HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-04; City Council; 15680; Terraces At Sunny Creek & South Agua HediondaCl1 I’ OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL 4B# i$6so TITLE: APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE TERRACES AT IIITG. 4/04/00 SUNNY CREEK, LLC, FOR ENGINEERING COSTS; AND CERTIFICATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATED NEGATIVE )EPT. ENG DECLARATION FOR SOUTH AGUA HEADIONDA REACHES SAHTIE AND SAHTIF; CMWD PROJECT NO. 92-406 SAHTI E AND SAHTI F RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MGR. a Adopt Resolution No. zooo-106 approving and authorizing execution of a reimbursement agreement with the Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC, for engineering costs; and certification of an Environmental Mitigated Negative Declaration for South Agua Hedionda Reaches SAHTIE and SAHTIF; CMWD Project No. 92-406 SAHTI E and SAHTl F. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Sewer Master Plan identifies the need to construct an l&inch diameter interceptor sewer pipeline through “The Terraces at Sunny Creek”. This sewer pipeline is referred to as Reach SAHTl E of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer which will ultimately extend easterly toward Vista and serve future developments. Also, Reach SAHTI F will extend through “The Terraces at Sunny Creek” and eliminate three (3) private sewer lift stations. Reach SAHTIF will be an 8-inch diameter sewer pipeline. Exhibit 1, Location Map, shows the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer System. Since “The Terraces at Sunny Creek” needs Reach SAHTlE for sewer service, the developer was conditioned to design and construct Reaches SAHTIE and SAHTI F. The developer of “The Terraces at Sunny Creek” is now requesting reimbursement for design of the final plans and specifications for these reaches. The cost to construct Reaches SAHTIE and SAHTIF will be reimbursed by a separate agreement and is not included in this request. The reimbursement agreement is for engineering costs only and is included in Exhibit 2. Prior to giving the developer’s engineer of work the notice to proceed for design, engineering staff determined that the design cost was fair and reasonable and that the designer was capable of performing the work. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Planning Director reviewed the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor sewer pipeline projects, Reaches SAHTl E and SAHTl F, and has given the projects a Mitigated Negative Declaration dated August 18, 1999 as part of EIA 97-05 and this determination is being certified by this City Council action. FISCAL IMPACT: Table 1 shows a summary of the costs for Reaches SAHTl E and SAHTI F: TABLE 1 SANITATION FUNDS ENGlldEERING’SERVICES SCI&lTH”‘AGUA,HEDIQNDA SEWER INTERCEPTOR, REACHES SAHTIE AND SAHTIF Design $87,250 Geotechnical Cost $11,300 Design Contingency $7,750 Estimated Construction Cost $558,000 Estimated Inspection Cost $60,000 TOTAL, ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $724,300 Appropriation Available as of February 29, 2000 $730,000 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION -()* r Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 1; b80 The amount to be reimbursed to the “The Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC” for engineering costs under this agreement is not-to-exceed one hundred six thousand, three hundred ($106,300) Dollars. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. Location Map. Reimbursement agreement regarding South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Reaches SAHTI E and SAHTl F-Engineering Costs Only. Resolution No. 2000-106 approving and authorizing execution of a reimbursement agreement with The Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC, for engineering costs; and certification of an Environmental Mitigated Negative Declaration for South Agua Hedionda Reaches SAHTIE and SAHTIF; CMWD Project No. 92-406 SAHTl E and SAHTI F. 3 - LOCATION MAP Visia Meter Station OCEANSIDE Buena Interceptor Poinsettia lift Station (under construction) PROJECT: PROJECT NO. EXHiBlT NO. SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACH SAHTI E AND SAHTI F 92406 1 Exhibit 2 RECORDING REQUESTED BY City of Carlsbad WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Carisbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Please record the document at no fee as it is to the benefit of the City (Gov. Code [6103].) Space above this line for Recorder’s Use REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES SAHTIE AND SAHTI F-ENGINEERING COST ONLY THIS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter the “Agreement”) is entered into as of 9 2000, by and between THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK, LLC, a California partnership (hereinafter “Terraces”) and the City OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California (hereinafter “City”), with reference to the following facts: A. The Terraces is the record owner of certain real property located in the City of Carlsbad, California, more particularly described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof (“The Terraces Development”). The Terraces Development consists of a residential area of 172 homes, 50 affordable housing units, and a commercial site, referred to as Lot 11 of CT 83-36, as designated on Exhibit “A”. As used herein, the term “Planning Area” shall refer, as indicated, to both the commercial center and the residential area. The various Planning Areas as shown on Exhibit “A” either are, or will become, separate legal parcels in accordance with the applicable legal requirements of the State of California and the City. B. Upon their creation as separate legal parcels, the “Terraces” intends to convey or cause conveyance of record title to the Planning Areas, to other persons pursuant to -_ contractual commitments not related to this Agreement. Any further development activity with respect to any of the Planning Areas will be the responsibility of the respective transferee. All of the Planning Areas of The Terraces Development Project, are herein referred to collectively as the “The Terraces Development Project.” The Terraces is the developer of The Terraces Development Project. C. The Terraces filed a separate application for tentative subdivision map and site development plan with respect to the Planning Area. The Project is the subject of certain development approvals received from the City of Carlsbad, including without limitation: Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 96-02, EIR 98-01, GPA 96-01, ZC 96-01, SP 190(B), LFMP 87- 15B, SDP 97-02), Planned Unit Development Permit (PUD 96-02) and Hillside Development Permit (HDP 96-02), all approved by the City Council, Resolution No. 98-337 on November 17, 1998, which included specific reference to Planning Commission Resolution No. 4288 through 4295 recommending approval of The Terraces Development Project with conditions and approved by the Planning Commission on July 1, 1998. D. The Terraces has filed a separate application for a General Plan Amendment, Rezoning, LCP Amendment, Hillside Permit, and a master tentative map (the “Master Tentative Map” or “MTM”) with respect to The Terraces Development Project. Planning Areas are being processed merely to create them as legal parcels, and the Master Tentative Map intended to note that further mapping of parcels, will be required prior to any development of them. The Terraces has also filed a proposed amendment to the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan ( the “LFMP General Amendment”). In addition, the Terraces has filed a separate application for approval of a site development plan with respect to the commercial site Lot 11 of CT-83-36 “The Plaza” and expects development approval within the year 2000. E. The various approvals referred to in Recitals “C” and “D” are collectively referred to herein as “The Terraces Development Project Approvals.” 2 5 F. One of the conditions of approval for the Tentative Map (CT 96-02) for the Terraces, portions of Condition 7 and Finding 1, requires the Terraces to construct a sewer line within portions of “The Terraces Development Project” to El Camino Real. G. The Terraces has advanced or is willing to advance on behalf of the City the cost of engineering the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Reaches SAHTlE and SAHTI F located within the Terraces Development Project facilities consisting of a 18-inch diameter PVC, SDR 35, pipeline as identified by the Zones 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 24 Local Facilities Management Plan and an 8-inch diameter PVC, SDR 35, pipeline. H. Pursuant to Resolution No. 91-21, adopted by the Carlsbad City Council on January 22, 1991, the City had implemented a plan for levying and collecting sewer benefit area fees in order to fund improvements in various sewer benefit areas within the City of Carlsbad. Said plan is set forth in the January 1992 Update to the December 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage, prepared by Wilson Engineering (hereinafter the “Wilson Report”), and is subject to further review and modification by the City. The sewer benefit area fees, in addition to sewer connection fees, will be collected by the City from builders upon the City’s issuance of building permits. I. The City will utilize funds collected from such sewer benefit area fees, in addition to sewer connection fees, to reimburse the costs advanced hereunder by the Terraces. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Costs to be Reimbursed bv The Citv. a) South Aaua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer. The Terraces will advance the costs necessary to design and prepare plans and specifications for the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Reaches SAHTIE and SAHTIF as shown on Drawing 383-9, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Project No. 92-406 and 96-523 (referenced as “Reaches SAHTl E and SAHTl F” in the Wilson Report), extending east from the intersection of Ranch0 Carlsbad Drive, El Camino Real and through the subdivision boundary. 3 b -. b) Definition of “Work”. The various items of design engineering, described in Section 1 above hereinafter is collectively referred to as the “Work.” c) Reimbursement for Costs of Work. The City shall reimburse the Terraces in the manner described in Section 2 below for the total costs advanced by the Terraces for the Work. The engineering cost for each of the items of Work is currently estimated to be as follows: ITEM DESCR1PTf~N TOTAL COST 1 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reaches SAHTI E (El Camino Real To The Terraces) 69,865 2 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reaches SAHTIF (The Terraces To Cougar Drive) 17,385 SUBTOTAL $87,250 3 Geotechnical Work 11,300 4 Contingency 7,750 TWAL $t06.,390, The City will obtain all easements for Reaches SAHTl E and SAHTI F. The Terraces will engineer all plans and provide specifications for the construction, of the improvements herein described. d) Accountina of Costs. When the Work has been completed [as described in Section 2(a)], the Terraces shall present the City with a complete and detailed accounting of the costs and expenses advanced by the Ten-aces in connection with the Work. Upon its receipt of a written request therefor from the City, the Terraces will allow an audit of such costs and expenses to be prepared at the Terraces’ expense by an accounting firm specified by the City. e) Nature of Reimbursable Costs. Reimbursable costs include material, equipment and labor. The City shall not be required to pay to the Terraces interest upon costs or expenses advanced by the Terraces hereunder. The Deputy City Engineer for Design Engineering Division, City of Carlsbad shall have the authority to establish reimbursable costs based upon information obtained pursuant to Sections 1 (c) and l(d) of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Terraces disputes the- Deputy City Engineer’s 4 determination of reimbursable costs or believes that sum established by the Deputy City Engineer is not consistent with the specific provisions of this Agreement, then the Terraces may elect to ( i ) appeal the Deputy City Engineer’s decision to the City Council (and thereafter, at the Terrace’s option, a Court of proper jurisdiction) for final determination, or ( ii ) submit the dispute for the review and recommendation of a neutral and independent civil engineer qualified in engineering, design and construction and mutually approved by the City and the Terraces; provided, however, said engineer’s recommendation shall be non-binding and shall not preclude the Terraces from thereafter appealing the Deputy City Engineer’s decision as described in item ( i ) above. 2. Manner of Pavment a) The Citv’s Collection and Reimbursement. The City has collected sewer benefit area fees upon its issuance of all building permits, in addition to sewer connection fees in Sewer Benefit Areas “E” and future City of Vista contributions described in detail in the Wilson Report and depicted in the attached Exhibit “c” (the “Benefit Areas”). Upon 30 days after signature of the engineering plans for Reach SAHTI E and SAHTIF by the Deputy City Engineer, the City’s reimbursement payment for said work is due and payable. 3. Terms of Aoreement. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the d -aas~, which it is executed by the City and shall terminate on January 1, 2818. 4. Successors or Assiuns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the assigns, successors in interest, personal representatives, heirs and legates of the parties hereto. 5. Entire Aareement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all negotiations, prior discussions, preliminary agreements or understandings, written or oral. 6. Attornev’s Fees. In the event of any litigation to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the losing 5 -. party its expenses, attorney’s fees and costs incurred therein or in enforcement or collection of any judgment or award rendered therein. 7. Pavments to the Terraces. Any payments by the City to the Terraces hereunder shall be made payable to The Terraces Development Project and shall be forwarded to the following address, or to such other address as The Terraces specifies in writing to the City Manager of the City: The Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC c/o Gateway Attention: Mr. Chris Dahrling 2006 Palomar Airport Road Suite 113 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: (760) 639-6390 Facsimile: (760) 639-6305 The Terraces may assign its rights to receive payments hereunder to another entity, provided The Terraces delivers to the City a written notice designating the name and address of the assignee and the effective date of such assignment. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. Executed by The Terraces this day of ,200o. CONTRACTOR: THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK, LLC., a California oartnershio CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California ( w ere) ;;p;T (sign here) bkhG/rQIy /fI &+@, w (print name/title) CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor Date: ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk Architect/License Number (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution of The Terraces Land Company must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) (If signed by an individual partner, the partnership must attach a statement of partnership authorizing the partner to execute this instrument.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Deputy City Attorney CMWD 92-406 SAHTl EISAHTI F 7 i I t f I -w-c- -- ---mm H : / El ggi I fF, J 0 w I I 3 2 %w I = s ld I Ah E :. * tB:E% 1 5’5 / 3 3 sac a 5 I - I ;; i@ =s E 2 egg I +s sn B / % f a a Br / I STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 1 ss. COUNTY OF J On J-$J;71*& DATE before me, NAME AND TITLE OF OFFICEV 1 . personally appeareu//$ / v NAME(S) OF’SIGNER(S) @- bd personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (This area for official notary seal.) Title or Type of Document Date of Document Signer(s) other than named above No. of Pages 06/l 4195 Rev. 1 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2occ-106 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK, LLC, FOR ENGINEERING COSTS; AND CERTIFICATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA REACHES SAHTIE AND SAHTIF; CMWD PROJECT NO. 92406 SAHTl E AND SAHTl F. WHEREAS, The Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC, is developing The Terraces at Sunny Creek Development; and WHEREAS, The Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC, has requested City Council approval of a Reimbursement Agreement (attached hereto marked Exhibit “2” and incorporated by this reference) for the engineering cost of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Reaches SAHTl E and SAHTl F; and WHEREAS, The Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC, desires to begin construction of Reaches SAHTl E and SAHTl F to serve The Terraces at Sunny Creek development; and WHEREAS, the Public Works engineering staff is requesting that the environmental determination for Reaches SAHTl E and SAHTl F of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer be certified; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director has determined that EIA 97-05 be given a Mitigated Negative Declaration from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act per Section 15182 of the State CEQA Guidelines on August 18, 1999; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. I// Ill l/l IfI Ill 1 2. That the reimbursement agreement by and between the Terraces at Sunny Creek, 2 LLC, and the City Council is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized and directed to sign 3 said agreement on behalf of the City Council. 4 3. That Mitigated Negative Declaration EIA 97-05 be certified. 5 6 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council 7 held on the 4th day of April # 2000 by the following vote, to wit: 8 II AYES: 9 NOES: ABSENT: IO 11 CLAUDE A. LEWI 13 Al-JEST: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin (SEAL) iI@ c 6.i&,$ ,,.a -; a _* I J’ /- “.’ ,.- ‘;< ~ FINAL AGENDA BILL ROUTING COVER SHEET AqENdA Bill T/k APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK, LLC FOR ENGINEERING COSTS; AND CERTIFICATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA REACHES SAHTIE AND SAHTIF; CMWD PROJECT NO. 92- 406 SAHTl E AND SAHTI F. kyxmd couwil MEETiNCj DATE: 04-04-2000 INiTiAToR: Randy Klaahsen DEPARTMWT: Engineering PRONE #: 602-2765 g Public HEAR& NoTiCiNq REQUiREMUM DAYS Pt?Ehirwy Rwitw CoNducTEd By: IJ JANE MobAldi CI N/A a N/A 0 OTTER a a CI N/A FiNAl APPROVAL PROCESS INiTi Ah DATE J DEPARTMENT HEAd COMMENT: ,’ J LEAdERskip TEAM MmbER iif!ff 3& 3 3 ubMiT TO Chy MANA~ER’S SECRETARY FOR Cord-riNuATioN of PRocEssirq Y AdMiNiSTRATiVE SERViCES DiRECTOR COMMENT: J City ATTORNEY COMMEM: J Chy MANAGER COMMENT: J CiT)’ ClERk FOR PROCESSiNc, COMMUVT: ,*-’ “‘5, \ .P 6, i ,.dl CoNfoRMEd AqaudA j- ‘RITE IT - DON’T SAY T! ‘7 L-15 Date 19 To F’k 0 Reply Wanted From h ZP ONo Reply Necessary NOTE TO FILE: On June 1, 2000 Belinda said that Bill Plummer is in charge of this item. Locating the legal description is a research project and will take some time to complete. -Janice