HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-20; City Council; 15324; Expansion Of Redevelopment Area Boundaries. . - CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENbA BILL AB# 15,3 2q TITLE. MTG. +.&q -. Expansion of Redevelopment Survey Area boundaries, and appropriation of funding and authorization to staff to retain DEPT. H/RED consultant services to assist with the establishment of Redevelopment Project Area II. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt City Council Resolution No. 4 9 -&S approving the following actions: 1) designation of an expanded Redevelopment Sun/ey Area; 2) appropriation of $125,000 in funding for consultant services to provide assistance for establishment of a second redevelopment project area; and, 3) authorization to execute the appropriate documents to retain the services of redevelopment consultant Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. ITEM EXPLANATION: In September of 1997, the City began to identify options for actions to eliminate or reduce the environmental impacts of the San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) Power Plant on the community, and to achieve more compatible land uses in this key coastline area. One action considered was the establishment of a second redevelopment project area which would include the SDG& E Power Plant and other surrounding SDG&E properties. To initiate this action, the City Council took the first planning step by adopting a resolution to create a redevelopment survey area on December 8, 1998. Adoption of the redevelopment survey area allowed the City to begin its efforts to study the area and determine whether a redevelopment project within the subject area is feasible. The designation of the survey area is important because the final project area for the redevelopment plan, if ultimately adopted, must be within the boundaries of the survey area. With the assistance of the Rosenow Spevacek Group (RSG), a private consultant with expertise in the area of redevelopment, a team of City Staff recently completed additional review of the potential redevelopment needs within the community. The staff team consists of the following members: Assistant City Manager, Housing and Redevelopment Director, Community Development Director, Planning Director, Administrative Services Director, Finance Director, Risk Manager and Assistant City Attorney (Mobaldi). The Consultant and Staff Team considered the benefits of including other properties within the Carlsbad Boulevard corridor with the Power Plant and SDG&E properties as a potential second redevelopment project area. Based on this recent review, the noted Staff Team is recommending that the City Council proceed with efforts to expand the previously approved redevelopmenf survey area to include the properties noted on the attached map. This expanded area will include the properties within the “Ponto Area”, some properties south of the Power Plant, various properties owned by SDG&E and the privately-owned Power Plant and related properties (as previously indicated and approved). The expanded redevelopment survey area, as proposed by staff, is best described as being generally bounded by Tamarack Avenue on the North, the Pacific Ocean on the West, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and related properties on the East and just south of Ponto Drive on the South. The attached map identifies the specific boundaries of the survey area to be studied. Page2ofAB# j5,3&< As mentioned within the report to the Council on December 8, 1998, designation of the expanded survey area allows the City of Carlsbad the opportunity to study the feasibility of creating a second redevelopment project area, and then to move forward to adopt a redevelopment area as deemed appropriate. The focus of the feasibility study is 1) to make a preliminary determination of the blighting conditions within the area, 2) determine the feasible land uses, 3) identify the market demand for such land uses, and 4) analyze the financial feasibility of establishing a second redevelopment project area. The study results are utilized to determine if there are, in fact, physical and blighting conditions existing within the area which demonstrate a need to implement redevelopment activities. If a determination is made that redevelopment activities would be beneficial to all, or a portion of the survey area, the City may continue the process to establish a Redevelopment Projecf Area I/ through adoption of the required Redevelopment Plan and related documents. Staff is recommending that action be taken to proceed with establishment of a second redevelopment project area as deemed appropriate by the feasibility study. For additional information purposes, attached as Exhibit 3 is a Staff Report to the City Manager, dated July 13, 1999, which provides a more detailed discussion on the proposed redevelopment strategy and other considerations related to the recommended action to expand the survey area and pursue adoption of a redevelopment plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION At this time, staff is recommending that the City Council designate the expanded redevelopment survey area. This is the first planning step in establishing a second redevelopment project area. Upon completion of the feasibility study, the formal process to establish a second redevelopment project area may begin. It is anticipated at this time that the formal process will begin in September, 1999. The feasibility study will determine the appropriate areas to include within the second redevelopment project area. It typically takes approximately 8 to 10 months to process the appropriate documents to adopt a redevelopment project area. Staff is also recommending that the City Council authorize the Finance Director to appropriate a maximum of $125,000 in funding (from the Contingency Fund) for consultant services to complete the redevelopment feasibility study and to prepare the documentation necessary to establish a second redevelopment project area. The consultant services will include legal counsel from Kane, Ballmer and Berkman. Staff is recommending that Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc. (RSG) be retained to continue their work with the City on the feasibility study and subsequent development of all redevelopment plan documents. Because RSG has already provided considerable assistance to the City as related to the study of a second redevelopment area, staff believes that it would be most appropriate to continue the partnership and provide for an expanded contract with this consultant to save time and money. RSG is familiar with the area to be studied, the City organization and is well known for its expertise in the area of redevelopment. - Page3ofAB# lS,X&‘L FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the attached resolution will authorize the appropriation and expenditure of a maximum of $125,000 for redevelopment consultant and legal counsel services related to a completed study of the designated redevelopment survey area, and adoption of a second redevelopment project area. Staff has recommended that this funding be allocated from the Contingency Fund. At a future date, staff will return with a request for authorization to appropriate additional funding for consultant services to complete the required environmental review documentation for the proposed new redevelopment project area. Currently, the estimate for environmental consultant services ranges from $70,000 to $100,000. If the City Council ultimately takes action to establish a second redevelopment project area, the cost of the consultant services may be considered a loan to the redevelopment agency (Project Area II) and subsequently repaid through future tax increment. 1. City Council Resolution No. 9cI -a6 S designating an expanded Redevelopment Swvey Area and appropriating funding for, and retention of, appropriate redevelopment and legal counsel consultant services. 2. Reduced Black and White Copy of Boundary Map for expanded Redevelopment Survey. Area (Enlarged Color Copy of Survey Area Boundary Map is on file in City Clerk’s Office). 3. Staff Report to City Manager, dated July 13, 1999. c. 1 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 99-265 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESIGNATING AN EXPANDED REDEVELOPMENT SURVEY AREA, APPROPRIATING FUNDING FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RETAIN THE CONSULTANT SERVICES OF ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP TO COMPLETE A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT SURVEY AREA, AND TO PREPARE AND PROCESS DOCUMENTS TO ESTABLISH A SECOND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA WJTHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has been considering 8 options for actions to eliminate or reduce the blighting influences of the existing Power Plant on 9 the community, and to achieve more compatible land uses in the designated area of the coastline 10 within the City of Carlsbad; and, 11 WHEREAS, the City Council has recently considered the potential redevelopment needs 12 of other areas within the community as related to properties located along Carlsbad Boulevard; 13 ad 14 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that there is a need to expand the Redevelopment 15 Survey Area which was initially approved and established on December 8,1998, and to continue 16 the efforts to complete a feasibility study to determine if it would be appropriate to establish a 17 redevelopment project within the designated area, as expanded; and, 18 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Survey Area, as expanded, is generally described as 19 being bordered by Chinquapin Avenue on the North, Cannon Road on the South, the Pacific 20 Ocean on the West, and the eastern edge of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon on the East, and just 21 south of Ponto Drive and more specifically detailed on Exhibit “A” to this resolution, and Exhibit 22 “2” to the related City Council Agenda Bill, as revised by action of the Council on July 20, 1999, 23 which is herein incorporated by reference; and, 24 WHEREAS, the City Council declares its intent to complete a feasibility study of the 25 survey area, as expanded, and then to proceed with efforts to establish a redevelopment project 26 area within the designated boundaries of the survey area, as deemed appropriate by the results of the study; and, 28 II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to retain redevelopment consultant and legal counsel services and hereby authorizes the funding, in an amount not to exceed $125,000, ~ for these redevelopment consultant and legal counsel services to complete the feasibility study of the designated Redevelopment Survey Area, as expanded, and to prepare and process the appropriate documents to establish a redevelopment project area, to be known at this time as Redevelopment Project Area II, based on the results of said feasibility study. NOW, THXBEFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the attached “Exhibit A” accurately represents the boundaries of the Redevelopment Survey Area, as expanded, and that this area requires additional study to determine if a Redevelopment Project Area is feasible. 3. That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager, or designee, to proceed with efforts to prepare the appropriate documentation to establish a redevelopment project area, to be known at this time as Redevelopment Project Area II, and to process said documentation accordingly, as deemed appropriate by the results of said feasibility study of the expanded Redevelopment Survey Area. 4. That the City Council authorizes the City Manager to prepare and execute the appropriate documents to retain the consultant services of Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. to complete said feasibility study of the designated Redevelopment Survey Area, as expanded by this Resolution, and to proceed with efforts to prepare and process the appropriate documentation for establishment of a redevelopment project area, subject to approval by the City Attorney. If/l CC Resolution No. 99-265 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5. That the City Council authorizes the Finance Director to appropriate $125,000 from the 0 Contingency Fund to finance the costs of the redevelopment consultant services and related legal counsel for completion of the survey area feasibility study and preparation and processing of documentation required to establish a redevelopment project area, as deemed appropriate by the results of said study, and to add said appropriation to the account previously established for the initial survey area, which is hereby expanded. 6. That the $125,000 in funding for consultant services, including legal counsel, required to complete the feasibility study for the expanded survey area and to prepare and process appropriate legal documents to establish a redevelopment project area as deemed appropriate by the results of said study shall become a loan to the Redevelopment Agency for Redevelopment Project Area II, which shall be repaid in full with interest from future tax increment, if a second Redevelopment Project Area is approved by the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on them day of .I&, 1999, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None I ti4L I ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cl&k (SEAL) CC Resolution No. 99-265 ,,;,:t.‘J,, IL’ .;,I 1,Ir:ll:nl: 13. 1’). ! I’(.: ! !I I .).IL’L,‘: _- --- :*I ‘!,,:I ,P,! I,,,,: . _ _ - EXHIBIT 3 July 13, 1999 TO: CITY MANAGER VIA: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STATUS REPORT ON STUDY EFFORTS RELATED TO ESTABLISHMENT OF A SECOND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA On December 8, 1998, the City Council took action to approve establishment of a Redevelopment Survey Area which included the Power Plant and related SDG&E owned properties. This action allowed the City to study the benefits that could be potentially realized through establishment of a redevelopment project area. It was anticipated that redevelopment law would be more successful as a tool for eliminating blighting influences created by the existing power plant. These blighting influences include the visual appearance of the plant and the incompatible land use it creates on the scenic coastline of Carlsbad. With the assistance of the Rosenow Spevacek Group, a redevelopment consulting firm, staff studied the feasibility of establishing a second redevelopment project area which would include the power plant and related properties. The subject properties appear to pass the “blight test” required to establish a redevelopment project area. However, staff faced difficulty in assessing the actual benefit of establishing a redevelopment project area for the following two reasons: l This year Dynegy/NRG purchased the power plant and related properties from San Diego Gas and Electric. Due to the high purchase price, it was difficult to determine if there would be any interest by the new property owner in pursuing actions which would result in the elimination of the blighting influences created by the existing power plant. l The taxing structure for the power plant and related properties was uncertain. At the time the study was initiated, the power plant property was being assessed on total utility assets. It was, and is, not assessed under the property tax structure. The property tax structure is the basis of financing for redevelopment areas. Without this assessment, there would be no financing available to the redevelopment agency to implement blight elimination activities as related to the subject properties. As a result of the above two situations, staff temporarily discontinued its feasibility study efforts as related to the establishment of a second redevelopment project area. Staff decided to wait until further action was taken by the State Board of Equalization related to the assessment of power plants for taxing purposes. In May of this year, the State Board of Equalization indicated its intent to allow for local assessment of companies owning generation facilities and selling electricity to the public, and not subject to the Public Utilities Commission’s Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience. It is anticipated that the State Board of Equalization will establish a formal rule on local assessment of the subject facilities and related property on July 28, 1999. This action by the Board of Equalization will set the framework to allow the Encina Power Plant to be assessed property taxes which is essential to the successful implementation of a redevelopment program. Second Redevelopment Project Area Report T/13/99 Page 2 Staff met with the new owners of the Encina Power Plant and shared information about redevelopment and the intent of the City in creating a redevelopment project area to eliminate, or reduce, the blighting influences created by the existing plant. The new owners indicated their general support for redevelopment activities, but did not make a commitment as to what actions they might be willing to take to address the City’s concerns. With the above-noted action by the State Board of Equalization and general expressed support from the new owners of the Encina Power Plant, staff decided to continue its efforts to complete an analysis of the benefits of establishing a second redevelopment project area. On June 18, 1999, a team of City staff met to discuss a strategy for addressing the redevelopment needs of the community. The team consists of the following members: Assistant City Manager, Community Development Director, Housing and Redevelopment Director, Planning Director, Finance Director, Administrative Services Director, Risk Manager, and Assistance City Attorney (Mobaldi). The Staff Team is assisted by consultants Frank Spevacek and Jim Simon, of the Rosenow Spevacek Group. Staff and the consultants will be referred to as the Encina Redevelopment Project Team in the remainder of this report. Initially, the Encina Redevelopment Project Team continued to study the establishment of a redevelopment project area which included the power plant and related properties and various other surrounding properties owned by San Diego Gas and Electric only. Further review of other potential redevelopment needs and opportunities, however, led to additional discussions on the appropriate strategy to recommend to the City Council. The Project Team considered the following: l Should the existing Village Redevelopment Project Area be amended to add property (ie., Encina Power Plant) to it, and to extend the time frame to receive tax increment revenue? l What financial returns could be generated from a redevelopment project that encompassed only the Encina Power Plant? l Are there other properties located within the Carlsbad Boulevard corridor which could (or should) be included within the Encina Redevelopment Project Area? After much discussion, the Encina Redevelopment Project Team decided that it would not be prudent to open the existing Village Redevelopment Project Area to add additional properties to it, or otherwise take action to modify the existing redevelopment plan. Therefore, the Team has no recommendation at this time to take any action related to the existing Village Redevelopment Project Area. However, the Team has decided that it would be appropriate to continue with efforts to create a second redevelopment project area in Carlsbad which includes the Encina Power Plant and other surrounding properties. At this time, the strategy supported by the Project Team is to expand the previously approved Redevelopment Survey Area for the potential second Redevelopment Project Area to include various properties along the Carlsbad Boulevard Corridor extending from the Power Plant to the Ponto Area. An agenda bill is currently being processed to expand the survey area and to obtain authorization from the City Council to proceed with efforts to prepare and process the documents required to establish a second redevelopment project area, with the boundaries dependent upon the final results of the feasibility study and legal review. Attached is a map which indicates the expanded redevelopment survey area which will be recommended to the City Council within the next couple of weeks. Second Redevelopment Project Area Report 7/I 3199 Page 3 Several issues related to formation of a Second Redevelopment Project Area remain outstanding and uncertain. These issues will be addressed as the City proceeds with the actions to form a second redevelopment area. For example, a property value for the Power Plant and related properties has not yet been established by the County Assessor’s Office and there is no identified time frame for doing so. Consequently, it is difficult for the Team to provide a specific analysis of the amount of tax increment which could be generated if the Power Plant property is included within the second redevelopment project area. The Team believes that the City will probably find it necessary to “force” the value of the Power Plant property to be set in a timely manner. By pursuing establishment of a second redevelopment project area which includes the Power Plant property, the City will, in effect, force a decision on the property value. If the City Council supports the Project Team’s recommendation to pursue establishment of a second redevelopment project area, the process is anticipated to begin in September, 1999 The process to establish a redevelopment project area is complex and time consuming. It will take approximately 8 to 10 months to complete the process. Preparation and adoption of the appropriate redevelopment/legal documents to establish the second redevelopment project area will require the use of substantial staff resources and funding from the City. The Community Development Departments of Housing and Redevelopment and Planning will have very key roles in implementation of this project, and will assume the leadership role. However, there are several other City Departments which will also be significantly impacted by this project, including Engineering, Finance, Police, Fire, Water and the City Attorney. The implementation of this project, if approved, will represent a team goal for several departments in fiscal year 1999-2000. Initially, the consultant costs for preparing the appropriate redevelopment and related documents is estimated to be approximately $215,000 to $245,000. This estimated cost for consultants include redevelopment services, legal counsel, and environmental review. Although there are substantial costs associated with establishment of a second redevelopment project area, it should be noted that there will ultimately be a substantial return on this investment of staff resources and initial funding. If additional information is desired on the specific issues or the schedule related to creation of a second redevelopment project area, please let me know. DEBBIE FOUNTAIN c: Encina Redevelopment Project Team -._ .* July 19, 1999 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Asst.CM -CA Date-ity TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR THE MAYOR ON THE SECOND REDEVELOPMENT AREA The attached financial information was distributed to the City Council as related to formation of a second redevelopment area. Unfortunately, I failed to provide the Mayor with a copy of the financial information. The attached is, therefore, forwarded to you for distribution to the Mayor. For the Mayor’s information, this financial summary provides a breakdown on the revenue which could be generated under the various scenarios for creating, or expanding, a redevelopment area. The financial information which is key to the recommendation to be presented by Staff is noted on Page 4 of the attachment. If there are any questions related to this information, please contact my office at X293.5. I+ D BBIE FOUNTAIN - VILLAGEAREAREDEVELDPMENTPROJECT - PROJECTEDTAXINCREMENTREVENUES fiscal Year Secured Secured Unsecured Total Incremental Gross Statutory Housing Redevelopment Cumulative Growth Assessed 8 Utility Assessed Value Tax Tax. Ag. Fund Fund(Net) Net Redev. Rate 11 Value Values 2.1 Value Increment31 Payments Fund BY 1980-81 38,305,360 6.974,948 45,280,308 1998-99 174.201.578 13,634.619 187,836,197 142,555,889 1999-00 2.0% 177.685610 13,634.619 191.320,229 146.039,921 20 2000-01 2.0% 181,239,322 13,634,619 194,873,941 149,593,633 1,495.936 - 299,187 1,196.749 1,196.749 21 2001-02 2.0% 184,864,108 13.634,619 198,498.727 153.218.419 13532.184 - 306,437 18225.747 2.422.496 22 2002-03 2.0% 188.561,390 13.634,619 202.196,009 156.915701 1,569.157 - 313,831 1,255,326 3,677,822 23 2003-04 2.0% 192,332,618 13.634,619 205967,237 160.686,929 1,606,869 - 321,374 4.963.317 24 2004-05 1,285,495 -- 2.0% 196.179,271 13,634.619 209,813.890 164,533.582 1,645,336 - 329,067 1,316.269 fZ279.586 25 2005-06 26 2006-07 27 2007-08 28 2008-09 29 2009-10 30 2010-11 31 2011-12 32 2012-13 33 2013-14 34 2014-15 35 2015-16 36 2016-17 37 2017-18 38 2018-19 39 2019-20 40 2020-21 41 2021-22 42 2022-23 43 2023-24 44 2024-25 45 2025-26 46 2026-27 47 2027-28 48 2028-29 49 2029-30 2.0% 200.102.856 2.0% 204,104,913 2.0% 208.187.011 2.0% 212.350,752 2.0% 216.597.767 2.0% 220,929,722 2.0% 225,348,316 2.0% 229.855,283 2.0% 234,452.388 2.0% 239.141,436 2.0% 243.924,265 2.0% 248,802,750 2.0% 253,778,805 2.0% 258,854,381 2.0% 264,031,469 2.0% 269,312.098 2.0% 274.698,340 2.0% 280,192,307 2.0% 285,796,153 2.0% 291,512,076 2.0% 297.342.318 2.0% 303,289.164 2.0% 309.354,947 2.0% 315542,046 2.0% 321s852.887 13.634.619 213.737,475 168,457.167 13.634,619 217,739,532 172,459,224 13.634.619 221.821.630 176,541,322 13,634.619 225.985.371 180,705,063 13.634,619 230,232.386 184,952.078 1.684,572 - 336,914 1,347,657 1.724.592 - 344.918 1 v379.674 1,765,413 - 353,083 lv412.331 1,807,051 - 361,410 18445.641 1,849.521 - 369,904 1,479.617 1,892.840 - 378,568 1,514,272 1,937,026 - 387,405 1,549.621 1,982.096 - 396,419 1,585,677 2.028,067 - 405,613 1,622,454 2,074,957 - 414,991 1,659,966 2.122.786 - 424,557 1,698.229 7.627,243 9,006.917 10,419.248 11,864,888 13,344,505 13.634,619 234.564,341 1898284,033 13.634619 238.982,935 193.702,627 13,634,619 243.489,902 198,209,594 13.634.619 248.087,007 202,806,699 13,634,619 252,776,055 207,495,747 14.8589777 16,408,398 17,994.075 19,616.529 21.276,495 13,634.619 2573558,884 212,278,576 13,634,619 262,437,369 217,157,061 13634,619 267,413,424 222,133,116 13,634,619 272,489,OOO 227.208,692 13,634,619 277,666,088 2323385.780 22.974.723 22.974.723 22,974,723 22,974,723 22.974,723 13,634,619 282.946,717 237.666,409 13,634,619 288,332,959 243.052,651 13,634,619 293,826,926 248,546,618 13.634.619 299.430,772 254,150,464 13,634.619 305.146,695 2598866,387 22.974.723 228974,723 229974,723 22.974.723 22.974.723 13.634.619 310,976,937 265.696.629 228974,723 13.634,619 316.923,783 271s643.475 22,974,723 13,634.619 322,989,566 277,709,258 22,974,723 13.634,619 329,176,665 2833896,357 22,974,723 13,634.619 335,487,506 290.207.198 22s974.723 50 2030-31 2.0% 328,289,945 13.634.619 341.924,564 296.644.256 22.974,723 Cumulative Total 28,718,404 - 58743,681 22,974,723 Net Present Value (7%) 17,550.983 - 3.510.197 14,040,786 11 Secured Growth Rate assumes Proposition 13 inflationary increases 2/ Unsecured and utility values assumed to remain constant. 3/ Assumes 1% levy rate, and excludes 519.375 in annual unitary utility revenue VILLAGEAREAREDEVELOPMENTPROJECT PROJECTEDTAXINCREMENTREVENUES Fiscal Year Secured Secured Unsecured Total Incremental Gross Statutory Housing Redevelopment Cumulative Growth Assessed & Utility Assessed Value Tax Tax. Ag. Fund Fund(Net) Net Redev. Rate 11 Value Values 21 Value Increment 31 Payments Fund BY 1980-81 38,305.360 6,974,948 45,280,308 1998-99 174,201,578 13.634,619 187.836,197 142,555,889 1999-00 2.0% 177,685.610 13.634,619 191,320,229 146,039,921 20 2000-01 2.0% 181,239.322 133634,619 194.873.941 149J593.633 1,495,936 299.187 13196.749 1,196,749 21 2001-02 2.0% 184,864,108 13,634,619 198,498.727 153,218.419 1,532.184 - 306,437 17225,747 2.422.496 22 2002-03 2.0% 188.561,390 13,634,619 202,196,009 156.915,701 1,569,157 - 313.831 1.255,326 3,67?,822 23 2003-04 2.0% 192.332,618 13,634.619 205.967,237 160,686.929 1,606.869 321.374 1.285.495 4.963,317 24 2004-05 2.0% 196,179,271 13,634,619 209613,890 1643533,582 19645.336 7,693 329,067 1,308.575 6271,893 25 2005-06 26 2006-07 27 2007-08 28 2008-09 29 2009-10 30 2010-11 31 2011-12 32 2012-13 33 2013-14 34 2014-15 35 2015-16 36 2016-17 37 2017-18 38 2018-19 39 2019-20 40 2020-21 41 2021-22 42 2022-23 43 2023-24 44 2024-25 45 2025-26 46 2026-27 47 2027-28 48 2028-29 49 2029-30 50 2030-31 2.0% 200.102.856 2.0% 204,104.913 2.0% 208,187,Oll 2.0% 212.350,752 2.0% 216,597,767 2.0% 220,929.722 2.0% 225,348,316 2.0% 229,855,283 13,634,619 213,737,475 168.457,167 1,664,572 15,540 336,914 1,332.117 7,604,OlO 13,634.619 217,739,532 172,459,224 1,724,592 23,545 344,918 1.356,129 8,960,139 13,634,619 221,821,630 176,541.322 13765,413 31,709 353,083 1,380.622 10,340,761 13,634,619 2253985.371 180,705,063 1.807,051 40,036 361,410 1,405,604 11,746,365 13,634.619 230,232,386 184,952,078 1,849,521 48,530 369,904 1,431,086 13,177,451 13,634,619 13.634619 13,634,619 2342564,341 la9,284,033 19892,840 57,194 378,568 1,457,078 14,634,529 238,982,935 193,702,627 1,937,026 66,031 387,405 1,483,590 16.118,119 243,489,902 198.209,594 1,982.096 75,045 396.419 1.510,631 17.628,750 248,087,007 202.806.699 2.028.067 84.240 405,613 1.538,214 19,166,964 252,776,055 207.495.747 2.074,957 99,624 414,991 1,560.342 20,727,306 2.0% 234,452,388 13,634,619 2.0% 239.141.436 13,634.619 2.0% 2433924,265 2.0% 248,802.750 2.0% 253,778,805 2.0% 258,854,381 2.0% 264,031.469 2.0% 269,312,098 2.0% 274,698,340 2.0% 280.192,307 2.0% 285,796,153 2.0% 291,512,076 2.0% 297.342.318 2.0% 303,289,164 2.0% 309.354,947 2.0% 315,542,046 2.0% 321,852,887 13,634.619 2573558,884 212.278,576 2,122.786 115,317 424.557 1,582,912 22,310,218 13.634.619 2629437,369 217,157,061 2,171,571 131,323 434,314 1,605.933 23,916,151 13,634.619 267.413,424 222,133,116 2,221,331 147.650 444,266 1.629,415 25,545,567 13,634.619 272,489,OOO 227,208,692 2,272,087 164,302 454,417 1.653,367 27,198,934 13,634,619 277,666,088 232,385,780 2,323.858 181,289 464,772 1,677,798 28.876,732 13.634,619 282,946,717 237,666,409 2,376,664 198,614 475,333 1,702,717 30,579,449 13.634,619 288,332,959 2433052,651 23430.527 216,287 486,105 1,728,135 32,307,583 13,634,619 293,826,926 248.546,618 2,485,466 234,312 497,093 1,754,061 34.0613644 13,634.619 299,430,772 254,150.464 2,541,505 252,698 508,301 1,780,505 35,642,149 13.634,619 305,146,695 259,866,387 2,598,664 271,452 519,733 1.807,479 37,649,628 13,634,619 310,976,937 265,696.629 2,656,966 290,581 531,393 1,834,992 39.4847620 13.634619 316,923,783 2?1,643,475 2,716,435 310,093 543,287 1.863.055 41.347,674 13,634.619 322,989,566 277.709,258 2,777,093 329,995 555,419 1.891,679 43.2398354 13,634,619 329,178,665 2838896,357 2.838,964 350,295 567,793 1,920,876 45.160,230 13,634,619 335,487,506 290,207,198 2,902.072 371,001 580,414 1,950.657 47.110,887 1,981.033 49691,920 2.0% 328,289.945 13.634.619 341.924,564 296.644.256 2.966.443 392,121 593,289 Cumulative Total 66.998,047 4,506,518 13,399.609 49,091.920 __- Net Present Value (7%) 25,744.025 1,080,862 5.148.805 19,514.357 l/ Secured Growth Rate assumes Proposition 13 inflationary increases 21 Unsecured and utility values assumed to remain constant. 31 Assumes 1% levy rate, and excludes S19,375 in annual unttary utility revenue ENClNAREDEVELOPMENTPROJECT-ASSUMlNGLOCALROLLREASSESSMENTOFPOWERPLANT PROJECTEDTAXINCREMENTREVENUES Fiscal Year Secured Local Potential New Incremental Gross Statutory Housing Redevelopment Cumulative Growth Assessed Value 31 Value Tax Tax. Ag. Fund Fund(Net) Net Redev. Rate II Value 2/ Increment Payments Fund BY 1999-00 9.072.696 1 2000-01 2 2001-02 3 2002-03 4 2003-04 5 2004-05 6 2005-06 7 2006-07 8 2007-08 9 2008-09 10 2009-10 11 2010-11 12 2011-12 13 2012-13 14 2013-14 15 2014-15 16 2015-16 17 2016-17 18 2017-18 19 2018-19 2.0% 249,900,OOO 2.0% 254,898,OOO 2.0% 259,995.960 2.0% 265.195,879 2.0% 270,499.797 2.0% 275,909,793 2.0% 281,427,989 2.0% 2873056,548 2.0% 292,797,679 2.0% 298,653,633 2.0% 304,626,706 2.0% 310,719,240 2.0% 316,933,624 2.0% 323,272,297 2.0% 329,737,743 2.0% 336.332.498 2.0% 343,059,148 2.0% 349,920,331 245.000,OOO 235.927,304 2,359,273 471,855 471,655 1,415,564 1,415,564 240,827,304 2.408,273 481,655 481,655 1,444,964 21860,528 245,825,304 2,458,253 491,651 491.651 1,474,952 4.335.479 250,923.264 2.509,233 501,847 501,847 1,505,540 5.841.019 256,123,183 2,561,232 512,246 512,246 17536,739 7s377.758 261,427,101 2,614,271 522,854 522,854 1,568,563 8.946.321 266,837,097 2,668,371 533,674 533,674 1,601,023 10,547,343 272,355,293 2.723,553 544,711 544,711 1,634.132 12,181,475 277,983,852 2.779,839 555,968 555,968 1,667,903 13,849,378 283.7243983 2,837,250 567,450 567,450 1,702,350 15,551,728 289,580.937 2.895.809 586,663 579,162 1,729,984 17,281,712 295,554,OlO 2,955,540 606,261 591,108 1,758,171 19,039,883 301.646,544 3,016,465 626,251 603,293 1.786,922 20,826.805 307,860,928 3,078,609 646,640 615,722 1,816,247 22.643,052 314,199,601 3,141,996 667,437 628,399 1,846,160 24,489,212 320,665,047 3,206,650 688,650 641,330 1,876,670 327,259,802 3,272,598 710,288 654,520 1,907,791 3333986,452 3.339,865 732,358 667,973 1,939,534 340,847,635 3,408,476 754,869 681,695 1,971,912 20 2019-20 2.0% 356,918,737 347,846,041 3,478,460 777,831 695,692 2,004.937 26,365.882 28.2739673 30,213,207 32,185,118 34,190,056 21 2020-21 22 2021-22 23 2022-23 24 2023-24 25 2024-25 26 2025-26 27 2026-27 28 2027-28 29 2028-29 30 2029-30 31 2030-31 32 2031-32 33 2032-33 34 2033-34 35 2034-35 36 2035-36 37 2036-37 38 2037-38 39 2038-39 40 2039-40 41 2040-41 42 2041-42 43 2042-43 44 2043-44 45 2044-45 2.0% 364.057,112 2.0% 371,338,254 2.0% 378,765,019 2.0% 386,340,320 2.0% 394,067,126 2.0% 401,948,469 2.0% 409,987,438 2.0% 418.187.187 2.0% 426,550,931 2.0% 435,081,949 2.0% 443,783,588 2.0% 452,659,260 2.0% 4613712,445 2.0% 470,946,694 2.0% 480,365.628 2.0% 489,972.940 2.0% 499.772.399 2.0% 509,767,847 2.0% 519,963,204 2.0% 5308362,468 2.0% 540,969,718 2.0% 551,789,112 2.0% 562,824,894 2.0% 574.081,392 531.897,022 5,318,970 1,472,131 1,063,794 28783.046 84,694.136 542.716,416 5,427,164 1,516,869 1.085,433 2,824,863 87,518,998 553,752.198 58537,522 1,562,502 1,107,504 2.867,516 90,386.514 565008,696 5,650.087 1,609,047 1,130,017 2.911,022 93,297,536 2.0% 585.563,020 576,490,324 5.764,903 1.656.524 1.152,981 2.955,399 96.252.935 Cumulative Total 172 054 427 --.----.-----L-L. .-.~..- 41 390,607 34.410,885 96252,935 , .-L-- _~.----. Net Present Value (7%) 45,023.406 9.815,510 9.004,681 26,203,215 354,984,416 33549,844 801,252 709,969 2,038,623 36.228.679 362,265.558 3,622,656 825,142 724,531 2,072,983 38,301,662 369.692,323 3.6963923 849,509 739,385 2.108,030 40.409,691 377,267,624 39772,676 874,363 754,535 2,143,778 423553,469 384,994,430 33849,944 899,715 769,989 2,180,240 44733,709 392.875,773 3,928,758 925,574 785,752 2,217,432 46,951,142 400.914,742 4,009,147 951,950 601,829 27255,368 49.206,510 409,114,491 4,091,145 978,853 818,229 2,294,063 51.500,573 417,478.235 4,174,782 1,006,294 834,956 2,333,531 53.834,105 426,009,253 4,260,093 1,034,285 852,019 2.373,789 56.207,894 434,710,892 4,347,109 1,070,266 869,422 28407,421 58,615,315 4438586,564 4,435.866 1,106,967 887,173 2,441,726 61,057,041 452,639,749 4,526,397 1.144,402 905,279 2,476,716 63,533,757 461,873,998 4,618,740 1,182,585 923,748 2,512,407 66,046.164 471,292,932 4,712,929 1,221,533 942,586 2.5488811 68,594.975 480.900,244 4,809.002 1,261,259 961,800 2v585.943 71,180,918 490,699,703 4,906,997 1,301,780 981,399 2,623,818 73.804.736 500,695,151 5,006,952 1,343,111 1.001,390 2v662.450 76,467.186 510,890,508 5,108.905 1,385,269 1.021,781 2.7019855 79.169,041 52lt289.772 5,212,898 1,428,270 1,042,580 2,742,049 81.911,090 11 Secured Growth Rate assumes that the power plantwill be moved to local roll, and subject to Proposition 13 inflationary increases 21 1998-99Assessed Value reflects amount of land value on the nonunitary, state-assessed roll. Unitary values excluded. 31 Includes local roll reassessment of Enctna Plant, at70% of5350 million estimated sales value ENClNAREDEVELOPMENTPROJECT-ASSUMlNGLOCALROLLREASSESSMENTOFPOWERPLANT PROJECTEDTAXINCREMENTREVENUES Fiscal Year Secured Local Potential New Incremental Gross Statutory Housing Redevelopment Cumulative Growth Assessed Value 31 Value Tax Tax. Ag. Fund Fund(Net) Net Redev. Rate I/ Value 21 Increment Payments Fund BY 1999-00 1 2000-01 2 2001-02 3 2002-03 4 2003-04 5 2004-05 6 200506 7 2006-07 8 2007-08 9 2008-09 10 2009-10 11 2010-11 12 2011-12 13 2012-13 14 2013-14 15 2014-15 16 2015-16 17 2016-17 18 2017-18 19 2018-19 20 2019-20 21 2020-21 22 2021-22 23 2022-23 24 2023-24 25 2024-25 26 2025-26 27 2026-27 28 2027-28 29 2028-29 30 2029-30 31 2030-31 32 2031-32 33 2032-33 34 2033-34 35 2034-35 36 2035-36 37 2036-37 38 2037-38 39 2038-39 40 2039-40 41 2040-41 42 2041-42 43 2042-43 44 2043-44 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 13,158.901 249,900.000 254,898,OOO 264,738.960 274,164,739 280515,034 286,125,335 297.814,841 309.126,138 321,122,661 327545,114 342,740,516 358,239,827 374,049.123 390,174,606 397,978,098 417,004,660 436,411,753 456.2068988 465.331.128 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 474,637,750 461,478,850 41614,788 1,119,611 922,958 2,572,220 40.992.898 484,130,505 470.971605 4,709,716 1,150.756 941,943 2.617,017 43,609,914 493,813.116 480,654,215 4,806,542 1,182.525 961,308 2.662,709 46,272,623 5039689,378 490,530,477 4,905,305 1,214,929 981,061 2,709,315 48,981,938 513,763,165 500,604,265 5,006,043 1,247,981 1,001,209 2,756,853 519738,791 524,038,429 510,879,528 5,108,795 1,281,694 1,021.759 2,805,342 54.544,133 534,519,197 521,360,297 5,213,603 1,316,082 1.042,721 2,854,801 57.398.934 545,209,581 532,050,681 5,320,507 1,351,157 1,064,lOl 2,905,249 60,304,183 5568113.773 542,954,872 5.429,549 1,386.933 1,085,910 2,956,706 63,260,888 567,236,048 554,077,148 5,540,771 1,423,426 1,108,154 3,009.192 66.270.080 578,580,769 565,421,869 5,654,219 1,470,336 1,130,844 3,053,039 69,323,119 590,152.385 576,993,484 5.769.935 1,518,185 1 ,153,987 3,097,763 72.420,882 6013955,432 588,796,532 5,887,965 1,566,990 1,177,593 3,143,382 75,564,264 613.994,541 600,835,640 6,008,356 1,616,772 1,201,671 3,189,913 78.754,178 6261274,432 613,115,531 6,131,155 1,667,549 1,226.231 3,237,375 81,991.553 638,799,920 625,641,020 6,256,410 1.719,342 1,251,282 3,285,786 85.277.339 651,575,919 638,417,018 6,384,170 1,772,171 1,276,834 3,335,165 88.612.504 664,607,437 651,448.537 6,514.485 1,826,056 1,302,897 3.385,532 91,998.036 677,899,586 664,740,685 6,647,407 1,881,019 1.329,481 3,436.906 95.434,942 691,457,578 678,298,677 6,782.987 1.937,082 1.356,597 3,489.308 98,924.250 705,286,729 692,127,829 6,921.278 1,994.265 1,384,256 3542.758 102.467,007 719,392,464 706,233,563 7,062.336 2,052.592 1,412.467 3,597,276 106.064.284 7333780.313 720,621,412 7,206,214 2,112,086 1,441,243 3,652,885 109,717.169 748,455,919 735,297,019 7,352,970 2,172,770 1,470,594 3,709,606 113,426,775 245.000,OOO 4,650,OOO 4,050,000 850,000 5850,000 5,250,OOO 5,700,000 8,475,OOO 8,475,OOO 8.475,OOO 8,475,OOO 10,850,OOO 10.850,OOO 10,850,OOO 231,841,099 2.318,411 463,682 463,682 1,391,047 1,391.047 236,741,099 2,367,411 473,482 473.482 1,420,447 2,811.493 246,389.099 2,463,891 492,778 492.778 1,478,335 43289,828 255,630,059 2,556,301 511,260 511,260 1,533,780 5,823.608 261,855,839 2,618,558 523.712 523,712 1,571,135 7,394,743 267,356,133 2,673,561 534,712 534,712 1,604,137 8,998,880 2780816,434 2.788.164 557.633 557,633 1,672.899 10.671,779 289,905,941 2,899,059 579,812 579,812 1,739.436 12,411.214 301,667,238 3,016.672 603,334 603,334 1,810,003 14,221.218 307,963.760 3,079,638 615,928 615,928 ln847.783 16,069,OOO 322,861,214 3,228,612 664,806 645,722 1,918,084 17,987,084 338,056.616 3,380.566 714,662 676,113 1,989.791 19,976.875 353,555,926 3,535,559 765,515 707,112 2,062,932 22.039.807 369,365.223 3,693,652 817,386 738,730 2.137,536 243177,343 377,015,705 3,770,157 842,487 754,031 2,173,639 26,350,981 395,669,197 3,956,692 903,689 414,695,759 4,146,958 966,115 434,102,852 4,341,029 1,029,790 443,048,087 4,430,481 1,059,139 4528172,227 4,521,722 1,089,076 791,338 2,261,665 829,392 2,351,451 868,206 29443,033 886,096 27485,246 904,344 2,528,302 28,612,646 30,964.097 33,407.130 35.892,375 38.420.677 45 2044-45 2.0% 763,425,038 750,266.137 7,502.661 2,234,667 1.500.532 3,767,462 117.194.237 Cumulatrve Total 214,525,264 54,425,974 42.905,053 117,194,237 Net PresentValue(7%) 52,243.838 11.921.914 10,448.768 29,873,156 11 Secured Growth Rate assumesthatthe power plantwill be moved to local roll, and subject to Proposition 13 inflationary increases 21 1998-99 Assessed Value reflects amountofland value on the nonunitary, state-assessed roll. Umtary values excluded. 3/ Includes local roll reassessment of Encina Plant at 70% of estimated $350 million sales price, plus developmentofvacant properties PROJECTED TAX INCREMENT REVENUES 2000-01 to 2044-45 Planning Alternatives Village Area Village Area Village Area New Project New Project with Encina with Encina Encina Only with Encina Only and Expanded and Expanded Do Nothing Cumulative Gross Tax Increment 28,718,404 Less: Housing Set Aside (5,743.681) Less: Statutory Payments Net Nonhousing Tax Increment 22,974.723 PreseiiiVdob of Nei Nobhou&ng ?’ ‘14,040,786 “_’ *-w.,-“>,,~. _I/aII, .,,,,_.a ,.,. *, j . .),,“, .’ j.. ‘. Amend Existing Cumulative Gross Tax Increment 66,998,047 239,052,474 281,523,311 Village Area Less: Housing Set Aside (13.399,609) (47,810,495) (56,304,662) Less: Statutory Payments (4,506,518) (45.897,124) (58,932,492) Net Nonhousing Tax Increment 49.091,920 145,344,855 166,286,158 Present V&&of Net Nonhousing “‘, $9,514,357 : ‘45,717,573 --‘~.~ 49,387,5,4 ~~ .. -_ ,’ ‘( : I Create New Cumulative Gross Tax Increment Project Area Less: Housing Set Aside 172,054,427 214,525,264 (34,410,885) (42,905,053) Less: Statutory Payments (41,390,607) (54,425,974) Net Nonhousing Tax Increment 96,252,935 117,194,237 > - -. IT.‘.“. -qyq~~,se.mt 1. p&&‘\ii&;,,f f&if No&,omng &; ri,“,i<:’ :,-, ::,:s-<~,,~ .“~,..;*i<~~‘;;,b,ji’~~,?..~,: :F+ :. _1 I- 9. 1 m->,.>xw “:~uqy-- -.>;.x~?ylp’ qpq ; Typp”-* :ml*<- _ 1 , ” . . >,‘F ““>*F, g5@3;@@$q@&~73, $56 :