HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-22; City Council; 15268; Traffic Signal MaintenanceCl- OF CARLSBAD - AGEPA BILL AB # 6; 2.6 8 TITLE: \ AWARD OF AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends Council adopt Resolution No. ci9*+~?25 accepting the bid proposal of Signal Maintenance Inc. and authorizing the execution of an agreement for traffic signal maintenance services. ITEM EXPLANATION Currently, there are approximately 90 signalized inspections in the City of Cartsbad. For over ten years, staff has determined that City-owned and managed signals are most efficiently maintained by a private contractor under an annual agreement for traffic signal maintenance and repair services. Council has approved several agreements during the period for this work. The agreements provide for routine and preventative maintenance, routine monitoring, around-the- clock emergency response, and repairs due to collision and vandalism. In accordance with Section 328.120 of the Municipal Code, Notice to Bidders was published and Requests for Bid were sent to three local contractors who specialize in traffic signal maintenance. One bid was received. After evaluation of the bid, the Streets Maintenance Division staff recommend acceptance of the bid for traffic signal maintenance services from Signal Maintenance Inc., in the amount of $129,819.00. FISCAL IMPACT Funds for traffic signal maintenance services are a part of the Streets Division annual budget. Funds are available to cover costs associated with this agreement. EXHIBITS Resolution No. 95 L aaS with agreement attached. 1 2 c 4 E E 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 RESOLUTION NO. 99-225 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad requires the services of a traffic signal maintenance contractor, and; WHEREAS, proper bidding procedures have resulted in the receipt of a bid from a qualified contractor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The bid from Signal Maintenance Inc., 2283 Via Burton St, Anaheim CA 92806 is hereby accepted. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract for these services, a copy of which is attached hereto, for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad for the period of one year with the option for the City Manager to renew for four additional one-year periods, with revised contract prices set by mutual agreement. 3. The Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized and directed to issue a purchase order for traffic I signal maintenance services. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 22 day of June , 1999, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall & Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEW City Clerk tant City Clerk 4 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 22 nd day of June 1999, by and between the City of Carlsbad, California, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter designated as “City” and Signal Maintenance, Inc. , hereinafter referred to as”Contractor.” RECITALS City requires the services of the Contractor to provide traffic signal maintenance and repair services within the City. The Contractor has submitted to the City a proposal to provide traffic signal maintenance and repair services. The Contractor possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to provide the services required by the City. . :, ‘.’ I., ,, . . . .’ f’ . . ., ,1 -I ., . ., . . . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: : : . . . .._. :I; ” j’&i ~&j&E&J& ,.‘: ,: .., . . /‘. . : This agreement shall become effective July 1, 1999 and extend for ‘a period of one (1) year. By mutual consent, the City Manager may extend this agreement for four (4) additional one (1) year periods for a total term of five (5) years upon satisfactory performance. II. COMPENSATION A. Routine/Preventive Maintenance: For all of the routine/preventive maintenance services which Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV “DUTY OF CONTRACTOR”, SubSection A “Routine/Preventive Maintenance” of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor the sum of $ 34.50 per intersection per month. Intersections added after the effective day of this agreement will be added at the same rate. This rate may be adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions of Section IV “FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS” of this agreement. All labor, equipment and materials necessary _ to complete the routine/preventive maintenance services shall be included in the cost per intersection. No additional payments will be made. 8. Emeroencv Response: For emergency response services which Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV ‘DUTY OF CONTRACTOR”, Sub-Section B “Emergency Response” of this agreement, the City shall pay the Contractor based on “time and materials”. “Time and materials” shall include labor and equipment costs which shall be based on the attached Labor & Equipment Cost Schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions of Section VI “FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS” of this agreement. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. C. Extraordinarv Services: _ For extraordinary services which the Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV “DUTY OF CONTRACTOR”, Sub-Section C “Extraordinary Services” of this agreement, the City shall pay the Contractor based on “time and materials” except as provided in subsections C2 and C3 of Section II “Compensation”. “Time and materials shall include labor and equipment costs which shall be based on the attached cost schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions of Section IV “FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS” of this agreement. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. 1. Loop-Set Testinq: For loop-set testing services which Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV “DUTY OF CONTRACTOR”, Sub-Section C “Extraordinary Services” of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor a unit sum of $ 15.00 per loop set, payable upon completion of the requested testing. All labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the loop-set testing shall be included in the unit cost for each loop- set. No additional payments will be made. This unit cost may be adjusted each year in accordance with Section VI “FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS” of this agreement. : 2. LOOP Detector Replacement: For replacement of loop detectors which the Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV “DUTY OF CONTRACTOR”, Sub- Section D “Loop Detector Replacement” of this agreement, the City shall pay the Contractor in accordance with the following: Type “A” $ 125.00 each Type “6” $ 125.00 each Type “D” !§ 125.00 each Type “E” $ 255.00 each Type “Q” $ 125.00 each Prices paid for loop detector installation shall be “lump sum” for loops complete in place including connection to the DLC in the pull-box. Necessary work beyond point of connection to DLC must be approved by the Public Works Director or approved designee and have an assigned incident and/or work order number. Payment for such work shall be based on “time and materials”. “Time and materials” shall include labor and equipment costs 3. Annual Relampinq: a) For annual relamping services which Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV “DUTY OF CONTRACTOR”, Sub-Section E “Annual Relamping” of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor a lump sum of $ 4,3125.00 payable upon completion of the entire annual relamping program, based on a current total of eighty- eight (88) intersections. All labor and equipment necessary to complete the annual relamping shall be included in the lump sum cost. Materials including lamps and lenses will be provided by the City at the City’s option. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and. profit not to exceed 15%. b) Intersections added after the effective date of this agreement will be added the following year at the rate of $ 49.00 per intersection regardless of the number of phases. All labor and equipment necessary to complete the annual relamping shall be included in the unit cost for each intersection. This unit cost may be adjusted each. year in -. accordance with Section VI “FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS” of this agreement. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. 4. Annual Contlict Monitor Testinq: For conflict monitor testing services which Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV “DUTY OF CONTRACTOR”, Sub-Section F “Annual Conflict Monitor Testing,” the City shall pay to the Contractor the unit sum of $ 25.00 per intersection, payable upon completion of the entire conflict monitor testing program. All labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the conflict monitor testing shall be included in the unit cost for each intersection. No additional payments will be made. This unit cost may be adjusted each year in accordance with Section VI “FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS” of this agreement. Ill. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS A. The complete agreement between the parties shall consist of and include the following documents, all of which shall be and are hereby incorporated by reference and a part hereof as fully as if set out in full herein: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. This Agreement Exhibit A - Labor & Equipment Cost Schedule Exhibit B - List of Intersections Exhibit C - Monthly Inspection Checklist Exhibit D - Quarterly Inspection Checklist Exhibit E - Annual Inspection Checklist Certificates of Insurance IMSA Signal Technician il certificates for each qualified staff person. IMSA Signal Technician Ill certificates for each qualified staff person ATSSA Traffic Control Supervisor certificate for each qualified staff person IV. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR A. Routine/Preventive Maintenance: 1. Monthly Inspection a) The Contractor shall perform monthly routine/preventive inspections based on the City’s schedule. Such inspections stiall be scheduled so that ‘each intersection is inspected at approximately the same date each month. b) The monthly inspection shall include a complete check of all timing and component functions and field appurtenances described in the “Monthly Inspection Checklist” (Exhibit C). Every three months, the “Quarterly Inspection Checklist” (Exhibit D) will be used in lieu of the “Monthly Inspection Checklist” (Exhibit C) for that month’s inspection. cl Any graffiti found at the time of the inspection such as signs, flyers, and tape, shall be removed by the Contractor at that time at no additional cost to the City. Graffiti requiring extensive removal or special procedures, such as steam cleaning, will be performed by City staff or referred to the Contractor and treated as “Extraordinary Services” and payments will be made in accordance with the provisions of Section II ‘COMPENSATION”, Sub-Section C, “Extraordinary Services”. d) All other deficiencies which require attention but do not constitute an unsafe situation will be referred to the Public Works Director or appointed designee by the end of the work day in which the inspection occurred. The Public Works Director or appointed designee will elect to make the repairs in-house or assign the Contractor an incident number authorizing the Contractor to make the repairs. If referred to the Contractor, repairs will be treated as “Extraordinary Services” and payments will be made in accordance with the provisions of Section II, ‘COMPENSATION”, Sub-Section C, “Extraordinary Services”. c e) Should the Contractor find an unsafe situation at the time of inspection, Contractor shall make any repairs necessary to return the intersection to a safe operating condition. Contractor shall then report to the City immediately upon completion of the repair. Such repairs will be considered “Emergency Response” and payment will be in accordance with Section II “COMPENSATION”, Sub-Section B “Emergency Response” of this agreement unless such action would normally be considered part of the routine/preventive maintenance, in which case no additional payments will be made therefore. 9 The maintenance of all components within the confines of the cabinet (i.e. detectors, load switches, etc.) shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be inspected each month for proper function. All adjustments made by the Contractor shall be included in the monthly cost for inspection. No additional payments will be made for adjustments or repairs normally considered preventive/routine maintenance. When a component must be removed from the intersection for repair, a like component will be provided and installed by the Contractor in place of the component requiring repairs. All repairs shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and the component shall be returned immediately upon completion of the repairs. (1) If, in the opinion of the Contractor, any controller mechanism has become obsolete or deteriorated beyond the point of repair, the Contractor shall notify the City and demonstrate or otherwise provide evidence that replacement is necessary. No permanent change of control mechanisms shall be done without prior approval of the City. 9) The Contractor shall meet with City staff on a routine basis not less than once per quarter to discuss on-going problems and potential solutions, up-coming extra-ordinary work, and/or the status of special projects. These meetings shall be scheduled for a time and place mutually beneficial to both parties. B. Emeroencv Response Emergency Response shall be defined as the initial unscheduled response and repairs necessary to restore safe operation of the signalized intersection. 1. The Contractor will maintain a 24-hour toll-free emergency number where he/she can be reached in case of emergency. This phone number will be made available to all persons designated by the City. 2. The Contractor will provide service twenty-four (24) hours per day for the servicing of all equipment covered by this agreement. An IMSA/TSA Level II or higher technician will respond immediately upon notification in a vehicle with aerial capabilities. This vehicle shall be equipped with equipment and materials necessary to restore safe operation of the intersection. If the Contractor is contacted after normal working hours and determines that aerial capabilities are not necessary based on the information provided, initial 7 - response may be made in a service vehicle. However, if the Contractor opts to respond in a service vehicle and aerial capabilities are requires, the City @l noJ pay any costs associated with retrieval of an aerial vehicle. Under normal conditions, initial response time should not exceed one (1) hour. In cases where delays are anticipated to exceed this maximum, Contractor shall notify the City immediately with an estimated time of arrival. In no case shall initial response time exceed two (2) hours. A greater response time may result in the City’s non-payment of labor and equipment costs associated with the repairs. 3. The Contractor shall make timing adjustments only when necessary to compensate for sudden changes in traffic conditions or malfunctioning traffic signal equipment that cannot be repaired or replaced immediately. The Contractor. shall notify the City of these adjustments immediately upon completion of the adjustments. 4. If the estimated cost of emergency repairs exceeds $1,000, the Contractor shall restore the intersection to flashing operation and obtain authorization from the City before proceeding with repairs. For example, in cases involving a knockdown, where the City maintenance representative is not already on- site, the Contractor shall make every effort to notify the City maintenance representative as soon as possible and obtain authorization from the designated City representative for repairs. If the City decides to have the Contractor perform necessary repairs, an incident and/or--work order number . . will be issued and work will begin as soon as possible. 5. The City may request that the Contractor respond to the scene of collisions at signalized intersections in order to verify proper signal operation. In this case, the Contractor shall perform a review of the traffic signal facility including a thorough inspection of all equipment for physical damage or equipment malfunction. Contractor shall also observe traffic movement and verify normal signal operation. Contractor shall then submit, in writing, a report summarizing the results of the inspection to the Public Works Director or appointed designee within 48 hours of the incident. 6. Upon completion of emergency repairs, the Contractor shall invoice the City for all costs associated with the emergency in accordance with Section II “COMPENSATION”, Sub-Section B “Emergency Response”. Invoices for emergency maintenance shall include the following information: a) intersection description/name b) intersection number cl authorizing party d) . time of call e) description of complaint 9 time of arrival 9) status upon arrival h) corrective measures taken 0 status upon departure i) time of departure k) invoice number if 1) incident number n-0 equipment identification number - part being replaced n) equipment identification number - replacement part The City may request that additional information be added to the invoices provided such request is made in writing and such request does not excessively burden the Contractor. Upon receipt of a written request for additional information, the Contractor shall have ten (10) days to respond with objections. If no objections are received within ten (10) days, invoices for all emergency response shall include the requested information. Payment for invoices not containing all requested information may be delayed. C. Extraordinarv Services: Extraordinary Services shall be defined as scheduled repairs/services resulting from any part of a traffic signal system that is damaged by collision, acts of God or malicious mischief, exceptinq any damage resulting from the negligence of the Contractor, or normal deterioration due to the passage.of time. It shall also include requests for special programming, synchronized system timing, consultation services, and other special requests. All extraordinary maintenance shall be subject to prior approval of the Public Works Director or appointed designee. Work performed as. “Extraordinary Services” will be completed within the time agreed : upon by both parties at the time work is ,assigned. Work, not.completed withinthis 1 ‘. mutually agreed time will be subject to the terms of Section V “LIQUIDATED DAMAGES”. 1. Sroecial Prouramminq The City may request that special time programming be performed (i.e. time of day programming, synchronized system timing). Payment for such work shall be based on “time and materials”. “Time and materials” shall include labor and equipment costs which shall be based on the attached Labor & Equipment Cost Schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions of Section VI, “FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS” of this agreement. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. 2. Loop-Set Testinq On-going detection problems will be reported to the City for determination if loop-set testing is required. Loop-set testing shall be performed at the discretion of the Public Works Director or appointed designee. A loop-set is defined as all loops connected to a single lead-in cable of a single loop detector amplifier in a rack slot. The loop-set testing shall include disconnecting all loops from the lead-in cable to separate the individual loop- sets for the slot to be tested, a meg check of each individual loop in the loop- set, reconnection of the loops, and testing of the lead-in wiring for the loop- set. 3. LOOP Detector Replacement a) Upon notification from the Public Works Director or appointed designee, the Contractor will install new loop detectors. New loop configuration will be four (4) Type E loops per lane unless otherwise indicated. Loop installation will included pavement cutting, placement of the conductors including home run, sealing pavement cuts, and connection to DLC in pull box so that loop-set is functioning properly upon completion of the installation. Only IMSA / TCS Level II or higher technicians are authorized to make loop connections within the cabinet. b) In most cases, the Contractor will be asked to install four (4) or more loops at one time; however, the City reserves the right to request fewer than four (4) loops if deemed necessary by the Public Works Director or appointed designee. Payment for loop installation will be in accordance with Section II “COMPENSATION”, Sub-Section D “Loop Detector Replacement”. 9 : .‘_. 4. Annual Rdempinq (1’. , ,. a) b) cl in-the sixth month following the effective date of the agreement, and : annual/y thereafter, the Contractor will have 90 days to remove and. replace all incandescent lamps in all signal heads and Type A pedestrian heads in accordance with the schedule designated herein unless otherwise instructed by the Public Works Director or appointed designee. Beginning in the first year of this contract and in each subsequent odd numbered year for which this agreement is extended, the Contractor shall remove and replace incandescent lamps for all green and red indications and all Type A pedestrian signals. For each even numbered year for which this agreement is extended, the Contractor shall remove and replace incandescent lamps for all green, yellow, and red indications and all Type A pedestrian signals. The City will provide lamps and other necessary materials unless the Public Works Director or appointed designee notifies the Contractor otherwise. In such case, the Contractor will provide the materials specified by the Public Works Director or appointed designee and the City will pay the Contractor for the actual materials costs plus a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. Contractor will return all lamps and materials removed from City signals to the City for disposal unless otherwise instructed. Intersections not completed within the 90 day period will be subject to the assessment of liquidated damages as specified in Section V “LIQUIDATED DAMAGES”. In extreme cases, the Public Works d) 6 9 9) h) The City reserves the right to modify and/or delete this program at any time during the course of this agreement. Director or appointed designee may authorize an extension and waive the obligation to pay liquidated damages. Contractor shall clean, polish, and inspect all traffic signal head lenses and reflectors. Contractor shall replace all broken or deteriorated parts and leave each intersection clean and secure. Special attention will be given to ensure proper closure of all doors and tight fastening of all wingnuts. Contractor shall adjust and align all signal heads, including optically programmed heads in accordance with the “Annual Inspection Checklist” (Exhibit E). Contractor shall check signal head and mast arm sign mounting - hardware for corrosion. Contractor shall verify alignment of all mast arm signs, and signal heads and shall repair/realign as required in accordance with the “Annual Inspection Checklist” (Exhibit E). Contractor shall clean all emergency vehicle pre-empt detection scopes. Contractor shall check mounting hardware for corrosion and shall adjust and align as required in accordance with the “Annual Inspection Checklist” (Exhibit E). Following completion of relamping, City staff will inspect each intersection to verify that Contractor has completed relamping in accordance with good trafftc signal maintenance practices and the guidelines specified herein. Inspections will occur on at least on signal head, selected randomly, at each intersection. Should the selected head fail the inspection, the Contractor will be obligated to return to the intersection within five working days to complete the relamping to the City’s satisfaction. 5. Annual Conflict Monitor Testing a) Within 90 days after execution of this agreement and annually thereafter, and/or when so instructed by the Public Works Director or appointed designee, the Contractor will remove the conflict monitor for testing in the field. The Contractor will provide all testing equipment and previously tested conflict monitor units and diode boards for use during the testing period. Conflict monitors must meet manufacturer’s specifications prior to reinstallation into the cabinet. Copies of test results will be submitted to the City upon request by the Public Works Director or appointed designee. Contractor must complete conflict monitor testing on all designated intersections within ninety (90) days following the first calendar day of the sixth month of the agreement or be subject to the assessment of liquidated damages in accordance with Section V “LIQUIDATED DAMAGES”. Intersections not completed within the 90 day period will be subject to the assessment of liquidated damages as specified in Section V “LIQUIDATED DAMAGES”. In extreme cases, the Public Works Director or appointed designee may authorize an extension and waive the obligation to pay liquidated damages. b) The contractor will notify the City prior to beginning the conflict monitor testing. Contractor will submit a time schedule for the completion of the conflict monitor testing program which will be updated daily during completion. cl The City reserves the right to modify and/or delete this program at any time during the course of this agreement. V. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES All work not completed within the time period allotted for said work shall be subject to the assessment of liquidated damages in the amount of $50.00 per affected intersection per work day for each day beyond the specified completion time. Adjustments to completion time will be made for adverse weather conditions at the discretion of the Public Works Director or appointed designee. VI. FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS A., Annually, aU costs specified in Section II “COMPENSATION” and.in Exhibit A “Labor. &.Equipment Schedule” may be subject to change,tq.reflect cost of living increases or decreases in the costs of labor and equipment as dictated by market conditians. . . I’ B: Periodically, during the course of this agreement, circumstances may arise that affect the Contractor’s expenses under the terms of this agreement due to cost increases beyond the Contractor’s control. Should this happen, the Contractor shall submit a written request for a unit cost increase. The City will research this request and will respond to the Contractor within ten (10) working days. If the adjustment is fair and justified and the City and Contractor mutually agree on the increase, an amendment to the agreement will be prepared and submitted to the City Manager for final approval. Should adjustments to Section IV “DUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR” be required, the City shall notify the Contractor in writing of the requested modification and any associated costs. The Contractor will have ten working days within which to approve the change. If both parties agree to the modified duties and/or modified unit cost, the amendment to the agreement will be prepared and submitted to the City Manager for final approval. If the Contractor does not agree to the required modifications, the City shall have the option of terminating this contract upon 30 days written notice to Contractor. VII. DRUG &ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE A. The City of Carlsbad is committed to maintaining a work environment free from the effects of drugs and alcohol consistent with the directives of the Drug Free Workplace Act. As a condition of this agreement, the Contractor and the Contractor’s employees shall assist in meeting the requirements of this policy as set 6. C. D. forth in the “City of Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy” incorporated by reference herein. Contractor agrees that the Contractor and the Contractor’s employees, while performing service for the City, on City property, or while using City equipment will not be in possession of, use, or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The Contractor has the duty to inform all employees or agents of the Contractor that are performing service for the City on City property or using City equipment of the City’s objective of a safe, healthful and productive workplace and the prohibition of drug or alcohol possession, use or impairment from same while performing such service for the City. The City has the right to terminate this agreement and any other agreement the Contractor has with the City if the Contractor or Contractor’s employees are determined by the Public Works Director or approved designee to have breached the provisions of Section VII herein as interpreted and enforced pursuant to the provisions of the “City of Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy” incorporated by reference herein. VIII. STAFF .. A. . . I’ B. Contractor shall use only Level I-I or higher.. IMSAITSA certified technicians ‘to services,- maintain, and make necessaiy repairs to traffic signal devices within the .- confines of controller cabinet. Skilled laborers can -make- hardware repairs under the direct supervision of the Level II technician. No work will occur at any signalized intersection under this agreement without a Level II or higher technician present at all times unless otherwise previously approved in writing by the Public Works Director or approved designee. Contractor shall maintain on staff a minimum of one IMSAITSA Level III certified technician at all times. C. Contractor shall maintain on staff a minimum of one ATSSA certified Traffic Control Supervisor at all times. IX. EQUIPMENT A. The machinery and equipment used by the Contractor in the furtherance of this agreement shall be modem, clean, and maintained in proper working condition at all times consistent will current standards of the industry and subject to the approval of the Public Works Director or approved designee. B. As requested by the Public Works Director or approved designee, the Contractor shall supply the City with a list of the equipment being used in furtherance of this agreement including its make, model, date of manufacture and any other pertinent information. C. All equipment shall be available for inspection by the City upon 24 hour notification to the Contractor. D. The Contractor will be issued a handheld EVP emitter and emitter testing unit for the purpose of better maintaining the City’s emergency vehicle preemption system. X. XI. XII. XIII. These items will remain the property of the City of Carlsbad and must be returned to the Street Maintenance Supervisor upon termination of this agreement. MATERIALS A. All materials used in the furtherance of this agreement shall be in accordance with Caltrans specifications and approved by the Public Works Director or approved designee. TFiAFFlC CONTROL A. The Contractor may be required to submit traffic control plans to be approved by the Traffic Engineer for extra-ordinary services. Preparation of these plans shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Public Works staff will assist only with interdepartmental coordination. All drawings and revisions will by the responsibility of the Contractor. B. All traffic control devices shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the “Manual of Traffic Control Devices for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones” as published by the State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The. Contractor will be responsible for providing and placing all temporary traffic control devices. . . . ‘..- C. The Contractor shall conduct his/her operations so as to cause .the least possible : interference with public traffic. D. Any time during the course of this agreement that the Contractor initiates flash operation at a signalized intersection, Contractor shall notify the City immediately with an approximate time that the intersection will be restored to automatic operation. RECORDS A. The Contractor will maintain at his/her place of business a record of all service calls or work performed upon the signal equipment including date, location, times in and out, costs for equipment and materials used, parts and supplies used, and the names of all persons who performed work. B. Each time work is performed at an intersection, including monthly routine/preventive maintenance, the Contractor will update the record book within the cabinet. C. The Contractor will maintain accurate timing information sheets within the controller cabinet at each signalized intersection. The Contractor will provide copies of these sheets upon request of the Public Works Director or approved designee. lNSURANCE A. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his or her agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Said insurance shall meet the City’s policy for insurance as stated in Resolution No. 91- 403. 1. Coverages And Limits Contractor shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum limits indicted herein: 2. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: $1 ,OOO,OOO combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. If the policy has an aggregate limit, a separate aggregate in the amounts specified shall be established for the risks for which the City or its agents, officers or employees are additional insured. 3. Business Automobile Liability Insurance: $1 ,OOO,OOO combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. In addition, the auto policy must cover any vehicle used in the performance of the contract, used onsite or offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non-scheduled. The auto insurance certificate must state the coverage is for “any auto” and cannot be limited in any manner. 4. Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance: Workers’ compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State.of California and Employers’ Liability limits of $1,000,000 per incident.. Workers’ compensation offered by the State Compensation Insurance Fund is acceptable to the City. .’ B. Additional Provisions: Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance .’ requiied under this agreement with the exception of Workers’ Compensation and Business Automobile Liability Insurance contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. 1. The City, its officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the contractor; premises owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officials, employees or volunteers. All additional insured endorsements must be evidenced using separate documents attached to the certificate of insurance; one for each company affording general liability, and employers’ liability coverage. 2. The Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the City, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of the contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officials, employees or volunteers. 4. Coverage shall state that the contractor’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Notice Of Cancellation: Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be nonrenewed, suspended, voided, canceled, or reduced in coverage or limits except after thirty (30) days’ prior written notice has been given to the City by certified mail, return receipt requested. Deductibles And Self-Insured Retention (S.I.R.) Levels: Any deductibles or self- insured retention levels must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retention levels as respects the City, its officials and employees; or the contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. Waiver Of Subrogation: All policies of insurance required under this agreement shall contain a waiver of all rights of subrogation the insurer may have or may acquire against the City or any of its officials or employees. Subcontractors: Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. Coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. Acceptability Of Insurers: Insurance is to be placed with. insurers that have a rating in Best’s Key Rating Guide of at least A-:V. Insurers must also be authorized to transact the business of insurance by the State- of California Insurance Commissioner as admitted carriers as evidenced: -by a listing. in the official publication of the Department of Insurance of the State of California and/or under the standards specified by the City Council in Resolution No. 91-403. Verification Of Coverage: Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be in forms approved by the City and are to be received and approved by the City before the Contract is executed by the City. Cost Of Insurance: The Cost of all insurance required under this agreement shall be included in the Contractors bid. XIV. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE A. The standards of performance which the Contractor is obligated to perform hereunder are the standards which are considered to be good traffic signal maintenance practices and shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Director or approved designee. XV. CANCELLATION CLAUSE A. If Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the agreement or any separable part thereof with such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time specified by the City or any extension thereof, or fails to complete such work within such time, or if Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of Contractor’s insolvency, or if Contractor fails to make prompt payment for materials, equipment or labor, or if Contractor persistently disregards laws, ordinances, policies or instructions of City, City may serve written notice upon the Contractor of its intention to declare this agreement in default. Said notice shall contain the reasons for such intention to declare default, and unless within ten (10) days after service of such notice, such violations shall cease and satisfactory arrangements for the corrections thereof including payment to the City for any damages resulting therefrom, be made and documented in writing by both parties, this agreement shall upon the expiration of said time, be in default. XVI. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY A. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or any damage to goods, properties or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resulting from, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission of Contractor or Contractor’s agents, employees or representatives. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any Contractor’s indemnification shall include any and all.cost and.expense, attorney’s : fees and liabitity incurred by the City on account. of any of the foregoing including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications, unless that liability or claim is due to, or arises out of, the sole willful or negligent conduct of the City or its employees. : XVII. JURISDICTION A. Contractor agrees and hereby stipulates that the proper venue and jurisdiction for resolution of any disputes between the parties arising out of this agreement is San Diego County, California. XVIII. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall perform the services provided for herein in the Contractor’s own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractor’s independent calling, and not as an employee of the City. Contractor shall be under control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished but shall consult with the City as provided for in this agreement. B. The Contractor is an independent contractor with the City. The payment made to Contractor pursuant to this agreement shall be the full and complete compensation to which Contractor is entitled pursuant to this agreement. The City shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the Contractor. The City shall not be required to pay any worker’s compensation insurance on behalf of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the City for any tax, unemployment compensation, retirement contribution, social security, payment of wages or /7 worker’s compensation payment which the City may be required to make on behalf of Contractor or any employee of Contractor for work done under this agreement. C. The Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101 - 1525) and shall comply with hose requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors, and consultants that are included in this agreement. XIX. SUBCONTRACTING AND ASSIGNMENT A. The Contractor shall neither subcontract nor assign any obligation or interest in this agreement without the prior written approval of the City in its absolute discretion. XX. PROHIBITED INTEREST A. No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving this contract, or any architectural, engineering construction or material supply contractor or subcontractor associated with this contract, : shall become directly or indirectly -interested personatly in this contract or in any part thereof. No;employee, architect, : . : engineer, inspector or attorney of or for the City who is authorized in such capacity . . ., . . ..: and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory; or other similar ‘. .: functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. XXI. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION A. No verbal agreement or conversation with any office, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during, or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify the terms or obligations herein contained nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Contractor to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this agreement. XXII. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC FACILITIES “AS IS” A. Contractor acknowledges having examined the public facilities to be maintained pursuant to this agreement and accepts them “as is.” No changes in the accepted conditions of the facilities shall be made by Contractor without prior approval of the Public Works Director or approved designee. XXIII. CITY PERMITS A. The Contractor must have a current City business license. Bidders are advised to consult the Business License Supervisor as to the exact cost of such license if not currently licensed. Executed this 2nd day of June (19 99 -. CONTRACTOR: Signal Maintenance, Inc. Leroy J. Ogg, Jr./President Al-TEST: u '.: . . (print name and title) President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under the corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney By: Ass&ant City Attorney - -4 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California Orange County of > ss. On June 2, 1999 Date personally appeared , before me, Margarita C. Ottosson, Notary Public , Name and litle of Officer (e.g., “Jane Doe, Notary Public”) l *HI****** Leroy J. Ogg, Jr. & James R. Thompson *********+*:** Name(s) of Signer(s) B personally known to me Cl proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) Ware subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that W/they executed the same in hic/har/their authorized and that by hi&&their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the per-Son(s) Place Notary Seal Above Signature of Notary Public -. _-_ __ .- Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer’s Name: •! Individual 0 Corporate Officer - Title(s): 0 Partner - 0 Limited Cl General Cl Attorney in Fact Cl Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator q Other: Signer Is Representing: 8 1997National Notary Association * 9350 De Soto Ave., P.0. Box 2402 -Chatsworth, CA 913132402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free l-000-676-6627 - LABOR 8 EQUIPMENT COST SCHEDULE Exhibit A Agreement No. STS99002 for Traffic Signal Maintenance & Repair Item Description with Item Unit Price or Lump Sum No. Price in Words 1. Routine preventive maintenance inspections at thirtv-four dollars and fiftv cents per intersection per month. Unit Price , - ,.. ” -,. $34.50 2. Type A loop detector complete in place at one hundred twentv-five dollars and zero cents each. 3. Type B loop detector complete in place at one hundred twentv-five dollars and zero cents each. 4. Type D loop detector complete in place at one hundred twenv-five dollars and zero cents each. 5. Type E loop detector complete in place at two hundred fiftv-five dollars and zero cents each. 6. Type Q loop detector complete in place at one hundred twentv-five dollars and zero cents each. $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $255.00 $125.00 Item No. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Item Description with Unit Price or Lump Sum Unit Price in Words Price Loop-set testing complete in place at fifteen dollars and zero cents per loop-set as defined in the agreement documents. Annual relamping of all incandescent indications and type A pedestrian signals in accordance with the schedule specified in the agreement at fortv-nine dollars and zero cents per intersection. Annual conflict monitor testing at thirty-two dolllars and zero -- per intersection. IMSA Level II Technician at thirtv-two dollars and fiftV cents per regular hour. IMSA Level I Technician at twenty-six dollars and zero cents per regular hour. General laborer at dollars and zero per regular hour. eiohteen _ cents Aerial truck at nine dollars and fiftv cents per hour. Service seven and fiflV hour. truck at dollars cents per Compressor at seven $15.00 $49.00 J . . , _‘...” . $2500 $32.50 $26.00 $18.00 $9.50 $7.50 Item Description with Item Unit Price or Lump Sum Unit No. Price in Words Price dollars and per hour. cents $7.00 TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT: $129,819.00 LIST OF INTERSECTIONS Exhibit B Agreement No. STS99002 for Traffic Signal Maintenance & Repair MAIN & CROSS 1 Adams Dr & Tamarack Av 2 Alga Rd & Alicante St 3 Alga Rd & Corintia St 4 Alga Rd & El Camino Real 5 Alga Rd & El Fuerte St 6 Ambrosia Ln & Aviara Pkwy 7 Arenal Rd & El Camino Real 8 Armada Dr & Palomar Airport Rd 9 Aston Av & College Blvd 10 Avenida Encinas & Carlsbad Blvd : .1 . 11 Avenida Encinas & Palomar Airport Rd I 12 Avenida Encinas 2% Poinsettia Ln 13 Avenida Encinas 8 San Lucas 14 Aviara Pkwy & Batiquitos Ln 15 Aviara Pkwy & Black Rail Ct 16 Aviara Pkwy & Four Seasons Pt 17 Aviara Pkwy & Manzanita St 18 Batiquitos Dr & Poinsettia Ln 19 Beech Av & Carlsbad Blvd 20 Cadencia St & La Costa Av (future) 21 Calle Barcelona & El Camino Real 22 Calle Barcelona & Ranch0 Santa Fe Rd 23 Camino Alvaro & Ranch0 Santa Fe Rd 24 Camino de las Ondas & Paseo del Norte 25 Camino de 10s Caches & Ranch0 Santa Fe Rd 26 Camino de 10s Caches & Stagecoach 27 Camino Vida Roble & El Camino Real 28 Camino Vida Roble & Palomar Airport Rd 29 Cannon Rd & Carlsbad Blvd 30 Cannon Rd & Lego Dr 31 Cannon Rd & Paseo del Notte - LIST OF INTERSECTIONS Exhibit B (continued) MAIN & CROSS 32 Carlsbad Blvd & Carlsbad Village Dr 33 Carlsbad Blvd 34 Carlsbad Blvd 35 Carlsbad Blvd 36 Carlsbad Blvd 37 Carlsbad Blvd 38 Carisbad Blvd 39 Carlsbad Blvd 40 Carlsbad Village Dr 41 Carlsbad Village Dr 42 Carlsbad Village Dr 43 Carlsbad Village Dr 44 Carlsbad Village Dr 45 Carlsbad Village Dr 46 Carlsbad Village Dr 47 Carlsbad Village Dr 48 Carlsbad Village Dr 49 Carlsbad Village Dr 50 Cassia Rd 51 Chestnut Av 52 Chestnut Av 53 Cinema Wy 54 College Blvd 55 College Blvd 56 College Blvd 57 Costa del Mar Rd 58 Dove Ln 59 El Camino Real 60 El Camino Real 61 El Camino Real 62 El Camino Real & Cerezo Dr & Grand Av & Island Wy & Pine Av & Poinsettia Ln & Solamar Dr & Tamarack Av & ConcordSt & El Camino Real & Harding St . i.‘.- ,& Highland Dr & Jefferson St & Madison St & Monroe St & Pio Pica Dr & Roosevelt St & State St & El Camino Real & El Camino Real & Monroe St & MarronRd & El Camino Real & Faraday Av & Palomar Airport Rd & El Camino Real & El Camino Real & Faraday Av 8, Hosp Wy & Kelly Dr & La Costa Av ’ .! ‘. - LIST OF INTERSECTIONS Exhibit 6 (continued) MAIN & CROSS 63 EI Camino Real 64 El Camino Real 65 El Camino Real 66 El Camino Real 67 El Camino Real 68 El Camino Real 69 El Fuerte St 70 Grand Av 71 Grand Av : 72 Grand Av 73 Hidden Valley Rd 74 Jefferson St 75 Jefferson St 76 Jefferson St 77 Jefferson St 78 La Costa Av 79 La Costa Av 80 La Costa Av 81 MarronRd 82 Melrose Dr 83 Melrose Dr 84 Palomar Airport Rd 85 Palomar Airport Rd 86 Palomar Airport Rd 87 Paseo del Norte 88 Alga Rd 89 Aviara Pkwy & Levente St & Manor-r Rd & Palomar Airport Rd & Plaza Dr & Ranch0 Carlsbad Dr & Tamarack Av & Palomar Airport Rd & Jefferson St ‘- & Roosevelt St & State St j: 1. , & Palomardi@bit Rd ,i ._I ‘::t & Laguna Dr ” j & Las Flores Dr & Marron Rd & Tamarack Av & Ranch0 Santa Fe Rd & Romeria St (future) & Viejo Castilla Wy (future) & Monroe St & Palomar Airport Rd & Ranch0 Santa Fe Rd & Palomar Oaks Wy & Paseo del Norte 81 Yarrow Dr & Poinsettia Ln & Melrose Dr & Mimosa Dr - A AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS c A B I N E T C 0 N T R 0 L L E R P E 0 E S 1 R I A N - Monthly Inspectioh Checklist Check tIesher system Check mounting Check indication Check head condition * 1 - Repairs completed by Contractor per rnahtenence agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at City’s request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repairs - - AGkEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINlENAN& 4% REPAIRS b-=4 PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR H A R- o- W. A R E & A P P U R T E N C E S‘ Check head alignment <heck backboard & visor ... Checklens Check pole & base Remove graffiti Check mastarm & framework Check opticom scope Check coverplates Monthly Inspection Checklist (cmw) Check pull boxes I: L Check electric service Check loop/pavement I I - . . -. .: ., :. _. . . .: -, . . . . .: .: . . P :: : . . :. . . ._ I i .‘. :. . . ;.-: . . . . .; j<. ::> L-Z-:- ,::. .,. .I ,:. ::: : - AU OK I :. _ . . . . . ,.... . . ._._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: :.. . . . . i .A. . . . . . T..... . . . . . . . . > . . . ;:.;:.:.:.,.:.~.:.;~, ;); .,:, ,.~,. ,,,: . . . : _., i~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~.:::~~~~~~~~ . . . . ./,.........._,.i,.. :.~::‘::::::::::.:.::.~...-.:.--..:~ : ;.:.::.:....:.:.,.:.:.,.:. FAlLURE DATE OF ACTION I l 1 - Rep&s c&npleted by Contractor par tnainten~ce agrsmmnt 2 = Repairs compfetsd by Contractor at City’s quest - incident number assigned 3 = Rderred to City tar repairs ?- 7 AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR Clean inside of cabinet C Rerrtove gr.?ffti A B r Clean/change filter ,I -ti Check fan operation’ .. E Checkgeneral~condiin ’ . .?.: p*stc~~~o~,: .--. -. ‘: Check timing per chart C 0 Check program per chart N 1 Check functions per chart R Check back-up battery 0 L Check detection L E Verify o/P in program R Check flasher system Check electrical connections P E ’ 0 Check operation :.: .:. . . ,: .:z ..;: j . ..f.Z -: ‘I ,:.:.;. E _.- . . .__. ./. : .-.‘::.‘. :.,, : . . .-, ::,: : .::.. . . s Check mounting ,.. :. ._ :. .. : i : ‘:( :.;.:: :. . . . . .: I .- . . _,.. :: Ouarterly Inspection Checklist . . . -. ::. : & ;~~~~~~a:- ‘ry ,. ::. r 1 A Check indication 1 : ._ .I. : : I Check head condition .. ..::: ; ,. ,, .:: ..,. :. ,: ‘:. ::: (. :.. : ‘.. : .’ :j:.. .:;;:. ..:..--f:,-, ‘;.: ;~:~.,:::. . . :.: A ’ :: .; :. :. ..,: j,::. j..: .j. : :, :: /. .::. :. I: ;).: I :. . . . . . ::) : . ..F .:::; l 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per meintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at City3 request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repairs - - AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Quarterly Inspection Checklist (c~nunued) (C~vuesl) PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR I I Ii A R .P. W ‘A R E 8 A P P U R T E N C E S Check lens Check pole 8 base Check loop/pavement condition pq @P@ij.: %:.-: AU OK :.::“-.i:..~‘..r::.l.::~:i:‘:-i ‘i.;.,.~.:.:.:::,.. .:.. ;j:, : .).:. :.. jj ,... .;‘;c:- ..:.jDIRECnON:~;.ii:~,..I.:i ~;‘ii’;:;:.-‘::; ::‘! :. .:.::.. .:.: .. ..,_ / ..,.: ,: . . . . . . . . :.: ,..:< . . .._ :.i,., FAILURE 1 * 1 = Repairs completed by conhactor per maintenance qpement 2 = Rep&s completed by Contractor at City’s request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repairs - _ - CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Annual Inspection Checklist AU OK R E L . .A-’ .ti 1. P I N G C 0 F L I C 1 M 0 N I T 0 R - mounting Lubricated hinges & latches Clean opticom scope Check opticom aim Test conflict monitor Test modem * 1 = Repairs c0mphted by Contrector per mnirrtanancr agrees 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor ad Cii’s request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repairs - City of Carlsbad June 29,1999 * Signal Maintenance, Inc. 2283 Via Burton Street Anaheim, CA 92806 I CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES Enclosed for your reference are copies of Carlsbad City Council Agenda Bill No. 15,268 and Resolution No. 99-225. These documents went before the City Council on June 22, 1999, where the Resolution was adopted, approving the contract referenced above. Also enclosed is a copy of the fully executed contract for your files. If you have questions concerning the contract, please contact Kevin Davis, in the Purchasing Department at (760) 434-2803. Kathleen D. Shoup Sr. Office Specialist ’ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive * Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 - (760) 434-2808 @