HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-21; City Council; 15396; Approve CDBG Subrecipient AgreementsCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# I5;3% TITLE: MTG. 7 -&- yci APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENTS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9q6uq approving Community Development Block Grant Subrecipient Agreements. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 20, 1999, the City Council selected the organizations to receive federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for the 1999-2000 program year. Subrecipient agreements with fifteen subrecipients have been prepared for City Council review and approval. The following subrecipients will receive CDBG funds for activities to benefit low and moderate income Carlsbad residents: Boys and Girls Club Lifeline Community Services Catholic Charities North County Health Services Women’s Resource Center Casa de Amparo Lifeline Community Services Catholic Charities Community Resource Center Community Care for Adults Join Hands-Save a Life Meals on Wheels North County Council on Aging Center for the Blind Boys and Girls Club Brother Benno Foundation Fraternity House Heartland Fair Housing Association Gym Renovation Facility Improvements La Posada Facility Improvements Equipment for Facility Alternatives to Abuse Shelter Shelter for Abused Children Family Self Sufficiency Program La Posada Shelter Operations Homeless Prevention Program Adult Day Services Gang Prevention Program Meal Delivery Program Support Services for Seniors Graduate Program Teen Scene Program Center for Human Development AIDS Residential Care Fair Housing Program $125,000 $38,500 $30,000 $15,000 $7,350 $7,000 $7,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,500 As required by federal regulations, staff has completed the required environmental review documentation for the above CDBG funded projects and determined that the grants for these projects are exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Section 58.34 (a)(4) or categorically excluded under Section 58.34 (a)(3) . FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact on the General Fund. Funds will be provided through the federal CDBG program. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. ~~c~~? approving the 1999-2000 Subrecipient Agreements for federal CDBG funds. 2. 1999-2000 CDBG Subrecipient Agreements. (On file with City Clerk) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 99-329 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SUBRECIPIENTS PARTICIPATING IN THE 1999-2000 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, on April 20, 1999, the City Council of the City of Car&bad, California selected programs to receive funding under the City’s 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has considered the required subrecipient agreements for 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grant funds; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that these Community Development Block Grant funded activities are exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Section 58.34 (a)(4) or categorically excluded under Section 58.34 (a)(3); and WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby approves the 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grant Subrecipient Agreements, on file in the City Clerk’s office, for the following subrecipients and activities: Boys and Girls Club Gym Renovation Lifeline Community Services Facility Improvements Catholic Charities La Posada Facility Improvements North County Health Services Equipment for Facility Women’s Resource Center Alternatives to Abuse Shelter Casa de Amparo Shelter for Abused Children Lifeline Community Services Family Self Sufficiency Program Catholic Charities La Posada Shelter Operations Community Resource Center Homeless Prevention Program Community Care for Adults Adult Day Services Join Hands-Save a Life Gang Prevention Program Meals on Wheels Meal Delivery Program North County Council on Aging Support Services for Seniors Center for the Blind Graduate Program Boys and Girls Club Teen Scene Program Brother Benno Foundation Center for Human Development Fraternity House AIDS Residential Care Heartland Fair Housing Association Fair Housing Program ill Ill Ill 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - .A 3. That the Mayor is authorized to sign the Community Development Block Grant Subrecipient Agreements on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 21 st dayof September , 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall & Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. MUTE NKRANZ, City Clerk 1 KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk 3 c AGREEMENTBETWEENTHECITYOFCARLSBADAND LIFELINE COMMUNITY SERVICES FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL CO- TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and LIFELINE COMMUNI TY SERVICES, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the proposed facility improvements by Lifeline Community Services are exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($38,500) to the Subrecipient for the rehabilitation of their offices located at 200 Jefferson Street, Vista, Califomia.for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $38,500. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOkE The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $38,500 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: 2 a. b. C. d. e. f. g- h. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the .fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-110; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for.determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or .other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the 3 A Subrecipient has been given offtcial written notice, whichever occurs later. If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all *activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted ‘by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. c c 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess .of $25,000 to either be: a> Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty 730) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured,on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. LIFELINE COMMUNI TY SERVICES, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: 1 ItrAh \ ALETHA L. R4LfTEkIWN2, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 4 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to. June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: LIFELINE COMMUNITY SERVICES 200 Jefferson Street, Vista CA 92084 Project Description: Rehabilitation to facility to repair rain damage including new ceiling and lighting. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBG funds will be used to fund costs associated with staJing. rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Funds will be used according to Davis Bacon and other HUD requirements to pay for supplies and wages to make capital improvements. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carisbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) Improvements will be made in order of priority: recessed ceiling adequate lighting carpeting ramp extension for ADA access door installation. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: LIFELINE COMMUNITY SERVICES 200 Jefferson Street, Vista CA 92084 ’ Project Description: Rehabilitation to facility to repair rain damage including new ceiling and lighting. Physical improvements include lighting, recessed ceiling, privacy wall, extend ramp, install door and carpet installation. Total cost: $38,500 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CATHOLIC CHARITIES FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL CO MM-UNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 stday of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and CATHOLIC CHARITIES, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient ‘I. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that improvements to La Posada de Guadalupe Homelsess Shelter by Catholic Charities is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual cbvenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) to the Subrecipient for improvements to La Posada de Guadalupe Homeless Shelter through their administrative offices located at 349 Cedar Street, San Diego, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $30,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the AMUal Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $30,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. g* h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570,606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic&y, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three ‘(3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and, the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001, per this Agreement. . 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of.Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUTVDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner ‘that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to. goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. , 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less‘than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. CATHOLIC CHARITIES, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: BALL, City Attorney 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: CATHOLIC CHARITIES 349 Cedar Street, San Diego CA 92101 Project Description: Improvements to La Posada de Guadalupe Homeless Shelter including surfacing of a parking lot, correction of drainage problems and repairs to facility floors and ceilings. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specifi if CDBGfunds will be used to fund costs associated with staffing. rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Improvements to La Posada parking lot and correction of drainage problems. Repairs to facility ceiling and’ floors. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBGfunds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) a. Improve safety and general condition of homeless men’s facility floors and ceiling. b. Improve the general condition of the facility parking lot. c. Improve and correct the program’s drainage problem. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 Contract Term: Subrecipient Name: Address: Project Description: EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 CATHOLIC CHARITIES 349 Cedar Street, San Diego CA 92101 Improvements to La Posada de Guadalupe Homeless Shelter including surfacing of a parking lot, correction of drainage problems and repairs to facility floors and ceilings. Surfacing parking lot Correction of drainage Facility floors and ceiling $19,000.00 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred * to as “Subrecipient ‘I. * RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, - WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the health services offered by North County Health Services is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORk, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to the Subrecipient for equipment and furniture needed to provide health services through their offices located at 3050 Madison Avenue, Carlsbad, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecfpient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $15,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only ailowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use ,of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: I The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $15,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 - If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, P&t 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms . of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry odt all activities in compliance ‘with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement, The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONTMSCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGFtEEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails te comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVJW3ION OF ASSETS - Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods,, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 13. 14. the day SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure t’o and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. INSURANCE If .the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured, on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of and year first written above. NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: . L . RON@ R. 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address : NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES 3050 Madison Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Provide equipment and furniture necessary to provide health services to lower income households in Carlsbad. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please SpeclB if CDBGfunds will be used to find costs associated with staffing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Please see attached page. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefitfrom the Subrecipient’s services/project.) Please see attached page. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. Project Goals and Objectives: 1. CDBG Funds will be used to fund the following activities iqcompliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: The CDBG lknds will be used to purchase medical, office and computer equipment neceswy to operate the 1,250 sq. ft. facility on 3050 Madison Street Carl&ad. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during contract period. (please describe the specitic services or activities to be provided to lowfmoderate income Carl&ad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the person/household to benefit from the subrecipient a. By July 1,1999, complete facility improvements by purchasing medical/office and computer equipment necessaq for the provision of comprehensive medical services. b. By June 2000, provide 8,000 medical visits to include pediatrics, family practice, gynecology and geriatrics. EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES 3050 Madison Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Provide equipment and furniture necessary to provide health services to lower income households in Carlsbad. Please see attached page for budget details. -. ’ , North County Health Services Proposed Operating Budget for Carlsbad Family Medicine Purchase of 1,250 square foot facility $369,000 Tenant Improvements Equipment Computer Equipment Xerox Machine Telephone System Autoclave Oto-ophthalmoscopes Waiting Room Furniture Office Furniture Microscope GYN Exam Tables udiometer mermoscan Thermometers Pulse Oximeter Exam Room Lights Hemoglobinometer Medical Instruments Pediatric Scales Fax Machine Biohazardous Containers Pediatric Exam Tables Blood Pressure Cuffs stools Adult Scale # 28,500 $ Extension 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 6 2 3 4 1 $16,200 $16,200 4,100 4,100 4,000 4,000 2,600 2,600 500 2,000 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 700 1,400 1,200 1,200 400 800 700 700 165 660 650 650 650 650 200 600 540 540 75 450 180 360 100 300 75 300 190 190 42,500 I Total Request for Capital Budget $440,000 Updated 10/21/98 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21st September day of 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, l WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the shelter and supportive services offered by Women’s Resource Center is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, TI-IEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of seven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars ($7,350) to the Subrecipient for provision of a shelter and supportive services for victims of domestic violence through their administrative offices located at 1963 Apple Street, Oceanside, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 l * 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $7,350. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the .services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until -the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $7,350 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; , Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-110; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic&y, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG fimds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement, ” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: RL I- ALETHA L. lUUTENKIUNZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address : WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER 1963 Apple Street Oceanside CA 92054 Project Description: Operation of a shelter and supportive services for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Arrach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and’ in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Pfeme specify if CDBGfunds will be used to fund costs associated with staffing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) fimds will be used to fi,md adequate staffing to provide emergency assistance to victims of domestic violence and their children. Said emergency assistance will include access to supportive services, counseling, crisis intervention and shelter. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the spccQ?c services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG fk& awarded. If applicable, pieare provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) During-the contract period, Women’s Resource Center will provide emergency assistance including supportive services, counseling, crisis intervention and shelter to 550 Carlsbad families threatened or victimized by domestic violence and sexual assault. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance. reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a fmal performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual .Perforrnance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 Contract Term: Subrecipient Name: Address: Project Description: Salaries EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER 1963 Apple Street Oceanside CA 92054 Operation of a shelter and supportive services for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. $7,350 8 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CASA DE AMPARO FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and CASA DE AMPARO, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. . RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the shelter and support services offered by Casa de Amparo is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) to the Subrecipient for operation of a shelter for abused, neglected and abandoned children through their offices located at 4070 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total ,of $7,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices .including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from- the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. ‘SJnder this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $7,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; b. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the 2 CDBG program; c. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; d. Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; e. Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; f. Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; g. Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, h. Any other related records as the City shah require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. d. e. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate offtcials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS . The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affh-matively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to thii agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to .defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 5 -, 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. CASA DE AMPARO, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: c EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address : CASA DE AMPARO 4070 Mission Avenue, Oceanside CA 92068 Project Description: Operation of a shelter for abused, neglected and abandoned children. Project Goals & Objectives: (Pfeuse Attach Additional Sheers As Nece&y.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify (f CDBGfiuuzk will be used to fund costs associated with st@ng, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Funds will be used to cover a portion of the cost of providing 3 meals and 3 snacks each day to the children sheltered in the Casa Crisis Center. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Reuse describe rhe specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable. please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefitfrom the Subrecipient’s services/project.) 5 Children x $lO/per day x 140days = $7000 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address : CASA DE AMPARO 4070 Mission Avenue, Oceanside CA 92068 Project Description: Operation of a shelter for abused, neglected and abandoned children. $1750 per quarter x 4 = $7000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LIFELINE COMMUNITY SERVICES FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and LIFELINE COMMUNITY SERVICES, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the self sufficiency services offered by Lifeline Community Services is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) to the Subrecipient for the provision of self sufftciency services through their offices located at 200 Jefferson Street, Vista, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $7,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, ,and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $7,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement., Such records shall include but not be limited to: 2 a. b. C. d. e. f. g- h. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-110; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient ’ s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall .maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic@, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided’. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the 3 4 Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than .one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM RECNJIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions .of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of .the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 5 - 13. 14. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. gFELINE co MMUNITY SERVICES, a non-profit corporation, te of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address : LIFELINE COMMUNITY SERVICES 200 Jefferson Street, Vista CA 92084 Project Description: Provision of self sufficiency services to lower income households. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal -regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBGfunds will be used to fund costs associated with st@ng. rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Funds will be used for staff and office expenses to provide services to low income Carlsbad households. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) Lifeline will assist 150 individuals and families residing in Carlsbad with services to achieve greater self-sufficiency. Services may include: a. case management b. counseling c . emergency services d . employment e. mediation/legal f. youth development 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: LIFELINE COMMUNITY SERVICES 200 Jefferson Street, Vista CA 92084 Project Description: Provision of self sufficiency services to lower income households. Personnel Costs: Staff wages $400 x 12 months taxes/fringe benefits $4,800 $1,000 Non-Personnel Expenses Office supplies, mileage, phone ($lOO/month x 12 months) $1,200 Total $7,000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND \ CATHOLIC CHARITIES FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of SeDteeer 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City” , and CATHOLIC CHARITIES, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the shelter and supportive services offered by Catholic Charities is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of a shelter and supportive services for the homeless through their administrative offices located at 349 Cedar Street, San Diego, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. g* h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affiatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth; by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and- the approved project outlined herein. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. 10. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of .Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its offtcers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. - 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars u z:S;eiOW each, d ess a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. CATHOLIC CHARITIES, a non-profit corporation, dcMfiLb~ ate of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKWNZ, City Clerk ) APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address : CATHOLIC CHARITIES 349 Cedar Street, San Diego CA 92101 Project Description: Operation of a shelter and supportive services for adult males. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBGfinds will be used to fund costs associated with staffing, rents, utilities. supplies, etc.) To purchase food and kitchen supplies to complement and prepare food. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Pfease describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG finds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) a. To purchase kitchen and food supplies needed for the preparation of meals. b. To improve the efficiency of the kitchen to better serve residents of the program. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 4 EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: CATHOLIC CHARITIES Address: 349 Cedar Street, San Diego CA 92101 Project Description: Operation of a shelter and supportive services for adult males. Food Kitchen Supplies Total $3,500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 8 ’ AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and COMMUNI TY RESOURCE CENTER, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the support services offered by Community Resource Center is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of a support services for the homeless or low income persons through their administrative offices located at 650 Second Street, Encinitas, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carl&ad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; c. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; d. Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; e. Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570,606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; f. Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; g. Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, h. Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. d. e. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic@, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three’ (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more thau’$300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the . Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by’ the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as aff%-matively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations , if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein, 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 -, 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. FUWEIWON OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time’ of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: .a> Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. -. 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of ‘general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as’ of the day and year first written above. COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: L \ ALETHA L. RAUTE&Z, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: BALL, City Attorney 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER 650 Second Street, Encinitas CA 92024 Project Description: Operation of support services for the homeless and low income persons. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Pfeme specify if CDBGfinds will be used to fund costs associated with st@j’ing. rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) CDBG funds will be used to support staffing, utilities, and/or supplies for homeless prevention. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Pfease describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carisbad residents with the CDBG fwrds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/householdr to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) 1. To alleviate emotional and/or psychological pain and decrease the incidence of mental health problems experienced by clientele. 2. To eliminate hunger in coastal North San Diego County. 3. To provide emergency assistance, which contributes to the development of productivity and individual self-sufficiency. 4. To link clients with needed services and programs. 5. To promote healthy and save living environments. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results,’ findings, and/or liens. 7 EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER 650 Second Street, Encinitas CA 92024 Project Description: Operation of support services for the homeless and low income persons. CDBG funds allocated by Carlsbad totaling $5,000 will be used to support the cost of staffing, utilities, and/or supplies for homeless prevention. . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COMMUNITY CARE FOR ADULTS FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and CO MMUNITY CARE FOR ADULTS, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Commtmity Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, vi’HERF,AS, the City has determined that the services offered by Community Care for Adults is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision and administration of adult day services for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or other mental dementia through their administrative offices located at 602 Civic Center Drive, Oceanside, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed. upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in- accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. . Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and. actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and w&h all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000. maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to. the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; , Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affh-matively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall ‘comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG’funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: 4 Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. --. 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure ,to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. TS, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: L!&, 7cf +,ykL ALETHA L. RAUTE l&RANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: BALL, City Attorney 6 EXHIBIT “A” -_ CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: COMMUNITY CARE FOR ADULTS 602 Civic Center Drive Oceanside CA 92054’ Project Description: Provide day care and other services to persons suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease or other mental dementia. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBG funds will be used to find costs associated with staffing, rents, utilities. supplies, etc.) CDBG funds will be used to fund staffing costs. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Piease describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) To provide adult day services to Carlsbad residents. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMSJNPN DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Contract Term: July 1,1999 - July 20,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: Communitv Care for Adults 602 Civic Center Drive Oceanside, CA. 92054 Project Description: Provide Day Care and other services to persons suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease or other mental dementia. ITEM CDBG OTHER TOTAL AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT Salaries and Fringe $5,000 $5,000 $ 10,000 (Carlsbad) Totals $5,000 $5,000 $ 10,000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND JOIN HANDS SAVE A LIFE FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City” , and JOIN HANDS SAVE A LIFE, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the gang prevention program offered by Join Hands Save a Life is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFOlkE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of a gang prevention program located at 3528 Madison Street, Carlsbad, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS . The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. . Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. g* h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-110; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shah submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in me program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall .include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24’of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements. made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as afftrmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 5 , . 13. 14. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, nl u ess a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. JN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. JOIN HANDS SAVE A LIFE, a non-profit corporation, ;2-cL+-+-<c 4 ONY SORINO, CHIEF EXE VE OFFICER State of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 t EXHIBT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: Subrecipient Name: Address: Project Description: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O JOIN HANDS SAVE A LIFE. 3528 Madison Street, Carlsbad CA 92008 Operation of a gang prevention program for youths from lower income households. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. 2. 3. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBGfunds will be used to find costs associated with sta$%tg, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Insurance, equipment, maintenance, security, camping & fishing, word processing, staffing, field trips, van & transportation, taxes, accounting & bookkeeping, supplies. The CDBG funds will be used for any one or any combination of these as needed. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the spectjic services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) Boxing, weightlifting & conditioning, community services, field trips, police department workouts, work projects, fishing, BBQ's, conflict resolution, mentoring, ect. We are targeting the older lowest income most “at-risk” youth in the City of Carlsbad, serving them free of chargeS20un objec- tive is to keep youths out of jail, violent & distructive situa- tions including gang and drug involvement. We do this by keeping them active over 300 days a year, 6 days a week, 8 hours a day. . Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. EXHIBT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: JOIN HANDS SAVE A LIFE 3528 Madison Street, Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Operation of a gang prevention program for youths from lower income households. Please see attached page for budget. JOIN HANDS - SAVE A LIFE - . GANG PREVENTION PROGRAM PROJECTED BUDGET FOR CALENDAR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,1999 RE VEiVUES PUBLICSUPPORT GRANTS FO t7rVDs-I TIOiVS UNITED WA Y CORPOR.4 TE GR/i IVTS GRA:VTS RECElV,lBLE FUlVDR1 ISERS 12,000 18,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 J2.000 TOTAL REVEiVbES 60,000 EXPEMES SAURIES . P.-i YROLL T~lZ.9 EMPL 0 YEE BENEFITS WORKERS COMPEihSA TIOIV IXSURAI\‘CE 25,000 2,730 2,400 i!sa!& .TOTrlL P.-i’YROLL & BEiVEFITS 32,650 OPERA TIIVG EXPEIVSES RENT/UTILITIES/STORAGE AUTO & TXA VEL ACCOUXTING & BOOKKEEPIXG IHX0tANCE & FEES GYM EQ U~PMENT & SUPPLIES OFFICE EQUIPMEXT g. SUPPLIES POSTA GE/SHIPPING/PRfNTfj’G PROGRAMSUPPLIES & EXPENSE PROPERTY TAXES BANK CHARGES MAINTEM NCE MISCELLA,VEOUS 9,000 5,200 1,700 720 1,334 I,230 PSS 3,810 I,218 141 I,333 TO TA L OPERA TIXG EXPEIVSES TO TA L EXPENSES NET hVCOM E 26.789 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND MEALS ON WHEELS, GREATER SAN DIEGO FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this September 21 stday of 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and MEALS ON WHEELS, GREATER SAN DIEGO, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. . RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the services offered by Meals on Wheels, Greater San Diego is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, .Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT ,OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of a meal delivery program for elderly or frail lower income Carlsbad residents through their administrative offices located at 2254 San Diego Ave., Suite 200, San Diego, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services.and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. g- h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-110; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City .in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic@, income level or other basis for determining eligibility,‘and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 5 , I 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement, ” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subiecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. MEALS ON WHEELS, GREATER SAN DIEGO, a non-profit corporation, - of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk > APPROVED AS TO FORM: BALL, City Attorney 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30.2000 Subrecipient Name: MEALS ON WHEELS, GREATER SAN DIEGO Address: 2254 San Diego Ave., Suite 200., San Diego, CA 92110 Project Description: Administration and implementation of a meal delivery program for elderly or frail lower income Carlsbad residents. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBGfinds will be used to fund costs associated with staffing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Purchase of meals for homebound seniors. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBGjimds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of personslhousehokis to benefitfrom the Subrecipient’s services/project.) Purchase and delivery of meals to homebound seniors in Car&bad. . 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: MEALS ON WHEELS, GREATER SAN DIEGO Address: 2254 San Diego Ave., Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92110 Project Description: Administration and implementation of a peal delivery program -for elderly or frail lower income Carlsbad residents. Expenditures. 18,200 meals --- $72,800 Revenue Client Fees $43,225 Donations 24,575 CDBG 5,000 Total $72,800 . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this September 21 stday of 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer services for elderly lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the services offered by North County Council on Aging is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Commumty Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of a senior services through their administrative offtces located at 846 Williamston Street, Suite 101, Vista, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AN-D SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. g- h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 C If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal- Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry ‘out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 . . .- 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of. Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a> Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 13. 14. the day SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. INSURANCE If. the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement .of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of and year first written above. NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING, a non-profit corporation, te of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address : NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING 846 Williamston Street, Suite 101, Vista CA 92084 Project Description: Provide case management, homemaking services and other services to low income seniors. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheers As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Plerrre specify if CDBGfinds will be used to fund costs associated with staffing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) The project will provide Case Management, Homemaking and Trans-portation services to low income, frail elderly seniors in Carlsbad. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable. please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefitfrom the Subrecipient’s services/project.) a. Provide 200 bne-way transportation trips. b. Provide 150 hours of case management services. c. Provide 50 hours of homemaking services. d. Serve 100 unduplicated Carlsbad residents. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2ooO Subrecipient Name: Address : NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING 1846 Williamston Street. Suite 101 Vista CA 92084 Project Description: Provide case management, home making services, and other services to low income seniors. -RY DEXRIPTION Operating Transportation Vouchers $ 1 , 500 Case Management Services 3,000 Homemaking Services 500 Total: $ 5,000 h AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR THE BLIND AND VISION IMPAIRED FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR THE BLIND AND VISIO-N IMPAIRED, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the services offered by San Diego Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of services for vision impaired persons through their offices located at 1385 Bonair Road, Vista, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 , 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carl&ad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining !O percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimburseme.nt” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; c. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; d. Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; e. Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570,606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; f. Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; g. Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, h. Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. d. e. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program dur.mg the reporting period; Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic@, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three’ (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time ‘of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($1 ,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as. of the day and year first written above. SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR THE BLIND AND VISION IMPAIRED, a non-profit corporation, State of California ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: EXIHIBT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR THE BLIND AND VISION IMPAIRED 1385 Bonair Road, Vista, CA 92084 Project Description: Provide services to vision impaired persons including a graduate program for persons completing a rehabilitation program conducted at the Vista facility. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify g CDBGfunds will be used to fund costs associated with st@ng, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) The funds will be used to support ongoing services to vision impaired adults in a newly initiated program for graduates of our rehabilitation program. It will help to pay for the 'salary of our counselor, bus operation and maintenance, and utilities, cleaning and maintenance associated with use of our building. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Pfease describe the specific services or activities to be provided to Low/moderate income Car&bad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) Provide rehabilitation and referral services to 125 North County residents, 10 of which are Carlsbad residents (instruction in daily living skills, counseling, referral to other services and programs.) Provide ongoing support to 95 North County program graduates, 10 of which are Carlsbad residents (counseling, socialization, education). 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 EXIHIBT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR THE BLIND AND VISION IMPAIRED 1385 Bonair Road, Vista, CA 92084 Project Description: Provide services to vision impaired persons including a graduate program for persons completing a rehabilitation program conducted at the Vista facility. Payroll $3950 Bus operation and maintenance 600 Utilities 200 Cleaning and maintenance 250 Total $5000 8 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the Teen Scene Program offered by Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of a Teen Scene Program through their offices located at 3115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $7,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City.. . Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $7,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. g. h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by. 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-110; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shail submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic@, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to’be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the. United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 C If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The ‘audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 ‘of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements. made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES J.N USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCFUMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of .the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: 4 Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 5 c c 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD, a non-profit corporation, P ‘i, ----__ -- Luke Matteson, Buafd'EP&sident e State of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 EXIFIIBT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OFCARLSBAD 3 115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Operation of a Teen Scene Program for youth from lower income Carlsbad households. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to’fund the following.activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify if CDBGjiatds will be used to find costs associated with staflng, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) CDBG funds will be used primarily to offset staffing costs associated with the Teen Scene Program. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Pfease describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) The primary objective of the Teen Scene Program is to provide a safe haven where teens can participate in an array of programs targeted at building positive life skills. Programs are offered in the areas of education, socialization, athletics, arts and crafts, and recreation. All programs are designed to assist teens in decision making, conflict resolution, tolerance, empowerment and leadership development. Activities are directed by professionally trained staff who offer guidance and direction for over 150 teens. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address : BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD 3 115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Operation of a Teen Scene Program for youth from lower income Carlsbad households. Please see attached page for budget details. -. BOYS GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD Teen Scene Program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999 INCOME Club Sponsored Income Membership Fees Total Club Sponsored Income Fund-raising Fundraisers Total Fund-raising Grants & Contributions Foundations/Grants Total Grants & Contributions TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Payroll & Benefits Administration Car Allowance Program Coordinators Part-time & Seasonal Payroll Tax Expense Life & Hospitalization Workers’ Compensation Pension Total Payroll & Benefits Operating Expenses Accounting Advertising Bank Charges Conferences Dues to BCGA Other Dues & Supscriptions Equipment Lease Insurance Office Supplies 2000 2000 35000 35000 40000 40000 77000 10350 480 18000 13520 3799 4680 1198 1400 53427 600 250 100 400 750 50 480 3750 1000 BOYS GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD Teen Scene Program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999 Outside Services Postage Printing Repairs & Maintenance Staff Training, Taxes &.Licenses Telephone Utilities Vehicle Expense Program Supplies Interest Expense Depreciation Miscellaneous Expense Total Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES Interest Earned NET INCOME 250 300 200 2640 800 400 300 2000 2000 1250 500 1500 200 19720 73147 3853 c AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BROTHER BENNO FOUNDATION FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and BROTHER BENNO FOUNDATION, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the services offered by Brother Benno Foundation is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFOkE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of homeless services through their administrative offices located at 3260 Production Avenue, Oceanside, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient p&want to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Suhrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $S,OOO. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City.. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual experises incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an item&d statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. g. h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shah submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period: Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall. include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 --. If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The’ audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Jlavis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. 9. 10. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding.nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. SIJSPENSTON AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. REVERSION OF ASSETS IJpon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: 4 used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its offtcers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its ofXcers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l.OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNJISS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. BROTHER BENNO FOUNDATION, a non-profit corporation, ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: EXIHIBT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address : Brother Benno Foundation 3260 Production Avenue, Oceanside CA 92054 Project Description: persons. Provide food, clothing and other social services for homeless and needy Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specify g CLlBGfirnds will be used to find costs associated with st@ing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) 1. To provide bas”c necessities such as food,clothing, shelter and hygiene to the working poor and homeless. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Pfease describe the speclpc services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carkbad reside& with the CDBG finds awarded. If applic&e, pieme provide a target objective for the number of persons/househoti to benefit fram the S&recipient’s services/project.) 2. We provide congregate feeding six days a week. We provide food packs, clothing, diapers, and blankets for working poor families. We have a residential recovery program for adicted people. We provide case management, showers, mail service, etc. for our guests. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: Brother Benno Foundation 3260 Production Avenue, Oceanside CA 92054 Project Description: persons. Provide food, clothing and other social services for homeless and needy Project Budget for 1999 - 2000 CDBG funds: Utilities Insurance Bus Passes $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 Total $5,000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND FRATERNITY HOUSE, INC. FOR 1999-2000 FEDERQL COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 St day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City” , and FRATERNITY HOUSE, INC., a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the residential care services offered by Fraternity House, Inc. are exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to the Subrecipient for provision of a residential care services through their administrative offices located at 20702 Elfin Forest Road, Escondido, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $5,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the &ual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $5,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; 2 b. C. d. e. f. h. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic&y, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. 3 If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance’ with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth;by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and. the approved project ‘outlined herein. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department’ of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. 10. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of .Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. REVER!3ION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess. of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. - 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured. on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. FRATERNITY HOUSE, INC., a non-profit corporation, he State of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk \ APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 EXHIBIT “A” COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: FRATERNITY HOUSE, INC. 20702 Elfin Forest Road, Escondido CA 92029 Project Description: Operation of a residential care facility. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please specib if COBGfunds will be used to find costs associated with stafing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Fraternity House, Inc. has expanded the capacity at our second home, Michaelle House. Between Fraternity House and Michaelle House, we can now care for up to 20 men and women disabled by AIDS. CDBG funds will be utilized to pay the salary of a cook to provide meals to the residents at Michaelle House. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Curls&xxi residents with the CDBG funds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons~households to beBefit from the Subrecipient’s services/prq’ect.) By 6/30/00 we will serve more than 18,000 nutritionally balanced home cooked meals throughout the year to an estimated 60 to 70 low-income residents in our homes. We offer the only licensed residential facilities in the county that can care for bed-bound individuals affected by AIDS. To date we have served 23 men and women from Carlsbad. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Deparunent on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 EXIHIBT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200O Subrecipient Name: Address: FRATERNITY HOUSE, INC. 20702 Elfin Forest Road, Escondido CA 92029 Project Description: Operation of a residential care facility. CARLSBAD OTHER PERSONNEL CDBG SOURCES TOTAL Michaelle House Cook ($7 - $8 per hour plus benefits) 5,000 14,000 $19,000 -. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND HEARTLAND HUMAN RELATIONS AND FAIR HOUSING ASSOCIATION FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21 day of e st 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and HEARTLAND HUMAN RELATIONS AND FAIR HOUSING ASSOCIATION, a non- profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the services offered by Heartland Human Relations and Fair Housing Association are exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500) to the Subrecipient for provision of homeless services through their administrative offices located at 4710 Fourth Street, Suite 500, La Mesa, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shill not exceed a total of $4,500. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules. and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME , The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIFS: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $4,500 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement, Such records shall include but not be limited to: 2 a. b. C. d. e. f. g- h. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; Records demonstrating compliance with the requireme& m Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The. Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; d. Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, e. Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnic@, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the 3 Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement. 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated .for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. 10. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds.. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a> Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines,’ or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. t 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure. to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies, The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. HEARTLAND HUMAN RELATIONS AND FAIR HOUSING ASSOCIATION, a non-profit corporation, CITY OF CARLSB ATTEST: GLec;bo, g. -f?&JidL ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6 - EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30,200 Subrecipient Name: Address : Heartland Human Relations and Fair Housing Association 4710 Fourth Street, Suite 500, La Mesa, CA 91941 Project Description: Activities will include conducting seminars, distribute literature on fair housing, monitor related legislation, respond to inquiries related to fair housing from the public, and process and resolve discrimination complaints received from Carlsbad residents. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Addirionui Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please speclfi if CDBGfunds will be used to find costs associated with staffing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) Increase awareness of Fair Housing Laws for tenants, managers, owners and the community at large. Respond to Carlsbad residents who allege discriminatory treatment in housing. CDBG funds cost of personnel, overhead, printing, mileage and supplies. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carlsbad residents with the CDBGjknds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) Assist 8 residents with filing discrimination complaints. Provide 9 fair housing presentations to property management classes, apartment association and community groups in the area. Respond to inquiries from 55 residents concerning fair housing issues. , 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: Heartland Human Relations and Fair Housing Association 4710 Fourth Street, Suite $00, La Mesa, CA 91941 Project Description: Activities will include conducting seminars, distribute literature on fair housing, monitor related legislation, respond to inquiries related to fair housing from the public, and process and resolve discrimination complaints received from Carlsbad residents. Please see attached page for budget details. . 8 _- C HOUSIIVG PROGRXM BUDGET CDBG FUNDING PROJECTED mcOm EL CAJON $34,000 LA MESA 24,000 LEMON GROVE 6,500 SANTEE 6,500 ESCONDIDO 23,000 CARLSBAD 4,500 NATIONAL CITY 11,000 TOTAL $109,500 PROJECTED TCXPENDJiTURES Housing Salaries 55,040 Administrative and Support 18,698 Payroll 4,882 Workers Compensation 1,572 MedicaI Benefits 3,488 Consultant Bookkeeper 2,000 Liability Insurance and Bond 1,500 Rent 6,000 Utilities 600 Telephone 1,500 Office Supplies 1,500 Printing 4,120 Postage 1,800 Equipment and Maintenance 2,300 Membership 150 Training and Meetings 1,800 Books and Periodicak 15.0 Advertising 200 Mih3e 2,200 TOTAL $109,500 *Setices include: responding to complaints of disckination; seminars, presentations, and programs for owners, managers, tenants and community groups; fair housing literature; notification of housing-related legislation via reports, newsletters and media -. AGREEMENT BETWEEN TI-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD FOR 1999-2000 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 21st day of September 1999 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Subrecipient”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has applied for and received funds from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended to fund eligible activities which benefit persons of low and moderate income; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families or counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, WHEREAS, the Subrecipient can provide these basic services for low and moderate income households with some assistance from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the Teen Scene Program offered by Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad is exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58, Section 58.34(a)(4); and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City’s Annual Consolidated Funding Strategy and Plan for Community Development Block Grant funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Consolidated Plan”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Subrecipient agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The City has allocated 1999-2000 federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, in the amount of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) to the Subrecipient for the rehabilitation of a gymnasium located at 3 115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, California for the period beginning July 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. The Subrecipient agrees to use all federal funds provided by the City to the Subrecipient pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and in accordance with the terms of the Annual Consolidated Plan. Every effort shall be made by the Subrecipient to expend the allocated funds in their entirety by June 30, 2000. If the Subrecipient will be unable to expend all of the funds allocated to the project by the noted date, the Subrecipient shall request an extension from the City for continued use of the funds on the approved project based on progress made by the Subrecipient towards completing the subject project, the City will either agree to grant the extension or notify the Subrecipient that the funds must be reallocated to another eligible activity due to slow project progress. 1 2. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient with CDBG funds for necessary and reasonable costs related to the provision of services for eligible residents of Carlsbad for the term of this Agreement. The reimbursements for costs shall not exceed a total of $125,000. However, no more than 90 percent of the total agreed upon compensation will be paid during the performance of this Agreement. The balance due (remaining 10 percent) shall be paid upon final certification by the City that Subrecipient has administered the services and activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds, and in a manner satisfactory to the City. Payment for eligible expenses shall be made in accordance to budget information provided in Exhibit “B” and in accordance with performance. Subrecipient represents that the budget includes only allowable costs and an accurate analysis of costs applicable to the CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 502. Subrecipient shall submit a “Request for Reimbursement” to the City for compensation of eligible and actual expenses incurred. The City shall not provide any payments/reimbursements in advance of actual expenditures by the Subrecipient. Subrecipient may request reimbursements anytime after this agreement is approved by the City Council and continue until the expiration date, or amended expiration date, of this agreement. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify expenditure of funds are consistent with this Agreement, the Statement of Work, the Annual Consolidated Plan, and with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. Payroll records, receipts, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. 3. PROGRAM INCOME The Subrecipient shall report, to the City, any interest, or other income, earned as a direct result of the use of federal CDBG funds for the program outlined within this agreement. ‘All reported program income may be retained by the Subrecipient for costs related to the subject program activities. However, the program income, retained by the Subrecipient, must be expended before additional funds are requested from the City. The requirements are set forth in the federal regulations Section 570.504 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: The Subrecipient shall furnish all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to provide the subject program as outlined in this agreement. Under this agreement, the City’s only financial obligation to the Subrecipient is to provide the CDBG funds of $125,000 maximum as allocated by the City Council for program year 1999-2000. 5. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR Part 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: 2 a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; b. Records demonstrating each activity undertaken meets on of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; c. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; d. Records demonstrating compliance with Section 570.505 regarding change of use of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; e. Records demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Section 570.606 regarding acquisition, displacement, relocation, and replacement housing; f. Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; g. Documentation of all CDBG funds received from the City, eligible expenses incurred for administration of each activity, and other financial records as required by 24 CFR Part 570.502, and OMB Circular A-l 10; and, h. Any other related records as the City shall require to demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations governing these funds. The Subrecipient shall submit quarterly “Progress Reports” within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of each quarter for the full term of this Agreement. The final progress report is due no later than July 15, 2000. The report must include sufficient information to assist the City in monitoring the Subrecipient’s performance. The Subrecipient must demonstrate satisfactory performance prior to reimbursement for expenditures. At a minimum, the performance reports shall include the following information: a. b. C. d. e. Total number of persons/households participating in the program during reported period; Total number of participants from Carlsbad; Number of. low/moderate income Carlsbad persons/households participating in the program during the reporting period; Age and ethnic background of Carlsbad participants; and, Summary of program(s) provided to Carlsbad participants. The Subrecipient shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include at the minimum client name, address, ethnicity, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. This data shall assist the Subrecipient in completing the required quarterly progress reports to be submitted to the City. The Subrecipient shall maintain separate accounting records for the federal CDBG funds provided by the City. The City, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly-authorized representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Subrecipient which directly pertain to the above project for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Unless otherwise notified by the City, the Subrecipient shall retain all financial records, supporting documents and statistical reports related to the project identified under this agreement for a period of three (3) years after the termination of all activities funded under this Agreement. All records subject to litigation, claims, audit findings, negotiations, or other actions must be retained for three (3) years from the date such action commenced or .until completion of the action and resolution of all issues by the appropriate officials and the 3 Subrecipient has been given official written notice, whichever occurs later. If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $300,000 in total federal funds in one fiscal year from the City of Carlsbad and/or any other city or agency, the Subrecipient is required to submit a Single Audit Report. As required by the Federal Single Audit Act, the Subrecipient shall be required to submit, to the City, a comprehensive financial audit prepared by an independent, neutral third-party auditor. The audit shall cover financial operations of the Subrecipient for the term of this Agreement and is due not later than one year after expiration of the agreement. The Subrecipient shall also be required to submit a second audit for the following period covered under fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 for any funds received in fiscal year 2000-2001 per this Agreement, 6. PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants). The Subrecipient also agrees to adhere to the terms of the City’s CDBG Application and Subrecipient Agreement and with assurances and agreements made, by the City, to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Subrecipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements as described in Section 570.502 of the federal regulations for the CDBG Program; the federal requirements are set forth, by reference, as a provision of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall carry out all activities in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations as described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program Regulations, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, labor standards (Davis Bacon Act), displacement, relocation and acquisition, and employment and contracting opportunities, except that: a. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s environmental responsibilities as described in Section 570.604; and b. The Subrecipient will not assume the City’s responsibility for initiating the review process required under the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 52. The provisions of’ Subpart K, of the CDBG Program Regulations, are set forth, by reference, as a condition of this agreement. The Subrecipient shall comply with all federal regulations related to the use of CDBG funds by religious organizations, if applicable to this agreement and the approved project outlined herein. 7. CHANGES IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of CDBG funds must be approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of HUD. If the Subrecipient desires a change in the use of the CDBG funds following approval of this agreement, a written request must be submitted to the City for review by the Council. No change in use of the CDBG funds will be permitted by the City without prior formal approval by the Council. 4 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Subrecipient shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. 9. 10. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT In accordance with Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, this agreement may be suspended or terminated if the Subrecipient fails to comply with any term(s) of the award and/or the award is terminated for convenience. Section 24, Parts 85.43 and 85.44 of the Code of Federal Regulations are set forth, by reference, as provisions of this agreement. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the agreement, the Subrecipient shall transfer to the City any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds. The Subrecipient shall be required to use any real property under the Subrecipient’s control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 to either be: a) Used to meet one of the national objectives in 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations until five (5) years after expiration of the agreement; or, b) Disposed of in a manner’that results in the City being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition, or improvement to, the property. Reimbursement is not required after the period of time specified in paragraph (a) of this section. 11. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to, goods, properties, or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Subrecipient or Subrecipient’s agents, employees, or representatives in completion of the project outlined in this agreement. Subrecipient agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost/and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications for the project or facility. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Subrecipient shall not assign this agreement or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. C 13. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of this Subrecipient Agreement Paragraph 11, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 14. INSURANCE If the Subrecipient shall receive more than $5,000 from the City in CDBG funds and/or other funds, the Subrecipient shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employers liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91-403 in an insurable amount of not less’ than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the term of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Subrecipient shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as .of the -day and year first written above. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD, a non-profit corporation, Luke Matteson, Board President /f-. e State of California ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAdI’ENKRANZ, City Clerk 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, Cit EXHIBIT “A” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address: BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD 3115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Rehabilitation of the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad gymnasium. Project Goals & Objectives: (Please Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary.) 1. CDBG funds will be used to fund the following activities in compliance with the project description outlined and in conformance with the Federal regulations for the CDBG program: (Please spectn if CDBGfinds will be used to find costs associated with sta$‘ing, rents, utilities, supplies, etc.) CDBG funds will be used to renovate the existing gymnasium facility located within the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad. Project will include new flooring, painting ceiling. and walls, replacement of backboards, repair of water damaged block wall, and refurbishing of windows. 2. Project objectives to be accomplished during the contract period: (Please describe the specific services or activities to be provided to low/moderate income Carkbad residents with the CDBGfunds awarded. If applicable, please provide a target objective for the number of persons/households to benefit from the Subrecipient’s services/project.) The gymnasium facility at the B&G Club is one of the only gymnasiums in the Village area of the City. Our facility is utilized by our members, the police department, the high school, a karate school, and the Carlsbad Christmas Bureau. We offer sports leagues to the community in the areas of basketball and indoor soccer, and once the renovation is complete, will begin offering a men’s league in the evenings and on weekends. We estimate that of the 1,250 people who use our gymnasium facility on an annual basis, 79% of those are Carlsbad residents. 3. Project objectives performance measures: a. Provide quarterly performance reports to the City of Carlsbad, Housing and Redevelopment Department on the CDBG Quarterly Performance Report form as provided. b. Maintain records, invoices, and relevant statistics supporting the quarterly reports. c. Provide a final performance report, including an evaluation. report of the program’s success in meeting established goals, to the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department within 15 days of termination of the contract date on the CDBG Annual Performance Report form as provided. d. Provide notification to the City of any audits or investigations including results, findings, and/or liens. 7 EXHIBIT “B” CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET Contract Term: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Subrecipient Name: Address : BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD 3115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Description: Rehabilitation of the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad gymnasium. See attached page for budget details. F”YS GIRLS CiU8 OF CARLS- ,D Renovation of the Gymnasium for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999 REVENUE Grants and Foundations Las Patronas Total Grants and Foundations TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Flooring Ciean and Paint Ceiling and 311 Walls Repair Blockwall Replace Backboards TOTAL EXPENSES 6187 6187 6187 95000 20000 5000 5000 130000