HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-08; City Council; 15618; Presentation on McClellan Palomar Airport OperationsAB# 616 1% MTG. 8 -8-m DEPT. CM ZITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEI. ;A BILL TITLE: PRESENTATION ON MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT OPERATIONS aa 0 /2 DEPT. HD. CKY ATTYd@ CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council receive a presentation on the McClellan-Palomar Airport operations. EXPLANATION ITEM . . The Palomar Airport Citizens Action Group (PACAG), which includes residents from many different neighborhoods around Palomar Airport, will give this presentation. PACAG’s presentation will focus on perceived noise and safety issues regarding the airport. Attached is a letter from Mary Sea, founder of PACAG, requesting that they have an opportunity to present their concerns to the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impacts of this project are unknown. EXIBITS; 1. Copy of Citizen’s Letter Requesting to be placed on City Council Agenda I January 24,200O .4 Exhibit 1 Mr. Joe Garuba City Manager’s Office, City of Carl&ad 1200 Carl&ad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Deer Mr. Garuba: Gur group has previously requested to be placed on the agenda for the Feb. 8,200O Carlsbad City Council meeting, to discuss our concerns about aircraft noise and safety issues related to McClellan- Palomar Airport operations. The purpose of this letter is to provide a proposed agenda and the purpose for which we wish to meet with the city council. Gur group, Palomar Airport Citizens Action Group (PACAG), includes residents from many different neighborhoods around Palomar Airport. Many of the residents in these neighborhoods are upset by the large number of aircraft operating out of Palomar Airport which are flying close to and over the homes, often at low altitude, creating large amounts of noise at all hours, and raising safety concerns. The airport currently operates under vohmtary noise abatement rules. Many aircraft are not following these rules, which we believe is the cause of most of the problems. In addition, we believe that aircraft are often violating existing FAA flight rules (which are not voluntary), which say that aircraft must stay 1000 feet above the ground (in congested areas) “except when necessary fur takeoflor landing”, and that turbine powered or large aircraft “must climb to an altitude of 1500 feet above the su?$ace as rapidly as practicable”. We realize that the airport is operated by the County of San Diego, not the City of Carlsbad. However most of the people impacted by the airport operations are residents of Carlsbad, and the building of homes in these areas has been approved by the city. Therefore we are asking the city to help maintain the quality of life in Carlsbad by supporting and funding efforts to get the county and FAA to implement a mandatory and enforceable noise abatement policy and to improve enforcement of the existing flight rules cited above. At the February 8 city council meeting, we want the opportunity for many of the citizens of Carlsbad and surrounding communities to meet with the city council and voice their concerns, and to have a dialogue with the council on what steps the city could take, either on its own or by working with the county and the FAA, to lead to a effective solution to the noise and safety concerns. If you have any comments or questions on this proposed agenda, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Maty K. Sea Founder, Palomar Airport Citizens Action Group (PACAG) 6423 Merlin Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92009 (760) 603-8330 2 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPW - AIRPORT ADMINISTRA-rION m.- -..-P. a* FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET RI;.: 5ENDti1ts TRLBPHOHI NIIMIIER: (853) 8744113 SGNUSRJ FAX NUMBER: t858) 874-4158 0 UR‘+liNT 0 FOK REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE NOTl?.5/COAlhlENTS: S E V I 1. L U P 1. /\ Z ,I 5469 KEARNY VILE-A KD*SUITli 305 SAN DIt2c;c) *CA*921 9.3 JOHN L SKYUEK PIRECTOR labir) ee4.223a FAX: ps) Zq-6461 LOCAtION CODE SOa f . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY EMGMEER COUNW AIRPORTS COUNTY ROAD COUMISSIONEK lRANSlT SEKtflCRS COWIY SURVEYOR 5555 OVERLAND AYE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123-1285 FLOOD CONTROL WAStEWAtEKWANAGEYEHT . February I,2000 ’ Mr. Herman Bliss AWP-600, Room 3012 FAA Westem-Pacific Region 15000 Aviation Boulevard Lawndale, CA 90261 Dear Mr. Bliss: MC CLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT NOISE ISSUES On January 20,200O the! Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (P&X) conducted a Noise Workshop. In addition to the public, participants in this workshop included the county of San Diego Airports Division, the City of Carlsbad and the Federal Aviation Amon (FAA). PAAC received significant input from residents living anxmd McClellan-Palomar Airport, including a variety of suggestions on how to make the airport more neighbor-friendly. Dusing ti workshop,~Mr~ William Withycombe, FAA Regional Administrator, stated the FAA may be open to deleting enforcement restrictions cmrently tied to our Lochard Noise Monitoxing System @MS). As you may be aware, FAA approved aad hded the NMS witi the condition it ~ be used for safety purposes only and not for enfbrcement regarding noise abatement procedures. - .’ Much of the public input at the workshop was directedk pilots who purposely violate the noise &&em-t pattera while the County has notified these individuals of the violations, there is . little else we can do beyond that. Although it is not a common problem, there have been cases where pilots repeatedly disregarded the noise abatement procedures. The p&se of this letter is to request FAA approval for the County to use ir&omhm generated ’ by the NMS to enforce noise abatement procedures in place at McClelIan-Palomar Airport. The proposed enforcement program will be progressive with the final step of the process being revocation of a pilot’s right to use the airport. - -. . - J.. _. Mr. Herman Bliss f Febnxuy 1,2000 MC Clellan-Palomar Airport Noise Issues Page 2 We believe adoption of sn enforcement program will enhance confidence in the FAA and the County dram surrounding communities. It continues to be our belief the great majority of pilots using McClellan-P&mar Airport fly friendly and will have no problems with an enforcement Pm-- Please call Bob Durant, DPW Manager for Airports at (858) 874-4112 or myself at (858) 694- 2125 to discuss this subject fiuthcr~ si.ncerdy, Qb-2~ \hxkL. CHANDRAWALLAJ& Assistant Director Department of Public Works cc: William Withycombe, FAA RegionaI Admhistd& John Snyder> Director DPW (0333); Bob Durant., DPW Manager (0388); Floyd Best, McClellan-1Pdomar Airport -?m w37) 2 February 8,200O All Receive-Agenda Item #Is-, TO: Mayor Lewis City Council Members The purpose of this memo is to provide City Council with background information on the recent meeting (January 20, 1999) between the County of San Diego, the FAA, and city staff relative to noise complaints at the airport. This meeting, in addition to the workshop hosted by the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (January 20, 1999), resulted in an approach to address the airport noise complaints that includes the following steps: 1. The Countv of San Diego will aunlv to the FAA for an uudate of the currentlv annroved Part 150 Noise Comuatibilitv Studv. In 1990 the Part 150 Study was completed for Palomar Airport. The purpose of the Study was to determine the airport noise related impacts on the surrounding land uses and, if necessary, recommend changes to flight patterns or operational restrictions to reduce those impacts. The Study recommended operational changes and encouraged land use restrictions imposed by the City. The FAA suggested that a review at this time, given the changes in the region, would have merit and may be fundable. It was intimated by Bill Withycombe, FAA Regional Administrator, that conducting a review could result in revised “findings” that could lead to additional noise abatement procedures with more “teeth”. City staff is recommending support of the County moving forward with an application to review the current Part 150 Noise Report. 3 a. The Countv and the FAA to conduct “Roundtable Discussions” with all interested stakeholders. The Roundtable process is a new approach being utilized by the FAA that provides all stakeholders effected by or interested in an airport, the opportunity to discuss concerns and issues. The stakeholders include the FAA, the County of San Diego, Citizens, Commercial Operators, Air Traffic Controllers, Pilots, businesses, elected officials, corporate pilots, etc. City staff is supportive of such an approach and will represent the City in these discussions should the Council concur. , . . ‘- 3. The Countv be directed to anuroach the Airnorts Division of the FAA and ask for assistance on how to deal with Palomar-McClellan Airnort ouerations. The notion is that other urban airports have dealt with similar issues and problems. By meeting with the FAA and the other airports, the County staff will be able to identify other best practices and benefit by the problem solving that has addressed similar issues. City staff is supportive of such an approach and will participate in the discussions should the Council so direct. At the conclusion of the Palomar Airport Advisory meeting, Char&a Wallar, Assistant Director, Public Works, indicated that county staff would recommend moving forward on each step. In a conversation this afternoon with Ms. Wallar, it appears that the County has taken action and is moving forward. Should Council have questions, please contact me or Gary Wayne. cc: City Attorney Gary Wayne . FEB-08-00 TUE 03:07 PM 4-POINTS MGMT 4-Points Management A Company o$DGM ENTERPRISES, INC. 760 632 8667 P. 01 Agency 937 South Coast Hwy. 101, Snilc 206 co. Box 230490 Encinita, CA 92023-9490 Td*phorrr: f760) 6J2-8661 FacslmiJo: (760) 632-8667 &mail: 4poln&@ci?mpllmr.tom AGENDA ITEM # / d February 8,200O The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92094 a Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney city Clerk SENT VIA FAX: 760.720.9461 Dear Mayor Lewis: This lerter is written on behalf of members and residents OF the Ranch0 Montecito Homeowners Association who live on Elm Ridge Drive, Rosewood Street, Willow Ridge Drive, Willow Way, Teakwood Way, Burnt Maple Way and Shadowwood Circle in Vista. It is our understandi@ that airport noise will be a topic for discussion at tonight’s City Council meeting. As our Association is locared under some portion of the Palomar Airport flight path, please accept this letter as a request from our homeowners for rhe City of Carlsbad to work with the airport to keep excess airport noise to a minimum. Thank you for your time and continued efforts on this matter. very truly yours, For the Board of Directors, Ranch0 Montecito Homeowners Association A California Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation x 4-Points Management Agency Association Manager I5 Ycon of Professional Property Management Sent&es for fhc 4 Corners 01&n Diego County, 1984 - 1999 02/07/‘2000 07: 01 6192592749 February 8,200O We Galindo 68% Batiquitos Drive thrtsbad, CA 92009 DEL MAR FIRE DEPT 4 P&GE 01 AGENDA ITEM # a ct Mayor City Council CiQ Manager City Worney City Clerk TO the Honorablc Maycw and City Council Membess, I am personally unable to discuss my views at tonights council meeting regarding the airport traffic issue which is currently on this evenings agenda. On behalf of my husband and many of my neighbors I am writing to you about Msmc of our concerns. For the past 7 years WC have lived in the Las Playas community which is about 5 miles south of Palomar Airport. Manq of our neighbors moved here in 1986 and are original homeowners. We have noticed, since last summer (t 999), that there has been a steady increase in the volume of air trafic aver our homes in a northwest to southeast pattern, In addition to the increase in air traffic, mnany of the planes are flying so low that that we can actually visuaihe the numbers on the side of the aircraft. The planes that arc causing UP the greatest condom arc the private jets and propped wing planes. The commercial aircraft flying out of Palomar Airport appear to be adhering to their prop flight paths and are not the cause of the current problem. We have also noticed an increase in traffic between the houw of 11 pm through 5 am, which wakes us up on a regular basis. . Our M&n concerns are: 1. New muitiple flight paths outside of the 3 mile recommended zone, This concerns us about air safety. 2. How law they are flyirg and associated noise. 3. Early and late flight hours and no curfew. 4. The current tower closes at 10 pm which means there is no supervisor for after hours air traffic Another safbty concern, I appreciate your time in considering these issues. mullcYou, - +pQ= &M Kmic Galindo ~~O-YzwY~75 02107~2000 07: 01 6192592749 - . - DEL MAR FIRE DEPT ? P&E 02 P.S. I have a request which I will direct to Ram.ona Finnila regarding the January 20th meeting with the FA.4 I was there but was unable to stay for the roundtable sign up for future workshops. Would you please put my husband, Chris Galindo, (760-9304275) on that list - we think he would be very helpful in representing our oommunity. Thank you again. To: Date: Subject: ~Beldtmahoo.com> cCouncil@ci.carlsbaa.ca.us> Sun, Feb 6,200O 7:04 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD ] CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the “Contact Us” form to department, City Council. Below, please find the information that was submitted: first-name: Ralph lad-name: Sommerfeldt address: 6939 Sandcastle Dr. city: Carlsbad state: CA zip: 92009 country: USA email: rsommerfeldt@yahoo.com comments: I sometimes wonder what people use for a brain. I am talking about people like Ms. Mary Sea who seems to have a problem with the noise created by aircraft coming into or departing from Palomar Airport. Surely she knew that this was a possibility when she bought the home. The airport has been there for 41 years. I liken it to someone moving in next to a dairy and then complaing about the cows. Does she have nothing else to do but waste your time and my tax money? AGENDA ITEM #I lo? a Mayor City Council CiQ Manager ” City Attorney City Clerk User details: MozillaI4.05 [en]C-PBI-NC404 (Win95; U) /web browser ppp206-170-126-169.sndg02.pacbell.net / hostname / ip address P I 08 Feb., 2000 /A AGENDA ITEM # C: Mayor Mayor Lewis Members of the City Council ci@g Council cit.-y Mana&w C”lfy Attomey @iiy G;ierk George Bolton 6583 Black Rail Road Carlsbad, ea..92009 Re: Palomar Airport, operations and noise thereof. Ladies and Gentlemen: I am not a pilot nor do I have any vested interest in the airport . I live approximately one mile Southwest of the Palomar control tower. I have lived here for twenty five years. I have mDlaintS about the way the airport is run or it’s hours of operation. Thank you for your attention _- !lz<yor of Carlsbc;d 1200 Carlsbad Villacz Drive: Carlsbad. CA 333X3 n- I 1, -h@ .w RE: AIRCRAFT NOISE FROM MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT IN TERRAMAR SUB. Dear Mc;yor: Plcaae include my ccrncernc; in the February 8, 2000 City Council meetins when the airport issut is discussed. The quality of life has diminished in thr Tcrramc;t- Subdivision bec;;usc o,f the noise seneratcd from krct-aft ti;l:inq 9ff from McClellan-Palcmar ;;irport ,$/jFJ F$@F$fjcA $U$ii- @ijt‘ hs:jf~$!.S. $$J@ fJy@ 3 b@a@l-j c@mfifMi9j-$y thc3t pn,fgjyC oL~ts.i&:: activities. WC r;rc J community th;;t ,csnioys awn windows and doors to invite the ~23 br-eczc inside our homrs. t-towwcir since the subject airi;ot-t 11;;s been permittinq aircraft, on a reqular hourly basis., to t&c off usinr; t; flisht path that cuts our subdivision in hnlf. the aircmft noisr hzs t&en zlidc;y activities th,:t were rnioycd in atr back yards. The noise ha forced us to close ~11 windws in our homes in order to 11.stor; to TV, tall; on tile Bhi‘lnr. carry on c? conversation or tsk;! a nap durinq the daytime. I’ve been ;; Corlsbc;d rrsidcnt livins in Tzrt-Grnr;r Subdivision since the early 1.990s x At that time aircrxft took off down Palomar Airport rozd. over ('old) Paz SOUP Anderson, over the intcrscction of Coc;st Hiqhwcly and Palomar Airport road 2nd out to XL; 1.5 milrs befot-z any turninq activities. PCOPlC living; on cithcr sick of Pc;lomc;r Airport road were xtisfird with the aircrxft noise 1~~1s when aircraft utilized that fliqht 32th. In the last few yc;;rs this new take off fliqht isc;th hc;s caused me to chc;nqic my life. I've cxxw to wet-l: rvcn though I'm sick brcausz I can not rest at home durinq the day. The disruption of normal livinq activities from c;ircraft noise does not start with the first plc;nc noise at C AM or the occasional jrt noise i;t 2AM, or cvcfi the first wave of aircraft tc;l::: off:; bcqinninq at ?AM; it is the xcumulation of cwh aircraft noise event over time. Thr bsckqround noise levrl on Los Roblcs Gnd El Arbol is 3,s low that wch aircraft noise event is like a sudden scare and vrry disruativc. Aircraft naise complc;ints c;re not ile44. Ovrr the years mc;ny diffzrcnt Terramar residrnts hwc compla;ntd about the c;ircraft rwisc. Each wrson directed to a different qovcrnmrnt awncy. Ha aqency ;?vr=r tool; responsibility. Even Mr. Folk. San Dizao County PR officct-. stztcd in tho Jnnuary 20, 2000 Aircraft Noise: Workshw. that thz County owns 2nd xxtxtors the airDot but only dors whzt the FAA requires. The FAA official then said ths! FAA only rrquirrs what the county reccmmrnds to the FAA. Y , or2 doubl:; t&l; and no r;ction. ComolGints ghoned directly to the airport qo into 2 black hole. ?ou ncvcr hec;r of any roprimnnds to the pilets, but if you complain more thGn c; fctil times? you set "it" from the ;;ir%ot-t. It is no wonder the air-port reports fowcr noic;c! complaints. I realize more sircraft i3rc usins thr airport. I' vc! visited the airport a;:d WL;S shown the computrrixcd noise mofiitorinq system. and told t11c importance of the c;irpc;t-t to Carkbad business prosperity. f3ut now more Carlsbzd residents ar:! sufferincr ,ft-om this xtivity thc;n rzceivins thr bcnrfits. ! propose the aid tal:z off fliqht gc;th bz used for ev'cry c;ircraft. Mow about a diqital cc;mcrc: on the !NG&E smokr stack to record thz aircrxft that str;3\; from the recommcndcd take off fliqht pc;th? Citizens should not br rrquircd to be aircraft police. Rcauirc the c;irport to police its' own xtivitirs, ,AGENDA ITEM #-‘I,. /a “’ - c: Mi2YOii city council cii;~ Manag$er city Attorney Ctty Clerk Mr E.C. Williamson 1530 Sunrise Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008-3648 February 6,200O The Members of the Carlsbad City Council, Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Members, Palomar Airport Noise Cornhints I see in today’s San Diego Tribune, that certain people will be at the City Council meeting next Tuesday to seek restrictions and curfews on the use of our airport. The heading in the newspaper is wrong ! It states :- “ aimort noise has Zocals hot”. NO, it does not have locals hot. Locals are the people of Carlsbad who have enjoyed living here for the last twenty to thirty years. A new resident, who purchased a new home, just tW0 YGUS ago, and her friends, are attempting to curb the activities at the airport. She and her friends must have known the airport was there when they bought their homes ! Nobody strong-armed them into buying ! What are they saying now ? ” I have arrived, now you muvt curb your flying” !! The newspaper also reports that these complainers will be asking the City to help fund studies and @IJ consultants to measure noise. Just one little minute now. I feel I speak for all long time residents of Carlsbad. We certainly do not want our money being spent for the benefit of newcomers who bought homes close to the airport. If they want studies, let them pay for it themselves ! Over the last three decades, we have been watching building permits issued for areas under the approach and departure paths of the airport. As each application was presented, the Carlsbad City Council was warned that there would be complaints about airport noise if the building permits were granted surprise, surprise ! :--- What we locals have been warning about for years is coming to pass ! ! The fact is, nobody wants any neighbour to suffer or be disturbed. 2 But there is a tremendous fairness issue here. Our airport has been here for over four decades. Newcomers who have bought homes under the flight path to and from the airport, should not be allowed to start restricting it’s use. IT IS TlME THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNClL FULLY REPRESENT US LONG TIME RESIDENT%-- You should stand up to these newcomers. You should say the airport was here long before they arrived on the scene. People who fly will do all in their power to do so without disturbing neighbours. But, there are only a limited number actions that can be taken It would be totally unfair to place tough restrictions on the flying community simply because these newcomers show up and buy homes close to the airport. THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL SHOULD MAKE NO BONES ABOUT TELLING THESE NEWCOMER,% 1. You bought your home with the full knowledge of it’s proximity to the airport. 2. If you do not like the noise, -noise proof your home. 3. If there is still too much noise for you, --MOVE. +Please, Carlsbad City Council, stand behind all of us who have been here for decades. +Please do not let these newcomers put any restrictions on our flying. +Please do not allow these newcomers to force us to fly out of our way, costing us additional money for fuel to fly great distances around newcomers new homes. Thank you for supporting us against these newly arrived residents. Sincerely, E.C. Williamson, Long Time Resident. I& AGENDA ITEM # a Mayor City COUIlCil city Manager CSy Attorney City Clerk Group decries airport noise levels SANDRA HAZELTINE sr4nWHlTEn CARLSBAD - A citizens group upset about the noise lev- els from McClellan-Palomar Arport is turning to the Carls- bad City Council for help in get- ting mandatory noise abate- ment procedures enacted. Carlsbad council to hear request for abatement procedures Members of the Palomar Air- port Citizens Action Group are the city in achieving our goals here. There’s no reason anyone that airplanes were flying too scheduled to go before the with mandatory noise abate- council tonight at 6 in City ment procedures and enforce- should have to live by an air- low over the homes when arriv- merit,” said Mary Sea, one of port (where the rules are) out of control.” ing at or departing from the Council chambers, 1200 Carls- the group’s founders. “We also The group formed last year county-owned airport. The 40. badVillage Drive. want the city to help fund our after residents from surround- year-old airport operates under “We want total support from effort. They put these homes ing neighborhoods complained l GROUP, 0-4 l GROUP Continued kam El voluntary noise abatement rules and curfews, and residents say those rules need to be made mandatory. Although the county runs the airport, and the Federal Avia- tion Administration governs the airspace, group members are hoping the city will “help main- tam the quality of life in Carls- bad,” Sea wtote in a letter to the council. The group plans to ask the council to help fund inde- pendent studies to monitor noise levels, or help implement devices to measure airplane noise in the neighborhoods. Last month, county officials and FAA representatives met with residents to discuss their concerns during a public work- shop. From that meeting, the county has initiated steps to get the FAA to allow a noise moni- toring system already in place at the airport be used for en- forcement purposes. County officials are also w ing to get a new noise study done at the airport. Lastly, the county and FAA hope to get a series of roundtable discussions started with residents and air- port officials. Members of the citizens group are hopeful that eventual- ly the airport’s noise abatement and curfew rules will be made mandatory However, in the meantime they would still like to see im- mediate action taken in reduc- ing the noise levels from planes departing or arriving at the Carlsbad airport. “We need to focus on what can be done now,” Sea said. ‘“RITE IT - DON’T SAY-T! = To FILE From KAREN K. Date 2/g/2000 0 Reply Wanted ONo Reply Necessary PETITIONS RE PALOMAR AIRPORT NOISE - Item %12 - AB 15,618 The,*attached petitions were turned in to the Clerk at the City Council Meeting of 2/S/2000. Karen AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature 1 2 9 rr9357 3 go Yk58?~ 4 /ozs- Sil4-SW 5 wr%35~ im a lzk4Lk ES CL.4 A-b 930 -?A P 7 v 7 “,\~~&-c&w: (~%%#Q-rF~w+‘31&\c y--L?& Ih, gi&m~ 9 /--. IMPQRTANT !! z If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . . . Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of iife is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 6423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRIVE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATES LwQ5 1 4qI -5368 Print name %gnat&e Telephone Email LG$ Address f+vdzL Qz5-trO~ Print name yq-c?KJ~ Telephone Email Address IilPORTANT!! 2 If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . . Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work! 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 6423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRIVE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATEST &f/H-k%%- SW Print name Email Address Address AIRCRAFl: NOISl5 POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (2500 heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature AIRCRAFI’ NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement gi.2. procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL 1 I~;.ED kud- 760 --y?w~t~~- . , u . -AIRCRAFT’ NOIS-OLLUTION & FAA VIOL “TIONS PETITION f33 Here the undersigned want the memuers of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt "/ Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is beiig upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, poilution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Sipnature Y 5 .,&Y/f /E 8 lY!MpR / I!5 L/934 JL&&& /9 7/ 7r f%4h3! , P 76L’ y3?-s-+~ 764 - gq 6-J y&i- / &+h Tapp p-Q? mend/y n TC;Q- +x5 g-,2955 I , IMPORTANT !! If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . . . Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 6423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRIVE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATEST ‘-/‘;L;;cc, A- 7GbLWFL Print name ’ & Telephone Email- bat ISk,GWEA -&,;& (LB-, c4 qL009 Address Print name Signature Telephone Email Address - - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION 8z FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS Sipnature 3 SORRY I MISSED YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE ABOVE PETITION AND RETURN TO: PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP, C/O MARY SEA, 6423 MERLIN DR, (SEABRIGHT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BEFORE FEB STH. HOPE TO SEE YOU FEB STH AT 6:OO P. M. AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR NEAR PI0 PlCO. TOGETHER WE CAN HAVE A BEPIER COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN. THANK YOU. PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP. AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of Me is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS --7-3 R-L p#!L I$&+ + &. 4&f=? 2 3 SORRY I MISSED YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE ABOVE PETITION AND RETURN TO: PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP, C/O MARY SEA, 6423 MERLIN DR, (SEABRIGHT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BEFORE FEB STH. HOPE TO SEE YOU FEB STH AT 600 P. M. AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR NEAR PI0 PICO. TOGETHER WE CAN HAVE A BETTER COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN. THANK YOU. PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP. AIRCRAFT NOISL POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt ‘Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jcl curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: - 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up Y to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature , 2_17.. L-A I =iX 3 4 &38- 223 f%3 (-(--/b-m?3 4L3j7--04-k / I *- / 5 -%+/f? I.6 4 cmpq&d Ld7/B &f-Pdi/).‘M 43+6~6 I / -~ 163 SF& &Q-E/X b,y, 93/- Q $9 2 /,6cdk%w 57 43g- 25/d I- AIRCRAFT NOISF”)OLLUTION & FAA VIOL. -IONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the memoers of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt 01 Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (3W heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name Sienatute ADDRESS TEL c AIRCRAFI’ NOISE_POLLUTION & FAA VIOL&TIONS PETITION ,’ Here the undersigned want the me srs of the Carlsbad City Council (May hwis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to I. the large number of aircraft from PaIomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA night standards for safety in general NAME ant nam ADDRESS TEL s’.w43/s7 9j/ - 944z -m-5338 YxKkrvo q3/4 ~73-7 Aelz1” & c. 6 . . 6 VMGIAWJ FR~H 602 Oceaovreti /ILL , 7 2d 3 J&+ ~2&a=&?a2. F’g/- tiT6 2, I / EASY fL 4 74 -tro73 AIRCRAFT NOISE’ POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from PaIomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS Signature TEL 2 /&g-F? SaRENJkA/ cd-d Z-- k?/‘E ND kY J=L. W3b-7476 . . I c 3 b-1 aiw &-rd~ S~A!L6sy ST. 43l*2 777 &34 cay sG4&@i5zc~ 80$- -0sstcf 5 gc%) c ~lA~pr-3 ~53w~ry 37, c9fq&?4/ 54 74 &86/2C gj$g.&/.P& .63 255 lL5-0 9/B 4843 AIRCRAFT NOIStr’OLLUTION & FAA VIOL CIONS PETITION 01 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt 1 ‘Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (2.50” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the vohmtary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and notleft up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL sinnature ZT kk 2 Q lJ)ieshqv 66 I/ by J-r L/383738 AIRCRAFT NOIS&‘OLLUTION & FAA VIOLh LIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt ‘Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. 3 Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name Signature ADDRESS TEL 7z-@ - &p -c>//,9, 4 5 6 7 8 9 - AIRCRAFT NOISL 30LLUTION & FAA VIOLA I-IONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt ‘Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts _ to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and _._ FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL /ji3c93d, +w? -y&?l 02iO8/00 SUN 17:21 FAX 7604781096 YL @IJo - AlRCRAFTNOI[SEPOLLUTION&FAAVIOLATI[ONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of rbe C&bad City Council (Maya Lewis, Mayor Pro Tam Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann K&hid and Romona Fanilla) to help PB with fhe following issues: Onr Quality of lifk is beii npaet dne to 1. the large number of aircraft from P&mar Airport ignoring the cm voluntary noise aba.Cementprocedures. (2soohaadingfor~~,bestrateofcfimb...AIso,niOhttime jctcuhw lW.M.-7A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following rhe FAA flight standards. 3, ‘0ther health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We waut the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protwt its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude aad flight standards, in the foIIowing ways: I. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Ab&xnent procedures do not work. 2. A system of er&cing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the carrot system clearly does not work 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general, ADDRESS 3 SORRY I MISSED YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE A3OV-E PEfirrON AND RETURN TO: PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP, Cf0 MARY SEA, 6423 MERLIN DR, (SEABRIGklT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BEFORE FEI3 Sm. HOPE TO SE YOU FEB SRi AT 600 P. M. AT CITY HALL COUNCL CliAMEiERS, 1200 CARL!BAD VILIAGE DR NEAR PI0 PICO. TOGETHER WE! CAN HAVEA BEITEiRCOMMUNITY TOLlVEIN. THANKYOU. PAulMAR AIRP0RT CI37TZNS ACTION GROUP. ,__,,, . . ____.,,__, ,. .__, ,,,. ,, .,,. ,,,, ..,,,.. ,, ,, ,,, . . AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Q z Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. SoIutions we 81~ seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name Sipnature 1 stJ@sq ADDRESS Ku.3 h(\LTD 3 (2jwwJ CA ?mG _ SORRY I MISSED YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE ABOVE PETITION AND RETURN’ TO: PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP, C/O MARY SEA, 6423 MERLIN DR, (SEABRIGHT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BEFORE FEB STH. HOPE TO SEE YOU FEB sTH AT 600 P. M. AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR NEAR PI0 PXCO. TOGETHER WE CAN HAVE A BETTER COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN. THANK YOU. PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP. - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, AM Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS SiPnature 1 ,%\nn F\cyM;w 53wf W IA., 6!d. , &ZLS~UQ SORRY I MISSED YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE ABOVE PETITION AND RETURN TO: PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP, C/O MARY SEA, 6423 MERLIN DR, (SEABRIGHT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BEFORE FEB 8TH. HOPE TO SEE YOU FEB 8TH AT 6:00 P. M. AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR NEAR PI0 PICO. TOGEIHER WE CAN HAVE A BEITER COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN. THANK YOU. PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACI’ION GROUP. c- - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION a 2 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, AM Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We u-ant the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS SiPnature 1 k. I (Am &&&(“,[, .:.- c;(c’,.\ b 1 ,J _. 1% i(‘1 <.\\ \ kL p( ,, c “<\ ,, ( c-*yfj\ 13) ’ *. \ c+ ,‘ yt- C’.. \c tt t JL3 &J\ St 2 tib\p.jI.;-cL[g-’ c ( ‘&L&)\L.i ( <_ -7 -c- L-4 L I. t L.-(-P,__ _ I!![- 7 \j! f ;\,&ggJ) :’ ‘,” 9 / ,; /; ,‘ . _, ,/ ,; , i.- , ,.’ . 3 SORRY I MISSED YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE ABOVE PETITION AND RETURN TO: PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP, C/O MARY SEA, 6423 MERLIN DR, (SEABRIGHT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BEFORE FEB 8TH. HOPE TO SEE YOU FEB sTH AT 690 P. M. AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR NEAR PI0 PICO. TOGETHER WE CAN HAVE A BETTER COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN. THANK YOU. PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP. IilPORTANT-!! G- If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . . Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 8423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRIVE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATEST (-J&m k/, M4.Lm?AK bwJ[*‘ti W+-ci3B-t+~ Print name Signature Telephone Email Address -t REbI tyuMl&RIQUC Q* Telfihone yb -+3h!v~J N#Jl.Jq ‘ItlrnM~~racr Print name Email Address IilPORTANT-i! If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . . . Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 6423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRIVE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATEST Ap.&P\NS Print name / J;‘m & %?z$-I~~/~~~ Email /b 7-N -j-&/I 7--k? St. Address ,qdri u&i, ,’ mz2&*9 &w-/6 cz: Print nam$ Signature// Telephone Email &y! -l-&q -&pp /s-t, Address I - IilPORTANT-!! If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . . . Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 6423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRIVE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATEST 760 -VGO~O Telephone bS71 ICDRf~~ Da-, ci4+~6++9p 530~34 Address [awl ~~-~mmO .5mc Signature Telephone Email Address AIRCRWI’ NOISE PDLLUTION Bt FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the tZadsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Ro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygord, Ann K&tin and Ronona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: W quaI& of We is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircWt from PaIomar Aizpofi ignoring the current voluntary noise ab&med pxwedl.uw. (2517 he&in8 for w&e cff, bt ntc of climb. , Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not fotlowing the FAA flight Standards. 3. 0th~ health, aad safety issues he to airport noise, pollution, and fight activity. Solutiontt m are acckiug: We want the city, who approved homes near tbe airpork to support and fund ef5xts to protect its citizens against the noncompli~ of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntq Noise Abatement pro&wee do not work, 2. A system of er&cing the FM altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is fitnctionsl and not left up to citizens b police - the current system clearly does not Work. 3. A system of enforcing the FM fiigbt standards for safety in general. NAME s -= ADDRESS SORRY I[ MISSm YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE ABOVE PEXITION AND REXURN TO PALOMAR AIRPORT CXTZENS ACTION GROUP, CIO MARY SEA, 6423 Ii+lERLIN DR, WWHUGHT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BDW FEEJ tJTH. HOPE To SEE YOU FEB 8TH AT 6:OO P. M. AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1200 CARtS8AD VILLAGE DR NEAR PI0 PKO. TOGETHER WE CAN WAVE A BEITER COM.MUNITY TO LIVE IN. THANK YOU. PALOMAR AIRPORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP. AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL 2 t3ww ~~, n * qy& L4 Cl,-CPc &dsh~cr >hQ- /qLr. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 h - ._ \ 2/ AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLAfIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . , Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Si Pnature 6q2_3 fkrhfi b $ao 4 663-S 330 lb Msur3 alad qzaocl h.31 01172 l&3\ p)edllf-j lx- cT2mq B)J q3w3 - c4 AIRCRAET NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME printname ADDRESS TEL %fd? ,4/ 6 Lx -0 222 I/ f3/ /f/s 7 ‘I 8 12 . , A AIRCRAFI’ NOISb POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION 0 \4 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1, Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print nam ADDRESS TEL . maturee 1 0~-4~ OM1XI a 43J-OL41/ AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of lif’e is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up +. ’ 3. to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS 8 7 AIRCRAFT NOISE, POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” Feading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature 2 L M2c$3RRp & cIid& c749773~26 6 ‘%c#, b&kou 67 4 ‘ic T&A Tree 3. CA”- ad ICOY- 0245 8 13 - - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION 6 Here the undersigned wati the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is beiig upset due to 1. the 1~ number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and ff ight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Si snature A /” AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Q ’ Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of We is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Sipnature 2 7& 7B=+&z 5 oermkl 5. i&es 6708 ‘5&-e.&+ &bbad, CA (769 so+- 1652 9 11 -. AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the eurrent voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. , . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature 9 l#c4%@ 10 Wcbb$~ 11 \I\\ wmd SDJ 4 9, g&<X 12 ~~\-~OK AIRCRAFI’ NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Sipnature AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL -. - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, AM Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures.‘(250“ heading for take off, best rate of climb. , . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME mint name ADDRESS 12 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Q Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (2500 heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME rint name ‘&nature ADDRESS TEL 6 8 .i ‘i ! 12 “1 ! ., : .*l ;‘; AIRCRAFTNOIS~i'OLLUTION&FAAVIO~TIONSPETITION D Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. , . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL 1 -; i : 1 1 1 :i ,: / 6 93 Q “s-57 7 12 AIRCRAETNOI~~POLLUTION&FAAVIOL?TIONSPETITION 9 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL AIRCRAFT NOISi-i’OLLUTION & FAA VIOLi%ONS PETITION /-z- Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of We is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. . NAME print name ADDRESS TEL &nature I- AIRCRAFT NOIS,. POLLUTION & FAA VIOL:TIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature QC)?” F&9 Q. I+-: J- cl b?%S GA -c-iv 5+ 5 ac R he\. \In i&d df rvl n Cav\sbad cfl 92009 L jg.l $R-- cr -760 gw 3E;Q 6 &vff~~ @. 6 7/5 & ?sa -Y~/-Vr~ 8 &\lb L , L-P- eLs ? ARC& NOISGboLLUTION & FAA VIOi-hONS PEiTITION Here the undersigned‘want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayo; Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is beiig upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curiew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Sinaatrrre 2 LL&2i4 ‘?ig 76%’ AIRCRAFI’ NOI& POLLUTION & FAA VIOLi IIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. rcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. -m-Gi’3/495- . ,i .? 12 ii 2j , : ,:I AIRCRAFTNOISEPOLLUTlON&FAAVIOLATTONSPETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our qudhy of life is being upset due to 1, rhe large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring t.hc current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (2.50 hcadinp for take off, best rate of climb. , . Also, night time jet cwfw 1OP.M - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and snfe’ty issue.s due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Sdutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts KI prote.cr its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA Rltitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1, Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatemetlt procedures do not work 2. A system of enforcing the FAA alt.itude. standards for low flying aircraft that is fuuctional and not le,ft up to citizens to police - the. current system clearly does not work. 3 A system of erlforcing the FA4 flight standards for safety in general. NAME -me ADDRESS TEL unature AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring t.hc current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (2W heading for take off, kst rate of chmb. . . Also, night time jet curfc\l~ 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards, 3. Other health, and safety issue.s due t.o &port noise, pollution. and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against. the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens t-police - the. current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of e.nforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME -me ADDRESS TEL 10 77 f6-&-po, CR75) .’ 11 758- - ymi I .i -Jf”7 SaP , AIRCRAFT NOISFDOLLUTION & FAA VIOL-TONS PETITION Here‘ the undersigned want the memoers of the C&bad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt I .> Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life Is being upset due to 1. the large number of Aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring t.hc current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (%!Y heding for take off, best rate of chmb. . . Ah, night time jet cwfw 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not. following the FAA flight standards, 3. Other health, and safety issws due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we ape eeeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to prote.ct its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntxy noise abatement. procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the foIlowing ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work, 2. A system of enforcing the FAA alt.itude standards for low flying aircraft that is fuuctional and not ie,ft up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME -me ADDRESS TEL / -’ Sjnnature , 6 /Pw- 7m fit- *Pw /crorrCcor W-f??/- vc;l?f I . . . (7 /7%/-&j ‘I- 10 s%rn MUW 1727 L~L f &.. ,Sar Mues I C-760,) zvv-/32& AIRCRAFI’ NOISr”)OLLUTION & FAA VIOL “IONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of Ufe b being upset due to 1, t.he large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ign,oring t.hc current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (WY headings for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet CUITCH’ 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not. following the FAA flight standards, 3. Other he.alth, and safety issue,s due to nirport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we BIY eeeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntiry noise abatement. procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise AbatemerIt procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is fuuctional and not le,ft up to citizens to police - the. current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME &m~a Si nnatu: ADDRESS TEL _. zsc)\ S-cbq-~ sss’, 2-L 7'T--r)+iY -; :' > 8 seq&k IL8cs- -I a9 =lya\, ::. j 10 1464 S ?-&a i-i/lrtlP ?)c- 7LfPw3p C~&pdO'5*0 - -ur AIRCRAFT NOISAPOLLUTION & FAA VIOL-UONS PETITION 9 Here the undersigned want the memDers of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt ’ Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life ia being upset due to 1, the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (2.SV heading fnr take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet CUI~CH. 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2.. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight. standards, 3. Other health, and safety issue.s due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to prote.ct its citizens against. the noncompliance of aircraft to the voIuntllry noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways; 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement. procedures do not work. 2, A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to cit.izens to police - the. current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the P&4 flight standards for safety in general. NAME at.name 9 ‘76~ 734 -2.$G* 10 T I 11 I 12 , ‘: ’ - AIRCRAFT NOISE’POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250“ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name 3 w 1 WtiQlJd ADDRESS TEL /(/c/9 -7zz~iAcI;s/c r,QlfpJQ) v 8 I x.3 L 1‘ Y AIRCRAFT NOISE kWTION & FAA VIOLA :IONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ’ ADDRESS TEL Signature AIRCRAFI’ NOISE I dLLUTION & FAA VIOLA I IONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt d Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of We is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA .flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ’ ADDRESS TEL Signature %b -l-\d.P ( 6&t-- 7 t AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION cp Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. 2. 3. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name 1 ADDRESS TEL oT &pGi??~ ‘-?&IL ? kkQ- 3 ;-iJ\ y , \S?L, vud-‘-~ -Dr- v--f! -68 ci6 \) 0 fl@QyYk /J-L&~ /126P/)bW5 f) 740 y 7&dKvy- 4&z&w- 6 M’c~,, / r,+&, I( &WA &,jL,~Q L$. 93 I- /o?$+J 7 8 9 11 Ic4 - AIRCkWI’ NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. S&&ions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efllorts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name $i Fature lfl t?~*3w Cd hi,*4 ADDRESS TEL ~5%-2 /%&fiee he’ 5?3/ -/07r: - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION ” Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (29 heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NW ADDRESS TEL sinnaaur,- rt5)-2%7 AIRCRAFT’ NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION / 0 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250“ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature CH 6608 O@QW (/QCJ Dv-c~/e 433 -GcKi+ b6os’ c3cectl J,d @-,uze 438 - a&z-y 7lkkQ-J /34+- 5 pd&TJcj b’&k+‘~ 65/r Fiietwq P&e + fP3;3& 11 12 c4 - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hali, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS Si pnature TEL 9 12 AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION \ L, Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt ’ c/ Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we am seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL $&nature 1 uTlf a&: )vkflrid 2287 +=W#&- &&frl.c~~~ 93/-64&y AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt iI???/) Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of ehforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS 02289 BRl//jv t Dr- b?bd $?zty og 3&&693 / 6 7 11 12 F - /’ ,’ AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION cl J3 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quulity of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL 76 0 4432) -6% -Jbo 2-uK- -B’+v+,\,T- -!I 9 c@QLcJw\ 4-%&75&& #3/- 0 s- J-T3 A L4. AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION / Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Ma Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following ‘?’ P 4 issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: ./ 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature z 033 &lJCJGycc 1/ , -c lfa c yh-?/s-?3/G - AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION 9 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern M s \ Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Sipnature f AIRCRAFI’ NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Q Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature 8 9 12 - AIRCRAFT’ NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION / Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Si Pnature 3 4 5 6 7 AIRCRAFT NOIS;POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Rcmona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250~ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport to fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME mint name Sipnature ADDRESS TEL - - AIRCRAFT NO&-POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION 3 Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature /&r- p/w57w- Kl’, //A- 930 -o/94 / o/r -5&W-7%5 AD 7h- $34 -O/S/ 6 8 9 r” A AIRCRAFT NOISb POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (25&F’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name Signature ADDRESS TEL 6M x?oy-- 06 23 ]&-J-4 IS-mj-- 460 - 4 IB- t, 3sG Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt 7 AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. , . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2, the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature 1 *J&W &E-Q~~J ~~dG,.x~ h)e. & C/Lb w-c~~c, /m-L .y-i-i-yMJ~*lrc Q cd %?I- 8330 / 3 sun6-ok ~0 603 -BSI4 L&J PM1 4/g?-7n5- 41Prm3"i 10 11 12 A AIRCRAFT NOISE: POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250~ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. ..y : 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. 4 Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport to fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS Sipnature /o/9 &!5szzd& ,~~~W TEL @La lw-oC~4 (7bOo) %!F 4224. (7 , Lo) CtiK-i)@Lj r9IRCRAFI’ NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION 1 2/ Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement \ procedures. (250’ heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 1OP.M. - 7 A.M.) 0,’ 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we NIX? seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature - - -7 AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION & FAA VIOLATIONS PETITION ’ Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, AM Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. NAME print name ADDRESS TEL Signature 11 12 ilPORTANT-!! If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . . Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 6423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRIVE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATEST /&-&~\Als Print name / “m & %i$in/!cZ Email c.G 744 rp/i Tiw a-. Address lf?t i-k/ Print nam$ .&yl-/& C2: Telephone Email b79! Address -c&l --Lp P. a-: Ii’lPORTANT-!! Z- 0 If you are troubled by AIRCRAFT NOISE AND LOW FLYING PLANES . . , Please take a moment to read this letter and SIGN THIS PETITION. There is an important meeting to put on your calendar AND ATTEND: TUESDAY FEB. 8TH 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. at city hall in the council chambers. This meeting starts at 6:00 p. m. It is important that everyone be there. Overflow parking at GRG Management on Pio Pica. Also, a petition is coming around. The following is what is stated on the petition and a brief summary of the problem. This is a flier from the Palomar airport citizens action group. For more information call 603 - 8330. Ask for Mary. Here the undersigned want the members of the Carlsbad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and council members Julie Nygard, Ann Kulchin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: Our quality of life is being upset due to: 1. The large number of aircraft from Palomar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (250” heading for take off, best rate of climb. . . Also, night time jet curfew 10P.M. - 7 A.M.) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under 1000 feet - not following the FAA flight standards. 3. Other health, and safety issues due to airport noise, pollution, and flight activity. Solutions we are seeking: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: SOLUTIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens against the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight standards, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures do not work. 2. A system of enforcing the FAA altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the current system clearly does not work. 3. A system of enforcing the FAA flight standards for safety in general. **If you would like to support these efforts, please fill in the information below and deliver or mail to closer location: Mary Sea at 6423 Merlin Drive, 92009 or Alan Shafran at 6723 Blue Point Drive, 92009 MUST ARRNE BY FEBRUARY 7 LATEST WOY G-Ll~@l Print name 7&u -WO~O Telephone id571 &3w6+ Da., C.AFXS~~-~CA- 920~9 Address Signature Telephone Email Address AIRCRAFT NOISE POLLUTION Bt FAA VIOLJU’U~NS r\. F!ETITION Here the undersigned want the members of the Carl&ad City Council (Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, and counciJ mcmbcn Julie Nygacd, Ann Kukhin and Romona Fanilla) to help us with the following issues: 0~ qanlttg of We is being upset due to 1. the large number of aircraft from Palbmar Airport ignoring the current voluntary noise abatement procedures. (2X7’ heading Tar &kc aff, beat NC of climb. . Also, nighi time jet mufew 1OP.M. .7 AM) 2. the low flying aircraft - flying under loo0 feet - not following the FAA flight Standarde. 3. 0th health, ad a&y issues due to airport noise, pollulion, and flight activity. SuIuh we am s&fug: We want the city, who approved homes near the airport, to support and fund efforts to protect its citizens ag$nst the noncompliance of aircraft to the voluntary noise abatement procedures and FAA altitude and flight stan&rds, in the following ways: 1. Mandatory Noise Abatement procedures - since the Voluntary Noise Abatement pmcedwes do not work, 2. A system of enforcing the FM altitude standards for low flying aircraft that is functional and not left up to citizens to police - the curnnt system clearly does not WC&. 3. A ~ptetn of enforcing the FM flight standards for safety in generaI. NAME w ADDRESS - SORRY I MISSED YOU. PLEASE SIGN THE ABOVE PEXITION AND RETURN TO: PALOMARAW’ORT CITIZENS ACTION GROUP, 00 MARY SEA, 6423 MERL,XN DR, (SEABlUGHT), CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ASAP BEFORE FEB STH. HOPE TO SEE YOU FEB 8TH AT 630 P, M. AT CITY HALL COUNCIL fXAMBERS, 1200 CXUSBAD VILLAGE DR NkW PI0 PfCO. TOG- WE CAN HAVE A BETTER COMMUNITY ‘l-0 L,tVE IN. THANK YOU+ PALLWAR AIRPORT CITlZENS ACRON GROUP.