HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-04; City Council; 15682; Special Events Ordinance And The Village Merchants- , \ . . s 4-J 2 .rl c i V z .?i u (d ri 3 5 V-4 B $ u ifi 0 u 3 nl u VI a 2 . L NV) 9-l f-4 a ‘i 2: oa d 3 VW 8 \ 2 \ $ . . p 2 6 5 s AB# 1s; bba MTG. L\ -4 -a TITLE: DEPT. HD. Request to Give Presentation on Special Events by Carlsbad Village Merchants CITY All-Y. l DEPT. CM CITY MGR * - 4 4 - JTY OF CARLSBAD - AGENuA BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from a group of Village Merchants regarding their concerns over the Special Events that are being held in the Downtown area. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 1) from Sharon McAnally, owner of Don’s Country Kitchen, requesting that she and others be allowed to present their concerns over the frequency of Special Events in the Downtown area to the City Council. The presentation will cover their concerns as well as some potential solutions to this issue. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to City Manager Requesting to be placed upon the City Council Agenda. / . EXHIBIT 1 Sharon M&rally Don’s Country Kitchen 2885 Roosevelt St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ray Patchett, City Manager, City of Carl&ad Dear Mr. Patchett, There is a group of merchants who are concerned with the increased number of special events that are occurring in the downtown Village of Carlsbad. These events are becoming more frequent often closing our streets on our busiest business days. This results in a significant economic loss and hardship to each of our businesses and our employees. We would like to address the City Council with our concerns and workable solutions on March 28,200O. We feel that our group reflects some of the business owners who are negatively impacted by the special events. The speakers will be: Tom McMahan, Carl&ad Village Theatre Sharon McAnally, Don’s Country Kitchen Richard Jones, Carl&ad Self-Serve Car Wash Doctor from the Carl&ad Animal Hospital We would like a maximum of twenty-five minutes of the Council’s time. Thank your for your consideration in this matter. Please contact me when a decision has been determined Sincerely Sharon McAnally 760-434-l 323 home 760-729-2274 work 760-207-5911 cell phone &$?y 5 ! -- lriiiQ! ,’ “Jr ‘i$, i . :. 1 . April 3,200O Honorable Mayor Claude Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: The “Town Meeting” sponsored by the Housing & Redevelopment Department on February 24,200O Dear Honorable Mayor Claude Lewis: My wife and I attended the “Town Meeting” sponsored by the Housing & Redevelopment Department on February 24*. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the Pros & Cons of Special Events in the Village Area. The City staffwas soliciting feedback from business owners on how these events and the corresponding street closures impacted their businesses. Feedback on both sides of the issue was encouraged, so that staff could shape future decisions regarding Special Events in the Village Area. There was a good turn-out and many small to mid-sized village merchants expressed their impacts. Most of the participants expressed the negative impacts to their business and the difficulty that they incurred when trying to work with the existing policies and procedures. Generally, the current Special Event planning appears to be based on the “Greater Good Theory”: l If the motels fill-up.. . . . . Its good! l If the non-profit clubs make money.. . ..Its good! l If the local charities benefit.. . ..Its good! l If the City gets free advertising.. . . . Its good! This “Greater Good” planning is viewed by many as a “ Win - Win” decision and the Special Event sponsors are typically exuberant. Unfortunately, there is never a “Win - Win” Special Event Street Closure. Someone always loses. The Village business owners who filled-out the Fictitious Invoices given to you tonight are a small sample of the losers. Each business owner estimated his or her financial loss on a typical Special Event street closure day. The small sample of respondents, 46 to date, estimated their losses at $53,085 for one Special Event Street Closure day. That’s a lot of money! h - Furthermore, the businesses who lose and those who benefit tend to stay the same. The service business segment of merchants appear to lose every time! The benefits derived by the motels, non-profit clubs, local charities, the City and last but not least the PRIVATE PROMOTERS are supported by the economic losses incurred by whatever business segment loses on that particular day. These Fictitious Invoices are a sample of the real cost, or “Hidden Cost” of Special Event Street Closures. In reality, the “Greater Good” planning is a “Win-Win-Lose” formula. I would like to see the motels, non-profits, the City and especially the local charities do well, but the proliferation and poor planning of Special Event Street Closures, especially their concentration in the Village, is an economic hardship to my business and many others. As indicated by the purpose of the “Town Meeting”, the need to reevaluate the true cost / benefits of Special Event street closures is critical. We must seriously consider the “Hidden Costs” described above and permit only the MOST merchant friendly events. The primary planning questions, or concerns should include: Can we move the event to another part of town? (spread the impact around). Can we move the event out of the street? (into a park, school, or parking lot). Have we, the City, outgrown the event? (some of the events create community wide traffic problems). Can we reduce the physical size, or configuration of the event? Can we keep the Coaster lot (350 spaces) open with easy access via north State Street. Can we reduce the number of event days, or change the time of the event? Who is going to be adversely impacted? (Who is going to pay the Hidden Cost). Etc, etc , . . . . . . . etc. As you are aware, we have a very unique mix of businesses in the Village Area, and this mix of service, retail and tourist uses is going to remain the same for a long time. We must be aware of, and respect, each other’s needs. We must formulate policies and procedures for Special Event Street Closures that allow all business segments to co-exist. We must recognize that THERE IS ALWAYS A “HIDDEN COST “ TO SOMEONE from a Street Closure and try to eliminate it through good planning. The real customers for many businesses in the Village are the Carlsbad residents who are denied access on Special Event street closure days. In summary, I would like to recommend that the Council direct, the Redevelopment Department and the City Special Events Committee, to redouble the planning efforts that they started in February at the “Town Meeting”, and develop policies and procedures for future Special Event Street Closures that are FAIR TO ALL business segments in the Village. Thank you very much for your courtesy and cooperation. Tom McMahon Enc: Letter to Lori Rosenstein dated March 11, 1998 c . - .‘. . . CARLSBAB VILLAGE THEATRE 2822 State Street P. 0. Box 1491 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (760) 720-2460 Bun (760) 720-2463 FAX Ms. hi Rosenstein Housing and Redevelopment Department city of Carlsbad 2965 Fbosevelt St., Suite B C&bad, CA 92008 Re: Special Events and Street Closings in the Carlsbad Village Area Thank you very much for apprising me of the Antique Faire that is planned for Sunday, April 25’ in the Village. This event is sponsored by our Village Antique Dealers and I hope that it is very successful. As you indicated, the proposed street closings will be limited to State Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue, and State Street between Grand Avenue and Christiansen Way. I especially lie the way the vendor booths were aligned by the Antique Faire sponsors last fall. The vendor booths were aligned down the center of the street and the patrons walked on either side between the vendor booths and the existing permanent shops to view merchandise. This configuration is superior to the Carlsbad Faire vendor booth alignment along the curbs with the patrons walking down the center of the street. The Carlsbad Faire booth alignment blocks-off the existing permanent shops from the Faire patrons, and the shop owners are forced to rent the curb space in front of their shops in order to participate in their own “Village Faire”. My retail tenant at 2808 State was unhappy that she had to pay $140.00 for the 1O’xlO’ space in front of her store. As we discussed last Tuesday, I do anticipate a 111 street closure along State Street in front of our Theatre on the Carlsbad Village Faire Days in May and November, and the Grand Avenue Closing for the Carlsbad 5000 events this month. However, in booking events at the theatre for other Saturdays and Sundays during the year, I assume that the public parking lot at the Coaster Station will be available along with direct access from Christiansen Way via North State Street. The predictable availability of this public parking is critical to my event planning schedule, and the normal business of my tenants and neighboring merchants on Saturdays and Sundays. It is not uncommon for me to book events at the Theatre four to six months in advance for a Saturday or Sunday. Last Christmas, we were surprised by a conflict with the Santa Claus Tree Lighting on Sunday afternoon, but managed to work with the police force and adjust the street ~Villrplhsrtrr,2822StrteSttod,P.O.Box1491,Culrbod.CA92018 (760) 720-2460 Bus. (760) 720-2463 FAX closing parameters so that my event could co-exist. The first notice that I received regarding the extent of the parking restrictions was the Friday before the event when the “No Parking” signs were set-up. In general, I believe that it is a good parking and tragic policy to keep the Coaster Station parking lot (330 spaces) open with easy access via Christiansen Way and North State Street when special events are planned for the Village. In the event the Special Events Committee does contemplate closing the Coaster Lot and access via Christiansen Way and North State Street, I am hereby requesting a timely courtesy call to see if I do have an event booked for that particular day. We are trying very hard to provide a reliable theatre/auditorium venue in the Viiage for the enjoyment of the Carlsbad residents. We need your cooperation. Carlsbad has grown to become a wonderful community over the past 25 years that I have lived here. We are no longer mistaken for Carlsbad, New Mexico. Our name recognition has obviously benefited from our traditional Special Events, but also reflects the long term efforts of many individuals who reside in the community. In summary, I urge you to review the merits of all Special Event requests in a manner that considers the interests of the merchants and property owners who are directly impacted by the Event. Sincerely, Tom McMahon ~Vil&geThattq28nStrtt~P.O.Box1491,Culrbd,CA92018 (760) 720-2460 Bus. (760) 720-2463 FAX . I + ~arlsbrd village Qusiness P.O.Box1460,Carlsbad,CA92018-1460,(760)433-5598 April 4, 2000 - Fax(76@)967-1010 Honorable Mayor Lewis and Distinguished Members of the City Council: 1. The Carlsbad Village Business Association (which represents all of the business in the Village.... not just the retail stores, but the service people, the auto shops, doctors, lawyers, CPA’s, animal grooming, car washes, architects, hair salons, restaurants, and all other businesses, regardless of their nature, does not wish to see any elimination or abolishment of special events in the Village that close the streets!. a. All if these events benefit the City as a whole and the Village for some specific businesses. b. Each of these events affect different businesses differently. One kind benefits one kind of business and hurt others financially. Other events benefit other businesses and adversely affect a different kind of business. c. On the whole, each event benefits the entire city and affects some businesses directly, good or bad. 2. The problem then is to increase the value to those that benefit and decrease the adverse affect to those that get hurt. 3. There is no resolution to these problems. However, we must seek ways to make the problems more palatable and 1 acceptaDle, particularly for those businesses that are hurt by street closures. 4. Only you, the City Council, can help resolve these problems. 5. Following next, (#6), are recommendations for Ordinance Adoption. One Ordinance to cover all of them or a separate Ordinance for each, and then absolute enforcement. a. These should eliminate about 85% of all major business owners complaints in the Village b. These will directly and positively benefit the business owners. 6.: A. All promoters, regardless of the frequency of their events are to meet with the CVBA special events committee at least 60 days prior to the event to try and resolve any special problems that may arise from the event. B. Absolutely NO NEW, not already approved and scheduled events to close the streets on both days of the week-end. c. Absolutely NO NEW SATURDAY closures. D. Never more than one street closure per month. 1 , . . I E. When times are designated for Barriers to come down and the streets to open, a severe financial fine for the promoter for each l/2 hour that Barriers are late in coming down. F. Each promoter must pledge and pay 5% of gross receipts to the CVBA Village Promotional Fund within 10 working days of the end of the event. 1. This money will be used exclusively for the advertising of the Village and the businesses there to mediate the loss of revenue that some have during the event. This type of promotion will bring buyers to the Village when business may be slack or there are no special events in progress. With enough and the right type of advertising, the Village can be a Special Event without street closures every week end. 2. This contribution must be from all Special Events, including the one the CVBA does (Arts & Crafts Bazaar) the 2nd Sunday of August, the Chamber of Commerce and the Street Faires, The Antique Faires, all of the Races, and all other promotions that close streets in the Village. It’s a small amount of the gross, and most of 3 - the events put large sums of money in the promoters pockets, and there is nothing wrong with that, providing they help the Village recover from the shock of the event. 3. All of the funds going into the Promotional Fund will be fully accountable and spent only for the intended purpose. No money goes to the benefit of anyone or anything other than advertising and promotion for the Village, which we consider from l-5 to the water and from Lagoon to Lagoon., F. THERE IS NO PANACEA, but we can mitigate our problems with the aforesaid as a positive action to aid the businesses in the Village. Respectfully submitted, Past Co-Chair and Member of CVBA Board of Directors I : Jim&Patsy !hwns PHQNE NO. : 619 439 573 - RPI-. 63 2000 64 : I2PM PI c, m@r city Q)m City Manager city Attorney city clerk The Grand Deli Mike Downs, Owner 595 Grand Avenue Cc&bad, CA 92008 Tel: 760-729-4015 April 3.2000 1 .‘.‘?ayor Bud Lewir and Cify Cow-d Members City of Ccrrlsbad Carlsbad, Californicr 92008 ,, Dear Sirs, I am for?unate to hove owned and operated the Grand Deli during the past 13 years. It has come to my attention that there is some opposition by merchants in the Cc&bad Village to a few of the events that require the city to block ofF streets. Like some of the other vlluge businesses, I lose many of my reguiur weekend customers. But, also like the other village businesses, I benefit hugely from the humaMy that descends on the village during special events. Every restaurant, for example, has the ability to adjust to these events, although it , requires a lot of special effort on the part of management to adapt to the different venues. I would benefit from these events no matter where I might be located in ., the village. This is true because I get personally involved. For example, I have f ;Jonated thousands of dollars in food over the years to the organizen of the Cc&bad 5000. The Caflsbad Marathon actuaily costs me money in lost customers, yet I still support It. Additionally, I am a sponsor of the Antique Street Faire. I also support the Curlsbad triathlon. I have been forced to compete vigorously with out of town food vendors during the past 25 Street Fakes. I jusi don’t open my doors. 1 create a circus atmosphere in my booth autslde the Deli. and the people respond. Every Faire, people make repeut visits to my booth to buy their fuvon’te food. All of these events produce considerable comment - all of it positive - from out of town customers. They constitute what is the charm of the Carlsbad Village. I am astonlshed that more r&aura& do noi make an effort to adjust to the special clienteie that comes to these events. Meeting the cha!lenga of the Village atmosphere und speciai events is port of the joy of doing business In the ‘* Village. Pl : Jim&Patsy Downs c’ PHONE NO. : 619 439 z73 - Fbr. 03 2G308 El4 : 13PM P2 I look forward to many more years in this special part of Carlsbad that has become a world famous attraction. Carlsbad Is the envy of all the other cities in $ the North County. :; Very trul you6 d 424L d Mike Downs