HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-15; City Council; 15627 Attachment A; Request Proposal Document Management System* ATTACHMENT "A" City of Carlsbad REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL May 24,1999 RFP NO. 8 PROPOSALS DUE: JULY 6,1999 4:00 PM FOR: A DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The City of Carlsbad is requesting proposals for a document management system per the specifications and conditions below and attached. Questions concerning this proposal, or the City’s request for proposal process in general, must be submitted per this proposal’s requirements (see paragraph 1.6). A mandatory pre-proposal vendor’s conference will be held. A reminder: proposals submitted a manner not in accordance with the specifications in the request for proposal, may be rejected. The-Representation and Certification page must be completed and returned with this quotation. The City of Carlsbad encourages the ‘ participation of minority- and woman-owned businesses. /’ KEVIN DAVIS Buyer ;“I ZlzJ- p”R;;;z DATE: - JULY 6.1999 Attachment PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSALNO. 8 TO: CITY OF CARLSBAD PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive l Carlsbad, CA 92008-l 989 l (760) 434-2803 - FAX (760) 434-l 987 @ CITY OF CARLSBAD Purchasing Department 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carl&ad CA 92009 REPRESENTATION AND CERTIFICATION The following representation and certification should be completed, signed and returned to Cii of Cadsbad. REPRESENTATIONS: Mark all applicable blanks. Thai offeror represents as pad of this offer that the ownership, operation and control of the business, in accordance with the specific definitions liedbelow is: Caucasian Black Hispanic Asian-Pacific I I Native-American Asian-Indian DEFINITIONS: MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE: ‘Minority Business’ is defined as a business, at least 51 percent of which is owned, operated and controlled by minority group members, or in the case of publicly owned businesses, at least 51 percent of which is owned, operated and controlled by minority group members. The Small Business Administration defines the socially and economically disadvantaged (minorities) as Black American, Hispanic American, Native Americans (i.e. American Indian, Eskimos, Aleuts and Native Hawaiians), and Asian-Pacific Americans (i.e., U.S. Citizens whose origins are from Japan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, Samoa, Guam, the US. Trust Territories of the Pacific, Northern Mananas, Laos, Cambodia and Taiwan). Are you currently certified by CALTRANS? YES NO- certilicatii# CERTIFICATION OF BUSINESS REPRESENTATION(S): Mark all applicable blanks. This offeror represents as a part of this offer that: Thii firm is_, is not,, a minority business. Thii firm is- is not- a woman-owned business. WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS: A woman-owned business is a business of which at least 51 percent is owned, controlled and operated by a woman or women. Controlled is defined as exercising the power to make policy decisions. Operation is defined as actually involved in the day-today management. FIRM’S PRIMARY PRODUCTS OR SERVICE: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: CLASSIFICATION(S): LICENSE NUMBER: TAXPAYERS I.D. NO. CERTIFICATION: The information furnished is certified to be factual and correct as of the date submitted. COMPANY NAME PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TITLE CITY, STATE AND ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE DATE 1195 The City of Carlsbad Document Management System Request for Proposal May 24,1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. BACKGROUND AND GENERAL INFORMATION . ..U..............................”...”..~..-........“- .. 1 1.1. GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................. 1 1.2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3. I@F’ SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................ 2 1.4. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION INFORMA~ON ........................................................................................... .2 1.4.1. Proposal Format .................................................................................................................... .2 1.4.2. Supplemental information ....................................................................................................... 3 1.4.3. Number of Proposals.. ............................................................................................................ .3 1.4.4. Master Proposal ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.4.5. Complete Proposals ................................................................................................................. 3 1.4.6. Alternate Proposals ................................................................................................................. 3 1.4.7. Retention of eoposals ........................................................................................................... .4 1.5. VENDOR COMMLJNICATIONS ................... . ........................................................................................ 4 1.6. SUBMITTING QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................. 4 1.7. VENWRS’ CONFERENCE ................................................................................................................. .4 1.8. ORAL PRESENTATIONS AND DEMONSTRATIONS.. ............................................................................ .5 1.9. SITE VISITS ...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.10. EVALUATION CURIA ................................................................................................................ 5 1.10.1. Technical Solution.. ............................................................................................................ .5 1.10.2. Project Management .......................................................................................................... .6 1.10.3. Cost ..................................................................................................................................... .6 1.10;4. Refeences & Site Visit.. ..................................................................................................... .6 1.10s. Financial Qualifications ..................................................................................................... .7 1.11. NOTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 7 1.12. INCORPORATION OF RFP AND PROPOSAL ..................................................................................... 7 1.13. PERFORMANCE BOND.. ................................................................................................................ .7 1.14. INSURANCE .................................................................................................................................. 8 2. SCOPE OF WORK ............. ..“..........“..-..“........“” ...................................................................... 8 2.1. BACKGROUND, GOALS & OBJF~IWS.. .......................................................................................... .8 2.2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.1. Phased Implementation .......................................................................................................... .9 2.2.2. Users & Support Stafi.. ........................................................................................................ .I1 2.2.3. Conversion Preparation and Volumes ................................................................................. .I1 2.2.4. Conversion Indexing Requirements - City Clerk.. ................................................................ I2 2.2.5. Conversion Indexing Requirements - Maps and Drawings ................................................. .I3 2.2.6. Indexing New Documents - City Clerk ................................................................................ .14 2.2.7. Indexing New Documents - Drawings and Maps ................................................................ .14 2.2.8. Estimated Volume of New Workfor Phases 1 & 2.. ............................................................. .14 2.2.9. Retrieval Volume ................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.10. Hardware and Software.. ................................................................................................. .I5 2.3. SYSTEM FLJNCTIONALIT~ DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 17 2.4. MANDATORY REqrnmENTs ........................................................................................................ 21 2.4.1. Compliance Matrix ............................................................................................................... .21 2.4.2. Manage both Images and Electronic Documents.. ............................................................... .21 2.4.3. Capturing .............................................................................................................................. 21 2.4.4. Scanning Requirements.. ...................................................................................................... .22 2.4.5. Indexing Requirements.. ....................................................................................................... .22 2.4.6. Retrieval Requirements ......................................................................................................... 23 2.4.7. Navigation ............................................................................................................................. 23 2.4.8. Workflow Requirements.. ...................................................................................................... .24 2.4.9. User help ............................................................................................................................... 24 2.4.10. Public Access Requirements ............................................................................................. .24 2.4.Il. Database ............................................................................................................................ 25 2.4.12. Reporting ........................................................................................................................... 26 2.4.13. Fax.. .................................................................................................................................. :26 2.4.14. system Admin&ation ...................................................................................................... .26 2.4.15. Storage .............................................................................................................................. 27 2.4.16. Architecture ....................................................................................................................... 27 2.5. TRAINING ....................................................................................................................................... 28 2.6. D~C!UMENTATION .......................................................................................................................... 29 2.7: I-IARDWAREANDSOFIWARJZ h4NNTENANcJz.. .............................................................................. .30 2.8. CONVER~IONSERVKES .................................................................................................................. 30 3. PROJECT PLAN .“............“.~....“........“-”....”””””””..”“...............”...“...........“.................” ..... 31 3.1. INTRODUC~~N ............................................................................................................................... 31 3.2. PROJEcTPLAN ............................................................................................................................... 31 3.2.1. Project Plan and Personnel ................................................................................................. .31 3.2.2. Vendor Validation of Pmcesses ........................................................................................... .31 3.2.3. Site Preparation Documents.. ............................................................................................... .3 I 3.2.4. Final Configuration.. ............................................................................................................ .3 I 3.2.5. User Inte$ace/Prototype Demonstration .............................................................................. 31 3.2.6. User Testing.. ........................................................................................................................ 31 3.2.7. System Components.. ............................................................................................................ .32 3.2.8. Acceptance Test and Installation.. ........................................................................................ .32 3.3. PROJECT STATUS MEETINGS ........................................................................................................ ..3 2 4. PRICING ....... ..“..-“.“.....“.“..-.......-.““.................” .................................................................... 32 4.1. INTRODLJ~TI~N ............................................................................................................................... 32 4.2. IMPLEM~A~ON .......................................................................................................................... 32 4.3. SOFTWAREPRICRJG ....................................................................................................................... 32 4.3.1. System Sofiware ..................................................................................................................... 33 4.4. TRAMING ....................................................................................................................................... 33 4.5. DocuMENTAn0N .......................................................................................................................... 33 4.6. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................... 33 4.6.1. Vendor’s Sofiware ................................................................................................................. .33 4.7. TECHNICALSUPPORT ..................................................................................................................... 33 4.8. OTHERCOSTS ................................................................................................................................ 33 4.9. PRICINGTABLES ............................................................................................................................ 34 5. TERMS & CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 35 APPENDIX A W...............“““““................................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“......................................................................................................... 38 APPENDIX C . . . . . . . ..“.“““.................................................................................~....................~..................... 39 The Cltv of Carl&ad Document Manaaement RFP . 1. Backgmund and General information 1.1. General Information The City of Carlsbad is issuing this request for proposal (RFP) for the purchase and imple- mentation of a document management system @MS) system. The City of Carlsbad, California, is located 35 miles north of the City of San Diego on the southern California coast. The City serves an area of approximately 47 square miles and has a population of over 73,000. Industries in the area include a major regional shopping center, 22 auto dealers, 24 hotels, several businesses, light industry parks, as well as numerous land de- velopers building single and multitamily housing in a variety of community settings. It is an- ticipated that build-out will occur in 25 - 30 years with an ultimate population of approxi- mately 120,000. The City incorporated in 1952, and has a Council/Manager form of government. The City Council consists of a Mayor and four Council Members. The combined operating budget for the City is in excess of $82.6 million with a capital budget of approximately $67.2 million. The City cmrently has approximately 500 full time employees, spread over 30 locations throughout the City. In the third quarter of 1999, several departments will move to a new building called Faraday. The City Clerk, City Attorney, City Manager and Council will re- main at City Hall. 1.2. Introduction The City of Carlsbad contracted with @dot, an independent consulting firm specializing in document management technology, to perform a feasibility study for document imag- ing/management throughout the City. The study was conducted during September and Octo- ber 1998, in conjunction with the City’s Project Team comprised of representatives from most departments. @dot conducted a parallel records management requirements study that included a file in- ventory in all departments. Background and General Information Page 1 of42 The C&v of Carlsbad 1.3. RFP Schedule Document Yanaaement RFP The following is a list of the activities relevant to the RFP process. The City of Carlsbad re- serves the right to change these dates and will notify vendors if this occurs. 1.4. at 4:00 p.m. Proposals must be sealed and returned in an en- may be shipped separately but should be received prior to the proposal opening date and time. Proposals should be submitted: Due Date: July 6, 1999 Time: 4:oo pm. Place: Purchasing Department The City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 No proposals will be accepted after the due date and time. Failure to follow all proposal preparation instructions may be cause to consider your proposal non-responsive. All proposals must be submitted in writing. No telegraphic, faxed, e-mailed, or telephone of- fers will be accepted. The City of Carlsbad is not responsible for any costs incurred by the vendor in the preparation of the proposal, the site visit, or any pre-contract work. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. If this RFP is amended, the amendment will be sent to each vendor in writing. No oral amendments will be considered or acknowledged. Vendors are required to acknowledge re- ceipt of each amendment in their proposal cover letter. 1.4.1. Proposal Format Vendors are requested to follow the proposal format provided in the RFP. This format pro- vides a section layout for the proposal and also provides a layout for the pricing section. Ven- Background and General Information Page2of42 The Citv of Carisbad h4ment Management RFP dors are required to provide a Letter of Transrm ‘ttal with proposals signed by a corporate offi- cer. Vendors are welcome to copy and paste sections of this document to facilitate the creation of their responses. In particular, the point-by-point responses or the pricing spreadsheets may be useful as a basis for response information. Volume 1 - Technical Proposal section 1 General Information Section 2 System Description & Response to Section 2.3 Section 3 Compliance Matrix - Section 4 Training Plan Section 5 Project Plan Section 6 Pricing Section 7 Terms and Conditions 1.4.2. Supplemental Information Vendors who provide supplemental information such as CD-ROM demonstrations, manuals, financial reports, brochures, or other supporting documentation may submit that information with their proposal. Supplemental information must be separately bound and marked as an appendix to the vendor’s proposal. Appendices shall be marked as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. References to supplemental material must identity the appendix letter and specific page, if needed. 1.4.3. Number of Proposals Vendors shall provide 10 copies of each volume. Each volume must be clearly marked. 1.4.4. Master Proposal One copy of the proposal shall be marked “Original Copy” and shall contain an original sig- nature on the cover letter. 1.45 Complete Proposals Vendors submitting proposals must submit complete proposals that respond to all require- ments within this RPP. Vendors may not selectively address selected requirements and submit a partial proposal. Since this project involves both backtile conversion and new system acqui- sition, it is imperative for vendors to include complete proposals. 1.4.6. Alternate Proposals The City of Carlsbad is relying on the vendor’s expertise to ensure that all functional require- ments are met. If the hardware, software or other specific requirements described in this RPP would not meet the functional requirements, then the vendor must submit a clearly marked Alternate Proposal meeting those functional requirements and identifying deviations from the specific requirements of the RPP. To facilitate the evaluation of competing proposals, all pro- posals must identity each way in which the proposal deviates from the requirements stated in this RPP. Vendors are required to present each set of options or approaches in a separate pro- posal and to clearly identify those proposals that are Alternate Proposals. Vendors may sub- mit more than one alternate proposal. Background and General Information Page 3 of 42 The Citv of Carlsbad ? ument Ma-t RFP 1.4.7. Retention of Proposals All proposals submitted become the property of the City of Carlsbad and therefore will be in the public domain. The City of Carlsbad will maintain one copy of each proposal submitted for a period of three years. 1.5. Vendor Communications After the RPP issue date and thereafter, all co mmunications between vendors and the City of Carlsbad must be in writing. No oral co mmunication, questions, notices, or clarifications will be accepted or acknowledged. Communications must be directed through: Purchasing 0ff1ccr City of Carlsbad 1200 Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 1.6. Submlttlng Questions Questions should be submitted in writing or by fax by June 7,1999. No telephone questions or answers will be allowed. Vendors should refer to the specific RFP paragraph number and page and should quote the passage being questioned. At the vendors conference, City representatives will respond to submitted questions as well as attendees’ questions. A summary of questions and answers will be sent to all attendees after the vendors conference. Questions should be formatted as follows: RFP Paragraph: 1.1.5 Please provide additional information about. . . (Quote paragraph or sentence in question) Questions should be directed to: Purchasing OfflCcr City of Carlsbad 1200 Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fax 760 - 434-1987 1.7. Vendors’ Conference The City of Carlsbad will hold a mandatory vendors conference. The purpose of the confer- ence is to allow the City of Carlsbad project manager to discuss the RFP and to allow each vendor to ask questions. The following rules apply: 1. Attendance is mandatory. Vendors not represented will not be able to submit a proposal. 2. Written questions submitted prior to the conference will be answered and a hard copy provided. See RFP Schedule for dates. 3. Oral questions will be answered as time permits. 4. Oral questions not answered will be noted and written responses provided. Background and General Information Page 4 of 42 The Cltv of Carlsbad The conference will be held at: Ihcument Manaaement RFP City Council chambers City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 1.8. Oral Presentations and Demonstrations Short listed vendors will be required to make an oral presentation of their proposal and dem- onstrate their proposed system solution. This presentation will be made to the evaluation staff responsible for making recommendations for contract award. This opportunity will allow se- lected vendors to further define and demonstrate the primary features and benefits of their proposed system, to allow clarification of weak areas in their proposals, and to permit ques- tions from the evaluation staff. Oral presentations are mandatory if requested. The City’s project team will specify the presentation and demonstration format which will be given to short-listed vendors two weeks prior to the presentation date. 1.9. Site Vislts As part of the evaluation process, the City of Carlsbad may request visits to customers with similar applications. Customer Bites must be within the United States, preferably in Southern California. 1.10. Evaluation Criteria The City of Carlsbad intends to evaluate complete solutions to the stated requirements. In- complete solutions will be considered non-responsive and will not receive further considera- tion. The City will evaluate proposals using a number of factors described below. Proposals that are late, that do not comply with proposal instructions, or those take exceptions to mandatory requirements will be eliminated without further consideration. Proposals that meet the pro- posal instructions will be given a thorough and objective review, based on the following gen- eral factors. Technical Solution including presentation/demo Project management cost References and site visits Financial stability The project team will identify a short list of vendors who submitted the proposals with the highest evaluation scores. 1 .lO.l Technical Solution Primary consideration will be given to meeting the functional requirements listed in this RFP. The following are factors in the functional evaluation. ’ 7 1. Understanding of the work to be performed. s 2. Technical approach and methodology to accomplish the work. 3. Completeness and competence in addressing the scope of work. 4. Discussion of the potential constraints of the proposed system that should be addressed and suggested approaches to resolving those issues. Background and General Information Page 5of42 The Cltv of Carlsbad I .10.2. Project Management Drrcument Manaaement RFP The City of Carl&ad also ldieves that effective project management is essential for a suc- cessful implementation Vendors will be evaluated on the completeness and responsiveness of their project management plans and the project team assigned. As part of the project management plan, vendors must demonstrate adequate experience in developing and implementing similar projects. The City’s confidence in the vendor’s ability to meet deadlines and successfully manage long-term complex projects will be a primary con- sideration. Special consideration will be given to vendors who propose a detailed project plan with suffr- cient breakdown of tasks and steps to demonstrate a complete understanding of the project. Vendors will also be evaluated on: 1. Experience with similar projects and technologies. 2. Demonstrated project management experience. 3. Qualifications of assigned project team. 4. Ability to work successfully with conversion bureau partners/subcontractors. 1 .10.3. cost The City of Carlsbad will consider cost as part of the evaluation criteria. Low cost is not es- sential to win, however, larger cost differentials between vendors will be carefully examined. 1 .10.4. References & Site Visit The City intends to contact vendors’ customers. Customers will be questioned on their expe- rience during installation, technical capabilities of the system, vendor’s project management skills, training and on-going support. Site visits, demonstrations and oral presentations are mandatory and will be part of the evaluation process. Reference Format To warrant consideration for the contract award, vendors and subcontractor(s) must success- fully pass reference checks. A subcontractor is one that has 25 percent or more participation in the project by dollar amount. Vendors and subcontractors shall provide a list of three in- stallations where the vendors’ systems are installed preferably in a municipal facility and where the work was similar in size, application and scope to the projects described herein. References must be given in the format listed below. Customer name Address Contact name/title Contact telephone number and fax number Summary of project (including start date and finish date) System description Applications Hardware & sottware platforms Number of users (must be included) The conversion subcontractor/vendor must also submit references using the following format: Customer name Background and General Information Page 6 of 42 The Citv of Cat-Wad Document Manaaement RFP 1.10.5 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. Address Contact name/title Contact telephone n* and fax number Summary of project (including start date and finish date) Type of documents converted Volume Financial Qualiions To warrant consideration for this contract, short-l&ted vendors and all major subcontrac- tor(s) must submit tinancial information for the last two fiscal years and for the year-to-date, including an annual report or audited balance sheets and income statements. For the purpose of this section, “audited” shall mean that a Certified Public Accountant has reviewed the fi- nancial reports and has expressed an opinion regarding the fairness of the information re- viewed. A major subcontractor will have at least 25 percent participation in the contract measured by dollar amount. Work is defmed as participating in the design, coding, integration, and support of the system application. Vendors must identity all subcontractors, regardless of the percentage of participation. Only major subcontractors must submit tInancia1 information. An equipment supplier is not considered a subcontractor. If short-listed vendors want to ensure that only City staff evaluating proposals reviews fman- cial information, they may place financial information in an envelope marked “confidential.” If an organisation submitting a proposal is not awarded the job, this information will be re- turned upon request. Do not submit financial information at this time. Notification The City anticipates reviewing all proposals and developing a short list of finalists. Vendors will be notified simultaneously in writing if they did or did not quality for the short list. The winning vendor will be invited to negotiate a contract with the City and remaining ven- dors will be notified in writing of their selection status. Incorporation of RFP and Proposal Any resulting contract will incorporate this RFP, the vendor’s proposal, and any subsequent correspondence as attachments to the contract. Performance Bond The vendor will be required to furnish a surety bond executed by a surety company duly authorized to do business in California in an amount at least equal to one hundred percent of the contract price. The bond will be required within twenty days from the date of award of the contract by the City Council. A written agreement regarding non-performance in the event of failure to deliver any portion of the hardware or software on time will be part of the final contract. This agreement will reference the RFP attached, your proposal and project plan stating the length of time and completion dates for programmin g, customizing, testing, installing, and final acceptance, as well as the remedies and penalties applicable in the event of a material delay or failure to de- liver. Background and General Information Page 7 of 42 - The Cltv of Carl&ad 1.14. Insurance hcument Manaoement RFP See Section 26 of the City’ standard agreement in Appendix A.. 2. scopeofwork The following section de&is the scope of work for the system that the City desires. This section includes goals and objectives of the system, a system description for each phase, document and user volumes, a description of the existing environment with required inter- faces, and specific functional and technical requirements. 2.1. Background, Goals & Objectives The City of Carl&ad has two high level goals that will be supported by DM technology. The first is to provide information to the public electronically. To that end, the City wants to in- stall a DM system that will manage documents internally, make them available on an intranet, and distribute selected information to the public via the internet. The City’s vision is that documents created internally will be imported directly into an elec- tronic vault that manages versions and internal distribution; and documents submitted on pa- per from the public and other agencies will be scanned. The City will encourage developers and designers to submit plans and drawings electronically as well as on paper. The second goal is to build an infrastructure for knowledge management. A recent survey identified that numerous managers will be eligrble to retire in the next few years. Their expe- rience is vital to the continuing effectiveness of City operations and services. Building a re- pository of information will be an important component of the City’s knowledge management program The City expects to achieve specific benefits from DM technology functionality: He&r&c workflow for the internal review process - agenda bills, contracts, and agreements - will provide benefits in a number of areas including quality, productivity and speed. 1. A centralized electronic library of completed documents will allow all departments to share a single copy. Converting existing documents to the new system will be an impor- tant part of the electronic library. 0 2. The system will provide version control, check in/out, which will allow users to ensure . they are working from the correct version of the document. This is important during the creation process and in the editing cycle, ensuring that comments and revisions are not lost but are correctly incorporated into the final document. 3. Workflow technology will shorten the review cycle so that contracted work can begin earlier. This can be accomplished through: Simultaneous reviews Designating signature authority Croup “discussions” facilitated by electronic comments without waiting for eve- ryone to be available for a meeting Instant receipt 4. When preparing new agenda items, users and City Attorney staff will use full text search to research past decisions impacting new situations. Full text search will also assist users to identify and copy appropriate language into new documents. 5. The City intends to take advantage of the low cost and friendly user interface of browser technology to distribute information via an intranet and the internet. scope of work Page8of42 The Cltv of Carlsbacj Ducument Manument RFP 2.2. System Description The following section descriis the system desired by the City. Vendors should propose a system that conforms to the current computing environment, meets the functional require- ments and technical requirements, in a cost-effective manner. If a vendor has a solution that meets the spirit of the requirements but in a more effective way, they should offer and explain that solution. The purpose of this section is to give vendors background of what the City wants to accom- plish. Vendors will respond to the following section entitled “Requirements.” 2.2.1. Phased Implementation The City intends to install DM in phases, ensuring that each phase is successful before ex- panding to the next. Using this approach, the two pilot installations will allow the City to evaluate the success and support requirements of the system before adding new groups of us- ers. Converting existing files is included in the scope of this project. Vendors are required to supply costs for Phases 1 and 2. Scope of Work - Phase 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two pilot projects: one in the City Clerk’s Office; one in Community Develop ment/Public Works. The City Clerk’s Office will remain at City Hall. Community De- velopment/Public Works staff will be located in the new Faraday building, about 5 miles from City Hall. The City Clerk: new agenda packets, minutes, agreements, deeds, ordi- nances, resolutions. Users of Phase 1 will be the City Clerk staff and AutoCAD specialists in Water, Engi- neering, and Streets, which are all part of Community Development/Public Works. Community Development/Public Works: import and/or scan new maps/drawings into an electronic vault. Selected system supplier is expected to provide software, hardware (except for user workstations) and services to ensure the success of the system. Prototype database and user screens. Mod@ according to the City’s requirements. Complete a network analysis to identify upgrades that may be required to support DM throughout the City. Work with City Clerk to fmalize indexing scheme; work with Community Develop- ment/Public Works subcommittee to fmalize indexing scheme for drawings, plans and maps. Convert selected sets of drawings from Community Development/Public Works. Convert selected existing files in the City Clerk’s department. Determine feasibility of converting the City Clerk’s index. Convert existing Engineering Access database to new DMS. Convert existing Water District Access database to new DMS. Load converted databases, images and text versions of converted documents and test. Prepare a site preparation plan. Prepare a detailed training plan. Develop training materials. Train users and IS staff. The selected vendor will be expected to conduct on-site user training classes. Train the trainer will not be acceptable. scope of work Page9of42 ,- c- The Cltv of Carlsbad bh;ument Manaaement RFP l Provide complete system documentation including system design, database structure, user operation, system maintenance and administration. Include: - table definitions - defmed index fields - screens - managementreports - worktlowdiagrams - systemdocumentation : Provide description of documen t storage facilities . Provide detailed user manuals/instructions - System Administration - Cashiering/Accounting - scamling - Indexing - System operations (backups, etc.) - External user documentation/procedures for remote access - Fax and billing remote users l Submit project progress reports at regularly scheduled project team meetings. l Phase 1 is expected to be completed in 6 months, starting the day of system acceptance. Scope of Work - Phase 2 . . . ti / . w . . . . Expand the system to about 40 users from selected departments that frequently access the City Clerk’s files (the City Council secretary, the City Manager, the City Attorney, se- lected groups within Community Development/Public Works) and drawings/plans con- verted in Phase 1. Add Municipal Code, Council Policies and Administrative Orders to the electronic li- brary. Develop workflow with electronic signatures for internal approvals by selecting a small group of users to route documents internally. Implement electronic submittals of plans and drawings and import CAD files into the system Deliver complete documentation for Phase 2 applications and new system components. Develop a training plan for users and train users. This phase is expected to take 9 - 12 months. Future Phases The City expects to expand the system to groups of 40 - 50 users at a time. Eventually, the City expects there could be 250 internal users. The City also intends to install public worksta- tions at Libraries, at City Hall, and at the Faraday building. The City has also made a strong scope of work Page 10 of42 - The Cltv of Carlsbad bucument Manaaement RFe commitment to make public information available on the internet. Since DM systems require significant resources to implement, the City will use the following criteria for phasing in the technology to internal users as well as meeting the community’s needs for public information: l Time sensitive documents l Shared among departments l Periodically updated l Retrieved regularly l Filed in multiple locations . Require approval process Users 8 Support Staff Phase I - 19 users City Clerk Community DevelopJPublic Works Document Coordinator Streets & Facilities Water District System Administrator/IS Training workstation Phase 2 - 40 users City Council’s Secretary City Manager City Attorney Selected users involved with development process # Users Location 7 City Hall 3 Faraday 1 Faraday 2 Oak Street 3 Water District 2 Faraday 1 Faraday # Users Location 1 City Hall 2 City Hall 5 City Hall 30 Faraday Primary Application text text & drawings text & drawings drawillgs drawings Primary Application text text text text 82 drawings PLEASE NOTE, although users’ primary application is text or drawings/maps, users should be able to view either format, since the City regularly handles compound documents. 2.2.3. Conversion Preparation and Volumes Documents and drawings will be available to the conversion vendor in batches to allow City staff to check the quality of converted material before new batches are processed. City Clerk’s documents will be unstapled with separator sheets. The conversion bureau will be expected to return converted documents without stables, with separator sheets, in the same order as submitted. Drawings and maps will be unbound. The following table summa&e s mainly letter size paper files in the City Clerk’s vault that must be converted as part of the scope of this project. Scope of Work Page 11 of42 The Citv of Cadsbad h,ument Manaaement RFP 2.2.4. Conversion Indexing Requirements - City Clerk The City Clerk’s Files for Conversion - Phase 1 Dot Type Period Council Agenda Bills 1988~present Council Agenda Bills 1988~present Agreements/Contracts 1988present Deeds all Council Resolutions 1988-present Council Ordinances 1988-present Council Minutes 1952-present CMWD Minutes 1954-1988 1989-present CMWD Resolutions 1988present Housing/Red Corn 198~present Minutes Housing/Red Corn 1988-present Resolutions Planning Corn 1988-present Avg. Pages 25 25 12 8 6.5- 5 9.5 7 3 6 2 3 12 3,187 79,680 vault 3,600 90,000 storage 4,051 48,616 1,800 14,400 4,684 30,446 463 2,315 150,270 1,427,565 2,000 14,000 850 2,550 902 5,412 1,250 2,500 144 432 1,736 20,832 Total Pages Total 174,937 documents, 1,738,748 pages Community Development/Public Works Files for Conversion - Phase 1 Size Engineering Final drawings/plans 80,000 sheets 70,400 D 8,000 c 1,600 E Water Maps/drawings 30,000 D Streets Plans 1,000 D Total 111,000 sheets The conversion bureau would use the existing database to populate the new system with con- verted document data and images. See Appendix B for a copy of the City Clerk’s database written in HP’s Image database, running under the MPE operating system. The City will pro- duce a delineated ASCIl tile from the City Clerk’s database. Because the City Clerk’s exist- ing database limits the length of fields, staff abbreviates keywords/descriptions. The conver- sion bureau would have the additional task of writing a program to translate abbreviations to full words. Fortunately, abbreviations were made consistently. There are 10 standard topics, 20 characters per topic. Comments are limited to four line of text. See Appendix B for sam- ples. The City wants the option of having the conversion bureau produce both an imaged version and an OCR’d version of each document to facilitate future retrieval. scope of work Page 12 of42 The Citv of Carlsbad LJocument Manauement RFP The City Clerk requires the follow indexing data for converted documents. This data is con- tained in the City Clerk’s database. l Document type from pick list l Document title/name l Dateofdocument l Keywords l Recording number for deeds l Project number, if applicable 2.25 Conversion Indexing Requirements - Maps and Drawings Drawings and maps for conversion come from three areas: Engineering, the Water District, and Streets. Engineering and Water each has its own Access database. Streets has an index card system. Engineering currently downloads segment data from the GIS (ESRI) into their Pavement Management program (Access), running under Windows 95. Then data from the Pavement Management program is downloaded into the Access drawing database. See Appendix B for samples of the databases. The City will require the following fields for converted documents: l Unique document number to tie drawing to the database. 0 Project number. l Document type (from pick list). l Date signed. l As-built date. l For Engineering drawings, sheet numbers hand written on drawings must be keyed manually from the drawing itself. For Water District drawings, sheet numbers are refer- enced in a database field. l For Streets’ plans, the vendor will index from index cards: Street name Track number Drawing number Track name - Developer name Scope of Work Page 13of42 e Cltv of Carlsbad ument Manaaement RFP 2.2.6. Indexing New Documents - Cii Clerk New documents that will be added to the DMS will either be imported from desktops or will scanned and OCR’d. The City intends to use the DMS to support retention schedules. City Clerk will require the following fields as well as full text versions: l Document type from pick list l Document title/name l Date of document l Keywords l Recording number for deeds and other documents with recording numbers , 0 Project number l Retention date 2.2.7. Indexing New Documents - Drawings and Maps The vendor will work with technical staff to finalize indexing fields. For budgeting putposes, vendors should use the database design found in Appendix B with the addition of retention date. 2.2.8. Estimated Volume of New Work for Phases I & 2 City Clerk processes the following average weekly volume: Document Type # Dots # Pages Total Pages Agenda bills 20 24 500 Resolutions 13 6.5 85 Ordinances 4 5 20 Agreements 15 12 180 Deeds 10 8 80 Minutes 2 9.5 19 Agenda 1 7.5 8 Weekly totals 65 892 l Engineering receives approximately 1,500 drawings per year. These will be scanned into the DMS or imported from diskettes if submitted electronically l 300 pages of specifications should be imported from Word files. 0 1550 AutoCAD files of general drawings in Engineering should be imported. l 252 topo maps in Engineering should be imported. - * y&--JGvLcrc acs.w-y- l 350 AutoCAD maps in Water should be imported. scope of work Page 14of42 C The Cltv of Carlsbad Document Manauement RFP l All of this material may be updated at any time. l Storage retention for converted documents and drawings will be permanent, so vendors should configure adequate storage. 2.2.9. Retrieval Volume Phase I # Simuk Lo@on Users City Clerk 3 City Hall Corn DevelopJPoblic Works 3 Faraday . 2 Com. Dev. Documen tCoord. 1 Faraday Streets & Facilities 1 Oak Street Water District 2 Water District System Administrator/IS 2 City Hall Training workstation 1 Faraday Phase 2 # Simuit. Location Users City Council’s Secretary 1 City Manager 2 City Attorney 3 Corn. DevelopJPublic Works 15 City Hall City Hall City Hall Faraday Volume per User 2-3 do&hour 4-5 drawings/hr 4-5 dots & drawings&r 6-8 drawingdhr 6-8 drawingsflu periodic use Volume per User 2lhour 2fhour 2lhour Z/hour Technical Documents: 7 concurrent users will each retrieve approximately 4 drawings an hour and one text docu- ment per hour. 2.2.10. Hardware and Software Current Computing Environment The City currently supports the following technologies and platforms: l WAN comprised of 8 Novell tile servers - LANs have excellent uptime record l Plan to use peer IP, NetWare 5 l Tls - several Tls provide maintiame access to all City locations, no performance prob- lem; no diagnostic software so capacity available is unknown; only traffic is email, IFAS (financial system), and PermitsPlus l GroupWise 5.2 is used for email and scheduling, will upgrade version soon; the DM module is not being used l Nightly backup to DAT is accomplished on the ARC server, done automatically, 2 week rotation, history kept for 6 months l MS Offtce is standard, may upgrade to Office 97 or 2000 in mid-1999 l A few NT clients; a few standalone NT servers today, but IS is open to this option l Access is the standard for department databases (replaced R-Base) scope of work Page 15 of42 The Cltv of Carl&ad Dtxument Manaoement RFP l Informix is the database of choice, supports several applications running on the HP K380 mainframe (UNIX) which is replacing the HP 3000; IS will consider other state-of-the- art relational databases. The HP 3000 will remain at City Hall; the K380 will be at Fara- &Y* a Petmits Plus system mns on the HP K380 l AutoCAD v. 14 Map 3 l The City is in the process of building an Access database for water and sewer systems that includes valves and manholes. Each valve has a unique number. (V 30D 100 trans- lates V for valve, 30D = system map, 100 = quadrant.) l The City Clerk maintains a document database that will be replaced by the new DMS. The City does not have access to the source code for this program. The vendor’s scope of work includes converting this database, if possible. See Appendix B for a description of this database. 0 There are plans for an intranet in the future: posting information for employees; agenda and Clerks information l Today community drives provide shared services, but information must be replicated on all 8 Novell servers l HP 5si networked printers l HP 650 large format prh~ter in GIS Interface with GIS Although an interface with GIS is not required for Phases 1 & 2, the City is particularly inter- ested in providing this interface in the future since a great deal of the City’s information is geographically-based. The following information has been extracted from interviews with the GIS Coordinator. The City’s GIS is currently composed of Arc/Info 7.2.1 running on a Hewlett-Packard Apollo 9000 workstation with an x-terminal on a LAN, connected to the City’s Novell LAN. This HP-UX system will likely migrate to an NT-based system within the next year. The City also has a number of ArcView 3.1 licenses installed on various PCs in various departments. Shapefiles from the Unix-based GIS are downloaded to the PCs running ArcView on a regu- lar update schedule. Among the many data layers contained in the City’s GIS, a basemap of parcel outlines is maintained, each parcel being coded for assessor parcel number. New parcel maps that are approved by the City Council and recorded by the county Recorder are entered into the GIS via coordinate geometry. There are plans to require developers to submit digital versions of final maps to eliminate the City’s need to enter the data. Another layer maintained by the City’s GIS are all street centerline locations, with each street segment coded for address range. Although all geographic data (parcels, lots, roads, infrastructure alignments) are maintained in vector format in the GIS, graphic information related to these geographic features (e.g., as- built drawings, pump/switch diagrams, text documents, etc.) will reside as scanned files in the DMS. The GIS Coordinator wants to link these documents contained in the DMS with their locations in the City’s GIS. The links can be via street address (linked to the street centerline digital map), parcel number (linked to the parcel basemap), CT number (also linked to the parcel basemap), or explicit x,y coordinates represented as point locations in a separate digital layer (California State Plane Coordinated System, Zone VI, NAD83). The scanned documents thus linked to geographic location would then be retrievable either by 1) querying a location for all information in the DMS associated with an area, or 2) que- rying the DMS for associated APN or street address. The desktop GIS used by the City Scope of Work Page 16of42 -. The Citv of Carl&ad ument Mment RFP (ESRI’s ArcView) has the ability to display scanned images, so that the City’s GIS data can be viewed in conjunction with the contents of the DMS. If documents within the DMS have a code for street address, APN, x,y coordinate or some other identifier linking to the GIS, users of the DMS can also have access to the GIS on the desktop, either through ArcView, ArcExplorer, or Map Objects technology. In the fixture, the City is interested in leveraging the use of its Infotmix database by integrat- ing and storing all geographic data as Informix tables. Using a spatial data engine, access to the database by GIS applications will occur as a query to the Informix database. This configu- ration will provide access to GIS data to many more users. 2.3. System Functionality Discussion 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. 2.3.4. 2.3.5. 2.3.6. 2.3.7. 2.3.8. 2.3.9. 2.3.10. 2.3.11. 2.3.12. 2.3.13. 2.3.14. Vendors must provide a detailed respnse to the following requirements and questions. How does your solution meet the City’s need for an open system? What standards does your product(s) adhere to? Does your system support DMA? Provide a system design, identifying all software and hardware components in easily un- derstood terms, including details about: Database Number, location, and functions of servers How would you approach decentralized scanning while maintaining a central database? The City anticipates scanners at City Hall and at Faraday. Describe the types of user software and licensing you support. Do you offer various lev- els of functionality for users with different needs? Provide a detailed description of system’s capabilities to import and manage electronic documents. List file formats your system supports. IPEG, ASCII text, etc. Identity formats supported by the full text index. Describe how your system creates a full text index when an electronic document is checked in. Describe OCR offerings. How is OCR implemented in a distributed environment? Describe how users can extract text from images on the fly. Describe the structure your system uses to set up and define document classes and fold- ers. Describe version control, check in/out functionality. How are multiple versions of the same document managed? Provide step by step description of how desktop documents are imported into the system. Describe metadata automatically indexed from desktop programs. What metadata does your system generate automatically? Describe document ID num- bers, if applicable. How does the system ensure that documents have unique identifiers in a distributed envi- ronment? scope of work Page 17 of 42 me WV of Cadsbad Document Manaeement RFP 2.3.15. 2.3.16. How are index values modified or updated? 2.3.17. Descrii the system’s capability to download CAD files and associated metadata; de- scribe in detail capabilities and limitations in importing and managing CAD files. Are they stored as raster versions? If so, how is the vector to raster conversion accom- plished? 2.3.18. 2.3.19. 2.3.20. Identify capabilities and limitations in importing and managing CAD files. Describe mark up tools and workflow to expedite modifications to drawings and plans. Describe annotation functionality. Will your system consolidate annotations made by various users? 2.3.21. The Municipal Code, Council Policies and Administrative Orders will require updating. Today this is done by insert&g new pages and discarding old pages. How does your sys- tem provide this function electronically? 2.3.22. When faxing out directly from the DMS, are annotations included in faxed out docu- ments? 2.3.23. How would your solution provide both images of final documents with signatures as well as text versions with full text search and cut & paste? 2.3.24. Individual documents may appear in multiple folders. How does your system handle one to many relationships? 2.3.25. Does your system support compound documents, i.e., documents composed of Word and Excel files, or CAD files with references? 2.3.26. Does your system provide any safeguards to protect document/data integrity? For exam- ple, is it possible to have a database entry without an associated object? 2.3.27. 2.3.28. 5.3.29. 2.3.30. Describe workflow capabilities to manage/distribute documents during approval cycles. How does your system handle electronic signatures? Describe your system’s support of optional common document formats such as PDF. What would be your solution to providing documents on diskette or CD to the pubic on request? What formats would be supported? 2.3.31. Provide a detailed description of your use of browser/viewer software on client worksta- tions that addresses both text documents and drawings. 2.3.32. 2.3.33. How does your system handle the need to redact information within a document? Describe your approach to providing file storage both online (in local memory) and near line (CD or optical jukebox) to ensure fast response for document retrieval. Files should reside on storage devices located near most frequent users who will be located at City Hall and at Faraday. 2.3.34. How does your solution utilize intranet architecture for internal access? 2.3.35. HOW does your solution interface with the intemet - please provide a detailed response. HOW would your system approach a group that wanted users to create documents on their PCs, then transmit them to a specialist who would import them into the DMS? scopeofwork Page 18of42 The Citv of Carlsbad Dwument Yanaaement RFP 2.3.36. 2.3.37. 2.3..38. 2.3.39. 2.3.40. 2.3.41. 2.3.42. 2.3.43. 2.3.44. 2.3.45. 2.3.46. 2.3.47. 2.3.48. 2.3.49. 2.3.50. 2.3.51. 2.3.52. 2.3.53. 2.3.54. 2.3.55. 2.3.56. 2.3.57. Descriie any interfaces with online billing modules your intemet offering includes. Which intemet server interfaces does your system support? How are images stored on your DMS exported to the internet? Do non-licensed users, on the intemet for example, need special viewers to view docu- ments? . Does your internet solution include online payment? If so, please descrii in detail. Provide a detailed description of your use of browser/viewer software that addresses both text documents and drawings/maps. Descrii any intemet plug-ins required for viewing various file formats, such as maps and AutoCAD drawings. Are full check in/out capabilities available to internal users using browser interfaces? Describe capabilities and limitations for users using browser interfaces, such as their ability to copy documents without checking them out; attaching documents to emails, participate in workflows; initiate workflows, validate user-entered properties against validation tables; enter version numbers; view a list of past versions; view past versions; modify index values; search using keywords, full text search. Describe security levels for users using a browser interface. Will users with browser interfaces be able to launch the associated application program a document was created in? What would be your recommendation for Kiosks or public terminals at City Hall, Li- brary, and Faraday to provide access to most frequently retrieved docu- ments/information? Can your system restrict the public to structured searches and not have FTS available? The City charges the public for printing documents. How would your system integrate cashiering functionality with printing? Describe your system’s security system in detail - does it function as part of the operat- ing system? Does it work at the document level? Etc. Does your system utilize the same sign on/passwords as the LAN OS? The City has recently established a records management program - how would your system incorporate retention schedules? Describe system utilities for disposing of old files and consolidating remaining active files. How would your system isolate documents already on the system that later require lim- ited access because of litigation? Is there a limit to the number of libraries on your system? How many printers per server can be attached? How many fax stations per server can be attached? How many scanners per server can be attached? scopeofwoti Page19of42 - The Cltv of Carisbad ument Manwment RFP 2.3.58. 2.3.59. 2.3.60. IS there a limit to the number and length of fields in the database? Can the system handle mandatory and optional fields? Descriie the types of searches your system supports. Which of these queries can be saved for reuse? 2.3.61. 2.3.62. In future phases, DM should be integrated with GIS so those users accessing ArcView would have the option of displaying related documents stored on the DM system. De- scribe in detail your approach to this interface and provide concrete information about your ability to deliver a solution, - Planning has recently installed Permits Plus which offers a workflow capability. Please describe any capabilities to interface your workflow solution with Permits Plus’ offering. 2.3.63. What is your approach to migrating from one storage medium to another as new technol- ogy becomes available? 2.3.64. 2.3.65. 2.3.66. How do you provide disaster recovery? Are RAID and mirroring available? How do you backup your system? Describe features that enhance the performance of your system: cache management, writing to optical disks, client workstation performance, etc. 2.3.67. 2.3.68. 2.3.69. Describe any system monitoring tools you provide. Describe system reports, differentiating standard from optional report generators and re- ports. Provide minimum standards for PC workstations. Provide optimal workstation stan- dards. 2.3.70. 2.3.71. 2.3.72. Describe electronic forms capability your system includes. Describe your COLD offering. Will your system support existing HP networked printers? HP 650 large format printer? Will accelerator boards or other enhancements be required? 2.3.73. Does your system interface with IVR? 2.3.74. Describe your company’s involvement with user groups. 2.3.75. Describe your approach to the City’s conversion requirements: A. Where will conversion take place? The City Clerk will consider onsite and offsite conversion. (It may also be easier for the vendor to convert draw- ings and maps onsite because knowledgeable City stiff would be available to answer questions.) B. What quality control procedures do you follow? - How do you handle poor quality documents. - How do you handle poor quality images from good documents? - How do you verify the accuracy of indexed data? scope of work Page20of42 -. The Cltv of Carlsbad Document Manaaement RFP C. Specify how long conversion will take. D. How many documents and drawings would be submitted in a batch to meet production schedules? 2.4. Mandatory Requirements This section describes functions that the system must support and technical capabilities the system must provide. The vendor can determine the exact technical solution. 2.4.1. Compliance Matrix A compliance matrix shall be developed that provides a matrix of all RPP mandatory re- quirements with the vendor’s compliance to each requirement. An example is below. RPPPar&aph 2.5.3 comply Yes comment 2.5.4 YlX 2.5.5 No Our system does not support con- current user licenses Vendors are required to prepare a spreadsheet that includes each item number, with YES or NO, and explanation if appropriate. YES indicates that the feature is available to&y, not un- der development. Vendors have the option of using the electronic version of this RPP to fa- cilitate creating responses. 2.4.2. Manage both Images and Elecb-onic Documents The new system shall manage both electronic documents in native format generated by City staff and sub- mitted by external designers and contractors; and paper documents submitted by the public (which will be scanned). The resulting electronic vault will contain folders with both internally and externally generated documents. Must be able to track and identify file formats even if specific viewers for that file type are not available. Ability at public workstations to queue documents for printing, compute number of pages and cost, print in cashiering area; ability to remove dots from queue and recompute. Queue electronic documents to a specialist who imports and indexes. Copy electronic dots as well as check them out. The DMS shall manage documents exported to the intemet. 2.4.3. Capturing Must import maps and drawings provided in electronic form. Must import desktop documents created in Microsoft Office in native format, Must support OCR. scopeofwofk Page 21 of 42 The Citv of Carlsbad Dowment Manaaement RFP Shall allow users to link and unlink documents easily. User should readily see tbat a document has been linked to other files. Users should be able to easily create folders and place documents in them in a selected order. 2.4.4. Scanning Requirements Image file fomrats must support CCI’lT Croup IV standard. Images shall be scanned at a minimum of 200 dpi for most documents; 300-400 dpi for documents with small fonts, handwriting, or detailed line art; and 300-400 for selected drawings and maps. Must include the capability to print bar codes and OCR readable font on barcode labels. Barcode labels must be configurable by the system administrator. Shall support batch scanning. Shall provide effective methods for scanning and indexing long (maximum 8 %,, x 14”) documents. Scanned page numbers of long documents shall match the hard copy version. Documents must be presented for indexing in the order in which the documents were scanned. Number of pages in a document will be verified in the imaging process. Must have the ability to scan and rescan documents in any sequence. Must provide image enhancement capabilities to assure good quality images. Must provide for scanning and replacing images that do not pass quality control. Must note status of document through the entire process, including “scanned”, “accepted” and ‘Yescan.” Must note document status as Ymscanned” if indexing is completed frost. Must manage movement of image from memory to magnetic media and subsequently to jukebox based on access frequency. If a document is accepted, system must insure that a duplicate is made in case of hard- ware failure, etc. Must support redaction. 2.4.5. Indexing Requirements Indexers will be able to index from an image on the screen. To facilitate volume indexing by City Staff, Users should be able to select next document for correction with minima 1 keystrokes rather than needing to issue a command. System will provide indexers with a work queue of similar document types (batched by Document Type) for indexing. scope of work Page 22 of 42 The Citv of Carlsbad Document Management RFP Indexers will be able to automatically “repeat” index information from a previous docu- ment and then change differences to expedite the indexing processes. Must allow an indexer to assign individual documents to a supervisor for error correc- tion. The assignment must support a text field to explain error. Database should support alternate project names since names change over time. 2.4.6. Retrieval Requirements A search should provide a list of all documents that meet the search criteria. Users must have the option of structured searches combined with full text search. Wild card searches must be supported. The system must allow a user to use a single query to retrieve images, desktop docu- ments, video, CAD files, etc. Shall prevent unauthorized users from removing or re-routing action items from the tracking system. When users print documents from the vault, the system must provide the option (set by system administrator) to print a banner that identifies printed copy as “working copy” with the date printed. 2.4.7. Navigation Must use standard Windows 95 navigation tools and look and feel. Users must be able to page up or down in a document. Users must be able to display two documents side by side. Users shall be able to simultaneously display a text document in one window and a drawing ill another. Users shall be able to browse through documents and quickly retrieve selected pages. Users must be able to browse forward or backward through records when making edits or just viewing. Users must be able to resize windows. The retrieval system shall allow users to cancel search queries once they have begun. The retrieval screen shall display both the index and the imaged document simultane- ously side-by-side. The viewer software shall provide zoom functionality. The system shall support annotation and redlining. The system shall allow users to print over-sized maps. Users shall be able to print groups of pages from a long document by simply identifying a range of pages, such as 3-5,8-10. scope of work Page 23 of 42 The Cltv of Carlsbad Document Manaaement RFP Users shall be able to print directly from the system without any intermediate steps such as importing or exporting to other utilities. 2.4.6. Workflow Requirements Must provide an easy tool for users to write workflows as well as a more sophisticated scripting language for pm-set flows. Must support electronic signatures. Workflow software must provide a status query capability. Workflow must allow for queues to be mdirected in case of absences or work imbal- awes. Worktlow should interface to GroupWise Email to allow for the attachment and viewing of TIFF or bit-mapped documents to messages. Shall allow for work queues that show only documents of a specific pre-defined docu- ment subset. Vendors shall identify their workflow sofbvare or provider and where the support for the workflow will come from 2.4.9. User help On-line, context-sensitive help is desired. On-line training facilities for end users are desired. “Hot key” capability to move from screen to screen, software to software. Both menus and key codes for customers. The system must present consistent terminology within a screen, from screen to screen, and in on-line help and vendor documentation. 2.4.10. Public Access Requirements System must provide for intemet based searching of public documents using popular web browsers. Must provide for geographical searches of information from web browsers. Easily accessible on-line help must be available. User-friendly front end to allow for searches and printing. Must m allow public-access users to exit the application. When public fmds the record they want, they press a “display” button to view the image. If there is no image, the system presents a message directing them to a support person. Must provide a simple search screen and a “full” search screen for the public and a full search screen for advanced users. If users need to print the image, they would select “print.” Images are cached for batch printing at the end of the session. Documents will be printed behind the counter. Scope of Work Page 24 of 42 The Citv of Carisbad Document Manaclement RFP Ability at public workstations to queue documents for printing, compute number of pages and running total of fees; ability to remove documents from queue and re-compute fees. Should provide a receipt. Internet-based Public Retrievals System must provide for intemet based searching of public documents using minimally functional web-browsers. Must provide for geographical searches of information from web browsers, DMS shall manage documents exported to the intemet. 2.4.11. Database The City’s database of choice is Informix, but is willing to consider an alternative. The database must be production class to ensure data integrity at all times, which includes backup and recovery capabilities. The system will have a reference to where and how documents are stored: Documents available on-line Documents available off-line (with platter identified) Microfiche image available The production class DBMS must provide: Capabilities for index and image/electronic tile maintenance and access. Automatic error detection and recovery. Dynamic backup of in-progress updates after process failure. Roll back from/roll forward to last backup. Maintenance of accurate and duplicate audit record on separate physical medium. Support for mirrored (duplicate) images. Locking mechanisms to guarantee data integrity. Deadlock detection and prevention. Multi-threaded processing - to speed access time between users and the database. Multi-user concurrent processing - more than one user accessing the database at the same time. Formatting of tields and rule based edits by the system administrator. A complete audit trail of revisions, changes and edits to information in the database. Back ups at a pre-set time without interrupting use. Incremental backups shall be sup- ported. The ability for all fields to be marked “required” or “not required” depending on the type of data being entered Different security levels within the same database for documents. Automatic notification to system administrator when database is approaching capacity. scope of work Page 25 of 42 .- -? The Citv of Carlsbad ument Manaaement RFP 2.4.12. Reporting Should allow users to generate simple reports and format them. Should provide reports that indicate the number of documents recorded by type in a time period. Must provide reports on productivity of staff such as number of documents processed in a period by a particular staff person. The following reports must be available on request :- 2.4.12e Daily summary reports for documents recorded and indexed by document type 2.4.13. Fax scamlingrepolt Documents not yet indexed Documents not yet scanned if indexing occurs first Productivity report Receipt list by cashier Ledger statistics Must provide system administraor the ability to customize reports. Fax capabilities must support automatic retry, re-transmit faxes that have been received, provide messages to users that faxes have been received, create a log to track outgoing faxes, provide cover pages on-line. Shall support faxing in and faxing out simultaneously. 2.4.14. System Administration Field content options (document type!, the City of Carlsbad, etc.) must be available via “pop-up” lists based on tables. Must permit the system administrator to maintain and modify all table values. Variables in the system (fees, document types, etc.) must reside in tables that are modifi- able by the system administrator. Edits used in the system must be modifiable by the system administrator by document and/or transaction type. Must have user modifiable help screens. Must be able to display a list of active users at all times. Security System administration must be able to reset a user’s password. System administiator must be able to see a list of all user IDS next to user names (if dif- ferent). Must support several levels of access to the system and permissions at document level. Scope of Work Page 26 of 42 - - The Citv of Carlsbad Document Management RFP Security must be provided for work items within the workflow system 2.4.15. Storage Must provide the ability for the City to determine effective platter allocation and water- marks for image management Must keep documents on magnetic cache for 6 months for faster retrievals. Must incorporate the City’s retention schedule. 2.4.16. Archkture System must be Y2K compliant. Identify any components that are not Y2K compliant. Must support industry de facto standards. Must conform to open system definition - software must run on various platforms. Software must be designed for a 32-bit environment. Identify any 16-bit components. Users shall be able to log in once to perform all tasks. Users must be able to log into the system from any workstations and have the same fimc- tiOlldity. Must support multiple software modules running on same workstation where appropriate. If the vendor software includes separate modules for office documents and CAD draw- ings, both modules need to coexist on the same workstation. Must support workflow in a distributed environment, i.e., users may be working off dif- ferent servers in various locations. Architecture must support a firtwall to protect confidential document from public access via the intemet and intranet. System must include API definitions for the City to integrate new applications in the fu- ture. Shall support existing printers running on the network. Shall support 2 1” monitors (able to view two pages) for indexers. If any proposed equipment is near its “end-of-life” cycle, vendors shall propose a transi- tion plan to maintain system currency. System Statistics and Diagnostics Shall maintain a current business date for all transaction that is modifiable by the system administrator to allow work outside normal business hours. Shall provide information about the usage of file space, optical platters and network traf- fic. Shall provide the ability to back-up and restore data and images independently as well as provide disaster recovery capabilities according to Information Systems guideline Q ? . swpa of work Page 27 of 42 The Cltv of Carl&ad Dument Management RFP Development Environment ’ Development tools used to create and manage the software .environment must be made available to the City. Complete documentation shall be delivered with the development tools. 2.4.163 Network System shall run on the City’s Novell network and support TCP/IP. Must allow configuration files such as preferences, “ini” files or batch tiles to be modi- fied by the system administrator remotely. The vendor must specify any restrictions or limitations the application software imposes on the server or workstation hardware, printer, network cards or other network hardware. The vendor must specify all network drivers supported, i.e. ODI, IPX, etc. Hardware Jukeboxes must allow for definable allocation of files so that individual platters reflect the City’s retention schedules. Must provide clear policy and services for image and document migration from optical medium to faster storage medium for caching and staging. Performance System performance shall meet the following requirements for responsiveness: Users within departments shall be able to retrieve an 8 l/2” X 14” document stored on a jukebox in less than 15 seconds ( disk mount time and image view time). Please include documentation for jukebox response time. Users shall be able to retrieve size D maps/drawings stored on a jukebox in less than 20 seconds. An image for viewers at a remote site shall be available for transmission in less than 20 seconds. Users shall be able to retrieve a page from an active file on magnetics in less than 2 sec- onds. From magnetics, users shall be able to turn from one page in a document to another in less than 1 second. 2.5. Training The City of Carlsbad requires that the system supplier provide comprehensive training for all users and technical personnel. For Phase1 & 2 users, the City intends to include classroom training taught by the system supplier. Train the trainer will not be acceptable. The vendor is encouraged to propose innovative approaches to training users in future phases, such as programmed self-study guides, on-line tutorials, videotapes, CD-ROM, and com- puter-based training. All training must include step by step detail that will enable employees unfamiliar with the system to perform the described activities. Upon contract award, the successful vendor must provide: 1. a syllabus of all proposed training 2. the source of the training (vendor supplied, 3” party) 3. a synopsis of the training 4. who is the intended audience Scope of Work Page 28 of 42 The Citv of Carisbad 5. the maximLMMmber of students per class 6. student prerequisites for each course 7. type or method of instruction 8. training schedule Dtiument Manaclement RFP The City of Carlsbad envisions that the following types of users will be trained: 9. Trainers who will train users in the future. 10. “‘Heads down” users, include AutoCAD and GIS specialists. 11. System administrators who will provide technical support and support the user commu- nity. They will perform such duties as adding/deleting users, adding/changing security privileges, troubleshooting, light maintenance, and day-today operation/backup of the system. 12. IS staff or system administrator who will manage the database. 13. Casual system users who may or may not be skilled computer users. 14. Selected staff who will scan, import and index documents. In response to this proposal, the City of Carlsbad requires vendors to state how all users from system technical personnel to user personnel will be trained and kept current with on-going changes, updates, version changes, and new applications. In addition, vendors must state how training materials will be up&ted to reflect changes. System administration and system support training should be given at the City of Carlsbad prior to system installation and implementation. The City would like to train their system support personnel soon after the contract has been awarded to allow them to participate in initial design and implementation. Vendors must provide City IS staff with appropriate training in the use of the development tools. Include a separate cost estimate for this training, if appropriate. 2.6. Documentation Documentation must be delivered for the different types of users: system technical personnel, system administrators, scanning and indexing staff, City users and the public. Users may or may not be skilled computer users. Comprehensive, high quality documentation is essential for the success of this project. Documentation must provide a complete description of all system hardware, system software and application software. All documentation provided must be in written form. The City of Carlsbad requires at least two full sets of hard copy documentation and one electronic set for all hardware and software components. The project library set will be maintained as a “master” set of documentation. Vendors must provide a complete list of all documentation proposed, who is the intended audience, what media the documentation is available in - written guides, on-line help, CD- ROM manuals, or help cards. The City of Carlsbad encourages vendors to propose alternate help documentation such as on- line help menus, context-sensitive help, printed reference cards, or other methods of present- ing the user with quick effective help. Vendors must state how changes to the documentation will be maintained so that users will be kept current with the system as it evolves. Vendors must state how changes to documentation will be released, and in the case of on-line help, who will be responsible for implementing changes. Scope of Work Page 29 of 42 The Cltv of Carlsbad Document Manaaement RFP 2.7. Hardware and Software Maintenance The City expects the vendor’s help desk personnel to provide troubleshooting and problem determination after the City has determined if the problem is related to hardware, system software or application software. If there is difliculty resolving problems between hardware and software, the vendor will be responsible for the problem resolution. Vendors must provide a proposal for the following types of support: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A single 800 number for problem reporting that serves as a single point of contact for the City. A time and materials or fixed fee contract for continued technical support The contract, if accepted, shall be for 12 months. ‘he principle period of maintenance (PPM) is from 6 AM to 6 PM Monday through Fri- &Y* (PST) Vendors must quote a response time after initial problem report. A maintenance plan and/or options for coverage during non-PPM periods must be speci- fied. Describe standard escalation procedures with their associated time frames. Vendors should also quote the capability for remote diagnostics and the equip- ment/software needed Maintenance should include the cost for fmes and major release upgrades. The vendor should include the standard estimated time for delivery of new releases. The vendor should also include the standard estimated time for release of application software that NM under a new release of the operating system. Vendors should descrii quality control procedures for ensuring that new releases are compatible with existing modules. All reported problem incidents must follow a standard set of steps until they are corrected. The system supplier will be responsible for providing escalation procedures as well as criteria that determines how problems move from one step to the next. The system supplier shall assign incident numbers to all problem reports and queries and shall maintain these incidents in a problem tracking database. The City of Carlsbad must be able to call at any time during its normal working hours and receive the status of the item in question. This type of reporting may also be Internet-enabled allowing the City to access a problem database. 2.8. Conversion Services The City requires the vendor to convert paper files and databases as described in sections 2.2.3 - 2.2.5 of this document. The vendor must follow effective quality control procedures. The vendor must load converted files and indexing data into the new system and test. The vendor must correct all errors resulting from vendor staff mistakes or program bugs, such as missing images, inaccurate or missing indexing &ta. Scope of Work Page 30 of 42 -. me Cltv of Carlsbad 3. Pmjsct Plan Document Manauement RFP 3.1. Introduction The vendor must include in the proposal a plan for implementing the City’s system descni in this PPP. The plan must be comprehensive enough in scope and detail to convey the ven- dor’s ability to deliver a system on time and on budget. The project plan should not be a tutorial on project planning and the benefits of a project plan. The City is looking for actual prehminary plans that suggest step by step tasks, timetables, and responsrbilities for both the vendor and-the City. Vendors are encouraged to be brief and direct. The City is particularly interested in how the vendor will coordinate conversion activi- ties and quality control with system development, implementation and testing. 3.2. Project Plan The following paragraphs descrii the minimum requirements for the City of Carlsbad proj- ect plan. Vendors shall respond to each paragraph in their proposal. Vendors shall provide a complete project plan with dates that reflect a start date of, 1999. 3.2.1. Pmject Plan and Personnel Vendors must provide a preliminary project plan that includes a description of the project or- ganization and the personnel assigned to this project. Please include resumes. The City ex- pects project team members to remain on the project during rollout. Vendors are required to notify the City of Carlsbad of any change in personnel prior to that change being imple- mented. 3.2.2. Vendor Validation of Processes The vendor is expected to review the City of Carlsbad’s requirements and to ensure that the proposed solution will meet the City’s expectations. Any modifications or adaptations to the specifications must be noted and communicated to the City of Carlsbad for review. 3.2.3. Site Preparation Documents After selection, the system supplier must prepare a site preparation report and submit it to the City of Carlsbad for review. The City will assume responsibility for ensuring all facility im- provements are made in accordance with the final site preparation documents. 3.2.4. Final Configuration The final conQuration for the project must be documented by the vendor and approved by the City of Carlsbad. Sufficient lead times must be built into the schedule to allow for all components to be delivered in time for installation. 3.25. User Interface/Prototype Demonstration As the initial development step, the solution provider is expected to demonstrate all applica- tion screens, at a City user test facility, in sufficient detail that will allow the City to deter- mine that the user interfaces meet the City’s specifications. City users will provide feedback concerning the usability of each screen. The vendor’s prototyping tools must be utilized to dynamically modify each screen according to this user feedback. The modified screen proto- types will then form the basis for subsequent development. 3.2.6. User Testing After the vendor has completed the application development (including training materials and documentation) and unit/system testing, the solution provider must deliver and install the ap- plication software at the City’s site for internal acceptance testing. The City of Carlsbad will Project Plan Page 31of42 h The Citv of Carlsbad DoWment Manaaement RFP test the application for compliance with the specifications and will compare the application software to the appropriate training and documentation materials to ensure completeness and consistency. The system supplier must supply an on-site coordinator for all User Testing. City acceptance testing will be accomplished within two weeks from the start of the test. The City will either accept the software, training materials, and documentation or will prepare a discrepancy list for the supplier to fur. Discrepancies must be fixed within two weeks of noti- fication. 3.2.7. System Components The vendor must list all hardware and sofb+%re for Phases 1 & 2 of this project. This list must include all components the City is expected to provide. 3.2.6. Acceptance Test and installation Upon completion of user testing the system supplier will install all components of the system in the pilot areas. The City of Carlsbad will run the system and application software for 90 days to ensure the system meets the functional and performance requirements stated in the PPP. Vendors must provide on-site support for the first two weeks following installation and trainillg 3.3. Project Status Meetings The City intends to establish regular meetings with the system supplier, who will be expected to prepare written progress reports submitted in advance of each meeting. 4. Pricing 4.1. lntroduqtion Vendors are to provide firm fured price proposals for Phases 1 & 2. Pricing proposals should include all costs to the City of Carlsbad for hardware, software, installation, training and proj- ect management as listed below. The proposal format should follow the items listed below in the same order. Vendors are en- couraged to provide explanations where needed for clarification. If a cost is based on an as- sumption made by the vendor, please explain each assumption in the pricing section. Vendors are cautioned against providing a single price without adequate detail. The City of Carlsbad requires all costs to be broken down to categories and sub-categories. Each of the individual cost components must be line items in each cost table. 4.2. lmplementation Costs associated with project management, implementation, customization and adaptation of software must be separately identified and presented in this section. These costs should in- clude all labor, travel, lodging, per diem, car rental, etc., required to complete the system. This section should also contain proposed number of trips to the City of Carlsbad and the es- timated cost per trip. 4.3. Software Pricing Software pricing shall be broken out into two separate areas: (1) software that is part of your unique solution set, such as the document management software; (2) cost to develop the ap- plication itself and may include such items as setting up the database, security, worMow rules, etc. Pricing Page 32 of 42 -. The Citv of Carlsbad Dvcument Manaaement RFP 4.3.1, 4.4. 4.5. Documentation All costs, if any, for documentation must be separately identified. 4.6. 4.6.1. Maintenance Vendor’s Software Each sofhvare item proposed must be identified with a specific maintenance cost. 4.7. Technical Support 4.8. Other Costs SystemSoiWare Costs for all proposed software packages, not provided by the City, must be clearly identified. These include: 1. document management system sofhvare 2. cashier software 3. worktlow software 4. database software - include run time license cost 5. server sofbvare - include intranet and/or internet software 6, communications software 7. client workstation software - the City prefers concurrent user licensing Training Costs for all training identified earlier must be clearly identified. Each individual training ses- sion required must be separately identified The City of Carlsbad anticipates relying on the vendor to provide technical support when needed. Vendors should describe the type of on-site or off-site support that can be provided and the cost of contracted technical services. The City expects the vendor to work on a fmed rate contract but will review other arrangements, such as time and materials. Vendors are to provide any other costs that have not been specifically requested. Any cost listed should be related to a specific task or product in the proposal. Pricing Page 33 of42 .h Jhe City of Carisbad Dh%ment Management RFP 4.9. Pricing Tables Following are examples of pricing tables that vendors shall submit. The City intends to purchase client PC workstations separately from this contract. Vendors are invited, BUT NOT REQUIRED to use the enclosed Excel spreadsheet. Pricing tables shall contain components such as the following: Client Components Quantity Prlcolunlt Tots1 Price support Maintenance 21’ monitors s Other Monitors s W orkstatiin licenses a External Access - s Other s t - s - s - ._ , > . ,* ‘ : ^“A~,-,,i : -.,_ < <.. 1.“_ r .~ Hardware Ouplex Scanner Single sided scanner - Sheet feed Scan Station Fiim Output Internet Sewer CO Writer Remote Access Jukebox Database Server Image Sewer NR Hardware RAID Storage COLD Hardware Kiosk Terminals I I Is - I I s - s - s i.” . ie. Software w v ,. ,_,-Ll .*I_ ..Li,. -. ..“” . . . I Quantity Prlcslunlt Total Price support Mslntenance Services Hours CosUhr Total Development I Is GIS Integration Is IVR Intepratlon COLD Integration Stafflng Project Manager Programmer . Analyst Expenses Travel Hotel Perdiem, etc .I ” System Cost Summary Client Hardware 6. Software Sewer Hardware Server Software Services Maintenance Total t s s t t S s s s s Sum Conversion ‘Fg ~~, . Tatal s - s - Pricing Page 34 of 42 _- The Cltv of Cat-Mad Document Manaaement RW 5. Tm 8 Conditions See Appendix A for the City’s standard agreement In addition to agreeing to the City’s standard terms and conditions, vendors should provide a statement agreeing to the following terms and conditions or state objections to them. In the ab- sence of objections, the City will assume vendor’s concurrence. These terms and conditions will form the basis of key sections of the required Agreement between the City and the successful ven- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Willingness to place a copy of all software source code in an escrow account to be avail- able to the City in case the supplier: l Is no longer in business. l Makes source code available to any other user of the software. 0 Ceases to maintain the so&are. l Fails to maintain the software for an unreasonable length of time. Unreasonable is defined as 6 months. l Declares or has instituted against bankruptcy, receivership, insolvency, reorganiza- tion, dissolution, liquidation or other similar proceedings under any federal or state law. l Fails to support new releases of the operating system or other co-dependent soft- ware. Agrees to keep the version of source code and documentation that the City is using in an escrow account. Agrees to provide access to all code and proprietary information that allows the City to convert data and images stored on the system, in case the City decides: to limit the ven- dor’s installation to the initial installation; to introduce another document management product; or to integrate the system with other City systems. The City shall have the right to copy software and documentation for backup and disaster recovery purposes; and for installation at sites covered in the user license agreement. The City has the right to run software on a backup system in case of a disaster. Code and documentation for all custom&d workflow scripts, indexing and retrieval screens, and special functions, and all associated intellectual property rights, shall be- come the property of the City. The warranty shall provide the provision that the City may return the product with full refund if it is found to be unflt for purpose. Vendor shall guarantee that customized software is guaranteed against all defects for one year from the date of product accep- tance. The City will log all problems, incidences, and unexpected results during the war- ranty period. The vendor will be responsible for addressing every logged entry. The system must perform at the level attained at the conclusion of the final acceptance during the warranty period. If the system fails to meet these standards, the vendor shall take the steps necessary to bring the system into full compliance with the contract at no additional cost to the City. Terms and conditions of the contract will be modified only by mutual agreement of the City and the vendor. Training materials customized for the City shall become the City’s property. 10. The City will link payment to deliverables and acceptance. Standard product software will be tested over a 90&y performance period before full payment is made. Full pay- Terms & Conditions Page35of42 The Citv of Carfsbad Document Manaaement RFP ment will be made if the system has performed at 98% level of effectiveness for 90 con- secutive business days. 11. Consulting/pro~gramming fees must remain constant for the period covered in the annual contract and shall not escalate more that 5% annually. 12. Within 6 months of the City’s notifying the vendor of its decision to install a new release of the operating system, the vendor will update its product to run under this new configu- ration. Such updates shall be at no charge to the City as long as we are covered by war- ranty or maintenance agreement. 13. Software enhancements to the vendor’sproduct shall be available to the City at no addi- tional cost if still in the installation or warranty phases and/or if the enhancement is cov- ered under the basic maintenance fees. 14. The City will maintain the right to require that vendor personnel providing services to the City be reassigned and replaced if the City determines that the current staff is not per- forming in accordance with the Ciqs standards. 15. The vendor shall not assign or subcontract any performance of development or mainte- nance without the City’s written consent. 16. Fees for maintenance support contracts shall not increase more than 3% of the prior yeah annual maintenance fee. 17. Maintenance and license fees should be tied to the purchase price at the time of purchase, not based on future purchase prices. 18. The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of San Diego County in the State of California. Terms 81 Conditions Page 36 of 42 - -. The Cltv of Carlsbad DcIrument Manaaement RFP Appendix A City Standard Agreement Appendix A Page 37 of 42 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of # 19-t by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and , a , hereinafter referred to as “Contractor.” RECITALS City requires the services of a Contractor to provide the necessary services for preparation of ; and Contractor possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to provide the services required by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. CONTRACTOR’S OBLIGATIONS rev. 2/26/99 -1 - 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall 3. PROGRESS ANd COMPLETION The work under this contract will begin within ten (10) days after receipt of notification to proceed by the City and be completed within [working/calendar] days of that date. Extensions of time may be granted if requested by the Contractor and agreed to in writing by the . The will give allowance for documented and substantiated unforeseeable and unavoidable delays not caused by a lack of foresight on the part of the Contractor, or delays caused by City inaction or other agencies’ lack of timely action. 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONTRACTOR The total fee payable for the services to be performed shall be $ . No other compensation for services will be allowed except those items covered by supplemental agreements per Paragraph 8, “Changes in Work.” The City reserves the right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until the project has been accepted by the City. -2 - rev. 2/26/99 Incremental payments, if applicable, should be made as outlined in attached Exhibit “A.” 5. DURATION OF CONTRACT This agreement shall extend for a period of from date thereof. The contract may be extended by the City Manager for additional one (1) year periods or parts thereof, based upon a review of satisfactory performance and the City’s needs. The parties shall prepare extensions in writing indicating effective date and length of the extended contract. 6. PAYMENT OF FEES within 7. Payment of approved items on the invoice shall be mailed to the Contractor 30 days of receipt of the invoice. FINAL SUBMISSIONS Within days of completion and approval of the the Contractor shall deliver to the City the following items: a. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of the contract, changes seem merited by the Contractor or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change in the conditions of the contract is warranted, the Contractor or the City may request a change in contract. Such changes shall be processed by the City in the following manner: A -3 - rev. 2/26/99 letter outlining the required changes shall be fonnrarded to the City by Contractor to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. A Standard Amendment to Agreement shall be prepared by the City and approved by the City according-to the procedures described in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.172. Such Amendment to Agreement shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of the agreement. 9. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Contractor warrants that their firm has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Contractor, to solicit or secure this agreement, and that Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 10. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Contractor shall comply with the state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. -4- rev. 2/26/99 11. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Contractor’s failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the work as provided for in this contract, the City Manager may terminate this contract for nonperformance by notifying the Contractor by certified mail of the termination of the Contractor. The Contractor, thereupon, has five (5) working days to deliver said documents owned by the City and all work in progress to the . The shall make a determination of fact based upon the documents delivered to City of the percentage of work which the Contractor has performed which is usable and of worth to the City in having the contract completed. Based upon that finding as reported to the City Manager, the Manager shall determine the final payment of the contract. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such suspension or termination, upon request of the City, the Contractor shall assemble the work product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to City. In the event of termination, the Contractor shall be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total shall not exceed the lump sum fee payable under paragraph 4. The City Manager shall make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. rev. 2/26/99 -5 - 12. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS The Contractor agrees that any contract claim submitted to the City must be asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this agreement and not in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. The Contractor acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to the City, it may be considered fraud and the Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. The Contractor acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et seq., the False Claims Act, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If the City of Carlsbad seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including attorney’s fees. The Contractor acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may subject the Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding wherein the Contractor may be prevented to act as a Contractor on any public work or improvement for a period of up to five years. The Contractor acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction is grounds for the City of Carlsbad to disqualify the Contractor from the selection process. (Initial) The provisions 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 (Initial) of Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.32.025, 3.32.026, pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by reference. -6 - rev. 2126199 - 13. JURISDICTION The Contractor agrees and hereby stipulates that the proper venue and jurisdiction for resolution of any disputes between the parties arising out of this agreement is San Diego County, California. _ 14. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall perform the sewices provided for herein in Contractor’s own way as an independent Contractor and in pursuit of Contractor’s independent calling, and not as an employee of the City. Contractor shall be under control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the City as provided for in the request for proposal. The persons used by the Contractor to provide services under this agreement shall not be considered employees of the City for any purposes whatsoever. The Contractor is an independent Contractor of the City. The payment made to the Contractor pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation to which the Contractor is entitled. The City shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the Contractor or its employees or subcontractors. The City shall not be required to pay any workers’ compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of the Contractor or its employees or subcontractors. The Contractor agrees ‘to indemnify the City within 30 days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, unemployment payment or workers’ compensation payment which the City may be required to make on behalf of the Contractor or any employee or subcontractor of the Contractor for work done under this -7 - rev. 2/26/99 agreement or such indemnification amount may be deducted by the City from any balance owing to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and Consultants that are included in this agreement. 15. CONFORMITY TO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall cause ‘all drawings and specifications to conform to all applicable requirements of law: federal, state and local. Contractor shall provide all necessary supporting documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approval is necessary. The City will provide copies of the approved plans to any other agencies. 16. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, and specifications as herein required are the property of the City, whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. In the event this contract is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications, drawings, reports, and studies shall be delivered forthwith to the City. Contractor shall have the right to make one (1) copy of the plans for its records. -8 - rev. 2/26/99 17. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS The Contractor agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the work pursuant to this contract shall be vested in City and hereby agrees to relinquish all claims to such copyrights in favor of City. _ ia. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused by any willful misconduct, or negligent act, or omission of the contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 19. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 20. SUBCONTRACTING If the Contractor shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by the Contractor, Contractor shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of Contractor’s subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Contractor and the -9 - rev. 2126199 City. The Contractor shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable to Contractor’s work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the City. 21. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving of this agreement, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer or employee of the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or similar functions in connection with the perfomrance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. 22. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor entitle the Contractor to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. 23. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 17, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the parties -10 - rev. 2/26/99 hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 24. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first written above. 25. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Contractor shall file a conflict of interest statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City’s conflict of interest code incorporating Fair Political Practices Commission Regulation 18700 as it defines A consultant. The disclosure category shall be categories OR The City has determined, using the guidelines of the Political Reform Act and the City’s conflict of interest code, that the Contractor will not be required to file a conflict of interest statement as a requirement of this agreement. However, Contractor hereby acknowledges that Contractor has the legal responsibility for complying with the Political Reform Act and nothing in this agreement releases Contractor from this responsibility. 26. INSURANCE The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of the contract and any and all amendments insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the work -11 - rev. 2/26/99 hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Said insurance shall be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to have a . current Best’s Key Rating of not less than “A-V’ and shall meet the City’s policy for insurance.as stated in Resolution No. 91-403. A. Coveraaes’and Limits. Contractor shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum limits indicated herein, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or City Manager: 1. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. $1 ,OOO,OOO combined single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If the submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits shall apply separately to the work under this contract or the general aggregate shall be twice the required per occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved for Contractor’s work for the City). $1 ,OOO,OOO combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability. Workers’ Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employer’s Liability limits of $1 ,OOO,OOO per accident for bodily injury. rev. 2126199 -12 - 4. Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate to the contractor’s profession with limits of not less than $1 ,OOO,OOO per claim. Coverage shall be maintained for a period of five years following the date of completion of the work. B. Additional Provisions. Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under this agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. 1. The City shall be named as an additional insured on all policies excluding Workers’ Compensation and Professional Liability. 2. The Contractor shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. 3. The Contractor shall obtain occurrence coverage, excluding Professional Liability which shall be written as claims-made coverage. 4. This insurance shall be in force during the life of the agreement and any extension thereof and shall not be canceled without 30 days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. 5. If the Contractor fails to maintain any of the insurance coverages required herein, then the City will have the option to declare the Contractor in breach, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order that the required coverages may be maintained. The Contractor is responsible for any payments made by the City to obtain or maintain such insurance rev. 2126199 -13 - and the City may collect the same from the Contractor or deduct the amount paid from any sums due the Contractor under this agreement. 27. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive For Contractor: written notice on behalf of the City and on behalf of the Contractor in connection with the foregoing are as follows: For City: Title Name Address Title Name Address Architect/License Number: Architect/License Number: 28. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor shall obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for the duration of the contract. 29. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated herein, embody the entire agreement and understanding between the -14 - rev. 2/26/99 - parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Neither this agreement nor any provision hereof may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except by an instrument in writing executed by the party against which enforcement of such amendment, waiver or discharge is sought. Executed by Contractor this CONTRACTOR: day of b-19 . CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California (name of Contractor) By: (sign here) By: City Manager or Mayor (print name/title) ATTEST: By: (sign here) (print name/title) ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ’ (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one oificer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney BY Assistant, City Attorney rev. 2/26/99 -15 - - Yhe Citv of Carlsbad Lwument Manaaement RFP Appendix B City Clerk Database Samples Engineering Database Water Department Drawing Database Appendix B Page 38 of 42 INDEX SYSTEM TIME 8:19 AM INDEZ LIST DATE ACTION TYPE PRIMARY FILE ID TOPICS IDENT. SECONDARY FILE ID LOCATION .O-11-1994 AB 12,896 59 CONTRACT 21519 4s FIS SOFIWARE UCOLADREY axmJTsR FIN 01-16-1996 AB 13,473 59 TRAINING 21518 45 FIS FIN AQn LIBRXARD COMPUTER SOFTWARB 04-16-1996 AB 13,607 59 21740 4s 06-04-1996 AB 13,669 21933 07-22-1997 AB 14,279 22647 05-05-1998 AE 14,656 23560 59 4s 59 59 45 CONTRACT FIS BI TECR SRMGTANALYST SoFmmE Pal mmcr XD CONSULTING FIS col4PuTER SOFnlARE CoIrrRAm PCS SOFIWARE s1BRRACoxPmER PERMITS PLUS FIS PHASE6 AMEND AQm BI TECH SOFTWARE TRAINING PROGRAMMINGS FIS PAGE 1 DATE 03/22/99 DESCRIPTION ADOPT RES 94-285 APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH MCGLsADREY & PULLSN TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE TO CITY IN EVALUATING G SELEmING AN FIS SYSTEM. ADOPT RBS 96-21 AUTRORIZING AGMT WITH LIENHARD CONSULTING. GROUP FOR MICROCOMPUTER TRAINING. CC DIR STAFF TO PROCEED WITR PHASE 4 OF THE FIS PROJ, INCLUDING UPGRADES OF MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE L SOFTWARE, C PROVISION OF TRAINING. ADOPT R&S 96-131 APPROVING CONTRACT WITH BI-TECR SOFTWARB FOR SOFTWARZ FOR FIS, & AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FCR HARDWARE FXOM NEWLElT-PACKARD; ADOPT RRS 96-132 APPROVING SR pK;T ANALYST POSITION TO SERVE AS A TEMP PROJ MGR FOR FIS. ADOPT RBS 96-187 APPROVING A CONTRACI' WITX XD CONSULTING FOR PROVISION OF SERVICES TO ASSIST WITH TRS IMPLEMS~ATION OF TtiE FIS. ADOPT RBS 97-547 APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH SIERRA COMPUTER SYSTEMS FOR PCR 6 IMPLBMENT ATION ASSISTANCE OF PERMITS PLUS SOFTWARE SYSTEM, AS PART OF PHASE 6 OF TRE FIS PROJ. ADOPT RES 98-128 APPROVING AMEND 1 To THE AGMT WITH BI-TECH SOFTWARS, INC. FOR ADDITIONAL FIS TRAINING, SOFTWARE MODIFICATIONS & PRCKXAMMING SERVICES. 2 &Wa+t~b dj,C F/s h&M I- FIELDS OF EZWRY DATE OF ACTION This is usually the date an item came before Council. Enter the month/day/year using forward slashes. There may be multiple dates or no dates for "NOTE" the date the reference Example: February entries. tien making a "NOTE" entry, use is being entered. 5, 1988 f 2/S/88 TYPE OF ACTION The underlined selections below are the only approved types of entries for this field. -- -- Agenda Bill Number = AB 9,999 Supplements shown as= AB 9.999-3 Document(s) other than an AB = NO AB There is an agenda bill but no number was assigned to it = NO AB# FILE ID & The file number which identifies where the agenda bill or other document is filed. (See the separate "Carlsbad - Basic Classifications" list for these numbers and the subjects they represent.) Only one file identifier is allowed on this line. The following are exceptions and don't use numbers: "GREEN" is entered for H&R COMS items. "PINK" is entered for CMWD BD items. "NONE" is entered if the entry is a "NOTE" (see Topics) and no documents are filed. SECONDARY SD # Used as the secondary file location identifier if the agenda bill is being cross indexed or there are additional documents filed in other locatons, such as an agreement/contract. There may be more than one file number for this line and they are separated by commas. The use of '45' is only allowed if we have an agreement/contract on file, and then it is a mandatory entry on this line. A "45" is not used if there is no contract to file, even if the agenda bill approved one. NOTE: sometimes a contract is not in a "45" file. Check the agenda bill if a "45" is indicated but not found. Documents difficult to track are sometimes kept together. LOCATION Field currently not used. 1 EXPIRATION DATE - Field currently not used. Field currently not used. TOPICS ABBREVIATIONS: Always use agreed upon abbreviations per the “Proper Name", “General" h "Job Title" abbreviation lists. Do not use periods (.) after abbreviations. ADJOURNED MEETINGS: For normal adjourned meetings, ADJOURR is used as a topic. For those adjourned meetings which result from the possibility of a Council quorum attending the same event or function, include ADJOURN and BROWE ACT as topics. AGREEMENTS: AGMT is entered on one line. The number is entered on a second line. The names of vendors being awarded contracts are entered only if coding on the Council Agenda, (45), indicates there is a contract or agreement on file. AMENDMENT: Do not use this or the abbreviation "amend" as a topic. ANNEXATION: Used as a topic, but the number is used only in the text. ASSEMBLY/SENATE BILLS: Enter e or 68 on one topic line 6 the # on another line. Always enter LEGISLATION as a topic when Assembly Bills and Senate Bills are involved. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: m is entered on a line by itself and the EUMBER is on a line by itself. CABLE TV: CABLE TV is used as a topic for all cable tv actions except for Cable Foundation items. CHANGE ORDERS: CHANGE ORDER is entered on one topic line. The number of the Change Order is not entered as a topic. 2 TODiCS cont. CLOSED SESSION: Enter "CLOSED SESSION" on one topic line. In addition, one of the following must be used as a topic: "LITIGATIONw or "PROPERTY" OR "EMPLOYEE". (Discussions on pending litigation or a lawsuit, employee/labor relations or the purchase of property are the only reasons Council may hold Closed Sessions.) CMWD: Mandatory use as a Topic only when items about the Carlsbad Municipal Water District are acted upon by Council, and NOT by Council sitting as the CMWD Board of Directors. CMWD BD: Mandatory use as a Topic onlv when an item is acted upon by Council sitting as the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors. COMPASS POINTS: Compass points are abbreviated, except when they are a person's last name. Example: south = S Southwestern Stationers = SW STATIONERS northern = g James North = NORTH A compass point that is part of a street name is placed on a topic line senarate from the rest of the street name. CONSULTANT: This word is not used as a topic. Use the name of the person or agency hired and the project they are hired to work on. CONTRACTS: CONTRACT is entered on one line. The number is entered on a second line. The names of vendors being awarded contracts are entered only if coding on the Council Agenda, (45), indicates there is a contract on file. COUNSEL: For all agenda bills hiring outside legal counsel use COUNSEL and the firm or individual's name as topics. COVENANT: Use "DEED" as a topic. The document is treated as a deed and placed in the deed files. (See DEEDS below for further topics needed.) DATES: Aiways use the month/day/year format (3/l/88) when entering dates. Enter a hyphen between the beginning and ending dates of a block of time 1988-89. 3 TODiCS Cont. DEEDS: Always use the word DEED, (even if the document says Grant or Quitclaim), the name of the grantor, the street if known, and the purnose for whizhe deed is being accepted. (PROPERTY, ST EASEMENT, WATER LINE EASEMENT, ACCESS EASEMENT, SEWER LINE EASEMENT, UTILITY EASEMENT.) DONATION: Use only: "DONATION", the name of the department receiving the donation, and who the donation is from. EASEMENTS - FROM CITY: When the City grants an easement to someone else, enter -EASEMENT, and the GRANTEE’S RARE as topics. ENCINA: ENCINA is the mandatorv topic for any of the following: Encina Financing Joint Powers Authority Encina Administrative Agency Encina Wastewater Authority Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Encina Joint Advisory Committee Encina Budget Advisory Committee Encina Solids Advisory Committee Encina Technical Advisory Committee. These titles are abbreviated (see Proper Names list) and the abbreviations are used in the text. FACILITY/FACILITIES: CRWD uses this word in their agenda bills when it is actually water lines or pipes they are discussing. Use IMPROVEMENTS as topic. "Facility" should only be used when referring to building structures. FIRE STATIONS: If the action will only affect a particular fire station (such as repairs to the building), use FIR STATION on one line and the station ITUMBER is entered on a separate line. When the action may affect additional stations (such as the purchase of fire trucks), FIR STATION is entered on one line and the station number is omitted. GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS: up must always be used as an additional topic when entering any element of the General Plan as a topic. See List of Proper Names for their abbreviations. GOALS C OBJECTIVES: Use "GOALS & OBJECTIVES" on one line for Council items only; and "GOALS" for items referring to other Boards, Commissions or Committees. 4 h TODiCS COI-It. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: Use: STATE instead of: State of California COUNTY * * County of San Diego HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: ii&R COMS is a mandatory topic for actions taken by, or about, the H&R COW. IMPROVEMENT/IMPROVEMENTS,: To be used as a Topic .ONLY when Council, CMWD BD or H&R COMS are accepting a job or project as complete; and not when projects are being bid, modified or discussed. INSURANCE: INSURANCE is entered on a line by itself and, if known, the specific type of insurance is entered on a separate line (i.e., Topic 1 - Health, Topic 2 - Insurance; Topic 1 - Workers ComDensation, Topic 2 - Insurance). JOB CLASSIFICATION PLAN, SALARY SCHEDULE: Use GEN ~~MGT depending on if the action relates to the General or Management classification plans and/or salary schedules. CLASSIFICATION and SALARY are also used as Topics along with job titles mentioned. LAWSUITS, WORKERS' COMP: LITIGATION is entered as a topic when referring to lawsuits, claims against the City, and workers' compensation claims. MAPS: TENT MAP is entered for a Tentative Map. Enter FINAL MAP on one line for a Final Map. m is used on another line when referring to an extension of a tentative map. 5 Tonics Cont. NAMES - BUSINESS/PROJECT: Q Q 1. 2. 3. 4. If the first two words of a company or development name take up more than the 20 spaces available on a topic line, than use only the first word. If the word "Carlsbad" appears anywhere in a company or development name it is dropped, even if that leaves only one word to use. DEVELOPMENT NAME: use the first two words of the name on the same line. Use three words onlv if clarification is needed to separate it from others that have the same first two words. Examples: Sandy Pointe Landing = SANDY POINTE Buena Vista Gardens = BUENA VISTA GARDENS Buena Vista Valley = BUENA VISTA VALLEY COMPANY NAME: If an individual's name is used as the company name, use only their last name on the topic line. The name that appears first in a group of names is the one used as a topic. Use the complete company name in the text. Apostrophes are removed and the resulting space is removed. Examples: Alice Premm & Associates = PREMM Alcazar, Zorro C Cisco, Inc. = ALCAZAR Gene Rodenberry Spaceways = RODENBERRY O'Gara Wholesale,= OGAFtA For all other company names, use the first two words t leave out punctuation. Use the full name, with punctuation, in the text. Letters, numbers or words separated by punctuation are considered one word and become one of the two words used on the topic line. Punctuation is left out on the topic line and replaced with spaces. Apostrophes are removed and the resulting space is removed. Examples: Allied Equipment Rental = ALLIED EQUIPMENT 1,2,3 Mighty Widgets.= 1 2 3 MIGHTY Right-of-Way Engineering = RIGHT OF WAY ENG M.A.G. Property = M A G PROPERTY Women's Resource Center = WOMENS RESOURCE INDIVIDUAL'S NAME: use the last name on the topic line if the personal name is being used to identify just that individual. Use the full name of the person in the text. Use the second half of a name that is hyphenated. Examples: Marianne Brown-Green = GREEN Henry R. Tudor = TUDOR AMPERSAND: If it (or the word "and") is the second word in a company name it is kept and the third word is also used on the topic line, unless another abbreviation has already been approved. Example: Routing and Drilling, Inc. = ROUTING 6 DRILLING L & W Investments = L & .W INVESTMENTS - HAMHI - BUSIRRSS/PROJECT continudt 5. COMPASS POINTS: The approved abbreviations for compass points shall be used and considered as one word. Examples8 Southwestern Stationers = SW STATIONERS Western Temporary Employees = W TEMP 6. CALIFORNIA: Is abbreviated to CALIF in a company name. For a State of California department, commission, etc. the word STATE is used as a topic on one line and the approved abbreviation for the department, commission, etc., is used on a second line. 7 TODiCS Cont. NOTE TO FILE: For a "note to file" or reference item NOTE is used on one line and the subject on other lines. This type of entry can tie together entries for one subject which have gone to Council under multiple subjects or project numbers, and are in a variety of filing locations. It can be entered to help locate a filed document that did not go to Council. It can be entered for historical tracing purposes, to show the beginning or ending of a procedure. NUMBER SYMBOL (#I : Do not use the number symbol (li) when entering resolution, ordinance, lawsuit case or project numbers as a topic. NUMBERS: CFD Numbers: CFD is listed on one line and the number is listed on a second line. HYPHENS: Hyphens are not removed from completely numerical topic entries. They may be added in instances where the originating department did not use them. Hyphens are also added to separate years, but not days and months. Examples: lawsuit case 90-40058 = CASE 90-40058 contract no. SA 89-403-B = SA 890403B MS 309 = MS-309 Ms 93-277 = Ms 93-277 Fiscal Year 1989-90 = 1989-90 LFMP numbers: LFMP is listed on one line with the number listed on a second line. Ordinal numbers: Third, thirteenth, 22nd, or one hundred and seven are entered using numerals only, no matter what they refer to. Examples: third = 3 thirteen = 13 22ND = 22 one hundred & seven = 107 PROJECT ID NUMBERS: The main identification number is entered as a topic. Modifiers are only entered in the text. Example: CT 88-5 would be the Topic for CT 88-5(A) or CT 88-5(l). Text entries would then be CT 88-5A or CT 88-5(l). Parenthesis are only used in the text when the modifier is numerical. The zero is dropped in the second half of a project ID, even if other departments include the zero. Example: CT.93-8 is used on the Topic line and in the Text, and not CT 93-08. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE NUMBERS: Do not enter resolution and ordinance numbers as topics. They are used in the text only. Topics Cont. PARKS: In addition to entering the PARR NAME, enter the word PARK on a line by itself. Example: Holiday Community Park = HOLIDAY PARR PROJECTS: use the abbreviation"PROJ" on one topic line. The number is then listed on a second topic line. PUNCTUATION IN TEXT: Words & names: Punctuation is removed from use-in the Topic field when found in words or names. A hyphen is replaced with a space. Letters separated by an apostrophe are brought together. Use the last name in the case of a hyphenated personal name. Examples: Park-in-Lieu Fee = PARK IN LIEU James J. O'Brien = OBRIEN Mary Jones-Smith = SMITH RECLASSIFICATION: m used as a topic. Use classification plan, salarv schedule (if it is amended), m, Ms, m or m, plus job titles as topics. The division and/or department involved are mentioned only in the text. REFUND: Use VEPUNDw, the name of the party receiving the refund, and what the refund is for (such as APPEAL fee, GRADING deposit, etc.) REOUESTS TO ADDRESS COUNCIL: Do not use request as a topic. If the request to be put on Council Agenda comes from an agency, special interest group, club, etc. use their name as a topic along with the subject they wished to address Council on. If it is a request from a citizen, representing only themselves, then that persons last name would be placed on a line and the subject on another line. SINGULAR/PLURAL FORM: usually words are in the singular form. If you can't find a word under the singular form, search with the plural form. STREET NAMES: If a street has a compass point (East, West etc.) at the end or the beginning of the name, that compass point goes on a seperate topic line. SUPPLEMENTS: Supplements to agreements and contracts are entered with SUP on one line and the NUMBER on a second line, and AGMT or CONTG on a third line. TODiCS Cont. TRAVEL REOUESTS: If the request for travel is from a Council Member, use as,topics the word "travel" and the last name of the Council Member. If it is from anyone else in the City, use the word "travel" and the employee's job title. TRAVEL is always used as a topic for any request to leave the City. Examples: A request from Mayor Lewis to attend a convention in Sacramento - use: TRAVEL and LEWIS. A request from Police Chief Vales for training in Phoenix, AZ, - use: TRAVEL and POL CHIEF VENDOR/VENDORS: Do not use the names of any vendors being awarded a bid or purchase order unless there is a "45" coding on the Council Agenda to indicate that we have a contract in our files. 10 - DBSCRIPTIOll (Al80 kmOWB a8 TBXTI This field summarizes Council actions. Use these guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. '6. 7. 8. 9. Enter dates using the month/day/year format: (3/l/88) or the fiscal year format: 1989-90. Always use agreed upon abbreviations. Do not use the number symbol (X) when entering resolutions, ordinances,-projects, contracts or lawsuit cases. All original punctuation is used when entries are made in this field. Do not use a period (.) after abbreviations. When it's a H&R Corns action, H&R Corns must begin the description entry in order to avoid confusion with Council actions. (Example: H&R Coms adopt Res 2323.) When it's a CMWD BD action, CMWD BD must begin the description entry in order to avoid confusion with Council actions. (Example: CMWD BD adopt Res 2323.) If an agenda bill is withdrawn but the original was not returned to the originating department, then enter a brief description of the item (usually the title will do) and add that it was withdrawn. If the original agenda bill was returned then note what department it was returned to and also that it was withdrawn. If an agenda bill was continued by Council, then give a brief description of the item, any actions or instructions that Council might have made, the fact that it was continued and the date it was continued to, if known. If it is later determined to Wfilea a previously continued item, you will return to the entry where it was continued, and in the text note that it was filed, at whose directions it was filed, and the date it was filed. (Item filed per CM on l/3/93.) 11 - August 6,1996 ACCEPT ADJUST PLAT ADMIN ADOPT A0 AGMT FlA AG AMEND & ANNEX APPT APPROX A6 AD ASST ASSOC AVIARA AVE BD BLVD ZD CT CERT COMP CERT CONVENIENCE CD COP CH :tC COP COMS corm CFD co COW CLUP CUP CP CON-r CORP CT GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS ACCEPTING, ACCEPTANCE, ACCEPTED ADJUSTMENT PLAT ADMINISTRATIION, ADMINlSTRATOR~MINISTRATE ADOPTED, ADOPTING, ADOPTION (teti only) AGENDA BILL AGREEMENT AGREEMENT TO PAY FUTLJRE IMPROVEMENT FEES AGRtCULTURE, AGRICULTURAL AMENDMENT, AMENDING, AMENDED, AMENDS AND ANNEX or ANNEXATION APPOINTMENT, APPOINTWIG, APPOINTED APPROXIMATELY ASSEMBLY BlLL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSISTANT ASSOCIATION, ASSOCIATE, ASSOClATES AVlARA PLANNING AREA NO, _ _ (with ‘AREA & # l on 2”d line) AVENUE BOARD BOULEVARD BUILD, BUlLDING BUILDING PERMlT tc1 CARLSBAD TRACT CERTIFlCATE OF COMPLUWCE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE CL NECESSlTY CERTIFlCATE OF DEPOSlT CERTIFlCATE OF PARTlClPATlON CHAPTER (used in teld feld only) CIRCLE CIRCULATION COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMlT COMMISSION COMMITTEE COMMUNITY FAClLlTlES DISTRICT COMPANY COMPENSATION COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PlAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMlT CONDOMINIUM PERMlT CONTINUED CORPORATION COURT (a st. identification & a City Tract) - DP DEPT Dt DIR DIST ON DR EIG EQUIP FED FIN FIR Ff GO BOND GP GPA GIS GOVT GM GMA HO HOP HIST PRES HSG HR ID INC JFA INFO INTRO DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT DISCUSSION lTEM (FROM PLANNING) DIRECTOR, DIRECTED. DIRECTING (NOT FOR DIRECTORY) DISTRICT DMSION - DRfVE EAST, EASTERN ENGINEER, ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT EXTENSION, EXTEND, EXTENDING, EXTENDED fF1 FEDERAL FINANCE, FINANCHG, FINANCES,FlNANCUU FIRE FOOT, FEET (measurement only) GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND GENERAL PLAN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GEOGRAPHlC INFORMATION SYSTEM GOVERNMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT FEE AGREEMENT HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMlT HlGHWAY HISTORIC PRESERVATION HOUSING, USED IN GENERAL SENSE HOUR, HOURS, HOURLY IDENTIFICATION WCORPORATED INCREASED FEE AGREEMENT INFORMATION lNTRODUCE, INTRODUCTION, INTRODUCING, INTRODUCED JPA LCPD LU LN LB LCP LCPA LFMP MGT MGR MP MOA MOU MPH MIN MISC NEG DEC N NE NW NOT AVAIL NOT COMF NOT INTENTlON NOT VtOlATlON I CJI JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT [Ll - LA COSTA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LAND USE LANE LIBRARY LOCAL COASTAL PLAN LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN MANAGEMENT MANAGER MASTER PLAN MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING MILES PER HOUR MINUTES MISCELLANEOUS MONTH(S) MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT (number only used in teti) INI NEGATIVE DEClARATlON NORTH NORTHEAST NORTHWEST NOTICE OF AVAllABlLlTY NOTlCE OF COMPLEIION NOTICE OF INTENTlON NOTICE OF VIOLATION NUMBER (Before a number) COI OR0 ORG ORDINANCE ORGANlZATlON - PG, PGS % PER PL PLN .PLN COM ON PD PIP PUD PC0 f’lANS & SPECS POL PROJ PROP PFF PO PCH RECIASS RECLASSIFY, RECLASSIFICATION REC RECREATlON, RECREATIONAL, FTC. RV RECREATlONAL VEHlCLE RED REDEVELOP, REDEVELOPMENT, ETC. RP REDEVELOPMENT PERMlT RE REGARDING REORG REORGANKATlON . REP REPRESENTATIVE, REPRESENTATlVES RFP REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RES RESOLUTION RES INTENTlON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION REV REVISED, REVlSlON RD ROAD SDU S8 SCA SR SDU SDP S SE SW SP SPECS ST ST LlGHT DIST SUBCOMf SUPV SUP PAGE, PAGES PERCENT PERSONNEL FIACE PLAN. PlANNING, PLANNED (use also in co. names) PLANNED COMMUNlTYDEVELOPMENT PlANNED DEVELOPMENTIPRNATE DEVELOPMENT PlANNED INDUSTRlAL PERMIT PLANNED UNlT DEVELOPMENT PlANNlNG COMMISSION DETERMINATION PIANS qND SPECIFICATIONS PDLlCE PROJECT PROPOSlTlON PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 8 also AGREEMENT PURCHASE ORDER PURCHASE, PURCHASING [Sl SECOND DWELLING UNlT SENATE BlLL SENATE CONSTlTUTIONAL AMENDMENT SEN IOR SINGLE DWELLING UNlT SlTE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SOUTH SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST SPECIFlC PLAN SPECIFlCATlONS STREETORSTREFTS STREET LlGHTING DISTRICT (# listed on 2nd line) SUBCOMMllTEE SUPERVISOR, SUPERVISING, SUPERVISION, SUPERVISED SUPPLEMENT - TIF TOT UUD V Y?3 ZC ZCA l tT1 TEMPORARY TENTATlVE TRAFFlC lMPACT FEE (no # used for ID) TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX tu1 UNDERGROUND UTILIW DISTRICT (number on 2nd line) IV1 VERSUS WI WEEK WEST [VI =WS) CZI ZONE CHANGE ZONE CODE AMENDMENT C August 6,1996 LIST OF PROPER NAMES CONSERVATlON COMT ADVLAPPBD AP ADA ARMY CORPS OF ENG ARTS COMS ARTS ELEMENT ARTS AFS COMT ACA ACWA ARC AWRA AT&SF AV AVA SERV AUTH BLEP BEACH BEACH EROSION COMT 60 OF SUPV B&T DIST BVSD BLD BLD AUTH BVLJPCOMT CABLE FOUNDATION CALIF CAL ID CM/MB STATE BOATING &WATERWAYS BOE FISH L GAME CALTRANS CMIA CALPIRG CAPCFA (4 ADVlSORY COMMllTEE ON COASTAL SAGE SCRUB RESOURCEMANAGEMENT ADVlSORY AND APPEALS BOARD AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE (with # on same line) AMERICANS WlTH DlSABlLfTlES ACT ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ARTS COMMISSION ARTS ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) ARTS OFFICE, CULTURAL ARTS OFFlCE ARCHlTECTURAL FEASIBILITY STUDY COMMllTEE ASSEMBLY CONSTlTUTlONAL AMENDMENT ASSOClATlON OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES HEALTH BENEFlTS AUTHORlTY ASSOClATlON OF RETARDED CJTIZENS ASSOClATlON OF WATER RECtAMATlON AGENCIES ATCHISON TOPEKA d SANTA FE AUDIO VISUAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALlFORNlA SAN DIEGO ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT SERVlCE AUTHORllY BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK BEACH EROSION ACTION COMMllTEE, (Regional) BEACH EROSION COMMTTTEE. (Local) SAN DIEGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVlSORS BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT BUENA VISTA SANlTATlON DISTRICT BUILDING DEPT. BUILDING AUTHORrrY BUENA VISTA LAGOON JOINT POWERS COMMl-ITEE CABLE TELEVlSlON FOUNDATION CALlFORNlA (used in names other than State Depts.) CALFORNlA IDENTIFICATION SYSTEmEMOTE ACCESS NETWORK CALlFORNlA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD CALIFORNIA. STATE (use CALIF in proper names) CALIFORNIA, STATE, DEPT. OF BOATING &WATERWAYS CALIFORNIA, STATE, BOARD OF EQUALlZATlON CALIFORNIA, STATE, DEPT. OF FISH CL GAME CALIFORNIA, STATE, DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATlON CALlFORNlA MUNICIPAL INSURANCE AUTHORlT’f CALlFORNlA PUBLIC INTEREST RESEARCH GROUP CALIFORNIA POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTH0Rll-Y - h CSCD+ CIP CARRILLO RANCH COMT. CARA cc CCEA CCEI CCVB CEEC CFA CMC CMWD CMWD BD CARLSBAD MUTUAL CPMA CPOA SAFETY CENTER CUSD CDBG FUND COMT CENTRO CLG CHILD CARE COMS CIRC COMT CIRC ELEMENT CAMPAIGN REFORM COMT GROWTH COMT CITIZEN Cl-W BEACH CAT CULT FAC COMT GENERAL FUND PANEL CDBG FUND ADV COM DEV COM DEV PLN BUDGET REQ COMT CSD CAFR cHAs CRMWD COUNM DP DES REV BD DPS CALiFORNlA STATEWlDE COMMUNlTlES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CAPlTAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . CARRILLO RANCH AD HOC COMMllTEE CARLSBAD ATHLETIC RECREATION ASSOCIATION CARLSBAD ClT’f COUNCIL * CARLSBAD ClTY EMPLOYEE’S ASSOCXATlON CARLSBAD COMMUNITY EDUCATION, INC. CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VlSlTORS BUREAU CARLSBAD EC6NOMlC ENHANCEMENT COMMISSION CARLSBAD FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIR. CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER COMPANY CARLSBAD POLICE MANAGEMENT ASSOClATlON CARLSBAD POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCtATlON CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVlCE CENTER CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CDBG FUNDING COMMllTEE CENTRO DE INFORMACION CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT PROGRAM CHILD CARE COMMISSION CIRCULATION COMMi-lTEE CIRCULATION ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) ClTKEN’S COMMllTEE ON CAMPdlGN REFORM ClTlZEN’S COMMlTTEE TO STUDY GROWTH ClTKEN OF THE YEAR ClTY OF CARLSBAD COASTAL REGIONAL BEACH EROSION COMMllTEE COMBAT AUTO THEFT COMMllTEE TO STUDY CULTURAL FAClLlTlES COMMUNIM ACTlVlTY FUNDING PANEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING ADVISORY COMMllTEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMUNlTY SERVICE BUDGET REQUEST COMMllTEE COMMUNllY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSM ANNUAL FINANCE REPORT COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING AFORDABlLrrY SlJ?ATEGY COSTA REAL MUNlClPAL WATER DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO (D) DATA PROCESSING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVlCES DNISION - (El EDUCATlONAL REVENUE ALLOCATION FUND ELECTRICAL CODE, NATIONAL EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM EMPLOYEE CAPKAL EQUIPMENT COMMllTEE ENCINA ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY ENCINA FINANCING JOINT POWERS AUTHORlTY ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORl-iY ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FAClLllY ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT ENGINEERING DEPT. ENVIRONMENTAL REVlEW BOARD EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNllY COMMISSION EXECUTIVE LEAVE (no hyphen or space used) . ERAF NEC ECE COMT EFJPA EWA NVPCF EUSD ENG ERB EEOC ETIME FSS FAU FCC FEMA ISTEA HCP FIN FIR FRIENDS OF LIB FIA GIA GEN GPlLU ELE REV COMT GIS GOLF STEERING COMT GOLF COURSE TAC HARDMG CENTER HMP HIST PRES COMS HSG HSG ELEMENT H&R H&R ADV COMT H&R COMS HSG AUTH HSG COMS (F) FAMILY SELF SUFFICIENCY PROGRAM FEDERAL AID URBAN (Entitlement Funds) FEDERAL COMMUNlCATlONS COMMISSION FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACT FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION EHANCEMENT ACTMTIES PROGRAM FIELDSTONE HABlTAT CONSERVATON PLAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDS OF THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (G) GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA GENERAL (only for employees classifcatiin) GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT COMMmEE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (a Corn. Dew diin) GOLF COURSE ClTlZEN STEERING COMMllTEE GOLF COURSE TECHNICAL ADVlSORY COMMllTEE HARDING COMMUNl’lY CENTER’ HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN HISTORIC PRESERVATKIN COMMISSION HOUSING DEPARTMENT HOUSING ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADWORY COMT.(defunct) HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING COMMISSION - HUD HR HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. IID ND DNAUTH IS SOLID WASTE COMS ISTEA ICRI - l-5 IIE JAC JPlA LU ELEMENT LLNL LPPI LCWD LEAGUE LSCA LIB LIB 80 LIB BLD REV COMT LSCA IAFCO LOSANGELES ’ LOS ANGELES LOSSAN AIRPORT MPAAC MPROP MUNI PROJ IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INFORMATION SYSTEMS INTERIM SOLID WASTE COMMISSION (FEDERAL) INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACT INTERNATIONAL CHKD RESOURCE INSTITUTE INTERSTAtE 5 (FREEWAY) INVESTMENT IN EXCELLANCE (J) ENCINA JOINT ADVlSORY COMMllTEE JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY IAND USE ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT LAWRENCE LlVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY LEG0 PARK PLANNING, INC. LEUCADlA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LIBRARY SERVICES & CONSTRUCTION ACT LIBRARY DEPARTMENT LIBRARY BOARD LIBRARY BUILDING REVIEW COMMlllEE LIBRARY SERVlCES 8 CONSTRUCTION ACT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION LOCAL ENFORCEMENT AGENCY LOS ANGELES HARBOR COMMISSION LOS ANGELES PORT AUTHORTrY’ LOS ANGELES TO SAN DIEGO INTER CllY RAIL SERVICE MCCLELLAN PALOMAR AIRPORT McCLELlAN PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVlSORY COMMlTlEE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENT OWNERSHIP PROGRAM MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM NATIONAL UTILKATION MANAGEMENT CORPORATION NOISE ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) NORTH COUNiY RECYCLING CL ENERGY RECOVERY CENTER NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING REVIEW BOARD NORTH COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY NORTH COUNfi TRANSFER STATION SITING COMMllTEE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT, NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNlYTRANSlT DEVELOPMENT BOARD NORTH COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COALlTION NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE NEC NPDES NUMC NOISE ELEMENT N COUNTY RECYCLING NCRPRB NCSWMA NCTSSC NCTD NCTC NWNL DEDICATION OMWD OPEN SPACE ADV COMT OPEN SPACE COMT OPEN SPACE ELEMENT AIRPORT MPAAC PRK AUTH P&R P&R ELEMENT P&R COMS PART FOR CHANGE PART FOR CHANGE COMT PTMP PER PER BD PLN COMS PLN PMA LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES POE PARSAC PERS- PFMS PIG PCH (0) OFFER OF DEDICATION OLlVENHAlN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OPEN SPACE ADVlSORY COMMlTTEE OPEN SPACE COMMllTEE OPEN SPACE 8 CONSERVATION ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) (P) PALOMAR AIRPORT (MCCLELLAN) (MCCLELLAN) PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVlSORY COMMlTTEE PARKING AUTHORlTY PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATlON ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE ADVISORY COMMlTTEE PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL BOARD PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLlCE MANAGEMENT ASSOClATlON PORT AUTH0Rll-Y OF LOS ANGELES PORT OF LOS ANGELES PROTECT OUR ESTUARY PUBLIC AGENCY RISK SHARING AUTHORllY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM PUBLIC FACILITIES MANAGMENT SYSTEM PUBLlC IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT - h REC FAC FIN COMT RED RED RED MP ADV COMT RTIP WA RM SAFETYCENTER SAFETYELEMENT AVA SERV AUTH SANDAG COUNTY BD OF SUPV SDCWA SDCWA SDG&E SDRWRA SDRAFVC SAFE SSCB SDSWMA SDUSD SDVvD SMCWD SMUSD SOS SR CENTER SR ClT ASSOC SR COMS SERRA SISTER CITY COMT SOLID WASTE COMS so CAL GAS HIST RESOURCES COMS NCCP STIP SLTPP SNC ST PHASE V COMT RECREATIONAL FAClLlTY FINANCING COMMllTEE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN ADVlSORY COMMilTEE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RESEARCl-VANALYSIS GROUP (AKA RESARCH DEPARTMENT) RISK MANAGEMENT (S) (CARLSBAD) SAFi3-Y AND SERVlCE CENTER SAFETY ELEMENT (GENERAL PLAN) SAN DIEGO ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT SERVICE AUTHORllY SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS SAN DIEGO COUNTY SAN DIEGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVlSORS SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORIlY SAN DIEGO COUN-TY WATER ASSOCIATION SAN DIEGO GAS 8 ELECTRIC SAN DIEGO REGION WATER RECLAMATION AGENCY SAN DIEGO REGIONAL ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLE COALlTlON SAN DIEGO SERVlCE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES SAN DIEGO SERVICE CENTER FOR THE BLIND SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTH0Ril-Y SAN DlEGUlTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SAN DIEGUKO WATER DISTRICT SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SAVE OPEN SPACE (1988 ELECTlON INlTlATlVE COMMlmZE) SENIOR CENTER SENIOR ClTlZEN ASSOCIATION SENIOR COMMISSlON SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVlSORY BOARD SISTER CllY COMMJ-ITEE SOLID WASTE COMMISSION (INTERIM) SOUTHERN CALlFORNlA GAS COMPANY STATE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION, (STATE on line 2) STATE NATURAL COMMUNITIES CONSERVATION PLAN STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STATE 8 LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM STREET NAME CHANGE (# listed on 2nd line) STREETSCAPE PHASE V COMMllTEE - N BEACH COMT TSC TC ZONE TDA TIP TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMllTEE FOR THE NORTHERN BEACH AREA TRAFFlC SAFETY COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR ZONE TRANSPORTATlON DEVELOPMENT ACT TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTMTIES PROGRAM (FEDERAL) TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UUAC UBC UDBC UFC UHC UMC UPC USSHC USEC FISH CL WlLDLlFE U/M VCWD VAlLECKOS COUNTY WATER DISTRlCT VSP VISION SERVlCES PLAN vErMEMoRlALcofm VETERANS MEMORW COMMKTEE RED MP ADV COMT VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN ADVlSORY UNDERGROUND ‘UTILKY ADVlSORY COMMllTEE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE UNIFORM DANGEROUS BUILDING CODE UNIFORM FIRE CODE UNIFORM HOUSNG CODE UNIFORM MECHANlCAL CODE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE UNIFORM POOL, SPA 8 HOT TUB CODE UNIFORM SOLAR ENERGY CODE UNKED STATES DEPT. OF FISH & WlLDLlFE (Federal) UTILKIESIMAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT COMMllTEE WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMPENSATION YOUTH COMS YOUTH COMMISSION m August 6,1998 I INDEX 3000 JOB TITLE ABBREVIATIONS (CMVVD) after a title indicates that It is a CMWD classification which was added to the CWS classification list by Council’s action on an agenda bill. The group classification for non-management employees was MlSCellaneous until the CIy, on an agreement effe&w l/14/32, changed the classification to GENeraI: m is used to designate a Part Tie position. ACCOUNT CLK I ........................ ACCOUNT CLERK I ........................................................................................ MISC ACCOUNT CLK II ....................... ACCOUNT CLERK II ....... ..” ............................................................................ MISC ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTANT MISC ........................... ............................................................................................... ACCOUNTING SUPV.. ............... ACCOUNTING SUPERVlSOR ....................................................................... MISC ACCOUNTING TECH ................. ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ......................................................................... GEN ADMIN AIDE ................................ ADMlNlSTRATlVE AlDE ................................................................................. MGT ADMIN ANALYST ....................... ADMlNlSTRATlVE ANALYST ........................................................................ MGT ADMIN ANALYST-CM\IvD .......... ADMlNlSTRATlVE ANALYST-CMWD (CMWD) ........................................... MGT ADMIN ASST I ............................. ADMlNlSTRATlVE ASSJSTANT I ................................................................... MGT ADMIN ASST II ............................ ADMlNlSTRATlVE ASSISTANT II .................................................................. MGT CONTRACT ADMIN.. .................. ADMINISTRATlVE ASST I/CONTRACT COORDINATOR .......................... MGT ADMIN COORD .......................... MMlNlSTRATlVE COORDINATOR-SPECIAL DISTRICTS ........................ MGR ADMIN MGR ................................ MMlNlSTRATlVE MANAGER (CMWD) ....................................................... MGT ADMIN SEC ............ ..u ................. MMINISTRATNE SECRETARY ................................................................... GEN SERViPR0.J MGR ...................... MMlNlSl’RATlVE SERVlCESiPROJECTS MANAGER .............................. MGT AQUATlCS SPEC ....................... AQUATlCS SPEClALlST ................................................................................ GEN AQUATlCS SUPV ....................... AQUATlCS SUPERVISOR ............................................................................. MGT ARTS MGR ................................. ARTS MANAGER ............................................................................................ MGT ACA ............................................. ASSISTANT Cl-l-f ATTORNEY ...................................................................... MGT ASST CLK ................................... ASSISTANT CllY CLERK.. ............................................................................ MGT ASST CE ..................................... ASSISTANT Cl-l7 ENGINEER ....................................................................... MGT ACM ............................................. ASSISTANT CllY MANAGER ........................................................................ h”;T ASST CIVIL ENG ........................ ASSISTANT CML ENGINEER ...................................................................... GiN ASST FIN DIR ............................. ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR ............................................................... MGT ASST PLN ................................... ASSISTANT PLANNER .................................................................................. MISC ASST PLN DIR ............................ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR ............................................................ MGT ABBT TO CM .............................. ASSISTANT TO Cll‘Y MANAGER .................................................................. MGT ASST TO TRS ............................. ASSISTANT TO ClTY TREASURER ............................................................. ASST U/M DIR ............................ ASSISTANT UTlLlTlESiMAlNTENANCE DIRECTOR .................................. MGT ASSOC CML ENG ..................... ASSOClATE CML ENGINEER ...................................................................... GEN ASSOC PLN ................................ ASSOCIATE PLANNER .................................................................................. MISC AV SPEC ..................................... AUDIO VlSUAL SPEClALlST ......................................................................... MISC BAT CHIEF ................................... BATTALION CHIEF ......................................................................................... MGT BLD INSPECTOR ........................ BUILDING INSPECTOR ................................................................................. MISC BLD INSPECTOR I ...................... BUILDING INSPECTOR I ............................................................................... MISC BLD INSPECTOR II ..................... BUILDING INSPECTOR II ............................................................................... MISC BLD INSPECTOR Ill .................... BUILDING INSPECTOR Ill.. ............................................................................ MISC BLD MAINT SUPT ....................... BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT ......................................... MGT BLD MAINT SUPV ....................... BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVlSOR ................................................... MISC BLD MAINT WORKER I ............... BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I ........................................................ MISC BLD MAINT WORKER II .............. BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER II ....................................................... MISC BLD TECH II ................................. BUILDING TECHNICIAN II .............................................................................. MISC - - CAPT SPEC ................................. CAPTAIN-SPECIALIST/FIRE MARSHAL ....................................................... FIRE CIRC SUPV .................................. CIRCULATION SUPERVlSOR.. ..................................................................... GEN CA ................................................. CITY ATTORNEY ..................................................................... ..- ................... MGT CLK ............................................... ClTY CLERK .................................................................................................... ELECT CC.. ............................................... CITY COUNCIL ............................................................................................... ELECT CE ................................................. CIM ENGINEER.. ........................................................................................... MGT CM ................................................ CITY MANAGER ............................................................................................. MGT CLK STENO ................................. CLERK STENO ....... ..” .................................................................................... MISC CLK TYPIST I ............................... CLERK TYPIST I ............................................................................................. MISC CLK TYPIST II .............................. CLERK MPIST II ............................................................................................ MISC CODE ENFORCE I ...................... CODE ENFOdCEMENT OFFICER I .............................................................. MISC CODE ENFORCE II ..................... CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II ............................................................. MISC COMM OP I .................................. COMMUNlCATlONS OPERATOR I ............................................................... POL COMM OP II ................................. COMMUNlCATlONS OPERATOR II .............................................................. POL COMM & RECORDS SUPV ........ COMMUNlCATlONS & RECORDS SUPERVISOR ....................................... POL COMM SUPV ............................... COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVlSOR .............................................................. POL COMM SHIFT SUPV.. .................. COMMUNICATIONS SHIFT SUPERVISOR .................................................. POL COM ART COORD ...................... COMMUNlTY ARTS COORDINATOR.. ......................................................... MISC COM DN DIR ............................. COMMUNITY DEVEVLOPMENT DIRECTOR ............................................... MGT COM LIB SERV SUPV.. ............... COMMUNIM UBRARY SERVICES SUPERVISOR ..................................... GEN COM RED MGR.. ......................... COMMUNW REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER ............................................. MGT COM SERV DIR ........................... COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR ........................................................... MGT COMP & BEN MGR ..................... COMPENSATlON & BENEFITS MANAGER ................................................. MGT COMP TECH ................................ COMPENSATlON TECHNICIAN .................................................................... GEN CONST INSPECTOR .................. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR ..................................................................... MISC CONST CL MAINT I ....................... CONSTRUCTION 81 MAlNlENANCE WORKER I ........................................ GEN CONST & MAINT II ...................... CONSTRUCTlON & MAlNTENANCE WORKER II ....................................... GEN CONST MAINT SUPV ...... . .......... CONSTRUCTlON MAINTENANCE SUPERVlSOR (CMWD) ...................... MGT CRIME PREV TECH .................... CRIME PREVENTION TECHNICIAN ............................................................. MISC CROSS CONNECT TECH .......... CROSS CONNECTlON CONTROL TECHNICIAN ....................................... CMWD DP MGR .,,.,....,......................,.,,,.. DATA PROCESSING MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MGT DCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEPUiY CllY AlTORNEY ..,,,.,..............,,..,...,..,..........................,................ MISC DEP CLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEPUlY ClTY CLERK .,.,,,,,,..,......,...,..........,...,..,,...............,..,.......,............... MISC DEP TRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEPUTY CllY TREASURER ,..,.......................,,............................................ DEP PUBLlC WORKS DIR . . . . . . . . . . DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DPS MGR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.............. DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVlCES MANAGER MGT DIST ENG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISTRICT ENGINEER (CMWD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MGT ECONOMlC On/ ffiR ............... ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER .................................................... ELECTRICLAN .............................. ELECTRlClAN ................................................................................................. EMP SERV MGR ......................... EMPLOYEE SERVlCES MANAGER .............................................................. EQUIP MECH I ............................. EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I ............................................................................. EQUIP MECH II ............................ EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II ............................................................................ EQUIP MECH SUPV.. .................. EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR.. .................................................... EVIDENCE & PROP TECH EVlDENCE AND PROPERTY TECHNICIAN ........................................................ MGT GEN GEN MISC MISC MGT MISC A FIN DIR.. ....................................... FINANCE DIRECTOR.. ................................................................................... MGT FIN MGT DIR ................................ FINANCJAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR ...................................................... MGT BAT CHIEF ................................... FIRE BAlTALlON CHIEF ............................................................................... MGT FIR CAPT ..................................... FIRE CAPTAIN ................................................................................................ FIRE FIR CHIEF .................................... FIRE CHIEF ..................................................................................................... MGT FIR DN CHIEF ............................. FIRE DMSION CHIEF .................................................................................... FIRE FIR ENG ....................................... FIRE ENGINEER ............................................................................................. FIRE FIRFIGHTER/PARA.. ................... FIREFIGHTER / PARAMEDIC.. ...................................................................... FIRE FIR MARSHAL ............................. FIRE MARSHAL ........ . ..................................................................................... FIRE FIR PREV OFFICER I .................. FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I.. ................................................................... MISC FIR PREV OFFtCER II ................. FIRE PREVENTlON OFFICER II.. .................................................................. MISC FIR PREV OFFlCER Ill ................ FIRE PREVENTlON OFFICER Ill ................................................................... MISC FIRFIGHTER ................................ FIREFIGHTER ................................................................................................. FIRE FIRFIGHTER I .............................. FIREFIGHTER I ............................................................................................... FIRE GENERAL MGR ........................... GENER& MANAGER (CMWD) .................................................................... MGT GIS COORD ................................. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS COORDINATOR.. .................... MGT HSG ASST ................................... HOUSING ASSISTANT ................................................................................... H&R DIR ....................................... HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ........................................ MGT HSG PROGRAM ADMIN ............. HOUSING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR .................................................... MGT HSG SPEC .................................. HOUSING SPEClALlST I ................................................................................ MISC HSG SPEC II ................................ HOUSING SPEClALlST II ............................................................................... MGT HR ANALYST ............................... HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST ................................................................. MGT HR ASST ...................................... HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT .............................................................. MGT HR DIR ......................................... HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR ............................................................... MGT HR MGR ....................................... HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER ................................................................ MGT IS DIR ........................................... INFORhdATlON SYSTEMS DIRECTOR ......................................................... MGT IS MGR ......................................... INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER ......................................................... MGT JUVENILE COORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUVENILE JUSTlCE PROGRAM COORDINATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEN IA COSTA BRANCH MGR ......... IA COSTA BRANCH UBRARY MANAGER .................................................. MGT LAGOON PATROL SPEC ........... LAGOON PATROL SPECIALIST ................................................................... PK PLN MGR ..................................... LAND USE PLANNING MANAGER . ............................................................... MGT LIB I ............................................... UBRARLAN I .................................................................................................... MISC LIB II ............................................... UBRARIANII ................................................................................................... MISC LIB Ill ............................................. UBRARlAN Ill .................................................................................................. MISC LIB ASST I .................................... UBRARY ASSISTANT I .................................................................................. MISC LIB ASST II ........ ..- ....................... UBRARY ASSISTANT II ................................................................................. MISC LIB ASST Ill .................................. UBRARY ASSISTANT Ill ................................................................................ MISC LIB CLK I ...................................... UBRARY CLERK I .......................................................................................... GEN LIB CLK II ...................................... UBRARY CLERK II .......................................................................................... GEN LIB SERV SPEC .......................... UBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST ................................................................ MGT _ MAINT ELECTRlClAN I ............... h#wTENANCE ELECTRlClAN I ................................................................... GEN MAIM ELEcTRlclAN II .............. MAINTENANCE ELECTRlClAN II .................................................................. GEN MAINT SUPT ................................ MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT (CMWD). ........................................... MGT MGT ASST ................................... MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT ......................................................................... MGT MGT ANALYST ............................ MANAGEMENT ANALYST ............................................................................. MGT MEDIA PROGRAM SPEC ........... MEDlA PROGRAMING SPECIALIST.. ........................................................... MGT MEDIA SERV MGR ...................... MEDIA SERVlCES MANAGER.. ..................................................................... MGT MESSENGER .............................. MESSENGER .................................................................................................. MISC METER READ/REPAIR I ............. METER READER/REPAIR I ........................................................................... GEN METER READ/REPAIR II ............ METER READER/REPAIR II .......................................................................... GEN METER SERV WORK I ............... METER SERVlCES WORKER I ..................................................................... CMWD METER SERV WORK II .............. METER SERVlCES WORKER II .................................................................... CMWD METER SERV WORK Ill.. ............ METER SERVICES WORKER Ill ................................................................... CMWD- MICRO SPEC ............................... MICRO COMPUTER SPECIALIST ................................................................. MISC MINUTES CLK ............................. MINUTES CLERK ........................................................................................... MISC MUNI PROJ MGR ........................ MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER ............................................................. MGT NETWORK SPEC I ...................... NETWORK SPEClALlST I .............................................................................. GEN NETWORK SPEC II ..................... NETWORK SPECIAL&T II ............................................................................. GEN OPERATIONS SUPT ................... OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT (CMWD) .............................................. MGT OFFIcE SPEC I.. .......................... OFFICE SPEClAUST I .................................................................................... GEN Off ICE SPEC II.. ......................... OFFICE SPEClALlST II ................................................................................... GEN PARAIFIGHTER.. ......................... PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER .......................................................................... FIRE PARK DEV COORD .................... PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ..................................................... GEN PARK MAIM SPEC .................... PARK MAlNTENANCE SPEClALlST ............................................................. GEN PARK PLN .................................... PARK PLANNER ............................................................................................. GEN PLN DIR ....................................... PLANNING DIRECTOR .................................................................................. MGT PLN TECH .................................... PLANNING TECHNlClAN ............................................................................... GEN PLN TECH I .................................. PLANNING TECHNICIAN I ............................................................................. MISC PLN TECH II ................................. PLANNING TECHNICIAN II ............................................................................ MISC PERMIT CLK ................................ PERMIT CLERK .............................................................................................. MISC POL CAPT .................................... POUCE CAPTAIN ........................................................................................... MGT POL CHIEF.. ................................. POLICE CHIEF ................................................................................................ MGT POL LT ......................................... POUCE LIEUTENANT .................................................................................... MGT POL RECORDS CLK I ................. POUCE RECORDS CLERK I.. ....................................................................... GEN POL RECORDS CLK II ................ POUCE RECORDS CLERK II ........................................................................ GEN POL SGT ...................................... POUCE SERGEANT ...................................................................................... MGT POL SERVAlDE .......................... POUCE SERVICES AlDE ............................................................................... MISC PRIN BLD INSPECTOR .............. PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR ............................................................. MGT PRIN CML ENG .......................... PRINCIPAL CML ENGINEER ........................................................................ MGT PRIN CONST INSPECTOR .-.-PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTlON INSPECTOR ................................................ MGT PRIN LIB ....................................... PRINCIPAL LlBRARlAN .................................................................................. MGT PRIN PLN ..................................... PRINCIPAL PLANNER ................................................................................... MGT PRIN REC SUPV.. ....................... PRINCIPAL RECREATION SUPERVISOR ................................................... MGT PROG/ANALYsT ......................... PROGRAMMER/ANALYST ............................................................................ GEN PROGIOP.. ................................... PROGRAMMER/OPERATOR ........................................................................ GEN PUBLK= INFO OFFlCER .............. PUBUC INFORMATION OFFICER ................................................................ MGT SAFETY SYS SPEC .................... PUBUC SAFETY SYSTEMS SPEClALlST PUBLIC WORKS DIR .................. PUBUC WORKS DIRECTOR ........................................................................ MGT PCH OFFICER.. ........................... PURCHASING OFFICER ............................................................................... MGT P RECEP CASHIER ........................ RECEPTlONlST CASHIER ............................................................................. MISC RECORDS SUPV.. ...................... RECORDS SUPERVlSOR .............................................................................. POL REC ASST ................................... RECREATION ASSISTW ........................................................................... REC REC SPEC ................................... RECREATION SPECMST ........................................................................... MISC REC SUPT ................................... RECREATION SUPERlNTENDENt .............................................................. MGT REC SUPV I ................................. RECREATlON SUPERVlSOR I ...................................................................... MISC REC SUPV II ................................ RECREATlON SUPERVlSOR II ..................................................................... MISC RISK MGR ................................... RISK MANAGER ............................................................................................. MGT SANlTATlON SUPV.. ................... SANlTATlON SUPERVlSOR .......................................................................... MISC SEC I ............................................. SECRETARY I ................................................................................................. MISC SEC II ............................................ SECRETARY II ................................................................................................ MISC SEC TO CA .................................. SECRETARY TO ClTYAlTORNEY .............................................................. MGT SEC TO CM ................................. SECRETARY TO CrrY MANAGER ............................................................... MGT SR BLD MAINT WORKER .......... SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER ........................................... MISC SR CIRC SUPV.. .......................... SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVlSOR ........................................................ GEN SR ClT COORD ........................... SENIOR ClTlZEN COORDINATOR ............................................................... MGT SR CONST INSPECTOR ............ SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR ..................................................... MISC SR ELECTRlClAN ....................... SENIOR ELECTRICIAN .................................................................................. SR lNST/LlFEGUARD ....................... SENIOR INSTRUCTOR/LIFEGUARD . ........................................................... PT SR LIB .......................................... SENIOR UBRARlAN ....................................................................................... GEN SR OFFlCE SPEC ....................... SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST ....................................................................... GEN SR MGT ANALYST.. .................... SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST .............................................................. MGT SR PLN ......................................... SENIOR PLANNER ......................................................................................... MISC SR RECEP CASHIER.. ................ SENIOR RECEPTIONIST CASHIER ............................................................. MISC SITE MGR .................................... SITE MANAGER .............................................................................................. MISC SYS OP SUPV ............................. SYSTEMS OPERATlONS SUPERVlSOR (CMWD) ...................................... MGT TECH I .......................................... TECHNlClAN I ................................................................................................. hAlSC TRAFFlCENG ............................. TRAFFIC ENGINEER ..................................................................................... MGT TRANS PLN ................................. TRANSPORTATION PLANNER .................................................................... MISC TRS ............................................... TREASURER .................................................................................................. ELECT U/M DIR UTILITIES MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR ........................................................ MGT VALVE MAINT VmRKER VALVE ............ MAlNTENANCE WORKER ................................................................ MGT WATER CON SPEC .................... WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST ....................................................... CMWD .............................................. KII WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR I ............................................................ MISC WORD ............................................. PROCESSING OPERATOR II ........................................................... MISC I I 03/22/90 15:09 b760 431 1601 - . cARLs3AD MR-D @002~ulJ. ~~iPIPi?/?:P/B!-?~ , ?;oli?/ c-r -'j,?Lo;? : I ?1:P?,? / 9.9 “Igij I I / 1 I : ’ h’LJ~W,WJ~~WJ~lOiGIJWi~iNIN,)U,N’N ’ ( j 1 jm,i,;,l,\ I i ; 1 1 I 1 1 j ’ j I , -L,-l a &Id A,& A 284 8 0,=/W!*; /vIIPiwih)i-i : I 1W(W~~~W/Wj~iWI~~~~~~W!W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!O’(D,W!~~~iVl/h~W N de;;i I “QgQ$y;i @i$#~~~ p/C/~,~j*l~ ‘2 al~lg ,‘I Sl,ia:ajliW 41 .olo m1q;a,w n/Y) uiul 1 ( w j 1 1 1 ’ fit21 I ) ! 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The Citv of Carl&ad Document Manaaement RFP Appendix C City Network Diagram Appendix C Page 39 of 42 .