HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-08-10; City Council; 15350; Carrillo Ranch Wall Finish and LandscapingAB# I5 3<21 MTG. g’- 10 - clcl DEPT. Rp.r, CITY OF CARLSBAD --AGENDA BILL TITLE : CARRILLO RANCH WALL FINISH SELECTION AND LANDSCAPING UPGRADE RECOMMENDED ACTION : Select a finish for the wall currently being constructed around Carrillo Ranch and consider upgrading the perimeter landscaping. ITEM EXPLANATION : At their July 13, 1999 meeting, Council took the following action: 1. Directed staff to continue construction of Phase IA of the Carrillo Ranch (perimeter walls, fences, gates, and landscaping) 2. Council would like to personally review the final finish of the perimeter wall prior to construction by reviewing samples. 3. Have staff investigate upgrading the perimeter landscaping. Subsequent to that meeting, staff prepared a report to clarify Council’s action and present some alternatives (Exhibit 1). In accordance with item 1 above, the work on the wall has continued. The wall itself is complete except for the final finish. Sample finishes have been prepared, and each Councilperson has viewed these samples at the Ranch. The alternative samples prepared showed: A. White plaster with rough trowel finish (currently specified in the plans) B. Adobe colored plaster with rough trowel finish (same as above but with a adobe colored finish) C. White plaster with “finger raked finish” D. Adobe block facsimile facing material with white plaster finish Staff has also made a recommendation for upgrading the plant material, should Council decide to do so, by upsizing the Bougainvillea vines on the wall and adding additional 15 and 5 gallon shrubs. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact varies depending on the alternative finishes and upgraded landscape schemes chosen (if any). Approximate costs for the wall treatment vary from no cost (no change or color change only) to $200,000 or more (adobe style facing alternative). The upgraded landscaping cost would be approximately $6,000 (along the streets only) to $12,000 (entire wall) (refer to Exhibit 1 for a more detailed cost breakdown). / AB# Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT (continued) There is a current balance of $240,0000 in the Carrillo Ranch Phase I account. The funds are anticipated to be used on Phase IB (waterline) and Phase IC (building renovation). Staff recommends repairs to Deedie’s House be done as soon as possible, however, the waterline can be done later during Phase II. The cost for Deedie’s House repair is estimated at $60,000 which leaves $180,000 available for the wall and landscape upgrade should Council desire to do so. 1 If Council decides to use the “adobe style facing” alternative, repairs to Deedie’s House would need to be deferred or additional funds would need to be appropriated to the Carrillo Ranch Phase IA project. EXHIBITS 1. Carrillo Ranch Wall Issue Report July 20, 1999 TO: CITY MANAGER From: Park Development Coordinator CARRILLO RANCH WALL ISSUE: COUNCIL ACTION At the July 13, 1999 City Council meeting, they took the following action concerning the “Wall Issue”: 1. Directed staff to continue with construction as planned. 2. Council would like to personally review the finish on the wall before it is applied. They would like samples prepared on boards and brought down to the Ranch to view next to the existing buildings. 3. Council would like staff to investigate upgrading the plant material along the wall. Item No. 1: Continue Work Engineering Inspection has been informed that construction should continue as planned. Item No. 2: Samples Engineering Inspection has been informed of the request for samples. Two samples will be prepared; the first sample will be per plan (white plaster w/trowel finish to match Deedie’s House and the back of the Cantina); the second to be the same finish only using a brown adobe color plaster to match the surrounding residential walls. It is estimated that the contractor will be able to complete the samples roughly between July 26’h and August 6’h. I will contact you as soon as I know the particular day that the samples will be ready so we can schedule the Council field trips. Item No. 3: Plant Material Upgrade To stay within the original budget, the plant material container sizes that are currently specified are medium to small, with some minor exceptions. There are a few 15 gallon cactus species and the Bougainvilla vines on the wall are 5 gallon, but the majority of plants are 1 gallon. If the Council is interested in upgrading the landscaping, staff recommends the upgrade and addition of plants as follows: EXHIBIT 1 3 pg. 2, Carrillo Wall Follow Up Plant Upgrade (cont.) 1 . Increase the Bougainvilla vines to1 5 gallon from 5 gallon (refer to Attachment A for photo). 2. Add 15 gallon shrubs 3. Add 5 gallon shrubs PLANT UPGRADE COST CHART ITEM CHANGE ALONG CARRILLO WAY AND COST FOR ENTIRE VIA CONQUISTADOR ONLY WALL PERIMETER Bougainvilla vines increase size from 5 $1,700 $ 6,200 gallon to 15 gallon 15 gallon shrubs add to project $2,160 (27 shrubs) $ 2,960 (37 shrubs) 5 gallon shrubs add to project $2,125 (85 shrubs) $ 2,500 (I 00 shrubs) TOTALS $5,985 (estimate) $1 1,660 (estimate) More About the Wall In anticipation of Council questions arising about the wall design, specifically why the final plans vary from the “Carrillo Ranch Master Plan” sketches, the following information is provided: It is important to note that the Master Plan is a conceptual document, intended to quide the future development of the Ranch. It portrays general design ideas that are often “massaged” or taken to the next level during final design. This is typical of park master plans (e.g. Poinsettia Park, Stagecoach Park, etc.) where the final plans, while in keeping with the general concepts of the master plan, vary in specific details. In the case of the Ranch H, the general concept was that I), there would be a solid masonry type wall around the Ranch, and 21, the design should be harmonious with the historic site. After the Master Plan was completed, and to kick off the final design process, a meeting was held to discuss final design issues. The meeting was with our consultants KTU&A and Wayne Donaldson, Preservation Architect (with extensive knowledge and past history of work on the Ranch) and staff. It was the collective professional opinion that “slump block” wall, depicted in the Master Plan, would, in reality, look contrived (i.e., a cheap copy) in relationship to the real adobe walls of the Ranch. The adobe walls of the Ranch are very irregular in shape and size, unlike slump block. Therefore, it was felt that a finish, found in other walls at the Ranch, that could be duplicated, would be more historically appropriate than slump block. Consequently, it was decided to plaster the walls, and use a “rough trowel” finish to match Deedie’s House and the back wall of the Cantina. A consideration was also made to use “finger raked joints” (i.e., accentuating the wall joints using a finger or stick as Leo did), however, during the bid process, this idea proved to be too expensive. Secondly, the ability for the contractor to execute this style (which pg. 3; Carrillo Wall Follow Up is somewhat experimental) was questionable, so the idea was abandoned (refer to Attachment B for photo). Alternatives Should Council, decide to modify the wall finish and/or planting, the following alternatives are presented: 1. Use an adobe colored plaster finish. Pluses and minuses are: + While not predominant within the Ranch, there are non-plastered, plain adobe structures in the Ranch. Consequently, an adobe plaster would match these structures in color. + Would fit more into surrounding community + Cost would be minimal. - There are no similar walls in the Ranch (abobe colored plaster) 2. Heavily plant the wall. Pluses and minuses are: + Would help to soften the effect of the wall on the surrounding community. + Cost would be relatively reasonable ($6,000 to $12,000, refer to Plant Material Upgrade Section above). 3. Face the wall with an adobe block style material. This involves covering the concrete block with a veneer of manufactured brick or stone material that would simulate adobe (refer to Attachment C for photo). Pluses and minuses are: + Would allow us to simulate the Master Plan sketch. - Verv costly (estimated to be $42,000 - $50,000 along Carrillo Way and Via Conquitador only, and $200,000 to $240,000 for the entire wall). 4. Any combination of the above. Staff Recommendation Should Council decide to modify the project, staff recommends both Alternative 1 and 2, which would cost between $6,500 (Carrillo Way and Via Conquistador onJ/) and $12,500 (the entire length of the wall). 5 , I . pg. 4; Carrillo Wall Follow Up Available Funds There is a current balance of $240,0000 in the Carrillo Ranch Phase I account. The funds are anticipated to be used on Phase IB (waterline) and Phase IC (building renovation). Staff recommends repairs to Deedie’s House be done as soon as possible, however, the waterline can be done later during Phase II. The cost for Deedie’s House repair is estimated at $60,000 which leaves $180,000 available for the wall upgrade should Council desire to do so. Mark Steyaert Attachments: A. Plant photos B. Plaster and adobe examples C. Facing examples c: Assistant City Manager Recreation Director Public Works Director Public Works Manager, Dick Cook Senior Construction Inspector, Blaine Barth b