HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-28; City Council; 15414; Citizens For Preservation Of Olde CarlsbadAB# 1sly1+ MTG. g/28/99 DEPT. CM k - CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 41 I I - TITLE- -- DEPT. HD. - PRESENTATION BY CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF CITY ATTY. & OLDE CARLSBAD CITY MGR + RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hear presentation by the Citizens for the Preservation of Olde Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. Gary Piro, representing a group identifying itself as the Citizens for the Presentation of Olde Carlsbad, would like to make a presentation regarding development standards and tree removal and maintenance in northwestern part of Carlsbad. Mr. Piro is requesting he be granted thirty minutes to make a presentation on behalf of groups. EXHIBITS: 1. Brochure entitled, Citizens for the Presetvation of Olde Carlsbad dated August 29, 1999. (Previously distributed to Council and on file in the City Clerk's Office.) - -@M3lT 7 AL-. RECEIVED - CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) 2641 VALEWOOD AVEMJE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (729-4042) Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor August 29,1999 Honorable Matt Hall, Councilperson Honorable Ramona Fannila, Councilperson Honorable Julie Nygard, Councilperson Honorable Arm Kulchin, Councilperson 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Honorable Mayor and Councilpersons, - Attached you will find petitions which cover every property in the area of “Olde Carlsbad” bounded by Wilson Street, Forest Avenue, Crest Drive and Buena Vista Way. -- Because we are concerned about city policies which threaten the high quality of life we currently enjoy in our community and neighborhoods, we have formed a group called “Citizens for the Preservation of Olde Carlsbad” ( C.P.O.C.) and are requesting a hearing before the Council on Tuesday, September 28 to discuss your current road improvement policies in residential neighborhoods, specifically the area known as “Olde Carlsbad” which lies west of El Camino Real. More specifically, at that hearing, we are requesting that the Council take the following action: 1. Direct the city staff to draft an emergency ordinance to exempt the area bounded by Wilson Street, Forest Avenue, Crest Drive and Buena Vista Way - from any street widening, street dedications, tree removal, or “future improvement agreements”. 2. Direct staff to study the feasibility of expanding the emergency ordinance to the rest of “Olde Carlsbad”, this area being defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean (with exceptions as defined in our petition). - 3. Direct staff to prepare a cost/benefits analysis and identify funding sources to properly maintain existing trees within the right-of-way in “Olde Carlsbad”. - I-’ 4. Direct staff to prepare an analysis of the costs and benefits of discontinuing its policy of removing trees within the existing right-of-ways in “Olde Carlsbad”, and instead use alternative methods for risk management such as tree wells, concrete pavers, flexible walking surfaces and grass lined walking surfaces. -. 5. Immediately discontinue all street tree removal until hearings are completed before the Council. ~--.I -; ,qqgqqq.p.$? z-., ,;‘;.s; >~,.~*:-:.F:&z*~:. I ?I’. :.;-,.-;r-.- -_-I I-. i-~~‘:zm-.~e.ir,isqr,v, ,.i )_ *: -_.. 2 ~.- ---1 --y _ _ ,. . .- .- .- .- -, -. -. -. -. 7, r -, C. -. -. - -. -. C.P.O.C. understands that the City Council has the responsibility to maintain a sound fiscal policy. We also believe that no public official intends to implement policies which harm our community character. We believe that many of the intended/implemented “improvements” made in the last 10 years have resulted in irreparable damage. If such “improvements: continue, the result will be irreparable damage to our community character and quality of life. C.P.O.C. is also submitting for your review significant research to show that urbanization of established residential neighborhoods can result in increased incidents of accidents, increased maintenance costs, increased urban runoff, and reduced property values. In fact, studies show that, ironically, there are 50% fewer severe accidents on narrow, three shrouded “shared streets” than on standard residential streets with curbs and sidewalks. On these “shared streets: the driver perceives that he is entering a zone where the pedestrian has preeminent privileges. C.P.O.C.‘s research has determined that Carlsbad’s policy of urban improvements is one of the most aggressive in the greater San Diego area. We can find no other agency which does not allow any trees in the right of way of new developments, we can find no other agency which requires the installation of 30 foot “half width” improvements for a $50,000 home remodel, and we can find no other agency which has such an aggressive policy of tree removal in established residential neighborhoods. Does Carlsbad want to be a leader in the field of urbanizing established residential neighborhoods or does Carlsbad want to be a leader in preservation? There is precedent in the ordinance proposed. Encinitas has a specific plan area where certain streets will not be widened. The Fallbrook Community Plan allows for developers to waive curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on small lot subdivisions, “Olde De1 Mar” mandates no street widening. Preservation minded cities like Charleston, S.C. and Annapolis, MD are among the leading tourist areas in the country, whereas the Amish area of Pennsylvania is suffering due to sprawling developments with wide streets surrounding old villages. We are confident that your Council will support our recommendations once all of the impacts of your current policies are brought to your attention. We are confident that this Council does not want its legacy to be the Council that destroyed all of Carlsbad’s communitv character and heritage. 0 ‘ta i *A n p-h uaLlcl 92o‘lc.f A I/ 4 f/ -7; 7; 8/J- f 43q-76 e?- I( I\ 724 - 4-3 PQ ’ t / &J- jJS=L. 7$7- J w 7&z+f77/ +a+P71-R3 Lf3yA33 4 PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. -. Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... -. -. -. Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactfic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pi0 Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONWFM -. -. SUNDAY, AuGu5r22,1999 . L. -. C. -. Modem planners forget the past m In designing our roads for autos, the needs 6f people are often neglecte4I GARY PIG0 Two muds diver@ in e ye& lowedwood,andI-ltookthe one less tmv&d bg and that has made all the diffemtaz --ROBERTER~ I t never ceases to amase me how city engineam can raquire developeta to build new residential streets to “highway design” standards, then be perplexed whv drivers speed on the roads. C&s that use the old one-sixe-fits-all ap proacb to road standards don’t understand that the standards that we have been using since the 1960s were designed by traffic engineers whose sole te- sponsibility was to provide for the movement of naffic in greater volumes or at greater speeds. -. -. As stated in “Paiotmance ~~~“(Jp=~mW~h alfyusedforavatietyofptm ‘Nelghborhoods with narrow, meandering streets are more desirabls to live In than neighborhoods ‘with wide, straight streets.’ poseaforwhichtheywerenot des&ed,suchasaditectauto accessfortbeoccupanttohis home. a visual setting for tea& dents, an entryway for each house. a uedesuian citculation irea ora play ama f&tether- onelikesitornot)forcbil&en. Almostwirho”t . nei@bahoodswi*~ meandetingstteetsatem desitabletoliveinthanneigb- bohoods with h-i&, suaight SttMtS.AlWSlikeBC!tUOOHill illBOStO&lUillVall~iSt”l FtanciscoandGec~etownin Washbgton, D.C., have Q- tremelynanmvsmetsandare someofthiscalmtIy%most prestigiou9 places to live. In San Diego, areas with praflomi- nantlynallvwsaecolikaDel Mar,solanaBeacl&Raocho Santa Fe and La JoBa are some of our most desirable and ex- pen&e comm”nf~es to live in. withc”rb&g”tteraandd waksonnewdevel~ AsRandallArcmoftheUrban Land Insdtute points out, thfs mad standard appears to httw beendes@edforthe’1oO year-party.” ‘.: l MODERN. A22 i -. -. ) MODERN cmdnvrd hull A-19 The city of Carlsbad has taken these road standard re- quirements up a notch. For the past few years, Carlsbad has been implementing San Diego County’s most aggressive poli- cy of widening roads in resi- dential areas. Their regulation states that applicants seeking a remodeline uermit where the amount of ti;e’ construction ex- ceeds $50,000 must dedicate land and pay for half of a 36. foot road with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. What does this mean? In the not-toodistant future, all of Carlsbad’s residential roads will be roughly twice as wide as Highland Drive, Skyline Road and Sunnyhill Drive. which coincidentally are three of Carlsbad’s most exclusive sweets to iive on. This ordinance is a mistake on many levels. but the biggest tragedy is the imparable dam- age it will do to Carlsbad’s community character. Al- though certain small areas like “the downtown village” are ex- empt from this ordinance and there is an unwritten waiver on Highland, the area known as “Old Carlsbad” will have to be renamed “The Community Formerly Known as Old Carls- bad” when the roads are com- pleted. Neal Peirce of the National Journal writes that there is an ‘asuhalt rebellion” bubblinn has a new statute that all but repeals these standards. Phoenix is relaxing minimum road width fmm 34 feet to 28 feet and even the American Association of State Hitthway Transportation Officials is dis- cussing modifications. Mark Steele of the San Diego City Planning Commission points our that Portland, Ore.. the darling of smart-growth propo- nents. has gone to 28.foot Sfreelh. According to Michael Southworth and Eran Ben. Joseph, in their book “Streets and the Shaping of Towns and Cities,” a rethinking of subur- ban street standards is needed to create more cohesive, liv. able and energy-efficient corn. munities. This is already taking place in many parts of the San Diego area. The city of San Diego has been meeting to consider revi. sions to its design manual that will reduce street and parkway widths. Solana Beach and De1 Mar have flexible standards in established residential neigh. borhoods. The county is allow. ing 24foot-wide private streets with flexible parking location design in their urban areas and planned developments. Let’s hope Carlsbad and other cities join the asphalt re. bellion before they destmv the character of our communities. Gary Pko of San Marcos is tonne: Chairman of the San &ego Count! Ptaoniog Comnvsstoa. C. v * S?RE:TS . - e.a. r-. -. AND THE SHAPING I - OF TOWNS AND CITIES .i e. . , I -. Michael Southtiortb C-. Eran Beti-Joseph C. (. . _. ..f.?, . - . . . . -Surveys in I&ael also showed that shared strets foster encounters and _ nmunication between neighbors. Most residents preferred a dead-end street (cul-de-sac) to a through one-way street, indicating that a dead-end -yet improved the environment and safety of their neighborhood. The jority of the children (8 1 percent) played in the street every day, usins -iheir main play zone. Between 88 and 100 percent of the residents said they, Are willing to maintain the public planting beds within the streets, and nost SO percent sard they were actually doing so.“‘” A nationwide study in The Netherlands indicates that residents’ attitudes -L.ard shared streets are strongly influenced by the level of satisfaction with : design and social performance of the public spaces, rather than by the Lxtioning of the traffic system.“.“’ Moreover, residents are willing to accept -z!traints on traffic and driving in order to improve their social and residen- I environment. The surveys found that mothers, as well as children, C. x.ider the shared street safer than an ordinary street. It is also clear that the amount of knowledge one has about shared streets directly corresponds with -itudes toward them. Thus, opposition to implementation is mainly corre- h ed with general lack of .knowledge about the shared street concept. Even though it mipht seem that vehicular traffic and oedestrians would be in chflict, the physical design of shared streets actually subordinates the traf- . , a situation that is much safer for the pedestrian than the usual street layout. In terms of safer!,, studies in German); Denmark, Japan, and Israel -. ? : 117 .:. . ‘. . . . . . .1 , ,, .: 2, p: I ,- h * C. . CHAPTER FIVE -. e. -a -. -. -. -. - C. C. -. . sh& that there are over 20 percent fewer accidents in shared streets and over 50 percent fewer severe accidents compared with standard resldentlal streets. ?he groups that benefit the most are pedestnans, children, and c~chsts.~* ? he most preva%t traffic accidents on standard residential streets are child, related acudcnts. Tordmg to a study m England, half of all road accidents wrth children under irve occur w~thm 100 meters of theu homes. 1 he same survey showed that very few such accidents occur on streets with restrictive, devices and shared surfaces or cul-de-sac design.“ The suggest-’ encountered, that safety improvements in one area increase the accidents in neighboring areas, was not proven%terestingly, the safety results in Europe and jn Asia appear to h similw:F!j.“:‘.i .:.. . Another promising finding shoi+d a reduction of vehicle trips of up to 14 stop when compared with asphalt&v&g.” 5 These results are contrary to the%@ of most road engineering. What is the explanation? The shared street layout establishes a pedestrian orientation by giving pedestrians primary rights: the driver is the intruder and is forced . . to realize he/she is enterigp a zone B ileges, The motorist then recognizes the probability of sudden conflicts and exercises particular caution. This combination of an alerted driver and low vehicle speed substantially reduce the likelihood of a serious accident; the maximum speed in a shared street was recorded at 13.5 mph (21.8 kph)?’ . Prospects for Shared Streets in Suburbia The shared street concept and its design implementation deviate from the typical standardization of street design. Shared streets require a more recep- tive and flexible design approval .procedure that does not adhere to prescriptive solutions. Its success lies in creating a workable compromise between conflicting interests, both within the physical domain of the street and within the planning and engineering professions. It provides an example of a street design that follows what Thomas Adams in 1934 called “guidance rather than law.“s3 Unfortunately, the woonerfconcept has remained little more than a nov- elty in North America. Although the idea was discussed in Donald Appleyard’s 1981 book Livable Streets, and in ITE’s 1989 publication Residential Street Design and Traffic Control,J’ it has not gained the accep- tance of legislative and planning agencies. Public agencies have seen no need to initiate such a concept and developers have preferred the “sure approved plan” over any new concept that might entangle their project in a bureau- cratic web. There are other possible reasons for resistance, as well.; . :, +-. 118 FACTS ABOUT URBAN STREETS Many jurisdictions in the San Diego area use a “one size fits all” for the design of urban streets. Most of these standards have their roots in the 1960’s when agencies adopted “Caltrans highway design standards” for residential street design criteria. In many instances, this is a major mistake since Caltrans standards consider only the efficient movement of traffic in greater volumes or at increased speeds. When agencies use these standards, they forget the fact that streets in residential neighborhoods have a different function than highways. Residential streets provide direct auto access to the home, provide an entryway to the house, provide a visual setting, pedestrian circulation, play areas for the children and a meeting place for residents. In 1986, the American Society of Civil Engineers, The National Association of Homebuilders and the Urban Land Institute cooperated on a publication entitled “Residential Streets” as a “practical” set of standards for residential areas. This publication has the following observations regarding urban streets: Streets that serve 25 lots or less can be a&arrow as 24 feet wide. Streets that are flatter, wider and straighter than necessary increase trafftc volumes and induce automobiles to speed. . High traffic volumes in residential areas increase noise, congestion, and hazards to pedestrians. Rigid street design standards do not allow designs to follow natural contours and preservation of natural features. Excessive pavement requirements deplete rainwater infiltration to groundwater basins and increases urban runoff (which contributes to our coastal bluff erosion). Excessive pavement width increase City annual road maintenance costs. Streets with excessive “on street” parking induce homeowners to park in driveways or at the curb rather than in garages. Streets with excessive on street parking contiguous to curbs and sidewalk are dangerous to children who dart from behind parked cars. Communities with narrower streets (like “Olde De1 Mar, Solana Beach, Ranch0 Santa Fe) are generally more desirable places to live in that those with excessively wide streets (like National City, Chula Vista, and Escondido). Task Force Sanford P. LaHuc, Sr., PI., Chairman American Society of Civil Engineers Matthew W. Ross, I?E. Ash Grove Cement Company Omaha, Nebraska K. R. (Ken] Wardlaw, EE. Exxon Chemical Americas Alexandria, Virginia Sanford I? LaHue, Jr., EE. Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc. Arlington, Texas Sanford I? LaHue, Sr., F!E. American Concrete Pavement Association Arlington Heights, Illinois National Association of Home Builders David R. Jensen Tim R. Newell, ASLA David Jensen Associates, Inc. The Newell Group, PA. Denver, Colorado Raleigh, North Carolina Michael Shibley National Association of Home Builders Washington, D. C. Joseph R. Molinaro, AICP National Association of Home Builders Washington, D. C. W-the Urban Land Institute Jay Parker HOH Associates, Inc. Alexandria, Virginia Michael T.. Redd Team plan, Inc. West Palm Beach, Florida Leslie A. Smith Ben Dyer Associates, Inc. Landover, Maryland Robert E. Engstrom Engstrom Companies Minneapolis, Minnesota 11 Philosophy of Residential Street Design -- -- -. -- C. -. -. 7. -. III the past, residential streets have been mistakenly viewed as fulfilling only two functions: providing access and conveying traf- fic. As a consequence of this philosophy, requirements and design guidelines placed undue stress on the efficient movement of traf- fic-in other words, moving traffic either in greater volumes or at increased speed-and ignored residential streets’ many other functions. As stated in Performance Streets (Bucks County, 1980): It was often forgotten that residential streets become part of the neighborhood and are eventually used for a variety of pur- poses for which they were not designed. Residential streets provide direct auto access for the occupant to his home; they carry traffic past his home; they provide a visual setting, an entryway for each house; a pedestrian circulation system; a meeting place for the residents; a play area (whether one likes it or not) for the children, etc. To design and engineer residen- tial streets solely for the convenience of easy automobile movement overlooks the many overlapping uses of a residen- tial street. Residential Streets, Second Edition is based on the premise that the design of a residential street should be appropriate to its func- tions. A residential street’s functions include not only its place in the transportation system but its role as part of a residential com- munity’s living environment. The idea of a residential street system as much more than a transportation facility is reflected in the following principles that form the basis for the guidelines presented in this book: l Street planning should relate to overall community planning. l Traffic in residential areas should be kept to a minimum to reduce noise, congestion, and hazards to pedestrians. l The street is an important component of overall residential community design. Properly scaled and designed streets can create more attractive communities and can contribute to a clearly defined sense of place. l Street design standards should permit flexibility in commu- nity design. They should allow street alignments to follow natural contours and preserve natural features or to respond to other design objectives such as the creation of more inti- mate urban- or village-scaled streetscapes. l Wherever possible, street layouts should be planned to avoid excessive stormwater runoff and the need for storm sewers. l The amount of paved area should be kept to a minimum to reduce construction and maintenance costs, stormwater run- . off, and heat buildup. l Streets can serve social functions such as meeting places and centers of community activity. For example, children often use low-traffic streets as play areas. C. 20 Residential Streets -. C. l In the interest of keeping housing affordable, street costs should be minimized. l Overdesign of streets should be avoided. Excessive widths or an undue concern with geometry more appropriate for high- ways encourages greater vehicle speeds. l Different streets have different functions and need to be de- signed accordingly. Blanket standards are inappropriate. These principles suggest that a street system should be designed as a hierarchy of street uses. Routes carrying through traffic should be separated from routes that provide access to residential fnrroducrion 21 c. -. c. -- -- -- -- c- -- E 3 .o sip 2 iid 1 iL m .- 0 Q c-” , - r- C. F c-. .-. * These computerited photos, produced by Dwiiht Vallely (Charleen Circle resident) show Char&n circle as it looks now and how it will look after the “street improvements” recommended by the city staff. The staff directives are to remove and replace curbs and gutters (an unnecessary expense) and remove the trees adjacent to homeowners who will not sigh hold harmless agreements. -. I. -. -. -. -. -. L. -. Nom Cmm TIMES -The trees -finally l -win one - As a champion of indige- nous species, I have to admit to a great deal of satisfaction C. C. I. -. C. with the news that a circle of tipuana trees has been grant- ed a stay of execution by the Carlsbad City Council. Realizing that these Bolivian na- tives add more to the neighborhood than the asphalt - threatened by the trees, the residents of Carleen Circle have successfully presented - their case for preserving their community’s character. Estimated at 30 to 40 years -_ old, this gathering of tipuanas is older than some North Coun- ty cities, so it makes sense that they be given the respect they -. are due. Regardless of what professional tree trimmers and city staff say, the role trees -. play in creating a community is vital and differs in response to the community in which the - trees grow. Large trees, being deeply rooted in the American conscience, should be protect- -. ed regardless of their place of Origin. I have no idea if native bird species have any use for a tipuana tree, and Pm sure that is the farthest thing from the residents’ minds. Considering that man is now able to alter life in innumerable ways, would it hurt if human beings altered their way of life just enough for trees to freely root? In a world where the needs of other species are rarely consid- ered, perhaps aesthetics will have to suffice as a reason for being. : With the preponderance of sport utility vehicles and four- wheel-drive everything else, a few roots pushing up through the asphalt should not be a big deal. In fact, these roots should be seen as natural speed ‘bumps. 1r you believe that as- phalt 1s the answer. I mvrte you to consider that the civiliza-’ . tions responsible for our mod- ern system thrived without it. Trees, on the other hand, are intricately linked to all hu- man cultures, save perhaps those in the Arctic. Aspen, Co- lo.; our own Joshua Tree; and Laurel, Fla., are but a view cities that found their identity in a particular species. Oak- dale, Cedar Ridge, Pine Valley, Encinitas, Palo Alto, Palm Springs, Palm Beach and countless others also set them- selves among the trees. The trees’ importance is recog- nized. in 640, St. Eligius ordered: “NO one shall go to trees, or wells, or stones, or enclosures, or anywhere else except to God’s church.” The “enclo- SW& were circles of trees or stones in which a natural shrine was kept. The Druidic faith of pre-Christian Europe centered its rituals within these groves, many of which were replaced by the temples of the invading Romans. Since this moment in world history, Western culture has sought to replace natural spaces with un- natural things. Trees are. the planet’s lungs, and at the rate we as a culture are adding automobiles and their resulting pollution, every tree should be seen as a life in- surance policy. Granted, it would be better if the develop- er who planted the tipuana trees on Carleen Circle had un- derstood the nature of the non- natives he was planting. But that is no longer ,relevant. What is relevant is that a group of residents has asked that 12 healthy trees be allowed to continue to contribute to their neighborhood. Has anyone ever heard of a town named after asphalt or concrete? Has anybody lived in a town that took Its name from tie latest compact car? If you ’ have, please write me, so that I might contact their Chamber of Commerce. North County Times columnist Robert Nanntnga is a college student. -. A-18 SUNDN, AUGUST 15,1%@ NORTH COUNTY TIMES - - - ‘What is the city f Carlsbad ming now? Over the years I have devel- ?d a sense of apathy when it ctrrnes to Carlsbad city politics. The concerns of the local, long- ablished, everyday citizens - have fallen on deaf ears, thus creating my apathy But this is the last straw; I can’t sit back and ignore things any longer. After reading the Aug. 5 story about the Charlene Circle resi- dents’ plight to save their trees (“Carlsbad residents push to save trees”), I discovered that myneighborhood, as well as the rest of Old Carlsbad, is on sched- ule for the same treatment - cut down the street trees, widen the streets, install sidewalks, curbs and gutters - all at the expense of the property owner We hand-picked our neigh- borhood and bought financially over our heads to live on Wilson Street because it didn’t have these improvements. My folks moved to Carlsbad in the early ’50s to get out of La Angeles. Lwasawareasakidgrowing up in Carlsbad that we had a very special lifestyle in a very special town. My kids feel the same way I did growing up - we live in a great place. To the political powers that be, please stop your aggressive, outdated, environmentally uu- friendly, citified urban-type improvements policy of paving paradise, and look at some of the solutions other cities across the nation have done to solve their traffic flow prob- lems. Consider becoming modem thinkers, good listeners and perhaps even trendsetters for the future. CH-RISS BROWN&G? - - Loss of trees destroys beauty of neighborhood The morning of Aug. 5, a Carlsbad city truck pulled up in front of our home. Before I realized what was going on, the men from the truck had cut down a beautiful, healthy 25.year-old liquidambar tree that stood on the parking strip between our and our neighbor’s property. Before they were finished they had cut:call the trees on the block but one and had taken the shade and beauty that graced the front of our homes. The Parks and Recreation people tell me it was because the sidewalk needed repair. Must established healthy trees be destroyed to repair the sidewalks? They also tell me that they plan to replace those healthy, full-grown trees with saplings that will eventu- ally look as nice as the trees they cut down. Eventually. It took 20 years for those trees tc grow. I know the town owns the parking strip and is free legal13 to do as it sees fit in this area. : am also aware that the econom\ of Carlsbad is based or tourism., and that most of ou: town leaders seem interested ix keeping our neighborhoods at n-active. Well, our neighborhood is nc longer nearly as attractive as i was a few days ago, and mane: was spent from the Carlsbac tax coffers to obtain this goal. KAREN RIEHI Carlsbaa P.O. 801 azss0, Enctniras. CA s242%2550 * Pss)v Eurw:conmwsapnbvll.ml*Fa: (790w3wJ19 Publisher: lim Kydd; General Manager: Rochelle Medearis; N&s Editor. Char&a M Con&ay; Editorial: Gary Taylor, P.J. Grimes, Ida. Loo Coley, he Kratzer, Sheila Cameron, Jack Broward, Dylano Deanna, Marjorie Howard-Jones, Alice Goodkind, Donald Trotter, Bill Ar$allo, Steve Aceti, Mike Andreen, Robert Nanninga; Photography: Jokne Thomm Production: Bochelle Mdearis, Mgr., Phyllis Co&y, Renata Penner; Proofreader: Sue Kelly-Cochrane; Legal Clerk Kym Mclntire; Retail Advertising: Dave Pinney, Kristen Egger, Taylor Suounersll; Classified Adwrtbing: Kym Mclntire; Office Assistant: Dianne Pray; Distribution: Bob Fenwick; Subscriptions: 1 year/US; 6 mm./SlO; S mos./!57.!Xl Send check or money order to: Coast NOW p.0. Box 232550, Encm~tas, CA 92~25%. The co7 -FWS is a legally adjudicated news- Ppe’ Pk ned weekly. It is qualified to pub- lish notices required by law to he published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). In addition to mail subscriptions, wer 20,000 copies are distributed to approximately SO0 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to De1 Mar. The advertising and edi- torial deadline is the Friday’ preceding the Thursday of publication. Letters policy: Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Letters are subject to editing for length. Unsigned letters will not be published. Views expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the views of the Coast News. Member; Encinitas/North Coast Chamber of Commerce, DEMA, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Leucadia Merchants Association, Independent Free Papers of America, and the Newspaper Enterprise Association. . *aye C&bad’s 101 commercial building, t& &mup listened to the presentation with an 0~~ mind. To the Editor: Don‘t touch &&bad’s 101! These residents voiced legitimate I recent.Q attended a public forum concerns and asked intelligent ques- ‘kgarding realignment of Car!sbad : ~0~. AU attendees were given a list of r)vd stretching form Palomar Anport I. recommendations for land use along this Road’ to the Leucadia boundary. beautiful coastal stretch of Carlsbad. 3 I would like to commend the gmuP ” 1 The grOuP WaS reminded throughout the ‘-;f people, mostly residents from a Presentation that all suggestions would solamar and Lanakia mobile home be considered. but that ultimatelv the parks for their attendance of thrs meet- 1 Carlsbad City’ Council makes all‘beci- ing. ‘In light of the fact that these area Sions. -‘-.&dens we facing \osS Of View, dramat- During the presentation, one resi- ic noise and ajr pollution increases along dent jokingly asked if the city would be W~~JJ the pc&bi)i~ of high density hous putting up “Bars,” a chuckle spread ine development and “tourist friendly” through the entire group, but this “ioke” C. -. was really a statement of how helpless Carlsbad residents are in controlling our city’s future. As it stands now in the near future, one of the last remaining bits of Carlsbad’s nostalgic Hwy. 101, with its beautiful unobstructed ocean view and old fashioned two lane roadway will become beach parking, retail outlets and high density housing. This plan is guaranteed to ,attract thousands, increase city coffers and destroy our last remaining piece of natural coastline. I urge area residents to attend council Please turn to Page A-5 i Continued from Page 4 meetings, and to write to the California Coastal Commission regarding this pro- posal. Lastly, we must all remember to vote wisely next election. P. Montanez Carlsbad Cfazy over fraffic T6the Editor: Does it not strike you as ironic that the Coast News (7-29-99) features a front page color photo and accompanying ati- cle on historic Route 101 (2 lanes to/from L.A.); and on page A-6 a lead headline states I-5 Plans Call for 14 Lanes. I write as someone who has lived in De1 Mar since 1956, and whose children walked across 101 to attend eIementarv school five days a week, and walked across to the beach the rest of the time. The village was a village; and it was “laid-back.” Your two articles were imme&ateiy followed by a San Diego UT editorial, Clogged Border Crossing: Growing com- merce demands more. outlets. CaITrans’ director of highways in San Diego &rid Imperial Counties says two more cross- ings ($230 rail) would make possible a traffic volume of 50,000 per day.” Does anyone else here think we have gone crazy? Why do we tolerate continual loss of quality of Iife? This is not progress, folks. This is the mtolera- ble ruination of a once beautiful comer of our state. Think about it. Maurie Brown Encinitas THE SAN DII’(;o I:‘.~~)~\~-THIIII.!NE~SUE;I):\\‘. %W9lMiR 9.1’99’7 C. - --.-_ -‘- .- ~Arevolt .againstengineering tyranny I. F or SO years, ever since mass produc- tion and regimented military power carried us to victorv in World War II. we Americans have routinely applied stan- -‘dnrdization techniques to our highways ~ and bridges, our schools, commercial strips and housing tracts. -. Small wonder so many look so similar - and boring. And in fact, the standard- ization has its enforcers. They’re the “pro- fessionals” - the engineers, planners, _, fire marshals, public work directors - who tell the rest of us what’s best, safe, al- lowable to build, from street widths to set- backs to minimum parking. -. A growing chorus of criticism is saying, though, that tunnel-visioned profession- als, while “going by the book” have pushed us toward sterile city and suburban envi- -. ror.ments. X one-size-fits-all approach, goes this indictment, has been destroying our birth- right - a variegated, attractive American citvscape and townscape. Now, say the v critics, it’s time to blow the whistle. Take the critique of Robert Engstrom, a Minneapolis residential developer and C. chairman of the Urban Land Institute’s Cities Task Forum. Disinvestment in cit- ies follows almost automatically, he notes, when engineers stifle proposals for nar- -. rower, more personal streets, fail to insist on sidewalks because they don’t speed traffic, or brush off street trees as unneed- ed lwruries. I. Fire officials are as unthinking, says Engstrom; they want streets broad enough to turn a firetruck around in, fail- ing to ask manufacturers for trucks with -I. narrower turning radiuses instead. Zoning often gets the entire blame for sterile cityscapes when the bigger prob- lem is in fact with the engineers, says Se- -. attle planner-critic Mark Hinshaw. “They lay all this stuff out - dictating wide Neal R. TWE.YATIDUALJOUR)IAl streets, prohibiting alleys. big cul-de-sac turnarounds, minimal sidewalks - as fiat. f:a;rdtheir decisions can’t even be ap- * ‘But an “Asphalt Rebellion” is bubbling up across the country, reports Gocerning magazine executive editor Alan Ehrenhalt - a guerrilla movement of neighborhood and local government leaders opposing the mega-roads and mega-bridges being forced on them by the traffic engineers and highway departments. In Redding, Conn., for example. the state offered $350,000 to fix a 17-foot- wide stone arch bridgein a bucolic setting on a rural road. But to get the money, said the state engineers, Redding would have to tear down the colorful old bridge and substitute a 2%foot-wide steel and con- crete structure. The town told the state it wasn’t willing to destroy the old bridge to save it. “It’s a sad commentary on our system,” First Se- lectman Henry Bielawa wrote in an open letter, “when historic preservation, neigh- borhood aesthetics and common sense are displaced by cookie-cutter design require- ments.” The highway engineers, Governing notes, remain heavily dependent on the so-called “Green Book” of road standards published and revised for the last 34 years by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The Green Book works on three straightforward ideas: m Safety always comes first. History, aesthetics, community values have to take a back seat. * m To be safe, a road or bridge has to be designed for drivers traveling at high speeds, even speeds well above the legal limit. s High speed mandates width, so that average street widths went from 1~3 to 24 feet wide early in the century to 32 to 34 feet by the suburban building boom of the 1960s. But more and more communities arc questronrng the Green Book’s preference> tor any road that s straighter. oroader. ftisier, flatter. A new Vermont statute ad. but repeals It. Phoenix is relaxing mini; mum street width from 34 feet to 28 fra * hven AASHTO itself is talking me Not that reform will come easily. Gen- erations of highway engineers. raised one way, are not likely to change their habits easily. And then there’s the reality that any move to slow down the paving of America runs straight up against the high- way lobby-asphalt and concrete suppliers, trucking firms, construction labor, the American Automobile Association. Maybe the weight of the engineers and the well-heeled highway lobby will cow lo- cal officials. But the times are changing. We no long- er have seemingly unlimited public funds for roads and bridges: economy and smart planning will be necessary. And now local officials are increasingly willing to speak up because they respect their communities’ historic fabric, and be- lieve that they have their citizens’ sup- port. -. C-. C. -. -. street design and its effects Authors demmstrate how street iayout cktermiiles character of conzrnurlities Focusing UJI one of IllC 111OSl iiiipml;inl iuld leas1 unJerslooti ilSpClS of urban desigii. Alreefs und he Slrupirrg qf 7bw1rs md Cilies by Michael Southworth. Ph.D., d Erta t3en- Joseph, Ph.D., offer a wealth of infornla~ion 011 how street design can make or break B con~ii~ui~ily. A tlcl;lilctl Study of Ilk! dlill1~illg iuliiirtt Of . suhurbiul slrwl &sign ia Aiiicric;i ;rlal GrCill ’ Briluiii over lhe past 200 ycurs. lhc I H4-PiIgC book shows how slrects have changed ii1 re; sponsc to social coiiccrns, new kcli~~ology, and .acsthctic values. Emphilsiziug that the street is both a physical ad social p&art of thg house UllJ its surrouudiiigs,~ll1c iluthors Jenl- onslrale lhal the design end Iuyoul ol’ r& denlid streets help Jelerii~ii~c the dlarikXcr tlllll qUilliliCS Of coniinunilics - urh ;InJ suburban, new and old. A “rclhinkinr! ol’suburbau street st;tudarJs is llccdcd lOday IO Cll3ILC iwre colicsivc, liv-- able. mJ energy-clliciea( conuwnilics ad nielropoliian arcas,“ilccordirlg to lhc ;lutliors. “E1Tor1s IO reshape 111~ I’orm ol’the Anlcrican city ure ol’ten thwarted by standurd~at~d pro- ~edures that have become’embedderl in plan- niug and development,” they write. As a rc: sponse, lhey recoiiiiiiend an approach lo resi- ddnti.al street design tlial is less rigidly coii- trolled, more flcxiblc aid inorc rcsponsivc lo local conditions. . s , Ex;uuiiiiiig il iiuinbcr ol’ key coiiccrns, 111~ ilUlllOrS explain eXilClly IlOW slreel SlillldiudS arid layouts dTeCt o neigl~borhuod’s ch;mc- ler and livability; show how SL~CCI design slcln- Jar& have changed uver lime; describe vari- uus street dcsigll approaches, SUCII itis lk ttidy picturesque suburbs, checkerboard grids, brancllin&cul:de-sacs, 4 shared streets: and provide smrcgirs iud design guidrliiics I’or - . reducing sprawl iud rc-cstnblishing a sense of coriimunity space. S1rret.r orrd lhc Slrcrpiri~ of 7inws wd Cit- ies (ISBN O-07-OSUSOS-8) is %N.US. B McGraw-Hill, Inc.: (2 12) 337-595 I. CIRCLE 143 ON READER SERVICE CARD * . \ , C. 04/u/99 16:35 q97607297420 YON’I’EREY FUODS ? Boo1 C. _I. * -. -. ..a . - ‘. _ ..: . . . .- . . - .- -... . - . _ . . . *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 1,1999 - 7-M CosstNews - Piage A-7 ’ I emntii fo/ks I;av Wow down!’ . _ . . . . Residents-rally for safer. she&’ BYDYLWN DEANN;a . CARLSBAD’ - ResidbB liv- ing ori .Levante Street In’La cosra say thar somethin needs. to be done *about cei-eless dri. wrs speeding down their street. A group of bhtc dwdkrs. six families, ..coriveqged on the carhbad city ca$mcil thi!J.past we&in hojii dfnrding a v to slow the tdlc down. / Fbsidentr say t+ey*e wit4 Levante . by the OcBanside Police Depertrnenr butmecban- ical problems hampered rhe lindings, chls another JWey is PM- Residents have suggested th8tmcdiansorislandrshc+uld be placed along Levante at four intersections that would force dzivers to slow down so they don’t hit rhe rn&ans. Igenre resident Sergio a&d for spaed bumps or WV.I& erm sign(therearecumn* Nvo). & ttheckydidn’tfeelti ; i2aflk -ted another srop si J n and speed bumps were edoucaswell “ourmminconcunis&~ . 3,” Messina stressed. -For chil-. ,drcn, +&s, jaeghn. bicycles ye.e.&v.ant’ ‘ll#darkiued. &‘tbe&aidto~ walk down our sctees; you lOlOW?. / ncssed my near-hits because \ Mtsiina jdd they origin&y - . motoms ‘dreg race” dowlthc street even though the speed . ; limit is only 25.mptl most of the way end &a Costa Hefgiits Vi-ewy dispute-restWed Elementarv Is on Levantc. SOLANA BEACH - The that a six-foot high privacy rail- ingwouldobskucther~ F&her than deny * appll-’ cation, the Cguncil r~ggestefi. the’two neighbors ,toke more. time toresolve thtirpr0bknL wlicnthttr*cwasheagi .agaixi during the March 16 Council meetin , aMouaced that (ff it was e probJem \ . Levante &nds and bends’ rlnht of pfivac~ &US views, or v be-cm Avenue and “Children are walking or rldingtoschoolandperentsere ,rushhgtodroptheirkidsoffmt school,” said one. woman addrc5singthecouncll. TheLevantemighborscon- gregated beginning last summer on tbeii own to de&en&e ways to grt drivers to slow down. which eventually led to meet; ing3 with tin/ tzaffic and police pC!XSQhMl;. dice veria beiween (~0 neigh- bofshesb9enmsotved. Fails hegq e.r& sever- al homemdde “Pleue slow dovvnkhUdren~&“.~. . The City Council voted to refertheissuEtostaffmemks to study t& problem and come b&k;with a solgricin “The residents did a r@al 4r qcJ and objective job pleading eir case;” said$ounizil~ . Ann KulchM~ ‘W’ter th6 et- ‘?8Iwcnt~d!!~tsilkid~ Last’monrh Jane Pettus, B CirsJc Drive resident. sougbt approval. to cortsfrucr 8 520 kquare foot second. smy.addi- tion which was opposed by Wane&aChil&%4Ulsgmdt3UL sixwindowsontheeastddeof the proposed addition would lrwade herprivacy. ‘cion Pettus argued thq elimina- of uhdmvs wwld impact her view. A compromise wes reached when she agreed to reduce the number of windows. to three. Shortly afterwelds, child!5 sought prwal ti a bad a 748 square. oot addition and this 3p Utnc it yms kctm who objected ..- .e c had been resol+i@; however, ChlJds wanted ta include a “let-. ter of uzxlerstarrdin ’ b co.tbe application to whit Pettus objected. City Attnmey C&a Breunet s&d such a c&qondexe was noQlsu8l ‘prc+&ure and the fact icwasincmducedwosomst&f afP enmmentrawrd.Theappli- cation for the addition WBS approved 4-O with Deputy Please +m to Pmp Cc78 _ . . . . - - -,-, . . .: . . -,I-. . -. Wince Ross TEL NO .blY 1’28 b363 -. . -. -. -. e.. -. -. -. -. C, -. - -. C. C. -. -. -. -1 ---i?d& - II ‘Change s e&i laws d DUC to tin obscure glitch in road, even if it is lined with stutc law, Encinitas now finds homes but laboled a feeder, itself unable to use radar to cities mtlst set speeds based enforce speed limits along on whal a majudy of people Smta Fe Drive. actually drive. A local attorney recently convinced a judge that a cily traffic study ctid not adhere Co the state “prevailing speeds” stendard in setting the posted limits along a stretch of that road; ‘, “’ . .’ The “prcvoiling dipccds” standard was adopted, to pre- vent towns from setting up 9peed trips” to generate in&m’e.“’ . :‘;; . . Too’many small towns . would abruptly lower speed liinh &i niajor hiihways’ . simply to c13tclr ulJsuspeding motorists. .Tbis is insanity. We can’t dlow a situation where! our childr~I1L occf’ety is based not on sound scicsce . and engineering, but on how much of a hurry too many of usare tn.’ If we’re g0icg’t.o base p@ed spocd limits on how fast everyone is driving ‘anyway, then why have them?. My not just pull .over thase who are passing others?. T’.. The reason we have posted speed limits is because far’ . too mqy of ps will efthcr idnor or fd;+g&“aboiit’ saf& concerns when WC are in a .. - hurry to get somewhere. M:e’ve said it before and * . . : That% hardly the issue in. .- Encinttas, which only wanted. to standardhe +pccds along th& kokd in’ihe irit&stq bf :“’ - public saf&y. Carlshad has t’accd the h’dmc problftm hcfare - we11 s’ay it: again: ,&jy Hate l ‘. . . . law that allows public saf’ee to bc o\*errlddcn Is’s stlrte law that needs to be changed. finding itsilf unable to lower -This is an outstanding oppor- speed lirni~s based on Safety tunity for our locel legislators or common sense bacausc of to show real leadership on a the state “prevailing speeds” nonpartisan issue. standard. Surely the safety of our Thus, even if chi1dre.n plrry children is more important along a parlicular stretch of than getting to work on time. dull 1-13a- *-. -,- . -- -. - - . . THE SAT+4 DIEGO IJNIoN-‘I~uBuNE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11.1997 C. iceanside Rries some slow-down chicanery -. 1 Lola Sherman STAFF WRITER 3 CEANSIDE - Traffic can snarl, as everyone knows, but city engineers here are tr& to calm the beast. -And they’re employing a touch of icanerv to do it. Signs, speed bumps, traffic cir- CleS and wrtable radar readouts “at show motorists how fast they “.. experimental six-month pro- gram. The enmneers call them +affc calming” devices. G . Also bemg used are chicanes. Chicanes? The word became part of the lo- --1 vernacular during the summer’s Games when portable concrete b-Triers were used to create S curves to challenge in-line skaters --d street-luge competitors on ncho De1 Oro Drive. I Traffic engineers use the word - literally meaning a deception - -‘describe artificial barriers. Those on Foussat Road utilize 1 Lcxible poles that are attached to I the pavement to form a slalom-like ‘-;lrse designed to force drivers to IW down. Paul Pace, an associate city engi- qeer, said the goal of the traffic de- *‘es is “to change the driver’s be- I vior.” The speed readout, for example, See TRAFFIC on Puge B-8 . .-.. . -- . . . . .-.. d--M..-- Traffic Oceanside tries some Ytraffic calming’ devices Continlred from B-l was set up on Downs Street, which winds through the Fire Mountain neighborhood. The street has be- come a shortcut to the new Pacific Coast Plaza shopping center. The radar board is being used in other areas as well, Pace said. The devices, in the few weeks ’ they’ve been in place, are getting mixed reviews. Residents on Foussat and on Vis- : ta Way west of Interstate 5 don’t think the devices have had the de- sired calming effect. ~ : a- u -. w Waddy Wells said the fast few thinks the traffic devices are suc- times a motor& comes upon the cessful because they discourage speed-control poles on Foussat, people from using Foussat as an aI- “they have to slow down when they temative to El Camino Real. see it because they don’t know On Vista Way, the traffic poles what it is.” are deployed differently. But then, “those who come through every day go zip, zip - They’re arranged at the inter- real fast;” he said. sections of Moreno. Stewart and Betty Burkey, who lives near a Home streets in such a way that traffic circle created by the poles at the road ahead appears narrower Foussat and Noreen Way, said - at least that’s the theory. there are “very crazy drivers” who Sharon Terrazas said ail the someday won’t negotiate the barri- poles accomplishis to make it hard- er for the city’s contract trash er and will cause an accident. &bbje Black, who lives near the trucks to maneuver. “It’s really intersection of Foussat and Las dangerous,” said Terrazas, who Vegas Drive. said the poles slow would prefer to see traffic signals downhill traffic, but cars still run installed on Vista Way. the stop sign at her intersection. “It’s not good enough,” William Black said speed bumps would be a Scroggins said. ‘I guess some- much better solution to speeding. body’s trying, but it looks to me as Sixteen-year-old Mary Launer if the cars tire going faster.” / --New. Urtlan.ueslgn ~tiii~2t~ j J&$&ke The Throw view -’ By EATIE EuEENER-HEBEBT Sam Dir#a Ddly Tnwswripl The City of sari Diego is consid- ering whether to modify it6 street- -. duign manual to give greater lee- ’ ,way for narrower streets, land- I acaped spaces between shorter .sidewallts and street curbs and ,; ahernativ’e designs for parkways. The city also .i6 rltempting to . . . the street-design manual reved drangeti geared to give developer6 presw flexibility in their design of new neighborhoodr within San Diego - mostly in the northUD put of the city and around San Yridro. ’ modify cm+36 betwcon tne 6tlWeZ- de&n manual and it6 0th~ plan- ning documents, and may also, eventually combine all documentsI into a new %rban design manual. On Wednesday, Lhe City Council’6 Land Use and Eousl*g Committee directed city enVeer Frank Belock to incorporate, intq final approve I * _ C.’ I t -. -. , -. -. The ,desip changes, principally recommended by an advicory group of design professionals, builderr and other community members. am intended to slow trallic in resi- dential neighborhoodr, increase pedestrian activity and ‘neighbor- ly” inmraction on both sides of the block - in general, to create more ‘livable” neighborhoods. Belock’s revised draft then will go before the full City Council for -ob Medan:a spokerman for the city fire department, said that ule department has concerns about reducing 6tIVSt widths to less than 34 feet. The streeta should be 36 feet nnd we compromised to 34 .feet,’ Medan said.’ “Anything else i6 going to auae us problems.’ Membem of the advisory gro p &wever. were quick to point :u? that otfrer attes had narrowed 4 I. -. tnreeta w&out compnrmg -es, such as Portland, men able to show that iu3-bot streets hpe not “‘1 me tame of 6md MUk Stwk. a member of * Z6 . increase public safety, Council- woman Judy McCarty said. ‘If we had thought of narrowing Waring Road when it wa6 put in, we; could have made it safer,” ’ McCartyaaid. In January, two chil- dren were rtruck and one. was killed by a car unable to atop in time at the intersection of Waring Road and Greenbrier Avenue. A stop sign ha6 been posted there eince then. ” “We have spent million6 retro- fitting Waring Road. We have traf- fic lights at almost every intersec- tion, and people still go 88 milas- ,. per-hour to get on Interstate 8,” she , added. ‘If. we had made the street I narrower to ‘. begin with, then ’ maybe we wou!dn’t have had prob- , lemim ’ The council .committea directed Belock to define condition6 that would bs appropriate for a 28-foot street, such a6 within a grid of Pie&w Turn to Page 48 New Urban Design Manual - Conlinud [mm 2 18 inlerconnectiag street6 giving tire trucks and other vehicles alterna- tive route choices. The city al60 may modify the manual to allow for smaller side- walks and larger parkway6 between sidewalks and. street curbs. men& including the landscape technical manual, landscape ordi- nance, Americans with Disabiiitie6 Act, general plan, rpecifrc and pre- cise plans, zoning code, tran6itori- ented development guidelines nnd planned district ordinancur. In most circumstances, the city may allow for a %oncontigu0~6* sidewalk - one that is separated by the etreet curb by a grassy, land- reaped space-if the city ha6 a lo- foot right-of-way between the curb and the homeowner’s property line. In addition, the revised manual might allow for narrower side- walks. The current manual . The city may consider whether to incorporate the various planning document6 as well as guideline6 for traffic-calming measurer into a new urban design manual. hebert@%ddt.com Source Code: 1990204tda ’ require6 a minimum 5.5-foot- +vidth, the revised manual may ).,rovide that the standard ridewalk &idth be five feet, including a six- inwh curb. Sigle-family residential rtreet6 may bs able to have four- f&t sidewalk6 and a six-inch curb. By having the narrower side- walk, developer6 have the option to builil five-foot landscaped park- ‘ways with trees. The current rtreet-design manu- .+l.iqcludes a ‘prefenwd altema- .;&ivem. confmwation for a:Pukwav .: , .i 4 ” iI foi each ~rtreet~ classification. The advisory group was concerned, however, that developer6 would not take the time to complete the city’6 deviation form if an altemotive de6igu was desired; nor was there any guarantee that a deviation would be approved by the city’s engineering department. The r vrsed design manual may 1’ give alli alternative6 an equal standing.{It also might include a rtatemenf, that the design of the street. sh:iuld be based on the spprpved @nning document for . . . . . tnat area 0. tne aty. The council committee also : directed the city’s newly formed ’ tree advisory group to work with the city’s urban forester on expand- ’ ing the tree selection for certain types of parkways. : Inaddition,‘Belock will attempt to resolve numerous design con- flicts between. the Itreet-design manual and other planning docu- i .‘CTlTLE>PCJ Article: “The Residmtial Street - Part I,” by C. Gregory Dale & Jennifer ShamPage 1 of 6 -. - Ic’ - C. -a. -. P. -. IC. C. C. C. C. C-d -. C. C. -. -- lPLANNING COMMISSIONERS JOUBNALl, Talking Transpcirtation: The Residential Street -- Part I by C. Gregory Dale & Jennijier Sham [From Issue 20, page 16, of the PCJ, Fall I9951 -lvI ost everyone is familiar with the basic ,. _ .-. !.’ classifica~,on of roads and streets into several different “’ categories. These major divisions include the arterial .street; theiccJ!ector street, and the local street. While a great deal of attention has been given to the design and functions of arterials and collectors, the local (or . residential) street has also begun to receive greater ‘:. attention. 1:::: The evolution of public perception as to what constitute the most desirable characteristics of a residential street has undergone many fascinating changes. Residential streets in the ‘karly part of the century were characterized bv relativelv ‘narrow widths. sidewalks. and shallow front yards..often with ..?porches dominating ‘the front elevation ‘of the house. They typically occurred in a grid pattern. With the advent of the modern subdivision, the character of residential streets began . to change substantiallv. Streets became wider to better accommodate traffic, houses were set back further, sidewalks often disappeared completely, and the front door became less of an activity area. Now, many planners and designers are beginning to rebel aparnst this modern pattern. You have probably heard about ;yneo-traditional” designers who are advocating a return to http://www.plannersweb.com/articles/trans20.htm.l 216198 About the Author C. Gregory Dale, AICP, is Director of Planning of the ~ planning and engineering firm of Pflum, Klausmeier & Gehrum, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dale is also a past president of the Ohio Chapter of the American Planning Association, and frequent speaker at planning and zoning workshops across the country. He regularly writes for the PCJ. Jennifer Sharn, is a registered landscape architect with) Pflum, Klausmeier & Gehrum, and has worked on many .* * C. 6. -- C. +. C. -. +--. c. -. . F - . &TLE>PCJ Article: “The Residential Street -- Part 1,” by C. Gregory Dare & Jennifer SharnPage 2 of 6 many of the old residential street characteristics. While some ,iFharacter&e these ideals as nostalgic, others see them as ‘shedding new light ‘on proven design principles, As planning commissioners you should understand the issues- involved in this debate. Residential Street Standards It is important to understand how existing street standards came about and how prevalent their use is today. The design of today’s residential street has evolved from the construction of roads that once carried horses and buggies and the early automobile. Streets in the early 1900’s had a right of way (ROW) of 30-50 feet and a pavement width of 18-24 feet. Houses were typically set back only 12-20 feet from the ROW. ” In the’ 196:O!si,the national Institute OfTransportation Engineers produced a publication titled Recommended ,Practice foryhbdivision Streets. This publication contained a “’ “set ‘of recommended standards for residential street design. These included: a 60 foot ROW; 32-34 feet of pavement; a 6- 7 foot planting strip; and a 5 foot sidewalk on both sides of the street. Typical front yard setbacks were set at 40-60 feet. These standards have been widely used as the basis for many of today’s subdivision regulations. [See Sidebar, Residential Street Vocabulary for cross-section comparison of early 1900’s versus 1960’s ROW]. It is important to remember, however, that a transportation engineer’s mission is to ensure efficient and safe vehicular movement. The standards’ emphasis on vehicular movement is what has drawn increased criticism in recent years. Many communities are now taking another look at th& existmg residentral street standards, In most suburban areas, the last twenty to thirty years of development have produce& ’ multitudes of identical looking, curvmg streets that have pavement widths and design speeds not unlike major arterials .;: or even highways. ‘And when residents drive at speeds of 40-, :50 mph because that is what feels comfortable, community officials are,forced to.consider retrofitting “traffic calming” devices to fix the problem [Editor’s Note: For more on trafX_c calming, see Richard Untermann’s “Taminn the Automobile”]. Some communities have begun to take a more proactive approach by changing the standards for residential street design~Z%oulder,‘Colorado, for example, has developed projects that deal with the design issues of community planning. See a list of other "Talkinq have appeared in the PCJ. Aleo, take a look at a list of Richard Untermann's "Street Wise" columne. Taking a new look at street standards _. i c- . - h se &ITLE>PCJ Article: “The Residential Street -- Part I,” by C. Gregory Db.r: & Jennifer ShamPage 3 of 6 standards for several different types of streets based on their hierarchical functions and traffic volumes. In this way, the city has set for each street type standards for design speed, right- C.. -. c-. e C. L. -. . ‘With the advent of the modern subdivision . . . Streets became wider . . . houses were set back further, sidewalks often disappeared completely, and the front door became less of an activity area.” .’ ‘. Suburban residential street design is not just an issue being looked at by city officials and urban planners. It has even . recently been questioned by the media. New.sweek magazine’s recent cover story,.“Bye-Bye, Suburban Dream!’ (May 15, 1995), offers, fifteen ways to bring back.neighborhood identity w .to the suburbs.I.One of them is to “make the streets skinny.” Jt?& The article points out that modern subdivisions are designed m to be driven, not walked. It is suggested that to remedy this streets should be made narrower. “Narrow streets -- as little -. of-way, pavement width, on-street parking, and sidewalks. The new standards also provide for alleys, which, among other benefits, can help remove traflic from the street. While alleys are common in older neighborhoods, many communities’ design standards and zoning ordinances prevent their use in new residential development. [For more on Boulder’s approach, see the June 1994 issue of PIamiug magazine]. as 26 feet wide -- and tight, right-angled comers are a lot ‘easier for walkers, and probably safer as well, because they ) C. .force drivers toslow down.” aL *. -. This type of coverage by the popular media is reflective of an emerging movement in the planning profession known as . “neotraditional” planning, or the”new urbanism.” The proponents of these ideas believe that successfiil, enduring cities and towns need to have certain elements within them. ’ These elements include such items as a pedestrian network, -. public buildings and squares, blocks of streets that interconnect in a more grid-like pattern, and street cross- sections designed to give a tighter, pedestrian-oriented character to the street (this is done by, among other things, ” I Neo traditional design versus conventional residential street pattern i - . -. <TITLE>PCJ Article: “The Refintial Street -- Part I,” by C. Gregory Dale & Jennifer Sham Page 4 of 6 c. requiring sidewalks and well-sized street trees; encouraging on-street parking instead of more driveways; and reducing the .._..’ L. width of the roadway). c. L. .-. -. Nevertheless, many people still app&r to like the conventional suburban pattern of deep front yards, and long, wide, gently curving streets, with cul-de-sacs - whose houses typically carry a price premium -- branching off However, this very layout contributes to higher speeds and greater traffic volumes on many local streets, and also results in more roundabout travel routes for both pedestrians and motorists. See Sidebar, “Arterial Connestion.” Summing Up: The standard used for the typical residential street has evolved from a narrow pavement width and right-of way to the much wider cross-section seen in today’s suburbs. Vehicle speeds are becoming an ever- increasing complaint in suburban areas. Many traffic , engineers and police officers agree that drivers “,,respond to their surroundings and not to posted speed &.limit’signs~ In other wordsiif the street has the width :iand gentle curves of a highway, people will drive on it e. as if it were’.a highway,. . ..’ c- c. Consequently, many communities are reconsidering their existing residential street design standards. There are an increasing number of planners and designers who, for many reasons, advocate going back to the : . street pattern found in older, traditional neighborhoods. However, many developers argue that the public is well-satisfied with the “modern” suburban -. street pattern that still predominates today. , -. -. C-. ‘. . -_ Is h . -. . C. l public woks there a way-to save our scenic rural roads? _ .___ .. -. -.- -. _ efore we begin this month’s offering, modifications to the road that would eventual- B I need IO do a little housekeeping I may have offended some of you with the con- Iy turn it into a typical &foot-wide urban col- lector. This would have resulted in a four lane asphalt road with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and a grass plot between the sidewalk and curb. We had also proposed vertical and horizontal changes to the existing alignment which would improve its’ safety as well as capacity. Such changes would, of course, have significantly affected the ambiance of the rural road which I’ll call Country Lane. tent of my May 1999 article. If so, I apologize for your discomfiture. Most of you understood my intent and took it in the vein that I intend- ed, that of a discussion item. One of the problems of land development is the fact that it changes the character of the area being developed and the lifestyle of the affected residents. The residents of an area being con- sidered for ‘improvement” often see the devel- oper as the destroyer of their bucolic setting and an evil person who is seeking only to make a profit out of their future misery. Since I live in a somewhat isolated rural setting, I can The existing residents, who had resigned themselves to the new development, came out strongly in opposition to these changes. In their view, the issues of increased density, residential development and road improvements could somehow be separated. We didn’t see these There are certain times when the local residents see us, the public engineers, as more -. of an enemy than the developer. - -. -. commiserate completely with people whose lifestyle can be turned upside down by the introduction of more intense land uses. Yet there are certain times when the local residents see us, the public engineers, as more of an enemy than the developer. For example, a case recently appeared before our local planning body that sought to introduce an upscale enclave community into a rural area near our town’s city limits. The project’s lots, while large by urban density standards, were markedly smaller than those of the surround- ing ownerships. The parcels in the vicinity of the proposed development were predominately multi-acre, estate-sized tracts with the majority of those tracts being occupied by expensive homes. The thoroughfare serving the site is a two lane coun- try road approximately 20 feet wide with severe horizontal and vertical sight distance problems. Last year, a young driver failed to successfully negotiate one of these dangerous curves and died when her vehicle collided with one of the many large trees which line both sides of the narrow road. In response to the schematic plan submitted for preliminary review, our engineers proposed issues as being separable and were not popular with the residents for our stance. Finally, after some serious wrangling at the planning board meeting, we waived the need to install curbs and gutters and required only that the road have adequate engineering design to improve its safety. ‘The neighbors will still probably hate us when most of the trees lining this small lane are removed and the road is straightened but then we feel strongly that the road is unsafe, espe- cially for the proposed increase in trafftc load- ing. Since I drive this panicular road, I’m very familiar with its twists and turns. I’ve even had the opportunity to test my skills when I’ve found myself occasionally running late. So far I’ve been able to successfully thread my way through this road’s kinks but I’ve never had to do so when it was dark, raining heavily, or oth- erwise challenging. I trust that I never shall. I can empathize with the residents in their desire IO maintain the status quo for Country Lane. It is lined with large hardwoods and the colors are beautiful in the fall. It would be an ideal lane to dally in, were it not for the fact that this road is a connector between a major east- west arterial I’ll call Oak Road and a collector street I’ll call Clay Drive. I believe it carries a 40 mile per hour speed limit and it affords the first opportunity many drivers have in the Eastern portion of our county to get around some of our traffic bottlenecks funher west. One of our town’s elected officials really hates to see roads like Country Lane converted from their rural status into what he calls “superslabs’ and he is quite vocal about it. I can see his point but I’m saddled with the added professional responsibility under the laws of my state to watch out for the public’s safety. He has suggested in times past that the original lanes of such roads be left intact with any necessary lane increases or widening being placed on the other side of the trees that typi- cally line such roadways. The problems that arise from such a solution are large in that hor- izontal and vertical problems probably could only be addressed for the new road and the old road would remain as a hazard. Of course it might be possible to post a markedly lower speed limit for the old road as well as requiring the installation of ‘traffic calming’ devices such as speed humps to dis- courage speeding. The resulting roadway could then become a haven to bicyclists, pedestrians, and slow moving automobiles with the main traffic flow being carried by the new thorough- fare. The horizontal control problems might be the death knell for such a solution without some type of legislative mandate because I doubt that many developers would agree to give up additional land for a duplicate road parallel to an existing ‘usable” thoroughfare. I e&n suggested to this elected official that . . . . - he push throunh a Scenic Thorouehf& nance which would provide protection for the idyllic county before they disappear forever, He agreed that something should be done but so far nothing has come to pass. The developers in our area would have to be sold on this and without the force of law, I’m afraid their eco- nomic considerations will outweigh any aes- thetic concerns. I’m curious how those of you in other pans of the rountry react to similar situations. I’m sure that I’m not alone in this quandary and would appreciate your suggestions and experi- ences. Please write me at the addrt?;s below. D C. Ronald Kirby IS TV rgbre& prqlnsiot~~tl n~,yirutr trr~tl Id s1rnlc7~r itI IhlnesjcR[p I:-tr~tril kirby@cene&.com. 26 Cl rwJ&PC -- . ’ . . Ic- -- c. c. 7. -. -. -. -. -. e. -. 7 -. -. -. F -. - -. 7. c. -. -. -. -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ’ CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSlMD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the Ci@ of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembiy (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX -- h e C. 7- *-- c- -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safev of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare, Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONUFM -- r- -- 7. -. -- /- -- .-- 7.. c- c- c- -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Tvpe “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, pa& or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. NAME ADDRESS +;rjc4& AC/ u 47/4&&jj $zy;:gi PAW&. B&u&L G\LC( ,r t I- q2q 9; ‘7 -?/3cL3c Ccuv&?~\ uw.\40n 5%. ‘Lt -T-k%- \qLL 0 3 PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Trpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... c- c- c- -- --, Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is de$ned as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pat@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spect@c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME /egiie l?GLw 2 -. PHONE/FIQx h - -. -. c- C. -- -- L- -- c- -- r- -- -- r- r- r- PETITION TO CARLSBAD .CIti COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE P?RESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Y Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an’ emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Speci$c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, ,safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX 59&72 Lmdn ch4 77ydk=zbt - -- -- -- -- -- -- c- -- -- -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. SpeciJic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE r- - L. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ’ CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Tvpe “Improvements ,‘(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) v. in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa5 and... c. Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... e. -- Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: -- -- I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectjic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C. -. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZEIW FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -- -. -. -- -- -- Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future .Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: c- -- 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such, as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. -- -- r- - I C. -- r- -. -- -- -- -. -. -- -1 -- -. -- -- -- w-- c4 - .L PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Tvpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Curlsbad,‘. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Cumin0 Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Yillage Drive). 2. Skeets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spect$c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such$ndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. - 7 ‘,7C 1’ n Y&i? I 2-j 47G PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Trpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Curlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Curlsbad” community... -. -- Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: -- C. I. Mq’or Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public . 4 - C. c- -. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY CO-$!FNikJi CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLS&iD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban TVpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improiement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... -. c- -. -- -_ -- -- -. Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as . follows: . 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. SpeciJc areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Hearing. Such&dings shall be made only by the C’?y Council at a Public _I. . . PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONmFm - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) -- STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY P.. -- -- -- P.-- -. A. -. -. -- Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Trpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoocis and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Curlsbad” community... ~_ . -... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request ihe Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such$ndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. L. -. -. c- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY - Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement ‘Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... L. whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Curlsbad” community... C-. -. c .. -. -. Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Curlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Cumin0 Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONYFAX -. -. 7. -- r C-. c- F’ -. e: -. -. -. -. -. e. -. -. - - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Trpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Curlsbad” residential neighborhoodk and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Curlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. . qt(-e \o-\<p-,,bq, l-$35 LJJbh st ‘-il’i-c?L-Cl _ .I&, I;tcvy+-&,~< Z-E%0 L”,&(? 48 q-34 - ~$v-~ 7% ObZ+ ,i!L* 724- ‘iw-~ A rc -. -. -. rc- -- -. C. -- -- v- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa5 and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Speci$c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE .< a, p PRIJVTEDNAME I ADPVSS , _- - - .- C. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL -. CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY .-’ -. -. C. c. -. -.. -. -- -- -- Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Tvpe “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad ‘I. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pac$c Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. -- C. -. f -. F C. C. ,--. -. + -- C. -. c- -- -. -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Tvpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staRto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectjic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONEIFAX -4 4hq L 40 AyJlt w c&!iwb 74 --)5q 3 Jzs’i - ~2~3 F ctme%l& yav3j /Z3L?Aic%s SW5 ~/iG~+7-- 72F3vo L.,+xrLbhiL Sa&&,yLykm fi ,ar>q LAkwJ+ 7&=--3?q\ c- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY #. c- - Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban TVpe “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request.the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as fillows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing, SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX h F F r r- r- r 1 r r - r - r- t- - r r -. r PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX - -4 PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE C’SBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta_trto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact& Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY C. .--. -. ?. C. 7. C-. -. -. Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Tvpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooris and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX -- C. c. PETITION TO CAFUiBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. P. 7. -. Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and.,. Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactfic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. 7. - - I_ c. c. .-. c- -. FL PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “‘Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa!s and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact& Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE;/FAx - A PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. -- C. c- Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa!s and... whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stafltoprepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa+ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONHFM C-&L . PETITION TO CAIXLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) -- STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. - C. -- -- P- c- -- c- Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Trpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa% and... whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectjic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME - C -. -. - *-- -- -- -- r- -- --. -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban TVpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooak and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. -1 -. c _. -- - +- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roa& and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximi@ of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. -- c- 2 -- -- c- -- C. A. C c- w- -- c- r” -- --- Fe t- c- -- c PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE GIRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad ,, community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct std to prepare a Ci@ Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad,,. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 4 I. Major Road and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such @dings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FM -. - -- -- c- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSB/W (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptionsto this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX -- -- - A r-1 -. ?I -. -. -- -- -- -- c- A- -- c- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY mereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Trpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is deJined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. -- -- - -. -. -. -- -- c- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE C’SBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY JKhereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban TVpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooak and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stafltoprepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements@ Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spe#c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfme. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNA TWRE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONWFB -- -- c.. F- c- -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooh and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$ to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safe@ and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. ADDRESS PHONE/FAX CJI LjorJ / c-53 ,>’ w ..di -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. e- Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staRto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectftc areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safev and welfare. Suchjndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE b7a-n Ad.4~ PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE’FM ms LA VI. m A n 3~7.mq~mw7-w 7a4-Cl37 .> IT-\ c- -.. -- ?-- c- F’ a.-- / P - 4. -. c- d 1. P-- -I PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban TVpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad,, community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact& Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONHFAX Y.. -- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. e- 3’ Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stag to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing, i-.. -- -- C- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL -- CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSB~ (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -- )’ Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... JKhereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of ozz “Olde Carlsbad” community... c- -- Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. c- -_ ’ PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. mereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... -- -* ,-.. Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: -. 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Suchftndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. -. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX -- F- -. - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safe@ of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... -- -. I- Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stsffto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas. where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME PHONUFAX -- -- I-- -_ c- ,--’ -- ,-- -. -. -. PETITION TO CAFUSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoo& and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” commun@... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staffto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, Ei Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactf?c Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME -- c- .* : ‘q.: - c- -- c. r- -. fl. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoocls and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad <I. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: e- 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. C- .* -- I . /A F. -. -_ -. -- i--- c. -. -. C. -. c. c. -. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Mq’or Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. c- - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY -. -. c- *-- -. -. -. -. c- -. -. - Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community.,. Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staRto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing, -- P-- -- -- -7 - +- r-- -. -. e- -. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONWFfi C. F -. -. t” C -. ..-- -. -- -. -. -. -. -- -- -- r- PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL & CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.F.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type ‘lmprovements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct St& to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. C. c. ? -. -. -. -. -. c. -- -- c- -- r- + h PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Trpe “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad ‘I residential neighborhoods and... ?Vhereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafew of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$“to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is deBned as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe e. 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safeeJv and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX &+ i -. c CITIZENS FOR PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Whereas the City of Carlsbad has been implementing an agressive policy of requiring urban type improvements and ammenities in our “Olde Carlsbad” residentiul communities and. . . Whereas we, the residents of of Carlsbad are concerned with. the impact that this policy will have on the character of our “Olde CarMad communities... We, the undersigned, urge your Council to immediately direct staff to prepare a Clity Policy which would discontinue the requirement for urban improvements (including, but not limited to curbs, dikes, glrtters, storm drains and street lights) in the residential ares of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is de@ned as the area between by El Camino Real, the Pacrfic Ocean, the R-uena Vista Lagoon and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The sole exceptions to this policy would be as fohws: I. 2. -. 3. F- Major Roads (such as Tamarack Avenue, Grand Avenue, etc.) Streets in proximity of schools and/or religious assemblies (such as Monroe) Areas where the City Engineer determines a needfor drainage or safety. SIGN.4 TURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS . -. A. F -- -. ALLRECEM I 1 CITY C:e;UNCr; I CA ry CC DATE CITYMANAGER 1 ‘,-P.?? ‘\ ;=j=EM fts JS- 8 _ -.____ I. - ..&.a-*-- ---,-- , WE NEED YOU NOW! POLITICIANS COUNT BODIES. HELP SAVE “OLDE” CARLSBAD MEETINGALERT.’ CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 @ 6:00 P.M. - DID YOUKNOW? v Carlsbad requires home remodeling applicants to dedicate land, remove trees, and pay for widening their streets with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Carlsbad is requiring that all new streets be twice as wide as Highland. Carlsbad is not allowing new developments to install any street trees. Carlsbad is aggressively removing existing mature, healthy trees within their right OfwY- v Excessively wide streets in residential areas increase PC&%, induce motorists to speed and decrease residents safety. * ficessively wide streets are “environmentally unf%endi’y “. They increase grading, noise, heat buildup, and urban drainage runofl V Wider streets cost taxpayers more money to maintain due to increased re- sur$acing and repair costs. V There is a national boom throughout the United States in ‘Revitalizing ” old neighborhoods and preserving their narrow tree lined streets. V There is a national movement in the United States to embrace “Tree City U.S.A. ” programs which are increasing street tree planting to increase property values and reduce water and energy costs. JOIN THE CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF “OLDE” CARLSBAD (C.F.0, C.) AT CITY HALL TO REQUEST THAT THE CITY TURNAROUND THE STEAMSHIP “‘S.S. URBAh?.ZATION”‘. DON’T TURN “OLDE CARLSBAD” INTO IRVINE! 3 l b “# ’ - _._ THE &iN-DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE l WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1999. ; to trees: G-et 7 9 1 ;.~. : -.;.:;.t ’ (fj& ,.bf tom ._ .‘. ..m:-’ . . - A bii okhua&@us stands in frontofthehousewetelived intithelast16years .rIf.thedtJr-cPtthatlreedown ‘. lvithte~efforttoconserve itTdbe*totheeoiptofin- tf!ZlldCOUlhUStiOn. Whenthetreegoeqtheregoes the neighborhood. So I feel for the residents of James Drive in Carlsbad, who wokeupAug.Stoasceneofarb6 realrape. citywo~werealtlingdown a row of liquidambar trees. In their placearesapEngsthatwiJ.ltake years to grow. Power lines once hidden among the trees, dominate the skyline. WI’dwantedtoliveinEastI& that’s where I’d be,” lamented Sandy Hadder, one of eight resi- ients showing me their denuded Aghborhood Monday morning. L hiakiboutthe othergreen Thereaks&valuesofRan- : ch&+ntaFe,DelMarandsomeof CBiljbad’spiqe-- ’ ~&~==-@Q -arenotaolelya functionof~orsquare . fm+.als. Thevsiuealsoistiedtothefeel ofthestree&whicharedes@ed ’ Afot;thepeople~~there,nOt~. -.p&ng&ro@&iO~h. .’ -+kowatx&s~.delight andsloGdownmobni&AsaZen mastermightssy,you’rectrivingh themomen~aUtb&ense!s,incJud- neariysosmpri&@asacidld ‘iii&@ out hm behindparked c%Sonawidestreet Nevertheless, Carl&ad, in its fi- nitewisdom,hastoldtherusticsin ! nort.hwestemCarlsbadthattheir i roadswillbewidened.Treea? ~strategyiswhatengineer , , Ge Pin former chairman of the county Flaming Gxmnission and , an 0~ of the newly formed Citiztens for the preservation of Olde Carl&ad, calls the city’s “stenciL” the institutional prefer- en& of wide and ban-en over the ---. namow and lush. I -2-- _ . ..^ 0 fco&&eCity,if&i& lengt3d&llsbackonpietks ~-liabiliiyoftrees,s&ty andblahandmorebkah. . \ ~.ButcitieslikeDeIMandCar- ~e&eserveandbeautSytheir xla¶Towfdreetg~erthanimpose, a bland confonnily.on.unwSing residents - ~~CarlsbadshoulduseGts&ytrea sury,&itkned~mhummingin- dusbialparksandLegoland,tofo~ ti%lhelookofCarmel,notofThe ‘Ikiimanshowp . - Recently,ahard-foughtbat& waswonbyoneCarlsbadendave -CbrleenCi?&Az3ngof4@ yeabdd’lfptanas makestheliide- MayoffDonnaDriveseenia~~ GlilXIlLbUthapgy,~tale.AC!iti- ZenUprisingStO~.the~(at l=&WM=“B”m” r ..I. - .. .:..D~&&&j&&&~ i3epeditshllgeIrecs;~- --i.. ingmain~to~~. tusroom~togmw. Butmerchants hi%~hadtopresstokeepthese grabdid old gentkmeninpke. Residentsoffunkystreetsalso must engage the faceless, ta&less enemy.Streetsaretoovatuableto be left solely to engineer~ The Citizens for the m tion of Olde Cai%&ad has re quested aSept 28councilhearing to halt the city’s drive to eradicate its own heritage. YI’le council should eAend the &ve branch. , -Better yet, the whole tree. LoqmAnktnscanbefeachedatW~ 7526761orbyemil at lqan.)enklns@uniantrib.com # * Sept 18, 1999 Richard C. Lantz 2844 Wilson St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)730-8966 Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor City Council, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGENDA ITEM # c: F&,iyOr ‘Aty CounciI Xy Manager ‘Sty Attorney City Clerk Re: Preserving the Charm of “Olde Carlsbad” Dear Mayor and Council, T am very concerned about the city’s policy(or lack there of) in maintaining the charm and visual scene of our established neighborhoods, “Olde Carlsbad”. Recent events on James Dr. and Charlene Circle are clear indications that our public works department is operating without guidelines or against resident’s approval in preserving the quaint and charming neighborhoods that are the most desirable and visually appealing of our city. The city’s fear of liability to justify tree removal is a short sided approach to meeting the needs of our population. Mr. Mayor and Councilmembers please listen to those that have elected you. Your interest at the Aug 17 town council meeting(Charlene Circle/Arborist discussion) was a clear indication that you are concerned about our trees and visual scene. But, the lack of written nolicv and staff directive will prevent us from achieving QU common goal. Please consider the following points and recommendations; -Older established neighborhoods of Carlsbad have the same desirable charm as Old De1 Mar, Ranch0 Santa Fe, Solana Beach, and Menlo Park. These neighborhoods are characterized by a rural setting with narrow, tree lined streets and an absence of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. -Narrower, tree lined streets are traffic calming and reduce auto speed creating safer neighborhoods. -Liabilities are inherent to every part of our city. Our State and City beaches are perhaps our cities greatest liability, however we would never consider removing the sand or fencing the beaches to decrease the liability. Recommendations: 1 .Review staff guidelines and procedures immediately for older streets and neighborhoods. Suspend all tree removal and gutter/curb/sidewalk install. 2.Develop a commission composed of residents from older established Carlsbad neighborhoods. Commission develops policy and guidelines for neighborhood improvements. 3Council adopts and implements written policy developed by commission. 4.Abolish hold harmless agreements, liens against property, and other non-serving public agreements that are used as scare tactics by the City Manager to coerce homeowners into agreeing to the city’s unwanted improvements. There is a large and growing number of homeowners/taxpayers who are frustrated and angered by the approach the city has taken in so called “improving our neighborhoods”. These are ourneighborhoods, please respect our desire and plans for improving them. Thank you for your time, a reply to the above would be appreciated. Sincerely, aL~LdLQ La Richard C. Lantz o- AGENDA ITEM 1255 Hoover St. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 September 23, 1999 City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Mayor Lewis Carlsbad Council Members Since we are unable to attend the September 28* meeting regarding sidewalks in “olde Carlsbad” we would like to cast our vote against this measure. Our area is unique and very picturesque and adds to Carlsbad’s charm with all the old trees along Highland. Property owners have invested time & money on walls and landscaping, some of which would be destroyed. We frequently walk around this area and feel sidewalks would diminish the rural atmosphere we and our neighbors enjoy. No Sidewalks, thank you. Sincerely, 3 1’ -d / ~25q~ /9py / Marilyn Strong - Nancy Chattier (MESS- FOR MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS) 43-279 __. --- ___.-Page From: To: Date: Caller: Phone: Nancy Miller Marilyn Strong 9128199 2:05PM Nancy Char-tier (MESSAGE FOR MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS) 434-5279 [*I Telephoned [ ] Will call again [ ] Wants to see you [ ] Urgent [ ] Please call [ ] Returned your call [ ] Came to see you Ms. Chattier called to let Mayor/Council know that she opposed the widening of her street. She lives at 2697 Wilson. She requested that council be told.....“We moved to this house on Wilson from Sierra Morena because of the lack of sidewalks. It is the only reason that we moved here. We do not want sidewalks.” Thank you, Nancy Miller City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Internet address: nmill@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Phone: (760) 434-2948 Fax: (760) 720-9461 AGENDA ITEM # C: Mayor city council cify Manager City Attorney City Clerk September 28,1999 To whom It May Concern: Unfortunately, I am prevented from attending the city council meeting Tuesday, the 28ti, by a previous commitment. However, I would like to voice my at least tentative support for the Save Olde Carlsbad group. I say tentative as I have not spoken to any leader of that group and may not understand their entire agenda. As I interpret it, they refer to the perfection of Orange County which the city staff has accomplished in three of our quadrants. The city machine has now apparently turned it’s attention to the 4* quadrant, or old quadrant of Carlsbad. Yes, I must stand up and say that I like the feel of the old quadrant as it is. I like: 1. no curb and gutters 2. no sidewalks 3. large old street trees which drop their leaves 4. narrow roads 5. a homogeneous population 6. rural aspects 7. different architectural styles representing the tastes and times of the builder 8. expensive homes nest to more humble ones 9. historic buildings 10. the children of renters in school with the children those who own 11. minorities in school with majorities Yes, discussion and compromises must be worked out with those who advocate various things such as sidewalks, etc., but I am confidant that it can be done. Sincerely, Patra Straub 3994 Scott Dr. Carlsbad AGENDA ITEM # c: Mayor City Council City Mana@r City Attorney city clerk (_ ’ ‘: Nancy Mrller - Brenda’Satazai ,. ,,, _ ,,__ (MESSACA ,, ,,“, From: To: Caller: Phone: Nancy Miller Marilyn Strong Brenda Salazar (MESSAGE FOR MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS) 729-9024 [7 Telephoned [ ] Will call again [ ] Wants to see you [ ] Urgent [ ] Please call [ ] Returned your call [ ] Came to see you “Please do not destroy what is making Carlsbad beautiful. I am against having the trees removed along Highland. No sidewalks!” Thank you, Nancy Miller City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Internet address: nmill@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Phone: (760) 434-2948 Fax: (760) 720-9461 AGENDA ITEM # c: Mayor city Council City Manager CT@ Attorney c&y Clerk h - TELEPHONE MESSAGE AGENDA ITEM + September 28,1999 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL FROM: DOUG CHARTIER 2697 WILSON STREET c: Mayor city council City Manager City Attorney city Clerk Is definitely in favor of Gary Piro’s proposal tonight. Does not want Wilson Street widened. 09/28/1999 16:41 8585521445 BIA OF SAN DIEGO PAGE 01 SW&DING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF I SAN DIEGO COUNTY 6336 Grearyich Drive, Suite A San Diego, CA 92122&922 (619)4SoL1221 FAX rj, (619) 552-l 445 PRESIDENT Ml& Pattinson Barfatt American VICE’PRESIDENT .’ Colin Seid CotRich Communities, 4nc. TREASURER/SECRETARY step Doyle Brookfield Homes IMMEDIATE PAS-I- PRESIbENT Mark &lcMillin The Corky McMillln’Conipanies EXECUTIVE VIC’E PRESIDENT P&l A; iryon ,. Caliimia~B~ilding Industry Association National.Associat& ol Home Builders September 28, 1999 VI fax (760) 720-9461 (760) 434k1987 AGENDA ITEM # Mayor Claude Lewis -EL Councilmembers: Ramona Finnila, Matt Hall Ann Kukhin, @ Julianne Nygaard ct Mayor Cii of Carfsbd City Council 1200 Cerlsbad Village Dr. City Manager Cartsbad, CA’92008 City Attorney City Clerk Re: Preservation of Olde Carlsbad Dear Mayor Lewis and Councilmembers: it Is our understanding that the City Council will entertain a presentation by a citizen’s group during your regularly scheduled City Council meeting of September 28, 1999. It is further our understanding that the matter Is referenced is agenda iterri number eight, AB15, 414 pursuant to the subject of dedications and public irnprobements. We are pleased that the City of Carlsbad has extended the opportunity to review this tiubject and afford citizen input for possible future revision to existing City policy. When reviewing. your pollcles for dedlcatlons and the related construtiion of public improvements, we encourage the Clty to consider the width and nature of its wmm@ty’s street and related landscaping requirements. Many communities, as you are aware, foster considerable flexibility and often promote the value of’narrower street sections es a desirable planning concept We also harbor concerns at the threshold identified for the requirement for construction of the public fmprovements. A Freshold of $50,000 appears at best to be arbiipry ,and warrapts review. Further, we recugnize a growing trend to utilise withholding of the certificate of occupancy as a oontrol mechanish: We appreci@e ‘the City’s willingness to periodically review its policiis and solicit input of its constituencies. Please keep us advised of the status of this issue +d Its material effect on new construction and the remodeling industry. ss . l ‘2ifgi[d----- . Executive Vice Presid* Cc: Carlsbad City Manager ,r b _.“, *i _j k* .L L--r - \ \ : PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - * STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carisbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is \ having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stafto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Cam&o Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shail be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.;) STREET IMPROVkMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) iti our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy:is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad ‘I. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Road and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Stieets in proximity of schools, churches, pa& or other places ofpubtic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specijic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the Ci@ Council at a Public Hearing. . ‘1 PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) _ STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Cartsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is : having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... \ Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Otde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El CaminoReal, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, park-s or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. Is ZGNATURE- 1 PRINTED NAME ADDRESS .? I& #/A ?/ Al !.-.A_ - PHONE/FAX G4Lh Shah- 365 Mqrtz~~ cy Or~mg’a 72~ z&i-ii l I , I PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooh and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Cartsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpubtic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such_findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONUFM BO/wE RRIS~OE c?sqq WY- mwfF (520)4zm331g .> - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ t having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Cami Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. - , I PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS i’OR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Car&bad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad ‘I. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) . STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is : having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... ! Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino-Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. x i’ - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - * STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is 1 having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “OJde~ Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). _ - . 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Suchjindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIG$ATURE PRIJTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX - -- I PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24. feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad,, residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is dejned as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactj?c Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectj?c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. I , PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL : J’ CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad <‘. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camin‘o Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactjic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. 2. 3. Major R0ad.F and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). Spect$c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Suchjindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ \ having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Cam&o Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactjic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL k CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEtiENT POLICY I 7 Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, -;7 paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) 3 in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. SuchJindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATI. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEiiENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is \ having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camin Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Suchjndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CAIUSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR .THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROViMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino. Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safe@ and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. CITIKENS FOR PRESERVATION OF OLD6 CARLSBAD PETITIQN TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Wi’z~eas the City of Carlsbad has been implementing an agressive policy of requiring urbarl ty/je improvements and ammenities in our “Oide Carlsbad” residential communities and.. . Whereas we, the residents of of ClarIsbad are concerned with. the impact that this policy will have on the character of our “Oide Carlsbad communities... We, the utldersigned, lrrge your Council to immediately direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the requirement for urban improvements (in&ding, but not limited to clubs, dikes, gutters, storm drains and street light.$ in the residential ares ojf‘ “Oide Carlsbad I’. This area is defined as the area between by El Camino Real, the Pac#c Ocean, the Ruena ,yista Lagoon and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The sole exceptions to this policy-would be as follows: 1. Major Roads (such as Tamarack Avenue, Grand Avenue, etc.) 2. Streets in proximiv of schools and/or religious assemblies (such as Monroe) 3. Areas where the City Engineer determines a needfor drainage or safety. SIGNA TURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PETITION TO CAmSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEliIENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camini) Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIUNATURE, PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX L A 760 724 5yH A I _- 1783 &l&s f&k 70 -;sap-hw ./-q” / - i .I, r-3 \‘3 PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) _ STREET IMPROVEiWENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino .Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkIENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pac#c Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectf?c areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEi’IENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoocki and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ \ having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Cami& Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safe@ and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FM - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements,‘(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodcs and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad,, community.., Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Car&bad,‘. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camirio Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and’Commercia1 Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX I I - - cyp-3/$Q-r p -a-T!< tLd4 -&.34/ 145 &b.&p/~/c, /3/ . a&./)1& 1 .r ’ , z.L-r\ S11Wd,* ] J2& I 3% C-w>-t Dr. uu iYI u . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type ‘improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is‘, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Cam& Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. ADDRESS PHONE/FAX C , y k’i?l?&l .ti&LMkt 55 4L&dfl Cl?& CA/t I 5 a id .CX 0 M&d 6 PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is.‘, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camirm Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX h&w’. LA+ m. m A A 397,m~~h~~7~~ PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEtiENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is‘ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Car&bad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX -9&a 129K3+‘7L- . - -- -_ -/ /au- -i&D 7MXrjr . LortE pgm3q w&s j-i-Qce.l~O~S t-/T3 l(co--w?-2s63 PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “‘Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct sta$f’to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is de$ned as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camin’o Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Speciftc areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS _ PHONWFfl - && t-g/t & ~6z?.s-/&+G/~‘&Z . y’LX?- 5477,’ e/ 10 u I” PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad,, residential neighborhooa!s and... . Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad ,,. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Caminb Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: + 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectjic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVliMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME PHONEZFM ~%ba& 72st* 5-B >L L ?Law twwd K*k KL+ %+a vi-& #l&d ,?bc# ‘i! 22 dx?% 53@0 UsbyI &J 429+7y7 0 5, PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STPET IMPROVEilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa!s and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is 1 having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camin; Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and’commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX &y~A~~Rfl lcc/LM c2 P’rp CR&7 /!. 760-729-37% . i>.&&k ojai /co/;;lc dP!47 C4%WX?? A-?4 < LA&k? y &/??//c 2 ?Lw a?E~nx? 7 do- %‘+-/68y \ c PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEblENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ \ having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactjic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FM PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) . STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staffto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa+ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRiNTED NAME ADDRESS PHONEYFM - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZiZNS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact& Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpubiic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONWFM %w w&9 72Cl-q2 3 -j PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type ‘lmprovements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is t having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad I’. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such$ndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONElFM l&z? Gfed we 7im-y$q 0 - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type ‘lmprovements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is \ having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements. and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad ,,. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camind Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. SuchJindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CIT+ COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEtiENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Y Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an’emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stafto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, Ei Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX ’ I , ’ , ‘) - F , . C: PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding ‘the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElhENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is. , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community,.. Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Caminb Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactjic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity ofschools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. . , PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVliMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino.Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roaa!s and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE n PHONEJFAX .a - w rh .H - TiiiiY~~~~ -, .- ch, (5.-i&f- 3 +--6 2”) - PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type ‘improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is > having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding ‘the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptionsto this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE7Fm PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camini Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pie Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. . . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CXRLSB~ (C.P.O.C.;) STREET IMPROVliMENT POLICY JKhereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character andsafety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. SpeciJic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. SuchJndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. ~, ADDRESS (I - . , PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COifJlNi?L CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.&) - STREET IMPROVEliiENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino’ Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact& Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as . follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Hearing. Such findings shall be made only by the CJty Council at a Public -c . ADDRESS PHONE/FM ,.&/?&J- U&UCL( .A ?‘~‘&73’6S . I. ‘(30Ji-U . 2Oqil T%&is . L .- -a,-- - . ’ PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEtiENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is deJined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camirio Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas.). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1: Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places of public assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact& Ocean, (excluding ‘the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. SuchJindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safew of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camir’io Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safe& and welfare. SuchJindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONWFB . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa!s and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camirto Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack tind Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. c--l&pfiLJCL rz’ 6im-a I?Il, f2.$&.dJ T-w J-ql;sLW 72-F_. zc&-r ‘t-34-74!+ -.Y w . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERtiATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type ‘improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhooa? and... Whereas we, the residents of Carisbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pac@c Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pie Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staffto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Caminb Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carisbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectftc areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. DRESS - . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) I STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Cartsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is deJned as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONWFfl TAI( 4h-t L f’o,a~~ 39”1 &jqJi34p 74 -?@3 7.29 - q233 ‘F+iw ah&5* X43 ~a~7- 7a%%@ PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) . STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Cartsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Cartsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request.the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staRto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Cartsbad? This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camini? Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEtiENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Cartsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Cartsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is deftned as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camin’o Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactfic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roaa!s and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) _ STREET IMPROVEiMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Cartsbad” residential neighborhooh and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Cartsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad ‘I. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactjic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectjic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONWFU PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhood and... c ..>. Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is 1 having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staRto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad ‘I. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Car&o Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact& Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safe,ty and welfare. Suchftndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONE/FAX . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESER.VATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Cartsbad” residential neighborhooak and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Cartsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Cartsbad? This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camirio Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactjic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack tind Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. . . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is “, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Cartsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camin’o Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing, PHONEYFM . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEIkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’ , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Caminv Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactfic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. SuchJindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. ‘. . I’ PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVElilENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Cartsbad” residential neighborhooh and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camin: Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pactjic Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONWFfi PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE GiRLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEtiENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is”, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Cartsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Cartsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El CaminD Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Koaa!s and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY C-OUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) _ STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Cartsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is : having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El CaminoReal, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) . STREET IMPROVEkIENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is’, having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staffto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad “. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Caminu Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pact@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety andwelfare. Such$ndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public , PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEkENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad,, residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Car&bad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe .and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONE/FAX PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) - STREET IMPROVEtiNT POLICY Whereas the City of Carisbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements”(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoodr and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is , having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stafltoprepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El CaminoReal, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. SuchJndings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. PHONUFAX . . . PETITION TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) _ STREET IMPROVElVtENT POLICY Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing c!n aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad,, residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staflto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defuted as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino-Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: 1. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximiv of schools, churches, parks or other places of-vublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safe@ and welfare. Such findings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS PHONEY/FAX -- I - PETITIOh TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY. Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and... Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency , ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct stagto prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the 1 residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: - .- I. Major Roads and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Spectfic areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. SuchJindings shall be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. .- , - PETITIOh TO CARLSBAD CIT; COUNCIL * I CITIZENS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLDE CARLSBAD (C.P.O.C.) STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY. Whereas the City of Carlsbad is implementing an aggressive policy of requiring Urban Type “Improvements “(such as street tree removal; construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved streets over 24 feet wide; excessive dedications and Future Improvement Agreements) in our “Olde Carlsbad” residential neighborhoods and.., Whereas we, the residents of Carlsbad are concerned with the impact that this policy is having on the character and safety of our “Olde Carlsbad” community... Now therefore, we the undersigned hereby request the Council to adopt an emergency , ordinance immediately suspending these requirements and to direct staff to prepare a City Policy which would discontinue the current requirements for Urban Improvements in the 8 residential areas of “Olde Carlsbad”. This area is defined as the area bounded by Buena Vista Lagoon, El Camino Real, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pa@ Ocean, (excluding the Beach and Redevelopment Areas). The only exceptions to this policy would be as follows: - .. 1. Major Roa& and Commercial Streets (such as Tamarack and Carlsbad Village Drive). 2. Streets in proximity of schools, churches, parks or other places ofpublic assembly (such as Monroe and Pio Pica). 3. Specific areas where these requirements are found to be necessary for public health, safety and welfare. Such findings shaIl be made only by the City Council at a Public Hearing. .- PHONE/FAX %&!!S%&/~ ~~.~~$??z3