HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-07; City Council; 15634; ICMA Performance Measurement ConferenceCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENdA BILL AB# 15,634 TITLE: Request Council Approve Staff’s Attendance to the MTG- 3/7/00 ICMA Best Practices/Performance Measurement DEPT. CM Conference RECOMMENDED ACTION: ,,.^ ~ i _ 0 Y ;’ y, L DEPT. HD. That the City Council approves staffs request to attend the ICMA Best Practices/Performance Measurement conference in Savannah, Georgia. ITEM EXPLANATION: As you are aware, over the past 5 months, we have been working to develop global performance measures to help evaluate and assess the efficiency of our organization. This effort has been conducted in order to help achieve Council’s Strategic Goal A, which directs staff to “Ensure the Effective and Efficient Delivery of Top-quality Services to our Community”. To aid us in this endeavor, we have continued to work with the International City Management Association (ICMA) to broaden our knowledge and resources on this matter as well as allow us to develop a more relevant database for comparison. Starting on March 30,200O (Thursday), the ICMA will be holding their annual Best Practices conference. This conference will be held in Savannah, Georgia, and will last until April 1,200O (Saturday). In addition, the ICMA will be holding their annual Performance Measurement conference on April 1 (Saturday), through April 2 (Sunday). There will be a special workshop for Primary Coordinators on April 3. The Best Practices conference will offer in-depth case studies, interactive presentations, facilitated small group discussions, and extensive opportunities for information sharing. The Performance Measurement conference will include the evaluation of the ways in which performance measures are currently being used in various jurisdictions, panel discussions on this topic, presentations, and brainstorming exercises regarding new and creative uses of performance information. In addition, there has been some speculation that if the City is as successful in this endeavor as we think we will be, there is the possibility we will be invited as speakers/presenters for this conference next year. Michael Lawson, the Director for Performance Measurement at the ICMA, has been kept abreast of our efforts, and shown considerable interest in our progress. Due to the numerous case studies and group sessions contained within the conference, our request is that 5 members of the Resource Team, which includes Joe Garuba, Linda Kermott, Sue Spickard, John Cahill, and Julie Ross, leave on the evening of March 29&, and return on the evening of April 2nd (except for the Primary Coordinator who will return on the evening of April 3’d). Attached for your review is the schedule for this conference. Finally, as you may recall, the Resource Team attended an ICMA sponsored training event this past fall and found it to be highly beneficial. - PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 15.634 FISCAL IMPACT: Travel costs would include roundtrip airfare for 5 to Savannah; 4 nights stay at a hotel (5 for Primary Coordinator), 4 days car rental, and associated food costs. The projected costs for attending this conference are between $1200 - $1500 per person. The existing Department Budgets would cover these costs. EXHIBITS: I. ICMA Conference Schedule intematikbl City/County Management AssoGation (ICMA) http:~ww.icma.org/go.cfin?cid=2&gid=l l&id=201 EXHIBIT 1 about IlEW3 bsw informatkan members’ bookatore IUlW ICMA Ii event5 intersertians resources cwwr Q mare university m&lb* 1 BnpB Overview Case Studies Workshops Schedule Jiotel/Transt2ortation/Tourism Reaistration (Adobe Acrobat form) Sponsorships . . . . . . . Schedule Pre-Symposium Activities Wednesday, March 29,200O 1:30-5:00 pm Southeast Regional Meeting followed by dinner Thursday, March 30,200O 8:30 am-Noon ICMA University Workshops (concurrent) Building Communities from the Inside Out Essential Management Skills Evaluating Programs and Services ICMA Best Practices 2000 Thursday, March 30,200O l:OO-2:15 pm Opening Plenary Session 2:30-4:30 pm Case Study Discussions 5:00-7:00 pm Welcoming Reception *(See update below) Friday, March 31,200O 8:00-9:15 am Georgia City/County Management Association Business Meeting Concurrent Sessions 9:30-l 1:30 am Case Study Discussions 11:45 a.m.-l :00 pm Marketplace of Ideas Roundtable 3 2/18/2000 2~38 PM 1 of2 . intematienal City/County Management Association (ICMA) http:~+vw.icma.org/go.cfrn?cid=2&gid=l l&id=201 11:45 a.m.-l:00 pm Marketplace of Ideas Roundtable Discussions/Lunch 1:15-3:15 pm Case Study Discussions 3:30-5:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 6:00-8:00 pm Public/Private Partner Reception and Showcase *(See update below) sponsored by ICMA Corporate Partners Saturday, April 1,200O 8:30-lo:30 am Case Study Discussions lo:45 am-Noon Closing Plenary Session l :OO-3:00 pm Field Demo: Tours of Savannah Neighborhood Revitalization * Special events updates: Thursday’s Welcoming Reception, hosted by the city of Savannah and county of Chatham, will be held around the fountain in beautiful Forsythe Park (as pictured on the home page). Come join us amid the spring blossoms and Spanish moss for a wonderful welcome to the community. On Friday evening, the Public/Private Partner Reception will be a riverboat cruise on the Savannah River. Enjoy the views of the Georgia and South Carolina coastal “low country,” as well as the historic cotton warehouses of River Street, which are now home to many of Savannah’s fine shops and restaurants. Copyright 2000 International City/County Management Association (ICMA) 777 North Capitol Street, NE Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002 Main phone number: 202-289-4262 Member services: 202-9623680 Main fax number: 202-962-3500 Order processing center: l-800-746-8780 Future Annual Conference Dates Contactina ICMA bv e-mail icma.ora crivacv colicv htto://icma.oral 2of2 4 2/18/2000 2:38 PM . CPM Forwri and Primary Coordinators Meetig - http://icma.org/cpm/SavGaCPM.cfm CPM Forum and Primary Coordinators Meeting Preliminary Agenda Saturday, April 1 1 pm General sessions: There will be plenary sessions in which all attendees, regardless of service area specialization, will participate. The objective of these plenary sessions is to provide examples of how performance information can (and is) being used to make service delivery more effective and efficient. It is hoped that attendees can use (and build upon) these effective uses of performance information. These general sessions will include descriptions of the ways in which performance data currently are used in various jurisdictions, panel discussions, presentations, and (possibly) a brainstorming exercise re new/creative uses of performance information. 5 pm Reception 7Pm “Pay-as you-go” dinner for CPM steering committee Sunday, April 2 1 of3 2l18l2000 2~42 PM , CPM Foxuni and Primary Coordinators Mee@g - http:Nicma.orglcpmlSavGaCPM.cfin 8:30 am Continental breakfast There will be plenary sessions in which all attendees, regardless of service area specialization, will participate. The objective of these plenary sessions is to provide examples of how performance information can (and is) being used to make service delivery more effective and efficient. It is hoped that attendees can use (and build upon) these effective uses of performance information. These general sessions will include descriptions of the ways in which performance data currently are used in various jurisdictions, panel discussions, presentations, and (possibly) a brainstorming exercise re new/creative uses of performance information. 9iUsl Concurrent sessions for template review Groups will meet by service area. These groups will be facilitated by CPM staff as well as other ICMA staff. Attendees are asked to remain with the same group throughout the day. Please plan to bring one staff member for each group where your jurisdiction would like to be represented. 12 noon Buffet lunch 1Pm Concurrent template review sessions continue 5Pm Adjourn 6:30 pm “Pay-As-You-Go” dinner for primary coordinators (optional). Steering Committee members who don’t have to dash off to catch a plane are welcome to attend as well. Monday, April 3 (for primary coordinators only) 8:30 am Continental breakfast for primary coordinators 9:oo am Special workshop for primary coordinators 12:30 pm Adjourn Download the Registration form in RTF (Word) or PDF format. Additional details will be shared via e-mail to all Primary Coordinators. , 2of3 (b 2/18/2000 242 PM