT Robert Westberg SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT (Advisory Member) Jess Van Deventer, Commissioner SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY (Advisory Member) Frank Chenelle (A) John Fowler TlJUANAlBAJA CALIFORNIA/MEXICO (Advisory Member) Hon. Luis Herrera-Lasso M. Consul General of Mexico Revised January 25,1999 - San Diego Association of Governments March 26,1999 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA REPORT No.: 99-3 21 Action Requested: ADOPT FY 2000 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM BUDGET Authority 7- SANDAG’s Joint Powers Agreement requires the Board to adopt a Preliminary Program Budget prior to April 1st of each year. This preliminary action gives the Member Agencies an estimate of ?I the member assessment amount that they can incorporate into their own preliminary budgets for the coming year. Also, Article 3, Section 132103 (a) of the enabling legislation (SB361) creating the San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission, requires the adoption of an annual T- budget. Budget Review Committee Recommendation The SANDAG Budget Review Committee has reviewed this proposed Preliminary Program Budget and hereby RECOMMENDS f , ?-- that the Board of Directors of the San Diego Association of Governments adopt this FY 2000 Preliminary Program Budget. It further recommends that all Member Agencies be encouraged to review the FY 2000 Draft Overall Work Program and provide input through the Budget Review Committee to assist in its review of the Final Overall Work Program and Budget. Background This Preliminary Budget is based upon SANDAG’s FY 2000 Draft Overall Work Program (OWP). The Board authorized distribution of the Draft OWP at its February meeting. The Draft OWP is being reviewed by the SANDAG Budget Review Committee and by the various federal and state agencies represented on the Inter-modal Planning Group and by the staffs of SANDAG Member h- Agencies. r The Overall Work Program describes SANDAG’s most important responsibilities, and the work elements described in the OWP respond to various initiatives and mandates of local, state and . . . r 111 federal governments. They vary in their purpose, scope and specificity, but all require approval by SANDAG. A brief description of the proposed work program is included in the Executive Summary of this Preliminary Program Budget. BudPet Overview The FY 2000 Preliminary Program Budget projects available revenues, including reserves and TransNet program sales tax revenues and bond proceeds, to be $279,081,253. This projected funding level. represents a 20% increase from the current actual FY 1999 SANDAG and TransNet Program Budgets. This increase is primarily due to the inclusion of the $33 million Coronado Bridge toll reserves scheduled for payment to Caltrans for seismic retrofit, $14.3 million for beach sand replenishment, and $10 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) projects to be administered on behalf of Caltrans. Of the $279 million, $262 million, or 93%, are funds that will be passed through to other governmental agencies or will be contracted out for transportation demand management and other transportation demonstration projects such as the I-15 Value Pricing Demonstration Project and the Intelligent Transportation System Showcase Program. These programs also include the Coronado Bridge retrofit, the beach sand replenishment program, the Freeway Service Patrol and the TransNet-funded programs. A summary of the projected funding, including carryover, by major revenue source is as follows: Revenue Summary Federal Grants State Grants & Subventions TransNet Sales Tax TransNet Revenue Bonds Member Agency Assessments Other Local Funds Services to Other Agencies Interest & Reserves Total Estimated Revenues Member Assessments Actual FY 1999 $19,877,456 9% 11,694,868 5% 157,200,OOO 68% 33,128,739 14% 508,725 0% 3,174,056 1% 602,003 0% 5640,415 3% % of Total Preliminary FY2000 $38,394,364 14% 44,021,672 16% 166,357,847 60% 20,000,000 7% 508,725 0% 2,901,385 1% 420,242 0% 6.477.016 2% % of Td The SANDAG Joint Powers Agreement requires the adoption of a preliminary budget by April 1st so that Member Agencies are provided with an estimate of the proposed assessment early enough to incorporate these funds within their own budgets for the ensuing fiscal year. iv - The Budget Review Committee proposes that the Member Agencies’ assessment be held to the FY 1999 level of $508,725. San Dieno County Regional Transportation Commission Budpet The TransNet budget incorporated in this document is based upon the San Diego Transportation Improvement Program - Ordinance and Expenditure Plan and Section 11 of the Ordinance, which established the guidelines applicable to administrative expenses of the Commission. The Ordinance established the rules for the allocation of all Commission revenues. Commission funds are allocated according to the following priority: 1. No more than one percent of the annual revenues shall be allocated for administrative expenses. 2. Annually, $1 ,OOO,OOO shall be allocated for bicycle facilities. 3. The remaining funds shall be allocated equally among highway improvements, public transit improvements, and local street and road improvements. The Ordinance limited administrative expenses to no more than one percent of the estimated revenues. For FY 2000, this maximum would be $1,667,000. Unused administrative allocations, the difference between the 1% allowable and the actual costs incurred, are retained in a Board established “Administrative Reserve” for future administrative or emergency use. In the final year of the program, accumulated reserves will be distributed to the three program areas and/or used to help retire outstanding bonded debt. SANDAG provides all administrative services to the Commission. Administrative expenses include all expenses of the Board acting as the Commission, as well as all direct staff expenses for the overall planning, programming, financial forecasting and accounting, and the indirect costs allocated for general administrative support such as general management, legal, word processing, office services, materials, supplies, office rent, equipment use, insurance, etc. These costs are allocated to the Commission based upon SANDAG’s federally approved indirect cost allocation plan. SANDAG charges all programs for their share of general administrative expenses in accordance with this plan. A total of approximately $166,700,000 new sales tax funds are estimated to be available for allocation in FY 2000. This amount is net of the costs of the State Board of Equalization to collect and distribute local sales taxes. After the deduction for administrative costs, the Ordinance requires $l,OOO,OOO to be all oca e t d annually for bicycle facilities, leaving $164,033,000 to be allocated equally among the three major program areas. Therefore, $54,677,667 will be allocated to each category for highway improvements, local street/road improvements, and public transit improvements. The local street and road portion is allocated to each city and the county according to a formula, which includes a base of $50,000 to each jurisdiction, and an additional allocation based upon population and number of miles of local streets. V The public transit improvement portion requires one percent ($546,777) to be set aside for services for seniors and disabled. The balance is then allocated to MTDB ($39,221,806) and NCTD ($14,909,084) b ase d on population within their jurisdictions. These allocations for FY -2000 do not include an estimated $4,67 1,601 of interest earnings by the fund or approximately $20 million of TransNet revenue bond proceeds. Interest earned is apportioned to each agency during the course of the fiscal year. However, because earnings of each agency are based upon actual project cash expenditures, the earnings for each agency cannot be determined in advance. Therefore, this budget does not attempt to apportion interest to each participant. flpnd proceeds are allocated to eligible projects based upon the needs of the responsible jurisdiction. The majority of bond proceeds, however, are used in the TransNet highway program. Continuing Review Next month, the Budget Committee will review comments received on the Draft OWP and recommend appropriate revisions to be incorporated into a final overall work program for fiscal year 2000. The budget will then be finalized, reviewed by the Budget Committee, and presented for Board consideration for adoption at the May Board of Directors’ meeting. Executive Director- FOR: Councilmember Ramona Finnila, City of Carlsbad, Chair, Budget Review Committee Mayor Marion Dodson, City of Solarta Beach Mayor Mary Teresa Sessom, City of Lemon Grove Supervisor Pam Slater, County of San Diego Councilmember Barbara Warden, City of San Diego Richard Gittings, City Manager, City of San Marcos and Chair of the Cities/County Managers Association Scott Barnett, Executive Director, San Diego Taxpayers Association Key Staff Contact: Wayne Sink, (619) 595-5340; e-mail: wsi@sandag.cog.ca.us vi r I C r T- r r - - r r I- - r San Diego Association of Governments FY 2000 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. OVERALL WORKPROGRAM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................. PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Comparative Revenue and Expenditure Summary ............................................. Estimated Revenues Summary ........................................................................... Estimated Expenditures Summary.. .................................................................... III. TRANSNET PROGRAM BUDGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iv. PROGRAM BUDGET BY OVERALL WORK PROGRAM NUMBER Program Revenues Summary ............................................................................. Program Expenditures Summary ........................................................................ Staff Allocation Report ....................................................................................... V. LOCAL EXPENSE BUDGET Local Expense Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Local Expense Budget Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI. ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Administration Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administration Expense Budget Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII. MEMBER AGENCY ASSESSMENTS Member Agency Assessment History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Agency Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII. PERSONNEL COST SUMMARY Organization Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated Personnel Cost Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Position History and Classification Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..f........ Position Classification/Salary Range Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ix. BUDGET AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 23 24 25 28 32 36 39 51 53 57 58 62 63 66 67 68 69 73 77 Vii c T- T I T- r I I- I r r r P r San Diego Association of Governments OVERALL WORK PROGRAM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM SUMMARY OF OBJECTIVES REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING PROGRAM 101 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 101.01 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT. This element provides the overall management, coordination and direction for carrying out the Overall Work Program (OWP) and ensures that planned activities are completed effectively and efficiently and coordinated with other agencies. (Federal, State, and Local) 101.02 REGIONAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) provide an opportunity for member agencies to influence federal, state, and local decisions on proposed projects that may affect local jurisdictions’ plans, policies and programs; (2) provide technical assistance for improving proposed pro- jects; (3) maintain a continuous consultation process between the Department of the Navy and SANDAG’s member agencies; and (4) if necessary, analyze the impacts of offshore oil drilling on the region and its local jurisdictions. (Federal, State, and Local) 101.03 BINATIONAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) support the Committee on Binational Regional Oppor- tunities (COBRO) in its work to develop a policy framework for SANDAG regarding border-area activities; (2) monitor and assist in the coordination of the border area’s planning activities, including transportation and sustainable development; (3) create and maintain a database of existing and new border-related activities; and (4) support Border Liaison Mechanism Councils in which SANDAG and/or COBRO has a membership. (Federal and State) 101.06 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM (PIP). The purpose of the PIP is to inform and involve citizens in SANDAG’s various programs and work activities. This in- cludes but is not limited to lower income households, minorities and persons with disabilities, and representatives from community and service organizations, and pub- lic agencies. Citizen participation objectives include involvement of interested citi- Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 3 zens, stakeholders and representatives of community organizations in agency work programs through timely workshops on topical issues, fully noticed public hearings, and ongoing broad citizen/organization involvement in the planning and decision process through the agency’s committee structure. Public information objectives in- clude: easy access to all agency reports, including increased use of Internet’s World Wide Web;publication of information materials highlighting agency activities; con- cise verbal and visual presentations; and consistent media coverage of SANDAG issues. (Federal, State and Local) 101.07 PROGRAM GRAPHICS AND PRINTING SUPPORT. This element provides a full range of graphics and printing support services for the agency’s plans, programs and projects. The services include all in-house graphics production of maps, figures, reports, brochures, and other printed as well as audio/visual materials. This work element helps meet federal, state and local funding requirements. (Federal, State and Local) 102 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT 102.01 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE. The objective of this work element is to provide computer hardware, system software, network, and information system support for the overall work program and administrative functions. As computer and communication technologies evolve, systems are upgraded where changes will save time, save money, and increase productivity. Emphasis in F’Y 2000 is to (1) complete upgrade of the Regional Council Management System and make final Y2K prepa- rations; (2) upgrade.PC network operating system; (3) continue to implement fail- over and backup systems for critical services; and (4) update Disaster Recovery Plan and Configuration Management Plan. (Federal and State) 102.02 DEVELOPMENT MONITORING AND ANALYSIS. The objective of this job is to annually monitor various aspects of development and to maintain the Regional Infor- mation System databases containing current estimates of population and housing, em- ployment and development activities. This work element includes analysis of local, state, and national changes in demographic characteristics and how they relate to plan- ning and policy issues such as travel behavior, social services, and health care. Em- phasis in F’Y 2000 is to (1) implement changes to allow for more frequent and cost- effective updates of site-level employment estimates and (2) provide better integra- tion between economic, demographic, and land use data. (Federal and State) 102.03 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DATABASES AND CAPABILITIES. This job develops and maintains geographic information system (GIS) databases and applications for spatial analysis required in support of the Overall Work Program. In- cluded in this work program is the publication of high-quality maps. This work pro- vides the GIS databases used in the Regional Transportation Plan, the Regional Growth Management Strategy, and other mandated jobs. Emphasis in F’Y 2000 is to (1) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 4 enhance the land use related inventories to better track historical changes for transportation planning and other work program projects; (2) improve the inte- gration of all SANDAG land referenced databases; (3) expand regional GIS layers to include watersheds affecting the San Diego region (m adjoining counties and Mexico); (4) promote regional standards for development of GIS layers through the San Diego Region GIS Coordinators’ Group; (5) implement the new Stan- dardized Land Use Classification system; and (6) continue to develop GIS applica- tions for non-GE professionals. (Federal and State) 102.04 REGIONAL MODEL MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT. The purpose of this job is to develop, refine and maintain procedures and standards for agency model- ing and database configuration management. This includes maintaining, updating and documenting transportation, air quality, land use, demographic and economic models, and associated databases. These models are used to develop and monitor the Regional Growth Forecast, Regional Transportation Plan and subarea transportation studies, the Regional Housing Plan, the Regional Growth Management Strategy, and other man- dated jobs in the work program. Emphasis in FY 2000 includes: (1) making modifi- cations to the transportation models to improve their interaction with socio- economic databases and the other regional estimates and forecasting models; (2) incorporating user-friendly graphics interfaces to our models, taking advantage of PC-based mapping; and (3) developing desktop applications that provide access to the models and databases to a wider audience. (Federal and State) 102.05 CENSUS. The objectives of this job are to increase the availability and use of census data and to maximize the accuracy of Census 2000 in this region by providing co- ordination with the Bureau of the Census, the State Census Data Center network and local jurisdictions in Census 2000 planning efforts. Tasks include: (1) incorpo- rating census databases into the Regional Information System for use in supporting other work elements and the Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program; (2) dis- seminating census data and materials; and (3) coordinating local input on Census 2000 planning programs. Continued emphasis will be on developing a coordinated regional approach to Census 2000 geographic and partnership programs to ensure that regionally consistent information is provided to the Census Bureau efficiently and with minimal effort on the part of local agency staffs. (Federal and State) 102.06 PC APPLICATIONS AND SUPPORT. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) improve work products and productivity by incorporating desktop hardware and software into SANDAG work program and administration activities; (2) assist member agencies, Caltrans and the transit operators in utilizing desktop computers in their plan- ning and operation functions; and (3) develop and maintain Internet web applica- tions that make data in the Regional Information System more approachable by a wider audience; and (4) provide in-house training of SANDAG, member agency and transit operator staff. (Federal and State) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 5 102.07 REGIONAL GROWTH FORECAST. There are four primary objectives for this work element: (1) produce a regional and county/cities forecast of population, housing, em- ployment and land use; (2) analyze alternative land-use policies as part of the Regional Growth Management Strategy; (3) monitor the consistency between the Regional Growth Forecast and current estimates for each jurisdiction; and (4) disseminate the Regional Gr_owth Forecast through presentations and publications. This work element produces the basic forecast data used in most of the other work elements described in this OWP, including the Regional Transportation Plan, corridor studies and subarea transportation projects. Emphasis in FY 2000 is to (1) produce 2020 Cities/County forecasts of population by age, gender and ethnicity and employment by occupa- tion; and (2) disseminate information about growth related issues. (Federal, State, and Local) 102.09 SENSITIVE LANDS ANALYSIS. The primary objectives of this work element are to: (1) establish, maintain, analyze and distribute sensitive land databases for use on regional and local projects; (2) assess how current planning policies protect or impact sensitive resources; (3) monitor impacts to sensitive lands and proposed habitat pre- serves; and (4) assist local agencies in preparing habitat tracking and monitoring proce- dures, reports and tools. Emphasis in FY 2000 will be to assist local agencies that have annual habitat-tracking reporting requirements and the wildlife agencies (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game) in the implementation, training, and use of the GIS-based habitat tracking tool. These databases, tools and analyses help support the Open Space Component of the Regional Growth Management Strategy and the habitat conservation programs in the San Diego region. (Federal, State, and Local) 103 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 103.01 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN (RTP). The objectives of this job are to prepare and maintain the Regional Transportation Plan. An updated RTP and asso- ciated supplemental EIR were approved in 1996. FY 1999 activities included the up- date of the RTP financial element, ongoing public information activities, and the prepa- ration of the draft 1999-2020 RTP. FY 2000 activities will include the completion and adoption of the updated RTP and environmental document as well as ongoing public information and financial planning activities. This work element is prepared in accordance with state and federal guidelines. (Federal and State) 103.02 HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) address major highway issues and coordinate with federal, state and local agencies to refine and update the freeway, expressway, and regional arterial plans; (2) periodi- cally maintain and update ongoing corridor and subarea planning activities; and (3) help the cities and County update their circulation elements using the latest regional growth forecasts and regional transportation model system. (Federal and State) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 6 103.05 103.06 103.07 103.10 103.12 103.13 NONMOTORIZED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. This job includes the mainte- nance of the bicycle facilities plan and the programming of the TDA and TransNet funds for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Construction will continue on the Sweet- water River phase of the Bayshore Bikeway. (Federal, State, and Local) FREIGHT/INTERMODAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. The objectives of this job are to: (1) continue to help resolve f?eight/intermodal issues; (2) coordinate with freight/intermodal planning efforts and border area freight planning; and (3) con- tinue to assist in the planning and implementation of freight/intermodal facilities identi- fied in previous studies related to the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway. (Federal, State, and Local) TRANSPORTATION PLANNING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) assist transit and paratransit operators in im- plementing the Americans With Disabilities Act and in providing transportation to dis- abled persons who are transportation disadvantaged; (2) provide technical assistance to the region’s Coordinated Transportation Service Agency (CTSA); and (3) work with state and other agencies implementing federal and state transportation programs for per- sons with disabilities. (Federal and State) REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MONITORING. The purpose of this job is to prepare the average daily traffic flow map, traffic generator reports, and do other trans- portation data collection and monitoring activities as required. During FY 2000, work will continue on updates to unique traffic generator counts to support the region’s transportation modeling and planning efforts. (Federal, State, and Local) COMMUTER RAILJINTERCITY RAIL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. The objective of this job is to continue to participate in the eight-agency Southern California Intercity Rail Joint Powers Board, as well as the three-agency Los Angeles-San Diego Rail Corridor Agency (LOSSAN). In addition, support will continue with efforts to en- hance and improve commuter rail operations and capital improvements on the COASTER. Monitoring and evaluation of High Speed Rail activities will also be accomplished under this task. (State and Local) ASSISTANCE TO TRANSIT OPERATORS. The objective of the Assistance to Transit Operators (ATO) work element is to provide the region’s transit operators with relevant information regarding the characteristics of their service areas, riders, and sys- tem performance. In addition to information, the AT0 Program is charged with pro- viding technical services, project management assistance and developing analysis tools to more’efficiently use the data available from SANDAG. Information and services available through the AT0 Program are used by local transit agencies for planning, marketing, and other decision-making purposes. In FY 2000, the Regional Taxi Sur- vey will be completed and the new data collection and dissemination methods identified as part of a special FY 1999 study will be implemented. (Federal) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 7 103.19 103.24 103.28 103.32 103.38 103.39 103.40 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. The purpose of this work element is to prepare and maintain a Congestion Management Program (CMP), as required by state law, in cooperation with the cities and County of San Diego, Caltrans, transit agencies, and, the Air Pollution Control District. The CMP also meets federal Conges- tion Management System (CMS) requirements. (Federal.and State) AIR QUALfiY PLANNING/CONFORMITY. The objectives of this job are to: (1) coordinate with local, state and federal transportation and air quality agencies in accor- dance with adopted Conformity Criteria and Procedures and other statewide efforts; and (2) conduct transportation and emissions analyses for determining conformity between the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP), and the Regional Air Quality Plan. (Federal and State) ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY PLANNING. The purposes of this work element are to: (1) coordinate the development of the region’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); (2) continue oversight and development of the regional ITS strategic plan and systems design for incorporation in the Regional Transportation Plan; (3) manage and coordinate the deployment of regional ITS projects and technolo- gies; and (4) represent the region’s interests in the preparation and update of the stra- tegic plan for the federally-designated Southern California ITS Priority Corridor (San Diego to Los Angeles). (Federal and State) TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR STUDY ASSISTANCE. The purpose of this activity is to assist other agencies in conducting transportation corridor studies (Major Investment Studies (MIS)). (Federal and State) JACUMBA/JACUMl? BORDER CROSSING STUDY. The objective of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of re-opening a former Port of Entry (POE) linking the rural communities of Jacumba, California and Jacume in Baja Cali- fornia, Mexico. (Federal and State) SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT GROUND ACCESS STUDY. The objective of this job is to perform a traffic study and alternatives analysis of fea- sible connections between Interstate 5 and the San Diego International Airport; highway access to air cargo and passenger operations; and public transportation alternatives. The Airport Ground Access Study would be coordinated with the master plan for the San Diego International Airport being developed by the San Diego Unified Port District (SDUPD). The study would identify potential short- term and mid-term access improvements to the airport and potential funding sources, if necessary. (Federal and State) SAN DIEGO SEAPORT GROUND ACCESS STUDY. The objective of this job is to perform land use, traffic and engineering analysis of roadway and freeway interchange improvements serving the 10’h Avenue and 24’h Street Marine Termi- nals and intermodal operations. The ground access study, which would be Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 8 C coordinated with the master plan being developed by the San Diego Unified Port District (SDUPD), would identify potential short-term and mid-term access im- provements to the marine terminals and potential funding sources, if necessary. (Federal and State) 103.41 SORRENTO VALLEY CIRCULATION STUDY. The objectives of this job are to: (1) continue to help resolve transportation issues through the use of the Sorrento Valley Transportation Task Force; and (2) coordinate planning efforts between the agencies which operate the freeways, arterials, and the transit and rail service in the area. (Federal and State) 103.42 A WEB ACCESS TOOL FOR DISPLAYING AND RETRIEVING TRANSIT INFORMATION. The objective of this work element is to develop and main- tain an easy-to-use and flexible way of displaying and retrieving transit passen- ger information via the World Wide Web. This tool would be designed with input from the region’s transit operators. Access to detailed data could be restricted to their use, while summary reports could be made available to the general public. This tool will be particularly useful in retrieving historical reports -or reports on various subjects like boarding activity or on-time per- formance data. (State and Local) 103.43 ON-LINE, GIS BASED TOOL FOR REGIONAL TRANSIT STOP INVEN- TORY MAINTENANCE SYSTEM. The objective of this work element is to develop a standardized system that each of the region’s seven transit operators will use to maintain and report changes in their transit stop inventories. This system would be designed and maintained through a GIS that would reside on an Intranet for transit agency staff members. Advantages of this system would be to create a uniform procedure for maintaining and sharing one set of data related to the stops served by all transit operators, which would aid individual transit operators, the regional Automated Transit Information System (ATIS), and SANDAG. This work element seeks to reduce the duplicity of maintaining various inventories in different formats. (State and Local) 103.44 ENHANCING VIEW2TRANSIT: A DESKTOP GIS APPLICATION FOR SHORT-RANGE TRANSIT PLANNING AND MARKETING. The objective of this work element is to streamline and extend the functionality of the existing desktop GIS application, View2Transit, developed by SANDAG for direct use by transit agencies in the San Diego region. (State and Local) . 103.45 IMPLEMENTATION OF A CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT TRANSIT PASSENGER SURVEY PROGRAM. The objective of this work element is to implement the conclusions of a 1999 study that evaluated SANDAG’s current transit passenger surveying procedures and recommended a continuous meas- urement methodology. Advantages to this methodology include more timely Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 9 data for the region’s operators and a more efficient collection procedure for SANDAG. (State and Local) 103.46 NORTH COAST TRANSPORTATION STUDY. This activity will prepare a long-range, multi-modal transportation program for the coastal corridor from the Universsty of California area to Orange County. The corridor contains Interstate 5, the old Coast Highway, El Camino Real, and the only rail connec- tion linking the San Diego region to the rest of California and the nation. (Federal and State) 103.47 RURAL HIGHWAY 94 CORRIDOR STUDY. The purpose of this activity is to conduct a long-range corridor study for the rural portion of Highway 94 in southeastern San Diego County. Because Highway 94 accommodates travel within the San Diego region and also trips to and from Tecate, Mexico, the study will encompass a binational area. This study was initiated in FY 1999. (Federal and State) 104 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION 104.01 TRANSPORTATION COORDINATION. The objective of this job is to assist in the coordination of regional transportation through the coordination of transportation pro- gram activities, the transportation committee structure and staff liaison with Caltrans, the California Transportation Commission, transit operators, and member agencies. (Federal, State, and Local) 104.02 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA) ADMINISTRATION. The primary objectives of this work element are to administer the Local Transportation Fund (LTF’), and the State Transit Assistance Fund (STAF), and to ensure that require- ments of the Transportation Development Act (TDA) are met. These requirements in- clude completion of triennial performance audits for each operator receiving TDA funds, and the development of recommended productivity improvements for transit systems. The intent of these requirements is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and economy of local transit systems receiving support from TDA funds. As the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), SANDAG is responsible for this program in accordance with state law. This work element is necessary under provisions of the Transportation Development Act, and in response to a Memorandum of Under- standing with MTDB and the State of California. (State) 104.03 TransNet/FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. The objective of this job is to manage and administer the local sales tax funds in order to efficiently implement the expenditure plan. Activities include revenue forecasting, cash flow analysis, bonding evaluation, fund investment, disbursements, program and fiscal accounting, auditing, reporting and legal services. (Local) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 10 104.04 104.05 104.06 104.07 104.08 104.09 TransZVetlPROGRAM DEVELOPMENT. The objective of this job is to prepare and maintain the program of projects for the local sales tax expenditure plan. Activities in- clude the preparation and maintenance of compliance guidelines, project scheduling and priority setting, and project programming and monitoring. (Local) TransNet PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM. The objective of the TramNet (transportation network) public information element is to provide an accurate, timely and consistent flow of easily-understood information on the progress of the local transportation sales tax program. The element is designed to heighten awareness among various targeted audiences and stakeholders about how their half-percent sales tax dollars are being spent to improve this region’s highways, transit, local roads, and bicycle facilities. (Local) REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. The objective of the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) is the biennial preparation and adoption of a program of major surface transportation projects. The RTIP includes projects from short-range plans, the Regional Transportation Plan, the air quality plan, and the TramNet program. The RTIP is required by state and federal regulations. (Federal and State). TransNet HIGHWAY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. This job will provide ongoing liaison with Caltrans and affected member agencies to help ensure that the TramNet highway program is within schedule and budget. Activities include the development of project agreements, review of environmental documents, review of Caltrans cost esti- mates and schedules, monitoring of highway project design and construction activities, and administration of highway development contracts. (Local) SAN DIEGO-CORONADO BRIDGE TOLL ADMINISTRATION. The objective of this job is to undertake necessary toll revenue financing activities pursuant to Section 30796.7 of the Streets and Highways Code. These activities may include: (1) support- ing the operation, maintenance and improvement of the bridge and its approaches; (2) supporting transportation services and facilities which increase the capacity of the bridge or reduce the demand for travel in the bridge corridor; (3) supporting alternative forms of transportation within the bridge corridor that reduce congestion and air pollu- tion; (4) developing recommendations regarding toll bridge legislation and earthquake retrofit fmancing; and (5) undertaking environmental and traffic studies related to po- tential toll policy changes. (State) STIP/RIP PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. This job will provide ongoing coordination with sponsors of projects funded in the Regional Improvement Program (RIP) por- tion of the approved State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) consistent with the requirements of Senate Bill 45. General oversight will be exercised to en- sure that the projects stay on schedule and within budget, and that all federal and state requirements are met. (State) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 11 104.10 104.11 104.13 104.14 I- 15 VALUE PRICING PROGRAM. The purpose of the I-15 Value Pricing Program is to test market-based roadway pricing concepts to help manage traffic congestion and provide funding for alternative modes. The Program allows single-occupant vehicle (SOV) users to pay a fee to use the excess capacity on the I-15 Express Lanes. Reve- nue is used for the enhancement of transit services and high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities in _an effort to improve the overall efficiency of the transportation corridor. The Program is being conducted in cooperation with the San Diego Metropolitan Tran- sit Development Board (MTDB), Caltrans, California Highway Patrol (CHP), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FI’A), and the I-15 corridor cities. Legislation is being sought to continue the Program, if self-supporting and approved by the Board of Directors, beyond its January 1, 2000 expiration date. (Local) TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM) PROGRAM. The objectives of this job are to provide ridematching and transportation information services to the region in cooperation with Caltrans, the Air Pollution Control District (APCD), transit providers, Transportation Management Associations (TMAs), the cities and the County. (Federal, State, and Local) FREEWAY SERVICE PATROL. The Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) Program is an ongoing effort operated by SANDAG in conjunction with Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol. The FSP Program is a roving tow service that assists or removes stranded or disabled vehicles on designated urban freeways during peak commute hours. (State and Local) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ITS) PRIORITY CORRIDOR AND SHOWCASE PROGRAM. The purpose of this work element is to administer, on behalf of Caltrans, FHWA and other Southern California transportation agencies which make up the federally-designated ITS Priority Corridor (Los Angeles to San Diego), the scoping, design, and implementation of advanced transportation management and information systems for the Priority Corridor, including the national ITS demonstration project known as “Showcase.” (Federal and State) 105 REGIONAL GROWTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLANNING 105.01 105.02 ENVIRONMENTAL AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) coordinate binational, land use, growth management and en- vironmental work elements with SANDAG transportation and research-related items; and (2) integrate new elements of the RGMS. (Local) REGIONAL HOUSING PLAN. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) assist the local jurisdictions in meeting their affordable housing needs and addressing com- munity concerns; (2) provide coordination and assistance to member jurisdictions and housing authorities as they prepare and implement their housing elements and con- Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 12 solidated plans; (3) provide assistance to local jurisdictions who choose to self-certify their housing elements as permitted by AB 1715; (4) coordinate transportation/transit plans with regional housing needs, especially high-density affordable housing in transit corridors; and (5) continue support of the San Diego Regional Partners in Homeowner- ship. This work element is part of the Regional Growth Management Strategy. (Federal and State) 105.03 REGIONAL ENERGY PLAN AND PROGRAM. The objective of this work element is to take appropriate actions to support the Regional Energy Resource Office in pro- viding technical and program assistance to governments and businesses in the imple- mentation of the recommendations of the Regional Energy Plan and energy actions contained in the Regional Transportation/Transit Plan. This work element is part of the Regional Growth Management Strategy. (Local) 105.04 REGIONAL OPEN SPACE AND NATURAL RESOURCE PLANNING. The eventual goal of this element is to enhance the Open Space element for better inte- gration into the Regional Growth Management Strategy. This work is directed toward the following objectives: (1) update the regional open space inventory, based upon the 2020 Regional Growth Forecast inputs, the habitat conservation planning processes, and the Shoreline Preservation Strategy; (2) revise the Open Space financing strategy; (3) build consensus and resolve conflicts for transportation and other public facilities with open space preservation and management; (4) assist local agencies, as requested, on related open space and natural resource planning activi- ties; (5) provide habitat conservation planning coordination services for the region at the federal, state, and local levels; and (6) assist the Ecotourism Action Committee as it implements a strategy for ecotourism. (Local) 105.05 REGIONAL WATERSHED ELEMENT. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) enable jurisdictions to analyze the impacts of various activities upon the watersheds in the region; (2) in conjunction with Sensitive Lands Analysis, Work Element 102.09, identify data needs for effective watershed planning; (3) integrate watershed manage- ment with local and regional plans and programs (for example, land use and transporta- tion, habitat management, water quality, and water storage), and (4) participate in the statewide watershed project inventory in cooperation with the University of California, Davis. (Federal, State and Local) 105.06 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL POWER POOL. The objective of this work element is to administer the San Diego Regional Power Pool for the public agency mem- bers of the Pool. The Power Pool is currently purchasing electricity at a discount to serve the facilities and operations of its public agency members under the re- structured, competitive electricity market in California. The Power Pool is also involved in evaluating other energy services such as green power and energy management that may add value and reduce costs for members of the pool. (State and Local) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 13 105.07 REGIONAL SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND PROGRAM. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) implement the Regional Beach Sand Project, a major public works project to replenish beaches throughout the region; and (2) assist and coordinate the development of other shoreline restoration, management, and funding initiatives as described in the Shoreline Preservation Strategy. This work element is part of the Regional Open Space Element-and the Regional Growth Management Strategy. (Local) 105.08 AIRPORT COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLANS. The purpose of this job is to support SANDAG’s responsibility as the region’s Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC). The overall objective of the ALUC responsibility is to assure the continued utility of the region’s aviation facilities by preventing encroachment of incompatible land uses and development within airport influence areas. The ALUC’s principal means for achieving this objective is through preparation of comprehensive land use plans for the region’s airports. This work element is required by the state Public Utili- ties Commission and by the Board of Directors serving as the ALUC. (State) 105.12 SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) assist the region’s local governments in planning for solid and hazardous waste management as required by state law (AB 939) by staffing the Integrated Waste Management Local Task Force (SANDAG Board of Directors) and its advisory committees; and (2) assist the jurisdictions in implementing their solid and hazardous waste manage- ment plans. This element is part of the Regional Growth Management Strategy. CQca 105.14 LAND USE DISTRIBUTION ELEMENT (LUDE). With the approval of the regional policy in 1995, SANDAG is assisting local agencies to implement the Land Use Distribution Element: (1) support neighborhood revitalization efforts, as re- quested by member agencies, through design workshops, public outreach efforts, and other implementation activities; (2) research and provide information to help resolve issues related to energy efficiency and higher density development, including the impact of this type of development on public facilities, crime, and property value; and (3) continue to identify funding sources to continue work related to Transit- Oriented Development Planning. (Local) 105.15 REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. The objectives of this work element are to: (1) identify how the region should accommodate its forecasted growth; (2) prepare a monitoring/status report on the region’s progress in implementing the Regional Growth Management Strategy, focusing on the region’s quality of life; (3) continue work on the regional initiative elements of the Strategy; (4) update elements and the self-certification checklist to reflect changes in state and federal laws, changed conditions and the results of the self-certification process and monitoring report; (5) assist the local jurisdictions as they implement the Strategy’s elements and self-certifi- Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 14 cation process; and (6) implement a growth management public outreach program. (Local) 105.18 NORTH COUNTY MULTIPLE HABITAT CONSERVATION PROGRAM (MHCP). The objective of this work element is to assist the north county cities as they complete the final phase of the program. The activities of the cities and SAN- DAG staff during this fiscal year include: (1) finalizing the MHCP plan for public distribution and the public hearing process; (2) finalizing the environmental report for public distribution and the public hearing process; (3) finalizing implementing agreements for the cities and the state and federal wildlife agencies; and (4) meeting other requirements as necessary to obtain take authorization permits from the Cali- fornia Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (Federal, State and Local) 105.19 TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT. With the approval of the concept in June 1998, SANDAG has allocated funds to implement the Land Use Distribu- tion Element by assisting jurisdictions interested in planning transit-oriented development. (1) Through a competitive process, SANDAG will prioritize pro- posals for transit-oriented development planning. (2) SANDAG will assist jurisdictions participating in the program to ensure planning consistency with the Land Use Distribution Element. (Federal and Local) 106 REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE 106.01 REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE. This continuing project serves as the primary source for historical and current information about crime pat- terns and the response by the criminal justice agencies. Crime and arrest trend analyses are used to support criminal justice planning and policy making. The pro- gram provides assistance to member agencies in these areas: twice annual crime reports, resource and information, quality assurance studies of crime-related data, impact assessments of crime-reduction strategies, long-term evaluations of critical issues, and grant writing assistance for agencies seeking state and federal funding. To this end, the program convenes a monthly grants coalition meeting, attended by representatives from justice, health, and other service providers. In addition, this program provides agencies with an evaluation component often required by state- and federally-funded local programs. The Clearinghouse program also monitors the jail population and suggests options for relieving jail crowding. This work program also supports the analysis function for the drug testing program (Work Element 106.05). (Locally-funded by SANDAG member agencies) 106.02 ARJIS ASSESSMENT. The Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) is a law enforcement computer system designed to integrate crime informa- tion to allow justice agencies to respond more effectively to crime. This continuing assessment will monitor the planning and implementation of ARJIS as it transitions Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 15 to a new technology. SANDAG tasks are determined by the ARJIS Management Committee. (ARJIS Member Agencies) 106.05 ARRESTEE DRUG ABUSE MONITORING (ADAM) PROGRAM (formerly called Drug Use Forecasting (DUF) Program). This program provides local policy- makers and-criminal justice practitioners with an objective indicator of drug use trends among the offender population. Results are used to identify potential drug epidemics, determine drug treatment needs, and as a means to measure drug preven- tion and control efforts. (National Institute of Justice) 106.29 THE 8% PROJECT TO REDUCE JUVENILE VIOLENCE. Research confirms that about 8% of the juveniles in the justice system are responsible for over one-half of the crimes committed by youth. There is a critical need to target this group early in their delinquent careers to reduce further criminality. The State of California funded seven counties, including San Diego, to participate in the “8% Project,” which identi- fied up to 100 juveniles and provides intensive supervision and rehabilitation services through a collaborative involving the County Probation Department, Drug and Alcohol Services, and the Health and Human Services Agency. SANDAG is conducting a process and impact assessment of the three-year program, utilizing a matched control group to determine the effectiveness of the project in reducing recidivism, increasing school attendance, and improving educational levels. (San Diego County Probation Department) 106.30 BREAKING CYCLES (SB 1760). The California 1996 legislature enacted SB 1760 to provide counties funding support to address juveniles at risk for delinquency, as well as those juveniles with serious delinquency problems. The legislation requires a comprehensive, collaborative system of agencies that work together to make juve- niles accountable for their behavior and improve the juvenile justice and community response to juvenile offenders through a system of graduated sanctions. The San Diego County Probation Department sought and received $4.9 million from the State to implement the program. To meet the legislative requirements for a rigorous evaluation, the Probation Department requested SANDAG services to conduct an impact assessment of the three-year program. (San Diego County Probation Department) 106.36 METHAMPHETAMINE TREATMENT REPLICATION STUDY. The use of methamphetamine is a serious concern in San Diego. The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment provided funding support to seven cities to replicate a treat- ment model that has shown effectiveness with meth users. SANDAG partnered with the EYE Family Recovery Center and the County Drug and Alcohol Services Division to conduct a rigorous three-year study to determine if this model works with local drug abusers. (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 16 106.37 106.38 106.39 106.40 106.41 SERVICES TO VICTIMS OF VIOLENT CRIMES IMPACT EVALUATION. All states receive federal funding to provide financial compensation and services to victims of violent crimes. In an effort to determine just how effective those programs are, SANDAG, in collaboration with the Urban Institute, will conduct a process and an impact evaluation of these services nationwide. (Urban Insti- tute via the National Institute of Justice) ASSESSMENT OF THE SAN DIEGO SHERIFF’S CENTRALIZED DOMES- TIC VIOLENCE UNIT. In response to a specialized solicitation from the National Institute of Justice, SANDAG received funds to conduct an 18-month assessment of the Sheriff’s Domestic Violence Unit. The evaluation is process- oriented and includes collaborating with a number of agencies to identify the measures that constitute success or the benefits of having this function central- ized. (National Institute of Justice) EXPLORATORY STUDY OF CHILDREN WHO WITNESS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE COMMUNITY-POLICING RESPONSE. Research has shown that devastating effects can occur when children witness domestic violence in their homes. One of these is an increased likelihood that children who witness may display violent behavior in adulthood. Programs are now in place in some police departments to address this phenomenon within a commu- nity-policing context. This study, in partnership with the American Bar Asso- ciation, will conduct a nationwide study to determine sites in which innovative programs or strategies are taking place to reduce the effects of violence in childhood. (American Bar Association via the National Institute of Justice) ASSESSMENT OF VIOLENCE IN AND AROUND SCHOOLS. The City of Santee and the Sheriff’s Station received funds from the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office of the Federal Department of Justice to ex- amine the issue of crime around schools. The study will bring together commu- nity leaders, school staff, students, and law enforcement to identify the scope of the issue and develop collaborative strategies to address the problem. SANDAG will provide the required external evaluation of the program. (City of Santee via COPS Office) METHAMPHETAMINE STUDY IN SIX CITIES. In mid-1998, Congress appropriated funds to six cities in the country to address an emerging metham- phetamine problem using a community-oriented policing approach. Funds were also appropriated to the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office to conduct an 18-month evaluation of the progress and impact of these projects. The Institute for Law and Justice is conducting the evaluation and requested SANDAG’s consultant services in two west coast cities (Phoenix and Dallas). SANDAG will assist the sites in developing prevention and intervention strategies to address methamphetamine abuse and trafficking. (Institute for Law and Justice via the COPS Office) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 17 107 REGIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES AND ASSISTANCE 107.01 LOCAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO MEMBER AGENCIES. The purpose of this work element is to provide information and technical services to member agencies to assist them in areas of planning and facility management. As studies are completed, technical capabilities and refined databases are developed, allowing for increased utili- zation of these services and information. The objective is to assist member agencies in the application of existing data and technical analytical capabilities for solving specific local problems. There will be continued emphasis on placing databases and tools for analysis in the hands of member agencies to further expand the use of the Regional Information System. This work element will respond to member agencies’ requests for assistance. (Board Initiated) 108 SPECIAL SERVICES 108.01 SANDAG SERVICES TO SOURCEPOINT. The purpose of SourcePoint is to assist SANDAG with providing regional information services and technical assistance to public and private organizations and individuals, including the provision of demo- graphic and economic data and professional services. SourcePoint policy requires that charges for information and services provided be based upon competitive market rates, subject to full-cost reimbursement to SANDAG. This program shall account for all SANDAG services to SourcePoint, including management, marketing, systems mainte- nance, and any work on specific contracts or projects. (Board Initiated) 109 REGIONAL ECONOMIC PLANNING AND RESEARCH 109.01 REGIONAL ECONOMIC PROSPERITY STRATEGY. The purpose of this work element is to assist local jurisdictions and economic development agencies through- out the region. The strategy will help these agencies understand the strengths and weaknesses of the local economy, and its relationship with state, national and inter- national economic activity. The regional economic prosperity strategy will be con- sistent with the proposed Regional Growth Management Strategy. Attention will be on maintaining our quality of life, in part, by identifying and retaining the most im- portant economic and fiscal contributors. This work element will provide economic information on these contributors, as well as information that may be used to help encourage retention, expansion, and the generation of additional employment op- portunities by local firms and businesses. Two additional objectives of this work element are: (1) to analyze the effect of, and the relationship between, pro- posed/planned major capital facility improvements, constructed to help maintain the region’s quality of life, and (2) to report on the economic impacts of implementing selected elements of the Overall Work Program. This economic impact analysis of selected OWP elements will be performed as the programs are undertaken. (Local) Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 18 rt c - e- ~ I r- r .- I-- I_ r r I r c 109.02 FISCAL ABILITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The purposes of this work element are to evaluate the region’s public financing system, to provide solutions to fiscal prob- lems related to SANDAG’s Regional Growth Forecasts and transportation planning programs, and to formulate financing alternatives for regional infrastructure, including proposals for state/local fiscal reform. This element is part of the Regional Growth Management Strategy. (Local) 140 Tram/Vet PROGRAM 141.00 142.00 143.00 144.00 TrunsNet BICYCLE FACILITIES. Under the local transportation sales tax ordi- nance, $l,OOO,OOO per year is allocated for bicycle facilities. These funds are used by local agencies to design and construct bicycle transportation facilities, to install bicycle parking, and to undertake bicycle safety and encouragement programs. The purpose of the program is to encourage bicycle transportation by improving the places where people cycle, and by promoting cycling as a transportation option. (Local) TransNet HIGHWAY PROGRAM. One-third of the annual TrunsNet revenues is allocated to major highway projects. The TransNet Highway Program is adminis- tered and implemented in jobs 104.03, TransNetlFinancial Management, and 104.07, TrunsNet Highway Project Development. The amount allocated from year to year will vary, depending upon revenues, bonding, and cash flow requirements. (Local) TransNet TRANSIT PROGRAM. One-third of the TransNet sales tax revenues is allocated by formula to the North San Diego County Transit Development Board (NSDCTDB) and the Metropolitan Transit Development Board (MTDB) for speci- fied rail projects and other transit purposes. These funds are administered in job 104.03, TrunsNetlFinancial Management. The amount allocated depends upon reve- nues, bonding and cash flow requirements. (Local) TrunsNet LOCAL STREETS PROGRAM. One-third of the TrunsNet revenues is allocated to cities and the County on a formula basis for street and road purposes. Projects may include new construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of existing right of way. Through the expenditure of these funds, local traffic circulation is en- hanced. (Local) r r r Bold indicates emphasis area, new programs, projects, or tasks. 19 C San Diego Association of Governments PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1999 AND 2000 COMPARATIVE REVENUE & EXPENDITURE SUMMARY AMENDED %OF PRELIMINARY %OF REVENUE SUMMARY FY 1999 TOTAL FY2ooa TOTAL FEDERAL GRANTS STATE GRANTS & SUBVENTIONS TRANSNET SALES TAX TRANSNET REVENUE BONDS MEMBER AGENCY ASSESSMENTS OTHER LOCAL FUNDS SERVICES TO OTHER AGENCIES INTEREST & RESERVES s 19,877,456 9% s 38,394,3&l 14% 11,894,868 5% 44.021.672 16% 157,200,OOO 68% 199.357,847 60% 33,128,739 14% 2o,ooo,oocJ 7% 508,725 0% 508,725 0% 3,174,056 1% 2,901,385 1% 602,003 0% 420.242 0% 5,640,415 2% 6.477,016 2% TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 5 231,826,262 100% 5 279,081,253 100% EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PERSONNEL SALARIES 81 BENEFITS DATA PROCESSING OUTSIDE GRAPHICS & REPORTS OTHER DIRECT COSTS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PASS-THROUGH 8 IN-KIND SERVICES TRANSNET BICYCLE FACILITIES TRANSNET HIGHWAY PROGRAM TRANSNET TRANSIT PROGRAM TRANSNET LOCAL STREETS PROGRAM INDIRECT COST - NON PERSONNEL LOCAL EXPENSE TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES RESERVES CARRYOVER TOTAL EXPENDITURES & RESERVES s 6,029,037 3% 5 350,ooo 0% 189,700 0% 139,200 0% 808,ooo 0% 20,047.700 9% 4,443,450 2% l,@XooO 0% 77,597,961 33% 50,552,667 22% 58,552,867 25% 1,801,OOO 1% 312.050 0% 8,229,373 2% 350,ooo 0% 233.500 0% 504,400 0% 798,600 0% 42,222.625 15% 35,195,875 13% l.@JMJ@J 0% 74.543.290 271 54.677.667 20% 54.677.667 20% 1.859.190 1% 312.050 0% 221,823,432 96% 272.604.237 1,554,323 1% 1,576,QOO 8B448.507 4% 4,901.016 5 231,826,262 100% 5 279,091,253 98% 1% 2% 100% 23 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS N 2COO ESTIMATED FUNDING SUMMARY ESTIMATED REVENUES ADOPTED FY 1999 AMENDED PRELIMINARY %OF % FY 1999 NZOOO TOTAL CNG -- FEDERAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: FTA MP0 PLANNING (Section 5m) FTA TRANSIT PLANNING (Sedion 5307) FTA TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT FTA DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS FHWA la?4 PL PLANNING FHWA. ITS 6 CMAQ- FHWASTATE PLANNING (L RESEARCH FHWA l-15 PRICING DEMONSTRATION FHWA, CMAQ RIDESHARE FUNDS FHWA. ITMIS SHOWCAsE PROJECTS FHWA TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MGMT U.S. DOD BEACH SAND U.S. FISH 6 WILDLIFE SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5 651.170 5 651.170 f 684,235 2,034,352 1.716.648 l,~.~ 0 0 726,679 0 68,768 0 2.738.998 2.738.998 3.145.255 441.621 392,939 10.680.ooo 0 332,000 686.891 5.209,180 4,660.901 1,524,175 0 4owQo 409,545 7.687,744 8.182.388 8.297.263 600.~ 153.961 0 0 0 %=w@J 561,003 579,685 357,457 112.657 0 182,981 0 0 189,885 TOTAL FEDERAL 20.036.723 19.877.456 38.394.364 STATE: TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT: PLANNING ADMINISTRATION CALTRANS: SWCORONADQ SRlCCiE TOLLS STIP PLANNING STIP RIDESHARE FUNDS FREEWAY SERVICE PATROL STATE HOUSING ASSISTANCE CLAIM CAL BOATING SAND REPLENISHMENT (SB654) STP TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MGMT OTHER 1,734.090 1.417,447 1.593.792 275,000 =x=4 3oWoo 2.~,~ 2,~.~ 33,189.376 194.035 193,ooo 192,999 160,000 40%~ 4wJ@J 2,400,ooO 2,390.209 3.568503 0 0 77,Wl 0 4,815,586 4.7oo.ooo 606,315 0 0 498,040 95.082 0 TOTAL STATE 7.867.480 11.694.866 44.m ,672 LOCAL: MEMBER ASSESSMENTS TRANSNET PROGRAM TRANSNET REVENUE BONDS AIR POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE SAN DIEGO COUNTY PROBATION DEPT OTHER LOCAL l-15 DEMO USER FEES IN-KIND SERVICES/LOCAL MATCH 508,725 154.200,ooa ~.~.ooo 0 85,000 507,125 277.938 700,ooo 1,635,OOO 508,725 508.725 157,200,ooa 166.357.847 33.128.739- 20,ooo,ooo 0 121,700 85,0X1 WJcQ 483,541 481.407 173.232 222.403 700,ocO 475,ooo 1.732.283 1.515.875 TOTAL LOCAL 193,913,788 194,011,520 189.767,956 SERVICES TO OTHER AGENCIES: LOCAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES TO SOURCEPOINT TOTAL OTHER TOTAL PROGRAM FUNDING 227,653 446,782 265,410 155,221 155,221 154.833 382,874 602.003 420.242 222.200.865 226.185.847 272.61X.237 INTEREbT & RESERVES: TRANSNET INTEREST RESTRICTED (HOV Lane Fines) UNRESTRICTED TOTALINTEREST~RESERVES 3.855.C00 3.855.000 4.671.601 204.232 209,415 229.415 1.4@J.o00 1.576.000 1.576.000 5.459.232 5.640.41s 6.477.016 TOTALREVENUESLRESERVES Percent Change f 227.660.098 t 231.826.262 5 279.081.253 2% 20% 24 14% 16% 68% 0% 2% 100% 93% 276% . -2% -30% 21% 15% 20% - c c r .-- r r .- r- SAN DIEGO AsSXlATlON OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 ESTIMATED BUDGET SUMMARY ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL: ADOPTED FY 1999 AMENDED PRELIMINARY %OF % FYI999 Fr2ooo TOTAL CNG PROGRAM SAIARIES 8 BENEFITS 5 5,003,2n 5 5.003,277 S 5178,813 2% 4% NON-PERSONNEL: MISCELLANEOUS NON-PERSONNEL: DATA PROCESSING OUTSIDE MATERIALS, GRAPHICS 8 REPORTS OTHER DIRECT COSTS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-PERSONNEL: CONTRACT SERVICES: .- INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 8 PGRM MGMT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT L ADMIN REGL GROWTH & ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT PLNG CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE REGIONAL INFORMATION SVCS &ASSISTANCE TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES: PASS-THROUGH 8 IN-KIND SERVICES: MTDB. TDAADMINITRANSIT GUIDE MTDBICORONADO. BRIDGE TOLL PROJECTS CALTRANS, BRIDGE SEISMIC RETROFIT GIN OF SAN DIEGO, HABITAT PLNG TRANSNET BICYCLE FACILITIES TRANSNET HIGHWAY PROGRAM TRANSNET TRANSIT PROGRAM TRAt+SNET LOCAL STREETS PROGRAM IN-KIND SERVICES TOTAL PASS-THROUGH 8 IN-KIND SERVICES: INDIRECT CHARGES TOTAL NON-PERSONNEL TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET LOCAL/BOARD EXPENSE BUDGET SUMMARY TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES RESERVES CARRYOVER TOTALRESERVES&CARRYOVER TOTAL EXPENDITURES & RESERVES S 227560.098 5 231.826.262 S 279.081,253 Percent Change 2% 20% 350,ooo 189,700 139,200 aoa.ooo 1,486,900 35opoo la9.7oo 139,200 a@%~ 1,486,9oo 350,ooo 233,500 =I,- 798.600 f.886,500 60,CQZJ 213,200 13Jk~ 17,638,OOO 810,ooo 4,oQo 22.500 20,047,700 60,ooO 213,200 I.~.~ 17,63a,ooo aio.ooo 4mo 22.500 20.047.7W ~.ooo a7,ooo 11.525.ooo 14.546,125 15,625,ooo 285,om @-z=o 42.222.625 60,ooO @a~ I ,898,450 I .a98.450 0 a 150,OOo lsO.ooO l,~,ooo 1xJ@J,ooo 77,597.961 77.597.961 50,552,667 50.552.667 58,552.667 58.552.667 2,335,MH) 2,335,ooO 192,146,745 192.146.74s 2,826,76o 2i826.760 216,5oa,lo5 216.508,105 221.511,382 221.51 I.382 312,050 312.050 221.823,432 221 .a23.432 1.554,323 1.554,323 4.202.343 8.44a.507 5.836.666 10,002,630 55.ooo 0 33.ooo.ooo mv3oo l.ww@J 74543.290 54.677.667 54,677,667 I ,99o,a75 220.094.499 2.909,750 267.113.374 272,292,i a7 312,050 272fKI4.237 1.576.ooO 4.901 .016 6.477.016 1% 15% 79% 1% 96% 98% 0% 98% 2% 100% 27% 111% 15% 3% 23% 23% 0% 23% -35% 20% 25 San Diego Association of Governments TRANSNETPROGRAM BUDGET SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FY 2ooO TRANSNET PROGRAM BUDGET TRANSNET PROGRAM REVENUES Fy1999 FYI999 FY2oCo % ADOPTED AMENDED PRELIMINARY CNG ESTIMATED SALES TAX RECEIPTS s 156,821.400 s 159.700,ow s 169.2Do.500 LESS: BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FEES (2.621.400) (z,=,GW (2.WWW NET SALES TAX RECEIPTS 154,200,oc0 157,200.000 166,700,ooo TRANSNETREVENUEBONDS w)cQ~ 3wQW@J 2o,tloo,ooo INTEREST INCOME 3.B55.Doo 4,4B5,373 4.671.601 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 5 194055.wo s 197.605.373 s 191,371.601 TRANSNET PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE ALLOCATIONS: ’ ‘COMMISSION/BOARD EXPENSES 5 16wa 5 163.963 5 163.963 ADMINISTRATIVOCONTRACTURAL SERVICES I .ooo.602 1000,602 1,160,892 ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 3n.435 467,435 342.145 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1,542.ooo 1.572,BW 1,667,wa PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS: BICYCLE FACILITIES ’ I$@%~ I,~,~ I.~*~ HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS ’ 50552,666 51542,666 54,677$66 ’ PUBLIC TRANSIT IMPROVEMENT s 50.552.667 51,542,667 54,677,667 ’ LOCAL STREET 8 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ’ 50552,667 51542,667 54.677667 ’ TOTAL PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS 152,658,oog 155.628.wo 165,033.OOO TRANSNET REVENUE BOND ALLOCATIONS wmo@J ~,~,~ 2o,ooD,ow TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 190.200.ooo 193.2w,ooo 186,7w.o00 INTEREST TO BE ALLOCATED 3,855.Qoo 4,405,373 4,671,601 TOTAL ALLOCATIONS AND INTEREST 5 194.055,OOO $ 197.605373 5 191,371,601 NOTES: 6.0% -3.2% 6.0% 6.0% -3.4% -3.2% The TransNet Ordinance established the rules for the allocation of all Commission revenues. Commission funds are allocated according to the following priority: ’ No more than one percent of the annual revenues shall be allocated for administrative expenses. ’ Annually, $1 .OC0,OOC shall be allocated for bicycle facilities. ’ The remaining funds shall be allocated equally among highway improvements, public transit improvements, and local street and road improvements. * Funds allocated to these program areas include annual debt service for TransNet revenue bonds and short-term commercial paper notes. FT99 total is $64 million funded by highways ($45 million), transit ($31 million), and local streets and roads ($8 million). 28 /- - SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Fy 2CiQO TRANSNET PROGRAM BUDGET ESTIMATED PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS ’ FY 1999 FY 1999 P/zoo0 % ADOPTED AMENDED PRELIMINARY CNG BICYCLE FACILITIES HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS t l,ooo,~ 5 I,~,~ s 1 mt~ 0.0% S 50552,666 S 51542.666 S 54,677,666 6.1% PUBLIC TRANSIT IMPROVEMENTS:’ 1% FOR SERVICES FOR SENIORS AND DISABLED MTDB PROJECTS 8 SERVICES (72%): 80% FOR RAIL CAPITAL PROJECTS PASS PROGRAMS 8 SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS s 505,527 5 515,427 5 546777 29.010.263 29.578.387 31.377445 7,252,566 7,394,597 7844,361 TOTAL MTDB 36,262.829 36.972,983 39.221.806 NCTD PROJECTS 8 SERVICES (28%) 80% FOR RAIL CAPITAL PROJECTS PASS PROGRAMS 8 SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS 11,027,449 11,243.405 11.927.267 2,756,862 2,810,851 2.981.817 TOTAL NCTD 13.784,311 14,054.257 14909,084 TOTAL PUBLIC TRANSIT IMPROVEMENTS 5 50,552,667 S 51542,667 $ 54,677,667 6.1% LOCAL STREET & ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: s CARLSBAD CHULAVISTA CORONADO DEL MAR EL CAJON ENCINITAS ESCONDIDO IMPERIAL BEACH LA MESA LEMON GROVE NATIONAL CITY OCEANSIDE POWAY SAN DIEGO SAN MARCOS SANTEE SOLANA BEACH VISTA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 5 I,4328786 5 I.460845 5 1SWQQ 2.661.303 2,713.421 2,878&l =&= 518,296 549,814 169.560 172,880 183.395 l,W4050 1635,463 1,734,938 1.112.175 I,133956 1,202,927 2.162,202 2.204546 2,338,634 493,303 502,963 533.555 1 ,Cf88,651 1,109.971 1.177,483 505,217 515,111 546,442 974,611 993,697 l&54,137 2,737.289 2,790,886 2Q60.637 961,462 980,291 1,039,915 20,771,916 21,178.704 22466,864 953,417 972,088 1,031214 987,080 l,w6,410 I,067623 320,645 326,924 346,809 1.437,856 1,466,014 1,555,182 9670.818 9.860.206 10,459,938 TOTAL LOCAL STREET & ROAD IMPROVEMENTS S 50.552,667 5 51.542.667 S 54.677.667 6.1% TOTAL PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS 5 152,657,999 5 155,628,QOO 5 165,033,QOO 6.0% NOTES: ’ This table does not include interest earnings which are allocated to each agency based upon actual cash flow or revenue bond proceeds for specific projects. 2 Transit allocations are 1% for services to seniors and disabled with the balance allocated by population to MTDB (72%) and NCTD (28%) ’ Local program funds are allocated as $5O,OCh3 to each jurisdiction and the balance allocated by a formula based on 2/3rds population and 1/3rds miles of local streeds and roads. 29 San Diego Association of Governments PROGRAM BUDGET BY OVERALL WORK PROGRAM NUMBER oooooooooooooooooooooo 0~000000, c9 ?a s 05 ~oooo-~o n 4 R 5 oolDooooooooooooooooooo s z 00000000 oooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo(oolo (10 28 6 8-J g s 2s m- 83 e-2 6 23 OOOmOOOOOOo w ui tQ cd :: P G-GGgJng-R e YYYYVYYYV u&!uuuuucu gQ E ooooooooo~no 8 -In d oi M8 2 K v= od OOOOOOoO oooooooooogog~~g~oJ~~~o 0 0 us 7 OD m ;x u)vcI 3 9 m 0 h m ; vi d ci (D -x~ciacn)O+NID~ 0 lm~~g0&r00~n~“00000000o- e 0 0 0 9 k 0 N =. 6 ZZ:“” 5: (011 3-3s I2 v-.- ~0000--ooooooo FJ z? d 5 j00~0000 w00cnrON~OOOuJOOOOOOOooo rc g 3 !q f2- X8 8 a I ES d 0 s FJ;;i :: goooo~ooooooo ci us ? c! M 8 go~oo~ooln~o~oooooooooo b. 0 9 r 0 (? k (D I? u)T E uloooocooooooo ;;i 6 ui oi NVINOelb ~“O”b”h”“o~fig~~~ ~~~iz4~ul~Z~~~ 8h;“” raD(D1ToV)l-cr w- cd w- m- I+ w- d cd In- ; o- ; v- pj *- r; ; 0; N- *- r; cu- ~~n~o~~~~~%~Po~aoso=~~ ; 32 2 ooooooooooooo at5 8 82 g JO P s 8 z 5% 92 I R%h%G b lo,r40rg-u$3cm~00 z “1; g 5 Pi ;r; Y- g- f rG 5 g a 3 2 Li= ooooooooooooo fS 28 Sa: l-p iz 8 e o-oo.~oooooooo 2 8 8 k v P E s -9 2% ooooooooooobm s se Iti- XE LO 5 2; 6 (0 32 g~~~~gt$*~~~“” 22 b- c- s- -, =- Fi $j Y2 - 2 g T- v- s-t-4 $ B 5 ci! 2 ge OOOOOOOOOoOOO E @ tLoooooooooo I? s ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo 33 t=s 00 YV zz yj f N.- Fii* g- 00 00 00 80 h. u) 0 00 E *i** :: 0000 00+.b 8”N8% sdr=‘E 9 v? ? c ‘;rZ% 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ooIh)c 8K8i% $$$$ <f(-if gsp i 852 ‘iia s;z; yucu, o3ag ggg tS;VX zzzz lnmv)ul c c c c Zm,m,E l-8-l-c ggg$ v-r.- 0 H I $ 5 c: H B I I s E 0 8 8 H 0 u-l i-2 f I a9 0 c -.- 5: 0 !3 E _ 8 I- H !? H iii ,c=iTfQi36 E - GS.3 u!hbbBkB,!5!5~ 34 I c=iTi? S6ii? 6 c - h SE0 +- i;s;;;i3ss i? 63 CR 6 E 8CS8 YYY VYY Y v -us c -.-.-v-.-r ‘; z VYYYYY ts c c csctz ggoo$$$ *$$$***$ ~****~$$ za .-r o"~o~.~~g~o~o~ o~~oo$o~o~~~~ * - bI#-aNul %- N “E w- ARW:: 8% z ; ; 6 d w i; ES & In~ooooo oooooooo OZW m,zo ooooooo~oo~ooooooooooo *i ooooo~o~oou$ !$o I> 9 aaza Co $3 $ cIa23w w w 5 4j $ P5- coax8 “‘“UJ oiti oggogggo cgoooo~o~oooooooooooooo oooo~oooooooo *cl -, ; d In- *- an- u-a- CWQQ N N xl- o& c- of-P+BXZW v)N(Dot.-v)b w co v k 7 9 v? o)vo)r.(DIIIIm Orm00NNOOONcom~~ N. r o? 9 s -. k 0 ~~Ot-OrVNOt.NVO~h $ 8RsiRW6 Ncolnm0ln0~mrl-e0 T-mlNVrVOrtONr 8 aONhON0 fC-“QFi%:5: ii”~-~v~ - k=o 0 9 o? k -t ‘I “. s N s 7 7. q Y u? s P s 0 o? 9 s co*mrPm~a~~~~~nnccog~~ o? ‘9 9 N q cu k “. Y s 0 Y Y lnlnrrrN-z? N--PNlnOtOIDN~Oln Nmaa-rVOcD*lD~tnrN .-.a- z 44 36 1 * _. 0000 g Pi N‘ .= ti H t283 6 ON(OOOlcNN(cO) NCOU)rQ)Q)OV)t-- t.hNRPU,.-.--CO* C7BOt..-~‘ONI”VNN h. k 9 u? (9 Q. ‘- 9 Y oi 4 37 K f-e--- OamoowG~P~~ YIYYVYVYYV 38 - L 7” SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS N 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER OWP NO. PROJECT POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK NAME CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS 10101 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIR. OF LAND USE DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION DIR. OF RESEARCH SPECIAL SVCS DIR. COMMUNICATIONS DIR. CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. JOB TOTAL 1010 2020 3020 4020 5021 6020 7020 10102 REGL INTERGOVERMENTAL REVIEW SPECIAL PROJECTS DIR. SENIOR REGL PLANNER SENIOR REGL PLANNER JOBTOTAL . 2130 2202 2205 10103 BINATIONAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION DIR. OF LAND USE SENIOR REGL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SPECIAL SVCS DIR. SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 2020 2202 2301 3210 5021 5202 10106 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM JOB TOTAL ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST 4503 ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST 4506 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 4607 SPECIAL SVCS DIR. 5021 COMMUNICATIONS DIR. 6020 PUBLIC INFO. SPECIALIST 6601 10107 PROGRAM GRAPHICS & PRINTING SUPORT GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR GRAPHICS SPECIALIST GRAPHICS SPECIALIST JOB TOTAL 6401 6501 6502 10201 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE DIR. OF RESEARCH CHIEF INFO. SYS. DEVEL. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 4020 4201 4605 4606 10202 URBAN DEVELOPMENT MONTORING & ANALYSIS DIR. OF RESEARCH SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOC. REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOC. RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SPECIAL SVCS DIR. SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 4020 4203 4207 4208 4301 4501 4506 5021 5202 10203 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DIR. OF RESEARCH 4020 300 39 1,020 200 160 350 200 142 200 2,272 240 240 160 640 240 1,160 1,200 120 80 160 2,960 100 loo 40 80 669 800 1,789 1,358 1,053 990 3,401 200 1,760 1,760 1,600 5.320 120 680 250 40 800 120 580 80 80 2,750 SAN DlEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER OWP NO. PROJECT POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK NAME CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4206 1,740 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOC. RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST JOB TOTAL 10204 REGIONAL MODEL MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT DIR. OF RESEARCH SENlOR REGiONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR TECHNICIAN SPECIAL SVCS DIR. JOB TOTAL TO205 CENSU.S DIR. OF RESEARCH 4020 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4202 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4206 ASSOC. RESEARCH ANALY. 4501 ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST 4507 SENIOR TECHNICIAN 4609 JOB TOTAL 10206 MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS DIR. OF RESEARCH SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST JOB TOTAL 10207 REGIONAL GROWTH FORECASTS DIR. OF RESEARCH 4020 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4203 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4207 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4208 ASSOC. REGIONAL PLANNER 4301 ASSOC. RESEARCH.ANALY. 4501 ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST 4506 SPECIAL SVCS DIR. 5021 JOB TOTAL 10209 SENSITIVE LANDS ANALYSIS DIR. OF RESEARCH 4020 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. 4401 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. 4402 ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST 4507 JOB TOTAL 10301 REGL TRANSPORTATION PLAN DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 MGR. OF TRANSP. FINANCING 3101 MGR. OF TRANSP. PROGRAMMING 3102 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4204 JOB TOTAL 4401 4402 4501 4507 4020 4203 4207 4208 4302 4506 4508 4609 5021 4020 4205 4403 4503 200 1,380 1,220 1,330 6,170 100 360 1,240 1,300 600 400 400 200 80 4,680 100 920 20 80 80 100 1,300 50 1,220 80 500 40 80 1,970 80 660 190 100 820 160 640 240 2,890 120 1,200 320 270 1,910 220 700 800 80 1,800 40 l- - -7 r I-- l I- . . e- 4 T-- #- ., - LC’ +-- r r’ I h 8, .- ,I SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER PROJECT OWP NO. NAME 10302 HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION MGR. OF TRANSP. PROGRAMMING SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 10305 NONMOTORIZED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 10306 FRElGHTllNTERMODAL PLANNNING DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 10307 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING FOR ELDERLY & DISABLED SENIOR REGL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 10310 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MONITORING DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOC. RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST JOB TOTAL 10312 COMMUTER/INTERURBAN RAIL PLAN DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 10313 ASSISTANCE TO TRANSIT OPERATORS DIR. OF RESEARCH SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN ASSOC RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 10319 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MGR. OF TRANSP. PROGRAMMING ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST JOB TOTAL 10324 AIR QUALITY PLANNING DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 41 3102 3202 3210 4208 4302 4508 4609 3020 3207 3020 3202 3210 4302 4609 2202 3020 3205 4206 4208 4501 4503 4508 3020 3201 3205 4020 4204 4208 4403 4502 4607 4608 3102 4508 3020 3210 80 200 600 100 100 200 400 300 1,980 20 400 420 26 200 200 100 100 626 400 400 40 400 40 80 120 200 100 980 80 800 800 1,680 150 1,200 100 1,000 1,600 80 1,100 5,230 100 100 200 20 200 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Fy 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER PROJECT POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK OWP NO. NAME CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST 4508 100 JOB TOTAL 320 10328 ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY PLANNING DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER COMMUNICATIONS DIR. JOB TOTAL 3020 3206 20 600 80 700 10332 MAJOR INVESTMENT STUDIES DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOC RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 3020 3201 3202 4204 4608 40 200 400 160 600 1,400 10338 JACUMBA/JACUME BORDER CROSSING STUDY DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 3020 3210 4302 12 500 100 612 10339 SD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT GROUND ACCESS STUDY DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNEd SENIOR ENGINEER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR TECHNlClAN JOB TOTAL 3020 3209 3250 4302 4609 24 170 30 200 100 524 10340 SD SEAPORT GROUND ACCESS STUDY DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR ENGINEER JOB TOTAL 3020 3209 3250 24 160 30 214 10341 SORRENTO VALLEY CIRCULATION STUDY DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR ENGINEER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 3020 3202 3250 4302 4609 24 200 20 200 100 544 10342 WEB ACCESS TOOL FOR TRANSIT INFORMATION DIR. OF RESEARCH SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 4020 4204 4403 4502 4606 20 20 160 40 80 320 10343 ON-LINE GIS BASED TRANSIT STOP INVENTORY DIR. OF RESEARCH SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 4204 4403 4502 4606 20 20 200 40 80 360 JOB TOTAL 10344 ENHANCING VIEW2TRANSIl 42 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER OWP NO. PROJECT NAME POSITION CLASSIFICATION DIR. OF RESEARCH EMPLOYEE NUMBER 4020 WORK HOURS SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY JOB TOTAL 4204 4207 4403 20 20 120 180 340 ’ 10345 TRANSIT PASSENGER SURVEY PROGRAM DIR. OF RESEARCH SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST JOB TOTAL 10346 NORTH COAST TRANSPORTATION STUDY DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 3201 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 3205 JOB TOTAL 10347 RURAL HIGHWAY 94 CORRIDOR STUDY JOB TOTAL 10401 TRANSPORTATION COORDINATION DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 3210 SENIOR TECHNICIAN 4609 DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 MGR. OF TRANSP. FINANCING 3101 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 3202 JOB TOTAL 10402 TDA ADMINISTRATION DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 MGR. OF TRANSP. FINANCING 3101 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 3207 ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER 3301 SENIOR TECHNICIAN 3801 JOB TOTAL 10403 TransNet FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES MGR 1100 DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 MGR. OF TRANSP. FINANCING 3101 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 3207 ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER 3301 SENIOR TECHNICIAN 3801 SPECIAL SVCS DIR. 5021 SENIOR ECONOMIC ANALYST 5201 JOB TOTAL 10404 TransNat PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1010 DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 MGR. OF TRANSP. PROGRAMMING 3102 SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 3202 SENIOR TECHNICIAN 3801 JOB TOTAL 10405 TransNet PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS DIR. GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR 4020 4204 4403 4502 30 300 80 120 530 80 800 600 1,480 40 680 200 920 220 200 240 660 40 100 400 400 600 1,540 1,440 60 400 1,000 200 400 120 120 3,740 300 60 400 160 400 1.320 1010 80 6020 629 6401 207 43 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER PROJECT POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK OWP NO. NAME CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS GRAPHICS SPECIALIST 6501 JOB TOTAL GRAPHICS SPECIALIST 6502 PUBLIC INFO. SPECIALIST 6601 207 270 500 1,894 10406 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION MGR. OF TRANSP. PROGRAMMING ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR TECHNICIAN ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST JOB TOTAL 3020 3102 3301 3801 4508 10407 TraniNet HIGHWAY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING DIRECTOR SENIOR ENGINEER JOB TOTAL 3020 3103 3250 10408 SAN DIEGO-CORONADO BRIDGE TOLL ADMINISTRATION DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION MGR. OF TRANSP. FINANCING ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER JO8 TOTAL 3020 3101 3301 10409 STlP/RTP PROJECT DEVELOPMENT JOB TOTAL DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION 3020 ENGINEERING DIRECTOR 3103 SENIOR ENGINEER 3250 COMMUNICATIONS DIR. 6020 GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR 6401 GRAPHICS SPECIALIST 6501 GRAPHICS SPECIALIST 6502 PUBLIC INFO. SPECIALIST 6601 10410 l-15 VALUE PRICING DEMONSTRATION DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER COMMUNICATIONS DIR. GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR GRAPHICS SPECIALIST GRAPHICS SPECIALIST PUBLIC INFO. SPECIALIST JOB TOTAL 1010 3020 3206 3209 6020 6401 6501 6502 6601 10411 TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSISTANT REGIONAL PLANNER CHIEF INFO. SYS. DEVEL. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN ASSOC RESEARCH TECHNICIAN COMMUNICATIONS DIR. GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR GRAPHICS SPECIALIST GRAPHICS SPECIALIST PUBLIC INFO. SPECIALIST 3020 80 3209 470 3701 1,800 4201 40 4403 100 4605 40 4606 40 4608 100 6020 40 640 1 140 6501 30 6502 30 6601 20 44 60 300 500 400 100 1,360 60 1,400 300 1,760 80 400 700 1,180 60 400 1,420 40 20 150 150 60 2,300 120 150 40 1,000 160 40 180 180 180 2.050 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER OWP NO. PROJECT POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK NAME CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS JOB TOTAL 2,930 10413 FREEWAY SERVICE PATROL SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 3206 10414 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PROGRAM DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER COMMUNICATIONS DIR. JOB TOTAL 3020 3206 6020 10501 ENVLRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DIR. OF LAND USE JOB TOTAL 2020 10502 REGIONAL HOUSl-NG PLAN SPECIAL PROJECTS DIR. SENIOR REGL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 2130 2203 10503 REGIONAL ENERGY PLAN & PROGRAM SENIOR REGL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 2205 10504 REGIONAL OPEN SPACE & NATURAL RESOURCE PLNG SENIOR REGL PLANNER SENIOR REGL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 2204 2205 10505 REGIONAL WATERSHED ELEMENT SENIOR REGL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 2205 10506 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL POWER POOL JOB TOTAL SENIOR REGL PLANNER 2201 10507 REGL SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SENIOR REGL PLANNER SENIOR REGL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. JOB TOTAL 2201 2205 4402 10508 AIRPORT COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLANS SPECIAL PROJECTS DIR. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST JOB TOTAL 2130 4507 10512 SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANNING SPECIAL PROJECTS DIR. JOB TOTAL 2130 10514 LAND USE DISTRIBUTION ELEMENT SENIOR REGL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 2205 10515 REGIONAL GROWl-H MANAGEMENT STRATEGY DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIR. OF LAND USE SENIOR REGL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGL PLANNER 1010 120 20 20 520 2203 920 2301 600 45 360 360 20 800 40 860 840 840 320 720 1,040 160 160 1,200 320 1,520 240 240 400 400 1,400 240 80 1,720 520 40 560 720 720 320 320 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS N 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER OWP NO. PROJECT NAME POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS DIR. OF RESEARCH 4020 40 JOB TOTAL SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4203 ASSOC. REGIONAL PLANNER 4301 10518 NORTH COUNTY MHCP JOB TOTAL SENIOR REGL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. 10519 TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT JOB TOTAL SENIOR REGL PLANNER 2205 10601 CRIMINAL JUSTICE CH JOB TOTAL SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER 4205 CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. 7020 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. 7401 ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. 7501 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7602 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7603 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7604 10602 CJ ARJIS ASSESSMENT JOB TOTAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. 7020 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. 7401 ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. 7501 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7602 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7603 10605 CJ ARRESTEE DRUG ABUSE MONITORING CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 10629 CJ THE 8% PROJECT TO REDUCE JUVENILE VIOLENCE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 10630 CJ BREAKING CYCLES (SB 1760) JOB TOTAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. 7020 SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. 7401 ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. 7501 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7602 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7 603 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7604 10636 METHAMPHETAMINE TREATMENT REPLICATION STUDY CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. 2204 4401 7020 7401 7501 7602 7603 7604 7020 7401 7501 7602 7603 7604 7020 105 7401 20 100 180 2,480 600 400 1,000 360 360 80 150 200 150 490 600 200 1,870 20 30 5 10 20 85 100 10 40 20 10 20 200 200 250 200 550 430 110 1,740 525 605 200 550 600 200 2,680 46 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION aY 0wP NUMBER I-- Y-- OWP NO. PROJECT NAME POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. 7501 400 JOB TOTAL SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7602 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7603 SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 7604 10637 SERVICES TO VICTIMS OF VIOLENT CRIMES EVALUATION CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 7020 7401 7501 7602 7604 10638 ASSESSMENT OF SHERIFF’S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE UNIT CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 7020 7401 7501 7602 7603 7604 10639 STUDY OF CHILDREN WHO WITNESS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 7020 7401 7501 7602 10640 ASSESSMENT OF VIOLENCE IN AND AROUND SCHOOLS CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 7020 7401 7501 7602 7603 7604 10641 METHAMPHETAMINE STUDY IN SIX CITIES CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. JOB TOTAL 7020 7401 7501 10701 LOCAL TECH ASST TO MA’S SENIOR REGL PLANNER DIR. OF RESEARCH SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOC. RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR TECHNICIAN SENIOR ECONOMIC ANALYST GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR GRAPHICS SPECIALIST GRAPHICS SPECIALIST 2203 160 4020 100 4202 880 4208 40 4302 200 4402 20 4501 100 4503 1,000 4506 40 4508 300 4607 1,520 4609 400 5201 80 6401 35 6501 180 6502 180 47 10 10 700 1,245 100 300 20 10 500 930 100 30 300 40 80 50 600 10 225 10 10 255 80 20 400 10 10 10 530 170 10 10 190 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS N 2000 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM STAFF ALLOCATION BY OWP NUMBER PROJECT POSITION EMPLOYEE WORK OWP NO. NAME CLASSIFICATION NUMBER HOURS PUBLIC INFO. SPECIALIST 6601 120 CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIR. SENIOR RESEARCH ANALY. ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALY. SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOB TOTAL 10801 SERVICES TO SOURCEPOINT DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN SENIOR TECHNICIAN SPECIAL SVCS DIR. SENIOR ECONOMIC ANALYST SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER PUBLIC INFO. SPECIALIST JOB TOTAL 10901 REGIONAL ECONOMIC PROSPERITY STRATEGY SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SPECIAL SVCS DIR. SENIOR ECONOMIC ANALYST SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 10902 FISCAL ABILITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SPECIAL SVCS DIR. SENIOR ECONOMIC ANALYST SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER JOB TOTAL 7020 7401 7501 7602 7603 7604 1010 4208 4302 4508 4607 4609 5021 5201 5202 6601 4205 5021 5201 5202 1010 5021 5201 5202 40 100 65 100 40 10 5.710 80 40 200 300 160 300 160 300 480 120 2,140 500 600 400 600 2,300 80 160 900 280 1,420 48 San Diego Association of Governments LOCAL EXPENSE BUDGET SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 LOCAL EXPENSE BUDGET SUMMARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXPENSE ADOPTED AMENDED PRELIMINARY FY 1999 FY 1999 FY2ooo % CNG CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 123,COO $ 123,OKI $ 123,000 0% TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 21,500 21,500 21,500 0% SCHEDULED TRAVEL =,m woo0 woo0 0% MEETING 8, MISC. EXPENSE 21,oocl 21 ,ooo 21,ooo 0% BOARD COMPENSATION 66,550 66,550 66,550 0% TOTAL BOARD EXPENSE 262,050 262,050 262,050 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 100,ooo 100,oQo 100,ooo TOTAL l&AL EXPENSE 362,050 362,050 362,050 LESS: CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE (5ww (5ww W,ooO[ NET TOTAL LOCAL EXPENSE S 312,050 $ 312,050 $ 312,050 0% 0% 0% SOURCE OF FUNDING LOCAL EXPENSE MEMBER AGENCY ASSESSMENTS $ 148,087 $ 148,087 $ 148,087 0% TRANSPORTATION SALES TAX ADMIN. 163,963 163,963 163,963 0% TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES $ 312,050 $ 312,050 S 312,050 0% Local expenses are those costs which, in accordance with federal guidelines cannot be charged directly or indirectly to grant programs and, therefore, are funded by local funds. The initial cost of equipment outlay, although not charged to grant programs is recaptured in future years by charging depreciation to the grant programs resulting in an eventual reimbursement of local funds. These funds are placed in a capital reserve for future needs. 51 C % c 2 P -8 0 0 E r4 E & 8 0 s 0 . 0 0 0 cr) E E % - - - 8 -1 a c! (3 (cf . 53 San Diego Association of Governments ADMINISTRATION BUDGET C , P SAN DlEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 ADMINISTRATION BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL ADOPTED AMENDED PRELIMINARY % FY 1999 N1999 FY2ociI CNG TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS $ 1,025,760 f 1,025,X0 t 1,050,560 2% NON-PERSONNEL OFFICE AND GRAPHICS SUPPLIES POSTAGE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE SCHEDULED TRAVEL UNSCHEDULED TRAVEL MEETING & MISC. EXPENSE MEMBERSHIPS RENT,FAClLlTlES RENT, VEHICLES LEASE, DUPLICATING EQUIP. LEASE/PURCHASE; OFFICE EQUIP INSURANCE GASOLINE TELEPHONE TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MGMT PROG TRAINING INCENTIVE PROGRAM CONTINGENCY TOTAL NON-PERSONNEL TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 108,000 108,ooo 110,066 85,006 85,000 85,000 132,ooo 132,000 132,GQO 25,ooa 25,006 25,066 91 ,ooo 91 ,ooo 91 ,ooo 70,ooo 70,ooo 70,ooo 5,ooo WJQo 5,orJrJ 60,000 60,000 woo0 42.000 42,000 42,GQO 638,000 638,600 691,600 22,ooo 2wJo 22,oQcl 73,000 73,ocQ 73,ooo 138,ooo 138,000 138,000 52,000 52,000 52,OCIO 5,ooo 5,ooo 5,6@3 100,oocl 100,OW 100,ow 35,oocl 35,ooo 35,oOo WoQo 20,ooo 20,ooo 100,ooo Ioo,ooo 102,596 $ 1,801,OOO $ 1,801,DW $ 1,859,196 $ 2,826,760 $ 2,826,760 $ 2,909,750 The administration budget is a line item summary of those costs shown in the “Indirect Cost’ column in the Program Budget Summary. These costs are not above and beyond the Program Budget, but are overhead costs allocated to all projects in accordance with established federal guidelines and grant administration procedures. 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% 3% 3% 57 83 I 3 E I!! 5 0 s a $$ a 0 0 0 0 0 E g E 8 6 E vi 8 0 8 0 s 0 8 0 R In- 8 z 8 58 s 0 0 0 V i% 1 iLjg =al 3 .E is: $a 59 c- San Diego Association of Governments MEMBER AGENCY ASSESSMENTS I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.................I................ I....................................., I I ............................. ............................. .............................. I I ............................. ............................. .............................. I I ............................. ............................ ............................. t ..................... ..................... ..................... I ..................................... .................................... ..................................... (sPueswl.l swmoa JO SaNVSnOHl NI LNnOw 62 C ski zxzxL~s~L~sxszxs~xx s 0000000000000000000 0 E28 a= $6 l 2 800, t-cm u4 :Gi Zig?- FL.- Dz? m~~~o*mr-or.o~mmr.mLo.-o gg~Dg~*m~.-owmo~m*ocn ‘-. Y ‘” “. s m. 0 o? (0. Y o! 9 ‘-. 2 g 2 d 6 m: 0 0) ?. w * 0 PI * 0 (0 m N * mwNNlnNwmP~ulLnrm~ ,’ 63 San Diego Association of Governments PERSONNEL COST SUMMARY E .o - --=. .- b ;g s B --““oz .: .= $ ggf z$~ I- FP == P- -L ‘- Q 1% 66 - SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 ESTIMATED PERSONNEL COST SUMMARY NUMBER OF STAFF BUDGETED TOTAL STAFF SALARIES FRINGE BENEFITS: RETIREMENT (PERS) CAFETERIA PIAN (HEALTH INS.) DENTAL/VISION INSURANCE LONG TERM DISABILITY WORk!ERSCOMPiNSATlON SOCIAL SECURllY HOSPITAL TAX LIFE INSURANCE TRAVEL INSURANCE TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL PERSONNEL COST F-Y 1999 FY2ooo APPROVED %OF AMOUNT PROJECTED %OF ANNUAL SAlARIES CHANGE ANNUAL SALARIES 77 77 $ 4,830,051 $ 168,087 $ 4,998,138 624,864 12.94% 21,895 400,368 8.29% 5,268 40,128 0.83% 528 51,199 1.06% 1,781 48,301 1 .oo% l,‘j8’J 29,946 0.62% 1.042 3,800 0.08% 50 380 0.01% 5 646,759 12.94% 4@x= 8.12% 40,656 0.81% 52,980 1.06% 49,981 1 .oo% w= 0.62% 3,850 0.08% 385 0.01% 1 ,I 98,986 24.82% 32,249 1,231,235 24.63% $ 6,029,037 $ 200,336 f 6,229,373 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF BUDGET: SALARIES & BENEFITS (13.2 STAFF) $ 1,025,760 PROGRAM STAFF BUDGET SALARIES & BENEFITS (62.8 STAFF) 5,003,277 TOTAL PERSONNEL (76 STAFF) S 6.029,037 $ 24,800 $ ~,050,560 175,536 5,178,813 S 200,336 $ 6,229,373 67 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Fy 2000 POSITION HISTORY AND CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL POSITION CLASSIFICATION STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR I DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR GENERAL COUNSEL DlVlSlON DIRECTORS ENGINEERING DIRECTOR SPECIAL PROJECTS DIRECTOR PROGRAM MANAGER SENIOR/ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR ENGINEER SENIOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE EVALUATOR CHIEF, INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER SENIOR/ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR/ASSOCIATE ACCOUNTANT GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR OFFICE SERVICES SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT REGIONAL PLANNER GRAPHICS SPECIALIST PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST SENIOR/ASSOCIATE RESEARCH TECHNICIAN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY WORD PROCESSING SPECIALIST OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST TOTAL POSITIONS STAFFING HISTORY Authorized FY’75 NO. OF STAFF 64 Authorized FY’76 61 Authorized FY’SS 63 Authorized FY’77 61 Authorized FY’90 67 Authorized FY’78 61 Authorized FY’91 67 Authorized FY’79 61 Authorized FY’92 68 Authorized FY’80 58 Authorized FY’93 69 Authorized FY’S 1 58 Authorized N’S4 69 Authorized FY’82 50 Authorized FY’95 74 Authorized FY’83 48 Authorized FY’96 74 Authorized FY’84 48 Authorized FY’97 74 Authorized FY’85 51 Authorized FYI98 75 Authorized FY’86 51 Authorized FY’SS 77 Authorized FY’87 51 Proposed FY 2000 77 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 14 STAFF CHANGES STAFF 1 6 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 25 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 2 1 1 1 1 -1 0 2 2 1 1 6 6 1 3 1 3 63 0 77 STAFFING HISTORY Authorized FYI88 NO. OF STAFF 53 68 C *- - - SAN DIE’S0 ASSOCIATIOF-. GOVERNMENTS FY 2000 POSITION CLASS ,, .;ATION/SALARY RANGE TABLE CLASS NOTES NO. CLASS SALARY RANGES (1) 14 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST 2,069 2,586 3,104 15 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ACCOUNTANT PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST WORD PROCESSING SPECIALIST 2,172 2,715 3,259 16 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . GRAPHICS SPECIALIST 2,281 2,851 3,422 17 (3) CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 2,395 2,994 3,593 .- 18 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSISTANT REGIONAL PLANNER , EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OFFICE SERVICES SUPERVISOR 2,515 3,143 3,773 19 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN 2,641 3,300 3,962 22 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE REGIONAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE RESEARCH ANALYST SENIOR ACCOUNTANT 3,057 3,821 4,586 26 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST 3,716 4,644 5,574 (3) 28 (3) 29 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGER 4,096 5,120 6,146 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHIEF, INFO. SYSTEMS OEVL SENIOR CJ EVALUATOR SENIOR REGIONAL PLANNER SENIOR ENGINEER 4,301 5,376 6,453 30 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROGRAM MANAGER SPECIAL PROJECTS DIRECTOR 4,516 5,645 6,776 34 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINEERING DIRECTOR 5,490 6,861 8,236 36 (2) CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIVISION DIRECTORS 6,052 7,565 9,080 38 CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASS SALARY RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL COUNSEL 6,673 8,340 39 (3) 12) 7,006 8,757 10,011 10,511 DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR N/A EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOTES: Changes from adopted FY’99 ranges: (1) Most Positions/Classes moved one step (5%). (2) Positions/Classes moved 1 additional Class Range. (3) Positions/Classes moved 2 two additional Class Rang 6b RE JO EFFECTIVE l/22/99 MONTHLY SALARY RANGES MIN MID MAX San Diego Association of Governments BUDGET AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION C T- *- I P -- San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS 401 B Street Suite 800 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 5955300 l Fax (619) 5955305 http://www.sandag.cog.ca.us 9946 ADOPTING A PRELIMINARY PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000 WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement establishing the San Diego Association of Governments requires approval of a preliminary budget no later than April 1st of each year; and WHEREAS, there is a need to preliminarily establish the scope and extent of the program budget for FY 2000 for purposes of estimating the member assessments and submitting grant applications to funding agencies subject to adoption of the FY 2000 Final Program Budget; and WHEREAS, the attached document, entitled “FY 2000 Preliminary Program Budget,” which is based on the draft Overall Work Program for FY 2000, has been reviewed by the SANDAG Budget Committee and found to be an appropriate preliminary estimate of the regional program for FY 2000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the San Diego Association of Governments that the attached document, entitled “FY 2000 Preliminary Program Budget,” is hereby approved to act as a guide in preparing the FY 2000 Final Program Budget and the Executive Director is hereby authorized to submit grant funding applications and/or revenue claims to the agencies in the amounts identified in this preliminary budget, subject to variations in said amounts established by guidance from the granting agencies; and BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this document be filed with the Clerk of each Member Agency. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of March, 1999. CHAIRPERSON AlTEST: 73 SECRETARY MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Oel Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, POwaY, San Diego, San Marcos. Santee, Solana Beach, Vista, and County of San Diego. ADVfSOBY/LfAtSON MEMBERS: California Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Defense, S.O. Unified Port District, S.D. County Water Authority. and TijuanaBaja California. San Diego Association of Governments GLOSSARY GLOSSARY - C C .G”- ACJR ACS ADA ADAM ADMATCH ADT ALUC APCB APCD ARJ-IS ATIS AT0 BBSP BIA BLM BLM BTI’AC C CAATS CAC CALCOG CALMS CEQA CERES CGIA CHP CIR CLUP CMQ CMP CMP ACRONYMS IN THE SANDAG OVERALL WORK PROGRAM Association of Criminal Justice Researchers American Community Survey Americans with Disabilities Act Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (RepZaces DUF) Address Matching Program Average Daily Traffic (Weekday) Airport Land Use Commission Arc Macro Language Air Pollution Control Board Air Pollution Control District (The S.D. County Board of Supervisors) Air Resources Board (California) Automated Regional Justice Information System Automated Transit Information System Assistance to Transit Operators Block Boundary Suggestion Program Bureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Land Management Border Liaison Mechanism Bi-State Transportation Technical Advisory Committee C Programming Language California Alliance for Advanced Transportation Systems Citizens Advisory Committee California Councils of Governments California Department of Transportation California Environmental Quality Act California Environmental Resources Evaluation System California Geographic Information Association California Highway Patrol Color I&a-Red Comprehensive Land Use Plan Congestion Management Agency Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Configuration Management Plan Congestion Management Program 77 CMS co COASTER COBEC COBRO COLEF COPS CPO CrPP CTSA CWG DEFM DOD DOF DOQQ DOT DRI DRI DUF EIR EIS ENOVA EPA ESRI ETC FHWA FSP FSTIP FSTP FTA GIS GRP HHWE HOV HPMS HTML IJPB IMTMC INFO ISTEA IT ITS JPA Congestion Management System Carbon Monoxide Express Rail Service between San Diego and Oceanside Committee on Binational Education and Culture Committee on Binational Regional Opportunities C%legio de la Frontera Norte Community Oriented Policing Services Comprehensive Planning Organization Census Transportation Planning Package Coordinated Transportation Service Agency Conformity Working Group Demographic and Economic Forecasting Model Department of Defense (U.S.) Department of Finance (California) Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quad Department of Transportation Decision Research Incorporated Data Resources Inc. Drug Use Forecasting (Replaced by ADAM) Environmental Impact Report Environmental Impact Statement SDG&E’s Parent Company Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Systems Research Institute Employee Transportation Coordinator Federal Highway Administration Freeway Service Patrol Federal/State Transportation Improvement Plan Federal Surface Transportation Program Federal Transit Administration Geographic Information System Gross Regibnal Product Household Hazardous Waste Element High-Occupancy Vehicle Highway Performance Monitoring System Hyper Text Markup Language Housing and Urban Development Interim Joint Powers Board Intermodal Transportation Management Center SANDAG Information Bulletin Indian Reservation Road Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Information Technology Intelligent Transportation System Joint Powers Authority 78 * C LACMTA - LOSSAN - LTA LTF LTF LUCA LUDE METROLINK - MGRA MGRF MHCOS - MHCP MIS MOA MP0 MSCP MTDB NAAQS - NAFTA - NAICS NARC NAS NCCP NCTD NDFE NEPA NSDCTDB - NT OCTA OPR OWP PC PIP PLACE3S - POE PSR RAMS MQS RCDC RCMS RC-IC RDBMS Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Los Angeles to San Diego (Rail Corridor Agency) Local Te&.nical Assistance Local Task Force Local Transportation Fund Local Update of Census Addresses Land Use Distribution Element (Livable Communities) Master Address File Metropolitan Area Network Commuter rail service between Oceanside and downtown Los Angeles Master Geographic Reference Area Master Geographic Reference File Multiple Habitat Conservation and Open Space Multiple Habitat Conservation Program Major Investment Study Memoranda of Agreement Metropolitan Planning Organization Multiple Species Conservation Program Metropolitan Transit Development Board (San Diego) National Ambient Air Quality Standards North American Free Trade Agreement North American Industrial Classification System National Association of Regional Councils Naval Air Station Natural Communities Conservation Program North County Transit District Non-Disposal Facility Element National Environmental Policy Act North San Diego County Transit Development Board New Technology Orange County Transportation Authority Office of Planning and Research (State) Overall Work Program Personal Computer Public Involvement Program Planning for Community Energy, Environmental and Economic Sustainability Port of Entry Project Study Report Regional Arterial Management System Regional Air Quality Strategy Regional Census Data Center Regional Council Management System Riverside County Transportation Commission Relational Database Management System 79 RGMS RIS RTC RTIP RTP RTPA RTTA RUIS SAIC SANBAG SANDAG SANGIS SANTEC SARC SAS SBCAG SCAG SCAT SCDC SCIRG SCRRA SCT SDdzAE SDG&E SDSU SDTC SDTI SDUPD SIC SIP SLOCOG SLUC SMART sov SPSS SQL SR SRRE SRTP STA STAF STIP TAC Request for Proposals Regional Growth Management Strategy Regional Improvement Program Regional Information System Regional Transportation Commission Regional Transportation Improvement Program Regional Transportation Plan Regional Transportation Planning Agency Regional Transportation Technology Alliance Regional Urban Information System (Replaced by SanGIS) Science Applications International Corporation San Bernardino Associated Governments San Diego Association of Governments San Diego Geographic Information Source (Replaces RULS) San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers’ Council Substance Abuse Research Consortium Statistical Analysis System Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Southern California Association of Governments Subcommittee for Accessible Transportation State Census Data Center Southern California Intercity Rail Group Southern California Regional Rail Authority Secretariat of Communications and Transportation San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway San Diego Gas and Electric San Diego State University San Diego Transit Corporation San Diego Trolley, Inc. San Diego Unified Port District Standard Industrial Classification State Implementation Plan for Air Quality San Luis Obispo Council of Governments Standard Land Use Coding San Diego Marketing Alliance for Rideshare Transportation Single-Occupant Vehicle Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Structured Query Language State Route Source Reduction and Recycling Element Short-Range Transit Plan State Transit Assistance State Transit Assistance Fund State Transportation Improvement Program Technical Advisory Committee 80 c- - TAZ TCM TDA TDM TEA TEA-2 1 TIGER TIP TMA TOD TRA TRANPLAN - TransNet - TRIP - . 2020 UCAN UDM - . URISA USDOT - USEPA - USFWS - USGS V2T VCAG WAN Transportation Analysis Zone Transportation Control Measure Transportation Development Act Transportation Demand Management Transportation Enhancement Activities Transportation Equity Act for the 2 1’ Century Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoded Referencing System Transportation Improvement Plan Transportation Management Association Transit-Oriented Development Tax Rate Area Transportation Model System used at SANDAG SANDAG’s Local Transportation Sales Tax Program Transboundary Resource Inventory Program The Regional Growth Forecasts currently underway (Replaces Series 9) Utility Consumers’ Action Network Urban Development Modeling Computer Operating System Urban and Regional Information Systems Association U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Geological Survey View2Transit Software Tool Ventura County Association of Governments Wide Area Network World Wide Web 81