HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-07; City Council; 15633; California Arts Council Grant ApplicationdTY OF CARLSBAD - AGENM BILL ; : :,.> L..r(’ AB# 15,633 APPROVAL OF CALIFORNIA MTG. 3/7/m ARTS COUNCIL GRANT DEPT. ARTS APPLICATION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.?ooo-syapproving the grant application to the California Arts Council Local Arts Education Partnership Program. ITEM EXPLANATION Guided by the City of Carlsbad strategic goal to enhance educational opportunities for all segments of the community, The Arts Education Partnership Grant provides funding to work in partnership with the Encinitas Unified School District (EUSD) in developing and implementing a long-range plan for arts education. In 1996-l 999 the City of Carlsbad Arts OfficeKarlsbad Unified School District partnership was awarded funding to conduct a similar planning and implementation process. This grant was one of 12 initial grants awarded and is considered a model partnership on the State of California. In 1999/2000 the CAC awarded the Carlsbad Arts Office a $19,000 grant to develop a 5 year long-range plan with EUSD which now has 5 elementary schools serving Carlsbad students. This grant request for $20,000 will fund the second year of the three year grant to assist in implementing the 5 year arts education plan. The Encinitas Arts Commission is also participating and will provide services to the schools within Encinitas city limits. A School/Community Steering Committee provides direction for the Plan. This grant will provide the opportunity to offer services to students and parents in EUSD while continuing services in the Carlsbad Unified School District. FISCAL IMPACT The Arts Education Partnership Grant requires matching funds of $30,000 which will be matched by the Encinitas Unified School District and Arts Office staff time. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2000-69 2. California Arts Council grant application. 3. Resolution from Encinitas Unified School District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ARTS EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP GRANT APPLICATION FROM THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Office plans, develops and promotes the arts in Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the City Council directed the Arts Office to seek funding from other sources; and WHEREAS, this opportunity fulfills City of Carlsbad strategic goal to enhance educationar opportunities for all segments of the communitr; and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council a is providing local arts agencies access to funding through the Local Arts Education Partnership Program, of up to $20,000 per year for up to three years; and WHEREAS, matching funds for this grant will be provided by the Encinitas Union School District. No new funding from the City it required to match the grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 4: That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council approves the Arts Office request to submit a grant application to the California Arts Council for a $20,000 Local Arts Education Partnership Grant with the Encinitas Unified School District. .- PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 7th day of March , 2000, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Memb NOES: None ABSENT: None WOOD, City Clerk i.: :,. ~, ; : (. # ; ‘Y_(‘(.’ ; ,.>‘. 7’? ., i. ,_ I,( * :‘. , ’ : ,,’ .;. “_ ExhibitAo. 2 to Agenda Bill 6) 6 3-3 , Applicmt’s Name ~;ity of Cartsbad Arts office Local Arts Education ~;O~rs~~ Program Application 2 P m IA. Project Sllmmary 1 City of Carlsbad Arts Office Applicmt Or@zatiot~ Year I@3 Encinitas Union School District (Circle one) Loall Educ8tion Agency (LEA) Pr&ct Shapes . . Project Title Amount Requested Number of school sites to be served Number of studwts directly saved Type of Grant: UPI * The god of this pm&t (Dcsuiptioa in anauJ$. 5 word8 or less) QJ Implementation Project SHAPES eddresses the approved vision c# the Local Arts Education Local Arts Education Steering Committee: To create a collaboration between educators and working artists that devetops an appreciation, understanding and expression of the arts for all students- music, dance, theatre, and visual arts. Project SHAPES will bring Sewioe Learning and Arts Education into alignment. Thnwgh the implementation of a sequential arts program in music, dance, theatre and visuaf arts, students will have the skills and knowledge to perform meaningful service to positively impact their community. List Major Objectives 1) Develop and implement rigorous K-6 f&nda& ti visual ark, music, dance and theatre 2) Develop assessments for grades K-3 in the areas of music end dance that will serve as a modd for visual artsandUwatrein2001-2002 3)I~pa~andcommunity~~todevalopsdvoc=acyandMurr~ingIbrthe~ 4) tmptement music, dance and thestre cwicutwn wtth embedded program evaluation, followed by visual afts in 20012002 !5) Implement a rfgorous staff dewlopment program ornphasizing the&~ arts, with on-gob@ review of music and dance Instructional stratqies folkwed by visual arts in 2001-2002 Staff will be trained in Service Leaming tnathoddogy. (Sefvlca Learning will be embedded into the program as an tnstructional stmtegy, performance assessment afd mmlogy.for mplne adyaw for the aRs.1 . +fpi&&~~~fg&~~~~~~~ tl?WWfrWIWXhrrchodStteWtthtAEP~ng Committee members, administrators, parents and district arts specialists will utilii training received from SoCAP develop and imptemen! rigorous K-6 standards foruisual atts, music, dance and theatre. . Assessments wili be developed and piloted by V&PA JIG members and teder vxWnhfs. students will use service Learning In the arts to end& their community as a performance essessment through music, dance and theatre in year 2, rdding visual arts in year 3. - The Diitrlct Project Coordinator will continue to meet with s&ool site and community organization~ to present recommendations outliied in Arts Work to build adwxacy for Arts Education. Resources will continue to be developed ttu’ough a coordinated public relations effort Service Learning Wvities will be an integral part of arts in the communtty. . Teachers will develop curriculum tnat add-s the five arts standards outlined in Arts VWk. Curricldum developed will serve as a model for implementation at sdwols throughout the districi. Teachers will participate in ongoing surwys wrd astissments to provide Wonrtation to monitor and adjust lhe long-term implementation @an. Based on the lAEP Stewing Committee’s evaluation recommendations, SoCAP. the Institute ti Arts Education. and the San Diio County Office of Education will continue to provide teachers and arts providers with an ot-ientation and two hours of staff development monthly bar;ed on the Usual and Performing Acts Framework. . An implarne&tion ptan for the strategic devw@ment of K-4 dance and music, and theatre based on fi@X’OUb standards will be followed in the target schools and sharwd with other district schools. By year 3, dance, music, theatre and visual arts K-6 will be implemented based on standards. I-tD-IP-rUWW IL’ -‘c ‘YU -4-r LLZU I . v-9. v* Exk -3 No. 2 to Agenda Bill/s, 633 Applicant’s Name Wisbati Arts office [F. Project Budget Fiscal Year 2000-2001 1 (one year only) H”“%Ry Ei LAA Rate or LEA r - IkisRojcot Chant Match haatch Total IilWS mimsbativc Mach detail) I !6!22hr. 11.500. I knm I 7m A. Sa l . 1. Ad-. -_~ .~. - _---~--~ ~-~ . l ’ .2. Proiect Coordinator LAA 3. Project Coordinator LEA 4. Artists (teaching in cl-) 5 Prrfhmanr@ ad awq -6 n & t&nical ntmfmnel1 12.ooo 12,ocKh 4.000. 2,500. 6,500. +9. Outside Frohsional Services (attach detail) 2. Rental Equioment GRAND TOTAL of A. and B. Indicate withan as&&k+ if match is in-kind Idud~ supplemen$ry m-maching fimds tir special needs childzen. Mark with an (s). C. Source of Match (IldiUWdOll~) :: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. J 9. Local goYctlmlult/county Local govclnmul~cities lo.m . cololDygad Education . P’WPTO or Booster Club Foundation/corporate Contributions Private- Contributions Earned Income In-Kind LEA 10. Other (Specify) TOTAL MATCH: * costu mfkctclwical support - carlsbadAflsmca 10,cm. LEA 20,ooo. - Costs reflect itwenhm tmining provided by Silvw-BuMtt Ginn -Costs mflect services fFQm SoCap II *A - CARLSBAD ARTS OFFICE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT . . . Together ffef’ing ChMren to Reach for the Stam... February 24,200O To whom it may concern, Following is an excerpt from the Board of Trustees meeting of January 11, 2000: “Moved by Member Cathy Regan, seconded by Member Bill Parker, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the submission of an Implementation Grant for the Local Arts Education Partnership Program.” Sincerely, Elizabeth A. Wallace Executive Assistant to the Superintendent ew Board of Trustees Stlannon Kuder Wrllram Parker Calhy Regan Carol Shlltan Marla Slnctl Superintendent Douglas P DoVore. Ed.D Assistant Superintendents Bonrla Drolel. Ed.D Dannrel Gnder, Ed.D ttlucallonal SetvIces Adm~n~slrallw? SuPflCeS Chlel Financial Officer Stiaron R Soultl lr)t !i Rarwt\~~ Santa Fe Road, Encrnrlas, CA !)2024-4349 I'llll(l(! (7(iO\ 1144.4:wo FAX (760) !t42-7rN4 www t!~r*,tl k17 vi, IIS _- I.lB - CARLSBAD ARTS OFFICE ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT TO: Board of Trustees DATE: January 11,200O FROM: Douglas D&ore, Ed. D. Superintendent SUBJECT: Approval of Request to submit an implementation Grant for the Local Arts Education Partnership Program Recommendation It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the request to submit an Implementation Grant for the Local Arts Education Partnership Program. Information The Carlsbad Arts Council and Enclnitas Commission for the Arts have committed their support to collaborate with the Encinitas Union School District on a California Arts Council Implementation Grant for the Local Arts Education Partnership (LAEP) Program. Implementation grants are for two years. The full amount of $20,000 yearly is being requested which will require a $10,000 match from our partners yearly with a $20,000 match from the Encinitas Union School District in year one and a $30,000 match in year two. The LAEP Program has produced a successful collaboration during the 1999-2000 Planning Grant Year. Key elements of the program, including the formation of the Local Arts Education Steering Committee, have laid the foundation for applying for the Implementation Grant. The Implementation Grant will focus on developing standards in the four arts domains: music, dance, theatre and visual ‘art. The Visual/Performing Arts Instructional Improvement Committee will receive support from the grant through in-services and technical assistance from the Southern California Arts Project. Development of standards-based curriculum will be a collaborative effort of classroom teachers, skilled artists proficient in ‘the Visual and Performing Arts Framework for California Public Schools and Challenge Standards, and the District Music Teacher. Professional development for teachers and model arts activities for students provided through the partnership are the major goals of this grant program. The application deadline for submitting the grant is March 1,200O. NC:db 1 2-A*