HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-09; City Council; 15483; APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AGREEMENT FOR REVISIONS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY GOLF COURSE PROJECTAB# /$lfB3 MTq. 11/9/99 DEPT. CD TITLE: DEPT. HD. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AGREEMENT FOR REVISIONS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CAFUSBAD CITY GOLF COURSE PROJECT CITY ATTY. CITY MGR 8 5 rc: $ .. z 0 F 2 J I 0 5 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 9$’-?8d a Amendment No. 4 to an existing agreement with Cotton - Beland Associates, Incorpc preparation of a revised draft environmental impact report for the Carlsbad City Go1 Project, City Project No. 30721. ITEM EXPLANATION: From 1996 - 97 to the present, the Carlsbad City Golf Course Project has undergone f review and analysis by Federal and State Resource Agencies participating in the preparati Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (“HMP”) recently approved by the City Council and under formal review by these agencies. The lengthy HMP negotiations, which have incl City’s Golf Course Project, have resulted in this project being listed as a “hard-line” desig the HMP document. On June 24, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution No, 97-513 approving an agreen Cotton - Beland Associates, Incorporated for the preparation of a draft environmental imp; (“EIR’) for the Carlsbad City Golf Course Project. A draft EIR was prepared and then rc Cotton - Beland in 1998. Both the initial draft and the subsequent revision were approvt Planning Commission in separate actions. The revised draft EIR document was not taker for City Council review and certification at that time due to the potential for significant cl. the project that might result from Federal and State Resource Agency action on the HMP. HMP recently approved by the City and under formal review by the agencies, the c document for the Golf Course Project requires revisions to reflect the changes resulting City - Resource Agency HMP negotiations. Attached is Amendment No. 4 to the City’s existing agreement with Cotton - Beland Assc revise the draft EIR, incorporate necessary biological and archeological data, and up document to reflect recent changes. It is anticipated the revisions will require approxin days to complete to be followed by recirculation of the document by the City’s calendar year. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of Amendment No. 4 is $44,979 for all revisions to the draft EIR d incorporation of biological and archeological data, preparation of all revised maps and attendance at subsequent public hearings, and preparation and incorporation into the docun: responses to comments received during the public review process. Funds exist within Course Project account for this work without requiring further appropriations. Staff recc approval of Amendment No. 4. Department. It is anticipated the draft EIR will be returned to the Planning Commission e PAGE 2 OF AGENDA Q ILL NO. /& 4f.3 0 EXHl BITS: 1. Resolution No. pf- 4g 1 approving Amendment No. 4. 2. Amendment No. 4 to agreement with Cotton - Beland Associates. d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 o 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 99-488 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AN EXISTING AGREEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF REVISIONS TO AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY GOLF COURSE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has previousl: an agreement with Cotton - Beland Associates, Incorporated for the preparat environmental impact report for the Carlsbad City Golf Course Project; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement desire to modifL the scope of work revisions to the draft document; and WHEREAS, a revised scope of work and fee schedule have been prepared for and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in interest to proceed with Amendment No. 4 as described. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: That the above recitations are true and correct. 1* 2. That Amendment No. 4 to an agreement with Cotton - Beland Associates, Inco hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute said amendment. Foll Mayor’s signature of said amendment, the City Clerk is directed to forward cop1 resolution and the executed amendment to Mr. John Bridges, c/o Cotton - Beland 1 Incorporated, 6336 Greenwich Drive, Suite F, San Diego, California 92 122-592 Community Development Department. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City the 9th day of NOVEMBER , 1999 by the following vote, to wit: AYES! NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulc CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor (ATTEST) ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANK, City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk (SEAL) -2- 0 AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AGREEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF A REVISED DRAFT EIR FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY GOLF COURSE PROJECT This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the 12th day of Octo 1999, amending the agreement dated July 17, 1997 by and between the City of Carlsbac municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and COTTON BELAND ASSOCIAT INCORPORATED, hereinafter referred to as, "Contractor" for the preparation of a revised d environmental impact report required by City for the Carlsbad City Golf Course Projl hereinafter referred to as the "Project." RECITALS WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated July 17, 1997 identified a scope of w for the preparation of an environmental impact report for the Project; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to alter scope of work to include revisions to the draft environmental impact report; and WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have be negotiated and agreed to between the parties hereto as described in attached Exhibit Scope of Services and Fee Proposal letter dated October 7, 1999 incorporated by referer and made a part hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenai contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: I. Contractor shall provide services as outlined on the attached Exhibit "A'. 2. City shall pay Contractor for all work associated with Paragraph 1 above, a time and materials basis not-to-exceed $44,979. Contractor shall provide City on a montl basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, a 2/2/' e 0 related activities and costs for approval by City. t 3. Contractor shall complete all work outlined on the attached Exhibit “A” w sixty (60) days of the above date or by expiration of the agreement amended hereby. 4. All other provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on July 1997, by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor I include coverage for the amended assignment and scope of work. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR: COTTON-BELAND ASSOCIATES (name of Contractor) By: d4-6 By: &&a sN&d/ di+ii; L&ky DATE 49A9 (sign here) ATTEST: 32&/. G&L flLJ4 (print namehitle) City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant Cit (sign here) (print namehitle) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer SI the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL ssistant City Attorney 212 e 0 ' CALIFORNIA ALLPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California Countyof ~,ns wes On October 18, 1999 DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER. E.G.. "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidc to be the person@$ whose name@) is subscribed to the within instrument anc knowledged to me that hekbeA4q execi capacityw, and that by hisM signature(@ on the instrument the persoi or the entity upon behalf of which person(@ acted, executed the instrum WITNESS my hand and official seal. the same in his- ' authori SIGNATURE OF NOTARY Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could pi fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUME Amendment No. 4 to Agreement for Preparation of a Revised Draft E the Carlsbad City Golf Course Pr TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT President TITLE(S) GENERAL Eleven ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR October 12, 1999 DATE OF DOCUMENT ............................. SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc. 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION 8236 Rernmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 Canoga Park, CA ____ - 24, I, L" I I "I I, ULLrmZYI r744"b. IYU. 04b r . L/ I 0 -- e fa! 6%~ COTTON/BElAND/ASSOC1ATES, INC. October 7, 1999 URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS John Cahill Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Subject: Dear John; Pursuant to our meeting on September 16, 1999, and subsequent discussion with Christ1 Westman, we have identified the work effort associated with revising and recirculating tI Dr& EIR fa the csrlsbsld Municipal GolfCourst project, As we discussed, the project 1 ready to move fobnvard due to the recent compIetion of the City's Draft HMP. Revisions t the completed, but not certified Final EIR are required due to the change in HMP status, revised project description (e.g., the remavat of the shooting range), revisions to biulogici impact acreages and corresponding mitigation requirements, availability of new archamlogic; k@omaEion, changes m the envkomnental setting, and revisions that are necessary due to th recently amended CEQA Guidelines. The foollowing identifies the proposed scope of worl schedule, and cost estimate for completion of the Revised Draft and Final El& and relate CEQA documentation, Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course ER - Contract Amendment No. 4 SCOPE OF WORK CBA will revise the EIR to incorporate the new project information that has occurred sinc the completion of the Final EIR, and subsequent revised drafts. We assume that any Cit departments Crncludhg the City attorney) that have an interest in commenting on the EIR wi do so at the screencheck draft stage, rather thm alter the EIR has been released far publi review. We envhioa the work effort to include the following: Tnsk I: Scrccncheck Revised Draft EIR CBA will prepare a screencheck Revised Dr& E3R to incorporate the following: latraduction.- Revise to include discussion of golf course EIR history and reasons fo prepamtion ofRevised Draft EIR such as project description changes and recent campletioi I ' ofthe DraA €IMP. 747 EtW GREEN STREET (626) 304-0102 FAX (G26) 304-04DZ C33G GREENWICH DRIVE (619) 626-OU56 FAX (619) 625-OS45 SUITE 300 PASADENA, CALlFORNL4 91 101-211 9 SUITE F * SAN DIEGO, CALlFORNIA 92722-5922 - - 0 0 John Cahill October 7, 1999 Page two Bau& S~ntmary: Update to reflect all new data and conclusions of envifonmenl S@iQnS. Rmject Dcscripthz.- Update project description to reflect revised project, Update aU figur to include new project and to reflect current conditions such as the construction OfFUadi Avenue and Hidden Valley Road, and the completion and opening ofLEGOLAND. Environmefitad Settifig: Update to reflect current conditions, Lend Use; Update to dect current conditions, remove discussion and analysis of tk shooting range. Biological Resosrrces: Rewrite entire section to reflect existing conditions, findings of E focused surveys completed since the first draft EIR was prepared, revised impact acreas calculations for upland and wetland habitat, and the revised mitigation ratios. This sectk will also need to be revised to include a detailed discussion ofthe project’s relationship to tf City’s Draft HMP which is currently under review by the Department of Fish and Game ar U.S. Fish and WiIdlife Service. Complete reworking of this section is envisioned. Th@&M&dn: The &c bdy prepwed by Lifiscott, Law, & Greenspan &LG) datt September 8, 1997 will need to be updated. The update is needed as the existing baselir counts utilized in the study were taken in 1994, prior to the completion of LEGOLAND ar several other nearby projects and prior to the completion of Hidden Valley Road which i now constructed. Additionally, the City has B new buildout trafiic model which should b used. Revisions to the existing baseline trid5c volumes will require adjustments throughoi the traffic report. The following scope of work will be performed: 0 Utilize current City counts at the key intersections dong Palomar firpoi Road where available. Supplement these counts with LLG counts at th Hidden Valley Road and Palomar Oaks Way intersections. # Conduct existing LOS analysis, Revise the existing, +- project analysis, 0 Revisit the curnulafive project situation. Analyze the existing + project + cumulative projects scenario. 0 Utilize 2020 volumes fiom the O’Rourke Engineering traffic model to analyz the buildout condition. c Reassess the potential significant impacts and mitigation measures. Revise the trfic study and resubmit. 0 0 John Cahill OctoIYer7,1999 Page three CBA will incorporate the revised trafiic study into the Revised Draft Environmental Imp Report. Air Qurzlity: Update to reflect m~mt conditions. Hydrdogy/Faber @&y: Update to reflect ourrent conditions. Water Resouma: Update to reflect cum& conditions. pkblic Scrvkra: Update to reflect current conditions, Existing data and conclusic contained in March 1998 Final EIR will not be re-verified @.e., pubiic sedce providers P not be re-contacted), This section will be revised to reflect new CEQA Guideline langua which focuses on whether the project would result in substantial adverse environmen impacts associated With the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, t conmction of which could cause significant environmental impacts. Arcibaeolo@cal and Paleorrtolugicai Resomex $ection 5.8 Atchaeological a Paleontological Resources of the March 1998 Final EIR was prepared based on the rem ofa literature review and field survey completed by Gallegos & Associates, Inc. GaIIegos Associates will test three additional 1x1 meter units to complete the testing program for C SDI-8303. At the time the previous sdon was prepared, the significance testing of cultu resources sites was not available, This section will be revised to include the data to available in the technical report prepared by Wegos & Associates. Gallegos & Associati detailed scope of work Eor SDI-8303 significance testing is attached to this contri amendment. Lrzndfortn Altd-ng: Update to reflect cumnt conditims. Any rekments to t gradimg plans will need to be incarporated into this section. We assume P&D/CTE Enginec will provide updated project slope analysis, cut and fill, and steep slope impacts maps to CI for inclusion in EIR, HuzaniMIW: Update tu reflect current conditions. Remove discussions pertaining to t relocation of the shooting range. 4&c~;Elrcrd Resources: Update to dect cumnt conditions. AZleraatfvm.- This swtion will be revised to refled the new CEQA Guidelines Iangua regarding consideration and discussion of alternatives to the proposed project. For examp the new CEQA GuideIinnes language state8 that the no project alternative shall discuss t misting conditions at tbe the environmental analysis is commenced, as well as evaluate wl is reasonably expected to ocw in the foreseeable fhture if the project were not approvf based on current plans and consistent with available infi-astmcture and cammunity servia Analysis of Long-Term Effects: This section will be revised to reflect the new CEC Guidelines language, as well as new data and conclusions ofthe EIR (e.g., biological e 0 John Calli11 October 7,1999 I Page four resources, cultural resources), The Much 1998 FiaI ER utilbed SWAG Series projections 89 the basis for cumulative buildout assumptions. These assumptions will ne( to be revised to reflect more recent City buildout projections. LLG Revised Traffic $ 5,200 Gallegos Site Testing $11,560 CBA Qabor) $16,549 Total Cost Task 1 $33409 Task 2: Revised Drmft EIR Based on City review and comment, CBA wjlI prepare a Revised Draft EIR for public revia The City will be responsible for all noticing and distribution of the Revised Draft EIR. Cost Task 2 $5,000 Task 3: CBA Will revise the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMW) to reflect i revisions to the ELR A screencheck and a dm& MMRP will be prepared, Mitigrztion Monitoring and Reporting Program Cost Tnsk 3 $750 Task 4: CBA will revise the Findings ofFact/Statemmt of Overriding Consideratons to reflect ; revisions to the EIR, A swencheck and a draft Pindings uf Fat vvill be prepared, Findings of Fa&tatcment of Overriding Considerations Cost Task 4 $750 Task 5: CBA will prepare responses to comments and the Final EIR based on comments received o the Revised Draft EIR during the 45-day public re~ew period, A screencheck responses t commcnt/Fhal EIR document and a Final EZR will be prepared. Responses to Commentsrnnal EIR Cost Task 5 $3,500 I J - - __ - - - - I1W.ULtU r.0, I 0 0 John Cahill October 7, 1999 Page five Task 6: Meetings/Herrrings CBA will attend two st& rn-s to discuss issues related to the Drafi EJR and/c responses to comments. CBA will attend one Planning Codsdon Hearing under thi amendment for Final EIR consideration. CBA's attendance at the City Council Hearing for cerl%catioa of the Final EIR is covere under our original scope ofwork, CBA will invoice the final 15% of the original contrac amount upon ccrmtication of the Fii ECR by the City Council. Cost Tmk 6 $920 Espenses Expenses include mileage, reproduction? teleplione, fax. cost Expenses $750 DATA NEEDS ' Our scope of work and cost estimate to prepare the Revised Draft EIR assumes the followinj data will be provided to CBA: 8 Revised GuYCourse Plan. This figure ghould also show the alignments of Farada Avenue and Cannon Road, as well as the proposed 72' access road to the Seal property. Raised Vegetation and Sensitive Resources Map ReVised Wetland Delineation Maps (based on I\fRC debteatiadupdate) Any additional biological surveys and data completed by other project team biologist (eg., P&D, Dudek), For example, fky shrimp, NRC wetland delineation, burrowiq owl snmey. Revised biological impact acreages (upland and wetland) DrattHMP DraR HMP and MM> a Drafi404, 1601 agreements * I a L Revised biological mitigation plan and mitigation acreagedratios Revised Project Slope Analysis Map Revised steep Slope Impacts Map review anthipated for the relocation ofthe range, Revised Cut and Fill Map Descriptibn of where shooting range is to be relocated and type of envjronmental -- - - - -- - -- - - I 1". "VU r. r,A 0 e John Caldl! Cktober7,1999 Page six DELIvERABms rn * Screencheck Dr& EIR and Appendices (10 copies) Dd EIR and Appendices (1 reproducible copy) Screencheck Responses to Comments/Final EIR and Appendices (1 repmducib COPY) Binat ER and Appendices (1 reproducible copy) Screencheck Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (1 reproducible copy 4 9 b Mti8ation Monitoring and Reporting Program (1 reproducible copy) e Screencheck Findings of Fact/SOC (1 rqroducible copy) Final Findings of FdSOC (1 reproducible copy) SCHEDULE CBAwill prepare a acreencheck Revised Draft EIR for City and project team review withi two weeks of City authorization and receipt of all data needs. The Revised Draft EIR wi be prepared within one week of receipt of all City comments on the screencheck Revise Draft EIR (assuma no major internal comments or issues identified). CBA will prepare th scmcheck responses to commdfli EIR, MMRP and Endings within two weeks of th close of the 45-day review period, The Final EW, MMRP and Findings wilI be complete within one week of receipt of City comments. COST ESTIMGTE CBA will complete the scope of work for a not-to-exceed mount of %44,979 inchdin expenses. The cost estimate is detailed above. This estimate assumes that the City will bl reqonsible jbr the printing and distribution ofthe Draft and Final E% Notice of Cornpletia and Notice of Determination. ' Please &ve us a cd if you have any questions regarfig our scope. Authorization for thl scope of services can be provided immediately by signing below and retuning to CBA Sincerely, Authorized I Jolm Bridges, Principal City of Carlsbad Date -T I #984.03 I I IYU. 04~ r . w I e I "I I, YLLrT 35, r 144"b. , m, JGjj f &g, [ rpiB _.__ _. 21, I8 I- ENCfNEERS MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Gnibus FROM: John Boaman, P.E. * DATE: October 6, 1999 SUBJECT: Carlsbad Golf Course I Per your request, Linscoti, Law & Grsenspan, Engineers (LLG) has prepared this Scope Work to update the traffic study our firm prepared for the Carlsbad Golf Course datt September 8, 1997. The updated is need since the existing baseline counts utilfzed in the stui were taken In 1996, prior to the completion of Legoland and several other nearby projects ai prior To the completion of Hidden Valley Road which Is now constructed. Additionally, the Ci baseline traffic volumes "ca~~ades" throughout the report and the fOllOwlng scope is required our opinion. 1) Utillre current Cily counts at the key intekections along Palomar Airport Road whei available. Supplement these counts with LLG counts at the Hidden Valley Road ar Palomar Oaks Way intersectlons. has a new buildout traffic model whlch should be used, Unf'artunately, revlslng the exlstir 2) Conduct existing LOS analysis, 3) 4) Revisit the cumulative project situation. 1 5) Analyze the exisiing + project + cumulatlve projeas scenarlo, 6) Utilize 2020 volumes form the O'Rourke Engineering traffic model to analyze th buildout conditlon. Reassess the potential significant impacts and mitigation measures, Revise the traffic study and resubmit. Revise the existing +- project analysis. I 7) 8) The cast estimate for this scope is $5,200,00. Perhaps a lesser Scope of Work could b completed but we believe this is necessary to bring the report up to current City standards. Tw to three weeks wlll be needed to revise !he fraffic study. 743a,mem NU.646 P.?J'l " ---m UP nddvb - -. @ 3611 PdmaCWmy, su Cd%brd crrlifamia 0601 929cc)oSS ,,?'" ''I' il) a* L L E G 0 s *% -. ". +%&b %.;: mk 3 0 & Associates 9fb300-2 14 Nclvcmba23.1998 Tim Gnhs anmbdAsss* sac 6310 cirrmwich Dfbq Sd@220 sau Diego, CA 92122 RE A~rpnart Requtgfot~~d~~Ootas~..C~~R~~Tcsbag~~~ r>earTkr h eg the Wlabad Golf &use archawlogical fibtd results, addici&iI wbrk is mmmmm &N mC bitt c&8lIm. 'pnis We lrite is larm, d rn sad dcher than aatidpkdand ad^^^ IxL m UI&S will bc!lT to COmp &e a13 dC~pfEd tu hat clxoeed sll,%C% and all fiddwork can bc CD~W whh the next threb wcd~. The Wdwork ad 1- analysis fortbe mnainhg sevm sites has bcea wnp1W~dmajarpcutions oftheqm havcbecncompleted. the faur E e dl me me tcchmical v wNl bca~mpleal within the next six to eight WWQ far Bets ~ytic,to complete the ~radiocattm dating. "f w program Ihe m& b #) Idc this wosk @US 6ddibId laboratory fUl8lySiS i6 *I L%hxad&a- BM=gards, ~hlkll EndlaSW6 I J 'NU. 646 ' Y- 1W e e - ---nl IU, nddwb m GALLEGOS & ASSOCIATES NOVEMBER 23, 1998 LitionaI wotk neceESary to %#!i%e testing of ugh1 moric sites, which was not included in the miginal scdpc of work hdudcr: additional fidd and bboratpry #rk to complae the m progam €or the Wd Golf Cdm Aojed Pnsartiy, fiddwotk has been corn~leted ibr m of the clight dtrs 'Ihc remaining site cA-sDX-&303 is larger, d a and ncher tkiu aati ' ted Additional funding is n~cess;~cy to a, Me three ad 7 tiortd klrn test mils a%k3D18303. The pn days to wmplctc &e Y ddwark is anti$pttd k~ not exceed 30 pason days (10 pason days of fieldwork per unit). with addmonal lab work also narssary. In addtion, lab anaIy& fix tbe hunaI material recovcrcd (sM and bone) was yer than antidpated, and thc rcbmial necessitated addihd timc As thb actual number o artifacts were ~n)cnow4, curation wsts wa not i4clUded in Chc origloal b~%a Nom, given rhcnumber ofat&& ~clavaed ~6datt, h is adw ul;rt an m= - b~ mta wirhin Six baxcs ClLCubiC fiMt ea&), The CWC fbr ~~th at the s211 Bego ARhB3bgiCd Cmta is estimated to not e3tcad $3,600,00 (6 born at $600,00 pa arbic W). The mst for amtian prill bb bmcd &parately upon Cdmpldw of all wofk, Tho cost to ampl* the additional. work k I?&& to nol cwyed $1 l,560.00. The tatd reviSed cast tQ COrnpke this shrdy is antkipred to not CKCC!& $54,986.00. Initialchtxact $ 43,426.00 1 ( f 54,986,OO Cast Breakdown fix Additional Work I s 600.09 Fkldwcrrk 240 $27.50 $6,600.Ml Labonmty Analysis 48 $45.00 Is 2,1.60.00 40 $30.00 Ilrnoo $1,001100 Rw?qpw=* , v $ll,S60.00 The OJSt fOr CUXiClIt k &m!it#I at ~,600.00 (6 boxts @ $500.0] and will be bUe8 upancompletionofdl work. "lIeaostscimateand sccpofworkdcscribcdabovc~dx our current undcrstaading ofpruject requiranents. Additional amendments m the scope of workand cost estimarewiu benacmary if theare raodificaians M th~px&?ct or the required st=sviCes, All other tams and cxmditions of our Originat agreemeat shall remain in @ea. ACCEPW By: - Dennis R, Gallwas Name Prhted Name Printed Title Title Date Date 2 ,, . . . I ') ' - AMEMMEN" TO AGREEMINI' I CARLSBAb GOLF COURSE - CULTURAL RESOURCE STUDY DDlTIQLYA L WORK A .GET AUGMENT REO= I ' Rcburialcosts 8 s75.00 ep-atos I Signature of Abthorized Representnth of Client Representative of Cortsuftsnt . Pmsideat .i bcrnber 23. 1998