HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-11; City Council; 15570; Establishment Of A Dog ParkA n . CITY OF CARLSBAD --AGENDA bkL AB# is, 570 TITLE : ESTABLISHMENT OF A DOG PARK RECOMMENDED ACTION : Consider a recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission to develop a temporary enclosed dog park at the upper area of Larwin Park. If Council concurs, direct staff to refer the matter to the Planning Department for processing of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Environmental Review, and to return with amendments to Chapter 11.32.030 (11) & (23) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to allow dogs within that specific site, if appropriate. ITEM EXPLANATION : Over the past couple of years, staff has received several requests asking the City to provide a dog park. Consequently staff presented this request to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their consideration. Initially, staff recommended against developing a dog park primarily due to public health and safety issues. Notwithstanding that recommendation, the Commission requested staff to investigate the feasibility of developing a dog park at the Pio Pica park site. Staff returned to the Commission with a report evaluating the use of the Pio Pica site for a dog park. As part of that report, staff recommended the Commission re-evaluate the Pio Pica location and consider alternative locations which might provide a more appropriate area. After considerable discussion, the Commission recommended to form a three (3) member committee to identify alternative site locations for a temporary dog park facility and to present those findings to the City Council for their consideration. The Committee met and addressed such issues as site location, design criteria, current municipal code restrictions regarding dogs in City parks, neighborhood notification issues, and development / maintenance costs. A detailed copy of their findings is attached as Exhibit 1. Based upon their investigation of alternative locations and review of the design criteria, the committee recommended the following sites in order of preference: l Larwin Park - Lower area l Larwin Park - Upper area l Cannon Lake Park The consensus of the Committee concluded that since these park sites were future CIP projects, then a temporary dog park might be developed at these locations until a more permanent site could become available. The Committee also recommended that the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 11.32.030 (11) (Exhibit 2) should be amended to allow dogs at the enclosed, temporary dog park. Furthermore, it was the Committee’s findings that many communities throughout the State have safe, legal, and enclosed dog parks where friendly, well-behaved dogs can interact together, in a social setting. In conclusion, the findings of the committee considered that having a designated site was a pro-active solution in helping to resolve the on-going problem in dealing with dog owners who illegally take their dogs to parks and the beach to exercise. AB # (5;5J” Page 2 The neighborhood notification issue was also a significant concern of the Committee. Prior to the Commissions hearing, the Committee requested that staff notify all citizens who lived within 300 feet of each of these park sites. A Press Release was written and staff went door to door to the residents who lived around each site to make them aware of the upcoming Commission meeting. Press Releases were also sent to the local media to inform the public tliat this item was on the agenda. As a result of that public notification, the Commission received and considered significant public input relative to the three alternative locations. Although the Commission subcommittee was recommending Larwin Park lower, due to the public comment received, the Commission unanimously recommended an alternative location which will also be subject to public comment if Council follows this recommendation it is further recommended that staff be directed to apply for and process a CUP for the site and obtain an Environmental Review. COMMISSION ACTION: During the May meeting the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended (6-O) to forward a request to the City Council to establish a temporary dog park at the upper area of Larwin Park and to amend Chapter 11.32 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to allow dogs at this parksite. FISCAL IMPACT: The preliminary estimated cost to develop a dog park at the Larwin Park upper area is estimated to be approximately $35,880 with the annual maintenance costs at $3,000 per year. Development costs are preliminary estimates only at this time, pending actual design of the dog park. EXHIBITS: 1. Dog Park Sub-Committee Report. - May 9,1999 2. C.M.C. Chapter 11.32 2 May 9,1999 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: DOG PARK SUB-COMMITTEE DOG PARK SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT As per the direction of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Dog Park Committee has studied the feasibility of development of a temporary dog park facility in Carlsbad. The enclosed report will summarize the findings and recommendations of the dog park committee. BACKGROUND In June 1998, the Parks and Recreation Commission appointed a three member committee for the purpose of making recommendations identifying a suitable location for a temporary dog park facility. The committee met several times to address the issues involved with development of a temporary dog park, including such topics as: 0 Site location l Design criteria l Address the policy issue regarding no dogs allowed in parks l Neig hborhood notification l Development and maintenance costs The following information represents the findings and recommendations of the committee. SITE SELECTION / DESIGN CRITERIA The committee has reviewed the existing and future park inventory with regards to identify a site for a temporary dog park site (Attachment 1). After an extensive review of possible sites, the committee focused their interests on three individual site locations (Attachment 2). The site locations recommended by the committee in order of priority are: 1. Larwin Park - Lower 2. Larwin Park - Upper 3. Cannon Lake Park Each of these locations provide three distinct opportunities for a temporary dog park. Further analysis of the selection process established a list of criteria which were used to prioritize each site in terms of identifying the best location (Attachment 3). H~ISRARYMORDIKEN’S M&I. lWC”DOG PARK SUSCOMMITTEE REPORT (KP &lC49) EXHIBIT 1 1 2 -. POLICY ISSUE REGARDING NO DOGS ALLOWED IN PARKS The current Municipal Code, Chapter 11.32 entitled Parks and Beaches, Section 11.32.030 states that it is unlawful for any person to do any of the following in any park or beach within the City: (1 l)...Dogs are not allowed in Carlsbad’s parks or on Carlsbad’s beaches. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, this section does not apply to the Batiquitos Lagoon, Buena Vista Lagoon or Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This prohibition does not apply to a dog accompanying an unsighted person, dogs while assisting peace officers in law enforcement duties or to dogs participating in shows or obedience classes authorized by the Carlsbad Community Services Department on specified areas of parks or beaches. (23) No person shall allow any dog owned by him or any dog subject to his control, custody, or possession, to enter upon any park within the city; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to dogs participating in shows or obedience classes authorized by the Carlsbad community services department in specified areas of the parks. No person shall allow or permit any dog to destroy any real or personal property or to commit a nuisance on any park property. It is the duty of persons having control of a dog to curb such dog while in a park area. After considerable discussion regarding the ordinance, it is the committee’s recommendation that the C.M.C. Chapter 11.32 should be amended which would allow dogs at the temporary Dog Park site only. The neighborhood notification issue was of significant concern of the committee. The sub- committee felt it was extremely important to notify all citizens who live within 300 feet of each of these park sites, that a temporary dog park is being considered, and that it will be discussed at the May 17th Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Staff was directed to do a Press Release and disseminate it to the appropriate residents. H:,L,SRARYIWORDIKEN’S M&L 1898/wG PARK SUBCOMMllTEE REPORT WP 51&W) 2 Y DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE COSTS The preliminary estimates* of development and maintenance costs for the three (3) alternative locations recommended by the committee are as follows: Development Costs Annual Maintenance Costs Larwin Lower Larwin Upper Cannon Lake $2 1,200 $35,880 $35,880 $3,000 / Yr. $3,000 / Yr. $3,000 / Yr. Development costs are preliminary estimates only at this time pending actual design of Dog Park. A detail estimated costs are identified on Attachment 4. Attachments: 1. Map of existing and future park sites. 2. Potential Temporary Dog Park sites. 3. Dog Park Design Criteria. 4. Dog Park Cost Estimates. H~LIBRARYAVORWKEN’S M&L ICWVDOG PARK SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (KP 5-t&89) 3 5 LpC”D * r- * a l (k W-L-. -- G\TY QF CARL~BA~ G@ERAL PLAN I-- i f -,-‘-‘- a W I- E x prl a n u 0 CII * PIE d 0 e z W I- I a h cli 2 W k- 0 e 2 z 3 -0 YP YZ zi . - - - 2 J JU %;i i; -Z 22 0 - - - ATTACHMENT 2 / I’ ’ . . d$ 2s: : Y d 4 4 :. : ‘YO. : 0:: 6 oii 5 i? 9 :- :....................?*...... --?- ejpi . ..r... JP .’ I I t IFI -0 2 x i5 m Ia I I I DOG PARK DESIGN CRITERIA . 10,000 SQUARE FOOT FENCED AREA FOR DOGS . AVAILABILITY OF WATER l ADA ACCESSIBLE . BENCHES I SHADE STRUCTURE . CLEAN-UP UTENSILS ARE AVAILABLE . SIGNAGE OF RULES AND REGULATIONS . SITE IS VISIBLE AND HAS AVAILABLE PARKING . MINIMAL NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACTS . A MINIMUM OF 1.5 - 2.0 ACRES REQUIRED . MAINTENANCE IMPACT IS ADDRESSED ‘\ H:WORDKENS ML iE881Doo PARK DES,GN CRITERM ~3ibgg) ATTACHMENT 3 DOG PARK COST ESTIMATES Annual Maintenance and Operations = $3,000 per year H:NSRARYhVORDIKEN’S M6L l- PARK-COST ESTMAES (KP ClZ-!Bca) ATTACHMENT 4 12 / /’ \ I‘. .” ’ Sections: 11.32.010 11.32.020 11.32.030 11.32.040 11.32.050 11.32.060 11.32.070 41.32.080 11.32.100 11.32.010 Chapter 11.32 PARKS AND BEACHES Parks-Scope. Beaches--Scope. Unlawful acts. Glass containers on beach- Prohibited. Public dances. Violations-Seizure of property. Carlsbad seawall-Pedestrians only. Restrictions of areas for exclusive use of surthoards. Hours surfboarding is prohibited. Application of Sections 11.32.080 and 1132.090 to lifesaving devices. Parks-Scope. For the purpose of this chapter, parks shah in- clude all dedicated parks, parks established by ad- verse uses, planted areas open to the general public, parks on leased property, planted parkways, trian- gles, and traffic circles maintained by the city, ex- cept parkway strips between curb and sidewalk or behind curb, along the several streets and highways of the city. (Ord. 3222 0 2 (part), 1987) or beach in the city at a time of the day, or on a day of the week, when such entry is prohibited by a clearly legible sign posted at each entrance to such public park or beach. The city manager is given authority to post such signs; 11.32.020 Beaches--Scope. For the purpose of this chapter, beaches shall include all beach areas bordering the Pacific Ocean, (9) To park any automobiles or any other vehi- the Batiquitos Lagoon, the Buena Vista Lagoon and cles in any public park or beach in the city, except the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. (Ord. 3222 5 2 (part), in areas specifically designated as parking areas by 1987) the city manager, 1 l-32.030 Unlawful acts. It is unlawful for any person to do any of the following mentioned acts in or upon any park or -., i beach within the city: 11.32.010 (1) To dump or deposit any trash, refuse, rubbish, litter, or other kind of waste materials, except in approved containers specifically placed and desig- nated to receive such waste materials; (2) To start or maintain any fire, except in such areas as are specifically designated by the city man- ager for such fires, including stoves, barbecue pits, fire rings and the like; (3) To commit any act of vandalism, including the damaging or destroying of trees or their leaves, limbs or branches, bushes, shrubbery, equipment, signs, buildings or rooms, or to tear down or to deface the same, or to pick any crops, fruit or flow- ers in any portion of such public park or beach; (4) To bring into or use any firearms or air or gas or spring-propelled guns, sling shots, bows and arrows, except that bows and arrows may be pennit- ted in such portions of public parks or beaches which are specifically designated by the city manag- er for archery or other projectile-throwing devices; (5) To discharge or set off firecrackers, torpe- does, rockets or other fireworks except where a special event permit has been granted pursuant to Chapter 8.17; (6) To stable, pasture or keep animals or insects; (7) To enter any portion of a public park or beach in the city, or buildings or portions thereof in such public parks and beaches which are posted with signs stating “no entry,” “keep out,” “no tres- passing, ” “closed area” or other prohibition of entry; (8) To enter any portion of or be in a public park (10) To construct or erect on any portion of a public park or beach in the city any building, fence or structure of whatever kind, whether permanent or temporary in character, or run, or string or install any public service utility into, upon or across such 344-l (Carl&ad 10-94) EXHIBIT 2 11.32.030 lands, except on special written permit of the city manager as to temporary items and of the city coun- cil as to permanent items. Each day such condition exists shah constitute a new and separate offense; (11) To ride or lead horses, or to hitch, fasten, lead, drive or let loose any animal or fowl of any kind. Dogs are not allowed in Carlsbad’s parks or on Carlsbad’s beaches. Nothwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, this section does not apply to the Batiquitos Lagoon, Buena Vista Lagoon or Agua Hedionda Lagoon. companies or other local government agencies, when they are using motor-powered vehicles in the perfor- mance of their official duty, nor to the use of motor-powered vehicles in emergencies when it is necessary to use them for the preservation or protec- tion of life or property, nor to utility companies using motor-powered vehicles for the installation, maintenance, repair or servicing of utility lines, generation, intake and outfall facilities, cooling water resources and other related facilities; This prohibition does not apply to a dog accom- panying an unsighted person, dogs while assisting peace officers in law enforcement duties, or to dogs participating in shows or obedience classes autho- rized by the Carlsbad community services depart- ment on specified areas of parks or beaches. (12) To cut and remove any wood or to remove turf, grass, soil, rock, sand, gravel or fertilizer, (13) To camp or lodge therein except in areas designated and posted on camping sites by the city manager, (20) No person who is over six years of age shah enter or use any water closet, restroom, dressing room or other facility designated for exclusive use by persons of the opposite sex in a public park or beach; (21) For any person to assemble, collect or gath- er together in any walk, passageway or pathway set apart for the travel of persons through any park or beach or to occupy same so that the free passage or use thereof by persons passing along the same shah be obstructed in any manner, (14) To play or engage in any sport or sporting event in any picnic area; (22) Nothing herein contained shall prevent the operation of motor vehicles and free right of public access over, or across any validly dedicated public street or road in the city; (15) To disturb in any manner any picnic, meet- (23) No person shah allow any dog owned by ing, service, concert, exercise or exhibition; him or any dog subject to his control, custody, or (16) To distribute any handbills or circulars, or possession, to enter upon any park within the city; to post, place or erect any bills, notice, paper, or provided, however, that this subsection shah not advertising device or matter of any kind; apply to dogs participating in shows or obedience (17) To sell or offer for sale or to rent or lease classes authorized by the Carlsbad community any merchandise, article or thing, whatsoever, unless services department in specified areas of parks. No granted a valid permit by the city council; person sh&l anow or permit any dog to destroy any (18) To practice, carry on, conduct or solicit for real or personal property or to commit a nuisance on any trade, occupation, business or profession of any park property. It is the duty of persons having whatsoever kind or character without permission of control of a dog to curb such dog while in a park the city council; area. (19) To use or operate any motor-powered vehi- cles at any time, except as permitted by the city manager in designated streets or parking areas or as part of a supervised recreational activity or as autho- rized by San Diego Gas and Electric Company in the outer lagoon. This subsection does not apply to offtcers, agents or employees of the United States, the state of California, the city, or public utility (24) No person shall play or practice golf or swing any golf club within any park within the city, except in such areas and to the extent as may be authorized by posted signs authorized by the city. (Ord. NS-286 9 5 (part), 1994; Ord. NS-56 5 3, 1989; Ord. NS-51 0 1, 1989; Ord. 3222 0 2 (part), 1987) (Carlsbad 10-94) 344-2 Dear Mayor and Carlsbad City Council members, Thank you for continuing to work toward opening a leash-free dog park in Carlsbad. I hope you will continue to give it your support tonight. I love to take my dog out to this kind of park, but it is very hard to get your parents to drive all the way to De1 Mar or Escondido just to give your dog some exercise. I was hoping that the site of the park would be closer to La Costa but I understand that you have to place it where it will serve all of the city. I wanted to come and show my support for the park tonight, but because I have homework to do, I could not stay until it came up on the agenda. Mr. Price and everyone in the City Recreation office has been really nice and has kept me up to date on the park’s progress, which I appreciate very much. Thank you, Nancy Gillette Age 13 3103 Hataca Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92009 .-c. i i, 0. .r- ,.., \\. ‘:I. iD1.. A- 1 ;‘. ‘e. - ,/ / / :. i j { ; ,,: , : ,, ‘, CAtiLSshD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECbMMENDATlON OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a.fenced, leash- Signature: Carlsbtid A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. IO. 11. 12. 13. CARLSBiD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6. 9. IO. 11. 12. 13. Signature: .e. _- _.____ . .- -.-.- . ?!$ziI>&l %JJd r I CARLSBuD DOG PARi- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: Carlsbad Address: 1. 2. 3. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. - CARLSBAD DOG PARK - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 4. 6. 8. Signature: Carlsbad Address: CARLSBAD DOG PARK- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: ..2 cqp,b/ .,.... L .I + L. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. .- \. ‘.. I .*.. i . ,’ ‘I 10. ‘- /’ ’ Z/d 2 .‘A- y- . i 1) J - 11. (’ (? /&!$&$ ‘F 12. i) [ ’ .,.:< . ;< - 13. ” ;;,igJp+ CARLSBAD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CARLSBAD DOG PARK- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I , 12. CARLSBiD DOG PARK - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. 6. 8. - -_ CARLSBAD DOG PARK- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: 6. Caclsbad Address: 7. .I 8. “;I 4J ? $2 ..,*,I *: ” *,, _ $ “4 ,_*/.- , d, I’ 3 P,* 9. 10. JUT c&J&& &,tf . L$&&,&J q .J dug I CARLSBAD DOG PARh - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. CARLSBAD DOG PARK- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Signature: . CARLSBiD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: Carlsbad Address: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. CARLSBAD DOG PARk- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Signature: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Carlsbad Address: 3n3&wl5 r-j I viiv4yws SC . / 3&S/ 4h&sOh s-r 8 3+-4 0 A1--e f. ; c s5, 7 zou i 1 CARLSBiD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: I Carlsbad Address: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. _- CARLSBAD DOG PARk- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. Signature: Carisbad Address: 53zJ i c/c; j-G- 5L* 0: - c- L&l, c-f,? ‘jJ.&; 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. CARLSBiD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. .I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. Signature:. IO. Carlsbad Address: 11. 12. ” 13. C*y#Vle!Tl F44tiWf3ezL~ z*o ia-4 MA&++ - , t CARLSBiD DOG PAR< - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 6. 7. a. 9. Signature: 10. 11. 12. 13. Carlsbad Address: . _ M,/J CT %m _ 7338&U& @IL CARLSBAD DOG PARk- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: Carlsbad Address: CARLSBiD DOG PARh- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. Signature:. Carlsbad Address: _- CARLSBAD DOG PARK- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. Signature: Jl W/k pY &(&&GH I , f!%!!Ad zuz./L& JP / CARLSBiD DOG PARh- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 6. 7. a. 9. Signature- Carlsbad Address: ~hdrn e /~~OUJ 0 ,. CARLSB’iD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. Signature: 3. 4. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ‘._ -/&,,I 2 ! l!w x-+%&f, I . CARLSBAD DOG PARK - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Signature: Carlsbad Address: -_ CARLSBAD DOG PARK- YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Signature: Carlsbad Address: _ CARLSBAD DOG PARh- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 6. 8. Signature: 11. )&P-t.& C.,H-o~~~ Carlsbad Address: J 4-b I%%.~ 9zmg 35D f&g&-- m %M 1) . I-- ? ! ah@, CQ, . /3/4 7&Jsx&Y /Q YqL wu CARLSBAD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Signature: Carlsbad Address: CARLSBiD DOG PARK - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: * 3. 7. 8. 9. j 10. &WUR L&O-D 11. q&g&q / Carlsbad Address: CARLSBiD DOG PARk- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: h g 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. I i; . A.4 (/I Carlsbad Address: CA” \i F 9-w - . /r+r b&-d t?kx-- G’ CARLSBiD DOG PAR< - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Carlsbad Address: .- CARLSBiD DOG PARh - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Carlsbad Address: no) 4dla4L)r. C/,6, $amlP / CARLSBiD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: Carlsbzid Address: /- .. 1. i. -.” ,----c - 2ff. $$iC; ti HF “F (+I C&+wl~Zp.C , CA p&$ d V 6. - CARLSBiD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Carlsbtid Address: CARLSBiD DOG PARi- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Signature: 1. 9 I ;‘: YJ/.cfj ,,” - I- _ J. / f i . ,- 2. / <"{ ?. y- L L4(7 < i&-J 2w4L 3. / P . - f’ tt 9,,, (I ’ ,“O tJ!J; , /” i; < R-h / \ I../ ! Carlsbad Address: / .\ 1 k&y i/, ,f’ i < -q ;:‘! i _: ,~ .( !(“/‘L , , ‘L : ,’ ,?! ‘J (‘5 ’ j’-;,‘Jw ,‘i ,.-,,- C-3rL ( ;qi(c S-4,& 1 /nei h*& Q.pp I kk?/:j F ~,j(,JJ&/ 1 y&k I qlf: <$ ,': ! ( (fi CARLSB;D DOG PARK- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: - 1. i 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Carlsbad Address: Q\Y- C&hA w-j CARLSBiD DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Signature: Carlsbzid Address: CARLSB;D DOG PARk - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Signature: ‘7 ._..^ ‘i ,,,’ .,; y;i-.+-. -‘-. ~ df&y, jLg$gj ;’ L&L,,i La I/’ 10. I’ / 4 11. &.&j&y ./’ Q,bQ?J i r Lf [hL 12. .I I Carlsbad Address: l%5? Th4aq o/f/, 13. CARLSBiD D6G PARK - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Carlsbad Address: 10. , CARLSBiD DOG PARK- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR TH,E CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN \ _.._ Carlsbad Address: 1. 2. CARL&D DOG PARi- - YES ! I SUPPORT THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE CREATION OF A DOG PARK (a fenced, leash- free canine interactive area) IN CARLSBAD. Signature: Carlsbad Address: 1. 2. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.