HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-18; City Council; 15210; Proposed 1999-00 to Buildout CIP1 TITLE: AB# l5,2LIb MTG. 5/18/99 DEPT. FIN PROPOSED 1999-2000 TO BUILDOUT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DEPTHD. CITY Am. CITYMGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report. Set public hearing for June 15, 1999. ITEM EXPLANATION: 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Proaram The 1999-2000 proposed budget for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) totals $62.4 million, with estimated revenues of $50.6 million. Appropriations of $79.3 million for on-going capital projects remaining unspent at the end of FY 1998-99 will be added to the new 1999-2000 CIP appropriations. A sum of $141.7 million will then comprise the total 1999-2000 CIP budget. Major projects scheduled for next year include: Street & Traffic Sianal Proiects Street construction projects are 33.3% of the total 1999-2000 expenditures at $20.8 million. The largest appropriation is $5.8 million for Rancho Santa Fe Road North. This $32.6 million project is primarily funded from developer fees, CFD#I, and a Federal Grant for construction of the bridge. Planning is expected to begin next year for three major roadways which will add east-west connections and improve the flow of regional traffic as well as local traffic throughout the City. These roads are the extensions of Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive, Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real, and Cannon Road and College Boulevard east of El Camino Real. Pavement Management and Reconstruction projects are scheduled for a $3.6 million appropriation to maintain the safety and driveability of City streets. In addition, the Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge over San Diego Northern Railway ($1.9 million) will undergo reconstruction, and the Poinsettia Lane Railroad bridge ($1.7 million) will be widened. Two traffic signal installations are planned in 1999-2000 at the following intersections: Carlsbad Village Drive and Tamarack, and El Camino Real and Poinsettia Lane. Civic Proiects Civic Droiects total 24.6% or $15.3 million of the 1999-2000 capital appropriation. The largest .. . appropriition is $4.5 million for the Public Works Center, followed by $3.9 million for the annual lease payments, improvements and furniture for the Faraday building currently under construction. The Faraday Building will improve customer service by bringing together staff from Public Works, Community Development, and Administrative Services into one building. Relocation to the new building is planned for the fall of 1999, once construction is complete. In addition to providing better customer service, consolidating these departments should improve communication and efficiency. Other projects included in the total appropriations amount for this category include the purchase and implementation of a new CAD system for the Police and Fire departments, at a cost of $2 million, continuation of the implementation of the City's Financial Information System, and ADA modifications at various locations throughout the City. 1 c Page 2 of Agenda Bill TF 14,L 1 0 Coastal Rail Trail The Coastal Rail Trail is a non-motorized multi-modal trail in the railroad right-of-way between Oceanside and downtown San Diego. Once built, the trail will be 44 miles long and will accommodate bicycles, joggers, rollerbladers and skateboarders. The current CIP includes funding for construction of the section between the Oceanside transit and Encinitas coaster stations. Park Proiects Park construction projects are 11.3% of the total 1999-2000 expenditures at $7 million. Most of the planned expenditures are for park site acquisitions in the Northwest and Northeast quadrants of the City, which are budgeted at $6.1 million. Leo Carrillo Park will undergo continued development and restoration. Additional amenities include landscaping, parking lots, restroom facilities, walkways, and picnic facilities. Completion of this phase will allow for public use of the park, and is required to meet the growing demands of the area. Sewer Proiects Sewer funding of $6.1 million reflects Carlsbad’s share of costs for the Encina Wastewater Facility capital improvements and several interceptor projects. The South Agua Hedionda Interceptor project is scheduled to receive an additional appropriation of $1.9 million in 1999-2000, and will provide sewer service to those areas generally to the south side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Water Proiects The water cateaorv. including reclaimed water, is 9.7% of the total 1999-2000 CIP with appropriations w I. of $6.1 million. Appropriations include $1.3 million for a water line on El Fuerte from Alga Road to Poinsettia Lane. Another $1.3 million is scheduled for debt service payments on previous potable and reclaimed water projects. Drainaae Proiects Drainage projects are 6.6% of the total 1999-2000 expenditures at $4.1 million. This amount is Drimarilv for the continued construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain funded by Transnet-Local, Gas Tax, and Transnet-STP funds. The storm drain system (primarily within the Northern San Diego Railroad right-of-way) will carry storm water from the area bounded by Carlsbad Village Drive, Highland Drive, Garfield Street and Agua Hedionda Lagoon and control flooding and standing water along its route. Future Facilities . . 1999-2000 to Buildout Capital Improvement Proaram The CIP for 1999-2000 to buildout outlines approximately 164 future projects at a total cost of $439 million. The largest expenditure category is for street, traffic signal and interchange projects at $134.7 million or 30.7% of the total. Included are the construction of several major roadways which will add east-west connections and improve the flow of regional and local traffic. Several of these roads will provide additional routes to the neighboring cities of Oceanside, Vista and San Marcos. Following is a list of major street projects programmed for future years: 0 Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road 0 Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real 0 Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real 0 Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real 0 Cannon Road to El Camino Real 0 Cannon Road and College Boulevard East of El Camino Real 0 Rancho Santa Fe Road to San Marcos and Encinitas Page 3 of Agenda Bill u 1s. 2 Io The second largest level of expenditures at $83.3 million, or 19% of the total planned capital expenditures, is construction and maintenance of City facilities such as libraries, administrative facilities and police and fire facilities. The South Carlsbad Library is currently under construction, and is expected to open in September 1999. This 64,000 square foot facility is estimated to meet the City’s needs up to a population of 100,000 residents. Upon completion of the South Carlsbad Library, the Cole Library, located at the north end of the City, will undergo renovation. The Capital Improvement Program includes funds to reconstruct and expand this facility in future years. Additional facilities include the Faraday Administrative Offices which are expected to be completed by September 1999, as well as a Public Works Center scheduled for construction next year. A new City Hall is planned for construction in the future; the timing and location still remains to be determined. The third largest expenditure category is for park projects totaling $70.7 million, or 16.1% of the total. Park projects include acquisition and development of acreage within all quadrants of Carlsbad. Future park projects include: Northwest Quadrant Northeast Quadrant Park Acquisition and Development Community Center Larwin Park Development Cannon Lake Park Development Hosp Grove-Buena Vista Lagoon Park Park Acquisition and Development Southwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Poinsettia Park Phase I1 Zone 19 Park Development Zone 19 Park Community Center Alga Norte Park Development Alga Norte Pool Leo Carrillo Park Development In addition, a Business Park Recreational Facility in the industrial area is planned, as well as the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. Sewer projects total almost $61.8 million, and include the construction of the South Agua Hedionda interceptor, the Vista/Carlsbad trunk line interceptor, cleaning and refurbishment of existing sewer lines and access holes, the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina parallel ocean outfall and cogeneration projects. The largest of these projects is the VistalCarlsbad interceptor; construction will occur along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way, and is expected to span over several years. Water projects total about $40.3 million (9.2%) and include reservoir construction and improvements and recycled and potable pipelines. Some of the major areas in which these installations or upgrades are planned include segments of College Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte, and along El Camino Real. The 1999-2000 to buildout CIP also includes funding for sea water desalination and other water resource development programs. Detailed information on the proposed 1999-2000 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program is included in the attached exhibit. Staff is requesting that Council set the public hearing for the meeting of June 15, 1999, when input will be received from interested citizens and groups wishing to comment on the proposed capital budget. 1. 1999-2000 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program. 3 EXHIBIT 1 1999-2000 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document which incorporates the current budget for capital projects with future planned revenues and expenditures. This year’s CIP reflects the continued commitment to constructing the necessary facilities, in response to the current and anticipated development activity occurring throughout the City. Projects are continuously evaluated and prioritized to ensure the City’s resources for facilities are allocated based on a well thought out plan. The proposed 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Program totals $62.4 million, with projected revenues totaling $50.6 million. Development remains strong, and this is expected to continue through 99-2000. As development occurs within the City, there comes a corresponding increase in the demand for development- related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds the needs of Carlsbad’s citizens and businesses, the citizens of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The Growth Management Plan requires that a standard level of facilities is available to meet the new demands, or development cannot proceed. The CIP is also a tool available to Council to address the issue of resource availability weighed against the demand for facilities. This report and the accompanying the actions taken to fulfill these needs. CIP documents and schedules reflect A discussion of the City’s Growth Management Plan can be found at the end of this report. GROWTH PROJECTIONS Several assumptions about the rate and type of growth were made in order to project the revenues which result from development. Growth assumptions were made and continue to change in correlation with the economic climate. Residential and non-residential development information was compiled by the Planning, Building and Engineering Departments, and the Finance Department overlaid the economic forecast. This past year, City staff evaluated all existing developments and compared these projects to the buildout capacities of the City using adopted general plans. Existing building activity and estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop were used to prepare future growth projections. The following table shows the number of residential units used in calculating estimated revenues for 1999-2000 and subsequent years to buildout. Approximately 15,104 units are expected to be built from this point forward. Non-residential construction estimates are shown in projected square feet. 4 1999-2000 CIP Growth Assumptions Residential Non-Residential I Year Units Square Feet 1,250 765,000 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001 -2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Years 6-10 1,139 472,000 1,304 450,000 1,150 656,000 687 644,000 3,635 4,303,000 Years 1 1-2030 5,939 5,607,000 Total Future 15,104 12,897,000 Residential development for 1998-99 was projected at 1,439 building permits, however, recent estimates anticipate over 1,700 units by the end of the current fiscal year. Construction of residential units is expected to decrease slightly, to about 1,100 units per year for the next 5 years. Residential Units Trend 1985 to 2004 Permits Issued JVVV 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 n Non-residential development is expected to decrease also, following the completion of Legoland and most of the Carlsbad Ranch area. Major non-residential projects planned in the next few years include several hotel, timeshare, and commercial developments. REVENUES Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout total $462.6 million and may be segregated into four major categories: 1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, 2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit Districts), 3) Water and Sewer replacement reserves, and 4) other sources including grants, bond issues, and contributions from other agencies. Approximately 43.6% of all capital revenues are received as a result of development, and are dependent upon assumptions made about the City's annual growth in dwelling units and commerciallindustrial square feet. Development revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-In-Lieu fees 5 (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges. Existing and proposed Community Facilities District and Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District revenues comprise 18.1 % of the total. Water and Sewer replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 16.8% of total revenues, and the remaining 21 5% are related to federal & state grants, license tax on new construction, the County sales tax program (Transnet), San Diego Gas & Electric funding, and contributions from other agencies. Funding Sources 1999-2000 to Buildout Total Revenue = $462.6 million Other 21.5% WaterlSewer 43.6% Districts 18.1% Calculation of Future Fees The revenue projections of the proposed Capital Improvement Program reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units was assumed to be 35% and 65% respectively and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development shown in current plans for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities fees was $89,500 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $1 75,000 per single-family dwelling unit. A building permit valuation of $38 per square foot of construction is used to calculate non-residential Public Facilities fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact fees (TIF), the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of use. A multi-family residential dwelling unit was assigned 8 trips per day and a single-family unit was assigned 10 trips per day. Each residential trip was valued at the current TIF fee of $87. The trips-per-day value for commercial and industrial buildings was averaged at 32 trips per 1,000 square feet of development, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial/industriaI building can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. The value assigned to each commercial/industriaI trip was $35, the current TIF fee. The implementation of CFD No. 1 in I991 reduced the total amount of projected PFF and TIF 6 revenues, as some projects previously funded from these sources are now funded through this CFD. CFD No. 2 is proposed to fund Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road, but has not yet been formally established. A prepayment program is in place to enable development to proceed within this proposed district. CFD#3 is a proposed district for the funding of Melrose Drive and Faraday Avenue extensions. There are two existing and one proposed Bridge & Thoroughfare Fee Districts included in this year’s CIP. BTD No. 2 (Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway) was formed to finance the construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. BTD No. 3 (Cannon Road West) was formed to fund portions of Cannon Road from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. A proposed BTD No. 4 is being considered as the financing mechanism for College Boulevard and Cannon Road extensions east of El Camino Real. PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS Project construction is reliant upon the availability of capital and operating funds in addition to established growth management requirements for facilities. Wherever project scheduling changes were proposed, projects were evaluated and prioritized, using compliance with the Growth Management Plan as the most important factor. The acceleration of street projects which will improve traffic flow in the industrial corridor was one of the results of this evaluation process. The proposed scheduling of park projects also reflects changes made as a result of this analysis. Growth Management requirements and the availability of revenues has resulted in the highest level of planned capital spending in the last ten years as shown on the following chart (appropriations include amounts brought forward in each year). $1 60,000,000 $1 40,000,000 $120,000,000 $1 00,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $- 89/90 90191 91/92 92/93 93/94 94/95 95/96 96/97 97/98 98/99 PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS 1999-2000 TO BUILDOUT The CIP for 1999-2000 to buildout outlines approximately 164 future projects at a total cost of $439 million. CIP Expenditures by Category Total Expenditures = $438.1 million 1999-2000 to Buildout Drainage 5.3% Civic 18.8% Parks Other 16.1% 5.8% Water 9.2% Sewer 14.1% Streets 30.7% The largest expenditure category is for street, traffic signal and interchange projects at $134.7 million or 30.7% of the total. Included are the construction of several major roadways which will add east-west connections and improve the flow of regional traffic as well as local traffic throughout the City. Several of these roads will provide additional routes to the neighboring cities of Oceanside, Vista and San Marcos. Following is a list of major street projects in the 1999-2000 to Buildout CIP: 0 Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road 0 Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real 0 Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real 0 Cannon Road to El Camino Real 0 Cannon Road and College Boulevard East of El Camino Real 0 Rancho Santa Fe Road to San Marcos and Encinitas The second largest level of expenditures at $83.3 million, or 19% of the total planned capital expenditures, is construction and maintenance of city facilities such as Libraries, Administrative Facilities and Police and Fire Facilities. The South Carlsbad Library is currently under construction, and is expected to open in September 1999. This 64,000 square foot facility is estimated to meet the City’s needs up to a population of 100,000 residents. Upon completion of the South Carlsbad Library, the Cole Library, located at the north end of the City, will undergo renovation. The Capital Improvement Program includes funds to reconstruct and expand this facility in future years. Additional facilities include the Faraday Administrative Offices which are expected to be completed by September 1999, as well as a Public Works Center scheduled for construction next year. A new City Hall is planned for construction in the future; the timing and location still remains to be determined. The third largest expenditure category is for park projects totaling $70.7 million, or 16.1% of the total. Park projects include acquisition and development of acreage within all quadrants of Carlsbad. Future Park Projects include: Northwest Quadrant Northeast Quadrant Park Acquisition and Development Community Center Larwin Park Development Cannon Lake Park Development Hosp Grove-Buena Vista Lagoon Park Park Acquisition and Development Southwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Poinsettia Park Phase II Zone 19 Park Development Zone 19 Park Community Center Alga Norte Park Development Alga Node Pool Leo Carrillo Park Development In addition, a Business Park Recreational Facility in the industrial area is planned, as well as the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. Sewer projects total almost $61.8 million, and include the construction of the South Agua Hedionda interceptor, the Vista/Carlsbad trunk line interceptor, cleaning and refurbishment of existing sewer lines and access holes, the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina parallel ocean outfall and cogeneration projects. The largest of these projects is the Vista/Carlsbad interceptor; construction will occur along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way, and is expected to span over several years. Water projects total about $40.3 million (9.2%) and include reservoir construction and improvements and recycled and potable pipelines. Some of the major areas in which these installations or upgrades are planned include segments of College Boulevard , Poinsettia Lane, and El Fuerte, and along El Camino Real. The 1999-2000 to buildout CIP also includes funding for seawater desalination and other water resource development programs. Specific timing and cost estimates for all capital projects are identified in the Current and Future (1 999-2000 to Buildout) Projects schedule following the narrative. 4 PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS - THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Some of the major projects planned for the next five years are discussed below. Librarv Facilities - Construction of the South Carlsbad Library is over 80% complete, with the opening planned for September 1999. The Cole Library is scheduled to undergo remodeling upon the completion and opening of the new library in the south. Faraday Administrative Offices - The City currently has several administrative facilities located in different areas throughout the City which are no longer able to accommodate current and anticipated space needs. The Faraday Building is currently under construction, and will be used by staff from Public Works, Community Development, and Administrative Services. This consolidation will improve customer service by providing a single location to serve the development community. Relocation to the new building is planned for the fall of 1999, once construction is complete. In addition to improved customer service, it is expected the consolidation will improve efficiency and interdepartmental communication. Public Works Center - Design of a new Public Works Center is underway, and construction could begin in 1999-2000. This facility, located next to the Safety Center, will include a purchasing warehouse, general offices, and yard facilities for the Public Works Departments. Carlsbad currently being MuniciPal processed Golf Course for the - City’s Environmental 250 acre permits golf course are Lvgw 3- ~ - ~ e/ located in the industrial corridor directly south of the future Veterans Memorial Park. Once approved, development of the golf course will proceed. Streets - Several large street construction projects are planned for the next 5 years as shown on the following map. The extensions of Cannon Road and Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue to Cannon are all located west of El Camino Real and are being constructed primarily as a result of residential developments in those areas. College Boulevard and Cannon Road extensions to the east and north, as well as Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive extensions are located east of El Camino Real and will alleviate traffic on Palomar Airport Road. The widening and realignment of Ranch Santa Fe Road is scheduled to begin in the year 1999-2000, and will improve regional and local traffic flow generated in the southern part of the City. Proposed Major Road Projects RAILROAD MAJOR ROAD PROJECTS Coastal Rail Trail - The Coastal Rail Trail is a non motorized multi-modal trail in the railroad right-of-way between Oceanside and downtown San Diego. Once built, the trail will be 44 miles long and will accommodate bicycles, joggers, rollerbladers and skateboarders. The current CIP includes funding for construction of the section between the Oceanside transit and Encinitas coaster stations. Leo Carrillo Park - The master plan of Leo Carrillo Park is complete, and the development of phase two is scheduled to begin in 1999-2000 on this 10.5 acre site. Park development will consist of parking lots, rest rooms, walkways, large group picnic facilities and tot-lots. The general theme for this park will be passive in nature with the option for interpretive programming. Northeast and Northwest Quadrant Parks - The City has accelerated plans for park facilities. In 1999-2000 there are plans to purchase land for future park sites in both the northeast and northwest quadrants, with development of those sites in the years to follow. parks will include ball fields and other recreational amenities. These Alua Norte Park - This park will include the development of 30 acres in the Southeast Quadrant with amenities such as ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, picnic areas, tot lots, restrooms and parking facilities. Design is planned for 2001-02 with construction in the years to follow. Zone 19 Park - Construction is expected to begin in approximately 3 years on this 24 acre site located in the southwest quadrant north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. This park may include ball fields, soccer/football fields, basketball and tennis courts, tot lots, and picnic areas. Poinsettia Park Phase II - Within the next 5 years, development of the final phase of Poinsettia Park is scheduled. Amenities may include a community center/gymnasium, enclosed soccer field, tot lots, picnic areas, a tennis complex, and additional parking. South Carlsbad Villaae Storm Drain - Construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain from Oak Avenue to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon along the easterly portion of the Northern San Diego Railroad right-of-way will control flooding and standing water along its route. South Aaua Hedionda InterceDtor - This interceptor sewer includes a sewage lift station and forcemain, and will provide sewer service to those areas generally tributary to the south side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Construction will occur along Cannon Road from Leg0 Drive to El Camino Real and along Faraday Avenue from Cannon Road to the existing Faraday Avenue. The following phase will begin at Cannon Road and El Camino Real and proceed east to the Raceway Property. The design for this project has begun and will continue into next year; construction could begin in the following year(2000-2001). Vista/Carlsbad InterceDtor - The Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor project involves installation of a new and upgraded sewer trunk line through the downtown portion of Carlsbad to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The interceptor will run along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson Street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way. This project is required to handle buildout flows and replace deteriorated pipeline, and is funded in part by the City of Vista. SUMMARY The proposed 1999-2000 to Buildout CIP continues to reflect an aggressive plan for new facilities. It is being driven by the continued pace of development and the need to insure that facilities are available to service the developing areas as well as the current residents. Significant progress is being made to construct major traffic circulation projects in response to current and future development. Carlsbad’s philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities which meet, and at times exceed, growth management standards. Practices such as phasing projects over a period of years to match funding availability as well as maximizing the use of available resources have been implemented in order to meet the needs of Growth Management. The 1999-2000 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitment of Carlsbad’s Council and staff to continue providing its residents with a better quality of life. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carlsbad in 1986. The plan was established in an effort to manage development within the City by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan adopted has established precise standards for eleven public facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which standards have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Wastewater Treatment - Circulation - Fire - Water Distribution - Schools - Library - Parks - Drainage - Open Space - Sewer Collection The Plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance with the adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless each of the eleven public facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. The Growth Management Plan impacts both the operating budget and the Capital Improvement Program. The detailed level of planning required by growth management has allowed Carlsbad’s Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements through buildout of the City. The timing of construction of facilities is governed by the rate of development and the eleven performance standards. New public facilities often require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the operating budget. Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the 1999-2000 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is assured. CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY BILL 1600 (AB 1600) In 1987 the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1600 (AB 1600) which set forth the process a city or county must follow to establish developer fees to finance public facilities. This legislation applies to fees established, increased, or imposed on or after January 1, 1989, the effective date of the law. AB 1600 contains four general requirements: > A "nexus" or connection must be established between a development project or class of project and the public improvement being financed with the fee. All AB 1600 fees adopted by the City have met the nexus test. For example, Traffic Impact, Bridge and Thoroughfare District and Drainage Sewer Benefit Area fees were all established under AB 1600. > The fee must be segregated from the General Fund. Carlsbad segregates all capital funds not only from the General Fund but also each classification of fee as well. > Fees collected by a city or county must be spent or committed to a project within a five year period. Funds are viewed to be committed if they are programmed to be spent on a specific project(s). If the money is not spent, findings must be made describing the continuing need for that money each fiscal year after the five years has expired. The City of Carlsbad commits the revenues from these fees through its Capital Improvement Program budget. This budget, which is adopted by the City Council, sets forth the City's Capital expenditure program from the current year to projected build out of the City. The expenditure plan is updated annually as part of the City's budget process. > Refunds must be made only if the City cannot make the required findings. At this time no refunds are due because the City's Capital Improvement Program commits all AB 1600 fees to projects to be constructed both in the current year and in the future. 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I U - - 0 0 H Y W z w 3 w v) 0 a: W ii - d z O W I W < v) a 0 s P 2 e J a W a v) u ru 9 0 6 m v) CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1998-99 JULY 1,1998 ESTIMATED ESTll TED JUNE 30. 999 UNRESERVED ESTIMATED CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE PROJECTED FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES & OTHER BALANCE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,8ia,ia 2,554,079 1,454,084 962,497 3,955,662 . PUBLICART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETETP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD Cl CFDW CFD13 BTM3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGWCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTM POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 313.487 21,723,652 4,181.832 2,586,877 884,629 677,195 1,835,280 3,696,442 1,200.890 26,283 1,274,359 373,253 96,942 1,859,969 1,165,262 32,691,711 12,849,302 0 3,091,167 523,659 0 4 0 5,273,625 886,807 19,141,077 9,705.312 1,964,996 6,118,850 8,601,526 2,132,557 6,002,296 2,807,608 3,185,062 7,744 1,784,016 8,082.399 470,843 118,022 62,686 224,712 356,184 1,962,937 8,065,776 995.386 692 33.555 73.264 209,115 17,155.045 7,407,202 0 355,261 2,671,478 0 245,000 0 721,068 2,943,525 4,960,609 7.450.269 4,957,607 9.959.060 68,290 1,550,194 141,078 12,378,831 888,803 73,381 1,242,269 2.757.1 16 4,337.178 0 0 18,900 0 1,828,336 2,003.739 , 2,000,263 0 0 267,536 11,884,665 20,448,689 1,486,845 0 648,490 1,972,040 0 0 216,046 625,962 1,267,061 758,368 264,962 2,513,526 1,616,817 33,832 665,338 138,889 1,727,866 78,776 0 942,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 169,743 0 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,116.426 0 160,000 1,177.344 42,351 0 0 15,872 247,850 2,407,045 27,048.935 31 5,497 2,704,899 947,315 883,007 2,191,464 3,081,043 9,247,099 196,013 26,975 1,307,914 307,628 38,521 273,181 6,435,642 24,452.1 10 18,769,659 0 1,207,225 0 166,228 0 5,778,647 3,204.370 21,718,199 16,397,213 2,428,837 7,305,587 16,901,418 2,167.015 2,757,938 6,887,152 1.333.808 OTHER 2,614,485 843,776 2,124,453 0 * TOTA 163.304.560 64.455.427 5.376.543 193.1 71,095 PROPOSED DISTRICTS. CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 19993000 JULY 1,1999 PROJECTED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE REVENUES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,955,662 7,250,000 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 513.16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTM3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#4 COLLEGUCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG & E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 247,850 2,407,045 27,048,935 31 5,497 2,704,899 947,315 883,007 2,191,464 3,081,043 9,247,099 196,013 26,975 1,307,914 307,628 38,521 273.1 81 6,435,642 24,452,110 18,769,659 0 2,757,938 1,207,225 0 166,228 0 5,778,647 3,204,370 21,718,199 16,397,213 2,428,837 7,385,587 16,901,418 2,167,015 6,887.152 1,333,808 0 0 3,829,609 228.01 1 804,633 133,560 292,163 55,650 1,141,923 2,500,000 550,000 0 0 120,000 1,980,000 532,699 0 7.1 16,403 0 0 242,000 100,000 0 6,683,600 0 131,462 1,400,000 4,556,371 2,000.000 950,000 3,678,819 2,725,000 0 1,550,000 n 1998 - 99 CONTINUING NEW APPROPR. APPROPR. 3,353,727 6,836,500 107,557 1,505,050 5,068,835 24,184 0 0 0 2,220,224 8,335,896 5,855 0 0 270,905 37,665 65,517 5,938,514 14,923,214 4,881,633 0 2,491,611 1,131,775 0 142,055 0 813,804 2,441,733 12,821,374 2,791,323 720,405 2,628,667 1,599,569 1,818,297 1,773,700 219,100 1 ,180,336 79,312,525 62,426,955 20,000 0 10,000 150,000 0 0 9,i 43,000 3,500,ooa i ,677,000 2,300, ooa 1,240,ooa 1,980,ooa 441 0,000 550,000 0 120,000 500,000 0 0 0 450,000 0 0 6,683,600 0 950,000 2,198,822 3,002,731 659,527 5,713,983 2,775,592 0 5,699,200 n 1,857,000 1999 - 00 TOTAL CIP APPROPR. 10,190,227 127,557 1,505.05C 14,211,835 34,184 3,500,OOC i50,ooa 21 9,i oa 0 3,897,224 10,635,896 555,855 0 1,240,OOC 390,905 2,017,665 565,517 5,938,514 19,333,214 4,881,633 0 2,941,611 1,131,775 0 6,825,655 0 1,763,804 4,298,733 15,020,196 5,794,054 1,379,932 4,375,161 1,818,297 1,180,336 8,342,65a 7,472, goo 141,739,480 JUNE 30,2000 PROJECTED BALANCE 1,015,435 120,293 901,995 16,666,709 509,324 9,532 930,875 956,069 2,247,114 325,742 1 ,111,203 1 90,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 240,363 497,128 12,235,298 13,888,026 0 58,327 175,450 0 24.1 73 0 4,146,305 305,637 11,254,375 12,603,159 1,998,905 2,721,755 15,251,257 348,718 964,252 153,472 101,983,518 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1999-2000 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND REVENUES REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2,888,993 3,000,585 1,581,221 2,554,079 7,250,000 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13 8 16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFM3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGECANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS (C,D,E,F) SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTM2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 20,454 42,191 3,172,700 375,038 271,399 234,755 12.91 1 68,857 772,544 24,122 8,503 97 660,599 82,683 213,661 253,417 1,037,967 7,279,245 3,017,345 0 1,265,756 408,294 0 165,994 0 488,794 0 2,669,428 1,233,895 230,676 2,442,896 1,107,737 133,308 1.41 5,803 542.320 18,033 79,365 4,618,487 701,492 283,688 44,222 403,682 278,736 1.1 01,838 1,155,361 103 520,948 237,167 189,854 2,596,708 277,695 269,106 10,676,209 6,085,033 0 26,238 0 421,036 0 863,504 253,024 2,823,755 2,014,974 593,808 2,266,441 2,185,341 127,079 1,471,758 2,289,588 18,471 289,482 8,562,805 1,203,795 207,517 69,997 326,350 701,093 1,691,916 4,103,007 3,310,960 1,524 98,380 321,253 45,414 293,629 9,494,392 15,184,782 2,247,234 0 213,180 291,424 0 79,745 0 1,061,677 452,181 5,200,226 1,750,325 1,073,366 3,738,617 2,506,152 254,554 1,610,623 7,744 1,784,016 8,082,399 470,843 11 8,022 62,686 224,712 356,184 1,962,937 8 I 065,776 995,386 692 33,555 73,264 209,115 141,078 17,155,045 12,378,831 7,407,202 0 355,261 2,671,478 0 245,000 0 721,068 2,943,525 4,960,609 7,450,269 888,803 4,957,607 9,959,060 68,290 1,550,194 0 0 3,829,609 228,011 804,633 133,560 292,163 55,650 1,141,923 2,500,000 550,000 0 0 120,000 1,980,000 532,699 0 7,116,403 0 0 242,000 100,000 0 6,683,600 0 131,462 1,400,000 4,556,371 2,000,000 950,000 2,725,000 0 1,550,000 3,678,819 NOTE: REVENUES INCLUDE INTERFUND LOANS AND TRANSFERS at CIM OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1996-1997 TO 1998-1999 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 (1) FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,068,165 1,137,693 2,416,581 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13 & 16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFW3 BTM3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDM COLLEGEKANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 26,780 252,506 1,285,908 0 0 0 301,226 0 275,234 786,134 499,666 498,066 0 251,114 2,516,379 261 279,582 3,540,881 255,722 0 83,345 17,505 421,302 0 484 0 1,334,650 187,625 151,251 2,447,648 2,170,009 20,795 462,810 19,705 768,416 474,493 28,638 0 0 3,449 0 926,582 1,751,812 1,732,856 0 0 13,684 74,694 35,816 9,994,978 5,235,076 670,688 0 589,053 246,276 0 79,475 0 255,507 98,843 1,395,000 608,373 115,641 2,595,405 1,937,045 540,536 343,806 73,381 2,184,579 2,757,116 4,337,178 0 0 18,900 0 2,578,336 2,003,739 2,000,263 0 0 138,889 267,536 1,727,866 11,884,665 20,618,432 1,486,845 0 688,490 1,987,912 0 78,776 0 216,046 625,962 2,383,487 758,368 424,962 3,690,870 1,659,168 33,832 665,338 OTHER 602,662 1,122,720 2,124,453 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 21,737,710 32,796,260 69,831,970 1999-2000 1999-2000 1998-99 CONTINUING NEW TOTAL CIP APPROPR. APPROPR. APPROPR. 3,353,727 6,836,500 10,190,227 107,557 1,505,050 5,068,835 24,184 0 0 219,100 0 2,220,224 8,335,896 5,855 0 0 270,905 37,665 65,517 5,938,514 14,923,214 4,881,633 0 2,491,611 1,131,775 0 142.055 0 813,804 2,441,733 12,821,374 2,791,323 720,405 2,628,667 1,599,569 1,818,297 1,773,700 20,000 0 9,143,000 10,000 3,500,000 150,000 0 0 1,677,000 2,300,000 550,000 0 1,240,000 120,000 1,980,000 500,000 0 4,410,000 0 0 450,000 0 0 6,683,600 0 950,000 1,857,000 2,198,822 3,002,731 659,527 5,713,983 2,775,592 0 5,699,200 0 127,557 1,505,050 14,211,835 34,184 3,500,000 150,000 219,100 0 3,897,224 10,635,896 555,855 0 1,240,000 390,905 2,017,665 565.517 5,938,514 19,333,214 4,881,633 0 2,941,611 1,131,775 0 6,825,655 0 1,763,804 4,298,733 15,020,196 5,794,054 1,379,932 8,342,650 4,375,161 1,818,297 7,472,900 1,180,336 1,180,336 79,312,525 62,426,955 141,739.480 (1) 1998-99 ESTIMATED AMOUNT INCLUDES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES & ENCUMBRANCES. CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUIWOUT PWR l lgg9 - I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/99 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 601,935 7,250,000 6,836,500 1,015,435 PUBLIC ART GOLFCOURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13.16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BlKE TRANSNETKTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGWCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG & E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTDH POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY SEWER BENEFIT AREA (C-D-E-F) WATER - RECYCLED WATER 140,293 901,995 21,980,100 291,313 2,704,899 947,315 663,907 2,191,464 860,819 91 1,203 190,158 26,975 1,307,914 36,723 856 207,664 497,128 9,528,896 13,888,026 0 266,327 75,450 0 24,173 0 4,964,843 762,637 8,896,825 13,605,890 1,708,432 4,756,920 15,301,849 348,718 5,113,452 OTHER 153,472 TOTAL 113,858,570 50,551,902 62,426,955 101,983.51 8 0 0 3,829,609 228,011 804,633 133,560 292,163 55,650 1,141,923 2,500,000 550,000 0 120,000 1,980,000 532,699 0 7,116,403 0 0 242,000 100,000 0 6,683,600 0 131,462 1,400,000 4,556,371 2,000,000 950,000 3,678,819 2,725,000 0 1,550,000 0 ‘0 20,000 0 9,143,000 10,000 3,500,000 150,000 0 0 1,677,000 2,300,000 550,000 0 1,240,000 120,000 1,980,000 500,000 0 4,410,000 0 0 450,000 0 0 6,683,600 0 950,000 1,857,000 2,198,822 3,002,731 659,527 5,713,983 2,775,592 0 5,699,200 0 120,293 901,995 16,666,709 509,324 9,532 930,875 956,069 2,247,114 325,742 1,111,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 240,363 497,128 12,235,298 13,888,026 0 58,327 175,450 0 24,173 0 4,146,305 305,637 11,254,375 12,603,159 1,998,905 2,721,755 15,251,257 348,718 964,252 153.472 (1) BEGINNING BALANCE ON 7/1/99 IS NET OF CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS. CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PR 2QQQ - 200’ 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2000 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,015,435 1,750,000 1,786,000 979,435 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGHCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 120,293 901,995 16,666,709 509,324 9,532 930,875 956,069 2,247,114 325,742 1,111,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 240,363 497,128 12,235,298 13,888,026 0 58,327 175,450 0 24,173 0 4,146,305 305,637 11,254,375 12,603,159 1,998,905 2,721,755 15,251,257 348,718 964,252 0 0 3,333,871 118,000 351,907 198,949 296,336 555,650 893,084 1,900,000 0 755,000 0 0 104,000 44,334 0 6,451,766 0 500,000 197,360 2,000,000 0 5,024,000 700,000 565,034 3,400,000 6,051,232 1,300,000 150,000 3,149,716 2,025,000 0 1,600,000 20,000 0 4,689,000 0 0 150,000 0 2,800,000 672,000 1,700,000 0 755,000 0 0 104,000 0 0 1 10.000 5,702,400 500,000 200,000 0 0 5,024,000 700,000 260,000 3,391,000 3,922,316 4,249,533 1,059,527 1,561,226 7,796,424 0 745,900 OTHER 153,472 1,210,000 1,210,000 TOTAL 101,983,518 44,625,238 49.1 08,326 97,500,430 100,293 901,995 15,311,580 627,324 361,439 979,824 1,252,406 2,764 546,826 1,311,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 284,697 497,128 18,577,064 8,185,626 0 55,687 2,175,450 0 24,173 0 4,451,339 314,637 13,383,290 9,653,626 1,089,378 4,310,245 9,479,833 348,718 1,818,352 153.472 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT R 3 2001 - 2002 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2001 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 979,435 1,700,000 1,664,625 1,014,810 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETlLOCAL TRANSNETlHlGHWAY TRANSNETlBlKE TRANSNETlSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGEKANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTW POINS. LN-AVIARA PW WATER - RECYCLED WATER 100,293 901,995 15.31 1,580 627,324 361,439 979,824 1,252,406 2,764 546,826 1.31 1,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 284,697 497,128 18,577,064 8,185,626 0 55,687 2,175,450 0 24,173 0 4,451,339 314,637 13,383,290 9,653,626 1,089,378 4,310,245 9,479,833 348,718 1,818,352 0 0 3,754,316 60,000 497,630 825,383 304,684 55,650 963,134 2,000,000 905,000 0 0 0 0 18,982 0 6,987,748 757,781 6,180,000 1,216,400 400,000 1,200,000 0 0 692,945 400,000 2,226,126 1,300,000 150,000 3,601,716 2,025,000 0 1,650,000 20,000 0 4,339,000 0 600,000 1,800,000 0 0 447,000 1,700,000 905,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,810,000 8,941,000 6,180,000 1,200,000 0 1,200,000 0 0 1,600,000 355,000 6,719,690 1,210,057 159,527 2,549,808 1,515,202 0 362,000 OTHER 153,472 3,000,000 3,000,000 TOTAL 97,500,430 42,872,495 52,277,909 88,095,016 80,293 901,995 14,726,896 687,324 259,069 5,206 1,557,089 58,414 1,062,960 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 19,754,812 2,407 0 72,087 2,575,450 0 24,173 0 3 I 544,284 359,637 8,889,726 9,743,569 1,079,851 5,362,153 9,989,631 348,718 3.1 06,352 153.472 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PAR 2o02 - 2003 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2002 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,014,810 700,000 433,000 1,281,810 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HlGHWAY TRANSNET/BlKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDM COLLEGElCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTM2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PW WATER - RECYCLED WATER 80,293 901,995 14,726,896 687,324 259,069 5,206 1,557,089 58,414 1,062,960 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 19,754,812 2,407 0 72,087 2,575,450 0 24,173 0 3,544,284 359,637 8,889,726 9,743,569 1,079,851 5,362,153 9,989,631 348,718 3,106,352 153.472 0 0 3,490,008 106,341 496,080 225,383 303,293 23,651 1,019,007 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,348,161 (0) 0 783,600 95,000 0 0 1,063,490 400,000 2,163,316 1,300,000 150,000 3,407,609 2,025,000 0 1,700,000 0 10,645,000 1 20,000 0 2,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 447,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 0 0 500,000 0 10,645,000 0 0 2,600,000 0 5,879,296 760,591 159,527 1,514,682 1,635,178 0 250,000 0 60,293 901,995 16,166,904 793,665 755,149 2 3 0,5 8 9 1,860,382 82,066 1,634,967 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 25,992,974 2,407 0 355,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 2,007,774 759,637 5,173,746 10,282,978 1,070,324 7,255,081 10,379,453 348,718 4,556,352 153.472 33 .- CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PAR 2Q03 - 2004 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2003 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,281,810 1,100,000 1,313,000 1,068,810 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETlLOCAL TRANSNETlHlGHWAY TRANSNETlBl KE TRANSNETlSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#4 COLLEGECANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 60,293 901,995 1 6,166,904 793,665 755,149 230,589 1,860,382 82,066 1,634,967 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 25,992,974 2,407 0 355,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 2,007,774 759,637 5,173,746 10,282,978 1,070,324 7,255,081 10,379,453 348,718 4,556,352 153.472 0 0 2,259,351 108,000 159,676 225,383 304,684 23,651 774,753 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,428,836 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 1,101,717 400,000 1,426,594 1,300,000 200,000 2,379,524 2,025,000 0 1,750,000 0 20,000 0 11,678,000 0 0 0 0 0 447,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,182,615 931,136 159,527 2,530,428 1,796,272 0 0 0 40,293 901,995 6,748,255 901,665 914,825 455,971 2,165,066 105,717 1,962,721 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 31,311,810 2,407 0 855,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 3,109,492 1,159,637 417,725 10,651,842 1,110,797 7,104,177 10,608,181 348,718 6,306,352 153.472 TOTAL 97,535,681 23,167,169 26,867,978 93,834,872 34 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT FUR 6-10 2o04 - 2009 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 12004 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,068,810 4,310,000 2,165,000 3,213,810 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETlLOCAL TRANSNETlHlGHWAY TRANSNETlBlKE TRANSNETlSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#4 COLLEGElCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 40,293 901,995 6,748,255 901,665 914,825 455,971 2,165,066 105,717 1,962,721 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 31,311,810 2,407 0 855,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 3,109,492 1,159,637 417,725 10,651,842 1,110,797 7,104,177 10,608,181 348,718 6,306,352 153,472 0 0 16,573,633 615,337 697,613 1,520,636 1,275,776 395,115 4,686,500 8,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,322,590 0 0 2,500,000 1,500,000 0 0 900,000 3,715,653 2,000,000 8,274,598 6,500,000 1,000,000 12,279,854 10,125,000 0 8,500,000 0 0 0 23,275,000 0 0 600,000 2,550,000 500,000 3,985,000 8,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,933,500 0 0 3,226,800 2,000,000 0 0 900,000 110,000 0 5,843,834 2,641,750 797,635 8,031,000 2,874,000 0 555,000 0 40,293 901,995 46,888 1,517,002 1,612,438 1,376,608 890,842 832 2,664,221 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 5,700,899 2,407 0 128,887 2,170,450 0 24,173 0 6,715,145 3,159,637 2,848,489 14,510,092 1,313,162 11,353,031 17,859,181 348,718 14,251,352 153,472 TOTAL 93,834,872 108,692,305 106,988,519 95,538,659 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PO09 to Buildout i BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2009 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,213,810 3,000,000 4,763,000 1,450,810 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETlLOCAL TRANSNETlHlGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETlSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGEKANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKW WATER - RECYCLED WATER Y 40,293 901,995 46,888 1,517,002 1,612,438 1,376,608 890,842 832 2,664,221 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 5,700,899 2,407 0 128,887 2,170,450 0 24,173 0 6,715,145 3,159,637 2,848,489 14,510,092 1,313,162 11,353,031 17,859,181 348,718 14,251,352 0 1,000,000 16,921,289 373,977 1,370,421 2,724,068 527,284 669,191 7,717,007 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,412,839 (0) 0 1,200,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 7,646,625 9,700,000 10,541,724 20,900,000 2,200,000 16,359,445 22,275,000 0 20,700,000 0 0 1,765,200 16,391,000 1,840,000 2,980,000 3,425,000 1,410,000 565,000 10,364,000 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,104,500 0 0 514,000 3,664,000 0 0 0 14,265,000 6,600,000 9,961,927 5,528,400 2,369,007 0 0 0 13,325,000 0 40,293 136,795 577,176 50,979 2,859 675,675 8,126 105,023 17,228 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 9,239 2,407 0 814,887 6,450 0 24,173 0 96,770 6,259,637 3,428,286 29,881,692 1,144.1 55 27,712,475 40,134,181 348,718 21,626,352 OTHER 153,472 153,472 TOTAL 95,538,659 154,538,869 112,635,034 137,442,494 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING TOTAL TOTAL N FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 601,935 19,810,000 18,961,125 1,450,810 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDW COLLEGEKANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 140,293 901,995 21,980,100 291,313 2,704,899 947,315 663,907 2,191,464 860,819 91 1,203 190,158 26,975 1,307,914 36,723 856 207,664 497,128 9,528,896 13,888,026 0 266,327 75,450 0 24,173 0 4,964,843 762,637 8,896,825 13,605,890 1,708,432 4,756,920 15,301,849 348,718 5,113,452 0 1,000,000 50,162,077 1,609,666 4,377,959 5,853,360 3,304,219 1,778,559 17,195,410 18,600,000 1,455,000 755,000 0 120,000 2,084,000 596.01 5 0 52,068,343 757,781 6,680,000 6,639,360 5,595,000 11,845,000 11,707,600 1,600,000 14,916,927 17,700,000 35,239,961 34,600,000 4,800,000 44,856,682 43,225,000 0 37,450,000 100,000 1,765,200 71,565,000 1,850,000 7,080,000 6,125,000 3,960,000 3,865,000 18,039,000 17,900,000 1,455,000 755,000 1,240,000 120,000 2,084,000 500,000 0 61,588,000 14,643,400 6,680,000 6,090,800 5,664,000 11,845,000 11,707,600 1,600,000 19,785,000 12,203,000 40,708,500 18,324,198 5,364,277 21,901,127 18,392,668 0 20,937,100 40,293 136,795 577,176 50,979 2,859 675,675 8,126 105,023 17,228 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 9,239 2,407 0 814,887 6,450 0 24,173 0 96,770 6,259,637 29,881,692 1,144,155 27,712,475 40,134,181 348,718 21,626,352 3,428,286 OTHER 153,472 4,210,000 4,210,000 153,472 TOTAL 1 13,858,570 462,592,919 439,006,995 137,442.494 May 17,1999 Valley Junior High School PTA 1645 Magnolia Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Capital Improvements Budget Dear Mayor and Council Members AGENDA ITEM # 1378 e Mayor city Council City Manager 33 Attorney City Clerk Since the Valley Junior High School PTA Board is vitally interested in the safety of children going to and coming home from school, we are making the following requests for your inclusion in the upcoming budget. 1. Bring Valley Street between Chestnut and Magnolia up to street standards and install sidewalks, curbs and gutters on both sides of the street. In addition to Valley students, this section of Valley Street serves students from Magnolia Elementary and Carlsbad High School. It is noteworthy that the combined enrollment of these three sites currently approaches 5,000 students. 2. Install sidewalks on the north side of Magnolia Street in the blocks across from both Magnolia and Valley schools. We will be advocating other safety efforts with NCTD, including the education of the students, parents and teachers in loading and unloading students, pedestrian rules with enforcement means and an exploration of the necessity of crossing guards. We plan to appear at the Budget Workshop on June 10,1999 at 11 a.m. in the Council Chamber to answer any questions about the students’ safety needs. Sincerely, Eli sa Wil I iam son Co-president May 18, f 999 AQUIDIA(TEM# do ct Mayor CityCouncU ,, *rM .i Ciiy Manager City Attomy c ? . .4 - AGENDA mm # 30 SliARON SYLVESTLR r Confection and Specialty Foods 3-7966 FAX(6191753-3910 m7.g 7703 Cortina Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92009 rF- Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk iy- CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Program 1999-2000 The following pictures appear on the front cover representing Carlsbad as we enter the year 2000: Top Left - Carlsbad Flower Fields. Top Right - Legoland, California (opened March 1999) Bottom Left - New Carlsbad Library (due to open September 1999) Bottom Right - View Park Photographer: Bill Richmond c .( c I c c r- I City of Carlsbad 1999=00 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program Mayor Claude "Buddy" Lewis City Council Ramona Finnila Matt Hall Ann Kulchin Julie Nygaard City Manaaer Raymond R. Patchett Ad mi n ist rat ive Services Director James F. Elliott Prepared by the finance Department finance Director Lisa Hildabrand, C. P.A. )c . CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 1999-00 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS T c . . c c c c c . How the Budget Document is Organized ............................................... : ............................. 1 Council's Five-Year Vision Statements ................................................................................ ii Organization Chart .............................................................................................................. 111 ... BUDGFT OVER VIEW City Manager's Transmittal Letter ....................................................................................... 1 Projected Fund Balances ............................ :. .................................................................... 13 Personnel Allocations ....................................................................................................... 14 CSMFO Budget Award ..................................................................................................... 18 1999-00 Budget Highlights .................................................................................................. 3 About the City of Carlsbad ................................................................................................ 16 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 19 Expenditure Schedule .............................................. : ......................................................... 41 Projected Fund Balances .................................................................................................. 32 Revenue Estimates ........................................................................................................... 34 Proaram Summaries Policv ti Leadership Grot@ Policy ti Leadership Group Summary .......................................................................... 45 City Council .................................................................................................................. 46 City Clerk ..................................................................................................................... 47 City Treasurer .............................................................................................................. 50 City Manager ............................................................................................................... 52 City Attorney ................................................................................................................ 54 Administrative Services Administrative Services Summary ............................................................................... 55 Administrative Services Administration ........................................................................ 56 Finance ........................................................................................................................ 57 Purchasing ................................................................................................................... 60 Human Resources ....................................................................................................... 62 Worker's Compensation ............................................................................................... 64 Risk Management ........................................................................................................ 65 Health Insurance .......................................................................................................... 67 Information Systems .................................................................................................... 68 Miscellaneous Non-Departmental ................................................................................ 71 Public Safety Public Safety Summary ................................................................................................ 73 Police Department Summary ....................................................................................... 74 Administration .............................................................................................................. 77 Field Operations ........................................................................................................... 78 Traffic ........................................................................................................................... 79 Volunteer Program ...................................................................................................... 80 . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Two Public Safety fcont inued) Reserve Officer Program ............................................................................................. 81 Canine ......................................................................................................................... 82 Lagoon Patrol .............................................................................................................. 83 Investigations ............................................................................................................... 84 VicelNarcotics .............................................................................................................. 85 Juvenile Diversion ..................................................................... .................................. 86 Property & Evidence .................................................................................................... 87 Family Services ............................................................................................................ 88 Support Operations ...................................................................................................... 89 D.A.R.E ........................................................................................................................ 90 Crime Prevention ......................................................................................................... 91 Police School Resource Officers ...................................................... ........................... 92 Communications Center ............................................................................................... 93 Police Records ............................................................................................................. 94 Various Asset Forfeiture .............................................................................................. 95 Bicycle Patrol ............................................................................................................. 96 Fire Department Summary ........................................................................................... 97 Administration .............................................................................................................. 99 Emergency Operations .............................................................................................. 100 Fire Prevention .......................................................................................................... 101 Weed Abatement ....................................................................................................... 102 Disaster Preparedness .............................................................................................. 103 . .. . . . 3 . . . . . I . Communitv Developme nt Community Development Summary ............................................................................ 105 Administration ............................................................................................................ 106 Geographical Information System .............................................................................. 1 IO Building Inspection ..................................................................................................... 112 Redevelopment Operations ....................................................................................... 114 - Redevelopment Debt Service .................................................................................... 116 Housing . Rental Assistance ...................................................................................... 118 Community Development Block Grant ....................................................................... 122 Land Use Planning .................................................................................................... 108 Economic Development ............................................................................................. 11 1 Housing & Redevelopment Summary ........................................................................ 113 Low/Moderate Income Housing ................................................................................. 117 Affordable Housing .................................................................................................... 120 - Community Services Community Services Summary .................................................................................. 125 Library Summary ....................................................................................................... 126 Administration ............................................................................................................ 128 Georgina Cole Library ................................................................................................ 130 Reference Services .................................................................................................... 132 Children's Services .................................................................................................... 133 Genealogy/Local History ............................................................................................ 134 Centro de Informaci6n ............................................................................................... 135 Technical Services ..................................................................................................... 136 Collection Development & Acquisitions ...................................................................... 137 Media Services .......................................................................................................... 138 Circulation . South Carlsbad Library .......................................................................... 131 . . . 3 . . c c c r . c . . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Three Community Services !~ontin~~O Adult Learning Program ............................................................................................. 139 La Costa Branch ........................................................................................................ 140 Audio Visual Insurance .............................................................................................. 141 Library Gifis/Bequests/Endowments .......................................................................... 142 Cultural Arts Summary ............................................................................................... 143 Arts Office .................................................................................................................. 144 Sister City .................................................................................................................. 146 Arts Special Events ....................................... : ............................................................ 147 Recreation Summary ................................................................................................. 148 Park and Recreation Management ............................................................................. 150 Recreation Fee Supported ......................................................................................... 152 Recreation . Aquatics ................................................................................................. 154 Recreation Operations ............................................................................................... 157 Seniors Summary ........... ............................................................................................ 159 Recreation . Agua Hedionda Lagoon ......................................................................... 156 Senior Programs ........................................................................................................ 160 Senior Program Donations ......................................................................................... 162 Senior Nutrition .......................................................................................................... 163 Public Works Public Works Summary .......................................................... : ................................... 165 Public Works Administration ...................................................................................... 166 Engineering Services Summary ................................................................................. 167 Engineering ................................................................................................................ 169 Utility Engineering ...................................................................................................... 172 General Services Summary ....................................................................................... 173 Park Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 175 Facilities Maintenance ................................................................................................ 177 Street Tree Maintenance ........................................................................................... 179 Median Maintenance .................................................................................................. 180 Vehicle Maintenance .................................................................................................. 181 Vehicle Replacement ................................................................................................. 183 Carlsbad Golf Course ................................................................................................ 184 Maintenance & Operations Summary ........................................................................ '185 Major Street Maintenance .......................................................................................... 187 Street Maintenance .................................................................................................... 188 Traffic Signal Maintenance ......................................................................................... 190 Street Lighting ............................................................................................................ 192 Buena Vista Channel Maintenance ............................................................................ 194 Water Operations ....................................................................................................... 195 Wastewater Operations ............................................................................................. 197 Solid Waste ................................................................................................................ 198 Overview .................................................................................................................... 201 Projected Fund Balances ........................................................................................... 212 Revenue Estimates .................................................................................................... 214 Budget Expenditure Schedule .................................................................................... 215 Current & Future (1 999-00 to Buildout) Projects ........................................................ 216 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pane Four CAPITAL IM PROVEMENT PROGRAM !co ntinuea Analysis of Available Balances .................................................................................. 226 Glossary of Capital Project Funding Sources ............................................................. 234 APPENDICES. Planned Capital Outlay Items .................................................................................... 237 Conference Travel ................................................................................................... 241 Continuing Appropriations .......................................................................................... 246 Gann Appropriation Limit ........................................................................................... 249 Budget Calendar ........................................................................................................ 250 Accounting Systems and Budgetary Control .............................................................. 251 Resolution Adopting the Budget ................................................................................. 252 Resolution Adopting the Appropriation Limit .............................................................. 255 Glossary ................................................................................................................... .256 c c HOW THE BUDGET DOCUMENT IS ORGANIZED This budget document has been designed to provide the public concise and readable information about the City of Carlsbad's 1999-00 budget. The Budget is separated into two major sections: The Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program. Transmittal Letter The beginning of the budget document contains the City Manager's transmittal letter and overview information. The overview information will provide summary data to the reader for both the operating budget and the capital improvement program, as well as information on personnel allocations and debt management issues. Operatina Budaet The Operating budget section has 7 tabbed sections providing the summary information' and budget information for each of the 7 major service areas. The Operating Budget summary section begins with an -overview of the revenue assumptions and the policies used to develop the budget. The overview is followed by tables providing detailed information on fund balances, expenditures and revenues. The following sections are separated by major service areas which are Policy and Leadership Group, Administrative Services, Public Safety, Community Services, Community Development, and Public Works. Within these broad categories, the budget is organized on a departmental basis. Summaries, financial and descriptive, are included for department groups containing more than one program. The summary page is followed by detailed program information. Some departments consist of one program only, and thus only one page is included for them. For each program, a financial history and the 1999-00 budget figures are presented. Also included are narrative statements describing program activities, associated workload measures or performance objectives, key achievements for 1998-99 and key goals for 1999-00. CaDital lmwovement Proaram The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is located toward the back of the budget document. Included is a discussion of the program as a whole, the revenue sources, project scheduling, and budgeted 1999-00 expenditures. The discussion is followed by a multi-page table outlining all capital projects. Ongoing projects are identified along with the amount of funds already appropriated, while future projects contain an identification of their estimated cost in the planned year of spending. An analysis of future revenues and cash balances concludes the presentation of the CIP. Amendices The Appendices contain a detailed listing of the 1999-00 Capital Outlay items by department. Travel detail is presented next, so that Council may review and approve these requests. Then a listing of the appropriations carried forward into the 1999-00 budget are presented. The last section of the Appendices provides information on the Gann Limit, Budget Process, Accounting System and Budgetary Control, the Adopted Resolution for the Budget, and a Glossary. i Carlsbad City Council 1999 FIVE-YEAR VISION STATEMENTS + - City Council continues to clarify and pursue the vision of Carlsbad that reflects the pride and quality of life for all who live, work, and play here. - - Carlsbad’s.. . 1. Diverse and healthy economic base provides opportunities for employment to the - residents of Carlsbad, economic vitality to the community, and the necessary revenues to support City services. Policies and decisions implement the General Plan, enforce the Growth Management Plan, maintain the safety and security of its citizens, and are based on what is best for 3 2. Carlsbad. - 3. Leadership role in local and regional planning issues actively involves confronting governmental issues at the local, state and national levels. 4. Operates an open government for the betterment of the community in a non-partisan manner while encouraging active citizen participation and involvement with the City Council, and the City’s Boards and Commissions. And Carlsbad Efficiently and Effectively ........ 5. Delivers top-quality public services. 6. Manages environmental concerns proactively, including: 0 openspace 0 water qualitykonservation 0 beach erosion 0 air quality 0 resource conservation and waste reduction . 0 wildlife habitats 7. Has a safe and efficient integrated transportation system. 8. Maintains citywide “small town” community spirit. 9. Has a community where continuous and life-long learning are supported and embraced for people of all ages. ii r---- .----- r---- r---- r---- r---- r---- - - 5 0 ti w II w - 0 G -. I I I I I I I I I iv - City of Carlsbad r- To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: IC r r 1999-00 BUDGET TRANSMITTAL I am pleased to submit the 1999-00 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the city of Carlsbad which total $166.3 million with projected revenues of $158.8 million. Of the total budget, $103.7 million (62%) will be used to finance the operations of the City while $62.6 million (38%) will go towards the construction of capital improvements throughout Carlsbad. Our goal has been to prepare a comprehensive financial plan for all services, programs, and capital projects which will assist the Council in the achievement of its vision for Carlsbad. It is apparent from a review of the revenue picture that the city of Carlsbad is continuing to experience a period of economic prosperity. Revenue growth in almost every area has been strong and is expected to persist throughout the upcoming year. Commercial development in Carlsbad continues with the opening of the Legoland family theme park in March 1999, the projected expansion of the Carlsbad Company Stores retail center in fall 1999 and the opening of several new hotels and restaurants. Carlsbad has truly become a tourist destination spot with the second highest level of Transient Occupancy Tax in the county. Carlsbad’s reputation for quality has also enhanced it’s residential and industrial development. There is a strong demand for housing in the City creating upward pressure on housing prices and development of a number of new residential projects. The pace of development in the industrial corridor has also continued resulting in the addition of a variety of new jobs to the City. All of these provide for the economic well being of our citizens as well as providing additional revenues to improve City services. The 1999-00 Budget reflects these improvements in the economy and provides funding for a number of service enhancements. The long awaited new Carlsbad library will open in September 1999, requiring 33 new positions to staff the 64,000 square foot state of the art facility. Public safety needs have been addressed with the addition of five new positions in the police department. Other enhancements to services in the 1999-00 budget include improved maintenance to City infrastructure, and increased funding for technology. There is also over $20 million appropriated to improve the circulation and road conditions in Carlsbad. This will ensure that we are able to maintain Carlsbad’s quality of life in the newly developing regions as well as for our current residents and businesses. This year the City will be employing best management practices by establishing a system that will insure the City has the funds to maintain its streets, sidewalks and other infrastructure at acceptable levels in future years. Our city is relatively new so we have not yet experienced the significant cost of maintaining infrastructure as it ages. We are just beginning to experience the cost of major repairs on some of our older roads. In order to plan for these future costs, this year’s budget includes a $2 million transfer to an infrastructure maintenance fund. This money c 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2821 FAX (760) 720-9461 @ 1 is proposed as “seed” money to begin this new program. A full report and recommendations for future years will be brought to Council during fiscal year 1999-00. Carlsbad has continued to grow and prosper over the years as a result of the vision and leadership of the City Council. The Council’s commitment to their vision, and their willingness . work. The 1999-2000 operating and capital budgets continue to provide for a high quality of life for current citizens as well as laying the groundwork so that future generations will also be able 3 to provide the funding to achieve it, has resulted in a highly desirable city in which to live and to enjoy the benefits of our community. - --.I I would like to express my appreciation to the City Council for providing the direction and I would also like to recognize the contributions of the City staff for not only creating a successful operating plan and capital improvement program; but, also for their commitment to providing top quality services to offer them all my thanks for a job well done. support which are crucial to the ability of the City to achieve its goals. all who live, work and play in Carlsbad. Their efforts are critical to the City’s ultimate success. I - - RAYR~ND R. PATCHETT City Manager June 15, 1999 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1999-2000 BUDGET WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM ... 1999-2000 ESTIMATED REVENUES $1 58.8 MILLION Licenses & Permits 2% Income from Investments & Pro pe tiy 2% WHERE THE MONEY GOES ... 32% 1999-2000 ADOPTED BUDGET $166.3 MILLION Public Works ~3 Leadership Non Dept. & 24% Capital Projects 37% 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 BUDGET HlGHLlGHTS The 1999-00 budget for all City funds totals $166.3 million with total revenues estimated at $158.8 million. The City’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. The City is able to budget more than it has in expected revenues due to balances on hand from previous years. The Operating Budget totals $103.7 million and is expected to generate $108.2 million in revenues. This budget allocates the resources for the operations of all City programs. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) assesses the City’s long-term capital needs and identifies potential revenue sources to meet these needs. The 1999-00 CIP contains the current year budget allocation of $62.6 million and outlines approximately 208 future projects at a total cost of $460.4 million through build-out of the City. Capital revenues for the 1999-00 fiscal year are estimated at $50.6 million. The capital projects include civic facilities, such as parks and libraries, as well as all infrastructure needs anticipated for the future which are not expected to be constructed by developers. Balancing City revenues with the demand for new or increased services is one of the major challenges faced by the City Council and staff as the budget is developed. Revenues received by the City set constraints on the amount of services that can be provided. Fortunately, due to the continued growth of the City’s tax base, Council was able to add funding in 1999-00 to improve upon the variety of services already being provided to Carlsbad citizens. Many of the changes were anticipated and were the result of new facilities being built, the need to keep up with technological changes, and the changes required due to the growth of the city as prescribed by the General Plan and growth management. There are also several enhancements proposed to ensure that the City remains at the forefront in addressing the health and safety needs of its citizens. The increases in development and the related fees have also provided Council the ability to advance many of the capital projects which had been postponed in the past. The top priority was given to projects that will be needed in order to maintain compliance with the City’s Growth Management Plan. The result is a CIP focused on improving the circulation throughout the City and in making more park acreage available for use by citizens and visitors. The budget overview below will begin with the Operating Budget and provide information about the estimated revenues by fund type and the budgeted appropriations by program. It is followed by a discussion of the staffing levels anticipated for the City for the 1999-00 fiscal year. The second section of the report provides a summary of the Capital Improvement Program with a brief description of notable projects. This section also addresses debt management including a schedule of the outstanding bond issues. 4 _- I_ OPERATING BUDGET Revenue Projections bv Fund Tvpe The City's revenues are divided into various funds. Each fund has been established because of certain restrictions placed on the use of the resources received by that fund. The City's five fund types are shown on the accompanying graph. 1999-00 OPERATING REVENUES BY FUND TYPE $108.2 MILLION INTERNAL REDEVELOP- SERVICE MENT ENTERPRISE $9.4 / $1.7 $9.8 $64.4 In millions General Fund Revenues The fund receiving the largest slice of the revenues is the General fund, with estimated revenues of $64.4 million. The General fund provides funding for the majority of services available to City residents. The majority of the General fund revenues are derived from taxes, which equal $45.5 million, or 71%, of the total. The graph at the right illustrates the sources of revenue to the General fund. Sales taxes are the number one source of revenue for the General fund. Sales taxes are estimated to bring in $17.8 million for the 1999-00 fiscal year. Automobile and department store sales are significant contributors to the category of sales tax. I 1999-00 GENERAL FUND REVENUES $64.4 MILLION CHARGES FOR SWIES INTWGOVERNM LIcB\IsES& 10% OTHER ENTAL WENUE \ FRANCHISETAX 5% / BUSLK: m's 5% TAX Property taxes, at $15.8 million, are the second largest General fund revenue. Transient occupancy taxes (TOT) are budgeted at $7.5 million, and are the third largest revenue source for the City. Franchise taxes, transfer taxes, and business license taxes make up the remaining $4.5 million in tax revenues collected by the City. Intergovernmental revenues are revenues collected by the State and other governmental agencies and allocated to the City based on a formula. Examples of intergovernmental revenues include motor vehicle license fees, state mandated cost reimbursements and homeowner's exemptions. Intergovernmental revenues total $4 million of the General fund revenues. 5 Licenses and permits account for $3.1 million of the General fund revenues and include building permits and other development related permits. Charges for services are estimated to be $6.2 million, and include fees for engineering, planning, building, recreation, and ambulance services. Other revenue sources include interdepartmental charges, fines and forfeitures, and miscellaneous revenues. Other revenue sources total $3.5 million, or 5%, of the General fund revenue. Income from investments and property total $2.2 million, or 3%, of the total revenues. Special Revenue Fund Revenues Special Revenue fund revenues are estimated at $9.8 million for 1999-00. Funds collected in the category of Special Revenue are legally restricted to specified purposes. Examples of funding resources include donations, grants and special assessments. The types of functions supported with Special Revenue funds include programs funded by specific revenue streams such as Section 8 Housing Assistance, Housing Trust fund, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), and maintenance and assessment districts. Enterprise Fund Revenues Revenues from the Enterprise funds make up the second largest revenue group, totaling $22.9 million. The Enterprise funds are a group of funds which operate similar to a business in that they charge fees to cover the cost of their services. Examples of the City’s enterprises include water and sanitation services and solid waste management. Internal Service Fund Revenues Internal Service fund revenues, projected to be $9.4 million, are derived from charges to the City programs which benefit from the services rendered. The funds collected must be used specifically to support the internal service. Examples of the City’s Internal Service funds include Liability, Health Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, and Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement. Rede veloprnent Agency Re venues Redevelopment Agency revenues, estimated at $1.7 million, come mainly from property taxes collected within the redevelopment area. Carlsbad has one redevelopment area consisting of 204 acres located in the downtown “Village Area” of the City. The overall goal of the Village area redevelopment project is to create a pleasant, attractive, accessible environment for living, shopping, recreation, civic, cultural and service functions through the elimination of blighting influences, and through restoration and new, private/public devetopment forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the Village Area and surrounding community. Funds collected within the redevelopment area must be used to repay the debt incurred and administration of the Agency. Operating Buduet by Program The total operating budget for the City equals $103.7 million which represents a $333,000 increase over the 1998-99 final budget. The operating budget is categorized by major service area (MSA). Five MSAs have been identified which represent the key businesses of the City. These five areas are governed by the top executives of the City. The following graph shows the operating budget for each of the MSAs. 6 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1 999 -0 0 0 P E RATING EX P EN D;I T UPREF- I $103.7 MILLION I I ~~ ~~P~ -~ P~P~ -~ ~P~P~ +otal funding allocated for the Policyand Leadership Group for 1999-00 is $2.5 million. This MSA encompasses all elected officials and the chief executive offices for the City. These include the City Council, City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney, and City Treasurer. The Administrative Services MSA, with a budget of $10.9 million, includes finance, human resources, purchasing, information systems, health insurance, risk management, and workers' compensation. These departments mainly provide services to internal City departments. Five new positions have been added to the budget for this MSA to enhance the City's use of technology. Public Safety services are funded at $21.9 million and include all the police and fire programs such as police patrol, vicelnarcotics, juvenile diversion and DARE programs, fire prevention, emergency operations and disaster preparedness. The 1999-00 budget includes 5 new positions in the police department based upon the anticipated growth in the City. These positions will be used in patrol, traffic, the DARE program, and communications. Community Development, with a budget of $10.7 million, provides the services that guide and oversee the planning and development of Carlsbad as depicted in the City's General Plan. The General Plan is the base document which expresses the goals and public policy relative to future land use. It acts as a "constitution" for development and is the foundation upon which all land use decisions are based. Also included under Community Development are the housing and redevelopment programs. Community Services, with a budget of $9.6 million, is made up of the library, recreation, cultural arts and seniors programs. These programs are provided to a wide range of people and assist in their education and cultural development. The 1999-00 budget includes increases in service levels for many of these programs. With a new 64,000 7 square foot library due to open in the September 1999, 33 additional positions have been funded as well as an increase in the budget for books and materials. projects included in the 1999-00 budget are described below: The service area requiring the largest amount of funds is Public Works with a budget of $39.9 million. Public works is responsible for the building and maintenance of all of the City’s infrastructure and facilities and for the provision of utility services. It is comprised of the ~~ ~ ~ engineering, parks, streets, facilities, fleet, water and sewer departments. The building of the majority of the projects outlined in the $63 million Capital Improvement Program is also a responsibility of this MSA. . ._ 6% The Non-Departmental and Contingency account includes non-departmental programs such as community promotions, community contributions, assessment services, transfers to other funds and Council’s contingency account. Included in the non-departmental group this year is a $2 million transfer to an infrastructure maintenance fund. This is a new program that will set aside funds for the repair and replacement of the City’s base infrastructure. The contingency account, which is available to Council for emergencies and unforeseen program needs that arise during the year, is budgeted at $4 million. This is about the same as the amount adopted in the 1998-99 budget. In total, the contingency account amounts to 6.5% of the General fund budget. The operating budget also includes a $7 million transfer to the Capital Improvement Program which is not reflected in the previous graph. The transfer is necessary to pay for various capital projects which are not funded through any of the capital revenues. Some of these projects include a computer-aided dispatch system for police and fire needs, relocating the police firing range and furniture for a new City building on Faraday Ave. Staffing The 1999-00 budget includes a total of 586.5 permanent positions (both full time and %- time positions) and 135.55 part-time positions (in full-time equivalents). This is an increase of 33.5 permanent positions and 24 part-time positions (in full-time equivalents). About a third of these positions are the direct result of the opening of the new Carlsbad library in September 1999. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The City of Carlsbad’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a long- range planning document which identifies current year projects as well as future capital needs and sources of revenue. These funds are used for the construction of municipal facilities, roads, traffic signals and parks. The Capital Improvement Program for 1999-00 totals $62.6 million. Some of the notable capital CIP BUDGET ALLOCATION $62.6 MILLION Water Parks 9% 11% Streets 33% 7% Loans 8 . amenities. Funding for the land acquisition is $3.5 million from Park Fees and $2.6 million from Public Facility Fees. c 1 c 0 The Public Works Center is scheduled for construction with an additional appropriation of $4.5 million from CFD#I and Sewer Fees. In addition, completion of the Faraday Administration Building is anticipated for the fall of 1999. This facility will be used by staff from Public Works, Community Development, and Administrative Services and is expected to improve customer service by providing a single location to serve the development community. . 0 Construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain is expected to begin in 1999-00. This facility will extend from Oak Avenue to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon along the easterly portion of the Northern San Diego Railroad right- of-way and will control flooding and standing water along its route. An additional appropriation of $3.1 is included in the budget with Gas Tax and TransNet funding. 0 A major waterline will be constructed on El Fuerte from Poinsettia Lane to Palomar Airport Road. This project is funded from Water Connection fees. 0 Construction of several major street projects are included in the CIP and will improve the flow of regional and local traffic throughout the City; projects which will undergo construction in 1999-00 include Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road, Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road. Funding is also provided for preliminary activities relating to the construction of several major east-west roads, such as College Boulevard and Cannon Road east of El Camino Real and Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real. In addition, funding for the reconstruction of many individual roads, particularly in the older sections of the City, will help maintain the quality of our streets. Appropriations are also included for the replacement of the Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge and the widening of Poinsettia Lane Bridge. Debt Manaaement Issues As the City develops, the question of financing the necessary infrastructure becomes more and more pervasive. The use of debt has always been a primary issue in the development of the Capital Improvement Program and the policies to implement the Growth Management Program. Over the years, the City has issued millions of dollars of bonds and Certificates of Participation (COPS) to fund streets, buildings, sewer and water facilities, open space acquisitions and other infrastructure projects. The City is continually evaluating its outstanding debt as well as potential future issues to insure that interest costs are kept at a minimum and the uses of the bond funds are appropriate. During 1997, the City refinanced approximately $44 million worth of bonds saving the taxpayers and citizens over $6 million in interest costs over the life of the bonds. The following table identifies the debt the City has issued, the outstanding principal, the 1998-99 principal and interest payment and the scheduled year of payoff. Of the total debt outstanding, only $6.6 million will be paid back with General fund monies. 9 City of Carlsbad Debt Outstanding Outstanding I999100 Final Original Principal Payment Paymenl bond Name Fund Bond Issue at 6130199 P8ll FY 997 Hosp Grove Refunding Certificates of Participation 997 CMWD Refunding Certificates of Participation 996 Refunding Encina JPA Sewer Expansion 993 Redevelopment Tax Allocation Bonds General Water Enterprise Sewer Enterprise Redevelopment $ 6,595,000 $6,075,000 $ 758,803 $ 7,400,000 $ 5,405,000 $1,222,450 $ 11,080,000 $10,250,000 $ 940,372 $ 15,495,000 $14,460,000 $1,043,390 Subtotals 988 Palomar Airport Road Assessment District 997 Reassessment District College & Alga 997 Carlsbad Ranch Assessment District 1998 Rancho Carrillo Assessment District Subtotals Assessment District Assessment District Assessment District Assessment District $40,570,000 $36,190,000 $3,965,015 $ 5,133,940 $655,000 $ 176,519 $ 18,475,000 $17,420,000 $ 2,014,002 $ 10,175,438 $10,125,000 $ 785,857 $ 19,600,000 $ 19,600,000 $ 1,356,956 $53,384,378 $47,800,000 $4,333,334 2009 2004 2014 2024 2004 2012 2023 2028 Totals $93,954,378 $83,990,000 $8,298,349 Annual debt service payments from the General fund average approximately $800,000. The remaining debt will be repaid from water and sewer revenues and from property owners benefiting from the improvements built with bond proceeds. In addition to the existing issues, the City is considering using debt to fund several new projects. These include the following: 10 c c c c P c c Communitv Facilities District: In May 1991, the property owners approved a Mello-Roos financing district, called Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD). Approximately $1 09 million in Capital Projects will be financed using this mechanism, most of them without the issuance of debt. The new City of Carlsbad City Hall is scheduled for construction sometime during the period of 2004-2009. Available CFD cash balances will be used to pay for the design and construction costs, and if necessary, a bond will be issued to supplement any deficiency. The project will proceed following a thorough review. Golf Course Construction: In 1994-95 the City acquired a site for a municipal golf course in the industrial corridor. Funding for the development of the course may be provided through the use of COPS or other City-issued debt to be repaid from revenue generated through the operation of the course. Various development options are being considered, thus, the amount and timing of any debt issue is unknown. Faradav Administrative Offices: During 1998-99, the City entered into a lease agreement for a 68,000 square foot building to house the Community Development, Administrative Services and a large portion of the Public Works staff. The lease agreement contains an option to purchase the building between the twelve and twenty-forth month of the lease at a price of $9.1 million. If this option is exercised by Council, it is anticipated that the City will issue debt to finance the purchase. The type of debt that would be issued has not yet been determined. Payments for this lease and the purchase option, if exercised, will come from Public Facilities Fees. As can be seen from the previous information, the City of Carlsbad is experiencing a period of solid economic growth which is anticipated to continue for at least the next year. As the City continues to grow, it is evident that the planning and foresight by the City Council and residents has provided a sound economic base from which to grow. Along with the population increases have also come increases in the resources which will allow the quality of life in Carlsbad to be maintained. Strong growth can be seen in all of the City’s base revenues: property taxes, sales taxes and transient occupancy taxes. The increased job opportunities from the development of the industrial and commercial areas is creating a higher demand for housing which will continue to increase the property taxes. Sales taxes and transient occupancy taxes are being boosted by the opening of the Four Seasons Resort in 1997; the Carlsbad Company Stores, a specialty retail mall, in late 1997 with an expansion in 1999; Legoland in early 1999; as well as growth in other hotels and restaurants. In addition, the development revenues are providing the funding to pay for the services provided to the building industry and to offset the cost of capital improvements needed to serve the growing population. All of these events add to the diversity and strength of Carlsbad’s economic base which will provide the funding for additional services needed to maintain the quality of life in Carlsbad. The requests in this year’s budget reflect the anticipated achievement of Council’s vision and goals for the City. It allocates the available funding in a manner which proactively plans for the future. This plan will insure top quality services are provided to all who live, work and play in Carlsbad. 11 12 c c CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET SUMMARY 1 FISCAL YEAR 199940 I PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ADOPTED FUND BALANCE PROGRAM AREA JULY 1,1999 REVENUES BUDGET TRANSFERS JUNE 30,2000 OPERA77NG BUDGET Policy I Leadership Group Administrative Services Public Safety Community Development Community Services Public Works Non Departmental I Contingencies $2,485,452 10,931,490 21,910,298 10,693.61 2 9,625.747 39,961,959 8,125,000 (7.000,OOO) SUBTOTAL OPERATING $73,831,154 $108,181,342 $103,733,558 ($7,000,000) $71,278.938 CAPITAL IMPROEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Year 199940 $193.171.095 543,551,902 $62,552,466 $7,000.000 $181,170,531 1998-99 Continuing Appropriations (79.790.693 $101,379,838 TOTAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL S267,002.249 SlS1,733.244 Sl66.288,OU so si72,6~,n6 I FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 1 I PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE PROGRAM AREA JULY 1,1998 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30. I999 Policy I Leadenhip Group Administrative Services Public Safety Community Development Community Services Public works NO^ Departmental I Contingencies $2,295,564 10.61 9,987 21,764,565 10,130,387 7,390,970 36,669.656 (13,920,000) 4,118,810 SUBTOTAL OPERATING $72,496,126 $108,244,967 $92,989,939 ($13,920,000) $73,831,154 CAPITAL IMPROEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Year 1998-99 $163,304,560 $85,778,505 $69,831,970 $13,920,000 $193,171,095 13 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1998-99 AND 199940 OVER 98/99 99/00 (UNDER) FINAL FINAL 1998-99 MAJOR SERVICE AREA BUDGET BUDGET ALLOCATED lPOLlCY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP I CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY TREASURER CITY CLERK CITY AlTORNEY IADMlNlSTRATlVE SERVICES 1 ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS FINANCE RISK MANAGEMENT PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES 8 WORKERS COMP UBLIC SAFETY 1 POLICE FIRE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I COMM DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PLANNING HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ICOMMUNITY SERVICES 1 LIBRARY CULTURAL ARTS PARK PLANNING AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT RECREATION SENIOR PROGRAM )PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING SERVICES GENERAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATIONS 1 9 0.75 4 5 0 13 14 2 5 8 128 79 4.75 13 1 2 24 10 32.25 3 3 15.5 3 7.25 37 47.25 81.25 1 6.75 0.75 4 6 2 17 20 2 5 9 134 79.75 4.75 13 1 2 24 10 40.75 4 3 16 3 4 51 51.75 71 0 (2.25) 0 0 1 2 4 6 0 0 1 6 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.5 1 0 0.5 0 (3) 14 5 (10) GRAND TOTAL LABOR FORCE 553 586.5 33.5 14 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1998-99 AND 199940 SUMMARY OF REQUESTED LABOR FORCE BY CATEGORY 98/99 99/00 Difference Full Time Personnel 547 582 35 3/4 Time Personnel in Full Time Equivalents 6 4.5 -1.5 Hourly Full Time Equivalent Personnel 111.41 135.55 24.14 TOTAL LABOR FORCE 664.41 722.05 57.64 LIMITED TERM EMPLOYEES INTERNS 98/99 99/00 Difference Management Interns Building Inspector Intern GIS 0 2 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 Planning - front counter 1.5 1.5 0 TOTAL LIMITED TERM EMPLOYEES 2.5 5 2.5 P 15 ABOUT THE CITY OF CARLSBAD The City of Carlsbad is a unique coastal community located 35 miles north of the City of San Diego surrounded by mountains, lagoons and the Pacific Ocean. The City is governed by a five member City Council under the CounciVManager form of government. Although the "village" dates back more than 100 years, Carlsbad incorporated in 1952 as a General Law city. Currently, the City is only one-half developed and is expected to grow from a population of 70,000 to 135,000 once its 42 square miles are built out. Industries in the area include a major regional shopping center, 16 auto dealers, 27 hotels offering 2,900 rooms for tourist lodging, high technology, multimedia and biomedical businesses, electronics, golf apparel and equipment manufacturers, several business and light industry parks, and numerous land developers building single and multi-family housing in a variety of community settings. Carlsbad residents enjoy the benefits of a full service City. The City provides the full range of services normally associated with a municipality including police, fire, parks and recreation, library, planning and zoning, building and engineering, various maintenance services and administration. The City provides water services through the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City. The City Council serves as the Board of Directors for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Solid waste collection is provided through a franchise agreement with a local refuse collection service. In addition to the usual City services, Carlsbad offers a wide variety of programs to help local residents and businesses. The City operates a redevelopment agency that encompasses 0.4 square miles of the downtown area, as well as a housing authority that provides housing assistance to 503 low income families. The City's literacy program, funded by the General fund, provides adult education to local area residents. Older Carlsbad residents receive assistance through the City's senior citizen programs. Also, the City provides major support for the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Finally, the City also provides financial support to the hiring center and the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation. Miscellaneous Statistical Information 7 998-99 Date of Incorporation Type of City Form of Government Area Population (CA Dept of Finance Report 1/1/98) Net Assessed Valuation July 16, 1952 General Law CounciVManager 42.19 sq. miles 77,550 $7,391,938,713 16 Miscellaneous Statistical Information 1998-99 (Continued) F- c c Number of Street Lights Miles of Streets Fire Protection: Number of Stations Number of Firefighters & Officers Police Protection: Number of Stations Number of Sworn Police Officers Municipal Water District: Number of Customers Number of Water Connections Average Daily Consumption Miles of Lines and Mains Miles of Sewers Recreation and Culture: Number of Parks (Improved and Special Use Areas) Area of Parks (Including Open Space) Number of Pools Number of Libraries Number of Volumes Total Number of Authorized Full Time City Employees 5,597 244 6 72 1 93 72,000 20,100 14.9 million gallons 350 145 34 433 acres 1 2 236,089 586 c Source: Ci of Carlsbad. Finance Department 17 California Society of JVlunicipaZ 3inance officers Certificate of Award Meritorious in Operational Btrdgeting 1998=99 Presented to City of Cudsbad 7% ctV@m rccogniUr tbe acbhemmt of E.EccUcncc in Operational Budgeting and rqihxts an omtstadng budget documcnc and tbe &lying budgeting process hugb wbicb tbe budget is imphted. March I, 1999 A. 1 Dedicuted to Excelknce in Municipal Finunciol Manugement ff The City of Carlsbad was recognized by the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) for meritorious in operational budgeting for Fiscal Year 1998-99. The purpose of the awards is to set a high standard of professionalism which will enhance the audiences’ understanding of the mechanics of local government and special districts and to continue to enhance the budget and its process. The City of Carlsbad believes that its Fiscal Year 1999-00 budget continues to meet the high standards of the CSMFO program. 18 .J Public Safety Community Development 1999-00 OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Carlsbad is a full-service City providing the following services to its citizen’s and customers: Police department 0 Development services 0 Fire department including paramedic services Street construction and maintenance Water delivery system 0 Library and arts programs Sewer system 0 Recreation programming for all ages Solid waste services Parklands Housing programs School programs and facilities are provided by four different school districts located within the City boundaries. Although the City Council has no direct control over these school districts, the Council recognizes the importance of quality school facilities and programs to Carlsbad’s residents; Council has worked closely with the schools in the past to provide assistance, when possible. The Council‘s commitment to quality schools is also evidenced this year in their goals as noted below. The budget process for the City of Carisbad begins in January each year, with a review and update of the City Council’s five- year vision statements. These statements are shown on the first page of this budget document. Through the vision statements, Council continually defines and clarifies their vision of Carlsbad. The Strategic Goals for the City are developed next. The goals further define the methods to be used to achieve the vision and call out areas in which Council would like to place special emphasis during the year. Once these are developed, staff develops operational goals based on Council’s direction. These operational goals are the basis for the development of the operating budget. City of Carlsbad 1999 Sfrafegic Goals Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top- quality services to our Community. Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City. Integrate a comprehensive, efficient transportation system with “qualjty-of-life” centered land use decisions. Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Community. Carlsbad’s operating budget allocates the revenues generated through taxes, fees and other charges to the various programs and services provided by the City to the community. The operating budget is a tool which guides the achievement of Council’s vision and goals for the City. It allocates the resources and sets the priorities for all of the programs offered by the City. Thus, it is an integral part of making Carlsbad a wonderful community in which to live, work and play. The operating budget for fiscal year 1999-00 totals $103.7 million with revenues for the year estimated at $108.2 million. General fund revenues are estimated at $64.4 million and budgeted expenditures are $61.6 million. The $2.8 million of revenues in excess of expenditures are expected to be combined with $4.2 million from the General fund balance and 19 transferred to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to fund needed capital projects. The CIP can be found in the last section of this document. Economic Profile The past two years have been exciting for Carlsbad. We have seen the return of economic prosperity to our community after the long and painful recession of the early 1990’s. Our industrial corridor has blossomed bringing in new jobs. New jobs create the need for housing, which has been reflected in the strong housing market over the past several years. It is expected that Carlsbad will issue more than 2,000 residential building permits this year compared to 1,400 in 1997-98. The price of housing is also on the rise, boosting the property taxes received by the City. The healthy economy coupled with continued low inflation has kept consumer confidence high allowing for increased retail sales and tourism. At the same time, we saw the opening of a 200,000 square foot specialty outlet center and Legoland, a family theme park, in the central part of Carlsbad. These contributed to increased tourism and the highest level of transient occupancy taxes ever received by the City. All of these together contribute to a robust local economy which should be able to provide the funds to support the increased demands for City services. It is expected that the economy will continue at this level throughout fiscal year 1999-00. The City’s revenue projections reflect an expectation of increasing housing prices, continued strong development, but at a lower growth level than in the past two years, and continued consumer confidence. We have also projected increases in sales tax and transient occupancy taxes based on the increase in tourism expected from Legoland and several new hotels currently under development. In anticipation of the growth of our City population, both transient and permanent, enhancements to our services in 1999-00 are included to ensure the maintenance of a high-quality of life for Carlsbad’s residents. The following table shows the total operating revenues the City anticipates receiving for 1998- 99, as well as those estimated for 1999-00. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (In Millions) PROJECTED EST1 MATED PERCENT WND 1998-99 1999-00 DIFFERENCE CHANGE GENERAL FUND $61.9 $64.4 $2.5 4% SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL S ERVlC E REDEVELOPMENT 10.1 9.8 -0.3 25.7 22.9 -2.8 8.8 9.4 0.6 1.8 1.7 -0.1 -3% ,11% 7% -6% rOTAL $108.3 $108.2 40.1 O%l Revenue estimates for the operating budget indicate that the City will receive a total of $108.2 million, a $100,000 decrease over the current year projections. The majority of the decrease is in the Enterprise funds which are offset by increases in the General fund. These and other funds will be discussed in more detail below. 20 General Fund General fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest as these resources fund basic City services such as Police, Fire, Library, Street and Park Maintenance and Recreation programs. The table below shows a summarized outlook for the major General fund revenues. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND (In Millions) PROJECTED ESTIMATED PERCENT FUND 1998-99 1999-00 DIFFERENCE CHANGE PROPERTY TAX $14.2 $15.8 $1.6 11% SALES TAX 16.5 17.8 1.3 8% TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 6.9 7.5 0.6 9% DEVELOPMENT RELATED REVENUE 7.7 6.7 -1 .o -1 3% ALL OTHER REVENUES 16.6 16.6 0.0 0% I TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $61.9 $64.4 $2.5 4% I Sales tax is the single largest revenue source to the General fund representing 28% of the fund. Sales taxes are estimated at $17.8 million for 1999-00, an increase of 8%, or $1.3 million, over the projected 1998-99 receipts. The increase can be attributed to the full-year operation of Legoland, the projected opening of a number of new restaurants and the Phase II expansion of Carlsbad Company Stores, an upscale outlet mall. The expansion will add an additional 20 stores to the over 50 stores already in the mall and is expected to be completed by the end of 1999. The remaining increase is based on Statewide estimates of 5% average growth in sales taxes due to the healthy economy and high consumer confidence. This estimate also includes approximately $500,000 that is restricted to IO spending on public safety services under + Sales Tax Proposition 172. Proposition 172 requires that the 1/2 cent increase in California sales taxes be deposited to State and local public safety trust safety services. - - Property lax funds and allocated to local agencies to fund public 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 This year it is expected that property taxes will grow to $15.8 million, a $1.6 million, or 11% increase, over 1998-99’s estimate. Property taxes continue to be the second largest source of revenue to the City bringing in approximately 25% of the total General fund revenues. By law, the assessed values upon which property taxes are based are only allowed to increase by 2% per year. However, the majority of the growth is expected to come from the new development and the increase in housing prices. Statewide there has been an 8.8% increase in home prices over the past year and a recent articie showed a 16% increase in new home prices in North San Diego County over the past year. The next most significant General fund revenue is the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT or hotel tax) which is estimated at $7.5 million for 1999-00, an increase of 9% over 1998-99 estimates. Most of the increase can be attributable to the opening of two new hotels. The Grand Pacific Palisades Hotel, located near Legoland, opened in March 1999. It has 90 hotel rooms and 71 21 I timeshares. Another hotel due to open later in 1999 is the 121 room Marriott Residence Inn, which is located in the Carlsbad Research Center. The addition of these two new facilities will bring the total rooms available in Carlsbad to over 2,700. With the healthy economy and the recent opening of Legoland, which plans to have over 2,000,000 visitors during its first full year of operation, it is expected that receipts from the TOT will continue to grow. - Development within Carlsbad Permits Issued saw a sudden upward turn in 1500 1994-95 and has continued to accelerate since then. One of the commonly used indicators 1000 of building activity is the number 5oo of residential permits issued. 0 As of April 1999, Carlsbad has issued 1,842 building permits, which already surpasses last - 2000 - - N(3 o)o)o)o)o)o)o)o)oo o),X2868%8Z888 rrrrrrrrmelggs year’s total of 1,339. It is - which include Planning, Engineering and Building department fees as well as building permits expected that this will decrease to about 1,100 per year for the next five years. The 1998-99 development-related revenues, and other permits and licenses, are expected to total $7.7 million this year. The projections for 1999-00 show a 13% decrease in these revenues for a total combined revenue projection of $6.7 million. The majority of the decline is in the Engineering fees which are expected to taper off after the high amount of activity experienced during the last three years. -- All other revenues include franchise taxes, transfer taxes, vehicle license fees, ambulance fees, recreation fees, and other charges and fees. These revenues total $16.6 million, which is equal to the projections for 1998-99. We are projecting increases in the franchise fees, business licenses taxes and vehicle license fees of between 7% and 10% based on the population and job growth in the City. These increases are offset by a $500,000 drop in other revenue. Other revenue in 1998-99 contained several unusual receipts which are not expected in the next year. Overall, the outlook for the General fund revenues in the upcoming year is very good. All indicators point to a strong local economy persisting through 1999-00, especially in the building and tourism industries. However, the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) threat that we talked about last year is still lurking on the horizon. Vehicle license fees are paid when you register your vehicle and were put in place in lieu of personal property tax on automobiles. The amount allocated to cities was to offset the amount of personal property taxes lost. Although the State reduced the VLF last year by 25%, the revenue lost was replaced with the State’s General fund money. However, the bill has been reintroduced this year calling for the complete elimination of the fee. [rn] Although Sacramento lobbyists say the current proposals have little chance of passage, Assemblyman McClintock is pursuing a ballot initiative that would amend the State Constitution to exempt the first $10,000 of a vehicle’s value from taxation and to phase the fees out completely over three years. In order to qualify for the March 2000 ballot, campaign workers must collect 670,000 signatures by August 23. Currently, the City of Carlsbad receives about $3.4 million in VLF annually. If this ballot initiative were successful, there is no guarantee that the State would replace the lost revenue. Clearly, this could have a very negative impact on our budget. ABC 123 22 r Other Funds Revenues from Special Revenue funds are expected to total $9.8 million, a decrease of $2.5 million from 1998-99. The types of functions supported within Special Revenue funds include programs funded by specific revenue streams such as Section 8 Housing Assistance, Housing Trust fund, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), and maintenance assessment districts. Most of the decrease is due to $1.8 million in revenue received from the Villages of La Costa in 1998-99 as a part of their affordable housing fee which was used to set up the Carlsbad Homebuyer Assistance Program. The other significant changes were in the Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS) Grant and the Law Enforcement Block Grant, both which provide supplemental funding for local law enforcement. These grant programs require an annual appropriation to fund the programs which usually occurs in the middle of the fiscal year. For that reason, the revenues for the next year of the program have not been shown. The COPS grant has been used to fund two bicycle patrol officers. There are sufficient revenues available from the current grants to continue the program into 1999-00. The Law Enforcement Block Grant is used to purchase safety equipment and other one-time expenditures. Enterprise fund revenues for 1999-00 are projected at $22.9 million, down 10.8%, or approximately $2.8 million, less than 1998-99 projections. Enterprise funds are similar to a business in that rates are charged to support the operations which supply the service. Carlsbad Enterprises include the water and sanitation services, solid waste management, and the Carlsbad Golf Course. The water, recycled water and sanitation operating funds all show decreased revenues this year. The decline is mainly due to decreased rates and less interest income to the funds. During 1998-99, computer models were developed to better forecast future operational expenses and establish subsequent revenue requirements. Based on staffs review of the fund balances and the improved forecasting of rates using these models, a recommendation was made to reduce water and sewer rates and to transfer portions of the fund balances to the Capital Improvement Program. The average water rate was reduced by 6% and the average sewer rate was reduced by 13%. These rate changes will go into effect in July 1999. The fund balance transfers totaled $8 million in the water fund and $5.9 million in the sewer fund. These monies will be used to finance various water and sewer capital projects over the next several years. Interest Income is also projected to decrease due to the decreased revenues and decreased cash balances. Operating revenues to the Golf Course Enterprise fund of $600,000 represent the transfer of funds from the General fund. These amounts are needed to provide sufficient funds to the golf course to pay taxes, assessments, and expenses as needed for the future municipal golf course. This is a $1 million decrease from the prior year which included additional amounts that were used to pay off the balance of Palomar Airport Road assessments. All necessary land has been purchased and development planning is underway. More information about the proposed golf course can be found in the Capital Improvement Program in the last section of this document. Internal Service funds show an estimated revenue of $9.4 million for 1999-00, an increase of $600,000, or 7%, over 1998-99 projections. Internal Service funds provide services within the City itself and include programs such as the self-insurance funds for Workers' Compensation, Liability Insurance and Health Insurance, as well as Information Systems and Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement. Departments pay for services provided by these funds. The goal of the Internal Service funds is to match their budgeted expenses with charges to the departments after allowing for a certain level of reserves within the fund. 23 The Internal Service fund demonstrating the largest revenue increase is the Information Systems fund, up $838,000, or 52%. Charges by Information Systems were increased this year based on projected increases in their budget from new positions and programs. More information on these can be found in the next part of this letter on Expenditures. Vehicle Maintenance revenues have also increased due to increases in the rates and/or services provided to the departments. Redevelopment revenues are expected to total $1.7 million, a slight decline from 1998-99 levels. This decrease is primarily due to the elimination of the Seascape mortgage revenue bond administrative obligations and the associated $35,000 annual fee. Property tax revenues are not expected to change significantly as the increment on assessed values increased only 1.5% last year. @ EXPENDITURES City operating expenditures for 1999-00 total $1 03.7 million which represents an increase of $300,000, or .3%, from the current 1998-99 budget. Although the total amount has not changed significantly, there are a number of changes within the programs found in each of the funds. These will be discussed later in this document. Budaetarv Policies Budget policies this year began with the assumption that departments would be allowed to maintain their "base budget." This is an amount allocated to each program sufficient to fund current services at current levels. The base budget is an approximation of the adopted budget for each department for fiscal year 1998-99, adjusted for approved salary increases and revised assessments or charges from Internal Service funds. In addition, departments were allowed to submit requests for additional resources. These requests were considered if the department could show how the outcome of the new program, or increase in service level, would help to achieve Council's vision of Carlsbad, and fit within Council's strategic goals for 1999. The budget also incorporates certain organizational and structural changes resulting from the strategic planning initiatives undertaken the past several years. During 1997-98, the City completed an organizational redesign process which analyzed the City's current structure and made recommendations for a new design mich will contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization. During 1998-99, the City continued to implement these recommendations. The budget reflects these changes with the most significant ones occurring in the Public Works area. Budaet Recommendations Through the application of these guidelines and policies, the 1999-00 operating budget of $103.7 million was developed. The budget includes funds to enhance the services already being provided to the community as well as the addition of several new programs. The majority of the new programs and increases in services were anticipated and are the result of new facilities being built, the need to keep up with technological changes and the changes required due to the growth of the City as prescribed by the General Plan, and growth management. There are also several enhancements to ensure that the City remains at the forefront in addressing the health and safety needs of its citizens. 24 r- c c- c In total, 33.5 new full and 3/4 time employees are in the 1999-00 Operating budget; an increase of 6%. About one-third of these positions are the direct result of the opening of the new library in southern Carlsbad. Increased hourly staff totals approximately 24 full-time equivalents (FTE) with most of these going to operating the new library and maintaining service at the Cole library. These additions will bring the total City workforce to 586.5 full and 3/4 time employees and 135.5 hourly FTE. These changes and others are addressed in more detail below. New Citv Facilities The largest and the most long-awaited of the City facilities which will be opening in 1999-00 is the new Carlsbad library on Dove Street. This 64,000 square foot facility will provide a full range of library services. The operation will be state-of-the-art with over 70 computer work stations available to the public. Other features include a 220 seat auditorium, a 2,000 square foot art gallery for traveling art exhibits and productions and a children’s garden for outside reading and programmed children’s library activities. Operating this facility, in addition to the current Cole library, will require 11 new full-time positions and over 20 hourly full-time equivalents (FTE) with a total additional cost of $1.5 million. In addition to the library, the City will also be consolidating several of its offices into one new building located on Faraday Avenue. This building will improve customer service by providing a single location in which to serve the development community. It will bring together staff from the Public Works, Community Development and Administrative Services areas and provide sufficient space to accommodate current and future needs. Relocation is planned for the fall of 1999. The operating budget proposes 1.75 full-time and one hourly FTE to support staff at the new building. Poinsettia Park, Phase 1A was competed this year which added two baseball fields and a restroom to the existing park facilities. One hourly FTE has been added to provide the additional recreational opportunities at the expanded park, Health and Safetv The health and safety of our citizens has always been a top Council priority. This is reflected in the 1999-00 budget allocations. Over 35% of the General fund budget has been allocated toward police and fire programs. There are ten new positions in the budget this year to continue Council’s focus on health and safety. Some of the positions deal with the growing population. These positions include two new patrol officers, clerical support for the traffic division, a new DARE officer, a communications operator and a fire prevention officer. In addition, a CAL-ID evidence technician has been added to provide faster processing of major crime scenes resulting in an increase in the incidence and speed of suspect identification. Also, the fire department would like to hire a battalion chief in place of a captain specialist which is currently allocated. The battalion chief will be responsible for coordinating all training of the fire department staff and oversee the establishment of a reserve firefighter program. . Another new program for the police department is the addition of laptop computers for all patrol officers. Putting this type of technology in the hands of our officers will mean that they will spend more time on the streets, keeping Carlsbad safe, and less time behind their desks. The cost of this program is $150,000, and will be paid using forfeited funds received as a result of the department’s narcotics enforcement efforts. In addition to the traditional safety staff, the budget includes two positions to deal with the health and safety of our water. One will work on developing a Storm Water Quality Management program for the City which will reduce the amount of pollutants going into our local lagoons. This program is mandated by the federal government. The other will insure the quality of our potable water system by testing to ensure that there is no cross-over between the 25 iecycled water system and the potable water system. The final program being added in this category is the “Guard Start” program. This program takes relatively few staff resources (.4 FTE) and will offer the American Red Cross “Guard Start“ program to the City’s youth between the ages of 11 and 14. The program teaches children about water safety and will provide an opportunity for these children to advance into a professional lifeguard position in the future. Technoloqy Technology is a tool used to enhance and improve the way we currently deliver our services. It is an area which is rapidly changing and it is often difficult to determine whether the promises being made can actually be delivered and whether the benefits derived are worth the cost. Often with new technologies, it is difficult to envision how a particular tool will benefit you until you have the tool at hand. It has been the City’s philosophy during these rapidly changing times to keep up with the current technology and use it to its fullest extent to the benefit of our citizens. The City does not want to be on the extreme edge of technological change. Instead, we have positioned ourselves at the forefront, using tried and tested applications in innovative ways. Over the past several years, the City has invested heavily in new hardware and software, but has not kept up on the staff resources needed to fully implement the applications. Included in the 1999-00 budget are five new positions which will allow us to use the technology we currently own, and future applications, to their fullest extent. Three of the positions will support our current applications, one will assist departments in installing new systems and updates as they occur and the final position is for a new program - the City of Carlsbad’s web site. During 1998-99, Council approved a contract with an internet site development company to create a web site for the City. The site will be developed in phases: going from a static one- way informational tool to a fully interactive site through which citizens and customers can conduct business with the City on a 24-hour basis. The approved position will be the one charged with maintaining the technical aspects of the web site. Citv Growth The City’s population is growing at about 5% per year. It is anticipated that this growth will continue for several more years into the future. In addition to resident population, our employment population has also grown significantly with the addition of almost seven million square feet of industrial and commercial property over the past three years. This growth puts great demand on many City services. There are several positions in the 1999-00 operating budget in order to continue our level of service in response to the growth. Two maintenance workers and three utility workers are being added in Public Works. These individuals will help deal with the increased maintenance caused by the rapidly expanding infrastructure and insure that all water valves and fire hydrants are in proper working condition. Some maintenance staff will also be rotated as needed to provide additional support to our construction inspectors. In this way, we are able to reduce our reliance on expensive consulting services at times of peak workload and provide seamless succession when employee turnover occurs. 26 c c c We would also like to expand the opportunities for internships within the City in the next fiscal year by increasing the building intern from a half-time position to full-time and adding two interns in the City Manager’s Office. The building intern is expected to primarily recruit from the City’s current employees. It will give the building department additional staff when the demand for their services is high and provide a pool of trained individuals to fill vacancies as they occur. The internships would typically be for a six-month time period. The two interns in the City Manager’s Office are being added to replace the vacant Assistant to the City Manager position. These interns would typically be hired for one to two year assignments with the expectation that during this period the intern will work with a variety of departments, customers and projects. The internship program will fulfill the need for special projects staff throughout the City as well as providing a pool of qualified applicants for City positions. Other changes in the operating budget include an office specialist in the Human Resources department and a 1.3 hourly FTE to keep up with the demand in several recreation programs including enrichment classes, Kidz Camps and the Stay ‘N’ Play program. Budget bv Fund TvDe , From the discussion above, it can be seen that although the total dollars in the budget are not changing significantly from the previous year, there are major changes in the programs. Some of the fiscal impact of staff additions will be offset by decreases in the retirement (PERS) rates paid by the City. The rates went down between 20% to 30% this year, resulting in total savings across all funds of approximately $1.2 million. The discussion below of expenditures by fund and program will provide more information about the changes occurring in the budget. BUDGET U(PEND1TURE SUMMARY (in Millions) BUDGET BUDGET PERCENl 1998-99 1999-00 DIFFERENCE CHANGE GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT $60.9 $61.6 $0.7 1% 7.3 6.6 -0.7 -1 0% 23.6 23.5 -0.1 0% 9.9 10.4 0.5 5% 1.7 1.6 -0.1 0% c TOTAL $103.4 $103.7 $0.3 0% General Fund The General fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that finance the basic core of City services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating funds, as they also contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. Total budget for the General fund is $61.6 million which is 1 % greater than the current budget of $60.9 million. The Council contingency account, which is available for unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs, is budgeted at $4 million, or 6%, of the 1999-00 budget. This is approximately equal to the amount budgeted last year of which $1.6 million was remaining at June 30, 1999. 27 GENERAL FUND BY MAJOR SERVICE AREA (In Millions) BUDGET BUDGET PERCENl MSA 1998-99 1999-00 DIFFERENCE CHANGE POLICY/LEADERSHIP $2.5 $2.5 $0.0 0.0% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 4.7 3.8 -0.9 -19.1% PUBLIC SAFETY 22.2 21.7 -0.5 -2.3% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5.1 5.1 0.0 0.0% COMMUNITY SERVICES 7.3 8.9 1.6 21.9% PUBLIC WORKS 12.6 11.5 -1.1 -8.7% NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4.3 4.1 -0.2 -4.7% CONTl NGENCY 2.2 4.0 1.8 81.8% TOTAL $60.9 $61.6 $0.7 l.l%l There are several reasons for the minor change in the General fund budget compared to the 1998-99 budget despite the increases in staffing and programs that were previously discussed. A comparison by Major Service Area (MSA) is discussed below. The Policy/Leadership Group includes all elected officials and the City Manager’s Office. Although there was no change in the total appropriations, there was a change in the make-up of this group. The Administrative Services Director was created under a reorganization which took place last year. This position had been budgeted in the City Manager’s Office. For 1999-00, it has been moved along with the clerical support and supplies budget to the Administrative Services MSA. This decrease was joined by a decrease in the City Clerk’s budget for reallocations of staff and offset an increase of $82,000 in the City Attorney’s budget for a new paralegal position to assist with the workload of the attorneys. Administrative Services decreased mainly due to a one-time appropriation made in 1998- 99 for the records management system. Council approved the funding of a City-wide records management program which will provide quick access to documents and maps stored in electronic form for use by staff and citizens. The total appropriated in 1998-99 was $1.3 million. Ongoing costs are approximately $200,000 per year for the staff support to run the system. Increases in this MSA were mainly seen as a result of the transfer of the Administrative Services Director from the Policy/Leadership Group. Public Safety shows a minor decrease which resulted from an unusually high budget for the fire department in 1998-99. In 1998-99, Council approved the pay off of certain lease agreements for the Regional Communications System in the amount of $1.6 million. The 1999-00 budget does not have a comparable item. This decrease was offset by increases in staffing and programs for the police and fire departments as described earlier. In the Community Development area, decreases in all areas from the PERS retirement rate decrease were offset by an increase in Building due to the intern program discussed earlier and in the Geographic Information System (GIS) for software implementation. The software implementation will allow direct access to all mapping data from the various geographic information systems used by the City. 28 i r i r r 7- i i r r r 1 r i r 9 The largest change in Community Services is due to the opening of programs as previously explained. > Public Works shows a decrease of $1.1 million in their budget compared to the previous year. Approximately $600,000 of the decrease is due to budgeted special studies paid by developers which are not recurring in 1999-00. Other decreases are due to the reorganization of personnel in the Public Works divisions and the lower PERS rates. the new library on Dove Street, and enhancements to recreation 9 Non-departmental expenses include payments for debt service, administrative and audit fees and other expenses not associated with any one department. These are detailed at the end of the Administrative Services area in the program detail section of the budget document. Significant changes include no funding for the community activity grants in 1999-00. During 1998-99, Council set aside an additional $685,000 in a special fund which brought the fund to a total of $1 million. The interest from this fund will be distributed to community groups on an annual basis. Council has designated a sub-committee to design this program during the upcoming fiscal year. Another significant addition to the non-departmental group for 1999-00 is a $2 million transfer to an Infrastructure Maintenance fund. This fund is "seed" money to begin a new program. The program will set aside funds on an on-going basis for the repair and replacement of the base infrastructure of the City: everything from streets and sidewalks to public buildings. Our City is relatively new so we have not yet experienced the significant costs of maintaining our infrastructure as it ages. We are just beginning to see major repairs needed on some of our older roads. These costs will increase as the City grows older. The Infrastructure Maintenance fund will give the Council the financial ability to deal with these significant maintenance expenses as they occur. The value of such a system is just now being recognized at the State level as seen in a recent report from the Legislative Analyst's Office. Her report suggested that as much as 6% of the State's annual General fund revenue be set aside to fund replacement of fixed assets. Carlsbad has an opportunity to be a leader in best management practices by establishing a system that will recognize the cost of depreciation in the annual budget each year. For this reason, staff had recommended a commitment of $2 million this year to begin the program. A full report and recommendations for future years will be brought to Council during fiscal year 1999-00. 9 Capital outlay expenses totaling approximately $741,000 have been included in the General fund budget. Chanaes In Other Funds Special Revenue funds, at $6.6 million, show a decrease in anticipated spending of approximately $700,000, or 9.7%. No appropriations for the police grants (COPS and the block grant) are shown in the 1999-00 budget as these funds will be appropriated when the grants are received. The 1998-99 budget for these funds is $437,000. There is also a $413,000 decrease in the Community Development Block Grant program compared to the previous year. This represents the appropriations that were carried from the previous year. The funding for this program has remained relatively steady at approximately $700,000 to $800,000 per year. r 29 Enterprise funds total $23.5 million, which is a decrease of less than one percent. Operating costs for both potable water and recycled water have increased by a total of $550,000, based on staff additions discussed earlier. These increases were offset by a $572,000 decrease in the Golf Course fund budget. The 1998-99 budget had been increased to pay off the balance of the assessments due under the Palomar Airport Road Assessment District. Current appropriations will pay for the other annual assessments on the property and minor maintenance of the land. Internal Service funds show a budget increase of $476,000, made up of various increases in decreases in these funds. The Risk Management fund decreased due to a change in liability coverage provider which resulted in a $160,000 reduction in rates. The Vehicle Maintenance budget also declined due to the sale of fuel to Waste Management in 1998-99 while their fuel island was under repair. This will not occur in 1999-00. Increases are for both the Vehicle Replacement and Information Systems budgets. Information Systems increases include additional staff support for the new library and various software applications, increased costs for the help desk, Year 2000 compliance and strategic planning. The amount budgeted in Vehicle Replacement represents the cost of vehicles and equipment due for replacement in 1999-00. A list of these can be found in the appendix to this document. The Redevelopment Agency budgets have decreased for 1999-00 by a total of $1 17,000 due to less special studies and consultant services, decreases in PERS rates, and a slightly lower debt service payment. SUMMARY As can be seen from the previous information, the City of Carlsbad is in a period of solid economic growth which is anticipated to continue for at least the next year or two, As the City expands, it is evident that the planning and foresight by the City Council and residents has provided a sound economic base from which to grow. Along with the population increases have also come increases in the resources which will allow the City to maintain the quality of life in Carlsbad. Strong growth can be seen in all of the City’s base revenues: property taxes, sales taxes and transient occupancy taxes. The increased job opportunities from the development of the industrial and commercial areas is creating a higher demand for housing which will increase the property taxes. The opening of the Four Seasons resort in 1997, the Carlsbad Company Stores in late 1997, Legoland in 1999, as well as some smaller hotels and motels, will provide higher TOT revenues and sales taxes. In addition, the development revenues are providing the funding to pay for the services provided to the building industry. All of these events add to the diversity and strength of Carlsbad’s economic base which will provide the funding for additional services needed to maintain the quality of life in Carlsbad. This year’s budget reflect the anticipated achievement of Council’s vision and goals for the City. It allocates the available funding in a manner which proactively plans for the future. This plan will insure top quality services are provided to all who live, work and play in Carlsbad. 4 30 c 31 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES UNRESERVED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1.1998 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30.1999 IGENERAL FUND I ISPECIAL REVENUE I ~~ INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE COPS GRANT LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT HOUSING SECTION 8 HOUSING TRUST FUND AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GlFTSlBEQUESTS TREE MAJNTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (CLSA) STATE GRANTS (PLF) ARTS SPECIAL EVENTS SENIOR NUTRITION SENIOR DONATIONS CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB ARTS GENERAL DONATlONS ~~ ~ ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS SEWER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE RISK MANAGEMENT HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IREDEVELOPMENT 1 OPERATIONS DEBT SERVICE LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 31,497,698 0 382,386 141,389 124,241 88,155 722,974 2,191 0 28.615 606.830 123,417 996.955 602.068 32.637 98,792 42,451 0 117,551 10,190 33,002 12,822,200 691,600 7,819,100 1,786,600 2,814,500 1.339.448 2,877,609 (180,871) 81,662 4,207.981 701.794 162.582 869,231 851.068 61,859,000 0 141.500 175,000 92,508 2.674,164 3,347,100 65,400 251,800 4,100 608.600 427,000 776,800 132.500 168.700 w800 27,800 195,495 54,000 775.520 49.200 16,128.500 1,441.300 5,789.500 663.000 1,680,000 639.000 841.000 2,708,000 1,651.000 1,392,000 1,614,400 132.780 1,265,000 382,500 55.388.006 0 80,000 180,911 119,024 2,719,261 21 1,660 69.500 0 20.OOo 545.100 405,800 542,171 7,590 181,000 34,537 23,413 194,037 51,000 775,520 20,000 13,694.937 1,483.087 4,821,504 132,100 885,000 838.435 883,543 2.498.033 1,580,682 1,201,100 1.769.600 435,938 1,120,000 97,450 37.968.692 0 443,886 135,478 97,725 43,058 3,858,414 (1,909) 251,800 12,715 670.330 144.617 1,231,584 726.978 20.337 1 55,055 46,838 1,458 120.551 10,190 62,202 7.255.763 649,813 2,867.096 2.317.500 3,629,500 1,140,013 2.835.146 29,096 151,980 4,398,881 546,594 219.424 654,231 1,136.1 I8 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $72,496,126 $108,244.967 $92,989,939 ($13,920,000) 973,831,154 32 T- c c CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PRCUECTEDFUNDBALANCES PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND FUND JULY 1,1999 RMNUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,2000 IGENERAL FUND I [SPECIAL REVENUE I INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE COPS FUND LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT HOUSING SECTION 8 HOUSING TRUST FUND AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA WSTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (CLSA) STATE GRANTS (PLF) ARTS SPECIAL NENTS SENIOR NUTRITION SENIOR DONATIONS CDBG ENTllIEMENTlREHAB ARTS GENERAL DONATIONS ENTERPRISE I WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS SEWER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE INTERNAL SERWCE I WORKERS COMP SELF INSUR RISK MANAGEMENT HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS REDEVELOPMENT 1 OPERATIONS DEBT SERWCE LOW AND MOD INCOME HOUSING 37,968,692 0 443,886 135,478 97,725 43,058 3.858.4 14 (1,909) 251.800 12.715 670,330 144,617 1.231.584 726,978 20,337 155,055 46.838 1.458 120,551 10,190 62,202 7,255,763 649.813 2,867.096 2,317.500 3,629.500 1,140,013 2,835,146 29,096 151,980 4.398.881 546.594 219.424 654,231 1,136,118 64,384,000 2.000.000 40,000 5,000 0 3,063,395 1,525,000 60,400 10,000 3,000 61 1,000 429,000 778,000 32.000 153.500 ~.200 24,800 195,500 52,000 704,567 21,800 15,430,OOO 1,400,000 4,810.000 677,000 6oWoo 666,000 887,400 2,457,000 1,608,000 1,292,000 2,452,030 95,000 1,270.000 353.750 61,641,289 0 190,000 0 0 2,992,035 230.265 56.895 10.000 7.000 551.879 446,044 716,685 8,724 150,500 199,185 25.610 192,426 119.200 709.567 0 16,474,486 1,498,380 4.974,471 189,743 370.000 908,744 1,200.179 2,537,409 1,456.221 1,727,544 2,525,089 422,093 1,082,000 11 9,895 (7,000.000) 33,711,403 2.000.000 293,886 140,478 97.725 114.418 5,153.149 1,596 251,800 8,715 729,451 127,573 1,292.899 750,254 23.337 46,070 46,028 4,532 53,351 5,190 84.002 6,211.277 551,433 2,702,625 2,804,757 3,859,500 897,269 2.522,367 (51,313) 303,759 3,963,337 473,535 380.000 272,331 (380,000) 462,231 1,369,973 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $73,831.154 $108,181,342 $103,733,558 ($7,000,000) $71,278,938 Amount represents transfer to Capital Improvement Program 33 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES AS % DIFFERENCE 1998-99 TO OF M 98-99 PROJECTED 1999-00 ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 1997-98 1998-99 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1999-00 REVENUE SOURCE GENERAL FUND I TAXES PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT TAX FRANCHISE TAX BUSINESS LICENSE TAX TRANSFER TAX TOTAL TAXES 11.5% 1,627,000 7.6% 1,256,000 8.2% 563,000 8.6% 161.000 7.6% 129,000 -10.0% f72.000) $1 2.41 0,095 14,817,057 6,046,092 1,713,526 1,603,744 835.530 $l5,808,00C 17.756.00(: 7,483,000 2.034,ooo 1,829,000 648,ooo 45,538,000 3,458,000 509.000 $14.181,000 16,500,000 8,900,000 1,873,000 1,700,000 720,000 41,874,000 I. I ~~ ~ 8.8% 3,664,000 37.426.044 INTERGOVERNMENTAL VEHICLE LICENSE FEES OTHER TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 2.970.189 234.323 3,124.000 476.000 10.7% 6.9% 334,000 33.000 3.204.512 3.800.000 10.2% 367.000 LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS OTHER LICENSES (L PERMITS TOTAL LICENSES 8 PERMITS -10.0% -10.0% 2.094.523 I .I 84.990 1.980,000 1.107.000 3.279.513 3.430.000 I 3,087,000 -10.0% (343.000) CHARGES FOR SERWCES PLANNING FEES BUILDING DEPT. FEES ENGINEERING FEES AMBULANCE FEES RECREATION FEES OTHER CHARGES OR FEES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERWCES -1.6% -10.0% -28.8% 7.4% 2.0% 2.0% (14,000) (1 65,000) (5Wm 59,000 21,000 12.000 1,148,396 1,393,860 2,327,574 747,425 985,942 595.863 gw000 1.650,000 1,756,000 800,000 1,046,OOO 603.000 888,000 1,485,000 1,250.000 859,000 1,087,000 615.000 7.199.060 6.755.000 6,162,000 816,000 2.164.000 t 1,650,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 331.318 800.000 2.0% 16.000 INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS AND PROPERTY 1.810.548 3.8% (88.000) 2,250,000 1,919,341 I ,650,000 0.0% 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 1,000.000 t- 64.384.m OTHER RMNUE SOURCES 824.465 1,500,000 4.1% 2.525.000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 55.994.802 61.859.000 34 Clm OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATED RRlENUE 1999-00 AS % DIFFERENCE OF FY 98-99 1998-99 TO PROJECTED 1999-00 ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 ISPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS INFRASTRUCTURE MINT FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0 0 0 0.0% 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 2.000,000 30,000 10,000 0 40.000 0 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES INTEREST OTHER 78.527 37.389 0 124.000 17,000 500 -75.8% (94.000) 41.2% VOOW -100.0% (500) -71.7% (1 01,500) 141.500 TOTAL 115,916 COPS GRANT STATE FUNDING (AB3229) 161,229 0 5.000 166,000 9.000 -100.0% 44.4% INTEREST TOTAL 10.888 I. , I 5.000 172.1 17 175.000 -97.1% (1 70.000) LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST TOTAL 85,027 3.964 -100.0% -100.0% (88,708) (3.800) 68.706 3.800 92.508 .. , I 0 88.991 HOUSING - SECTION 8 -16.7% (2,000) 10.20h 266,231 2JO.w 125.000 14.6% 389.231 INTEREST 16,605 FEDERAL GRANT 2,567,339 OTHER 63,486 TOTAL 2,647,430 12.000 2,612,164 50,000 2.674,164 175.000 3,063,395 375,000 1,150,000 0 1.525.000 400 60,000 60.400 10.000 0 HOUSING TRUST FUND INTEREST 315,667 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING FEES 1,240,949 OTHER 605,414 0.0% 0 3.6% 40,000 -100.w (1 ,862,400) -54.4% (1.822.100) 375,000 1.110,000 1,862,100 3,347,100 TOTAL 2,162,030 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST INSURANCE FEES TOTAL 2,121 73.494 400 65.000 0.0% -7.74h 0 (5.0001 .- , 75.615 65.400 -7.7% (5.000) LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND INTEREST DONATIONS TOTAL 0 0 1,800 250.000 455.6% -100.0% 8,200 (250.000) I 10,000 -96.0% (241.800) 0 251.800 35 ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1997-98 199899 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1999-00 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES AS % DIFFERENCE OF FY 98-99 1998-99 TO PROJECTED 1999-00 LIBRARY GlFTSlBEQUESTS GIFTSBEQUESTS 34,900 INTEREST 2.424 TOTAL 37,324 -33.3% -9.1 % 2,ooc 1 .OM 3,OOC 37,000 2.000 502,000 70,000 611,000 3.000 1,100 4.100 I. .. TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 31.975 MISC. REIMBURSEMENTS 0 TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 498,883 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 66.200 TOTAL 597.058 5.7% 2.000 0.0% 0 0.1% 400 0.0% 0 35,000 2,000 501,600 70.000 608.600 0.4% 2,400 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 418,000 IF INTEREST 4,616 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 382,554 OTHER 1,500 20.0% 1 ,OOo 0.2% 1,000 0.0% 0 0.5% 2,000 5,000 417.000 5.000 427,000 TOTAL 388,670 STREFT LIGHTING INTEREST 1.956 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1,000 0 200 0 55.070 52,000 53,500 668,800 2.500 53.000 53.500 669,000 2.500 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 53.500 STREET LIGHTING FEES 634.395 OTHER TOTAL 16.999 759.964 776.800 I 778.000 0.2% 1,200 L 32.000 BUENA WSTA CREEK CHNL MAINT INTEREST 31,510 BUENA VISTA FEES 1OO.371 32,500 100,000 132.500 TOTAL 32,000 2.500 151,000 153,500 4,200 88,000 90,200 1,800 131,801 STATE GRANTS ICLSA) 2,700 166,000 INTEREST 3,717 GRANTS 128.849 TOTAL 132.566 168,700 STATE GRANTS (PLF) INTEREST 5.329 4,200 86.600 0.0% -0.7% 0 (600) GRANTS TOTAL 40.838 .. 46.167 90.800 -0.7% (600) ARTS SPECIAL EVENTS INTEREST DONATIONS TOTAL 0.0% 0 -11.5% (3.000) 2,681 20,223 22.904 1,800 26,000 27.800 23.000 .. I -10.8% (3.000) 36 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATED REVENUE 1999-00 ,- AS % DIFFERENCE OF FY 98-99 1998-99 TO PROJECTED 1999-00 REVENUE SOURCE SENIOR DONATIONS INTEREST 6,597 4,000 ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 1997-98 1998-99 4.000 0 SENIOR NUTRITION GRANTS 113,322 0.0% 0 DONATIONS TOTAL 101,137 101,200 96,113 94,358 209.435 195,495 DONATIONS TOTAL CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB 0.1% 4.1% 63 158) .. 0.0% 5 0.0% 0 4.0% (2,000) 54,000 -3.7% (2,000) 53.077 59,674 INTEREST 45 0 OTHER 0 52.900 I 01 -100.0% (52.900) GRANT REVENUE 755,633 722,620 704,567 -2.5% (18,053) I TOTAL 755,678 775.520 704,567 4.2% c10.953) H ARTS GENERAUGALLERY DONATIONS INTEREST 1,760 DONATIONS TOTAL 1,700 1,800 I 5.9% 100 4.178 47.500 I 20.000 I -57.9% (27.500) 5.946 49,200 21.800 -55.7% (27,400) TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 8,409,368 10,057.987 9.799,162 -2.6% (2,017,025) 37 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 1997-98 1998-99 AS % DIFFERENCE OF FY 98-99 1998-99 TO PROJECTED 1999-00 ESTIMATED REVENUE 199!4-00 RMNUE SOURCE IENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY TO SERVE CHARGES NEW ACCOUNT CHARGES BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES PENALM FEES INTEREST ENGINEERING & PLAN CHECK FE SERVICE CONNECTION FEES AGRICULTURAL CREDITS OTHER (348.500) 123.000 0 0 0 (475.000) 0 0 0 0 10.410,505 2,988,929 108,063 78.415 178,404 844,930 167,671 168.216 192.663 120,539 11,289,500 3,093,000 100,000 75.000 176,000 825.000 160.000 170.000 200,000 40.000 -3.1% 4.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -57.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -4.3% - 10,943,000 3,216,000 100,000 75,000 176,000 350,000 160,000 170,000 200.000 w)Oo 15.430.000 1698.500) TOTAL 15,258.335 RECYCLED WATER WATER SALES 839.031 READY-TOSERVE CHARGE 56.519 RECYCLED WATER CREDITS 378.627 INTEREST 58.406 OTHER 5,670 TOTAL 1,338,253 16,128,500 8.2% 15.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (53.500) 12.200 0 0 0 860,500 80.800 440,000 m000 0 807,000 93.000 440,000 60.000 0 1.400.000 1.441.300 SANITATION OPERATIONS 4,800.000 40.000 70.000 100.000 0 5,200,000 40,000 67,500 440,000 42.000 -1 1.5% (600,000) 0.0% 0 3.7% 2,500 -77.3% (340.000) -100.0% (42,000) -16.9% (979,500) SERVICE CHARGES 5.299.220 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 20,000 PRE-TREATMENT CHARGES 74,140 INTEREST 436,597 OTHER 7,685 TOTAL 5,837,642 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 4.810.000 5.789.500 INTEREST 84.113 RECYCLING FEES (AB939) 175.199 NON-JURISDICTIONAL FEES 403.169 OTHER 66 87.000 196,000 380,000 0 QQ000 199.000 388,000 0 3.5% 3,000 1.5% 3,000 2.1% 8.000 0.0% 0 2.1% 14,000 TOTAL GOLF COURSE 662.547 663.000 877,000 1,880,000 0 600,000 0 -64.3% (1,080,000) 0.0% 0 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 490.000 OTHER 162,409 TOTAL 652.409 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 23,749,188 600.000 -64.3% (1,080,000) (2,785,300) -10.8% 1,680,000 25,702,300 22,017,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 ESTIMATED REVENUE 199900 AS % DIFFERENCE OF FY 98-99 1998-99 TO PROJECTED 199940 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 114.164 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 668.869 85.000 504,000 50.000 80,000 536,000 -5.9% (5.000) 6.4% 32.000 0.0% 0 4.2% 27,000 OTHER TOTAL 50.278 833.31 1 839.000 LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE 150,000 691,000 n 0.0% 6.7% 0.0% 0 46,400 0 INTEREST 171.947 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 930.185 OTHER 0 TOTAL I ,102,132 I 150,000 737,400 0 841 ,000 887,400 5.5% 46.400 HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST INTERDEPARTMENTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 23,531 1,617,392 331 .M6 5.000 2,054,000 398.000 10,000 2,094,000 604.000 2.708.000 TOTAL 1.972.129 2.457.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,443,987 INTEREST 2,742 1,523,000 8,000 120.000 1,600,000 8.000 0 1.608.000 5.1% 77,000 0.0% 0 -100.0% (120.000) -2.6% (43.000) OTHER TOTAL 43.556 1.490.285 1.651 ,000 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 1,091 ,000 185,000 116,OOO 1,142.000 150,000 0 4.7% -18.9% -100.0% 51 ,000 (35.000) f116.000~ INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1.052.298 INTEREST 248.378 OTHER 35.062 TOTAL 1.335.738 ..I 1,392,000 1,292,000 -7.2% (100.000) INFORMATION SYSTEMS INTEREST INTERDEPARTMENTAL OTHER 51.214 1,298,200 0 50.000 1,564,400 0 50,000 2,402,030 0 0.0% 53.5% 0.0% 0 837,630 0 TOTAL 1.349.414 1,814,400 2,452,030 51.9% 837,630 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 8,083,009 8,845.400 9,362,430 5.9% 517,030 39 REVENUE SOURCE CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 1997-98 1998-99 [REDEVELOPMENT FUNDSI OPERATIONS RENTAL INCOME ADMINISTRATIVE FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 47,485 71,380 3,612 2.395 124.872 47.500 71,380 3.000 10,900 132.780 TAX INCREMENT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG TAX INCREMENT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL TOTAL REDEMLOPMENT FUNDS 1.208.387 64.563 1,215,000 50.000 0 0 I .272.950 1.265.000 302,097 322,069 5.550 629.718 302.500 80,000 0 382.500 2.027.538 1.780.280 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1999-00 47,500 42,60(1 2.500 2.400 95,000 1.230.000 40.000 0 1.270.000 303.750 50,000 0 353.750 1.71 8.750 AS % DIFFERENCE OF FY 98-99 1998-99 TO PROJECTED 199940 0.0% 0 -.I -40.3% (28.780) -16.7% (500) -78.0% (8.500) - -28.5% (37,780) 1.2% 15,000 -20.0% (10,000) 0.0% 0 - 0.4% 5,000 0.4% 1,250 37.5% (30.000) 0.0% 0 -7.5% (28.750) - ITOTAL OPERATING $98,263,901 $108,244,967 $108,181,342 -0.1% $ (1,821,825) 40 r- CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE %INCR (DEC) 98-99 BUD TO 99-00 BUD 1998-99 1996-97 1997-98 ESTIMATED 1998-99 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET IGENERAL FUND I 199940 BUDGET 238,lX 989,282 409,520 713,780 134,740 2.485.452 298.588 1,315,180 505,796 1,494,005 140,500 POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP CITY COUNCIL 198,867 187,979 CITY MANAGER 903,568 829.595 CITY CLERK 336.417 295.918 CITY ATTORNEY 568.277 804,001 CITY TREASURER 112,087 100,884 TOTAL POLlCYfLEADERSHlP GROUP 2,119,216 2,018.377 213.740 213,740 944,200 1,020,027 413,300 482,872 618,026 631,592 106,298 138,832 2,295,564 2,487,063 1 I .4% -3.0% -1 5.2% 13.0% -2.Vh -0.1 % c ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FINANCE 0 0 1.084.277 1.068.915 0 0 1,325,000 1.343.214 466,188 524,360 1.519.688 1,529,139 1,319,500 1.319.500 0.0% -2.1Yo -3.5% -2.3% -00.7% PURCHASING 391,747 414.685 HUMAN RESOURCES 991.134 1 .I 69,301 RECORDS MANAGEhlENT 0 0 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,467,158 2,650.901 -20.3% 4.630.376 4,718,213 3,760,069 = 13,002,664 8,717,634 21,720.298 517.590 309.455 132.680 2,397.750 1,723,387 5,080,862 = 4,900,390 543,250 8,270 554,340 2,529,270 386.308 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 9,802,181 10,430,622 11,493,760 12,093,702 9.880.850 10.117.431 7.5% -13.8% FIRE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 7.234.412 7.597.002 17,036,593 18,027,624 - .. .. 21,384.630 22,211,213 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNrrY DEVEL ADMIN 570,161 510,018 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 161,627 142,738 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 101,747 99,820 PLANNING 2,002,143 2,215,355 BUILDING 1.076.912 1,267,581 TOTAL COMMUNrrY DEVELOPMENT 3.912.590 4.235.510 - 555.215 555.215 186.361 263.1 37 129.951 142,997 2,476,498 2,245,909 1,583,622 1,635,473 4,701,058 5,073,320 6.8% 17.8% -7.2% -3.2% 5.4% 0.1% COMMUNITY SERWCES LIBRARY 2,534.746 2,769,266 CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM 281,223 277.983 SISTER CITY PROGRAM 6,619 8.181 PARK PLANNINGIRECREATION MGT 680.773 545,717 RECREATION 1,996,668 2,076,612 SENIOR PROGRAMS 257,109 268.196 TOTAL COMMUNrrY SERVICES 5.759.138 5.943.975 3,428,825 3,504,750 363,730 378,331 7.320 7,320 393,400 498,71 I 2,331,445 2,507,988 342,263 355.515 39.8% 43.6% 13.0% 11.2% 0.8% 8.7% P 23.0% 8,866,983 7,252,615 8,921,826 !- 41 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1998-99 1996-97 1997-98 ESTIMATED 1998-99 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS ADMlN 0 88,279 873,839 702,654 ENGINEERING 3,682,939 4,174,293 4-1 17.657 4,798.929 2,436,838 PARK MAINTENANCE 1,859,280 1,854,781 2.325.000 STREET MAINTENANCE 1,429,136 1,660,395 2,227.000 2,378,883 FAClLmES MAINTENANCE 1,178.285 1,303,571 1.473.500 1,708,213 Major Facility Maintenance (?hnsfer) 21 2,800 200,000 200.000 200,000 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT 299.487 474.797 373,589 402,006 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 8,661,727 9,754.096 11,390,585 12,625,303 NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION (CCVB) BEACH PARKING COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS HIRING CENTER HOSP GROVE PAYMENT AUDIT PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS MlSC / TRANSFERS OUT ASSESSMENT SERVlCES INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTTRANS GOLF COURSE TRANSFER HARMONY GROVE FIRE COST 207.593 35.600 0 75.046 797.500 33.550 170.222 38.916 1,885,574 18.779 0 470,000 318,533 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 3,851,313 256.487 362.180 489,180 38.100 36,000 36,000 225,000 770,000 770,000 75.774 79,830 80,070 828,521 800,OOO 800.000 22,023 80,000 w800 in.909 198,000 190,000 13,572 30.000 331,952 58.000 78.000 22,893 25,000 59,261 0 0 0 490.000 1,680,000 1,680,000 20,246 0 0 2.503.277 4,118.810 4,323,811 SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND 43.807.735 45,133.760 55,388,008 58,689,538 CONTINGENCIES 0 0 0 2.201.660 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 43,807.735 45,133,780 55,388,008 60,891,198 1999-00 BUDGET 544,084 4,142,078 2.351.831 2.287.791 1,836,155 200.000 385,845 11,547,782 243,000 36,000 0 80,000 800.000 50.000 210.000 50.000 0 56,000 2.000.000 600,000 0 4,125,000 57,641.289 4,000,000 61,641,289 - %INCR (DEC) 9899 BUD - TO 99-00 BUD - -22.8% -13.7% -3.5% -3.8% 4.1% 0.0% 4.0% 8.5% -50.3% 0.0% -100.0% -0.1% 0.0% 47.3% 10.5% 7.5% -100.0% -5.5% -64.3% 4.8% -1 3% 81.7% 1.2% 42 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE %INCR (DEC) 98-99 BUD TO 99-00 BUD 1998-99 1996-97 1997-98 ESTIMATED 1998-99 ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET 1999-00 BUDGET DEPARTMENT ISPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS I POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE COPS FUND LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT HOUSING SECTION 8 HOUSING TRUST AUDIO VISUAL INSURANCE LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTSBEQUESTS TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (CLSA) STATE GRANTS (PLF) ARTS SPECIAL EMNTS SENIOR NUTRITION SENIOR DONATIONS CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB ARTS GEWGALLERY DONATIONS TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 458.154 38,865 21,282 2.838.313 31,532 102,582 0 41.511 526.886 394,118 646,820 203.783 267,057 38,541 18,345 175.854 29,673 573,556 782 519.301 157,455 46,534 2,698,750 143,602 114,172 0 36,471 508.758 356.718 674.1 75 7,048 189.631 37.503 18,828 209,436 47,488 752,587 870 80,000 180,911 119,024 2,719,261 21 1.660 69,500 0 20,000 545,100 405.800 542,171 7,590 181.000 34.537 23,413 194.037 51.000 775,520 20.000 153,017 317,897 119.024 2.897.316 257.362 70.297 0 50,491 565,208 432,928 723,953 7,590 181.978 47.900 25,899 195,495 104,000 1,122,415 25.772 190,000 a 0 2.992.035 230.265 56.895 1o.Ooo 7,000 551,879 446,044 716,685 8,724 150.500 199.1 85 25.610 192.426 119.200 709,567 0 24.2% -100.0% -100.0% 3.3% -10.5% -19.1% 0.0% -86.1 % -5.7% 3.0% -1 .O% 14.9% -17.3% 315.8% -1.1% -1.6% 14.6% -36.8% -100.0% ~~ 6,517.405 13,729,352 1 .I 74,301 3,609.819 110.482 215,636 6.180.524 7.318.540 -9.7% 8.407.654 6,606,015 16.474.466 1,498.380 4,974,471 189,743 370.000 ENTERPRISE FUNDS I 13.694.937 1,483,087 4.821,504 132.100 665.000 15.894.308 1,527,605 5,015,429 190.897 942.310 3.7% -1.9% -0.80/0 -0.6% -60.7% WATER OPERATIONS 13,100,661 RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS 1,055,743 SANITATION OPERATIONS 3,899,884 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 133,869 GOLF COURSE 252,505 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 18,442.642 18,839,590 571,457 666,422 2,285.740 1,359.628 1.758.563 1,431,287 8,075.097 20,996.628 23,570,547 905.628 1.335.751 2,546.402 1,582.346 1,462.509 2,046,308 23,507,080 908,744 1,200,179 2,537,409 1,456,221 1.727,544 2,525.089 -0.3% 0.3% -1 0.1 Yo -0.4% -8.0% 18.1% 23.4% IINTERNAL SERWCE FUNDS I WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE 783.954 RISK MANAGEMENT 874,475 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,169,937 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1.364.655 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 2.105.350 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1,280,350 838,435 803,543 2,498.033 1,580,882 1,201 ,I 00 1,769,600 c 9.878.944 4.8% TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 8,578,721 10,355,186 8,771.393 P 43 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1998-99 1996-97 1997-98 ESTIMATED 1996-99 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET I REDEVELOPMENT I OPERATIONS 539,517 381.846 435.938 483.946 DEBT SERWCE 1.631,500 1,679,491 1,120,000 1.120,000 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 75,548 65,185 97,450 137,542 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT 2,246.585 2.126.522 1.653.388 1,741,488 1999-00 BUDGET 422.093 1,082,000 119,895 1.623.988 %lNCR (DEC) 96-99 BUD TO 99-00 BUD -12.8% -3.4% -12.8% 8.7% - - ]TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 79,483.317 80.692.374 92.989.939 103,400,717 103,733,558 0.3% 44 PROGRAM: POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: VARIOUS 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ 1,606,262 $ 1,533,464 SUMMARY 1998-99 199900 BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,758,012 $ 1,754,619 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 492,892 20,062 476,192 8,721 687,825 41,226 691,833 39,000 City City Attorney Treasurer City Council 26% 6% 9% 18% 45 PROGRAM: CITY COUNCIL FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL ACCT NO. 0010110 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGFT BUDGET $ 165,361 $ 144,094 $ 155,740 $ 156,030 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION I 33,506 43,885 58,000 82,100 I CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: As the legislative body of the City, the Council establishes the policies and regulatory ordinances under which the City operates. The Council has defined goals and objectives to guide the allocation of City resources to meet the needs of the community through the policy development process. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Meetina Atten: Prepare for and attend Ci Council Meetings, as well as various regional committee and community meetings. Respond to the needs and requests of the residents of Carlsbad through personal contact and correspondence. KEY GOALS FOR 199940: The City Council has set four Strategic Goals for Fiscal Year 1999-2000: 0 Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community. 0 0 Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the Ci. Integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of liie-centered land use decisions. 0 Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Community. SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES: None. 46 .. . _- PROGRAM: CITY CLERK FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: CITY CLERK ACCT NO. 0010210 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The City Clerk's Department is responsible for performance of duties as defined in the State Government Code, the State Elections Code, and the Cartsbad Municipal Code. The Department is also responsible for the provision of minutes for the City Council, Water District Board of Directors, Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Public Improvement Corporation and Industrial Development Authority. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Election Administration: 0 Serve as the City's Election Officer responsible for the administration of all Regular and Special Municipal Elections, prepare all necessary documents in accordance with the Elections Code, and coordinate with the Registrar of Voters. Political Reform Act Filing Administration: 0 Serve as the City's Filing Officer for all filings required by the Political Reform Act of 1974. This includes notification of those required to file, provision of appropriate forms, and receipt and review of Campaign Statements and Statements of Economic Interests. Record Of Proceedinns: 0 Maintain accurate records of the proceedings of the legislative bodies as required by the Government Code, including the following: City Council, Municipal Water District Board, Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Public Improvement Corporation, Industrial Development Authority. Administrative Support Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assist the public and City departments with requests for information, providing research services concerning Council action since City incorporation on 7/16/52, and providing certification of copies. Take necessary precautions to ensure the City's compliance with the requirements of the "Brown Act" open meeting law. Take necessary actions to ensure that public hearing noticing requirements are met. Provide maintenance and quarterly supplement service to the Carlsbad Municipal Code and maintenance of the Code on the Internet. Provide subscription service for Council agendas and minutes. Maintain the City Hall Xerox 1090, by provision of key operator services, supplies, and current maintenance agreement. 47 PROGRAM: CITY CLERK FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: CITY CLERK PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (CONTINUED): PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0010210 Records Manaaement:: 0 0 Maintain City records in an identifiable and accessible manner to fulfill public, legal, and historical requirements for preservation and storage of information. Develop and implement Citywide Records Management Program. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Elections General Special 0 1 0 1 Filings Statement of Economic Interest 340 390 Campaign Statements 38 59 Minutes Council Minutes 76 94 CMWD Minutes 29 H + R Minutes 13 PIC Minutes 2 Claims Filed 116 113 Public Hearing Notices 39 42 Ordinances Published 46 24 Meetinas Held Council 76 94 CMWD Board 25 29 H&R Commission 7 13 Public Improvement Corp 1 2 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: Documents Processed Agendas Agenda Bills Resolutions Ordinances Documents to Recorder ContractdAgreements Subscriptions to Muni Code Copies Entries Indexed Storage Boxes of Files Micro Boxes CYH 997 CY11 998 76 138 573 570 726 468 46 24 558 659 351 688 98 I11 536,682 443,156 500 638 21 4 226 12 12 0 0 Applicant brochure regarding appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees was developed and made available at multiple City facilities. Selected independent records and information management consultant for Citywide document resource management system. Department interviews and records inventories completed. vendors. - 0 Request for Proposal for Citywide document management system approved by Council and sent to prospective - IC- < - PROGRAM: CITY CLERK FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: CITY CLERK KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: PAGE THREE ACCT NO. 001 021 0 “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of top-cluality services to our Community.” 0 “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all seqments of the Community.” 0 Implement Citywide Document Resource Management System. Enhance public access to information regarding City Council meetings. Develop and implement a change management and training program to assist users with the transition to the new Document Management System technology. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Decrease in election funding due to no municipal elections scheduled in FY 1999-2000. Also, funding for minutes service for Traffic Safety Commission has been deleted from Clerk’s budget, and will be provided by Engineering. 49 PROGRAM: CASH MANAGEMENT FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM FUND: CITY TREASURER ACCT NO. 0010310 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: The Office of the City Treasurer has the mission of providing professional cash management for the City of Carlsbad and all of its agencies, including, among others, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Cash Management: Develop projections of cash receipts and cash expenditures from various City and external sources. Maintain records of cash receipts and cash disbursements into the Treasury. Retrieve daily on-line bank statement and return check listing. Verify receipt of anticipated deposits. Ensure that all checks paid by the bank were valid City checks. Transfer cash daily into or out of the general checking account to ensure that appropriate balances are maintained for the anticipated activity of the next day. Execute all electronic wires of funds, ensuring that all are signed by authorized personnel and ensuring that all are supported by proper documentation. Develop contracts for cost-effective banking, both retail and custody services. Arrange for lines of credit and short-term loans, as needed. Develop, maintain, and ensure compliance with all Treasury internal controls. Investment Management: Develop and maintain the City's Investment Policy and present annually, or as necessary, to the City Council for approval. Incorporate in the investment policy any changes in the City's financial requirements that affect investments. Ensure compliance with the California Government Code. Develop and maintain a pool of investments for the City and its agencies. Research daily the financial markets and the financial forecasts. Determine daily the type of investments that should be made, considering the current cash position and financial markets. Determine the dollar amount of the investment and the desired maturity date. Solicit telephone bids from approved financial institutiondbrokers for available investments. Evaluate investment alternatives and effect investment purchases. Prepare trade authorizations and arrange for payment, delivery, and safekeeping of all purchases. Verify receipt and correctness of investments made. 50 c PROGRAM: CASH MANAGEMENT FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM FUND: CITY TREASURER PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 001 031 0 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Investment Manaqement (continued): 0 Maintain record for all investments and investment income. 0 Reconcile the custodian’s monthly report of investments held with Treasury records. 0 Arrange for collateral contracts as required. Reporting and Oversight: Develop and present to the City Council monthly reports of investment activities. Disclose to the City Council any information that could potentially threaten the safety and liquidity of the investment pool. Develop and present to the City Council annual reports summarizing and analyzing the financial markets and the portfolio performance for the past fiscal year. Compare the past fiscal year with the four preceding fiscal years to provide perspective. Develop investment data for the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Develop investment data for the City’s annual financial audit conducted by an independent auditor. Develop agenda, convene, conduct, and record proceedings of the Investment Review Committee each quarter, or more frequently as needed. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 (est) I. Portfolio Balance (millions of $) 206 267 332 (transactions per month) 216 294 254 2. Number of Investments in Portfolio 1,042 1,537 1,554 3. Investment Activity 4. Number of Checks Cleared 15,334 15,138 14,182 KEY GOALS FOR 199940: “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the Citv.” r- 0 Anticipate and meet the changing investment needs of the City in order to optimize investment returns, consistent with maintaining safety of principal and ensuring sufficient liquidity. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Communitv.” Offer speaking engagements on City cash management and investments. 0 Develop the Treasury page of the City’s web site, informing the community of the mission of the Office of the Treasury, the City’s Investment Policy, investment activities. Use the web site as a forum to receive and respond to community comments and questions. c SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None 51 PROGRAM: . CITY MANAGER FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: CITY MANAGER ACCT NO. 001 101 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The City Manager‘s Office houses the general administrative function of the City. The department‘s budget includes the costs for the City Manager and Assistant City Manager (who also serves as the head of the Community Services Major Service Area and the related support staff. The City Manager is generally responsible for the achievement of the organization’s goals that support the City Council’s strategic goals. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Financial: Promote sound financial practices and a balanced revenue expenditure basis. Administration: Provide timely and reasonable responses to citizens and customers. Policy Development: Assist Council in policy development. PERFORMANCE I WORKLOAD MEASURES: The City Manager‘s Office is generally measured by the overall success of the organization in accomplishing the organizational goals of the City. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community.” Provide timely responses that result in high customer satisfaction. Continuously improve work processes through the use of best technology, information-sharing, effective cross- departmental teams, and all City resources. Implement innovative, cost-effective delivery of City services via publidpublic and publidprivate partnerships; non-profit organizations; enterprise services; and through regionalization and consolidation. Construct, maintain and operate facilities that support top-quality service delivery in conformance with City budgets and standards. 0 52 c- PROGRAM: CITY MANAGER FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: CITY MANAGER PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0011010 “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the City.” Develop and implement a comprehensive financial plan that: * * Protects local revenue sources * * Promotes responsible cost management * Provides revenues to maintain high-quality services Promotes private sector economic growth Enhances revenues and reduces costs 0 0 Develop, maintain and enhance high-quality standards in the areas of: development, City services, Attract and retain target industries, businesses and jobs that result in improved economic health. communications, and fiscal policies that result in a high quality of life that supports economic health. “Integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of life-centered land use decisions.” 0 Develop programs and policies in partnership with other local and regional transportation authorities that result in a fully integrated, efficient, cost-effective transportation system and regional transportation plan. Be a catalyst for the development of private sector partnerships and co-creator of solutions that supplement and complement Transportation Demand Management Systems serving the business, industrial. tourism and residential areas. 0 0 Implement a multi-modal circulation plan to ensure compliance with the General Plan and City standards. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Communitv.” 0 Develop, maintain and enhance programs that result in an informed, knowledgeable and involved public through enhanced community dialogue. Provide and develop programs that result in a City workforce which has the knowledge and skills needed to excel on their job. Collaborate with school districts serving Carlsbad to accomplish mutually set goals and help the schools better fulfill their obligation to provide facilities meeting the Community’s needs. 0 0 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 0 The Administrative Services Director‘s Office has been moved from the City Manager‘s budget to a separate budget. The Assistant to the City Manager position has been eliminated and will be replaced by two entry-level intern positions. These positions will work with the City from one to two years, with the expectation that during that period the intern will work with a variety of departments, customers, and projects. The experience gained should prepare the person for a career in local government management. 0 i 53 PROGRAM: CITY ATTORNEY FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: CITY ATTORNEY 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 460,528 $ 488,945 $ 506,637 ACCT NO. 0011210 199900 BUDGET $ 565,022 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: Provide legal advice, assistance and guidance in accomplishing and implementing the Council’s goals to: 1) ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our community; 2) create diverse, broad-based economic opportunities; 3) integrate a comprehensive, efficient transportation system (which moves people, goods and services) using quality-of-life centered land use decisions; and 4) enhance educational opportunitiesffacilities for all segments of the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: The City Attorney’s Office provides legal advice and representation to the City Council, Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Manager, Boards and Commissions and other City offices in order to provide services to the public as required or permitted by law. The City Attorney is also responsible for assisting in the interpretation, administration and enforcement of laws, regulations and City programs. This office drafts and reviews resolutions and ordinances, contracts, bonds and other legal documents. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of topquality services to our Community. To provide quality and timely legal advice to all elected and appointed City officials, and to all major service areas to assist them in making sound legal decisions to carry out the goals of the City Council. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: A paralegal has been added to staff in order to provide enhanced customer service. c- PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUMMARY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY ND WAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYmE POSITIONS 1996-9i ACTUAL $ 2,096,211 5,364,769 114,894 $ 1, 33.40 1.50 I 997-98 ACTUAL $ 2,217,720 5,230,068 160,019 $ 1, 34.40 1.50 1998-9E BUDGET $ 2,785,391 7,000,918 1,763,993 $ 11 3, 550302 38.00 1.50 1999-0( BUDGE7 Information Systems Admin. Finance 24% 3% 12% I I I 23% Risk Camp. Management 8% , 11% I I $ 3,667,403 7,290,431 260,900 55 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ O$ O$ MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1999-00 BUDGET O$ 190,238 0 0 0 0 0 0 87,350 19.000 __ PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: Provide leadership and coordination for Administrative Services Programs. This budget includes the cost for the Administrative Services Director (who is the head of the Administrative Services Major Service Area) and the related support staff. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-auality services to our Community.” “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City.” “Integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of life-centered land use decisions.” “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Community.” SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The Administrative Services Director‘s office has been moved from the City Manager‘s budget to this separate budget. 56 PROGRAM: . FINANCE FUND: GENERAL / ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: FINANCE 1998-99 BUDGET $ 900,224 440,990 ACCT NO. 001 131 01 501 1310 1999-00 BUDGET $ 1,154,517 441,407 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANC~TUTAL -- - - - FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYRE POSITIONS GENERAL FUND MISSION STATEMENT: 1996-97 1997-9E 744,689 362.860 322,226 3,109 0 287,244 S 1.343.214 I S 1.602.424 Our mission is to ensure that the City of Carlsbad makes sound financial decisions. We take pride in accomplishing this mission by utilizing our chief values: maintain individual and departmental credibility; work together as a team while respecting each other's differences; and, consistently strive to go above and beyond expectations. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Long-RanQe Financial Planning:. 0 Prepare ten year operating forecasts incorporating various %hat if" scenarios to facilitate decision-making for City Council and City departments. Budget Management: 0 0 0 Prepare and monitor annual capital and operating budgets to allocate resources in a cost-effective manner in alignment with the Council's goals. Perform bi-annual review of all City fees and present recommendations for changes to Council. Prepare annual cost allocation plan to provide an accurate accounting of program costs. Monitor and report on revenues and expenditures monthly to insure budgetary integrity and facilitate effective decision-making . Accounts ReceivablelCashiering: 0 0 0 Accurately bill, collect, record and report all City revenues. Collect all funds due to the City through timely follow-up of delinquent accounts and use of collection agencies. Continue to refine business processes which will improve customer service and increase efficiency. Accounts Pavable/Pavroll: 0 0 General Accounting and Reporting: 0 0 Prepare checks for City employees and service and commodity suppliers. Maintain turnaround time of 30 days to process and pay invoices. Prepare and maintain finance records and documents in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal and contractual provisions. Prepare Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Provide City management and Council with timely monthly financial reports. Monitor City debt issues to insure timely payment and identify refinancing opportunities. Provide continuing disclosure as required. Maintain the data within the financial information systems of the City and provide training to users, as needed. 57 PROGRAM: FINANCE FUND: GENERAL / ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: FINANCE PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0011310 Assessment Districtl CFD Administration: 0 0 0 Assist in evaluation and formation of new districts. Issue bonds for capital projects when required. Pay debt service and provide continuing disclosure information as required. Monitor contracts for day-to-day administration of CFD and all assessment districts as required by formation documents and State law. Audits:. 0 Monitor sales tax audit contract to ensure effectiveness. 0 Perform in-house internal control reviews as needed. WORKLOAD AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: FY 1997 1. 2. Number of business licenses processed: 5,079 3. Number of payroll checks issued 20,555 5. Awards received for CAFR CSMFOlGFOA 6. Average number of days to close books at month end: 20 4. Number of electronic payroll checks issued 0 Awards received for Annual Budget 7. Outstanding debt issues administered $100 million FY 1998 15 5,600 16,359 4,278 CS M FO/G FOA Excellence: Operating and Capital $96 million FY 1 999 10 5,616 11,197 11,362 Not Available Meritorious: Operating $1 00 million KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: Implemented a job ledger system for capital improvement projects which will promote responsible cost management by providing better information to project managers regarding the financial status of their projects. Improved the ability of City staff to access necessary financial information by providing computer-based training on the financial accounting system to over 200 City staff. Provided more accurate reporting to HUD. and improved cash position through streamlining and improving the CDBG reimbursement process. Negotiated the leaselpurchase and the design of a 64.000 square foot building which will bring administrative, community development, and public works departments together in one building, thereby improving service delivery to our customers. Improved our ability to forecast and plan for the future by creating a comprehensive long-term planning model for the General fund. Selected and installed a new business license system which will improve customer service and reduce processing time for issuing business licenses. Promoted a better understanding of City finances by providing easy, informative summaries of the City’s finances and budget. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of topquality services to our Community.” 0 0 Increase the availability and accessibility of useful financial information to our customers through easy-to-use reporting systems. Redesign business processes in utility billing, business licenses and cashiering to improve customer service and increase efficiency. Develop appropriate departmental performance and outcome measures to ensure tehat the department is providing public services effectively. Develop a strategic technology plan to guide the implementation of new technologies. -. 58 .- -- I_ PROGRAM: FINANCE FUND: GENERAL I ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: FINANCE PAGE THREE ACCT NO. 001 131 0 KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00 (continued): “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the City.” 0 Improve ability to forecast and plan for the future by preparing for the implementation of a detailed two year operating plan. 0 Promote responsible cost management through the development and use of job costing systems. 0 Develop and implement a plan to maximize the City’s revenue collection and recovery with a focus on enforcement of the business license tax ordinance and administration of the false alarm program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Finance will assume responsibility for utility billing during this fiscal year. Utility billing was previously a responsibility of the Public Works Department. Budget includes funding for the bi-annual fee update as well as a business systems analyst position which will provide a liaison between the Information Services Department and the Finance Department in the creation of reports, troubleshooting of systems, and implementation and maintenance of all systems. 59 PROGRAM: PURCHASING FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: PURCHASING ACCT NO. 0011410 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: The Purchasing Department's mission is to obtain necessary goods and services for City departments of desired quality, in a timely manner, and at fair and reasonable prices. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Bids and Quotations 0 Update and maintain formal bid and quotation files 0 Prepare and maintain vendor lists by commodities 0 Maintain minority and women-owned businesses files CommoditvlService Contracts 0 Track and renew annual commodity and service contracts 0 Develop new annual contracts 0 Develop and administer joint agency contracts Public Works Contracts 0 Maintain current contractor's list by classifications Records Manaaement 0 Review and update present policies and procedures 0 Assist departments in transferring records to commercial storage facilities Central Stores 0 Review and update Stores Catalog for items carried in Central Stores Surplus Property 0 Maintain inventory of surplus City property and direct surplus property to requesting departments as it becomes available 0 Direct disposal of surplus and losffunclaimed police property Messenaer and Mail Service Act as liaison with U. S. Postal Service 0 Alert City staff to postal requirements to improve deliverability 0 Review and update inter-departmental services 0 Reduce postage costs by the use of pre-sort of first-class mail 60 PROGRAM: PURCHASING FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: PURCHASING PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0011410 WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Pieces of Mail KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN 1998-99: 0 0 A Customer Satisfaction Survey was conducted in October 1998. Seventy-seven respondents gave the department a 94.36% rating of “acceptable” and above for all purchasing-related services. Eleven training classes were held during the year on purchasing and contracting procedures. A total of 125 employees participated in the sessions; representing 90% of the City departmentddivision. Three separate IFAS training classes were held in March and May 1999. Twenty-four employees representing 50% of the departments participated in these sessions. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community.” 0 Improve service to our customers by identifying areas where improvements can be made and develop plans to implement them. Provide training to City staff in Procurement PolicieslProcedures and IFAS SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budgeted services include expanded mail and central receivingkhipping at the new Faraday and Library facilities. 61 PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: HUMAN RESOURCES ACCT NO. 001 151 0 THRU 001 1550 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: People are our priori ty... we promote the development, well-being and success of employees and the organization. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Benefits Develop and implement ongoing internal and external customer satisfaction feedback system for all major HR services Employment: Recruitment, Classification, Compensation, Human Resource Systems Continue to proactively consult with departments regarding their staffing needs Attract and retain qualified candidates for City employment and fill job vacancies Develop timeline for updating existing classification structure 0 Develop and conduct follow-up training in support of Performance Management and Compensation System for management employees Continue to implement Human Resources Information System to create more streamlined and effective systems Training Administration Employer/EmDlovee Relations 0 Develop and implement employee development training on the Value of a Harassment and Discrimination Free Workplace Continue conducting quarterly management meetings Conduct annual benefits education program with employees; transition to new health insurance provider(s), if appropriate Educate employees in Department of Transportation program on policies and requirements Continue review of the City’s Personnel Rules in conjunction with the Business Process Review (BPR) recommendations and implement improved employmenthecruitment processes Coordinate timetable for meeting and conferring with three employee associations simultaneously Confer with City departments to identify areas of concern with current Memoranda of Understanding Meet and confer with employee associations to communicate City Council direction and authority; share employee interest with City Council Consult with employees concerning employee relations concerns and provide direction of City policy Assist departments in responding to outside regulatory agencies (Department of Fair Employment & Housing, EEOC, etc.) 62 PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: HUMAN RESOURCES WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Measures for Classification Review FY 98-99 Number of classification descriptions revisedlcreated 96 Number of positions reviewed 144 Measures for Recruitment Number of applicants processed Number of recruitments processed Number of eligibles on employment list Number of new hires Number of promotionsAransfers KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 2004 51 41 3 29 48 PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 001 151 0 THRU 001 1550 Revised all management classification descriptions Reviewed and created three new classification series in Public Works in support of reorganization efforts Implemented the PERS “One to Four Additional Years Service Credit” Program Implemented applicant tracking system and continuous recruitment to streamline recruitment process Streamlined system for handling industriallnon-industrial leaves of absence to ensure compliance with Federal and State mandates Revised and implemented tuition reimbursement processing Transferred Workers’ Compensation Program from Risk Management to Human Resources and integrated into current activities and programs Negotiated agreements with three employee groups Management and administration of first full-year of implementation of Performance Management 8, Compensation System KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community.” Enhance the effectiveness of our partnerships and stay connected to our customers Continue redesigning and implementing systems Continue implementation of HRlSlPY Survey customer satisfaction of health benefits Review of the grievance and discipline procedure with CCEA Continue implementation of BPR recommendations, e.g., Municipal Code and rules revisions Coordinate all benefits into one integrated system - Build organizational capacity Deliver core Human Resources services effectively Conduct training on Preventing Violence in the Workplace and Drug and Alcohol Prevention Review and implement altemativefiexible staffing options Continue process improvement in the areas of benefits, Workers’ Compensation, labor relations, employee relations, recruitment, classification, HR systems, training, administration, payroll, and record-keeping . - SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Staffing changes include the addition of an office specialist I1 to perform clerical duties currently performed by temporary staff. This budget also includes additional funds for HRlS support. 63 PROGRAM: WORKERS’ COMPENSATION FUND: SELF INSURANCE PROGRAM GROUP: WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ACCT NO. 61 11 520 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 77,644 $ 85,806 $ 83,670 $ 82,390 706,310 485,651 821,958 826,354 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 CAPITAL OUTLAY OI OI OI OI MISSION STATEMENT: People are our prio rity... we promote the development, well-being and success of employees and the organization. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Workers’ Comoensation Claims and Administration This fund is utilized to provide payment for medical, indemnity and defense expenses incurred as the result of occupational injuries and illnesses. It is also utilized to pay for related administrative and insurance expenses. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Measures for Workers’ Compensation Number of avoidable W/C claims Lost time due to WIC related accidents, injuries and illnesses FY 98-99 * * New measure for FY 99-00 * KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: Transition of Workers’ Compensation function from the Risk Management Department to the Human Resources Department. Training of Human Resources staff and development of plan to integrate Workers’ Compensation with current activities and programs. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community.” Enhance the effectiveness of our partnerships and stay connected to our customers 0 0 Continue redesigning and implementing systems 0 Continue implementation of HRlSlPY Survey customer satisfaction of health benefits Review the grievance and discipline procedure with CCEA SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 64 .. .. . PERSONNEL PROGRAM: RISK MANAGEMENT FUND: GENERAL LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM GROUP: RISK MANAGEMENT ACCT NO. 6121930 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 43,535 $ 43,411 $ 159,408 $ 151,255 I I 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-99 I 1999-00 I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: Risk Management administers the funding of the self-insured and insured portions of the program, manages the administration of property and general liability claims, works in conjunction with the City Attorney's Office and outside counsel to monitor, control and resolve litigated matters, and provides training for various departments to minimize the potential risk of future losses. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Litigation Management: The fund is utilized to pay for settlements, costs and defense expenses incurred as the result of general liability claims made against the City, and to pay for related administration and insurance expenses. Risk Management works with the City Attorney's Office and outside counsel to monitor, control and resolve litigated matters in the areas of property, casualty and general liability. Insurance/Self-Insurance: Directs the marketing, renewal, planning and funding of the insured and self-funded portions of the program; administers the general liability self-insurance funds. Claims Management: Directs and administers the claims management program for property, casualty and general liability by utilizing a combination of in-house services and a contract claim administrator. Loss PreventionTTraininx Provides direction, programs and training for various City departments to minimize the potential risk of future losses. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: I- 0 Analysis for liability coverage options completed in-house for a savings of approximately $20,000, and resulted in Council decision to change coverage providers for a savings of over $135,000. Coordinated with Human Resources the transition of administration of Worker's Compensation benefits from Rick Management to Human Resources; in survey of employees with open and active claims on the handling of their case during transition, achieved a ranking of "satisfied" from all but one respondent. 0 Conducted research and analysis on proposed sale of Encina Power Plant to identify issues of community significance related to sale and actions available to City to participate in regulatory review of sale; provided staff support to committee work which enabled the City Council to evaluate advisability of pursuing acquisition of the plant. 65 PROGRAM: RISK MANAGEMENT PAGE TWO FUND: GENERAL LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM GROUP: RISK MANAGEMENT ACCT NO. 61 21930 KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community” 0 Enhance employee safety and reduce the City’s exposure to loss by ensuring compliance with OSHA’s illness and injury prevention program requirements and other health and safety regulations. 0 Develop appropriate departmental performance and outcome measures to ensure that the department is providing public services effectively. “Create diverse broad-based economic opportunities to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City.” 0 Compile liability claim statistics to identify any areas for focused loss prevention efforts. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: A change in liability coverage provider resulted in a significant reduction in funding required for the annual liability coverage premium. 66 PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE HUMAN RESOURCES ACCT NO. 61 31 520 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: People are our priori ty... we promote the development, well-being and success of employees and the organization. .- PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: This fund is used to pay health insurance premiums. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Effective July 1, 1999, the fire bargaining unit employees will be transferring to PERS health which is not paid through this fund. 67 PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS / RECORDS MANAGEMENT FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE / GENERAL ACCT NO. 6401710/ PROGRAM GROUP: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0011710 1996-97 ACTUAL $ 431,264 w PERSONNEL 1999-00 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 452,203 $ 647,589 $ 1,180,263 1997-98 1998-99 I 07,298 741,788 I 819,065 I 988,519 I 1,257.926 I IMAINTENANCE & OPERATION I 160,019 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,729,700 235,400 MISSION STATEMENT: Provide our customers with quality information services in a responsive and cost-effective manner. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Computer Support Services: Maintain hardware and software on all City computers. These computers include: 0 Two HP3000 mini computers. One used for general City applications utilized by all departments and another used for cataloging and circulation by the Library One HP9000 UNIX server used for the Financial Information System, Permits, Utility Billing and other general City use applications Two HP720 UNlX workstations used for the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS) 400 desktop computers, 10 networks and the wide area components linking together these networks and computers Telecommunication Support Services: Maintain the voice and data telecommunications networks for all City facilities. This includes all additions and modifications to: PBX and voice mail systems Over 350 communication circuits Approximately 500 phone instruments 780 voice mail boxes New Systems Support: Implement applications and services according to user needs, which requires an analysis of the function being performed, determination of appropriate platform for compatibility, research of available solutions, installation, data migration and integration of selected solution. These may include: Applications such as water billing, business licenses, work orders, inventory and fleet maintenance Replace and/or upgrade hardware and software which is not year 2000 compliant Design and implement a City web site utilizing interactive and e-commerce technologies Design, install and integrate new systems into the new Carlsbad City Library and the Cole Library 68 PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS I RECORDS MGT PAGE TWO FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE / GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACCT NO. 6401 7101 0011710 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Computer Support Services: Ensure that all City computers remain operational with minimum downtime. Guarantee availability of hardware maintenance for all of the City’s mini computers, workstations, ‘desktop computers and the Citywide network. Provide support for all standard City applications. Ensure all City computers and network components are Y2K compliant. Telecommunication Support Services: 0 0 0 Ensure that the City’s telecommunication network and its associated equipment remain operational with minimum downtime. Provide necessary support for all telephone and data communication equipment. Ensure all City voice equipment is Y2K compliant. New Systems Support: 0 Meet the informational needs of the users and encourage the appropriate use of computers and communication technology to increase productivity and enhance communication. Ensure all systems implemented are Y2K compliant. Increase citizen access to City services through the use of technology. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 Significant progress has been made to identify, prioritize, assess, test, and re-mediate date-related systems to ensure Y2K compliance. New permitting and business license systems have been brought on-line, replacing existing City systems that have been in use for many years. These new systems have increased functionality, are easier to use, and are Y2K compliant. Completion of a department reorganization to provide more flexibility and breadth in Information Systems job descriptions. Completed Business Process Review and selection of utility billing system. Designed computing environment and purchased new technology for the new library. Completed network design for new Faraday Building. Replaced the older PCs and printers. Completed design to upgrade City telecommunication network. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Communitv.” 0 Improve public access to information through the use of available technologies. Develop a strategic technology plan to guide the implementation of new technologies. Participate in selection and implementation of technology to improve work processes. Prepare computing environment for the year 2000 through compliance, validation and development of contingency plans. Expand staff access to network services by improving our remote dial-up capabilities. 69 PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS / RECORDS MGT PAGE THREE FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE / GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACCT NO. 64017101 0011710 KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00 (continued): “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Communitv.” Provide for a computer training facility and coordinate technology-related training efforts to increase knowledge and skills of City workforce. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Personnel costs increased due to full-year salaries for additional Information Systems staff supporting the new Library, records management, Citywide applications, Internet technologies, and project management. Professional service funds have increased to foster the development of a City web site, for a year of out-sourced help desk support, for Y2K re-mediation and for development of a Strategic Technology Plan. Telecommunication charges increased because of increased capacity, built-in redundancy and operating communication lines in parallel during the Faraday move. 70 PROGRAM: MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL 001 3520-8540 001 9002-8540 001 9002-7550 001 3025 001 9003-9999 001 9003-771 1 001 9003-9999 001 9003-9999 001 9003-7435 001 9003-7490 001 9003-7400 001 9003-9999 001 9004 001 9008 Community Promotion (Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau) Community Contribution transfers Beach Parking Hiring Center Hosp Grove Debt Service Dues and Subscriptions Misc I Transfers Out Golf Course Contribution Property Tax Administration Fee Assessment Services Audit infrastructure Maintenance Trans. Harmony Grove Fire Contingencies (Budget request) 1996-97 ACTUAL $207,593 0 35,600 75,046 797,500 38,916 1,685,574 470,000 170,222 18,779 33,550 0 318,533 625,030 1997-98 ACTUAL $256,487 225,000 38,100 75,774 828,52 1 13,572 331,952 490,000 177,909 22,893 22,823 0 20,246 1,787,765 ACCT NO. 001-VARIOUS 1998-99 BUDGET $489,180 760,000 36,000 80,070 800,000 46,500 88,000 1,680,000 190,000 59,261 94,800 0 0 3,943,700 1999-00 BUDGET $243,000 0 36,000 80,000 800,000 50,000 0 600,000 210,000 56,000 50,000 2,000,000 0 4,000,000 TOTAL $4.476.343 $4,291,042 $8,267.51 I $8,125,000 71 72 PROGRAM: PUBLIC SAFETY FUND: VARl OU S PROGRAM GROUP: VARIOUS SUMMARY MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 14,090,088 $ 14,817,386 $ 16,455,022 $ 16,814,485 3,067,180 3,450,739 4,333,910 4,638,193 C 73 PROGRAM: POLICE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY ND TOTAL ULL TIME POSITIONS HQURLYIFTE POSITIONS SUMMARY BUDGET 9,845,800 273,500 MISSION STATEMENT: With a commitment to professional excellence, the members of the Carlsbad Police Department provide quality service to the community to ensure the preservation of life and property and the maintenance of law and order. In doing so, we protect the rights of all persons; we strive to treat every person with respect, dignity and compassion; we hold ourselves to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct; we are committed to personal integrity, common purpose, and support of each other as essential to an effective and productive work environment; and we provide leadership in our profession as an example for all law enforcement and to guarantee the best possible service to our citizens. PERFORMANCE / WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1998-99 Averacle Response Times Priority one calls are those in which there is an immediate threat to life or property. Our goal is to respond to all priority one calls in an average of six minutes or less. In 1998-99, we responded on average faster to priority one calls than our goal. Priority one calls made up less than one percent of our total call volume in 1998-99. Priority two (urgent calls) and priority three (calls for reports) calls made up over 99 percent of our total call volume. Our average response time in 1998-99 to the lowest priority call was less than 22 minutes. Priority Priority Priority 5 10 15 20 25 MINUTES 74 PROGRAM: POLICE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE PAGE TWO SUMMARY PERFORMANCE / WORKLOAD MEASURES (continued): Citizen Satisfaction In an effort to provide the best service possible to the community, the Carlsbad Police Department has been surveying victims of crime since 1991. This survey helps the department measure satisfaction and obtain feedback from citizens who have had contact with our department. Over 2,500 responses have been received to-date. 1998 RESULTS ' ..3 4.7 ,.3 1 2 3 4 5 Poor Good Excellent Crime The police department measures crime with the FBI index crimes. FBI index crimes include homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larcenyltheft. and motor vehicle theft. 37.3 40 , I 1997 1998 I FBI Index Crimes Per 1,000 Population 75 PROGRAM: POLICE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE PAGE THREE SUMMARY KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 MHz radio communications system to enhance regional communications became operational. Crime continued to decrease reaching some of the lowest rates in almost 20 years. Over 2,000 students graduated from the DARE program, and over 3,000 additional students were visited by a DARE officer. Almost 300 students participated in juvenile diversion programs. Approximately 2,000 arrests were made. The department’s first Citizens Academy was held to enhance citizens’ understanding of the law enforcement function. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topqualitv services to our Communitv.” 0 0 . 0 Develop and maintain department response standards which achieve high customer satisfaction. Acquire and utilize best communications and information technology. Encourage innovation and the cost-effective delivery of police services through publidprivate partnerships, regionalization, volunteerism, and community outreach programs. Plan, construct, and maintain police facilities which meet the public safety needs of the community. “Create diverse, broad-based economic strateaies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the Citv.” 0 Provide a level of safety that promotes economic income and development and reduces fear of crime. “Intearate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with clualitv of life-centered land use decisions.” 0 “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Communitv.” 0 0 Provide resources and expertise to promote safe and efficient transportation systems. Maintain, develop, and enhance programs aimed at informing and educating the Community regarding public safety. Provide continual training and educational opportunities which promote professional and personal growth, enhance safety and service, and exceed compliance with POST standards. Continue cooperative programs to include DARE, School Resource Officers, GUIDE, Juvenile Justice Panel, and to identify future needs. 76 PROGRAM: POLICE ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 261,643 $ 277,164 $ 275,849 $ 272,975 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 306,475 359,623 492,747 521,870 CAPITAL OUTLAY 67,812 106,360 5,715 0 c fiwiaosn e. ITW.l7. lA?IAi I 1 /, 7A?11 ..". . I 4: u. 704 *" I." RAG .u . .GRANU 1 OTAL I", "V".""" I u, 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACCT NO. 00121 10 ASSET FORFEITURE TOTAL FUNDING 80,933 120,061 0 0 $ 635,930 $ 743.147 $ 774,311 $ 794,845 WORK PROGRAM: Develop and administer functions and programs that support the City's and the Police Department's statement of values in a manner responsive to the City and its citizens. Provide leadership and support to department divisions. Establish policies and long-range plans to meet department goals and City needs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Service Programs: 0 Develop and manage programs which reduce crime, encourage citizen participation, and improve community safety. Organization: Assist staff with individual and group development. Division Support: 0 Provide support to divisions to assist with meeting goals. Leadership: 0 Provide department staff with the knowledge and training necessary to carry out the department's mission. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 77 PROGRAM: FIELD OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 001 21 20 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Respond to calls for service and provide emergency services, preventative patrol, traffic enforcement and special enforcement to the community. Enforce laws and ordinances, preserve the peace, and provide for the protection of life and property through proactive programs of enforcement and prevention. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Calls for Service: 0 0 Investigate crimes 0 Enforce City ordinances Respond to calls for service for emergency and non-emergency services Reports: 0 Take reports including crime, arrest, collisions, incident, citation, and field interview Response Time: 0 Respond to priority one calls in less than six minutes WORKLOAD STATISTICS: CY 1 996 CY 1997 CY 1998 Calls for Service 63,495 64,009 67,076 Cases 9,613 8,950 9,083 Average Priority One Response 5.8 5.6 5.6 SIGN I FICANT CHANGES: In order to maintain service levels, two new patrol officers and three new patrol vehicles have been added 78 PROGRAM: TRAFFIC FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 00121 21 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide traffic enforcement as a means of reducing collisions and hazardous violations in the community. Provide accident investigation and traffic safety programs to make the streets and highways safer. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Maintain a high profile of traffic enforcement in order to reduce traffic collisions Citywide Conduct accident investigations to document location, time, and cause of traffic collisions in order to provide targeted traffic enforcement WORKLOAD STATISTICS: CY1996 CY1997 CY1998 Total Collisions 746 775 784 --- Hit and Run Investigations 153 131 106 Hit and Run Cases Cleared 93% 92% 90% SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Addition of an office specialist position to allow traffic officers to spend more time in the field. 79 PROGRAM: VOLUNTEER PROGRAM FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012122 I 1996-9; ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ 16,124 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide support to the members of the Police Department and help enhance community safety and security through education and crime prevention. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Senior Volunteer Patrol: 0 Conduct crime prevention patrols. 0 0 Assist with traffic control and special events. Conduct education activities in community. Provide regular contact for homebound citizens. In-House Volunteers: Provide general clerical assistance. 0 Provide data entry assistance. Contact crime victims. 0 Provide assistance with special assignments and projects. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: CY 1 997 CY 1 998 -- Number of hours contributed 16,725 16,411 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 80 PROGRAM: RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAM FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE PERSONNEL 1996-9i I I ACTUAL $ 2,800 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 750 0 1997-9f ACTUAL $ 2,570 2,724 0 ACCT NO. 0012123 1998-991 1999-Ot BUDGET BUDGE7 4,822 $ 4,760 . 18,630 25*027 I 0 OI WORK PROGRAM: Provide assistance to the patrol and traffic functions, as well as other divisions within the department by assignment as transport, cover, or working with officers. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 Provide special detail assistance to all divisions of the police department. Provide service to spring and fall fairs, Oktoberfest, marathon, and other special events. Provide assistance with follow-up and special investigations for traffic officers and detectives. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: CY 1996 CY 1997 CY 1 998 Hours contributed by reserve Officers 6,000 2,078 2,360 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. c c 81 PROGRAM: CANINE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ O$ O$ MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0 0 ACCT NO. 0012124 1999-00 BUDGET BUDGET 328,818 $ 334,446 77,800 74,094 1998-99 CAPITAL OUTLAY OI OI 5,600 OI I I I I OTAL 01$ 01s 412,218 I $ 408,540 1 WORK PROGRAM: Augment patrol officers in general law enforcement efforts to deter crime. Enhance department's ability to locate hidden suspects while providing greater ofticer safety through the use of trained police dogs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 0 0 0 Enforce laws throughout the City. Provide canine coverage on each patrol watch. Patrol remote areas using 4x4 vehicles. Provide canine demonstrations to schools and civic groups throughout the year to show the capabilities of police canine teams. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 82 c ACTUAL $ O$ PROGRAM: LAGOON PATROL FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET O$ 59,720 $ 61,696 ACCT NO. 0012125 I I 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-991 1999-001 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 OI 0 OI 8,750 0 13,290 0 WORK PROGRAM: Maintain order in and around Agua Hedionda Lagoon on a year-round basis. Provide general coverage and respond to concerns involving Agua Hedionda and the other lagoons within the City. Maintain order on City’s trail systems and in City’s parks. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 Enforce boating regulations. 0 0 0 Monitor recreational boating operation on Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Patrol lagoon, trail, and park areas. Assist stranded boaters on Agua Hedionda Lagoon. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 83 PROGRAM: INVESTIGATIONS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012130 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATtON WORK PROGRAM: Provide follow-up investigations leading to the identification and apprehension of persons responsible for the commission of crimes. Provide coordination of the criminal justice process: recover stolen property; process property and evidence. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Violent Crime Clearance Rate Property Crime Clearance Rate Property Recovery Rate SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: CY 1996 CY 1997 CY 1998 48% 52% 48% 18% 27% 22% 33% 37% 26% CAL-ID evidence technician included which will increase the incidence and speed of suspect identification, provide faster processing of major crime scenes and increase patrol officer availability. 84 PROGRAM: VICE/NARCOTICS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012131 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Enforce the laws relating to vice and narcotics violations. Identify and assist in the prosecution of those responsible for the use, distribution, sales, and proliferation of illegal drugs in the community. Identify and arrest those responsible for the violation of laws concerning prostitution, gambling, liquor laws, and other illegal activities. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Felony and Misdemeanor Arrests SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. CY 1996 CY 1 997 CY 1998 116 138 123 a5 PROGRAM: JUVENILE DIVERSION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 001 21 32 I I 1996-97 I I 997-98 I 1998-991 1999-001 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 54,427 $ 58,155 $ 60,736 $ 60,700 491682 I 531693 I 83*917 I 83p601 I CAPITAL OUTLAY ~~ ~~~ ~~ ITOTAL FUNDING I$ 104,109 I $ 111,848 I $ 144,653 I $ 144,301 I WORK PROGRAM: Provide juvenile diversion services and programs to all age levels of youth within the City of Carlsbad, both delinquent and pre-delinquent and within and prior to the criminal justice system. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 86 PROGRAM: PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012133 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Responsible for the processing, retention, disposal, and security of all property and evidence obtained or seized by the department. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 0 0 Physically maintain and accurately track all properly and evidence. Return property to lawful owners. Dispose of property according to law. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The 1999/2000 budget includes a new computerized inventory system to replace the old system which was not year 2000 compliant. a7 PROGRAM: FAMILY SE RVl CES FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ___~ 1996-97 ACTUAL $ O$ 0 0 3 I ___ 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET O$ 283,657 $ 292,682 0 16,760 14,439 0 3,000 0 0s os 303.41 f S 3O/.121 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GKANU mAL FULL TIME POSITIONS. HOURLYETE POSITIONS ACCT NO. 0012134 0.00 ' 0.001 4.00, 4.00 0.00 '0,00 1 0.00 0.00 WORK PROGRAM: Provide follow-up investigation leading to the identification and apprehension of persons responsible for the commission of crimes related to juvenile offenders, juvenile victims, and domestic violence incidents. Provide coordination of the criminal justice process as it relates to prevention, education, diversion, and enforcement. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 0 Investigate and follow-up on crime and incident reports as they relate to all phases of the family. Assist in the coordination of diversion, prevention, and education activities offered by the department such as DARE, GUIDE, Juvenile Justice Panel, parenting skills classes, activities for children after school, and mentoring at-risk youth. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. PROGRAM: SUPPORT OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012140 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide support to the police department in the form of training, automated systems coordination, and personnel recruitment and hiring. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 Coordinate all department training. 0 Recruit new employees. 0 0 Organize testing programs and conduct POST mandated pre-employment investigations. Maintain and develop the department’s automated systems such as CAD, ARJIS, and the microcomputer network. SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES : This division was formerly named “Technical Services.” The annual budget for the Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) has been transferred from 0012145 to this division. 89 PROGRAM: D.A.R.E. FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012141 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Assist elementary and junior high school students in recognizing and resisting the pressures of drug use through education. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : 0 Provide drug abuse prevention instruction to schools located in Carlsbad including elementary and junior high schools. Assist schools and parents with drug abuse prevention programs. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Additional DARE officer added to maintain service level for school-based anti-drug education. 90 PROGRAM: CRIME PREVENTION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012142 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-oc ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 40,589 $ 40,146 $ 44,557 $ 43,690 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Help improve the quality of life for Carlsbad citizens through crime prevention awareness and education and help reduce the fear of crime through the dissemination of information. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 Target all groups within the community including crime victims and utilize community forums, surveys, media, newsletters, and direct mailings. 0 Create and implement education and awareness programs that reduce the threat of crime and enhance safety and security. SIG NI FlCANT CHANGES : None. 91 PROGRAM: POLICE SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012143 MAINTENANCE i3 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY ASSET FORFEITURE I 117,400 1 164,336 I 0 TOTAL FUNDING I$ 119.617 1 $ 165.166 I $ 181.004 I $ 177.016 WORK PROGRAM: Maintain order in and around schools to deter crime through enforcement and to create a positive interaction among students, citizens, and educators. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Maintain order and enforce laws on school campuses located within the City of Carlsbad. Educate staff and students regarding laws pertaining to schools, child abuse, and law enforcement, in general. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 92 PROGRAM: COMMUNICATIONS CENTER FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012144 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide police and fire communications including answering calls for service and dispatching appropriate emergency personnel. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 0 Provide routine and emergency communications service to police, fire, and emergency medical programs. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Police Calls for Service SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: CY 1996 CY 1997 CY 1998 63,495 64,009 67,076 In order to maintain adequate staffing levels, a communications operator position has been added. 93 PROGRAM: POLICE RECORDS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012145 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: 1996-97 I 1997-981 1998-95 ACTUAL . ACTUAL BUDGET $ 217,993 $ 206.324 $ 262,565 147,487 100,380 I I OI OI 0 I I $ 318,3/3 I $ 312,881 I $ 410,052 1999-001 Provide processing, filing, and maintenance of all department law enforcement official records. Responsible for data entry into the ARJIS system and for Statewide reporting of crime information. Responsible for public reception, information, and fingerprinting services for the public. PROGRAM ACTlVlTtES: 0 Process police records including arrests, crime cases, citations, traffic collisions, and incident reports. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: CY 1 996 CY 1997 CY 1 998 Police Calls for Service 9,613 8,950 9,083 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The expenses for the ARJIS system have been transferred to Support Operations 0012140. 94 PROGRAM: VARIOUS FUND: ASSET FORFEITURE PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ O$ O$ O$ ACCT NO. 121 21 10 1999-00 BUDGET 52,000 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0 79,149 92,517 38,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The City of Carlsbad periodically receives forfeited funds and assets as a result of the police department's narcotics enforcement efforts. These funds are restricted by statute for use by the police department only and cannot be used to supplant existing budgets. Personnel includes overtime for officer training for the new patrol laptop computer project and for training on responding to barricaded subjects, hostage situations and other similar incidents. Maintenance and operation expenses include software, hardware, and training for the new patrol laptop computer project. Capital outlay includes laptop computers for all patrol officers. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 95 PROGRAM: BICYCLE PATROL FUND: COPS GRANT PROGRAM GROUP: POLICE ACCT NO. 123XXXX MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: This is the third year the City has received funding per Assembly Bill No. 3229 (Brulte) Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS). The City Council approved the Police Department’s request to use these funds for the continued hiring of two full-time officers for assignment to the year-round bicycle patrol. Prior to the first year of the grant, the bicycle patrol was only seasonally staffed during the summer months. The bicycle patrol members patrol the beach and downtown areas as well as other areas as required for special enforcement. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: The patrol will direct attention to minor drug, alcohol, skateboarding, loitering, and noise complaints in the downtown and beach areas of the City as well as other areas as needed. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Funding for 1999-00 was appropriated in 1998-99 and will be carried forward to 1999-00. 96 PROGRAM: FIRE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: FIRE SUMMARY MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: The Fire Department‘s mission is to provide fast, effective and courteous fire, rescue, medical, inspection and prevention services to the Community. We measure our success in accomplishing our mission through customer surveys, comparative analysis, operational effectiveness and goal accomplishment. WORKLOAD STATISTICS:: Paramedic Satisfaction Survey Total Incidents By Year 1 2 3 4 5 Unacceptable Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Customer Service Ratinas: In FY 98-99 the Fire Department began surveying customer satisfaction. The above chart shows our customer satisfaction level for emergency medical services. The results show that our paramedics continue to live up to the department.’s reputation for treating all patients as we would our own family. 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Priority 1 average response times in minutes: 4.39 4.42 4.55 4.68 4.78 Incidents 8 ResDonse Times: The Fire Department continues to meet its goal of a five minute average response time to priority one calls, with a 4.47 average. The above chart shows a gradual increase in both number of incidents and response time over the last five years. This increase corresponds somewhat to a similar increase in population. 97 PROGRAM: FIRE FUND:. GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: FIRE PAGE TWO SUMMARY KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: In conjunction with the Police Department, published the 1998 Annual Report for Safety Services. Developed comprehensive Fire Department information for inclusion in the City’s new web site, in coordination with all major service areas. Initiated a Customer Survey Program for the measurement and enhancement of emergency services. Managed the introduction and implementation of the new 800 MHz radio communication system for Fire, Police, Public Works, Community Services, and Community Development. Improved the CEMAT process through contracting of specialized coordinating and technical services. Initiated a new emergency response mapping system, with the assistance of Planning and GIs, to improve address accuracy and increase emergency information availability. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: .. . “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community.” Evaluate and select a computer-aided dispatch technology that maximizes our resources and response times by fully utilizing our 800 MHz Communications System. “Create diverse, broad-based economic opportunities to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City.” Complete a Fire Department strategic plan based on the comprehensive self-assessment process developed by the National Fire Service. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all seaments of the Community.” Maximize public education opportunities by implementing a new educational program based on identified fire and life safety problems within our community with a goal of educating the greatest number of people in our target audience as possible. 98 _- PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: FIRE ACCT NO. 0012210 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Administration Division coordinates the overall operation of the Fire Department. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Coordination: Provide program direction and planning for all divisions. Implement and support Fire Department specific vision, mission, and values. Continue supervisory training and seminars for all fire captains. Facilitate team building programs for all members of the management team. Promote increased communications and participation at all levels within the department. Plannina: Provide a planning interface with other City departments and regional agencies in order to facilitate improved fire services. Coordinate department information systems. Continue to oversee the department-wide self-assessment process and develop a department strategic plan. Monitor development under the Growth Management Program toward scheduling the relocation of Fire Stations 3 8 6. Participate in the San Diego County Unified Disaster Council and Hazardous Materials Response JPAs. Participate in regional planning activities, including 800 MHz Regional Communication System and continue studying the feasibility of a North County Regional Training Facility. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budget includes the addition of a .75 office specialist II position. 99 PROGRAM: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: FIRE ACCT NO. 001 2220 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Respond to citizen requests for assistance in a timely manner with appropriate equipment and properly trained personnel. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Emerqencv Response: Maintain an effective fire and medical emergency response system throughout the City. 0 0 Maintain fire apparatus, equipment, and facilities at a high level of readiness. Maintain an average response time of five minutes or less to priority one fire and medical calls for service. Trainino: Provide all safety personnel appropriate training in order to enhance their personal safety as well as enhancing the services provided to citizens. 0 0 0 Provide technical training to all shift personnel on a monthly basis. Train personnel to meet individual and company performance standards. Provide 24 hours of EMS continuing education to all field personnel. Service: Operations personnel will maintain a positive community profile of service, friendliness, and responsiveness. 0 Engine companies to participate in public education programs, special community events, and code enforcement inspections on an annual basis. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budget includes funding for a new Battalion Chief position in exchange for an unfunded Fire Captain Specialist position. Additional funding is also included for an Emergency Vehicle Operator Course as well as increased funding for public education for schools. The Fire Department, in cooperation with Public Works, will be implementing a trench rescue program to enhance the City’s resource coordination and ability to respond to trench rescue incidents. 100 L PROGRAM: PREVENTION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: FIRE ACCT NO. 001 2225 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 298,885 $ 347,311 $ 378,592 $ 383,510 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 117,972 39,625 37,243 40.429 CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Manage the potential for fire loss in the community through Fire Code enforcement and public education activities which increase citizen awareness of fire and life safety practices. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Enforcement and Engineerin% Provide code enforcement occupancy inspections in existing public buildings and those under construction. 0 0 Provide training and administrative support for engine company code enforcement activities. Conduct periodic fire inspections in all City buildings and high-risk occupancies. Perform code compliance reviews on construction plan submittals within 10 calendar days. Perform new construction inspections within 24 hours of request. Conduct code compliance inspections in licensed care facilities. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Prevention services will be relocating to the new building on Faraday and with the cooperation of Engineering, Planning, and the Water Department, will implement a more efficient development review process that offers all development-related services at one location. Budget includes funding for the addition of one full-time equivalent hourly employee to assist with Fire Prevention Services. 101 PROGRAM: WEED ABATEMENT FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: FIRE ACCT NO. 001 2235 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Manage the potential for grass and brush fires on unimproved property by means of a selective abatement program. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Hazard Identification: Identify and serve notice to owners of properties on which fire hazards exist or are likely to exist. 0 0 0 Select 900-1 I00 parcels for clearance. Obtain City Council approval for abatement. Mail notices to property owners in May. Hazard Abatement: Assure abatement of hazards on property identified in hazard identification phase. 0 Inspect all property noticed. 0 0 0 0 During May through July, clean all property not previously abated by owners. Manage contractor performance and payment system. Obtain City Council approval to place abatement costs onto individuals property tax roll in July. Submit charges to County Auditor for recovery by property tax billing by August. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 102 PROGRAM: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: FIRE ACCT NO. 001 2240 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Exercise and improve coordination plans that enable Carlsbad to effectively utilize its resources in responding to and recovering from, natural or manmade disasters. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Training and Education: Conduct classroom and simulation training sessions for all key City staff members. Conduct training and exercises with City Emergency Operations Center staff on disaster plan elements. Continue providing basic emergency response training to all City employees. Inter-Agency PlanninK Continue the involvement of other agencies in the planning process providing coordination with City plans. Maintain City Emergency Plan. Ensure City is prepared to respond to any Year 2000 related incidents. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES : A CEMAT consultant has been retained to assist in the coordination of City training, planning and disaster preparedness efforts. 103 104 -- I 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 3,199,697 $ 3,396,890 $ 3,943,429 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND: VARl OUS PROGRAM GROUP: VARIOUS 1999-00 BUDGET $ 3,882,762 SUMMARY 6,189,003 369,078 6,359,624 788,848 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANU TOTAL 9,602,556 FULL TIME POSITIONS 51 .00 HOURLYIFTE POSITIONS 2.50 $ 6,221,438 181,421 $ ,* 10,636,717 I $ 1‘09’ 901 $ 53.75 54.75 54.75 3.00 I 3.00 1.50 I I 6,439,010 314,945 Comm. Dev Building Geographic Admin. Inspection Information 3 70 Economic 15% 2% Housing Section 8 Planning CDBG 2% 24% 6% 105 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 0013010 THRU 0013015 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1 996-97 I 1997-981 1998-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGE7 $ 301,678 $ 330,154 $ 356,413 268,483 176,849 191,804 3,013 6,998 1 999-00 I 1651850 I OI MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of Community Development is to guide and facilitate the development of the City of Carlsbad. We do this in an atmosphere of creativity and cooperation. We are committed to the highest standard of integrity and respect for diversity. We enhance the health, safety, welfare and the quality of life for people at all economic levels who live, work or visit Carlsbad by providing for: 0 Development of high quality projects and public facilities. 0 Preservation of the local environment. 0 Diverse housing, employment and enrichment opportunities. 0 A strong and stable economic base. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Coordination: 0 Continue quarterly review of all interdepartmental goals and objectives. 0 Coordinate the activities of all Community Development Departments at the development processing counter 0 Provide support and direction to all Community Development Departments involved with achievement of the City’s Affordable Housing, Growth Management and Economic Development goals. Communication: 0 Conduct periodic meetings and workshops to assist Community Development staff and various commissions in understanding the development process, and pertinent laws and regulations. Encourage departmental and interdepartmental meetings which allow Community Development staff to participate in problem identification and resolution. Act as a liaison between community organizations and City staff in initiating and implementing programs which provide social benefit to the local population. 0 0 106 -- PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION PAGE TWO FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. OOI~OIO THRU 0013015 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 rn 0 0 Lease / purchase of the new 68,000 square foot building on Faraday Avenue to relocate the majority of City administrative staff and all of the community development functions. Completion of the City’s new $22 million public library which will open on September 25, 1999. Completion of the 50% final design package for the golf course and formal submission to the City for review. Completed a detailed facility analysis of renovation alternatives for the Cole library. KEY GOALS FOR 199940: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our Community.” 0 Provide timely response to inquiries by knowledgeable staff; continuing to measure customer satisfaction with service delivery through the use of user surveys, and user feedback from customers to improve service delivery. Examples are: 0 Develop a measurement for volume of the walk-in and telephone contact at the Community Development public services counter. 0 Average 24-hour response on code enforcement for non-health and safety calls. Average same day responses for all others. rn Develop an organizational plan to move Community Development to a new facility 0 0 “Create diverse broad-based economic strateqies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the Citv.” 0 Prepare an alternatives analysis for the Cole Library Renovation Project. Manage the construction of the Carlsbad City Library project. Develop a strategy for obtaining wildlife agency permits, utilizing either the Habitat Management Plan or individual single-project permitting (depending on Council policy direction) for all City projects and selected high priority private projects which have been identified by the City Council. 0 Reassemble the project design team, develop a revised schedule, and undertake the remaining design, entitlement, financing, and construction activities necessary to complete the golf course project. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Community.” 0 Expand the Community Development Organizational Effectiveness program, establishing new and innovative opportunities for involvement by employees at all levels of the organization, with emphasis on enhanced training for supervisors and managers in conflict management, time management and coaching/confronting. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 107 PROGRAM: LAND USE PLANNING FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: PLANNING 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET $ 1,562,326 $ 1,581,310 $ 1,835,029 433,848 634,045 629,469 5,969 0 12,000 ACCT NO. 0013210 1999-0( BUDGE7 $ 1,756,780 633,680 7,290 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TO1 AL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYFTE POSITIONS $ - , 15, 55 24.00 24.00 1 .00 1 .oo MISSION STATEMENT: -- 1, 24.00 24.00 1 .oo 1 .oo The Planning Department‘s mission is to guide the planned physical development of the City in a manner that preserves the quality of life for its citizens. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Implementation of General Plan: Ensure that all new planning programs and development projects comply with the General Plan. Preparation of Special Studies and Policy Review Prepare special studies relating to land use as directed by City Council. Provide advice to the City Council and Planning Commission regarding the compliance of all development proposals with the City’s zoning, subdivision and environmental ordinances. Update development standards as needed. Review of Development Proiects: Provide technical support to the Planning Commission and City Council in a timely and efficient manner regarding the compliance of all development proposals with the City’s zoning, subdivision and environmental ordinances. Update development standards as needed. Implementation of Growth Management Plan: Ensure that all development complies with the performance standards of the Growth Management Plan. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 0 Implement programs contained in the updated General Plan. Complete the update of the Housing Element. 0 Complete the Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone and the Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Study. 0 Continue to address issues related to endangered species, and preparation of the Habitat Management Plan. 0 Ensure timely processing/review of projects in the City. 0 0 Continue to review project processing procedures. Administer the Growth Management Program, including on-going monitoring of activities. 108 PROGRAM: LAND USE PLANNING PAGE TWO _- FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: PLANNING NUMBER OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS CONSIDERED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ACCT NO. 0013210 NUMBER OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS CONSIDERED BY CITY COUNCIL ‘ 1st Qtr ‘2nd Qtr‘ 3rd Qtr ’ 4th Qtr ’ . 1st Qtr ’2nd Qtr’ 3rd Qtr .4th Qtr Applications Considered bv Planning Com- mission: The numbers reflect a 46% increase for 1998 over 1997. Administrative approvals of PIPS, Sign PermitdPrograms, and Administra- tive Variances are not included in the above numbers and account for a 38% increase (176 in 1997 and 243 in 1998). Applications Considered bv Citv Council: The increase of 15 to 28 items, forwarded to Council from Planning Commission, reflects an 86% greater activity level. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 98-99: 0 Approval of the La Costa LuckylSav-On project at the northeast comer of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue. 0 Approval of SP 210, Poinsettia Properties, which is the first Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the City. KEY DEPARTMENT GOALS - FY 99-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivenr of towuality services to our Community.” 0 Ensure topquality services to our customers and citizens. 0 Ensure that all development projects comply with City planning codes and policies. 0 Continue to review all procedures and systems to ensure the timely processing of all applications, particularly ones that create economic opportunities. 0 Provide strategic advice regarding land use and long-term planning in the City. “Create diverse. broad-based economic strateaies in ensure the financial health of the Community and the 0 c&& Complete the Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all sepments of the Community.” Continue working with the school districts, providing land use and long-term planning information to assist the districts in school location decisions. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 109 PROGRAM: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 0013310 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: The Carlsbad GIS provides Geographic Information System processing services to all City departments, and disseminates GIS processing capabilities to appropriate City departments. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: System Development: Continue to work with user departments to determine and plan the use of the GIS for more effective and efficient use of the City’s spatial and spatially-related data. With the addition of a GIS Applications Specialist to the GIS staff, we will be able to more effectively expand the GIS program to enable various City staff to use GIS technology. Database Development: Continue adding data layers to the enterprise-wide GIs, particularly in the areas of Public Works-related infrastructure (street lights, street trees, assessment districts, signage, traffic signals, etc.). Database Maintenance: Maintain the parcel base map and street map for changes in parcel boundaries, land subdivision, and newhe-aligned streets. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: FY 1997 FY 1 998 FYI 999 Number of Service Requests 181 229 245 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 0 0 Initiated the creation of the Public Works Management System data base, including the installation of GIS software and training of staff on data entry. Installed GIS software and trained full-time and part-time staff in its use at offices of Public Works and Community Services. Processed over 250 service requests from 16 departments within all five major service areas. KEY GOALS FOR FY 1999-2000: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of topquality services to our Community” 0 Participate in the development of a Public Works Facility Management System utilizing GIS technology. 0 0 Continue to reduce the cycle time between request and delivery of productslservices. Disseminate GIS capabilities to City staff at the desktop level. -- SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: New software will be implemented which will allow direct access to all spatial data from the various geographic information systems used by the City. 110 PROGRAM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL ACCT NO. 0013510 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 88,946 $ 91,488 $ 103,012 $ 99,010 I 1 996-97 I 1997-981 1998-991 1999-001 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL 12,801 8,332 39,985 33,670 0 0 0 0 $ 101.747 $ 99.820 $ 142.997 $ 132.680 L FULL TIME POSITIONS I 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 I 1 .oo HOURLYRE POSITIONS 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 I 0.00 MISSION STATEMENT: Plan, organize and direct the implementation of the City’s Economic Strategic Plan. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Land Use: Develop and implement land use and infrastructure strategies consistent with the General Plan, that enhance and promote economic development in Carlsbad. Public Policv: Develop sound policies and strategies that encourage quality business development and expansion, preserve quality of life and consider the fiscal needs of the City. Economic Resources: Identify resources, opportunities and areas of economic focus. optimize the positive effects they have on the community. Establish programs to Promotion and Marketing: Support public and private activities that focus on attracting desirable businesses and industries to the City, and supports local tourism. Public Relations and Education: Provide opportunities for increased organizational, local business and citizen awareness of demographics and economic goals and activities. PERFORMANCE / WORKLOAD MEASURES: Number of new and existing companies visited annually. Number of economic development presentations made annually to local organizations. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 Establishment of the Palomar Corridor Transportation Task Force; a publidprivate partnership collaborating to identify solutions that will reduce peak hour congestion in the industrial corridor Enhanced awareness of Carlsbad’s demographic and business profile and potential opportunities through presentations to City staff, boards, commissions, local business and service organizations Meetings with 24 local companies to discuss the City of Carlsbad and local, regional and state resources available to them KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City.” Develop and coordinate Carlsbad’s Business Attraction and Retention Program. Participate in regional economic development activities and projects. Identify and monitor progress of development projects that provide economic benefit to the City. Implement the City of Carlsbad’s Economic Development Strategic Plan. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 111 PROGRAM: BUILDING INSPECTION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: BUILDING INSPECTION ACCT NO. 001 361 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Building Department reviews applications for building permits, routes applications to applicable departments, issues permits, and inspects structures under construction for compliance with Uniform Model Codes. The department also provides code enforcement services for the City for zoning, housing, building, and other Municipal Code violations. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Receipt of building permit applications, coordination of building permit approvals, issuance of building permits, inspection of new and remodeled structures, and related code enforcement activities. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Building Income (in millions) Building Permits (all types) Valuation of All Permits (in millions) Inspections Inspection Staffing Front Counter Staffing Dwelling Units Issued Dwelling Units Completed I 998 $20.7 4,033 $479 55,000 8 3 1,419 1,036 1999 $23.9 4,662 $588 67,000 IO 3.5 2,239 1,393 - KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 Responded to 94 percent of inspection requests the next working day (standard is 95%) Facilitated completion of shell and tenant improvement design for Faraday Administrative and Community Development Facility Adopted latest model codes with simplified administrative section KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Communitv.” Complete moving Community Development and Administrative Services building project. Respond to 95% of requests for field inspections and 95% of non-health and safety-related code enforcement calls the next working day. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all seqments of the Community.” 0 Develop and implement an internship program for building inspectors. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Additional funding to employ contract building inspectors during peak inspection demand periods and for an intern building inspector program to train in-house City employees for a career in building inspection. 112 PROGRAM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT FUND: VARIOUS DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT SUM MARY MAINTENANCE & OPERATION $ 4,970,007 CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Helping people achieve their dreams. Affordable Housinq Rental Assistance Transportation Homebuyers Assistance Education New Construction Social Services Rehabilitation Family Self-Sufficiency Enhancinn Opportunities Villaqe Vision Career Development Creativity Plans Expansions Innovation Revitalization Goals 0 Beautification Promoting Business Development lncreasinn Revenues Jobs 0 Federal Funds Sales Tax 0 Property Tax New Products State Funds Excellent Service Creatinn a Community Spirit 113 .- PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS FUND: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 8013410 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 145,630 235,293 325,147 276,463 OI 0 $ 381,846 I $ 422,093 MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Implementation of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Master Plan: 0 0 0 0 Coordination of project development and permit processing. Implementation of the Facade Improvement Program. Administration of the Parking-In-Lieu Fee Program. Property acquisition for future redevelopment projects and facilitation of new development. Communitv Relations and Public Relations Pmram: 0 0 0 Work with the Carlsbad Village Business Association and other business organizations to continue community awareness and public relations activities on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency. Implement the Village Beautification Program through coordination of maintenance efforts in the Village. Work with NCTD to resolve parking and land use-related issues associated with the Village Commuter Rail Station and surrounding properties. PERFORMANCE / WORKLOAD MEASURES: Process fifteen (1 5) redevelopment permit applications for improvements to existing structures or new construction projects. Process ten (10) sign permit applications. Process five (5) preliminary review applications. Process four (4) Facadelsignage Improvement Grants. Facilitate the development of at least one "special opportunity project" identified in the Village Redevelopment Master Plan. Provide quarterly updates on the on-going maintenance efforts of the Village Beautification Program. 114 PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS FUND: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 8013410 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 Staff was instrumental in acquiring a five year lease agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and Beach Sleep Furniture for property located at 2787 State Street (previously known as the Bauer Lumber Building). 0 The Parking in Cadsbad Village Redevelopment Area Report was prepared and received approval from the City Council. Development and initiation of the implementation of the Village Beautification Program. Worked with SANDAG through their Local Technical Assistance Program to conduct the Carlsbad Village Opinion Survey. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the Citv.” 0 0 Process redevelopment permits of all types for projects within the Village Area which represent high quality development or redevelopment of properties and buildings. Implement a program to attract and retain desired businesses based on the results of the residentlcustomer survey conducted by SANDAG. “lnteqrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with qualitv of life-centered land use decisions.” 0 Implement the Village Area Parking Program which supports publidprivate partnerships in financing the maintenance and construction of public parking lots in centralized areas and encourage visitors to the Village to utilize the public parking areas and to walk to surrounding businesses and/or tourist activities. Develop a program to identify impediments to full utilization of all existing public parking lots and coordinate required improvements to eliminate any impediments. Complete and implement the Transportation Corridor Master Plan within the Village which supports transit- oriented development. 0 0 SIGN1 FlCANT CHANGES: None. 115 PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND: REDEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVICE PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 8023412 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Bond Interest Payments: Process payments on principal and interest amounts due. Prow* Tax Administration Charges: collection of property taxes on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency. Process payment to San Diego County for administration and KEY GOALS FOR 199940: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Community.” 0 0 Complete payments on bond interest principal amounts in a timely fashion as required under issuance criteria. Complete payment to County of San Diego for administration and collection of property taxes in accordance with the billing invoice from the County. SIGN1 FlCANT CHANGES: None 116 PROGRAM: LOWlMODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 8033420 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: -- Helping people achieve their dreams. -- PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Affordable Housinn Project Processinq Procedures: 0 Affordable Housinn Project Coordination: 0 Continue development of affordable housing project processing procedures. Assist in the structure and implementation of affordable housing projects. -- Affordable Housinn Education Proaram: 0 Direct educational programs for citizens, businesses and government agencies interested in affordable housing. PERFORMANCE / WORKLOAD MEASURES: 0 0 Process at least three (3) requests for financial assistance through the Housing Policy Team. Use existing low and moderate income housing funds to purchase property for an affordable housing project in, or near, the Village Redevelopment Area through acquisition of vacant land and new construction or acquisition of existing units and rehabilitation. Participate in at least three (3) outreach programs, professional conferences, and/or citizen and business groups on affordable housing. 0 .. . KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of topquality services to our Community.” 0 Continue to assist private developers to provide affordable housing as required by the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance. %reate diverse, broad-based economic strateaies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City.” 0 Attract and retain target industries, businesses and jobs that result in improved economic health through the implementation of affordable housing programs which serve to enhance the jobshousing balance within the community. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 117 PROGRAM: RENTAL ASSISTANCE FUND: HUD SECTION 8 HOUSING PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. I90340113403 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Section 8 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance: 0 0 0 0 Provide federal funding to subsidize rents for 503 very-low and low income households. Assist low-income households in the community to access rental housing that is decent, safe and sanitary. Ensure program is being administered in compliance with federal regulations, federal guidelines and the Carisbad Administrative Plan. Achieve and maintain a lease rate that effectively utilizes funding allocation. Family Self-Sufficiency: 0 0 0 0 Designed to enable unemployed, under-employed or under-educated low income families to achieve economic independence from welfare. Assist families in identifying barriers to becoming self-sufficient. Provide guidance to the family to establish a five year goal and plan. Coordinate needed support services and act as an advocate on behalf of the client. Communitv Opwrtunities Prowam: 0 0 Collaborative effort among several local housing agencies. Provide education and guidance to rental assistance participants to reach personal goals and career objectives, emphasizing housing opportunities in neighborhoods of choice. Participate in ongoing implementation of program changes and marketing of the program to participants and Owners in Carlsbad. PERFORMANCE 1 WORKLOAD MEASURES: 0 0 0 Average families assisted: 474 Achieve and maintain a monthly lease rate utilizing 90-95% of allocated funds. Funding utilized FY 1997-1998: 88% 118 PROGRAM: RENTAL ASSISTANCE PAGE TWO FUND: HUD SECTION 8 HOUSING PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 190340113403 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: Utilized $2.3 million of federal funds to provide an average of 484 families with assistance for their rent resulting in a 96% overall lease rate. 0 Three Family Self-Sufficiency participants successfully completed the program and were entitled to receive their escrow monies. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topqualitv services to our Community.” Encourage the innovative, cost effective delivery of City services mechanisms such as: publidprivate partnershipdnon-profit organizationslenterprise services/regionalization/consolidation. 0 Revise and update the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Administrative Plan to incorporate the upcoming program changes outlined in the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Community.” Develop, maintain, and enhance programs that result in an informed, knowledgeable and involved public through enhanced Community dialogue. Increase owner and community knowledge of the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program by collaborating with non-profit and social service agencies; make presentations to business and community organizations, non- profit and social service agencies and local citizen groups; and expand informationaVeducationa1 materials. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 119 PROGRAM: AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND: HOUSING TRUST FUND PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 1333421 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Affordable Housinn Proarams: 0 Provide staff support to implement the various affordable housing programs as set forth within the City's housing element including: 0 Carlsbad Homebuyer Assistance Program (CHAP) Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (MCC) Single and multi-family residential rehabilitation programs Provide staff support to the Housing Commission Affordable Housinn Financial Assistance: 0 Negotiate and prepare financial assistance and loan documents for construction of single and multi-family affordable housing projects. lnclusionaw Housina: 0 0 Implement the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance by providing information to developers, the public and City staff on the requirements of the ordinance. Negotiate and prepare affordable housing agreements. Monitor the development and operation of affordable housing developments. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 1. Affordable Housing Units Approved: 257 units FY97-98 2. Affordable Housing Units Construction Starts: 35 units 3. Financial Assistance to Affordable Housing Projects: $1,235,000 FY98-99 429 units 326 units $2,313,600 120 PROGRAM: AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND: HOUSING TRUST FUND PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 1333421 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 The city provided approximately $2.4 million in financial assistance to affordable housing projects which resulted in the construction of 259 affordable rental units and 47 affordable for-sale units. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Communitv.” Develop, maintain and enhance programs that result in an informed, knowledgeable and involved public through enhanced community dialogue. 0 Perform public outreach by making presentations to citizen, business and service groups, serve on regional affordable housing committees and task forces, and make presentations at professional conferences about affordable housing programs and their benefits to the City of Carlsbad. Collaborate with school districts to accomplish mutually set goals and help the schools better fulfill their obligation to provide facilities meeting the Community’s needs. 0 Work with the school districts, developers of affordable housing and the State of California to implement the provisions of Senate Bill 50 to provide financial assistance for the payment of school fees for affordable housing developments in Carlsbad. _- I c SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 121 PROGRAM: COMMU FUND: CDBG E PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSIN MAINTENANCE & OPERATION PERSONNEL I 325,828 I 298,268 I 341,576 I 307,342 I WY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT UTITLEMENT G AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT ~o.391~01-02,3917000 ACTUAL $ 78,321 1996-97 I 1997-981 1998-99 I 1999-001 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 94,123 $ 93,855 $ 97,070 CAPITAL PROJECTS 169,407 360,196 686,984 305,155 MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Administration of Community Development Block Grant Prwram: 0 0 Provide staff support to the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee and City Council in the selection process to identify activities to be included in the consolidated funding plan for the CDBG Program. Prepare consolidated funding plan for submittal to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for approval. Ensure documentation is maintained to meet guidelines established by HUD for continued CDBG funding. Monitor activities of grant subrecipients to ensure that HUD and City requirements are met. Prepare consolidated annual performance and evaluation report for review and approval by City Council and HUD. Residential Rehabilitation Prwram: Administer program in cooperation with the County of San Diego to allow rehabilitation of residences owned by low and moderate income families or individuals. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 Completed selection process for 1999-2000 CDBG Program Year with funding approved for 15 local public service agencies. Four public meeting held to review and obtain comments on CDBG Program. Grants andor loans were approved for seven Carlsbad households to assist in rehabilitation of six single family homes and one mobile home. KEY GOALS FOR 199940: “Ensure the effective and efficient deliverv of topquality services to our Community.” Provide timely responses that result in high customer satisfaction. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all senments of the Community.” Develop, maintain, and enhance programs that result in an informed, knowledgeable and involved public through enhanced community dialogue. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES None. 122 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PAGE TWO FUND: CDBG ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. ~~INOI-OZ, 3917000 KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our Community.” Provide timely responses that result in high customer satisfaction. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all senments of the Community.” Develop, maintain, and enhance programs that result in an informed, knowledgeable and involved public through enhanced community dialogue. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES None. 123 124 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY SERVICES FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: VARIOUS SUM MARY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYRE POSITIONS 1996-9; ACTUAL $ 4,184,473 2,172,442 76,568 $ 6,433,483 57.93 71.19 1997-9E ACTUAL $ 4,178,283 2,361,838 58,331 $ 6,598,452 57.00 77.58 1998-99 BUDGET $ 4,764,401 3,004,411 185.635 $ 7,954,447 57.00 87.89 1999-oc BUDGET $ 5,958,087 3,603,605 120.950 $ I1 66.75 I 10.40 Seniors 7% Park Planning/ Rec Mgt . ._ Recreati 26% Cultural Arts 6% 125 PROGRAM: LIBRARY FUND: VA RI 0 US PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 2,016,418 $ 2,064,278 $ 2,451,066 $ 3,516,458 939,167 1,038,800 1,403,950 1,807,512 28,852 44,065 400 0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Carlsbad City Library provides educational, informational and recreational services for all community residents; provides both print and non-print resources that respond to the interests and needs of a diverse population; provides convenient access and adequate space for users and resources; and promotes a broad awareness of the library and its services. The library contributes to the enrichment of Carlsbad’s citizens by supporting lifelong learning and the pursuit of knowledge. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our community.” Completed the first phase of a library and Citywide Internet Web site, establishing a comprehensive Established a Friends of the Library foundation to solicit corporate gifts, private bequests, and donations. Established a planning team composed of library staff and Genealogical Society members to investigate presence for the City of Carlsbad. optimum use of space in the planned renovation of the Cole Library. “Create diverse, broad-based economic opportunities.” 0 0 Completed a technology plan for current and future computer applications in the library. Upgraded the library’s existing integrated library system hardware and software. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all seaments of the community.” Provided to all staff a formal orientation program on City and library policies, procedures, and facility Planned library participation in school district-wide orientation programs for teachers as well as monthly locations. school-based teacher meetings. 126 PROGRAM: LIBRARY FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our Community.” PAGE TWO SUMMARY 0 0 Complete development of a fully networked historical photo database. Design, implement, and analyze the results of a library user survey to assess customer satisfaction at all Complete phases two and three of the City of Carlsbad lntemet Web site. Develop, in coordination with the Historic Preservation Commission and the Historical Society, a top quality Receive telecommunications discounts under the Universal Service Program for Schools and Libraries. Complete a detailed building program and functional layout for the Cole Library remodel. three library facilities. 0 0 walking tour brochure that will include photos, maps, and information on sites of historic interest in Carlsbad. 0 0 “Create diverse, broad-based economic stratenies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City.” 0 Survey local businesses to determine what types of publications and technology resources the library could provide to best meet their informational needs. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all seaments of the Community.” 0 0 0 Update the library’s disaster plan and conduct one table-top training exercise. Begin publishing and distributing a library staff newsletter. Participate in district-wide orientation programs for teachers as well as monthly school-based teacher Coordinate with local school districts on the development of a brochure for teachers outlining services and meetings. resources the library can provide to students. 0 SIG NI Fl CANT CHANGES: The new library is due to open in September 1999. Included in the 1999-2000 Library Budget, are 8 new full-time positions and hourly positions equating to another 19 employees, which will support the expanded operations. 127 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY 1996-97 1997-98 ACCT NO. 0014070/0014069 1998-99 1999-00 PERSONNEL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ O$ O$ O$ 549,712 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 74 1 1,239 4,750 466,388 0 0 0 0 WORK PROGRAM: GRAND IOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FlE POSITIONS Provide leadership for the library and its nine divisions; plan for the growth of resources and facilities; manage all budget and fiscal matters; and coordinate relations with local and State government, the Library Board, the Friends of the Library, and the Serra Cooperative Library System. I 1 I $ 741 $ 1,239 $ 4,750 $ 1,016,100 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Budget Preparation: Prepare department budget; 1. Monitor and distribute account balances to all process invoices, warrants and requisitions; monitor expenditures; maintain fiscal records. divisions. Refine automated fund accounting and on-order information. 2. Communitv Relations: Manage programs, exhibits, 1. Work closely with local media to promote the graphic arts, and all external public relations. library. 2. Sponsor at least one adult program and two exhibits per month. 3. Produce flyers, newsletters, and other graphics for the library and other City departments. 4. In cooperation with the Friends of the Library, raise at least $25,000 through book and magazine sales. Reports and Grants: Handle grants and reports at local and State levels. 1. 2. Prepare detailed monthly statistics on library use. Write annual reports for State and local use. 3. Manage grants supported by State and local funding. 128 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Internal Management: library's divisions. Provide leadership for the Historic Preservation Education: Participate in and promote public education pertaining to historic areas and sites. PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 001407010014069 PERFORMANCE MEASURES: 1. Supervise the library's nine (9) divisions. 2. Manage facilities and resources. 3. Develop policies and procedures for all library operations. 1. Develop a new walking tour map and guide to Carlsbad's historic sites. 2. Develop community activities and programs to promote historic preservation. 3. Work with Carisbad Schools and Carlsbad Historical Society to sponsor educational pro- grams on local history. Plaque Proqram: Recognize historic sites by 1. The Historic Preservation Commission will identifying various sites with numbered plaques that will eventually be part of a historical tour. evaluate criteria for identification of historic sites to be considered for the plaque program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The new main library is expected to open in September 1999. This administration program has been created to account for the administrative costs of all the library divisions. Utility costs increased to cover a much larger new facility. Postage costs increased due to increased volume and postage costs 129 PROGRAM: GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 0014010/0014015-16/0014035 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 199900 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,019,251 $ 1,065,654 $ 1,278,819 $ 798.583 360,762 519,373 499,389 246,868 2,212 22,007 0 0 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 PLF GRANT FUNDING I 11,875 I 10,402 I 0 TOTAL FUNDING I $ 1,382,966 I $ 1,607,034 I $ 1,778,208 [ $ 1,045,451 WORK PROGRAM: The Cole Library provides services for North Carlsbad. These services include print and non-print materials, reference services, special programs for children, and monthly changes in exhibits and displays. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Reference: Assist patrons in using the library, answer reference questions, reserve specific titles and request materials from other libraries. Circulation: Circulate print and non-print materials to children and adults, handle patron registration, collect fees and fines, and track overdue items. Collection Development: Evaluate the Cole Library collection and select print and non-print materials. Programming: Plan, schedule and develop pro- grams for children. Conduct classroom visits and tours. Libraw Management: Manage Cole Library, staff, volunteers, collection, and facility. Maintain aware- ness of community. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 95/96 96/97 - 97/98 - 98/99 1. Reference Questions: 85,441 71,988 74,534 89,464 1. Circulation:758,674 731,934 677,644 786,347 1. Total Items in Collection: 174,667 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 1. Program 10,184 11,056 11,014 16,457 Attendance: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Schedule and supervise staff. Hire and train new staff. Prepare monthly narrative and statistical summary of operation. Actively maintain a current, topical print and non- print collection. Maintain a safe and efficient facility. Survey the needs of and interact with the members of the community. The Cole Library budget is for a ten month period; September-June, as the new main library opens in the south and the branch evolves into the Cole Library to continue servicing the north. 130 PROGRAM: CIRCULATION - SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 0014075 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Circulation Division registers all library patrons as library members and Internet users. The Circulation staff checks in and out materials, sorts and shelves all library materials. The division also provides services to the Homebound Program and participates in the Braille Machine Exchange Program. -- PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Circulation: Registers library patrons and adult Internet users. Checks out and in, renews, reserves, sorts, and shelves library materials. Processes and mails overdue, collection and reserve notices. Collects fines and fees. Homebound Proqram: Provides library materials to patrons confined to the home and to patrons living in Harding House, Villas de Carlsbad, and Carlsbad-by-the-Sea. Visually Impaired Proqram: Enrolls visually impaired patrons in the Braille Institute. Orders and provides talking book machines and tapes. Exchanges and provides repair for malfunctioning machines. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: _. ." _- New Registrations Circulation Homebound Circulation Braille Materials Circulation 1999-2000 NIA NIA NIA NIA SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This is a new program set up to account for circulation costs at the new library in South Carlsbad. 131 PROGRAM: REFEF FUND: GENE1 PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRA ACTUAL $ lENCE SERVICES - SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY !AL RY ACCT NO. 0014076 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET O$ O$ O$ 487,832 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYlFTE POSITIONS I $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-99 I 1999-00 I $ $ 498,814 0.00 6.00 0.00 7.55 OI OI OI OI 0 1 10,982 1 O1 O1 WORK PROGRAM: Librarians assist the public with information needs, provide instruction in the use of resources and perform research for local business, government, and the public. Reference support staff check in and organize library materials such as periodicals, pamphlets and maps for public use. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone reference questions; provide Reserves: instruction classes and tours: select new and replacement materials; give book talks for community groups. Information Desk: Directional and referral questions. Reference Questions: Classes, Book Talks: Information Desk Questions: Periodicals: Manage a collection of 425 magazines and 49 newspapers and related back files. Periodical Requests: Computer Services: Provide public instruction in the use of self-service computer data bases including the Internet. Continue to index the Carlsbad Journal and the North County Times (Carlsbad edition using computer software). Computer Searches: SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 199900 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA This is a new program set up to account for reference service costs at the new library in South Carlsbad due to open in September 1999. Costs include staffing for the information desk, the new computer lab, and the job and career center. 132 I- PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY .. 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ O$ O$ O$ 231,814 0 0 0 12,738 0 0 0 0 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 -- I. -. GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYFTE POSITIONS PROGRAM: CHILDREN'S SERVICES DIVISION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCOUNT NO. 0014095 I $ $ $ $ 244,552 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.25 WORK PROGRAM: The Children's Library serves children from preschool through junior high and introduces young people to the wonders of reading. The Division also assists teachers and adult students in education, child development and children's literature. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 1999-00 General Reference Services: Respond to in-person 1. Reference Questions, Readers Advisory, Library and telephone questions, provide reader's advisory, library skills instruction, group tours, and class visits. NIA Skills Classes: Collection Development: Select new materials, both 1. Print and Non-Print Circulation: NIA print and non-print, and provide collection maintenance and stack organization. There has been an increasingly heavy demand on collection activities due to limited hours and closures at other libraries. 1. Program Attendance: NIA Prwram Activities: Includes summer Reading Club, special holiday and seasonal events, annual short 2. Summer Readina Programs (3 locations): NIA -- story contest, spelling bee, pet show, and cultural enrichment programs. Introduces children to literature and encourages creativity. Cooperative 3. Cooperative Multi-cultural Programs with Arts NIA Office: programs with the Centro provide multi-cultural experiences. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This is a new program set up to account for costs of the children's services division at the new library in South Carlsbad. This program will offer a children's computer lab which will include Internet access, word processing, and CD ROM software. 133 PROGRAM: GENEALOGY/LOCAL HISTORY FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 0014025 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The GenealogylLocal History Division provides reference and instructional assistance to the public. The division head manages the selection, classification, and organization of a 19,000 volume collection, 7,500 microfilm rolls, 117,000 microfiche and 200 compact discs. It is a collection of excellence that draws researchers from all over the nation. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 General Reference Services: Genealogy and local --- history staff respond to in-person and telephone Reference Questions: reference requests; provide individual patrons with 15,549 14,737 15,741 general introduction to the collection, instruction on the use of OPAC and other finding aids, instruction 11,122 10,711 9,680 on the use of various equipment including personal computers, microfitmifiche readers and printers. NIA 1,411 2,323 NIA 5,136 22,868 Registered Researchers: Computer Users: In-House Usage: Coordination with NSDCGS: The North San Diego - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 Society provide volunteer assistance in the division. Programs: 58 40 44 County Genealogical Society has been a support Volunteer Hours !j62 538 571 group for this collection for 20 years. Members of the The division works with and assists the Society in fund-raising for the acquisition of materials for the collection and in instructional programs. SIGN I Fl CANT C HAN G ES : None. 134 PROGRAM: CENTRO DE INFORMACION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY I I I ACCT NO. 0014030 I PERSONNEL I I 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-991 1999-001 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 54,733 $ 63,205 $ 68,127 $ 86,337 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Centro de Informaci6n meets the information needs of Spanish-speaking adults and children in Carisbad. Bilingual staff introduce residents to library services, which include print and non-print Spanish-language and bilingual story hours for children, and information and referral services. The Centro de Informaci6n staff are actively involved in the community and work in partnership with schools and other community agencies to meet the needs of our diverse community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 1995-96 1996-97 1 997-98 Outreach: The Centro de lnformacidn is an active 1. Individual Patron Visits: partner in community activities. The Centro offers a welcoming and culturally sensitive environment that enables Spanish-speaking residents to make use of public library services. 24,018 24,006 24,250 Prowamming: The Centro de Informaci6n responds 1. Program Attendance: to community information and educational needs by providing a variety of adult and children's programs. 3,693 3,922 3,721 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: .25 FTE have been added to increase the library services supervisor from % time to full-time. 135 PROGRAM: TECHNICAL SERVICES FUND: GENERAUPLF GRANT PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY 1997-98 ACTUAL $ 325,123 63,481 ACCT NO. 0014040/1814001 1998-99 1999-00 BUDGET BUDGET $ 410,921 $ 396,450 146,879 310,305 FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYFT’E POSITIONS GENERAL FUND PLF GRANT FUNDING 70 IAL I-UNUING 1996-97 ACTUAL $ 322,308 2.00 2.25 361,423 509,900 27,181 47,900 $ 388,604 $ 551,800 60,120 2.00 507,570 199,185 $ 706,755 5,194 3 387,622 7.00 1.48 360,956 26,666 $ 387,622 O1 O1 OI I I s 388.604 I $ 557.800 I S 706.755 7.00 7.00 I 7.00 1 WORK PROGRAM: The Technical Services Division catalogs and prepares library materials for public use; maintains the library’s on-line database, manages the library’s automated circulation system, on-line catalog, and related automated programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 199596 1996-97 1997-98 Processing: Catalogs, and processes both purchased - -- items and gifts. Repairs damaged materials and arranges for binding and rebinding. 16,784 18,901 17,908 1,767 1,624 1,707 1. Items Cataloged and Processed: 2. Items Handled Binding: Database Maintenance: Adds new items to the on-line database and deletes information of lost or discarded materials. Circulation System and On-line Cataloq: Operates the library’s INLEX 3000 System, including all software- related activities, writes instructions, and trains staff on new features. 1. Items Added to Database: 2. Items Withdrawn: 16,784 18,901 17,908 7,692 13,843 16,059 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1. To ensure system availability at least 99% of the hours the library is open. 2. To conduct four training sessions for staff following installation of new DRA and INLEX software. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: information systems charges have increased due to the addition of 150 PC’s at the new library.. 136 PROGRAM: COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS FUND: GENERAUCLSA STATE GRANT PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 001404511 804001 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY CLSA STATE GRANT I 267,057 I 189,631 I 181,978 I 150,500 TOTAL I-UNDING $ 368,251 I $ 297,696 I $ 626,900 I $ 725,068 WORK PROGRAM: Coordinate the selection of materials and plan collection development for the library. Allocate and monitor all materials budgets. Order and receive all print and non-print materials. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Planning: Develop plans for the collection of materials. 1. Budneting: Prepare division and library-wide department and materials. 2. 1. materials budgets; monitor expenditures for Coordinate Selection of Materials: Coordinate 1. selection and ordering of print and non-print materials. 2. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Added .35 FTE (hourly employee). Increased materials budget to augment the collections in both libraries. Update plan for materials collection at the remodeled Cole Library. Track material accounts by major subjects. Track vendor discounts. Coordinate selection and ordering of at least 16,000 new print and non-print materials. Continue purchase of materials from Capital fund for new library and for Cole Library. 137 PROGRAM: MEDIA SERVICES FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 0014050 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The library’s Media Services Division provides a wide range of professional media-related productions in support of the library, other City departments, and the City Council’s communication needs. Services include: photographic, video, audio, publication, news release, slide-sync programs, and developing and maintaining locally relevant stock image collections of current and historic media. The new library program involves the management of all auditorium uses, including facilities and media production. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Public Information Media: Produce City-related 1. Complete over 300 work order requests for photographic, video, and audio information for media-related services. distribution in public presentations, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, brochures, local publications, and community television. Specific examples include: South Carlsbad City Council Meeting cablecasts, regular contributions of newsworthy photographs for inclusion in the Spirit of Love, Library Link, and monthly library calendar newsletters lmane Research 8 Development: Maintain an indexed City image storage and retrieval system for slides, prints, negatives, video, audio, etc. (28,000 slides and 8,000 prints). Continue migration for conversion to digitized photographic processes with eventual computerized storage, retrieval and circula- tion systems. Integrate systems into new library Media Production Development: Provide audio, video, and photographic media services for the preservation and documentation of such locally significant information as construction of capital improvement projects, Le., new library, oral histories, historical photographs, etc. Pronramming: Manage new library auditorium. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 1. Catalog, label and package over 20,000 new individual images per year. 2. Implement library programming plan, and audi- torium use policies and procedures. 3. Input photo catalog images and descriptions into database. 1. Create media materials and audiolvisual productions such as: auditorium programs to cablecast to the community, public information projects, employee recognition, etc. Additional part-time salaries have been added to expand services in the auditorium of the new library. 138 PROGRAM: ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCT NO. 0014055 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 105,768 $ 94,727 $ 83,508 $ 87,010 28,569 25,178 28,956 30,130 0 0 0 0 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I I I WORK PROGRAM: The Adult Learning Program is the library's adult literacy service. The program provides free, multi-dimensional learning experiences that enable English-speaking adults to develop basic literacy skills for independent lifelong learning and decision-making. The program provides literacy services that support positive self-esteem and the application of new literacy skills in daily life, at work, and in the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Individual Assessment and Planning: The pro- gram conducts a thorough assessment of each adult learnets literacy skills and develops an appropriate individual learning plan. Literacv Skill Development: The program provides a variety of learning experiences, including one-to- one tutoring, computer-assisted instruction, and small-group study, which are appropriate for each adult learnets skill needs in basic reading, writing, math, critical thinking, and general knowledge. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 1995-96 19!36-97 1997-98 1. Learners Assessed for Skills at Entry: 55 59 41 1. Matches and Rematches of Learners with Tutors (one-to-one and small groups): 82 122 79 2. Learners Studying: 145 155 143 3. Volunteer Tutors Instructing: 95 126 102 4. Instructional Hours Completed: 5,228 5,306 4,735 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 139 PROGRAM: LA COSTA BRANCH FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY 1998-99 BUDGET ACCT NO. 0014060 1999-0( BUDGE1 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND mAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYRE POSITIONS $ 427,104 3,75 7.45 1996-97 I 1997-9t $ 83,260 0.00 0.00 63.374 69,676 9,801 7, 2.75 3.75 6.86 6.86 $ 342,016 I $ 61,380 85,088 21,880 0 O1 WORK PROGRAM: The branch library provides services for south Carlsbad. These services include print and non-print materials, reference services, special programs for children, and monthly changes in exhibits and displays. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 1998-99 Reference: Assist patrons in using the library, 1. Reference Questions: 29,772 answer reference questions, reserve specific titles and request materials from other libraries. Circulation: Circulate print and non-print materials 1. Circulation: to children and adults, handle patron registration, collect fees and fines, and track overdue items. Collection Development: Evaluate the library collection and select print and non-print materials. Programming: Plan, schedule and develop pro- grams for children. Conduct classroom visits and tours. Library Manawement: Manage library, staff, volunteers, collection, and facility. Maintain aware- ness of community. SIGN IF I CANT CHANGES : 291,753 1. Total Items in Collection: 58.783 1. Program Attendance: 3,093 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1. Schedule and supervise staff. 2. Hire and train new staff. 3. Prepare monthly narrative and statistical summary of operation. 4. Actively maintain a current, topical print and non- print collection. 5. Maintain a safe and efficient facility. 6. Survey the needs of and interact with the members of the community. The branch library’s budget is for a two month period; July and August, as the new library will open in the south in September and the Cole Library will continue to service the north. 140 ..- c c PROGRAM: AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE FUND: AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 1414070 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY --. FULL TIME POSITIONS 0.00 I 0.00 1 0;oo I 0.00 HOURLYmE POSITIONS 0.00 I 0.00 1 0.00 I 0.00 WORK PROGRAM: Special Revenue fund to support library audio-visual collection development, replacement and related supplies, processing. and equipment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Collection Development: Evaluate, select, and 1. Select, order, and process at least 800 new order new and replacement audio-visual materials. videotapes. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Audio-visual revenues continue to decrease each year, thereby reducing the anticipated expenditures. 141 PROGRAM: LIBRARY GIFTS FUND: LIBRARY GIFTSIBEQUESTSIENDOWMENTS PROGRAM GROUP: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 1454010/1754010 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To accept gifts, bequests, and donations to the library. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Acquire Materials: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1. Receive gifts from citizens, businesses, and community organizations to purchase memorial books. 2. Manage gift funds and plan for current and future acquisitions of needed materials and equipment not available through the regular library budget. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Expenditures are for books, publications, and supplies. An additional $500, received through a State grant, will be used to fund a State Sesquicentennial Discussion Group Program in September 1999. This event will be coordinated with the Historic Preservation Committee and the Historical Society. .. OPROGRAM: CULTURAL ARTS FUND: VARlO US PROGRAM GROUP: CULTURAL ARTS SUM MARY MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: The Arts Office will seek the highest quality of urban design where arts have a significant presence, work to empower artists and arts organizations to develop and strengthen their creative talents, thereby enriching the lives of all residents, reach out to the Community to provide meaningful collaborations to promote cultural understanding and to develop cooperative relationships, and advance the arts by offering education and support services. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 98-99: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Produced 44 events attracting 35,000 people Opened the Sculpture Garden with first annual exhibition Offered 75 performances, special events, and exhibits in Carlsbad funded through the grants program Initiated band camp and provided arts camps for 320 children Provided information services including calendar information on web site with ConVis Named the Art Gallery with a $250,000 donation KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-aualitv, cost-effective services to our Communitv.” 0 0 0 “Enhance the educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Communitv.” Generate sponsorship programs and fund-raising activities. Promote and utilize volunteers in providing services. Provide training for volunteers, artists, and arts organizations. Develop standards for future facilities which maintain top-quality, cost-effective service delivery in the arts. 0 Offer public education programs and classes on arts and culture for children and adults. Offer Communitywide and multi-cultural events. 143 PROGRAM: ARTS OFFICE FUND: GENERAL FUND/ARTS GENERAUGALLERY DONATIONS PROGRAM GROUP: CULTURAL ARTS ACCT NO.O01406510014068/147401011474020 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Implement the goals and policies of the City Council and City General Plan to plan, develop and promote the visual and performing arts, and create a climate which encourages cultural and artistic development in Carlsbad, as well as encouraging opportunities through partnership with schools. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Generate sponsorship programs and fund-raising activities: Promote and utilize volunteers in providing services: Provide training for volunteers, artists and arts organizations: Provide gallery docent training Develop standards for future facilities which maintain top-quality, cost-effective service delivery in the arts Develop a community needs assessment survey for Community Services; recreation, seniors, arts, libraries Offer public education programs and classes on arts and culture for children and adults Develop and strengthen arts organizations and provide cultural opportunities with grant allocations Offer a grant initiative program for neighborhood and arts education programming Visiting artists - bring a minimum of two artists to the community Offer four weeks of summer arts camp and two weeks of Club Pelican Coordinate YES TO ART, youth at risk programs after school Submit grant applications to State and Federal funding agencies when applicable and request local funding support for appropriate projects Produce ten jazz concerts in four parks Solicit operating and endowment funds for the gallery Assist Arts Associates on fund-raising events Utilize volunteers for mailings, for the gallery, for fund-raising events, for jazz concerts, and to serve on committees Offer workshops and training programs where appropriate 144 .- - PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: ARTS OFFICE PAGE TWO GENERAL FUND/ARTS GENERAUGALLERY DONATIONS CULTURAL ARTS ACCT NO. 0014065/0014068/1474010/1474020 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Offer communitywide multi-cultural events: Festejando a las Madrecitas (annual Mother's Day Festival) International multi-cultural festival, "For Kids, by Kids" "Arts in Bloom" Festival (in coordination with the Flower Fields) Offer yearly exhibition in the Sculpture Garden Provide timely cultural arts information for citizens: Produce monthly calendar/newsletter Produce ARTSBRAG on arts education for teachers in all schools located in Carlsbad ARTS INFO LINE for up-to-date event information Provide information/opportunities/resources to artists, citizens and press Offer a variety of programs in partnership with school districts operating in Carlsbad Serve on Chamber of Commerce Arts Education (AE) Committee Implement Arts Education long-range plan with Carlsbad Unified School District 0 Offer programming and resources Provide timely cultural arts information for citizens Offer a variety of programs in partnership with school districts operating in Carlsbad Provide public art for capital improvement projects and other community locations WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1996/97 I 997198 Delivew of Top-Qualitv Services Arts Office EventdAttendance Community Grants/Applications/Budget Community Grant AwardslActivities 37/27,000 43/30,000 21/$13,000 12/$16,000 1 4/96 10/75 Educational Opportunities: Information Services Newsletters: # Issues/Distribution 12/26,400 12/42,000 Special Publications: # Per YearlDistribution a/i6,000 911 9,000 Arts Info Line Calls Per Month 21 5 220 Diverse Economic Opportunities Grants and Contributions Earned Income SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: $47,000 $69,000 7,500 13,800 1998/99 44/35,000 21/$18,000 14/120 I 2~8,000 11124,000 240 $74,000 23,500 A full-time Gallery Coordinator and temporary and part-time support staff were added to support the Gallery at the new Carlsbad library. 145 PROGRAM: SISTER CITY FUND: GENERAL / SISTER CITY DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 7,320 1,722 $ 9,042 PROGRAM GROUP: CULTURAL ARTS 0.00 0.00 8,270 0 $ 8,270 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYFTE POSITIONS GENERAL FUND SISTER CITY DONATIONS 1996-97 I 1997-9t ACTUAL ACTUAL 6,619 7,051 ,619 7,05 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 6,181 0 870 ACCT NO. 0014066/1464010 1999-00 BUDGET BUDGET 1998-99 OI O1 Coordinate Sister City relationship with the City of Futtsu, Japan and Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 1. Coordinate Sister City program. Arrange, host and conduct visits by one (1) student delegation and others as needed. Coordinate ongoing arts and culture exchange projects. Explore, evaluate and analyze a foreign film festival in Carisbad. 2. Actively pursue the contribution of funds for the Sister City Program. Coordinate programs including fund-raisers, festivals and scholarship exchange programs and raise funds for such programs. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None 146 PROGRAM: SPECIAL EVENTS FUND: SPECIAL REVENUE FUND PROGRAM GROUP: CULTURAL ARTS PERSONNEL ACCT NO. 1484010 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-Ot ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 445 $ 5,745 $ 5,445 $ 6,460 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION 17,900 13,083 17,500 19,150 CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide, within fiscal resources, a variety of performing arts programs to all Carlsbad residents. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Present 10 jazz concerts in three quadrants. Produce and distribute Jazz Concert Fund- Raising Program. Performing Arts Programming: Continue perform- 1. ing arts programming. 2. 3. Fund Raising: Actively pursue the contribution of 1. gifts and funds for the arts. 2. 3. 4. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. Present annual Mother's Day Festejando a las Madrecitas at Holiday Park. Obtain advertisements for Jazz Concert Fundrasing Program. Submit request for County Community Enhance- ment funds and TOT funding. Assist Arts Associates in fund raising efforts at jazz concerts. Pursue contributions for Festejando a las Madrecitas. 147 PROGRAM: RECREATION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: RECREATION 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 1,739,258 $ 1,670,400 $ 1,779,868 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 907,475 942,523 1,041,596 CAPITAL OUTLAY 32,708 9,406 185,235 GRANU Ta $ 2,679,441 $ 2,622,329 $ 3,006,699 HOURLYRE POSITIONS 30.78 33.39 1 38.27 FULL TIME POSITIONS 20.43 18.50 I 18.50 SUMMARY 1999-00 BUDGET $ 1,853,878 1,165,282 64,450 $ 3,083,610 19.00 40.52 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The Recreation Department provides diversified recreation facilities and programs for all ages of the population that live, work and/or play in Carlsbad. The Department is responsible for planning future park sites and the operations of current recreation programs and senior activities including youth and adult sports, special events, instructional classes, facility rentals, aquatics, nutrition and transportation programs. Staff resources also support the Parks & Recreation Commission and Senior Commission, both of which act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters pertaining to parks, landscape, recreation programs, senior activities and facilities. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 0 a a a a a Acquired 13 acres within the industrial corridor for a future Recreation area. Secured a Memorandum of Understanding with Carlsbad Unified School District for the sale of the Pine School Property for use as a future community park site. Appraisal completed, purchase and lease agreement under review. Processed necessary approvals to implement a pilot demonstration program which initiated the development of a trail system within Hosp Grove by utilizing all volunteer services. Completed development of the Carlsbad Skate Park. Awarded contract for development of Poinsettia Community Park, Phase IA. Construction is 90 percent complete. Designed and installed the Beach Bluff Park at Ocean Street and Carlsbad Boulevard. Expanded the Stay ‘n’ Play after school program to include programming at the Buena Vista Elementary School. The Opportunity Grants Scholarship Program sponsored 34 area children and afforded them the opportunity to participate in recreation programs they would otherwise be unable to enjoy. Developed and implemented a Grad Night contribution policy for the equitable distribution of donations to the Grad Night Committees for each of the school districts serving Carlsbad high school seniors. Organized a scholarship program to create the Pro Division with a $5,200 purse for the 1999 Carlsbad Triathlon. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of topquality services to our Community.” 0 Implement the use of customer surveys to evaluate and improve customer satisfaction where necessary. Conduct customer service training for employees. Generate sponsorship programs and fundraising activities. 148 -- PROGRAM: RECREATION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00 (continued): PAGE TWO SUMMARY 0 0 0 Annually revise CIP Budget. 0 0 0 0 Complete Space Needs Study. ”Create diverse, broad-based economic strateqies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the City.” 0 Provide recreational activities, facilities and other special events which support local business and enhance transient occupancy taxes (TOT) and sales tax revenue such as the triathlon, sport tournaments, swim meets, body surfing contest. Prepare marketing packet promoting Carlsbads publidprivate facilities, distribute to prospective user groups. Provide a wide variety of revenue generating quality recreation opportunities to the public, Le., special events, youth and adult sports, educational classes, aquatic programs, day trippers, lagoon permits. “Intenrate a comprehensive, efficient transportation system with quality of life-centered land use decisions.” 0 0 Promote the use of volunteers in providing City services. Maintain a Capital Improvement Program that provides for development of recreation facilities. Enhance service delivery through effective location of recreation facilities and programs such as: Poinsettia Park Phase IA, Carrillo Ranch Phase IA, acquire Pine School, Stay-N-Play Program. Develop Standards for current and future facilities which maintain top-quality cost-effective delivery for recreation. Revise park site amenity goals and guidelines (Parks 8 Recreation Commission Committee). 0 0 Sponsor and promote the use of shuttle services for appropriate publidprivate events, Le., senior services, triathlon, jazz concerts, Carlsbad 5000, San Diego Marathon. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Volunteer Trails Development Program and present those findings to the Finance Department as part of the Trail System Financing Plan. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all senments of the Community.” Prepare monthly agendas for parks and recreation, and senior commissions which address relevant issues and inspire community involvement. Provide and encourage professional training opportunities for commission members. Participate in the designldevelopment of Citywide interactive web page to display recreation opportunities over the Internet. Provide a wide variety of instructional classes for all ages. Promote educational classes through distribution of Carlsbad Community Services and Recreation Guide three times per year. Provide and encourage a variety of professional training opportunities to all staff members. Create cross-training opportunities within the Recreation Department and across major service areas where feasible. Provide the necessary tools required for employees to perform effectively. Maintain an active role in supporting areas of mutual benefit between City and school districts., Le., Joint Use Agreements for use and maintenance of activity playfields and community Swim Complex. Facilitate processing requirements for the sale of the Pine School property. Implement City/school coordinating committees with all school districts serving Carlsbad residents. 149 PROGRAM: FUND: GENERAL FUND PROGRAM GROUP: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO: 0014510/0014545 PARK PLANNING & REC MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Park Planning and Recreation Management Division provides administrative support for the City’s ongoing recreation programs and park development efforts. The Division also provides staff support to the Parks and Recreation Commission which acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council to insure that topquality park facilities and recreation programs are developed and sustained for the benefit of those who live, work and/or play in Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Parks and Recreation Commission: This Division provides staff support to facilitate the effectiveness of the Parks and Recreation Commission in its goal to implement the intent of the parks and recreation element of the General Plan and advise the City Council on associated matters. rn Prepare Parks and Recreation Commission Agendas and conduct meetings which address relevant issues, encourage public input and foster public education on matters of parks and recreation and other associated civic matters. Implement andor process recommendations by the Commission for City Council consideration. Provide staff support to committees of the Commission which require more detailed review of issues relating to park development, facilities, recreation programs, landscape, street trees, open space, and amenity goals and guidelines. Conduct Commission workshops to improve the expertise and effectiveness of the Commission. 0 0 Administrative Services: Provide the required administrative support to a division with 21.5 full-time positions and 43.32 hourlyfiull-time equivalent positions which operates with a budget of approximately $2.8 million. 0 Maintain timely processing of special project requests, citizen concerns, departmental reports, City Council agenda bills, resolutions and ordinances. Prepare and monitor departmental and individual goals and objectives, budget administration for expenditures and revenue generation. Recommend and process personnel appointments, promotions, assignments and disciplinary action when warranted. Provide on-going support to management, general and part-time employees. Implement the services of contractual employees. 0 1 50 PROGRAM: PARK PLANNING & REC MANAGEMENT PAGE TWO FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: RECREATION ACCT NO: 001451010014545 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Park Acquisition, Planninq and/or Development: Ensure adequate park acquisition, development and rehabilitation in order to meet the park performance standards of the Growth Management Program. Provide for current and future community needs by addressing changing recreation trends. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monitor and implement existing park agreements. Monitor use of the newly constructed Skateboard Park. Implement Phase IA of the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. Coordinate the completion of Phase IA development of Poinsettia Community Park. Coordinate and monitor the Capital Improvement Program budget submittals for current and future park development projects. Initiate the park planning process for the newly-acquired industrial park site and the Pine School property once acquisition is complete. Facilitate the acquisition of acreage in the Northeast Quadrant to provide additional activity playfields. Provide staff support for the development of the municipal golf course. 0 Recreation Pronrams Manage the implementation, performance, and adequacies of recreation programs. 0 0 0 0 0 Provide a wide variety of recreation programs and special events for all segments of the population who live, work and play in Carlsbad. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of recreational programs through the use of participant surveys. Maintain a self-sustaining percentage of recreational programs as recommended by the City Council. Prepare and distribute the Community Services 8 Recreation Guide three (3) times per year. Continually evaluate and implement the fee structure for recreation programs and facility rentals, in an effort to sustain a competitive advantage over the private sector for similar services. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 151 PROGRAM: RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION PERSONNEL I 1996-9; ACTUAL $ 720,782 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSTIONS HOURLYIFTE POSITIONS 479,020 9,803 $ 1209,605 8.25 13.40 1997-9E ACTUAL $ 758,487 514,935 3,461 $ 9, 8.50 16.23 ACCT NO. 0014515 1998-99 I 1999-00 I 19.24 I 21.11 I WORK PROGRAM: The Recreation Fee Supported Division provides comprehensive opportunities for meeting the recreational needs and interests of the community by providing self-sustaining fee-supported programs for all segments of the population including those that live, work and/or play in Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Recreation programs include: enrichment classes, adult excursions, youth and adult sports, special events, youth day camps and after school programs. The fee supported division provides year around recreational programs for all ages, preschool to seniors, including program design, planning, implementation and evaluation. -. ~ Review proposals and negotiate contracts with Schedule facilities for programs. instructors. Prepare and distribute marketing materials. Evaluate programs and analyze data on ongoing basis. Prepare financial and revenue reports. Research and implement program opportunities. WORKLOAD STAT1 STlCS : Estimate Projected 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 --- Enrichment Classes: # Conducted 1,449 1,600 1,650 # Enrolled 15,102 16,460 16,800 Revenue $503,140 574,900 520,000 Daytrippers: #Trips Conducted 36 39 29 # Participants 1,140 1,450 720 Revenue $41,770 58,900 33,000 Camps: # Camps: 37 35 37 # Participants: 1,310 1,220 1,320 Revenue $95,185 101,800 96,000 Generate program sponsors. Conduct fee market studies on an ongoing basis. Coordinate with school districts for youth and teen programming. Recruit, train and reward volunteers. Utilize sports professionals to enhance program quality. Provide scholarships for Carlsbad resident youths. Estimate Projected 1997-98 Youth Sports: # Teams 88 # Participants 1,450 # Spectators 16,000 Revenue $50,810 Adult Sports: # Teams 304 # Participants 4,600 # Spectators 28,000 Revenue $88,400 Special Events: # Events 10 # Participants 7,900 Revenue $61,970 Community Volunteers: # Volunteers 1,380 # Hours 9.430 1998-99 88 1,480 16,000 44,100 300 4,600 28,000 88,000 10 8,100 68,100 1,390 9,480 1999-00 90 1,550 18,000 53,000 312 4,800 30,000 95,700 10 8,100 63,000 1,430 10.000 152 PROGRAM: RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0014515 KEY GOALS FOR FY 99/00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of topquality services to our Communitv.” Conduct customer service training for all staff to broaden their knowledge and improve service delivery. Measure customer satisfaction of service delivery through user surveys and analyze responses to improve service delivery. “Create diverse, broad-based economic strateaies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the Citv.” Recruit, train and recognize volunteers through an annual awards program in order to improve service quality and reduce program costs. Recruit and maintain program sponsors to promote local businesses and reduce operational costs. Provide a wide variety of revenue generating quality recreation opportunities which support local businesses and enhance transient occupancy taxes (TOT) and sales tax opportunities. Promote cooperative fundraising projects like “Clean Sweep” to provide volunteer assistance in the community and raise funds for scholarship programs. “lntearate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with qualitv of life-centered land use decisions.” Evaluate the logistics of providing shuttle services for appropriate recreation special events. Through advertisements, promote the use of public transportation as a method of access to the Skateboard Park. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all seqments of the Communitv.” 0 Collaborate with school districts to provide City and school facilities for youth programs including teen dances, Stay ‘N’ Play and Grad Nite. Promote educational classes and programs for the community through the community services brochure. Provide skateboard safety education classes at skateboard facility. Enhance knowledge and skills of staff by providing ongoing training and educational opportunities. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The 1999-00 budget includes additional funding for the following: staffing for Stay ‘N’ Play Program at Pine and Buena Vista schools, Kidz Camps, adult softball league at Poinsettia Park, and maintenance of new Poinsettia ball fields. In addition, the recreation specialists in charge of enrichment classes and adult sports have been increased from % time to full-time. Capital requests include systems furniture, graphics equipment to promote programs, and a cargo van to address the division’s significant need to transport program supplies and equipment. 153 PROGRAM: RECREATION-AQUATICS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: RECREATION 1996-97 ACTUAL $ 211,797 97,546 4,657 $ 314,000 1.75 5.78 PERSONNEL 1997-98 1998-9s ACTUAL BUDGET $ 226,736 $ 244,687 101,948 103,408 2,400 125,433 $ 331,084 $ 473,528 2.00 t 2.00 5.66 6.42 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANU TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYIFTE POSITIONS WORK PROGRAM: ACCT NO. 0014520 1999-00 BUDGET $ 244,594 103,000 18,800 $ 366,394 2.00 6.80 The Aquatics Program provides for the operation of an attractive and safe community swim complex which offers comprehensive instruction and training, competition, and recreational swimming to all segments of the population who live, work and/or play in Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: LessonsTTraining Provide instruction in general aquatic, swimming and diving skills for all ages and abilities; provide education and training to general public and Clty employees in first-aid, CPR, and water rescue skills; serve as a North County certificationRraining site for men and wmn wishing to qualify for employment at public swimming pools. Fun and Fitness Provide opportunities for recreational swimming, fitness lap swimming and familyoriented aquatic spedal events. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Proi. 97-98 LaneRloun 2,464 Classes Conducted 227 Registered: - Resident 1,533 - Non-Resident 132 - I. lnstructioMlLeas~ 9899 1.873 214 1,490 53 - 99M) 2,460 220 1,530 130 Revenue $39,425 $37,875 $39.500 LaneRlours 1,386 546 1,380 Participation 3,161 1,421 3,160 2. CHSP.E. I. Recreation and Lap Swlm LaneMoun 16,362 15,351 16,300 Daity Admissions Youth 5,407 5,818 5,400 Adult 7,473 9,459 7,500 Season Pass Adm. 20,050 13,943 20,100 Revenue $46,473 $47,728 $46,500 LaneMours 3,720 3,279 3.250 Participation 12.571 10,738 12,000 2. CarlsbadSwim Masters Revenue $37,063 $46,353 $37,000 LaneNours 247 217 250 Partidpation 1,335 982 1,450 Revenue $4,423 $3,884 $4,600 3. Aquatic Exercise 1. Carlsbad High School Teams LaneMours 3,677 3,606 3,500 Competiie Aquatic Programs Partidpation 6,712 6.609 6.800 Provide opportunities for competitive swim instruction and coached workouts for youth and adults as a contract service; coordinate and schedule Callsbad Hgh Revenue $11,185 $10,224 $11,000 School use of the pool for physical education, boys' and girls' swim teams and water polo teams. Lanekioun 2,680 2,996 2.350 2. North CoastAquatics Partidpation 9,412 8,641 7,900 Revenue $6,268 $6,690 $6.250 LaneMours 1,266 1,153 800 Partidpation 1,905 1,482 900 Revenue $3,000 $5.180 $2,000 3. North Shore Aquatics (Age Group Water Polo) 154 PROGRAM: RECREATION-AQUATICS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: RECREATION KEY GOALS FOR 1999-2000: PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0014520 “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-uualitv services to our Communitv.” Based on FY 98-99 swim lessons, recreation and lap swim, and masters swim program participant survey responses, make facility and program changes as appropriate to increase customer satisfaction in programming and facility operation. Provide quarterly safety and customer service training to aquatic employees to improve service delivery. “Create diverse, broad-based economic stratenies to ensure the financial health of the Communitv and the Citv.” Improve customer service, increase revenue generation, user convenience, accountability and cost-effective service delivery through installation of a data card identification system for pool patrons. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all senments of the Community.” 0 Collaborate with the school districts serving Carlsbad to accomplish the mutual goal of providing joint use of aquatic facilities and programs, through implementation of use agreements. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Additional funding for Guard Start Program, a program that trains youths between the ages of 11 and 14 to become lifeguards. 155 PROGRAM: RECREATION - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON PERMITS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION ACCT NO. 0014530 PERSONNEL I I 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-99 I 1999-001 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 29,291 $ 35,348 $ 13,963 $ 13,620 I GRAND TO I AL $ 34,798 FULL TIME POSlTlONS 0.00 HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 1.02 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I $ 42,912 I $ 17,043 $ 17,040 1.02 I 0.50 0.50 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 5,507 0 7,564 0 3,080 0 3,420 0 -. ~ WORK PROGRAM: Provides for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon permits program. All vessels on the water are required to obtain a valid City use permit. The permits clerk supports this function. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Permits: Issue annual lagoon use permits. Verify and monitor DMV registration. Document and categorize boating use activity. Publish and distribute information regarding use, rules, and regulation of the lagoon. Provide administrative support for the Lagoon Patrol Officers. 2. Daily Permits: 1. Annual Permits: Lagoon Clean-up Program: Coordinate and oversee 3. Observations: bi-annual Lagoon Clean-up Days (June/October). 4. Revenue: SIG Nl Fl CANT CHANGES : Projected 97-98 98-99 99-00 236 264 275 145 177 150 4649 4900 4925 $27,700 $18,646 $20,000 None. 156 PROGRAM: RECREATION OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION 1996-97 1997-98 ACCT NO. 0014540 1999-00 1998-99 PERSONNEL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 330,368 $ 314,438 $ 405,500 $ 416,660 MAINTENANCE 81 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 98,120 106,555 1 90,59 1 151,602 11,777 3,545 14,356 6,100 WORK PROGRAM: GKAND TO1 AL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYFTE POSITIONS This division provides operational support for the recreation department including: the operation of three community centers, City and school facilities and athletic fields used by a variety of City departments and the public for recreational use and meetings. $ 440,265 $ 424,538 $ 610,44f $ 574,362 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.08 9.98 11.13 11.13 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Information and Enrollment Service: Staff provides information and registration services to the public on recreation department programs and facilities. 0 Enroll participants via phone, mail and in-person for classes, special events and sport leagues. 0 Collect and account for program revenue. 0 Provide on-going information and referral to community. Facilities Operation: Staff coordinates public use of recreational facilities. 0 Process applications for use of meeting rooms, picnic areas, athletic fields, gymnasiums and tennis courts. 0 Crews maintain ballfields at school sites and community centers. Staff coordinates classes, meetings, dedications and other functions at community centers and other City facilities. 0 Attendants perform general clean-up and associated maintenance at facilities. Supervision: Supervisory staff coordinates operations of the community centers and satellite facilities. 0 Staff recruitment and development. 0 Provides staff training. 0 Serves as liaison to various community organizations and Citywide committees. Respond to customers concerns and requests. PERFORMANCE / WORKLOAD MEASURES: Projected 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 1. Reservations Processed: 3,080 3,410 3,200 2. Number of Facility Users: 472,790 795,900 546,000 3. Revenue: $1 14,740 111,700 1 15,800 4. Number of Fields Maintained: 29 29 31 157 PROGRAM: RECREATION OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: RECREATION PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0014540 KEY GOALS FOR 99/00: “Ensure the effective and efficient deliverv of top-auality services to our Communitv.” 0 Conduct customer service training for employees to broaden their knowledge and improve service delivery skills. 0 Measure customer satisfaction of service delivery through user surveys and analyze responses to improve service delivery. 0 Monitor and maintain the capital replacement program to provide safe, top-quality equipment to all recreation facilities and conform to City budget standards. 0 Facilitate the, equitable distribution of athletic fields by partnering with Carlsbad non-profit sports organizations to ensure customer satisfaction of Carlsbad field users. “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the Citv.” 0 Prepare and distribute a marketing packet which promotes Carlsbad hotels, restaurants, amenities and City facilities to all non-resident athletic groups that use recreation department facilities. 0 Enhance revenues by promoting and facilitating the rental of City facilities to the public as an attractive and competitive alternative to the private sector. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 158 PROGRAM: SENIORS FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: VARIOUS 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 237,094 $ 247,868 $ 311,305 $ 283,401 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 225,542 272,390 343,705 396,031 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 4,860 0 18,500 .GRAND TOTAL I- P 462.636 . $ 525.118, $ 655.010 , $ 697,932 . SUMMARY FULL TIME POSITIONS HOLJRLYFTE POSITIONS 3.00 3.00 I 3.00 1 3.00 5.67 6.25 I 6.62 I 6.52 MISSION STATEMENT: To provide a broad range of services and activities designed to foster independence, enhance the quality of life, and provide opportunities for lifelong learning and involvement for older adults in the Carlsbad area. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 Hosted two awards and recognition events to show appreciation to the many volunteers that assist the Recreation and Senior Programs. Events will be hosted at the Gemological Institute if America and at the La Costa Hotel and Spa. Developed a computer lab at the Carlsbad Senior Center with donated funds, and purchased ten computer stations, one laptop computer, and one projector. The Senior Center received an “Outstanding Service Award” from the Aging and Independent Services Organization of San Diego County. 0 0 KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of topqualitv services to our Communitv.” 0 0 0 0 Develop customer satisfaction survey. Provide semi-annual training to all volunteers and staff to broaden their knowledge of community resources and improve service delivery skills. Secure full access to City information systems network. Provide the necessary computer training so that staff can access information from the City computer network to more efficiently carry out their job functions and better serve the public. “lntearate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with oualitv of life-centered land use decisions.” 0 0 Promote and increase the use of the senior transportation system as an alternative to Carlsbad seniors for shopping, visiting the Center, etc. Promote and coordinate shuttle services by utilizing the Senior Center mini bus for City-sponsored events (dedications, City tours, etc.) . 159 PROGRAM: SENIOR PROGRAMS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: SENIOR PROGRAMS ACCT NO. 0014570 I PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TO IAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLWFFE POSITIONS WORK PROGRAM: 1996-97 ACTUAL $ 179,325 77,784 0 $ 257.109 To provide a broad range of services and activities designed to foster independence, enhance the quality of life, and provide opportunities for lifelong learning and involvement for older adults in the Carlsbad area. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Education Arrange for classes, seminars and other learning opportunities on topics pertinent to the concerns and interests of the aging population. Coordinate computer classes to teach the basics of computers (i.e., "Windows"). Develop computer lab with open hours for seniors to drop in and receive training and technical advice. Provide seminars on financial planning, long-term care, estate planning, personal safety, etc. Provide on-going information and referral to community resources. Recreation Offer excursions, special events and activities of particular interest to the mature adult which promote social interaction. 0 Continue the development of programslgroups that appeal to people with similar interests, Le., Walking Group, PC Users Group, Writers Group, Discussion Group, etc. Provide day trips to local attractions. Provide a minimum of six Sunday afternoon dances. Personalized Assistance Coordinate the provision of professional services necessary to maintaining an independent lifestyle. Offer tax assistance to over 500 seniors. Arrange for free legal advice for over 200 seniors. Arrange for assistance with health insurance decisions. Health Services Arrange for screenings, services, classes and lectures that promote healthy living. 0 Bi-monthly blood pressure checks Flu shots Provide a minimum of four "special" health screenings, i.e., skin cancer, hearing, podiatry, cholesterol, etc. Continue offering body conditioning for seniors. 160 P c PROGRAM: SENIOR PROGRAMS FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: SENIOR PROGRAMS PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0014570 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Administration Coordinates all operations of the senior center; staffing, volunteer recruitment, facility rentals and grants management. 0 After-hours facility rentals 0 Staff scheduling 0 Volunteer recruitment and training Budget management 0 Senior Commission PERFORMANCE MEASURES: 97 - 98 98 - 99 99 * 00 (est.) (proj.) Participation: Dances 1,390 2,000 2,500 Health Screenings 968 1,200 1,750 Personal 900 1,100 1,300 Day Trips 1,109 1,400 2,000 Assistance SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 161 PROGRAM: SENIOR PROGRAMS FUND: SENIOR DONATIONS PROGRAM GROUP: SENIOR PROGRAMS ACCT NO. 1434567/1444567 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Continue to raise funds to support activities/prograrns at the Carlsbad Senior Center. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 162 PROGRAM: SENIOR NUTRITION FUND: SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM GROUP: SENIOR PROGRAMS ACCT NO. 1914501 THRU 1914503 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To provide nutrition and transportation services to persons 60 years of age or older. -- PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: --- Noon Lunch To provide a nutritionally balanced noon lunch for persons 60 years of age or older Monday through Friday. Home Delivered Meals Deliver a hot meal and a sandwich for homebound persons 60 years of age or older who reside in Carlsbad. Transwrtation Provide transportation for Carlsbad seniors to the lunch program, medical appointments, shopping and other necessary transportation. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Noon Meals Home Meals One-way Trips SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 97-98 32,000 10,800 6.000 98-99 33,000 11,500 7,500 99-00 34,000 13,000 8.500 None. 163 164 PROGRAM: PUBLIC WORKS FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: VARIOUS PERSONNEL 199900 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 8,759,400 $ 9,310,626 $ 10,895,275 $ 10,714,298 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISSION STATEMENT: The Public Works Team is dedicated to providing exceptional services to our customers with integrity and pride in a manner that supports and enhances the quality of life for all who live, work, and play in Carlsbad. Engineering services 13% RN Admn 1% General Services 22% Maintenance Operations 64% 165 PROGRAM: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ACCT NO. 0016010 PERSONNEL I I 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-99 I 199900 I ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ O$ 66,122 $ 608,154 $ 382,464 CAPITAL OUTLAY AL FULL TIME POSITIONS MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0 19,260 0 7,500 s os 86,2/9 $ /02,654 $ 544,084 0.00 7.00 7.25 1 4.00 OI HOURLYFTE POSITIONS 0.00 897 1 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 94,500 154.120 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: Provide leadership and coordination for Public Works programs; plan resources and facilities; manage all budget, fiscal and personnel matters; coordinate programs with local, State and Federal governments and support City boards, committees and commissions. Public Works Administration includes Engineering Services, General Services and Maintenance & Operations work groups. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Budclet Preparation: Stratenic Planning: Maintenance Manaqement and Qualitv Control: 0 Coordinate major service area budget activities. Develop strategic plan and Public Works identity to meet current and long-range goals. Design a comprehensive systems inventory, maintenance standard and work reporting system. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: 0 0 Developed a new Workplace Illness and Injury Prevention Program for Public Works. Plan was adopted by the Loss Prevention Committee in June 1999. The roll-out of the new plan will begin in July 1999. Completed design of a Maintenance Management Work Program. This program established performance standards for maintenance activities and will allow development of a program budget that better tracks program costs. Implemented Public Works Reorganization saving over $200,000 per year. 0 KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: 0 Facility re-use plan developed. Plan for new Public Works Facility developed. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This is the second year of the administration budget. The budget was established for the coordinated management of various work groups, functions and programs within Public Works. 3.25 positions have been transferred to other Public Works programs. 166 .. . PROGRAM: ENGINEERING SERVICES FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING SERVICES SUMMARY MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: This newly-formed department of Public Works is responsible for providing engineering services to the public and other City departments by preparing and processing design and construction documents. This department includes the Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s Utility Engineering Division which provides design and processing support on projects involving the construction of storage facilities, transmission distribution pipelines and reservoirs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 167 PROGRAM: ENGINEERING SERVICES FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING SERVICES PAGE TWO SUMMARY KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: Site plan developed for new Public Works Center. Opportunistic Sand Program - worked with SDG&E to place nearly one-half million cubic yards of sand on the beach. Completed design for the widening of Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real to Melrose Drive, widening and improvement of Orion Way from El Camino Real to Faraday, and addition of new turn lanes Faraday and El Camino Real. Initiated construction of La Costa Avenue widening, Arena1 Road reconstruction west of El Camino Real, Poinsettia Park Phase 1A - two ball fields, tot lot and basketball court additions, Cannon Road Bridge over Macario Canyon, and Faraday Avenue from Cannon Road to Carlsbad Research Center. Completed construction on Cannon Road interchange improvements, Cannon Road widening from 1-5 to Paseo del Node, Cannon Road extension from Leg0 Drive to the bridge over Macario Canyon, and additional right turn lane from PAR to Northbound 1-5. Join City/Developer Projects: initiated construction of Cannon Road Reach 2 from Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real, initiated construction of Poinsettia Lane from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road, Poinsettia Lane waterline replacementlupgrade from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road, Cannon Road water transmission main, and South Agua Hedionda sewer trunk line extension Phase 1. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: “Ensure the effective and efficient deliverv of topqualitv services to our Communitv.” Identify priority Capital Improvement Projects and ensure their timely completion: Rancho Santa Fe Road Poinsettia Lane Faraday West Cannon RoadIFaraday link Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real to Melrose FaradayEMelrose financing district 0 0 0 Implement action plan to enhance customer service program. Complete inventory system of street improvements. Maintain development project review and plan check turnaround goals. Continue development of Phase II of Recycled Water Program and development of local water resources programs. “Integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of life-centered land use decisions.” Implement Integrated Transportation Program: Regional transportation system priorities Local transit objectives and programs Industrial transportation management Tourist transportation needs Secure funding to construct easthest arterials. Advance construction schedules for Faraday Avenue and Poinsettia Lane arterials. “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Community.” 0 Develop intern program for engineering technician classification. 168 L L 7-- PROGRAM: ENGINEERING FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: E NG IN E ERI N G S E RVI C ES ACCT NO. 001 571 01001 5720 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The Engineering Department continues to support the City Council's goals to maintain safe City standards by improving the overall quality of field inspection, project processing, and front counter operations. The Engineering Department provides engineering services to the public and other City departments by preparing and processing design and construction documents. The department is also responsible for ensuring that development and public improvements are properly designed and constructed without jeopardizing public safety or the well being of the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: ADMINISTRATION 0 Coordination Function: 0 0 Management Reporting System Function: Coordinate and direct all divisions to ensure accomplishment of City Council Goals and Objectives. Provide administrative and clerical support to all other divisions. Ensures that the management reporting system is accurately maintained and generates all reports on- schedule. Provides accurate records filed in a standardized and efficient manner. Administrative and Clerical Support Function: 0 Record Keeping Function: LAND DEVELOPMENT Land Use Development Review: Provides comprehensive engineering input to the Planning Department for all land use development applications within statutory time limits and divisional goals. Process all engineering development plans and maps in a professional manner maintaining high-quality and meeting production goals. Ensures all engineering questions related to land development are answered in a timely and friendly manner. 0 Engineering Plancheck: 0 Developmental Services: TRANSPORTATION AND CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 Investigations: 0 Continuing Operations: Reviews, analyzes and reports on a wide variety of traffic issues, concerns, complaints and inquiries. Maintains up-to-date records of collision reports, speed surveys, traffic counts and assists in maintaining optimum traffic signal operations. Reviews traffic control plans, signing and stripping plans and traffic signal plans. Reviews project submittals for good transportation planning concepts. Provides interdepartment coordination on various issues on an as- needed basis. 0 Project Reviews: 169 PROGRAM: ENGINEERING FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: E NG IN EE RI NG S E RVlC E S PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0015710 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): 0 Coordination: Coordinates the design, construction, and inspection of the City's Capital Improvement Program. Provides safe, efficient, and economical inspection services for all projects within the City through a combined and comprehensive inspection program. CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION 0 Provides a thorough inspection of all projects through the application of clear, concise, and uniform construction management practices and policies. Assists in construction quality control. PLANNING AND PROGRAMS 0 Capital Improvement Programming: Coordinate the preparation of the annual update to the City's Buildout Capital Improvement Program. Facility Financing: Update existing facility impact fee programs and assist developers with the formation of financing districts to fund major public improvements. 0 Special Programs: Administer and coordinate engineering activities for the beach erosion, lagoon dredging, storm water quality and traffic modeling programs. 0 Geographic Information Systems: Administer and coordinate all Public Works efforts with regard to facility mapping and records management. WORKLOAD STATISTICS/PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Land Development Plancheck Actual through 3/99; Projected through 6/99 # of Revisions Plancheck - # of Sheets I Land Development I 1 Projects in Review nu 170 PROGRAM: ENGINEERING FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING SERVICES PAGE THREE ACCT NO. 0015710 Traffic Operations Total Capital Improvement Program Appropriations 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 H Carry Forward 50,000,000 0 FY 96-97 FY 97-96 FY 98-99 FY 9940 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: One position has been transferred to Public Works Administration. One position has been transferred to Engineering from Public Works Administration. A net gainfloss of zero positions. Two new programs are included in this year's request; an intern program and NPDES funding. 171 PROGRAM: UTILITY ENGINEERING FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING SERVICES ACCT NO. 5015710 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Utility Engineering develops and maintains programs in five areas including water resources, domestic water systems, recycled water systems, sewer systems and National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination Systems (NPDES). Each program includes planning to ensure systems are adequate and available, water quality monitoring and reporting, design in cooperation with Operations and Maintenance needs, construction assistance, plan checking to ensure compliance with City and Water District standards and mapping and geographical information system development. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Planning. Development and Scheduling: Plans, analyzes and reviews water, sewer, recycled water and NPDES systems. Maintains project schedules and reports, obtains and coordinates engineering and special consultants, prepares plans and specifications, coordinates activities with other City Departments, and updates construction standards. Capital Improvement Program Budget of $120 million for water systems, $60 million for sewer systems and $70 million for recycled water systems. Water Supplv and Quality: Continually reviews and evaluates overall water supply conditions including availability, water rights, compilation of water supply and quality data, evaluation of the cost of water resources, reviewing and implementing regulatory compliance programs mandated by Federal, State and local water quality regulatory agencies, and develop procedural manuals. Technical Assistance: Maintains data bases and works closely with operations and maintenance personnel to develop engineering solutions, documents, and procedural manuals and reports. Mapping and Facility Location: Converts water, sewer, and recycled water construction drawings to scanned drawings for placement on computer retrieval system, develops and maintains facility maps, prepares as-built drawings, develops CAD drawings, maintains tract status reports and locates facilities in the field in response to Underground Service Alert (USA). Plan Checking: Coordinates with developers and their engineers on standards and requirements, provides information to Planning Department for conditions on land development projects, and performs plan checking of land development projects. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: A new program budget. Administrative leadership of this division is being transferred from the Water District to the City Engineering Services Department. 172 PROGRAM: GENERAL SERVICES FUND: VARIOUS PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION SUMMARY 1999oc ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 2,266,751 $ 2,314,351 $ 2,625,629 $ 2,702,667 4,087,840 3,953,708 4,818,251 4,090,587 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I$ I. $ I, FULL TIME POSITIONS I 48.12 47.32 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ I, $ $8 47.25 I 51.75 1,326,488 1 HOURLYATE POSITIONS 7.33 1,089,576 I 7.69 10.26 10.75 1,704,270 I 1,746,420 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: This newly-formed department is responsible for the preventative maintenance and repair of parks, school athletic fields, City buildings and vehicles, public street trees and medians. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: $2,600,00 0 $2,000,000 $1,600,000 $1,000,000 $600,000 so 1999-00 BUDGET BY PROGRAM 173 PROGRAM: GENERAL SERVICES FUND: VARl OUS PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES PAGE TWO SUMMARY KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: Park Maintenance: Median Maintenance: Facilities Maintenance: Removal of Split Pavilion and creation of a new view park. Increased median maintenance in redevelopment area. Fire Station No. 3 - renovation, Community Swim Complex - ADA remodel, Fire Stations No. 1, 2, and 3 - overhead garage doors replaced, Fire Station No. 1- shower stalls repaired, Community Swim Complex - modular furniture installation, implemented Customer Service Survey Program. Developed and distributed customer service feedback instrument. Upgraded underground fuel storage tanks to comply with State standards. Implemented Customer Service Survey Program. Installation of new traffic signals along La Costa Avenue at Romeria, Via Castilla and Cadencia, installation of new traffic signals on Aviara Parkway at Black Rail Road and Four Seasons Point. Street Tree Maintenance: Vehicle Maintenance: Fleet Maintenance: Traffic Sianal Maintenance: KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: Implement Maintenance Management Program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 174 PROGRAM: PARK MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES ACCT NO. 0015020 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Maintain, preserve and enhance 286+ acres of park facilities, school athletic fields, beach accesses, and landscapes at various civic facilities. This includes the maintenance of eight community parks and 26 special use areas. Manage over 625 acres of open spacelundeveloped areas and provide services to other departments as well as community groups. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Turf and Landscape Maintenance: Direct management of 92+ acres of turf and 144+ acres of landscaping. Duties include mowing, fertilization, renovation, re-planting, trimming, pesticide application, raking leavesldebris, turf sweeping, weeding cultivation, edging, aerating, reseeding, irrigation programming maintenance and equipment maintenance. Restroom MaintenancelLitter ControllPicnic Area Services: Inspect, maintain, clean, paint, and repair 13 separate restroom facilities (as well as eight portable units) 5+ times per week. Clean, restock, sanitize, paint and plumbing repairs make up the duties of this activity. Also associated with this activity is litter control. All parks, beach accesses and beach areas are cleaned 4+ times weekly to remove all litter and service all trash receptacles. CourUFieldmot Lot Maintenance: Maintain 25 tennis courts (21 lighted), 13 basketball courts, 16 soccer fields, and 23 softball/baseball fields. All athletic courts are cleanedlinspected on a weekly basis. Duties involve washing down, sweeping off, blowing off, fence inspectionslrepairs, and paying surface inspections. In addition, the activity . includes weekly maintenance of all tot lots in the City. This includes sand rakinglleveling, sand roto tilling, play equipment inspection and repair, and the necessary documentation of such actions. . lrrination Maintenance: Maintain all landscape irrigation systems of City facilities. This includes programming over 93 different controllers with over 1,240 valves. Duties include replacement, repair, trouble shooting and data entry/ programming via the centralized irrigation system. Open Space Maintenance: Provide maintenance activities to City-owned open space, 1-5 Interchange, and areas of additional maintenance responsibilities. Duties include trash removal, clean up and weed abatement. Miscellaneous MaintenancelRepair and Special Requests: These activities, which are difficult to measure, include repair and upgrading to park structures, facilities, play equipment and fencing, and the installation of play equipment. bleachers, drinking fountains, soccer goals, trash enclosures, concrete work, and painting projects. These additional activities also include special projects and requests by the community for turf installation, sculpture installations, various redevelopment requests and community garden needs. The total amount of time spent on these activities amounts to approximately 12% of park maintenance activities. 175 PROGRAM: PARK MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Turf and LandscaDe Maintenance: 96-97 97-98 98-99 --- 1. Turf acres maintained 90 92 98 2. Landscape acreage maintained 133 135 138 3. Picnic areas maintained 19 19 19 CourVFieldflot Lot Maintenance: 96-97- 97-98 98-99 1. Tennis Courts Maintained 21 22 28 2. Ball fields Maintained 23 24 26 3. Tot Lots Maintained 10 10 12 4. Basketball Courts Maint. 12 14 15 5. Soccer fields Maintained 14 14 15 Restroom MaintenancelLitter ControVPicnic Area Services: 96-97 97-98 98-99 1. Rest stations maintained: (Permanent) 13 13 14 2. Trash receptacles services 408 410 440 (Portable) 7 8 9 Irriaation Maintenance: -- 96-97 97-98 98-99 I. Irrigation Measures: 2. Irrigation Measures No. of Controllers 93 95 95 No. of Valves 1.240 1,260 1,340 PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0015020 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This yeaf's budget will reflect an increase in maintenance activities at the new Carlsbad Library site. The re- organization within the Public Works Department has also created several changes which will result in a reallocation of funding, elimination of several positions, and the addition of one new position within the General Services Division. 176 PROGRAM: FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES FAC I LIT1 ES MA1 NTE NANC E ACCT NO. 0015060 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Maintain City facilities to provide safe, attractive buildings for the City to conduct its business and provide services to the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Building Maintenance: Perform repairs and alterations as required to maintain and operate City facilities at a professional level. Perform emergency repairs to eliminate hazards of unsanitary conditions and reduce liability. Remodel and/or renovate City facilities to accommodate programmatic changes for City departments. Provide assistance in the relocation of staff and/or office furnishings as required. Implement and manage a preventative maintenance program for major mechanical systems, roofing and painting. Custodial Services: Provide professional level custodial services for all City facilities by utilizing City staff in the major buildings and contract services in the smaller buildings. Contract Maintenance: plumbing, electrical) construction projects, and custodial services. Property Management: Negotiate, prepare, and administer acquisition and revenue leases by the City. Act as liaison with property owners to ensure facilities meet City requirements. Prepare and administer contracts for all building maintenance services (Le., HVAC, WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Building Maintenance: 1. Total Building Space Maintained (Sq. Ft.) 333,728 333,728 333,728 465,728 Custodial Services: BW98-9999-00 ~~98-99~ 1. Total Custodial Space Maintained (In-House) 184,447 161,820 184,447 316,447 2. Total Custodial Space Maintained (Other) 85,700 108,327 85,700 85,701 Contract Maintenance: BBw99-00 1. Total Custodial Space Maintained (Other) 63,581 63,581 63,581 63,581 Property Management: 1. Total Leased Space ~~w~ 19,680 19,680 19,680 19,680 177 PROGRAM: FACILITIES MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0015060 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fire Station No. 3 Renovation Community Swim Complex - ADA Remodel Fire Stations No. 1, 2, & 3 - Overhead Doors Replacement Fire Station No. 1 - Shower Stalls Repairs Community Swim Complex - Modular Furniture Installation SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The Secretary and Senior Office Specialist positions currently assigned to the Oak Avenue facility were transferred from the PW Administration budget to the Street Maintenance (50%) and Facilities Maintenance (50%) budgets. Three custodian’s were added; two for the new library and one for the Faraday building. . 178 PROGRAM: STREET TREE MAINTENANCE FUND: MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES PERSONNEL ACCT NO. 1605023 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 307,051 $ 285,047 $ 332,494 $ 289,560 _-- I I 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-99 I 199400 I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Street Tree Division provides maintenance to all trees in the public right-of-way, parks, open space areas, and at City facilities. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Street Trees: This division program provides maintenance for over 21,000 trees on City right-of-ways. The Maintenance consists of pruning, planting, removal and root pruning. The division annually responds to 500+ street tree work order/requests, removes 50+ trees, and plants over 100 trees. Contractual Tree Maintenance: Provides an on-going program for contracting, administering and overseeing the street tree maintenance program beyond the scope of the division. Weed Abatement: This program involves the treatment of undeveloped right-of-way and open space areas for weed growth removal. The activities include herbicide application, and cultural practices to eliminate weed growth. Hosp Grove Maintenance: Program currently involves quarterly maintenance of Hosp Grove. Work consists of clean-up, recruiting volunteer and grant assistance and removing hazardous trees. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Street Trees: Contractual Tree Maintenance: 1. No. of Work OrderslCitizen 587 950 1,328 1. No. of Trees 92 85 24 2. No. of Trees Trimmed: 715 694 770 3. No. of Trees Removed: 30 44 61 4. No. of Trees Planted: 47 130 54 96-97 97-98 98-99 96-97 97-98 98-99 Requests Completed: Pruned: Weed Abatement: Hosp Grove Maintenance: 96-97 97-98 98-99 96-97 97-98 98-99 1. No. of Right-of-way Miles 55 55 45 1. No. of Probation 0 0 0 Treatedhlaintained: Hours: Herbicide Applied: CCC Hours: 2. No. of Gallons of Mixed 2,760 3,200 2,500 2. No. of Volunteer/ 0 0 0 3. No. of Regular 300 260 300 Hours: SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: I None. 179 PROGRAM: MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FUND: MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GMNU mAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS ACCT NO. 1615024 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 199800 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 164,948 $ 146,406 $ 177,753 $ 175,520 21 0,495 210,312 255,175 270,524 18,675 0 0 0 $ 394,118 $ 356,/18 $ 432,928 $ 446,044 2.89 2.68 2.50 I 2.70 1.00 1 .oo 1.00 I 1 .oo WORK PROGRAM: Provide weekly landscape maintenance and litter control to all City medians and to redevelopment landscape improvement areas. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: . Medians: Maintain on a weekly basis 44+ acres of landscaped medians. Maintenance includes trash pick-up, weed control pruning, planting, pesticide application, removals, replanting and irrigation repairladjustment. Contractual Median Maintenance: Provide on-going program for contracting, administering and overseeing median maintenance for 20+ acres of City medians. Streetscape Maintenance: Maintain approximately 7.5 acres of high maintenance areas including planter boxes, downtown fountain, pond, landscape pockets and parking lots. Maintenance activities consist of litter control, weed control, pruning, planting, pesticide/fertilizer application, irrigation repair/adjustment, parking lot sweeping, fountain maintenance and related duties with streetscape improvements. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 959696-97 I. Acres Maintained 48 48 2. Acres Maintained 35 36 3. Acres Maintained 8 8 (Medians) (Contractual) (Streetscape) 97-98 48 38 8 98-99 48 38 8 SIGN I FlCANT CHANGES : None. 180 PROGRAM: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES ACCT NO. 6205060 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Fleet Operations is an Internal Service fund within the City which provides continuous repair and maintenance service for City-owned vehicles and equipment operated by City departments. Fees developed on a cost recovery system based on a per milehour charge by class of vehicle generate revenues to this department. This program involves all facets of vehicle repair, maintenance and parts, ensures that adequate supplies of fuel and oil are available to operating departments, maintains a City-owned and operated vehicle wash, administers the collection and disposal of hazardous waste generated by City departments, and oversees the collection of used oil and batteries from Carlsbad citizens and disposes of same in accordance with County and State regulations. The fleet is comprised of 238 vehicles and 130 other pieces of equipment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Repair and Maintenance: Provide routine preventative maintenance and repairs for the fleet; inspect vehicles required for the Biannual Inspection of Terminals (B.I.T.) and smog programs; sublet repairs to vendors as necessary; make road calls for units disabled in the field. Auto Parts: Secure needed items for the maintenance and repair of the fleet through cooperative buying with other cities or through State Net Discount; provide a perpetual inventory and automatically reorder quantities through the automated management system. Fuel and Oil: Secure the necessary fuel and lubricating oil stocks through cooperative buying contracts with other agencies; maintain sufficient stock on hand for emergencies; continue to supply fuels and lubricating oils to the Carlsbad Unified School District, San Dieguito Union High School District, Cannon Pacific Services and Encina Wastewater Authority; monitor fuel tanks in accordance with State and County regulations. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Repair and Maintenance: 1. Preventative Maintenance 2. BIT Inspections 3. Smog Inspections 4. Shop Repairs 5. Vendor Repairs 6. Emergency Road Repairs 97-98 71 8 98-99 99-00 720 730 80 80 80 58 68 68 680 620 600 274 310 300 52 50 50 181 PROGRAM: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES WORKLOAD STATISTICS (continued): Auto Parts: 1. Parts Items in Inventory 97-98 4,279 PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 6205060 98-99 99-00 4,000 4,500 2. Dollar Amount in Inventory $60,085 $60,000 $60,000 Fuel and Oil: 1. Gallons of Fuel Used - City 240,307 253,000 260,000 2. Gallons of Fuel Used - Other 36,696 200,000 50,000 97-98 98-99 99-00 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: Upgraded underground fuel storage tanks to comply with state standards. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Fleet began supplying diesel fuel to Coast Waste Management in December 1998, on a temporary basis, which significantly impacts fuel usage, expenditures, and revenues for FY 98-99. This arrangement is not expected to continue into FY 99-00. 182 PROGRAM: VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES PERSONNEL ACCT NO. 6215061 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 199900 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ O$ O$ O$ 0 MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION 883,893 759,511 64,100 97,544 CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: This program sets a replacement charge for each piece of equipment in the City's motorized rental fleet with a value of $5,000 or greater. This includes the determination of the economic life of individual units set forth in Administrative Order No. 3, the development of proper specifications to suit user's needs, the outfitting of new units before being placed into service and preparing replaced units for sale at auction or to interested public agencies or special districts. The replacing of units enable the City to meet clean air requirements of the San Diego Basin and ensures a more cost effective fleet. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Fund Maintenance: Calculate future acquisition costs for units costing $5,000 or more in the rental fleet and establish an average replacement charge by unit class. Specification Writing: Write specifications for the purchase of replacement units combining the needs of the users and economic reality of the City. Purchase and Disposal: In partnership with the Purchasing Department, buy replacement units through the public bid process or in cooperation with other public agencies through cooperative purchasing programs. Arrange for the public auction of replaced units or sell them to other interested public agencies or special districts. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Vehicles / Equipment Acquired: estimate 44 46 59 Vehicles / Equipment Disposed: 22 39 59 Total Units in Fleet: 360 367 367 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 183 PROGRAM: CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE FUND: ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: GENERAL SERVICES ACCT NO. 5725001 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Community Services and Park Development will assist the "Project Oversight Committee" in developing a municipal golf course. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Continue Land Manaqement Plan: Maintain the 1. proposed golf course property to retain the viability of the project development. Develop Golf-Related Commercial Concepts: 1. Project Processing: Begin environmental proces- 1. sing through USF&W, CDF&G, Coastal Commission. 2. 3. 4. "Land Management Program": - a. Prevent further encroachment of existing habitat. b. Identify and eliminate insignificant patches of habitat. c. Remove unprotected and insignificant native vegetation from project footprint. Analyze the potential for commercial uses on the golf course. Preparation, review and analysis of proposed golf course plan. Retain environmental consultant and process EIR. Process approvals for the golf course. Meet with Golf Course Steering Committee on a regular basis. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 184 PROGRAM: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS FUND: VARlO U S PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS SUMMARY MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: This newly-formed department is responsible for preventative maintenance, repair and operations of all City and Water District infrastructure to include City streets, water and sanitation systems, and management of the City’s Solid Waste Program. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: C Adm 185 PROGRAM: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS FUND: VARlO US PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS PAGE TWO SUMMARY KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 1998-99: Maior Street Maintenance: Street Maintenance: Street Lighting: Solid Waste Management: Water and Wastewater Enterprise: Completed updated inventory of all water and wastewater fixed assets. Completion of a major curb, gutter, and sidewalk replacement program. Continued to maintain growing and aging infrastructure to the exemplary level expected by our customers within existing resources. Completed installation of anti-perching spikes on the street lights and arms which hang over the pedestrian walkways along the sea wall. Executed Household Hazardous Waste Facility Use Agreement with the City of Vista for household hazardous waste disposal by Carlsbad residents. Developed rate model to more accurately determine rates and charges for services, and to maintain an appropriate fund balance. Prepared presentation of Phase II of Recycled Water Program; Board approved spending plan for Phase II and development programs for research of local water resources. Completion of water line replacement on Jefferson Street from Las Flores to Marron Road including complete re-paving of road surface. KEY GOALS FOR 199940: “Ensure the effective and efficient delivew of toD-auality services to our Community.” Continuously improve work processes through the use of best technology, information-sharing, effective cross- departmental teams and all City resources. 0 Implement Maintenance Management Program. Implement innovative, cost-effective delivery of City services via publidpublic and publidprivate partnerships; non- profit organizations; enterprise services; and through regionalization and consolidation. Develop Solid Waste Strategy. Construct, maintain and operate facilities that support top-quality service delivery in conformance with City budgets and standards. 0 Continue providing topquality customer service throughout the year and to complete the La Costa head retro-fit program. “Create diverse, broad-based economic strategies to ensure the financial health of the Community and the City.” Develop, maintain and enhance highquality standards in development, City services, communications. and fiscal policies that result in a high quality of life that supports economic health. 0 Develop and implement a comprehensive financial plan that provides revenues to maintain high quality service, protects local revenue resources, promotes private sector economic growth, promotes responsible cost management and enhances revenues and reduces costs. 0 “Enhance educational opportunities and school facilities for all segments of the Community.” Provide and develop programs that result in a City workforce which has the knowledge and skills needed to excel on their job. 0 Enhanced Storm Water Management Program. E-commerce via interactive web site; i.e., water, trash, sewer fees. Enhanced Customer Service Initiatives (SIT). 186 PROGRAM: MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACTUAL 93,691 _- BUDGET BUDGET $ 228,097 $ 188,890 1996-97 22 1.45 1 . __ 338,650 351,170 I- -. . -- 0.00 455,310 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY FULL TIME POSlTtONS HOURLYFTE POSITIONS GAS TAX REVENUE GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 315,142 0 0 0 566.747 540.060 WORK PROGRAM: ACTUAL $ 154,001 301,309 0 ACCT NO. 0016353 1997-98 I 1998-99 I 199900 I O1 O1 O1 I I $ 453,3161 $ 315,142 I $ 566,14/ I $ 540,060 5.00 I 5.00 I 5.00 1 4.00 Provide a high level of maintenance for infrastructure and maintain safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Street Sweeping: Sweep 1,240 curb miles of Carlsbad streets. Cement Repairs: Annually repair and replace broken and raised curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Asphalt Repairs: Extend life of streets and provide a smooth and safe driving surface. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Street Sweeping: 1. Sweep all residential streets twice each month. 2. 3. Sweep all downtown village streets three times each week. Sweep all commercial and major arterial streets twice per month. Cement Repairs: 1. 250 linear feet of curb and gutter per year. 2. 25,000 square feet of sidewalk per year. Asphalt Repairs: 1. Leveling with asphalt. 2. Base replacement. 3. Skin patching. 4. Repair utility cuts. 5. Crack fill. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: Completion of a major curb, gutter, and sidewalk replacement program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 187 PROGRAM: STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACTUAL $ 846,305 ACCT NO. 0016355 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 876,652 $ 913,476 $ 929,390 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE 8 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY U TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYFTE POSlTtONS 1996-97 I 1997-98 I 1998-99 I 199900 I I I $ ,I $ 1, $ 1, s 1, 15.00 15.00 15.00 17.25 1.00 1 .oo 3.50 3.00 564,909 17,922 740,910 42,833 880,040 18,600 801,141 17,200 WORK PROGRAM: The Street Maintenance Division’s major program is Street and Roadside Maintenance, scheduled and performed to provide a high level of maintenance for infrastructure and maintained to insure safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. - PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Roadside Maintenance: Roadside Maintenance activities consist of litter pick-up, debris hauling, sidewalk repair and guardrail maintenance. Drainaae System Maintenance: Maintain, clean and repair the City’s drainage system. City Sinn Maintenance: Fabricate, install and maintain all traffic, street name and special signs throughout the City. Respond to Traffic Engineering work orders and special sign requests. Conduct visual and retro-reflectometer once a year in conjunction with the Division’s Safety Inspection Program. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Roadside Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. Recycle concrete and asphalt 4. Two (2) part-time employees will pick up over 200 cubic yards of litter from City right-of-ways. This program is supervised by City staff (funded by Solid Waste). Continue maintenance and repair of 25,263 lineal feet of guardrail, as needed. Repair 15,000 square feet of curb, gutter and sidewalk (trip hazards) to minimize liability claims (funded by Gas Tax) Drainaae System Maintenance: 1. 2. Annually schedule the cleaning and maintenance of 3,600 catch basins. Work will be completed from August through October, to ensure proper flow and run-off during winter storms. Schedule annual cleaning of 20,105 lineal feet of open drainage channel. Work will be scheduled from August through October. City Sign Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. 4. Maintain and repair as needed, the 7,500 signs throughout the City Fabricate and install special order signs as requested. Timely response to Traffic Engineering work orders. Annually conduct visual and reflectivity tests on 1,550 warning signs and 3,500 regulatory signs to insure proper and safe signage throughout the City. 188 PROGRAM: STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 001 6355 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: Continued to maintain growing and aging infrastructure to the exemplary level expected by our customers within existing resources. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The secretary and senior office specialist positions currently assigned to the Oak Avenue facility were transferred from the PW Administration budget to the Street Maintenance (50%) and Facilities Maintenance (50%) budgets. Includes .25 of a management analyst position transferred from Public Works Administration. 189 PROGRAM: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACCT NO. 0016370 'FULL TIME POSITIONS I 0.50 1 0.50 1 0.50 I 0.50 HOURLYFTE POSITIONS 0.00 I 0.00 1 0.50 I 0.50 WORK PROGRAM: Maintain the City's traffic signal system. Provide a high-level of maintenance for infrastructure. Maintain safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. Maintain a clean City through the removal of litter and graffiti. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Operations: Perform plan checking and field monitoring during construction of new traffic signals for conformance with City and Caltrans standards. Coordinate with traffic engineer on signal timing adjustments. Coordinate underground service alert mark-outs for all existing signal systems. Maintenance: Perform monthly check of Opticoms (emergency preempt equipment) now installed at all signalized intersections and coordinate repairs, if necessary. Provide monthly inspection of all traffic signal systems through a comprehensive maintenance contract and miscellaneous agreements with the State of California, Department of Transportation. Administration: Administer traffic signal maintenance agreement. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: 1. City-Owned and Maintained Signals: 2. Caltrans-Owned and Maintained Signals: 3. City-wned and Caltrans-Maintained Signals: 4. Total Signals within the City: Estimated 96-97 97-98 98-99 -- - 71 82 89 9 12 14 7 7 8 87 94 103 190 PROGRAM: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 0016370 During FY 1998-99, we have upgraded three intersections to polycarbonate to eliminate corrosion along the beach; replaced Illuminated street name sign panels at four intersections; upgraded the prom module and program chip at ten locations; replaced old, worn, conflict monitors at 20 signals; and upgraded 20 eight-inch heads to the more visible 12-inch heads complete with a red LED fixture. In addition to these programs, and with funding from the CIP, we completed retrofitting the entire signal system with ADA approved pedestrian push buttons. KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: During FY 1999-00, we plan to continue the programs from FY 1998-99. In addition, we will also replace one deteriorated signal cabinet, perform underground conduit and conductor repairs at El Camino Real and Plaza Drive, and begin a program to paint deteriorated facilities throughout the City. -- SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 191 PROGRAM: STREET LIGHTING FUND: MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS PERSONNEL ACCT NO. 1626357 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 199900 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 229,584 $ 235,890 $ 235,016 $ 225,800 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 41 7,236 438,285 484,937 490,885 CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Maintain a safe, modem street lighting system. Provide a high level of maintenance for infrastructure. Maintain safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Maintenance and Operations: Oversee the maintenance and operations of the City street lighting system. Coordinate between citizens and SDG&E for the maintenance of utility owned street lights within the City. Coordinate between developers and SDG&E for energizing new lighting systems. Provide expertise to City inspectors during inspection of lighting systems. Coordinate Underground Service Alert markouts for street light and traffic signal systems. Maintain as-built records of City street light system for future maintenance. Perform routine night surveillance. Incorporate street light numbering system. Check proposed improvement plans for conformance with City standards regarding street light, storm drain, and traffic signal systems. Coordinate with Planning, Engineering, and Engineer's of Work to ensure that departmental needs are met. Administration: Administer Buena Vista Channel Maintenance District and Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. Continue mapping and updating expenditure and reassessments for the Lighting and Landscaping District. Prepare annual audit of City's street lighting assessment. WORKLOAD STATISTICS: Estimated 96-97 97-98 98-99 4,808 5,318 5,858 1. 2. City owned and maintained street lights: Number of street light repairs made: from calls: 442 51 1 551 from surveillance: 439 TOTAL: 881 51 7 1,028 - - 558 1,109 3. Number of emergency traffic signal repairs done: 537 507 517 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: Completed the installation of anti-perching spikes on the street lights and arms which hang over the pedestrian walkways along the sea wall. 192 PROGRAM: STREET LIGHTING PAGE TWO FUND: MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACCT NO. 1626357 KEY GOALS FOR 1999-00: We plan to continue providing top-quality customer service throughout the year and to complete the La Costa head retro-fi t program . SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 193 PROGRAM: BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE FUND: MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS BUDGET $ ACCT NO. 1636312 BUDGET O$ 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY ND mAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYlFTE POSITIONS 1996-97 ACTUAL $ 0 203,783 0 $ 203, f 83 0.00 0.00 1997-98 ACTUAL $ 0 7,048 0 $ f ,048 0,00 0.00 I 7,590 I OI OI 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 WORK PROGRAM: The Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Assessment District was created to ensure that adequate monies would be collected to administer and maintain the Buena Vista Creek from Jefferson to Haymar Bridge. Property owners are assessed annually an accumulated total of $100,000. The monies are placed in a fund to cover the costs of major dredging of the creek, which could occur every four years. The second major clearing was completed in March of 1997. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Administration - Special Proiects: Administer the Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Assessment District. Operations - Endneering Department: Monitoring and periodic clearing of the overgrowth and silt within the channel area. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 194 _- .- . ... PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM: WATER OPERATIONS FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 199900 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,996,908 $ 2,327,089 $ 2,710,457 $ 1,854,565 12,131,617 12,455,777 14,182,255 14,8 12,357 28,079 120,787 529,199 179,000 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, provides potable water service to approximately 85 percent of the City (66,300 customers), and recycled water service to 116 sites Citywide. The District purchases 100% of its potable water as treated water from the Metropolitan Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority. Recycled water is purchased from the Vallecitos and Leucadia Water Districts who own and operate their own water reclamation facilities. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Operations 8 Maintenance: Provide safe and efficient circulation of water and recycled water utility systems and a high level of maintenance for infrastructure to include storage facilities, transmission distribution pipelines and reservoirs. Meter Services: Collect customer usage data for billing of all water customers and provide requested customer service for water utility customers and assistance with account maintenance. Account Maintenance: Provide information and customer service in support of meter services and the utility billing divisions. Cross Connection Control: Provide recycled water customer with information regarding use site requirements and to insure City/district compliance with State-mandated regulations. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Operations 8 Maintenance: 0 Operate and maintain 340 miles of transmission and distribution pipelines. Operate and maintain 13 reservoirs totaling 54 million gallons of storage capacity and Maerkle Reservoir with a capacity of 600 acre-feet (195 million gallons). Maintain and test 2,300 fire hydrants and continue valve maintenance program. Continue development of Phase II of the Recycled Water Program. Review and, if needed, update Wastewater Rate Model to insure appropriate rates and fees. 195 PROGRAM: WATER OPERATIONS PAGE TWO FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 PERFORMANCE MEASURES (continued): Meter Services: 0 0 0 0 Collect usage data and maintain 20,100 potable and 116 recycled water meters. Install utility services for new development. Investigate water consumption issues in response to customer requests. Implement Single-Jet Large Meter Replacement Pilot Program. Continue development of the Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Pilot Program. Coordinate with Information Systems implementation of new utility billing software system. Account Maintenance: 0 Resolve meter reading discrepancies, 0 0 0 Process accurate customer usage monthly and transmit to utility billing division for preparation of monthly utility billing. Process requests for relocation and/or exchanges of water meters. Provide assistance to water customers regarding their utility accounts. Coordinate with Information Systems implementation of new utility billing software system. Cross Connection Control: 0 Schedules and tests for cross connections between potable and recycled water systems on both new and existing sites. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This budget reflects the transfer of the utility billing and engineering divisions to the City’s Finance and Engineering Departments, respectively. These figures also include budgetary consolidation of the potable and recycled water operations. Two utility worker positions have been added to ensure that all water valves and fire hydrants are in proper working condition. A cross connection control technician has also been added to ensure that there is no cross-over between the recycled water system and the potable water system. 196 PROGRAM: WASTEWATER OPERATIONS FUND: WASTEWATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACCT NO. 5116310 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY ... . -. PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, operates and maintains the City- owned sanitary sewer collection system which covers approximately 65% of the geographic area of the City. Payments are made to the Encina Wastewater Treatment Plant to cover the City’s share of operating costs for treatment of its sewage. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Operations & Maintenance: Provide a high level of operations and maintenance for infrastructure to sanitary sewer collection mains, sewer service connections and lift stations. Account Maintenance: Provide information and customer service in support of wastewater operations and maintenance, and coordinate with the utility billing division for adjustments to customer accounts. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Operations & Maintenance: 0 0 0 0 0 Account Maintenance: Operate and maintain approximately 145 miles of City-owned sanitary sewer collection mains. Operate and maintain 14,100 sewer service connections equaling 40 miles of sewer laterals. Operate and maintain 15 City-owned lift stations. Continue Sewer Television Manhole Inspection Program. Coordinate with Information Systems implementation of new utility billing software system. Review and, if needed, update Wastewater Rate Model to insure appropriate rates and fees. Install sewage flow meters to more accurately measure flow to the Encina Wastewater Authority. Upgrade lift station dialers to more effectively notify personnel in response to alarm conditions at lift stations. Process accurate customer usage monthly and transmit to utility billing division for preparation of monthly utility billing. Resolve flow-based sewer service charge discrepancies. Provide assistance to water customers regarding their utility accounts. Administer wastewater pretreatment applications. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 197 PROGRAM: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FUND: SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ACCT NO. 5206375 ACTUAL $ 78,865 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGET BUDGET $ 69,469 $ 81,770 WORK PROGRAM: 1996-9i ACTUAL $ 78,770 55,099 0 $ 133,869 f 30 0.00 1997-98 I 1998-991 199900 I 1211428 I I 31,617 I OI OI OI The Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department promotes cost-effective solid waste management programs through recycling, source reduction, composting, solid waste transfer, and other non-traditional programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: AB 939: Implement components of Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) and Household Hazardous Waste Element (HHWE). Coordinate activities with Countywide Technical Advisory Committee. Prepare and submit reports and documents, as required. Solid Waste: Ensure collection and disposal of solid waste generated in Carlsbad. Coordinate activities with regional groups. Review reports from authorized collector. Prepare and administer the solid waste services contract. RecvclindDiversion: Prepare and administer recycling contract. Prepare State and County grant applications. Attend regional recycling meetings and coordinate City efforts with other agencies. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: AB 939: 1. Ensure compliance with mandates of SRRE and HHWE by timely implementation of programs. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attend meetings as necessary. Solid Waste: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attend meetings as necessary. RecvclinelDiversion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Prepare annual Solid Waste Enterprise fund budget. Prepare and submit annual report to CIWMB. Review / comment on relevant legislation and regulations. Administer and monitor solid waste services contract. Ensure collection service for 19,718 residential and 2,235 commercial customers. Review solid waste services rate structure and establish rates annually. Coordinate quarterly bulky item collection events. Research and apply for appropriate grant opportunities. Coordinate and monitor recycling programs in conjunction with the authorized collector. Coordinate annual telephone book and Christmas Tree recycling campaigns. Serve as liaison to outside agencies, City staff, and public on recycling issues. 198 I- PROGRAM: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE TWO FUND: SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ACCT NO. 5206375 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN FY 1998-99: Executed Household Hazardous Waste Facility Use Agreement with the City of Vista for HHW disposal by Carlsbad residents. SIGNIFICATION CHANGES: None. c I_ 199 . 200 1999-2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document which incorporates the current budget for capital projects with future planned revenues and expenditures. This year’s CIP reflects the continued commitment to constructing the necessary facilities, in response to the current and anticipated development activity occurring throughout the City. Projects are continuously evaluated and prioritized to ensure the City’s resources for facilities are allocated based on a well thought out plan. The 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Program totals $62.6 million, with projected revenues totaling $50.6 million. Development remains strong, and this is expected to continue through 1999-2000. As development occurs within the City, there comes a corresponding increase in the demand for development- related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds the needs of Carlsbad’s citizens and businesses, the citizens of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The Growth Management Plan requires that a standard level of facilities is available to meet the new demands, or development cannot proceed. The CIP is also a tool available to Council to address the issue of resource availability weighed against the demand for facilities. This report and the accompanying CIP documents and schedules reflect the actions taken to fulfill these needs. A discussion of the City’s Growth Management Plan can be found at the end of this report. GROWTH PROJECTIONS Several assumptions about the rate and type of growth were made in order to project the revenues which result from development. Growth assumptions were made and continue to change in correlation with the economic climate. Residential and non-residential development information was compiled by the Planning, Building and Engineering Departments; the Finance Department overlaid the economic forecast. This past year, City staff evaluated all existing developments and compared these projects to the buildout capacities of the City using adopted general plans. Existing building activity and estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop were used to prepare future growth projections. The following table shows the number of residential units used in calculating estimated revenues for 1999-2000 and subsequent years to buildout. Approximately 15,104 units are expected to be built from this point forward. Non-residential construction estimates are shown in projected square feet. 201 1999-2000 CIP Growth Assumptions I Residential Non-Residential I Year Units Square Feet 1999-2000 1,250 765,000 2000-2001 1,139 472,000 2001 -2002 1,304 450,000 1,150 656,000 2003-2004 687 644,000 Years 6-1 0 3,635 4,303,000 5,939 5,607,000 Years 1 1-2030 2002-2003 Total Future 15,104 12,897,000 Residential development for 1998-99 was projected at 1,439 building permits. However, recent estimates anticipate over 1,700 units by the end of the current fiscal year. Construction of residential units is expected to decrease slightly, to about 1,100 units per year for the next five years. Residential Units Trend 1985 to 2004 Permits Issued 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Non-residential development is also expected to decrease following the completion of Legoland and most of the Carlsbad Ranch area. Major non-residential projects planned in the next few years include several hotel, timeshare, and commercial developments. REVENUES Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout total $462.6 million and may be segregated into four major categories: I) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, 2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts), 3) Water and Sewer replacement reserves, and 4) other sources including grants, bond issues, and contributions from other agencies. Approximately 43.6% of all capital revenues are received as a result of development, and are dependent upon assumptions made about the City's annual growth in dwelling units and commercial/industriaI square feet. Development revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-In- -- 202 Lieu Fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges. Existing and proposed Community Facilities District and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District revenues comprise 18.1 % of the total. Water and Sewer replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 16.8% of total revenues, and the remaining 21.5% are related to Federal & State grants, license tax on new construction, the County sales tax program (Transnet), San Diego Gas & Electric funding, and contributions from other agencies. Funding Sources 1999-2000 to Buildout Total Revenue = $462.6 million Other 21.5% WaterISewer I 43.6% Districts 18.1 % Calculation of Future Fees The revenue projections of the Capital Improvement Program reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units was assumed to be 35% and 65% respectively and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development shown in current plans for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities Fees was $89,500 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $1 75,000 per single-family dwelling unit. A building permit valuation of $38 per square foot of construction is used to calculate non-residential Public Facilities Fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of use. A multi-family residential dwelling unit was assigned eight trips per day and a single-family unit was assigned ten trips per day. Each residential trip was valued at the current TIF of $87. The trips-per-day value for commercial and industrial buildings was averaged at 32 trips per 1,000 square feet of development, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial/industriaI building can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. The value assigned to each commerciaMndustriaI trip was $35, the current TIF. 203 The implementation of CFD No. 1 in 1991 reduced the total amount of projected PFF and TIF revenues, as some projects previously funded from these sources are now funded through this CFD. CFD No. 2 is proposed to fund Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road, but has not yet been formally established. A prepayment program is in place to enable development to proceed within this proposed district. CFD #3 is a proposed district for the funding of Melrose Drive and Faraday Avenue extensions. There are two existing and one proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee District included in this year’s CIP. BTD No. 2 (Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway) was formed to finance the construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. BTD No. 3 (Cannon Road West) was formed to fund portions of Cannon Road from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. A proposed BTD No. 4 is being considered as the financing mechanism for College Boulevard and Cannon Road extensions east of El Camino Real. CAPITAL PROJECTS Project construction is reliant upon the availability of capital and operating funds in addition to established Growth Management requirements for facilities. Wherever project scheduling changes were proposed, projects were evaluated and prioritized, using compliance with the Growth Management Plan as the most important factor. The acceleration of street projects which will improve traffic flow in the industrial corridor was one of the results of this evaluation process. The proposed scheduling of park projects also reflects changes made as a result of this analysis. Growth Management requirements and the availability of revenues has resulted in the highest level of planned capital spending in the last ten years, as shown on the following chart (appropriations include amounts brought forward in each year). Planned Capital Spending - Last Ten Years $160,000,000 $1 40,000,000 $120,000,000 $1 00,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20.000,000 $- 204 CAPITAL PROJECTS 1999-2000 TO BUILDOUT The CIP for 1999-2000 to buildout outlines approximately 164 future projects at a total cost of $438.6 million. CIP Expenditures by Category 1999-2000 to Buildout Total Expenditures = $438.6 million Parks Other 16.1% 5.8% Drainage 5.3% Water 9.2% Civic 18.8% Sewer 14.1 % Streets 30.7% The largest expenditure category is for street, traffic signal and interchange projects at $134.4 million, or 30.7%, of the total. Included are the construction of several major roadways which will add east-west connections and improve the flow of regional traffic as well as local traffic throughout the City. Several of these roads will provide additional routes to the neighboring cities of Oceanside. Vista and San Marcos. Following is a list of major street projects in the 1999-2000 to Buildout CIP: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real Cannon Road to El Camino Real Cannon Road and College Boulevard East of El Camino Real Rancho Santa Fe Road to San Marcos and Encinitas The second largest level of expenditures at $83.2 million, or 19% of the total planned capital expenditures, is construction and maintenance of City facilities such as libraries, administrative facilities and police and fire facilities. The South Carlsbad Library is currently under construction, and is expected to open in September 1999. 205 This 64,000 square foot facility is estimated to meet the City’s needs up to a population of 100,000 residents. Upon completion of the South Carlsbad Library, the Cole Library, located at the north end of the City, will undergo renovation. The Capital Improvement Program includes funds to reconstruct and expand this facility in future years. Additional facilities include the Faraday Administrative Offices which are expected to be completed by September 1999, as well as a Public Works Center scheduled for construction next b3 year. A new City Hall is planned for construction in the future; the timing and location have not been determined. The third largest expenditure category is for park projects totaling $70.7 million, or 16.1 %, of the total. Park projects include acquisition and development of acreage within all quadrants of Carlsbad. Future park projects include: Northwest Quadrant Northeast Quadrant Park Acquisition and Development Community Center Larwin Park Development Cannon Lake Park Development Hosp Grove-Buena Vista Lagoon Recreational Improvements Park Acquisition and Development Southwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Poinsettia Park Phase II Zone 19 Park Development Zone 19 Park Community Center Alga Norte Park Development Alga Norte Pool Leo Carrillo Park Development In addition, a business park recreational facility in the industrial area is planned, as well as the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. Sewer projects total almost $61.9 million, and include the construction of the South Agua Hedionda interceptor, the VistdCarlsbad trunk line interceptor, cleaning and refurbishment of existing sewer lines and access holes, the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina parallel ocean outfall and cogeneration projects. The largest of these projects is the Vista/Carlsbad interceptor; construction will occur along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson Street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way, and is expected to span over several years. Water projects total about $40.3 million (9.2%) and include reservoir construction and improvements and recycled and potable pipelines. Some of the major areas in which these installations or upgrades are planned include segments of College Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane, El Fuerte, and along El Camino Real. The 1999-2000 to buildout CIP also includes funding for sea water desalination and other water resource development programs. Specific timing and cost estimates for all capital projects are identified in the Current and Future (1 999-2000 to Buildout) Projects schedule following the narrative. 206 .. . CAPITAL PROJECTS - THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Some of the major projects planned for the next five years are discussed below. Librarv Facilities - Construction of the South Carlsbad Library is over 80% complete, with the opening planned for September 1999. The Cole Library is scheduled to undergo remodeling upon the completion and opening of the new library in the south. Faraday Administrative Offices - The City currently has several administrative facilities located in different areas throughout the City which are no longer able to accommodate current and anticipated space needs. The Faraday Building is currently under construction, and will be used by staff from Public Works, Community Development, and Administrative Services. This consolidation will improve customer service by providing a single location to serve the development community. Relocation to the new building is planned for the fall of 1999, once construction is complete. In addition to improved customer service, it is expected the consolidation will improve efficiency and interdepartmental communication. Public Works Center - Design of a new Public Works Center is underway, and construction could begin in 1999-2000. This facility, located next to the Safety Center, will include a purchasing warehouse, general offices, and yard facilities for the Public Works Departments. Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course - Environmental permits are currently being processed for the City's 250 acre golf course located in the industrial corridor directly south of the future Veterans Memorial Park. Once approved, development of the golf course will proceed. - 'U Coastal Rail Trail - The Coastal Rail Trail is a non-motorized multi-modal trail in the railroad right-of-way between Oceanside and downtown San Diego. Once built, the trail will be 44 miles long and will accommodate bicycles, joggers, rollerbladers and skateboarders. The current CIP includes funding for construction of the section between the Oceanside Transit and Encinitas Coaster stations. Streets - Several large street construction projects are planned for the next 5 years as shown on the following map. The extensions of Cannon Road and Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue to Cannon are all located west of El Camino Real and are being constructed primarily as a result of residential developments in those areas. College Boulevard and Cannon Road extensions to the east and north, as well as Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive extensions, are located east of El Camino Real and will alleviate traffic on Palomar Airport Road. The widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe will improve regional and local traffic flow generated in the southern part of the City. 207 Proposed Major Road Projects RAILROAD MAJOR ROAD c PROJECTS Leo Carrillo Park - The master plan of Leo Carrillo Park is complete, and the development of phase two is scheduled to begin in 1999-2000 on this 10.5 acre site. Park development will consist of parking lots, restrooms, walkways and large group picnic facilities. The general theme for this park will be passive in nature with the option for interpretive programming . Northeast and Northwest Quadrant Parks - The City has accelerated plans for park facilities. In 1999-2000 there are plans to purchase land for future park sites in both the northeast and northwest quadrants, with development of those sites in the years to follow. These parks will include ball fields and other recreational amenities. Alga Norte Park - This park will include the development of 30 acres in the Southeast Quadrant with amenities such as ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, picnic areas, tot lots, restrooms and parking facilities. Design is planned for 2001-2002 with construction in the years to follow. Zone 19 Park - Construction is expected to begin in approximately three years on this 24 acre site located in the southwest quadrant north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. This park may include ball fields, soccer/football fields, basketball and tennis courts, tot lots, and picnic areas. 208 c 0 Poinsettia Park Phase II - Within the next five years, development of the final phase of Poinsettia Park is scheduled. Amenities may include a community center/gymnasium, enclosed soccer field, tot lots, picnic areas, a tennis complex, and additional parking. 0 South Carlsbad Villaae Storm Drain - Construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain from Oak Avenue to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon along the easterly portion of the northern San Diego railroad right-of-way will control flooding and standing water along its route. 0 South Aqua Hedionda Interceptor - This interceptor sewer includes a sewage lift station and force main, and will provide sewer service to those areas generally tributary to the south side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Construction will occur along Cannon Road from Leg0 Drive to El Camino Real and along Faraday Avenue from Cannon Road to the existing Faraday Avenue. The following phase will begin at Cannon Road and El Camino Real and proceed east to the Raceway Property. The design for this project has begun and will continue into next year; construction could begin in the following year (2000-200 1 ). 0 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor - The Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor project involves installation of a new and upgraded sewer trunk line through the downtown portion of Carlsbad to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The interceptor will run along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson Street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way. This project is required to handle buildout flows and replace deteriorated pipeline, and is funded in part by the City of Vista. SUMMARY The proposed 1999-2000 to Buildout CIP continues to reflect an aggressive plan for new facilities. It is being driven by the continued pace of development and the need to insure that facilities are available to service the developing areas as well as the current residents. Significant progress is being made to construct major traffic circulation projects in response to current and future development. Carlsbad’s philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities which meet, and at times exceed, Growth Management standards. Practices such as phasing projects over a period of years to match funding availability as well as maximizing the use of available resources, have been implemented in order to meet the needs of Growth Management. The 1999-2000 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitment of Carlsbad’s Council and staff to continue providing its residents with a better quality of life. 209 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carlsbad in 1986. The plan was established in an effort to manage development within the City by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan adopted has established precise standards for eleven public facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which standards have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Wastewater Treatment - Circulation - Fire - Water Distribution - Schools - Library - Parks - Drainage - Open Space - Sewer Collection The Plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance with the adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless each of the eleven public facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. The Growth Management Plan impacts both the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program. The detailed level of planning required by Growth Management has allowed Carlsbad’s Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements through buildout of the City. The timing of construction of facilities is governed by the rate of development and the 11 performance standards. New public facilities often require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the Operating Budget. Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the 1999-2000 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is assured. 210 -- CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY BILL 1600 (AB 1600) In 1987, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1600 (AB 1600) which set forth the process a city or county must follow to establish developer fees to finance public facilities. This legislation applies to fees established, increased, or imposed on or after January I, 1989, the effective date of the law. AB 1600 contains four general requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. A "nexus" or connection must be established between a development project or class of project and the public improvement being financed with the fee. All AB 1600 fees adopted by the City have met the nexus test. For example, Traffic Impact, Bridge and Thoroughfare District and Drainage Sewer Benefit Area Fees were all established under AB 1600. The fee must be segregated from the General fund. Carlsbad segregates all capital funds not only from the General fund, but also each classification of fee as well. Fees collected by a city or county must be spent or committed to a project within a five year period. Funds are viewed to be committed if they are programmed to be spent on a specific project@). If the money is not spent, findings must be made describing the continuing need for that money each fiscal year after the five years has expired. The City of Carlsbad commits the revenues from these fees through its Capital Improvement Program budget. This budget, which is adopted by the City Council, sets forth the City's Capital expenditure program from the current year to projected build out of the City. The expenditure plan is updated annually as part of the City's budget process. Refunds must be made only if the City cannot make the required findings. At this time, no refunds are due because the City's Capital Improvement Program commits all AB 1600 fees to projects to be constructed both in the current year and in the future. 21 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1998-99 JULY 1,1998 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED JUNE 30,1999 UNRESERVED ESTIMATED CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE PROJECTED FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES & OTHER BALANCE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,818.164 2,554,079 1,454.084 962.497 3,955,662 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13.16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HlGHWAY TRANSNET/BlKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #l CFDX2 * CFD#3 BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGEEANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG 8 E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER WATER - RECYCLED WATER 313,487 2,807,608 21,723,652 4,181,832 2.586.877 884.629 677,195 1,835,280 3,696,442 3,185,062 1,200.890 26.283 1,274.359 373,253 96,942 1,859,969 1,165,262 32,691.71 1 12,849.302 0 3,091.167 523,659 0 4 0 5,273,625 886.807 19,141,077 9,705,312 1,964,996 6,118,850 8,601,526 2.132.557 6,002,296 2.614.485 7.744 1,784,016 8,082,399 470.843 11 8.022 62,686 224,712 356,184 1,962,937 8.065.776 995,386 692 33.555 73,264 209.1 15 141,078 17,155,045 12,378,831 7,407,202 0 355.261 2.671.478 0 245,000 0 721,068 2,943,525 4,960.609 7,450,269 888,803 4.957,607 9,959,060 68.290 1,550,194 73,381 1,242,269 2.757.116 4,337.178 0 0 18.900 0 1,828,336 2,003,739 2,000,263 0 0 138,889 267,536 1,727,866 11,884,665 20,448.689 1,486.845 0 648,490 1,972.040 0 78,776 0 216.046 625.962 1,267,061 758.368 264,962 2,513,526 1,616,817 33,832 665,338 0 942,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 169,743 0 0 40,000 15,872 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 16.426 0 160,000 1.177.344 42,351 0 0 0 247,850 2,407,045 27,048,935 31 5,497 2,704.899 947,315 883.007 2.1 91,464 3,081,043 9,247,099 196,013 26,975 1,307.914 307,628 38,521 273,181 6,435,642 24,452.110 18,769,659 0 2.757,938 1,207,225 0 166.228 0 5,778,647 3,204,370 21,718,199 16,397,213 2,428.837 7,385.587 16,901.41 8 2,167.015 6,887,152 1,333,808 163,304,560 99,698,505 64,455,427 5.376543 193,171,095 ~. I 843,776 2.1 24,453 TOTAL * PROPOSED DISTRICTS. 212 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1999-2000 JULY 1,1999 PROJECTED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE REVENUES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,955.662 7,250.00C PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW __ PILAREA2NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/HlGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD P1 CFD M CFD #3 BTW CANNON ROAD WEST BTDW COLLEGECANNON FEDERAL GRANTS PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER -- I TRANSNETnOCAL __ _- BTWZ POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY - SDG&E WATER - RECYCLED WATER - 247.850 2,407.045 27,048.935 315,497 2,704,899 947,315 883,007 2,191,464 3,081,043 9,247.099 196.01 3 26,975 1,307,914 307,628 38.521 273,181 6.435.642 24.452.1 10 18,769,659 0 2,757.938 1,207,225 0 166.228 0 5,778.647 3,204,370 21,718.199 16,397,213 2,428,837 7,385,587 16,901.418 2,167,015 6,887,152 1.333.808 0 0 3.829,60E 228.01 1 804.632 133,56C 292,163 55,650 1,141,922 2,500,OOC 550,000 0 0 1,980,000 532,699 0 7,116,403 0 0 242,000 100,000 0 6,683,600 0 131,462 1,400,000 4,556,371 2,000,000 950,000 3.678.819 2,725,000 0 1,550.000 0 120,000 1998 - 99 CONTINUING NEW APPROPR. APPROPR. 3.577.568 6,686.50C 107,557 1,505,050 5,068,835 24.184 0 0 219,100 0 2,220,224 8,335.896 5,855 0 0 270,905 37,665 65.517 5,938,514 14.923,214 5,135.960 0 2,491.61 1 1,131.775 0 142.055 0 813,804 2,441,733 12,821,374 2,791,323 720,405 2,628,667 1,599,569 1,818.297 1,773,700 1.180.336 20,000 0 9,143,000 10,000 3,500,000 150,000 0 0 1,677,000 2,300,000 550,000 0 1,240.000 120,000 1,980,000 500,000 0 4,410,000 0 0 450.000 0 0 6,683,600 0 950,000 1,857,000 2,427,083 3,034.981 659,527 5,728,983 2,775,592 0 5,699,200 0 79.790.693 62.552.466 1999 - 00 TOTAL CIP APPROPR. 10,264.06e 127.557 14,211.835 34.184 3,500,000 150,000 21 9.1 00 0 3,897.224 10,635.896 555.855 0 390,905 2,017,665 565,517 5,938,514 19,333,214 5.1 35,960 0 2,94161 1 1,131,775 0 6,825,655 0 1,763,804 4,298,733 15,248,457 5,826,304 1,379,932 8,357,650 4,3751 61 1.81 8,297 7,472,900 1,180,336 142.343.1 59 1,505,050 1,240,ooa JUNE 30,2000 PROJECTED BALANCE 941,594 120,293 901,995 16,666,709 509,324 9,532 930.875 956,069 2,247,114 325,742 1,111,203 190.1 58 26.975 67,914 36,723 856 240,363 497,128 12,235,298 13,633,699 0 58,327 175.450 0 24,173 0 4,146,305 305,637 11,026,114 12,570,909 1,998,905 2,706,755 15,251,257 348,718 964,252 153.472 101.379.839 213 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1999-2000 1999-2000 FUND REVENUES REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 7,250,000 GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2.888.993 3,000,585 1,581,221 2,554,079 18,033 79,365 4,618.487 701,492 283,688 44,222 403.682 278,736 1.101.838 1.1 55,361 103 520.948 237,167 189,854 2,596.708 277,695 269,106 10.676.209 6,085,033 0 2,289,588 26,238 0 421,036 0 863,504 253 I 024 2,823.755 2.01 4,974 593,808 2,266,441 2,185,341 127,079 1,471,758 18.471 289,482 8,562.805 1,203,795 207,517 69,997 326,350 701,093 1,691,916 4.103,007 3,310,960 1,524 98,380 321,253 45,414 293,629 9.494,392 15,184,782 2,247,234 0 213.180 291,424 0 79,745 0 1,061,677 452,181 5,200.226 1,750.325 1,073.366 3,738,617 2,506.152 254,554 1,610.623 ~. ~ 1,352,547 2,471,355 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 32,542,382 49,227,405 70,456,647 99,698,505 50,551,902 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13 8 16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETLOCAL TRANSNETMIGHWAY TRANSNETlBlKE TRANSNETETP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #l CFD #2 CFW3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGUCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS (C.D,E.F) SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTW POINS. LN-AVIARA PM WATER - RECYCLED WATER 20,454 42.191 3,172,700 375,038 271.399 234,755 12,911 68,857 772,544 24.122 8.503 97 660,599 82,683 21 3.661 253,417 1.037.967 7,279.245 3,017,345 0 1,265,756 408.294 0 165.994 0 488,794 0 2,669.428 1,233.895 230,676 2,442,896 1,107,737 133,308 1,415,803 542.320 7,744 1,784,016 8,082,399 470,843 118,022 62.686 224,712 356.184 1,962.937 8,065.776 995,386 692 33,555 73.264 209,115 141.078 17,155,045 12,378,831 7,407,202 0 355,261 2,671,478 0 245,000 0 721,068 2,943,525 4,960,609 7,450,269 888,803 4,957,607 9,959,060 68,290 1,550,194 843.776 0 0 3,829,609 228.01 1 804,633 133,560 292,163 55,650 1,141,923 2,500.000 550,000 0 0 120.000 1,980,000 532,699 0 7,116.403 0 0 242,000 100,000 0 6,683,600 0 131,462 1,400,000 4,556,371 2,000,000 950.000 3,678,819 2,725,000 0 1,550,000 0 NOTE: REVENUES INCLUDE INTERFUND LOANS AND TRANSFERS. 214 -- e ClN OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE - 1996-1997 TO 1999-2000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 (1 ) FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,068,165 1,137,693 2,416,581 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13 L 16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE - PILAREA3SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL -_ TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD X1 CFD #2 CFB3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDM COLLEGUCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDGBE PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX _- BTW;! POINS. LN-AVIARA PM - WATER - RECYCLED WATER -- 26,780 252,506 1,285,908 0 0 0 301,226 0 275,234 786,134 499.666 498,066 0 251,114 2,516,379 261 279,582 3,540,881 255.722 0 83.345 17,505 421,302 0 484 0 1,334.650 187,625 151,251 2,447,648 2,170,009 20,795 462,810 19,705 768,416 474,493 28,638 0 0 3.449 0 926.582 1,751,812 1,732,856 0 0 13,684 74,694 35,816 9.994.978 5,235.076 670,688 0 589,053 246,276 0 79,475 0 255,507 98,843 1,395,000 608.373 115.641 2,595,405 1,937,045 540.536 343,806 73,381 2,184,579 2,757,116 4,337,178 0 0 18,900 0 2,578,336 2,003.739 2.000.263 0 0 138,889 267,536 1,727,866 11,884.665 20.618.432 1,486,845 0 688.490 1,987.912 0 78.776 0 216,046 625.962 2,383,487 758,368 424,962 3.690.870 1.659.168 33,832 665.338 OTHER 602,662 1,122,720 2,124,453 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 21,737.710 32,796,260 69,831,970 1999-2000 1999-2000 CONTINUING NEW TOTAL CIP 1998-99 APPROPR. APPROPR APPROPR. 3,577,568 6,686,500 10,264.06E 107,557 1,505,050 5,068,835 24.184 0 0 21 9,100 0 2,220,224 8,335.896 5.855 0 0 270,905 37,665 65,517 5,938,514 14,923,214 5.1 35,960 0 2,491,611 1.1 31,775 0 142.055 0 813,804 2,441.733 12,821,374 2,791,323 720,405 2,628,667 1,599.569 1,818.297 1,773.700 20,000 0 9,143,000 10,000 3,500,000 150,000 0 0 1,677,000 2,300,000 550,000 0 1,240,000 120,000 1,980,000 ~.OOo 0 4,410,000 0 0 450,000 0 0 6,683,600 0 950,000 1,857,000 2,427,083 3,034,981 659,527 5,728,983 2,775,592 0 5,699,200 0 127,557 1,505,05(3 14,211,835 34,184 3,500,OOC 219,100 0 3,897,224 10,635,896 555,855 0 1,240,000 390,905 2,017,665 565,517 5,938,514 19.333.214 5,135,960 0 2,941.61 1 1,131.775 0 6,825,655 0 1,763,804 4,298,733 15.248,457 5,826.304 1,379,932 8,357.650 4,375,161 1,818.297 7,472,900 150,000 1,180,336 1.1 80,336 79,790.693 62,552,466 142,343,159 -- (1) 1998-99 ESTIMATED AMOUNT INCLUDES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES L ENCUMBRANCES. 215 - H _I _. c c I €4 8 N - 216 .- C ? ; n $ a n ; L 2 z i i L L L z L I r < I t I 3 i n a a (T 21 7 I i 4 c U 1 6 x i 218 I I " I I I 2 s I: 1 r E 5 E 6 E I a I 6 3 i E I 2 c I i 0 I k g L ? z r r P : I I: i i I( a I ! 219 1 I 220 .._ 4 9 ii U a a" 331 i E I Ii I I I ? 222 ! 1 1 ! I I I ! ! ! ! i I i ! , i ! ! 1 i ! ! i 1 ! I 2 $ ! I ! ! ! ! ! I ! ! I I I ! I I ! ! I ! ! > > 4 i i ! I I I I I i t ! 1 ! , > ! I I ! i I i I ! ! ! ! i I ! ! ! I i I ) ! a a d 223 a r. r l. r ! ! i I I I i i ! i ! ! ! I I I ! , 2 Y p 1 a r i. I 9 ! i ! ! ! ! I 1 ! I I I ! i i I I 224 $ $ 3 ; i i 1 , , , , I ! ! I 1 i ! i ! ! I I ! I I i i I 1 , I ! ! I E U F C I ! I ! i ! > ! ! , s: Q: 0 a 225 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PUR ' Igg9 - 2ooo 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/99 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 378,094 7,250,000 6,686,500 941,594 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETlBlKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #l CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGWCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG & E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTM2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY SEWER BENEFIT AREA (C-D-E-F) WATER - RECYCLED WATER 140,293 901,995 21,980,100 291,313 2,704,899 947,315 663,907 2,191,464 860,819 91 1,203 190,158 . 26,975 1,307,914 36.723 856 207,664 497,128 9,528,896 13,633,699 0 266,327 75,450 0 24,173 0 4,964,843 762,637 8,896,825 13,605,890 1,708,432 4,756,920 15,301.849 348.718 5,113.452 OTHER 153,472 0 0 3,829.609 228,011 804.633 133,560 292,163 55,650 1,141,923 2,500,000 550,000 0 0 120,000 1,980,000 532,699 0 7,116,403 0 0 242,000 100,000 0 6,683,600 0 131,462 1,400,000 4,556,371 2,000,000 950,000 3,678.819 2,725,000 0 1,550,000 n 20,000 0 9,143,000 10,000 3,500,000 150,000 0 0 1,677,000 2,300,000 550,000 0 1,240,000 120,000 1,980,000 500,000 0 4,410,000 0 0 450,000 0 0 6,683,600 0 950,000 1,857,000 2,427,083 3,034,981 659,527 5,728,983 2,775,592 0 5,699,200 n 120,293 901,995 16,666,709 509,324 9,532 930,875 956,069 2,247,114 325,742 1.1 11,203 1 90,158 26.975 67,914 36,723 856 240,363 497,128 12,235,298 13,633,699 0 58,327 175,450 0 24,173 0 4,146,305 305,637 11,026.1 14 12,570,909 1,998,905 2,706,755 15.251.257 348,718 964,252 - - 153,472 TOTAL 113.380.402 50.551.902 62.552.466 101.379.839 (1) BEGINNING BALANCE ON 7/1/99 IS NET OF CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS. 226 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT FUR 2ooo - I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2000 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 941,594 1,750,000 1,786,000 905,594 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTWW COLLEGUCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTW POINS. LN-AVIARA PKW WATER - RECYCLED WATER 'y 120,293 901,995 16,666.709 509,324 9,532 930.875 956,069 2,247,114 325,742 1,111,203 1 90,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 240.363 497,128 12,235,298 13,633,699 0 58,327 175,450 0 24,173 0 4,146,305 305,637 1 1,026,114 12,570,909 1,998,905 2,706,755 15,251,257 348,718 964,252 153.472 0 0 3,333,871 118,000 351,907 198,949 296,336 555,650 893,084 1,900,000 0 755,000 0 0 104,000 44,334 0 6,451.766 0 500,000 197,360 2,000,000 0 5,024.000 700,000 565,034 3,400,000 6,051,232 1,300,000 150,000 3,149,716 2,025,000 0 1,600,000 1.210.000 20,000 0 4,689,000 0 0 150,000 0 2,800,000 672,000 1,700,000 0 755,000 0 0 104,000 0 0 110,000 5.702.400 500.000 200,000 0 0 5,024,000 700,000 260,000 3,391,000 3,918,552 4,206,645 1,059,527 1,561,226 7,796,424 0 745,900 1,210,000 100,293 901,995 15,311,580 627,324 361,439 979,824 1,252,406 2,764 546,826 1,311,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 284,697 497,128 18,577,064 7,931,299 0 55,687 2,175,450 0 24,173 0 4,451,339 314,637 13,158.793 9,664.264 1,089,378 4,295,245 9,479,833 348.718 1,818,352 153.472 227 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PUR 2aa' - 2aa2 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2001 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 905,594 1,700,000 1,664,625 940,969 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNN GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #l CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#4 COLLEGWCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDGBE PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 100,293 901,995 15,311,580 627,324 361,439 979,824 1,252,406 2,764 546,826 1,311,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 284,697 497,128 18,577,064 7,931.299 0 55,687 2,175,450 0 24,173 0 4,451,339 314,637 13,158,793 9,664,264 1,089,378 4,295,245 9,479,833 348,718 1,818,352 0 0 3,754,316 60,000 497,630 825,383 304,684 55.650 963,134 2,000,000 905,000 0 0 0 0 18,982 0 6,987,748 757,781 6,180,000 1,216,400 400,000 1,200,000 0 0 692,945 400.000 2,226,126 1,300,000 150,000 3,601,716 2,025,000 0 1.650.000 20,000 0 4,339,000 0 600,000 1,800,000 0 0 447,000 1,700,000 905,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,810,000 8,686,673 6,180,000 1.200,000 0 1.200,000 0 0 1,600.000 355,000 6,559,991 1,141,835 159.527 2,549,808 1,515,202 0 362,000 80,293 901,995 14,726.896 687,324 259.069 5,206 1,557,089 58,414 1,062,960 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 19,754,812 2,407 0 72.087 2,575,450 0 24,173 0 3,544,284 359,637 8,824,928 9,822,429 1,079,851 5,347,153 9,989,631 348,718 3,106.352 OTHER 153,472 3,000,000 3,000,000 153,472 TOTAL 96,943,403 42,872,495 51,795,661 88,020,237 228 .- CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PAR 2o02 - 2003 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2002 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 940,969 700,000 433,000 1,207,969 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 Nw PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETlBlKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTWW COLLEGECANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 80,293 901,995 14,726,896 687,324 259,069 5,206 1,557,089 58,414 1,062,960 1,611,203 190,158 26.975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 19,754,812 2,407 0 72,087 2,575,450 0 24,173 0 3,544,284 359,637 8,824,928 9,822,429 1,079,851 5,347,153 9,989,631 348,718 3,106,352 153.472 0 0 3,490,008 106,341 496,080 225,383 303,293 23,651 1,019,007 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,348,161 (0) 0 783.600 95,000 10,645,000 0 0 1,063,490 400,000 2,163,316 1,300,000 150,000 3,407,609 2,025.000 0 1,700,000 0 20,000 0 2,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 447,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 0 0 500,000 0 10,645,000 0 0 2,600.000 0 5,888,262 691,835 159.527 1,514,682 1,635,178 0 250,000 0 60,293 901,995 16,166,904 793,665 755,149 230.589 1,860,382 82,066 1,634,967 1,611,203 1 90,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 25.992.974 2,407 0 355,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 2,007,774 759,637 5,099,962 10,430,594 1,070,324 7,240,081 10,379,453 348,718 4,556,352 153.472 -- TOTAL 88,020,237 38,144,939 28,644,484 97,520,692 229 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PtAR 2003 - 2004 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2003 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,207,969 1,100,000 1,313,000 994,969 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNETIHIGWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGEKANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 60,293 901,995 16.166.904 793,665 755,149 230,589 1,860,382 82,066 1,634,967 1,611,203 190,158, 26,975 67.914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 25,992,974 2,407 0 355,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 2,007,774 759.637 5,099,982 10,430,594 1,070.324 7,240,081 10,379,453 348,718 4,556,352 0 0 2,259,351 108,000 159,676 225,383 304,684 23,651 774,753 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,428,836 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 1,101,717 400,000 1,426,594 1,300,000 200,000 2,379,524 2,025,000 0 1,750,000 20,000 0 11,678,000 0 0 0 0 0 447,000 1,700.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.191.472 861.835 159,527 2,530,428 1,796,272 0 0 40,293 901,995 6,748,255 901,665 914,825 455,971 2,165,066 105,717 1,962,721 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497.128 31.31 1,810 2,407 0 855,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 3,109,492 1,159.637 335,104 10,868,759 1.1 10,797 7,089.1 77 10,608.1 81 348,718 6,306,352 OTHER 153,472 0 0 153,472 TOTAL 97.520.692 23.1 67.169 26.807.534 93.880.327 230 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT PR 2004 - 2009 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 711 I2004 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 994.969 4,310,000 2,165,000 3,139,969 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 Nw PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNETMIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDW COLLEGUCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY WATER - RECYCLED WATER 40,293 901,995 6,748,255 901,665 914.825 455,971 2,165,066 105.71 7 1,962,721 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 31,311,810 2,407 0 855,687 2,670,450 0 24,173 0 3,109,492 1,159,637 335,104 10,868,759 1,110,797 7,089,177 10,608,181 348,718 6,306,352 0 0 16,573,633 61 5,337 697,613 1,520,636 1,275,776 395,115 4,686.500 8,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,322,590 0 0 2,500,000 1,500,000 0 0 900,000 3,715,653 2,000.000 8,274,598 6,500,000 1,000,000 12,279,854 10,125,000 0 8,500,000 0 0 0 23,275,000 0 0 600,000 2,550,000 500.000 3,985,000 8,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,933,500 0 0 3,226,800 2,000,000 0 0 900,000 110,000 0 5.405.716 2,973,309 797,635 8,031,000 2,874,000 0 555,000 0 40,293 901,995 46,888 1,517.002 1,612,438 1,376,608 890,842 832 2,664,221 1.61 1,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36.723 856 303,679 497.128 5,700.899 2,407 0 128,887 2,170,450 0 24,173 0 6,715,145 3.1 59,637 3,203,986 14,395.450 1,313,162 11,338.031 17,859.1 81 348,718 14,251.352 153.472 OTHER 153,472 TOTAL 93,880,327 108,692,305 106,881,960 95,690,673 23 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT 009 to Buildout 1 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2009 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,139,969 3,000,000 4,763,000 1,376,969 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNET/HlGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETBTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #l CFD #2 CFD #3 BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDM COLLEGEKANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDGLE PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTM POINS. LN-AVIARA PW WATER - RECYCLED WATER 40,293 901,995 46,888 1.51 7,002 1,612,438 1,376,608 890,842 832 2,664,221 1,611,203 190,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497,128 5,700,899 2,407 0 128,887 2,170,450 0 24,173 0 6,715,145 3,159,637 3,203.986 14,395.450 1,313,162 11,338,031 17,859,181 348,718 14,251,352 0 1,000,000 16,921,289 373,977 1,370,421 2,724,068 527,284 669,191 7,717,007 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,412,839 (0) 0 1.200,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 7,646,625 9,700,000 10,541,724 20,900,000 2,200,000 16,359,445 22,275,000 0 20,700,000 n 0 1,765,200 16.391.000 1.840,ooo 2,980,000 3,425,000 1,410,000 565,000 10,364,000 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,104,500 0 0 514,000 3,664,000 0 0 0 14,265,000 6,600,000 6,675,079 6,575,266 2,369,007 0 0 0 13,325,000 0 40,293 136,795 577,176 50,979 2,859 675,675 8,126 105,023 17,228 1,611,203 190.158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303,679 497.128 9,239 2.407 0 814,887 6,450 0 24,173 0 96.770 6,259,637 7,070,631 26,720,184 1,144,155 27.697,475 40,134,181 348.718 21,626,352 OTHER 153,472 153,472 TOTAL 95.690.673 154.538.869 110.395.052 139,834,490 232 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1999 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 378,094 19,810,000 18.81 1,125 fl FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING 1,376,969 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETlBlKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #1 CFD #2 CFD #3 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGUCANNON FEDERAL GRANTS SDGBE PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PW WATER - RECYCLED WATER 140,293 901,995 21,980,100 291.31 3 2,704,899 947,315 663,907 2,191,464 860,819 91 1,203 190,158 26,975 1,307,914 36,723 856 207,664 497,128 9,528,896 13,633,699 0 266,327 75,450 0 24,173 0 4,964,843 762,637 8,896,825 13,605,890 1,708,432 4,756,920 15,301,849 348,718 5.1 13,452 0 1,000,000 50,162,077 1,609,666 4 I 377,959 5,853,360 3,304,219 1,778,559 17,195,410 18,600,000 1,455,000 755,000 0 120,000 2,084,000 596,015 0 52,068,343 757,781 6,680,000 6,639,360 5,595,000 11,845,000 11,707,600 1,600,000 14,916.927 17,700,000 35,239,961 34,600,000 4,800.000 44,856,682 43,225,000 0 37,450,000 100,000 1,765,200 71.565.000 1,850,000 7,080,000 6,125,000 3,960,000 3,865,000 18,039,000 17,9OO,OOO 1,455,000 755,000 1,240,000 120,000 2,084,000 500.000 0 61,588,000 14,389,073 6,680.000 6,090,800 5,664,000 1 1,845,000 11,707,600 1,600,000 19,785,000 12,203,000 37,066,155 19,485,706 5,364,277 21,916,127 18.392.668 0 20,937,100 4.210.000 4.21 0.000 OTHER 153,472 TOTAL 113,380,402 462,592,919 436.1 38,831 139,834,490 40,293 136,795 577,176 50,979 2,859 675.675 8.126 105,023 17,228 1,611,203 1 90,158 26,975 67,914 36,723 856 303.679 497,128 9.239 2,407 0 814,887 6,450 0 24,173 0 96,770 6,259,637 7,070,631 28.720.184 1,144.1 55 27,697,475 40,134.181 21,626,352 153.472 34a.718 233 I GLOSSARY OF CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES I Assessments Districts (ASMT DlST) - Capital projects financed by the issuance of Assessment District bonds. Projects include street construction and improvements to Alga Road, Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard, Carlsbad Ranch, and La Costa Downs. Bridge and Thoroughfare Districts -(BTD #2, #3 and proposed BTW) Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 3 developer fees to partially fund Cannon Road improvements. Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 developer fees to partially fund the Poinsettia Lane and Alga Road street construction project. Proposed BTDM would be used to finance College Boulevard east of El Camino Real and a section of Cannon Road. CFD #I - The City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District No. 1 (Mello-Roos) funds civic projects, 1-5 interchanges, and road segments. CFD #2 - The proposed City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District No. 2 will fund widening and other improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road. CFD #3 - The proposed City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District No. 3 will fund Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive extensions. Countv Grants (COUNTY) - County contributions partially fund Palomar Airport Road improvements adjacent to McClellan/Palomar Airport, and Orion Street from El Camino Real to Faraday. Federal Grants (FED GRNT) - Projects funded from Federal Grants include the Coastal Rail Trail and the Bridge on Rancho Santa Fe Road North. Gas Tax - Gas Tax funding for street projects are received under the Streets & Highways Code of the State of California. General Capital Const. (GCC) - General Capital Construction funds, created through fund transfers from the City's General Fund and the receipt of license taxes on new construction, are used to fund various municipal and other capital projects. Golf Course - The Golf Course Enterprise Fund is used to pay for construction of the City's Municipal Golf Course. Other - Contributions from other agencies or nearby cities fund projects including the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor construction, and several street improvements. Park in Lieu (PILI - Park in Lieu Fees are charged to developers for park acquisition and development. PIL fees are segregated by quadrant to fund park projects: PIL Area I NW, PIL Area 2 NE, PIL Area 3 SW, and PIL Area 4 SE. Planned Local Drainage (PLD) - Drainage facilities necessitated by growth are paid from developer Planned Local Drainage Fees. 234 Public Facilities Fees (PFF) - Public Facilities Fees are charged to developers to fund civic facilities, park development, streets, traffic signals, and other facilities. Public Art - The General Fund contributes 1% of General Capital Construction (GCC) project appropriations to fund Public Art projects. SDG&E - San Diego Gas & Electric Company installs underground utilities within the City boundaries. Sewer Benefit Area Fees (SEWER BENEF) - Development fees collected for the construction and improvement of interceptor systems located within specific Benefit Areas. Sewer Connection (SEWER CONN) - Development fees include Sewer Connection charges for expansion of sewer lines and facilities. Sewer Redacement (SEWER REPL) - Sewer Replacement is part of sewer user fees and pays for repair and replacement of the City's existing sewer system. State Grants (ST GRANT) - State Grants include funding for the Coastal Rail Trail and Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge replacement. Tax Increment Bond (REDVL BONDS) - Property taxes generated by increases in assessed values in the Redevelopment project area. Funds are used to repay Tax Increment Bonds and finance land acquisition and project construction in the downtown Village district. TDA - City street and bicycle projects receive funding from Transportation Development Act sales tax receipts. Traffic ImDact Fees (TIF) - Developer Traffic Impact Fees are used for various street construction and improvement projects. TransNet (TRNSNT/BIKE, /HWY. /LOCAL, /STP) - Receipts of County Sales Taxes allocated by the San Diego Regional Transportation Commission finance various bicycle, freeway interchange, and local road improvement projects. Water Connection (WATER CONN) - Development fees include Major Facility Fees used to fund expansion of water lines and various water projects. Water Replacement (WATER REPLl - Water Replacement funds are included in water utility rates and pay for the repair and replacement of existing water lines and facilities. Water Recvcled (RECL WATER) - Recycled Water is purified wastewater to be used for irrigation purposes. Zone 5, 13, 16 Park Fee (ZONE 5) - Fees paid by development in Local Facilities Management Zones 5, 13, and 16 will fund the proposed Business Park Recreational Facility in the City's industrial corridor. 235 1 APPENDICES CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNED CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1999-2000 -. Org Key Department Itern Description QtY Cost [GENERAL FUND I 0010210 CITY CLERK - 0011010 CITY MANAGER _- _. 001 1210 CITY AlTORNEY -- 001 11 10 ADMIN SERVICES -. 001 1310 FINANCE Folder/lnserter Machine 1 4,000 Subtotal City Clerk 4,000 Computer Laser Printer 3 7,500 1 1,500 Modular Office Furniture 3 18,000 Subtotal City Manager 27,000 Ergonomic Office Systems desk & credenza 1 7,000 Laser Printer 1 1,000 Subtotal City Attorney 8,000 Fax Machine 1 1,000 Copier 1 11,000 Electronic White Boards 2 7,000 Subtotal Purchasing 19,000 Modular Furniture 1 4,000 Computer 1 2,500 Subtotal Finance 6,500 TOTAL LEADERSHIP GROUP & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES s 64,500 0012120 POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS Marked Police Vehicles 3 91,000 800 mHz Radio 2 7,000 High Volume fax machine 1 1,500 Subtotal Police Operations 99,500 _-- 0012121 TRAFFIC DIVISION 00 1 2 1 30 I NVESTl GAT1 ON S - Computer 1 2,500 Subtotal Traffic Division 2,500 Computer 1 2.500 Subtotal Investigations 2,500 -. 0012133 POLICE PROPERTY/EVIDENCE Replacement property & evidence computer system 1 30,000 Subtotal Police PropertylEvidence 30,000 0012140 POLICE SUPPORT OPERATIONS Computer 1 3,000 Subtotal Police Support Operations 3,000 0012141 DARE 0012145 POLICE RECORDS __ - 0012210 FIRE ADMINISTRATION 800 mHz Radio 1 3,500 Patrol Vehicle 1 31,000 Subtotal DARE 34,500 Fax Machine 1 1,500 Subtotal Police Records 1,500 Annual payment for phase I of 800mhz system Computer 1 80,000 1 2,500 Modular Furniture to replace relocated furniture 2 17,000 Subtotal Fire Administration 99,500 237 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNED CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1999-2000 Org Key Department Item Description QtY 0012220 FIRE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Color laser printer 1 Laptop Computer Computers Command modules for duty chiefs Expedition vehicles Storage racks for new Building Rescue trailer Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Emergency light bars for new Expedition Vehicles Vehicle Circular Saw 0012225 FIRE PREVENTION Cost 4,500 4,000 7,500 9,000 - 3,000 6,500 5,620 5,000 25,000 1.000 Modular Furniture 2 11,000 Subtotal Fire Emergency Operations 82,120 Computer 1 2,500 Subtotal Fire Prevention 2,500 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 5 357,620 0014065 ARTS OFFICE Office Furniture 5 38,000 Subtotal Arts Office 38,000 0014515 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED Cargo Van 1 17,750 Systems Furniture 3 15,000 Paper Folder 1 6,800 Subtotal Recreation Fee Supported 39,550 0014520 RECREATION AQUATICS 120 Gallon water heater 1 3,000 Safe Surfacing for area under 3 meter diving board 336 sq. f 4,000 Picnic Tables/Umbrellas 2 4,800 Shade and rain protection structures 1 3,500 0014540 RECREATION OPERATIONS 0014570 SENIOR PROGRAMS Membership Pass Management System 1 3,500 Subtotal Recreation Aquatics 18,800 Score Board Control System 1 1,700 Volleyball Standards 2 4,400 Subtotal Recreation Operations 6,100 Photocopier 1 11,000 Furniture 1 5,000 Computer 1 2,500 . Subtotal Senior Programs 18,500 0016010 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN Multi-Media projector 1 7,500 Subtotal Public Works Admin 7,500 001 571 0 ENGINEERING 0015060 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Modular Furniture 1 20,000 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles 3 78,500 Computer 1 2,500 800 mHz Radio 2 6,000 - Subtotal Engineering 107,000 Wndsor Grouthog Carpet Vac Floor Machine Burnisher 1 1,020 3 2,100 2 2,300 1 1,800 Carpet Blower 6 1,200 Subtotal Facilities Maintenance 8,420 238 CITY OF CARLSBAD -- PLANNED CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1999-2000 .r - Org Key Department Item Description QtY cost 0015020 PARKS MAINTENANCE Verti-cut Reels 5 13,000 Irrigation Booster Pump 1 25,000 Subtotal Parks Maintenance 38,000 - 0016355 STREET MAINTENANCE Tilt Trailer 1 5,000 Vinyl Plotter 1 5,500 Pavement Message Grinder 1 6,700 Subtotal Street Maintenance 17,200 _.. -_ .. 001 6370 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE Emergency Battery Back-up system 3 10,500 Subtotal Street Maintenance 10,500 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS t 188,620 0013210 PLANNING HP Design 755CM Plotter, with Arcpress 1 7,290 Subtotal Planning 7,290 0013610 BUILDING INSPECTION Computer 1 2,500 Subtotal Building Inspection 2,500 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT t 9,790 mOTAL GtNERAL I-UND S 741.480 I 12121 10 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE Laptop Computers 50 100,000 Subtotal Police Asset Fofeiture 100,000 TOTAL POLICE -ASSET FORFEITURE t 100,000 1814001 LIBRARY - PLF GRANT 11 Drawer Microfilm Cabinet 1 1,535 Minivan for new library 1 22,650 Subtotal Library PLF Grant 24,185 TOTAL LIBRARY - PLF GRANT t 24,185 5015710 UTILITY ENGINEERING File Cabinets 1 10,000 Subtotal Utility Engineering 10,000 TOTAL UTILITY ENGINEERING t 10,000 5016310 WATER OPERATIONS Laptop Computer Air Compressor, truck-mounted Leak detector Ammonia Analyzer Chlorine Vacuum Regular Chlorine Gas Detector Mentron-Famier Single-Jet Meters Ton super Duty Flatbed Hydraulic Valve Operator 800 mHz Radio 4,500 2,500 3,000 10,000 10,000 6,000 40,000 45,000 4,000 Data Pac 1 30,000 Subtotal Water Operations 155,000 5026310 RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS Truck Computer 1 17,500 1 2,500 800 mHz Radio 1 4,000 Subtotal Recycled Water Operations 24,000 TOTAL WATER OPERATIONS t 179,000 239 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNED CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1999-2000 Org Key Department Item Description QtY Cost 5116310 SANITATION Laptop Computer 1 5,000 Sewage Flow Machine Lift Station Dialers Gas Detector Hydraulic Vertical Shoring - 8 Rails 'Whacker" Soil Compaction Rammer 1 6,000 1 2,500 1 3,000 1 4,000 1 3,000 Video Inspection Equipment - Sewer Lateral Camera 1 9,000 Subtotal Sanitation 32,500 TOTAL SANITATION $ 32,500 6205060 FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Two-post in ground hydraulic lift w/ 400001b lifting capacity 1 50,000 20,000 Subtotal Fleet Vehicle Maintenance 70,000 Two-post in ground hydraulic lift w/ 150001b lifting capacity 1 6215061 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Police Patrol Vehicles 8 224,000 Full Size Sedans 2 50,000 Intermediate Sedans 12 192,000 Full Size 4x4 Utility Vehicles 5 150,000 Intermediate 4x4 Utility Vehicles 4 100,000 Mini Vans 4 84,000 Full Size Cargo Van 1 20,000 1/2 ton Pickup 2 36,000 314 Ton Pick Up 1 24,000 1 Ton Cab 8 Chassis -Dump 2 56,000 1 Ton Cab 8 Chassis -Utility 2 50,000 Triple Combination Fire Truck 1 300,000 Full Size Motorcycle 1 15,000 Mid Size Off Road Motorcycle 1 9,000 Crane Truck 1 90,000 Skipoader 1 55,000 Large Tractor 1 25,000 Cushman 1 13,000 Berm Machine 1 6,000 Large Stumpcutter 1 24,000 Olathe Seeder 1 7,000 Subtotal Vehicle Replacement 1,630.000 Large Riding Mowers 3 90,000 Lowboy Trailer 1 10,000 TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 8 REPLACEMENT $ 1,700,000 1 64001710 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ethernet Switches for City Hall and CMWD 4 29,100 WAN communication Equipment 4 30,000 Router upgrades for City Hall (Faraday) and the Safety Center 2 12,400 Replace file servers at City Hall and Safety Center 2 28,900 U N IX testlDevelopment server 1 42.000 Network Management workstation 1 5,400 Web sewer 1 15,000 Multi Media Projector for Faraday 1 12,500 Computers for IS Employees 6 16,000 Additional Computers for Faraday computer training room 6 15,000 Subtotal Information Systems 235,400 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS $ 235,400 Printer for Faraday Office (Color and Monochrome) 2 9,100 Laptop Computers 5 20,000 I SPtCIAL $ 2,281,085 1 I GRANDTOTAL S 3.022.565 I 240 I CITY OF CARLSBAD CONFERENCE TRAVEL 1999-00 # OF ORG KEY DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION PEOPLE DESTINATION 0010110 CITY COUNCIL League of CA Cities Annual Conference 5 San Jose Natl League of Cities Annual Conf & Mtgs whgislators Meetings with State Legislators 2 Saaamento Innovations Group Annual Conference 2 Out of State 4 Washington, D.C. 0010210 CITY CLERK CCAC Annual Conference 1 Northem California IlMC Annual Conference 1 Rotterdam. Netherland League of CA Cities Eladion 8 New Law Seminar 1 Monterey 0010310 CITY TREASURER Briefing of Local Agency Investment Fund (UIF) 1 Sacramento Municipal Treasurers' Assoc of USCAN Conference 1 SanDiego 0011010 CITY MANAGER League of CA Citiis City Manager's Conference 3 PalmSprings League of CA Cities Annual Conference 3 San Jose League of CA Cities Divisional Conference 1 Monterey Transforming Local Government Group 1 Out of State ICMA Annual Conference 1 Portland.OR Legislative Trips to Saaamento (10 trips) 1 Saaamento Legislative Meetings with Cwncil(2 trips) 1 Washington DC Innovation Group Meehgs 4 Both In 8 Out of State Innovation Group Conference 2 SantaClara Mayof's 8 Manager's Meeting (Ctty sponson our meeting) 1 Local Insight 2000 10 Local Charting Your Future 1 SanDiegO 001 11 10 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMlN League of CA Cities City Managets Conference 1 PabnSprings Transforming Local Government 1 OutofState Legislative Trips to State Capital (2 trips) 1 Sacramento ICMA Annual Conference 1 Portland,OR ICMA Performance Measurement Conference 2 OutofState Innovation Gmup Conference 2 SantaClara Innovation Group Meetings 1 OutofState 0011210 CITY ATTORNEY Associatin of California Water Agencies (2 mwtis) 1 Smento Int'l Municipal Lawyers' Associatii Annual Conlrence 1 Toronto lnt'l Municipal Lawyers' Assoc Mid-Year Confrence 1 Washington, D. C. League of CA C)ih Annual Meeting 2 San Jose League Employee Relations Seminar 1 SouthemCA League City Attorneys Conference 2 SouthernCA League Planners Institute I Monterey League Continuing Education WorkshopIConflid of Interest 1 LosAngeles SDICCAA Spring Meeting 3 PalmSprings Construdibn Seminars 1 Local HabitatlConsewation 1 Saaamento 0011310 FINANCE League Financial Mgt. Conference CSMFO Conference CMBTA Conference Revenue 0ni1 Conference BiTech User Group Conference IFAS site visit 2 Monterey 2 SouthemCalifornia 1 California 1 Caliornia 2 San Antonio, TX 2 OutofState 0011410 PURCHASING Annual CAPPO Conference 3 SanDiego CONFERENCE TRAVEL REQUEST 2.400 71 1,050 2.800 5.000 5.000 23,550 8,800 500 2,250 1,800 2,000 M)o 1,950 1 ,000 350 1,125 900 450 12,925 1.800 1.550 700 625 1,950 -7 7.575 24 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CONFERENCE TRAVEL 1999-00 ORG KEY DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION 0011510 HUMAN RESOURCES CALPERIA Annual Conference Organizational Development Network Conference League of California Cities Conference University Asmates Training Conference Bi-Tech Software User Group Conference Western Intergovernmental Personnel Assessment Council Western Intergovernrnental Personnel Assessment Council Workers Comp Seminars Conference-Related Expenses for other City Staff # OF PEOPLE DESTINATION 2 Monterey 1 Out of Slate 2 California 1 California 1 San Antonio, TX 1 Sacramento 1 Reno.NV Varies Various (incl. out of state) Varies Various 0012110 POLICE ADMINISTRATION Cal Chiefs Annual Conference League of CA Cities Annual Conference Innovation Group Conference International Associalion of Chiefs of PNi 1 Monterey 1 SanFrancisco 1 SantaClam 1 Charolotte.NC 0012120 POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS FBI National Academy 1 Quantii.VA FBI National Academy CA Chapter Re-Training conference 1 NewportBeach 0012130 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS Homicide Investigators Conference Suspect and/or Witness Interviews 2 SanDiO Varies Various (Incl out of state) 0012131 POLICE WCWRCOTICS California Namcdi o(Tcers Association Annual Conference 2 sacramento Varies Various (Ind out of state) 0012134 POLICE FAMILY SERWCES California Sexual Assaull Investigators Associati Annual Confr 1 Shell Beach 0012140 POLICE SUPPORT OPERATIONS Government tech Conference 1 Saaamento 1 Various (Incl out of state) California Police Training Ofticets Confennee 1 NorthemCalifornia 0012142 CRIME PREVENTION CCPOA Annual Regional Training conference CCPOA Annual Statewide Training Conference 1 SantaBarbara 1 Ontario ~~ 0012144 COMMUNICATION CENTER California Natial Emargency Number Asooaati 1 LongBeach 0012145 POLICE RECORDS CLEARS Conference CCUG Conference 1 ventura 1 Sacramento 0012210 FIRE ADMINISTRATION Calimia Fire Chiefs Associati Conference 1 International Fire Chiefs' Conference 1 League of CA Cities Fire Chiefs' Conference 1 League of CA Cities Fire Chiefs' Admin Comm 1 Quarterly Fire ChieCs Meetings 1 Annual League of Cities Conference Executive Fire OrTicer Symposium 1 Municipal Mgmt Assist of So CA Annual Conference Innovation Groups regional Conference 2 1 1 California Louisville. KY Monterey California San Dqo County California Emmitsburg. MD Rancho Mirage California 4 San Jose 0012220 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Fire Instructors Workshop Fall Symposium (CFCA Training Win) 2 Fresno 242 CONFERENCE TRAVEL w l--I 600 1 .00 2.00 1 .w 1 ,o(h 3.w 15.W 3.000 I 7MI 1.251 70 1.m i:7wI 3,200 ::q 3.m 6501 BOSl 1,60( 1,150 61C 47c 4 40f 1.2J 42: 6.7M CITY OF CARLSBAD CONFERENCE TRAVEL 1999-00 # OF ORG KEY DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION PEOPLE DESTINATION South Area Fire Equipment Research South Area Fire Equipment Research Journal of Emerg Medical Services Conference 1 Clark County, NV 1 Ph0enix.N 2 Out of State 0012225 FIRE PREVENTION CA Chiefs' Fire Prevention Officers' Assn Conference 1 Monterey 0012240 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Caliornia emergency Service Assocjatin Annual Conference 1 California 0013010 COM DEV ADMlN League of CA Clies 1 San Jose Innovation Group Conference 2 SantaClara Various Conferences or Meetings 1 Caliomia 0013310 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. SYSTEM Arcllnfo Users Conference UREA California GIS Conference 1 Sacramento 1 Palmsprings 0013510 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT League of CA Cities 1 SanJose CALED Conference 1 SouthemCalifornia Miscellaneous - Out of State 3 Outofstate 0013210 PLANNING Amarican Planning Assodation State Conference 1 No. California Pmls Plus U&s GWD Conference 1 Reno.NV 0013610 BUILDING INSPECTION lnrl Conf of Bldg Offtcials Annual Business Mtg Annual Business Meeting Sierra "Pennls" Annual Conference 0014010 COLE LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION CA Library Assoc Annual Conferenca 3 Palmsprings 0014030 LIBRARY -CENTRO CA Library Ass= Annual Conference 1 PalmSprings 0014040 TECHNICAL SERVICES INLEX Users Group Annual Conference 2 Monterey Calimia Library Assodatin Conference 3 Palmsprings DRA Users Conference 2 St. Louis, MO 0014045 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Annual CLA Conference 1 Palmsprings 0014055 ADULT LEARNING So CA Library Literacy Network Annual Conf 8 Rebeat 1 Lakemead 0014070 S. LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION League of CA Cities Comm Svcs Conference League of CA Cities Annual Conference CA Library Associati Annual Conference American Library Association Annual Conference CA Library Association Legislatie Day CA Library Associatiin Legislatiie Day CA Library Association Annual Conference Board of Trustees Travel 1 Monterey 1 SanJose 1 PalmSprings 1 Chicago. IL 1 Sacramento 2 Sacramento 3 Palm Springs CONFERENCE TRAVEL REQUEST 1,265 7,000 3.400 725 I 243 # OF ORG KEY DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION PEOPLE DESTINATION 0014076 S LIBRARY -REFERENCE SERVICES CA Library Associatlon Annual Conference 4 PalrnSpnngs 0014095 S. LIBRARY -CHILDREN'S SERVICES Patricia Bealty CommMee CIA Conference 1 PalrnSpnngs Patricia Beatty Committee Annual Meeting 1 Sacramento 99-00 CONFERENCF- TRAVEL REQUEST 1.800 1 .8C 0014065 ARTS OFFICE Americans for the Arts Annual Conference 1 Los Angeles League of CA Cities Comm Svcs Conference 1 Monterey League of CA CPes Annual Conference 1 SanJose I 0014066 SISTER CITY Annual Sister Ci Conference 4 San Bernardino 75 I 650 89- 00 I 7501 0014510 PARK PLANNING 8 REC MGMT American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conf. 1 Boston, MA CA Parks and Recreatii Society Annual Conference 1 Ontario I 1.201 77! League of CA Comm Svcs Conference 3 Monterey 2.850 4,825 I 0014520 AQUATICS California Parks and Reaeatiion Annual Conference 1 SanDiego I 5M 0014540 RECREATION OPERATIONS Natiial Recreation and Parks Asscciatii Conference 1 SanDiego California Parks and Reaeatii Sackty conference 1 Ontario I "I 6cn 1,m 2,150 2 SanDego 0014570 SENIOR PROGRAMS National Council on Aging Conference 1 Washington. DC I 1 ,am 400 2,200 American Society on Aging Conference 0015020 PARK MAINTENANCE CA Parks 8 Reaeation Soctety State Conference 1 Ontario University of CA Park b Reaeatii Administrators Institute 1 Asylamar 8 Monierey 5M 500 1 ,ooQ 1 Western U. S. 2 out-of-state 1 California 1 Ventura 0015060 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE IFMA International Conference 1 Outofstate I 1.7OCI 600 2,w 1.8oc 2,m- 5.2M: 1,4001 0015710 ENGINEERING ADMlN 0016355 STREET MAINTENANCE Maintenance Superintendent's Conference 2 In State 0016010 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN League Conference -March 1 SouthernCA League Conference -October 1 SanJose Innovation Group Conference 2 SantaClara IFMA Regional Conference 2,000 2,M 500 1,4w. 1 .a Pmns Plus ITE Distrid 6 Annual Meeting CSBPA Annual Confer- 1 outofstate 3.a 6.300 1333421 AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST Affordable Housing Projed-Related Travel 3 San DiegoILos Angeks Affordable Housing Project-Related TraveUSite Visits 2 San FrancisdLos Angeles APWA Conference 3s. 40( I TOTAL GENERAL FUND 186,W 7501 244 CITY OF CARLSBAD CONFERENCE TRAVEL 1999-00 CONFERENCE TRAVEL # OF PEOPLE DESTINATION ORG KEY DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION 1626357 STREET LIGHTING CaCSLA Annual Meeting 2 Southern Calffmia $1 3.200 3913401 CDBG Consolidated Plan report Training 1 Southern California HUD Training 1 Southern California - 5015710 UTILITY ENGINEERING AWA Fall 99 Conference AWA Spring 2000 Conference American Desalig Assoc. conference 8 Exposition 3 SanDiego 3 Monterey 1 SanDieao 5016310 WATER OPERATIONS ACWA Fall Conference 3 SanDiego 4 San Diego ACWA Spring Conference 3 Monterey AWA Fall Conference AWA Spring Conference 4 Monterey ltron Users Group Conference 1 LasVegas. NV Colorado River Water Users Association Conference 1 Las Vegas, NV Pemh Plus Conference 2 Reno.NV 900 2.000 300 700 2.500 2.500 48001 5026310 RECLAIMED WATER Water Reuse Meetings 1 Saaamento 3.500 I 51 161 10 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS California Water Environment Assoc. Conference 4 NorthemCalifornia 5206375 SOLID WASTE MMASC Annual Conference 1 PalrnSprings 6121930 RISK MANAGEMENT PARSAC Board of Directors Meetings PARMA Conference 1,5101 1 Sacramento 1 Local 6401710 INFORMATION SYSTEMS lntarop Pennits users conference Government Technology Conference Brainsham - Novel Conference Internetworld New Users Conference BiTech Users Confsrence i"1 1.200 2,200 11,850 1 LasVegas. NV 1 Reno.NV 1 Sacramento 1 Salt Lake Ci. UT 1 SanFrancisco 1 California 2 SanAntoni0.W _- 8013410 REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS CA Redevelopment Association Annual Conference Redevelopmenr Institute Misc. Meetings and Workshops 2 Southem California 1 Southem California 2 LAISanDio 8033420 LOWMODERATE INCOME Affordable Housing Advisory Council Qtrly Meeting HOUSING National NAHRO Summer Conference Housing Development WorkshopNat'l Dev. Council California Coastal Commission Hearings A 3,950 1 SanFrancisco 1 Out of State 1 SanFrancism 1 Monterey 42.450 1 TOTALOTHERFUNDS __I 229,430 GRAND TOTAL TRAVEL 245 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 1998-99 TO 1999-00 AMOUNT City Clerk Office furniture & equipment for redesign & reconfiguration of Clerks Department 21,500 City Attorney Legal services for Habitat Management Plan Scanner 7,078 1,000 Purchasing NlGP Commodity Code System 4,500 Human Resources Cabinets Pulsetaker Survey Mandated Title VI1 training 1,300 15,000 40,000 Records Management Citywide records management / imaging project 1,319,500 - Fire Citizen alert system Office furniture for remodel project 28,000 38,035 Community Development Administration Systems Furniture 55.000 Public Works Administration Systems Furniture 12,000 Park Maintenance Holiday Park tot lot sidewalk / curbing Tennis court lighting upgrades (La Costa Canyon & Laguna Riviera) Poinsettia irrigation filter installation Sports lighting control system Playground equipment replacement 40,000 40,000 10,000 36,000 45,000 Engineering NPDES program Beach erosion program Traffic impact fee program 15,924 6,423 16,100 Engineerinn - Developer funded Developer deposits for condemnation projects 464,432 Aquatics Solar heating system renovation 95,000 Recreation Computer equipment Harding systems furniture 1,775 5,325 246 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 1998-99 TO 199940 . . .- I . .- I Library - Adult learning Literacy Scholarship Account Library - Historical preservation Historic tree inventory and management program Non - Departmental Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation AMOUNT 1.363 2,500 20,000 Subtotal General Fund $ 2,342,755 Police Asset Forfeiture Available year-end balance COPS Grant Available year-end balance, Bicycle Patrol Law Enforcement Block Grant Available year-end balance Cultural Arts - Sister Citv Available year-end balance, delegation visits Art Gallery Donations Available year-end balance, for art exhibits Recreation Donations Available year-end balance; for park improvements Available year-end balance; for triathlon and luau festival Available year-end balance; for youth sports uniforms and T-shirts Library Literacv Grants Available year-end balance Misc. State Grants Available year-end balance Misc. Federal Grants Available year-end balance CDBG Available year-end balance Water Operations Utility Billing System Implementation staffing Automatic meter reading (AMR) equipment Flashing arrow signs (traffic control) 68.000 169,000 3,371 1,122 22,500 3,900 10,900 8,800 7.51 9 17,200 128.736 268,387 12,500 35,000 6.000 247 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 1998-99 TO 199940 CII vouchers Asphalt repairs Valve box adjustment after overlay Recycled Water Operations Trench Safety Equipment trailer Sewer Maintenance Utility Billing System Implementation staffing Televising & evaluating sewer collection system Asphalt repairs Sewer benefit area study Manhole adjustment after street overlay Asphalt / concrete saw with trailer Fleet Replacement Medium replacement trailer 3 small replacement trailers Information Svstems Faraday network integration assistance Outside help desk pilot Microsoft Office 2000 upgrade and UNlX tools MS Office and BiTech /IFAS technical training New GIS computer CMWD server HP K380 UNlX box upgrades Remote access equipment AMOUNT 2,000 15,000 20,000 5,000 12,500 75,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 13,000 30,000 23,000 30,000 77,837 22,000 22,000 12,000 25,000 43,000 Subtotal Other Funds $ 1,230,272 Grand Total $ 3.573.027 248 CITY OF CARLSBAD GANN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limitation imposed by Proposition 4 and modified by Proposition 11 1 creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The revenues which are subject to the Limitation are those considered "proceeds of taxes." The basis for calculating the Limit began in fiscal year 1978-79 and is increased based on population growth and inflation. The major change made by Proposition I11 allows the City to annually choose among the following options for calculating its Gann Limit: > > 9 9 Population growth of Carlsbad, OR Population growth within San Diego County, AND Growth in California per capita income, OR Growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to new oonstruction in the City. The factors used to calculate the 1999-00 Limit were: 9 9 Population growth in Carlsbad, AND Growth in non-residential new construction The formula is outlined below: 1998-99 Expenditure Limit $1 62,626,837 % Carlsbad Population Growth Growth in non-residential new construction Net Increase Factor 1999-00 Limit (1 998-99 Limit X Factor) Current Appropriation of Proceeds of Taxes (Subject to the Limit) 1.0524 X 1.1574 1.2181 $198,089,168 $44,891,694 The spending limit for the City of Carlsbad for 1999-00 is $1 98.1 million with appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of $44.9 million. The result of the calculation provides the City with an operating margin of $1 53.2 million. 249 Budget Calendar DECEMBER 0 Request CIP project submittals 0 Set budget policies I 0 Operating revenue is projected for the General Fund LT adopts the operational goals 0 Operating budget manual is distributed to departments Budget preparer’s meeting Growth projections completed L FEBRUARY 0 Departments submit CIP requests to Engineering 0 CIP analysis 0 Department and program goals approved by LT 0 Draft CIP is submitted to department heads * MARCH I 0 LT reviews CIP 0 Departments submit Operating budget requests to Fin an ce 0 Finance department analyzes and complies the operating LT reviews operating budget 0 Individual goals are set 0 CIP Budget Workshop Council Meeting Preliminary operating budget are sent to the printer Citizens Budget Workshop (last week of May) MAY JUNE 0 Operating Budget Workshop Council mtg. Council adopts final budget, including: Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Annual Spending Limitation 250 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS AND BUDGETARY CONTROL -- The City’s accounting system is designed around a few basic principles. 1. The City is not one single entity. It is the total of many entities, each with its separate function and legal restrictions on the use of resources. In the private sector, a corporation may have many “subsidiaries” which make up the parent corporation; in the public sector, a city government may have a variety of “funds” that provide the basis for separately recording the financial data related to a specific entity. A fund is an accounting entity with a complete set of self-balancing accounting records. Each fund has been established because of some restriction on the use of resources received by that fund. This report includes the transactions of all entities over which the City Council of the City of Carlsbad have authority (as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board). 2. The City’s accounting system operates on a modified accrual basis for all governmental type funds. Governmental funds include the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, and Capital Projects funds. A modified accrual system is one where (a) revenues are recognized when they are both measurable and collectable within the accounting period, or soon enough after the end of the period to pay liabilities of the period; and (b) expenditures, other than principal and interest on long-term debt, are recorded when liabilities are incurred. 3. The proprietary fund types (the Enterprise funds and the Internal Service funds) use the accrual method of accounting. Revenues are recognized in the period earned and expenses are recognized in the period incurred. 4. Internal controls exist within the accounting system to ensure safety of assets from misappropriation, unauthorized use or disposition, and to maintain the accuracy of financial record keeping. These internal controls must be established consistent with sound management practices based on the costlbenefit of the controls imposed. The cost of a control should not be excessive in relation to its benefit as viewed by City management. The internal controls in existence within the City’s system are sufficient to ensure, in all material aspects, both the safety of the City’s assets and the accuracy of the financial record keeping system. 5. Budgetary control is maintained through monthly reports on all revenue and expenditure accounts as well as special reports summarizing the financial position of the City. The City Council has authority to control the budget through adoption of a formal budget at the beginning of each year and by amending the budget as necessary throughout the year. Expenditures should not exceed budgeted figures. All appropriations expire at year-end unless specifically carried into the new fiscal year by Council actions. The Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that the Financial Management Director prepare annually the budget for the City Manager showing estimated revenues and expenditures. 6. Controls on the use and transfers of budget funds are outlined in the adopted budget resolution in the appendix of this document. 251 1 2 ? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 99-218 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIlY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS PROGRAM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-00 FOR THE FUNDS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 1999-00 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the final budgets. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made a finding of General Plan Consistency for all projects receiving an allocation of funds for fiscal year 1999-00 on May 5, 1999 pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 4555, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad entitled, "City of Carlsbad, 1999-00 Operating Budget and 1999-00 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary" as amended in accordance with Exhibits A through D attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year 1999-00. 2. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for fiscal year 1999-00 as shown in Exhibits A and B are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for 1999-00. 3. That the estimated revenues for fiscal year 1998-99 are hereby revised as shown in Exhibits A and B. 4. That the amounts designated as the 1999-00 Budget request in Exhibits A and B are hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which they 252 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I ! I -. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 27 20 -. -- are designated, and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 5. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased by the City Council by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided herein. 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager as described below. i. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within any department. ii. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds between departments within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. iii. The City Manager may delegate the authority to make budget transfers. iv. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. v. budgeted Contingency Account. B. The City Council must authorize all transfers of funds from the The City Manager may authorize emergency out of state travel for public safety or emergency services purposes. C. The City Council must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in Exhibit C. D. The City Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 253 .- ! 11 1' 1: 1: 14 15 18 17 18 19 the City Council. 8. That all appmpriadons fot capital lmpravemerrb Projects remaining unexpended at June 30,1999, am hereby appmpriaed Ibr.such capital Prqjects for the 199900 fiscal year. Of$350,0oo. PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting d the City NOES: ATTEST; I Exhibit A indudes: (1) PmjecW Fund Balances, Budget Expenditure Schedule, and Revenue Estimates which can be found in the Overview section of the budget, and (2) the Planned Capital Outlay Items which ca'n be found in the Appendix. Exhiba B indudes the Projected Fund Balances, Budget Expenditure Schedule, Revenue Estimates, and Capital and Future Prc#xb schedules which are located in the Capital Improvement Program section of the budget. Exhibit C is the Personnel Allocations which are included in the Overview Section of the budget. Exhibit D is the Continuing Appropriations schedule which is located in the Appendix of the budget. 254 . .- I 4 , b 4 c e 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 RESOLUTlON NO. 99-219 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTMLISHING THE 1999-00 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTlCLE XlllB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITU TlON AND STATE LA W WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the calif0rr;ia state Constitution requires that governments annually establish a limit on the appropriation of proceeds of taxes; and WHEREAS, State law requires that this limit be presented to the governing body of each entity each fiscal yeac and WdEREAS, State law also requires that this limit be published in a newspaper of general circulation to allow public response to the llmit as adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Caliia, as follows: 1. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Caliiia, does hereby establish and adopt the 1999-00 appropriation limit of one hundred ninety- eght million, eghty-nine thousand, one hundred sixty-eight dollars . ($198,089,168) as computed in Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. That the City Clerk is directed to publish this Resolution in a newspaper of general circulation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Councilonthe 15 dayof June ,1999, by the following vote, to wit 9 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila & NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member ATTEST: KAREN R. KhDTZ, Assztant City Clerk Exhibit A is the Gann Appropriation Limit which is detailed in the Appendix of the budget. 255 GLOSSARY also see glossary at end of Capital Improvement Program section Appropriation: A specific amount of money authorized by the City Council for an approved work program or individual project. Assessed Valuation: A dollar value placed on real estate or other property by San Diego County as a basis for levying property taxes. Balanced Budget: A budget in which planned expenditures do not exceed planned funds available. BeginninglEnding Fund Balance: Unencumbered resources available in a fund from the priorlcurrent year after payment of the priorlcurrent year expenses. Bond: A certificate of debt issued by an entity, guaranteeing payment of the original investment, plus interest, by a specified future date. Budget: An annual financial plan that identifies revenues, types and levels of services to be provided, and the amount of funds which can be spent. Carlsbad's Operating Budget encompasses one fiscal year, as does the Capital Improvement Program appropriation. Capital Improvement Program: A multi-year financial plan containing proposed construction of physical assets such as park, street, sewerage, and recreation facilities. This program has identified all projects which are the responsibility of the City between the present to buildout. Capital Outlay: Equipment (fixed assets) with a value $1,000 or more and with an estimated * useful life of more than one year, such as automobiles, and office furniture, which appear in the Operating Budget. Cost Allocation: A method used to charge General Fund overhead costs to other funds, such as enterprise funds and internal service funds. Debt Service: The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds such as bonds. Department: An organizational unit comprised of programs or divisions. Examples include the Police Department, Library Department, and Human Resources Department. Encumbrance: A legal obligation to pay funds, an expenditure of which has not yet occurred. Enterprise Fund: A fund type established to account for the total costs of selected governmental facilities and services which are operated similar to private enterprises. These programs are entirely self-supported, and include the Water and Sanitation Departments. Expenditure: The actual spending of funds set aside by appropriation for identified goods and services. Fee: A general term used for any charge levied by government for providing a service or permitting an activity. 256 Fiscal Year: A twelve-month period of time designated as the budget year. Carisbad's fiscal year is July 1 to June 30. Fund: A set of inter-related accounts to record revenues and expenditures associated with a specific purpose. Fund Balance: The amount of financial resources available for use. General Fund: The primary fund used by the City for which revenues and expenditures are not legally restricted for use. Examples of departments operating within the General Fund include Fire, Library, and the City Manager's Office. Grant: Contributions of cash or other assets from another governmental agency to be used or expended for a specified purpose, activity or facility. Growth Manaqement Plan: A comprehensive approach to land use planning insuring controlled and managed growth within the City, while providing designated public facilities. Growth Management Standards: Standards for acceptable service levels which have been established for eleven public facility categories. Interfund Transfers: Payments from one fund to another fund, primarily for work or services provided. Internal Service Fund: A fund which provides services to all City departments, and bills the various other funds for services rendered. Examples of Internal Service Funds include Fleet Maintenance, Information Systems, and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Maintenance and ODeration: A general category used for classifying expenditures for materials, supplies and services which are normally used within the fiscal year. ODeratinn Budget: The annual appropriation of funds for on-going program costs, which include salaries, benefits, maintenance, operation, and capital outlay items. ODeratinn Costs: Estimated expenses which can be expected to occur following the construction of a Capital Improvement Project. Personnel: Costs associated with providing the staff necessary to provide the desired levels of services. Included are both salary and benefit costs. Revenues: Amount of funds received from the collection of taxes, fees, permits, licenses, interest, and grants during the fiscal year. SDecial Revenue Funds: A fund which collects revenues that are restricted by the City, State, or Federal Government as the method to which they may be spent. 257 INDEX Disaster Preparedness, 103 E A About the City of Carlsbad, 16 Accounting Systems and Budgetary Control, 25 1 Administrative Services Summary, 55 Adult Learning Program, 139 Analysis of Available Balances, 226 Arts Office, 144 Arts Special Events, 147 Asset Forfeiture - Various, 95 Audiovisual Insurance, 141 B Bicycle Patrol, 96 Budget Award, 18 Budgetary Policies, 26 Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance, 194 Building Inspection, 112 c Calendar, 250 California Assembly Bill 1600, 21 1 Canine, 82 Capital Improvement Program, 8, 13,201 Capital Improvement Projects I999-00,2 16 Capital Outlay Items, 237 Capital Projects to Buildout, 2 16 Cash Management, 50 Centro de InformaciQ, 135 Children's Services, 133 Cole Library, 130 CIP Budget Expenditure Schedule, 215 CIP Projected Fund Balances, 212 CIP Revenue Estimates, 214 City Attorney, 54 City Clerk, 47 City Council, 46 City Manager, 52 City Manager's Transmittal Letter, I Collection Development & Acquisitions, 137 Communications Center, 93 Community Development Administration, 106 Community Development Block Grant, 122 Community Development Summary, 105 Community Services Summary, 125 Continuing Appropriations, 246 Crime Prevention, 91 Cultural Arts Summary, 143 Economic Development, 11 1 Emergency Operations, 100 Engineering Services Summary, 167 Engineering, 169 Expenditures CIP, 2 15 Expenditure Schedule, 41 F Facilities Maintenance, 177 Field Operations, 78 Finance, 57 Fire Administration, 99 Fire Department Summary, 97 Fire Prevention, 10 1 Fund Balances, 13,32,212 Future Fees Calculation, 203 . G Gann Appropriations Limit, 249,255 GenealogyLocal History, 134 General Fund, 5,27 General Services Summary, 173 Geographic Information System, 110 Glossary - Capital Projects, 234 Glossary, 256 Golf Course, 184 Growth Projections, 202 Growth Management Plan, 2 10 H Health Insurance, 67 Highlights, 3 Housing - Rental Assistance, 1 18 Housing and Redevelopment Summary, 113 Housing Trust Fund - Administration, 120 How the Budget Document is Organized, i Human Resources, 62 I Information Systems, 68 Investigations, 84 D.A.R.E, 90 Debt Management Issues, 10 258 Juvenile Diversion, 86 L La Costa Branch, 140 Lagoon Patrol, 83 Land Use Planning, 108 Library Gifts, 142 Library Summary, 126 Library Administration, 128 Lowmoderate Income Housing, 1 17 Recreation Summary, 148 Redevelopment Debt Service, 106 M S Redevelopment Operations, 1 14 Reserve Program , 8 1 Resolutions, 252,255 Revenues - Capital Projects, 214 Revenue Estimates, 34 Revenue Projections - General Fund, 34,2 I Revenue Projections - Operating, 3, 34 Risk Management, 65 Maintenance & Operations Suumary, 185 Major Street Maintenance, 187 Media Services, 138 Median Maintenance, 180 Miscellaneous Non-Departmental, 7 1 N New Programs, 24 0 Overview, 4 Operating Budget Overview, 19 Operating Expenditures, 4 1 Organization Chart, iii Other Funds, 23 I Park Maintenance, 175 Parks and Recreation Commission, 150 Park Planning & Recreation Mgt., 150 Personnel Allocations, 14 Police Administration, 77 Police Summary, 74 Policy & Leadership Summary, 45 Property and Evidence, 87 Public Safety Summary, 73 Public Works Administration, 166 Public Works Summary, 165 Purchasing, 60 R t- Records, 94 Recreation - Agua Hedionda Lagoon, 156 Recreation - Aquatics, 154 Recreation Fee Supported, 152 Recreation Operations, 157 Sanitation Services, see wastewater School Resource Ofticers, 92 Senior Donations, 162 Senior Nutrition, 163 Senior Programs, 160 Seniors Summary, 159 Sister City, 146 Solid Waste Management, 198 Staffing, 8 Statistical Information, 16 Strategic Goals, 19 Street Lighting, 192 Street Maintenance, 188 Street Tree Maintenance, 179 Summary, 13, 30,209 Support Operations- Police, 89 T Technical Services - Library, 136 Threats to the General Fund, 22 Traffic, 79 Traffic Signals, 190 Travel, 241 V Vehicle Licence Fees (VLF), 22 Vehicle Maintenance, 18 1 Vehicle Replacement, 183 Vice/Narcotics, 85 Volunteer Program, 80 w Water Billing, 57 Wastewater Operations, 197 Water Operations, 195 Weed Abatement, 102 Worker's Compensation, 64 259 260