HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-14; City Council; 15384; Community Activity Grants ProgramMTG. 09/14/99 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS PROGRAM DEPT. FIN CITY ATTY.0& CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 4 9 --?/I approving the design of the Community Activity Grants program 2. Appoint Council subcommittee to review grant applications for fiscal year 1999-2000. ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 9, 1999, as part of the 1998/99 budget follow up, Council directed staff to accelerate the funding of the Community Activity Grants Program to provide a total of $1 million, which would be set aside in a separate fund. The interest from the funds will be used to provide grants to community service groups. As a result, there is now approximately $40,000 available for the grant program. Council also requested that staff bring back for further discussion alternative methods for distributing the Community Activity Grants. At the April 20, 1999, meeting, Council considered the alternatives and appointed a Council subcommittee of Council Members Ramona Finnila and Julie Nygaard to design the grant program and to return to Council with their recommendations. Since then the Council subcommittee has met several times and developed an application process and a schedule for funding the 1999-00 grants. The proposed program, which is outlined in the attached documents, will provide funds for services that will enhance the quality of life for Carlsbad's residents and visitors. The program is designed to compliment other City programs by providing services that may not be eligible for funding under any other City program currently in place. The program being recommended by the Council subcommittee requires the completion of an application by interested parties. The applicant may be an organization or an individual. The applications will be reviewed by an appointed Council subcommittee. The Council subcommittee will then make recommendations to Council on the requests to be funded for that fiscal year. $40,000 for the 1999-2000 grant period. It is anticipated that the money will be distributed in Based on the amount of interest earnings available, staff is requesting that Council appropriate December 1999 as shown in the following schedule: and appropriating funds. Council Meeting to appropriate funds and approve program September 14th Applications due to Finance Department October 14th Council subcommittee to review applications October 14th-November 14th Recommendations on funding made to Council 1st Week of December FISCAL IMPACT: If Council approves the attached resolution, it will result in an appropriation of $40,000 from the Community Activity Grant Special Revenue fund balance. Based on interest projections through December 1999, there will be in excess of $40,000 in interest earnings available in the Community Activity Grants fund for disbursement. EXHIBITS: 1, Resolution No. 9 9 '3//approving the design of the Community Activity Grants Program and appropriating funds. L t f - 1 t 5 1c 11 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... RESOLUTION NO. 99-311 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DESIGN OF THE COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS PROGRAM AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS. WHEREAS. on February 9, 1999, Council directed staff to accelerate the funding of the Community Activity Grants Program to provide a total of $1 million to be set aside in a separate fund. WHEREAS, the interest from the funds was to be used to provide grants to community service groups; WHEREAS, on April 20, 1999, Council appointed a Council sub- committee to design the grant program and to return to Council with recommendations, and WHEREAS, the Council subcommittee has met several times and is recommending the grant program as outlined in Attachment A, and, WHEREAS, the amount of interest earnings available to be distributed for 1999-00 is $40,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the Community Activity Grant Program as outlined in the attached application and instructions in Attachment A. Ill Ill Ill Ill i t 1 t 5 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That an appropriation in the amount of $40,000 from the Community Grant Special Revenue fund balance is authorized for disbursement for the 1999-00 Community Activity Grants. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the e day of September , 1999. by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall & Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ATEST: KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant 'city Clerk 3 City of Carlsbad ATTACHMENT A Community Activity Grants 1999-2000 Have a good idea for Carlsbad? Here’s your opportunity.. . The City of Carlsbad is accepting applications for Community Activity Grants. The grants are designed to provide enrichment programs to the Carlsbad community. An enrichment program is any program that enhances the quality of life for Carlsbad’s residents andor visitors. These grants are intended to compliment other City programs such as the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) by providing grants for services that may not be eligible under these other programs. Thus, any organization currently receiving funding from another City program is not eligible for a Community Activity Grant. The City Council has set aside $1 million from which the interest earned will be allocated for the various community service activities. The amount available for the 1999-2000 fiscal year is $40,000. The full amount of the funds may not be disbursed if there are not sufficient qualifying applications. In order to apply for the grant funds, the attached application must be completed with the necessary attachments and received no later than 500 PM on Thursday, October 14,1999, at: City of Carlsbad Finance Department 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Cheryl Gerhardt Applications will be reviewed by a City Council sub-committee. The Committee will then make a recommendation to the City Council for final approval in early December. It should be noted that programs approved for 1999-00 funding have no expressed or implied guarantee for future funding. If you have any questions regarding the funding for Community Activity Grants, please contact Cheryl Gerhardt, Senior Accountant at (760) 434-2822. - - COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GFUN'I APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ADDliCant Information: Please provide the requested information including: name, address, phone, Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number, and two (2) contact names. Two contact names are required for the application to be considered complete. Amount of Grant Reauest: Enter the dollar amount of City funds you are requesting. Eligibility Reauirements: Both individuals and organizations are eligible to apply for grant funds. The three basic requirements which must be met for an organization to be eligible to apply for Community Activity Grants are: 1. A Carlsbad City Council Member cannot be on the board of the organization. 2. The organization cannot have received money from other City sources (including CDBG) for the 3. The program cannot be in competition with other City programs. Program DescnDtIodS The program description should describe the nature of the program, the benefits to the Carlsbad Community, and the projected percent of Carlsbad residents served by the program, i.e., if the program only serves Carlsbad residents, then this would be 100%. Please provide an implementation schedule for the program showing the timeline and activities required to implement the program. If this is an ongoing program for which you are requesting funds, describe how the program will be funded in the future without the City grant. ADolicant Background: Provide the requested information on your organization. If available, please attach an organization chart. ExDerience in ProFram Area: Provide information relating to the applicant's and other employees' experience in the program for which funds are being requested. Include the number of years providing similar services and the experience level of the individual(s). Provide any other information which would be useful to the reviewers in understanding your capabilities to provide the services for which the funds are requested. Financial CaoabilitiesBudget: In addition to providing a detailed budget for the program request, please include a funding schedule (your request for the timing of disbursement of the funds). Funds will only be disbursed in advance if a separate bank account is maintained. Applicant must also provide the requested information on current funding sources, and previous City funding received or requested within the past three years. Signatures: We require two contact names and their signatures. ReDortine Reauirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds are spent, whichever comes first. Proof of program expenses are required to be held for two years during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. current fiscal year. .. CODe: 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS 1999-00 APPLICATION Submit to: City of Carlsbad Finance Department 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Cheryl Gerhardt Deadline: October 14,1999 5:OOpm Please complete the following application using the instructions provided on the last vape of this aovlication. You may attach additionalpages ifnecessary. Name of Applicant: Address: Phone: - Contact 1) name phone Contact 2) name phone Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #: Amount of Grant Request: $ Elieibilitv - Requirements: Please answer the following questions: Y N Is a City Council Member on your board? on Have you or will you be receiving funding in 1999 for this program from other City sources? no Are you aware of any other City program providing this service? no If so, which one? Ifyou answeredm to any of these questions, your request is not eligible for this grant program. Please contact Cheryl Gerhardt at the City of Carlsbad (760-434-2867) for further information, if desired 3 Program DescriptiodScope (please use additionalpages ifnecessary): Describe your program: ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ How will this program beneJit the Carlsbad Community? Applicant Background: This applicant is a (an): 0 Non - Profit 0 Local Public Agency 0 Individual 0 For-Profit 0 State Public Agency 0 Other Years in Business: Number of Employees: Number of Volunteers: (Please attach an organization chart, if available.) Names of Officers and Board of Directors: Name: Title: 4 , .. . - Experience in Propram Area: Financial CapabilitiedBudget: Current funding sources and levels: Previous City funding received or requested in the past three years: (Please attach a budget for program request including funding schedule.) Reaorting Reauirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. are spent, whichever comes first. Proof of program expenses are required to be held for two years during We agree to adhere to the reporting requirements described above. Yeso Nom Certification: We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date To be completed by Finance Date Received: Datereviewed: Amount hw: '.. , . 1999-2000 Schedule The following is the schedule for the application and disbursement of funds for the 1999-00 fiscal year: Council Meeting to appropriate funds and open application period September 14Ih Applications due to finance department October 14Ih Council subcommittee to review applications * October 14th - November 14th Recommendations on funding made to Council 1st Week of December * During the application review process, applicants may be asked to come in and do a short presentation on their program request. 6