HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-16; City Council; 15746; 2000-2001 To Build Out CIP- - CI ry OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL .. AB# t5;74& MTG. 5/16/2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DEPT. FIN CITY MGR. % TITLE: DEPT Hb. CITY Am= PROPOSED 2000-2001 TO BUILD-OUT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report. Set public hearing for June 20, 2000. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document as well as a budget document. It incorporates the current status of all of the City's capital funds with the budgets for the upcoming year and then projects future revenues and expenditures for all known projects until build-out of the City. This document is reviewed and updated every year during the budget process. This year during the review process, staff took a close look at the construction schedules for City facilities and the workloads of the staff needed to complete the projects. Major projects were prioritized and ranked using growth management and related criteria, and the results provided the basic framework for the scheduling of projects. Cost estimates were also reviewed more closely, example, the projected cost of most park development projects was increased based on an analysis resulting in some increased costs to reflect the overall cost increases seen in construction. For of the actual cost of recent park construction projects. One of Council's goals is to "integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of life-centered land use decisions." In line with this goal, street construction projects continue to receive the highest priority, making up one-third of the new appropriations for next year, as well as in future years. Planning will continue for the construction of three major roadways that will add east- west connections and improve the flow of regional and local traffic throughout the City. These roads are the extensions of Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive, Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real, and Cannon Road and College Boulevard east of El Camino Real. The importance of park land acquisition and development is another major area of focus as the City continues to grow, particularly in the southeast quadrant of the City. Funding is set aside for the purchase of the Alga Norte parkland and for continued development of the Carrillo Ranch Park, both located in this quadrant. 2000-2001 Carital ImDrovement Proqram The 2000-2001 proposed budget for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) totals $51.7 million, with estimated revenues of $48.2 million. Appropriations of $68.8 million for on-going capital projects remaining unspent at the end of FY 1999-2000 will be added to the new 2000-2001 CIP appropriations. A sum of $120.5 million will then comprise the total 2000-2001 CIP budget. Major projects scheduled for next year are summarized below. Street & Traftic Siqnal Proiects Street construction projects are 32.9% of the total 2000-2001 expenditures at $17 million. The largest funded from developer fees, CFD#I, and a Federal Grant. An additional $2.2 million will be appropriation is $11.5 million for Rancho Santa Fe Road North. This $33 million project is primarily appropriated for the Aviara Parkway/Poinsettia Lane BTD#2 project to continue the extension of Poinsettia Lane east towards El Camino Real. Pavement Management and Reconstruction projects are scheduled for a $1.2 million appropriation to maintain the safety and drivability of City streets. I Page 2 of Agenda Bill # 1s: 7 qL Four traffic signal installations are planned in 2000-2001 at the following intersections: Carlsbad Boulevard and Cherry Avenue, Carlsbad Village Drive and Pontiac, Faraday Avenue and Rutherford Road, and La Costa Avenue and Nueva Castilla. The costs range from $85,000 to $110,000 per traffic signal. Park Proiects Park construction projects are 17.4% of the total 2000-2001 expenditures at $9 million. An appropriation of $4.8 million is included in this amount for the acquisition of Alga Node park land in the Southeast quadrant. This site, located east of El Camino Real and north, and adjacent to the future Poinsettia Lane, is scheduled for development in FY 2003-2004. Phase II of Leo Carrillo Park involves continued development and restoration, which may include park infrastructure (sewer and water lines), building rehabilitation, paved access and parking, restroom facilities and walkways. Completion of this phase will allow for public use of the park, and is required to meet the growing demands of the area. An additional $3.6 million is scheduled for appropriation from the Public Facility Fee fund. Civic Proiects Civic projects total 5.3% or $2.7 million of the 2000-2001 capital appropriation. The Public Works Center, which is currently under design, will receive an additional appropriation of $500,000. Construction of this facility is expected to begin in the following fiscal year (2001-2002). Another project in this category is the relocation of the police training range, which is scheduled for an additional $450,000 appropriation. Also included, is an appropriation of $900,000 for the Faraday Center lease payment. Water Proiects Water and Recycled Water projects total 15.8% of the total 2000-2001 CIP with an additional $8.2 million scheduled for additional projects. Funding for the replacement of a waterline along El Camino Real heading south from Palomar Airport Road is budgeted at $2.4 million. An additional $1.6 million is scheduled for the construction of a water line along Poinsettia Lane east from El Camino Real to meet the future demands of this developing area, and $1.2 million is included for debt service payments on previous potable and reclaimed water projects. Sewer Proiects Sewer funding of $5.1 million reflects Carlsbad’s share of costs for the Encina Wastewater Facility capital improvements and several interceptor projects. The largest scheduled appropriation is $2 to retain flows that exceed the capacity of the ocean outfall. Retained flows would be released during million for the Encina Flow Equalization Project. This project involves construction of a reservoir/tank periods of low flow. Drainaqe Proiects continued construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain funded by Transnet-Local, Planned Drainage projects are 5.7% of the total 2000-2001 expenditures at $2.9 million, almost entirely for the within the Northern San Diego Railroad right-of-way) will carry storm water from the area bounded by Local Drainage Area fees, Gas Tax, and Transnet-STP funds. The storm drain system (primarily flooding and standing water along its route. The total budget for this project is $10.5 million. Carlsbad Village Drive, Highland Drive, Garfield Street and Agua Hedionda Lagoon and control Future Facilities.. 2000-2001 to Buildout Capital Improvement Proqram The CIP for 2000-2001 to build-out outlines approximately 180 future projects at a total cost of $422 million. Again, the largest expenditure category is for street, traffic signal and interchange projects at $1 33.9 million or 31.7% of the total. Several major road projects that are included will add east-west connections, improve the flow of regional and local traffic, and provide additional routes to the a - Page 3 of Agenda Bill * 15 -7 q,d neighboring cities of Oceanside, Vista and San Marcos. The following is a list of major street projects programmed for future years: Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real Cannon Road to El Camino Real Cannon Road and College Boulevard East of El Camino Real Rancho Santa Fe Road to San Marcos and Encinitas Park projects total $72.5 million, or 17.2% and include acquisition and development of acreage within all quadrants of Carlsbad. Future park projects include: Northwest Quadrant Northeast Quadrant Park Development Park Development Community Center Lawin Park Development Cannon Lake Park Development Hosp Grove-Buena Vista Lagoon Park Southwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Poinsettia Park Phase II Alga Norte Park Development Zone 19 Park Development Alga Norte Pool Zone 19 Park Community Center Leo Carrillo Park Development In addition, construction of a business park recreational facility in the industrial area is planned, as well as a municipal golf course. The third largest category, at $65.8 million, or 15.6%, of the total planned capital expenditures, is construction and maintenance of City facilities including libraries, administrative facilities and police and fire facilities. Expansion of the Cole Library and construction of a new City Hall are planned as well as the construction of a new Public Works Center which is currently in the design phase. Sewer projects totaling $63.9 million include construction of the South Agua Hedionda interceptor, the VistalCarlsbad trunk line interceptor, cleaning and refurbishment of existing sewer lines and access holes, and the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility projects. The largest of these projects is the VistalCarlsbad interceptor; construction will occur along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson Street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way, and is expected to span over several years. Water projects total about $35.5 million (8.4%) and include reservoir construction and improvements and recycled and potable pipelines. Some of the major areas in which these installations or upgrades are planned include segments of College Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte, and along El Camino Real. Drainage projects equal $22 million (5.2%). These projects consist of various major storm drain facilities within the City as outlined in the master Drainage and Storm Water Management Plan. More detailed information on the proposed 2000-2001 to Build-out Capital Improvement Program is included in the attached exhibit. Staff is requesting that Council set the public hearing for the meeting of June 20, 2000, when input will be received from interested citizens and groups wishing to comment on the proposed capital budget. 3 - Page 4 of,Agenda Bill R 15, 3qb DeveloDment FeeslAffordable Housing Credits Each year, several development fees are adjusted based on the change in the Engineering News Record Index as required by the respective fee programs. The adjusted fees are attached in Exhibit 2. The cost of an Affordable Housing Credit in the Villa Loma project is also adjusted each year, based on additional interest costs per Council Policy 58. The revised fee is $37,400. EXHIBIT 2. Revised Development Fee Schedule. 1. 2000-2001 to Build-out Capital Improvement Program. - 1 EXHIBIT 1 I .I 2000-2001 PRfLlMlNARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document which incorporates the current budget for capital projects with future planned revenues and expenditures. This year's CIP reflects the continued commitment to constructing the necessary facilities, in response to the current and anticipated development activity occurring throughout the City. Projects are continuously evaluated and prioritized to ensure the City's resources for facilities are allocated based on a well thought-out plan. The 2000-2001 Capital Improvement Program totals $51.7 million, with projected revenues totaling $48.2 million. Although development remains strong during this current fiscal year, we expect to see numbers declining over the next several years. Along with development, there comes a corresponding demand for development-related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds the need, the citizens of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The Growth Management Plan requires a standard level of facilities is available to meet the new demands, or development cannot proceed. A discussion of the City's Growth Management Plan is located at the end of this report. The CIP is also a tool available to Council and staff, to weigh resource availability with the demand for facilities. This report and the accompanying CIP documents and schedules reflect these actions. GROWTH PROJECTIONS Several assumptions about the rate and type of growth were made in order to project the revenues that result from development. Growth assumptions were made and continue to change in correlation with the economic climate. Residential and non-residential development information was compiled by the Planning, Building and Engineering Departments; the Finance Department overlaid the economic forecast. Every year, City staff evaluates all existing developments and compare the projects to the buildout capacities of the City using adopted general plans. Existing building activity and estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop were used to prepare future growth projections. The following table shows the number of residential units used in calculating estimated revenues for 2000-2001 and subsequent years to buildout. Staff expects that approximately 12,710 units will be built from this point forward. Non-residential construction estimates are shown in projected square feet. 2000-2001 CIP Growth Assumptions Residential Non-Residential Year Units Sauare Feet . ". 1999-2000 current 1,500+ 1,134,771 ~ ~ ~~~ 2000-2001 1,065 509,010 2001 -2002 1,104 478,130 2002-2003 937 337,158 2003-2004 799 469,963 2004-2005 834 693,864 Years 6-1 0 3,184 4,411,086 Years 11-2020 4,787 5,982,054 Total Future 12,710 12,881,265 Residential development for 1999-2000 was projected at 1,250 building permits. Recent estimates anticipate over 1,500 units by the end of the current fiscal year. Construction of residential units is expected to decrease to about 950 units per year for the next five years. Residential Units Trend 1985 to 2005 3000 I I 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Non-residential development is also expected to decline significantly following the completion of several major projects in the Carlsbad Ranch area. Anticipated non-residential projects planned areas where most of the residential development has occurred over the past several years. in the next few years include several commercialhetail developments located in or near the REVENUES Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout total $426.76 million and may be segregated into four major categories: 1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, 2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts), 3) Water and Sewer replacement reserves, and 4) other sources including grants, bond issues, and contributions from other agencies. Approximately 48% of all capital revenue is received as a result of development, and is dependent upon assumptions made about the City's annual growth in dwelling units and commerciallindustrial square feet. Development revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-In-Lieu Fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges. Existing and proposed Community Facilities District and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District revenues comprise 22.4% of the total. Water and Sewer replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 10% of total revenues, and the remaining 19.6% are related to Federal & State grants, license tax on new construction, the County sales tax program (Transnet), and contributions from other agencies. Funding Sources 2000-2001 to Buildout Total Revenue = $426.7 million Other 19.6% Development Water/Sewer 48.0% 22.4% Calculation of Future Fees The revenue projections of the Capital Improvement Program reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units is assumed to be 35% and 65% respectively and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities Fees is $89,500 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $175,000 per single-family dwelling unit. A building permit valuation of $38 per square foot of construction is used to calculate non-residential Public Facilities Fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of development use. A multi-family residential dwelling unit is assigned eight trips per day and a single-family unit is assigned ten trips per day. Each residential trip is valued at the current TIF of $87. The trips-per-day value for commercial and industrial buildings are averaged at 32 trips per commercial/industriaI building can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. The 1,000 square feet of development, although the actual volume of trips generated by value assigned to each commercial/industriaI trip is $35, the current TIF. The implementation of CFD No. 1 in 1991 reduced the total amount of projected PFF and TIF this CFD. CFD No. 2 is proposed to fund Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road, but has revenues, since some projects previously funded from these sources are now funded through not yet been formally established. A prepayment program is in place to enable development to proceed within this proposed district. There are two existing and two proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Districts included in this year's CIP. BTD No. 2 (Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway) was formed to finance the construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. BTD No. 3 (Cannon Road West) was formed to fund portions of Cannon Road from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. BTD No. 4 is being considered as the financing mechanism for College Boulevard and Cannon Road extensions east of El Camino Real, and BTD No. 5 is being considered for the funding of Melrose Drive and Faraday Avenue extensions. CAPITAL PROJECTS Project construction is reliant upon the availability of capital and operating funds in addition to established Growth Management requirements for facilities. Wherever project-scheduling changes were proposed, projects were evaluated and prioritized, using compliance with the Growth Management Plan as the most important factor. One of the City Council goals is to "integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of life-centered land use decisions". In conjunction with this goal, and as a result of the prioritization and ranking process, street construction projects continue to receive the highest priority, with the primary focus on improving traffic flow in the industrial corridor of the City. CAPITAL PROJECTS 2000-2001 TO BUILDOUT The CIP for 2000-2001 to buildout outlines approximately 180 future projects at a total cost of $422 million. CIP Expenditures by Category 2000-2001 to Buildout Total Expenditures = $422 million Parks mer 17.1 % Drainage 6.8% 5.3% - Water 8.4% Sewer 15.1% Civic 15.6% Streets 31.7% The largest expenditure category is for street and traffic signal construction projects, which total $133.9 million, or 31.7%. Included is the construction of several major roadways which will add east-west connections and improve the flow of regional traffic as well as local traffic throughout the City. Several of these roads will provide additional routes to the neighboring cities of Oceanside, Vista and San Marcos. The following is a list of major street projects in the 2000-2001 to Buildout CIP: Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane east of El Camino Real Cannon Road to El Camino Real Cannon Road and College Boulevard East of El Camino Real Rancho Santa Fe Road to San Marcos and Encinitas The second largest expenditure category is for park projects, which total $72.5 million, or 17.1%. Park projects include acquisition and/or development of acreage within all quadrants of Carlsbad. Future park projects include: Northwest Quadrant Northeast Quadrant Park Development Park Development Community Center Larwin Park Development Cannon Lake Park Development Hosp Grove-Buena Vista Lagoon Recreational Improvements Southwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Poinsettia Park Phase II Alga Norte Park Zone 19 Park Development Alga Norte Pool Zone 19 Park Community Center Leo Carrillo Park Development In addition, a business park recreational facility in the industrial area is planned, as well as the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. The cost estimates for several of the park projects were increased based on an analysis of recent park construction and land acquisition costs. As a result, projected revenues from the existing park fee programs will not be sufficient build several of the planned parks at the current standards. Thus, staff will be evaluating the fee programs for possible revisions, and may also need to consider other revenue sources or changes in project scope so that project costs match available funding. The third largest level of expenditures at $65.8 million, or 15.6% of the total planned capital expenditures, is construction and maintenance of City facilities such as libraries, administrative facilities and police and fire facilities. The interior of the Cole Library underwent renovation during the current fiscal year, and re- opened on April 15Ih. Next fiscal year, exterior improvements to the Cole library will be made. The Capital Improvement Program includes funds to reconstruct and expand this facility in future years. The Public Works Center is currently under design, and construction is expected to begin in the following fiscal year (2001-2002). A new City Hall is planned for construction in the future; the timing and location have not been determined. 9 Sewer projects total almost $63.9 million, and include the construction of the South Agua Hedionda interceptor, the Vista/Carlsbad trunk line interceptor, cleaning and refurbishment of existing sewer lines and access holes, the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina parallel ocean outfall and cogeneration projects. The largest of these projects is the VistalCarlsbad interceptor; construction will occur along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson Street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way, and is expected to span over several years. Water projects total about $35.5 million (8.4%) and include reservoir construction and improvements and recycled and potable pipelines. Some of the major areas in which these installations or upgrades are planned include segments of College Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane, El Fuerte, and along El Camino Real. Specific timing and cost estimates for all capital projects are identified in the Current and Future (2000-2001 to Buildout) Projects schedule following the narrative. CAPITAL PROJECTS -THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Some of the major projects planned for the next five years are discussed below. 0 Public Works Center - Design of a new Public Works Center is underway, and construction is expected to occur during 2001-2002. This facility will be located next to the Safety Center and will include a warehouse, general offices, and yard facilities for the Public Works Departments. currently being processed for the City’s 250 acre golf course located in the industrial corridor directly south of the future Lv$ Veterans Memorial Park. Once approved, development of the golf course will proceed. A financing plan for the golf course is being developed, and will be incorporated into the Capital lmprovement Program at a later date. 0 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course - Environmental permits are e/ 0 Redevelopment Proiects - Enhancements to the Village Redevelopment Area include a Facade lmprovement and Signage Program that will offer grants to business and/or property owners to make exterior improvements to existing buildings and update signage for the building/business. Another redevelopment program is the Village Parking Program, which includes acquisition of land for future public parking, and improvements to existing parking lots. 0 Streets - Several large street construction projects are planned for the next 5 years as shown on the following map. The extensions of Cannon Road and Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road are all located west of El Camino Real and are being constructed primarily as a result of residential developments in those areas. College Boulevard and Cannon Road extensions to the east and north, as well as Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive extensions, are located east of El Camino Real and will alleviate traffic on Palomar Airport Road. The widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe will improve regional and local traffic flow generated in the southern part of the City. RAILROAD MAJOR ROAD PRO Proposed Major Road Projects c JECTS . Leo Carrillo Park - Phase II of Leo Carrillo Park involves continued development and restoration, which may include park infrastructure (sewer and water lines), building rehabilitation, paved access and parking, restroom facilities and walkways. Completion of this phase will allow for public use of the park, and is required to meet the growing demands of the area. The general theme for this park will be passive in nature with the option for interpretive programming. . Zone 19 Park - Construction is expected to begin in approximately two years on this 24-acre site located in the southwest quadrant north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. This park may include ball fields, soccer/football fields, basketball and tennis courts, tot lots, and picnic areas. . Alga Norte Park - This park will include the development of 30 acres in the Southeast Quadrant with amenities such as ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, picnic areas, tot lots, restrooms and parking facilities. The p e land may occur next fiscal year, with design and construction in the years to follow Poinsettia Park Phase II - Within the next five years, development of the final phase of Poinsettia Park is scheduled. Amenities may include a community centerlgymnasium, an enclosed soccer field, tot lots, picnic areas, a tennis complex, and additional parking. . Drainage Facilities - Construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain from Oak Avenue to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon along the easterly portion of the northern San Diego railroad right-of-way will control flooding and standing water along its route. Major drainage facilities, which coincide with the construction of two major roadway projects, College Blvd.lCannon Road and Faraday AvenuelMelrose Drive extensions, are planned within the next five years. VistalCarlsbad Interceptor- The Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor project involves installation of a new and upgraded sewer trunk line through the downtown portion of Carlsbad to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The interceptor will run along Jefferson Street from Interstate 5 to Oak Avenue and along Oak Avenue from Jefferson Street to the west side of the railroad right-of-way. This project is required to handle buildout flows and replace deteriorated pipeline, and is funded in part by the City of Vista. Waterlines - Several major water lines are scheduled for construction within the next five years: o along El Camino Real from Palomar Airport Road south o along El Fuerte from Alga Road to Poinsettia Lane o along Poinsettia Lane from El Camino Real to the “D” Reservoir 0 along College Boulevard from Maerkle Reservoir to Agua Hedionda Creek SUMMARY The proposed 2000-2001 to Buildout CIP is being driven by the continued pace of development and the need to insure that facilities are available to service the developing areas as well as the current residents. Progress is being made to construct major traffic circulation projects in response to current and future development. Carlsbad‘s philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities, which meet, and at times exceed Growth Management standards. Practices such as phasing projects over a period of years to match funding availability as well as maximizing the use of available resources, have been implemented in order to meet the needs of Growth Management. The 2000-2001 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitment of Carlsbad’s Council and staff to continue providing its residents with a better quality of life. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carlsbad in 1986. The plan was established in an effort to manage development within the City by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan adopted has established precise standards for eleven public facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which standards have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Wastewater Treatment - Circulation - Fire -Water Distribution - Schools - Library - Parks - Drainage - Open Space - Sewer Collection The Plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance with the adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless each of the eleven public facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. The Growth Management Plan impacts both the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program. The detailed level of planning required by Growth Management has allowed Carlsbad's Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements through buildout of the City. The timing of construction of facilities is governed by the rate of development and the 11 performance standards. New public facilities often require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the Operating Budget. Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the 2000-2001 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is assured. CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY BILL 1600 (AB 1600) In 1987, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1600 (AB 1600) which set forth the process a city or county must follow to establish developer fees to finance public facilities. This legislation applies to fees established, increased, or imposed on or after January 1, 1989, the effective date of the law. AB 1600 contains four general requirements: 1. A "nexus" or connection must be established between a development project or class of project and the public improvement being financed with the fee. All AB 1600 fees adopted by the City have met the nexus test. For example, Traffic Impact, Bridge and Thoroughfare District and Drainage Sewer Benefit Area Fees were all established under AB 1600. 2. The fee must be segregated from the General fund. Carlsbad segregates all capital funds not only from the General fund, but also each classification of fee as well. 3. Fees collected by a city or county must be spent or committed to a projectwithin a five year period. Funds are viewed to be committed if they are programmed to be spent on a specific project(s). If the money is not spent, findings must be made describing the continuing need for that money each fiscal year after the five years has expired. The City of Carlsbad commits the revenues from these fees through its Capital Improvement Program budget. This budget, which is adopted by the City Council, sets forth the City's Capital expenditure program from the current year to projected build out of the City. The expenditure plan is updated annually as part of the City's budget process. 4. Refunds must be made only if the City cannot make the required findings. At this time, no refunds are due because the City's Capital Improvement Program commits all AB 1600 fees to projects to be constructed both in the current year and in the future. CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR N 1999-2000 JULY 1.1999 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED JUNE 30.2000 UNRESERVED ESTIMATED CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE PROJECTED FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES LOANS a OTHER BALANCE GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,801,665 8,729,213 2.893.672 (1,810,826) 7,826,380 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PIL AREA 4 SE TRANSNETlLOCAL TRANSNETlHlGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE TRANSNETlSTP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNTY GRANTS BTDX2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTDX3 CANNON ROAD WEST * BTW COLLEGECANNON * BTM5 FARADAYlMELROSE CFD X2 CFD #I FEDERAL GRANTS SDG 8 E SEWER BENEFIT AREA (C-D-E-F) PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWERCONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX 2,546,559 267,408 29,239,513 112,730 2,771,479 980,407 2,345,063 1,006,857 4,325,516 8,922,114 1,329,564 0 1,338,349 294.148 586,724 118.548 2.394.049 3.385.600 2.515.002 0 29,701,665 0 16,542,626 6,838 6,202,931 0 23,046,361 3,484,945 14,039,956 3,635,664 17,910,023 7,595,549 2,234,836 5.104.467 687,499 7.217 6.355.387 304,479 288,043 280,134 293,268 210,009 1.434.171 1,656,964 598,562 5 38.122 7,496 2,216,462 173,777 0 2,298,907 86,847 999 790,854 7,844,334 593,182 163,526 1,073,212 0 4,098,319 525.129 2,378,433 422,963 2,352,942 3,923,054 1,599,949 41,351 1.146.691 37,320 6.997.839 6,382 3.689.483 0 0 0 471,416 3,098,472 1,227,409 0 0 91,840 57,550 2,454,780 73,868 2,345,576 1,550,094 67,852 13,626,070 0 813.049 25,509 208,117 0 1,062,446 295,571 153,774 597,773 1,427,526 1,335,553 563,678 156.890 0 0 (141,000) 860,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2.197.899) 0 0 0 92.221 0 0 (158.060) 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 (1,000,000) (159,527) (3,126,858) 1,884,408 (1,276,077) (200.000) n (940,371) 2,087.367 237,305 28.456.061 410.827 1,260,541 230.039 2,555,072 1,300,125 5,288.271 7,480,606 700,717 5 1,376,471 209,804 686,633 79,561 930,820 930.802 2,468.333 25.368 790,854 23,761,869 16,322,759 144.855 0 7,068.026 26,050,535 3,947,628 15,122.818 3,301,327 20,811,820 6,964219 5.940.738 843.220 OTHER TOTAL 205,161 197,992,317 5,824 51,480,632 46,481,824 (7,173,989) 195,817,136 205,361 5.624 * PROPOSED DISTRICTS. CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 2000-2001 JULY 1,2000 APPROPR. APPROPR. BALANCE REVENUES NEW CONTINUING PROJECTED ESTIMATED 1999 - 00 FUND GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 7,826,380 4,600,000 5,766,252 5,010,900 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PIL AREA 4 SE TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETlSTP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNTY GRANTS BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKW BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW5 FARADAYlMELROSE BTW COLLEGBCANNON CFO #I CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SOG & E SEWER BENEFIT AREA (C-0-E-F) PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX 2,087,367 237.305 28,456,061 410,827 1,260,541 230,039 1,300,125 2,555,072 5,288,271 7,480.606 700,717 5 1,376,471 209.804 686,633 79,561 930,820 930.802 2.468.333 25,368 23,761,869 790.854 16,322.759 144,855 0 7,068,026 26,050,535 3,947,628 15,122,818 6,964.219 3,301,327 20.81 1,820 5.940.738 843.220 0 0 3,364,020 199,772 62,010 289,380 55,650 2,263,913 1.900.000 922,331 0 0 0 0 0 544,334 1,740,000 0 100.000 0 6,040,091 0 5,883,600 0 675.796 0 9,840,372 400,000 1,300,000 150,000 4,107,193 2,193,000 1.562.100 0 107,930 7,608,334 706,303 34.418 10,517 219.100 150,000 0 4,557.128 6,042.551 502,006 0 1,240,000 157,486 68.069 0 787,800 826,120 22.883 15.925 2,876,987 790,854 2,260,105 135.637 1,693.642 0 3,533,558 10,835.203 5,812.819 400.645 4,727,839 2,485,599 4.000.083 397,214 - TOTAL OTHER 195,817,136 205,361 48,193,561 I 68,780,614 7,607 51,729,839 0 20,000 0 5,417,000 0 150.000 0 1.000,000 4,800,000 1,200,000 67.000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 1,650,000 0 0 0 610,000 0 5,717,400 5.883.600 910,000 0 3,949,552 0 1.183.645 3,986,476 1,059,527 5,116,424 3,120,100 378,215 n 2000-01 I JUNE 30,2001 127,930 13,025,334 706,303 34,418 300.000 10,517 1.219.100 4.800.000 4,624.128 7,242,551 502,006 0 1,240,000 157,486 68,069 500,000 2.476.120 787.800 15,925 790.854 22,883 3,486,987 7,977,505 6,019,237 0 2,603,642 14,784,755 3.533.558 6,996,464 8,714,315 1,460.172 7,602,023 7.120.183 775.429 1.381.064 109,375 18,794,747 576,181 1,016,191 281,532 370.405 1,586.474 18,984 2,138,055 198,711 5 136,471 52.318 11,492 730.967 143,020 2352,408 194,682 2,485 26,314,972 0 8,345,254 9.218 5,140,180 0 21,106,151 814,070 9,426,354 2,357,097 1,991,155 15,402,797 382.655 67,791 7.607 120,510,453 I 123,500,245 197,754 CIN OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 2000-2001 1996-97 ACTUAL 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2000-2001 ESTIMATED REVENUES REVENUES ESTIMATED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE FUND GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 3,000.585 8,729,213 4,600,000 1.581.221 1.048.117 PUBLIC ART 18.033 GOLF COURSE ZONE 5.13.16 PARK FEE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETlLOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE TRANSNETlSTP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTWY3 CANNON ROAD WEST B1 D#4 COLLEGECANNON CFD tl BTWY5 FARADAYIMELROSE CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SDG &E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREA (C-D-E-F) SEWER CONNECTION WATER - RECYCLED WATER SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX 4.618.487 79,365 701,492 283,688 403.682 44,222 1,101.838 278,736 1,155.361 520.948 103 237.167 2,596,708 189,854 277,695 2,289.588 269,106 26,238 0 0 10,676.209 6.085.033 421,036 863.504 0 253.024 2,823,755 2,014,974 2,266,441 593,808 2,185,341 127,079 1.471.758 .. 18,471 8.562.805 289.482 1,203,795 207.517 69,997 701.093 326,350 4,103.007 1,691.916 3,310.960 1,524 321,253 98,380 293.629 45,414 9,494,392 213.180 291.424 0 0 15,184,782 2,247,234 79.745 0 1,061,677 452.181 5,200,226 1,750,325 3.738.617 1,073,366 2,506,152 254,554 1.610.623 13,358 299,443 9,802,551 251,326 178,334 93.634 346,922 2,045.988 505,336 8,248.042 1,030.781 60.903 1,256 80.458 341,082 17,402,714 392,844 508.690 732.389 0 0 13,675,926 7,881,331 63,526 955,131 0 6,020,054 429,837 7,635,353 2,091,983 4,182,167 10,683,240 112,219 1.621.261 687,499 7.217 6,355,387 304.479 288.043 280.134 293.268 210,009 1,434,171 1,656,964 598.562 38.122 P 7,496 2,216.462 173,777 0 2,298,907 86,847 999 790.854 7,844.334 593.182 163.526 1,073,212 0 4.098.319 525,129 2.378.433 422,963 2,352,942 3,923,054 1.599.949 41,351 0 0 3.364020 199.772 62,010 289.380 55,650 2,263,913 1,900,000 922,331 0 0 0 0 0 544.334 1,740,000 0 100,000 0 6,040.091 0 5,883.600 0 0 675.796 9,840.372 400,000 1,300,000 150,000 4,107,193 2,193,000 1,562,100 0 ~~ ~ OTHER TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS .. .. 1,352,547 2,471.355 49.227.405 70,456,647 426,600 99,162,796 5,824 0 51,480,632 48,193,561 .. NOTE: REVENUES INCLUDE INTERFUND LOANS AND TRANSFERS. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE CAPITAL FUNDS 1997-1998 TO 20003001 1997-98 FUND ACTUAL 1998-99 1999-00 (1) ACTUAL ESTIMATED GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1.137.693 1.822.728 4.704.498 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13.16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 4 SE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNETILOCAL TRANSNETlHlGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNTY GRANTS BTDX2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTWf3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGECANNON BTW5 FARADAYIMELROSE CFD #I CFD #2 SDG & E FEDERAL GRANTS SEWER BENEFIT AREA (CD-E-F) PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX 19.705 474,493 768,416 28.638 0 0 3,449 0 1,751,812 926,582 1,732.856 0 0 74,694 13,684 35,816 9,994,978 589,053 246.276 0 5,235,076 0 670,688 79,475 0 255,507 1,395,000 98,843 608,373 115,641 2,595,405 1,937,045 540,536 343.806 1,114.278 60,197 2,339,380 4,330,562 0 0 18,900 0 2,520,005 1,656,187 905,021 27,603 0 280.296 160.468 1,670,154 11,924,563 1,213,557 742,315 0 16,748,124 0 3,661,865 6,834 0 917,040 2.085.199 466,244 721,280 322.818 2,698,172 1,388,764 533,719 10.733 37,320 1,146,691 7.138339 6,382 2.829.483 0 0 0 3,098.472 471,416 1,227,409 0 91.e40 0 2,255.449 2,454,780 73,868 1,550,094 2,345,576 (24,369) 13,784,130 0 813,049 25.509 208.1 17 0 1,094,145 62.446 1,295,571 757.300 4,554,364 (548,855) 1,432,967 763,678 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS OTHER 32,796,260 1,122,720 62,935,308 2,588,302 5,624 53,655.813 1999-2000 CONTINUING 2000-2001 NEW TOTAL CIP 2000-2001 .~ ~~ ~ APPROPR. APPROPR APPROPR. 5,766,252 5,010,900 10,777,152 107.930 7.608.334 706,303 34.418 10.517 219.100 150,000 0 4.557.128 6,042,551 502,006 0 1,240,000 157,486 68,069 787.800 0 826.120 22.883 15,925 790,854 2,876,987 2,260,105 135,637 1.693.642 0 3.533.558 10,835,203 5,812,819 400.645 4.727.839 2,485,599 4,000,083 397,214 20,000 0 5,417,000 0 0 150.000 1,000,000 4,800,000 1,200,000 67,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 1,650,000 0 0 0 610,000 0 5,717,400 6,883,600 910,000 0 3,949,552 0 1,183,645 3,986,476 1,059,627 5,116,424 3,120,100 378,215 0 127,930 13.025.334 706,303 34,418 10,517 300,000 1,219,100 4,800,000 4,624.128 7,242,551 502,006 0 1,240,000 157,486 68.069 500,000 2,476,120 787.800 22,883 15,925 790,854 3,486.987 7,977,505 6,019,237 0 2,603,642 14,784,755 3,533,558 6,996.464 8.714.315 1,460,172 7,602,023 7,120,183 775.429 68,780,614 7,607 51,729,839 120,510,453 7.607 (1) 1999-2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNT INCLUDES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 8 ENCUMBRANCES I 2' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES ZOO0 TO BUILDOUT 1 2000 - 2001 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/99 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2,060.128 4,600,000 5,010,900 1,649,228 ENDING PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 2 NE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PIL AREA 4 SE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HlGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETETP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGEEANNON BTWl5 FARADAY/MELROSE CFD #I CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SDG 8 E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREA (C-D-E-F) SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX OTHER 1,381,064 129,375 20,847.727 376,409 1,110,541 219,522 1,081,025 2,555,072 1,438,055 731,143 198,711 5 136,471 52.318 686,633 11,492 143,020 104,682 2,452,408 2,485 20,884,882 0 14,062,654 9,218 5,374,384 0 15,215,332 414,070 2,900,682 9,309,999 18,326,221 2,236,380 1,940,655 446,006 197.754 0 0 3,364,020 199,772 62,010 289.380 55,650 2,263,913 1,900,000 922,331 0 0 0 0 0 544,334 1,740,000 0 100,000 0 6,040,091 0 5,883,600 0 0 675,796 9,840,372 400,000 1,300,000 150,000 4,107,193 2,193,000 1,562,100 0 0 20,000 0 5,417,000 0 0 150.000 1,000,000 4,800,000 1,200,000 67,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 1,650,000 0 0 0 0 610,000 5,717,400 5,883.600 910,000 0 3,949,552 0 1,183,545 3,986,476 1,059,527 5,116,424 3,120,100 378,215 0 1.381.064 109,375 18,794,747 576,181 1,016,191 281,532 370,405 1,586.474 18,984 2,138,055 198,711 5 136,471 52.318 11,492 730,967 143,020 2,552,408 194,682 2,485 26,314,972 0 8,345,254 9,218 5,140,180 0 21,106,151 814.070 9,426,354 2,357,097 1,991,155 15,402,797 382.655 67,791 . ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ TOTAL 127,036,522 51,729,839 123,500,245 48,193,561 197,754 ,~ (1) BEGINNING BALANCE ON 7/1/99 IS NET OF CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES ZOO0 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 2 2003 ~ 2002 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2001 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. ENDING 1.649.228 2.100.000 1.831.625 1.917.603 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 4 SE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNTY GRANTS BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#4 COLLEGEEANNON BTD#5 FARADAY/MELROSE CFD #I CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SDGBE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX .. 109,375 18,794,747 1,381,064 576.181 281.532 1,016.191 370,405 18,984 2,138,055 1,586,474 198,711 136,471 5 52.318 730,967 11,492 143,020 194,682 2,552,408 2.485 0 26,314,972 8.345.254 9,218 5,140,180 0 814,070 21,106,151 9,426,354 1,991,155 15,402,797 2,357,097 67,791 382.655 .. 0 3,445.638 0 100,000 1,746,251 125,570 528.675 55,650 922,600 2,000,000 905,000 0 0 0 0 (81,018) 240,000 0 400,000 1,200,000 0 6,429,500 4,250,000 0 877.653 0 400,000 1,916,941 1,300,000 2,965,229 150,000 2,236,860 0 1.600.000 .. 20,000 5,808,000 0 0 0 0 0 47,000 0 1,200,000 905,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,310,000 8,686,673 0 0 1,200,000 100,000 9,959.991 486,835 159,527 3,694,808 4,215,202 0 1.662.000 .. 89,375 16,432.385 1,381.064 676.181 407,102 2,762,442 899,080 74,634 2,938.055 2,462,075 198.711 136,471 5 52,318 11,492 649,949 434,682 143,020 2,952,408 1,202,485 0 21,434,472 3,908.581 9.218 0 4,817,833 1,114,070 13,063,101 10,239,519 1,981.628 1,627,518 13,424,455 67,791 320.655 .. OTHER TOTAL .. 197,754 123,500,245 0 35,814,549 51.286.661 197,754 108,028,133 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2000 TO BUILDOUT 3 2002 - 2003 I BEGINNING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PIL AREA 4 SE TRANSNEnLOCAL TRANSNETIHIGHWAY TRANSNETBIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PW BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDW COLLEGUCANNON BTDW FARADAYIMELROSE CFD #I CFD #2 SDGBE FEDERAL GRANTS PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENTBONDS GAS TAX FUND BAL 7/1/2002 1,917,603 89,375 1,381,064 16,432,385 676,181 2,762,442 407,102 899,080 74,634 2,462,075 2,938,055 198.71 1 5 136,471 52,318 649,949 11,492 143,020 434,682 2,952,408 1,202,485 21,434,472 0 3,908.581 9.218 4,817,833 0 13,063,101 1,114,070 10,239,519 1,981,628 1,627,518 13,424,455 320.655 67,791 REVENUE 600.000 0 2,907,200 0 71,200 327,103 215,644 499,459 736,157 55,650 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240,000 95,000 10,645,000 0 5,682.928 0 0 0 866,683 400,000 4,634,143 1,300,000 3,159,107 150,000 2,281,597 0 1.650.000 EXPENDITURES 260.000 20,000 2,175,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 447,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 2,600,000 355,000 6,238,262 1,926,835 2,524,682 159,527 1,635.178 0 850.000 2.257.603 ENDING .. 69,375 17,164,586 1.381.064 747.381 734,205 2,978,086 398,539 2,751,231 130,284 2,938,055 198.711 5 136,471 52,318 649,949 1 1,492 143,020 174.682 11,847,485 3,047,408 0 27,007,400 3,908.581 9,218 0 3,084,516 1,159,070 11,458.982 9,612,684 1,972,101 14.070.874 2,261,943 67,791 1,120,655 .. OTHER TOTAL .. 197,754 0 0 108,028,133 38,216,870 22,501,484 197,754 123,743,519 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2000 TO BUILDOUT PtAR 4 2003 - 2004 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2003 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2.257.603 100.000 1.080.000 1.277.603 ENDING PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 4 SE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETETP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNTY GRANTS BTD#2 nOINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDW COLLEGEKANNON BTM5 FARADAY/MELROSE CFD #2 CFD #I SDGBE FEDERAL GRANTS SEWER BENEFIT AREAS PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION WATER - RECYCLED WATER SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONOS GAS TAX .. 69,375 17,164,586 1,381 ,OM 747.381 734.205 2,978,086 398,539 2,751,231 130,284 2,938,055 198,711 5 136,471 52,318 649,949 11,492 143,020 174,682 11,847,485 3,047.408 0 27,007,400 3,908.581 9,218 0 3.084.516 1,159,070 11,458,982 9,612,684 2,261.943 1,972,101 14,070,874 67,791 1,120,655 0 2,634,678 0 3,604 215,644 325,553 314,423 23,651 752,730 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240,000 200,000 0 0 4,455,656 70,690 0 865,605 0 400,000 7,307,501 1,300,000 2,690,655 150,000 2,327,229 0 1,700,000 .. 20,000 14,235,000 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 447,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 11,891,472 1,111.835 2,560,428 559,527 1,796,272 0 600.000 .. 1,381,064 49,375 5.564.264 1,059,757 750.986 3,193,730 162,961 3,056,961 153,935 2,938.055 198,711 136,471 5 52.318 1 1,492 649,949 143,020 414.682 12,047.485 3,047,408 0 31,353,056 3,979,271 9,218 3,950,122 0 1,559,070 6,875,011 9,800,849 2,392,169 1,562,574 14,601,831 67,791 2.220.655 TOTAL OTHER 123,743,519 197,754 27,777,618 0 36,661,534 0 197,754 114,859,603 31 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2000 TO BUILDOUT btAR 5 2004 - 2005 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2004 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1.277.603 890.854 200.000 1.968.457 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PIL AREA 4 SE TRANSNETjLOCAL TRANSNEnHlGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETISTP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNTY GRANTS BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTDW COLLEGEICANNON BTDW FARADAY/MELROSE CFD #I CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SDGBE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX .. 1,381,064 49,375 5,564,264 1,059,757 750,986 3,193,730 162,961 153,935 2,938,055 3,056,961 198.711 136,471 5 52.318 1 1,492 649,949 143,020 414,682 12,047,485 3.047.408 0 31,353,056 3,979,271 9,218 3,950,122 0 1,559,070 6.875.01 1 9,800,849 1,562,574 14.601.831 2,392,169 67,791 2,220,655 0 2,881,941 0 42,737 325,553 215,644 240,686 23,651 924,853 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240,000 0 15,000,000 0 16,132,490 55,239 0 0 736,073 400,000 1,684,730 1,300,000 2,453,045 200,000 2,421,249 0 1,750,000 0 0 2,664,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,829,708 1,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,790,854 1 10,000 0 0 0 0 1,034,011 0 1,186,835 159,527 100,000 0 0 0 49,375 1,381,064 5,782,204 793,723 1,385,310 3,409,374 403,648 177.587 2,152,106 2,938,055 198,711 5 136,471 52.318 649,949 11,492 654.682 143,020 3,047,408 12,047,485 47,375,545 209,146 4,034,510 9.218 0 4,688,195 7,525,730 1,959,070 9,914,014 4,745,215 1,603,047 17,023.080 3,970,655 67,791 TOTAL OTHER 114,859,603 197,754 49,620,745 0 23,774,935 0 197,754 140,705,412 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2000 TO BUILDOUT 6-10 2006 - 2010 I BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2005 REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1.968.457 4,100,000 1,000,000 5.068.457 ENDING PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 2 NE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PIL AREA 4 SE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/STP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNTY GRANTS BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTW3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#4 COLLEGE/CANNON BTW5 FARADAY/MELROSE CFO #I CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SDGBE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX 1,381,064 49,375 5,782,204 1,385.310 793,723 3,409,374 403.648 2,152,106 177.587 2,938,055 198,711 136,471 5 52,318 1 1,492 649,949 143,020 3,047,408 654,682 12,047,485 209,146 47,375.545 4,034,510 9.218 0 4.688.195 1,959,070 7,525,730 9,914,014 1,603,047 17,023,080 4,745,215 67,791 3,970,655 0 0 16,457,629 603.337 1,263,255 798,379 936.31 1 395,115 4,737,052 7,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,200,000 0 1,500,000 0 0 2,337,993 762,133 0 1,600,000 2,000,000 3,582.779 8,157,153 3,500,000 1,000,000 11,888.467 4,000,000 8,500,000 0 n 0 21,227,177 0 0 4,200,000 0 0 0 3,125,000 7,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,848,000 0 11,845,000 2,000,000 39,834,000 0 0 0 500,000 0 5,399,142 0 2,973,309 797,635 2,874,000 9,172,250 255.000 0 n .. 1,381,064 49,375 1,012,657 1,397,059 2,183,689 1,339,959 472,629 3.764.158 572,702 2.938.055 198.711 5 136,471 52,318 11,492 649,949 143,020 2,547,408 6.682 202,485 9,879,538 209,146 4,796.643 9,218 7,770,973 1,600,000 3,959,070 10,283,741 10,440,705 7,461,432 1,805,412 18,149,080 67,791 12,215,655 OTHER 197,754 I - TOTAL 140,705,412 88,819,603 116,550,513 197,754 112,974,503 33 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2000 TO BUILDOUT Oil to Buildout 1 BEGINNING GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ZONE 5.13,16 PARK FEE PIL AREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PIL AREA 4 SE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNETIBIKE TRANSNETSTP TDA STATE GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS COUNN GRANTS BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST BTDM COLLEGEEANNON BTW5 FARADAY/MELROSE CFD #I CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SDG&E PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX FUN0 BAL 7/1/2011 5,068,457 1,381.064 49,375 1,012,657 1,397,059 2,183,689 1,339,959 472,629 572,702 2,938.055 3,764,158 198.711 5 136,471 52,318 1 1,492 649.949 143,020 2,547.408 6.682 202,485 9,879,538 209,146 4,796,643 9,218 1,600,000 7,770,973 3,959,070 10,283,741 10,440,705 7,461.432 1,805,412 18,149,080 67,791 12,215,655 REVENUE 4,310,000 1,500,000 0 16,552,207 1,303,977 1,714,630 2,790,848 2,101,020 254,599 6,907,276 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,400,000 0 1,500,000 0 0 3,746,586 546,219 0 0 7,003.318 10,744,761 9,700,000 13,070,000 2,200,000 16,189,394 4,000,000 21,700,000 0 EXPENDITURES 2,000,000 2,737,200 0 17,355,000 2,626,000 3,840,000 2,625,000 1,410.000 2,650,000 9,917,000 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,272,000 3,664,000 200,000 11,515,000 0 0 0 14,465,000 0 7,036,000 5,667,642 6,488,431 2,209,480 0 0 13,325,000 0 7.378.457 ENDING .. 49,375 209,864 143,864 75,036 638,476 58.318 184.558 23,722 754,434 2.938.055 198.711 5 136,471 52,318 649.949 1 1,492 143,020 383,408 134.682 209,146 2,485 2,111,125 5,342.862 1,600,000 9,218 6,623,070 309,291 15,360.861 17,022,274 1,795,932 23,650.826 22,149,080 67,791 20,590,655 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2000 TO BUILDOUT - BEGINNING TOTAL TOTAL FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. ENDING 2.060.128 16.700.854 11.382.525 7.378.457 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE PILAREA 1 NW PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW PIL AREA 4 SE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNETETP TDA STATE GRANTS COUNTY GRANTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PW BTW13 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW COLLEGECANNON CFD #I BTW15 FARADAY/MELROSE CFD #2 FEDERAL GRANTS SDGBE PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION WATER - RECYCLED WATER SEWER REPLACEMENT WATER CONNECTION WATER REPLACEMENT GAS TAX REDEVELOPMENTBONDS .. 129,375 20,847,727 1,381,064 376,409 1,110,541 219,522 2,555,072 1,081,025 731,143 1,438,055 198,711 136,471 5 52,318 11,492 686.633 143,020 2.452.408 104.682 2.485 0 20,884,882 14,062,654 9,218 0 5,374,384 414,070 15,215,332 9,309,999 2,900,682 2,236,380 18,326,221 446,006 1,940,655 .. 0 48,243,314 1,500,000 2,324,627 6,502,935 3,678,797 3,063,533 15,902,999 4.918.650 17,300,000 905,000 0 0 0 0 463,316 0 14,300,000 3,595,000 12,045,000 44,825.243 15,000,000 5,684,281 5,883,600 1,600,000 14,609,907 44,285.601 13,700,000 23,070,000 43,453,090 4,000,000 19,459,935 0 38,462,100 .. 80,000 68,881,177 2,737,200 2,626,000 6,975,000 3,840,000 3,960,000 15,879,708 7,450,000 15,800,000 905.000 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 14,270,000 5,664,000 12,045,000 63,599,000 14,790,854 14,404,073 5,883,600 0 19,675,000 7,491,000 44,140,072 15,357,725 22,038,644 5,104,750 15,637,076 378.215 19,812,100 .. 49,375 209,864 143.864 75,036 638.476 58.318 184,558 23,722 754,434 2.938.055 198.711 136,471 5 52.318 649,949 1 1,492 143,020 383.408 134,682 209,146 2,485 2.111.125 5,342,862 1,600,000 9,218 309,291 6,623,070 15,360,861 17,022,274 23,650,826 1,795,932 22,149,080 67,791 20,590,655 TOTAL OTHER 127,036,522 197,754 426,687.781 1.210.000 422,517,719 1,210,000 197,754 131,206,584 I I - EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULES JUNE 2000 FOR INFORMATIONAI PURPOSES ONLY These fees are increased annually based upon an index as stated in the resolutions or ordinances establishing the fees. LL!Kent BixEedm Affordable housing credit $36,000 $37,400 $1,400 License Tax on New Construction-mobile homes $1,439 $1,434 -$5 Traffic Impact LL!Kent r3wkesI- Traffic Impact Fee - Residnt'l Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) $89 $92 3 Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) 36 37 1 Traffic impact Fee - Residnt'l Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) 58 60 2 Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) 23 24 1 Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Fee per gross acre I Current Revised Low High1 Low High Area I Basin Name I Runoff Runoff1 Runoff Runoff I I A Buena Vista Lagoon B Agua Hedionda Lagoon $1,664 $2,724 $1,691 $2,768 36 60 37 61 D Batiquitos Lagoon 2,675 4.378 2,718 4,448 C Encinas Creek 3.578 5.855 3,635 5,949 Sewer Connection Fees LL!Kent r3wkesIm General Capacity Fee All Areas $1.897 $1,959 $62 Plus Sewer Benefit Fees shown below Sewer Benefit Area Fees cuccmt r3wkesIlamLle Area A $349 $348 -$I Area B 615 612 -3 Area C 509 508 -1 Area D 983 979 -4 Area E 1,005 1,002 -3 Area F 1,100 1,096 -4 Area G 95 95 0 Area H 643 641 -2 Area I 357 355 -2 Area J 1,229 1,225 -4 Area K 2.480 2,471 -9 Area L 971 968 -3 Area M 48 47 -1 Bridge 8 Thoroughfare District #2 Fees Current Revised Change Zone 5 $273 $281 $8 Zone 20 566 584 18 Zone 21 293 303 10 W -I 3 W I 0 v) n v) Y p? a n 'f