HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-15; City Council; 15627 Attachment C; Addendum Contract City of Carlsbad ThirdWave Corp. . . - Document Managem. lontract ATTACHMENT “C” .4 Addendum To Contract between the City of Carlsbad and ThirdWave Corp. January 17.2000 1. Introduction The Request for Proposal issued by the City specified the scope of work and deliverables required for this contract. Both the RFP and TWC’s proposal are an integral part of this contract. (See Attachments A and B to Contract) I 2. Additions/Modifications to the Scope of Work and Deliverables The City and TWC agree the following additions and/or modifications to the RFP te. This section also includes clarifications of TWC’s proposal. 2.1 Prototypes (City of Carlsbad RFP Page 9, Par. 2.24 TWC will deliver “working” prototypes of system functionality, workflows and screens, not just prototypes on paper or screen layouts. These prototypes will be evaluated by a small group of users who will be given a sufficient amount of time to complete their evaluation (estimated at two weeks per prototype). TWC will train selected users on each prototype before the two-week evaluation period starts. These users will train other users who will participate in the evaluation period. TWC w/II install and test the software required to evaluation the prototypes and be readily available by phone to answer questions during the evaluation period. 2.2 Network Analysis (WC Proposal Page 5.5, Par. 5.3.1, T 2.1) TWC will conduct one or more meetings with individual City staff members or with groups of City staff, as appropriate. These meetings will involve actual inspection of facilities and systems. They will be conducted in an attempt to identify potential problems and system performance issues. TWC will provide a Draft 1 1 I, ,I - Document Managemc :ontract list of issues and estimated transactions for projected image network traffic as part of the deliverables for this task. TWC will make recommendations for network enhancements, if appropriate. 2.3 Indexing (City of Carlsbad RFP Page 9, Par. 2.2. I) The City stated that while the City Clerk has a good idea of what they want from the DMS, other user groups have never come together to discuss and identify indexing requirements. TWC will conduct meetings with the users to determine indexing requirements. Document type determination must occur early on so that the appropriate document type bar codes can be inserted during document preparation. Groups involved in the indexing discussions will be Water, Engineering and City Clerk. 2.4 Training (Cify of Carlsbad RFP Page 9, Par. 2.2. I) The City reserves the right to require TWC to replace a trainer if the City thinks the trainer is not effective. TWC will submit training materials for the City’s review at least two weeks before scheduled classes. TWC will customize training materials to reflect the system delivered to the City. They will customize exercises, using the City’s work/documents. City wants to make sure that the training materials only show screens that the users will be seeing (not generic FileNET “out of the box” screens). TWC will modify the generic FileNET training materials to reflect the DMS system as configured by TWC. There are 3 types of users to be trained: 1) system admin, 2) scanner users and 3) general users. TVVC will provide 3 different types of training. Additionally, for markup users the general training will cover viewing first and let those go that are not interested in the markup training covered later in the class. FileNet trainers will be doing most of the training. ThirdWave trainers will train only on the “configured” and ‘customized” pieces. Draft 1 2 - Document Manageme ontract 2.5 Project Meetings (City of Carlsbad RFP Page IO, Par. 2.2.1) The City and TWC will have weekly progress meetings. The City will determine on an individual basis if the meeting with be face-to-face or via teleconference. TWC will provide formal status reports on a monthly basis. These reports will identify activities completed, in process, or not started. The reports will also identify any issues the City should address to keep the project on schedule. 2.6 Project Manager The City will assign a project manager and a backup project manager who will serve as TWC’s primary contact. TWC will submit all deliverables to the project manager. 2.7 Security (City of Carlsbad RFP Page 18, Par. 2.3.28) Security and “electronic signatures” will be accomplished via user logon and password only. Certificates are not required. 2.8 Electronic Submittals (City of Carlsbad RFP Page 74, Par. 2.2.6 and 2.2.7) The City will provide the labor to import the files (new work) that arrive via electronic submittal. TWC will provide the procedures for electronic submittal of documents. The Spicer software provides the markup capability. 2.9 Electronic document format Electronic documents will be stored on the DMS in native format. The system will provide the option of rendering these documents as PDF. 2.9 Conversion (City of Carlsbad RFP Page If - 14, Par. 2.2.3 - 2.2.5) 2.9.1 On site or off site conversion - TBD Draft 1 3 0 Document Manageme ontract 2.9.2 Batch size. IKON was planning on performing the conversion in 4 or 5 1 batches (340,000 to 425,000 pages in a batch). This approach needs to be evaluated by the City since it may be logistically difficult given the City’s staff availability. 2.9.3 Document preparation. The City is concerned with keeping up with the 1 document preparation which was originally estimated to be 4,750 hours by IKON. At this point, the City has 1.5 staff planned for this task. After the document preparation effort is requoted, 3 scenarios will be evaluated: 1) IKON performs the document preparation, 2) City performs the document preparation and 3) TWC staff performs the document preparation. 2.9.4 City QC. WC will loan the City two workstations with QC software to perform acceptance. IKON provided a ballpark estimate of statistical acceptance for the City QC which came to an average of 5% of the images at 3 seconds per image. The City will determine a reasonable acceptance time period for conversion deliverables after they QA the first two batches of converted documents. TWCYIKON will consider other acceptance time periods. I 2.9.5 Loading data. TWC is responsible for bulk loading converted data and indexes. 2.9.6 Format. Converted documents will be delivered in PDF image and hidden text format. 2.9.7 Minimum quantities. The minimum number of documents for conversion is 350.000 business documents IA or leaal size) and 111,000 drawinas (B throuah E sizel. If the actual document quantities fall below this number, the full amount of estimated document quantities stated in the RFP will be charged and price will be re-negotiated accordingly. 2.9.6 Tapes. TWC will retain tapes of the City’s converted files for a year after the last batch has been accepted. 2.9.9 Accuracy. TWC agrees to deliver 98% accuracy for converted documents and agrees to rescan/index documents that do not meet these quality I standards. TWC and the City will jointly develop a quality standards plan that includes samples and definitions of acceptable quality. The City acknowledges that scanned, drawings will not produce images that perfectly match the paper drawings. Draft 1 4 - Document Manageme ontract 2.10 Owner rights to delete document. TWC will define how FileNet’s security features will be applied to a document owner’s rights when the originator is no longer the owner. TWC will include the solution in their design spec which the City will review before the system is configured. 2. II Cashiering. (City of Carlsbad RFP Page 19, Par. 2.3.48) TWC will deliver a system that allows users to delete items from their “shopping cart” prior to submitting for print. 2. I2 Sys tern Design Specification After interviews with selected user groups, lWC will deliver a system design specification that will identify system functionality and how the system will deliver these functions on the fat and thin client workstations. For example, a clearly defined database design, easy to use retrieval screen(s), button to cancel search queries, personal work space, ability to display attributes along side a PDF file, ability to mark up drawings and documents via a tightly integrated viewer, printing banners, ability to produce system reports, users ability to mdocuments on hit lists. 2.13 Documentation Third Wave will provide system documentation indexed by subject in hard copy and in Word format, including: I - table definitions - defined index fields - screens - management reports - workflow diagrams - database design specifications - cashiering module/application - data path describing electronic document movement and storage - list and specifications for each system component - system documentation explaining how system components are integrated - system administration functions, including detailed instructions for system back up and start up after an unplanned system shut down Draft 1 5 - r4 Document Managemt ,ontract 2.x Browser support. (Citv of Carlsbad RFP Paae 24 of 42. Para. The supported level of browser shall onlv include those that are Y2K compliant. 2.x Possible Future Additions to this Contract 2.x.x Email intearation with Groupwise is on hold for now. The Citv mav ask TWC to perform this intearation in the future. 2.x.x Records Manaoement software like “Foremost” is on hold for now. The Citv mav ask TWC to SUDDI~ this in the future. 2.x.x Content Search with Excalibur is on hold for now. The City mav ask TWC to perform SUDDIV this in the future. 2.14 IVR. (City of Carlsbad RFP Page 20, Par. 2.3.73) TWC will provide information about IVR and the potential interface to the DMS to the City. 2.15 Test Environment ThirdWave will create a duplicate City system environment at their offices in Los Angeles. A small subset of documents will be loaded on this system as part of the initial installation test. The test system will then be installed at the City’s facilities. This system will be used for the acceptance test. Upon system acceptance, TWC will migrate the entire test system into the production system. On an on-going basis, TWC will test new releases on a test system that mirrors the City’s installed system prior to the City installing the new release. 2.16 Worknow TWC will test Panagon lntearated Workflo [formerlv Ensemble), provide a demonstration to the City of their recommendations for implementing this software. There will be no additional costs for this module or for its implementation. Drafi 1 6 2.17 System Support and Maintenance I’ve Dusted our DroDosal maintenance and suoDort resDonse below. Issues we would have with the wav vou ‘ve written the suoDort Daraaraoh are in reaards to on-site assistance. retrainina and svstem refinement. We would exDect to be Daid for the on-site services (ohone suDDort is covered under the maintenance fee). unless we’ve caused the Citv ‘s oroblem. 6.6 Maintenance I Maintenance - Software I $9.634 1 s6.32611 . Technical Sn~~ort Technical stumort is Drovided under ThirdWave/FileNET’s Silver maintenance which is Driced in the Drevious DaraaraDh. 6.7.1 Ripht To New Versions Ripht To New Versions is included in the Dr-ice of your Silver technical SUDDO~? Droaram, errsurine that YOU receive all minor and maior FileNET software releases. 6.7.2 Teleuhone Su~wrt When YOU call for su~mrt. we will make ever-v effort to immediatelv connect vou with a technical su~~orten tzineer. This method of su~uort has been considered the most effective model bv the SSPA (Software Su~txxt Professionals Association). 6.7.3 Targeted ResDonse Times l 2 Hours - Svstem Down. No Workaround (Customer Droduction is not oDerational: more than 90% of users are affected and solution is not availablel, l 8 Hours - Intermittent Problem (Minor or intermittent Droblem is not simificantlv affecting productionl. l Within 24 Hours - Incident Creation via the Web 6.7.4 Hours of Coverape Technical SUDDOI~ is available via teleDhone Mondav through Fridav, 8:00 a.m. to 6 D.m., customer local time. Actual davs and hours of coverage mav varv bv region. After Hours and Weekend / Holiday technical assistance can be Durchased for an annual fee. UDliRs are calculated as a Dercentage increase to the annual base maintenance Drior to anv discounts. 6.7.5 On-site SnDDort . Draft 1 7 On-site technical su~lort is available on a time and materials basis at $250 uer hour plus travel ext3enses at cost. Support WC will provide technical support by telephone Monday - Friday, from 7:30 a.m. - 530 p.m. Pacific Time. TWC will provide on-site assistance, not related to system maintenance, when required. Typical issues that fall under the support contract are: retraining users and system administrators, and system refinement. TWC will provide written estimates for new system development requested after system acceptance. Maintenance WC will provide maintenance for all system components, Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 530 p.m. Pacific Time. TWC will provide graduated levels of response reflecting the severity of the problem. l If the system is down, i.e., users cannot retrieve, print or add documents, TWC will respond within two hours. l If the system is partially operable, i.e., users can retrieve documents but not add them, TWC will respond within four hours. l If the system is operable but malfunctioning in ways that still allow users to retrieve, print and add documents, response time will be eight hours. The maintenance agreement covers testing custom pieces with new FileNet releases to ensure compatibility. If there are incompatibilities, WC will modify the custom pieces at no charge to the City. 8 ~ ,I s h Document Managem :ontract 4 2.16 Payment Terms The City will pay upon a deliverable basis after City acceptance of a deliverable. TWC’s proposal paragraph 6.10 outlines the compensation schedule. TWC will submit each deliverable with a cover form describing the deliverable. The City will review the deliverable and signify acceptance by signing the cover form and returning it to TWC in a reasonable timeframe. If the City’s review determines the deliverable is unacceptable, the City’s project manager will specify the problem on the cover form and return it and the deliverable to TWC. City owned hardware and software will be classified as City owned” when it arrives at ThirdWave and will be invoiced at that time. 1 Costs for conversion planning and engineering during the first 4 to 6 weeks will be invoiced at that time and credited upon delivery of the first few batches. I Draft 4 9 .