HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-25; City Council; 15595; Integrated Transportation Program Strategyc - - CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# !s; 591 TITLE: MTG. l/25/00 DEPT. ENG INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM STRATEGY f?Itkzr DEPT. H . CITY Al-W. & CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. C% 00 l 33 accepting the Integrated Transportation Program Strategy and adopting the policy statements. ITEM EXPLANATION: Carlsbad is strategically positioned in San Diego County such that transportation decisions made by the City Council positively affect the local street system and help identify regional transportation issues and implementation solutions. Comprehensive guidelines outlined in the Circulation Element provide the program direction to move the city towards buildout. An integrated transportation program identifies the locally based issues and the long-term planning efforts required on regional strategies to optimize the transportation system being developed in Carlsbad through implementation of the Circulation Element. Key areas to address in an integrated transportation program strategy include: l Regional Priorities 0 Carlsbad Circulation Objectives 0 Transit 0 Palomar Airport Road Corridor 0 Circulation System Performance Measures Reoional Priorities For the region, SANDAG prepares the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) that sets policies, plans and programs for development of transportation improvements. The current RTP being circulated for public review and comment identifies transportation projects that are needed to significantly improve transportation over the next two decades. Carlsbad will not directly fund the regional projects, however, benefits to the city can be achieved through early completion of the projects. Significant regional projects and issues with direct impacts and benefits to Carlsbad include: 0 Interstate Highway 5 expansion l Double tracking the SDNRR tracks 0 I-5/SR-78 interchange modifications 0 SR-78/Rancho Del Oro interchange construction 0 Coordination of ramp meter signals with Carlsbad’s traffic signals Carlsbad Circulation Obiectives Carlsbad’s transportation needs are identified, prioritized, planned, funded and constructed through the guidance of the Circulation Element as a planning document and the Capital Improvement Program as an implementation document. A transportation system that provides local mobility, safety and convenience will meet expectations of the community and serve the land uses throughout Carlsbad. Optimizing the system can be achieved through strategies such as: l Land use decisions 0 Transit oriented development 0 Maximizing transit use l Completing the road system 0 Traffic signal coordination 0 0 Optimizing traffic signal operations from the Transportation Management Center (TMC) Influencing transportation demand strategies in the private sector Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. !’ ,, 5’ci $ Transit Congestion mitigation can be enhanced by providing options to the automobile. A viable alternative is transit, such as a traditional bus or the train (Coaster). Although not directly responsible for transit operations, Carlsbad can coordinate with the North County Transit District (NCTD) on issues to enhance transit availability and opportunities in the city. Considerable research and exploration of technological innovations will be changing the look of transit in the future. A viable transit system can complement the automobile to move travelers or commuters between destinations. Palomar Airport Road Corridor Palomar Airport Road is the primary east-west circulation road in the city, having volumes as high as 58,000 vehicles each day in some segments. Until other parallel east-west arterial streets are constructed, Palomar Airport Road will continue to serve regional needs as well as local traffic to the industrial area of Carlsbad. One effort to help reduce corridor congestion is the ongoing Palomar Corridor Transportation Pilot Program (PCTPP). Efforts of the PCTPP center on educating employers and employees in the Palomar Airport Road corridor about alternatives to the single occupant vehicle traveling to and from work in the a.m. and p.m. peak hour. Future expansion of the pilot program into a Transportation Management Association may evolve. Circulation Svstem Performance Measures A method of assessing the performance of a circulation system after improvements are implemented is necessary to evaluate the success of the mitigation measure. Safety, reduction in delays, improving travel time and reducing accident rates all can be targeted for assessment through performance measurement. Results of the measurement help direct the continued improvements needed or refinements to provide an effective and efficient integrated transportation program. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This is a planning study which is exempt under Section 15262 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Financial impacts will be assessed as specific programs, strategies and mitigation measures are proposed and included in operating budgets or the Capital Improvement Program. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Integrated Transportation Program Strategy. Resolution No. ~&XI -33 accepting the Integrated Transportation Program Strategy and adopting the policy statements. 3 Exhibit 1 INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM STRATEGY INTRODUCTION Carlsbad has an ongoing, dynamic transportation program that is being implemented as the City moves towards buildout. It is initiated and processed in accordance with the comprehensive guidelines outlined in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The primary focus of that document is to provide direction for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within the City of Carlsbad. Through a combination of capital improvement programs, privately developed projects and the annual work program in the Engineering Department, the long-term goal is being incrementally achieved on a year-by-year basis. As a government organization involved in implementing transportation projects as a service, Carlsbad is attempting to maximize usage of all modes and options locally and within the region. This includes investment in fixed facilities and operating policies. CURRENT REALITY Carlsbad is strategically located in the region such that it serves as the hub of many of the circulation systems necessary to move traffic in north San Diego County. Regional roads, future transitways for bus operations, the freeway, railroad and a general aviation commuter airport, all located in Carlsbad, focus circulation patterns and deficiencies on our transportation system and consequently dictate that these systems serve local and regional needs. Carlsbad is continuously involved in strategic planning to meet local needs within the framework of the changing economy, land use issues, infrastructure requirements and inputs from neighborhoods within the City. Although much of the transportation focus has been on serving the desires of the automobile user, significant attention is also given to the pedestrian, bicyclist and transit user. Expanded focus is now shifting to alternatives to the automobile, via increased transit opportunities, development of new work patterns and implementing transportation demand management strategies. Committees have been formed to address the planning and construction of facilities, development of strategies and identification of needs and issues that require further analysis and implementation. A manageable, yet ambitious, set of objectives is currently being pursued with attention being given to long-term needs of the community. The Capital Improvement Program incorporates projects necessary to implement the circulation element of the General Plan within the context of state and federal requirements and requirements of the Growth Management Plan. Priority towards the unbuilt circulation system remains high in needs assessment and implementation. 1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Proiect Palomar Airport Road widening from El Camino to Melrose Drive Palomar Airport Road/ El Camino Real intersection additional right turn lanes Cannon Road construction from LEGOLAND Drive to Faraday Avenue Cannon Road construction from Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real Faraday Avenue construction from Cannon Road south to existing terminus Faraday Avenue construction from Orion Street to Melrose Drive Melrose Drive connection from Vista to Palomar Airport Road Poinsettia Lane construction from Aviara Parkway to El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane - El Camino Real to Melrose Drive College Boulevard construction-Carlsbad Village Drive to future Cannon Road Action Project being bid In design Under construction Issues being resolved for Coastal Commission, environmental, right-of- way Under construction Road design consultant being selected, environmental, right-of-way, financing issues to be resolved Design, financing, right-of-way, environmental issues being resolved Portions completed, under design or being constructed Developer to design and construct Developer pursuing environmental and then design and construction Timeline Construction in Spring 2000 Construction by Summer 2000 Completion Summer 2000 Construction completion Spring 2001 Completion Summer 2000 Construction in 2002-2003 time frame Construction in 2002-2003 time frame Open to traffic on entire segment in 2001 Open to traffic in 3-4 Years Open to traffic late 2002 2 Proiect Cannon Road - College Boulevard to east city limit Cannon Road - El Camino Real to future College Boulevard Ranch0 Santa Fe Road realignment - La Costa Avenue to Melrose Drive Bicycle Master Plan Coastal Rail Trail Action Future environmental, design, and funding pending Developer pursuing environmental and then design and construction Environmental being processed, design underway Process for approval of document Process environmental documents, initiate design consultant selection Timeline Construction in 2004 or 2005 Open to traffic late 2002 Construction in 2-3 years Early 2000 Early 2000 REGIONAL PRIORITIES An important regional priority is to improve mobility now as well as into the future. In essence, this is accomplished through the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) administered by SANDAG. SANDAG distributed in November, 1999 for public comment the latest RTP with adoption by the SANDAG Board of Directors scheduled in February, 2000. Some of the projects are of significant importance to the City of Carlsbad and are being addressed in the North Coast Transportation Study. Projects, conceptual planning issues and future strategies discussed in the study include freeway widening, arterial roads, rail corridor improvements, innovative technologies, transit corridor improvements and strategies and goods movement. The RTP process of project identification and incorporation, obtaining future funding and initiating project environmental review and design is lengthy. Carlsbad officials can influence the process through their role on their ongoing SANDAG committee assignments to prioritize projects for funding and initiation. Carisbad is responsible for constructing its roads, including those listed as regionally significant and located within city limits. Funding from any possible identified source is pursued, including state and federal monies, to fund this design and construction. Significant transportation projects that Carlsbad is not expected to directly fund, but can influence timing of construction and features of the construction include: l Freeway expansion 0 Double tracking the San Diego Northern Railroad tracks 3 s Other focus areas will include: 0 Coordination of freeway ramp signals with Carlsbad’s traffic signal system 0 Monitoring the I-51SR 78 interchange improvements 0 Coordination with the City of Oceanside on the SR 781Rancho Del Oro (RDO) interchange construction (Oceanside is the lead agency) CARLSBAD CIRCULATION‘OBJECTIVES A completed, integrated transportation network in Carlsbad will serve local needs as well as regional needs regarding safety, convenience and mobility. Carlsbad’s projected buildout population will travel on the local network of roads that provides access to all land uses in the City. To the extent that mobility on the local network is expected to flow relatively unimpeded, adjacent jurisdictions must also complete their systems. Carlsbad will continue to be a hub of regional transportation into the future. Continued optimization of new resources, use of new technology and development of opportunities for alternative transportation modes will be the responsibility of Carlsbad officials. Mobility optimization, innovation and a shift in mode emphasis will be centered around future priorities and programs. Strategies will include: 0 l 0 0 l a 0 Land use decisions Transit oriented development Opportunities for transit use maximization - Station locations, bus stops, travel speed, convenient schedules, bus/rail integration and optimization Road system completion Traffic signal coordination citywide and with adjacent jurisdictions Optimization of traffic signal operations electronically from the soon to be constructed Transportation Management Center (TMC) located within the Public Works Center Influence transportation demand strategies in the private sector through partnership and leadership by implementing such strategies for the City workforce. 4 STRATEGY ELEMENTS Direction will be provided by the City Council on key policy issues for staff to address regarding: 0 Future mobility 0 Construction programs 0 Innovative technologies 0 Other transportation quality of life issues Opportunities among these integrated transportation elements are centered on key local, regional, and transit objectives. Policv Statement The City of Cartsbad will actively: 0 Complete the roadway network in accordance with the Circulation Element with emphasis on east-west arterials that parallel Palomar Airport Road. 0 Complete the TMC at the Public Works Center and expand the QuicNet capabilities for monitoring traffic signal operations and coordination. 0 Pursue regional and federal funding for local streets programs. 0 Participate in review and conceptual development of projects in Carlsbad and north San Diego County and promote their construction, such as: - I-5/SR 78 connector lane - I-5/SR78 future interchange improvements - SR 781RDO interchange - Future l-5 widening in Carlsbad TRANSIT Transit is a viable, alternative mode of transportation to the automobile. Its success can be achieved through a variety of technologies and institutional arrangements. Acceptable transit service and effectiveness is based upon quality, quantity, efficiencies and positive community impact. Implementation of effective transit service is dependent on: 0 Organizational structure 0 Institutional constraints 0 Funding Carlsbad can promote and encourage transit usage and accommodate transit needs through active participation and coordination with the North County Transit District (NCTD) and others on a variety of issues. 5 7 Policv Statement The City of Carlsbad will: 0 Encourage and support double tracking of the rail corridor within city limits. 0 Actively participate with NCTD in the planning and construction, where feasible, of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real as transitways. 0 Plan and participate in development of transit oriented strategies and walkable community strategies as they relate to improving transit usage. PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CORRIDOR At this time, Palomar Airport Road serves as the primary arterial serving the industrial corridor. Traffic volumes continue to increase on this road and range from about 58,000 vehicles per day near Interstate Highway 5 to about 46,000 vehicles per day east of El Camino Real. The ongoing Palomar Corridor Transportation Pilot Program effort is attempting to influence I congestion mitigation and improve travel times along Palomar Airport Road by: 0 Educating the employees of the pilot program on opportunities for ridesharing and shifting travel times out of the peak hour 0 Providing alternative opportunities - working closely with NCTD and the Pal Shuttle 0 Facilitating options such as mobile services to be brought to the place of employment and a noon-hour shuttle serving lunch trips to local restaurants Future expansion of the pilot program efforts could lead to the formation of the Palomar Corridor Transportation Management Agency (TMA). Specific goals of a TMA could include: 0 Create awareness of TDM strategies through public outreach and business community involvement 0 Implement strategies to reduce single occupant vehicle travel in the peak hour, especially targeting employer based TDM promotions 0 Work closely with NCTD on strategies to increase opportunities for bus/coaster transit use and the feasibility of shuttle service in the Palomar Airport Road corridor l Carlsbad staff to work closely with the business and development community to facilitate timely transportation improvements 0 Fully develop the potential of the TMA through support of the organization, continuous evaluation of effectiveness and resource support 6 % 0 Provide technical assistance for program development of: - Rideshare Programs m Guaranteed Ride Home Telecommuting/Flexible Work Hours m CarpoolsNanpool Programs Bicycling Opportunities s Child Care Issues 0 Develop and train Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETC) Policv Statement The City of Carlsbad will actively pursue strategies to improve mobility and help reduce traffic volumes through implementation of increased availability of alternative transportation modes and cooperative approaches to TDM measures aimed at employers and employees. ClRCULATldN SYSTEM PERFORMANCE MEASURES A key part of accomplishing and assessing performance measures is to compare the results with the intent of the implemented option that was initiated to address a problem or issue. Successful completion of each measurement is the driving principle in an effective and efficient integrated transportation program. Overall, by dedicating resources to deliver transportation services and a transportation system to the public that meets expectations, we can also achieve the mission, goal and objectives of the City of Carlsbad. Carlsbad’s circulation system is designed to allow for the safe movement of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians with a minimum amount of delay. Delay results when one or more factors combine to negatively influence travel time. This includes peak-hour conditions, accidents, roadway incidents, construction activities, special events and the percentage of completion of the circulation system. To the extent that some of the factors above are random and unavoidable, others can be targeted for improvement in delay reduction. Congestion, travel time, accident rates can be targeted with specific program objectives, as follows: Problem or Issue Mitioation Ootions Roadway congestion Complete circulation system Intersection congestion Optimize intersection traffic control and lane geometries Travel time Traffic signal coordination, increase transit usage, carpools and vanpools, implement TOM strategies Measurement City of Carlsbad growth management standard for level of service (LOS) Reduce intersection delay and meet level of service standard for growth management Improve travel speed on arterial streets 7 Problem or Issue Mitiaation Options Measurement Accident reduction Remove factors influencing accidents through construction improvements, police enforcement, public education Accident rates on circulation element streets and intersections Corridor trip reduction Improve progression along arterial streets through volume reductions and construction of additional roadways Participation levels through a Transportation Management Association PAI CONCLUSION An integrated transportation program will devote efforts towards a coordinated approach of improving the existing system, providing efficiency improvements, implementing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies, strategically improve system capacity and advance the concepts of transportation demand management. Salient themes in the program center on implementing policies, securing funding for improvements, developing the institutional structure to meet management needs of the program, regional coordination and cooperation among other agencies and instituting new technologies. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM STRATEGY AND ADOPTING THE POLICY STATEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has an ongoing, dynamic transportation program guided by the Circulation Element of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is integrally involved in developing strategies and solutions to solve local and regional transportation issues to improve mobility and reduce congestion; and WHEREAS, the transportation policy statements attached as Exhibit A and contained in the Integrated Transportation Program Strategy will further guide the development and involvement of the City of Carlsbad in the local and regional transportation solutions being considered to meet short-term and long-term needs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council adopts the Integrated Transportation Program Strategy and transportation policy statements contained therein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 25th day of January ,200O by the following vote, to wit: 11, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin ATTEST: / LORRAINE ljl. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT A TRANSPORTATION POLICY STATEMENTS I. Circulation Strateav Elements Policv Statement The City of Carisbad will actively: 0 0 a 0 Complete the roadway network in accordance with the Circulation Element with emphasis on east-west arterials that parallel Palomar Airport Road. Complete the TMC at the Public Works Center and expand the QuicNet capabilities for monitoring traffic signal operations and coordination. Pursue regional and federal funding for local streets programs. Participate in review and conceptual development of projects in Carlsbad and north San Diego County and promote their construction, such as: - I-5/SR 78 connector lane - I-5/SR78 future interchange improvements - SR 78/RDO interchange - Future l-5 widening in Carlsbad 2. Transit Policv Statement The City of Carlsbad will: 0 Encourage and support double tracking of the rail corridor. 0 Actively participate with NCTD in the planning and construction, where feasible, of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real as transitways. 0 Plan and participate in development of transit oriented strategies and walkable community strategies as they relate to improving transit usage. 3. Palomar AirPort Road Corridor Policv Statement The City of Carlsbad will actively pursue strategies to improve mobility and help reduce traffic volumes through implementation of increased availability of alternative transportation modes and cooperative approaches to TDM measures aimed at employers and employees.