HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-04; City Council; 15684; Benches At Bluff Top Walkway23 0 4 . . dTY OF CAF?LSBAD - AGENii BILL -. E P . . p 2 d : s 0 CONSIDER ENHANCEMENT OF BENCHES AT BLUFF TOP WALKWAY RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council is asked to determine if it wishes staff to proceed with a project to enhance the benches and retaining wall with tile designs at the bluff top walkway at Ocean Street and Carlsbad Boulevard. I ITEM EXPLANATION The Arts Commission voted unanimously at its July 29, 1999 meeting to recommend to City Council that an artist be hired to enhance the benches at the bluff top walkway at Ocean Street and Carlsbad Boulevard. A Commission-appointed selection committee met twice to discuss the possible scope of the project. The Committee consists of two Arts Commissioners, an owner of the Harbor Fish Cafe next to the area in question and two area residents, one of whom is an artist. The Selection Committee suggests that the City’s Arts Office develop an RFP to solicit 3 proposals from local tile artists to develop a tile design and build models for display. The Committee would like the artists to consider tile on the retaining wall as well as three of the benches and if the project goes forward, has stipulated that the theme of the work be beach/ocean related. The process calls for proposed designs to go on display for public comment prior to Arts Commission and City Council approval. At the time the present landscaping and benches were placed at the site, Council indicated that it might consider other enhancements at a later date. Staff would like direction as to whether or not they should proceed with the project. Council may: 1. Approve the Arts Commission’s recommendation to place tile on benches and retaining wall in the area and appropriate $20,000 from the Public Art Fund. 2. Ask staff to return with a request for a different type of artwork for the area, or 3. Leave the site as it is. If Council would like staff to proceed with option #l , it should adopt the attached resolution. If Council selects option #2 or #3, no action is required. FISCAL IMPACT The cost to tile the three benches and retaining wall is estimated at $20,000. There are funds available in the Public Art Fund which could be appropriated if Council wishes to proceed with the project. / - h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-107 A RESOLUTION OF THE Clv COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ‘CONSIDERING ENHANCEMENT OF BENCHES AT BLUFF TQP WALKWAY. /’ WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Commission voted to recommend to Council that an artist be hired to enhance the benches at the bluff top walkway; and. WHEREAS, a Commission-appointed selection committe met and discussed the scope of the project; and WHEREAS, the Committee suggests that an RFP be ped to solicit 3 proposals from local tile artists to develop a design and model for public di WHEREAS, the Committee would like three b es and the retaining wall to have a tile design placed on them if the proj WHEREAS, City COT he present landscaping and benches were approved that it might consider o ts for that area at a later date; and WHEREAS, it is ject will cost $20,000 and funds are available in the Public Art Fund. NOW, THER by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: tions are$ue and correct. approves the Arts Commission’s recommendation to place tiie the retainjng wall in the area located at the intersection of lsbad Boulevard, and appropriates $20,000 from the Public DOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the day of , 2000, by the following CLAUDE A. “BUD” LEWIS, Mayor LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk TELEPHONE MESSAGE April 4,200O TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCI1, FROM: ROSEMARY PENNER RE: AGENDA ITEM #I 1 - ENHANCEMENT OF BENCHES Ms. Penner called to express her opinion to the Council regarding the above item. She stated that the City should leave the Split Pavilion area just the way it is and not spend $20,000 to enhance it. She indicated the money could be better spent building roads, etc. c: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk